and anything's possible all right I'd like to call the February 27th 2024 council meeting to order start with flat slop I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all moment of silence to remember the service and sacrifices of the armed service members who protect our nation and the First Responders who protect our neighborhoods council president yes can I add um art crane to the list yes thank you thank you CL please take the role councilman freedlander yeah councilwoman noon here councilman Brooks here councilman sacket here councilwoman Brooks here councilman Quinn here councilman voy toich here vice president salberg here president grit here adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record and the Star Ledger the official newspapers for the Township of Rockway notice was posted on the official bullet Boards of Rockway Township the township website and notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk agenda item six approval of the minutes uh can I have a motion to approve the January 16th Township Council regular meeting minutes so moved second second cler please take a rooll councilman freedlander yes councilman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn obain councilman voitovich yes vice president salberg yes president critz yes it's eight yes is one abstention motion passes there's nobody signed up on the open to the public portion is anybody uh in attendance wish to speak is right as a reminder it's three minutes and I ask you to state your name and address for the record that's okay is that mic working just want to make sure the microphone's working there we go okay do you want me to say it again no it's okay um um I just had a question about the mail service I don't know who to ask um our mails been inconsistent and like three days without mail a couple times and wrong mail like the house next to me gets my mail I get like just really bad and Lighting on Perry Street is there who checks the lights so the mail will go through the Postmaster General I've been to the post office my husband's been to the post office my neighbors have been to the post office I filed complaints nothing changes we have zero to do with the mail um I know you don't like guide me I I would actually I would just look up on the the post office website who the superior excuse me council president if I can just interject for a moment so thank you as a matter of fact on my agenda my update I am going to speak about the United States Post uh Postal Service and the delivery what's going on uh I have been in touch with the postmaster of do and we are looking into what's going on on uh the mail is a pretty interesting system it just doesn't go from Rockway to Rockway it goes to a distribution center in Carney um sometimes it goes to a different Distribution Center depending on the ZIP code so it goes to a distribution center back here if it's not barcoded there's a lot of uh moving Parts I know that so we so I just want to let you know I literally was just on the phone with the Post Master yesterday and I'll do a little update with respect to that that's why I'm saying and I don't know what to do so hopefully hopefully uh you know we can use uh some Authority here as the township yeah so we will be the voice of our residents also uh you had mentioned a street light request did I hear that it seems like there's blinking lights and they're out and I don't know what the deal is like who do you go to for that so you you can you can certain ly contact Administration or dispatch with a light out uh we need the poll number the police yeah dis yep you can contact not 911 just regular regular police dispatch number say it again it's a non-emergency dispatch number I could just go in there right and talk to yeah could what we're saying is every poll has a number identifier on it right you want those numbers oh and present those and then um PA or somebody else will research who owns that light they'll get it so residents have the opportunity to go to the jcpnl site and report it yourself but by all means we're here to report it for you JNL yes so if it's a jcpnl you'll see the poll it'll say JC on it and then a number that's the poll number that we need to report the light is out and then they'll come and they'll fix it the township pays every month for all these street lights so we want to make sure that the street lights are operating and that residents know please we need a report of those outages I know the police that drive around are cognizant over uh you know these outages but sometimes something might be missed so we would like to have that reported all right thank you that for service not bad anybody else wish to speak okay uh moving on to ordinances for public hearing final adoption o 24-1 and ordinance amending chapter 13 fire prevention specifically sections 1.5 organization section 1.6 appointments term of office removal section 3.2 refusal to leave section 3.3 applicability of Provisions section 6.2 non-life Hazard registration fees and section 6.4 exemption from registration fees of the revised General ordinances of the township of Rockway can I have a motion so move second it is there anybody from the public that wishes to speak on this ordinance is there any Council discussion Clark please take the role councilman friedlander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman vo toic yes vice president salberg yes president critz yes that's nine