you got to get the big block and then you'll burn it Oh no I got you for the charge 6 years old give me I want to get the big 15 in one I have you I had it too I didn't you know once I got the backbook well see I use that when I travel because I can log on to Citrix from work so it's easy for me as long as I have Wi-Fi I can work anywhere Ryan you ready good evening and welcome to the December 19th 2023 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice that the meeting has been provided Accords to the open public meeting act at the date time and location of the meeting were included in the annual meeting schedule post on the public BT and board in the municipal building filed in the office of B clerk those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and other relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attached to the meeting notice posted the news and announcement section during the meeting an announcement made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the raise your hand icon and anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial Star on appr time with those in attendance in person remotely please provide your name and address when selected Mr Watkins please call the roll mayor spango pres Mr bardy here Mrs Fishman here Mr Frida Mrs parate here Mrs toly here Mr trillo please R FL pledge allegiance to the FL of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands indivisible liy andice all first on the agenda we have public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and if you're with us telephonically press star not I do before I just forgot Janet Treon 38 leun terce rosand Glen just on behalf of the residents of rosand Glenn and govern body the executive board uh big big thank you to you the council and you Mr Mayor for everything you did to get our roads paved and just special thanks for me for the uh response to the countless emails text messages and phone calls I know that this project would have never gotten to the Finish L without the mayor's direct intervention so uh conflict resolution is definitely your Forte we appreciate twin 14-year-old twin girls confli resolution um and uh again we appreciate it we're 99% done few hends but we expect um the Stalls to be numbered tomorrow and couple of little things that have to be taken care of but um it was it was a very good experience the one thing I did want to mention and I don't know if it matters to you because I don't know what your bid process is but the contractor who was awarded the bid did very very little work the only work he was um he did directly was the initial sewer work everything else was subbed out so I mean not that we're complaining because it it it ended up nicely but just I mention thank you um and then congratulations to on your reelection I know that you will consider will continue to serve with your your uh dedication and energy that that you showed for the past six years and to councilwoman toly heartbreaking loss I know that uh your record of uh public service and volunteerism to this town is unmatched uh we were going to miss you on this on this Council but we will still be rely on you thank thank you thanks any other the member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address with the record if you're with us via Zoom raise your hand icon telephonically start thank you thumbs down from the man behind the curtain um first on the agenda we have two um presentations ations uh both for volunteers of the Year we're doing a little catchup here we have 2021 and 2022 K volunteer the we your mic we still pay you surprise all right our first we have two amazing people that are receiving their volunteer of the Year Awards tonight first up is 2021 that's Priscilla MZ Johnson um there's a lot of nice stuff that we say in the proclamation and go off script and but you know there's no time you drive through this town and you don't see something that prisilla though there's no time you don't come to one of our celebrations and see what Priscilla has done through her constant volunteerism she heads up with a number of other people all the beautiful flower forgive me if I'm not saying it the right way the flower boxes that we have in town that have to plant to them in the summer and they have the Christmas decoration in the winter she's constantly I'm going to start calling her Priscilla sha she's in that in that in that in the garage next to burough Hall constantly throughout the time throughout the year either working on those or she did the beautiful uh what's what do you call the wooden cutout for Easter she did some for I believe Halloween she did some for Christmas she does the hay that we put out she works with a number of people to that it's just conent her her dedication to the town was exactly what I say all the time how the volunteers make it so special how we're able to accomplish so much um I can't thank you enough don't move away son doesn't like Mo away without you here will be a great great loss to the so congratulations thank you for all that you do not doesn't go unnoticed definitely by me every time I drive that through and it's not just simple things it's amazing things that you do that are so professional she also will hand out gardening tips at any time put up a new Christmas tree she tell this what we got to do you did the right way with the host but you need gardening tips you ever seen her house she's got the greenest Su in town I think but Priscilla thank you for everything that you do for us this is more than welc thanks I just want to say that uh I I recognize Priscilla was uh passion and love for the town and dedication right away and uh early enough and I never saw anyone work so hard you know committee members from the past can't say enough what we did the early years taking it to another level really something and you're a great thank you just thank you for allowing me to uh do all these things thank you thank you for being there for us stay me want to hold it for no okay all right little side heavy all right thank you thank you and she also help and she's also a huge help for the Historical Society also Now we move on to 2022 and another person that I'll absolutely go off script for but you go from one side of someone who does something much to town from an aesthetic standpoint doing their cutouts and all that then they have someone that dedicates their time endless time between coaching and is greatly responsible bring the Boosters club back which we started I believe about four or five years ago he he coach all his kids sports even though his son I think is taller than him now and probably can coach him but um bring up Steve bat Steve come on please when you talk about community service volunteerism there's no greater example like Priscilla in whether it's booster club or coaching our our our teams or or just giving advice and and input when we redo our fields or things like that uh Steve and the boosters are are solely responsible for it um they're a great asset to the town and our children and Steve continues to donate his time endless time to the town and we wouldn't be where we are with Recreation and with the booster club that is now thriving without stepen his leadership so I can't find someone that deserves the 2022 volunteer of the year to epitomizes the volunteerism that's consistent with rosand things St um thank you very much mayor spango members of the council for this honor um I'm truly humbled and honored to receive this award um knowing the