yeah appreciate open public meeting act according to the open public meetings act this meeting of December 13 20123 was sent to the hour toown and the record and published on January 9th 2023 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and on rocho Park's website and Facebook page and has been remain continuously posted has a required notice under the statute and is being recorded and video tap in addition a copy of this notice has and been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk roll call committee woman Arta here committee woman benefit here committee man M here committee man Miller here Deputy Mayor mayor bassetti you have a quarum committee woman thank you pledge of allegiance and moment of silence I'd like to have the moment of silence for the for good and happiness in the new coming year to all the residents of Russia I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the stand Nation [Music] indivisible no presentations today no correspondence approval of the agenda can I have a uh motion motion please one minute I just have one suggestion I like the town chief committee to count P resolution 23227 resolution authorizing a shared service agreement with ber County uh I've exchanged some emails with the county as well as our bu Engineers I have two items uh regarding that resolution that I need to discuss with the county before we move forward and I'll elaborate on those two items uh further on the meeting and then the close session and the close session because it involves negotiations of the potential Shar Services okay so I in addition yes thank committee I'd like to add to close session uh negotiations for both the T-Mobile uh lease agreement as well as the uh potential shared service agreement with so you want to we want P yeah let's pull 23227 and 23230 and then I could address both of those items in the close session inv negotiation thank you is there a motion is there a motion to to the agenda with with the changes I make the motion I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman bonface yes committeeman Miller yes committeeman M MOS yes just just to clarify that was a motion to pull those two items off from the agenda okay everyone's clear Y and accept the agenda those changa as amended okay uh discussion Boswell engineering Mr Rockwell good evening Bruce Rockwell from Boswell engineering here to give the engineers update report Rell Avenue and railroad uh on November 8th we submitted temporary construction easement to uh Township attorney on 11:14 the railroad accepted the sidewalk utility easements the county has issued an updated shared services agreement that uh the attorney just spoke about um that's on a resolution for tonight but that's been tabled or is going to be dealt with in discussion there's some uh uh ongoing uh discussion on that agreement once a do approval is received by the county we will execute utility agreements and we'll schedule a joint utility project coordination meeting and uh the uh railroad has affirmed that they will have the funding in place for the project as of January 2024 the sanitary uh sewer pump station uh njsp FEMA issued an RFI to Boswell engineering on November 8th uh the Boswell responses were submitted back on uh December 5th uh this was in this is in furtherance of their brick Grant application on December 8th njsp FEMA submitted a second RFI to Boswell uh which we're working on responded that request our responses are due back on January 8 2024 how we intend on uh meeting that deadline on the responses ms4 storm water mapping digitize digitization and mapping the storm water sewer system uh the the uh maps are estimated at 70% completion the system alignment has been mapped the attribute information on the storm water infrastructure system data is being entered and we are on track for completing the map by the end of the year Howard Avenue drainage and resurfacing on November 8th contract was executed with the contractor laforza on November 21st Town confirmed receipt of the initial payments for the two smaller NJ do grants on November 30th the uh larger uh Grant was confirmed as having been processed an initial payment by NJ do contractor has conducted test pits to establish Lo ation of existing Gas and Water Services and Shop drawing reviews are currently being processed by Boswell engineering and the contractors confirmed the drainage structures have been ordered Eldorado and Crescent so this came up at the last meeting the resident uh a resident at 14 elado uh is uh a concern with regard to the contractor's work uh this will be maybe the third time time that uh we've heard his concerns uh We've responded twice before uh I took it Liberty to go out and inspect the property myself the the day after the last meeting uh we are intending to take the contractor and our inspector back out and meet with the homeowner and uh discuss that further uh I can't tell you that the road is very flat there um and um you know I know we've said that we probably can't improve the situation but we're going to try to discuss that and see if we can find some resolution with that uh resident I it's my understanding it might even give some historical data that shows there was some modifications made to the property itself