in the notice sent to the record and posted on the Bolton board in the municipal billing on January 8 2024 has remained potentially posted as required notice under the statute is being taped in addition to copy of this notice is and has been available to the public isn't on file in the office of the Minnesota cler and everybody pledge allegiance iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and next roll call committee woman Arta here committee woman judge crell here committee men Miller here Deputy Mayor aichi here and mayor cetti here uh to appr the agenda make a I would make a motion to move well make a motion to amend the agenda and move close session up to before the discussion and then I would make a pass that and then make a motion to go s all right I'll make the motion to move full session up and approve the the agenda yeah do that motion I'll make a motion I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge crella yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor bti yes make do a motion to go to close session and extra motion to go on the close session some motion second okay committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge pllo committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor pachy yes and mayor bti [Music] yes ask for motion come out of close session MO I'll second I we're going to move right to discussions going to Bruce Rockwell engineer report mayor if I may just so everybody's aware you know Bruce gave his report back at the last meeting but um he's been asked to give some updates as far as some projects as well as discuss U I believe the complete streets and green streets program yes [Music] um so the the One update I want to start with it's the pump station uh we have met with FEMA on two rounds of rfis and design reviews and have satisfied all of FEMA's comments um Monday we met with uh DPW and Dave and our design team and just kind of final the uh the design uh from the basis of design kind of beyond the concept but it's the basis of design now that will move forward and um so that's that's the status on that the schedule um feema asked us to give the same schedule that has always been attached to the project and that's about a 2-year duration so from design to uh bidding to construction is about a two-year duration uh we expect to have the tww permit uh drawing package submitted to secure the grant uh funding within the next 60 days did you have um you want to talk about railroad shell yeah we we you know I know we have the agreement the shared services agreement that's is yet on for tonight it is okay um and you know we've been working with the county uh on that uh they have come back and asked for a couple minor uh easements uh they made a few adjustments one a one foot adjustment at a sidewalk so just some some fine tuning of of the details there happen to be um quite a lot of Utilities in fact I was surprised when uh the County engineer told me he had to reach out to MCI because MCI has facilities buried here so uh you know that's what has you know has certainly taken a lot of time is to reach out to multiple entities that own um facilities that may be active maybe abandoned and to run all at the ground and and that's in the County's hands so that's just you know that's the update I have for you on that I know they're pushing hard the county they want to get it done this year um you know so everybody's pushing you know to the Finish Line on that one um is there any other project you want me to give an update on because there has been a lot of change other than U pleasant we signed the contract with the contractor yep and Howard Avenue be I know the supplies are starting to show up um I know there's been some concern from residents along Powell Avenue knew about where they're being stored the contractor actually reached out to the ownership of 365 West Pake stre they have a long-standing relationship so 365 which is Berman realy said sure you can store that there when the contractor advised me this I had no issue with it because some of these are large I mean real large concrete um structures that to put them on the Howard Avenue especially this time of year I know it only in Dave but worse than that would make the roads ons safe for obviously motorists and pedestrians to the residents concerns that they be in their backyard I spoke to the contractor and he he agreed to uh approach Bergman and see if he can use the far back lot where there wouldn't be near residences so um but again obviously he's getting close to starting to dig because the um concrete structures are are coming in so we're on that a good time frame for that okay so I'd just like to do a a brief uh presentation on complete streets and green streets um our firm is involved in about seven projects um some some of these we we've put proposals in for and you know may or may not have been selected as the design engineer there are some projects that we are involved with designing um one is in uh Hoboken um tend to you tend to find these projects uh quite readily in the larger towns um more Metropolitan towns um where the streets are wider and and there's more space um so I'll get into some of the details of that but I just want to give you a background I do know that in some of the research I conducted that pamis has an ordinance a complete streets ordinance and that's one of the things it's one of the steps that you need to go through in your process would be to develop an ordinance to really implement this but let me just uh uh there was a complete and green streets policy manual uh that was provided you know to me and I think it was provided to the members on the committee and I just want to make one thing clear to complete streets and green streets are two very different things so uh let me just start with complete streets and you know the complete streets is a means to provide safe access for all users uh by designing and operating a connected multimodal network of Transportation options so you know what does that really mean it it means you're trying to uh promote pedestrian access so if you've ever heard the term you know we have a sidewalk to Nowhere um you know one of the ways to try to um resolve those sidewalk to Nowhere issues is when your developers come in if you can you know get concessions from them or apply pressure depending on the nature of the the project you would try to connect more sidewalks um but that's the intent is to inhib to uh promote um pedestrians walking and to promote U bike passs so how do you do that you know you do that by putting bike pass in the street connecting sidewalks uh the uh intent is also to give access to people that do not choose to drive Motor Vehicles or who cannot afford to drive Motor Vehicles so they're trying to address people in those two classes of of thought um know proclivity uh so that's that's kind of the the the nature of of of uh the complete streets and what they're trying to promote um complete streets is is not really um a a means and methods to address storm water that's green streets so I just want to separate these two and dissect them BCT them so that you know that the the public has a clearer understanding so uh you know the benefits of complete streets is to improve nonmotor vehicle modes of transportation walking biking access to Transit and of course that comes with the Ada um consideration so Ada being you know wheel chairs um people with service dogs people that might be blind um so so so those are all the additional consideration so as as a as a committee you know when you're considering these projects if you know that there are residents um you know that that that have disabilities or that are blind then you would want to consider you know that provision in there I know that um the Ada Provisions have gone through a lot of design revisions um it's a it's a great um it's a great thing uh but um you know you put things out and then you apply them and you find out that you know there's better ways to do things so um when you go through Ada it's it's uh very much a uh a dynamic uh design and application these days um so it's it's not it's not a simple thing it's not like there's a set of standards and we apply them um we go through Ada training every year because the standards are very Dynamic so I just I caution you whenever you're dealing with an ADA component to a project um you know look at it from all facets because uh it it's not a simple aspect um also you know the the the intent is to provide connections for bikers and Walkers uh promote Healthy Lifestyles we want people to bike and walk uh and reduce traffic congestion we don't want people driving motor vehicles because we're trying to reduce greenhouse gases um that is you know those are the primary intents um and then um there's there's a component here a benefit that's stated and I guess it's a benefit but if you apply it properly it's a benefit that's fiscal sensibility so the intent and and the meaning behind that is oh you're doing a project we want you to incorporate complete streets because if you do that up front then it's cheaper than have trying to reapply that later on so we call that it's actually term in engineering we call that front-end loaded F front-end loaded engineering we want to incorporate all the elements up front um so that you know we're not trying to redo something later on or we don't you know miss something so fiscal sensibility is another component and then we want to create more livable communities and so I'm not sure that's a benefit that seems like a goal to me so um hopefully that's uh clarifies some of the things so when we move past you know you know the benefits and the goals and we go to implementation so there's a process you need to try to develop um there's no process here we're just talking about it so to move forward the implementation first thing you want to do is you want to get an inventory checklist and this speaks to the fiscal responsibility you want to look at your town you want to look at your master plan you want to try to address this in the master plan because again that's the front-end loaded engineering you want to say where is it feasible where do I have the space where am I trying to connect people to the transit hubs you know where are the bike paths so you want to look look at the town as a whole you know where do I have you know maybe a higher concentration of disabled you know residents so those are the things you would want to consider in the first um you know inventory checklist coordinate that in your master plan and you know the intent is to address pedestrians bicycle and Transit access this is really an AC accessibility complete streets that's that's really what it's all about it's access um and so then you want to establish a procedure of evaluation because that again speaks to the fiscal responsibility you know what is the real value you know um and then you want to incorporate the Ada Provisions you want to establish performance measures very important because that's how you're going to define success and success success is going to be a feedback to your fiscal responsibility um and then you develop the ordinance which is very important process because if you don't have the ordinance it becomes somewhat of a nebulous thing to try to implement um I would recommend you look at paramis ordinance since they're you know adjacent uh Andor other towns that may have implemented these ordinances there are model ordinances out there you know we can certainly assist you with an ordinance but I I think you would want to take an inventory and look at your master plan before you move to that step again to make sure you know we optimize the value for the town and we're not looking at things that don't make necessarily make sense for the town um and and U and then again you know once you develop your ordinance As you move forward you always have to deal with the fiscal sensibility um you know are we doing the right thing um are we um