ran we ready good how about you do are you ready good good evening and welcome to the June 18th 202 2024 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice to meeting R public meeting act the date time and location the meeting we including the annual meeting schedule post on the public bold and board municipal building and filed in the office of the B clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any of the relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attached to the meeting notice posted in the news and announ ment section during the meeting announc be made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial star9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when selected if you eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call pres here here here here here here please rise FL pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible andice first the agenda is our first round of public comment any member of the public wishing be heard come forward state your name and address the record if you're with us by telephone press star 9 and you're with us via Zoom use to raise your hand n we have no presentations first on the agenda is ordinance 19-22 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance appropriating $361,000 for improvements to CH to away and 8 Boulevard by the B of rosand in the county of New Jersey is there a motion to introduce ordinance 19-22 so move second second Fishman Goldstein all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing n number 19224 will be posted on the B's website notice a public hearing publish in progress the public hearing will be held on Tuesday July 16 202 thank you next is the introduction of ordinance 202024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance amending the revised General ordinances of the bur rosand chapter 15 entitled solid waste management section 15-3 entitled dumpsters amending chapter 11 entitled proper maintenance by creating section 11-4 entitled temporary structures and amending Chapter 30 entitled Land Development by repealing section 30- 4322 titled Portable On Demand Storage structures Reserve there a motion to introduce ordinance 20-24 so move second trillo favor oppos hearing and seeing n 2024 be referred to the planning board to Ure the Amendments proposed here in assist master1 Watkins please read the ordinance by title ordinance amending chapter 13 of the general ordinance of the rosand entitled fire prevention and protection section 13- 1.7 entitled permit pleas there a motion to introduce ordinance 21-22 motion second Kate trillo all in favor I I oppos hearing and seeing n 21-2024 will be posted on the B's website public he published in the progress a hearing will be held on Tuesday July 16 2024 thank you next on the agenda is 2022 was in pack by full correct yes next is a public hearing on ordinance 15- 2024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance amending chapter 14 of the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand entitled Parts coration section 14-2 entitled conduct parts Recreation areas there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 15-20 24 move second Fishman trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 15- 2020 heing seeing N I have a motion to close the public hearing so moved second fellow B all in favor I oppos hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter 14 of the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand entitled conduct and use of par and Recreation there motion to adopt ordinance 15-22 so move sorry TR parate roll call vote Please Mr wat yes yes M Fishman yes yes Kate yes yes ordinance number 15223 2024 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law thank Mr Watkin next is a public hearing on ordinance 17-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance to amend the revise General ordinances of the B of rosand chapter 11 entitled Property Maintenance to amend various fees excuse me ordinance 16 Miss U we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 16 2020 so move second Fishman all in favor I I oppos hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 16224 hearing and seeing them I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 16-22 second maintenance to amend various fees so motion excuse me do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 162020 so move second B Bar roll call vote Please Mr wat yes yes Mrs Fishman yes Goldstein yes Mr yes yes ordinance 16- 2024 will be advertised for progress as a past ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you next is a public hearing on ordinance 17-22 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of various equipment for the administration department in and by The Bu of rosand in the county of ess6 New Jersey appropriating $55,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2,750 bond notes of the B to finance part of the toost thereof is there a motion to open the public hearing ordinance 172020 some move secondate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read oh sorry um please ordinance by title only off we open the public I'm sorry any wish be heard on ordinance 17224 hearing seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so move second Mar Fishman all in favor I I oppos hearing seeing none now Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of various equipment for the administration department in by the bur of Ros in the county of esex New Jersey appropriating $55,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $427 bonds or notes of the burrow Finance part of the cost thereof we have a motion to adopt ordinance 172020 second Goldstein b roll call vote Please Mr W Mr yes Mr yes mrman yes yes yes Mr Trill yes ordinance 17-2 24 will be advertised with the progress of the P ordinance and shall take effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next we have a public hean ordinance 18224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title on bond ordinance amending section 3C of bond ordinance number 6223 of The Bu of Rosland County of esence New Jersey finally adopted February 21st 2023 in order to amend the description of the project to include additional roads is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 18-202 second trillo all in favor iOS hearing none does anyone be heard 18-2 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 18-22 so moved second mman all in favor opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Bond ordinance amending section 3C of bond ordinance number 6223 of the B of rosand in the county of es New Jersey finally adopted February 21st 2024 excuse me 2023 in order to amend the description of the project to include additional roads there a motion to adopt ordinance 18-2 so move second roll Mr yes yes yes gold yes yes yes number 18224 will be advertised the progress pass ordinance shall take take effect 20 days after the first publication the final adoption is provided by law thank you Mr Ro next on the agenda is resolution 208-224 motion to approve the June 14th 2024 Bill list everyone received the bill list with questions concerns and or withes if there are none we have a motion move to go list so move second have resolutions 1 through 15 on the agenda by resolution number 209-224 through 223-224 I'd like to move them in their entirety and I can review them for question concerns and ores if we don't have any recusals questions or concerns take a motion to adopt the resolutions so move second bar Trill all in favor I against and none next we have consent agenda there's one addon to wave the fee for an upcoming tournament on Saturday usabl correct yes usav what they do is they pay per game actually give us higher higher Revenue be permit so we're looking to wave the permit fee and then they'll pay us by game payments we made payable to the to the borrow and handle through W us a US Avi it's an extension of wck normally we go to other normally go to other towns to have this tournament we're just happying that this year we're hosting it right so North North hosting yeah North Co hosting and Roseanne's hosting we're trying to get all six teams here one of the teams that we didn't have room for so the seven the little guys are going like an hour and a half away to play eighty old NY old eight we have the 8U and the nineu team when is Saturday all day Saturday Saturday so do you have a motion to wave that make a motion the way that they are the basball I will second the motion parate B all in favor I oos hearing none uh next for my report I'll just before I get into what I want to discuss um thank everyone for a few weeks ago the opening of The Complex is amazing it's amazing all the people that are there even when there's no events thank the members of The Snack Shack they're probably doing better business than I think Jersey might in in town um they are really busy but there's a lot of kids and and people enjoying the field during the day and at night and everyone's been really respectful of of the complex so it's working out really well um that's the good news the bad news we have to discuss uh not bad news but we have to have a discussion about noise ordinance and finds when it comes to developers when I say developers I talk about the our Co obligations and all the developments going we've had a number of issues with the first development that they started to to work which is Ros Glen and our concern my concern because I met everyone is that if we don't have any teeth to these ordinances where they escalate fines cost them to so um what is the complaint are they starting early or starting early working late there's there's a whole host of complaints but the point is that we need to discuss how we're going to make it so these fines actually Happ the best way we do we need to adjust the times in the ordinance no no I just think the enforcement of the times is I don't think the times need to be adjusted I think they're reasonable as long as they ABI by them may we had the meeting on Wednesday last week and the next day the day after they were starting 7 let me ask you somebody asked me this can they work on juneth because it's Federal because it's a federal holiday anday I didn't it doesn't address holiday the times again no during the week on the weekend we don't allow work on the week oh so it's just but there was an instant where after this we had the meeting and there was a number of Representatives two Representatives um and the next day they with but the point is you if if they can get work done beforehand $2 they saving money $200 cost of doing business yeah so I I really think we need to escalate to at 500 up to 2000 I think prepared you know to try to make it stiff with beginning F would be a higher number like so in other words we can't we we we're not we're not able to legislate that we can legislate the beginning fine to be stiffer yes then they just say that is there anything we can do within this ordinance that would hold a developer to a higher standard than me