yes as motion passes moving on to the consent agenda r 24-36 r-4 37 r- 24-38 r- 24-39 r- 24-40 r24 d41 r- 24-42 r-4 d43 r- 24-44 r-4 d45 r-4 d46 r-4 d47 r- 24-48 r-4 d49 r-2 4-50 and r-4 d51 can I have a motion council president yes could we PLL for a discussion uh R 2445 yes is there any others that people wish okay so I'd like a motion on passing the consent agenda for everything stated except item Jr d2445 so move clerk please take the all Council councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sackin yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voy toic yes vice president salberg yes president crits yes that's nine yes's motion passes uh councilman second thank you council president um with this resolution and the the background information I know we had um we have up to 44,000 and then afterwards um this was originally calling for 990,000 and then a few hours ago we were sent an email bumping it up again to $150,000 so quite a bit of bumping on this resolution with not tons of more information on it so I'd definitely make like to make a motion to table this for next meeting pending more information um we can talk about it here to a certain extent but because of the timelines uh I don't think we can push it okay um are you prepared to speak on it yeah okay thank you uh councilman sacket yes so this uh resolution is to authorize a law firm in Texas Chamberlain her Lia I don't recall the rest of the firm's name to defend the Township in a bankruptcy proceeding that is including a tax appeal for three properties in the outer ring of the Rockaway mall because the appealer uh filed for bankruptcy in Texas the township requires representation in Texas and specifically representation with knowledge of Bankruptcy Court the initial estimate for services was estimated at not to be exceeding $990,000 uh due to a recent bill just received it is evident that this requires an additional approval of up to $150,000 the law firm is doing work for this Township they've already been successful with one of their motions so we need the authorization of the Govern governing body to pay them for the services that they're providing to date I'm sorry so just to confirm the the original amount was an estimate now that we're starting to get bills we know more so based on the based on motions that have been made counter motions and based on the actions that would have been occurring in court right now has escalated uh the need for them to continue to represent us uh more deeply than we had originally thought so it's not as simple as we thought it was going to be no it's not it's it's it's bankruptcy and tax appeal court and and we're trying to uh take care of this matter using New Jersey Law in the state of Texas it's it's a complex matter um that requires these experts to represent us um so that is right now where we are are we are we allowed to discuss the uh the tax uh potential loss if we're not successful you know what I I don't have those numbers in front of me but uh it's it's pretty subst it's it's pretty substantial yeah no it's a lot okay that's that's my question I asked that question yeah I could say a couple million dollars okay okay we're in the million okay that are counc M yeah uh Paula can we also include if um we are successful in this that that person pays for all our legal expenses so that our town gets reimbursed because they're the ones causing the problem I would prer that to legal council effect councilman Quinn that goes into something that would position the town in a legal situation and that is not something for public consumption at this time okay okay are there any indications it might exceed 150,000 not at this moment but I can say that this Township will do everything it can to recoup its dollars and we will good thank you any other Council discussion on us all right so I'd like to make a um I'll make a motion to uh pass consent agenda item R d2445 can I I'll second it okay Clark please take the RO councilman freeder yes councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman zaket yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voitovich yes vice president salberg yes president crits yes it's nine yes's motion passes uh I'm going to move up agenda item 12 um for appointments uh so citizens Recreation committee uh Keith Felix the unexpired term expiring 12 3124 can I have a motion so moved second CL please take all councilman freedlander yes Council Manon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes and congratul ulations councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voy toic yes vice president salberg yes president crit yes that's n yes as motion passes um fire department appointments Kyle Freeman Fire Company 5 Cole Brennan another Brennon that's all of Brennon Cole Brennan Fire Company 3 junior membership uh Alexander board Fire Company Fort transition from Junior to full membership Brian ptoa fire company for transition from Junior to full membership can I have a motion second clerk please take the r councilman freedlander yes welcome well meet him councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes and welcome AB board councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes and welcome a board councilman vo toich yes yes vice president salberg yes president Chris yes that's nine yeses motion passes congratulations um we're going to go into uh Council reports and uh Administration reports again