I need boost okay we time yeah whenever you're ready okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the uh New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local Source New York Star Ledger said notice was posted in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the burough clerk fire exits are locating the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for fire please move at a Comm orderly manner to the nearest smokefree exit proper notice hav't been given the bur clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the role Council Petroski here councilman Johnson pres councilman signorella here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signorella here all present mayor uh please leisten opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen I Al to of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all uh okay so we have a couple proclamations uh let's start off with the certificate of recognition for Miss lner principal Sherman Elementary School for the 2023 safe route School easy ride program [Applause] initiatives come on up it's all right you can come up hi uh okay so uh I you guys are all probably better versed on this than me I don't know if Jay or Greg or Joe P wants to talk on this a little bit no no um thank you uh excuse me thank you all for attending uh uh me Jay and um also uh CH P we reached out to the mayor um we wanted to honor uh principal lechner for Sherman Elementary School last year 2023 uh she partnered with uh easy ride and the burrow and and came up with an assembly uh program that helped uh Sherman to ascertain the rank of silver according to uh New Jersey safe routes to school and so we I would be remiss and I think the burrow of feels the same way as I do uh they would be remiss if we didn't honor her for that uh I believe that Sherman was the only one that received that recognition from Rosel Park and I think it's uh commendable and I truly appreciate your assistance with making this done and complimenting the the sidewalks and the um crosswalks that we put around the location so let's give a hand to principal Le I don't know if anybody else want say no I'm good M leer anything you want to say I'm sure yes good evening I just wanted to take a minute to thank mayor signarello and the entire Council um I would be remiss if I didn't thank councilman Johnson and councilman reben for bringing the safe walks um to my attention and all of the administrators in Rosel Park are um on board and applying this year for the um safe walks of school um but I also wanted to to make a note that um there's other grants that the county offers and um both council members have um brought the information to our our administrative team in Rosell Park so um we've done the garden um the planting and also the recycling which our second grade um teachers across the district in all three elementary schools are part of so um it's just really we're very lucky to have uh such a commitment between the council and the schools and um we really appreciate all that you bring for us and our our children I'd also like to thank Miss goise for all of her support to make these programs um happen for our our students and anything that we need to support these programs she backs us 100% And of course the Sherman staff who um is so devoted to their students and um making these programs work and they volunteer to help run these programs um yesterday I had three teachers apply for the planting program again so I just wanted to thank you all and um also councilman Lions um spends a lot of time at our schools and um reads to our students comes to see all of our preschools across the district so um it's just such a nice um you connection between Council and the school district so thank you all for your support want to grab you mind taking a picture you're superintendent plus official photographer [Laughter] oh awesome hello thanks have a boed meeting yes of course yeah serving you're serving uh I wanted so two two things tonight so first off I um uh we clared in Rosal Park uh uh black small business month uh there actually is a black business month already it's in August uh but we made it black small business month in Rosell park for February we did our own little flavor there um so I just thought it it's really important for me we have had such a strong revitalization um of our downtown t-section and there's more to come uh happy to see dings getting rebuilt have a lot of empty stores getting filled and it's been through the efforts of a lot of r preneurs that we have here um so I think we have a couple folks uh we don't have everybody I'll deliver the proclamations perfect uh to them afterwards uh but I want to first off represent a couple good friends of mine from the park ice cream Co you guys want to come up Round of Applause I have been getting yelled at since I got elected that we need an ice cream place so I say this over and over again I want to thank you guys for giving me a damn ice cream place uh where are you guys right over here um and I believe we have a representative from rxo you want to come over here man thank you so much for being here uh lovely paint and por shop little bow and uh I I know Faith was trying to make it and we have Daphne L Ren events I just want to give them a shout out to uh so we have house 157 which I'm actually doing a uh an event at this week and dapan Loren events I'm not getting married anytime soon so I probably won't be doing an event there uh but I want to just give them a round of applause and a shout out too and uh lastly it's a little impromptu but I want to invite up uh Dr Charles for um he is not a Rosal Park business owner a small business owner nonetheless but has been very helpful to the community in supporting our diversity inclusion committee uh and also I think a little bit inspirational for Rosell Park Ice Cream just a little bit I see some commonality between the two I'm not going to say you know but uh yeah so big round of applause for all these guys um Greg I don't know if you wanted to add anything I'll speak um Dr Charles um basically helped us out last year um we raised um he helped us not only raise money but also donated all the proceeds to the dni where we were able to do events like uh juneth uh uh pride and uh several other uh come on in here Chris and several other uh Endeavors and uh so we truly appreciate him with that Chris you want you was the chair chair it was throw me on um and I was prepared this time a little bit so um I want to read a quote uh for Black History Month first it's by Martin Luther King if you can't fly then run if you can't run then walk if you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward and basically that's that's I always uh preach that to the kids too whatever you want to do do not let anybody say no to you if you want to really do something you work hard for it and it'll happen don't give up any of your goals for anybody else thank you you want to come up and talk a little bit about art rxo real quick how you guys doing I'm