oh my [Music] God that's all right Sandy and I went to The Summit House on Saturday night with friends no in summer on Springfield Avenue okay drink two dinners and whatever they got cost us $175 a I thought that was outrageous no not really my kids are all over the place so no almost for you are they in in college my oldest is going to be a junior in college and then my middle one is graduating high school yeah yeah he's at uh University of Dayton in Ohio starting in Indiana yeah and then my youngest is uh no she's studing biology you know what it's funny everyone that we spoke Rob her daughter just finished her first no she's very very excited good evening and welcome to the May 21st 2024 meeting of the rosand governing body adequate notice this meeting has been provided in accordance with the old public meeting act and at the date time and location the meeting were including the an meeting schedule public V to board your municipal building and filed in the office of the bur clerk those attending tonight's meeting via Zoom the agenda and any other relevant documents can be found on the Burrow's website attach to the meeting notice posted in the news and announcement section during the meeting an announce will be made prior to the two public comment periods anyone wishing to make a public comment via computer will be instructed to use the hand raise your hand icon anyone wishing to make a public comment via telephone will be instructed to dial star9 at the appropriate time for those in attendance in personal remotely please provide your name and address when selected if you are and eligible for Daniel's law please just announce your name Mr Watkins please call the Roo pres Mr Mr Baron here Mrs Fishman here Mr Goldstein here Mrs parate here Mr Trill please rise for flag salute pledge allegiance flag the United States of America the nation indivisible can't control over room with his voice first on the agenda we have our first round of public comment any member of the public wishing to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record please feel like van white Cheryl Ryan this picture of the girl Hall was painted by my daughter Christine when she was in sixth grade about 25 years ago she is very artistic she went on to teach arts and crafts for rosand she was the art director and Camp collector for scram her artwork was on the scram teen output and run for the Roses t-shirts for many years this picture hung in the noer school art gallery in my home and now Christine would like to gift it to the burrow for all the people in rosand to enjoy would you have a place to hang it in the burrow Hall yes we will thank you any other member of the public wish to be heard come forward state your name and address for the record if you're with us via Zoom use the raise your hand icon and if you're with us telephonically press on thank you L uh we have a as you can tell by the crowd we have a large number of presentations uh we are going to start with the rosand Jor Women's Club for their 75th we were number n n on your we mix it up we're going in reverse the Women's Club is celebrating their 75th anniversary and I'm going to turn it over to former councilwoman toi to introduce the members of the Women's Club and give us a little background get mixed up with our other thank you for uh this honor tonight the Women's Club um I would first like to the girls that are here current members that are here are uh Jenny Juck MTZ Cheryl Ryan Vienna Mooney Kathy I andoro Diana V and NOA Phyllis cor Roa perfect timing Angela Gillespie and syv sylvana Pao and I'm Michelle to um some of the girls who cannot be here tonight due to other uh activities engagements are Katie Binger Jennifer B Cindy pedo and Maria Lee as the mayor said the Women's Club is a nonprofit 501c3 organization members volunteer their time and services for projects and fundraisers that benefit our community as well as the outside Community some projects are performed behind the scenes such as library book delivery service and uh special collections for the shelters some of our projects and fundraisers past and present include the winter sock and coat collection for the Essex County shelters New Jersey Veterans Hospital personal item collection fifth grade Halloween dance make your own Sunday household items for the safe house which is in Essex County battle women's shelter the rosand country fair and craft show eyeglasses collection breakfast with the Easter Bunny pasta dinner family portrait day coupons for the military Supermarket Bingo for the senior citizens and non- perishable food items for the rosand food pantry are just a few recipients of the club's past and presents donations include the Emanuel Children's Cancer Foundation New Jersey veterans hospitals rosand Historical Society rosand free public library rosand first state Squad roseand fire department the Alzheimer's Association ey for companions seeing eye of Mars toown Community Food Bank of New Jersey Children's Specialized Hospital and chap children's AIDS program are just a few every two years the New Jersey state federations of women's clubs picks picks a new organization at their convention and their last convention was held two weeks ago in Atlantic City this year's the uh organization that they have picked for the next two years is the New Jersey Children's Alliance or njca this organization promotes hope healing and justice for victims of child abuse by supporting training resources advocacy and Leadership the goal is for every child abuse victim in New Jersey to have access to the hope and healing of the njca through the child advocate centers where children and parents can seek help currently there are 21 centers in New Jersey now some great news some upcoming events of the club are Thursday June 6 at the rosand library from former and