the meeting the [Music] order open public meeting act njsa 10- uh 4-6 according to open public meeting act this meeting on February 28th 2024 was sent to our town and the record and published on January 8th 2024 posted on the Bolton board in minnesot building and on the roell Park website and Facebook page and has remained continuously posted as the required notice under the statute is being recorded and videotaped in addition the copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of mpal roll call committee woman Arta here committee woman Judge cell here committee men Miller here Deputy Mayor pichy and mayor bti here this time we raise for pledge of allegiance moment [Music] is I to FL flag of the United States of America the stands IND moment this time we got a couple of proclamations to do I'd like to call forward the birthday boy Christopher Alvarez and his family if they want to come up to you want to go read it from the microphone up there in the middle you guys [Music] right chare Alvarez Scout 14 H February 28 2024 the rank of eag scout whereas eag Scout rank is the highest rank that can be attained in the Scout whereas less than 5% of those involved in SC ever [Music] whereas Chris has several positions such as Web Master senior patrol leader and Junior Assistant Scout leader whereas Chris has earned many Mars including Mar BR has received the national outdoor War camping this has height 165 miles and camping 29 [Music] nights eager Park renovating to repairing and painting it and scoring it back with natural view now therefore be resol on behalf of the committee I city mayor the Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey do hereby extend congratulations and best Christopher coming an eagle scout this day February 28 2024 [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm good [Music] thank you so by the way as a result of your work we're doing a no smoking or Township proper yeah refer to as the Chris ala next up i' like to bring up Brandon Rico we're at bronico boy SC 114 is being honored February 28 2024 for achieving a rank of Eagle Scouts whereas Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank that could be attained in scouting whereas less than 5% of those involved ining ever attained R Brandon has as assistant senior patrol leader senior senior patrol leader and Junior Assistant Scout BR has earned many merit badges including a merit badge with back packing and W BR has hked over 12 8 Miles has SC over 60 nights Brandon Eagle Scout at Ro Park Avenue Ro Park providing the community with v Venture flowers to give it a park light setting now therefore be resolved on behalf of the township committee I mayor the Town Park County of ber state of New Jersey you hereby extend congratulations and best wishes to Bron of becoming count this day February 28th 2024 yeah you sure [Music] just okay [Music] okay [Music] a recognition yeah it's unnecessary yeah [Music] we may if I may for the Boy Scouts so uh I want to congratulate Brandon and Chris um I may have mentioned it before but first time I met Chris it was during Hurricane Irene and we were both in the church basement uh the church was giving out meals to those who were affected by the flood and him and his brother were so little and they were sitting in the corner trying to do their homework and get something to eat and I met his parents and it's just been a joy to watch them grow up since that time and it's been uh great to see them both excel in Boy Scouts and Brandon his father and I were in the same class and I've known him and his sister from church and and it's just great to see him and his mom here tonight and his family I see the rest of his family over there so congratulations to both boys it's been a pleasure to watch you over all these years at this time to ask for a motion uh to add the proclamation for Peter D Dell and a presentation for 50 years of service I'll make a motion add that to the agenda mayor right right adding to the agenda I'll second I'll second it this I [Music] [Music] call thank you Mr Mayor uh I'd like to apologize for the misunderstanding about the agenda tonight with this um little mix up in days uh February 18 1974 beat down junor gradu graduated joined the roell Park fire department as a probationary member uh from then he moved down to a regular member he became an officer accomplishing the office of chief of the department from 1990 in 1991 uh during his turn of service he oversaw and ran fire belly on roell Avenue he also so with the southb mutual a coordinator which goes and helps Mutual Aid towns when they're in a time of need during a fire Pete's also our OEM director in count it's been an honor actually to work with Pete since I I started in fire service in Loi since 1998 he's always been there as a mentor for me and others and I thank him deeply for the guidance he's given me over years so thank you for your service as of February 18th 2024 P accomplished 50 years as a volunteer within the township of Rell Park so thank you I think I would be remissed if I didn't just say a few words for a minute or two um I'd like to thank chief assistant chief Breco all the members of the fire department that are here my family that's here my friends that are here I thank you for coming out tonight I I would also like to say that it's been actually my honor and my privilege to serve as a volunteer fireal part for 50 years 50 years is a long time and uh I will tell you there hasn't been one day in those 50 years that I ever regretted being a roel Park fire I've had the opportunity to to serve with some really great great men and women a lot of them are here in the uh attendance today including the officers the members here but it was an hon privilege to be able to serve with my brother in the late 70s and early ' 80s Greg had joined the fire department he was an auxiliary in Maywood with the CDs and became a roell park fir I thought that was a thing having the opportunity to be with him ride the TRS and go on TR and and I met my wife 3 months later right and and that was in 1974 which was which was really that was probably my my best accomplishment but also having the honor and the privilege to serve with both of my sons right Peter as you know was a chief of the fire department and my son Jimmy who when he moved became member in sou p and sack for for a certain period of time but it was an honor and a pleasure to serve with them the PO said here toight I've had the opportunity to work with to to be with and and to say that they're actually my friends and and they're good friends you know fire and I would say that you are my put on the uniform ride the trucks and be with you folks it is my honor to say thank you to you for allowing me to serve for allowing me to be a member for spending the time with my family with my brother with my sons with my extended family that are here today and the ability to be able to stand here and do this and accomplished 50 years is uh I just can't imagine how I can't believe how quick it can't imagine what the next50 years and how fast that's going to go but anyway thank you I appreciate it thank you to the township committee for bestow upon me this honor I appreciate that thank you very much it's greatly appreciate and and again thank you where joed Ro dep on February 1974 at 18 years of age whereas Peter Donell has been an active member of Ro voler Fire Department has held every position in R fire department was fire from January 1st 1990 till January 31st 1991 he did not tell not only Devon firan he is also the Emergency Management coordinator for Township Park whereas Peter Dantel was a Fire official for Township Park and is a fire inspector for the township whereas pet has answered numerous fire calls and has dedicated countless hours of his time to serving his residents of the Township Park Peter the park fire Farm over 50 years now therefore be resoled on behalf of the township committee I Vetti mayor of the Township Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey here by congratulations and best wishes to p on celebrating this milestone for 50 years this day February 28 [Music] 20124 got without without anybody saying No thank you [Music] [Music] just time do we have any correspondence no correspond uh uh motion for the approval of the agenda I make a motion I'll second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge cello yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor petti yes move on to discussion Doug Doyle Rell AB Bank Diner property development good evening everybody my name is dougy I'm the Dakota's Law Firm I'm here tonight with respect to a resolution that is before you which uh does a couple things um first it reconfirms that the area that was uh previously designated an area in need of Redevelopment continues to be designated as an area of Redevelopment U the reason why uh we did that study again so that nobody could potentially challenge that designation it was several years old um the other thing that the resolution does is it um designates the current owner of the property Ro and R LLC as a developer this is the same developer who before the planning board and obtain site plan to build approximately 30 rental units and approxim 8 to 10,000 foot of commercial space um you may recall that uh in the fall late fall uh almost before the end of last year they planning were granted them an extension before they were going to start their construction and I'll get to that moment it Al also authorized the execution of an escro copy which has been attached that Esco agreement is designed to shift the burden and the expense of negotiating a developers agreement and a contention Financial agreement which I the to the developer so once this is adopted the developers order post esro that and the expense associated with the discussions about the Redevelopment of this site a Redevelopment agreement IAL the end of the day it'll be the governing body's determination as to whether the financial agreement is approprate will now be paid for at the expense of the developer is opposed to the taxpayer U and then finally as I said uh get authoriz negotiation a and I get I emphasize the word potential Financial um now by the way background everybody may recall that this U this this property was one of the potential properties that the governing body uh in years past has considered as a potential location for the new Municipal Building um those uh negotiations uh came to a standstill sometime in the all because um the developer at that time tlra uh was experiencing a lot of delays which when turn Cy that developer a lot of money as he's described it to myself and to to the chief um there continues to be an interest in uh that developer potentially redeveloping that site for use as municipal building and the development of this site but that's not before us right now and I don't know whether that's going to ever come back the develop is interested in pursuing that the um there's two additional parties that would have to be interested in that first in foremost would have to be the governing body whether they're interested in continuing to pursue the potential use of that property but assuming the governing body didn't want to pursue that and assuming that the redeveloper couldn't come to an agreement uh with Tula in terms of how that would look and how that would F out this developer nevertheless has the right to develop its property in accordance with the approvals that it's already receiv received and what it said to us is look we want to continue to work with the municipality if the municipality is interested in acquiring the property from us directly um I have been given a purchase price which I I don't want to share in public because that would be negotiated against ourselves I'm not required to share that public but I'd be happy to share that with you in executive session and upcoming meeting we can have that discussion if you like if the overall consensus of the governing body is that's not appropriate if we want to consider um Chief and I have discussions with you because we've had discussions with other developers that have scoured the town and look for other sites and uh thus far there's been no other sites that may be available um but we can have that discussion but nevertheless this developer has approvals to build on this site um this developer is going to make an argument that um he can build on this site he wants to build on this site but he's going to need what we call a pilot taxes my advice to you would be hire a financial advisor independent financial advisor at the expense of the developer that owns theer financial advisor advise you as to whether in fact the pilot is necessary if it's not necessary my advice to you as your development attorney is don't give pil if it is necessary I would urge you to think hard and long about it because the failure to give that pilot May mean that this project does doesn't get built which means it's a lost rable opportunity as your Redevelopment Council I want to see you get the highest and best use for it in a way that's consistent with how how you as a as a governing body want to see the property be developed whether that's as a your future Municipal Building or whether that's as a a repurposed building which is going to bring more ratables into the town whether those ratables are St tax ratables or whether they pay we can have those discussions but I would recommend that you all this resolution tonight so that this this developer um who's tried to work cooperatively with us at least can move forward to see this building built if for no other purpose that um the the negotiations uh with tlra are never going to come to aition or because this governing body really doesn't want to do that deal at that at that site with this site and with with T so my advice to you be to uh to authorize this resolution so at least [Music] any questions Mr doy I have a few questions so where it has here the parties negotiate a potential Financial agreement is that what you're talking in reference to a pilot potential potential potential but you have to you have to approve that in two reads they so I understand what it is I didn't mean to no I understand okay I I want to understand that too I'm understanding that from from what you're saying now from what I'm listening to is that this was originally supposed to be from what I see on this um resolution here is that it was supposed to be provided uh improved and provide 30 residential dwellings dwelling units five of which would be set aside for low moderate income household so now you're saying well this could also be looked at as a municipal building is that what you're saying no what I'm saying is that one of the things that we started to explore in the last year was utilizing this as a Redevelopment site right here having the potential redeveloper that was told for at the time to build us a municipal building and have us make a financial contribution to acquisition of the problem that we're talking about tonight so essentially we would not use those affordable UNS I would arue May Pi up a couple do the Redevelopment here then we would have building on that side potentially no that's not part of this okay so you're separate you're you're talking about a separate got it to do with that okay I I I'm trying to understand so this agreement basically from what I have read about it and researched about it this was agreed upon by the planning board a few times uh going back a few years right it's actually on here was there at any time it was not approved not that I'm aware but I'm new here only a years this is my first one year anniversary I'm not aware of that okay but to reiterate the only thing we're here for today let's let's say this everything else fell the developer said hey we tried to work with the town own we tried to work with the town we still like to work with the town but in the in as you guys are trying to figure out what you want to do we have approvals that are going to expire they're going to expire this PO and they have to according to law because it's a Redevelopment area they have to negotiate developers agreement right and they have they claim that they they need a pilot all those things need to be done before they can pull a permit and put a shovel in the and that the last extension that they were entitled to was the one that they just got which expires in November so what they're saying is we'll continue to discuss with you but in the event we can't geta together you don't know what you want to do that's okay but we want to go build our building we want to build those 30 units with those set aside which is all been approved so reiterate they're looking for a pilot to do this the position they've taken is that they claim they need a pile under what conditions based on what they're proposing to build based on what it's going to cost to build based on what they believe they're going to generate in revenues from the rental market residential and the commercial Market where is that in writing well they're saying they need it for a reason where is that in writing so what happens is after this they would file what's known as a um an application for consideration of financial if you designate my office we have people that do these we're not going to tell you whether they need the financial gr I would recommend to the extent that the governing body hasn't done that you hire an independent financial advisor there's a number of of very credible financial advisors out there that take the side of municipality and they tell the municipality objectively yes they need it no they don't or yes they do but they don't need it on those terms they don't need throw these words a lot of t so yes they do but they don't need that pilot but they do need something because the construction cost are expensive the rental market is not whatever those reasons are that I don't weigh into your financial advisor would be the one to tell you where they but overall if this committee is not interested in giving them a pilot program if they're not right right no it's totally separate application totally separate analysis and my guess is it's going to go on for a lot longer than I'm going to hear this a lot more details and you you're going to want independent advisor counsel the reason why you want to get that counseling is because I do read about this what I do for close to 30 years I started in North Arlon in 1995 this is what I did my job is to get properties redeveloped I'm different than your planning right you got a piece of property it's not develop it's not producing rbl it's not bringing in what I call walking La it's young people to live here and shop and eat in your towns and your restaurants and use your shop right my goal is to get properties red up one of the things we have to be careful about is delivering messages to the to the development world out there that you never going to be able to build that town but not going to give you a financial agreement the town doesn't understand what's necessary in this market cost of construction Etc to build the cost of property Etc that's what the independent advisor will tell you if they may tell you they don't need that they don't need anything that's fine they may tell you without this pilot they're asking for I don't know that it gets done I don't know they'll get I mean if this this committee though is not interested in negotiating a potential Financial agreement with them why would we move this resolution forward uh because it's so what you to do is if you're not going to consider without the agreement and you need to resign yourself to the facts before you heard all the facts that they may never get built that's what you have to resign yourself to I would recommend you explore it and if after you got the advice you believe that they're asking for something they're not entitled to you deny that and you so to speak I don't want to do this in public you call their block you said okay you say you need it our financial advisor says you don't um here's your Redevelopment agreement which you're inti of people we're not giving you a financial agreement at then we we'll see who brings first we'll see whether you in fact allow that deadline to expire after which you have to go and apply for new approval so I don't think you lose anything by doing this because I don't think you're committing to give them a pilot I think you're