Isaiah I'm one of the representatives of rxo Studios cat she is not here that is my business partner we are both from Detroit Michigan Make some noise for Detroit we are still heartbroken by the Lions losing it's been a rough couple of weeks but anyways yeah the Pistons they suck but uh not going to be too long we are right over there on 21 East Westfield Avenue um when whenever you guys want to have some fun come and join us um we do paint um parties we do them for for children as well we doing for adults uh we just uh we during uh Co after covid we kind of we just only doing uh private events but now we're open to the public so we have events open where you guys can come and join us um check out our website um we just enjoy being in Rosel Park um bringing people over to the community a lot of people are like I never heard of Rosel Park until I heard of you guys you know vice versa me and my me and Cat knew nothing about Rosel Park before we started the business here but roselt park has been great to us and um we just are excited to just cons continue to see the city grow as well being a part of that revitalization thank you I mean if you want to open up an urban cone here we're open that we can have two ice cre Chris um the marrier man uh the urban cone go hand inand with diversity and inclusion committee our mission statement is uniting the culture and overcoming societal obstacles one cone at a time I'm in law enforcement of 11 years and the urban cone started so that we could bridge the gap from law enforcement to the community me along with my lady Britney Kirkland she helped me curate the company helped me grow it to like take it to these Heights that I am now opening up a location in Garwood have one in Scotch plane have a fleet of trucks and I have Partnerships with Royal Caribbean Crews and everything so it was only right that I helped my lady back with Park ice cream [Applause] cup I'm gonna get the middle I'm definitely the here thanks guys thanks for [Applause] coming all right you guys if you it's going to get boring from here so you don't have to stick around I'm just letting you know um but thank you for all for being here uh okay okay uh may I have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I uh may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor ibody wishing to come speak may do so now you look handsome thank you thank you I feel very feels very you know it's important I'm seeing no one have motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I uh okay departments will report at the next meeting may have a motion to report the accepted departments as submitted so move second all in favor all I okay Andrew please read ordinance number 2765 by title yes mayor ordinance 2765 is an ordinance for second reading and public hearing ordinance amending chapter 10 section 4 subsection 2 of the code of the bur of Rosal Park entitled Community Center fees enumerated may have motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2765 so move second all in favor I I uh anybody want to come speak on this ordinance I am seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2765 so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2765 soone move second uh is there any discuss please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signorella yes councilman rabina yes Council Lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted it's nice having full deck back riding empty for a while uh okay please read ordinance number 2766 by title yes may ordinance 2766 is an ordinance for second reading uh an ordinance amend an ordinance amending chapter 2 Article 1 Section 1 subsection 3 of the code of the bur rosol Park entitled ordinances and resolutions may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2766 don't move second all in favor I I who be like to come up and speak on this ordinance constant are you just moving seats or you actually want to talk on this ordinance okay got it it's a pump fake I am seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordance number 2766 so move second all in favor I uh okay may have a motion to adopt ordin number 276 66 so move second is there any discussion yeah may I just wanted to say uh the purpose of this was just to just to help out with transparency uh couple years back uh I recall a couple of residents coming up and uh requesting this and it just made sense to do y anybody else thank you councilman uh may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 276 oh uh call the roll Council pki yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted so many ordinances for introduction okay uh please read ordinance summer 2767 by title yes mayor ordinance 2767 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled traffic repealing section 44 entitled business only parking may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2767 for introduction and fix the date for reading and public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion please call the rooll council pataski yes Council Johnson yes councilman cigarello yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2768 by title yes mayor ordinance 2768 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 43 of the code of the bur Rosel Park entitled combat wounded Purple Heart parking uh may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2768 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as March 7 2024 so move back up is there any discussion I just have a I was going to say I got one too yeah uh so first off I think it's a great idea councilman appreciate the uh proposal um so where do we land with this I haven't looked at the details so is this replacing the purple hearts or supplementing that's what that's what I wanted to that's what I wanted to discuss um when I was talking um over with uh Andrew uh I was a bit apprehensive with um changing the name of it because um I think uh councilman will for har his heart was in the in the right place but I just feel like with the parking conditions that so and and I hate to see like only just like we only have like one two Purple Heart people this is just better off served if we open it up to the veteran population in general and so I wanted to also make an amendment to the to the name I know I'm sorry Andrew don't me uh but yeah I I was a bit apprehensive like I said but it just makes sense to to open it up and and change the name to reflect uh Union counties so it can make sense so we're changing it wholesale to combat wounded or no we removed combat wounded and put either just veterans parking or put veteran SL Purple Heart parking uh I I me uh after thinking about it I I think just veteran parking would just make sense uh unless we just want to keep one of the ones directly just for a Purple Heart can you guys educate me so the the county program is that for all veterans or just combat for all veterans okay got it okay yeah and so it just opens up the parking population so I I would say just unless there's a legal issue with this I mean the all