[Music] good evening I'd like to call the or the meeting to order at 5:30 pm can I have a roll call please Mrs Anderson here Mrs KIRO Miss mcari Mrs mzik here Mrs Smith here Dr tomasini Mrs Shields here we have a quorum we do just by a hair uh the New Jersey open public meeting Act was passed to ensure the public the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the Rockway Township Board of Education has caused notice of the date time and place of said meetings to be published in the Daily Record The Star Ledger and be posted in all schools in The District in the m in the municipal building of the township and the Township Library does any board member wish to object to the conduct of this meeting for the purpose as stated in the public notice excellent all documentation and materials considered by the Board of Education as part of this agenda are available for public review and comments members of the public are invited to come to the Board of Education building off Green Pond Road during the regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. Monday through Friday if they wish to inspect any of the reference items motion to wave the Pledge of Allegiance so mov seconded show up hands please resolve that in accordance with the open public meeting act the Rockway Township Board of Education will meet in closed session to discuss matters involving Personnel litigation security negotiations and receipt of government funds the content of said discussion will be disclosed to the public at such time and extent as required by law can I have a motion to go into close session so moved second show of hands please 5:32 begins close [Music] session [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh 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a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have a motion to adjourn close session please seconded okay close session ends at 7:34 a we're echoing because of the recording can you fix that okay testing nope it has to do with the zoom sorry everybody give us one second let me test again okay testing okay yep I think we got it thank you now will we still be able to hear Aaron though if that's down okay okay can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance States thank you everyone for joining us on Valentine's Day I know there's no place else we'd rather uh spend this day um I'm going to turn over to Dr Corbit in regards to Stony Brook student recognition and then our spelling be recognition thank you very much Madame President we are so pleased uh this evening to have recognitions for the wonderful students at Stonybrook and also the spelling be competition which was recently held in the burrow so without further Ado I will invite Mr wisuki to come forward and he will um provide an introduction for us regarding those students who will be recognize this evening and if the board would like to assemble in the front then we can congratulate these these wonderful study Brook [Applause] students I'm gonna flip this around am I allowed to turn this around a okay all these Stony Bri parents thank God we're here for something positive tonight this is like a a nightmare normally couldn't it's it's amazing to see everybody here so happy time to everybody good evening I'd like to thank the Board of Education Dr Corbett for having us here tonight to recognize really a tremendous group of students from Stony Brook School so it's been a long-standing tradition at Stony Brook for select members of the band to perform at the Kesler Institute uh for rehabilitation in West Orange um you know they've been doing it for a number of years now uh long before I even arrived at Stony Brook 10 years ago uh and you know quite frankly this formal recog recognition I think is long overdue so I'm excited to have everyone here tonight um you know the tradition is not just a performance it's a testament to the hard work the passion and commitment these students have displayed each of them must audition to attend and they given one month to prepare which demonstrates again not only their talents but also their resilience moreover this event serves as a fantastic Service Learning activity highlighting the importance of giving back to the community Through the the power of performance and artistic expression it's heartening to witness our students not only Excel academically but also contribute positively to the community through their talents and efforts and as always the residents truly enjoyed the performance and they gave a thunderous Applause I also want to take a moment to express our gratitude to someone who plays a pivotal role in nurturing these talents our dedicated music teacher and band director Mr Jacobs his tireless efforts guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in help in shaping these young musicians so let's give a round of applause for Mr Jacobson for his unwavering commitment to our students so at this time Mr Jacobson would like to share a few words and then he's going to be calling up our students uh each one by name and then we'll take a group shot so thank you all again for coming tonight good evening yeah it all started probably 15 years ago um a former student's parent was an employee there actually still is and that's how it started and unfortunately like Mr boski mentioned I have to audition students to attend which is probably the toughest part of my job because I can only take a certain amount of students so we've been going twice a year and we'll be going again in June I look forward to it and I know the students who go love the cookies I know that that's a that's a thing um yes so hopefully I don't I get everybody's name right when I read your name you got a yeah