economically uh responsible because I'm going to move to the next topic which is exemptions so there are exemptions if these measures in a project exceed 20% of the cost of the project uh then the project you know can be deemed exempt and uh you know you can lose the you know the implementation which is not you not what you wanted that's not where you want to arrive at and I think uh Miss bonfice um when this was brought up she said heyy yeah we tried to implement this one time and um we were using Street trees or trees in flower beds and she said it was really expensive and you know I don't think that comment went over well and I think that goes back to the process you know if you have the right process um you have the right ordinance and you're you know fiscally sensible and you know maybe that project should have been either expanded or topped up into smaller pieces uh then you know the the fiscal issue would have been handled better and and uh um so that's just you know if the project uh elements exceed 20% of the cost you just have to be you know aware of that and then if there's any detriment to the environmental so or social impacts so this is where you know members of the community may come out or board members may say hey I I take to this project I object because I think there's an environmental or a social impact uh and so you just have to be aware of th those are issues that can derail your project you know after you've you know put your upfront planning and spent the money on up up you know planning and and and engineering and and that's not what you want you you want to have that success measure down the road so that's kind of my my you know overview of complete streets and then I'll just I'll move over to Green Street so uh green streets you know that's the use of green infrastructure within the public RightWay to manage storm water so the intent of green streets is to try to manage storm water uh while preserving the primary function of the street because again you're implementing this in the RightWay so either you know it and and sometimes it's in the street so it's either in the street or adjacent the street but you're in the ride away so you you have to you know be cognizant of not you know taking away the primary function of the street and so what's the primary function of the street you know it's a conduit for Motor Vehicles pedestrian bicyclists and Transit Riders so you got to make sure that whenever you implement this uh to address storm water and and to you know it it also address air quality IT addresses pollution you know um but I think you know when it was brought up here when I was at the meeting I think I think the you know primary um one of the primary push points was hey we'd like we'd like some more storm water management um applied here in the town because you know we're a town it's subject to flooding um so how do you implement this well there's there's permeable Pavements now I do know from from listening to a lot of uh uh applications that there are products out there are said to be permeable and they are and over time they become impermeable they have maintenance elements so there are some boards that I you know that I represent and uh they're like yeah we we don't accept uh permeable elements because we know they're going to become impermeable over time so um storm water planters so this is you know where I'm going to have storm water running can I put a planter so you're talking about putting a planter um you know in the sidewalks uh or in the roadway uh so you know you have to look at your roadways and say you know you know do we have roadways and do we have space where we can Implement these elements and you know maybe you do and maybe you don't but that goes back to that planning assessment we got to look at the town and say where do we have feasible areas to implement these measurements you can't just say hey I'm going to implement these everywhere because it's just not going to be feasible you know it's going to create other issues it's not going to be effective so um storm water Planters tree pits bios swells where you can you know incorporate swes and and Rain Gardens and they do actually put these elements in the the streets you know where they have nice white streets um so you know it it can be challenging and you know it's a storm water management element it's not really a flood control element you know like if you're subject to flooding because of you know nearby rivers and things you know this is going to have a a DI Minimus impact to controlling flooding from a body of water so I just I want to make make sure I clarify that you know I'm not trying to speak against it it's a good thing uh if you can you know manage some storm water that's not managed today and you can add more vegetation and trees to the to the town and and get a little healthier cleaner air you know clearly that's that's got value and uh you know you can do it in a coste effective manner but I just I want to set you know proper expectations um so you know this is is localized you know flooding control storm water management it's it's you're you're you're you're trying to address small areas with trees and Planters and flower beds which is going to you know help small amounts of water these are the kinds of things we say when you know somebody's building a detached garage on their property and they want to put a three-car garage you know in their backyard and they're on a a lot that's non-conforming already and so they're in there for hardship and and you know towns that Grant these things we say okay put the roof you know Cutters and leaders and and put flower beds to control that runoff from that garage roof you know that's the you know the magnitude of of of what these elements can can handle for storm water um you know unless you know you're in a metropolitan area with big wide roads and you're you've got room to put planners down the middle you know of of the divided you know Lane Highway um you know that's a different issue because you know then that can be very very much effective um you know and then um the other thing is you know they do help with pollution control so you know localized storm water management localized Pollution Control um those are you know great benefits to try to implement but I I just want to make sure that you know I I don't leave you with the misconception that you know you're going to you know put this in every project and it's going to reduce the impact of the flooding from the Sprout brook or something like that you know that's you know that I I wouldn't be uh providing good input to you on that so I think that was you know all the updates I had unless you want me to speak to the Garden State Plaza I'd like to hear yeah um I know we we uh we uh have been supporting you on that and and Gail has been working with us on that and we had our traffic Engineering Group and our storm water management folks look at the impact um on the town from the development and looked at Phase One and U uh my traffic engineer did kind of make some cursory um commentary relative to phase two just because he was able to do that um the short answers are and and I at this point I would assume that all the committee members have our reports um the short answer on the stormat is what the phase one development is going to do relative to storm water management elements is actually going to reduce um the storm water impact to Rell park now I say that but you know again it's you know that doesn't mean we're not going to have flooding in the town um it just means we're going to reduce impact of storm water um but there is a reduction and that's a result primarily of the uh new D regulations which I spoke to previously here at one of the hearings where uh what the D has done um is a good thing um but they've they've basically made um all the underground pipes now much larger and U so they're trying to Pro you know they're what they're doing is they're implementing more capacity in the pipes that are buried so that's how they're trying to address the storm water and flooding issues from a deep D perspective and so because of that uh and because they're putting in some retention naations over there the overall impact that a phase one development is is going to reduce the impact of storm water on roio pork so relative to the traffic uh we did find what we felt were some you know things that were maybe shortcuts or um not say not the way we would necessarily Do It um relative to the um traffic analysis and there was not um a broad uh analysis of impact to the streets in Rell Park so our concern is there's probably a much bigger impact to traffic on Rell Park from the phase one development than is articulated in the uh applicants traffic report and we've given the specifics to you folks uh relative to to our concerns and also have then you know made an opinion about you know uh when phase two comes it's probably going to be you know another impact um on the town and mayor as you may recall those reports were forwarded to the B of Promise attorney as well he forwarded over to the planning board attorney and the planning board secretary so will provided those same reports May May yes speak okay uh Mr Rock a couple of things please um the surveys that you did of for the impact you have the um you gave us information on the Storm Warner runoff you said that you believe from the analysis that you did that would lessen the impact of runoff water to Rell Park from the existing condition from from the existing condition from the existing condition now yes from pamis yes okay and then the traffic analysis I I I mean I did read it and you're talking just now about shortcuts and you believe that it may impact the area of Rosa Park a little more than what we have now am I correct well I what I'm saying is what the applicant to Ramis for the development what their Traffic Engineers are stating as an impact we believe it's going to be much say much it's going to be greater than what they're St in their report and we we gave you our assessment of what we feel the differen is so from what I'm understanding that you feel it may be a little bit more substantial than what they're saying is be is that what I'm understanding yes that would be the traffic we're talking about yes and that would be more toward the um is that more toward the parkway we're looking at or is that more toward roell Avenue where do you see that more of an impact from um Street here right so then you have Rell Avenue yeah and then you have down by the parkway where I believe the phase one is going to be in that area of paramis am I correct by the ballpark over that way I I think we're saying the impact's going to be pic and Ro pic and and Rell and roell yeah so our two main roads yeah you possibly could see larger impact yeah it just it it seems like um you know they they did not consider you know they're they're they're kind of making a statement that all the all the traffic is going to come from within paramis to go to the Garden State Plaza and I'm not sure you really have to be an engineer to come to that same conclusion um but we did you know the technical analysis to you know articulate that and to show you um what our opinion is of of what the impacts going to be and where the impacts are going to be right I understand what you're saying and I appreciate thank you um but uh what did you what do you think about plaz away the impact from there do you think that's going to alleviate anything onage Street I mean that you know you're asking a very specific question well they a Jason streets AR yeah I I'm I'm not the one that can really answer that specific question I would have to bring in Marco Navaro who actually did that analysis I'm just curious and no if you have looked at when you did that analysis I'd have to ask Marco but if you want to send that question to me or other questions I will follow up with I think what happened is yeah the applicant chose not to study Plaza Way Street that's