encompassing super thing is veteran right I mean if you want to put veteran SL purple heart I think that could make sense to call it I'm open I I think that's cleaner okay that's how it's written okay perfect that's how it's written already well well not the for the title of the ordinance right but the title is amending that's what it's called now yeah so in the text of the ordinance you'll see so the section one of the ordinance is amendment to section title so the section title would be it would be amended from combat wounded Purple Heart parking and it will just read once the code is amended it'll say veterans parking oh perfect okay I thought I thought we stood by on that thank you no that's even better and how many just just for my edification this is one spot here and two where what's the breakdown of numbers again one at one at Burrow Hall yeah uh two at the Gazebo parking lot yep and two at the library okay got it and then final thing just again maybe just for clarification for anybody who's watching but also for myed Education what what exact so just the county does a registration for this is like a placard or something you have to register with the county they they give you a placard you just submit your DD214 Etc and then they just they they they basically run so we actually save with the Labor uh there's nothing for us to do actually just they get our cops can exactly exactly yeah great idea okay any further discussion uh please call the rooll Andrew councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signorella yes Council Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay please read ordinance number 2769 by title yes mayor ordinance 2769 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance meing amending chapter 4 section 10 of the quote of the bur Rosal Park entitled pedalers canvassers transient merchants and artists uh okay may I have a motion to approve ordinance number 2769 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion I just Andrew can you just take me through the changes here I just I haven't followed the I lost so um there's several changes um two of the largest structural changes are we're eliminating uh licensing or permitting requirements for transient merchants and artists that's not to say that we're not allowing transient Merchants are artists it just means we won't have them required to get a permit uh we've never issued an artist permit I think it was kind of born out of when the town started to do the Arts Festival though they would fall under the PED requirements anyway so it's kind of a duplicative thing that was never really used in town um transient Merchants um already kind of go through the ringer for lack of a better word typically they're food trucks so they need to be licensed by the Board of Health and they need to be licensed by the Motor Vehicle Commission so to have a tertiary license doesn't doesn't really make a lot of sense y um and to have that eliminated from the from the code even though it would impact Revenue would be very very minimal um the other thing that this does is um it changes some of the application requirements kind of modernizing it I think when councilman Johnson and I looked at this some of the requirements were written in the 30s um so uh that's a that's a large change to make things a little bit more streamlined across the board when you look at some other requirements in other towns um and I I think the four thing uh I'm probably not capturing every single thing um but it recognizes um the state uh uh law and and and permissions for uh veterans uh honorably Char honorably discharged veterans are allowed to um gain a Peddler's license throughout the state of New Jersey uh at no cost um so that recognizes it if they present that license that's I think it's actually processed through the county uh so if they present that as part of the application they'll be exempt from the fees they'll still need to get a license locally but they just don't have to they don't have to um pay the fees that we charge okay cool any further discussion call the rooll councilman pataski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2770 by title yes mayor ordinance 2770 is an ordinance for introduction an ordin ordinance amending chapter 10 section four subsection 4.1 of the code of the BB Rosell Park entitled Recreation fees enumerated may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2770 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion so this is just this would be allowing uh our after school programs and other programs basically available to borrow employees is the change is that correct correct okay got it and they still have to pay the fees it just becomes a ailable unless you're a firefighter or police officer yes you have to pay the fees got it and this is not I just want to clarify cuz I've heard some of the other Council asking this this is not like a a lifetime thing right I would imagine this is as long as you are a active recr right correct okay got it okay and we're not covering Transportation okay got it okay cool can we make sure that we have active and current in there just to avoid any confusion I agree you can I mean we would never we would never proc ESS somebody who's inactive it's impossible by I me we could do whatever you guys want but I mean if it makes you guys feel better um I don't know where I I have where's the wording where you where would you add it it's Recreation fees uh all civilian employees the bur of r i mean so basically the The Proposal the motion would be all active civilian employees of the burough of Rosal Park is that the proposal yes okay do I have a motion I just need to I need to see where you're talking about so it would be under Recreation section one Recreation membership yeah all active civilian employees look active yeah I mean yes okay I mean can we just do a sweeping motion to yeah I mean that's F that's fine I mean there's no you're not an employee if you're not active but that's okay no members because you've got where it says members in the following sentence so all civilian employees of the bur of Rosal Park regardless of Rosal Park residency status shall be eligible for membership with the Rosal Park Department of recreation all the above membership fees shall apply to non-resident civilian employees where would we put active current where it says members uh all current members current members of the Rosal Park Police Department or fire department oh okay so you're saying oh oh oh okay yeah got it okay so non-res so you're talking about for police and fire you want to stipulate active I understand okay yeah especially for I guess it would apply more to the fire department correct gotcha okay so uh if there's a motion it would be amend so we want to amend it so that as it applies to the fire department and police department we want to stipulate they need to be active members in all sections that's right okay Jay is that your motion yes it is you want to just say it out loud I got that Mo okay you got it okay cool