oh we felt we the only yes I'd like to call to order the January 3rd reorganization meeting of the township of Rosa Park open public meetings act according to the open public meetings act this meeting of January 3rd 2024 was advertised in the notice sent to the record and posted on the bulton board in the municipal building on December 19th 2023 and has remained continuously posted as the required notice under the statue and is being taped in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal cler please stand for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance FL United States [Music] America stands na indivisible father Rich will you please [Music] come righteous God we thank you for blessing our nation we thank you for allowing us to call upon you in a time of need thank you for all your Bountiful blessings we are grateful and we bless you we praise your name God forever and ever for you are the seat of wisdom and power you control the course of all world events loving and compassionate God and obedience to your word we make intercession on behalf of those who are in positions of authority here in our town of roell Park so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity we pray for our mayor our councel and all of our local leaders by faith we call our local leaders to seek the kingdom of God of Above All Else and to live righteously you loving God help them make the decisions that the leaders will be inspired and directed by your Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we ask you to fill the hearts of our councel with wisdom and knowledge understanding and discernment grant them favor increase their faith prepare them to pursue Your Excellence draw them to you cause them to know and fulfill your purpose place people in their paths that will provide sound Ling and godly counsel impart your wisdom and Revelation to them and we make this prayer in God's name amen we're read I did it you did it right okay committee woman ARA here committee bti here and committee Miller here you going to redo the roll call after yes I'm going to ask um The Honorable Lisa Swain to come up I'm going to we're going to go out of order a minute on the uh agenda we're going to swear in uh Teresa first as M Wayne has a uh another engagement yeah you [Music] can [Music] [Music] you I just want to say how honored I am to be swearing in Teresa because not only did she serve on the board head but now she has stepped up to be a council member in roel park and that really says something about you and your family so and thank you for sharing her with this this committee okay I state your name I judge to solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constition of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and under the authority of the people under the of the people and that I will faithfully and I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of Township committee committee according to the best of my ability to the best so congratulations [Music] thank you so much [Music] two hi my name is my name is gaale rri I'm a council member from Caroline and I'm here representing meu the women empowered Democratic organization and it's our honor and pleasure to present you with this certificate of achievement for becoming elected and for becoming a roel Park County Committee Member um the the um mission of weu is to give women a SE table and get women involved in local politics and see more women elected to local office so we are really proud to have helped you in that mission and we know that you're going to be helping and mentoring other women as well thank you so much thank [Music] you thank you and on half of District 38 Senator Joe Lana myself and this is assembl in Chris Tully all all three of us represent everyone um we also have a proclamation for Teresa which you can read later congratulations to you actually also want to ask J and Tommy if you come up congratulations to you as well you have a proclamation Proclamation on behalf of the t38 state senate and assembly um community and we're so happy to see all of you congratulations here tonights fashion thank you so much for all your service [Music] [Music] Lu [Music] anybody take [Music] care [Music] at this time I'd like to ask Mr bar to come up and Jennifer a [Music] peaching [Music] John do you have Teresa's name play your name played up there yes I you have the the Robert's [Music] Rules yes good evening everyone my name is Joe bar attorney inck and I've had the pleasure of knowing J for several decades and I know she's going to do some really great things for the for the great people of rochell Park and it is a privilege to stand beside her really an honor to stand beside you today so without further Ado please repeat after me I Jennifer aast do somly swear I Jennifer doly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I support the of the United [Music] States that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the [Music] same and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and United under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all of the duties of the township committee according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations [Music] [Music] over no [Music] ready come up yeah then once J gets up here you can take [Music] a also while Jen's coming up just want to let everybody know after the meeting there will be coffee and donuts in the senior CER of that the PVA so graciously police foundation oh I'm sorry the police foundation thank you committee women uh aachi here committee women are told here committee man bti here committee woman judge Cella here and committee men Miller here okay at this time I'd like to open up the floor for nominations of chairperson AKA mayor next nomin a second I'll second okay any other nominations committee woman ARA is p yes I know oh messed up I'm sorry okay just making sure committee women of pachy yes committee bti yes committeeman the committee woman judge Cella yes and committeeman Miller yes congratulations Mark you want to do the uh I think you do Amry yeah am the CL [Music] that I State I VC Anthony B Solly swear Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully imp partially and partially and justly perform all duties of Mayor and justly perform all duties of Mayor to the township of Ral cour for the township of Ral cour according to the laws of the township according to the laws of the township state of New Jersey state of New Jersey and Constitution of the United States of America and Constitution of the United States of America to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] okay may you can take [Music] over that's may this time I like to open up the Motions for Deputy Mayor as mayor i' like to nominate Jen py mayor is there a second I'll second committee woman aichi yes committee woman Ora yes mayor yes committee woman judge CLL yes and committee men Miller yes congratulations here you can do it over here if you want she doesn't have to go yeah let me get the Bible oh you got the Bible okay do you need [Music] this I st I supp Constitution of United States and constition state New Jersey I support the United [Music] States that I will be that will bear truth allegiance to the same the government in the United States and in under authority of the people now will faithfully and partially and justly perform all of their duties of office of and I willfully and partially perform all [Music] the [Music] [Music] better [Music] at this time the presentation for uh bar Comm is going to be postponed uh there's an illness going on and they're not able to make it so they're going to postpone it to the next meeting so they're going to let me know either the January 24th meeting or the February 14th they'll let us know I talk to the chief today [Music] we're going to open up to the committee reports if nobody has anything unless everybody has anything to say I'll start withell thank you uh this is very big seat to B thank you so much and thank you to Linda for all her service uh good evening everyone it is my honor and privilege to be this morning this evening as a Township committee councilwoman special thank you to assembly woman The Honorable Lisa Swain I know she has left already but um and I must express my sincere gratitude to the assembly woman for taking time out of her busy schedule to give me this privilege also thank you to all the voters and residents who entrusted in me this position to work on your behalf to move this town forward and in a positive manner but mostly a special thank you to my family friends supporters and my running me to um who worked to help me get into the elected seat I must recognize my twin granddaughters Kayla and Kenzie for holding