where I'm going and that's what Bruce is saying that's what I'm looking right you understand where I'm looking correct and you know when we forwarded this to the to the planning board of param I believe they still approved the project but yeah I think going forward we need to be uh maybe the the attorney and I reach out to their attorney we currently have an Mo MOA with the plaza maybe it's time we revisit that so the mo MOA is what you're speaking of is the Plaza Way correct right correct and then the traffic impact from when they expanded the mall right I mean I do remember I'm going back my memory a little bit here there was supposed to be a gig closing off some of the clet stuff and all that I don't think I've seen that gate closed I don't yeah they they kept replacing the gates now they use cones just the cones yeah please check it every night to make sure it is closed and when it's not we notify the closet security and they will go close it they will cone it off but the way I'm looking and I just my my and I'm not an engineer I'm just looking at it I'm looking at the phase one project yeah and I'm looking at the class of traffic right and I'm looking at all of that and I'm going to be honest traffic around here at holiday time is tremendous sure I and that's just my opinion so maybe that it can be followed up to see about that I appreciate maybe we can get an idea they want to you know especially with that Mo MOA it could maybe be looked at in a different aspect or maybe some way Help U financially it has to be what they want to do you know I agree with you you have to have to worry about something like that my opinion you know you have such an increase in that that would be something I would think about yeah and and unfortunately this is more common um um today than I think we would like um I just I just was you know have another town at called me an emergency last night I was I was at their Board of adjustment meeting and and the Jason town is approving at a special meeting you know a a project that's going to have substantial impact not only on them but two other towns and uh the county I won't name any names but the County engineer said yeah this engineer didn't consider these streets and these other towns and there's constrained uh ability for um tractor trailers to turn uh but we approved the project and I I mean the planner and I were just you know kind of taking aback I mean just to be kind you know that uh that that that but this kind of stuff is like I said more commonplace than we would like I think so you're seeing it more often is that we say it it's not uncommon is what I'm saying I'm not saying it's more often but it's it's not uncommon that a towns approve things that have adverse impact sometimes on other towns understand you sometimes they work together and sometimes they're just like yeah we know what we're doing we can handle this and you know it's just you know it happens sometimes you know we're here to help you and we're trying to you know we we did our best to uh you know I mean I I drove in from the city that night to go to that first meeting and uh yeah we dug into it as best we could so I I um appreciate your comparison with the um the Green Street and Street thank you for doing that um and I appreciate looking at the different things and I will look up the paramis ordinance to see about that yeah uh and get an idea I do where I do see where you're going about fiscally making sure it's okay I mean uh I'm not sure about so much um and this is of course my opinion on the Green Street one now you're saying that it's for the storm water and the the right away it would help the rways by the storm with the storm water the the the green streets is all about um allowing um these these Green Street elements these these storm water elements to be located within the RightWay because the municipality you know owns the access to that rideway uh but you know you know there's a competing interest there one is all right we're now allowed to construct Green Street elements to manage storm water to manage pollution to uh provide you know more healthier environment but you're putting it in the RightWay which is you know either in the street or adjacent the street so you cannot inhibit the functionality of the street so it's a competing interest and you know if if your streets if you have more space to to implement these on your streets um you know then it's easier to accomplish and it's easier to achieve value um if you have less space I'm not saying you can't achieve value but you have more risk of you know causing an issue with the functionality of the street I understand yeah it depends on the size of the street I I do appreciate that but when you're saying that it you're saying it has to be in the street or the RightWay it's in the RightWay it's in the RightWay sometimes the rideway extends to the middle of the street sometimes the right away is at the edge of the property line and then the streets the street so so what about what um say the curve between the sidewalk and the street yeah that would be that's considered a RightWay typical so that would be okay to be using in that too I mean benefits to this but you got to get you're trying to get you know you got to look at where is the water coming from is it coming from the street or is it coming from the property if it's coming from the property and you can affect effectively Channel it and build these elements you know in in in the sidewalk area between the curb and and where the water's coming from that's a home run that now you've achieved your value and you could probably do that very economically within these projects and that's why I say you got to look at your your planning and you got to say where are my projects okay let's go look at these and let's look at the implementation of the green streets you know can I do it feasibly here and economically and is it going to be effective that's you know that's right the process yeah thank you yeah you're welcome pretty much the streets wide enough you can put it down the center of the street to help blow it in as a divider yeah I mean if you can capture rainwater in the middle of the streets and not let it flow on the street you know that's great but not every road can't do that on every Road oh yeah you know and there's sometimes where they actually they take the curb out you know like say an intersection they'll take the curb out and they'll plant grass and trees and vegetation there you know if water's running down the road and they'll try you know they'll try to capture that and and perk it into the ground rather than let it go into the storm drain yeah but again you know you you got to have you know that that space great great okay thank you [Music] okay have anything else to add I think that everything I had to report out on the evening okay thank you have a good [Music] evening yes we let anybody [Music] public well if you want to ask if the dce want to allow the public to comment or ask questions of the engineer you can do that yeah you make make a motion this way you don't make him wait he should do it now I actually have one comment on it too on on January 19th I applied uh Bruce just so you're aware um for the complete Street's technical Grant whether or not we receive it um we chose toake Street uh but let me ask you is this something maybe we have a meeting scheduled early next month with the county of Bergen in reference to the expansion of Ro shall anony I'd like to hold their feet to the fire and say hey why not that seems to be the perfect roadway to start start with um sure okay I mean you would concur with that a great idea yeah okay fair enough thank you make a motion open up for specific questions for the engineer so motion second oh second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge cavella yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor bti [Music] yes uh Michael Warren 181 West older Street listen if this all goes to hell just blame me that's all um thank you so much for your very Frank presentation and can I interrupt I'm sorry and I have to apologize Bruce actually sent a PowerPoint but unfortunately we were in close session and I didn't realize it but I will make that available you good with that Bruce we at least put on our website great very good so I'll send that to you Amry we'll get that up there and while you know I know I've been talking to a lot of you and a lot of you about the complete streets is it an answer to all of roell Park's issues no but I think um IT addresses access for all uh I know Walter is here from access for all for all the uh the committee when we talk about making our streets more accessible right for all types of people with different mobility issues right not everyone wants to drive a car you brought up the fact that we have so much traffic we we should be trying to get people out of their cars we're a small town you know if you can make it to shop by walking I don't know if you ever tried to walk to shop right from here this building you know you could probably come up with a couple of ideas for using complete streets policy to make that trip a lot safer um and I'm glad that you were able to you discussed the distinction between the complete streets and the green streets um and like I you you said is it for every street no uh what streets are are are Prim candidates uh we have a lot of ponding that happens in Rell Park after rain I mean you know in my mind our goal as a town our goal all of us is to remove as much water that hits this tree is possible in any way possible that's feasible economically right we we have to stay within our means but there are other options than expensive asphalt expensive pipes the bigger the pipes like you mentioned the larger pipes underground that's more money larger the pipes right so I think our goal is to try and design something with the master plan I know the master plan is several years old could use an update um that just removes is it going to stop a hurricane coming through no we no one thinks that right that's a separate thing I'll talk about in the open public but um removing as much water as possible whether it's too trees which again tomorrow on the website that I run uh I'll talk about it a little later but I have a whole thing about how it really does matter that how many trees a town has uh and to keep as much water off the street as possible so I want to thank you I know I asked you about it a couple months ago and I do appreciate you coming to explain it sure no I I appreciate you bringing this concern because that's over your PO you're to address the community everyone uh on the township committee has been very responsive most most everyone yes um so I just uh want to thank them for listening as well what else Chris H for Place uh I went to every paramis uh planning board meeting and everybody knew it was just going to go through I mean it's a joke uh they did say we're going to stabilize this is my notes from them so they're going to stabilize the banks of the brook improved water quality two bio retention basins infiltration Basin 50% runoff rate reduction um the de approved it it was the first permit they applied for but where is all this water going anyway even though if it's going slower where does it go well it's it's being retained on site and then it's perking into the into the ground or does it go into Sprouts Brook well it's ground yeah but it all ends up in Sprouts Brook right um I'm not sure if it all ends up in okay all right but again here their their uh professionals were there's no adverse impact on surrounding areas the environmental impact statement said no detrimental impact in the environment the downstream analysis memorandum from October 20th 23rd said no impact down stream uh on Downstream Properties or the floodway no reduction in flow I mean there's a net reduction in flood rate no adverse impact Everything is Everything is you know too bad for you Downstream basically you know they