[Music] the [Music] no no I don't think that one matters that doesn't say that a special for any couldn't get in anyway I just going to talk to any about this when you go people you become I'm glad she wasn't she didn't correct no you're right they have to learn how to when Anthony yeah but you know good evening and welcome to March 5th 20 24 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the own public meeting act that the date time and location of the meeting were including the annual meeting schedule post on the public bol of board the municipal building and filed in the office of the B clerk 48 hour notice of change in location of the meeting was sent to the official newspapers post on the public bolon board in the municipal building posted on the Burrow's website and filed in the office of the Bor clerk for those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any of the relevant documents can be found on the bur's website attached to the meeting notice posted in the news and announcement section during the meeting announcement made prior to two public comment periods anyone wish to make a public com comment via computer we be instructed to raise your hand icon anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone we'll be instructed D star9 at the appropriate times those wishing to make a public comment in person come forward uh to the podium no matter which way you're making public comment please state your name and address when selected Mr Watkins please call the RO mayor Bango present Mr B here Mr present Mrs Fishman Mrs parate here Mr trillo here R I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible andice for first on the agenda is our vacancy on in the governing body uh I will open up from the governing body motions or nominations to fill the vacancy left by uh former councilman Freda mayor I'd like to nominate Neil Goldstein to fill the unexpire term second roll call vote Please Mr yes yes yes Mr trillo yes it's unanimous congratulations doing to be Council M come forward we're going to swear you in uh who's going to hold the Bible the dog can't hold the Bible I know he I say your name youly swear youly swear that I will support the Constitution constition of the United States the United States the Constitution and the constition the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey that will bear true Faith bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government's established in the United States stes and in thisth of people further I will Faithfully I and justly perform perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of council member council member of the burrow bur according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office that I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment order to see personal gain to see personal gain favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available not avilable General I'll take a picture um before we go on with our agenda I just want to make a few comments about our new councilman you know uh Neil's been a 25y year resident he spend time on the board of education six years I think for his vice president um he's got two kids that were raised in rosand um he's an IT executive um he's been a volunteer for 15 Rec teams the record I know moose is trying to catch up here now but um his family his his his wife's family they're woven into the fabric of our town they've been a part of so many things I mean and we're going to have a a dog here as well because they don't go anywhere without the dog but they're truly part of our community in so many ways um volunteerism and remaining active in our community and in my opinion he brings great added value to this Council and I personally look forward to the contributions that he can bring to this governing body and to the burrow and I'm happy to have you sitting up here with us Neil congratulations and we look forward to work thank you thanks for the support y I'd like to congratulate NE go team we hit a home run uh getting him up on this Council and um you know looking forward to uh to his contributions looking forward to his knowledge from you know from the Board of Ed and um wish you the best luck thanks Neil we're working together again thank you I know I know congratulations I look forward to working with you once again we we did pretty well on the board ofs so I'm sure we'll do well here thanks it's a welcome appreciate it congratulations Neil and welcome aboard thanks congrats Neil um got to know you last year um when you were the campaign manager for uh for Christen myself um we uh we had a good good time uh in the fall and uh good luck congratulations thanks okay for next on the agenda we have our first round of public comment any member of the public which be heard come forward state your name address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon if you're with us telephonically press star9 I have Brian have a substitute Wizard of Oz anyone there Neil thank you he knows the thumbs down thank you um seeing and hearing none we have next on the agenda we have our approval of bills resolution 999-2448 recusals I assume councilman gon will be recusing himself from the bill list since hece if there are none I'll take a motion March the total correct okay it's two Bill lists combined for that total yeah there's no questions concerns of recusals outside councilman Goldstein can I have a motion please motion second parate Mar all in favor I oppos hearing none next we have resolutions one through 8 number eight is blank resol after that's case and that has to do with the okay I'll make sure moving resolutions