committing to hear what they have to say about and you're putting yourself in a position fact they really do need a pilot and your financial advisor said they really do not one they're looking for but they do [Music] need [Music] microphone you're not [Music] judging I think they abely need a highight one of the things about being elected official you can say thank you very much I disagree with you you still go to to because I hear you I looked at your analysis I disagree what about the timing of this like I understand that you're here to discuss this resolution but what was your intention not just having a discussion and providing information about this and then having this resolution come up at a later dat why now actually because the developer got its extension we went into a change of control I wanted to be here in January so but I don't think I had beened until January January 24th y I wanted to be here as early as I could change over you want to presume I appreciate your confidence in me I want to get here as soon as I could and to tell you the truth I wasn't here because it's Mar she told me I should go to Trump Trum law I took my kid the last time so I couldn't I would here ear the reason why I'm here earlier is to the extent that you want to keep on the table the potential use of that property and you may say no you don't want to use that want to fix up this that's your policy decision is left official I think having that discussion sooner rather than later is better because the developer who's looking to build this building who's got an expiration in which he can pull permits and put a Spate in the ground is going to be over in 9 months in this in the political world you discovered 9 months kind of goes by The Flash so I would urge you kind of come together have sub and talk about where you want to go and I would recommend you do that simultaneously allowing this developer new phone and build that in everybody decides we don't want don't want to build [Music] there how about the rest of the members of this how do you feel about this anybody else have a question but this time we're not losing nothing by agree and we could always get out of it so I like to rant the extension and in fact that gives the opportunity down the road look in other options you cut them off now so so if we don't approve this I um what you're basically telling me the dollop you can't build my guess is but probably lawsuit claiming that he's the owner of property he's entitled to there's a plan so we're going to get ourselves in a hold um that's how we don't need to get into with respect to the financial agreement you're not committed to any Financial there's no Financial agreement before you there's no application right and you can negotiate that your financial advisor could recommend that to you and you could also say I know we recommend it we're still not going to we're still not going to provide those incentives because we disagree and we don't think it's necessary whether the project gets built well that'll be ultimately up to the development so I don't I don't think you're losing anything by doing this and I think you're you're also showing good willll to somebody that tried to negotiate the potential use of that prod property and they're willing to continue to negotiate to have us buy that property from during this period of time part of the delay was good faith we were he was entertaining us being moved from here to there so that was the only delay and whatever it felt through or whatever reasons that's the only reason was a delay and in good faith he's still willing to if we vent down that road but at this time we could say no anytime we want he's running that a talk which is look I want to work with you I want property in town I want to be a good tax I want to be property owner but I invest in this property been pay tax I got approvals spent a lot of money to get approvals I want to know everything psart which is okay I can still build my if I may Mr Doyle if there were to be negotiations for a financial agreement it's just that correct once our fin once their financial advisor advises them it's not just a and b right the developer compl negotiation it's it's they're going to say say they want you know the Sun the moon and the Suns of course and we're to say you're not atitle to the sun you're notle to the moon and you're not entitle to the star maybe entitle to one or two the little stars here our financial agreement the financial agreement financial advisor can come back and say I don't think they need anything I think based on the strength of this Market I don't think they need anything but whatever that is a you don't have to agree with and B you could vote it down yeah choose wa I'm one one second because I'm a little confused here because I'm who's he first of all who is he the the the developer what's his name oh the developer is right here it's called you it's Mr Gold is the one that that I historically deal with and his agent which is Robert MC but um and they're in the audience tonight um but the name of the entity is in it's it's called Urban has to be urb the name of the enemy is loell Park urban renewal LLC that's the main of the property owner that owns and is going to be the redeveloper of what we call the bank right now so he's the property owner and he wants to also be the redeveloper yeah he wants to be designated as the redeveloper which he's entitled to because owns the property and he's got only approv okay so uh you know I'm I'm going back a little bit because I'm looking out all the years it was approved and I I'd like to know I I I see somebody here from the planning board that's probably been there for a while and I don't I know the categories that can fall into for um Redevelopment and it was approved many times and one of the one of the reasons I know right but one I'm looking at I'm actually looking at this and it also says it has exhibits here I don't see any exhibits either it says exhibit a and I don't say that here either so site plan approval um preliminary final major site plans and everything I I see all this and I understand what you're saying about it with that being said was it at the time when it was approved for this under the planning board was this addition there on the planning board where it has the parties negotiate potential Financial agreement was it ever mentioned I don't know that wouldn't be there so the answer to that is I wouldn't know the answer to that because I wasn't there that would not be the planning board's jurisdiction have no right to make a determination about the grant or denial of a land use application based on the request for a pilot that's not only you can control whether a pilot should be do so if they want to go well that's not I Mr D I'm going to disagree with you on that because even when you say that only we can control a pilot so can the courts make a decision on that too for a developer if it goes to court a court a judge could say in good faith negotiations you need to do this underg I think what you're saying is under a builder's Ren suit which this is not this they just come come here they've got their approvals under a builder's remedy suit they could go to court and they would have to make an arguments that we've got a project it's going to provide affordable housing we can build it but for the arbitrary cous and unreasonable position the governing body is taking as to um the financial we say pile dist but it's called a financial inter I think they could do that um they could do that is that what you just said I think they could do that if they brought a builder's Remy suit right but this is not the subject of a builder Remy suit there is no buildy suit I'm not your affordable housing attorney but I think you satisfied all of your affable housing requirements do you have a judgment of propos so before we open up to the public there isn't an I'm sensing like this abrupt pressure to pass this tonight but that's not necessary to pass it tonight well I guess my question would be if you're if you're if you're not committing to do one of the things in there there's no harm in approving the tonight because you can you can make the decision right now and you can say this councilman I'm not going to hear any of the facts I don't care about anything I'm never granting a pil as an elected official I'm taking the public policy position I'm never going to do that but I understand the developer got approv the bill wants to move and I'm okay with that but I just want to make it clear as I'm voting for this tonight you can negotiate but when it comes to before me I'm never ever going to approve a pil I think you can get to the same place if that's a if that's a position that you or the whole governing body wants to take we're happy to have those discussions you can present that stuff you can spend your financial advisor's money our financial advisor money but we're telling you we're never going to bre that at the end of the day but we still need a developers bre we still need to know how they're going to build when they're going to build that in fact they're going to post whatever bonds are necessary they're going to complete the X amount of years they're going to do the things that are necessary with respect to guard property access Etc which is what's [Music] Ed the micone sounds like aone okay uh is there would there is there or anything like that harmer foul into holding off and discussing this further within the council well I mean are you asking me coun I think that the the better response is I mean this is Doug's area and he's the specialist from my perspective I don't know what the timing issues are on with regard to the developer side I know that there were expirations but the expirations I think that Mr do mentioned there is not until November is that correct yeah so I mean if there is a need for this public body to ask questions of Mr door that they feel are more appropriate in closed session I think that that might not be a bad idea because if there are issues that hinder on things that should be or more appropriate for Clos session um I think that that's appropriate I don't know if you want to do that tonight I don't know what Mr girl's schedule is and then maybe you could ask more Point your questions that are more appropriate for close and make a decision if this is something that you want to table at that point um that may be suggest if thats question a fair suggestion thank you I appreciate that um did you want to open it to the public yeah I'll make a motion to open it to the public right now to what did you have a comment for us something regarding that they say look you have to go with the pace you feel Comfort had no the only thing I'm going to tell you is it's going to take a little time to negotiate every read so that would be the only i i a comment in regards to public por somebody asked said you if you had to say could you hang out to the public portion or you leaving soon where we have to do this right now it's it's really it's really up to you you you have time to go you wait the public portion Mee Noose I think was about close just question for public comment yeah I would ask Mr do if he's available to stay the rest of the day and be in in close session to the extent that the body has questions for you if that's because I know that we planning on that if you have time for that Mr do yeah to be a closed session and you guys can open it now to the public you could have two sessions I think you can open it to the yeah do that it's up to the body if you want to open up to public now want to make a motion motion it's open I'll second right and this is for just this topic yes correct woman yes committee woman judge CLL yes committeeman Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor yes open up the public portion anybody want to come up in regards to this matter hi good evening my name is Ed KUSI 6an Avenue Rosell Park Township resident I have a couple of questions I hope I can get them in in my allotted three minutes if you're still tying us down of that I wasn't going to ask the the tough question but it was suggested by something uh you people that ask so I'll ask it right now you don't have to answer it you consider it suppose tonight you turn this down as it is uh I believe or I would have the question as to whether or not that project would actually build be buildable it seems to me that they have if you do nothing on the red development this evening they have in place from uh the board approvals the ability to build on a project without doing anything further the Redevelopment is kind of the icing on the cake so I'd ask you to consider that second thing let me address the particular resolution uh a couple of technical things the resolution says that there's an exhibit B attached which is legal which I didn't see and then importantly it says there's an escco reason attached which is exhibit a which Mr Doyle referenced uh I looked at the public ref records and what you posted it doesn't I didn't find exhibit a attached so I would have the question uh whether you can actually act on this because what you presented to the public was not actually disclosed number one and number two the second question is whether anybody actually has seen that exhibit and read it uh second thing is um third thing all right this track happens when you get old all right the next item I've got is um I would like to see you um consider who the real party interest is uh when these deals have come in they've all come in in what in the manner of speaking could be called a shell Corporation so you don't know who you're dealing with uh when this project started it was originally the bank that came in which I think was sb1 which in the middle of negotiations changed hands and I think became Provident and then they became somebody else so these companies seem to keep changing I think it's essential that you know who you're dealing with when you're dealing with the DLC and they're not somebody that that is not who you dealt with or that is not financially qualified I'd suggest to you you do not want to be the next Asbury Park Asbury Park back in the 80s Asbury Park designated a developer it was a shell company they went bankrupt project was tied up for 20 years so Asbury pork was a wreck because they dealt with the shell company they didn't know who they were dealing with the company I believe filed bankruptcy and the project was stalled in perpetuity they were finally able to do that so I would suggest that you find out who the principles are in the company and what their interests are I take a a further and more aggressive stance in that you make the contract essentially non-assignable so that they don't do what the home buyers do you all got your calls will buy your house for cash well they buy a house sign you up and then they flip the contract to somebody else so one of the things I suggest is that your contract should be non-assignable so that when you sign the paper with somebody that's the person you deal with um okay uh the other thing I'd like to suggest if you're considering doing a pilot agreement is that you gather adequate information hopefully one of the financial advisors that Mr Doyle's recommended will be able to do that I would also like to suggest that you will have to begin dealing with what we all know in this town is gigantic campaign of misinformation uh whenever you see your advisors come in or public hearings come in by that time somebody sent out postcards they probably had friendly parties posting on internet uh uh sites saying that oh it's it's three times better to do a pilot deal than to not do a pilot deal so I think you have to make sure that you get very good financial information and be in the position uh to deal with that which what will probably be I'm I don't say this developer but other developers will do a campaign of uh information telling their own side uh and I would also like to uh suggest that you consider if you decide to do something in the nature of a pilot contract the pilot let me quickly address that point I have I have no recollection of this developer requesting a pilot during any of the meetings that I sat in with fact quite to the contrary they were a little bit hesitant on uh the pilot they said they could do the deal and as I recall and I'd have to go back at the record there were somewhat a little bit wishy-washy maybe yes maybe no on the pilot so that wasn't disclosed and now it appears they may want one but having said that um when the pilots are pitched to you it's usually pitched on the basis of things are really tough we just can't get this deal done and it's really hard to do costs have gone up you know how much construction's G up and so on and so forth You Can't Run Apartments I will accept that as complete truth it is difficult to do that the developers are right times are tough they can't make any money so my solution is pretty simple since they're not making any money in the event that they do make money you consider putting on a recapture Clause um some of the people uh who have built large storage buildings in town who've told you how tough times were have later appeared in the trade press saying by the way we sold fre buildings for $60 million so my suggestion would be since nobody's making any money on this deal and they're not giving anything up put in a recapture Clause so that if that they make a profit on the sale some of the money comes back to the public again I'd like to see you consider that I think it would be important to take some money back from the public instead of having to wait on the ifcom for I don't know how many years it'll take before you actually break even on that um final comment um final three comments two comments I'm finally lasted by many too many comments um I'd like I think I'd like to get an update personally on where we stand with the tuler deals uh because there was a concern by the board members that when those projects they came in they were present although they presented separately we Ved separately the sense of the board I think was uh that we've view them as all are one we'd like to see all of the projects done simply because we don't want somebody skimming the cream you know maybe maybe he makes money on the bank they make money over there but oh God we're not done the municial building because that's a loser so I think it's an integral part that of the project to find out where the other projects stand uh and you know what tlers interest is in this finally and now and now for the bad news news um there's an there's a new affordable housing law which is rolling around Trenton I don't know what the status is but you may want to put that in in the back of your heads to consider that uh the talk is that they want they almost jammed it through in the session around New Year I guess they call it the lame duck session but they got caught supposedly what it will do is bring as many as 200,000 new affordable housing units into New Jersey because we need them but remember it's funny math that they do because the 220,000 units who are set aside you're basically talking to billions more units so you may have something coming down the road it may very well change what your affordable housing requirements are so you may want to consider that so that's all I mean I have I think this project as I have seen it and it'll sound like the opposite of what I've just said if they do what they said I think it's a good project they they started with it years ago uh they came to us going to be some Redevelopment there'll be some affordable housing units and some retail the board that I sit on looked at it several times we're okay with it I think the original project is good Pilot's going to be up to you uh to consider and my other concerns are as I said we don't want to we don't at least I don't want to see it flipped uh to somebody and U we get stuck with something that we didn't want so thank you very much for your time if I run over my three minutes so be it yep thank you so um many of the issues that he's identified are resolved in form of the government he's concerned about it being he's concerned about who the ownership is we development agreement they're required in an exhibit to identify everybody with a greater interest and interest R than 10% in addition theelement have specific Provisions that don't allow the unless it's approved by the Govern govern