happy New Year happy New Year good evening and welcome to the January 2nd 2024 reorganization and Caucus meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice of these meetings have been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act at the date time and location of the meeting were sent to the official newspapers posted on the Burrow's website and filed in the office of the burrow clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any other relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attached to the meeting notice posted in news and announcement section during the meeting an announcement made prior to the two public comment period anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use raise your hand icon anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial star9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person or remotely please provide your name and address when selected Mr Watkins please call the roll mayor spango present Mr B here Mr Freda Mrs Fishman here Mrs parate here Mrs toy Mr trillo here I pledge allegiance flag to the flag of the United States of America to the it stands one nation under God indivisible and justice for all first on the agenda we have public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard please come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and you're with us telephonically press star N9 you think we're getting feedback U first of all I want to wish everybody a Happy New Year healthy New Year safe and prosperous new year than for to um up here because uh first of all I want to congratulate uh councilman B for election and his running mate ber thank you uh I want to say a couple of comments about Chris I you know I work with him on the library board and he's a very valuable person to that board does a great job I've been on it for many many years and you never knew who a councilman was on that board before Chris you know and very good comments and whatever but I really want to appreciate his work there and it's very important and valuable to us but thanks Chris no thank you and I know you for a while and I remember when you first ran with the when you came around with Luciano at my house and I gave warning and whatever do and uh my next comment is about a councilwoman or former councilwoman Michelle toy I I appreciate her many many years on this Council the reason I'm saying this because I wasn't here on the last thing I was away and uh you know basically she was tremendous as far as I'm concerned you know great volunteer the vcation committee and whatever she did a tremendous job and I know some times we don't agree but that's neither here or there I never make it personal but uh you know I want to really really thank her for all the years who was here and I think the people of rosand has going to miss her you know personally uh the only thing I want to ask you about and I wasn't here for it is uh 85 Livingston Avenue about the 94 units that are going there or something um could you give me an explanation I mean what what things changed and what are we getting from it besides maybe 20% more you talking about the additional units yes okay so the additional unit as you know on that property there was supposed to be a restaurant and a hotel the restaurant and the hotel I'm glad it's not there the restaurant and hotel back backed out okay okay therefore with the uh with the property on Harrison where the concrete plan is no longer being developed that project is no longer being developed so we have an obligation to make up the percentage of our affordable units the easiest way to do this with the Builder building then is to incl was to increase that there so bottom line instead of and don't quote me on the numbers I think it was 147 going on Harrison I think we now went down to 94 and attempt to also come in compliance with Fair Shire yeah I I know we're getting more but they're they're only paying so much taxes am I correct and that's it right right I don't think there's a pilot on that there's no pilot on that property not har I mean about I thought when it was there was no that that I think this was before me but I think it was sixer and 65 I I believe it's sixer and 85 85 but not the not the new one the tax base will increase by that portion that's good for us thank you all right great thing thank you thanks any other member of the public wish be heard state your name and if you come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press star9 R uh next on the agenda we have the adjournment of the 2023 council do we have a motion to adjourn 2023 rosand burrow Council so move second party trillo all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have the oath of office of two councilmen first is going to be uh councilman soon to be councilman John B John come so before John gets sworn in I just want to um congratulate John on hard for victory in the prior election and just say a few words about John John brings a lot to the table when he sits in his Council John's a civil engineer mon um his wealth of knowledge can only benefit the entire Council and his institutional knowledge and input um but the most important thing is the three little boys you see here if John puts half as much effort into these three little boys that I see into every day to us and our family there's no question he'll be successful and he'll be and the cows will be more successful for having so John thank you and welcome now I state your name hi John do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I'll support the Constitution that I'll support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and Allegiance and aliance to the Saint to the Saint and to the government established the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under theor authority of the people the authority of the people and I and I Dr do further solemnly swear further solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of the office of council member of the burrow of rosand council member of the bur of rosand according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor advance agage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help me go so rotate councilman party [Laughter] yeah so like I said we welcome John to our family a lot of things we do we we treat this as a family when we argue in our cus table and when we come out we do everything together um Chris is now the dean of the council he's been here the long time the senior member of the council well exactly um but his accomplishments speak for themselves all the things that we've accomplished in this town we could not have done without his stewardship of the administration of Finance um his his input and his advice to all of us is uh you can't put a price tag on and um I'm lucky to have him we're all lucky to have him and like I said we're now um but um congratulations on on another victory and it's a testament to all the hard work and dedication that you put in in leading our Administration and finance and being our advisor on on on many issue so congratulations uh CHR know to I I Chris Parton do Solly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I'll bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I