want their big what they wanted to deny this on was that they closets the the developer wanted Closet in their um dens and that's what they were denying and on not anything else so I mean we were laughing in the audience but my concern is they don't care and all the traffic somebody gave it that there that they were meeting with their um departments and police on about Plaza way I mean about the um by asadero down there and you know all that traffic's coming right into rosha like you said I mean that's the main thing but as far as this flood thing um I don't I don't believe a word they say really truthfully uh I just want to report on what I got out of that view and uh but I do have another question for you um not related to really your two topics could I ask you it has to do at 120 um and maybe Dean even knows too does anybody know the status of 120's D application for a flood Hazard permit that was filed around January 30th 2023 for 2000 for 12,00 00t retail building with a ramp uh to an Elevate to elevated parking do you have any information on that theep permit did they get it you assuming that would be a zoning or planning or zoning but I meant would wouldn't it have actually they had sent the application to the permit to the township of rochell Park supervisor I don't know who that is I'm assuming I don't know and J and U Mr Di Maria yeah I would but I'm just saying I thought maybe the engineer or somebody might have gotten a a a whiff of what's going on cuz those things are usually done in a year so you know um again this is a a forp Redevelopment area that's gone through the courts and they've only done three parts to it and you know I you know if they're talking about going up the hill and doing this and getting CEOs I think it needs to be uh looked into into uh what were their plans for that other part that was part of a court settlement so I'm just curious if someone is aware of what's you know like they said they're going to be ready in April maybe for Co or what's what's the fourth part of this what are they going to do about it they have to be held accountable so that's you know I was just curious anybody had heard I haven't heard reference to the DP permit I'll follow up with James D Maria all right see if I can get an answer I didn't know I figured maybe permit would go to engine you know the our engineering well the the the applicant uh you know is going before planning or zoning and you know they they have to comply with DP so the applicant has to file their permit and and then de D would would come out and ins or would hire a third party you expect right uh that they're meeting the D requirements so right at some point D has has issued the permit based on conditions I'm assuming I mean you know I don't I'm not familiar with that specifically the process right but I do know you know I could probably find it online if I want is that a fair share housing project it's a affordable housing project affordable housing project yeah but I just thought maybe um maybe they got the permit and maybe it went to you know Dean or you or you know I don't know what I don't know the procedure um of of who gets I'm just that would go to the zoning or planning you know first like who's ever like the secretary of the planning board or somebody would get it yeah I I would think whoever that the secretary is for that you know whether it's planning or right I was just curious they should know whether those application that that per is in well I was just you know again want you folks to keep an eye on U on the the lovely people across the street to you know make make them do the right you know again there's four parts this is the serious this is the retail portion you're talking I don't I don't even know where that is application wise for the building itself right well it hasn't really gone in anywhere it went to the Deb first so I figured I figured maybe I have not heard anything but I'll follow I'll follow for James that's all I just was wondering if it was anywhere all right thanks I just know that that you know these projects if if they file their DT permit before the regulations change right I believe their grandfather but if they didn't well if if they got the approval I think they have have the approval um but if they didn't get the approval they're bound to um the new regulation right now I know there's some exemptions depending on the the use uh yeah that's another you know aspect of what's going on currently just because of the new DDP regulation okay I just you know like I said it's a court order thing and I was just wondering if you if it was just by I mean that's that's just the means of development we're seeing more and more of that where there's um you know fair share housing or affordable housing component and you regardless I mean there's one right next to me in my town and uh the zoning board unanimously voted it down twice and it went up to superior court and the judge remanded it back and Town said okay we're going to take you to the Pell Division and you know we'll probably know in a year where that's going but this is what's going on you know well we've been through this since 1988 we know we know thank you make motion to close the POR of this I'll make the motion I'll second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge C yes committe Miller yes Deputy Mayor yes and mayor yesk you have a good evening thank you the committee report administrator report first so um so this committee's aware you should be I know I V it an email but we received notification that our 2023 open space Grant was approved for the Carlock field project in the amount of 1971 15 $3 um what I'm also doing since we canel the 2022 project of the the lighting of the fields um is asking the county to repurpose or reassign the 144 447 that we were granted for that project in 2022 for a total of 341 $341,500 which will go towards the overall cost of the 23 improvements of $4,000 um I already spoke to the person over at the county they really I had to write them a letter tweeted a little bit and uh she was satisfied and believes that we should be able to do that obviously we'll just have to get the work done sooner than later but I'll T Boswell with that um and we'll have the contract and resolution on for uh February I'll bring have it for work session if we wanted them put the reso on for the regular meeting but the sooner we get in the sooner we can get out to bid you know if you approve it and again that was for the bot ball courts the spray misters there'll be some other work I'll add to it in order to use the 22 22 Grand I have to bring in some technology features such as security cameras um but there'll be other improvements made but again good news um also have applied for a DCA Grant reference to recre or starting that process um looking at Matthews field this time that Fieldhouse hasn't been upgraded since I played there um so there's a lot of work that needs to be done in around the playground there as well so kind of trying to task U or Target Matthews field get it some tender loving care uh that it needs letters were sent out to the 13 homeowners the recipients of the flood mitigation Grant advising them that it's been approved um they were sent out regular mail and certified on the 19th I hope they got those uh on your agenda tonight mayor committee is the approval of black and Beach who will be our administrator uh so I hope that gets done the sooner we get them in here the sooner these folks will have a meeting um tell you they'll be able to tell you the specifics and and how moving on each home is granted a different amount of money and has a different scope so it's going to be a very uh intensive process that's why we're going to bring in that um profession sorry um I mentioned it earlier February 1st have a meeting with the county again in reference to the roal Avenue project once again plan on telling them what our needs are what our plans are what we expect what we expect not to have to be involved in but let we'll uh looking forward to that and also uh and not lastly but um I got a good contact for Verizon because I'm tired of looking at two double double sticks as they call them two sets of telephone poles with PSG put those larger ones in the old the what's holding up the removal of the old ones is Verizon so I reached out to Verizon uh made it very clear that I want a residential streets done first and then move on to Rell avenue Route 17 at a later time but um did receive a reply from the gentleman he says he'll get into it get get to it right away doesn't know why PS not never notified him but not my problem so I did take care of that that's all I have mayor and I'll jump in at any time if I have to may you Rec uh commit woman judge oh thank you good evening everyone I have a couple here uh so the senior meeting was January 11th and um had a great presentation by the B from the Bergen County Health Department speaker regarding sleep there was a very engaging question and answer session that followed and tomorrow is another uh the next senior meeting meeting at 1 p.m. um Board of Education had their reorg on January 4th congratulations to Christina Holtz Scott crra Joe morala and they were sworn in on that night and also just last night Charlie shot was sworn in to fill the one oneyear seat uh open position um the board of Ved also recognized the governor's teachers award uh teacher of the year was Joanna Han an educational specialist was Kaye zandler and congratulations to all and I got a DPW report that came from Mr Brown here and the DPW was very busy because of the storms that have gone on besides the rain and flooding they've also had um with the snow and the ice and there's some I mean I'm just going to run through a few da you want me to add anymore let me know okay but you gave me a list here so um they had calls for for four calls for sewer backups they removed the tree on Madison Avenue that was damaged during the storm um the sweeper went out and click uh cleaned the roads within 16 hours after the storm the plows they put the the plows on the trucks and they saled and where the crossing guards would be by the school um they attended annual training classes and they had to um inspect sewers and all trucks were washed inspected after each storm there's a reminder he'd like me to say is that we they pick up the metal curb sides on Monday for recycling uh please call for a schedule pickup Electronics pickup is every fourth Wednesday of the month um and you can also call for that and please don't you know let's try to was watch with the Lysol wipes paper towels or anything else that could clog the sewer uh lines um they back up and they cause a lot of um clogs in the sewer area would have to be kind of cleaned out all the time the storm water um coordinator report it says we have had clean off the storm drains prior to the December rainstorm that flooded some of the local streets sorry uh After the flood waters rescinded we proceeded to pick up uh all the branches cingles all the cingles that were all over the place and I I don't know if anybody went out they saw them everywhere and which blew all over the streets even into some of the storm water area that was there they also completed uh they did a quick inspection of all the storm drains prior to the next Heavy Rain event made repairs to them clean them out if needed and um there was quite a few storm drains that you had to do that to and then the Saddle River uh collaboration with the Saddle Brook DPW superintendent on a JY that was of debris was located the Saddle River underneath the foot bridge in the county park uh it came on uh with a plan to remove a 60t log that was jammed up against the debris as also holding back a large amount of the break and I guess the water flow was also restricted by that um and they successfully removed the log and also another uh 30 foot log prior to the storm it couldn't be removed because of the materials and the river um it was because of the