so I think you can't move forward you can't protect the Govern body the municipality and tax without a we need the resolution to authorize me to go negotiate the devel developers AG at the developers expense uh with respect to the exhibits I went over them in fact they are they were here um at least the exhib respect to the esro agreement which is a standard ES they got to pay all the professionals cost Etc um uh he mentioned something about affordable housing this project is whatever the affordable housing obligations are they got the only issue is whether we want to um try to delay this to the point that they will not be able to go and get um their P their permits and get what they need which will probably result in I think what the judge was a need to they're going to run rep at some point and say we can't proceed without a developers agreement because developers agement because a law say are supposed to have one we can't get them to authorize us to negotiate on I don't think they can ever force you to do a financial agreement because this isn't a builder's remedy suit I don't know that we need these units in order to satisfy oural housing obligation they haven't done that yet um could they judge to your point could they add that OD Mr Mr Doyle I just want to say judge is my name I I'm not a municipal court judge okay okay that's my name I I know you keep calling me judge but I appreciate I get it all the time I'm so sorry no no worries we supposed to always use that when your name is no that I get it all the time but I just want to correct correct the statement on that but that that is my name councilwoman is great thank you I didn't know which one first that's I judges right I Jud I appreciate that but that's my name thank youly out of respect all thank you um so so my advice is I I don't think you're committed to a pilot tonight in fact I think you can vote for this and say hey I I I want to move forward I want to do a developers agreement I want to know who the owners are I want to make sure they're going to build this I want to make sure they're going to build in a timely manner I want to make sure I know that they can't flip it but I'm telling you right now I'm never going to vote for a financial I don't care what you show me if that's your position that's a position that you need to take because it's it's a policy decision you you believe strongly in I don't want to discourage you from taking that position whether at the end of the day that means that there's not going to be enough votes to approve that means that that the project will never get built I we near we don't have enough information yet they they haven't provided the financial information so I don't think we close that hopefully I answered most most of the chair's question I think I that anybody [Music] else Diane ver Hassel Forest Place um couple things first since they first first applied to the planning this prop they've had their agreement amended again and again and again and again and each time they could have started building but they chose to not do anything no not true what they chose to do is they chose to wait and negotiate for the benefit of the municipality that was interested at least in a previous administration I'm not speaking about this Administration and potentially using that property for municipal that was just excuse me that was just recently they applied to the planning board long before that was ever brought up they did and then the pandemic came and that's all set forward in the resolution and when it was done on Zoom the lawyer at the time for them I don't know if she's still the lawyer was asked are you looking for a pilot and she specifically said no so whatever changed resp wait can I just finish I just finish okay I don't know what you consider flipping but a perfect example to me is it when you build something and then sell it to somebody else right away or is it while you build so we can't control what people do with their property after they get what's called a certificate of completion once the property is built everybody has a right to sell the property during to your point during the Redevelopment process when everything's being built they don't have a final CFO we can control that and say no you're not because an example is across the street they got a pilot for several buildings or several projects I'll quote that the storage unit was not totally rented I don't even know if it still is but it immediately gets sold to somebody else they made a very nice Profit just an example now just have a couple questions for you um the municipal building there were problems when it was presented to this town because there was no Senior Center no Library beautiful police area a lot of extras that they don't have now and I'm not saying they shouldn't have a police Center but this municipal building was not getting replaced because a lot of what's in here for all the res residents was not included in that and that's why that also did not get passed I just want you to be aware of that another thing um we kept hearing about the state is going to do probably County State the Redevelopment of Rosa LA and Central LA when they presented this project one of the main concerns was the Turning of buses from RAV onto Central that came before the planning board there were a lot of discussions about it Etc if the state comes in and buys property which is what we've been hearing might happen on relle AV and on Central because it's a part of the plans includes an exit onto Central AV from 17 then this entire project will be different or we might get involved in oh the state was going to buy the land but now we have a developer Etc back and forth that could be a question U Mr mcy does he work for the town because I thought he did does he we know okay okay so I have a concern that somebody who works for the town is also now the current owner of property that would negotiate well it's still to me is the same person it is the same person do you have the full name from this but he's still rep involved with the project and he also works for the town with commun well it's a conflict to me I'm just saying to me personally and the other thing I just want to say I didn't like how you kept saying they can't get their ass together you had said the township committee can't get their ass together those were your words you did say that and whatever they decide to do or not wait hold on well you said it that's well it sounded like you did then that's all I can say okay and all I want to say is that if they bought the property how the recent owner when did they buy it because online it says 10 months so well then then the online documents are on I'm just same way you said different people have owned it I question up I'm just asking if it work we've had I'm just saying this to me we've had a lot of problems with the pilot until they fully de you know until they fully rent something until they fully rent that out you only get a percent and if they don't fully rent it out we're not getting so I'm just saying well I'm just concern like I said I saw the side ples they had and it was right up stores it was a multi stores on the bottom apartments above they had to be told they couldn't put all the um affordable housing one floor because they tried to do that there was a lot of stuff excuse me and all I want to say is that if the state is going to buy that property or want to buy it I think we're setting up prod because now the GRE developers who can build the state's going to want to buy you know we hear they might want to do the post office and make that great they do or not I think we're setting ourselves up for concern and the state would have bought this would have brought that and now we're in developer spe [Music] question about the affordable hous but according to what I'm reading now oh sorry Linda bonf 33 ex councilwoman put it out there so they said what I was reading they're going that those Wars are going to make it harder for Builder uh Revenue lawsuit they're going to make it harder I'm just okay yeah it's not done yeah yeah right that's okay um I want to know why Oak Street could be built without a pilot why terrrace can be built without a pilot so maybe that developer should buy that property there because you can do without a no I know what I don't like is it's shoved on the agenda today when when did you know about this you could just say disgusting close session when did you know I are you asking I'm asking the whole I personally saw this um Monday when I got Monday night when did you how come you mentioned [Music] Rec so in other words this is another thing sh when did the township committee give you I don't know anything about it I think it's the ordinary course of business right so I no they're they're the governing body they should know what's going on I was on the township for me last year I never heard anything about this the last thing I heard was about the municipal building well let's put it that way minus the and who directed you to do that but who told you who told you this is going on this developer and then there's some in section change government I'm told result of the children government get to have the newly elected people have an opportunity to learn about this and invol so it doesn't like we're trying to shut under right so that's I wanted to asan work us I'm not say I'm what I'm the reason why never conspiracies here believe me I sat on that day I know what goes on here if that were true then talker would back I'm here to tell you it doesn't look like done to tell you that developer build bu your own build hi I'm Michael Warren 181 West over Street I've been a resident now for just about nine years um I've been taking notes in the back because I got to know how you got this on the agenda for tonight I because I've lived here for n years and asking for two things to be passed by the township committee for probably one of them for over a year and one of them probably in the past six months and every time I speak to you guys as individuals most of you guys up there who will speak to me you all tell me you want the things I am asking you to vote on and put on the agenda and pass but yet no action I'm a resident here I pay taxes here and when I speak to you all individ ually Michael I support it Michael I support it Dean you're the only one who doesn't support it when I speak to you about it shade tree commission and the complete streets working on you're still working on it but not working on this this has to be voted on tonight when Real Americans like myself want to know why the decks are always stacked against them when the wealthy when the wealthy developer when I am this is my time when the wealthy developer who creates an LLC that I can create with $50 as well if I go online hires slick High pric lawyers to hustle for you guys to vote on something in their best interest Mr KUSI is correct you guys serve for us I know this is a tough spot but I have this guy's hustling you for the past hour to vote on this I represent the municipality I'm not not my own wife I'm telling my wife if you'd like to go and have this project be built I re authorize develop if you'd like to not have a pilot then say I'm going to I'm going to authorize you you have to because you want to make sure you can't put the prop you want to make sure does in time and a and just don't vote for the pilot which is fine but you got you have to have I I don't feel like I have any rights in this right now just because they seem to have to vote on something that they got two days ago I don't see how that's in my best interest as a resident that's all I'm going to say that's my final comment till the public portion thank you question Mr I again I'm sorry I'm looking back and I looked at this resolution and I you know I Mr just saying's going on for a while this show to me was originally adopted as a Redevelopment plan July 14th of 2014 so what you had said was you know so this person person person and I understand what you're saying but to be quite honest with the rest of the committee here I I personally think I need more information on this I don't I have not seen exhibit a I don't know what any ESO is and of course you said you don't want to get that publicly no no the number wait you just said you don't want to say it public right no I don't want to the that that same property okay so okay so that sorry you're right you said that okay so just coming back it's it is a lot of different parts and and to me you know I'm I'm going to be honest with you I'm new on this committee and I'm I know past history don't get me wrong but I really would like to know a little bit more and have a couple more questions and and I think the mayor had said something or Council had said that we could have a CL on of this can they absolutely do something like that and hold on um because I do see it say by November and I understand that when you say they don't want to flip it I'm not not quite sure what that means but we want to make sure they don't flip it is that what you said said okay these are some things that I I think we need to talk just remember one thing yeah you're not signing off on you're going to get a chance to see that this is just authorizing me to do that which which do what exactly develop so here we go again we're back to developing you know the development agreement they have the right to devel are you can buy anything and build it and I think it was brought up there are other places that you know didn't need a pilot to build stuff I don't put words in my mouth Mr I'm just trying to get a couple points of course here I think that because I need to know more information on it and I think that it would only be fair for discussion and I actually just saw this you know when I got it on on Monday and you know I don't think there's any harm yeah to to do that Council or mayor I mean I think that before we make any any about it that we have the right to say wait a second let's get more you know some people have been there long enough and been on the planning board maybe know more than what we know and that could be helpful right that's just my opinion I appreciate you coming here jight and talking about this but I don't think that there is any pressure on us to vote Yes on this tonight so I think we can definitely table it and have more discussion so [Music] we have to you have to sort a couple of things because I WR down a couple of the notes that you were saying and I have to really research this wait March 13th don't we have train yes we might have to do it after session would have to be after but yeah but yeah I want our that get and more time to think and then still so I would rather figure out all those questions take all the time to need and then hopefully I'll answer all those questions you can also not off you didn't get those question ansers I think that's fair I don't know the rest of the council think that's yeah motion the March 13e any motion so motion a second committee woman Ella yes for discussion and close session in favor committee woman judge Pella yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor future yes and mayor yep yes thanks I want to make discussion for Matthew beld 2024 ber County speak Grant proposal so yes thank you mayor um just wanted to bring this committee up to speed prior to making application for the buron county open space 2024 um period walk of the site of Matthews field we've been our jip has been riding us up for Onsite playground area the surface having basically sink holes and the curbing has expanded over the years Mak slendering of some portions on safe so we looked at that we looked at also a lot of the field has been washing away left center field lost some soil and grass and basically walking with Boswell again and applying for an open space Grant uh they they gave me a preliminary Engineers estimate that's coming in around 430,000 the highest I've gotten uh an open space Grant was the most current one that we're going to approve tonight in 2023 um was 197,000 uh and I know uh we talk about upgrading again marinal block retaining wall on the left field third Baseline is is the fill is falling away plus why some of the soil from the the field level is walking away um all of the chain link fencing is Rusted falling apart held together with wire that you know the dpw's been able to do so that would all be replaced the chain link fence around the entire perimeter of the property as part of this the um batting tunnel is also has fallen in the fencing metal has completely rusted and collapsed upon itself so that's part of it as well as extending the sidewalk and creating Ada um compliant ramping both onto the field by the man gate as I call it the pedestrian gate just to the left of home or just to the left field side of home plate as well as the service gate area would be ADA Compliant um and then replacing the entire playground safety surface and using a a concrete edging rather than the rubber which is spread and move because it's not concrete it's probably the most expensive part of this and that comes in about 153,000 and that big brown had actually sought his own estimate uh from somebody and they came in about 156,000 so again I just wanted to bring it to this committee prior to making application if there's something uh that you don't think we should do or you want me to reduce the cost of that or know the approximate the engineer's estimate from 430,000 down let me know and I will do that and we're also adding a new swing set to the playground again that that area has not been upgraded in many years and we spent a lot of time and money down at carlot field but the south side of town um you that playground is accessible to the residents that live over there pretty much 247 uh so we wanted to you know expand that play area as well so again i' bring that bring this to you we will add some Lolly columns to protect the electrical box that was put into the lighting system add some more trash receptacles throughout the facility permanent you know added into like a concrete pad so that they're not blowing around and um [Music] that's part of this project again I want to make application and uh wanted to bring that estimate to your to your information um okay so um I did walk Matthews field and I did reach out to um administrator Pento about a couple of things I saw which were the waste pales that she mentioned there's only two I think there needs to be more I looked at the Ada regulations to get onto the field and I I think I spoke to you about that uh the walkway was a little bit off you call them I call them ballards you call them SL all the same because if you actually go down no I don't want to get any but if you actually go down Lexington and you can just keep going and I'd like to have it possible look into having you know protection so you can't go through hitting not only the electrical but go through the fence in the on the field cuz there's nothing that I can see there's nothing that can stop a car whatever going through that might be wrong but I'm not the engineer um and also there's two benches besides the bleachers I know one of the bleachers wasn't in the greatest shape right the one it's not sorry the center field one yeah yeah we plan on removing those those are being taken off but there's only two benches and there's one facing in the field and one facing in the playground I don't know if it's possible to get maybe another bench or so that you know somehow work that way I it's only a suggestion you know the rest everybody can talk about it so that's right I saw minist support all right so moving on uh RV Avenue update um we are finalizing those plans and getting ready to go out to bid for that and again that's coming through with a $271,000 grant from the N do um but speaking of trees recently I actually implored BOS engineering to uh make tree replant a part of that project because our Town's arborous came forward and Dave Brown told us at least 14 trees had to be removed um different diseases different types of problems uh but we are going to replant 30 trees as part of that project and basically would be two service Berry trees and then one cherry tree which allows for two white flowering trees and then one pink and they would be repeated along the roadway um so again it it adds just a little bit of cost but while we're bonding for that much money we might as well uh add it and get