##VIDEO ID:PIXPJy-y46o## is only University Town like like whatever in Michigan you know that when you have a football game or parents we listen they business they have a certain amount of weeks to make their you can take the whole family there in the middle of July for about so I don't know where we're staying we're staying some place oh yeah I have a holiday in express I holiday in expr good evening and welcome to the August 13 2024 meeting of the r governing body adequate notice of meeting is provided and for the old public meeting act at the date time and location meeting we including annual meeting schedule post on the public Bulet board the municipal building and filed on the office of the bur clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any of the relevant documents can be found on the bur's website attached to the meeting notice Post in the news and announcement sectioning meeting announcing made prior to the two public comment anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to B Star for those in attendance in person remotely please provide your name and address when select if you're eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call May spango pres Mr here Mr here Mr Fishman Mr Goldstein here Mr Pate here Mr TR here pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands indivisible we go first we have our first round of public comment any member of the public wish to be heard come forward state your name and OB to the record give me one anything Ryan uh so not in public comment but we have Dan Santi from messis County bringing greetings from our County Executives oh my th anyway summer time is again continues to be busy here in ESS County I do have some announcements some events that'll be taking place but the first thing I want to talk about is the county will be doing a uh mosquito spring along the Pake river which will commence on Wednesday the 14th uh this is partnership in the Environmental Protection uh you will see low flying helicopter spraying uh it's going to start at 7: a.m. in the morning W run till 6:00 p.m. at night this will cover the townships of West tics Fairfield West CO rosand Milburn and Livingston that's tomorrow right there that's tomorrow so I will just give you this if you want to post it I you have that yet we'll put out a notification tomorrow too Brian please give this to Moren just so peoplebody like helicop exactly and in addition we have our senior citizen uh Art Festival starting on August 17th to the September 11th that's when the uh artwork can be dropped off it'll be at the ESS County OU building in Cedar Grove I have plenty of Flyers here that'll leave with you mayor in addition we'll have our annual Essex remember 911 uh in Eagle Rock on September 11th as I just mentioned and that will start at 8:00 a.m. uh also we have the ESS County uh photography contest submissions are due by September 11th uh and the last one I know you're very interested in this mayor here's our senior Wellness day will take place on September 24th from 10: to 2: pm at the ESS County Cody Arena I encourage all seniors to come out there'll be uh giveaways there'll be um can't forget the vegetables entertainment and then uh also include free mission to turtleback Sue and again that's on Tuesday the 24th from 10: a.m. to 2: p.m mayor you have anything you want me to take back to the County Administration no but I have one comment July 25th director of on the bust and I was out of this country I was in Aruba and I know that my attendance was questions if I was coming to your event so I wanted to make sure that I publicly congratulated you it's probably the first it's probably the first time that I've been working for the county with Dan that I saw tears of joy of the frustration but it was very welld deserved and I want to personally congratulate you on thank you very much thank you Jo working for ES County I'll just P an I just have one comment I like to commend the es County dispo Authority I mean do a fantastic job and when you when you call them for anything you have anything on your property or whatever they come they do a check they look around they they're very very good very responsive they've been for the last couple weeks doing a lot of cleanup and deciding down by the river they're they're they're great so thank you all right thank you next uh we have introduction of ordinances first we have stop for a second just want to make sure we have a long agenda there's anyone else public comments okay first we have ordinance 27224 Mr Watkins please read ordinance by title only ordinance amending Chapter 30 the revised General ordinances of the B rosand entitled Land Development section 43.2 4 entitled short-term rentals is there a motion to introduce ordinance 27-22 second Goldstein Pate all in favor oppos hearing none number 27 -202 24 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday September 17 2024 thank you next on the agenda is ordinance 28-22 24 uh there's just one change to this ordinance there's a misprint it's a 3.5% increase not 3% increase so I just need a motion to make that Amendment to the ordinance so moved second Trill B all in favor I repeat that the ordinance lists a 3% increase it is supposed to be 3.5% to be consistent with what the senior rate is sorry that was trillo B all in favor I opposed hearing none now that the Amendments been made Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the B of Ros entitled building and housing by replacing section 10-8 entitled rent stabilization is there a motion to introduce ordinance 28220 so moved second Mar parate all in favor opposed hearing and seeing number 28224 will be posted on the bur's website notice a public hearing will be published the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday September 17 20124 thank you next on the AG May before we go on can I just um J make a point uh for the record ordinance 27 2024 it's going to have to get referred to the planning board before adoption because it is a my mistake that's correct it be referred to the plan Bo it's comp with the with master master thank you sounds evil next on the agenda is for public hearing is ordinance 20- 2024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending the revised General ordinances of the B of Rand chapter 15 titled solid waste management section 15-3 entitled dumpsters amending chapter 11 entitled instructors and amending Chapter 30 entitled Land Development by repealing section 30-4 3.22 