backo couldn't reach it is that what happened great no I know I don't know people I saw there was um there was a cleaning of the Saddle River that was done under the the overpasses the Railroad Avenue overpass essic Street um that's being done right that's being looked at right [Music] now then okay cuz I did I did actually go to see the one on Railroad Avenue actually I took some pictures for for that and um the big back home and tremendous work they took out a lot of debris out of that and you know thank you to you and all the collaborates that helped I believe I once was OEM involved in that also and or and um I don't know is here but um the administrator was involved right and so it did take out a lot I was standing there watching it take out a lot of the break but I could say this that um uh during the storms even the ice storm it was it was hard to keep up with that ice I'm going to be honest with you it was tremendous amount and you guys did in my opinion a terrific job during the storm After the Storm during the snow during the ice um and our streets were pretty well clean compared in my opinion to other towns uh and I was driving to go pick up rock salt and I can tell you that I have my truck and I'm driving my truck through Rell park I got fine but when I went into another town it started slipping and sling but thank you for all you do sometimes the vpw my opinion again is not recognized of all the work they do and I appreciate it and I'm sure a lot of our residents do appreciate it thank you so much and that's all I have for now thank you Tomy thanks V uh in December the court issued 134 traffic tickets and handled 14 criminal complaints resulting in a total Court revenue of $ 65867 for the month of December the overall Court revenue for the year 2023 amounted to $18,350 75 a sincere thanks to the roal Park Police Department for their dedicated efforts in ensuring the safety and well-being of our community on January 17th the access for all committee convened for its first meeting of the year the committee engaged in discussions about various ideas and opportunities aimed at fostering a welcoming accessible and inclusive community for individuals with disabilities in rochell park the next meeting is scheduled for February 21st at 7: p.m. in the senior center on January 23rd the library board held its first meeting of the Year Library director Lisa Hoffman discussed new and ongoing programming story time will be held on both Tuesdays and Saturdays now at 11:00 a.m. and the Lego Club will be held on Fridays at 3:30 the next Library meeting will be held on February 12th at 6:30 p.m. that's all for me thank you so much [Music] I attended the office of emergency management reorganization meeting and after action review meeting on Sunday to discuss the January 9th and 10th rain event we discussed what went well and where we can improve as always our police OEM fire department C volunteers and representatives from the school all came together to work through the flood event so thank you to all the police have a new community outreach initiative called cops and shops it involves police officers stopping in at our local businesses and creating or building upon relationships that they have with business owners over the years businesses have changed and new owners have taken over they see this as an opportunity not only to create relationships with these new owners but also to help these businesses grow last week their first business was Sam spel shop in the shopright shopping center Janet the owner who is one of the biggest supporters of our police welcomed our officers gave them a tour and introduced them to their to her employees and I have two police reports the first one is for December of uh 2023 so during the month of December they answered 1,169 calls for service even with an increase in vacations and holiday time off our Patrol Division and detectives continued to demonstrate good proactive tactics in the Endeavor to seek out criminals and criminal behavior before it impacts innocent people and their output demonstrated by by five arrests and seven criminal charges 173 summonses were issued the department also saw interruptions in their operations due to storms that had turned the focus of the department for several days into flood mitigation and response to calls for service for those impacted by including several water rescues made while not celebrating the storm our chief is proud to report that our recently obtained Hummers and fabricated stairs for our high water 5ton vehicle came into good use during these water rescues and we were able to safely remove people from Harm's Way with no injuries or loss of life during the December 18th flooding event we continue to work seamlessly along with our feral fellow emergency responders from the fire department and OEM to keep our town and stakeholders safe a testament to the professionalism of our department and these public servants our team continued to grow and learn their professionalism in training as well as instructing at the Academy including detective Sergeant shaen teaching arrest search and seizure and basic recruit class for the police academy we continue to work with the recreation and other departments during the community events such as the holiday tree lighting and trolley rides in a way to keep all safe and we also have the final 2023 year end report so while 2023 unfortunately saw the township suffer from severe weather such as flash flooding um our residents homes and properties our Police Department operations were frequently interrupted by these storms resulting in floods which were fortunate that did not result in any personal injuries or loss of life last year we continued to conduct several community outreach programs they hosted their third annual National Night Out coffee with a cop brought back the successful Bike Rodeo and trading card program as well as continue to work alongside in collabora a with effort of DPW PD FD construction official fire officials in order to deal with several quality of life issues including improving our traffic signs roadways through our Traffic Division use of statistical data and enforcement techniques the police have continued to Foster communitybased support and relationships with work hand inand with the Board of Education Township committee and continue to brive full-time school resource officer our community out reach on social media and website continue to grow with the con continuation of our popular weekly police squad and providing our use of force and eternal Affairs reports in any transparent way in our continued effort to alarger part to give back to the community the Rosa Park police foundation has been helping our members of law enforcement and their families and community at large as charitable organization and these numbers are impressive our officers continue to work hard in 2023 as is evidenced by our year-end numbers handled over 14,000 call types most ever with 29 DWI alcohol arrests 45 domestic violence related incidences 66 juvenile complaints 164 arrests including several unlawful weapons and gun possession arrest and 4,481 motor vehicle summons issued and 2,285 motor vehicle stops conducted very impressive to you I have the best team yes the detective Bureau continues to investigate senior Major Crimes and has become one of the other agencies with federal state and County jurisdictions rely upon and want to work with to help soloft cases that have far-reaching impacts within and beyond our Township's area of responsibility we continue to expand our training for our team members in a dynamic range of options in our continued effort to always be moving forward with a focus of making our team better at protecting and serving our residents in a way that allows them to use modern deescalation techniques along with having the tools they should be needed to protect officers and stakeholders from Harm's Way and not to be outgunned or at a tactical disadvantage Chief Pinto is also proud of the team and the way they push each other to prepare for the future with succession planning so as younger and Junior officers get promoted they are prepared for any contingency to make to take the department to new heights so uh motor vehicle crashes there were 584 for the year of 2023 total police calls 14,31 total summonses 4,481 motor vehicle stops 2,285 emergency medical calls 949 community Outreach 135 fire department responses 167 and total arrests year end 164 so this was a long report I didn't want to edit it too much because I thought it was important for the public to know that for a small team they've done amazing work so speak TOS Chief thank you and lastly uh two weeks ago was law enforcement appreciation day after reading this it's much appreciated for all the work they do I honor them by making their favorite treats the residents thank the rppd for all they do and we look forward to another year thank you you deputy mayor uh Recreation hosted a lunch in on December 14th for the seniors at the senior center and provided live entertainment and food which they had a great turnout and response from those who attended registration for Ral Park Baseball will be starting so any parents um who are interested in coaching please reach out to the recreation director as well as anyone who's willing to volunteer for any Recreation events please reach out to him as well for all events and programs the next Recreation meeting will be Tuesday February 6th at 7 p.m. at hton Hall for the veterans the banner program applications will be starting on February 1st and the price is $130 you must be a current roell Park resident or have been a roell park resident upon passing away there cannot be a guaranteed flag placement in front of homes any longer due to the growth of the program any questions or interest in this program please contact the luim commander Denis study directly that's all for me thank you point uh December is a fireman's report 29 calls in the month of December nine active false alarms Co alarm was for Mutual 8 four trash can fire was four uh one live wies down one Natural Gas emergencies were six motor vehicle accidents two and smok conditions one and storm standby one members logged a grand total of 227 man hours in a month of December uh they also logged in 143 hours of call in the month of December December 1st they uh they proba escorted a s to the township Tree Line in ceremony uh December 18th Ro Park was plac in standby to due to the rising flood waters in the township luck Le the services were not required however members were on hand with all equipment prepped and ready on the 20th members were requested to a nursing home in the township for a vehicle that struck the golden Cruise arrived and found an ambush struck a low clearance of the overhang our department stood by until the vehicles were removed and uh on December 31st just before the ball dropped to ring in the New Year they responded and requested to the county park in the area of Howard have for a report for fire near the playground companies responded and found a trash can on fire due to the careless disregard of fireworks year end code enforcement reports permits issued were 386 three new buildings five additions 375 rehabilitations uh uniform construction code inspections were 1,1 uniform construction code violation issues were five total value structure was oh 45 million 58 $844 zoning inspections 109 zoning application reviews were 188 Property Maintenance and Zoning spot inspections 569 288 Property Maintenance violations have been issued in 23 compared to only 35 in 2022 complaints 84 out 90 complaints received this year have been closed out four sum issues with 36 the majority complaint received this year related to garbage in high grass CCO inspections of 143 total Department Revenue $551,000 that's a photo report attorney report oh nothing there okay and colle report I have two letters I'd like to read that I received uh Team R show Park dear R show Park