a former rosand Jr Women's Club member she published her first book called Elizabeth's Mountain it was released in April and has been receiving wonderful reviews the date again is June 6 at the library from s 4: to 6:00 p.m. there will be a reception and book signing and refreshments okay show your pride for rosand the rosand junior Women's Club designed new car and refrigerator magnets we have them for sale uh one is $7 two is $13 and three are 18 they're available by calling 973 228 6512 which is my name my phone number and they're also available we're going to have order forms and we will also be selling them at the uh Fall Festival on October 5th the last exciting project right now is are the juniors are hosting a rosand Antique Road Show in September September 21st Saturday at the first aid Squad in the community room the uh Road show will be from 1: to 4:00 p.m. registration begins at 12:30 bring your hidden treasures to be appraised by John PHS from rzm Fine Arts and antiques in New York you may even be paid on the spot the first item is $10 to be appraised and you can have two additional items $5 each so the total cost is $20 and there will also be a bake sale and more information and a flyer will follow conat congratulations on your 75 years as you said all the philanthropic Endeavors that the Women's Club does had done over the years has benefited all of our residents and other groups as well thank you for all your efforts we have a pration for you and we will take a picture who want the f sorry I'm just trying to find the next next I'm going to bring up our uh rosand um EMS it's EMS week I don't know if they can hear me back there Tom Tom I so Tom sneaking started where uh the whole country honors uh service volunteers um it's very nice that I see two young volunteers here because it's very very difficult to get volunteers um these men and women young and old donate volunteer all their time to the borrow and they're there to assist us in our worst time of need I've had to deal with it a couple times uh with my daughters um you can't say enough thanku to the m volunteer firemen EMS paid police officers for what they do every day they're there on Memorial Day Weekend they're there at night they're not with their fam so they can make sure that our families are safe and we thought it was only proper that we honor them here tonight for all their hard work and accomplishments congratulations thank you for all and I'm gonna I'm gonna use this as a segue thank you to bring up the adult kickball Team Champions because they need first aid more than anyone when a bunch of 40 50y old people 6y old people on a Friday night um finally the right team won for 2023 W that would be my team councilman B's team Council Bar's team was our was our third year took us three years councilman trillo actually boycotted the meeting because he didn't win this year we did um we'll drink water out of those cups in front of you so what we do for our kickball Champions is we give them a mug or a pint glass to enjoy your favor non-alcoholic beverag in but also what we're going to do I spoke to Mike KY today every year when we get our kickball jerseys the teams stay the same and the year that you won your championships going to be on the back of your jersey so our jerseys will say 2020 Champions next year 2022 was I think Moose's team in 2021 with the blue team we're very unoriginal we have the blue team the black team the red team um but uh with us today we have myself Council B's not here his wife Jen's not we have Brendan Cassidy Robin Cassidy Jeff scha uh Jean parate Frank parate uh Manny and Jackie Aliva couldn't be with us and Gino ISO could be come on one Championship on the back of the shirt that would be 2024 for us okay there we go use this I [Laughter] congratulations part extra big kick balls Mike any preference um is last they're not here about the links links uh sure okay LS you are the link who the coaches you and the girls come on right so the links uh we had three champions in basketball last year I think we had three championships I think we went to four Championship Games third and fourth grade girls is comprised of Natalia bino Sophia Bergos Emma dens Ena gross KY Hurley AR pascrell Emily schroer Alis Tada and Adriana vapa I'm going to turn it over to the head coach mik real quick I'll just say it was a pleasure to coach these girls what a great team they were they worked hard all season I had these girls running suicides every practice they asked me to take it easy on them I didn't they did a great great job they won the second half of every game we went undefeated and that's why because they worked so hard so super proud of that two great assistant coaches Phils was the M everyone be more proud to coach these girls you got two more my on my thighs you you just tell me whoever tell me the team bulls the bulls here keep we that Ranger come on so so we have the 2023 24 rosand Bulls third and fourth grade boys basketball the girls on so they set the they set the uh the bar high so the boys had a follow uh Bulls were coached by Brian Meyer Mike spino and Samar jario uh on the team was Angel denapoli Brady his areel Bry make it or Brady's catching he's the only one who brought a cou with them to the game Matthew Co Patrick Meyer Ian Montgomery Maxon podok Harrison Savar David shelman Michael spino and Christopher stakus congratulations so it seems appropriate being the Bulls that I quote um Michael Jordan um so if you put forth the effort good things will be bestowed upon you and that's truly about about the game and in some ways that's about life too and I think as coaches we are so proud of this team because some of these boys you know really struggle with dribbling in the beginning um shooting a basket they didn't even come close and in the end almost everybody