past recipients who have received it and it's really an award recognizing me but there's a lot of people behind the scenes that I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge and thank not by name they know who they are but um coaches with whom I've coached members of the booster club and members of the recreation committee those are all the people behind the scenes that's without them they understand and people who volunteer their families understand it's it's you volunteering but they're really behind the scenes to pick up the pieces of the puzzle that fall down and support the family so thank you I guess Maria really wants to kill me every time she sees me I'm sure for and and you know getting everybody involved it's a really a team effort with the B but uh every so often there's a diamond in the rough Steve and the batter family is one of them really uh I came in the office Stephen was probably how old what you say yeah we'll do it in height but anyway uh and I basically said to Steve you're you're getting involved I know was a life where he grew up in town the same way as I did and yeah and then we never look back and it's been a really great relationship and what could I say dedication off the wall it's one of these where it's unconditional what you do committee with direct boosters starting it up again you know along with ke PCI and Chanel cleia also out place but uh really uh what you've done is tremendous all your years of coaching I can't say enough thank you thank thank you is your son home for the great he is left congratulations next on the agenda we have introduction of ordinances we have public hearing on ordinance 29 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance replacing section 30- 512 of Land Development ordinance of Rand titled storm water management control in its entirety we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 29-22 so second toie Fishman all in favor I opposed hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 29-22 hearing and seeing none might have a motion to close the public secondy all in favor I oppos he n Mr wat please read the ordinance by title an ordinance replacing section 30- 512 of the Land Development ordinances of the B of rosand entitled storm water management and control in its entirety we have a motion to adopt ordinance 29-22 now move second call V please Mr Mr bardy yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 29- 2023 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law next on the agenda we have a public hearing on ordinance 30-22 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the B of rosand County of Essex state of New Jersey to adopt the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections model ordinance for private sot storage you have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 30-22 second trillo party all in favor I I opposed hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on 302020 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public here so move second Kate all in favor I I I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance of the B of rosand County of Essex state of New Jersey to adopt the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections model ordinance for private salt storage do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 30- 2023 so moved second part trillo roll call vote Please Mr bardy yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs Brady yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 30-22 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect is provided by law next on the agenda we have a public hearing on ordinance 34-22 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title in ordinance amending chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the Bureau of rosand entitled Administration section 2-35 entitled Recreation committee we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 34-223 so Mo second Fishman trillo all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing done does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 34-223 hearing and seeing none we have a motion to close the public hearing so move second all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the Bureau of rosand entitled Administration section 2-35 entitled Recreation committee we have a motion to adopt ordinance 34-22 so moved second TR Fishman roll call vote Please Mr bardy yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr BR yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 34-223 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance shall take take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda we have ordinance 35- 2023 the planning board has request that we remove the Land Development fee increases from the ordinance therefore we need a motion to amend ordinance 35223 to remove the proposed increases to Land Development fees some mov second tro parate all in favor I I opposed hearing see none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending various chapters of the revised General ordinance of the bur of rosand admitting fees charged by the tax assessor tax collection of Finance fees for police services fees charged by the Department of Public Works Towing storage fees water rates and Zoning fees we have a motion to open the public hearing second Fishman all in favor I opposed seeing and hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 35223 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so move second all in favor I I opposed hear and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending various chapters of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosand amending fees charged by the tax assessor tax collection and finance fees for police services fees charged by the Department of Public Works Towing and storage fees water rates and Zoning fees do we have a motion to adopt the ordinance as amended so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr party yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 35223 will be advertised in the progress as a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you next we have ordinance 36223 the public hearing on ordinance 36223 needs to be rescheduled therefore we will reintroduce the ordinance in January of next year and the public hearing will be rescheduled accordingly next we have an ordinance 37- 2023 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance approving and adopting an amended Redevelopment plan for 85 Livingston Avenue we have a motion to open the public hearing so move second Fishman Pate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 37-23 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing so move second all in F I'm sorry uh party Fishman all in favor I I opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance approving and adopting an amended re Redevelopment plan for 85 Livingston Avenue we have a motion to adopt some second Fishman roll call vote Please Mr Lo Mr B yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy yes yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 37-220 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda is public hearing on ordinance 38- 2023 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance of the B of rosand amending and supplementing chapter 11 of the revised General ordinances of the buau of rosand titled property maintenance code including amendments to section 11-2 entitled abandoned vacant or foreclosed property