[Music] Y open open public meeting act njsa 1046 according to the open public meeting act quiet please me this meeting on April 10 2024 was sent our town and the record and published on January 21st 2024 post it on the bolon board post it po municial building on Ral Park West Facebook has remain potentially posted as required notice under the statute is being recorded Vis in addition a copy of this notice and and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of municial Cl roll call Deputy Mayor teaching committee woman Arta here committee uh I'm sorry committee woman judge carella here committee man Miller here mayor everybody please rise refle I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation indivisible withy andice for all moment of silence please any correspondence noes no correspondence make for motion for approval of the agenda you do you want does the count does the mayor council want to move close session up uh before you approve the agenda yeah we can Mr is here and the township is paying Mr Doyle to be here tonight so I don't know he's the only one that has something for Clos session tonight it's obviously up to the mayor and counsel if they want to move close session up get motion to move close session up I'll make that motion second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee M Miller yes mayor petti yes this time for a close session for the Public's benefit there will be action taken after close session I don't anticipate as being closed session for a long period of time but we are going into close the session to discuss matters of uh negotiation of turn liage and potential WI ready make a motion come out session I'll make the motion I'll second all in favor I right um minute so um May y to committee through the mayor uh we need to uh pass a resolution authorizing Doug Doyle to continue with settlement negotiations with regard to the matter with 120 uh West Pacific Redevelopment LLC and then uh in addition to that a resolution authorizing the township administrator as well as the mayor to execute a settlement agreement should the terms be acceptable all of which will be disclosed to the public when negotiations are concluded um so that's the resolution does everyone understand that yes so it's one to authorize Doug to continue settlement negotiations and to authorize the mayor to execute a settlement agreement should those negotiations be concluded that's the motion on the table all of which has been discussed in Clos session so I'll make the motion as stated so what resolution number do you want to put this [Music] under we will make it 24 okay on resolution step there 10 107 107 okay thank you but that's going to be on for next month the resolution the motion say yes motion pass now yeah y okay so I I made the motion you have up I'll second it committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee M Miller yes and mayor B yes yep with the agenda uh I get a motion for approval of the agenda I'll make the motion did we do that before we did that before we went into did a motion to move up close session and then you wanted to close session so you could do a motion to approve the agenda as amended that's okay you can do that so Tommy motion I'll second it committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge carella yes committee man Miller yes mayor B yes open up the discussion Bruce Boswell engineer report [Music] yeah they are but why say shutting off try speaking again just speak without pushing the button C can you hear no should we try this one thats [Music] little try that again good evening that's better thank you Bruce Rockwell from Boswell engineering Engineers report first project I'd like to report out on is U Railroad in Rell Avenues latest update uh the easements were received from the township attorney on March 20th 2024 for review comment those were submitted to the county the county approved the easement submission prepared by the attorney as of April 4th um the county has approved moving forward with secur any easements communication utilities were not initially intended to be installed Underground and on March 28 the County held a meeting through advise Boswell of a design change where that communication utilities will be installed underground and that underground installation also is is under the tracks so that's going to require the use of Jack and War pit construction that is going to impact the scul work Boswell we have looked at that impact and identified that cost for that additional work at $7,500 that's going to incorporate the changes for the uh underground utility trench and the Jack and wh construction methodology um that'll require an additional plan for us to prepare several details and specifications and we will be forwarding a proposal of that in shortly Pump Station project um latest update the town um executed their part of the tww application and provided the application fees uh our waste water engineering department review the application checked that uh final and provided completed design and we completed the cost estimate this month the uh updated design drawings and cost estimate forwarded to the township this week estimate including uh decommissioning of the existing station and Force main is uh for the total projects $4.1 million the complete completed T package is set to be fully submitted to Bergen County Utility Authority at the end of this week 412 TWA design drawings uh sent to the township represent approximately 85% of the total design for the project and that uh next mission gets