scored a basket everybody was making plays and most of all most importantly they um were persevering and trying their best they put forth the effort and it shows so we are so proud of that them for their undefeated season here and um really proud of them so congratulations boys I want to pair these shorts so shoes I had a show my kids a picture I had that when I was in fourth grade my mother Roger's the only one next up is the rosand aces our seventh and eighth grade girls basketball team their head coaches here but the girls are all playing softball so the team was Caroline B Michaela Cho Victory Donnelly Jordan Jord Eisenberg Jolie Eisenberg Kate Freda Mad leio T luchana Gibbons Rihanna Palo LNA rpan Alice treder Charlotte trer and giovana verola Coach thank uh I don't really know what to say say about the group of girls um most of them we had for Fifth and fifth and sixth grade and then they stuck together and we went back up we won it two years ago we won it this year so we got the championship twice um every year this group Works harder we really pushed them this year and uh when I saw the group I had first thing I said to Mike was just put our names on the trophies that's exactly what I said and I said we'll be up here again um and I was actually talk to one of the parents and I said well if I get this group next year again said I'll take you for as long as as long as long as I get my group again I know um but the coaching staff dissue was great we had a couple extra coaches it was huge help everybody uh thought Dar Vader walked in yeah phone always ringing um coaching staff this year was great we had we had two three extra two two extra coaches this year and they they really filled in uh Steve B RJ rapkin [Music] and um so they they're a great addition a lot of girls on the team played for other teams this year um so when we were around they filled in they knew exactly what we had to do and it it paid off at the end so can't thank them enough and girls did a pre [Music] J we could get the girls pictures this the first time we're taking a picture you might know you at least do this I wait iair you basketball league like the movie lady conratulations next we have one of our one of my favorites and that's mother so I'm G bring up Lauren so I always get a kick out of reading the so this is a very this is a very cute letter by son she wrote my mom should be mother of the year because she shows how much she loves me and my brother every day some of the things she does that shows me she loves me are cleans the kitchen help me with my homework loves arts and crafts with me takes me to swimming and dance takes care of me when I'm sick and gives me snuggles somehow my mom is finding time to get her second master's degree she's taking a tap dance class to show me how it's done and I quote and she's making another brother for me in her Bel I love my mom is the best so that was very thank you I mean that's [Music] [Music] you're coming in too your mom hey buddy hey hi [Laughter] [Music] oh I forgot to mention there's also a gift GI from Jim Johnson for get a babysit next we have Elanor Pano am I pronouncing it right tetto her daughter Georgina wrote an essay for her mom to be mother of the year Georgina come on and I'm going to read the essay my mom is not just my mom she's my best friend my teacher my number one fan and my hero she was always there she is always there when I need it the most she teaches me how to live learn love and she's the person who I can count on and talk to my mom picks me up when I'm down she's the answer to my problem the reason I keep coming whenever I get a bad grade or do bad at sports activities she always says don't worry we'll work up and we do I got better and better because of her she's the one who brings me joy cares for me and makes me feel wanted and important she knows that I can do more than I think I can she believes in and she works so hard she works at home has meetings throughout the day and she still drives me or my sister to after school like all I can say is thank you to my mom and that she's the most caring loving hardworking funniest mom ever congratulations that your daughter recognizes that you're doing all those things at such a young and when I called Eleanor I felt like I told her she won the power ball because everybody in the house started screaming at the top of their lung like I'm not the lottery guy but I mean they were very very excited and it's very well to serve do you want to say you want to say something I'm sorry do you want to say anything no I'll stand over here I think that's what he wants this is for me here we go cost you between 10 and 20 but it pays off yeah yeah yeah so one more we we'll wake you up oh the chairs so our last one is for Jersey access group conference award so I'm going to ask Ryan to come up um I think it was was it Monday night Sunday uh Thursday how busy I am it's Thursday um my phone rings at 9:30 and I see Ryan's name and I look at my wife and she goes oh God he's leaving to go to another town you're going to be so mad I said something must be wrong so Ryan was so it's the most excited I've heard Ryan since he's been here Ryan uh went to Jaz and he'll explain what that is and we were awarded a very prestigious award and Ryan will explain how prestigious it is and how well we scored thanks to Ryan ter Ryan schw fer I pronounce it right short fer our public information officer right there so uh as the public information officer you know like when you're the clerk you go to certain conventions and meetings and things like that and there really isn't too much for public information officers to go to so I look for to like the one event each year that I can go to which is now this is our second year go that I've been able to go and it's a group called The Jersey access group and