entitled Portable On Demand storage structures for toilets and dumpsters and retitling it reserved there motion to open the public hearing on ordance 20220 motion second all in favor I oppos hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 20220 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so moved second TR all in favor iOS hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance dumpers amending chapter 11 entitled Property Maintenance by creating section 11-4 entitled temporary structures and amending Chapter 30 entitled Land Development by repealing section 30- 4322 entitled Portable On Demand Storage structures portable toilets and dumpsters and retitling it reserved we have a motion to adopt ordinance 20-22 second R Goldstein roll call vote Please Mr yes BR yes Goldstein yes yes Mr Trill yes ordinance 202024 be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr wat next on the agenda we have ordinance 22-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 10 revised General ordinances of the BAU of Rosine entitled uniform construction code enforcing agency to clarify types of certificates and adjust Associated fees there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 22-22 motion second okay Baron trillo all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 222020 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 22-22 so move second Mary Goldstein all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title home an ordinance amending chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of Ros entitled uniform construction code of foring agency to clarify types of certificate and adjust Associated fees do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 222020 motion secondate b roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr B yes BR yes Mr Goldstein yes Mr yes Mr Kill yes ordinance number 22224 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law thank you Miss Watkins next we have a public hearing on ordinance 23-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title pH an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the revised General ordinances of the bur rosan and titled traffic to amend section 7- 40.3 entitled regulation for the movement and parking of traffic on all other private property do we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 23-22 motion second Baron trillo all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 23-22 seeing and hearing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 23-22 second Goldstein bar all in favor hi hi opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of roselan entitled traffic who amend section 7 there's 40.3 entitled regulation for the movement and parking of traffic on all other private property do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 23-22 motion second Baron b roll call vote Please Mr wat Mr B yes Mr Baron yes Goldstein yes Mrs BR yes Mr pH yes ordinance number 23224 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance shall take effect as provided by the law thank you Mr Watkins next we have an public hearing on ordinance 25224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the revised General ordinances of the BAU of Roseline entitled police regulations Section 3 two entitled noise there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 25224 so moved second TR Kate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 2-2020 hearing and seeing none may I have a motion to close the public here so move second Goldstein B all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter three of the revised General ordinances of the B of Roseline entitled police regulations Section 3-2 entitled noise we have a motion to adopt ordinance 25-22 so moved second party parate roll call vote Please Mr wat Mr yes BR yes yes I'm sorry yes Mr Goldstein yes Mr parate yes Mr trillo yes ordinance 25224 will be advertised in the progress as a past ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda we have a public hearing on ordinance 26- 2024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only B ordinance providing for the 2024 Road program ined by the buau of rosand the county of Essex New Jersey appropriating $ 1,50,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $997,500 bonds not to the B to finance part of the cost thereof we motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 26-22 move second party trillo all in favor hi hi opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 26220 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public he so move second sh L Goldstein all in favor I I opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance providing for a 2024 Road program ined by the B of rosand the county of esex New Jersey appropriating $1,500 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 9975 $500 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof your motion to adopt ordinance 262020 so moved second TR Goldstein Please Mr yes Mr Brun yes Goldin yes Mr BR yes Mr pH yes ordinance number 26 St 2024 will be advertised in the progress of P ordinance take effect 20 days after first publication after final adoption as provided by law thank next on the agenda we have the approval of bills everyone receive uh the bill list with questions concerning recusals if there are none take a motion to move resolution 2 254 d224 moving the bill so move second party par all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none next we have adoption of resolutions we have 1 33 by agenda item by resolution number 2555-22 through 2872 questions conc if there are none take a motion so moved second gold all in favor I I oppos here and see none next we have two items in the consent agenda our normal uh raffle that the Greek Church do for their uh celebration in September and training for our fire prevention offal some second second priority goting all in favor I oppos hearing none um mayor's report um going to bring up something um we lost a young lady uh part of our community um on Sunday uh 44 years old and we have a great group in town called the The Helping Hands which is run through noer and whenever we have a family Nita we always communicate with them to see if they want us to publicly announce it and we're going to publicly announce it tonight and I'm going to read something that I got from The Helping Hands and Ryan is also working on a correspondence for our newsletter she was 44 years old she left behind an 8-year-old