submitted to Bergen County Utility Authority and then the next steps in the process uh after bcoa approval which you expect in 3 to 4 weeks um uh goes up for State approval and in parallel we're doing uh D permits and that is expected to be a 4 to six month process including the approvals by D and then we'll move into the bidding phase so we're estimating an October November bid date and that date coincides with the expected FEMA Grant result notification timeline and um the the TWA application must be endorsed by Bergen County before we can move to submission of the application njde we're preparing the uh permits in parallel [Music] next update is for Howard Avenue and Project's construction is underway our office issued the first payment recommendation for the contractor laforza uh authorization was for $368,500 and we submitted that on March 22nd and Township provided the payment resolution on March 28th uh digital tax map project comments were received from the state taxation office on uh March 31st and our survey department is currently addressing those comments Dorothy Avenue gerud and Pleasant Avenue Road program uh this Paving project is underway our office issued the first payment recommendation of $39,375 [Music] um our inspector is that project scheduled to meet on site with a resident of or residents of 16 Pleasant regarding some drainage concerns my understanding that I spoke with the inspector this evening that his he's got that meeting scheduled for tomorrow open space grant for Carlock and Matthew Fields uh latest update for that project uh our office a proposal for bid Document Preparation construction inspection on March 11th uh consisting of survey services for $5,000 engineering design for $51,900 construction expens inspection for $41,250 we've completed the survey work and the engineering design is underway uh to prepare the bid documents plans ins specs and we expect the bid uh to U go out in June instruction for September Time RV Avenue uh latest update plans ins inspects were submitted to NJ do on March 11th we received comments back from NJ do on March 15th we are addressing the state comments uh the construction cost estimate for this project is $624,000 and the BC bccd uh application was submitted on March 24th in the township for Signature and uh for preparation of fee payment of $125 hour ms4 storm water mapping Maps were submitted to the state on March 12th physical copies of all the mapping were provided to the P ppw on March 25th approval from njde is pending middle to NJ do on April 10th uh is is uh just that occurred today addressing some comments construction cost estimate is at $637,000 and the grant funding for this project is 207,000 $27,700 Lincoln Drive and Chestnut Avenue the application remains ending we expect town will be notified directly of Any Grant award U CD EG indicated they going be meeting in April to review an award of this Grand application so expect the town should be notified shortly storm water Control Ordinance U next steps uh for the town uh Township to uh prep to storm Control Ordinance we provided a uh ordinance for review in December of 2023 uh the ordinance was modified for direct insertion with the section numbers Etc into the Township's ordinance so we gave it to the town in the form of the ordinance the ordinates uh must be adopted by July 1st and we remain available to meet if there's any further discussion required on that um an additional ordinance that's coming up that we've been telegraphed from NJ DP is the uh tree ordinance they have not really submitted their requirements for that I think they've been floated and they got a lot of push back so not really sure exactly what's going to happen with that but um we've advised to you know start reviewing the tree ordinance that you have on file and and just to you know we want to be prepared we want to get you prepared for that when it does come down um bcos Grant application for Matthew field uh we are U preparing our rev uh revised estimate we provided an estimate um for this project and then uh there's some additional elements to be added to the project so we are anticipating delivering that our revised proposal for this on April 12th of this we that's the end of my report question everybody good yeah thank you want to number two the EAP PR mayor if I may yes sir so this is the employees assistance program that's offered through a sheriff service agreement uh Bergen County Health Services but offer our employees and up to 40 employees uh many different types of services including um I could go through a quick list um Elder Care daycare adoption parenting challenges relationship problems codependency issues marital issues divorce anger management depression suicide indication uh weight management loss of a loved one under personal Wellness financial and legal challenges as well as drug and alcohol abuse um and it comes to a cost of $890 for the year um so I looked at it last year relate to the game so I want to move forward this year and I think it's a a good option offer our employees yeah that's a very low cost for all those employ 890 yeah 890 yeah 890 per or 8 that's total toal okay let's clarify thank you put it on next yeah uh for next meeting yeah yeah I'm sorry I get it question yeah it comes it's um $22.25 per employee for um the first half and so again full amount is $890 that's what it so that would be for what half a year now basically the full cost is $89 they break it down to half a year of the county I just want to double check if that is correct 890 for the [Music] year okay number three the losap active military again through the chair mayor if I may um it came to my attention that um and I think it's a great thing that we've been doing in the township for loap for our fire department members obviously we don't have an EMS or an ambulance CT anymore so it's just fire department members those who are in the active military or currently serving were granted full um credit uh however I learned that if that's not codified in our ordinance it actually puts the Township in a bad way or you know potential for a problem for that that person so I I immediately bring it to your committee's attention saying I we should make some minor changes I think it's an awesome thing to do uh those that are serving our country um and willing to volunteer when they are home on our fire department uh to continue that practice but I want I'd like to change the ordinance and update it so it's properly reflected legal so while the time they are in Ser military whe they're active or inactive but they're in the military status I think it's active status um a reserve status I think they deserve credit that they right um there's also one other change that I'm going to recommend to this committee and again this original lowp ordinance was written a long time ago um it doesn't account for the current uh amount that we we give to the uh volunteers uh the the contribution was capped um however um we get local Finance notices lfn notices from the division of Consumer Affairs that allows for more than what our current cap is I think the language should reflect that based on the cfo's recommendation and lfn that we you know that's the the money amount it was capped originally at $650 this year was $ 74016 and again make sure I have that right $743 which would take us over obviously to 650 that our current ordinance allows the 21 B correct so you want to change the ordinance to reflect um even if they increase it next year or the year after so would be continuous so you don't have to because you still have the right as the resolution to say no and you could say no I'm fine with it yeah no just well I just language in it would be something to the fact that every time they the say whoever comes in and says you know they're raising it then the language you have to say would be okay ra and that would be on the next meeting we can amend the ordinance uh so it's going to be an ordinance change so we're going to rely upon Mr dep to get those tweaks done it's going to be readings great how many active military do we have you know I want to see there currently two I think so I believe there's two one name jumps out of me only because I know I Rec calling the fire telling you got a number unless Dave knows up top this and mayor I know I don't have a Comm a report listed on the agenda but I do have some things I'd like to go over with this committee if possible all right so I'll just go through my list um we did receive the legislative Grant thank you mayor for getting on the dca's site and the sage Grant system and executing that so I a wait the $100,000 coming from the state um for our sear our Pump Station can be used towards that Bruce did report there's an estimate now for 4.1 million we're looking at a $1.9 million FEMA Grant hopefully the $100,000 legislative Grant as well as the $634,000 that we can use from our C funds as per a Judicial um order two years ago so at least half the cost at this point would be uh covered as we move forward um in doing all these Grant applications hon Hall the roof um is in bad shape our DPW superintendent was able to get me excuse me a quote it'll be about $52,000 obviously that's beyond what our budget can handle so I'm probably going to move forward in this later spring with a request for a capital Improvement project where we can take care of that um some bad news I did receive a complete streets denial of our grant unfortunately we didn't score high enough compared to some of the other municipalities and typically the larger cities with you know that are transport Transportation hubs um but I will continue to apply for such grants um when they do come up um roachell Avenue Carter just today or just last week received the shared service agreement in reference to north of Railroad Avenue I shared that with the attorney ask him to review it I want to make sure that all of the agreements that we had in place with the county are in fact incorporated into that document I did meet with the developer of one Midland Street which is the public store the storage facility that's going to be built just off of 17 um right next to the Harley-Davidson dealership um made a preliminary agreement for them to make some improvements down at the Dead End of the Street um if for some work that our DPW will help them with as well um and you know it was a good it was a good meeting our construction official was there Dave Brown was there um and they have already started that project so things are moving forward if you should see that construction site that's the four story uh storage facility that was approved the majority of that lot was Maywood but that's been turned over to Roa Park via resolution so it's it's ours now just today excuse me just today I received um a shared service agreement from Hackensack University Medical Center in reference to EMS they're looking to have us and Maywood combine the EMS services that are provided um I reviewed that agreement with the township attorney uh there'll be some slight modifications change uh and it'll actually benefit roell