one through seven by uh on the agenda by resolution number 100 through d224 through 10624 so moved secondate all in favor I opposed none next we have two consent agenda items for Clerk's Association and training can I have a motion so move second part Trill all in favor I I opposed hearing none next we have um one item for discussion that's our outdoor facil use um with the fields coming to hopefully completion some for in the next couple months uh We've researched neighboring communities um for the price that they charge for Fields splitting up into soccer softball Baseball Facility uses Pavilion Fieldhouse um and uh Morin has a report on that but just before we get into the field use want everyone to know that Recreation takes precedence this is only when our rec team and our kids are not using it will it be a revenue generator none of our rec teams or our own kids are going to get pushed aside to uh bring someone into rent the field so Moren go ahead please so um I did come up with a spreadsheet um with different prices we kept them basically what we had last year increased the prices for new Fields just a little bit because our prices were pretty compatible to all of the surrounding towns um so I will circulate these I I will send them to uh Mike PTI for him to review um and then I'll circulate them to full Council and everyone's in agreement we could then uh adopt the ordinance it's going to take it's going to take at least two more meetings adopted correct so uh we we introduced March 19 depending on the by April Council by the April Council that's fine because I don't think if you want we might the felds that they're not all right yeah so so by April yes so then they'll be ready for ail meeting okay so okay if you could just distribute that forie and we did increase a little bit but we are still within where the market should be and we increase because we have a new facility that so so are existing prices were still around the same as even What's happen at Turf and even compared to other towns yeah and we can rent that up until the weather's not good right they rent soccer fields literally if the weather is okay till there's snow on the ground I know we could do rain well well as long as there's not snow on and there's people believe it or not there were people that will Rent It Go all 12 months there at the board of ed we had tiered pricing or Charities paid a different rate people that were is there one flat rate there there's there's so great but basically it's for weekdays and weekends okay because for weekends we have to have our DPW stff com but for example when when we have for example the um the Alzheimer's run is the end of April right we can wave the fees for 501c3 that's what's yes uh all right so you distribute that to the council um committee reports I'll open it up to the the governing body if anyone has anything for committee reports next on the just so everyone's aware um councilman Goldstein will be taking on councilman freda's committees uh for the remainder of this year um which is be the liaison for Public Works uh and we'll sit on the other committees the councilman fre to sat on um next on the agenda we have our February 24th executive session and February 27th executive session minutes uh with councilman goldon recusing himself everyone review the minutes for questions concerns and Rec um I will have to recuse from 24 I was on vacation okay so why don't we do this we'll take the February 24th executive session minutes with councilman Goldstein and B recusing themselves pick a motion from the other council members for the February 24th executive session still moved second Trill Baron all in favor I I opposed hearing none left to oppose next is the February 27th executive session minutes with councilman Goldstein recusing s so moved second B Trill all in favor I I opposed hearing done next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use a raise your hand icon with us telephonically press start on thank you Neil uh next we have resolution 98224 we're going to close to Executive session to discuss tax tax appeal litigation and the calwell water sewer the governing body we have received we're in negotiations with called very close to the settlement which we're very excited about that's going to be a a victory for the burrow and the benefits of the taxpayers if the council or governing body is in agreement we will come out to pass a resolution or vote on a resolution to approve a settlement agreement with cwell um that will be the only formal action the governing body will take after executive session that being said do we have a motion for resolution 98224 close to Executive session motion second Kate tril all in favor propos hearing none um one thing I'd like to do I'd like to have Neil and his family up and we can take a picture so we can use it for newsletter with the governing body e e e the governing body has returned from executive session governing body is going to take formal action the governing body has closed executive session return to regular session the governing body is going to make a motion for action on resolution 10720283 and the burrow of Caldwell and the water sewer plant if you will um if everyone has received that resolution there's no questions or concerns do we have a motion to approve resolution 107 d202 so moved second tro roll call vote Please joh Mr B yes Mr bar yes Goldstein yes Mr barate yes Mr trillo yes thank you that's the only formal action the governing body will take only item left for the agenda is an adjournment we have a motion to adjer no move second R part all in favor opposed hearing good day