and a one and they're looking for some support financially in other ways so I'm just going to read a text message that that I got directly from The Helping Hands with the permission of the family I also spoke to a family own this morning who checked with the family again because we try to be very delicate in respect the family's privacy if it's not something that they so um and I quote um is with great sadness that we share the news of the recent passing of the mother of an incoming third grade the rosand HSA The Helping Hands committee and the no eer school Community are a source of support to me to many in times of challenge they reaching out to invite the whole burrow to support the family during the difficult time the third grader enjoys cards to Michaels Target Amazon Claire's Sephora Ulta Etc the family would appreciate gift cards for food to Forte Jim Johnson shoppr and other local stores or making a donation directly to the family as well gift cards and donations are welcomed uh through the end of August they can be dropped off at 20 Lincoln Street the Bolino house there will be a green box labeled HSA on the bench on the front porch for gift card drop offs monetary donations can be sent via ven venmo to an Marina D balino that'll also be in the newsletter we'll send it out I'll expect people to write it down Helping Hands will deliver the gift card donations to the family along with a few gifts for the incoming third grader and her baby sister to the end of a we thank us for the continued support and fortunate to be part of such a caring Community this is from the two leaders of the Helping Hands this is the first time we've spoke about the helping hands here but they are a great group we have gotten numerous items food monetary donations to families and need throughout the town that we don't even mention because they want to keep things private so I want to thank the Helping Hands for what they do and thank the entire Community for what they do because when you live in a small town and people come together like this it's the best part about living in the small in our small town so I want to commend The Helping Hands the volunteers our thoughts and prayers are also with Genie's with deceased was Genie rinia is that her middle name yeah Burge um I believe that the wake is Thursday at shook Farmer and the funeral that follow um as a community as a as a governing body and as a community we're here to support them and Ryan's working on something to put out in our newsletter to support the family so thoughts and prayers with the family and their time of um other two other things from the mayor's report we had a great um first viewing party for our local boxers v melnicki um we we named their his support group from the town which is Mel Nicki's Minions that the town submitted names and voted on um it was a great turnout on Saturday night was even better because the fight only lasted like a round and a half and his mother probably wasn't so nervous that he was getting beat up because he did a pretty good job and winning when I talk to Trish that's her biggest I can imagine watching a child get a fight like that but um it was a quick fight the turnout was great I mean it was like a sea of white with the with the Melnick t-shirt so we look forward to hosting more things at the at the shack for uh for veto money fights um we have our first concert of the summer tomorrow I know it's late but like daughter said to me yesterday doesn't feel like Su who didn't have a concert yet so our first one got rained out but tomorrow night at 7:30 is the concert should be great our next one is September 6th I believe um tomorrow night all our graduating noer sixth graders will get their certificates on stage uh around 7:15 um we're really looking forward to getting our first concert done and also just last week thanking the police foundation which I'm sure Council P went to for a great National Night Out even though it rained it became National Night in we were able to move everything inside and kind of a practice run for next year but it was a great event food vendors stayed out in the rain the whole night so I just want to publicly thank them besides that I have nothing under committee agenda reports I have two I have Public Works uh update on public work project Council yeah there were a couple of things we went over updates on uh Tesco park that's coming in and several uh phases good news we're going to make sure we save the the Barney head uh so we concern about that we preser it storage we appreciate it was it was but uh but there you have it um we had an update on the water storage tank design the second water storage tank design which is coming out in September expect the bit to go out um the the roof uh on council chambers and the police department bid going out in September long overdue uh we mentioned the two trucks uh and a status update on that in the next couple of months and they'll be coming in and finally uh we went over um how we're going to handle water meter violations uh that has been a long running problem just one other um are you going to speak to the PS project okay good thing I'm first go to council par who's not listed she has few comment yeah I just first I want to first let me say I want to welcome and thank Chris Bal he is our new candidate for the rosand fire department it's great to see young people volunteering young men I should say volunteering um I want to thank the RO the police foundation they did an awesome job the horses were here we had no helicopters kind of rainy um but the food vendors everybody there were so many vendors um people from Essex County um it it was a great night the comedian was was awesome they did a great job our Police Department director chaffy assistant director Mathias everyone did a great job our Police Department was here unfortunately it rained but we're hoping next year that it turn out to a better day it it really turned out there believe it or not there were a lot of people we who came here before the rain the cheese steaks were really good stayed the whole night and cooked in the rain yep no no Zas but we had fried or so but it it was an ice cream it was a nice night for the people there were people who came out and then they left before the ring so but it was a nice night I want to thank everybody involved they did a great job Capital infrastructure uh first I want to say thank you Mary spango for uh your warm comments about my cousin um I'm not gonna