it done the right way the one time uh darthy ger and pleasant the work has started up there seven seepage pits are being put in I've confirmed with Boswell that gravity will do its job the water will seep down not towards the residents homes it's good 50 to 100 feet away from the residents it'll actually help with the water that was running off of the street onto people's property from happening because at least it'll be collected within the seage pits so those seven seage pits are being installed I asked why um you know what the what the cost for piping would be to run storm drains we're looking at least between a half a million and $600,000 would have been added to that project um again you know not cost effective and the SE spits are going to do their job so uh also we have Deputy Kirk's position interviews we have seven applicants that will be interviewing I say we it's going to be the acting Parker myself uh scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday and lastly I met with the uh administrator from Maywood yesterday um and his Camp liaison uh and reference to their summer and I don't want to call it Day Camp because really it's they're not certified camps but it's uh you know their summer after care before care what we refer to was our summer camp and Day Camp they basically don't want to um have it located in Maywood anymore it's an unsafe situation they have because of the parking lot that the children have to walk within it's it's a cut through uh so they were asking that we open up our camp which we've allowed out of couns but basically would be open to Maywood and Rosell Park residents um I had some notes that I took what they would be offering us is access to the Maywood pool Monday Tuesday Thursday and Fridays um our children would be dropped our roal Park children and Maywood for that matter would be dropped off the pool those days they open up at 8:30 a.m. and when they're done swimming uh the Maywood Board of Ed has for buses that the township has access to part of a shared service agreement and they would bust all of the children back to Camp here in rochell park um and that would include the May the Maywood people who sign up different cost Maywood was you know anywhere between 1,300 to, 1500 for 8 weeks of Camp roal Parks price was a little less but since we'd be running the camp we'd have to figure out what our pricing is going be and I know our Recreation director I saw him walk in so if I missed something Mark or you want to jump in let me let me know um they would we would hope they would share we you know we have our application open for camp director summer camp director we haven't received any applicants yet I'm going to say it's probably due to the 1250 an hour that we're paying I don't even know if that's minimum wage but when you break the stien down over eight weeks and over the hours required uh I don't think there's any certified teacher that wants to work that little and they can go teach your know children on the side and make they know probably double that so maybe with an increased cost for the campers we could pass that on as far as salaries and maybe May would would be willing to at least let those out canow that they were reaching out to or had that roal Parks look at and maybe we could find oursel a director as well they had about 65 to 80 campers last year mayward did um trying to think what else I have in my notes and again you know our concern too with walking our children if you know say we walk along Rell Avenue we' walk from carap field up chestna to roel or to however you did to Brooks to far Chestnut to Rell Avenue and down lops Lane um as we know it's probably not the safest route to be walking children that's not what it was in the 1970s ' 80s or '90s for that matter uh this would eliminate that they would also ran several trips they also have a relationship with um Biol water comes in does a presentation they have a relationship with the Bergen County Zoo again those buses would come in handy where we could transport our children that are participants in our camp to do some of these trips as well as the she has a a recycling U Bergen County Utilities Authority comes out and does a whole recycling informational session with the children as well as provides um things that they can paint and do arts and crafts with am I missing anything [Music] more good evening everybody sorry uh our biggest concern is I'm sorry Mark aalo Recreation director uh my biggest concern is the walking from Carlock to pool I feel that it's it's just not safe anymore um you know have young counselors it's very difficult to keep an eye on all these kids running all over the place Maywood to even propose it to us we had to have the buses on board that was right off the bat so if we weren't going to get the buses it wasn't even going to be discussed that's their biggest push Maywood does not want to hold Camp anymore um but they're offering our their pool four days a week instead of three days a week which is our pool and we're extending hours so we'll be dropped off at 8:00 in the morning between 8 and 8:30 they'll be getting picked up between 11:30 12:00 come back to Carlock basically carlock's only half a day uh except Wednesdays and Wednesdays we already talked about planning on doing different events so the kids are always busy uh they already have a director for summer camp that they've been interviewing they interviewed four people already um they're all in school teachers with degrees so we're going in the right direction this was just proposed to us yesterday Maywood is not looking to take over what roell park has but we would definitely need to increase the salary a little bit for I'm I'm sorry not salary but the tuition rate to get our get our salaries equaled out so it it was a very very good meeting yesterday um we we got a lot of information from them but again they're not looking to hold because of their safety issues their parking lot is basically just a drive-thru and they're worried about their kids getting hit and they really don't have a building to house their kids their kids in in case of weather they're basically at the pool all day long so our field and our H Hall is perfect for them so all thank you question is is this considered like a Shar service with May done or listen this is preliminary talks I'm bringing to you what you know what we spoke about yesterday probably not because Maywood is kind of saying hey look we don't want to do camp but are you willing to help that was a good question I'm sorry go ahead so Maywood would have nothing to do with this at all we would just be accepting the Maywood judgment into our camp as our camp is right now correct so that's that's where the shared service but using for the bus using their facilities would in my opinion would require some facil 100% but as far as the administration of it the Staffing of it it would be on Ro right so it would end up being a shared service it would be facil the bus and the municip because that's their municipal pool they actually own their pool right but the buses too and it would classify as a sh right so that that's good that we're doing a share service with that and it benefits the children right so it's good thing but I just wanted to make sure that it would be classified or something like that would that have to go as a council would that have to go as a resolution for 100% Y and that prepare if depending upon where we go and I'll be in touch with de and everyone else if ass shared services needs to be drafted I will prepare it in connection with the attorney from Maywood and then that beond resolution and I I presented toight only to see to get feedback to see if this that's what this committee wants me to continue to do so I have a question um can we accommodate that amount of kids in the building what's the uh head count in car and H Hall 225 225 we'd have to cap it out I think we started last year with 92 and we dropped down through the weeks especially the last two weeks it was a big vacation week we only had about 4550 but we the past multiple years we've had a lot of people from Saddlebrook coming into the camp right we're going to eliminate that it's just going to be open to Maywood Roso Park kids that's it that's our cap um May saddle book actually closed their Camp so we were getting a lot of their overflow right I remember that yes so it would just be open to Maywood Roo park at that point we come up with a number when we get to that number that's it Camp's closed okay yeah but but if you C it then so Park children would be priority priority priority absolutely absolutely even though it's a so that would have to be stated in the Shar service yeah but but I don't think you need a shared service for that in terms of the acceptance of the children and what not that would be per your policy how policy for that yeah I think you should especially if we're going to say that roal Park children are going to get preference and then whatever your cap is going to be after the registration is full that's that that would need to be via our camp policy anything have to do with the facilities the equipment Vehicles what all those things would be service the one question is though you have people that are waiting till last minute the week of Camp signing up say I already have 30 30 people from May would signed up now I have another 20 from roal Park last minute they're coming in what am I going to do at that point we got to figure it out we got to figure out some sort of a system that will allow the what the wishes of the township committee uh are to be to be met and we'll have to we'll have further conversations about that find out how we can do it because you certainly I'm sure the T committee doesn't want to do something to the detriment of the children of the count so I think that this is warning a further discussion with everyone on the day and I'm figuring out how we can do it so it's fair but obviously so the children of the township um get right perfect thank you Mark do you recall how many roell Park children because I know s we kind of large contingent I about that I'm going to say we were close to like 47 to 50 range even if with mayw would between their 65 and 80 our head count would be would' be fine I I believe so and we would just have to see what the age groups are that would be our biggest thing I have a question with the busing are they open to letting us use the busing if we wanted to do field chips like we well they're they're speaking with the bus with their boort of Ed now to make sure that's all on um see how many buses we would actually use for a trip would they use two buses go back with one group and then come back and then bring the other group buses do they have they have 11 bordered has 11 buses they told us so I kind of asked them if they could donate one to us but yeah they have 11 um they won't be on use but we could probably use three or four of them that makesense and that's not including their town bus I'm just thinking with the shared service this opens Camp up to having field trips we didn't have it for that was already discussed yesterday talking bowling right um home park right so we have a couple things already planned okay on the Wednesdays where we wouldn't be at the pool they would have an all day event it' be like a set price for this right another question the age ranges for Ral Park in Maywood are they the same or would that have to change no it's all it's going to be the same age range okay yeah we're doing from uh K through we said seventh but it's usually six you don't really get too many seventh and eighth graders and that was how what made that's what they yes going into kindergarten or do they have to complete kindergarten what did we do last year I think I think they kindergarten they had to complete it correct no they were in it they okay yeah yeah okay thank you thank you that's all I have at this time uh committee reports sure thank you good evening everyone uh first I want to say the uh I was at the February 22nd senior meeting and um they had their meeting and they played Bingo which was a wonderful time um I believe by all I didn't win but I I did hold the card for somebody else that had to leave and they won so they got their $5 um the next senior meeting is March 14th there's going to be a corn beef and corn beef sandwiches that will be served and also on April 11th um there's going to be meeting with uh the Bergen County Superintendent of Elections um who would like to speak to the um seniors uh in regards to uh voting a voting presentation correct is that already set up emry right they bring in the voting machines in they're going to bring them in and show them the do a whole video a whole perfect okay and so then uh the school board um the school held their Mee monthly meeting last night and acknowledged approximately 90 students who made honor rooll and high honor rooll for the second Market period congratulations to all those students um it was also stated the Board of Education will do their public budget presentation April 23rd at 7 p.m I believe it's going to be in the auditorium on the DPW um I got this from um Mr Brown I know I saw Mr Brown here somewhere but um and they picked up a litter in the parks in the town properties on a daily basis they spot check the sewer system on a weekly basis looking for clogs before they became before they become a problem uh one of the sewer trucks had been out of service for a couple of weeks and now it's back in service they had one sewer backup call the street sweeper uh was cleaned out to clean uh was taken out to clean eight Road uh roads for eight hours I don't know how many days that was for was that just the one day Mr Brown that the sweeper went out for one day for the eight hours for the one day yeah okay okay great and then um Sue Mike and Mr Brown attended a class at Ruckers for tree planting and installation uh it was a six-hour course I think it was a certificated course that you received it right um and also M attended a class for the proper method of tree pruning and that was another 6-hour certificated class am I understanding that too um the DPW repaired all the dumpsters of the town properties all the dumpsters were that were rotting um they replaced them cut them and rotted pieces out welded New pieces to it so they're they're they're good to go just a reminder he'd like everyone to understand and remember that they pick up materials a metal curb slide on Mondays for recycling um please call for the pickup of the medals um electronics are picked up every fourth Wednesday of the month again we there's a there's a number here you can call DPW 20587 7740 extension 2501 and uh the storm water coordinator report was uh they cleaned off the storm drains after the recent rains and uh they will be in will be introducing a new storm water ordinance regarding pre removal and what needs to be planted afterwards and I know it was spoken um yeah go [Music] ahead what great great that's great I know it was spoken about um the plant the administrator said something about that we planting instead of 14 trees it's going to be 30 trees that you were looking to plant um what was the location for that Harve so that was all on Harvey Avenue to replace those 30 trees so sorry to to replace 14 trees you're going to put 30 trees in am I correct on that and we're also working with service to oldest yes so oldest will have the trees and we're looking at what what date do we look around spring some spring time it should be in spr I mean that's usually when you perfect if I may mayor yes so I reached out to Public Service as part of a conversation I had with Dave um and Lauren from public service got back to me probably within an hour um and she spoke to the their arborist who said yes we went walked up and down all the street only five residents wanted trees um everybody else was like no we don't want them so with Dave we'll make a determination how we're going to plant if anymore but Public Service still says look give me alternate sites around town and we'll give you those trees and we'll plant those as well so that's that's what we're working on for this spr and they gave at an April time FR April yeah that's all I have thank you very much Dave for your helpe th thank you may on uh February 21st the access for all committee Mets and there were great conversations about ideas and opportunities aimed at fostering an accessible and inclusive community here in Ro sh Park the next access for all meeting will be held on Wednesday March 20th at 700 p.m. in the senior center just a reminder the next Library board meeting will be held on Monday March 11th at 6:30 p.m. also in the senior center there will be a household hazardous waste collection event at the buron County Utilities Authority in nakaki on Saturday March 9th and that is all for me thank you so much women get hi I have the police report for January they answered and unprecedented 1,488 calls for service even with the amount of calls and time spent answering these calls our Patrol Division and detectives continue to demonstrate good tactics protective proactive tactics in the Endeavor to seek out criminals and criminal behavior before it impacts innocent people and the output is demonstrated by 21 arrests 51 criminal charges and 390 summonses issued that averages to about 1.5 arrests per day they also kicked off the cops and shops program which profiles local businesses with our officers meeting and greeting the ownership and management introducing Police Department to them and providing them community outreach the success of the program is not just measured in the amount of social media likes but it also proves valuable in the future building trust and open line of communication between our stakeholders and the um the police department in the township members of the department were assigned to the Bergen County Regional SWAT team provided their expertise and professionalism at events around the county helping to conduct successful warrant searches and entries the detective Bureau continued to provide not only support services and followup on crimes reported but also conducted an investigation that led to a drug buy at a local hotel which resulted in an arrest for the distribution of heroin detective Sergeant shaken and detective marun also conducted a random suspicious vehicle che check that resulted in two adult arrests and the removal of a kilo of cocaine from the streets of rochell park on the administrative side we continue to seek our leadership with the Department undergoing training that will allow for growth of professionalism from years to come with Lieutenant BRZ currently taking the West Point New Jersey state chief of police command and Leadership Academy so um there was 53 motor vehicle crashes 390 summonses uh uh 183 motorave vehicle stops 81 emergency medical calls eight community outreach 17 fire department responses and again the total arrest is 51 so thank you to our Police Department for some of these big arrests and thank you Chief your team is doing fabulous work pro protecting us Deputy Mayor um okay uh Recreation uh recreation basketball ends on March 22nd and the recreation adult basketball will be ending on March 5th Recreation baseball registration is now open and it will be closing on March 6 the Portal information is on their Recreation Facebook page the township website has been sent to the school to be put in a virtual folder opening day for baseball is April 6 at Matthews field um Recreation Easter egg hunt will be held on March 23rd at 10:00 a.m. at Carlock field and the rain date is March 30th they ask that you please bring your own basket for the Easter egg hunt and also your cameras to take photos with the Easter bu Recreation is posted positions for both Recreation camp director and summer camp assistant director been Post in the our town and on the township website you can also contact the recreation directors recreation's also looking and exploring into forming a 50 one C to put all of their Sports in its own entity such as some of the surrounding towns they're currently in the proc process of gathering the information um with the possibility of forming this they would like to discuss it with the B administrator and the CFO and if they deem it visible they'll be discussing it with the mayor and Council it's just something that they're looking at they seem to be having issues