Park and that we hope to house the BLS unit here in roell Park versus having it have to come from Maywood or from Loi or from hackin hospital itself so um it's only a I hate to use this term but it's a pilot uh agreement and that we're going to test this out to see from May through July if it works out if there's any change to our response times at the L response or an ambulance to roell park obviously we won't move forward with it but um I will have that executed hopefully within the next few days excuse me I've been working with our planner um and as well as Kathy serich and the finance department on updating our coer reports uh Unfortunately they haven't been done uh for quite a few years um but our planner is on top of it and we'll get those done we'll get and he's going to also probably issue a memorandum for everyone and and us as a client to prepare us for the 2025 affordable housing changes that are coming down the pipe from the state once again excuse me I think that's all I have now maybe um de can you can you tell us why the grant reason why the denial for the Green Street um I can read you email it's short sweet Unfortunately they thank us first of all for our application then it says the selection committee uh scored all applications based on the criteria published in the application information packet and we received several strong applications we regret to inform you that Rell Park Township was not among the municipality selected for receiving direct technical assistance through this program we encourage you to continue to complete stre efforts and explore additional ways to advance complete streets in your Township please consider reaching out to njtpa or your transportation management association which is easy ride tmas can assist with conducting safety audits updating and adopting complete streets policy or installing a temporary safety demonstration project thank you for your interest in this program and I the contact information for the person so then you know you're scored typically again it's Transportation Hub areas I I actually got a phone call today from Eugene Murphy County uh engineer in regards to Railroad Avenue um and he also said hey where we at with this complete sheets what do you need from us we sent our letter of support us that actually I received you know the letter saying we weren't moving on he goes oh that's good because gr labor is kind of narrow anyway you'd have to take a lot of land in order to make that work regardless I'll continue to uh you know seek further grants and you know reach out to Easy Ride and see what else we can do were we do you think that part of the denial is that we don't really have a lot of complete streets policies implemented or ordinance adopted or I couldn't tell you I I don't know I can only get just didn't score high enough and in my Fe May so was a basic you didn't score high enough compared corre B what it was I I read I read the entire email to is there anything else that we know of at this point that would be or are we looking at anything else from Pig streets or green streets what we want call um anything you know as for Boswell engineering that's you know master plan thing right we want to start moving forward and and probably make those changes if that's something this committee wants to do it helps a little bit help now you said that hton Hall um yes it's kind of in dis uh the roof um is in bad shape and it it's we we have a cot for $52,000 did we not have a grant for something was that part of that or it was not so um there's other other that'll be that have been submitted this damage was noticed afterwards okay can can it be submitted now or now is it too late I think it might it's too late because that Carlock Field's already been approved and the Bond's been issued for the work that we approved it under so it's 52,000 for the roof that's the current quote I have from one vendor and who's um County what's the word Dave what am I looking for Lamar Roofing is Co-op County Co-op price I'm sorry get co-op Y and we've used them before and been very very happy with they were so thank you thank you this time I like to open up the public questions I get a motion I'll make the motion excuse me do we have Comm no next meeting discuss I just have just some quick updates that are between now and the next meeting um and it's just about uh recycling access for all uh Burgen County Utilities Authority will conduct tire recycling paper shredding and electronics collections on Sunday April 21st at buron Community College between 9:00 a. and 2m team Rochelle Park is hosting a spring cleanup event for Earth Day on April 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. where volunteers can help clean up the community uh to register and join you can r CP by filling out the form at Team Rosell park.org or simply send an email over to team Rell parkma docomo will be holding an event on April 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the senior center this event is a partnership with heart-to-heart we'll be sending a behaviors to conduct a workshop for our department employees on communication strategies with individuals with autism that's all for aome just mention Saturday April 20th is our Shing our Shing shredding event okay Saturday 91 April 20th in the parking lot Shing event here in roell park and if I may too committee M Miller um and mayor obviously through the chair um the Boy Scouts had reached out to me I referred them to team Roa Park reference to earthday let me know if you need get out it perfect