the Bible once again for Grandma you both are on my world and Grandma loves you very much also my daughters that were here Christine Kathleen and Brienne also Tyler who who is my daughter's uh boyfriend but for a long time maybe someday we'll see a ring maybe we recorded here okay just okay uh they always been there for Mom and whenever I need their support and help I guess my biggest supporter was my late husband Richard you'll always be my rock and I miss you very much I look forward to working with my fellow committee members um in a positive manner and productive for the betterment of this Township and I thank you all for being here thank you very much good evening uh obviously a very special congratulations to Teresa judge CLL Teresa I'm so happy for you I'm so happy for your family I'm so proud of you I know you're going to do a great job thank you uh also obvious additional congrats go to Mayor basetti deputy mayor of pich I'm super excited to work with this entire committee to put the residents first and give this community a local government that they can trust and believe and in one they rightfully deserve thank you so much um J I just want to say thank you to everyone who believed in me who elect me um uh thank you to Gail and vny for the nominations thank you for everyone for board nomination and the beliefs thank you to my family and friends for being here for me thank you to the community and I look forward to working with everyone for our community and goinging forward thank you thank you all for being here my sincerest apologies for being late they call it Murphy's Law the one time we have a six o00 meeting and I I couldn't make it in time um I got a call for a 2:00 emergency shipment at work so um the eight recipients of the medication thank you for waiting um and also U especially uh to the ones who had other appointments I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting uh I'm here I got here as quickly as I could so so um in the signai meeting I would have uh thanked Karen and Linda for their years of service and to our newly affected elected reelected and um welcome it's a new changes and we look forward to moving moving this town forward so thank you all and Happy New Year I like the up I thank you for the nomination for Jen and Gail second I appreciate the the support also from the new members of the table Tommy and judge I know teres judge uh both of you are both tifully helping the community thees you've been around forever and I do appreciate I look forward to working with you guys um looking forward to Happ an open dialogue more with everybody hopefully we all she be getting along I just want to thank everybody thank you support uh nothing other than look forward to working with the some returning and new members on the day and again wishing everybody best uh 2024 teres well nothing I just look forward to the opportunity to uh look with the new board moving forward congratulations to all the newly elected the new mayor the new deput mayor and uh look forward to working with everybody and at this time like to uh make a motion open up meeting for public I'll second committee woman or to yes committee woman judge Corella yes committeeman Miller yes Deputy Mayor teaching yes and mayor the yes at this time looks like nobody stepping up to the mic uh look for a motion to close public portion we have good evening Mike Schneider 125 Howard avue Russia Park first of all congratulations to all the newly elected and reelected hopefully he all do a good job for us just curious if there's any updates on the FEMA Grant and the house raising that going on there is so actually one of the resolutions on tonight is um the awarding of the request for qualifications to Black and Beach will be handling that for the township uh we were granted that the award so we're in the process of hiring an outside consultant who will come in and work with the 13 individual homeowners on getting that money and getting that process started so that's where we're at two questions on what you just said sure is there a time frame on the grant yes of course it's three years so it's three years okay and the the 13 houses have any of those folks been notified yet but we were waiting for this resolution so I know that we have the proper notifications going forward it's all yeah we so by the time FEMA got us the notice the state police it was late in November and then December nothing took place until this meeting so okay thank you thank you anybody else from the public that would like to speak good evening Mary Ellen Paro 161 West oldis and again welcome thank you to the new committee members and look forward to New Beginning here um quick question for you I know sometimes uh we have the nixel alerts that come out when different roads are closed or things like that I just have a question I am very leery of people coming to my door I don't like when they come with solar panels Verizon selling candy bars and I'll admit I'm the first person who's calling and just asking do they have a permit and then I hang up and I don't know if they do or don't is there any way we could do like a nixel alert and just say Verizon's coming around today or solar panels so we at least know you know uh I'm surprised you're saying that they don't tell you and if no permit's been issued I I don't think permit's been issued in a long time so you think they have not I I don't I when did this occur you called the police department two days ago okay yeah no I'm just saying and they come at like 5:30 which it's jet blackout like I'm not answering my door and there's three gentlemen and so I call I don't ask like for an answer I just say I just want to let you know they're here they're on West oldis um just clarifying they have a permit and it's in their hands I don't expect them to answer to me we do I would I would expect them to have you you're the resident I don't wait for the answer I don't know about the Nixle because you know there's they may get a permit for a month period and only come out of eight of those days okay so it's not just on Tuesday they're going we can look at that process and see how we can I mean just to alleviate you getting my call never no no no think you were bur police one all every time okay thank you have a good night happy New Year Michael Warren 181 West oldest I wasn't planning on coming up to talk but congratulations Teresa and congratulations Jennifer congratulations Vinnie I really believe things are changing for rochell Park I'll leave it at that Dean I think you should look up in ordinance oh my God you get zapped you wish Dean no I don't all right in 2017 I uh I voted on I moved and voted for a uh an ordinance a no knock ordinance it should be on the book still it's a $1,000 fine if you don't have a permit curious if permits were issued I don't recall seeing any hearing or seeing background Che and we also have um we gave out stickers or little placards that you can put on your door if you guys you probably remember that wasn't that long ago but we have it it's on the books Let's Start finding those people because actually Verizon came two days in a row today and they don't just knock on your door and ring it they open your door like your porch door and they're like so uh you know a little aggressive but we do have that on the books so if you look on into that you guys should have that and uh thank you have a have a great rest of the night thank [Music] you the the crowd was just curious about any interviews for any of the appointments that that may take place tonight I know I'm waiting on one for myself but uh for the zoning board tomorrow as the reor so I wasn't sure if I was going or not but uh that was the only thing that the crowd has been kind of murmuring about so there you go thank you yeah I wish that we could do the appointments before the public comment because I think that makes the most sense especially because your tax dollars are funding these professionals so you should be able to speak to it we didn't really get request so it should be straightforward what what I plan to do there's no five people for one position type thing so everybody pretty much will yeah but there were for some but again I'm going to bring that up later any else from the public portion and this time I'll make a motion oh ask for a motion to close public portion I'll make a motion a second I committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes and mayor yes oh before we go for ad committee pin I want to present the Teresa should have did earlier thank you [Music] procedure [Music] you going to read the consent statement all items listed under each heading are considered to be routine non controversal by the township committee