come up somewhere here oh yeah you had right on okay yesman Adam AR bebington Andrew heler [Applause] Bates kzia Joseph Millie lonstein I hope I got that right Nathaniel Brady Melanie Ortiz Jenna Roman George Thomas okay Lilia [Applause] Desa Victoria aspelund Owen bills Olivia Cano Emily tonado Franco Gonzalez Juliana [Applause] kmic davig Gil mackus Alan marck Stella owski I Alicia is not here tonight roel parid Carman sabat Nikita sakov Payton Tang Rohan Vale Veronica Walter Jack reinger mimuna Yasin and Lena Parsons I just like to thank the board and the administration for this recognition means a lot thank you and parents thank [Applause] you for all right we're not we're not done yet the fun has just begun because we are going to um something zero yes thank you okay yeah school by school so now we're going to recognize those students who participated in the spelling be which was held not too long ago in the burrow and I was there listening to those words and I had the most difficult time trying to spell those words I can't believe how smart our students are they spelled some really big words with a lot of syllables it impressed me very much I had to go on Google and speak the word into my phone to find out how it was spelled they did such a great job so we'll start off with um Mr McGovern from dwire if you would like to come up and introduce his [Applause] students good evening everyone welcome thank you for coming out tonight uh our fourth grade participants miles Brewer fourth grade participant Liam [Applause] hagger fifth grade Brianna [Applause] Daniels and our and lastly a fifth grade member Robert marowitz who could not be with us tonight thank [Applause] you next I would like to introduce the leader of the Birchwood Bulldogs none other than Dr [Applause] mcoms very excited to be here tonight we are extremely proud of our participants and starting off with our grade four students we have Reagan [Applause] dandole next up representing fourth grade we have Leia Bilbo [Applause] laa representing grade five we have Arjun [Applause] karul and last but not least for grade five we have Angelica [Applause] Santana next I would like to introduce the principal of KDM not the interum the principal of KDM Mr Brian [Applause] Rollins good evening everyone uh I'd like to announce the names of our our participants that represented KDM very well um we're extremely proud of you our fourth grade participant uh Isabella Chang Isabella [Applause] Chang another fourth grade participant Eric Resnik [Applause] Eric moving to fifth grade ishika Singh and lastly our fifth grade participant Jan snare Dr maragon was not able to attend this evening so representing dbo in place of Dr maragon will Miss Anita West good evening everyone on behalf of Dr marangon I'd like to invite fourth grade anabia [Applause] Adnan I'd like to invite up fourth grader Amelia [Applause] Ryan I'd also like to invite up fifth grade student Joseph [Applause] Morgan and last but not least fifth grade student Franchesca rreo congratulations okay I'm guessing Franchesca is not here I'm going to go back to my job of taking pictures last but certainly not least St Brook Mr wisuki once [Applause] again okay thank you hello again all right representing fourth grade at Stony Brook Miss Yasmin Adam also representing fourth grade Ariana and [Applause] Gomez okay and rounding out our fifth grade Miss Penelope [Applause] Flynn and last but not least finish in second overall we were this close we're going to blame it on the judges I think they I'm only kidding but Mr Zachary [Applause] grao for Zachary at the district next week Zachary you get two cookies good job we congratulate the students of Stony Brook we congratulate all our spelling be participants and uh we do speaking of cookies there's a whole bunch over there so eat up right now go get as many as you well don't go eat up please take a break have some cookies thank you all for being here it means so much to us to see you here this evening we are so proud of your children you do us a great service by allowing us to work with you to provide an education thank you all thank you to the parents great kids we we really appreciate it thank [Applause] you [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next to in her [Music] room she that's okay I was crying laughing I was like you're actually insane am I good to go okay excellent sorry um during the course of the board meeting the rock uh yes the Rockway Township Board of Education offers members of the public an opportunity to address issues regarding the operation of the Rockway Township Public Schools the board reminds those individuals who take the opportunity to identify themselves by name and address and to limit their comments to items listed on the agenda and or items directly Rel related to the operation of the school district issues raised by members of the public may or may not be responded to by the board all comments will be considered and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate the board ask that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking specifically comments regarding students and employees of the board are discouraged and will not be responded to by the board students and employees have specific legal rights afforded by the law laws of New Jersey Jersey the board Bears no responsibility nor will it be liable for any comments made by members of the public members of the public should consider their comments in light of the legal rights of those affected or identified in the comments and be aware that they are legally responsible and liable for their comments in accordance with board policy 0167 public discussion is limited to 15 minutes with a three