that's correct um sometime during during this work or right before the work the uh the driveway was widened um the other thing that we noticed um is it in the before pictures before the work we could see staining from water on the driveway so there's evidence that water has always been collecting you know on the driveway uh but you know regardless you know we we want to try to do the best we can to resolve the issue there thank you thanks uh digital tax maps uh uh we require a final meeting with Jim Teague uh Jim is I guess on a part-time schedule and he's got a pretty substantial uh task to uh uh redo all the lot and block numbers so we can submit that to approval for division of taxation so we're presently on hold waiting for Jim to uh complete that task um once once Jim completes that task we'll have a final meeting with him and then uh we'll we'll complete that project uh let is the Dorothy and gerud and Pleasant Avenue Road improvements a little bidder was DLS Contracting total bid amount of $139,600 uh the recommendation of a Ward and bid summary was sent to the town on November 27th Town awarded project at the November 29th meeting bwell provid a bit summary and recommendations of award letter to uh cdbg on December 5th and a resolution of award to cdbg on December 6th next steps are uh contract execution and scheduling in a preconstruction meeting Harvey Avenue this is from uh West pic to Han Avenue we submitted a proposal for bid Document Preparation to the town on November 8th that propos included surveying work and engineering design work survey being uh 13,3 50 engineering um proposal was $39,900 preliminary construction cost estimate for that work is $473,500 on November 14th the town accepted the proposal the survey fieldwork is underway and it's anticipated to be completed by the end of this week and once the survey is completed design work will commence uh storm water Control Ordinance uh the the town introduced uh the njde mandated private salt shed ordinance at the November 20th uh 2023 for the first reading November 20th that was 29th wasn't it a typo um and the schedule uh schedule for adoption the ordinance is on for tonight I believe okay and adoption as a state mandated deadline of January 1st so we will uh meet that deadline Lincoln Drive in Chestnut Avenue the Grant application submission has a deadline in December 15 and Boswell intends to submit the resolution tomorrow once it is approved tonight and forward it to us tomorrow and that's the end of the report thank you thank you Bruce hold on one minute we have a question is to the engineer I would estimate right B you want to just pass motion open ask for a motion can I make a motion open yeah I'll make a motion to open to the public for engineering only I'll second all in favor I thank you I've been reading in the in the various papers and so forth reference across the street that by April they they're looking to start to occupy the building I was just wondering um cuz I really didn't hear much of a report pertaining to the um to this Pump Station what was happening are you are you finished with the design work we are not 100% complete with the design work we are going through uh submission and comments back from uh FEMA njsp FEMA okay I I understand that part of it you know because I I know that you have requirements for fale I'm just trying to get some kind of an idea when because the town's really going to be kind of like in a predicament here very soon they're going to start occupying the building we're not going to be ready we're not even starting construction yet matter of fact we don't really know exactly what's happening with the plans and and I think that's a major issue it's a big problem you know I mean is the pump station the current Pump Station going to be able to handle the additional 160 units that are going to be are going to be opened up so I I just just kind of just wondering where all that is you know and so Bruce if you look on the long form of your report on page four it talks about um the plans were near in completion uh the next internal status meeting was scheduled for October 31st so I thinking from our especially they were like 95% on 90% on yeah the design as far as I understand the design is complete I mean met with the town twice and in your experience if we were even to go out to bid tomorrow and award that how long is it going to take for that type of project to be built I would say estimation yeah that's probably a 12 month project does that help you Mr David yeah no again I just trying to get an idea because again I'm reading where it's it's they're looking to occupy they're actually doing hard hard at yeah they were scheduled for an October 24 but I think they're way ahead of schedule yeah I mean that's fine but I'm just it's just that we're kind of like in a situation where it's going to be occupied very soon and we're quite a quite a bit out as far as that's concerned I also understand that we have the whole issue with the you know with the FEMA trying to get the monies for that but you know I just wanted to know what was happening yeah I don't I don't think it's so much the money issue I mean I think the grant is is pretty solidified at this point um FEMA you know whenever the