and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Committee Member or citizen shall request in which case the item will be considered separate and is an only sequence of the agenda as part of the general orders resolutions would be 02401 in sequence 2 024 026 46 so I have some resolutions I'd like to pull y um so let's pull 024 044 2024 meeting dates um I would also like to pull resolution number 024 uh 019 all the way to 02445 because I think it's important that this committee votes on the professionals individually and not all at once I think it's important for the public to know the names of the professionals that were appointed as well 1 n through one which 45 45 09 so 219 tomby to 45 to 45 right correct okay um I'd like to pull the two uh the 0241 uh resolution of adopting the 2024 bylaws because I'd like to know what the updates on all those bylaws I have a piece of it but I think we need to have a discussion on that okay you don't mind any other motion a motion to pull us want a motion to pull those off the consent agenda any make motion I'll make a motion those present agenda I'll second for clarification it's resolutions 0241 and then resolution 024 019 through 02445 have all been removed from the consent agenda all in favor I I do you want to pass the consent agenda as amended first and then discuss those mayor I'll make a motion pass send as amended as amended I'll make a motion a second I'll second committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge crell yes committee men Miller yes Deputy Mayor fuchi yes and mayor B yes you want to take these in order if you do then um commit may want to go first it's by the council will go in order as judge you could go first you started thank you very much okay so so so I'm understand were were these bylaws updated and when so the by I so the Committees aware which I think they are I made revisions to the bylaws pursuant to various discussions that took place over the past year with regard to the changes I had made the changes and track changes and I sent them to the clerk to be circulated to everyone on this Township committee I I supplied both a clean version and a version that is in track changes so they could easily be identified and every change is obviously subject to any discussions or questions that anyone would like yes first of all when you did the amendment I have um I have it down listed as amended of 31329 that needs to be corrected that's incorrect on your by that's the first eight if you look at the bottom on this um this resolution on it also I think that you have um where the agenda I'm trying to find it here but where the agenda is coming out I believe it says to the township committee persons that um that's a special meeting that it's 48 hours before um the agenda comes out to us 48 hours before now we have a meeting Tuesday night 48 hours before we take in the weekend I'm sorry Wednesday so I mean it would take you into Monday maybe the weekend is there a possibility we can extend that a little longer maybe get it prior to the weekend and just add you know another you know couple more by law by law it's 48 hours but the township committee is obviously free to to make whatever changes or revisions they want to their bylaws and they abide by those so if if if that's possible to do I would like to if everybody agrees of course if we can have it by the Friday prior to the meeting and this way you know you have a weekend and a couple of days and of course then on Monday you could give a call if you have a question or concern about it um I know other board I worked on um have been part of we always had a you know pretty much advance to be able to do so and if there needs a resolution for question or you you have to research something the Administration has time to do it and get back to before the the meeting so if that would be agreeable to everybody I just want to put that one out there come me which section you refer to is Section Five Section Five article three section five so everybody's aware of what the committee is is referencing right so if that's you know possible to do I think it would be only fair because you know look at what's on this resolution tonight there's a lot of stuff on here right so we need to do a lot of research too um I don't know how anybody else feels about that no I absolutely agree um this committee does need time to be able to review the agenda and also the public needs time uh to observe the agenda as well so I'm totally in agreeance so we all the all the changes we'll do at the end is that what we're going to do if we decide to change anything we agree at the end individually you may want to take votes individually because I don't know if there's going to be agreements to some I mean it's up to the township Committee in terms of how you want to handle that but if there's going to be various revisions you may want to take them individually and and unless you take them all if you agree on them all then you just pass them all at once so I would suggest that if if we want it the weekend before the weekend that it would be a draft agenda because there you know um there will be changes you know we saw like some resolutions there's deadlines there's um decisions that have to be made just like the one that was mentioned before about the the flooding so um I would think that it would have to be a draft agenda Well normally when you put our first agenda it is normally a draft that's why you have the opportunity to look it over and to uh question or or make comments or whatever so normally it's the first one is considered draft but if you want the language of that put in there that's fine too we could do first one as yeah I think trying to make it a drop dead by you know a set time that you know I think the clerk will need um some flexibility on that but it would be good to have the draft agenda that we could at least get a head start on some of those things that you want to research and look up and you know well everybody would want to do that right everybody would like to see if something sure I mean I'm you brought it up so I'm speaking it to you but yes to any of us but I would say Draft before the weekend right okay and then I know that um I'm trying to find out I'm looking at your uh your bylaws here because bylaws are how a committee functions and how they work and I'm looking at the way you have the meeting set up here and you have the pledge allegiance and go on presentation Proclamation and then you open to the public uh open public for all meeting of all items and I may suggest that if you want to do that you can open to the public for agenda items only and then maybe after all the reports are done that you have on your agenda here that then you can open it up for any items um is there a problem with opening it twice returning there's there's no legal problem with that except the pleasure of the board in terms of how you so here's why I'm saying so because you can have a question on just the agenda items only right and that could be answered quickly but sometimes you know after the meeting I'm sorry after the reports are done um there might be questions right and and people may say well how is this or why is that or anything could happen so is there a possibility or way of putting it at the end also um not all not for every me you could just do it for say work session if you want or for regular meeting you could pick either or to do that if you'd like to do it that way also so in the previous word that I I'm I'm not comparing but I'm just saying that a lot of times it was you had a work session you you open up to the public one time and then if you had a regular meeting we had a lot of the reports put out there you would open it up twice one for agenda there A lot of times it's just questions on what's on your agenda what does this mean how do it go but to me to be public and transparent I would like to say well here's my committee report you have a question on and I think that's publicly Fair I was surprised to see that um why is the public portion in the 2024 by um before the committee reports so I mean it's up it's up to the decision of of course the C committee but it's something that I think would be probably you don't like I said you could do it if you want to compromise you could do one with just with the work session just have the one open and then with the regular meeting after all committees because a lot of times from when I know notice is that you mostly defer your committee reports to your regular meeting right you don't usually do it in your work session um I see a lot of heads nodding here so um it's a suggested you could take it or not but I think it might work it might work well what if I only I just want to add one point to