second second okay got it okay okay uh yeah roll call yep so roll call on the amendment Council voski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman cerella yeah councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman katel yes 6 the affirmative mayor the amendment is agreed to okay we need to introduce as amended okay Andrew uh oh we do have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2770 by as amended as amended thank you so move second uh all in favor no call the rooll coun yes counc Johnson counc sella y Council Rina yes Council Lions coun Patel yes 6 affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced it's be I was just going to keep I was just going to keep going down the list until I hit it right Joe just kick me into the table next time all right heard that and uh so do I you're good so we move on that's it we cool 27 2771 thanks guys yes mayor ordinance 2771 is ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 2 article 4 section 33 of the code of the burb Rosel Park entitled Board of Health may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2771 for introduction and fix the date for second reading public hearings March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion please call the RO Council Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes counc yes councilwoman Lions councilman Patel yes 6 the affirmative May the ordinance is adopted I mean introduced got it uh okay may I have a motion to take resolution 52-24 from the table for further consideration so move second uh is there any discussion so I think I'll pick this back up where we left oh all all in favor I I um uh is there a motion to may have a motion to approve resolution 52-24 so move second is there any discussion so I think I think where we where we left this Greg I I just would rather this be broader is where we I was about to say can we just remove it until we finish it's it's too much too much we have to work on it some yeah yeah I'm good so so I think the easiest way I mean honestly it's like kind of a kick because I know it's your idea but the easiest way is probably just to vote it down no okay list yeah okay so is there if there's no further discussion Andrew just please call the rooll it's up to you but I think the the Greg's Greg's thought is to kill it and I want to give uh I want to give them the opportunity for uh so Andrew basically reached out to them I want to give the um I'm excuse me I'm sorry Dem is NJ do I want to give them an opportunity uh for when we set up a meeting maybe we could bring these uh discussions up then before I feel like I'm putting the a cart before the uh the horse I think that's a sensible approach if you don't want to if you don't want to um so long story short if we don't want to continue with this Joe you would vote in the negative you could you could also table it in depth however you want it yeah whatever I say look if we're going to do it let's start fresh would be my proposal okay okay Andrew please call the role counc pki no councilman Johnson no councilman sarella no councilman Rina no councilwoman Lions no councilman Patel no six the negative the resolution is defeated one of you guys should have voted yes just to keep it interesting uh okay uh all matters listed with the nasis are considered be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in as normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders Mr clerk please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 6424 is authorizing a $3,000 increase to the Professional Services contract with Consulting and Municipal Engineers CME Associates for professional planning Services associated with a condemnation Redevelopment study of block 608 Lots 1.01 17 18 19 20 2123 2223 and 24.01 of the municipal tax map of the bur Rosal Park commonly known as 107 philipper Street 110 Chestnut Street 1 West Westfield Avenue 5 to9 West Westfield Avenue 11 to 13 West Westfield Avenue 15 West Westfield Avenue 21 West Westfield Avenue 33 West Westfield Avenue 37 to39 West Westfield Avenue along with all streets and rights of way pertinent there too reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $1 5,860 75 resolution 6524 is authorizing a three $3,500 increase to the profession service contract with McManaman Scotland and boundman LLC for redevelopment Council Services associated with the comination Redevelopment study of block 608 slot 1.01 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 and 24.01 of the municipal tax map of the bosal park commonly known as 107 Filbert Street 110 Chestnut Street 1 West Westfield Avenue 5 to9 West West West Westfield Avenue 11 to 13 West Westfield Avenue 15 West Westfield Avenue 21 West Westfield Avenue 33 West Westfield Avenue 37 to 39 West Westfield Avenue along with all streets and rights of way pertinent there too reflecting rice contract amount not to exceed $10,000 res resolution 6624 is authorizing an interlocal agreement with the county of Union for a drug recognition expert call out program resolution 6724 is accepting the resignation of Ryan Urban from the position of class one labor within the Department of Public Works resolution 6824 is authorizing the execution of a lease agreement with the Rosell Park Museum uh I just want to note for everyone that when there is a typo in the resolution um it's supposed to reflect $950 it was corrected prior to the meeting um get it together man but it is but it is correct now you can blame the landlord 6924 is authorizing the burough clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles 7024 is authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Mars County cooperative pricing Council to become a member through September 30th 2026 resolution 7124 is authorizing change order number one to DLS Contracting Inc for the project NJ doot fiscal year 23 improvements to Myrtle Avenue in Doan Street in the amount of a 7,7 $ 77971 decrease to reflect a total contract amount of $431,000 79 after all change orders resolution 7224 is authorizing close out of the contract with DLS Contracting Inc for the project NJ doot fiscal year 24 improvements to Myrtle Avenue and Dalton Street resolution 7324 is authorizing a Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the project Acro Park reconstruction resolution 7424 is authorizing a one-year extension to the contract with Suburban Disposal Inc for recycling collection services in an amount not to exceed $39,600 a colon 11-2 resolution 7524 is authorizing a one-year extension to the shared services agreement between the bur Rosel Park and the township of Union for the Rosal Park Police Department's use of the Union Township firearms training facility resolution 7624 is authorizing the treasur to issue two two checks totaling $3,619 5 payable to two lean holders on three properties and one check totaling $1,500 from the tax collector's premium account resolution 7724 is a resolution approving participation in the new state of New Jersey grant program administered by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General