federal government gets money out they're they're pretty particular and some of the questions that just recently came back which were not anticipated uh they are looking for commitments and certifications to secure that the portions of in infrastructure that we move out of the flood plane that nothing will be moved back into the flood plane so these weren't really necessarily design questions okay there questions they're asking relative to compliance and looking for you know documentation certifications that we're not going to move anything back there once and they're not going to be they're not going to be submitting a check to us for the 1.9 or whatever it was right off the bat anyway so right but so so where are we with the financing do before do we know if the pump station can handle the units I I was never told it couldn't handle the units the new units I mean that's that's the first I'm hearing of this specific concern I can certainly go back and talk to our our Rel no I I've never heard that they couldn't handle the unit so I don't you're bringing this up that it can't I don't know I don't know if anyone up here knows if it can't handle it part of the B Street sewer there a lot of problems like the Val there's a valve that won't open if it starts to flood it's frozen shut well flooding is a different thing but I'm just saying in general is it able to handle the up or anything there's no that's why we had to pump out uh when we had the failure before they had to pump it into tanks and then drop it up in May so you have an asset if you will that's fully depreciated uh you know it's it's over 60 years old um I would venture to say and this is only my opinion that the land use board that allowed it after sitting with our Engineers who happened to be Bosell I believe at the time wouldn't have allowed it right if they they would have thought I mean I would assume that that that during those testimonies the engineers would have said you're going to have a problem here I know they improved bdan Street we did a relining and I know Dave's around here somebody usually hides behind a pole but back that that's my understanding but again I'm not saying that it can't handle I asked the question okay I'm not saying I can't handle it I'm just I'm asking yeah what I do know what I do know about this pump station and recent work is that there's been improvements made with the piping and the lining to to inhibit infiltration corre which becomes a capacity issue so that's been an improvement I'm well aware uh you know if if you wanted specific numbers I'd have to go back and to to the engineers in I'm not looking for you to do that I'm just I'm just posing these questions course it's going to be occupied and we're not going to be ready with a new pump station that's really what I'm trying to just see where we are with us thank you thank you for time appreciate any questions any more questions I'll make a motion yeah I'm sorry I make a motion to close I'll second it uh all in favor I I I thank you thank you again all right thank you thanks brce okay we're going to go to reports administrator report I just want to wish everybody uh gu happy happy holiday season Merry Christmas and uh Happy New Year because we will not reconvene until after the New Year um if there's anything else I need to interject on I well as the committee gives their report okay let's go uh Perry committee report okay uh building report for November 2023 permits issued with 24 uccc inspections were 101 total value of construction is 1.85 56 million permit fees collected was $31,900 zoning inspections eight zoning applications 12 zoning violations zero uh continuing certificate of occupancies $3,050 Standalone inspections with three Property Maintenance violations issued was one complaints zero CCO inspections were eight total fees collected were $35,500 the management the staff and code enforcement the police officers have been instructed to look for such a waste uh we've been unsuccessful and tracking down who exactly is leaving it there we think it might be a temporary employee on weekends but um so if anybody sees it please call the police desk and we order the building department we'll forward it you know over to code enforcement um code enforcement is very aware of two businesses with temporary vertical signs he's dealing with it one is the market on roal Avenue so if anybody wants to come up to the phone and tell me about it we're aware of it please call if you see these things again during the day call the building department we can if you don't want to use the app we'll put it in the app and uh our code enforcement officer waret will go right out and site it but again he's dealing with those two business owners another complaint that you may get is there's construction vehicles parked at 365 West Page Street that's laforza construction who's doing all the work for us on Howard Avenue he made his own arrangement with the ownership um and they are park closer to Powell Avenue so we have gotten some complaint points but again it's private property and it's our vendor so rather than leaving on the street uh we think it's more secure and safe to have construction equipment off the roadways our side streets and in that parking lot and we're