with referees and umpires they don't have companies these individuals come in and want cash at the game as municip yes municipalities we cannot give cash so they're having a very difficult time finding umps and referees for the games for the kids so I believe this is why some of these other accounts had formed these 501 C's is their their own entity they have their own bank account they can pay cash if they want they don't have to wait for the town to cut checks so it's something they're looking into to see what's involved if they can do it um they're going to talk to you and Roy and then I guess if they feel that they can do it they'll bring it to us at that point for us to discuss it but it's just something that they're very concerned with it's been an issue and more so umpires are threatened to walk off the field yeah if they don't have cash in hand so it's been it's it's an ongoing issue um the American Legion is selling tickets for the New Jersey Warriors vers New Jersey state PBA at Monclair State Ice Arena on March 2nd at 4:30 tickets are $10 online and $15 at the door and I have Flyers over at the table for anyone who's interested they will also be holding their St Patrick's Day dinner dance on March 23rd 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. tickets are $40 you can purchase your tickets directly from the post they also will be participating in a veteran suicide awareness seminar on Tuesday March 5th from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. in Randolf New Jersey the seminar is open to all members of the community as well as Community veteran service providers can learn about Community resources that are available to our veterans in crisis presentations are by the community leaders and the VA suicide Community engagement team the hometown hero b Banner program has started and will be going on through April 2024 the new price of the banners is $130 qualifications are that they must be a current resident of Rosell Park and a veteran or must have passed away as a resident of Rosell Park and unfortunately they cannot guarantee Banner replacement as the program is growing there's also applications on the table for that as well for the boys cats troop 114 will be hosting their spaghetti dinner and turkey tray on March 9th and there'll be two seatings the first seating will be from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. the second seating will be from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the American Legion tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 11 and under prices at the door will be $12 for adults and $6 for children 11 um 11 and under and takeout is also available and you can reach out to the Troth or to Dian the hassle to purchase your tickets that's all thank you thank you billing department permiss issued 27 uccc inspections 49 total value of constructions $1,756 permit fees collected $1,883 per me permit fees wave zero zoning permit $750 zoning inspection zero applications 11 zoning violations one continuing CER certification of occupancy $800 stand loan inspections five Property Maintenance violations three complaints 76 new complaints 72 closed CCO inspections nine total fees collected $1 14,433 fire department the fire department responded to 32 calls for the month of January fire department responded to many activated fire alarms gas calls motor vehicle accidents elevator ATT trapment Mutual Aid and working fires fire department respond to electrical fire at 4 55 roal a aircraft Salon there was an electrical fire on the water heater extinguished by the fire department January 19th roal Park fire dep was dispatched the possible basement fire and Maywood Chief the fal arriv before any Maywood units confirmed they work in house fire chief was able to start the mutual Aid respond fire was put out in 30 minutes gral Park fire department responded and assisted Hasbrook Heights Fire department on a fifth alarm fire involving a tanker trailer and vehicle on Route 17 January 10th Ro Park fire department held a standby for severe weather and flooding we have members greaters respond with boats and Swift water gear in case we needed to enter flood waters also a reminder Daylight Saving is coming up in March please remember when you change your clocks change your batteries on on your detectors uh tree committee as of now we will have Michael Warren in involved if anybody else wants to put the resumes in to be a volunteer we appreciate it like to thank Dave brow for being very proactive with our trees and towns I guess you still are as of now working hopefully we'll get more and that's it for me and uh turn uh report yeah thank you mayor so there's three uh ordinances on your agenda tonight for first reading I just want to briefly go over those first one is ordinance number 1199 d24 this is an ordinance required to the flood mitigation program and FEMA uh they're requiring certain changes be made to uh yard regulations specifically certain exceptions that we need to input for any residential homes are in the flood plane that are going to be needed to be elevated in the future my office prepared this ordinance uh it was reviewed and approved by the township planner in conjunction with my discussion with the ba as well so that's on for first reading tonight uh after first reading tonight I'm instructing the clerk to send this ordinance over to the planning board for review and comment that must be done after first reading after the planning board reviews and comments they'll send the comments back to us for the township uh committee's review and approval after we get the comments from the planning board whether they are positive or negative After we receive the com the comments the ATT is free to then move forward and pass this ordinance upon a second reading okay and that's ordinance 119 9-24 second ordinance that is on for tonight ordinance uh 1200-2 24 this is an ordinance that was uh discussed at the last cwn committee meeting specifically with regard to the storage of garbage when it's not being placed out for pickup pursuant to the comments that I received from the township committee last week I adjusted the ordinance to basically confirm and state that uh trash garbage and the receptacles are not to be stored in the front of the property they must be stored in the rear or the side yard of the property when not being placed out for pickup there is a second ordinance that deals with the same language but with regard to uh recyclables and recyclable containers again must be stored in the rear or side yard it was discussed that we needed to add that cop up for sidey yard because certain properties in the township the way they're situated may not have an appicable re rear yard so as long as their rear yard or sidey yard that's acceptable and that should hopefully address some of the issues that we have had with people storing uh garbage and recyclables in the front yard for lengthy periods of time which is unsightly and could also present nuisance so those are of the excuse me 1202 I'm sorry 1202 thank you am 1202 is the I'm sorry the smoking ordinance again pursuant to the discussion that was held last week with the T committee it's regard to smoking uh we adjusted and amended that ordinance on the first reading to confirm that there shall be no smoking at carlot field which includes hton Hall and all other buildings no smoking at the township office of emergency headquarters and no smoking uh um let's see at all buildings uh all buildings and property located at 151 West Pake Street including the Gazebo and the surrounding area I believe that covers uh the concerns that the township committee had with regard to that ordinance so if there's any questions on any three of those I'd be happy to answer them but um the ordinances were discussed last meeting and then I made their Visions pursu to your uh comments so if there's no questions or comments those are off for first reading today okay and in addition pursuant to the further discussion that we had the last meeting with regard to the shade tree advisory committee I did further research and I have some talking points and bullet points that I wanted to bring up last meeting I discussed that there's really three ways that townships and Burrows go about this uh the first way is essentially a committee uh an advisory committee which we have for the first time this year enacted in our bylaws which the uh mayor just said Mike W was so gracious to volunteer and maybe we'll have some other people to volunteer okay so so so we're going to get into further so right now you have a shade tree committee or advisory committee that committee like other committees that are established under your bylaws is charged with uh coming back to the township committee with proposals policies and suggestions with how you can better the township by planting trees tree regulations uh the to that Township committee is free to discuss with the DPW superintendent as well as the ba anything that they need with regard to information or data they would be able to uh discuss that with them and then essentially come back to you with proposals and ways that they feel that you could better the township and then the township committee can act accordingly depending what just like other committees uh volunteer committee okay the other two options that were discussed at the last meeting there are two other ways that townships that I've seen have dealt with this the other way is the township committee the advisory committee still a committee formed still by volunteers appointed by the mayor in the same way the committee you have has direct access to the DPW superintendent and the ba and the DPW and the super prend in the ba are given authorization to act on behalf of the township committee the only time things would come to you at that time wouldn't be directly from the committee it would go from the committee to the DPW superintendent ba and then to the DPW superintendent ba to the committee so the Avenue would be direct communication with the advisory committee to the DPW superintendent ba and the DPW superintendent ba to the committee with that proposal you know lines of communication are similar they're just kind of not reversed but in a different Avenue and all the powers are the same the township committee retains the power and authority to act via resolution with regard to any of the proposals that the The Advisory commit committee has obviously upon the recommendation and the guidance from the DPW um superintendent and the ba as well okay the Third Way is completely different Third Way is an actual shade tree commission that would be need to be created via ordinance when you're creating a shade tree commission it is indeed a separate body we creating a body that will have the sole and exclusive right to make any and all decisions with regard to planting trees maintaining trees shade tree in general um on public streets that commission would bypass the township committee it would still have have to comply with certain things with regards to the planning board and whatnot but essentially they would have the full exclusive authority to come up with proposals and act on those proposals they would have to uh come up with a budget uh annual Appropriations every year and provide that to the township committee which would be line items in your budget uh and then the mayor would appoint people to serve actual terms the terms would be staggered right usually one year term two year three year foure term uh all individuals that serve on the commission would need to be residents of the township and it would indeed be a commission not unlike the planning board it would be a separate body that would have to have minutes they would have to have meetings they would have to uh comply with the open public records act as well as the Sunshine Law and it would essentially be a separate committee acting separately from the township and then there would not be a obviously there could always be lines of communication but there would not be any um guidance or authority on the township committee with regard to what the shet commission is doing they with fall tents of Pur purposes be separate the same thing goes for the ba and the DBW superintendent the shayi crun would not need to really go through them they could certainly ask them for guidance but the Shan tree commission would be able to vote and make decisions separately from the town committee and the tens Comm relinquishing any Authority with regard to that again that would need to be done through ordinance that would be a whole separate process so again I presented those to you by way of bullet points and talking points because it's really the township committee's decision what are pros and what are cons in terms of what you want to do um but I wanted to just give you a summary bullet points so the town commity can kind of have an understanding of what the three options are right now you do have on the table a shade tree advisory committee which acts in the same matter that the other committee establish pursu to your bylaws due which they would meet they can provide reports to you their uh for intents and purposes should be counseled the aons on that committee and then that committee would be able to submit proposals to the township uh committee to review and approve and decide we to move forward okay any questions a I I said give me pros and cons and I I just have few things that with the commission commission do you you would have a liaison from the town to the commission or no yeah I think you could have a liazon just like you would for the planning board yeah like that would be a mayor appointment yeah May mayor appointment as well as the people that serve on the commission mayor appointments so so with you had the committee and then you saying the committee that would have so the committee that's there now M basically answers to who so the committee has answer anyway they're they're charged like any other committee with coming up with proposals and providing those proposals to the township committee Town yeah they come to the township committee they have access as any other committee would to you know the ba if they need to discuss something with ba and obviously the DPW superintendent that would obviously be my one piece of guidance that it would give you them no matter what this Township committee does I think that the DPW superintendent 100% needs to be involved um for various purposes storage of the trees um you budgetary things like that but yeah essentially the relationship between that committee and the superintendent DW I think needs to be a good one uh regardless of what you decide to do could that fall under the gpw also yeah yeah could it be that within that line also the what could what like a budget so if you did a shade tree commission I think it needs to be a separate line I have to check with with Mr reano on it but I think it's a separate it's appropriation separate line of under budget I believe and that would be budgeted for like the other land use boards are separ they under separate yeah but then then that budget would be for whatever they need to do and how yeah they would submit a proposal to the township committee like any other does with what they think they need for the upcoming year Mr would that require legal counsel yeah I believe so I believe it could because it's a separate commission so it's very possible and I'm looking at what they it's like pretty much it's own body so legal council would be required in the event that there's a conflict just like the plan Bo same type deal so all those things would be included in that separate line item budget uh cost for legal counsel professionals uh and then obviously the actual trees uh and then storage of the trees deter of where you want to do those things that I would assume those would all be a separate line on the new budget and picket appropriation and u a shade tree committee is really no different than like a resident coming forward and being like hey I want a tree on the easement in front of my house we would make a motion approve it yeah and the trees planted right yeah I think the whole reason that the township committee has committees is the recognized committees that have the aison directly on them that sit at actual meetings and it's to have a meeting of the minds of residents that truly care about those issues and then yes committee to come back as a whole group however many group are on the committee with the liaison and say hey I sat in on this committee you know as the liais on this is what the committee wants to do so there's more of a direct line of communication for the group it's better than just a resident coming but again that decision is yours in terms of what you think is the best course of action uh fun fact I believe if I'm not mistaken our arborus uh Elizabeth she's the chair of uh shade tree Commission in River Edge so it would be great to get uh her input on this even know we St that's teric great suggestion I know that um Mr Warren said that he knows people and we know the AR Mr Mo um I find out that is the I have been looking at many towns with the Chas commission and I know when you hear that there's a budget you're going to get scared but their Bud like $5,000 for the year maybe 7500 for the year to conduct bu not talking big bucks I know we're getting a lot of cannabis money um and uh I want to be involved with a commission that as that can make a difference to our town not be an empty committee that will just uh be heard but have no action taken to appease people who are interested in the [Music] shade okay um so so in any event I gave what I thought was a brief summary um for the benefit of the township committee and again told you where you currently sit right now and then it's up to the township Comm they like to proceed and listen you're not barred from changing things or switching things up um it is true that if you decided to move for the commission that would take some work we need to do an ordinance and whatnot but the fact that you decide to do that or not do that doesn't change the ability of this Township commit to do something different in the future depending on what you thought was in the best interest so you're at your will to do it whenever be back thank you man' my pleasure next [Music] report this time I like to get a motion open up for public portion all items I'll make the motion any second second okay committee woman OTA yes committee woman judge PLL yes committeeman Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes and mayor bti yes it's time it's open up for public St your name sorry I'm quicker and I want to get out of here Linda bonface 33 Parkway um I don't want to be here I'm honest with you I do not want to be here um if I wanted to be here I would have ran for election and won a third term oh I definitely knew I would have won but I'm going to not g to I watched the first meeting I went down to my basement and threw out eight bags of garbage um and then somebody called me and said Linda do do me a favor look at re watch the Engineers report about the plaza especially the pipe size so I I sat through that I actually skitted ahead found Bruce Rockwell sitting and and then I just kept watching for six years I sat on this stus and was constantly constantly attacked by rightwing Republicans in your Club your club and then to watch that me and see my Democrats being abused by the same rightwing Republican that wrote numerous letters to the hour town about me that three years it took ly hton to to in to say called them out as a liar I will not stand for it if it keeps happening if they ke keep getting abused for asking questions or qu I don't see you as and and no questions I want somebody to ask questions for me if that person keeps coming back and I had a whole list of questions that I was going to make you look like idiots but I didn't do it I just want to tell you where I'm at if this person keeps coming back to these meetings and abuses my Democrats I'll be back for you three you can put an end to it you could put an end to it because it's awfully funny how she talks about a Miss court date do you know the court doesn't make money in Roch show Park do you know it does any of you know it the court does not make money in town when a fine comes in it some goes to the state some goes to the county and we get our dribbles the the court has