minute limit per member of the public the board president shall have the right to modify the length of public discussion as she deems a appropriate before we open to the public I just want to we want to mention that Aaron tomasini is now um joined us for the board meeting yeah so I noted Aaron's entrance entrance into the board meeting at 7:35 when we came back from AAC um and that will be reflected in the minutes great thank you so much can I have a motion to open open sorry open to the public so moved second show of hands if anyone would like to speak okay can I have a motion to close to the public so moved seconded and a show of hands please Communications there was no board mail as of four o'l today did anything come into the board office no thank you next session is section is the approval of the minutes can I have a motion to approve the minutes so moved second in and these will be the minutes from January 31st the listening session from February 7th can I have a roll call vote please Mrs Anderson yes Mrs mzik yes Mrs Smith yes Dr Thomas cini he's muted can you hear us a wondering if it's delayed Aaron can you hear me you yes be unmuted maybe oh you know what Abe we're gonna have a problem hearing him can you no I can see him talking try unting yeah actually could you Lissa thank you just okay oh I think the volume's still all the way down okay eron try one more time okay there we go okay yes sir thank you Mrs Shields yes okay motion carries okay superintendent reports thank you madam president I'll ask your pardon in advance because it will be a little bit longer this evening I do want to go over um the hibs hi's harassment intimidation bullying uh report in an effort to be transparent with the community I also would like to provide um information regarding the student data um excuse me the student safety data systems report which is required to be provided to the board quarterly and then my report so in terms of the harassment intimidation bullying report under current investigation there are seven that have been investigated of the seven one was founded to be substantiated as an HIV and just to recall there are four prongs all have four have to be met for um a case to be substantiated as harassment intimidation bullying prong one pertains to the actual or perceived characteristic it has to be motivated by such prong two is the Nexus that has to take place on school property at a school sponsored function or in school bus um prong three it must disrupt or interfere with the oil operations of the school the rights of other students and prong for a reasonable person should know it will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the student's property and again to be found guilty of hi harassment intimidation bullying all four have to be met so under current investigation of the seven one met all four prongs um and it was confirmed as an har HIV the other six did not um for example um number 10772 there was no identifiable characteristics same thing with 10778 10779 10781 10786 and 10 789 um moving along to the um investigations for affirmation that they're on the agenda tonight to be affirmed as hivs and there were 16 in total of the 16 one 2 three four five six were affirmed to be Hib and for example it was for 10587 all four prongs were met well it's likewise with 10644 10650 10650 10663 10665 all four prongs were met as they would have to be for an HIV and finally uh 107 17 all four prongs were met with the student safety data system report This concerns every school in the district um its incidences of violence vandalism substance abuse weapons hivs confirmed and other incidents leading to removal and that includes ISS and OSS um Birchwood had no incidences of any of those Copeland had five confirmed hivs 43 incidences leading to removal that means ISS again or OSS and um 23 alleged hivs dwire had one incident it was a confirmed HIV Dennis B O'Brien had six incidences that led to removal that was an ISS or an OSS and one alleged HIV Katherine de Malone had one incident leading to removal again that's ISS or OSS and study Brook had none so there were six confirmed hivs in this reporting period there were 50 instances where a student was removed ISS or OSS and there were 24 total alleged hivs I initiated the preliminary referendum listening tour at Stony Brook at the rpta meeting which was Thursday February first since then I have met with the communities at Copeland KDM and the dwire PTA meetings I'm grateful to the ptas for providing me with some time to present our concerns regarding the increased student population my presentation is based on the version presented to the board by Dr grip following my presentation I have asked the principles to offer their perspective on the implications of the increase in student population the communities I presented to so far have been very receptive and I thank them again very much for listening to me to begin the work of providing the Board of Education our community with referendum options our Architects USA have begun the school surveys which also include interviews with each principal in the sweeping overhaul of 60 curricula this Academic Year to ensure 21st century relevance and compliance and with the overarching aim of achieving a consistent stylistic uniformity for the sake of seamless continuity Mr ganella presented the idea of creating a curriculum revision team to the education committee as part of the plan for curriculum revision the committee recognizing the need for a meticulous review process agreed that establishing a dedicated curriculum revision team is in the district's best interest this team will serve as an additional layer of scrutiny aligning formats eliminating grammatical