it um committee woman the only thing that my suggestion would be as the attorney is that whatever you decide to do is fine as long as you're allowing the public to speak to you before you pass resolutions there has to be a public portion early enough cuz the whole point of the public portion is that you get to hear from the public about how they feel about what you're voting on so if you're going to do it that way one of the public portions should really be before you pass any resolutions otherwise you are robbing the public of their opportunity to tell you how they feel about what you're going to pass well that's what I just said councilman yes I'm sorry um attorney I I just said you would do it for agenda items only at first and that's where your resolution would be um that's maybe I didn't make myself clear but I believe that's what I said because that should your resolution should show up on your agenda yes so if you open that up and somebody has a question about it um it may it may be covered that way again it's up to everybody else but I'm just giving a a simple suggestion so and I wasn't saying that to not agree I was just saying that to make it clear to clarify exactly how you guys should do it not to disagree with what so we used to do it the way you're suggesting what was happening was um people were getting confused like you can only speak on agenda items only there was fear that they weren't going to get to speak about other items we had to turn people away from the microphone it offended them you know it was for people who don't regularly come to meetings it was confusing we consolid and it made the meetings go very long um what we decided to do was consolidate to just one open uh public open session per meeting which made more sense um maybe move it but I don't think we should go back to to well you can't move it because as you heard council's just say that you have to have some discussion you couldn't just move it to the end you'd have to no not to the end but the point that you're suggesting you want to leave it the way it is that's what you're saying right now you're suggesting that we move it to after the committee reports I'm suggesting two I'm suggesting two I I don't think to because of the issues that I brought up however if we have one but move it until after the committee reports you can't because he the council just said that you have to have let the public have discussion on any of the um resolutions right so you can't move it till after the way it's set up here well change the order whatever you'd like to do if you want to change that's you know change because right now how it is isn't even how this meeting was run how it's listed right here in the 2024 bylaws the public portion is so early on in the meeting um so I'm not sure how that happened again it's a suggestion if you don't think that if it's I think two we really eliminated the two because of the confusion that it caused and but consolidating to one but I think a good compromise is to change the order so where would you like to put it so so would you like the committee reports to go up higher and and before so in other words where you you have the right where it says on here the proclamations you could put the committee reports there is that where you'd like the committee reports to go and then open to the public is that what you're talking about to move it yeah to eliminate the the issue that you're suggesting yes yeah I mean that's fine with me too you know that's fine but I think there's are questions of people who give committee reports and sometimes that comes up and they don't have a a chance to speak about it or ask a question about your report right so fair is fair and that's my my opinion on that so um what do we have to do to are there any other revisions does anybody else have any other questions or discussion points about the bylaws I uh I would like to see live streaming happening uh during the meetings uh I'm not saying that it has to be live streaming with questions but I think that this would be a great opportunity to promote transparency to Pro promote accessibility and I would love to see live streaming happening during the meetings so if folks can't make it they're still able to see what's happening in this chamber and still able to stay well informed but with let me ask you a question with that Mr Miller with the live streaming would you have um like you know during Co and everything we did have it up there at one time yeah that would people could ask questions I I would say it doesn't have to have questioning from home but just give people the opportunity to watch the meetings from home yeah that's all I have right now that's all I have for the bylaws right now thank you ask if anybody any more where you can call for a motion anybody else have any additional questions or call for a motion for the votes the other way that we could do this uh C Comm there's two ways that you can do it you could take votes now on each individual item or you can come to a consensus of the changes that you want me to make you can table the bylaws I can make the revisions circulate them to every body else again and then you could pass the revised bylaws at the next meeting I think that would be great that might be a better way then you could read it through if there's any other questions or issues you have between now and them you could address those with me directly and you can be confident at the next meeting okay by would just stay as they are and then next me you guys can do that way so you have taken so notes on what yep I just want to make sure since we're in public right now that we're with regard to section article 3 section 5 the 48 hours is currently what it is do you want me to change that to 72 hours is that what the consensus is let's say would go back to you know the Friday before so a more whatever you want whatever everyone wants to do you have to work the hours so just so we can have it the Friday H come in and well that's right because in the holidays like we just had a holiday and the Monday was closed and of course the office was closed so and you know everybody deserves time off but that also can interfere with us getting the agenda and anything else so right work whatever hours or for the draft draft whatever like that thank you okay so that's that one then we're going to go to section uh article 4 section six the public portion what was the consensus on where everyone wanted to move this are you talking about the the order yeah the order of the public portion we wanted to move that so I think Miss Oro um made the suggestion as well as I agreeing with it that to move it and to be to be fair you would then take what you have your committee reports and move it up prior to the open to the public right I think that's pretty much what we right all right so it's going to be one one session of public portion we're going to move committee reports immediately before and that would be you know the attorney report all the other report all the reports right let's just move those all up great oh I'm sorry one more thing I forgot um I don't notice and I haven't noticed on your um agendas you do not have uh at the end that I've seen maybe I missed it but you do not have when you're next meeting is time and date sometimes people take their agendas home and they look and say okay now I'm going to put that on my calendar and I suggest that be added to the end um the next meeting will be held on such and such date at this time in the courtroom and uh we we can add yeah I mean I don't know if that that has to go in the bylaws but am can do you can make make sure that that's done at the bottom of every agenda we don't need that in the that's not really a process I could put it in if everybody wants it we could put it in but it's not really a process it's more of a formality that Emory could add but if you would like it in and everybody wants it in we could put something like that in there it's not a problem all right so move all the Reps up there and just change make the of that yep we'll do the bottom dat so then the new when we get it and pass it then there would be a new date or rision on revision on that right okay great thank you so much and then there was one more suggestion by committee committee Miller with regards to live streaming is there any discussion or any consensus on what everyone wants to do with regard to that I'm fine with it that's just clar live streaming no Q&A right right right you want to go back to live stream without question they're not going to comment based on the video that we taping it and they're going to after we already have right I think that the concern with that though is that the YouTube is not uploaded and sometimes