thank you and any help you would need obviously from the police department let let me know ahead of time if the rows that need to be closed and something out good thanks okay now next for motion for open public so Mo a second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee Miller yes and mayor yes this time is open up uh please keep to three minutes I don't reply to any questions so they done answer any questions and hello hello all twisted up over here is it on oh okay loud and clear okay hi everyone thanks uh so much um couple of things before I just get to what I want to comment on I did print out some flyers for the spring cleanup can I put them on the table Amry could you put them in the front there I also put them in our lobby okay and then I also did some PRS UPS of um the autism accept acceptance event if possible as well um for for uh access for all um Dean yes the voice Scouts reached out to me today I just spoke to Andy so uh we're going to coordinate something very exciting also if you know anyone who needs community service hours for graduation high school this is a great way to earn them and yeah and Confirmation too yes so um you know this is a great way to earn a couple of hours and and give back [Music] um so I get oh uh miss judge Calo about the complete treat thing that Dean brought up um I think the more that the township tries to model the complete streets policy or their design methods like I think the closer you might get to getting a grant so and perhaps that means taking a street maybe not roell AV but a street in town and creating some type of a model but also maybe passing a resolution or an ordinance down the line you know um to uh adopt the idea of the complete treats policy could get you closer to perhaps getting some type of Grant whether it's technical assistance or something else so uh you know me I'm going to encourage you guys to keep exploring that uh that route um I just want to report on the the meeting we had last Wednesday April 3rd with the shade tree group I'm just going to say um it was very productive and informative I just want to thank everyone who attended either officially um mayor and deputy mayor or as a resident um we had F uh four volunteers including myself met with the AR bris Liz Stewart from River Edge she has over 25 years of experience in that in the field much of the time was spent on the benefits of a commission over a committee in layman's terms a commission which requires at least one volunteer and one employee to be accredited by the New Jersey Urban and Community forestry program uh would add additional liability protection to the town for any tree issues that may occur from newly planted trees and trees are already planted and then we have uh two employees who are um certified by the core training Dave and and Michael from the DPW but we would need to get at least one volunteer to take that training um we found out that insurance companies like the one that the town uses treat cases against towns with tree issues quite differently if we have a commission rather than a committee believe that the arbis brought up that there's an actual form that uh when they question the township they they check off if you have a commission or not I promise Mark I'm almost done um I also want to say to uh Dean uh thank you for calling PS and G is going to place some trees on oldest 8 to 10 depending uh which I think is great news there's also going to be giving the town 20 additional trees to you know to where we see them to be fit to be planted I still will hold fast to the principle that we should not just rely on outside entities or developers to determine Rell Park's future regarding our tree canopy I think residents who pay taxes and who are invested in our community should assist in that endeavor and Dean was kind enough to say that perhaps the volunteers can work with Dave on those 20 additional trees um I just do have some bad news to report we did miss the uh virtual online training that would be available for any volunteer then next training isn't until October and that's an in-person one in Atlantic City so I know you know there's a proposed budget Etc I'm very willing to go and perhaps some of the other volunteers as well but the training is for shade tree commission it's to be ACC credited um not a committee so we're kind of stuck in this idea of should I take the time to drive down AC spend the time the energy I'm willing even to pay for the class myself if we're not sure where we're going with this um and you know the meeting was great but it wasn't really a formal meeting we had it wasn't an established meeting we didn't take minutes or anything like that so the myself and some of the volunteers are just unsure of what the future holds and whether we're either going to have another meeting or not we don't have one scheduled so I just don't know what to do at this point when it it comes to getting the training done um I did send a proposal Mr uh Vietti uh to you just a brief one-year Outlook of what we could do I've been speaking with Dave while you guys were in that very long close session um about being realistic with our endeavors and and uh Dave has just been phenomenal I got to say um and Liz Stewart the arborist is so well-versed in this stuff I really feel like she's an asset to the town so hopefully you've had chance to take a look at it I made a copy in case anybody in the audience wants to look at it um but that's where we're kind of at we're not kind of sure we're not sure where to go next and we kind of need to