or spelling errors and verifying the functionality of all the links and I encourage everyone to take a look at our updated website uh the videos have been updated and I updated I think they're very nice and very impressive and I thank Abe Elder for his leadership in that area we have a listening SK uh session scheduled uh for March 26 at 6 pm and we will the theme will be policy 5756 and of course the public is welcome to attend we will also live stream it the listening session that was held on February 7th unfortunately had few participants in fact not counting the board and administration two people attended in person and there were three virtually the next listening session is scheduled for April 24th and it deals with vaping and substance abuse to promote Greater Community participation Miss Shields and others have suggested the listening session include a presenter with expertise on the subject and as of now we have identified Timothy Shoemaker as a presenter for that evening the director of student services in collaboration with our school counselors is planning activities for the upcoming social emotional learning day scheduled for Mark 88th 2024 Dr moleno will also attend PTA meetings to provide improved parent Administration collaboration and encourage CPAC participation the department of student services continues to provide technical assistance to members of the child study team regarding semi um regarding creating more efficient ways to ensure District compliance collaborative efforts between the New Jersey Department of special education and New Jersey Coalition for inclusive education and Monclair State University Center for Autism and early child and mental health continue with monthly training our hope is to increase the knowledge of inclusive practices across the district so far this year we have had two delayed openings one early dismissal and as of yesterday we have had two closures due to snow I hope every everybody had a fun day yesterday good news from our schools the Birchwood Bulldogs are fully engaged in service learning as their student council launched the second fundraiser this time the focus was on supporting two important local organizations the north porch and project kind birwood believes in the power of giving back to the community in addition to Service Learning initiative students were immersed in celebrating black history month and the Chinese New Year cultural divers University is celebrated through Hands-On writing and art projects and the bir and the bulldog celebrated the 100th day of school on February 15th meanwhile the birwood staff is analyzing midyear benchmarks to tailor instruction and support and provide support for each student ensuring their academic success the Birchwood Bulldogs also participated in the jump rope for heart this February promoting health and wellness while supporting great cause during this month birwood focused on acceptance kindness and contributing to our community dbo kicked off February with heart day which included a motivational assembly where all grades wore their specific grade color this month dbo second grad has provided the whole school a lesson on empathy black history month and the Chinese New Year was celebrated in the classroom with extra art lessons the PTA did a great job sponsoring the dbo Valentine's kindness event dbo is looking forward to seeing their first graders reach to their pet Therapy Dogs the staff have been focused on analyzing the winter Benchmark data to provide instruction that benefits all students finally random acts of kindness week will be celebrated with the morn's Varsity Club coming to read to students on March 1st social emotional learning day is scheduled for March 8th and the book fair will be held March 5th to March 7th students will be displaying all their talents at the March 15th talent show lastly we congratulate Miss Cox on the birth of her first child the diwire family continued its community service projects in February by collecting Soup cans for their Super Bowl the soup collected will go to a local community soup kitchen there was an impressive amount of soup collected DWI strives to instill in students a sense of community and the responsibilities that go along with being a good citizen when never called upon DWI responds in a big way to serving the Rockway Township community to get into the Super Bowl M dwire took an opinion poll which correctly identified the winner of the big game the more important staff poll as the number of Taylor Swift Sightings The Winning staff member was recognized at the faculty meeting Super Bowl Sunday kickoff kicked off with a pancake breakfast at Applebee sponsored by the PTA and it was delicious I was there with my family thank you PTA for that wonderful breakfast academically staff has been diligent ly analyzing the midyear benchmarks and providing targeted instruction students have been working on these assessments with Fidelity and grit lastly the MLL that's multil language learner department is having a busy month screening and weling welcoming 11 new students in the first 12 days of February KDM continues to ensure academic growth by guiding each grade level as they develop strategies by using the most I recent I ready Diagnostics to inform instruction in prep preparation for njsla testing additionally RTI teams are addressing students who would benefit from additional support based on the data derived from the winter diagnostic results recently third grade students hosted mock elections they welcomed councilman Howard critz and mayor Joe Jackson to speak about local government KDM continued their monthly Pride assemblies with a lesson on empathy during this time students were provided