happy that the uh owner's Bergman realy of 365 was kind enough to uh make that Arrangement that's all I have on it and I'm done with my report thank you thank you yeah okay so the police department monthly report for November for November a total of 1,77 calls for service were answered for the month of November 168 motor vehicle stops were conducted and a total of 331 summons in warnings issued 42 suspicious persons vehicles and occurrences were investigated a total of 25 adult rests were made encompassing 48 different criminal charges these criminal arrests were highlighted by a prostitution staying at a local massage parlor which was arranged planned and executed by our Police Department detective Bureau great work guys officers are continuing to meet and greet the Youth of our community while engaging in the 2023 police trading card program please encourage your child to collect all 28 cards we are currently planning in the planning stage for all 2024 community events with announcements to follow in January the 2023 njspba holiday toy drive will conclude on December 18th as officers will deliver the donated toys to the closer fire department where they will be sorted and delivered to local children's hospitals new unwrapped toys will be accepted at the police head headquarters until December 25th for training uh detective Sergeant shaken volunteered his time and knowledge to instruct the Bergen County Police Academy recruits on arrest search and seizure laws Lieutenant Kowski instructed the same Academy in the art of report writing officer civia attended mandatory monthly training as a member of the Bergen County Regional SWAT team Sergeant leoy attended and graduated for the New Jersey PTC Firearms instructor course and SRO Lieutenant Stapleton attended Behavior threat assessment training with regards to student behavior in schools I volunteered with assert at our Township Christmas tree lighting event the rain did not keep the people away nor did it wash out our Christmas spirit or holiday tier thank you to our recre department for all their work to our police office of emergency management C and our volunteer fire department who transported a special visitor from the North Pole to our event on Saturday morning I assisted the American Legion with their delivery of Toys for Tots to the Marines at the Rosell Park train station the police and Girl Scouts were also making their donations our volunteer fire department had the fire engine on site and there were so many others bringing donations the marine volunteers counted every to collected and received over 2,000 toys at this location alone thank you for all your generosity thank you again to the American Legion for hosting the breakfast with Santa to benefit Autism Speaks I attended on Sunday with my mom and we got to meet Santa and his elves I took a trip to vanu park to see the town Christmas tree decorated by our boy scout troop 114 and Cub Scout Pack 1199 each of the 70 towns in berken county is assigned a tree to decorate thank you boys it looks great the trees are displayed by the ice rink as part of the winter wonderland event which includes ice skating ice bumper cars and food and beverage vendors there is also the Leto holiday Lantern spectacular while I was there I visited Zoo not all the animals are present during the cold weather but it was nice to commune with the ones that are Zoo mission is free until April 1st that's all thank you Mr nothing from me I just want to say Happy holidays I hope everyone enjoys this festive season with their loved ones and I look forward to seeing everybody in the new year thank you so much thank you uh my committee report is short and sweet I wish everybody a happy holiday season I wish the town in the future all the best and I mean that so that's it right Mr attorney happy Holidays happy safe holidays to everybody um this time of year is a wonderful time of year but it's important to focus on the most important things that matter which is your family and your health uh so it's always good to do that I want to thank uh committee woman bonf for her service to the township Rell park for the number of years that she's been on here uh it has been a pleasure to serve with her uh and while we don't always agree on certain things and you're not supposed to agree on everything that's part of this um she has always truly served in the best interest of the residents that truly leave that so I just want to thank her for her service and wish her well in her future endeavors and thank you thank you everyone um what do we up public portion can I have a make can someone make a motion to open the public portion of the meeting oh I'm sorry clerk report no that's right okay okay okay can somebody make the motion for open the public I'll second all in favor I yes so come on up to the microphone Hi how are you debor w 39 Central Avenue thank you for the uh best wishes and holidays and so forth um we have a new owner that took over the house and um you know you know not major changes happen but what behooves me is that this town roell park is the only town that does not have a cap on um rent control um I have paper here to show that New Jersey has t you know renters tenants rights have like each town has like a percentile