you know your direction at some point to determine if we take this training or not to do commission style that's all thank you guys Mr one I attended as resident and so did Mr Miller yes Mr Miller and re attend us residents um and I listen to the offers who I understand has 25 years of experience yes and I did hear what and I I know all of us heard it was that the um commission um is better with any kind of liability insurance or anything compared to a committee MH yes that's protect the town from what I'm understanding with the liability a more yes we even discussed I believe that you know um there's a a neighboring town with a um a potential lawsuit over a tree or trees and the and Miss Stewart flat out said that if those trees were planted with a committee you're in some trouble if you're planted with a commission you're very well protected as long as you follow the accreditation that's uh I mentioned so the the training you're talking of is training in Atlantic City for a a commission commission yes to be accredited as a commission and and attain that additional liability as well as access to the grants um in order to to build our account to to do what we want to do right basically she said that the grants would be more abundant than they are as a committee yes you would commission would get more abundant grants correct would give into the town and I I mean she's got 25 years of experience what I understood she said yes she's also developed um I don't mean to interrupt but she's also well vered and has developed uh essentially we would have to create a 5-year plan that she mentioned and that plan would be our reforesting plan of the town and um the plan could be as simple as when we do road projects like Dean mentioned to me we can plant trees I can go in the plan talk to Dave can can we do 20 trees a year yeah you know how can we maintain them and as long as you try to adhere to the plan and every year you send in an update to the state so they know that you're at least following having that plan is so vital to the liability Factor the grant factor and um not that I'd say she's uh she came um at no cost of the Town by the way to the meeting I want to make sure that's clear no cost to the township or taxpayer to the April 3rd meeting and if the township committee and the potential shry commission would want to hire her you'd have to go through the same process as you do for hiring anybody to develop that plan there is a matching grant for that plan though so we wouldn't really would yeah I understand too that she did State and I'm trying to recall the wording but I'm close it it was basically something to the fact of that um with the commission compared to a committee you um not only with the liability part of it um it would be building and helping to expand it more within the town but at any time the township committee could say no it's gone we don't want it anymore is that basically what she said well absolutely she said to us that you know people think the shry commission is just going to be this Rogue entity but really the shry commission must collaborate with the township government the the DPW planning planning boards that collaboration I was talking with Mr Brown about is key and yes you know the township committee is still the governing overseeing body because you would have to develop the ordinance to establish it to uh to regulate our powers and duties Etc um one of the things also was that we talked about the first year we'd really be focusing on educating our community about a shade tree and I was talking to Mr Brown just now during the Clos session when you tell people we're going to plant a tree here they're probably thinking of these big giant Oaks that we've got in town oh God no I don't want that but I feel personally so does perap perhaps Mr Brown I want to speak for him but we had the conversation that once people see the actual trees that are appropriate to go into the ground and the way they blossom and the way that they look and their shape and size I guarantee you those 8 to 10 will grow to 10 more because people just don't know what a shade tree commission is they don't know what is coming and I think education is key whether that means we have Liz come back for a seminar and we live stream it and we have people watch it and learn and see where we could show them the types of trees listen I've been known to make some videos I'll be happy to make some videos Around Town informing people what types of trees are are appropriate and what that means for our town our property values or utility bills but the education factor in year one is probably where we'd spend most of the the proposed budget um as well as perhaps do some plantings but that really is in a nutshell I think the most vital part is to get the community to understand and be less anxious about what a tree would actually do on their property and not the ones that we've seen that are so gigantic that we know they're not supposed to be you know planted in the spaces in town well I mean uh just based on what you're saying in the education that Liz I yeah Miss Stuart Liz yes okay um gave us which was very interesting and there was a lot of questions I mean I get it you know where the committee compared to the commission the education part of it I understand all of that so I mean once again I'm going to propose to get rested the committee to go for a commission okay because I'd like to see the education part of it I know the first year is going to be mostly Education and Training right yeah so the committee