and adding new section 11-4 entitled landlord registration have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 38-20 so move all in favor I I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 38-22 hearing seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing second part all in favor I post hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the bur of rosand amending and supplementing chapter 11 of the revised General ordinances of burrow of rosand entitled property maintenance code including amendments to section 11-2 entitled abandoned vacant or foreclosed property and adding new section 11-4 entitled landlord registration we have a motion to adopt so move second Mar Fishman roll call vote Please Mr lockin Mr B yes Mr yes Mrs BR yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 38-22 3 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance shall take effect as provided by law next on the agenda is ordinance 39- 2023 Mr Lock please read ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the bough of rosand entitled building and Housing section 10-2 entitled certificate of occupancy we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 39-22 second right trillo all in favor I opposed hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 39-22 3 regarding section two continuing certificate of occupancy does this mean that there's only going to be one inspection now there used to be two there used to be a fire and a building this this ordinance just gives our code enforcement officer the ability to do the inspections as as well as the subcode official that do it okay but my question is is he going to do the building and the fire at the same time it it'll be everything will remain the same as it it has been in the past so if I'm correct the fire is done by by Kent Yates and the building is done by a different well the there were previously two separate inspections there was a fire inspection and a building inspection well the CCO is to contined occupancy when you sell a house that's what this is for I I know what the CCO is like I'm a realtor so that's why I'm I'm asking I I so the fire was never part of the C so it was sep was always part of the CCL this town not two separate inspections both were required so what I'm asking is are are we still going to be required to have two different nothing's changes all this is doing is allowing a different person do it instead of the Fire subcode official so everything else will remain the same it's just allowing the code enforcement officer to also make that same inspection okay so that that's like one inspection if it was one inspection INSP and same process process a different person besides the buyer sub official to De one inspection if that's how I'm not sure if that's how it was then it's going to continue the same now you have the option to have one inspection you can do them both when he's there you can do the same time INSP two yes thank you Chris now he can do whatever the PRI person did for the CCO this person can do I don't if there were two separate people there was two separ separate two separate inspection then it'll continue two separate inspections but but no that doesn't make sense the same person doing both inspections then why would he come back is he licensed to do both inspections well according to this it is says the the construction code official right I'm reading here a certificate of continuing occupancy shall not be issued until an inspection Ander a test of all smoke detection devices carbon monoxide devices and explosive gas alarms and fire extinguishers within the building or structure have been performed by fire protection sub code is struck out Fire official code is struck out um and code for yeah that's says or another burrow official and maybe designated by so you're removing the so before the fire sub quod official did that just as a part of his job it wasn't a fire inspection it was it was if you go if you go to DPW yes and you apply for um a CCO yes there are two applications there's a fire and there's a building and there were previously two separate inspections so then they'll do that that will be made the same so if the fire did the fire he will continue this code enforcement officer will do but this is saying the code enforcement can do the fire it's saying they can but it doesn't necessarily mean they have to because It also says any designated what what I think is I think what what what she's asking this question is and this is wouldn't it make sense if he can do both at one time to do both those yeah that's the that's that's oh that's what this says yes okay all right he could so yes he could unless it's the fire prevention officer that does the inspection which is different than the fire subcode off but this is more about the process we can we can come back protction is struck out so clearly he's either way they have to I mean as far as I was understood there was only one application you're telling me now that there were two I was not aware of that so it was it two part application for cc and they sent two separate people yes two separate inspections yes you have a lot of set up but it's confusing because the Fire subcode official and the fire prevention official are two different things one enforces the building code right the other one enforces fire prevention right so out guys I mean I don't know no that's that's my point the point is that the two that are the two that are um let me just check it again just make sure Say Fire official fire but that might be in a different orance also what the fire prevention officer does yes so the fire prevention officer who wrote this maybe we could ask the person who wrote the code person officer made the changes okay so so clearly he can do both yes we need some clarity accurate he he won't be able to do the inspection the fire prevention officer does he will be able to do the inspection that the Fire subcode official did that went out and did C prevention code officer the Fire official whatever name you want to give him comes in and he tests smoke protectors wait there's a list for CCL right okay so yes but if the fire prevention officer has to do something different saying here that he's not doing that it's saying the code official is going to do that yes but it says or other borrow official which includ it's offering right removing it sounds like it's becoming more different code book so you might be filling out two application and the fire prevention application could be a different code than the one where so and I think the question is what was the intent of changing giving him the ability to do attempt to streamline the process yes that's the way I in to streamline the process I think you didn't have a code enforcement officer before so you had to have a fire official do it now you have aeici was doing not the fire prevention right so that's two completely different jobs and two completely different inspection I beg to disagree I think to disagree in every other Town there's one inspection CCL inspection which basically is for smoke detectors fire extinguishers and whatever else falls under that category okay in rosand rosand has always been unique in that it did two inspections it did a fire inspection and it did a building inspection I was not aware I was always under the impression there was one but if you're telling me there's two can I just say I only had when we did it for the Historical Society we just had more for theing bringing the code enforcement