I'm going to ask to uh keep it to five minutes and then uh I'm looking at you let's start with councilwoman D yes quickly um I just wanted to say we've had some conversations about the snow and the and the parking um and I and I think Council Brooks is gonna agree with me um I I just wanted to get with the parking with the snow what the rules are and what the process is do they get tickets do they get towed and if we're if we can enforce that a little bit firmer and that's that councilman Freelander thank you council president uh just uh some uh reports on the library had their reorganization meeting went well and and they reviewing the budget for 2024 uh they planned the library day April 21st which is right outside and it's attended well by the town Historical Society we had last month the program for history of Rockaway Township from the beginning that d m uh did and we have about 40 people there which these uh programs are going well and if you hopefully in the summer we'll have the fort f house open they they're doing the renovations with the bathroom and interior work uh substance abuse Alliance uh the programs are going well uh celebrity day is at the end of the school year and they have uh 20 celebrities signed up this year uh I won't tell you who that'll be a secret uh environmental committee uh they uh reviewed again uh the Christ the church to the plans of what they want to do on the property and maybe uh have some uh suggestions or thoughts to the uh boards that review it and the water equality committee uh met again uh with the mayor and Peter Talbert from the health department going over some issues with the Lakes as far as the quality and how to proceed forward to make sure that uh we can use all of them and that's it Council BR um not too much and yes I agree with councilwoman noon um and I'd also like to thank the DPW for all their hard work again this was a trickier storm just with timing and the wetness um but as always they did an excellent job um I attended the Board of Education meeting the uh local board meeting on the 14th and I just would like to uh recognize the spelling B students from every school there had to be four or five that were in fourth and fifth grade from each location it was just awesome to see how we had so many kids and they were honored and it was just really really really nice so I would like to congratulate all those students um once again and that's all I have councilman Quinn I'll be sure also uh Tyler ride had a Valentine's Day uh event and it went very well um so that's one number two is um I'm been reviewing the budget for 2024 looking forward to Saturday when we can get down to nitty gry um the rec committee now that Felix is on as uh we started assigning different committee members to different programs so that they're represented at the at our committee and planning board uh yes Christ Church did come before us with their plans I think the mayor will talk more about that but uh one of the things is uh I had Reverend Ireland also put on the record that the ball fields are staying the same we have full utilization of them and that they are doing some interior work on putting in a full-size basketball court that we will have ability to use plus they're moving the basketball court that's at the entrance to up by the soccer fields and that will be available to the residents plus the playground so when kids are playing soccer there The Young Ones can be up at the playground and it keeps everybody in that tight area so it it looks like it's a good plan other than that all's well and second W right now thank you second thank you council president as we uh I'm sure councilman Brook May mentioned we're winding down a lot of the winter sports um the girls uh wreck playoffs uh basketball starts this week for fifth and sixth grade girls and the uh Championship will be this side at 3:00 at Copeland uh I've seen a lot of posts on the the talent Facebook page as well with the the VAR Sports which is great um boys and girls uh travel basketball play I started last week and uh the eighth grade girls play Wednesday night on the road in the second round against uh 7 p.m. at North Hunton and uh I'm a coach on the eighth grade boys travel team and Rec director Dyer was there Friday night and we won so we play Friday night eighth grade boys 745 Copeland against Mountainside and that's all I have thank you all right councilman Brooks thank you council president um just to piggyback on councilman socket uh the hockey playoffs uh start this weekend for all of our rec teams and uh we had a very successful season in terms of wins and losses so uh we're looking hopefully to bring home some Hardware other than that no report you did want to mention there's some interesting props on FanDuel for the hockey playoffs and the basketball playoffs councilman movich yeah I just want to update uh we're continuing to uh plan for National Night Out with Administration Police Department we're excited this is going to be the first one in very long time Y in rock so we're excited about that and I want to thank the administration for updating us with some of the major incidents so I hope we continue to grow from from here that's all I have ccil President I got it sorry thank you right first um County Commissioner report um some positive news out of uh the green Pawn Road resurfacing um County just approved an additional $124,000 it's now up to about 2.29 million for