compared to a commission so the main thing I'm looking at is we have the commission of course the ordinances would have to be made up correctly yes and and and you know I'm I'm understanding that at any time and again I'm going to say this that at any time the township committee can say that's enough we don't want this commission anymore but that would have to put into the language of the ordinance itself I um I'm not a super expert on ordinance language but yeah I'm sure your attorney could talk to you about what those possibilities are but I just want to stress again that the township committee is the the top of the hierarchy of governing bodies in in in rochell park so um how you establish that I I'm going to say is up to the township committee I think that from from what I'm understanding and I think moving forward I'd like to propose to the rest of the committee that we go for a commission great I mean the volunteers are ready think I don't know what and I just so we have voted on this we had doesn't matter I can for it again I think that we have voted on this and we heard what Dave Brown had input on at the not at that meeting about what he had learned from Maywood and their commission and how they suggested against it and after we heard all of that information we voted on it sure we could vote again but we already have unless we have some new information that's up to you guys to figure out I'm just I'm going to walk in I'm going to sit back down just want to let you know the volunteers are ready we just don't know what we're ready for and I just want to the township to know that I think this should be a resident driven uh commission and we should not just be relying on outside people like psng or developers to um to what Rell Park should look like or or wait for them to come when uh when they're ready I think we should take our own Prosperity into our own hands and have the residents volunteer in that in that capacity so you guys will work on that part I understand that you know you're you're speaking of the neighboring town and maybe that didn't work well in their neighboring town but doesn't mean it can't work in this town this has a lot of residents it has a lot of um um push or drive to for commission it would be as far as grants are concerned from what I understood from a very well educated a woman um something that you'd be looking at to get more money for the town think Mr Miller at one time said let's not leave the money on the table I believe he said that and education wise go ahead uh Liz also mentioned that she's working with howorth uh which has a population of 3,000 people so they they have a very small commission uh which says it's going very well and as Mr War mentioned this is very much AER push this policy and they want it to work so they do want to support townships that are uh putting through sha Tre commissions and they want to give them funding uh so that's why I did say we are leaving money on the table by by not pushing forward a commission because it's grants to increase property values and to beautify Our Town quick question mark when you were going through the comparison in your research did you find this information about the liability factor with going uh with the commission versus a committee so my initial views were more based in substance of what the two models could provide I did not dive into the liability aspect of it if the entire Township committee would like me to do it I could certainly look into it given what Mr Warren had said but I don't want to expend that time unless I know that something that the township committee wants me to do but my my initial research was again more about the substance and the benefits that each could provide and that's kind of what my analysis focused on at that time I don't I I mean I again I don't know where you want to go with this but I think that if you're going to have training and you're going to go through all that you may want to look at a commit commission instead of a committee I can't speak for everybody but that's my opinion I don't know what you guys think about it no I'm still up in here with the committee Commission because they need the cost analysis of extra DBW workers we need equipment to do these trees can't just put it right in there so we need a whole breakdown of what actually col is who's paying for it burden on taxpayers grants are going to cover but also going to fall in so we need a little more I think though with the yeah with the $7,500 budget like that is the shade tree commission's budget and then whatever training yeah whatever grants that they get that obviously will increase their budget but that's why like a Township like howorth with a population of 3,000 they do have a very small commission uh that's appropriate for their Township so I think it would be similar uh process here that you know we have you we have the budget of $7,500 that's what the commission would work with any grants that they get would obviously be beneficial um and then then when they do get those grants they can Outsource that work in regards to maintenance planting uh and removal and it's just the first year you're looking at training for it it's not going to really go too many places until they get the actual volunteer trainer right and basically what I'm saying is committee commission committee commit back and forth I mean within that time you know it could be next year even by the time they go for Grants and everything else but I think Mr Warren had just said it's not till October October October that the