officer on was supposed to not only assisted issues throughout the town but also supposed to streamline the process so it's not as cumbersome right so if if this makes it more ordinance streamlines it it makes sense if it makes it more complicated and makes it more bureaucratic for lack of a better term it doesn't make sense well the question I think is is he qualified to do the fire as well as code enforcement I think but but but and this is something internally if he's if he can do both if he can do both it would make sense for us to direct it to two both rather have one come right right I think that's the just no that's a different the fire prevention is a different but I'm not sure I have to make sure that there's two different Inspections just to be gu is assuming that respond that's from what I was told is there a difference between a a CCO for a renter and a purchase is there is there different does it different be with with the with the dwelling not with right the the sale or the r yeah or I I'll give you a callot but I was under the impression there was only one inspection and this person could do the one inspection you're telling me actually two I think it's $200 100 for the fire and 100 for the the building so that's why stands out so so that then hasn't changed just have then that's they charge more money we're charge 100 100 and they do one inspection which really is a fire inspection they call it a CCO inspection but it's a fire inspection let's see let's see what the code enforcement official says let's bring it back to after we get the answer we'll bring it back to committee and discuss if it's not streamlined how to streamline right than anyone what else to be heard in 39- 2023 if not may have a motion to may I have a motion to close the public here so move second parate all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance amending chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the burough of rosand entitled building and Housing section 10-2 entitled certificate of occupancy we have a motion to adopt so move second roll call vote Please Mr Ro Mr bardy yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 39223 will be advertised that progress is a pass ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda is public hearing on ordinance 40223 Mr Watkins please ordinance by title only an ordinance of The Bu of rosand to repeal section 2-31 of the revised General ordinances of the burough rosand entitled Department of construction code enforcement and inspections in its entirety and replace new section 2-31 entitled Department of Code Enforcement and inspections we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 40-22 so move second B trillo all in favor I post hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 40223 hearing seeing N I have a motion to close the public hearing TR all in favor I oppose hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title ordinance of the B of rosand to repeal section 2-31 of the revised Jud ordinances of The Bu of rosand entitled Department of construction code enforcement inspections in its entirety and replac with new section 2-31 entitled Department of Code Enforcement and inspections we have a motion to adopt ordinance 40-23 soov second try roll call vote Please Mr Mr yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 40-22 will be advertised in the progress as a past ordinance shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr Walkins next we have a public hearing on ordinance 41223 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance of the Bure of rosand amending and supplementing section 2-24 of the Revis General ordinances of the bur of rosand entitled Department of police or Police Department we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 41220 so move second parate B all in favor I I opposed hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 41- 2023 janry on 38 lard terce um question about section one paragraph see which describes um I guess your table organization you guys looked at this okay um so I I took what was in that paragraph and uh created my own organizational chart just so I had a better understanding and to me and it's only my opinion but looks a little topheavy um specifically if you look at the detective Bureau you have three positions you have a detective Captain a detective sergeant and a detective odd isn't it well there's there's the detective Bureau first there's no detective Captain detective buau right now I understand I'm only going by what you have in no no I understand and there needs then I'll bring deputy director Mias up to speak to it as well and they need leadership in there whether it's a lieutenant all the all the supervisors in a in a traditional law enforcement agency yes I could see your point that there's too much leadership in one position but here in rosand the sergeants and lieutenants and even captains don't do purely administrative work like they do in a large Police Department they're actually actively involved in investigations in a large Police Department of Sergeant may only be reviewing reports correcting reports um going over things with his subordinate in our department in direct Mias prep if I'm wrong they take an active role in doing investigations they take an active role in responding for calls to service when you talk about the patrol function so I can understand yes it looks topheavy but when you have a department where they're actively engaging in the work that an officer or detective in this case would do no I don't think they're top heav well you have a you have a captain detective Captain who supervises a detective Sergeant who supervises a detective but that's two Superior officers for one ranking file that I mean in the span of control yes but in a smaller it's it's not unheard of three positions I understand but in in a specialized unit like that it's not out of the ordinary to have people of rank within the UN then absolutely understand what I'm saying okay what we did was have detective Sergeant that's charge detective Bureau and we have a forward in the future it's necessary we had to go to that we would but at this point I don't see that as a necessity we don't know how Town grow people if we need to go more detective that would not just supervis we out here actually say she doing a job personally I know right now it's the detective sergeant and one detective and get the job done with the maner we have the accountability is there and that's the most important thing course I stress the accountability Department I I absolutely agree with you which brings me to my second question about your to so on the other side you have have one Patrol Captain you have three lieutenants you have six sergeants okay that's 10 so far superior officers and you have 17 Patrol 10 to 17 that's that's not even 2:1 ratio but if you look at this chart and you and you listen to what uh deputy director Mias just said and you take into account what's going on at six Becker Farm Road and the additional 94 units you just approved at 85 Livingston Avenue on top of the one94 that are already there you're looking at a tremendous increase in population in the next 5 years why isn't that growth reflected in this ordinance it as as uh deputy director Mias is saying the detective Captain position is there in anticipation of growth why are you not looking at the bottom of the chart and providing for additional police officers especially because with the 17 Patrol officers