in an amateur golf tournament him and his friend my son their first amateur golf tournament I'm like do they get money for that amateur no no money okay but then doesn't that qualify take care good thank you Ryan Ryan are you good Ash are you good mic's are on good evening and welcome to the April 23rd 2024 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice provid open with the open public meeting act at the date time and location of the meeting including the annual meeting schedule post on the public BT board municipal building and filed in off the bur clerk those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any other relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attached to the meeting notice Post in the news an announcement section during the meeting an announcement will be made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will'll be instructed to dial Star on at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when selected if you are eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Miss Kennedy would you please call the rooll mayor spango present Mr B here Mr Bron here Mrs Fishman Mr Goldstein Mrs Pate here Mr Terell here please rise pledge allegiance United States of America the indivisible and Justice uh first agenda item is our first round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use a raise your hand icon and if you're with us telephonically press star n okay hearing and see none Ryan no one there thank you uh first we have a mayoral appointment reappointment to the library Board of juses the Board of Education superintendent alternate Miss cessa who served for quite some time before I think we we all were here um do we have a motion to appoint Mrs cessa to the library Board of Trustees second Ry trillo all in favor I I I opposed hearing none next on the agenda we have ordinance 8- 2024 Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title Bond ordinance amending section 3A of bond ordinance 25221 of the burrow of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey finally adopted November 23rd 2021 in order to amend a description of the project is there motion to introduce ordinance 8- 2024 so Moe second parate trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none announc public hearing oh ordinance number 8 2024 will be posted on the Burrow's website and the notice of public hearing will published in the progress the public hearing will be held on Tuesday May 21st 2024 thank you next on the agenda is ordinance 92024 Miss Kennedy please write the ordinance read the ordinance by title only ordinance re-appropriating $386,500 proceeds of obligations not needed for the original purposes in order to provide for the construction of the ferton brook Footbridge in and by the burough of Rose land in the county of Essex New Jersey and authorizing the cancellation of bond ordinance 11 2023 of the of the buau finally adopted May 16 2023 is there a motion to introduce ordinance 9-22 24 so moved second trillo All In favor I I opposed ordinance number 9 2024 will be posted on the Burrow's website and the notice of public hearing will be published in the progress the public hearing will be held Tuesday May 21st 2024 thank you next on the agenda is ordinance 10224 Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance re appropriating $672,000 including $41,250 proceeds of obligations not needed for the original purpose and $3,750 from the capital Improvement Fund in order to provide for various Capital Improvements in and by the burrow of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey is there a motion to introduce ordinance 10-22 I'll move second uh BR Mor all in favor I opposed hearing none ordinance number 10 will be posted on the borough's website and the notice of public hearing will we publish in the progress the public he held Tuesday May 21st 2024 next is Introduction introduction of ordinance number 11-202 24 Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 17 of the revised General ordinances of the Bureau of rosand entitled water and SAR section 17-21 entitled permits and fees to establish affordable housing units sore permit fees sorry is there a motion to introduce ordinance 11- 2024 so moved second TR B all in favor I opposed hearing n ordinance number 11224 will be posted on the BR website and the notice of public hearing will be published in the progress the public hearing will be held on Tuesday May 21st 2024 thank you next ordinance for introduction is ordinance 14-22 Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title only uh a bond ordinance of the burough of rosand in the county of asex New Jersey resending bought ordinance 26 2023 in its entirety is there a motion to introduce ordinance 14-22 so move second Ron B all in favor I oppos hearing and see ordinance number 14 2024 will be posted on the B's website and then notice of public hearing will be published in the progress the public hearing will be held Tuesday May 21st 2024 thank you next we have public hearing on ordinances first ordance the public hearing on ordinance 42024 Miss Kenny please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend Chapter 30 Land Development Article 4 zoning regarding the rezoning of block 32 lot 9.01 from an R6 to B2 the rezoning of block 30.01 lot 3 from R2 to ob2 and to repeal of the r2a single family overlay District do we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 42024 so move second B Baron all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 42024 Mr come on hi I'm from 68 Street in Rand can you just explain this to me because some of I got a letter in the mail that I'm 200 ft from that property so in anticipation of that we brought from Colliers engineering design normally Dan block is our representative Kristen Russell is here to explain the ordinance if you come forward Christ please you know which