yeah because it's the same I have an noise ordinance you know is is there is there you want to find you want to find a homeowner $1,000 I don't think so well that's right I just I they're not they're not one and the same so can we treat them different but the homeowners do work on the weekends so the Touchstone inquiry for all these noise ordinances has to be reasonableness so I think you could tailor an ordinance if that's what you guys want to do just saying for large construction Pro projects we could say maybe over a certain amount of units like we're not talking about single family homes right it's in applicable to single family homes people that are mowing their lawn or building their kids a little plague house in their backyard but um possibly development over a certain amount of units um regulating like we said like the weeks the times but it has to be reasonable right you can't um squeeze them for a 2hour period on Monday that's the only day and time you could work because then these projects are just never going to get could could we say anything outside the hours of the ordinance um what do you mean anything out you said one day for two hours so if if you decide $1,000 anytime outside the ORD two units or higher yeah for two units or higher right meaning trying to protect single family homeowner opposed to a develop right so if you're saying like at let's say it's at 6 o'cl you can't work on these 20 unit buildings after 6 o' then you then yeah if but you know there has to be an enforcer out there to be able to issue that ticket be there on the spot issuing that ticket after 6 that they see there's pictures what what have you um for them to go to the judge give them their ticket because then that person has to appear in court and prosecute that ticket on behalf of that was my next question mandatory court appearance so better well right now it is but if you wanted a set fine join drafted it they would just they could just pay the ticket without currently if they get a sum they have to go to work would be current the current fund is what I think it's a r so the judge has discre yes I'm just going to say we have problems with offenders word the ordinance so that every day the violation existss it's another separate violation correct can every day well each each each occurrence would be independent a noise ordinance on a Monday noise violation on a Monday is a is a different noise violation on Tuesday unless they kept going through tonight in my opion structured example new one would be the second time would be minimum would beire it's what I all right so what I would like to do is I would like to yes the second the second time if it's 500 the first time the second time should be 750 the third time should be driving each time you get one they escalate great right the whole point is to be a deterrent from continuing to do that your third offense you're going it's the current ordinance whatever like someone said someone or someone building a deck in their backyard like different than big giant trucks yeah but said that to whole committee and then on for next meeting there wasn't a complaint about was a complaint solely on the timing not the the noise itself like you you're not it's too loud during the hours where it's acceptable it was they started outside because that's that's a different issue if they're working within the hours but the volume so what happen what they were do when when the developer put a fence up yeah they would get there early and start mustering for La for sure and that would be very loud and I'm just saying that's a different issue all together that's a third issue that if we need to tackle it's much more complicated I would assume have several different violations it's not justu right they are all addressed okay so we like but I think we'd all like escalating and mandatory Court appearances the same thing we do with the trucks on Lincoln they don't care about the money but they have to go to court it's a whole another issue T I like second vendor honly I would like to see more steps to this because you know it's very difficult VI they're going to be doing construction two years five times out of know 560 working days a day so it put exceeds but scale that goes way past just 40 you know so something that has multiple layers and if I could just make one note too um a lot of time like when people developers get their approvals right they go before the planning board and Zoning Board they only have a certain amount of time to construct their um projects so um and also at that time people that live in the neighborhood they have an opportunity to go before the board and a lot of the times the planning board or zoning board might make conditions of approval in their resolution saying you cannot work and dur these days and that dat so um it can also be like a compliance issue for the boards too based on how they got their approval so it's just something else to think about thank you anyone else on the those ordinance esting point we look forward to the results from committee um anyone committee reports anyone have anything to add have one quick thing um Mor and I were talking earlier today about the uh tax bills um we're waiting for the state to certify their budget and then the county will certify our tax rate looking like the state will do that around 30th of the month and then the county normally does that two weeks after within the two weeks so if we're if we can if they do it along that you know along that schedule prior to July 