ran soon as you're ready for recording please warm up air conditioning on the train this afternoon was not working Jee good good evening and welcome to July 16 2024 meeting of the rosand government body adequate notice of meeting Prov in accord the public meeting act in that date time and location meeting we including the annual meeting schedule post on the public bulon board in the municipal building and filed in the office of the burough clerk for those attending tonight meeting via Zoom the agenda and other relevant documents can be found on the bur's website attached to the meeting notice posted in the news and announcement section during the meeting announcement made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise or hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed di star9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in person remotely please provide your name and address when selected if you're eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call the r president Mr here Mr here Mr Fishman here here Mr here here right plg to of the United States of America to the rep for stand Nation God indivisible andice for all first on the agenda we have hiring have the appointment of a new police officer before we bring the police department in before we swear in the new officer um we have a resolution resolution 252 to appoint Salvatore chicken how do you pronounce it chick chick okay I can't that's a to the rosand police department as a patrol officer what did they call you in the acem do I do I have a motion to appoint so move second Goldstein parate all in favor I oppos hearing director deput director bring the police department in had a ball with what Academy did you go to Mor County oh I take it from a former drill instructor I would have [Laughter] f say your name I toly swear to swear that'll support the Constitution of the United States that support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey the cons of the state of New Jersey that'll bear true faith and Allegiance I'll bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established establish in the United States the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I state your name and I S what you tell to further solemly swear to further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties up all the duties up police officer police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability that I will not use my office I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment Grant preferential treatment order to seek personal gain order to seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor Advantage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help me go so help me go you want to go there with your mom and dad you know coun want to come down here and stand with him and the family so they picture con briefly before I have to direct I say this every time officers that are up here will will attest to it thanks for family they're going to be there for you this family not an easy job need to support home you need to if you're single at this point you decide to make that LE if youever relationship you have that person has to be all they're wearing this job with you come home there no shutting that's CU now it's great it's not an easy Road a lot of stuff people don't see that supports that that family there and that family home be 30 years some of us only had to work 25 very important we wish you the best of luck make sure you sa and we look forward to thank you for doing this thank to the family good evening everybody I'd like to thank the mayor council for your continued support thank you again for being here for us and filling this vacancy sou I'd like to welcome you to the Rolland police family speaking to your parents in the lobby it's nice to hear that this was a lifelong dream of yours and coming in with that mentality is very important today that you're taking the job for the right reason and we look forward to working with you and um welcome to the family thank now we do welcome you to our family as you can see you have plenty of support up here looking not to see this tonight uh you're L condition uh just stay safe and watch what you do and the rest of us we watch out for you too mybi thank you congratulations congratulations right first on the agenda we have public comment public comment any member of the public wish to be heard come forward state your name and address the record with us via Zoom raise your hand icon and if you're with us telephonically Press Start see in the hearing none uh first we have the introduction of coordinance 22 2024 Mr Watkins please title ordinance amending chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the unifor conru agency to clarify typ certificates and adjust Associated fees is there a motion to introduce ordinance 22-22 so moved second Fishman all in favor iOS hear and seeing none number 22 2024 posted on the B's website the public hearing be published in progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday a 1324 thank you next in the agenda we have an introduction of ordinance 23224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter 7 the revise General ordinances of the B Radine entitled traffic to amend section 73.3 regulation for movement parking and traffic all of private property sir Mo the ince ordinance 23-22 so moov second all in favor iOS number 23224 posted on the B's website public hearing publish the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday August 13 2024 thank you next we have uction of ordinance 25- 2024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the revised General ordinance of the B of R entitled police regulations Section 3-2 entitled noise is there a motion to introduce ordinance 25-220 no moved second all in favor I post hearing and seeing none ordinance number 25224 will be posted on the B's website public he will be published in the progress public heing will be held on Tuesday August 13 2024 thank you next it's listed as Jersey appropriating $150,000 therefore an authorizing the issuance of $997,500 bonds or notes B Finance thank you there's a motion to introduce ordinance 26-22 so move second in favor I I opposed hear and seeing n number 2624 will be posted on the B's website those public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday August 13th 2024 thank you next on the agenda we have a public hearing on ordinance 19224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title it's appropriating $361,000 for improvements to CH thr away and 8 Boulevard by the B of rosand in the county of es New Jersey is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 19-22 move secondate all in favor opposed hearing and seeing none Z in which to be heard on ordinance 19-2020 hearing and seeing none I have a motion to close the public so mov all in favor oppos hearing and seeing that Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title appropriating $361,000 for improvements to chway ADP bu by the B of rosand in the county of ESS New Jersey we have a motion to adopt ordinance 19-2020 so move second bar parate roll call vote Please Mr Watkins yes yes yes yes yes yes number 19224 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance which will take effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption as provided by law thank you Mr next we have a public hearing on ordinance 21-22 4 Mr Watkins please read your ordance by title aming 13 of revised General ordan ofle fire prevention and protection section 13 1.7 1.7 entitled permit please there motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 21 d2020 so move second Fishman parate all in favor iOS hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on orance 21-22 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 21-2 so move second part par all in favor iOS hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title ordinance amending chapter 13 of the advised General ordinances of the B of Roseline entitled fire prevention and protection SE 13- 1.7 titled per have a motion to adopt motion second TR roll call vote Please Mr yes