improvements to Green Pond it looks like next section is going to be from Jacob's Road North up to where they left off last time um another resolution was passed approving plans and specifications uh for draining Improvement uh survey for Green Pond Road that'll be going out to bid soon so again good news uh for for everybody up uh Green Pond Road um on another note it was actually very good month February for recognizing Rockway Township residents on the state level uh on a few levels uh first one which should take a lot of pride in um every month New Jersey Devils um she was a uh teacher of the month and the February 2024 um teacher of the month was uh John Titus of Stony Brook Elementary so very proud of my nephew and it was good to see his name and lights so that was great um and beyond that if you may or may not know but February was American Heart month great opportunity of course to uh you know to care for your own cardiac health as well as your loved ones uh several things on this uh first tomorrow February 28th is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy awareness day which is spearheaded by Rockway Township's own um hcma hypertrophy cardiomyopathy Association so if you know anyone uh with this disorder again you can find some information online for that uh but beyond that uh during American Heart month um an organization BJ which is a Consortium about 400 of the top um biomed life science pharmaceutical companies throughout New Jersey get together for their annual meeting and they choose three honores um within the state uh for over and above service to uh to Citizens and you know for the um for their well-being and one of the recipients and honores this year was again the founder of um hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Association Lisa salberg so she was one of three uh she was honored keynote speaker by uh was the governor and it was a great opportunity uh again get rock Way's name out there but more importantly uh the hard work uh that the hcma does so that's what I have thanks um much like you gentleman talk about I spent the morning on Saturday with the Rockets you know clean out the concession stand and their the trailer and um up by the recycling center and trying to get everything in order and um something occur to me and I don't mean to put you on the spot Mr Mayor but we were in the clubhouse in the football Clubhouse and I'm looking at 30 Something Beautiful trophies that the Rockets have won over the years some going back you know to you know 30 40 years um and I wonder if there would be an opportunity you know this trophy case that's empty here here to get all the sports you know if everybody wanted to contribute you know some of the trophies so you know other people in town um can see them as well so I would suggest right if you go to the high schools maybe do it seasonal right so in the winter you could have winter sports if they have stuff they want to put out there and in the spring spring Sports things like that but by all means I I didn't know what you had planed for that space and again this ision hearing of it so I'm not we could talk about it the trophy case is nice right at where at that the football club house no you actually need a Teta shot to get in there and look at it um so that's not true Mr PAB but I I'm just saying it would it's a great opportunity again I don't know what you have planned to go in there I don't want to take up no absolutely okay so we disc coordin Miss Gabe okay y all right great idea um sorry s and then I wanted um and somebody mentioned that Saturday is our budget hearing so this is an open to the public meeting that we're going to have on Saturday I I want to thank everybody from Administration for all the work that they put into the budget um we we go over this budget in detail um it'll be in this room on Saturday at N9 o' everybody will have a chance to speak to the public if you wish uh everybody from the public will have a chance to speak um I just know you know we there's always talk about the budget and what we spend what we do but you know the last two budget meetings we had nobody from the public so it will be on YouTube Correct m c um yeah oh all right so it'll it'll be streamed as well um but it's a good opportunity to get out there so it'll start at 9:00 in the morning um it should be a couple of hours you know it's certainly I don't expect a full day Marathon this is a really good Council uh this Council does their homework ahead of time um to get answers to the question question so unlike councils of the past it's not a it's not a uh it's not a show right there's no cran standing it's you know these council members here all genuinely care about what we do and they put in the work ahead of time so it becomes a smooth process on Saturday so again just inviting anybody who wants to come to that it will be in this courtroom uh Mr Mayor yeah thank you council president uh a few things I wanted to go through um recently we had a resident um passway Alfred um muscolino and uh you know many people ask for flowers or donations to different causes when he passed his wish was that um people make donations to the Rockway Township Recreation so um in the past several weeks we've received roughly $275 worth of donations so we sent a letter to his wife um thanking him for uh his his kind you know request upon his death so we want to recognize the family and and thank them um this month