you have now one of them if I'm not mistaken is actually a suspended officer correct so we're talking about 16 officers 10 Superior officers uh of uh deputy director and a Police director or a police chief and then on top of it which makes absolutely no sense to me six dispatchers and we' we've had this conversation uh Jim um mayor spango and councilwoman um gate we haven't had dispatchers since 2006 correct haven't been since I've been here that's best I can attest to it so so I would love to know what this town has spent on dispatching in terms of having officers and Superior officers cover the desk I mean this has got to be a colossal waste of money because we have to have the most expensive Dispatchers in the state if we're using officers to do that it's 18 years 18 years of having officers so why not go back to dispatching and and I know we're you know we're in this process for two years of switching the desk over to West calwell uh and you know my feelings about that I don't I don't I think I just think it's a bad decision um and if you're looking at Future growth and you're looking at a town where where homes now sell for a million dollars enough a million dollars to live in rosand and guess what well if you needed a a assistance in the middle of the night if there's an emergency and you run into the police station what are you going to do you're going to press a panic button that's that the people of this town deserve better than that and what you guys should be looking at is not tomorrow not next month NE not next year you should be looking two three four years down the road and planning now for what's going to happen because you're going to wake up one day and they're going to be a whole lot more people in this town that's it thank you when when it comes to leadership I don't I don't I can't speak for anyone else in the council but I don't believe this department will ever need based on the size of department and and we don't have dispatchers now and as you can see the table of organization can be adjusted in any time how does this te by way before me if if you if you go to the growth of the town I the growth of the town I don't think is going to probably be occupied for at least two to three years and we we agree that we will plan accordingly and we've had conversations about it already about increasing theand based on the growth of the town but the one good thing that we do have I know we have a large number of sant but those sants in the town and it was my first question I had to director Mias like I said before they're doing more than just administrative work they are and a testament to them and the workforce they're answering calls for service they're like having another patrolman on essexfells has the same thing they have a much smaller Department than we do their sergeants are actively engaged so while it may look like their top heavy in a traditional Police Department they're acting as another patrolman and responding to make my position clear I don't have an issue with the sergeants or the patrol I don't have an issue with the police department period I think we have one of the best departments around and what they did you know uh granted rosand Glenn is private property but it was a town project that was going on what those guys did was hands down the best I've ever seen I had I had residents cranky residents coming up to me and say wow those cops are so nice they're helping us cross the street they're helping us uh direct uh people to to where they need to park they were all over the place you would have thought the president was coming in it was terrific uh uh I was going to say captain Longo Lieutenant Longo did a great job providing coverage John I I can't say enough things you know and and it it's not a slight to director chafy because a lot of this was in the planning stages before he was even appointed never John never refused a phone call didn't matter what time day or night you know I need help how do I handle this we got this we and Sergeant Sergeant hesselberg Sergeant Bell and Tony they were all great they were all great um so and and you saw the letter I sent my my um my appreciation to all them it's just that um I listen everything in this town's going to grow the police department director everything's going to have to grow with and we're in constant contact with but here's the other thing and and I mean no offense to any of you but the process of hiring especially a police officer how long does it take in this town it depends if we're if if if we have the benefit that we hire alternate root candidates so alternate root candidates basically a month or two before they graduate the academy we know who's passed their course their firearms their their their classroom work their EMS their invasive drive when you pass the core then director Mari has been a part of it then you go and interview the the viable candidates I would say with civil service it takes about six months us you probably turn it around in six to eight weeks because they're in the police academ we don't have to send them to the academy as far as as far as hiring you UMC as far as Hing officer uh you learn as you go along I've learn the process I learned how to make it quicker by assign an officer to handle the whole process which that's all he did was give this officer as far as table organization what we're putting in place now is what I like to accountability so that forward I hold all they do that's up sergeant and they're out there doing they not sitting side they're going to be out there and let's say an ex Sergeant around he's doing Special detail so and brings me to just one more comment um and it's not really about the ordinance but it is about the excessive speeding on Eagle Rock Avenue on Harrison Avenue and I don't know how anybody speeds on the sefe because I always get traffic on the sfe but I will tell you I am I'll probably be the first person to get a speeding ticket because I'm not a slow driver but I was on uh Harrison about a month ago heading toward paic Avenue I was doing 40 mil an hour which is 5 miles over the speed limit and somebody passed me doing 50 60 mil I can't even tell you how fast the car was going I was I mean it's a two- Lane Road same thing happened on um on E Rock Avenue when I was turning into the Glenn somebody cut around me um and just it's crazy there there's no there's no enforcement when it comes to speeding and the other um thing is the moving violations especially at the intersection of Livingston Avenue and Eagle Rock Avenue there there's they don't they don't even slow down and there's a Prohibition against right turn on red weekday from 730 to like School in the school kid basic the same thing on the corner of s and all they all you have to do is station a car there you could write a dozen tickets um during the course of the day without without any effort whatsoever and it's really really sad you know you have the button to cross you know The Pedestrian Crossing you push that button but but you still like this when you cross because nobody stops so if you could do something about that that would really really help I think we we had a detail on G didn't we D I am starting to do more details um fortunately part theft problem Breakin we concentrated heavy on that but now we're Point Putters and be more enforcement details out there coming we just got two Las Raider guns put eff train it takes a process they have to be trained so many hours practic all these things saying problem