certificates for positive office referrals to to date over 310 positive office referrals recognize students for their various acts of heart our KDM PTA treated students to the bubble show and Allon dance assembly to celebrate the Chinese New Year KDM students celebrated be becoming a 100 days Smarter with various lessons and activities in honor of the 100th day of school students are currently working on a PTA fundraiser by creating original artwork and stickers as part of a custom catalog of keepsakes Stony Brook student council has been hard at work as the fourth and fifth grade Representatives assume a leadership role in helping all grades learn the stoning Brook Art song in preparation for the Valentine's Day assembly the leaders in training have done a great job in this initiative the student council's philanthropic gold will be organizing a schoolwide stuff the bus campaign to collect food and deliver it to the Rockaway Township food pantry the fourth grade students participated in the annual math Super Bowl showcasing their Mastery of multiplication facts the Super Bowl can dry was a huge success they collected nearly 300 cans of soup for the needy special thanks to all who helped contribute to such a good cause the study Brook School has been recertified as a 2024 New Jersey State School of character this achievement is a testament to the unwavering commitment of an exceptional staff and the vibrant positive culture that defines Stony Brook thank you to all our staff the students the parents for their ongoing support and contributions creating an environment where character development is prioritized and finally at Copeland Middle School the second marketing period is officially in the books and report cards have been posted to the Genesis portal portal throughout the week of January 26 22nd excuse me to 26 uh Copeland students and staff participated in the global kindness challenge week by performing as many acts of kindness as possible and show showing that we all play a part in creating a bully-free safe and caring School environment the Copeland staff continued to build Upon Our theme of building a community through our monthly team building activities the school counseling office has been busy preparing 8th grade students for their transition to high school and all the opportunities that lie ahead we look forward to an outstanding second half of the school year thank you now yes I do I will have a sip thank you any comments or questions for Dr Corbett on the board okay our business administrator report thank you madam president um first and foremost I want to um direct the public if you haven't already had a chance to look at it we have had some pretty cool updates to this school website um credit to Abe um he's been uploading new videos of our students and staff um they were definitely in need of an update and the new videos have come across really well um so thank you Abe for all your high hard work doing that and to your department and again if you haven't had a chance to check it out please do so um USA Architects is continuing their work on our longrange facilities plan um they've already begun working with the building principles to review their specific needs and gain insight into the challenges in terms of space facility use and general functionality so they've been making the rounds this week they will continue to do so next week and they're collecting a whole lot of data and feedback which will help inform our plan for years to come um we continue to push forward with planning for the 2425 budget the district is facing some significant challenges this cycle to include loss of covid Esser funding increasing Personnel costs increasing health benefits costs and renewal rates set as high as 6% for certain fixed costs we are striving to make the best use of the available funds to ensure the positive progress of the district and to continue to offer our students the range of programs and activities that the community has come to expect from this District we're still awaiting the release of state aid numbers which are expected to be provided in the next few weeks the preliminary budget will be included on the March agenda for submission to the county for review per statute to highlight expenditures on tonight's bills list which make up the total amounts reflected uh approximately 75,500 is attributed to various utility costs uh approximately 188,00 can be attributed to tuition costs approximately 11,250 attributed to security costs approximately 83,500 to uh the final payment for the dbo windows project that was completed uh another roughly 999,000 attributed to Transportation contracts not inclusive of mechanical repairs and Department supplies and then the payroll for January uh the two payrolls that were run was uh over $3.4 million so uh the remaining amounts can be attributed to a range of smaller categories to include Aid and L supplies maintenance Food Service staff py and travel Etc and again the reason that I say approximately I speak in round numbers for everybody's sake so that we're not going into decimal points um but that's generally what makes up that motion and finally as this is my last board meeting prior to my maternity leave I wanted to take a moment to thank the Board of Education and administration and my wonderful office staff for all of their support I am extremely grateful to work for such a great district and I look forward to returning in the fall well we wish you all the best thank you thank you madam president you can't go sorry any comments or questions for Mrs slam enjoy yourself I'm just a phone call away you got to bring Jack back to say hello I I will I will bring him back yes you can come too that's