lost money every year except last year it had a profit of 7,000 the year before it lost 26,000 and the only reason it had a profit last year is because the salaries were low very low so I'm just putting it out there if this person keeps coming to abuse or any other right-wing because we've had it all asked when the Democrats controlled oh are you going to make Ria Park a sanctuary city is Ria Park a sanctuary City 5 years later no six years later now it's not a sanctuary City to ask a member another right-wing Republican in your party to ask a democratic member if he was a member of the Nazi party I will not tolerate it I will be the ones who will stand up at this microphone for them so you guys can put a stop to it I suggest you do that because you'll get me and you're not going to like my questions thank you anybody else seeck please hold it down have order Davidson for the um just reference to the uh presentation by Mr Doyle this evening all right order public PS you can do what you want okay uh reference to the presentation this evening I know that a matter of fact I think maybe I think that maybe Gail you might be the only one that's been here when we did Pilots or anything like that I'm not sure I believe you're the only person even on this board right now that's even had any experience whatsoever in this um my the only thing is I I you made the conversation about um you have questions and you want to do this in Clos session um I don't think it's a closed session item unless it's the negotiations you are looking for information this information should not only be provided to you but the answer should also be to the public I think that that's the way it should be done okay and and I've always been more into open public to begin with m Davis I agree with you I'm just going to make a comment because that was my suggestion my suest my suggestion specifically rated related to only items in closed session there was certain litigation aspects of Mr Do's comments that were made as well as negotiable things that are more appropriate for close session and I said in the event of this Township committee would like to explore things that are appropriate for a closed session that would be in closed session I share your I agree with you and I share your empathy that things need to be an open but there are certain aspects of that that I agree and it's my job to protect this Township body I'm not questioning that that's my comment I just want to and I'm not questioning that so my suggestion to this Township committee is that you prepare yourself write down your your your questions that you have and you should have many not just one or two you should all have many before you get to this meeting okay and if you have to provide them to the attorney then do so to see whether or not those those questions need to be answered in a closed session item okay but again I'm just going to say it that not only do you need to be educated the public needs to be educated as well and they should know what those answers are that's number one number two I I know that you're going to be voting this evening reference to the um for the for the homeowners and the flooding uh I'm very pleased and very happy to see that happen and I wish all those people that very fast thank you thank you next hello again Michael waren 181 West older Street Mr bti if you're going to point me to something let me know before I put uh my foot in my mouth mean listen to me I don't mind Eagle Old Crow once a while builts character but a phone call would have been nice um first more people put in for it yes uh yes I'll I'm making the calls I know you with Dave already yeah Dave and I we've been chitchatting a whole lot so and I think um on on most uh shry commissions and other towns I've seen I looked at their agendas their minutes they do have the DPW person on there they have a Township committee or a town council person on it as well they do have the key players you know that you want to have to make sure this isn't just some kind of you know Rogue committee that's going to you know uh start planting a million things um but having a commission I believe this is my belief it makes a real difference in town other than just a committee that that what I would describe as being toothless Dean I I appreciate the 30 trees going up in Howard I do Harvey Harvey oh Harvey sorry yelling at me I I will be so don't worry but um but on uh on Harvey um it's it's a great start you know with the shry commission we have passionate Volunteers in town we have them on the planning board you know one of them spoke tonight zoning board Library board W board we have people who want to contribute to rochell park in ways that they're passionate about that have energy you know are we going to be able to educate the people on the Block on why those trees are important to go up and how to take care of them and how maybe we shouldn't damage them if we don't like them you know I know we talked about oldest before you know people don't want the tree well they a shade tree Commission can handle that load of work where they spend their budget educating the public talking with the arborist um you know taking inventory of the trees I don't know how many of the what percentage of the 30 trees being planted replaces because we never counted how many came down 14 no I mean in total in the town yeah no in the total 14 yes I know that guy by actually has an inventory you got numbers great fantastic so hopefully is on the commission right well he's the sh Tre division yes coordin you know but I was also talking the day before and he said Mike you know we're just six guys I said Dave you know shry commission we could ask for volunteers to plant in the spring Earth Day April I mean hello it's right there um you know there are people who would be active in that role without having to divert employees taxpayer funds to do yet another task again we know we're trying to keep tax ta is stable and not have to hire so many people and whatnot so this town I know does ask for volunteers and we treat our volunteers very well so I I I'm honored to be a part of that if if that's what the township committee wants and the mayor wants you know I'm just asking for you to consider a commission because that is what I have basically seen in towns around us um and maybe talking with the arist would be beneficial to why she's a chairperson of their shat Tre Committee in rivered and that's a nice town too have a couple friends who live there um one other point I have before I get to my question about the ordinance here tonight um Mark Galino came up and he mentioned something that um stuck with me about how it is now D so dangerous to walk the wreck kids from the field to the pool and complete streets at the very heart of it and part of the reason why you know we I'm working on forming team Rell Park if 501c4 to advocate for that is for that reason you know um why do we feel that walking kids from a a play area to a pool area is so now so unsafe how do we how do we reverse that Trend you know and complete streets I think is a start to taking back the the areas of town that belong to pedestrians right um I was driving home today down West Pake or east Pake I know it's a County road but I was trying to imagine if I was uh not able to walk you know or have a physical disability there's a lot of big telephone poles that jut right into the sidewalk you know if I was in a wheelchair or had something to help me walk' be hard to navigate around these are the the core principles I think that um we can start to reverse um because we've made so much room for automobiles and Automobiles cars you know and I know everyone drives I have a car I'm not like saying I'm anti-ar but I'm saying is like we need to look at the areas where we want our kids to be and to walk and to play and for people to take advantage of what will eventually be a tree covered roell Park so um I Dean you said earlier that you had some updates on that for me so again Michael and if I may mayor yes sorry I didn't mean to just ask Kim to speak so on Monday I was asked by because I applied for a complete streets Grant it's a technical Grant and they want to know which project I asked for the roachell Avy project because that's the biggest one possibly coming down the pipe of course it's a county project but again we're talking about the safety of kids in the area of the school I figured why not start there I was asked by the state listen they said no guarantees that you're going to get this grant but we need a letter of support from buron County so I sent an email to Joe Fe I have not heard back so I will reach back out to him tomorrow asking for such letter um the state did tell me that bur County typically will do the letter of of support because they know they want Aven it's railroad roell Central lot Lane that all leads to s River County Park I I can't see the county not wanting to do it so again I continue to Advocate on behalf of the township to try to get it going you know I have my notes from when Boswell spoke about this committee has been given several updates from Bruce Rockwell I fored the emails for their review talking about the different ways to do it whether it be by ordinance master plan right so there are conversations Micha as you know all governments move slow unfortunately but ro we're looking at and you know Dean if you don't mind I know when I I I came to the to the office last week to look at your sound system for a possibility of live streaming and we had you know just a a chat about how much you guys take on and in in a work session at the last work session you had like nine items and I said to Dean if you only dedicated 10 minutes to all of those nine items that's an hour and a half and yet you barely scratch the surface with a 10-minute conversation that's why when we I talk about a shat Tre commission and the power of volunteers leaders like yourself have the ability to to involve the community in some of that decision-making you get to delegate you delegate the planning stuff to the planning board the zoning stuff to the zoning and so on so forth so that you can work on the matters at hand like this gentleman right here today coming to you right that's a real issue for you guys to really your teeth into well you got to have the time to do so you meet twice a month right de that was pretty much the gist of my conversation with you about that um so I appreciate uh that and I appreciate you letting me speak about the shade Tre committee and the complete streets again if there's anything we can do uh as team Rochelle Park that we know I've been reaching out to Assembly women and assembly men and um one other thing too about the shry commission is when a developer does come in here the shry commission can help improve the green infrastructure around those those places at the flood presentation meeting on the 8th we saw up if you go on to the website we have there's a slide there that shows you what could have been over there in terms of shade tree coverage green infrastructure flood uh storm water uh mitigation when it comes to water falling off the building and draining down to the ground these things are possible um and I just think having more eyes on a big project really uh creates the idea for the developer that we're like we have our we're on the ball we we want something good here and and we're going to hold their feet to the fire for that now not to my other question I apologize for the length of this this waste and storage collection ordinance that's happening tonight I've been to every Township meetings I think for the past year or more I don't remember anyone coming to talk about this problem how did how did something like this come to you and then be put on ordinance for tonight again my own curiosity as someone who's been coming here and and with items I think are beneficial to the town I'll tell I mean I I Know M if I may mayor yes so the code en Force northri we we've been receiving numerous complaints from residents as the ba they call me they email me I send my code and force is it numerous complaints from one resident or so did Don our code enforce officer we were getting numerous complaints from one resident however Don found other areas of town um in the similar situation okay says to me your ordinance has no teeth I can't even give a notice of violation so so I I okay because I don't remember anyone coming here about it and so me I get emails and phone calls okay so listen guys if I just have to email you for this stuff I'm asking for um if it gets it done faster I'll email you Mr War just give it a full breath so after I was advised of it you I'm a prosecutor number number of towns I looked at it from a legal standpoint I agreed with code enforcement and the fact that you need to enforce some of the things in the court of law it would be difficult for the prosecutor to do it in that fashion so I drafted up a makeship ordinance passed around it was placed on for discussion last meeting because yes and actually at that meeting I received beneficial in uh committee woman judge and uh Dean as well as uh the mayor had asked some questions and the committee J brought up the idea of a nuisance that was added to this because I had agreed with that after I made those revisions about two days after the meeting I resent it around to the township committee and at that point we put it on for the meeting today so everybody had full breath of input on on this and I will tell you back to the government slow through no fault of anybody um Mrs verasso brought up the smoking issue to me eight months ago we finally gotten around to where and that's my no not at all it's of it's a matter of no tonight you don't have to email any there was different again you know it's Ro there was a change over I know I understand I think I think I I am heavy-handedly trying to prove my point of you know there's things that will get done quickly and things will get done slowly right I want more trees you want I'm with you I'm just I'm very you know I'm I don't I'm I don't hide it well I'm very heavy-handed when it comes to trying to prove my point about a couple things so thank you for your time I appreciate it yes no I say I always value your opinion and the Tracy committee no I I straight and I wasn't lying when I said everyone I spoke to up there about the sh Tre commission has said that this is something that they really support so I when I when I hear that and um when I and then this is just me saying like I I what I thought was happening was perhaps a slow walk of this to maybe get me tired and to go away but I I go ahead couldn't get nobody to volunteer and now that only went two months went by yeah I'll uh open and and give it a chance to yes go forward a committee and it's not GNA be toothless no I hope not yeah I hope not that's the only thing I'm you know how to get a hold no Dave's great yeah just let me know when get going and be it yeah and thank you for everyone for planting those trees on on Harvey and uh Dave took the course he told me it was six hours so uh thank you for reporting on that and uh I really appreciate your time thank you um can I Mr Warren quickly the the shet tree commission yes commission just deals with trees quasi but with a developer like a new developer it would also be Greenery and strawberry and other stuff so Mr Thea will have to give me proper law language on this but I think there's something in the land use law that requires if a town has a shry commission when the planning board finishes their than planning I I admit I don't know exactly what they do but it's important what they do then the shade tree commission has to look at the same thing from the perspective of greenery right that's it njsa I think it's 40641 or something there's a statute I know there is but you know it better so because when you mentioned committee commission I also my own little looking and and hunting and see the difference and I saw if the developer comes and they go to the com the commission after the planning board does their thing commission works with them to and again and there's typically a leas onto planning or Le on you know so it's and even if there was let's say the the township committee decides not to go forward with a commission at this point whether you do or you don't I just want everybody to know because it ties into what Mr D said all of these things could be included in a developers agreement as concessions to the town so there's nothing that says you cannot sit down with the developer and say want X and bring in the arist would that be the committee the committee so could so it normally is the professionals it's not the township because you can't have a quum but there's no reason that you couldn't have input from the you could invite the committee so let's say you get to a developers agreement and there's only a committee and the committee says I'd like to be sit on developers with regard to the foliage I use word vegetation I'm sorry for so and get input a proposal and there's no reason why you wouldn't want to do that that does not stop the corre advisory committee from saying hey we know that there's developers agreement out there we want to take a look we're suggesting he's saying these trees those trees are bad for the town you know these trees are better nothing stopped yet the Comm to that point mayor if I may that's true so to that point you know as police chief I learned early on in my career through talking with other Chiefs and like if you don't go to your land use boards as a police chief or the developers before those boards ask well I've gotten probably the township I don't want to exaggerate at least $350,000 worth of equipment out of developers to no cost of the taxpayers by simply saying look what your building is going to create traffic it's going to create unsafe conditions for you know it's going to invite criminals and they never say no so to that point your shade tree committee could be here going before the planning board being you know being heard and and have that say the developers know to buy you to buy the township right again I got $100,000 out of a developer in mwood it's a drop in bucket but I just want to point out Mr depa that that is one slice of what a shade tree commission can do sure the other Focus that I'm really passionate about is activating our residents in town who care about this issue for just the regular planting of shade trees and other Greenery in town so yes that is an aspect of a commission but not the only one uh and probably not one that a shade tree commission spends most of its time on most of the time on it's about maintaining and beautifying and and and in you know uh taking inventory uh even educating our our our residents about the types of trees in town um and again I think harboring um the energy of our of our of our public of our volunteers is to me at the core of any kind of a board like that that's that's what I believe is what makes towns even better that you know we tap into our residents who have the energy the time not all of you have the time to do that you know you're working 120 hours a week you know it's nice but uh well for you but um you know I I think tapping into that is is the key thank you thank you by the way I did hear cicada bugs supposed to be bad this year supposed to be real bad this CHR smaller fars place um I uh I wasn't going to talk about this but he started it and I had I had gone again to the prammer planning board and they they did say one time we you know they're Engineers we received recommendations from the shade tree I don't know if it was a commission or committee but it was already like because the residents were talking about buffers and stuff and you know so the the commission or committee had gone out and recommended and done all kinds of things like that um and and just in in that vein um and I wasn't going to say it because did you ever go back to Westfield to try to um negotiate something from them for their dumping everything that they're doing on us I've had conversations with their Council but that'll remain yeah I just was wondering you know you have been there okay um I I just wanted to ask about the uh the resolution 02473 and the ordinance 11924 which is the yard regulations and height exemptions and um you know I think it's great and all that and it does say it um for Residential Properties is that just for