property um you got to notice about because there's three different areas I'm assuming that it's from eil Rock Avenue all the way back on that Service Road and is it including the property that's on Freeman Street that's can you help me identify which which of these black and that would be okay here got it CU this is Freeman's at the top here and this is Monroe okay testing my eyes with I know okay so yours your property was noticed because it's proximate to the repeal the r2a single family overlay District now what that does is the the current um ob1 Zone allowed a r2a single family overlay which means that that the office District allows a residential option now the portion the area where that overlay exists has already been developed residentially okay and when that was done a deed was placed on those properties saying that what's done is done no further development is allowed consequently there's no need for the Zone the lot has been developed nothing more can be developed there the purpose of that zone has been carried out and um there's no need for it to to exist anymore therefore okay so nothing will fail it's not for future development that's the best way I can put it that's right that's that's the best way I can put it will be built across the street agree agree I know exactly nothing for future okay thank you MH does anyone else wish to be heard on ordinance 4224 uh shano 65 Monroe in question about the same thing there so if it's being repealed what is the new Zone that's going to be that section of land so underlying that residential overlay was and will continue to be an office Zone it's OB OB das2 but there still won't be any development in that zone because that was one of the stipulations of the overlay right was that there would be no future development by repealing it doesn't that allow for future development of no because now it would just go back to basically um well there's an there was when it was developed it can't go back because there was a deed restriction placed on those properties saying no more development because of the overlay though right because of that zoning yes but the Deep restriction carries with the land regardless of the zoning okay so once again no future no future development anywhere in that and is it going to be just R2 or it's ob2 um so the property that has the overlay is this um linear piece with the star that I that I drew on there that's where is residentially developed this area over here is all office like here and this is all just basically going to be stay the way that it looks right now and nobody can nobody's like appealing this to come in there and try and develop it that's why this zone is being changed no there's no application to change no no okay no thank you just so you know the these changes that we made are by adjustment to the master plan by the planning board based on their recommendations but there is no there's no no one looking to do this to develop simple simplest way we can put it anyone else wish to be heard on ordinance 4-22 thank you Ryan if not may have a motion from the governing body to close the public hearing so moved second tro parate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr um not Mr Watkins Miss Kennedy it says Mr Watkins Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title only and ordinance to amend Chapter 30 Land Development Article 4 zoning regarding the rezoning of block 32 lot 9.01 from R6 to B2 the rezoning of block 30.01 3 R2 to2 and the repeal of r2a single family overlay District do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 42024 so moved second trillo Baron I'm sorry I'm not used to you being there today voice from a different angle roll call vote please miss count Mr B yes Mr Bron yes Mrs parate yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 4 2023 will be advertised in the progress as a past ordinance and shall take effect as provided by the law thank you next ordinance for public hearing is ordinance 52024 Miss keny please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending Chapter 30 entitled Land Development section 30-11 01 entitled affordable housing mandatory set aside is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 5- 2024 so move secondate trillo all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 5-2020 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so moved second Char parate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title Omen an ordinance amending Chapter 30 entitled Land Development section 30-110 entitled affortable housing mandatory set aside do have a motion to adopt ordinance 52024 so move second b parate roll call vote please Miss Kennedy Mr B yes Mr Brun yes Mrs parate yes Mr trillo yes ordinance five will be hour TI into progress as a passed ordinance and shall take effect as it provided by law thank you next ordinance for public hearing is ordinance 6-24 Miss keny please read the ordinance by title only bendary year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap in there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 62024 so move second trillo barant all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 6- 2024 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so moves second Choy all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title only pent year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits to establish capping we have a motion to adopt ordinance 62024 so moved second parate trillo roll call vote please miss Kenedy Mr bardy yes Mr Bron yes Mrs parate yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 6 2024 will be advertised in the progress of the past ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law next ordinance for public hearing is ordinance 7-2 24 Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending section 14-4 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosand entitled use of outdoor facilities is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 72024 so moved second Barack trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 7-22 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so move second Mary trillo all in favor I I opposed hearing none Miss Kennedy please read the ordinance by title home an ordinance amending section 14-4 the revised General ordinances of the bough of Rose land entitled use of outdoor facilities can we have a motion to adopt ordinance 72024 moved second b roll call vote please Miss K sure Trill excuse me trillo okay roll call vote please M Mr B yes Mr Bron yes Mrs parate yes Mr TR yes ordinance 7 2024 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law why not right right which one the ordinance that we have is different then right then the number yeah I think it I think this was just sent I think this was sent before that's why oh okay this okay then that's why I didn't have it okay I just was I wanted to the same yeah cuz I want to look up and yeah okay mayor I have a resolution regarding the reading of the budget will the deputy clerk please read the resolution we have resolution number 149 20124 approval to read the 2024 Municipal budget by title only I offer the foregoing resolution and move its adoption we have a second sorry I second the motion the deputy clerk please call the role Mr B yes Mr Brun yes Mrs parate yes Mr Trello yes the resolution is adopted I will entertain a motion to open the hearing on the budget I move that the budget hearing be opened second roll call vote please miss Ken Mr B yes Mr Baron yes Mrs parate yes Mr trillo yes mayor this is the time fixed for the public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget the budget was approved by the governing body on March 19th 2024 was advertised as required by law on April 9th 2024 together with not of hearing for this time before we open the hearing we'd like to outline the procedure governing body will first vote on the on a budget amendment and then each person Desiring to be heard from the public come forward if they're with us in person or if they're with us electronically give their name and address before speaking unless they're eligible for Daniels law which they will only give their name we'll recognize one speaker at a time uh in order of uh Rising as nearly as we can determine address all questions to the chair which is to my left or your right councilman B where necessary they will be referred to individual members of the governing body or Municipal officials questions or concerns about this is solely confined to the municipal budget before us any other matters are not proper subject to the hearing and cannot be discussed or heard here tonight I now declare open the public hearing on the 2024 rosand Municipal budget mayor I have a resolution regarding an amendment to the budget will the deputy clerk please read the resolution we have resolution number 150 2024 Amendment of the 2024 Municipal budget whereas the local Municipal budget for the year 2024 was approved on the 19th day of March 2024 and whereas the public hearing on said budget is being held as advertised and whereas it is desirous to amend said budget now therefore be it resolved by the mayor council of the burough of Rosland County of Essex that the following amendments to the approved budget for 2024 be made in the current fund under Municipal debt service excluded from caps recategorizing $60,900 from Green Trust Loom program to ECI Capital lease program for the total Municipal debt service excluded from cap of 1,561 1852 in the capital budget adding the water meain Replacements on Cooper Avenue and Eagle Rock Avenue which were approved last year to sections a b and c in the amount of $669,000 for Cooper Avenue and $10,000 for eok Avenue to increase the capital budget by a total of $679,000 from an estimated total of 11,242 784 to an estimated total of 119217 184 be it further resolve two certified copies of this resolution will be filed forth withth in the office of the director of the division of local government services for her certification of the 2024 local local Municipal budget so amended I offer the foregoing resolution and move it adoption call vote please Miss Kennedy Mr B yes Mr Bron yes Mrs parate yes Mr trillo yes the resolution is adopted any member of the public wishing to be heard on the 2024 Municipal budget hearing and seeing none I will entertain a motion to close the hearing mayor I move that the hearing be closed I second the motion Mar parate roll call vote please Miss Kennedy Mr B yes Mr Baron yes Mrs Pate yes Mr tro yes may I have a resolution to present this time to adop the municipal budget for the year 2024 Miss keny please read the resolution I have resolution number 151 2024 adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget I offer the forgoing resolution and move it adoption second B Bar roll call vote please Miss Kennedy Mr B yes Mr Baron yes Mr pan yes Mr Trello yes the resolution is hereby adopted mayor I request that the deputy clerk be instructed to read section to the adopting resolution for the budget M can we please read the resolution be it resolved by the council members of the bur of Rose land County of Essex the B that the budget here in before set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation for the purposes stated of the sum therein set forth as Appropriations and authorizations of the amount of 10, 390,000 sorry 10, 39037 5 for municipal purposes $421,000 26 open space Recreation farmland and historic preservation trust fund Levy $648,500 900,000 in Surplus anticipated 2,771 71 miscellaneous revenues anticipated $500,000 receipts from delinquent taxes and 10,390 375 to be raised by taxation for municipal purposes is $ 64,8 195 to be raised by the minimum Library tax for a total revenue of6 