fine I'm already prepared to not be the priority happen with my daughter it'll happen with my son thank you uh curriculum report Mr ganella good evening everyone February marks Black History Month a time for schools to celebrate the incredible contributions of black Americans throughout history beyond the dedicated month it is an opportunity to foster a welcoming and inclusive inclusive environment in all of our schools this month acts as a spring board to build bridges of understanding and create learning environments where every student feels valued and empowered to that point sixth grade World Civilization students at copela Middle School are celebrating Black History Month through the study of nonviolent protests this study offers an opportunity to honor the resilience courage and determination of black black individuals and communities in the face of Oppression and racial Injustice since sixth grade students will be studying India during this month they will learn one pivotal figure whose influence reverberates through history Mahatma Gandhi his philosophy of nonviolence inspired not only movements in India but also civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and activists around the world by honoring the contributions of both black activists and global leaders like Gandhi we will pay tribute to their courage vision and commitment to building a more just and Equitable World additionally today was a half professional development day staff members continued their work with the Danielson 2022 framework for professional prors staff members were provided with resources and how to seamlessly integrate diversity equity and inclusion into their classrooms examples include using inclusive language that is V void of biased language and stereotypes acknowledging different family structures and being mindful of cultural sensitivities the curriculum department is hosting midyear I ready data reviews at the end of this month each building principal will meet with a representative from I ready to analyze midyear data for both math and Ela from there each building principle will schedule a date for an I ready coach to work with grade level teams on how to use the data to form their instruction I've asked that the session focus on using the data to group students of similar proficiency levels this will allow teachers to focus on all students specifically those who are approaching grade level expectation this is a shift from previous years as building principles met with I already as a group to analyze data lastly I'm so happy to announce that information regarding summer enrichment will be released to the district on February 19th um I do want to take this opportunity to thank Miss slam who has uh really done an amazing job um coming up with a plan for really uh the shortfalls of Sesser funding going away um it's been a Monumental undertaking and you know she has done a great job of making sure that the program will be cost effective um and run I think at a at a better capacity has in years past so that will come out on February 19th uh we're looking at roughly a $40 increase from previous years um which is still well below uh what most families would pay for for summer camps so uh Miss slam uh congratulations and uh thank you for all your assistance with us and making sure that our kids and families at Rockaway are supported have a great night everyone any comments or questions for Mr canella from the board um I'm just excited to see the summer um information coming out really soon so thank you for that good night everyone okay committee reports of course I have one Mrs Smith um the education um committee met on February 7th from 4:30 to 545 we were here at the library because following um our meeting was the um listening session um regarding cell phones in attendance were Dr Corbett Mr ganella Mrs Anderson Mrs Shields and myself um one of the items discussed was the district calendar um which will be on the agenda um tonight for approval please know any of the changes um from last year's for example the April break is varying slightly um it's aligned with mors Hill's Regional District and it's also kind of the way that things fell this year or next year um that made it a little bit different um and then the committee had also asked that the Board of Ed um approval date or some sort of Av verion number also be included as a footer on that document in addition the committee discussed academic achievement um in order to um address District goal number one which is to improve Ela and math achievement by at least 10 percentage points as measured by the I diagnostic thereby supporting the achievement of all students um so that was a conversation and the data discussion will continue at the next Ed committee meeting um as of right now um the next Ed committee meeting is proposed to be either so I don't know what you guys have so if you want to just check calendars um February 28th which is also a Wednesday um because there is a board of ed meeting um on the 13th of March or March 6th um or or possibility of both but kind of want to see availability uh the 28th I have a commitment at 6:00 okay I have something as well so I would probably have to stop at 5:45 so it would be an hour 15 okay as long as we have a both dates would be fine for me okay okay if it was if it ended up being the 6 I would go to the KDM PTA meeting after okay after that and he mentioned that as well okay all right thank you so we'll plan for one or both and I'll just touch Bas with Mr ganella I know the DAT for him as well okay thank you any comments questions any other committee reports Mrs mesik okay for the uh we have the first meeting for the community outreach committee um was