you know I mean when it gets to a point where we have to have patrol cars following school buses in the morning to make sure people don't piss and and the other thing we did to try to streamline the process and not from nowhere near never ever from a revenue standpoint but from an accuracy standpoint and from a fatigue standpoint where the officers implemented e ticketing right where the officers believe it or not I've done them a long time time to write a ticket out it's intensive and just like writing at any people get tired with the E ticketing it allows the officer to get back out the field and ensure that everyone else is going saf because the tickets come out much quicker and they're much more accurate so we don't have issues cour it does that'sa what it looks like I'm not done yet so we love you J here talk about next onee aren you tired don't got to sit does anyone does anyone else wish to be heard on ordinance 41223 if not I have a motion to close the public hearing second parate Fishman all in favor I I opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance of the bur of rosand amending and supplementing section 2-24 of the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand entitled Department of police or Police Department do you have a motion to adopt ordinance 41223 so moved second Trill roll call vote Please Mr wat Mr B yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs brate yes forget me you say yes oh yeah I'm sorry I said yes I'm I heard no that's why oh I said no yes my hearing Mr ordinance number 41223 will be advertised the progress as a pass ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next we have a public or public ordinance on a public hearing on ordinance now it's see it's contagious we have a public hearing on ordinance 42223 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of bur of rosand amend and supplementing section 14-5 of the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand entitled use of pickle bow cour you have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 42-23 second it was totally trillo all in favor I oppos out there hearing and seeing none want to be heard on ordinance 42223 where's Bill we talked about this in the yeah right seeing done we have a motion to close the public so move second B toley all in favor I oppos hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title ordinance of the B of rosand amending and supplementing section 14-5 of the revised General ordinances of the Bure of rosand entitled use of pickle courts do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 42-22 so so move second f b roll call vote Please Mr rockins Mr B yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy yes Mr trillo yes ordinance number 42223 will be advertised in the progress as a p ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda we have a public hearing on ordinance 43223 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 2 of the revised General ordinances of The Bu of rosand entitled Administration amending section 2-6 entitled standing committees of the burough Council we have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 43-22 removed second Bish trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 43-22 jont 38 lonard um this one actually made me chuckle because it just um you guys know what an oxymoron is it's a contradictory term like Icy Hot or deafening silence jumbo shrimp jumbo shrimp exactly that's that's what I thought of when I read this ordinance um you are you know it it's an ordinance addressing stand standing committees uh but you're eliminating standing committees in favor of a resolution creating 12month committee and and that those aren't standing committees those are special committees and I'm just wondering uh why why you're doing this you know we we have six standing committees now correct okay they seem to be working pretty well um what what's the intent what's behind eliminating all of them and then saying well we'll create them by resolution in January for one year if you're going to do it every year doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a standing committee there's no continuity a standing committee should be permanent it should not be temporary and and these almost sound like ad hoc committees and my other question is um your January reort is two weeks away I'm sure by now you already know what committees you're going to create in January why not share them with us now I know that the Committees have not been decided yet the council could be amongst themselves to do the Committees for the next year that's out keep that outside of my part of view because they keep so as to the intent behind yeah I mean the intent is just to stay to be able to be flexible right because some of the Committees that are here they're we don't feel that they add they're they're no they're relevant anymore right so for instance Redevelopment illegal like we we we've got that committee we rarely discuss Redevelopment or legal in that committee right so we talked about do we want to have another committee like for example um senior and youth services right something would be more okay focused and you know and and have some some meat to it so that was the idea was that you know we could remain flexible and as the needs of the burrow adjust we adjust the resolution went have to pass an ordinance have a reading an adoption I I get that but but trying to make it simple but they've changed a few times like well they only the last time they changed was six years ago was when the mayor came in I that was the last time because Redevelopment was a hot button issue with that round of color believe they made we made a change last year I believe why not leave an ordinance that that allows for uh say Administration and finance uh Public Safety and Public Works to be permanent subcommittees or committees and then flexibility with the others because those those three areas are essential to the daily operations of the town and um you know it just it seems to me there's there's no way of getting around it they're essential and uh Public Safety and it Public Safety in my opinion should be the number one concern in this town with everything that's going on and I get that uh you guys pour a tremendous amount of money into uh Recreation and that that's great for property values keeps everything up but you can't neglect the essentials and DPW and Public Safety really should be the priority moving forward you know it it it's getting to be a joke around here with the the water main brakes it's it's how often do we have water main brakes it's it's a lot but we have continued to invest in the infrastructure and that's and I agree with through that DPW and the infrastructure the dollars that you spend that the taxpayer doesn't really see because it's underground goes a long way for the way that the infrastructure town and as for the public safety you're not going to get a bigger Advocate than me I mean I'll use my boss's famous words you can build the most beautiful things in the world they're not kept safe if people don't feel comfortable going there no they're not going to be abuse well the the other thing too we we I mean we did some research on this too and this this is consistent with many other towns right so you know so I mean that's what we we're trying to keep it make it make it a little easier I mean so that we don't have to like I said pass an ordinance to I and I get that but I will just say to you that um rosand