I I had the uh honor of going to to KDM and meeting with third graders government week I think you did as well um the kids asked some phenomenal questions um great group of kids and they made me nice nice thank you card and all that was really cool I also got to go to Stonybrook for for two things um first I got to speak to the third grade class there um they had some great questions about Rockway Township concerns things like that that I covered but then um one of the custodians there uh went through the process and and earned his citizenship as United States citizen so it was a really touching ceremony he was surprised he he didn't know what was going on they had all the kids lined up and uh you know they had American flags it was it was very nice so congratulations um to him um couple things Dave I'm going to steal some of your thunder Easter Festival Saturday March 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. at Birchwood Elementary um if you if You' never been to one you know there's tons of crafts tons of games to play there's music um there's a creepy looking bunny rabbit that you can get pictures with um and there's prizes right there's baskets that we raffle off and all so it's a lot of fun um uh Sue Gabe and Recreation puts it on with uh Dave Dyer and and a bunch of the guys from our recreation department so appreciate that so again Saturday March 23rd uh from 10: to 1200 um one other thing I wanted to share something Dave Dyer's been working on so if you walk out front if you come in from the front there's a the brick facade and it says Rockway Township Municipal Building and then there's just like this big wall of bricks so we're actually looking to get a metal sign um with our Anvil logo um and it'll be we're going to use clean Community Fund so it will not cost taxpayers any money just to make it more um inviting and let people know you know this is Rockway Township it's our history the Anvil we have some other things out there related to mining so Dave's working on that we we think we have a sign company that can do it for us um and just to follow up on a couple other things uh as as Mr freeder mentioned the Historical Society meeting uh this this month was phenomenal um the history of Rockway and some of the things if you ever have a chance to go to one of the meetings I highly suggest you go to it um what is this month Manny is it something to do with a a I can't remember we just got the email fire arms yeah yeah so again if you have a chance to go very knowledgeable educated good speakers that go through it um had the chance to go to the uh Flapjack breakfast at um at uh Applebee's for the dwire PTA Mr M govern was there um he's a phenomenal principal over in dwire he's been there forever he's also a volunteer fireman in our fire department so thank him for his service we had a planning board meeting as as councilman Quinn mentioned I think he covered it all you know Christ Church has been a great partner um with the township letting us use their facilities I think you know some of what they're doing is going to even expand um the use of their facilities and how we use it um the water quality committee we're moving forward and taking some actions that I think address um some concerns our residents have with water bodies um the uh Saturday was able to stop by in the morning and drop off some bagels and coffee to the police um I think it's something nice to do period periodically uh you know why we're at our kids stuff and doing stuff on the weekends there's there's our police officers that are working um on their weekends and maybe missing some of their kids stuff so um I we dropped some off and I think it was it was well received by them um I'd like to let everybody know and especially white metal Lake residents it's really going to impact you there's there's a warehouse project right now proposed in Denville um so if you come out of the main entrance of white metal Lake like you're going on 80 East okay right before you get on 80 east there's a Road Denville has sold it to a developer a lot back there and they're putting in 19 truck ports or something like that so if you can imagine cars you know the trucks are all be coming off 80 on hiberia road coming down hiberia Road they can't make that left so they're going to have to go make that left by that gas station and cut through that neighborhood in the burrow to get there coming out it's going to be the same thing they're not going to be able to make that right on to 80 so um there was a meeting last month that um our engineer Miss fonte and Paul our ba and myself went to um and they postponed the meeting um there's there's a lot of residents there to have concerns but I can tell you if you can imagine how much of a how bad it is coming out of white Middle lake during rush hour if there's one tractor trailer stuck there trying to make that left turn what that's going to do so um we'll be attending to Mee it's tomorrow night at 7:30 I'll be attending the meeting at the Denville Municipal Building um I would encourage any residents that have concerns um to come if if you know maybe you could coordinate if you guys I don't know if is Mike around or is he away or okay yeah so if you can coordinate maybe somebody coming yeah somebody vocal you [Music] know so um but yeah so that's tomorrow night at 7:30 so for the record sorry doesn't mean that he's like yeah yeah he's not in his he's watching on the