next you know train so you're looking on next year to discuss we got the attorney look into so do you want to see about something with the attorney looking into theity attorney look into it that yeah and the course Factor will come to the town besides grants so wait what so you guys want me to look into the liability aspect that Mr Warren was discussing that commit woman judge was discussing the liability factors right is that what everybody just so I can know exactly what so you know compared to Comm commission for the town itself we want to always make sure that the town in my opinion is you know covered correctly under the liability for anything anything right you want to make sure so if the committee is not as well and he and more can check it out as a commission you may want to think about what we should do next that's mik thank you next Andrew Matson 14 Lorado Court um I we just get here late um but I heard Miss ARA say no to a new vote because there's no new information which really confused me because I was actually at the shade tree meeting and you weren't so and it just seemed like from this little time I'm here there was no information so that was kind of confusing and also um Mr Mayor I'm just wondering a cost analysis of what are the hiring a new DPW workers their equipment rentals or buying new equipment so we're not going to do any tree planting until that's done the ones that we we getting already yes that they can handle but have we done a cost analysis of of what it's going to be for those trees that we're already doing have we done that yes believe they already have budet we have a cost analysis of planting those trees that was done that would be that would be we have that Mr P that was specifically done I'm asking like a specific cost analysis like we they want for these or whatever new planting of trees was that done for this trees that are going to these trees that are getting trees I want know which ones it's a public service any trees that are going to get planted the Harvey Avenue project yes that was built into the street project I don't have those numbers in front of me it was discussed you know and it was part of the uh Engineers estimate of cost um for the 45 trees that are going on Harvey Avenue the balance of the 30 that psng doesn't plant I don't have a cost analysis I know dve says he'd be able to take care of those so this is a cost analysis for just planting trees in general what this program's going to present yes but from what I heard this first year is just going to be very informational yes so what's the cost analysis actually going to be budget they can take the classes that they want I'm not asking about any classes I didn't ask about any classes they would discuss class yeah I'm a different person here so um don't we questions I'll answer no I'm just trying to ask like I'm I'm genuinely interested like is it a cost analysis of a shade tree commission or a specific amount of trees that they're looking to plant you and and maintain or is it to maintain all the trees in town what is the actual like how could you do a cost analysis if it's not specific so I'm just wondering what that would actually be on you don't any questions yes you know you don't any questions look every time every time anytime I've ever gotten up here ask your questions you don't any questions before I answer my last statement will be anytime I get up here after I sit down somebody up here Snipes back so you can't respond so in that on that note I'll allow you to continue to do what you do and I'm done okay thank you next 3 minutes was up [Music] wer Hound West older Street I know we voted well the powers of be voted not the hang the Autism Awareness flag but I do want to commend you for at least acknowledging and putting on the video billboard thank you um we will be holding a AIS for all will be holding a training for dealing with children with autism uh all Township employees and volunteers are encouraged to attend if you would like uh access for all along with Team Ral Park will be having an ice cream social on what's the the training April 18th from 6:30 to 8 I I knew the date I didn't know the time I'm sorry 6:30 to 8 and it's in the senior center in the senior center did you out the email all the I did but uh when I spoke to Dave Brown said he didn't get it so I have to find out why it wasn't sent or get an email requesting some uh assistance with that the sound system you hear me every month saying the sound system either each person needs a microphone Walter can you hear me barely my m so you have to be okay can't hear Dean come sit over here [Music] [Laughter] so we're closed right yeah we're to sayone i' like to ask for motion for approval the the minutes I'll make the motion second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge car yes committee Miller yes and may of the yes all items listed below are considered to be routine and non controversial by the township committee and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these unless a Committee Member citizens shall request in which case the item will be removed from the cons agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda as part of a general order resolutions number 024 d102 through 024 d106 get a motion I'll make a motion I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee Miller yes and mayor theet yes we already did the close session uh next meeting will be April 24th 2024 post meeting at 7 p.m this time the meeting is adj the meeting I'll [Music] second we all in favor I I [Music]