doesn't need to look at other towns rosand should be the barometer by which other towns measure what they're doing we are um is a great town we've made so much progress in the last six years we're on the right track and I think that um you know everyone's come together after a very difficult period with the prior Administration and I I just want to see us continue on that track so you I can find a bigger person that says we should be the example that's well there you go we're we're on the same page and I just I just hope that it stays that way thank you that's it for me tonight does any other member of the public wish be heard on ordinance 43- 2023 hearing seeing them I have a motion to close the public hearing some moved second try all in favor I post hearing none Mr Watkin read the ordinance by title only an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the buau of rosand entitled Administration amending section 2-6 entitled standing committees of the burough council is there a motion to adopt ordinance 43223 so moved second Trill roll call vote Please Mr Mr bardy yes Mrs Fishman yes Mrs parate yes Mrs toy I'll abstain nothing to do with itain Mr trillo yes ordinance number 43223 will be advertised in the progress as a past ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law thank you next on the agenda we have resolution 365 and 385-2020 December 15th and 19th Bill list everyone received the bill list questions concerns accusal if there are none we have a motion to approve the two Bill l so moved second try all in favor I opposed none next we have adoption of resolutions resolution 366-2020 through 34-223 by resolution number 1 through 19 by agenda numbers questions concerns recusals on any of the resolutions question on number four um they're looking to sell the devil tickets again didn't we take a loss on that last year no last year but we made it all back last year we had over 100 people there last time I wonder what anyone else questions concerns refusals if they're not take a motion please pass resolution 1 through 19 second par trillo all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none we have nothing on the consent agenda mayor's report keep it brief um Christmas was a resounding success thanks people like Recreation DPW police Fire EMS OEM Ryan Lauren Mike was all night biggest turnout ever thank you to all the volunteers and everybody that made it a very special night um it says Council M's last meeting after 18 years of service for the burrow five of which I had pleasure of working with her um it was a pleasant experience I was new she was a season veteran I think the there's some other veterans but um when we do things and we say this all the time amongst ourselves we don't do things have anything to do with party in mind have people up here that make the best decisions into to town regardless um we've worked very well together I thank you for the time before me I thank you for the time with me um you made it easier um give so much the town outside of here which volunteerism and like thank you for the time I spent with you and thank you for what you contributed while I was here um besides that it's the holiday season happy and healthy New Year to everyone no matter how you celebrate enjoy the time with your family no matter what your religious background is uh enjoy the time with your children your elders your youngers and and take a moment to appreciate everything that we have and everything that we hope to have in the coming years as a community and as a family so thank you to everyone for great Year have a great year next year as well merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy Quanza and happy and healthy New Year to everyone of their families committee reports Council thank you mayor I'd like to also Echo the mayor's comments on the um on the holiday celebration it was it was a really great event thanks to everyone that volunteered and made it a abounding success thank you to the fire department for a great job uh with Santa's right around this Sunday everyone uh you know even in the rain it was a once again a great event the um I'd like to also thank Council woman toie for her her dedication and service for the last 18 years I um I got to know Council woman toally about six years ago and um just you know just from day one you know I uh you know you could tell the dedication that she has the love she has for the community we appreciate everything that she's done and everything she'll continue to do and I wish uh both her and Al and the rest of her family nothing but the best of luck in the future and that's um happy New Year uh Merry Christmas happy holidays um that's all I got thank you no Public Safety Council thank you mayor um first again I want to them the holiday celebration was great I want to thank everyone for all the hard work they put into it I especially want to thank Chief Loveless and the fire department they did an awesome job especially in the rain and I was out there in the rain waving um um so they did a great job it came around quicker than I thought it was going to with the rain yeah I thought I thought councilman fisherman would be councilwoman fisherman would be like 10:00 at night but they got there by 8:15 so I was happy about that um uh Switching gears here I want to thank Michelle for serving with me it's been a pleasure I'm going to miss you up here um thank you for all that you've done for this town i' I've been here longer than any one and you you've always been a f well no you're here long than me years yeah you're here three years longer than me um but you've been a staple since I've been here and you've always been out and about in town and I I just want to say thank you for everything that you've done it's it's been a it's been a pleasure working with you and best of luck in the future and that's all I have oh I want to wish everybody Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year thank you Recreation C uh Recreation everything is on track uni uniforms are in they're nice they're on time um so everyone's very happy about that one was reversed that was an Artful we put it in the printer you know put it in wrong it'll get fixed um I don't want to mention it and jinx anything but the developments at the Harrison field or and O Baron are looking amazing every time I look by I just can't believe how much progress they're making um so that's great um as far as totally just you know when I came on you were the the season veteran like Jimmy said before uh your wealth of knowledge I think uh the things you know about this town are things that I think people have already forgotten about and you already know them um you're just a great source and a great person to get information from and and and you know you know the lay of the land and where everything kind of sits in rosand so I appreciate our friendship uh and working together these past five years four years um so good luck and I hope to you continue doing what you do um otherwise Merry Christmas to everybody and special shout out for uh Priscilla and Steve who were uh great examples of what it means to be from rosand um Priscilla I worked with closely a few times when I first started on the council and then Steve I actually before I was a councilman we've coached together I've been an assistant to him he was an assistant to me uh and when I you know resurfaced the idea of the booster club there was no one who made a better uh fit to be the leader of that group than Steve so uh