##VIDEO ID:d9CiYHHDYUM## okay good afternoon good evening everybody uh notice is here by given that in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers file with the Township Clerk and posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting roll call please certainly Mrs Austin here Mrs burkowitz here Mrs Pinelli here Mrs sand here Mr White here Mr osini I'm here like salute allegiance to your flag United States of America and to for it stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay um really I don't have a lot to report on it um Woodside is completed on time and opened on time all the schools opened on time yesterday which was absolutely phenomenal um it was nice to know that everybody entered all three new buildings um I call them new because they're like new um which is great um I'm told that the first day of school yesterday was a successful happy day so that's another good thing um apart from that I mean that all sounds good so I'm not going to even go any further than that um so that's the and of my report um committee reports buildings and grounds Mrs burkwitz hi um yeah I just heard from uh Mrs sori that everyone over at Woodside um was pleasantly surprised and happy about all the uh Renovations that happened over the summertime um and I think at this point we just have a lot of punch list items that need to get done and uh I just want to reiterate like I did last meeting I just want to say thank thank you to Kelly Tommy um building and grounds all the workers I mean they renovated a whole building in 8 weeks so our kitchens don't get done in that time so it's a lot of work that got done so um just wanted to say thank you yeah it it's true thank you to everybody and it's just terrific I know people were there sometimes till the wi hours or at least thinking about it through the wi hours if they weren't even there right that's was really really great great effort by everyone um Communications and policies Mr White hi good uh good afternoon uh we have a first reading for policy 5120 on the agenda it's um assignment of pupils which is basically just up updates the list of streets and uh what schools they go to um and our next meeting which I skipped was October 15th thank you okay thanks um curriculum and Technology Mrs Sande um yeah thank you we met this evening um we got information about the opening day and um professional development um both that teachers had um when they started but also upcoming throughout the year um to support the district goals and we heard uh about technology updates again in addition to the building the last people in the building are the technology folks who are um putting back all that technology we're installing new technology for our building so we appreciate all of their hard work as well okay that's great um Mrs Pinelli Finance nothing to report today okay I have nothing to report with regard to negotiations Mrs Austin Personnel nothing to report tonight okay great um committee meeting schedule is at the bottom please take note um I'm going to read the public comments on agenda items only this will be on agenda items only and I'll read the uh preface uh the riverville board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverville and employees of the riverville school district to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of deorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such man matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the riverville public schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email now with regard to agenda items only I am going to open that to the public okay there's no one here who wants to make a comment um and I'm going to open it to the public at approximately 7:08 and close it to the public at approximately 7:08 p.m and move on to Mrs Senor superintendence report okay thank you good evening everyone so of course uh I do want to acknowledge our opening day and I want to thank the outstanding work that our teachers staff administrators who really did ensure that we had a seamless positive start to the school year of course their dedication and commitment to our students was evident from the moment um the doors opened and this this year of course Woodside gets a little special shout out because just like technology teachers were even after them to get into the school and start setting up and I know teachers were here very late Thursday and very late Friday night to make sure that when those kids walked in their rooms were vibrant and ready to go so a big shout out to to them a particularly um also want to highlight that the school like what we've heard from from buildings and grounds and stuff it it looks absolutely amazing I did have an opportunity on opening day I went to every single classroom um with the exception of kindergarten at Woodside because they just were at special so I got to them today um now of course our kindergarten students don't have anything to compare it to but I just wanted to check in on them and make sure they had a good first day and every class I went to yesterday the kids were it was so great I mean they were like shouting and cheering they're like it's so great we love the new school they love the colors um so it was really really nice to see um and as you all know one of our board goals is to elevate and modernized communication strategies to nurture a transparent and engaging environment that Fosters strong connections with stakeholders so that's right from our board goals our curriculum and Technology committee we just um heard some updates on the techn ology side with communication and I wanted to share publicly that uh we've already so we've already started this work and uh I sent out a communication survey that was in my September newsletter we already have a bunch of responses I'm going to put another reminder in the October newsletter um the due date for that communication survey is October 15th I believe so once we get some of that information back that will help steer which where we need to focus um and the princip principls have been really busy over the summer modernizing and streamlining their newsletters so I worked on that at the district level as you know three years ago and we've gotten great responses and a lot of Engagement with the newsletter so now we're kind of sending that out to the school level and I can't wait for you guys to see their first newsletter that goes out it's really eye-catching it's going to have some standing features that will be able to highlight some more Student Activities and uh make it a little bit user friendly as well so that's exciting so we've already started that work and we'll keep you updated as the year goes on um and I'm just really excited for for a great year and it's going to be another good one so thanks thank you um I forgot to mention too that I had F been there Friday uh for when the teachers came back and they did their uh extra training and things and that was really an exciting time too the teachers seemed like they were ready to go and I enjoyed being there that morning and also seeing the special presenter so that was nice too um moving on to the board secretary's report misso okay thank you I will just as a reminder mention that our School Board conference is October 21st to the 24th say that publicly and then to also publicly thank again all the work that was done over the summer Mrs burkowitz had um stated which is true we did all this in eight weeks we gutted every single classroom and it was a major lift so I really have to give a major thank you to all of the Committees that were working together the um technology department um it goes without saying that they were um moving and grooving faster than I've ever seen a a human work and the same with buildings and grounds and yes they were there until 3:00 in the morning and it's the third Labor Day in a row in the past three years that they have not had off so glad that it's all over with we have some punch list items but a huge huge thank you to everyone who was involved and that's all I have to report okay great thank you um moving on to General resolutions G1 through G4 may you have a motion please I'll move G1 G4 uh second please I'll second and discussion questions anything okay uh roll call vote please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs Sande yes Mr White yes Mr rosini yes now moving to business resolutions B1 through B8 a motion please I'll make a motion a second please I'll second okay anything YP okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs sand yes Mr White yes Mr rosini yes now moving to resolutions P1 through p7 Personnel resolutions um May somebody move it please all it uh second I'll second and discussion um anything okay roov Ville please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs pelli yes Mrs Sande yes Mr White yes Mr rosini yes now I'm going to move on on to public comments on General items I'm not going to reread it but I'll refer back to what I read earlier with regard to um agenda items um is there anybody who wants to make a comment on public comments General items okay seeing nobody who wants to make a comment I will open that at 7:15 and close it at 7:15 old business please anybody no new business are we going into closed okay so we're not going into close session uh motion to adjourn motion to adjourn okay uh second I'll second anybody against okay thank you very much everybody have a good night