##VIDEO ID:s4Ti5bovxYs## okay good afternoon everybody um welcome notice is hereby giv that in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice that this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers filed the township cleren posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting roll call please certainly Mrs assour here Mrs burwitz here Mrs penelli here Mrs Sande here Mr White here Mr rosini I'm here um uh plag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all um okay uh with regard to my report the board president's report uh just a couple of comments um the first is um I hope everybody's had a good summer and um and I know that our buildings and grounds team has been working very hard we'll get to the buildings and grounds report from Mrs burkowitz um but I I briefly um just briefly it looked uh Woodside looked great and thank you to everybody who's been working so hard on that apart from that um oh I got to say copper pipes apart from that um I have nothing more to say other than uh welcome back in a week or so um and then we're going to committee reports buildings and ground Mrs burkowitz who's I know is going to elaborate a bit on buildings and grounds uh yep we just did a walk through uh Woodside and the building looks phenomenal um I the classrooms look so much bigger with the new ceilings the floor tiles the colors um um and it's so nice to be in the classrooms and not hear your voice echoing um it's just it was definitely something it was overhaul that was desperately needed and it'll be really nice for the teachers um with the AC working and um the the learning environment is exactly um what these kids and what the teachers needed so I want to thank Kelly building and grounds committee Tommy um all the guys who and and ladies who are working all summer tirelessly late hours um it's just it's so nice to see um this referendum also coming to the light at the end of the tunnel is seen now so um it it's great so thank you right thanks that was a good description thank you um communication and policies Mr White nothing to report we have a meeting October 15th okay thank you uh curriculum and Technology Mrs Sande nothing to report tonight we have a meeting September 10th okay thank you finance Mrs Pinelli nothing to report tonight thanks negotiations is me and I have nothing to report tonight uh Personnel is Mrs Austin she's not here tonight do we have anything to discuss with regard to Personnel that we know um nothing other than all of our positions for the 2425 school year have been filled and we have our new staff orientation coming up next week and we look forward to welcoming our new staff on opening day for in front of the whole District as well all right that's great that's exciting um okay so um with regard to public comments on agenda items only um I am going to uh forego with reading the entire paragraph or two paragraphs here because there's nobody in the audience who wants to make public comments so um I'm going to open it to public comments just in case at 7:05 in case somebody walks in nobody walked in I'm closing it at 7:05 and um I'm moving on to the superintendent's report okay thank you very much good evening I hope everyone had a great summer found some time to relax we've certainly been busy with lots of summer projects going on of course you just heard the most uh noticeable is our construction at Woodside as well as the front entrance canopies at all three of our schools the final touches on the canopies will also continue through September but if you've driven by ro Burge or uh Woodside you've certainly been able to see the the structures that have gone up I am really looking forward to seeing the students reactions when they walk in on the first day it it is a noticable difference um I'm looking forward to them seeing it and seeing their expressions um just a reminder too there's going to be an article in the Rivervale magazine the September issue uh which we'll talk about recapping the construction projects I also plan on doing some type of mailer to the community probably late fall early winter which will recap all of the construction we've done throughout the referendum and thank the community for their support other than that I uh wish everybody a great back to school and start of the new school year and then I'm going to turn it over to Mrs ding our supervisor of curriculum she is going to be giving us a um report on weda and access so miss ding all yours good evening everybody I hope everyone had a wonderful summer um I promise this presentation will be very very quick it is the first district assessment report of this school year um the longer better one will be happening in um October later on uh early on in the school year but this one is for our mult multilingual Learners this is the access weda um District assessment report our students took this assessment in the spring of 2024 and this is a language Prof proficiency assessment and this assesses the English language development of all of our students who are in our ESL program the scores range from a one to a six uh one being entering um all the way up to reaching um proficient levels on the weda access any student who scores between a 4.5 and a six is considered for exiting the program and um the reason that this presentation is going to be so short is because we only had seven total students complete this assessment in the grades of kindergarten 1 3rd and 7th and due to furpa protections we cannot present add on any um subgroup less than 10 so we cannot present out on any of the scores uh for our multilingual learners for the access um but what I can tell you and I can promise you is that we will be presenting out on scores uh for njsla ELA Math and Science in October um and hope to see a full audience there for that night okay thank you that's all I have for you Kim that was great thank you um okay so um now we're going to move on to to the board secretary's report okay good evening and I hope everybody has been enjoying their summer it is not over we'll hold on to every last second of it um just a reminder that at our next board meeting I am going to need a final answer from each one of you as to whether or not you will be attending the school board's conference those dates are October 21st through the 24th I will send out an email but I want to give you a heads up that I will be seeking a a final answer from you please and I'd also like to thank all of the people who have been involved in the referendum that's the board superintendent it's buildings and grounds it's technology it's curriculum it's all the admin because this has touched everybody the teachers the students and we're about to land the plane and all is good so we'll be excited when it's all finalized but it's it's been it's it's been a it will land it will land softly and it it's been a it's it's been 3 years of U being on a hamster wheel so it's it's long overdue been very exciting to see it come to fruition so thank you and that's all I have okay thank you that's very good and then we're going to move on to General resolutions G1 through G10 may I have a motion please I'll move G1 through G10 okay uh second please I'll second and do we have any discussion or questions I I'm just going to note on G10 with regard to the curriculum I went through some of it was sent to me it's a lot of work that we to that so thank you Mrs ding that was really impressive thank you um anything else no all right uh roll call vote please certainly Mr White yes Mrs Sande yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs assor yes Mr rosini yes okay um now I'm moving on to business resolutions B1 through B9 may have a motion please make a motion okay thank you uh second I'll second and discussion just as a reminder to the board that there are a bunch of the Bergen County workshops that are listed here if you would like for me to sign you up just let me know which ones that you'd like me to sign up some of them are virtual some of them are hybrid okay thanks um anything else okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs burkowitz yes but I'll abstain from b9c certainly Mrs assour yes but I'll abstain from b9a certainly Mrs Pinelli uh yes and I'll abstain from b9e certainly Mrs Sande yes just abstaining for b9g certainly Mr White yes Mr rosini um and yes um except uh b9f certainly okay moving on uh Personnel resolutions P1 through p8 May I have a motion please I'll make m second please and do we have any questions or discussion with regard to Personnel um anything anybody NOP okay uh roll call vote please certainly Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs anande yes Mrs assour yes Mr White yes Mr Mrs burwitz yes Mr rosini yes okay now I'm moving on to public comments on General items um this is the same admonition that we would have with agenda items only I'm going to read it just so that if anybody's looking on they can see or hear what uh the rules are so the riverville Board of Education is committed to encouraging the citizens of Rivervale and employees of the Rivervale School District to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of the Quorum and three to limit the remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of the responsibility to maintain the orderly con at the meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the riverville public schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email and like I said this applies not not only to agenda items uh but also General uh General items so the meeting is open to public comments at approximately 7:15 and there still is nobody here who seems to want to make a comment there's nobody here at all so I'm going to close it at 7:15 and uh old business new business okay motion to adjourn I'm sorry are we going into closed session no no closed session okay um I I okay you still want to do that Mo motion to adjer all right thank you second I'll second okay thanks anybody against the journey okay thank you very much