in very timely manner so it sometimes does take weeks for the public to be able to see the meeting if they did miss it so what if we yeah make housekeeping issues spe process before the weekend or that following Monday the latest okay exra Ty hours it's posted so it's it's posted 24 to 48 hours yeah usually by Friday up look at housekeepers who have it up money is there a let me ask is there a course factor for live streaming yes there is yes but why is that because couldn't you technically live stream from a phone to the township Facebook page couldn't you live stream technically to the township YouTube page if I may yes so I know from years past that was tried um I know from personal experience TR watching and it didn't work out too well for the township but they went with a service because this room's larger and it worked a little bit better that that's where the cost came there would still be a cost obviously for the cell service as well right you're going to do that so just like having a Township like smartphone though on a tripod right but there's a cost for Verizon charges as a monthly bill for a s but there's always a cost that that to your answer to your question that's put we used a previous service um for several hundred you know when they used it live and then we had we also had an additional employee sitting here monitoring the computer but if you're not asking to allow people to you know answer it you're probably be done without that uh I'm willing to compromise on the 48 hour for the Youtube upload yeah thank you okay so we want to add a provision here that the YouTube will be uploaded okay so we're going to say that the the meetings will be uploaded within how many hours was it 48 hours hours Monday the latest Ty 48 hours after the meeting Frid I mean I don't know if you you know when you do something like that you always put in you know unless there's extenuating circumstances right so you know that language I don't know we say absent extenuating circumstances all right my office will go back we'll make their R Visions we'll circulate this to everyone so we're going to table uh resolution 024-0003 [Music] [Music] okay right next PLL resolution next PLL I believe is 024 d19 and you ask what the people yeah uh I mean what uh I just don't know what who the appointments are it's [Music] just so is there going to be motion for specific yeah they're all in the resolution they're all named in the resolution if I may mayor yes I know I sat with yourself spoke with committee woman ARA I spoke with committee woman of PE I also spoke with at Great length yesterday with committee woman judge corello who after several hours said to me she would speak with Mr um Miller about these appointments and I did speak with so I I just want to make sure that that's conveyed yes I did speak I mean the I think um even though I you know speak to him about it I think my one of the concerns is that I don't know I don't you know know why there's no discussion on these I'm not quite sure because you know with the rfqs that came in it wasn't just you know some of them had one right there was some of them that had you know a couple of them is there a way to have even at the next meeting or another meeting just have a discussion on these um rqs I wasn't sent these resolutions in advance either I didn't have these either till today I did not have these I sat down so I mean I I mean is there a way we can have a discussion on this at you know can we table these any way of tbling these so we have a discussion at the next meeting Council absolutely can do that make a vote you guys pass the vote I mean there's various ways you can do it you can pass a motion to go in a Clos session discuss them you could do that now or you could pass a motion to table the appointments until for the meetings that the Township's pleasure in terms of how they want to handle it if there is no vote tonight whoever is currently serving positions would just remain as a whole remain as a hold over just everyone's aware and I think that the best way to I mean okay I'm new on this days but I mean the best way is to um have you know some kind of discussion I I know also one other thing with the bylaws I'm I'm thinking maybe and you can maybe not agree but prior to a meeting it worked very well with another committee that I know you had um close you'd open up and you go into close session for an hour before you have discussions of whatever was on the agenda or any other business that had to be taken care of and then you open up your regular meeting um and whatever the nine different um situations that you're allowed in executive of course the rules followed but what ends up happening is nobody can turn around and say I didn't know this was on the agenda I have no idea and sometimes it alleviates that sometimes it alleviates questions that Council people may have so well no because no because we would start earlier so if your meeting starts at 7 then you would open it up at you know we would be in session by 6 I'm just giving or half hour whatever they want to do so normally the meetings here are 7 right so if everybody could make it you could do 6:30 or 7 and have a discussion of what's on the agenda and and it sometimes alleviates questions and concerns you never want to hear somebody say I didn't know that right I I would be happy to table this uh because I didn't receive these resolutions until I sat down here um so I think that makes the most sense to table this uh it was just the rfqs that it wasn't the selected no I think uh de made himself available for all of us he sat me patiently going through everything I think pretty much everybody asked every major question it was on every I guess you your time to reach us out when in I know I did was I never heard through these I'm sure the questions were asked like you said there wasn't many with many submissions there but there were few those on that I had right I think that this should be just me sufficient time I don't know about everybody else's feeling I mean if why weren't these sense to me though that right I didn't get these resolutions you guys made these picks and I didn't know anything about it I think we all give the thought and the pins what he sat with I don't know I I know I did J I did did you give your thought opinions when you talked to Dean yes so you guys talked to Dean but we haven't had discussion I'm asking uh I don't I don't I wasn't discussion discussion mine was just a learning thing like what what is going on with each and every pick or you didn't give any um I believe what I had a discussion on with um with Dean Pinto was that you know what do you think or whatever but I don't think it was any further than saying you know I'm going to choose this or whatever you know I'm not going to do that without a total committee to do that like I said I said we I don't know do yeah I mean that was it was pretty much kind of learning how and who and that's the way I learned it so I don't know you want to make the comment could you said it what everybody were you're feeling why these picks like I said I when Mr Miller and M Corell were in the room reviewing them we had numerous discussions about individual um different professionals and you know why who has been here who has the institutional knowledge why to continue I know specifically about the municipal court judge I was very vocal about that position uh I know we went through these so um I don't I can't explain why the resolutions weren't sent to you but is it normally that you you don't talk to I mean I know what you said I'm sorry Mr but I understand what you're saying and I understand what you said to me but is it normally the way that this works this is my first time up here so is it normally this way or do does all the committee people get together and agree to what that would violate the sunshine laws right you can't have everybody get together but we can fix that right now by just tabling this to the next week's work session I I don't vote I know well and I don't think you're supposed to pick the professionals either I I'm not saying I professional I had discussion sounds about each one of the professionals it sounds like you pick them and then hold them your picks not at all do that I speak for everybody else the administrator runs the day today so we value his opinion on what professionals we don't deal with them as much as he does so we ask the questions I mean we had the opportunity to ask the questions about what are the positives and negatives of each and do we want to consider changing so um continuity is important especially considering depending on the professional and pretending on the type of project that they're working on so but if there's something that