Township committee we hope this letter finds you in good health and High Spirits we are writing to introduce ourselves as team Rell Park a dedicated group of residents United by a share Shar passion for the growth and betterment of our beloved Township at the core of our mission are three fundamental beliefs educating advocating and bringing our change from a Grassroots level we believe that an informed Community is the backbone of progressive change thus we dedicate ourselves to raise an awareness about key issues that impact R Shor our advocacy efforts are focused on voicing the collective concerns and aspirations of our community ensuring that they are heard and considered and the decisionmaking process processes that shape our town our action-oriented approach is geared towards making tangible improvements block by Block in Rell Park we are committed to supporting policies and initiatives that align with our vision for a Greener more sustainable and Vibrant Community our Focus areas include enhancing green infrastructure we advocate for policies that support the development of green spaces Community Gardens and other suitable infrastructure to help better M my atate minor flood events these initiatives not only beautify our town but also contribute to Environmental Conservation and improve quality of life stopping our tree deficit a key concern for us is the alarming rate of tree loss in our Township we are committed to reserving this trend through tree planting initiatives awareness campaigns and supporting policies that protect and expand our Urban forest and Hansen Town Pride we believe that a strong sense of community pride is essential for the holistic growth of Rosa par to this end we support initiatives that celebrate our Town's Heritage culture and achievements Foster in a deeper connection among the residents making Ral Park walkable bikable and accessible our vision is for a Ral park that is accessible to everyone regard regardless of their abilities we Champion the development of infrastructure that models the New Jersey complete Street policy of 2019 that supports walking and biking and ures easy access for people of all abilities this includes safe sidewalks bike paths and accessible public place spaces this policy also helps address the economic Vitality of the town we are eager to collaborate with the township committee and other local stakeholders to bring these Visions to pration through cabal efforts We believe We Can Make Russia Park a model Township that prioritizes substance sustanability inclusivity and Community Pride we look forward to an opportunity to discuss our ideas and plans in more detail detail thank you for considering our perspective and we hope to contribute positively to the future of Russia par yours sincerely Michael Warren and Adib Abu so I sent that to everybody in the township committee I just wanted to read that and then we have another one SI bestian Township committee American Legion auxiliary unit 170 is planning to send four Junior High School girls to girl State this year being held at Georgian University in Lakewood New Jersey from Saturday June 23rd to Thursday June 27th we would great greatly appreciate your sponsorship if you wish to be a sponsor the cost is $350 and the check should be made payable to auxiliary unit 170 a mail to the above address with a copy of this letter by Fe February 9th 2024 if you should decide not to sponsor a girl please contact me so that we may find another sponsor you can also check out the following websites for more information about the program thank you in advance for your time and cooperation in this matter forgot and Country berus n real estate chairperson that's all I have am if you could forward that to the police foundation yes well absolutely at least one uh there for reports uh public portion have um for motion open up for the public all items I'll make the motion second is open for wish to speak first most I want to say thank you to the committee Police Department for all the good things please state your name and address for the record I'm sorry yes Manuel Peralta 150 Madison Avenue thank you RP ctez 155 Madison Avenue so thank you guys again what are you doing so uh I moved in in town 2007 and I remember how Ro Park was how clean it was and how well the community supported the town and respect all the rules of regulations so my question today is what happen and if we're still enforcing the overnight party because um we have new family that in and every night I mean it's just like to have six cars two cars out four cars the parking space two car driveway and I called the police department many times and I did get an answer and they came through and it was okay and they were like oh we getting tickets or whatever but then that sto at some point and and tonight and every night I mean I get home and I two cars in front of my house or I see I told you what is it called Pi truck the plow and the pl's up half halfway and you can't that doesn't that is new if I met mayor yes I'll speak at police chief so one I apologize for you waiting to come to a town meeting to voice that if the police department is ever ons satisfactor please reach out to my office I absolutely will get back to you matter of fact I had a 1:00 appointment today with a resident from Lexington Avenue complaining that we were riding too many overnight parking tickets oh wow so there's a balance in town and I hear you it is annoying I listen I received the summons way back when for overnight park in front of my parents house they are we we did change the system because 50% of the community loves the enforcement 50% hates it but the Rule's still on the book so we did tweak the system that allows people at least six times a month to park on the street we figure that's a reasonable amount it covers at least three of the four weekends if it's being abused I'll give you you can take my email down it's simple enough or go to our website D Pinto Roark I'll absolutely task our traffic Lieutenant you will be able to run a report and see how many times those you know vehicles have asked for permission and and if the officers are not enforcing it we will absolutely follow up I asked him he says we got so many cars he'll call in one car run it for a week and then switch the car out so unfortunately that's the current that's the fair way to do it that's where we decided six I know we sat before the former Town committee last year and had the same conversation because again to just tell our residents sorry there's it just became again 50% love it 50% hate it um but if it continues to be an issue you know we can address it anding the sidewalks I mean don't know because they hav so we we've we've done campaigns uh more down on the Howard Avenue level section side of town because adjacent to the county park and it becomes an issue obviously in the spring and summer months what we try to tell people is look late at night when it's dark we're not going to enforce it because most pedestrians are not walking at that time if however it's it's an issue again call call 2011 4 31515 complain about it we can start issuing warnings we'll start with warnings and then if we have to we can issue summonses what I know what'll happen is I'll have 10 people standing here are calling me complaining but the ordinance currently says you cannot block the side so I hear you no you have to feel call in I call innight and they say oh you got to wait till 3:00 in the morning because we don't know if they're going to stay or not and that's what it is so that happens often too I have a resident who on calling Avenue she is the overnight parking police force she out emails me every day only two cars got and you know a summons out of the three I find out the one car is gone when she was sleeping it left before 3:00 a.m. so that does happen but sir and Gentlemen please do not wait to town for Town meetings I tell the public this every meeting call call the police department if it's a building department call the building department if it's something for the administrator call me up call me you'll get me we'll get you an answer but I will definitely look into Madison Avenue please call when if it's you know again when sidewalks are blocked you you know we've already answered 1,9 calls for the first three weeks of January I have 23 police officers including myself um they conducted 123 stops 275 15 15 arrests already as of as of today in this small community so it's not like they're not looking for sidewalks being block but they're pressed for time but I will absolutely make it a point to to tell them to to make extra checks thank you thank you appreciate your time who [Music] hi everyone again Michael War 181 West Old this street 46 calling uh so Amry thank you for reading our letter we're glad everyone got it um we are here representing team Rochelle Park um and um uh we thought we' just tell you a little bit about who we are and uh Eddie you want to yeah uh hi everyone thank you for uh having else um yeah team Ral Park is a new idea uh it's basically something similar to other towns they have rotary rotary clubs or liance clubs or whatever they supped to have basically it's uh in this town we're trying to do like a grassroot uh kind of movement or Club where we basically advocate for the citizens of this town uh bring up their concerns uh anything that we can do to help uh it's bipartisan uh it's not political it's from both parties or any party anyone can join it's basically just to help bring the town together so we can get things done uh basically get things done in numbers um bring it up to the council see what we can do how we can help the town um many one of the ideas is the tree shade tree uh commission planting trees uh the side walks walkable streets those are uh initial thoughts right and again the ideas those are initi thoughts they're not all encompassing and I know I've been up here talking about you know these are items that I care about a lot it doesn't mean we all share that same caring about those items but at our meeting in January I have to say it was a nice mix of people from from both sides of the aisle coming together to talk about what what they care about uh a lot of it had to do with beautification Town Pride events um sponsoring fun contests getting that sense of community back um and uh Team Rell Park can try to address all those things and we think that strengthen numbers uh will help us not just at a local level but going to the county you know um I think when people go on individual basis they might feel defeated but with a group of people connected in some way um we think that that there's um this is something that that that we should explore um we're working on becoming a 501 C4 which is like a rotary club right um and um we came here tonight with a Dual Purpose not only to introduce ourselves but to invite the township committee to our next um uh meeting on February 8th um we had a very um lovely surprise basically uh we have someone in town who um put together a presentation on the flooding yes um deep research oh my gosh um it was very enlightening um and um he took us through a ful PowerPoint of things that the township committee can advocate for to the county to the state we know that Rosell Park alone cannot fix the flooding we know it it's it's I know when people come to you and say what are you doing to fix it well we want to invite you to this presentation and um it's not like an ambush or gotcha thing um it's we think you should see what this gentleman has put together um and his name is Sam he lives down on patent Court um and um um February 8th is our meeting the only slight issue is that we meet in the little library media room would it be possible to meet in the senior center that night we'd like to open up uh to invite members of the public if they'd like to come see the presentation and we don't we don't really have the authority to use the senior center so oh 7 700 p.m. February 8th um for am um