camera he's not dead yeah Mike's not in feeling so he's listening yeah thank you that's all I have all right M coelli thank you council president I I just want to get back to the whole postal situation so what is happening is uh your water bills so every the beginning of every month water utility bills are ma mailed to your residents respective of the cycle you are a part of there are quarterly bills Bill uh that you should anticipate getting uh the same time every uh quarter so what has happened is the bills were mailed and the United States post office has failed to deliver them timely um so I just want to let you know want to let you know that we are like I said I called the postmaster um please note that the bills are due 30 days after the due date any time after that uh interest will be assessed so I just want you you can you can go on the portal on the website the payment portal you can put in your account number and at any time you could look up the status of your water sewer tax bill information so I just want to let you know that that's another Avenue to alert you to know that uh when you should be paying that bill to avoid any assessment of interest but to also let you know that we are working with the post office we've you know we've offered to bring carrier rout sort to different post offices so we're in the midst of solving that problem but in the interim I just wanted to let you know we're aware of this and we're working toward that uh on tonight's agenda is a resolution for making this uh Municipal Building barrier free it is a community block development Grant application the township will be submitting for not over $94,000 we're asking for another $10,000 in contingencies uh essentially the front of the building and the Laboratories uh are going to be uh renovated for barrier free there's also a resolution on here for the local uh local uh Recreation Improvement Grant I did talk about this telmark the improvements telmark Park specifically the street hockey basketball court uh milling and Paving of the new Surface uh removal of the fence and Boards replacement of new boards and fence um new B basketball equipment sets are due so we are asking the state for 134,000 we're hoping we can get close to I know the maximum is 100 but you always ask for more you never ask for Less the other uh the other item that we are looking for is the assistance of firefighters Grant so there's a Federal Grant and then there's a state Grant the state Grant we already applied for so I'm working with our fire director Jeff uh to put in a grant for uh radios I believe we have over a 100 radios we need to replace so we're working toward that uh let's see what else I have on here I would like to also recognize I also uh thank you councilman uh Vitz I'm sorry I always pronounce your name room vich sorry I was pronounced I get up right uh yes councilman Paul thank you so National Night Out is August 6th it'll be from 6:00 to 10: so we've already begun planning with the police department we're going to have food um bouncy houses uh hopefully to have different uh police displays simulations uh drunk driving um you know some canine units I'm going to be contacting pck atiny Arsenal to see what they can offer for our celebration we'll have local uh Community organizations be there just it's an important time for the community to build relationships with our police department and it's also meant to build neighborhood camaraderie so it's a time all are welcome it's free and uh we will all be there at Peterson Field on August 6 so we hope you make it rain or shine I'd also like to just say a thank you and a congratulations to our health officer Peter Tabit who has successfully received his certification public manager uh certificate so I don't know I think Peter will continue to go Way Beyond whatever educational level he can achieve but congratulations Peter on that thank you and uh with regard to the Ford FAS house we did have a meeting this past uh last week and it's 40% complete so there's a um I forget the actual name of it in May where everyone canvases the historical sites in the area forgive me I for yes the pathways TOS so so we believe that uh the contractor saying it'll be ready so um you'll be able to look at that and there'll be some more applications for more funding to continue to improve that uh wonderful Historic Landmark in this Township and uh and that is it for my report tonight thank you very much thanks Mr tabi congratulations on the extra work that you're now going to get M pal um I'll keep most of my my com comments for the uh um the closed door session but I did want to mention that I'm going to be putting forward a resolution at the next regular meeting which I believe is March 12th for a uh a transfer um resolution which would move monies that were unexpended from our 2023 budget into our Capital Improvement fund to purchase um future capital projects without having to issue any new debt or incur any additional interest expense and again that would be uh coming forward to you on March 12th to the tune of about 600,000 so um just wanted to bring that to your attention thank you m ronte I just wanted to comment on uh the work the ongoing construction work that's going on on Queens Road um we're just about finished with a water main replacement project there um Al may be able to speak more on that we also have New Jersey natural gas in the neighborhood upgrading their