single family homes or that can can that spill into bigger developments you know so it's any of the homes located within the flood plane overlay I know that right but I mean if let's just say you started to develop this building you know and a bigger building would they would would that come into play of like set you know height exemptions and this or is it just the house I'm just want is it just homes John I believe it's just the Homes single I want to I want to find it for all residential for all Residential Properties found within the special for well I'm sure this is if a developer came and wanted to put residential homes here on this flood has in the in the flood plane yeah so would that fall under think I think doesn't it specifically say for homes being raised it's for the homes that are going to be raised yeah I know that was its intent so I want to make yeah I just wanted flood elevation measures right here when the encroachment is strictly as a result of flood protection Andor flood elevation measure that's do that for a big building right here they have to take flood measures I'm I'm just so so I guess the best way I can answer is it's all Residential Properties found within the flood zone plane and then at the bottom strictly as a result of flood protection and or flood elevation measur so it's specifically geared toward Residential Properties right in the flood zone plane that are going to be dealt with for elevation purposes that that's the only time the exemption applies because obviously if you're elevating a home now that the home has elevated the the I know all about but I I just all of a sudden thought of toer coming you know or trading whatever coming here putting three whatever however many residences residential are you know they zoned some sort of residential area in a flood zone and then next year they got to raise it and then their setback you know exemptions and then next thing this the balcony will be in the person's yard is there that much is there that much developable of land in the floods no not really but that's my always concern I guess I'm just I'm just thinking not Playing devil's after but wondering in that scenario where that might be an issue normally when you have these homes in a flood zone plane a lot of that land is not buildable I don't know if that's true or not right you know if there's that much land that a developer can come and actually put up that much units in a flood zone plane I don't know whether that physically is feasible or not de again I'm reading I kind of iiz I'm reading where it says so long as the property is elevated strictly for flood protection and no living space is below the flood the base flood elevation I can see where that can still be interpreted as somebody buys this property and wants to build yeah I think at that point it's going to be coming upon the land use board to know this and say look but I guess I'm trying to think of a situation is it even a feasible situation where a developer would be able to build so many units that it would be number one advantageous for developer to do right and number two that would actually be detrimental somehow to the residents with all the building I don't know if there's well I'm just looking at I'm only the only property is this yes and there are houses in back so if you ended up you know another 10 ft taller or or like I said something encroaching on yeah I just was wondering if you know I originally thought you this is all you know cuz someone's angle of their steps is going to change right their front door is now 8T higher so their front steps so I don't know if building here yeah right I mean I guess these are the reasons that this all went through the township planner planner and to planner is really the expert that would be able to look at it and he not only reviewed it but made some poignant revisions that I took into account and I Incorporated so I mean just something popped into my head this no I appreciate it I just I don't know if it's I don't know if it's a realistic issue um well it's not right now it's not right now yeah think the drive for all this is to make sure that we're doing what FEMA needs us to do to get the relief to the yeah like I don't want to delay this it's wrong but if we say no let's stop and delay this I'm just you know it can't I believe Andor is correct we can amend amend it you know going down you just said single family home you know I but right now we need do this I think yeah think said that it has to step so this is to protect those homeowners involved in I want to surprise you know the way this town is always surprised oh jeez you know we know how we are you made to me you made a very valid point that's to me all right um it's online that the delord is opening March 1st so we all know we all know that so they don't have a c do they have a CO they do not they they'll be getting temporary tcos um I know Mr D Maria is very aware of it he's the one who's going to be signing off on them um so that's how it's you March 1 Friday my guess is yes okay I know um a month so I asked if anyone knew the status of 120 D application for the flood Hazard permit that was filed January 30th 2023 um for 1,00 Ft retail building with a ramp to elevated parking the town received this notice of this application with a site plan on February 3rd 2023 so has anybody does anybody have any knowledge I have not received that cuz I asked you that you know you last month all right so there's four parts of this project right there's storage residential ponds and Retail all equal all equally important along with the pilot this was Court mandated in the July 30th 2018 settlement agreement which says amended red uh Redevelopment plan will permit 8,000 squ ft of retail and restaurant uses in which standards will authorize one drive-thru restaurant Bank and uh retail use the planning board had these plans it was discussed at length with the planning board when they um got the approval for that so before you give them a CO do you think you should find out their plans and timeline for this part this retail part and also where they stand with the D these are these little things that just disappear you know what I mean uh you're going to let them open and where is this retail section uh you know what happened to that so that's you know I'm just asking you to look be aware of of that because if if I didn't say it you probably wouldn't even know about I mean Gail knows um but you know we never heard anything else again about the retail section so I'll ask the construction off yeah just go ask uh James whoever or sunny jamanji that's all that's all I have to say thank you very much anybody else for public [Music] motion Ki again six L Avenue just like to supplement Christine's remarks it's been a long time probably several years since I looked but there's a stack of documents probably that high of various settlement agreements in in my recollection and it's only my recollection and it's probably more likely than not that I'm wrong it's my recollection that the retail portion of the project over there was supposed to be the second thing done and um we had that and then that that looks like number two and then retail Christine Miller has indicated seems to have been forgotten so I would suggest that or ask that somebody take a deep dive into the OR documents and find out what the commitment was from the developer to commit the retail it's important because I would as done I recall some issue with regard to timelines at some point in the phases needed to be metary purpos or something I just recall a conversation but it's a while ago it escapes me I certainly don't want to speak from memory if I'm not sure but I think that would be the person okay that we look into and we ask about it because remember the way if we go back and it's now completely forgotten the way that we make affordable housing is two ways we make residences that people live in or what the court said and what is now forgotten is they also said is you make jobs the building I believe across the street was supposed to deliver six jobs six jobs or six people who'd be making income and who would be able to afford housing although that's pretty much the way New Jersey works that's just one of those things that was said by a court and is probably you know now forgotten in history but if as I said if if you look back I believe that there is U there is something in the agreements on the timing of that and I thought it was a little bit questionable uh that um the other building got built before that I thought the sequence was one two3 and it was going to be storage retail and apartments and that's not the way it happened so um and I said I don't have good a memory on that it's a long time since I've looked the documents are about that thick um but it's in the there somewhere and I I can't tell you which document it's in although I do remember reading the section so thank you I I don't recall a sequence I mean I've been in those meetings with you I don't recall a sequence but there was a lot of information don't recall what I don't recall that there was a sequence but I could uh there's a large number of documents I don't believe sign any of those so but I do I don't know if um the D made adjustments to the size of that retail so that might be of it but that never was was never presented to us so we don't know that um I'm not sure that the D can make adjustments to affordable housing documents without involving the parties but that's just my guess no I'm talking about the retail not about affordable housing uh okay you're what's your point again I'm missing that so we don't know because it wasn't presented to us but the D when they had re-evaluated everything that's when they determined that they needed that um other exit you know that there were revisions to it it may have been that the retail space was changed whether it was the size of it that was never presented to us we don't know that but they did make adjustments when they if a change was made to sign documents for affordable housing which was signed off by the court and by the master by the township by the developer wouldn't have have to be a change they came to us with the change for the exit they had to reevaluate everything that's a change for an exit and the reason that change for the exit was granted was they they alleged that they needed it in the event I believe in the event of a flood that's what I'm saying well that changed they came to us originally and said we need it because of a flood and it seemed that it got a little bit wider and they said oh we need it for any police or ambulance emergency and that was kind of pressed on the planning board but I'd like to add I had an additional concern I believe that expressed it at the time what I was worried about then and what I'm worried about now is the so emergency exit if there not be turned into an access to the Gordon State Plaza uh my fear is what they is that they didn't really want that for emergency access what they really wanted was making their project more marketable so they can cut through without going on to U you know the main streets they can cut through the plaza and it's an advertising benefit uh I can't say what they're going to do but it would not surprise me that they would ask that that so-called emergency exit be opened up as a as a street and give General Plaza access which is way way different than what what I thought the project would be well that was never presented to us either it's a it's a roped off it was presented as an an emergency access it's a Roop emergency and they changed it uh and they said okay it's a flood in police and fire you know we have ambulances and that's like important the that's safety too so they immediately expanded it uh Beyond its uh original scope and with what's going on my concern is that you'll get some Authority in Trenton or somewhere or County he's going to decide it's a really good idea that we cut that access open otherwise you're going to be put putting traffic out on the streets out front so we'll cut access and people will be able to get into the plaza uh so that'll be the end of Fairfield as far as I'm concerned I mean you're just going to you might as well hang the surrender flag up you know and pave it all over because it's going to be onone if they have 160 units exiting out in the ability to go in and out of the plaza that's right but it was never presented that way I it wasn't no but I could see it coming and it would it wouldn't surprise me if it got here well I would have to come back for the board then yes okay and again i' just like to go back to my main point is I thought the sequencing was one two uh there are several there are actually quite a few documents that I've been through on that I remember uh reading the sequencing and I remember hearing about the jobs and that was in the presentation of the developer simply as Christine has pointed out it seems to have gone by the wayside but to me it was important it was part of their deal because it provided jobs uh jobs are important for people you know it's important to provide housing which they agreed to and it's important to provide jobs uh to to my way of thinking you just can't you know back out from part of your project uh I think the they should honor their own obligations we're required to honor our obligations they should honor theirs it's fairly simple maybe there's an economic reason on that but maybe that changes the whole dynamic of the project and it reopens negotiations but anyway that's my concern I kind of Christine's comments on that we need to look into that [Music] thanks my name is Marian Gangi I live on Rosal app I don't never been to a meeting before so I had emails um regarding commuter parking so I don't know if this is a forum for new subjects or I should than you y okay so um I live on the corner of Katherine Street in Rab and been there for 20 years and I had when we purchased the house um assign saying toour limited parking except for holiday and weekends and unknown to my husband and I two years ago a storm took the sign down and police officers came and removed it and then I was told oh it's not on the ordinance for parking um we had no idea we are two blocks from the bus stop from pic in Ral lab and I would not have purchased that home without that being there so close to a bus stop So Co was in this was two years ago Co was still going on and now everybody's returning to work and here comes the commuter parking their park there in my house I have about 75 ft of Shrubbery from my side door to my driveway and all along 700 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. there Massachusetts plates New York plates um one day I saw the young guy coming out with the orange vest and they were working on Old D Street on the telephone polls and I asked him oh maybe he was a worker from two roads over they need somewhere to park oh no I take the bus into the city I'm doing the cables so they're parking there and taking the bus into the City and it's not on my neighbor parking it's not my neighbor's friends it's not you know and and we know we know parking is a big issue here in Ral Park um you call in your car overnight no problem you know there's a difference you can tell anybody visiting anybody who's friends the cars come and go no problem but when I see the same five six 10 cars coming every single day and they're taking the bus to the city and they're not even mainly from Ral park that's not what you know we purchased that home and had for 18 years we had the sign there and then I'm told nope it was never meant to be there my husband didn't put that sign there I didn't put it there so we purchased that home with the sign realer must have known previous owner Talent is aware it's not that authorize sure no Google Earth you'll see thee Google address it's in the pictures so could we do something like we did over by you know and and and you know again I thought maybe it was a fluke it's it's been since past year year in a few months you could tell kind of was resolved and everybody was going back to work it's gotten to the point where you know we all have to do the driveway Shuffle right where you pull your cars out you let your husband's car out you let your kids car out and we had the communs racing down the road to pull in and get their designated spots as my husband and I are pulling out just to put our car somewhere so we can get the next vehicle out do we know is it designated as it clean a lot of no it's a street street regular roadway um Tak advantage of yeah it's not designated for 2hour parking limit more residential parking only so you can do that and then you're going to move oldest and then well one shoot over on Peak Street does have that sign and I did call the to to ask why and nobody knew the reason how come it hadn't signed before then I'm sorry do I have a magic ball in front of me I have no idea I have no idea I do not know no I don't know just is why there was stop signs on several Corners that aren't approved by the mutcd prior administrations put them up uh that sign was probably put up to to alleviate concerns over commuter parking uh when it came down we looked at the ordinance we said there's no way to enforce this you we chose not to put the sign up and I don't know when did it come down because I know you reached out to us in August of 23 was just one of the storms and the sign came down and I even saw the police officer picked it up and I we just thought oh they're going to put it back with cement and then that's when I called them down out not on the ordance can we have a traffic study so Lieutenant Kowski already did it's it's one to two cars that park in that area during you know the I mean the problem is you can't you can't discriminate between residents non-residents in terms of that sort of parking if it's a public Street although your concern is valid because people in every town yeah have the concern but we could look at I mean I'm going to tell you the honest truth you know my my whole family has paid tickets because we left our car on the street by accident 10:00 at night I goes everybody's car but some of these communs were coming before 6:00 a.m. and isn't the ordinance you can't park between 3 and 6: a.m. so do we know if so unless they call it in right you need a residential Park and SEC Park overnight here no have to call it in the the ordinance actually prohibits overnight parking not the problem the police department extended a courtesy because we get 50% of the residents show up here complaining that they wanted to be able to park and then we get the residents complaining that we should have no vehicles parking on the street we extended a courtesy a vehicle could park six times per month basically through use of the portal our portal recognize that's not problem overnight is understandable so this is more of a commuter time parking issue you could add this portion of the roadway to the 2hour parking limit put up a sign and then the police department can afford now one of the people happens to be a resident from Lincoln Drive that Parks two of them there two and they're every day you'd be ticketing a it's 7 the car they're not getting till 11:00 p.m. at night so meanwhile now you have that and no one can Shuffle their car nobody's relative can come visit nobody you know I mean we just have we have a two family home right there across the street and you know they have family they have friends you know we have Ral app you can't park on R app so what if they have family and friends visited but you can't nonr why these commuters go to the city to work now listen I work in hackin you can talk to me for hours about parking you know I mean you know my nurses pay for parking it's horrible but guess what we can't park on the street I can't get a resident sticker there bring it up we discuss it yeah conc if you want to extend you just add it to the order it's just your family friends what tell you come 7. radius the weekend holiday you just wanted to being so mayor yeah can we we can look into the ordinance on this because I mean we're going back and forth and I understandig decision but one of the things that was just talking about quickly was that you have the main roads you have roell AV you have the s Street and have the small streets that J off where those that's where I'm talking the the the bus stop areas are and that's where I