say anymore because I know I'm GNA lose it so um as far as uh Capital infrastructure projects uh psng was running late today I noticed on Ros AB they're finally turning the corner on Livingston AB so hopefully they will be out of our town shortly uh the committee met and we spoke about um the dust and debris that they had from that project and how it impacted local businesses specifically Mars and Par Childs and people that are eating outside so we we um discussed it um alerted um they were out they were out the next day in the ring with the streets so um yeah they should be out there every after every shift to make sure that happens but I think they were out there on a Friday didn't C up and we had the dust over the weekend dry weather before we got the rain last week um Eagle Rock AB water man project started um today down at Eisenhower Parkway and it's going to work its way up hill toward us toward the PS project which will be vacating um the rectangular rapid flashing Beacon sign I was told was purchased by um um uh and that should be being that should be installed shortly um did we get it did we get it okay so it um the intersection Avenue and rosand place um big part of my concerns in town is the safety on Eck Avenue so we also discussed um and we looked into the eight serious crashes that have occurred on eok Avenue within the last three years um we asked the uh we're going to have the county take a look at it um look at possibly instituting some safety measures specifically in the area of old Eagle Rock Avenue on near Evelyn Road um I know there were two serious accidents that I saw there within the last year which kind of sparked my interest in it and I asked us to to do a little bit of research into it traffic engineering background so the county I'm assuming is going to have to look into it um the manual on uniform traffic control devices if you have a um a history of crashes crash histories that can be alleviated with any type of safety measures um specifically like a traffic signal or something like that um there signal warrants and one of them is Crash history and if you meet x amount of crashes within a certain time frame um it automatically triggers a warrant to install a traffic signal so I don't know if that's the case or not um they'll they'll investigate it and then see what happens but trying to make the sound safer wh we could any anyone else or anything to Comm next we have our July 16th 2024 council meeting and executive session minutes everyone received the minutes for review if there are no questions concerns or recusals we'll take a motion to approve those minut move second St B all in favor oppos carar and see none next on the agenda we have our second round of public comment any member the public wish need to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us telephonically press star9 if you're with us via Zoom to raise your hand Janet 38 Leonard terce Ros just want to extend my thanks to the mayor and the council for approving ordinance 23 2024 it will certainly be a big help to us having the Polie of being able to enforce speed limits and issue tickets uh my only question on that is uh what when does that take effect I think it's 20 days after the festing sorry 23224 yeah yeah publication right it does it meet the 20day window or is it now so then then the followup question to that is how does that get communicated to the police department deputy director Matias is here I'll also follow up with an email tomorrow morning or actually sent an email okay so so my my second um issue is probably bad timing on my part because I don't ever criticize the police department but regarding resolution uh 282-2241 for the Ambrose group for $50,000 that's that's to finish the original project that's for this year which we never passed anything for this year that's for this entire year we're not passing an additional 50 for this year that's the only 50 okay we didn't do one for for this year there okay you know I come to all the meetings right so I remember the first contract goes back a few years and that was should we have a director or chief and and and an assessment of the of the entire department and then there was a second contract for the Sops correct this is to finish the SOP project when guidelines okay when was the first contract for the Sops 2023 I don't remember what and how come there wasn't enough money in that contract to complete the project that I don't know I have to defer to the yeah when when when there was a when there was a email that came to us to finish the project I sent it to the director and members of the council that part of the police committee asking for their evaluation if we should continue they all thought it was the best interest in burrow to finish the project and close it out of course this was the only and our opinion honestly for this was rather than pay a Happ if we have an or Lieutenant $140,000 year to do this and take them out of doing normal functional police work in a small Department it would be better for us to do it this way and compliant and it's money better spent than having an administrator or lieutenant or Captain do we have a captain I think we did have a captain and have them in the police okay so now the other part of that question is what happened to the admin that more importantly who's doing the work that she would have done because it to me and and and I mean this respectfully it just seems like if you have police officers doing clerical work that's that's an inefficient use of money and resources and maybe we should be fast-tracking a new hire as it happen 100% we discuss that we can't discuss what we discussed in executive session but it was on thep it was up for discussion tonight okay so I'm steing everybody's good graces sort of kind of okay thanks any other the member of the of the public wishing to be heard don't be parking in the wrong spot please don't say your name address the I know I was looking at Ryan because he lets me know if there's anybody online I'm not looking at cookie cookie John thinks I'm looking at cookie time I'm looking is G thumbs up or thumbs down all right there's no other uh member of the public for public comment um we do not need another round of executive session so we'll take a motion so moves second I think all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none hope to see everybody tomorrow night 7 o'cl tomorrow 7:30 we we change a half hour because of the Sun the first year we had the cont