Mr yesman yes yes yes Mr yes number 21223 will be advertised in the progress of the P ordinance take effect as provided by law thank you Mr wat next on the agenda with have resolution 227 d224 approving the July 12th Bill list everyone received the bill list for question concerns and recusals if there are none do we have a motion to approve the Bills second bar all in favor I oppos hearing see next we have res resolutions 1 through 23 by resolution number two sorry 1 through 23 on the agenda by resolution number 22822428 d220 I want a chance to review these for questions concerns and or lot of it has the recreation stuff yeah and I I apologize to Moose about it um counil it didn't go to committee was the committee's meeting after this meeting and we felt that if we waited until August to advertise it we'd be losing time for our full programming right so I think Recreation committee M were okay with it it was nothing major we just didn't want it to lag and not be promoted until the end of August because the fall is unfortunately close closer than we think if no one has questions concerns of recusals take a motion to move these items in the entire motion to move items in the entire second part all in favor I post hearing seeing none next we have two items on the consent Agenda One is a training for our Public Works employees the other is our annual uh Creek Church raffle in uh in the spring have a motion to move the consent AG so moved Mish PR all in favor I opposed hearing none um mayor's report um going to speak to um something that that coun spoke earlier at the end but first I'll talk about our concerts we have a concert tomorrow night um the weather does not look good I like 80% thunderstorms we're going to make a call 12:00 tomorrow that's our deadline for so we don't lose any money from the stage the vendor and all that then we have another concert before our next meeting which I believe is August 14th is next concert the day after our meeting August 14th sorry I'm thinking of Nashville night we're having our first rand's First National Night Out on August my um we tried to do this in 2020 I think plans were there and it went to co um but um I'll let councila expand on that sorry Jean no that's and um we did have an issue in town with short-term rentals things of that nature and um I got a lot of phone calls this week about what Fairfield did in having a short-term rental and ordinance in place we did it in 2019 this Council had the foresight to be out ahead of this knowing that this would be an issue we are strengthening our ordinance which is pretty strict now to outright ban the short-term rentals we had pools being rented we had huge problems going on in town when our team had actually looked into it and did a little investigation we found out there was other residents doing the same thing without a this Council we don't feel that are a destination we feel we're a destination for people to buy home but we're not a destination to rent no ski slope there's no beach there's no Lake there's no anything like that and the the amount of stress that it put on our personnel and our residents who couldn't enjoy the quality of life on a weekend is what has moved us to ordance will becoming the banded um I know I lived it for that weekend it wasn't a fun weekend but we are we took the necessary steps that night to make sure everybody was safe happen and we're taking the necessary steps to make sure that there we don't have those short-term rentals uh um besides that um said my peace welcoming the police officer it's always nice to add to our ranks and add Young Blood the police department with thank him and his family um I know that councilman B has something he's been speak about the tax bill but I will open up to any other council member has any comments or concerns from committee um I do okay first of all again um like mayor I want to Cong congratulate officer chichelli chello on becoming Ros land's um newest police officer I want to wish him good luck and have him stay safe I want to thank director chafi direct assistant director Mias Sergeant Haider and his staff to hire a police officer it's just not something that happens overnight it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of effort and I want to thank them they always put in they always bring us the best candidates I want to thank them for that we also approved something that I wanted to note we approved tonight on the um a resolution for The Pedestrian crosswalk signs these signs um uh councilman Byron and I have been working in uh assistant director maias on these signs what they're going to be in the center of town and they're going to go at the crosswalk when you walk up The Pedestrian pushes the button and the lights flash um having we found out uh assistant director Maas found out that if you have it flash all the time it doesn't signal the car so we're going to have it flash when the button pushed um we're we're ordering these hopefully they'll be installed within the next couple couple months maybe right um four weeks four weeks I said a couple months but four weeks I I like even better so we're hoping that it definitely tries to slow down the traffic in the center of town and keeping the community safe when they want to cross when a beautiful day like today people are out and about and you know they want to do that so I want to thank everyone who really pulled together to get this these signs um in uh ready to roll um I wanted to remind everybody National Night Out on August 6th which is hosted by our Police Department I know there's a lot of great things happening a lot of food vendors helicopter State Police Helicopter state police helicopter and I'm sure there's plenty of other things but I don't want to give it away so we want to encourage everyone to please come out support the police department support the night and that's a I I had one comment I like that I was involved uh and got called from any residents during that event where someone had rented out their pool and I know the situation was fairly fraught for the residents uh and it was an unsafe uh situation for many of the people that were attending it in that they had to cross Eagle Rock a very busy street at night and I wanted to commend the police department for doing just an excellent job I know the residents were concerned uh with what was going on and they handled it uh they handled it uh extremely well to make sure the situation was under control everyone felt safe and heard so uh I'm happy to hear that we're going to be taking further steps so it doesn't happen again but it should they should be called out for their excellent service they they did a good job of we do have the best police department my announcement isn't as good as Council third quarter the third quarter tax bills are going to be mailed at the end of this week um we're gonna no we and we're gonna post uh information in details about uh the um the tax rate details uh for the school system uh as well as the county on the bough website uh by the end of the week so that should be just the the third quarter race period is extended to all this perfect thank you any other hope for no rain tomorrow hope to see everyone tomorrow night um next we have our approval of minutes uh let's move to June 18th and June 24th council meeting and special count council meeting minutes um together everyone receive the minutes questions concerns recusals y there none who have a motion please so move second Goldstein all in favor I oppos seeing none next we'll move to June 27th special counceling meeting minutes with councilman bar Fishman accusing themselves remaining members of the governing body receive those minutes there no questions concerns or recusals take a motion Some Mo secondate B all in favor I opposed hearing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wish should be heard come forward St your name the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and if you're with us telephonically press St hearing and seeing none if no one from the governing body has anything else to add motion for adj no moved second fish all in favor B