just you know we do have harmless agreement yeah okay fine well we figured you're you know Dean you're welcome to come too like I mean duh but um the township committee not the lawyer you can leave the lawyer at home he'll bill you but um um but we'd like to open up to try and get some some residents who might who might not understand why the things are happening to them we know that when events like flooding occur people panic and there's this this presentation goes over this uh issue in great detail and in a way that doesn't come off as like too highbrow or too technical um and so we wanted to invite you we team Rochelle Park has also reached out to our County Representatives um and state representatives so if any of you have connections with those people you know anyone here talks to anyone uh remind them that we I sent an email um and uh they are more than welcome to come too um even invite Congressman pass gr I I mean if someone comes from here we have to try something right so February 8th 7:30 7 o' 7 p.m. in the senior center um I'll just send you like an email like just formally this that um and the I think the presentation you'll find enlightening and uh hopefully leads to some good discussion amongst the five and it breaks out the deta detail like who's responsible for what it's not everything that falls on us yeah and people think it does it does not so after you see this the slideshow just you know and and hear the presentation it was it was very yes very well done so thank you and we look forward to working with you guys oh yes I man so I mean this is great this is community oriented and thank you for getting this together and I just want to give an example of community so today um a little dog went missing down in the M it and it happened to be you know few nights ago they didn't find him man no no they didn't find her um and a group of people I understand there like 20 25 people were out pretty much all day I believe I believe the organization that started the organiz organizer that started with Christina Holtz and um just put out a a general thing well so many people came out to look for this dog yeah and we' been reading two nights before I mean I was driving around my because I know the area very well if you don't know the maze I'm going to tell you sometimes you get very lost but I grew up there so I know and I'm looking and we're all trying to do it but that's that's community that I remember all right that was back in the day that everybody seemed to work together no matter what your beliefs are whatever we all work and this is what is I think is great about it because we want to bring that back so this is something that would be right I mean I don't know if you would be out looking for a dog I don't know if that's part of it but hey if you can get a few people yeah she just put it out I believe on Facebook I don't know details but I believe she put out hey I'm going to meet at 12:00 yeah and she said 20 25 people came out in the rain in the cold unfortunately I from what I understand they didn't find the dog but they looked everywhere and so this community thing in my opinion it is a wonderful opportunity visit our website to learn more thank you so much for your time have a great night everyone real quick May through the chair it's okay I would strongly suggest and he's in the audience today um and invite to our OEM coordinator cuz he also has a fantastic flood presentation yeah as long open minded about it I think there may be some you know a good a good you know dialogue that could occur there and your I'm not looking to turn this into a tip T where we're going to have an argument between the res I think the resident has done a wonderful job no detriment to our OEM at all this has nothing to do with them fair enough but as long as there's no argument I'm fine with that and lastly to your point of it's not just the roosha park is you um members of this committee and myself sat on a very well productive call with Senator Lana and our assembly uh folks Lisa Swain specifically um and they acknowledge flat out it's beyond County and state that it's going to take Federal Partners um and you know it was acknowledged that the Army Corp of engineer last did a report on the Saddle River in 1986 and dropped their project just dropped it I graduated high school in 86 Michael look at me I'm not young I'm not a young man um so but the talks are there so to your point and you know again this is just more information and really all it is it's not going to uh have there's no like you know surprise aha oh my God they solved it it's just very information based thank you so much I will I will hopefully be able to I reached out to the assembly woman to set up that meeting that was discussed great um I reached out to them and um she got and I will reach out a try again for you sure yeah I mean I sent the email I would appreciate emails thank you thank you hi and Ryan Howard Avenue I just only came up because I wanted a piggy back on that um Sam was his name yes okay I just attended the Bergen County OEM mitigation planning meeting in hackin sack before I came here Sam was given an opportunity to bring that report to them and he is emailing it he is they are also going to be emailing everything back to the count uh to the communities all of the different municipalities I think 70 in Bergen County yes all 70 have to get involved apparently 68 he said uh were affected by flooding uh recently so I just want to let you know that Sam was able to get that presentation to the Bergen County OEM as well that's all [Music] Dian Hassel farest place um couple things first um a reminder Chief Pinto we've talked about the resolution about no smoking on Municipal property I know we were saying it might happen in January so since it hasn't I'd love to see it happen in February if possible put it on for work session for discussion that is a trash can I really want to get done I mean because I've seen people still go in there smoking and you don't want to wait till a fire to have a problem um the second thing and this is not connected to the people that talking about parking but I want to know if the policy about parking Municipal Lots is changed because there are people parking and let's say the parking lot down by carlet field and even though it says if you're not supposed to be there you get towed I don't think anybody has been and I just think if in general people can park there any other Municipal lot and the public should know because there's residents that are parking there so I don't know during Camp hours just during Camp hours or activities but it says if you're not there for that your car will be towed yeah which we have for recreation we' actually the police have come down well they're at night they're parking at night it's the same same I'm not questioning the resolution I'm saying if the policy has changed that people can't park there then other people need to know too that's all because there are people that are parking there almost every night um and then my other question is um and I didn't want to ask the engineer I figured you guys or Dean would know um whose responsibility is to check when um across the street um who's their inspector is it Jimmy D Maria or who does that depends on what you're talking about well what I'm talking about is that they had specific D restrictions put on them and they built I don't know if you want to call it a d or whatever with stones and now yeah it's there with pictures I'm just telling you and they Brown just visited the site and well if they took down the Dy that's great with stones they put up and they have two giant piles of dirt one of mam one of dirt and if they're changing the elevation um they're not supposed to as per D this hassle I that that would all fall under the buron County Soil Conservation committee the D P inspectors Boswell engineering James D Maria and the numerous inspector that's I'm asking who's who does the basic inspection of it so would be Jim numerous inspectors right we have different people so the buron County Soil Conservation committee does the soil part of it James D Maria and his team will go out and do their specific well if they're doing what they're told they can't do raising the elevation who does that fall under the soil people are not going to say you're using the wrong dirt why are you throwing out a conspiracy theory that they're raising the I'm not throwing out a conspiracy theory I'm questioning why they have a pile of dirt that's taller than me and they have bulldozers pushing it out when they were told they can't as for de I'm not coming up with a conspiracy Dean it's the reality of what they're doing the people in Lake View are getting flooded because they're pushing the water from here that way so I'm just asking who's supposed to be checking it the buron County Soil Conservation committee will make sure that the right amount of soil is removed from the property okay the elevations will be checked by Boswell engineering and our Construction okay well that's what I want to know who's in charge saying it's a conspiracy theory it's reality it's what thank you oh by the way I have your answer about Boswell I know you had asked last meeting that they did work for it was asked at the meeting Plaza yeah they they work for Parise so the burrow paramis they did sanitary sewer work that has nothing to do with storm water I I have that the trans it's on the transcrip page 46 they announced it at the I understand but you said storm water run off it was sanitary sewer they did basics of of last month's um minutes you're welcome excuse me Pete Donell Emergency Management coordinator so I just want to mention that uh back on December 13th I attended the Bergen County Municipal Emergency Management coordinators meeting uh where the Bergen County Hazard mitigation Plan update was discussed we we participated in this plan for uh it's over 20 years we started out as an individual entity and then they Incorporated uh all the municipalities into one countywide Hazard mitigation plan uh we will be meeting with folks from Michael Baker um Incorporated who's actually uh the county hired to do the plan so we're going to bring in our stakeholders we'll talk to you about when they're going to schedule that meeting we'll bring in whoever we need to bring in from the township committee I will be at that meeting on the 8th I'll take Mr Warren's invitation yes and and I do plan on being there so uh I look excuse me I look forward to uh to seeing what this gentleman has to uh has to say so thank youi board Street um I noticed on the agenda there's no public portion at the end of the meeting is that correct it's correct this is I know there was discussion of the bylaws and putting public portion in or out um is that affected by your bylaws or something I believe we said it it was after the committee the Comm I believe the bylaw so is that assuming that all the appointments are going to be approved you can't assume anything exactly and um your point that you brought up with the bylaws and everything that should actually have been pulled and discussed in a work session not just discussed at the reorganization we have to do a reor bylaw um if I may answer that the bylaws are usually done as approval and a reward and that's why I said we have to correct you decided to start to discuss them what you should have done is pulled them out for a work session to discuss all the nitty-gritty and the so now now you don't have a public portion at the end so what if you do or you don't like them in fact there's one in here that actually didn't give you the right to have a closed session at the beginning of the meeting because it hasn't been approved you address no the the just for clarification purposes the agenda the agenda comes up for approval the township committee by resolution is entitled to make those changes so the public was not here at that point but the meeting was properly opened the pledge of was taken the roll