but roell park is not the only one I don't think it's correct that someone can jack up rent 28% when you have hackin sack Maywood for you know starting at two up to 6 8% I mean we're working hard to how to pay our bills I mean I see homelessness out here I fed a woman out here it's cold and everything they're building apartment buildings here I find it a concern because it's when you're building apartments 160 units as I hear here there's apartments designated all throughout roell Park this year the town is Chang it's becoming more diverse it's becoming a change but this year I'm asking you know why is roia Park seem to be Exempted from is a town in New Jersey that doesn't have a cap as to how much a homeowner or apartments can jack up the rent I mean you know we don't I don't work in the city I work here you know I'm doing the best to pay my bills but for a 28% increase I don't have that kind of money who does so I'm just here to kind of you know plead before everybody to consider this here because I mean there's rights there's you know tenants are you know we're good tenants we're Law buying citizens and and for there having no percentile and caps this is a concern to me I've been here for 18 years over 18 years you know my son's graduated college and everything and everybody's doing what they need to do you know I I think I I thank God for my blessings and you know that God blesses each and every one of us in here you know but I have a concern about this here how you know and I'm told that this is a political matter that you know we got to see and I see that the mayor's not here to address it with him I mean I I I just like to know how we can get help resolution behind us here want me to answer yeah I all I could say to you is this is the end of the year um I won't be on the committee next year Mr MOS won't be on the committee but I'm going to highly recommend that the committee members who are sitting here next year seriously take this into account because I've had a lot of people reach out to me including my own brother uh about the percentages in rent there are a lot of things that go into the question I'm sorry that's all right there are a lot of things that go into um that decision and whether or not the decision needs to be made is certainly at the beest of the public body there are many towns that don't have rent control um population a lot of different things that come into it if this Township committee is interested something like that my office can certainly look into it but there are a lot of different facets that come into it not solely just helping the residents there's a lot of different Logistics that come into whether or not a town is going to adopt a right control or even has a right control board which I don't believe we have no normally you find it in larger cities in urban areas that have it um something may it's a small town too like you know it's not just that but again it's something that committee would like to look into in the future that could snow would certainly have been to if I may so this question came to me back in October and I actually reached out to several I think I had am reach out to most clerks in Bergen County um the only two that returned that they actually have rank control there was just two municipalities these bullet points were sent to the mayor at the time and that discussion was had but you know it's obviously Food For Thought for the new year yeah I think so and again sent the township Comm one my office look into it we'll be able to look into that can I leave this with someone or yeah that's the statute right M that's right that's fine you give me copies for everybody thank you thank you for I don't know if it'll work but you should look into it hi everyone Michael Warren 181 West Old the street um if the body would entertain me for a second I do have a small token for Miss bonface and a a slight speech to give then I do have a final comment for 2023 regarding Township business is that okay if I go beyond the 3 minutes okay everybody do their best to stay with yeah yeah well it's Miss Bona's last meeting I won't be at the reorg um and uh boy Linda you come a long way in that seat and I'm so proud of you for doing it tonight uh for running the meeting um uh I met you seven years ago when you sat in this audience with me and you were railing against the house I heard I missed the best of Linda Bon of face going against the house in 2015 but I got to see a lot of it in 2016 when I ran and when we sat together on the day is uh in um 2018 and 19 um I want you to know you've done a great job and that you took on this Ro uh with so much passion and vigor you have learned so much about this governing body and everything that goes with it and I don't think people give you enough credit for that are you a tough broad yes do you say it like it is whether people like to hear or not yes does it come off nice sometimes no but I always told you if you were a man you'd be the most respected man in town so when I thought about tonight and what to say and what to get for you one thing came to mind boxing gloves pair of boxing gloves and Linda will knock you right on your ass I always say right and I thought you'd want to have a pair of these but they're not