resolution 7824 is authorizing the submission of the 2023 njd recycling tonnage Grant application resolution 7924 is resending resolution number 5624 entitled authorizing a Revis an extended conditional lease of burrow property with Rosell Park wines and spirits for calendar year 2024 resolution 8-24 is authorizing Andrew J casayas to use up to 30 consecutive days of accumulated sick leave and resolution 8124 is accepting the resignation of Dave L Ruth from the position of Captain within the Rosa Park fire department thank you do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda okay I'm going to pull 7924 um there's nothing else may I have a motion to approve approve of the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt resolution 7924 so move second there any discussion uh so Andrew just uh the markings there right now what is it just signage it's just it's placards right yeah so there's no uh yes correct there's signs so the signs have to be removed and we need to number the spots and activate them in the back end of the system okay got it cool so that doesn't seem like a hard thing I would just goes without saying but when we make the move I'll talk to Chief Rea that we probably just need to make sure that there's more active monitoring of that in L of the changes okay uh any other discussion please call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes Council sella yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 affirmative mayor the resolution is adopted easy breezy uh okay let's start with uh councilman Patel we haven't had you in a while welcome back all right um good evening uh first I would like to thank you thank the Union County Republicans for naming me the young Republican of the year last Thursday I attended the finance committee uh to discuss the upcoming budget the Roso Park Environmental commission will be hosting its first repair Cafe on March 23rd at the Cassano Center at 10:00 a.m. if you like to volunteer as a fixer please email the commission at environmental commission at Roso park. lastly if you need any if you need to get in contact with me you can email me at K Rosa park.net thank you thank you councilman councilwoman lons oh okay hi everybody you guys are you guys are fresh back I keep you on your toes all right it's fine um happy Valentine's Day everybody that's what I want to say um okay so February we're already in the middle of it I just wanted to obviously congratulate uh principal lechner she's really amazing and everything that she does for um for Sherman and and the schools and it was just great to see uh councilman Jay and councilman uh Greg what what you guys just really brought to our town so that's that's awesome um and also obviously the uh black business owners uh just congratulate you guys I just love seeing uh our town really have ice cream can't stress that enough ice cream and art makes the town great okay like bring it in um but just congratulations and all support to you all um I just wanted to uh let you guys know this this past month I did um meet with uh Chamber of Commerce Jim Masterson and councilman Jay we definitely want to encourage the business owners in Rosal Park to join uh the the Chamber of Commerce and uh we will be doing that and working together so I'm excited about that um I also want to send out condolences to Mr Ronald Wright he is a um and he he was he just passed away and he was a great citizen here um resident here he was a father to one of my best friends and he passed away last week so just condolences to to their family um I also just want to say that um as principal lechner um mentioned I am going to the schools during this time and it's just awesome to see our children really just love uh what they do and they give out so much just Joy you walk in and and just they're they're they're sweet sweet uh Spirits I went to Aline school and we actually did a kindness craft and we're sending it to some soldiers I'm going to be visiting Robert Gordon and Sherman uh next week and um this yesterday actually there was a senior brunch um for Valentine's Day and they came out with songs comedy the kids were actually doing on liners um and just really talking to the seniors and and it was just great to see but um just want to encourage everybody in town definitely look up what's coming up we have a packed year uh with our events um we actually have a women inspiring women night on March 15th I sent out a save the date it's going to be at Costas we had one last year and it was really awesome so I encourage all the women if you have friends please contact me let me know um and I'll be giving more details as that comes up and also we are doing uh women of the Year again so we are going to post that um soon and it's we're going to be nominating so get your nominations in so we can hear from you if you need to contact me 908 726 8773 or our lions at Rosel park.net thank you councilwoman I'm just going to take a quick pause here I just want to recognize Faith get get up here let's go you're late doesn't mean you get out of it we recognized you before but I just want to come up and give you personally uh a little shout out for house 157 come on up come on up you don't get out of it uh so um uh this is on behalf of the burrow uh hope you uh can display that with pride over in house 157 I'll see you pretty soon next week and uh I just encourage everybody to check out house 157 really awesome mix of food and I don't know if you want to say anything about house 157 real quick um yeah um thank you so much we've been here for a year now and it's really been amazing being in this town I'm from Union um but it's been so welcoming the residents everyone the officials have been so welcoming so I just really appreciate you guys house 15 157 is really what it's called house is a place where everyone should fill at home with the global fusion Cuisines that we offer so I just really want to thank you guys so much for the opportunity to be here and for the world welcome give you a stien for that lost of course happy to have you here rin's assistant exra okay where were we council president thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send condolences out to your land face uh as a council woman uh uh line said Ronald Wright I uh I coached with him myself in the little league and uh um we the gentleman um and also Nita uh hayon which is Keith heyman's mother uh so uh condoles go out to the three of them on February 7th I attended the recreation meeting and basically uh we talked about the uh Easter egg hunt which will be on March 23rd from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock at the library and the rain date is March 24th um there will be Flyers that will be distributed um within the next week or two so I'll look out for the Flyers um on the eth I the budget meeting I want to thank uh councilman Patel councilman signel I want to thank Andrew and I want to thank uh Ken um yeah I think we uh I don't want to thank Ken and we thank the mayor too okay