essentially this is an organization it Advocates promotes preserves the right for media production distribution Civic engagement and education in support of diverse Community Voices through Peg channels which is public education and government and their facilities and other forms of media so this is a group of like towns who run television stations schools who run Community television stations and like Independent Producers who create content and essentially this group all these towns work together we share content we share ideas we share things that are going on in our towns to help improve the other towns and they also do advocating for us uh down in Trenton and Washington DC so it's a very important group uh I'm unfortunately unable to attend all their regular meetings because I'm here the bur of rosand but you know keep track onever all these things going on so one of the big things that they've done for many years is they hold something called the Jag Awards AKA local access television Emmys that's essentially what this is so every single town if you're a member of Jag you get one free entry into the competition and then if you would like to then you can pay a fee and you can enter in as many others as you want now a lot of other towns have fulltime or part-time time staff that run just the television station I believe Woodbridge has a full-time person I think Cranford had a part-time person that ran theirs so there are some people that all they do is just local access television that's one category then another category is someone like myself who do other jobs we work for municipality we do other jobs we oversee the television a station and then there are towns like where I volunteer and where I live in Oakland where the whole thing is all volunteer wrong so you really run the gamut of people who are just doing this out of the goodness of their heart because they have some free time and they want to do it to people who have it under their uh you know control and power to a degree and then others who literally this is their life and their livelihood and this is how they make a check doing this so there's several different patters go counil Mee public events you go concert all these different categories so in Oakland where I am you know we entered a few different things we won for first prize in one and we won second prize and two others in rosand unfortunately I can't take as much video as I'd like to because I don't really have the time to do all the editing and whatnot so we only usually put in one thing a year so last year I entered in um an entry from our uh photographer and videographer Neil I put in one of our summer concerts and it did well it placed it got essentially what's called a Gold Award which is essentially you got to over an 80% um for quality of the video so we we very happy ecstatic that we won something we got something so then this year comes around and I'm thinking well what the heck am I going to enter in for our free entry and Neil and I usually we talk back and forth when we have all these different events if we're both going to be there who's going to take pictures who's going to take video and I remember this past time I said to Neil uh it's Christmas time do you want to take the video or do you want to take pictures I says well I think I took pictures last time so I'll take the video if you want to do the pictures and I said sure and then you know put together oh here here's the clip that I put together of a highlight reel of the Christmas event that we had I'm watching this clip and I'm like this is fantastic I literally have nothing to correct nothing to edit nothing that I was like yeah I was like this is fantastic I think I shared it with the mayor people on the council I sent it along and I said Neil like do me a favor cut this down it's like a 30 second highlight clip and I'm going to submit this for a jaguar and see if we win something so I submitted in and you know you don't know if you're going to win until you get there like the E so we're sitting there in the audience and I'm watching all the other towns who have their things in this segment all their I came up pretty good I think ours is it's up there with the other ones in this category and we should we should Place her something so third place was this town second place was this town then before they get to the first place they say this entry not only one first place but of every single program that was entered in this competition for every category this place the highest got the highest grade out of all of them of a 99 of a 100 which is almost impossible that's probably someone who's like this went on for one second too long that's probably the one complaint that that we're going to find out came of this so not only did we of course win our Gold Award for excellence in in broadcasting um but we won this award the Award of Excellence for the Santa's arrival and Hometown Christmas celebration recap for the category of community holiday event and I'd like to invite up our I'll say videographer Neil Grabowski on behalf of the rosan and myself as public information officer I want to congratulate you and thank you for your services to you ran do it is it is just press a button take a yeah basically we can do it I just want to say I want to say thank you to the mayor to the council and a special thank you to to Ryan um who who certainly has made all of this possible um we work hard to cover the things here in the burrow and it's so nice to be recognized for the the effort that we put into it so thank you thank you thank to to uh Neil and to Ryan uh we have the benefit of Neil being a resident and also having a lot of experience in in filming and he does a great job for us he donates a lot of his time to us also so we appreciate thank you don't think we have any more