February 6 at the central office me um Mrs McGary Dr thini and Dr Corbett uh going forward the meeting schedule will either be the first or second Tuesday of the the month from 4:30 to 600 our next meeting is March 5th some of the items we discussed were the website um one of the things that came up during that conversation was the possibility of discussing with the full board um including the Community Committee notes noted by the committee chairs of the board meetings possibly putting that um along with the committee descriptions so that's something that we should probably talk about with each chair um and that the website should also have the committee descriptions for all committees and then maintaining um events on the calendar we spoke about the PTA and Dr Corbett's message which obviously is sharing Dr grip's demographic study spoke about the our Architects the timeline comption for the property surveys that has already begun and should be completed by early spring and I believe we should re receive a report by the end of Jan is that yes that's the Hope okay uh the mentioning the Rockway Township Education Foundation they're actively looking for new members I've added this to the PTA report and RTF letter was shared with schools um moving on to community lasons we're obviously looking to build a connection to the Greater Community especially those without a direct a access to the Rockaway Township School District such as adults without children adults 55 and up and those that have generational ties to the town that is the of my report thank you thank you and yeah that RTF letter dig go out to the whole school Community as well to all the fam so okay hopefully somebody will step up any other committees questions comments Oh Aaron sorry hello and a few of the summer projects that we have coming up we have uh from our BOS from the program and we discussed uh a an upcoming budget update um and information on the budget status uh as well as a discussion regarding the primary election uh for this year and looking into next year uh with that I just wanted to check with the committee to see their availability the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 27th at 4:30 I would like to conduct it virtually if the committee is available so Mrs Anderson uh as well as Dr corbid would that work for you works for me works for me that's is that the night of the portrait of successful student yeah but it's 4:30 yes we would do that first okay works for me thank you I'll send out a link thanks Dr [Music] tomasini anything else going once go twice okay recommended for board action motion to approve Personnel items so moved Erin can be the second okay Erin are you being the [Laughter] second okay we have items that start on page four and they go all the way to the top of page page seven can I have a roll call vote please on Personnel items Mrs Anderson yes Mrs mzik yes Mrs Smith yes Dr tomasini yes Mrs Shields yes motion carries okay can I have a motion to approve Hib determination second okay tonight we are are voting that 10587 1061 oh I'm sorry 10587 is confirmed 10616 unconfirmed 10617 unconfirmed 10620 unconfirmed 10624 unconfirmed 10644 confirmed 10650 confirmed 10663 confirmed 10665 confirmed 10696 unconfirmed 106 697 unconfirmed 10710 unconfirmed 10712 unconfirmed 10714 unconfirmed 10717 confirmed and 10718 unconfirmed and one two three four five and there are seven current investigations going on which we will be voting on at the next meeting can I have a roll call vote for the Hib determinations please m M Anderson yes Mrs Shields yes we had a little backward I that's okay uh Mrs Smith yes Dr tomasini yes Mrs mzik yes threw me off as I said it too I think last meeting we didn't vote on anything so that this was probably yeah sorry about that no problem okay education can I have a motion to approve the education recommendations so moved second okay there are three items on here can I have board discussion please um I would like to talk about the upcoming calendar I first want to talk about all the hard work that went into making it um I think for a long time the parents in our community have been looking to align our days off with Morris Hill's Regional School District and I think this is going to be helpful to a lot of families um I also appreciate the efforts that everyone been making to try to reduce the student contact time in the building on the days of the primary election um and I think that there's been talk about for the teachers sake and our students sake to move conferences sooner so that we can actively provide the right intervention so that seems good and then more student contact time in November um I'd like to make the recommendation for upcoming years to maybe create some sort of survey for parents I want to make sure that our language is inclusive and sensitive and I'm not certain that right now it is and so while I think that we should vote Yes or I will vote Yes for the calendar I don't feel I can I I want to make sure that I express my interest in making sure even our oppressed groups are heard and have their voice so and maybe model what other districts are doing and leaving certain holidays off the calendar so just a request to put out a survey in future Years thank you that might even be a great topic in a history class here at Copeland to maybe have a Socratic seminar or something on said topic throwing it out there okay any other board discussion I can open to the public if anyone wants to comment on the education section okay can I have a roll call vote then for Education items one through three Mrs Anderson yes Mrs mzik yes Mrs Smith yes Dr Thomas ini yes Mrs Shields yes now I think they're just messing with me because