think you're I'm understanding we look at the ordinance to add like the twoh hour faring so it's not you know so well the point the sign was there and they didn't have this issue for 18 years we're going to be living brought you brought to our attention thank you thank you um one other thing it's very interesting to hear about I know I I'm all FL all the building but again please make them provide parking yeah thank you parking Walter hon West Aller Street I just had have a a suggestion perhaps a request that whether it's this resolution that you wanted to pass tonight or any other future re resolution for the Redevelopment please be mindful of the jargon it's used um tonight I've heard several times affordable housing affordable housing affordable housing that's great unfortunately affordable housing usually only goes based by income I think we could set precedent by saying not only do you have to have affordable housing but you need to provide housing for the disabled you need to provide housing for Veterans let's not just say the people that are less fortunate with income I believe the town lawyer said something about Builder agreement might be able to put something in there um I don't know if I need to go to the planning board with this but it's just food for thought because we do have a lot of veterans in town we do have a lot of disabled people especially elders and living in Bergen County is not cheap so if we can keep our residents close to home and in a community that they're familiar with where they're doctor are their families and friends we should try and do that you thank you Diane for hassle um I just a couple things I wanted to thank the uh committee for recognizing the two Eagles Scouts tonight it means a lot to the families and the two boys and also um I want to thank the police for their response the other day um we have our Maran class on Monday mornings and there was a person who was in the need of assistance and yes sorry I miss you no and you know why now I do yeah but um they came in several officers came in and the ambulance it turned out had to come from hackin SEC so they were delayed getting here and the officers were very helpful they gave the person oxygen they were a big help so we just want to thank them for that um as Jen mentioned spaghetti dinner is not this weekend it's the next week weekend I have tickets with me if anybody wants them it helps the scouts that's really where the money goes so we appreciate their support and the only thing I wanted to ask also now that the weather's getting better can we schedule I meant to ask Dave but he left um the painting of that fire zone C curb on Forest um it used to be yellow because it's a fire zone from Russia La yeah I'll reach out to Da typically does that during the summer I just thought when the weather got warmer what happens with during the school year people hit it they and you know it's becomes problematic well the problem is that you have people that park there for from about 1:00 on because they pick up the kids from Sage day and they park right up to the stop sign even though you're not supposed to and that's why he campaign the dooring the school year I get it but I'm just saying it would keep some of those people or let the police enforce the rules because somebody's going to come around that corner it's going to be an accident so before it happens it's just to pain it back to where it was that's all thank you you [Music] hi mat winsky 127 fars please there's a few things um I wasn't going to get up to speak but there's a few things that became apparent tonight number one Michael Warren definitely wants shade trees I think to address that issue that's very apparent he made that very apparent um the other other things that just creeped up but you know with regards to across the street with the project um you know you have the Pres you have the chairperson of your planning board here tonight speaking um on behalf of his recollection of what needed to take place over there and it had to go before the planning board they had to vote on that and if they approved it with with um if they approve it with retail which Tina meller I believe would probably be accurate she researches everything to death so I know she definitely got that right uh how can you issue a TCO on part of that project and I understand you can issue a a CO on a building or something on a project or a piece of it but how are they going to work on retail if that's the emergency exit the emergency exit is in the rear of the storage building it's not in the the P but listen to your point I'm I have literally writing out an email to James D Maria he's the construction official I'm sure he has the planning board resolution and whatever agreements he needs to have and I'll kick it up to Doug Doyle as well I'll read the attorney make sure that yeah that it seems like that communication definitely there's some appears there's like a disconnect somewhere along the line um but the other my point is for for example right I'm a builder I've been in town since 1987 right work on house I go to buy a flip house it's in no condition to sell it's a no condition to rent so they'll issue me a TCO with the only condition that I'm applying for a permit to renovate the place and when I get done I will get the seal before somebody sets foot on that property for liability reasons now it just baffles me that we're entertaining the thought of a TCO on a on a building like that the other issue the suggest you call Mr D marray and have a conversation with him because he's the expert that area I'm not I don't know I'm sure he wouldn't put his certification or his license on the line for absent the other well the the other part of this is too you know I'm looking at also when we had that rain and we had that that flood right and you're talking about this piece here possibly if it were ever become like that piece over there where do all these cars go in a flood what kind of issues do we create for this street for the residents coming down unless this road is widened into a two-lane road I mean there's a whole host of infrastructure problems that was actually just if I may may yes that was actually discussed last night with our CRS coordinator um OEM director and James dearie at a meeting the second floor of parking and these resent going to be told to shelter in place there's no need for them to leave even if we suffer what we saw in January and December and if we saw we suffer to 99 to shelter in place as their best option so that's what they're being told it's part of their rental agreements part of release agreements they're told that they're buying a home in a flood zone at the first level floods that their vehicle should be stored on the second floor and or you know if they can't then they're going to have to find alternate parking before the storm but they're being told to shelter in place so I would hope that alleviate some of the vehicles look as a police department or as a community how do you enforce something like that how can you enforce you don't okay so you so you're putting something out or a condition that's not enforcable and it's going to create an issue for nobody on this day has put it out what's it nobody on this day has put it out nor did I right that's no but it's got to be approved it is approved by board is and they went from you know that's how it's approved but again when has it become a health issue or a risk issue for the rest of the community that's my point listen it's a risk issue if we have to go in there and evacuate people we know that we're putting police officers firefighters at at hars way anytime they got to go into water I mean you see you you know the town I'm not arguing with I'm tell you know the town you drive down thead residential streets to see what happens on a street just when there's a flood on when chesta floods ban you see what kind of Havoc is there just for single residences for where they put the cars and I'm looking at that building and I'm picturing it I'm picturing cars all over the place I remember in 99 that parking lot being full of floating cars true yeah I I I mean I I just that just baffles me I I just don't understand how that and then to entertain the thought of doing that here I don't know who well if it you know if we're if we're talking I don't know I thought I heard that in conversation a little bit tonight but if we're entertaining that thought you know without widening this road without I mean I don't even see how it could be done personally but smart development right smart development we we know we're going to develop every town is going to develop I'm talking to you I'm talking to the old town because you seem to have most of the answers I'm talking to you but we're going to develop we're going to develop but we want smart development right I mean we got to think for the rest of the community not just for the developer I've sat up here before I tell you again I always put when I V show Park first and I start that conversation with any developer that ever comes into a room my infrastructure my schools and the safety of residents is the Paramount priority that's how we start every conversation I hear you I agree with you I agree with you we start their way but somehow we end up now we're we're we're I wasn't part of these decis uh you know we're we're in a position now that it's becoming a to me it appears it's going to be a very difficult condition to meet or a very difficult position position to me and G guidelines Etc so yeah you know it sounds like you know maybe the planning board should meet with the mayor council over stuff like this and have a little you know have a little Powell on what was approved and what wasn't approved so you get up brought up to speed everybody understands instead of them having to try and read and decipher through documents this he knows firstand he just happened to be here tonight invite him into it you know bring him into a meeting right anyway thank you very much please give Mr War some I'm sorry I just had to finish something that's a mix up here um across the street it was a settlement agreement they have to do four parts it has to be same with the pilot we were everybody says oh the pilot we were mandated to have a pilot for that building um okay that build that whole it's the project right but each one would be coming to the planning board separately the storage unit came separately like two years you know whatever then um the pond we asked about and they go oh no we're just doing the pond that's not your business you know at the planning board and then the building came and we um listened to the building not the retail section okay so there's four parts but individual uh you know individual approvals yeah so we never really got to the um retail but on the applications some of the application they had a retail and it was sold to us like oh a Panera Bread's going to be there and it's going to be a little meeting Center you can go have coffee and it'll be nice for the town BL BL BL but at that point we only did the we only did the U the uh residential Center so as a matter of fact which was something I you know yammered on about was that when they went for that building the plans they gave the D said that the existing lawn where the retail is Will Remain the existing laan will remain so they didn't even tell the D because I asked did you tell the DDP and they said no and then and then they saided well we have to come back from that so we did have plans for that but it was it was never heard at the planning board so but it it something that needs to be done and I just want them at some you know all my question was was when are they going to abide by the settlement agreement through the courts otherwise we can go back and sue them you know everybody's always suing us I know you're not going to but say where is the you know the fourth part of the plan so I just want to make it you know you know put the right thing out there that we didn't hear for the um you know the uh retail part but they did send in a like I said a to I guess they went to the D A year ago with a different looking retail um establishment there so you know I just want to make you know if you ask Mr de Maria or whoever and he'll say well that wasn't even part of it because they did not put in the the official application but when you look at the overall picture they have to build that thing and you know just just ask them when are they you know when are they doing this I well if you could see me after the meeting I just want to get the right information on that D yeah that you talking about okay so I get that yeah yeah yeah okay thank you just got to make it quick bit up a couple times that horse I just came to agree with Christine I think um Mr trinsky was wrong when he set you to looking at the resolutions on the building because you're not going to find the retail in either the storage or in the apartment departments because there was no approval of it Christine's correctly summarized it the way the place you're going to find the retail discussion is in what I call settlement documents uh which is a large as I said a large stack of things which are not um basically the planning board resolutions so those were the original documents that arose out of the litigation and there was quite a bit of paperwork done it's in there so I agree with Christine on that if you're looking in planning board resolutions on those buildings you're not going to find you need to look at the original documents than we get a motion to close public session I make a motion I'll second committee woman Ora yes committee woman judge Carell yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor petti yes mayor uh mayor ask for a motion to approve the minutes as listed below work session minutes dated February 4th 2024 a motion I'll make the motion second I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor py okay and mayor yes introduction of ordinance ordinances R 24- 069 introduce ordinance number 1195 d24 Capital ordinance to the township of Ro Park the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the undertaking of the engineer and administrative phases of the female home elevation project by and for the township appropriating therefore the sum of $1 57,135 providing that such sum so appropriate shall be raised from a Federal grant the mayor ask for a motion introduced by the title of the first reading ordinance 11952 by the way of a resolution number 2469 capital or to the town brocha park in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing an undertaking and engineer and administrative phases of FEMA home elevation project in by for the township appropriating therefore the sum of 157 private providing that such sum so appropriate shall be raised from a Federal Grant and is published the full burgain record and notice of the public heing be held on March 13 2024 ask for a motion some motion second second thank you R call committee woman Ora yes committee woman Judge cell yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor P yes mayor B yes introduction ordinance number 11964 r247 bond ordinance to authorize the funding of the township portion of the cost of Energy Efficiency improvements at the various Township buildings and Facilities being undertaken in conjunction with the psng m by and for Township of roell Park in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 215,000 to pay the cost therefore to make a down payment to authorizing issuance of bonds Finance such Appropriations provide for the issuance of the bond anticipation those and anticipation of the issuance of such [Music] bonds we can go through and just read by title ask for a motion based title ask can I ask for a motion so motion I'll second roll call committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor petti yes r24 071 introduce ordinance number 1197 d24 Bond ordinance authorized undertaking of various improvements to carock field in by and for the Township roacha Park in the county of ber state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 460,000 to pay the cost therefore to make a down payment to authorize issuance of bonds to finance such Appropriations and to Pro provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the insurance of such b ask for a motion I'll make the motion I'll second you roll call committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayoret yes R is 24-72 introduce ordinance number 118-24 bond ordinance authorize the resurfacing of Harvey Avenue from West Bic Street to Han Avenue in by and for the township grocer Park in the county of Bergen New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 600,000 pay the court therefore to authorize issurance of the bond to finance such Appropriations to Pro provide for the insurance of bond anticipation those in anticipation of the inssurance of such Bond make get a motion make a motion second I'll second roll call committee women Ora yes committee woman judge cello yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes mayor petti yes r24 d69 introduce ordinance number 11 95-2 4 Capital ordinance of the Township roer Park and County of bar new Georgia authorizing undertaking of the engineering and administrating phases of the female home ation project in by it for the township of appropriating therefore the sum of [Music] $17,100 let me 2473 introduce ordinance number 1199 d24 orance to amend chapter 185 of the code of the township of Roosa Park and specifically to amend section 185 d106 entitled yard regulation section 105-103 c entitled height exemption can I get a motion I make motion second I'll second call committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor B yes R 24- 074 introduce ordinance number 12-24 an ordinance to amend chapter 112 of the code of the township of roach Park specifically to amend section 1126 entitled storage of waste collection and section 1128 entitled violations and penalties make it a motion so motion second I'll second roll call committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Pell yes committeeman Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor bti yes 20 R 2475 introduce ordinance number 12-25 and our ordinance to amend chapter 112 of the code of the township of Rosell Park and specifically to amend section 112-116 entitled receptical requirements time of placement and section 1128 entitled violations and penalties I get a motion I'll make a motion second I'll second roll call committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor petti yes R 24- 076 introduce ordinance number 122-2 4 an ordinance to amend chapter 159 of the code of the township of roachell Park and specifically to amend section 59-22 committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge CLL yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor bti yes yes you make a motion items listed below are considered to be routine and noncontroversial by the township committee will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Committee Member or citizen shall request in which case item will be removed from the consent agenda considered in its normal sequence of the agenda as part of the general order resolutions number 02477 D 07879 d080 uh skipping 081 I put on hold then uh resolution number 02482 0248 3 resolution 0244 resolution 024 085 so mayor just for clarity we need a motion to remove resolution 02481 from the consent agenda I'll make that motion I'll second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee M Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes mayor petti yes and now a motion approve all the other items I'll make a motion second sorry committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge cllo yes committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor P yes and may of the yes okay now motion to pass the consent agenda as amended a motion so motion second a second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge C committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi and mayor cetti yes and I took a motion to forour I'll make a motion second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge pllo yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes and mayor faet yes uh next meeting work session March 13 2024 at 7 p.m. committee has to be here 6 6:00 what about talking to Mr so you guys 6 to and then the Mee going to close