proclamations um before we go into introduction ordinance Dan Sante from the county in mess is here like to come to add good evening mayor and councel if I knew the W was being given tonight I want to make sure Santa Claus was here but uh I start Christmas planning in congratulations on that one busy uh busy time in s County some great events going on on want a share with the residents of rosand on Thursday the 23rd we'll have our Grover Cleveland fishing contest and again that registration starts at 5: uh and the Derby from 6:00 to 7: on June 1st on Saturday from 8:30 to 12:00 noon It's Paper Shredding day that's at 99 Bradford Avenue in Cedar Grove Public Works building same weekend we could play your whole weekend out here June 1st June 2nd openhouse at rker Hill Art Park from 11: to 5m. we'll also be having a family Pride night at essis County turtleback Zoo this is a paid event uh will be happening on the 15th of June from 5:30 to 8:30 in addition during the summer season we'll have Wellness on the waterfront which will start on July 8th and our summer concert BR sure right off the press I'm just going to highlight a couple of the big ones so thank you everybody is aware of our bigger shows New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and fireworks will take place in branchford park on June 28th men of soul will be playing at weekway Park on Tuesday July 2nd also with a firework show Wednesday July 3 will'll be in Brookdale Park uh again with our um fireworks display and the infernos will be playing on July 3rd in addition to that there's about 20 25 other concerts uh throughout the county main ones will take place in Brookdale Park and we also have our satellite concerts taking place in the entire uh Park system uh during the summer season mayor if there's any questions concerns you may have I'll take it back to the administration thank you D okay thank you thank you thank you um first we have introduction of ordinances we have ordinance 15-20 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 14 of the revised General ordinances of the B Ro land entitled parks of recreation section 14-2 entitled conduct the use of Parks and Recreation is there a motion to introduce ordinance 15220 motion secondate all in favor I I opposed hearing and see none ordinance number 15224 will be posted on the bur's website notice a public hearing will be published in the progress public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 18th 2024 thank you m wat next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinance 16224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title home ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the bough rosand chapter 11 entitled Property Maintenance to amend various fees is there a motion to introduce ordinance 16-22 so moved second Fishman Goldstein all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none ordinance number 162024684182 $55,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $427 bonds or notes of the B to finance dep there motion to introduce ordinance 17-22 some move second Goldstein Fishman all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none ordinance number 17- 2024 will be posted on the bur's website notice of public hearing will be published in the progress public hear be held on Tuesday June 18th 2024 next on the agenda we have our public hearing on ordinance 82024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Bond ordinance amending section 3A of bond ordinance number 25221 of the B of rosand in the excuse me in the county of Essex New Jersey finally adopted November 23rd 2021 in order to amend the description of the prodct project their motion to open the public heing on ordinance 82024 so move second fisherman parate all in favor I I I opposed seeing and hearing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 8 d2020 hearing and seeing none may have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 8-22 second parate Goldstein all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance amending section 3A of bond ordinance number 25221 of B rosand County of Essex New Jersey finally adopted November 23rd 2021 in order to amend the description of the project there a motion to adopt ordinance 8- 2024 mov second second Goldstein Baron roll call vote Please Mr Watkins Mr Bron I Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mrs par yes ordinance number 82023 will be advertised in the progress as a passed ordinance and shall take effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption is provided by law thank you Mr Robin next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 92024 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only ordinance reappropriated 386 $ 64539 91 proceeds of obligations not needed for the original purpose in order to provide for the construction of the ferton brook foot bridge in and by the bur of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey and authorizing the cancellation of bond ordinance number 11-202 of the burrow finally adopted May 16th 20123 so a motion to open up the public hearing on ordinance 9-22 second parate BR all in favor I opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 9-22 seeing and hearing N I have a motion to close the public hear no move second Fishman Goldstein all in favor hi opposed hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title from ordinance re-appropriating $386,500 proceeds of obligations not needed for their original purpose in order to provide for the construction of the ferton brook Footbridge in by the burrow of roseand in the county of Essex New Jersey and authorizing the cancellation of bond ordinance number 11223 of the burrow finally adopted May 16 2023 there a motion to adopt ordinance 92024 so moved second Fishman Goldstein roll call vote Please