uh but I want uh everything went uh it was uh a good meeting and I we need to cut a little more but hopefully uh K has the magic fingers that'll help us out this year okay um on the 12th I attended the fire department meeting it was postponed from the 5th uh so uh again I was there they gave me the work orders they have there was a few so uh we'll keep in touch with the DPW uh to make sure they get done um today I had the joint uh sewer meeting basically we just uh uh did some purchasing and uh you know getting ready for this year and everything like that so uh if you need to get a hold of me get me at J Petroski rosar park.net 9086664419 anything cool yeah what different things got you know there water things they need to uh drain the water um so we had to buy uh you know stuff for that um and um no like don't want to talk just like that so but basically that's what they're getting ready for the uh the capital they do Capital like every year I'm only I'm only teasing it was a quick meaning minutes I was this one would be quick if I wasn't busting you too councilman Johnson come on we're having fun Here Andrew don't give me that sigh all right good evening mayor council and residents uh I just wanted to thank the families that responded to my private uh to the private uh Rosel Park burrow form hosted by Pete uh picarelli uh to my um informal uh show me your best snowman uh theme uh I must say even though it was informal it's still fun to see the community participate and and see something positive on the Forum rather than something negative so uh please forgive me if I if I don't pronounce the people's names but I wanted to give them recognition because they did take the time to uh comment um and and show their Snowman on my post so um I wanted to give a shout out to the following families that participated um excuse me if I don't pronounce your name right uh I think is uh the Roman family [Applause] uh uh Kar uh is Karina Ferrera Monza that was a cool snowman uh Edward uh what's that Gilbert family Jor he did a chair uh Vanessa De Carlo family uh carela Rivera Pereira family Mark Fernandez family Christina Roman Silva family uh and councilman women's liaison uh excuse me councilwoman's uh neighbor family I wanted to ask you what was their name oh um if you don't know that's fine all right shout out to them kudos to the families on a job well done and taking advantage of the snow you know yeah um for my second announcement I just wanted to let everyone know that the Greg Johnson Civic associate adopted the highway on Westfield AV uh we will be giving out more information we we're going to be looking for um volunteers so if anyone wants to help clean up Route 28 listen uh my family did it by itself last year I could sure use the help I know cat reached out to me so uh we don't have money like ruping so I'm just giving y'all this is real volunteer work uh upcoming uh first W projects Avon and Berwin yes streets sidewalks will be getting done this year finally uh updates to follow we'll be stalking uh Andrew uh sorry and this year uh we're going to um Advocate um hard for a Persian um they were the last of the streets that were the the two uh the two streets you know uh one side getting done and the other side not um so hopefully we'll that Grant will get approved this year um and uh lastly I just wanted to say please remember your voice matters and as first word councel I always place the concerns to the residents within the burough of Rosal Park first if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosal park.net or 908 3031 1519 mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman uh councilman Rin thank you mayor good evening Roso Park my uh report tonight will be brief on February 3rd I attended the New Jersey League of municipalities orientation and reorientation at the metaland it was a legislative overview purchasing budgeting and ethics topics were covered on February 6th as clean communities liaison I visited Sherman school and joined the Union County bureau Recycling and planning for an introduction to recycling to our second graders a big thank you once again to principal lechner uh for all that you do and the staff at Sherman and the students for pledging to recycle also on the six I had a strategies call with our grant writers the O group mayor uh bur administrator Cas to improve our parks in Open Spaces along with a discussion of infrastructure projects to increase health and wellness in our community and those that encourage and enable students from K to 12 to safely walk and bike to school on the 9th I visited Aline school for recycling education thank you to superintendent go for visiting and the second grade teachers at Aline and of course the students who with the questions they asked and the feedback provided uh those questions will be included in the education program for all municipalities that the bureau now visits or the bureau rather visits on the 13th I attended njtpa Regional Transportation advisory committee meeting there was a presentation on the vulnerable user and traffic vehicle counts viewer uh local Safety Action Plan updates and overviews of projects in surrounding regions it was uh we talked about talking about vulnerable Road users between February 5th and February 12th County Traffic management team assisted with traffic counts on West kfax between Locust and Laurel uh we came to find that approximately 4,500 Vehicles use that roadway daily with 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. being Peak usage generally speaking during the week uh traffic study was requested as we seek to slow down speeding in the Fifth Ward and around the burrow as a whole with these results now in hand we will be able to move forward with implementing traffic calming Solutions so we'll keep you posted soon fifth W you know I'm here for you I can be reached that JB at Rosel park.net 862 23619 mayor that concludes my report good report Jay councilman signorella so uh we had a little snow the other night and I guess some folks woke up about with the streets no parking when Road snow covered I've been saying this for years so I'm sure people will not too happy but I guess the interpretation if the road is plowable you shouldn't be parking on the street where it's snow Road covered and there are reasons for that for emergency vehicles to get up and down the street so I hope you uh realize in the future don't park on those streets where it says no parking snow emergency um and I did attend a budget meeting uh last Thursday and we got some work to do and we'll get we'll try to make it happen and uh you know we want to keep the taxes down but we also don't want to lose services so we'll work hard and I know the people in the room will try to make it happen other than that you need to get a hold of me J sarella Rosa park.net at 908 721 6488 that's the end of my report thank you counc uh my report um yeah I mean it's early but I think the taxes are going to be better this year than they were last I'm looking at Ken right it could