19th then we could send the tax bills out July 19th not have to send estimated tax bills out I I would like I agree with you because two tax bills is confusing and townwide Mage twice within two weeks is cost money exactly that was our thought I me we said every year we have this discussion and we send the estated bills and then one week later the county certifi so it's doesn't it's a waste so we're um more talk cabin today and that's that's where we're at we feel comfortable about it wanted to bring up to the council any think it makes no that's a good idea that's what we're goingon to do and let me ask you a question if any if they if they if the state certifies later and we happen to send them out later don't we give them extra time to pay that quar we do but we still have our obligations to to pay so Mar need the cash to pay the obligation got but there's options there to that problem likely won't happen else adding the committee reports I have just a couple things um The Rose I just want to remind everybody that the rosand police department is having ice cream with a cop on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. at Tom o bur field so I just want to remind everybody parking lot oh I mean in the parking lot sorry I just it's here in the parking lot so I just wanted to remind everybody um I also wanted to give you an update on the first aid Squad the paid service has is now fully staffed they run Sunday 6:00 a.m. to Sunday through Friday 6: a.m. to 6:00 p.m. um from May 19th to June 13 our volunteers responded to 25 calls and the paid service to 32 so those are 32 calls that would have potentially been missed not having these guys at the squad so um they're they're averaging like a 7even minute response time now so really think this was the way to go it's it's really turning out to be a good a good move and this is this is augmented the first aid Squad and the first aid Squad was not only support of it it was kind of their push so it's not they're they're not taking anything away from our volunteers that they're just there to assist to make sure our residents have that service CER during the day and the volunteers are making and it's allowing them to make up their coverages that night so they're they're they're getting to their call that night so I think it's turned out to this is great I I I spoke to a resident today that before this was put in place um had uh Barnabas dispatched to their house and they had to pay um they had a bill for $2,000 so this you know this is a step in the right direction but I think most towns are forced to do this now because they don't get voluntary uh help anymore so yeah yeah and that's all I have anyone else from committee I just have uh two announcements for the senior group and that's on June 28th at noon we'll have the senior picnic here um and uh at um I think it's 12: to 3 and on July 12th uh the next trip will be to MTH Raceway so please let uh the recreation office know if you'd like to come any saying none next on the agenda we have our second round of public comments any member of the public wishing to be heard name oh I'm sorry excuse me I'm sorry next we have our uh approval of minutes to June 4th 2024 Caucus meeting minutes with councilman B refusing everyone receed the minutes for review yes there are no questions or concerns take a motion to approve the minutes so second Fishman all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via phone press star9 if you're with us via Zoom use to raise your hand Janet 38 Ros Glen HOA president I just wanted to go back to your comments and to the attorney's remarks regarding the uh penalties for construction I was actually at the F board meeting last time Avalon B appeared and um I spoke at that meeting and I specifically asked the planning board to remind the developer of the hours of operation and he agreed that they would abide by anything that the the town established we have had three incidents in the last couple of weeks with um issues relating to starting before uh 8:00 in the morning 6:00 at night I was you take whatever devel penalty take it one step further and perhaps maybe consider after three incidents uh shutting them down for a day $500 $1,000 $2,000 to a company like Avalon Bay it's Pocket Change it's not going to have any impact but if you threaten to shut them down for a day that'll that'll resonate so I hope you consider that thank you I was wondering if there was any followup with the Jersey do about the 280 the barrier or defense or something defense defense on 280 for for your complex well for the whole you know for everybody basically they I believe according to Sydney weiner who's your HOA president they started construction on that fence a week or two ago not a barrier but a higher fence and I I don't remember did she say metal or did she say wood metal fence along where her property is so they did construct that they are constructing that portion of it taking that old whatever was down chain link and replacing it with metal fence is what you told me um as for the barrier we have not heard back yet but that goes wondering if they're doing anything oh they're there they're there and they actually cleaned up the garbage that's in that back area also so they are they going to do the whole thing yeah they're there thank you anyone else have anything for public comment behind the curtain says no all right uh we'll take a motion for German please so moved second Trill I think Fishman all in favor I oppos N thank you stay cool for