didn't they switch Lissa and Lisa I have to talk to Zaya where am I yes right I did and I apologize I've been missing my okay everyone votes that's that's what matters next section special education oh there is no items for special education so we will move on to Administration can I have a motion to approve Administration recommendations so moved second those are items on page nine I can open to the any board discussion I can open to the public if anyone wants to discuss Administration items okay call it's just noticing the donation sorry items are always appreciated so thank you yes they are uh roll call vote please Mrs Anderson yes Mrs mzik yes Mrs Smith yes Dr tomasini Mrs Shields yes motion carries fin Finance section can I have a motion to approve Finance recommendations so moved second and those begin on page 10 and go all the way to the bottom of page 11 uh any board discussion oh I went to the office I have something discuss I went to the office yesterday and signed off on the bill so I recommend um approving section number two item number two I can open to the public if anyone wants to comment on finance okay can I have a roll call vote please Mrs Anderson yes Mrs mzik yes Mrs Smith yes Dr tomasini yes Mrs Shields yes motion carries okay for policy um yes the motion we're going to approve motion um the policy recommendations for item number two only item number one will be taken out so this is only to approve the second read of policy 24154 and policy 6471 can I have a motion please can we have a discussion open it yep Bo discussion we need a motion first I did I made a motion okay no I said it second it what we need he said so Mo I second it yep okay for discussion I just want to clarify the reason we're pulling 24155 is to give people more time to review it since the edits were made I think not enough time so that that's the I just want to establish that that's the reason why it's being important thank you any other discussion open to the public if anyone would like to discuss policy okay so once again the vote is for item number two only the second read of those two policies can I have a roll call vote please Mrs Anderson yes Mrs mzik yes Mrs Smith yes Dr Thomas cini yes Mrs Shields yes motion carries excellent in accordance with board policy 0167 public discussion is limited to 15 minutes with a three minute limit per member of the public the board president shall have the right to modify the length of public discussion as she deems appropriate can I have a motion to open to the public so moved seconded show of hands please would anyone from the public wish to come forward and speak okay can I have a motion to close public comment so moved seconded show of hands please okay discussion items does the board have any old business to discuss I just wanted to bring back up um that the last listening session regarding cell phones um I know something that um I had the opportunity to share a little bit about was the dope press send um assembly that I had the opportunity to view I definitely recommend we look into what we can bring to our students here um even at like the elementary level possibly second and third grade if it's relevant depending on you know how many students have phones and devices just to help keep everybody safe and and understanding you know kind of what to do before they have to really navigate those challenges I think that um speaking of our listening sessions The Vaping session I think maybe we should I know that we push it out and send it send messages but maybe ask the principes to put it in their their weeklys because the age of kids exposure is sooner than we like it any new business I okay as I mentioned at the um last meeting we had the Mars County School Board is association meeting on Thursday February 8th um your breakout rooms uh how's your board handled this uh governmental relations update and then something from the a councilman from uh the township of prony Troy Hills about pilot programs uh I have a print out from his um slide presentation and it he really reiterated over over again about uh school districts should be educated about pilots and anticipate the strategy to be in the loop when negotiations are taking place it's especially important if new development um generates children that will be enrolled in the school district um after that let's see here Wednesday March 20th is the unsung heroes award hopefully we will have um another um nomination from our district and Then followed by Thursday May 2nd is a pyber meeting it's um as I mentioned last year it was named after is I should say renamed after h a former board member so it's the Nancy hellberg memor Memorial recognition ceremony that will take place at Roxbury High School um be celebrations and the student Award winners from um the unsung heroes and and so forth that will be Thursday May 2nd that's it sorry repeat was Thursday May Thursday May 2nd is the Nancy hellberg Memorial recognition ceremony for the Mars County School Board Association and the one before that was Wednesday March 20th and that will be at County College of Mars for the unsung heroes any other new business okay our next meeting is March 13th at 730 here in uh copelan cafeteria uh we do this might be a surprise to some board members we do need to go back into exact session for about 20 to 30 minutes to discuss a legal issue no action will be taken and we'll be adjourning from executive session motion to return to ex Z so moved or take the second okay show of hands so we'll be returning to exec at 8:54 pm. thank you everyone for coming out tonight thank you Aaron have a good night take care I don't know I think he did [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]