Mr BR yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr gin yes Mr PR yes ordinance number -223 will be advertised in the progress is a pass ordinance shall take effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption as provided by law thank you Mr next on the agenda is ordinance 10-22 for public hearing ing Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance reappropriation $672,000 including $641,000 proceeds of obligations not needed for the original purpose and $33,750 from the capital Improvement Fund in order to provide Capital Improvements second in favor hearing anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 10-22 uhco me Court just a clarification because maybe I don't understand it right it says uh find it up is no longer necessary for the purpose of acquisition of a fire engine it means money is coming somewhere else do the fire we're not losing the fire engin no right that's my main thing and way when I read this I'm going heard that the fire department whatever so we are we're still getting it the price tag has risen drastically so we had to reappropriate that when we first put it out it was around this number and then of course everything went up so it almost double so we just basically in Layman turn had to reappropriate this money for the purchase but at all higher price we I mean yes that's all I to make I understand I just want to make sure that we're not losing anything that's all not just because when I read it you know it sounds like maybe we're losing it thank you anyone else wish be heard ordance 10 202 thank you we have motion to close the public hear I'll move second Karate bar all in favor I opposed hearing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only Bond ordinance reappropriate $672,000 including $641,000 proceeds of obligations excuse me not needed for the original purpose and $3,750 from the capital Improvement Fund in order to provide for various Capital Improvements in and by the bur of Ros in the county of ESS New Jersey there motion to adopt ordinance 10-22 move second Fishman parate I think roll call vote Please Mr Mr BR yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mr BR yes ordinance number 10223 will be advertised the progress is a passed ordinance shall take effect 20 days after first publication after final adoption is provided by law thank you Mr Watkins next on the agenda is ordinance 11-202 24 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title only in ordinance amending chapter 17 of the revised General ordinances of the B of rosand entitled Water and Sewer section 17-21 entitled permits and fees to establish affordable unit sewer permit fees is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 112020 so moved second Fishman BR all in favor I oppos hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard under ordinance 11224 hearing seeing none may have a motion to close the public here so moved second Goldstein Fishman all in favor I I I oppos hearing and seeing none Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title an ordinance amending chapter 17 of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of rosand entitled Water and Sewer section 17-21 entitled permits and fees to establish affordable unit sewer permit P there motion to adopt ordinance 11-22 second parate Fishman roll call vote Please Mr Mr BR yes Mrs Fishman yes Mr Goldstein yes Mr parate yes ordinance number 11223 will be advertised in progress as a pass ordinance and shall take effect as provided by law thank you uh next on the agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 14224 Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Bond ordinance of the bur of rosand in the county of Essex New Jersey be sending Bond ordinance number 26223 in its entirety there a motion to open the public hearing on it's 14-22 so moved second Goldstein Fishman all in favor hi opposed hearing and seeing none does anyone wish to be heard on ordinance 14-22 hearing and seeing none I have a motion to close the public here motion second bar Goldstein all in favor I I post hear n Mr Watkins please read the ordinance by title Bond ordinance of the B rosand the county of esess New Jersey resending Bond ordinance number 26223 in its entirety to adop 14 Mr yes Mrs Fishman yes mrin yes Mr yes ordinance number 14 -223 will be advertising the progress is a past ordinance shall take effect 20 days after the first publication after final adoption as provided by law thank you next on our agenda is approval of bills resolution 181224 motion to approve the May 17th Bill list everyone received the bill list questions concerns recusals we have none we have a motion so moved second go brought all in favor I post hearing none next we have resolutions 1 through 11 on your agenda by resolution number 182 d224 to 192 d224 questions concerns comments recusals on the resolutions or number eight story that's our final piece there yes there are no questions concerns or recusals we have a motion to move this so moved second poos te parate all in favor I I opposed see none next we have one on the consent agenda for a field permit to wave the fee on Force motion yes so motion I meant gold SC all in favor opposed hearing none um mayor's report as you can see the fields are being occupied they're being used constantly it's been a hard process to say the least feel like I'm going through a bad home renovation That Never Ends um but um we had a few smallish in the beginning but everybody loves it 've got nothing but compliments thank Mike KY because it's they're they're in great demand we've done a lot of rentals already in a week and a half it's it's a lot more than we even expected they're they're they're working I greet them for coffee in the morning and I greet them for coffee in the evening um but no they're really