main and then we will be doing the drainage and resurfacing so I think the residents at uh along Queens Road and in the whole neighborhood of Fleetwood and um they've been great but if you do have any problems or concerns call Rockway Township engineering we we'll jump on it that's it Mr Tabit just thanks to Paula for the kind words and sort of thank you to you for the kind words and um I'm up to date on my vaccinations thank you no report chief thank you Mr President uh we've been rather busy as of late with several good arrests also I'd like to bring your attention to the actions of one of our officers on Sunday February 18th this officer responded to a report of an unresponsive mail in a parked vehicle over at the Circle K on Route 15 North the officer through his experience in training determined that the man appeared to be suffering from a heroin overdose immediately administered Naran and was able to revive this resident of Scott Run Pennsylvania that officer happens to be standing in the back officer Kevin Shay [Applause] great also on Monday the 19th our officers responded to a report of a vagrant hanging around to Buffalo Wild Wings the officers responded to the area and they were able to locate this uh homeless person who was talking on a walkie-talkie and walking around with an atet case which raised their suspicions turn find out that this individual from do had burglarized sufferable vehicles that were parked outside of Buffalo Wild Wings stealing a total of $ 8,26 worth of various merchandise and property from the people inside Buffalo Wild Wings he was uh arrested and committed to the Moors County jail and uh another excellent arrest that was made by our officers was on Thursday February 22nd we received information from moris County that there was a vehicle proceeding up Mount Hope Avenue that was wanted for a number of burglaries and credit card thefts out of Edison officer Ren who was in the area managed to locate the vehicle stopped it and made the arrest the individual a 53-year-old resident of Garfield was wanted for burglaries and thefts out of Edison Roxbury and Dober so once again an excellent arrest and response by our officers thank you great Mr n yeah I'd like to report that the uh Queens War is completed um New Jersey natural gas is in the area uh replacing the main uh road department is um we're starting up some uh drainage issues uh repairs I should say and getting ready for Capital payment good evening everything's been covered Fort Fish House Easter uh we've been busy Grant um so what happens when you sit down that end of the table yeah everything's been covered um but I will I did attend the eighth grade uh basketball game and uh councilman sack being modest over there his son Matthew hit maybe four five six three-pointers uh MVP of the game so it was a fun exciting game but Matthew's a gamer that's all I have thank you uh Rockway Township Fire Department regrets to announce the passing of past Department chief Arc crane from hiberia Fire Company number one uh Mr Crane was a pillar of hiberia uh I think everybody that's from the area brought their car to his auto body shop there on Green Pond Road so um big loss for hiberia and for the township uh in addition to the passing of pass Chief crane um Robert Morris was a company Chief in hiberia he also recently passed away uh so two big parts of the Rockway Township Fire Department um have been been lost and we'll take it from here Men Thank you thank you um in a second I'm going to call for a motion to go into an executive closed session um just to inform everybody so what'll happen is the council will go into a separate meeting room um I do not expect it to last longer than 30 minutes should it last longer than 30 minutes if anybody is still here we will come back in and let everybody know at the conclusion of that close session the council will come back into this room uh we will um we will rejourn adjourn no not rejourn we will re convene that down we will Recon uh the meeting and may or may not take action based on what happened in that Clos session um but we won't be discussing it so uh I'd like um make make a motion for r2452 resolution authorizing an executive close session in ordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act to discuss personal matters contract negotiation and potential litigation can I have a motion so move second cler please take the rooll councilman Freelander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sackin yes councilwoman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voy toic yes vice president salberg yes president Chris yes nine yeses motion passes councel we will go to the meting this it's a terrible e e for e [Music] left what [Music] Everett e okay I'd like to make a motion to reconvene so move second please take the role councilman freeer I'm back councilwoman yes counc yes yescom Brooks yesc here yes yes yes it's n yeses motion passes uh I'd like to make a motion approving an agreement with Bai uh subject to final approval of a contract at a subsequent meeting uh regarding um benefits so move second clerk please take the rooll councilman freedlander yes councilwoman noon yes councilman Brooks yes councilman sacket yes councilman Brooks yes councilman Quinn yes councilman voitovich yes vice president salberg yes president Chris yes uh nine yeses motion passes um make a motion to aair so move all in favor I thank you very [Music] much