just any boxing gloves uh so Chris and I we we signed the one of the gloves but we also encourage you to have anyone else you want to have signed these gloves as a memory and a token of your time up here um so I put down RP champ Linda bonface love Michael and Chris and there's some pens in here uh that you can give out to whomever you'd want because I said if I were to ask people to sign them I know I would leave somebody out and once again someone else in Rosell Park would be mad at my Warren right um so these are for you I fig black goes with everything you this and um uh you have become a friend of mine a friend of Chris our family you know you've been in our home and part of our lives and um I just wanted to show the great respect that the people roell Park have for you even when things aren't that great and you know sometimes Linda does Linda you know too much and uh it's not easy being up there you and I talk about it all the time all of you up there know it too it's not easy at all so thank you for your time and your dedication to the town and I think you deserve a break and you've done enough fighting and boxing for a lifetime so can I just give these to Miss [Music] B okay so I just have um Switching gears to just my last comments of 2023 um I thought about what to say since my last visit um I just want to leave this with the with the body up here mainly Miss arola and Mr Miller um that the the resistance of the township committee to engage in the tree deficit in this town I had to juxtapose it with an event that occurred here the earlier this year where a woman came into a Township meeting who had never been to a meeting before and has never shown up again after asked to be able to have chickens and this entire body minus Miss Boniface could not act fast enough so you have to understand why I feel the way I feel about about this resistance to trees that this town has a tree deficit and my final thoughts for this year I'll be back next year with a new group a new title you guys have all read about it you cannot say you are interested in mitigating flooding but be resistant to planting trees they go hand in hand Mr Miller Miss Arta you cannot say you are doing everything thing to mitigate flooding not stop it we know that's a near impossibility but to mitigate it for our residence and be resistant to planting trees in town I just find it to be my mind explodes because I can't wrap my head around the logic so Merry Christmas Happy Holidays happy New Year um thank you all for your time up there this year Dean thank you up for up there for all the times I've emailed you and you've heard me talk about my my issues thanks thanks to Dave Brown who uh I think he is Mr tree now right um but um please this is the best time to start thinking about the future residents the people moving in the people who are going to be facing more and more water runoff um thank you so much have a good night thank you thank you Michael Michael as you know I'm a bare fisted fighter I know but even sometimes we have to be a little delicate sometimes right so that's for those [Music] times diber Hassel Forest Place first I want to thank the recreation also as it was before for their trolley ride Saturday it was very enjoyable it's the first time we did it and it was a lot of fun also the decorations around town are very festive and I think they're great so whoever did it thank you um two things one I don't know if it's certain computers or what but this is the second month that when I tried to go online and you go to the roal park page click on where it says Township agenda you don't get the agenda you get an error message it says 404 error there's ways to dig in and but if you go to the roell park page I got that and it's the second month so I just that's why I'm mentioning it um and last month's Township meeting it was announced the plaza is paying for Boswell to represent Ral Park engineering's interest I remember present but to to view all the plans okay um is the township committee aware that Boswell is also being paid by the plaza to represent their interest because that's a definite conflict of interest it may not be the same person but it's the same company why are you shaking your head it was because when I actually reached out to uh the class they were using negli well at the planning board meeting this past week this past last week they announced Boswell was doing their sewers and a few other engineering projects and that is a definite conflict of interest and Gail you were at the meeting when it was announced um I know they didn't have a public comment at that point but do you plan on bringing up that Boswell is representing us and them because that's a definite conflict of interest did you mention to anybody on the committee when this was announced at the planning I have not spoken to anyone on the committee about that topic you didn't no okay do you see that's a problem so we have in place that Boswell is looking at their plans we I got a stack this big from Boswell well from about the plan so Boswell is looking at it on our behalf okay and what about when the paramis planning board announced that they are using Boswell to look over certain parts of their project at the mall but you said they're working