requires you know exploring a change then we would do that right but you know um but yes we are not going to know as much about these professionals as the people who deal with them dayto day most of the time it's the administrator there are others right and I think the most information you can get is from doing an interview as well and there were no interviews so uh I would like to see this tabled for the next meeting I know personally I S one for $2 half he did not influence me give me opinions when I asked for an opinion I you feels confident that he he put the votes out that we three or more I guess these cor do we need four for these no you need a majority of the majority you the majority that's and that's just my opinion he already has the majority votes at the build you guys want to but like I said I took time I spent time and effort to speak and I felt confident with the p I made I can't speak for Jen and everybody else my PS were confident and mean we don't face off everybody's discussions um I mean further but at this point in time I just want right I'm going to make a motion to table resolutions uh 024 019 um to 024 0445 to the next meeting I'll second that motion committee woman ARA uh so it's just discussion on that motion so what are you yeah I just want to be clear what are you okay we're tabling it to next meeting but what are you suggesting that happens between now and then well I think that it would be more appropriate for us to have at least a closed session prior to that meeting to be able to discuss these professionals so you're asking for a closed session yes and then following we can following we can vote on these professionals at the next meeting okay so I guess a closed session either tonight or but prior to the next meeting if you guys want to do it tonight we absolutely can we can also uh meet prior to the next meeting so we can wait wait let me just clarify I think what the committee was saying is that the only options are all of this needs to be dealt with in public so the options are if you table this and then you have a closed section at the this you either have a closed session at this meeting and you go in and have your discussion and then you come out and you continue to proceed or you can table these till the next meeting have a closed session at the next meeting to discuss the vote always has to obviously be in public of course yeah so not there's not an additional meeting in between it would be a close session correct s en Clos this this session or at your next meeting if you choose to take these that's the way that this would go so I think the motion that the committee made is to table these to next meeting and then discuss these at closed session at the next meeting if I'm correct correct I believe that's the motion just to clarify and that was seconded by committee woman cell so good and you don't you also have um a contract in this right it's the on the let me get the me get the area here I Mr Miller did you bring it up to um 024 045 yes so isn't that a contractual in there also mhm that could be an executive session discussion yeah so you board it up to that too yes okay it's from 019 through 045 those are all the resolutions the motion is to move those res solutions to the next meeting with the understanding that there would be a closed session to discuss Personnel issues that is what the motion is for clarification purposes committee woman ARA so sorry the motion is to discuss that at the next meeting then to table all of these resolutions to the next meeting okay yes we have a public meeting next right so the next meeting the next meeting is scheduled for the 24th okay and that's a public meeting yes on the on the website it says that the next yeah the next meeting is the work session on the 10 right but because of the re because when the calendar was done the reorder date wasn't set so okay so it would be a motion to move table these resolutions to the meeting on the 24th again with you understand that you would have a close session for personnel matters committee one minut I call yes committee one Judge cell yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor pichy yes and mayor bti yes right so so we have one more was the other one the 02446 I just want to make a suggestion to the town CH as well there were two resolutions that were on for the Sendai meeting which we were not able to move because you didn't have a majority of the majority you now have a majority of the majority it's a housekeeping item but there would need if this Township committee wants to you can make a motion to add those two resolutions to pass those now because it's the bills list uh and there's another one again it's not something you have to do but it's just something that I noted right goes WR for the send on again not something anybody has to do you don't have to do it just bringing it up because it was discussed well me Vinnie and Gail could vote on it the other two yeah no yeah committee state everybody else can vote on every because you would need four because they're Financial so you would need four oh and I wasn't here for that yeah the only reason it would up [Music] yeah can't you can't even do it can't do those have to be was on majority no because she was off at the time 0242 to018 yes m and can we put in 02446 with that which is that that's also temporary budget appropriation yeah yeah that's okay [Music] okay so you're going to pass those together yeah okay and just 18 oh went all up 18 uh and then 024 046 then put on0 046 and Z from 19 to 45 is TBL okay and okay so we're starting at the 024 002 correct to 018 right and then we the last one 046 the temporary budget but the one is by the bylaws are tabled so the next that's table until we get the revision and 19 to5 is thank you like ask for a motion make the motion pass resolution 024 d002 through 02418 also 024 d 046 i motion make motion I'll second it second committee woman ARA yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee Miller yes Deputy Mayor Pichi yes and mayor bti yes and the numbers again the table are 01 table is uh 01 19 19 to [Music] 4 next till the next Mee in January can I get a motion to table resolution uh number 024 d0 01 resolution number 024 d020 through resolution number 024 d045 uh so I do have a question why was uh 024 044 P the meeting dates oh it was just that one was it just the one January one or was there an issue well I definitely have questions about maybe possibly adding uh more meetings in November and December I know we only need once during those months and I think it might be more worthwhile to offer two meetings those months so in the past we didn't have meetings those two months because of the holidays but also in November you have election day you have to work around and the league of municipalities so some of us go but a lot of our uh professionals are not available during the league so you have and then you have Thanksgiving so you have really those two weeks plus election day to work around it's just very difficult to have two meetings you might be able to do December but I think November because of those three things it's very difficult to do so what about December I I couldn't hear you did you say December I said December might be possible but November is very difficult to work around because you had a sundine that you had to do the Bills list I mean could that have been done in December or you had to wait till Jan jary under the Sund no we always do it in January because we have to pay from November no we we had a meeting in December but we had to pay from December to January all right so I mean is there anything that has to really be closed out in December that you would need two meetings that's my question I mean what we have also done in the past is that we if we've had things like interviews for police or I'm just making an example we have called we've had um a July meeting and we would okay post it publicly that if we needed I think a couple of years ago we added one I believe it was July or August that we did add the second meeting if needed so she can always had a meeting always had a meeting yeah um I guess you know I just want us to be diligent about that because I do recall that the you guys had a July 19th meeting and then you didn't meet till August 30th and that was the August 30th meeting turned into a 5 hour meeting because there was so much to cover so I do think that it is on us to be diligent about yeah I think that was due to a vacation and conflicts of people can all together know you try to do of course some our people so that's why those things were mov the RO yeah but I think if we keep it flexible to add the meeting in case we need it yeah sometimes you can't predict you