couldn't couldn't be much worse than it was last year so um I'm actually trying to take a hands-off approach this year um I think uh councilman patas is doing a fantastic job that also means if you have any complaints fellow Council people go directly to the finance chair don't bother me uh um no but uh I do think it's a tough Balancing Act um for those of you who don't know uh we actually part of the reason I think we're actually in a better situation this year is because we do have some additional Revenue coming in um the other thing that we are hampered by is the uh we have a 2% cap every year um you're only allowed to have expenditures increase by 2% each year and as part of that uh we are getting hammered by we reup Our Garbage Contract and recycling contract a couple years those prices increase every year and that eats up our cap therefore we need to make sure that we're careful with what costs that we add um but I think it should be a much better budget year and tax year one way or the other um and I think that's it um mayor Sig at Rosal park.net um and shuffle your sidewalks and if you have any question S I already said my email that concludes my report may have a motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I would anybody like to come up and speak on any subject matter yes only one of us is talking oh okay got it okay hello everybody hi uh conston quantella 432 Walnut superintendent 32 seel Park cax matter it's all good we're speaking as residents um so we think it's great that you for ordinance 2770 that you're offering for recreation I know it's membership wrestling Fitness and training basketball volleyball football tennis the after school program giving that for burrow employ employes or active bur employees um the fire department and police department I think that's awesome um we've had some inquiries for the board of ed for our summer camp just as a resident noticing we can't afford to do that and being as the fire department the police department and the burrow employees are members of this community and the Burrow's employees we are wondering if maybe there was some way that you can make that easier for them and maybe give something for them to help the Board of Ed with our summer camp being as we cannot afford to give a discount to the employees so what would be the concrete proposal there so is it is it I'm asking if it's something that you would consider I don't know what we're asking to be considered is it to help pay for summer camp for the fire department oh got it okay so we would kick in for the okay got it okay I now I understand do you do you have like ballpark numbers of how many people are asking is it like 10 is it 20 is it 30 it's between 10 to 25 and how much is the summer camp well there's an average price I could get you the exact numbers yeah what we have but it would just be something that would be compromisable since the bur is doing something yep if they could assist so that we could do that the same for the our um First Responders that would be I just got done saying how we have no money to spend but well we figur you're doing it for the rack Department Ken how much how much up taking state did the did the board of V get last year what are we talking about over here not enough to so I I'm totally open to it um we do have it's right now it's the budget season so there the right time to ask um what would be great is if you could just give me the rough estimate per kid how much it is and then we could ballpark it out I don't want to overpromise to underd deliver but who's the liaison is it are you the leison the photographer yeah the photographer who's the Board of Ed on okay yeah so can you just send us us a rough cost um and then ballpark how many inquiries you think it is and we'll consider as part of the budget but I think it's a good idea I I really didn't hear I apologize what would you so basically we're the ask is to help us subsidize if you're a fireman right uh to help us we would help subsidize the cost of a kid who's a fireman for summer camp for them is there people employees of the fire department coming and asking yes fire and police yes also for clarity you know if we could discuss and come to I I I just I I want to be I just want to set expectations right like we're talking about we're probably over our budget right now by like $80,000 right so like every thousand like we're talking about like cutting $1,000 dollar here and $1,000 dollar there from casano Center events right um Ruben's getting mad because we're going to have less inflatable stuff right like it's getting tight um no so slide right no I would have loved to have it but budget tight um so again I I just I think it's something for the finance committee to consider but if you can give us a rough number to to Ballpark that be the starting point for for clarity uh the the um the the ordinance that we just passed it it didn't give them a discount they have to at Cost pay the same thing as the resident I think what they're saying is no no we can still help I just wanted to make that clear that it wasn't a discount what what they're saying though is we do we do give it for free for police and police and fire so what they're saying is to to extend that could we could extend that you guys can't talk anymore unfortunately but but uh we we would basically do a virtual free extension of that by the burrow covering the cost for the summer camp is that that's the proposal yeah we just need to know what numbers we're talking about I'll over tomorrow cool all right thank you jeez we got to buy a building for you we got to send you money like I I this is ridiculous okay uh anybody else Dr Kirkland somebody else who I can grill for Board of Ed Money Any Other Board of Ed members want to come over cry poverty over here hello Dr Britney Kirkland 222 East westfi Avenue Rosel Park um I specifically wanted to talk about the updates to the peters's license application and I just want to double check two things so for one I noticed that you're asking for like the home address of the applicant for date of birth social security number but I just just out of curiosity why that and not like their actual licensing information for their business I'll defer to the ba for the for the pedler yeah the because the license is issued to them individually no I mean like their business license like you're not asking for like the company name or EIN number or anything like that it doesn't really matter to us oh so it's just the person themselves okay cuz just want to the other reason that I'm asking is because like the way that the application is now on the website it also asks for like physical description as far as like height weight hair color complexion all changed okay the whole application will be changed okay yeah great it's very old and bad application I just wanted to make sure that it'll be completely overhauled I mean and if it's not if it doesn't work when we do it we'll we'll we'll change it again we're trying to the the purpose is just to try to streamline