great examples merry Christmas everybody and have a happy healthy New Year Redevelopment Legal C my turn yeah um Everybody pretty much has said anything I would have said um but in as far as Redevelopment and legal go there's uh not a report um as for Michelle um happy to have served with you and um I know you're going to do a lot of stuff around town continue to do stuff around town and and be a part of the senior group and um beautification and um all the other things you like to do and and be active in so uh it was a great run uh certainly a lot of years 18 years and in uh uh Hebrew 18 is high means life to life so uh it's a really good year to move on to maybe a different part of your life right at a different time in your life and uh to uh spend time with your family and um and just be happy I'm you you know just do do whatever you want to do and not have to come on Tuesday nights or Monday nights or Wednesday nights or whatever you know um to keep your time busy yell at the early that's right and um to our staff uh I really think it's important that we note that we have a fantastic staff working for rosand uh starting with Moren and um continuing in every Department through out and John and now uh uh our new Police director Olio chafi but uh and all the police officers every staff person that we employ does a fantastic job to uh keep this town running and um although we sit up here and make decisions and choices and put through ordinances not not everybody approves of um uh the fact is that without them uh nothing gets done and so I want to say I'm very appreciative uh for all of them and thank you for all the great work you do Jack uh as well uh Ashley and uh those I've left out Ryan back there um our newest member I think is Lauren pretty much so yeah so anyway uh that's what I saying Happy New Year healthy healthy uh holidays healthy 2024 because that's the most important thing I think that's it for me thank you councilman to okay everybody already said how great the celebration was and our weather held out I want to thank Neil and Ryan for helping setting up the story time I watched them last night and watched them again um you can watch it on Channel 35 and channel 2146 on on um Verizon at 5:00 and at 8:30 p.m. every everyone everyone did a great job on Municipal youth guidance subcommittee they have we have six openings adult openings which they will help supervise the high school students and their community service projects they have few more projects coming up in the future uh at this time I have no idea who's handling whatever I was handling so the environmental commission also has five openings there's a c citizen leadership form on our website site if you are interested in any of these uh volunteer positions you can fill it out and send it in and drop it off at the clerk's office um we have two authors in rosand one of which was a former rosand Junior Women's Club member which I'm happy to announce I don't know if anyone remembers her name um Lucille guino she has a book coming out titled entitled Elizabeth's Mountain a novel you can pre-order the book and I printed this out very big if ran back there can get a shot of that you can pre-order it and use the code pre-order 2023 otherwise it will be out for people to purchase the beginning of October make sure we put that in the newsletter Tuesday we also have another author from rosand she was written a book in Italian and English they're trying to get in touch with her but her name is elanora romanello of rosand she grew up in Florence Italy and has published her first bilingual Italian English children's book called doc called Leon deolo flight so we have two prominent prolific writers in rosand I'm going to leave this with with Morin and I would just like also like to say thank you I've worked with four Mayors many many Council Mayors uh I mean Council uh members um through good and bad years a lot of prosperous and um very Progressive years um I wanted to say something to Priscilla but nobody recognized my hand I've worked with Priscilla before when I was on the beautification committee for many years before I came on the council Priscilla has been on the uh beautification committee for about I think seven or eight years now um and she's been the committee chairperson for the past probably five or six years and she has done a very good job we all try and get out there get our hands dirty and um try and make the town look as nice as we can um the boosters um Steve I would like to congratulate him also so um I was on the boosters before this boosters many years ago um long time ago and um I can't think of the other gentleman's name right now but um I was very happy to serve and um volunteer my services before and then on the council I will not be disappearing so I will be around and once again helping and doing whatever I can for the town so I want to thank everyone you know up here and all previous Mayors council members and the towns I remember Moren when you were working under Gloria Floyd and training so that goes back a long time um so I'd like to wish everyone in town a happy New Year Merry Christmas a happy and healthy New Year a happy K Quanza Hanukkah pass but a happy Hanukkah so thank you again for working with everybody and you'll see me don't worry you may see me up at the podium still have to fix that uh roadway in front of paler and that other building next to it I know it's a County Road you know the county let go Dan be here next week so everyone have a good night and a healthy new year thank you thank you Mich next we have the approval of minutes from the December 5th caucus and executive session questions concerns recusals from the minutes I think I have to recuse myself from the executive let's do them separately let's do the December 5th Caucus meeting minutes everyone received the minutes questions concerns recusals if there are none do I have a motion to approve the Caucus meeting minutes from December 5th second guard all in favor I I opposed hearing none next we'll move the look for a motion to approve the December 5th executive session minutes with councilman trillo recusing himself so move second already totally all in favor I I opposed hearing none next we have our second round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon with us telephonically uh press star n uh oh cook was just about Like This Ti to the chair now that our year is coming to a close and all our special events are over i' just like to recognize and thank the deputies from the sheriff's department that come up here for all our events they do a great job they make a safe event they really help in uh to all of us on the police department to get the events uh started and finished without any problems so uh we are going to write a letter to sheriff montoro for his uh lending him to us but they are more Cooperative than anybody and they really make our events success thanks they do a lot of work throughout the county yes great any other member of the public wish need to be heard come forward state your name address the record if you're with us via Zoom use to raise your hand icon star and I Ryan fire cookies doing the thumb from now on that being said we we do not need additional session for executive session we move for for adjournment for our last meeting of 2023 I'll make a motion second my last motion all in favor opposed hearing none thank you everyone we have we have the back if anybody wants I'm watching it's the holidays you can't watch we got new