know of how busy a month is going to be or what issues are going to come up so who would call that then you would have somebody say the the administrator say you know really we need to have this meeting because it's so backed up I would think any of us could call it um I think you know um if we see that the agenda is packed you know that any of us could call it um maybe when the clerk is writing it she could suggest it but it's up to us to add that thank you I appreciate that because you know I wasn't sure if the mayor would call that or you know seeing anybody can call it I think any of us could request thank you okay I just wanted to be clear why that was pulled so are we pulling that or no do we want to put it back your um we can put it back okay so all right so you could just make it's the last one so you can just make a motion to pass it as is okay let me let me read it um resolutions uh on just 04-04-2019 motion to keep it as is I'll make the motion to pass it pass pass it I'll second it committee woman Arta yes committee woman Judge cell yes committeeman Miller yes Deputy Mayor aichi yes and mayor the [Music] yes we didn't get the table we get a vote yeah you table you table all the necessary [Music] resoltion I think did we have discussion to come in a little bit earlier for the next meeting for this do we agree to that for the close session so in other words the Public Public starts at 7 it's normal 7 at we could agree maybe we come in at 6 if possible and be able to 2 you make a motion to start the the meeting would start and you'd go into close session right away so you open you close public would be here at 7:00 you're out you're here and working so January 24th you're making a motion to open I I'd like to make that motion 6m there is that okay I mean can everybody make that or well unless I have an emergency this is unusual I never had to be late but you have a second it thank you okay committee woman Arta yes committee woman judge Cella yes committee man Miller yes Deputy Mayor pachy and mayor of Vietti yes so January 24th we're starting at 6 p.m. thank you I will put that in the [Music] paper yeah just you're going well you're only the class one so what say mayor appoint you're making that appointment and then you the committee has their own appointment that they have to vote on and then the rest of the volunteer appointments you just make those You' be go to class one yeah you're class one six was appointed to Mayor hold yeah so we this is appointment to what the start your playing yeah you could just run through your list say what the committee is and then you could State your appointment to that committee what is this for is this for I is this for planning one yeah this is the planning which there then you can make you make the class one appointment as yours the board yeah you could do that one first just call out what the committee is and and then State what the appointment is going to be go through that [Music] list uh for the mayorip committee Le report I would like to in in order to be parness and work everybody worked together I was looking to to make some committees or most of the Committees a chairman and a vice chairman that way we have do people in in is more accessible to each each group I just want any discussions or any objections to that I have a question about how Vice chairman is I mean we appoint these it it gives each member responsibility and now we're kind of splitting that up what are the responsibilities I mean anytime we can't make a meeting we ask each other for backup I I just don't understand I think it actually weakens each person's responsibility by putting it to two and where are the the guidelines for that I just think one person could be the liaison if they need um backup or assistance or advice they can freely ask another person but to assign to I think it it spreads us even thinner and kind of dilutes yeah mine would be the main one chair one Vice chairman where both people can go but the main objective would be for chairman to handle all urgent needs and have a discussion with somebody immediate and they can come back to me or the township committee to discuss it that way if you can't make a meeting your Vice chair will be there and they gives equal footing for every I have no say what's going on yeah but then you have like just for example fire department now they have two people to contact and not one I but I they can't contact say number one then they could contact number two and number two will be on board with the decision making because you are the two that I would assign to each commit hopefully we'll get along and they'll work together there something media comes up like I said they can't get like I work days and I'm an officer sometime might be busy on the call they could go to the number two person the same work process I know Tommy works out out of town if he's in the classroom something comes up they can go to the second person that was my thought process on why two with the primary focus will be on the first chairperson handling everything and the second chairperson is there for assistance and woman can attend to meetings to be fully informed of the everything that's going on but the primary responsibility will be the chairperson so there's no bylaws for this just so just to say that no put it into the bylaw you could certainly I could add in a provision that very briefly discusses that a chairperson and a vice chairman person are going to be appointing each committee and then try to come up with some some sort of a simple without getting too uh because again this is a volunteer you want people to show up you don't want to burden people with too many um laws and rules but I could certainly try to come up with something if that's what the township commity would like I could just add that to the revisions to the bylaws the only problem is then your Appo your appointments tonight you'd probably want to wait on those if you wanted to do it this way because I would need to you could amend it at that time if he could do the appointments tonight and you could amend that with they with the understanding correct that the bylaws are going to be amended yeah we could do it that way yes doesn't work yeah some leaon ships don't have meetings or they have meetings less often I think trying to write this you know each one you know planning board definitely has meetings cor you know and there's already the the different classes of so you already have two people put in place in that that wouldn't count that he's not saying that he's no but I'm just saying the other ones like like fire department why do you need two you know sometimes people can't make vot and it would it would be a backup so another committee that I know about um you have you have um the head person of the committee is their backup for any of the other committees but also could participate so if you needed if you want two people at that meeting have two people at that meeting there's nothing about being you know in charge of that it would be your responsibility reported to the committee right but if there was something that you know you wanted two people there okay if you want if I couldn't make it and I have somebody backing me up and I said listen I can't make that me at least you have a Lea on fair right so you want to have somebody um representing yeah I mean in the past I would I would inform the mayor listen I I can't make the fire department meeting you know I would just inform the mayor I mean I took my responsibilities very seriously I I ever didn't saying didn't but this in my opinion I believe this also works very well where you can always say you know something you would just I'm just going to give an example tonight say you had to be at a senior meeting or something I'm just going now you couldn't do it you'd call Tommy if you lose your back up and say Tommy I can't be there I'll get there but can you represent me for now or it works a lot of times it works well and if it doesn't work by the way you you take it out that's it it's not so if you feel that it's a conflict at any time you can remove it also each depart I have two committee members attending so they feel more comfortable maybe see I I would one talk to the other one but knowing that the the chair chairman as said which that just to help everybody out like if I can't make a meeting at least they know somebody there they can't get all you there sobody they can call not taken away from any main chair person's responsibility trying Mya just having ass to somebody help and then is it is it your vision that the chair and vice chair would kind of discuss on their own what responsibility a decision like somebody has a question and one might not know the other one