CH party to further solemly swear to further solemly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of council member of the bur of rosand council member of bur of rosand according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability that I will not use my office I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treat nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help me God so help me God yeah come for all right Chris actually do the roll call please of the 2024 Boral Council SP up present Mardy here Mr Baron present Mrs Fishman here Mr Freda M parate here Mr trillo here first on the agenda for the 2024 bur Council would be election of council president at this time we'll take nominations from the from the burough Council for council president mayor I'd like to be the first to nominate uh Chris bardy do we have a second for councilman bardy for council president I will second do you have any other nominations on the floor for council president hearing and seeing none we had a motion by councilman trillo seconded by uh Councilman Baron councilman B Be council president can we have a vote please all in favor I I opposed hearing none congratulations councilman B next on the agenda we have our Council committee n Lea on assignments which will be resolution 1-22 all been reviewed by the council we have a motion to move resolution 1- 2024 so moved second JY all in favor opposed hearing none um next we have resolution 22024 the appointment of Conor Foley as Bor attorney do we have a motion to move resolution 22024 so moved second TR all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have appointment of our municipal judge resolution 32024 appointment of Steve B as municipal judge for three-year term commencing January 2nd 2024 through January excuse me through December 31st 2026 do we have a motion to appoint Steve B as municipal judge so mov second Fishman trillo all in favor I oppos hearing none uh if Jud B could come forward with this family to be sworn can't call him a judge yet done man SW real quick before we um where soon to be or judge B in um we thank our former judge for her her three years of service her stewardship for a very very difficult time um for judge Dao for the three years during Co um we spoke about it during Co she was a natural choice for us to progress from prosecutor the judge um at a very very difficult time she did a very good job judge B came in as the prosecutor at that time and his his leadership there also help through a very difficult time to hold any Court proceedings um but we're small town and we we like to do things from within and I know I I say a the time but Steve and the B family outside of what they do professionally or what Steve does professionally for the bur they epitomize why we're success their volunteerism in coaching and Snack Shack and in whatever it is they're there and selling sweatshirts they're continuing investing their time in our community is why it's the wonderful place that it is and we're happy that accepted to be the Jud the only other thing is just because you're judge she still real right want to put that on the record I I step batt who solemly swear who Solly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of this state of this state and the Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of the United States and will perform all the duties and will perform all the duties a r rosand municipal judge a rosand municipal judge Faithfully Faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly the best of my ability for the best of my ability so help me die so help me die not as tall as moose yeah look at look what I'm saying we should a step still think we need it congratulations congratulations Happ been New Year happy New Year you're still a boss we know it's all right Mar I'm really humbled and honored in this new position I look forward to serving the residents of the burrow in my new capacity I'd like to thank mayor spango present Administration past administration for support of me as prosecutor and now as the municipal judge um I have a I have Lord shoes to fill with Nancy Janeiro she served as mayor Spano said for 18 years prosecutor 3 years as judge and her wealth knowledge is just unbelievable in this um area of the law and I want to thank her sincerely for her wealth of knowledge as she's passed down to me she always treated everybody with dignity and respect whether coming through the doors and appearing in person or appearing virtually which is more often than not the case now in Municipal Court um I'd also like to thank my family for the runway BR support and I look forward to working with all the Court staff um John you always treated treated us great take care of us Anthony and our new prosecutor thank you next we have our annual appointments um questions concerns there are none can we have a motion so move party I think it was parate all in favor I I I opposed hearing none next we have the May appointment of councilman barant to the planning board our Council and you're an engineer you kind of naturally go to things that should be doing um you have to recuse yourself in this by the way do we have a motion for the appointment of John Baron to the planning board so moved second Fishman trillo all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have resolutions 1 through 13 on the agenda by resolution number 42024 through 16224 questions concerns recusals from these resolutions hearing and seeing none do we have a motion to move these resolutions together so moved second Fishman B all in favor I I I opposed seeing none okay um mayor's report I have nothing because I have another agenda to go through where I think I ask me again if I have anything um we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wish be heard come forward state your name and address with the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press star n for wi of Oz thank you seeing none before we adjourn uh councilman bar has like um yeah just again I would like to say um thank you for everyone that came out and voted in the past election um very excited um forward to the uh the task of hand and the challenges that are that are coming but um I'm looking forward to it so again thank you and happy New Year to everybody so uh thank you everyone I just want to thank the residents of rosand supporting me requesting me re-electing me to a third term as a councilman in the burough of rosand you have my commitment my dedication and my full attention as I continue to work with this governing body and this Administration to drive our burrow forward there's a lot that we've accomplished over the last three years and over the last six years and a lot more to come over the next three years I'm honored and proud to have the privilege to continue to represent pres rosan as your councilman I'd like to take a few minutes and recognize a few people who have supported me over the last six years throughout my campaigns and my tenure um thanks to my wife Jen and my daughters Cara and Emma who stood with me during my swearing in they continue to provide support and encouragement and I'd like to thank them for that juggling work responsibilities family