for the burrow not for the not for the plaza so that I would have no way that they're working Boswell Boswell is the one who announced that they are having them work for their project they're doing the sewage and a few well that's how they announced it at the meeting their lawyer announced it g you were there when he announced it but like we we had this project here our engineer looked at our sewers and stuff like that yes but I'm not saying if you if the same company is looking at from our point of view or representing the town and at the same time their company is also representing part of the project they're representing the township no they're representing the plaza that's what they announced at the meeting at the paramis meeting look into it because that's not it doesn't sound well Mr CI is the one who announced it he's their lawyer we'll have to look into it and we look into that just to make sure confirm what facet whe first all whether that's accurate I'm not saying from what you heard it wasn't but what facet and what capacity if that's the case they said there's sewer and a few other engineering components of the project okay so we'll have to look into it just to check you know but either way whether it's the whole project I'm wondering if you was saying it on our behalf no like talking storm water Roff and like down stream issues is what AR and traffic those are the two things that Boswell is going to be reviewing and the Imp on our behalf now he announced I'm just telling you what he announced at the prem's meeting so you know he announced we different parts of it the traffic guy gave his report whoever gave this report and he said and Boswell is doing this this this and this thank you Mr I we'll look into it thank you thank you Diane anyone [Music] else frine pasarella 32 theme Avenue I would just like to wish all of you and everyone in here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope next year is prosperous for everybody have a good one thank you anyone else I'll make a motion to close the public portion a second a second all in favor I'm I'm sorry I just wanted to make one more quick thing it escaped me that obviously this is also committee with Mosa's last meeting so I Echo the sement that I said about committee committee face also Committee in mosca for his service it's been a pleasure to work work with him as well and the same thing with regard to his interest with regard to the township so it was a pleasure and I thank him for his time uh because this is his last meeting as well that escaped me so want to add that comment thank you well actually s s you'll both be yeah that's what I assume that's why yeah but that's right meeting like is two second is true ordinances public hearing I'd like to make a motion to open to the public and this is the ordinance to amend chapter 80 of the code of the township of Roso Park entitled corrup construction code code enforcement department okay well I'll make the motion a second I'll second committee woman artas yes committee men mosa yes committee men Miller yes committee woman Bas yes so um anyone to speak on the topic of uh adoption of the ordinance 2023 uh 07 can I have a motion to close I'll make the motion I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee men Miller yes committee men mosa yes committee woman Bon yes can I have a motion to open to the public about ordinance uh number 2023 um 18 in ordinance to amend chapter 185 of the code of the township AR Roo Park entitled land use and development regulation to add a new section entitled privately owned salt study salt storage pass this we close and pass yes okay I'll make that motion second I'll second committee woman ARA yes committee men M yes committee man Miller yes and committee woman Bon yes anyone from the public to speak on this can I have a motion to close to the public I'll make the motion I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee men Miller yes committee man mosa yes and committee woman bonface yes and there was a motion to close and pass yes clarify the two part motions yeah closing after public hearing for 023 017 is to close and pass and 02318 was to close the public hearing and pass the ordinances everyone there yes those are the Motions everybody understands it yes nope we just we're just going to do 0 26 um 023 228 and 229 and 231 we took out 230 and [Music] 227 [Music] you I just asked for a motion for the consent agenda with the TW fold resolution has amended has amended uh resolutions has amended we're pulling uh 20 um 023 227 and 023 230 um we're going to make the motion to pass resolution 23 2 226 23228 23229 and 23 231 can I have a motion I'll make go ahead I'll make the motion and I'll second committee woman AA yes committee Mill yes committee men M yes and committee woman B yes can I make a motion to go into close session I'll make that will we be coming in well there will be no formal action taken after closed session after Clos session meeting will be immediately adjourned for the Public's benefit and close session where to discuss matters related to personnel and uh negotiations and a CL is there a second there wasn't a second yet I could he I'll make a motion to yeah and I'll second it all in favor all right thank you