pushing hard and our Engineers doing a good job pushing them to get this done for June 1st for uh the grand reopening so we're looking forward to that thank Mike also we've had I think in a week and a half if I had to put a monetary number on it we probably had about five five to $6,000 and it's only going to get bigger so thank everybody especially Mike and Recreation besides that I have nothing just June 1st the grand new opening the fields um we're looking forward to that day it's also our town picnic softball game hopefully you get nice weather it's a great day it'll be our first real event any other members of the government body have I just want to remind everybody um June 23rd the police department is having ice cream with uh an officer here at the Harrison Avenue complex from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. it's out right back here um and then our National Night Out is August 6 so be the first that'll be the first one we've had we tried to do it in 2019 I spoke we brought it back it's going to be a great night we're supposed to have the helicopter from the state police ccer so I'm looking forward to that so I just wanted to remind everybody talk next time June 8 June 8 is also the vfw's um barbecue barbecue and I want to thank uh councilman Fishman and essis County because through essis County we're providing busing so they're going to be able to park off site and they'll be bust to the BFW to alleviate congestion and they are expecting a very very big crowd didn't so as of Sunday evening our EMS our volunteer squad has now um started also a paid service so our EMS we still have our volunteers who will volunteer when they can but from 6: a.m. in the morning to until 6: pm. we will now have a paid service so we will now have coverage in our emergency Squad building our EMS building every every day from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. so the town it was the way to go because it's so difficult to get volunteers and they want we want the response time to be what it is for the the safety of the community and and thanky director for leading this and it should also be noted that this the person the group that was really pushing us the hardest was our on first a y so they're welcoming because they just don't have the number of volunteers that us that and they understand that we have to have coverage within the burrow 24 by7 and they took this under their wing with Deputy Maas director Mias and they just they really went through a lot and Dave G is going to be the um supervisor who handles that side of it so I'm really excited to see how it how it goes a lot of towns have gone that way because everybody's experiencing the same thing so it's a great idea yeah it's a well the end V did all right I want to thank everyone who worked so hard thank you John um last week we had uh senior Society had the senior of the Year luncheon and we honored uh Lou Lal certainly a worthy recipient and um we're sorry that he was not here this evening to be recognized again but um this was the largest uh turnout we've had we had about 170 seniors attend the event um when I first started working with the senior Advisory Board we maxed out at about 80 uh last year we had about 140 and this year 170 so it's very exciting to see it grow and it was a lovely event and as I said uh well deserved um and Municipal youth guidance uh had a sock drive as their last event for the school year this school year and they collected uh hundreds of pairs of socks and packaged them and delivered them to homeless shelters in the area they did they actually made progress last week also was a nice arct that was nice and also from from the senior of the year um Franko from sizzling sounds volunteered his time to DJ for us so it saved us money and did a great job yeah we app very very ni got a lot of great residents Who come out and support us and and help and it's very heartening to see that it really is and we had over I think 12 or 13 giveaways which was nice for all businesses in the community to donate to to the event again one table one a tricky trade they're all man to one table that one like it's their fault um anyone else have anything to add uh April 29th we had our committee meeting um and we discussed a lot of capital infrastructure engineering projects going on in town it was a uh very long meeting um went so uh going forward um we have a list that we're going to be working off of um just kind of updating everything that's going on but um wide range topics from rectangular rapid FL flashing Beacon signs on Eagle Rock Avenue Lincoln Street Paving PNG working on Livingston and rosand Avenue um the water tank um a lot of stuff going on in town um it's very productive meeting yeah PG is starting a project that's going to start in sxfs was at the meeting with me last week it's going to go all the way through the center of town and it's going to go up eil Rock um to replacing manholes am I correct huge um but just you know when when they do rip up Eagle Rock we're going to take advantage of that and do our own infrastructure improvements so we don't have to pave the road twice they'll open it and they basically pave it for free so we can do whatever work we have to do underneath water so that's going to be probably through through August we'll be Ryan constantly get notification out to the borrow each day when when they're working we ask them not to start before school starts for for that and not to operate on evenings and weekends so everyone can enjoy their time anyone else have anything to add no thank you C next on the agenda we have approval of our May 7th caucus and executive session meeting minutes there are no questions or concerns or recusals take a motion to move this excuse secondate all in favor I hearing none we'll see everyone on June 1st yes yes