responsibilities and Council responsibilities can be challenging and we all have to make sacrifices to make it work I have to say we we make it work well and we couldn't do it without the support of my parents George and Joan thank you to our campaign team and our friends and our volunteers that helped to spread the word of our candidacy congratulations to John Bron for his election to his first term we are honored to have you on the team and we're here to support you as you begin your first term last but certainly not least mayor spango and my Council colleagues I'm inspired by each of you motivated and grateful for your friendship thank you for entrusting me uh in the position of council president there is no team I'd rather work with than the team we have here and I'm I'm very proud to be a part of it thank you next on the agenda we have adjournment of our reorganization meeting do we have a motion for adjournment so move second V trillo all in favor opposed hearing none we'll move into our Caucus meeting [Music] agenda roll call vote pleas Mr present that was her foot that hit another her don't worry she's fine sure right it was a S Landing we didn't even pass our workers comp person yet let her do let her do Joanie did you slip did she s the the on the chair that's what happen happened to me breaks get breaks all right CH let's try that again uh for for our Caucus meeting roll call please SP pres Mr B here Mr Baron here Mrs Fishman here Mr fra Mrs parate here Mr trillo here pleas Russ flx pledge allegiance to the flag United States States Amer stand Justice for All okay next we have our first round of public comment for our Caucus meeting any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press star n hearing and seeing none first on the agenda you have ordinance 1- 12024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the bur of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey amending certain Bond ordinances and appropriating reappropriate 1 M365 43 in order to provide for water main Replacements is there a motion to introduce ordinance 1-22 24 so moved second mman trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none number 1 d224 will be posted on the Burrow's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday January 16th 2024 thank you next we have resolution 17-22 approving the December 29 2023 Bill list everyone received the bill list for questions concerns recusals hearing and seeing none do we have a motion to move the bill list so move second par all in favor hi I oppos hearing none next we have adoptions of resolution 13 by agenda item 13 through 37 by resolution number 18-202 through 42224 everyone received the the resolutions questions concerns recusal I have two mayor recuse from 22 and 33 Okay so let's do this 22 and 3 33 so let's move resolutions 18 through 25 sorry 18 18 through 26- 2024 or 13 through 21 on the agenda we have a motion to move those resolutions no moved second Fishman bardy all in favor I I hearing none next we'll move resolution 27-22 24 or 22 on the agenda with councilwoman Fishman recusing herself do we have a motion so mov second trillo Bary all in favor I iOS hearing none next we have resolutions 23 through 32 by agenda item or by resolution number 28224 through 37-22 24 we have a motion to move Village resolutions so move second parate trillo all in favor I I opposed hearing none next we have by itself resolution 38-22 or by agenda number 33 with c Fishman recusing herself do we have a motion for resolution 38224 so moved second all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have resolution 39224 through 42-22 24 or by agenda number 34 through 37 do we have a motion move those agenda excuse me move those resolutions excuse me sir moved second Fishman phillow all in favor iOS hearing none next we have the consent agenda approval for detective Carnaval to carry time over you have a motion for the consent agenda so move second party parate all in favor I I I opposed hearing none um we have no correspondence my report just congratulations to um councilman B and councilman barant uh on the election swearing in congratulations to council Bard on being made council president once again thank councilman toi for 18 years of service with the burrow um I'd also like to recognize our Senator elect or soon to be Senator next week John mcken kind of makes me feel old because I sat and watched your wearing in as a not a kid but as a teenager and now you're sitting there watching me so but thank you for coming John thank you very much and congratulations and I'm honored to serve this comme thank you um besides that I have nothing committee reports Finance Administration Council and B thank you mayor uh Happy New Year um the appraisal company finished the reevaluation exercise and notices will be sent uh during the month of January which will have um the new value your new valuation and estimated taxes um that's it and there's there's going to be some open open sessions we'll put the uh the dates up on the website as far as the uh for question question and answer session with the uh with the company and the taxes and the tax yeah they'll be there too yep that's it uh Recreation uh nothing to report just congratulations to John and Chris uh and to Steve and uh let's continue the good progress um senior and family services councilman Fishman I Echo uh councilman tr's comments congratulations guys excited to have you John looking forward to only great things and uh looking forward to the coming year happy New Year everybody healthy one that's it for me thank you uh Public Works councilman Freda could be with us uh Council Brady anything to add no nothing for there thank you as for Public Safety councilman BR again no report at this time I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year congratulate councilman B on his reelection and would like to congratulate councilman barant and I look forward to working with you and of course I want to congratulate our new judge uh B and I look forward to working with him as well thank you councilman um I don't think you have anything for capital projects and Engineering yet right now sir maybe tomorrow tomorrow we expect a rep approval of next on the agenda is approval of December 19th Council and executive session minutes councilman of course can't vote on this anyone else have to reuse executive right I was for the regular okay so we'll move them separately you missed you were not miss executive again so we'll take a motion to approve the December 19th executive session minutes with councilman trillo recusing himself do we have a motion so moved second Fishman B all in favor I opposed hearing none next we'll move to December 19 take a motion to move to December 19th 2023 council meeting minutes so moved second trillo Fishman all in favor hi hi opposed hearing none next we have our fourth round of public comment any member of the public wishing you heard state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press star n hearing and seeing none we have no reason to go on Executive session we'll take a motion for adj no moved second mishan B all in favor I hearing none thank you Happy New Year everyone happy new year9 hat