m610 63346 mayy make a motion that the clerk be instructed to lay the budget out in full in the official minutes of the meeting second Marty trillo Miss Kennedy roll call pleas Mr bardy yes Mr BR yes Mrs parate yes Mr TR yes right saw it next on the agenda we have uh resolution 152 d224 the April 19th Bill list everyone received the bill list for questions concerns or recusals if there are none take a motion to approve the bill list so moved second trillo parate all in favor opposed hearing none next we have resolutions 1 through five on your agenda by resolution number 153-20 24 through 157 d224 a Mis BR say 2025 um yeah everyone review the resolutions for questions concerns recusals I'd like to move them in their entirety moved second chello parate all in favor I I opposed hearing none next is the consent agenda it's always nice when we see more volunteers to cadets for the fire department and uh I guess a and Recreation uh training or something like that uh an American Dream at no cost motion to approve the consent agend I'll move secondate B all in favor I opposed hearing none uh mayor's report um just happy Passover to our Jewish Community that's why councilwoman Fishman and Council Goin are not with us tonight it's their holiday I wish them a happy Passover um thank everyone for great Easter OEM Recreation um Fire Department Public Works they did a great job last month and we are looking forward to Memorial Day uh we have our normal ceremony it's not our ceremony it's the BFW ceremony and then we have the parade at West Essex so we'll have great weather again w w excuse me um I don't have anything further I'll go to committee reports uh Finance Administration councilman party thank you mayor also like to uh wish the Jewish Community happy Passover um congrats to the mayor council and Moren for passing the uh the budget T adopting the budget tonight and great job by Ash tonight I think she's doing a great job want to call that out all next year if Jo says I need to cover the agenda counc that's it thank you councilman trillo Recreation uh so we just had a opening day this past weekend it went really well um our usual uh piece of Americana here in rosand uh was well attended um and we're looking forward to the kickoff of the baseball season I believe the first game is being played tomor tomorrow I think it's the little guys um but it's going to start shortly I know everyone's anticipating the opening of the fields and mayor is hard at working on the phone a lot trying to move some bodies and get 7 o' yesterday morning get some people going going um it's going to be great when it opens and we'll all be I think thankful and appreciative once is there but we're all just so uh you know anticipating getting on there maybe we'll have a a ribbon cutting of some sort I know the honorary mayor is interested in uh setting foot on the new Fields with some official title um otherwise look forward to a great season and uh hopefully the weather has turned around now for good so we'll see how it goes that's all I have there thank you um councilman Fishman I said is not with us senior family service councilman Trill or have anything to add uh no nothing I know we're looking forward to um May 17th is our senior luncheon senior of the year is um I call him chairman because he's chairman of the planning board lisal I told him he's he's only eligible to be a senior by one year but uh he's very excited and very welld deserved for for for L um Public Works councilman Goldstein is not with us for his holid councilwoman parate or Councilman Baron anything to add no Public Safety councilman par thank you mayor um I just want to thank um Bob gity from the first aid Squad Rich Loveless from the fire department and of course director chafi from the police department for opening day we had all three um service is there um the police department their community outreach program gave out the hot dogs it was great um I want to thank them for being there I also want to thank um Cadet Jacob and Cadet Grayson for volunteering for the rosand first state Squad I didn't want to mess up their last names so I'm just going to call them by their first name I just called them Cadets it was the CET I want to thank them um I've met them once or twice it's it's great to see young kids volunteering um we need more so any of the other young ones the first aid Squad is always looking for people so I just want to say get out there and volunte volunteer uh Capital infrastructure engineering Councilman Baron r road was paved hey r road was paved pav markings were laid down I saw them um I'm sure there might be a little couple punchless items here and there but um looks good to me um did they put speed any speeding at their I was just going to say did they the speed bumps there they didn't no there's no humps um with the budget being adopted I'm sure um new projects will be coming down the pipeline so I'll be in touch with Moren and Joe um to uh to start spending some money y anyone else have anything to add the committee reports if there are none we have the April 9th executive session minutes and the April 18th minutes and executive session minutes we receive the minutes for questions concerns and recusals if there are none and everyone reviewed them and have no issues we'll take a motion so moved second Baron chillo all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wish to be heard come forward state name for the record if you're with us via Zoom use a raise your hand icon you're with us telephonically press start off hearing and seeing none we do not need an additional round of executive session the only item left on the agenda is a motion for adjournment so moved second TR Bard all in favor I opposed hearing and seen none thank you everyone remember to get your disclosures in by April 30th April 30th May 1 April 30th we to wait through the school