call was taken at the time of the approval the agenda a motion was made to move close session up that motion was seconded and then approved so that was procedurally correct so you move closed session up but how do we know how you're going to approve all this we have no right to discuss or to raise questions or to have any anything answered if you have any questions on these things that this is the nitty-gritty of the meeting so why can't the public have any discussion on that so through the through the mayor if I may assuming everyone's okay answering so i' I've talked about this in the past the point of public portion is to allow the public to speak on items on the agenda before the township committee votes so the time for the public to weigh in on the resolutions that are going to be voted on is now so that the township committee can take your comments okay and then should they so choose to discuss your comments they can discuss it before passing the resolutions if public portion is at the end of the meeting essentially the township committee will have gone and passed all the resolutions without giving the public the opportunity to weigh in clarified so bylaws I'd like to know what the new bylaws that are being proposed what you're proposing I'd like to know how they're changing because I heard discussion about meetings time you know it used to be the closed session was only as needed that's why it was at the end so you calling a meeting at 6:00 for closed discussion it may not happen so we sit here till 7:30 or we sit here or we miss a meeting you know um it should have been pulled for work for work session the other one is uh like I said you didn't approve yourself to have a closed session you didn't pass that resolution yet so um that's that point and um did you realize when you didn't approve your professionals that you were going to have to cancel Court did you realize that by not approving these things you had to cancel Court sure so so your decisions by grandstanding affect a lot more people not just you know you can make your mark when you come up here but you affect a lot more people in town Mr Dr I just have to respond to one thing for clarification purposes Clos session is by law there's a statute that requires the township committee to go in a closed session to speak about issues that are specifically excluded from the public traditionally every year at a reorganization meeting uh a a resolution is passed for Clos session items but it's very important for public to understand that by law the township committee is required to go into Clos session regardless of when that resolution is passed or not the resolution for Clos session am was what on for tonight we did we did so it was passed already at the beginning we pulled it and passed it but just yeah but just just the public wait the meeting the meeting was published for six o' so the meeting properly open six and again I just want to make sure I clarify for everyone just so everyone's aware going to Clos session is statutory it's required by law and what you go in a close session for is laid out in that statute so the township committee is always right and go in a close session discuss those matters um that being said I believe the resolution was passed we did we passed it earlier on just to clarify the record so by not approving all the professionals assuming you're going to present them and did you meet with any of these people in the 30 days that between the last three weo meeting and this meeting did you meet with the people that you objected to or that you found you couldn't approve them if I may mayor uh all that happened is that we tabled uh those resolutions from the January 3rd meeting and that was voted on unanimously by the entire committee right I get that but you guys brought it up and really did you realize that Court was going to be cancelled that's a revenue that comes in every month and that affects a lot more people than just you know it's not the school board I get the effect that you're trying to reinvent the school board here it's not the same but anyway um if you didn't interview anybody why'd you hold it up uh and uh Dean I overdue we didn't flood on Ward Street so I say thank you for all the work that pamis did that you were instrumental in doing and also the building looks very nice I've come here a few times and I should have said that so you know um the grand standing was noted thank you as I mentioned at the last meeting I hadn't received the resolutions prior to the meeting decisions imp on all the res and all those professionals were held over not really anybody else for a public question Schneider how we have Rell Park Dean uh you mentioned before about the letters uh they did go out I'm one of the people that did get it just if you could answer you mentioned before black and beach has something to what are there what's B purpose can I talk about them more because they're up for appointment or can I just go a little bit Miss so it's one of the professionals that's on for appointment he's asking a question about who they are they haven't been put on yet I just heard you mention I no they hav oh okay so they're not on yet but they they in on yeah they were one of the professionals that is on for today okay that's all I the discussion about that look I'd love to give you the background I think you'll be happy like to close make a motion have somebody make a motion to close public motion I'll second all in favor approval uh make a motion for approval of minute to Des send by and reorganization meeting all on January 3r 2024 sign I first yes there a motion approve a motion to approve minutes these are the minutes I'll make the motion um I'm obain so uh committee woman or Paula you just want to make the statement for record yes so I read the minutes I although I was not here I read the minutes so I can vote on it I suppose I can that is correct second the motion made by right committee woman Ora yes committee woman judge carello obain committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi St and mayor petti yes [Music] ask for a motion for a re organ a second is there a second oh second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge carella yes committee M yes Deputy Mayor PES yes and mayor petti yes [Music] [Music] all items listed under each heading are considered to be routine and not controversial by a council committee and will be approved by one motion there will be one separate discussion of these items unless the Committee Member or citizen so request which case the item will be considered separate and its normal consequence of the agenda as part of the general order so I just want to pull just uh six of them to vote individually I'm going to pull uh resolution number 024-0003 5 024 d026 uh 024 d027 and 024 D 037 got it okay and then I have to pull the I have to pull 02451 so that I can stain on the 23 M um bills on that that's only one to me that's it thank you okay thank you so the rest we can approve yeah you can now you can ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda as amended or wait we need a we did already with which session yeah that's fine but what you do now is you ask for a motion to amend the consent agenda everyone says yes and then you make a motion to pass the consent agenda as amended okay so because now those were pulled so you need a motion to amend the consent agenda first can I get a motion to oh yeah wait any else I have to make a motion to amend resolution 024 d045 is that b that's okay that should be pulled so why we pull that one as well so committee monor Pichi is pulling resolution 02445 five okay now you can have asked for a motion to amend the consent agenda having removed those items you have a motion end exended that agenda I make a motion than for second I'll second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Pella yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor petti yes okay now you can ask for a motion to pass the consent agenda as amended and then you can take the individual pulled items okay ask for motion pass set agenda as amended as amended I'll make a motion I'll second committee woman OA yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor yes and yes resolution number 024 019 resolution appointing the township attorney yeah I'll make a I'll make a motion to vote on this there a second I'm sorry this is for 0209 oh1 n okay yeah I just want to vote on these individually I so you're making the motion yeah okay I'll second it committee woman are talk yes committee woman Judge cell no committeeman miller no Deputy Mayor pachy yes and mayor B yes how do you made a motion to vote for it but then you voted against it vote individually okay to vote individually yeah Okay resolution number to vote on 024 020 resolution appointing a Township attorney engineer Sor wrong my Township engineer for vot or you need a motion I need a motion motion to vote on that I'll make the motion second I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge Pell no committee man Miller no Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor bti yes resol number 024 025 resolution appointing a tax appeal attorney I get a motion to take a vote on that I'll make a motion I'll second committee woman OTA yes committee woman judge Cella no committee man Miller no Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor bti yes resolution 024 026 resolution appointing a municipal prosecutor make a motion to vote on that I'll make a motion you get a second I'll second committee woman OA yes committee woman judge cavello no committeeman miller no Deputy Mayor aichi yes and mayor bti yes resolution number 024 027 resolution appointing a public defender you get a motion I'll make the motion second I'll second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge cello no committee man Miller no Deputy Mayor aichi yes and Maya bti yes the next one was 37 37 37 uh resolution number 024 037 resolution appointing special councel for affordable housing I get a motion to take a vote for that I'll make the motion get a second I'll make a second committee woman Arta yes yes committee woman judge Cella no committee man Miller no Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor bti yes 515 45 45 45 has to be amended we need to amend this Okay resolution number 024 045 resolution authorizing the hiring of De PTO asba want to peachy who's going to make a motion yes I'm making a motion to amend this we're going to um i' like to make the motion to increase it from 60,000 to 70,000 is there a second I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge cllo yes committee M Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes and mayor bassetti yes 51 payment Bill bills of December resolution number 02451 resolution authorizing payment of bills get a motion for the vote I'll make the motion second anybody second I'll second committee woman Olla yes committee woman judge crll obain committeeman Miller yes Deputy Mayor aain and mayor petti yes okay [Music] do you yeah you can read resolution number 02458 a resolution authorized and renewal of contract and reappointment of the chief of police is there a motion for that I'll make a motion I'll second committee woman OTA yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor petti yes okay and then resolution 02459 a resolution authorizing settlement proposal for successor collective bargaining agreement with roel Park SOA I'm motion I'll second committee woman OTA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor petti yes and the last one 02460 a resolution authoriz and settlement proposal for for Collective bargain agreement with Ral Park PBA I'll make a motion uh second committee woman OTA yes committee woman judge crll yes committee yes Deputy Mayor pich yes and mayor bti [Music] yes5 yeah that was done with the um with the uh consent agenda okay [Music] okay make a motion to close second I'll second next meeting February 14th to work session [Music] 7:00