might know or they could come formally and understand how the township works and they could present it to the township that or me or the depy May who's ever in that position I'm fine with it I don't a problem was okay yeah but we don't we're not going to motion it because M we table the bylaws I'm going to I'm taking the suggestions in I'm going to make that revision and circulate the bylaws for everyone for review and approval prior to the next meeting so that next meeting it could be passed but but tonight the mayor is going to make appointments chair and vice chair to each committee pursu this discussion with the understanding that the bylaws are going to take effect at the next meeting and I will provide Provisions for those two spots okay but again it's within your power and your authority to appoint as you see fit you're entitled to go through the the Committees and announce your appointments to each thank you the next part i' like to bring up bring back a couple of committees I don't know if that has to be a motion or I could just bring them back the community to bring back Community for the development of the community so if you want to add committees to the bylaws that again well bring back I think currently in the past we had these I will again add these to the bylaws if they're not there assuming there's no objections from the just for efficiency at this point development shade committee so shade Tre was already in there yeah in there already Okay so we're good no one that like to try and introduce is Redevelopment flood mitigation Personnel policies of procedures anybody has any objections or try to development flood mitigation Personnel policies and procedures mitigation Redevelopment policies and procedures what am I missing what's the fourth one personel Personnel policies and procedures would be one committee I'm assuming correct mayor so what policy and procedures are you looking at just in general are you talking about ordinance resolution yes okay thank [Music] you okay great access for all 2023 it was myself 2024 for chairman I'd like to make Tommy Miller Vice chair Gila Board of Education 2023 with Jennifer aichi this year will be chairman Teresa cllo and Tomy Miller as life Bo of Health last year was perasa for 2024 Teresa Vice read jeen Pichi sorry I miss which one thank you I'll give you a list okay thank you the building department uh last year was me I want to do it again this year and my advice will be Jennifer aichi civil rights last year was Linda Vace this year will be Teresa cello uh Vice chair will be Geral TOA committee to improve public areas last year was Linda bonface this year will be me uh Vice will be Jennifer aichi Community Development Jenifer P will be chair this year will be uh second Vice chair will be I'm sorry uh Redevelopment will be myself the chair Vice Jenifer aichi flood mitigation chairman will be Gala Vice chair will be Teresa Court last year was aramasa this year Tommy Miller will be chairman uh Vice chair will be Teresa DPW uh last year was myself this year will be Teresa Vice will be Tommy Miller Finance Jennifer Pichi myself as Vice fire department will be myself uh chair will be Jen aichi historical committee Tommy Miller as chair Vice chair Teresa Insurance Teresa Cella Vice will be Gila Library will be Tommy Miller Vice will be uh Teresa Cella OEM will be Gil ARA Vice will be myself Walker committee Teresa Cella G toz lce Personnel will be Jen pachy Vice will be myself planning board will be Gila uh and Tommy Miller device and I going to make a mayor appointment at Jena also skip that for Library I also Bey mared uh bo my can you repeat that one wait who uh the library and the planning oh yeah the planning board my appointments will be wait planning was me and Tommy I thought mayor's appoint May oh mayor's appoint I'm sorry okay commit going yes okay and also plan for mayor appointment policies and procedures chair person will be Jennifer aichi uh Vice will be Teresa Police Commissioner will be Gil TOA uh Vice chair will be Teresa Recreation Jennifer kichi Vice will be Tommy Miller recycling will be Tommy Miller advice will be Jennifer pachy Senior Center will be Teresa Cabella Vice will be myself summer concert will be myself Vice will be Gail ARA veterans will be janichi uh Vice will be Gila zoning board will be y TOA I will be vice sh Tre commission will be myself s shair will be Tommy I'll make copies can you repeat Library uh Library will be chairperson Tommy Miller Vice chair will be theres Pella the mayor appointment will I'll have Jen is my okay thank you I'll make yes of course I just made little notes Let me just correct and get you a good [Music] copy right the playing board right I you're just going to gear your class your class one so your class one appointment yeah you do class one appointments yep you do that yep yeah you do your class that's a class five Vol you just do your class once that's it there's design me that's all you and you can and then the township can there and I know these guys they want to stay on all these John the CL is being and William [Music] [Music] youer um uh are the appointments new there alternates on the on the backr is going back on back on okay uh for the planning board secretary Rosary moo resigned in place an Marie Wells as her replacement R knew John Millers as Vice chair I don't which new the new turn Figaroa the zoning board I replace uh Dave ke his turns up with Francine pascarelli I renewed Michael Warren renewed uh cpon toia renewed gillo alterate one uh Eddie Aboud for fanine moved up renew alternate to alternate one Russ the [Music] Franco Municipal Court Judge that's a professional yeah so you're G leave that that's professional Recreation committee I have assigned Valentina Maro renewed Mark Wrigley renewed Christine Holtz alternate one will be Sean Smith alternate two will be Lacy rley Library board Chris Sheridan uh Sam B resigned so Chris sh will take his spot and uh Des whoever want I would pick uh Teresa what am I doing uh for the library board already done that didn't you choose that's why I was playing thank you anyway but I think all right did I miss any think I got them all and I went over the list you go and I now you're going to C committee appointments is the committee has to appoint the zoning board I believe there's an appointment to the to the planning board as well am right committee has an appointment to the zon in the planning board yeah the committee does the zoning board Comm does zoning board there is no committee on the zoning board it it's on here committee no there is no committee on the zoning okay that's why I was wondering why there was assignment I'm asking on the agenda it's supposed to stay so it stays so there stays an autonomous board correct right so then not supposed to have so we have to disregard that so there's no I think so yeah you have to amend this agenda yeah well there're just not going to make an appointment on the agenda there's going to be no appointment yeah you can just take it off Tak it off the agenda so the the committee appointment to the zoning board is going to be removed from the agenda because there is no appointment okay everyone stand you can make a motion all in favor if you want why couldn't you have one I mean the way I'm just asking good good G no go ahead the way the zoning board is designed it's that we don't have control over that it's sep control as it would you no it's a tempate it's a separate aton's body I'm just confused by why it says a committee appointment two zoning board I don't understand right didn't you just do that yeah why on there maybe that's why it's on maybe it's on separately I it's just confusing it's let [Music] me that was I just don't know why it's separate from there on here just appointment that was made in his list so you could disregard skip that I don't know why it's a separate line item all right and you can move on mayor you did the motion tojin the meeting anybody want anybody want I'm looking for a motion to close the meeting I'll make the motion tojin the meeting anyway second second all in favor I orint you're reappointed so that's why it's separate I'll second your motion to reopen okay so now we will have to say yes or no to the appointment made for the zoning good so you can do a voice vote if you'd like yes do a roll call I'm sorry y go ahead okay is there a a motion we opened up but is there a motion on the zone and board appointments I'll make a motion I'll second committee woman Ora yes committee woman judge CLL yes committeeman Miller yes Deputy mayori yes and mayor B yes there you go all now we can now I'll make ask for a motion to the meeting I'll make the motion I'll second all in favor thank youting thank you yeah