some of this yes to get it so that it's better for everybody because I mean even in my position at Burl Hall when I see people coming back two three and four times for the same thing I start to question why you're coming back not that I don't like to see everybody but like two three and four times for the same thing it's it seems very frustrating for you um so if we can get you only come in maybe once is the goal but twice is probably like The Sweet Spot of what we can achieve that's that's the thought yeah and in terms of the EIN number for the business it doesn't matter to us because we're not paying you if you were if we were paying you as a vendor of hours it'd be a little different but if you're saying that you have a gainful business that you're operating if it's a health related business right if it's a food business the board of health is going to vet that separately um it's not so much our business of whether or not like if you you pay your taxes to the state and the federal government is your business as long as you're if you're operating in town we only care that we know who's operating in town I gotcha okay and then my other question was around the fees so it's just one fee the $50 right correct is what it's being adjusted to yeah okay yeah for the pet for the um if I'm not mistaken The Peddler so there's there's two different ones there's Peddler and canvas M I think um oh it's still canvas yeah so a canvas would be somebody going door too so selling a lot of people like you see a lot for solar panels or Energy Efficiency they canvas door too and then pedler license would be if you have um you know if you see somebody selling pretzels right or they're selling something like a craft right like that's a p all non food items correct yeah right so like at our Winter Market those are all Peddlers okay and so is it but I think my question is is it still the same application for all of them or it will be it will be one merged application oh it will be okay it'll be it'll be what's applicable to you right so if you're a canvas going door too you'd fill out the canvas portion or there would be certain portions that are applicable to Canvas we haven't designed the form yet um and then for pedler it would be separate information similar but separate information right a a peddler would have potentially a vehicle they're using or a cart or something somebody going door to door it's just them in a clipboard we just want to identify who it is going door to door if somebody calls says hey somebody's trying to sell me something yep they have license number 0124 right okay sounds good and if you have any other questions just call I'm happy to talk to you however we'll figure it out together you might regret saying that I'd rather it now than two minutes before juneth see you you see where I'm going do do it now anybody else y hi Lucy Figaro 33 sharan Avenue yes so usually people come up and complain right yeah I'm coming up to say thank you about the garbage you know people are taking it the wrong way I mean they want two days I mean two what was it that's twice a yeah twice a year well now it's three items per month and if you have a great neighbor that lets you put theirs you got 70 you supposed to say that out loud I'm just saying I'm not doing it take it easy so I want to say thank you that was really nice and very impressive that you can pull that off feeling positive on a Thursday night thank you Lucy oh okay here we go couldn't just let Lucy end it all right thanks sorry she went up before me Cindy Mayo 433 Walnut um so that's actually not positive or negative I'm just curious about the parking lot that's behind I don't know what the name of that parking lot is behind the liquor store uh that large parking lot yeah so the big yeah that the big one not the not by the Gazebo so there's one working meter that works sometimes I mean I've been lucky enough I haven't gotten a ticket but you know you go to the if you park near Williams Street that meter doesn't work at all yep the one in the front works sometimes and I think the one on Charles Street if it's even there yeah doesn't work yeah I'm just curious what the plan is for that if they're going to be fixed working because how can you keep giving tickets out to people if I mean for a while in fact I thought they were all not working yep and then somebody was like did pay I'm like pay where they're not working so two things um I I I'm also frustrated um but I'll come back to that the other option you have is you could download the flowbird app um there's an app for it okay got it all right fair enough sorry too many apps in my pH all right fair enough um but you can do that just for anybody who's watching who has more space on their phone um I believe we're doing the meters on Street this year as like the finalization of the sidewalk there and everything I believe they'll be getting fixed as part of that Andrew correct me if I'm wrong that is correct there's 12 meters going on Street on Chestnut Westfield Avenue and those two meters are going to be replaced so we know that they're not working we it's annoying and it's overdue but one shot one kill versus having them come twice so maybe just like a sign on the one on Williams Street CU I mean people that pull in there might not even know there's another one I know sometimes I forget to go that way but yeah you know just a sign you know working meter that way something you're not giving tickets to people that just don't know yeah we can put something up temporarily thank you that wasn't terrible not too terrible mentally preparing myself for Speed bumps next time I already said yes stop all right anybody else I said I put it on the record now too it's officially recorded okay um may have motion to adjourn oh have motion CL public portion on any subject matter I have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I no items for Clos session may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor good meeting everybody easy peasy --------- I need Bo okay we time yeah whenever you're ready okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the uh New Jersey open public meetings act annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local Source New York Star Ledger said notice was Post in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the bur clerk fire EXs are located in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for fire please move at a Comm orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper notice haven't been given the burough clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the RO councilman patoski here councilman Johnson president councilman sella here councilman Rina here councilwoman Lions here counc Patel here mayor signorella here all present mayor uh please leas opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help in all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen IED algi to the of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all uh okay so we have a couple proclamations uh let's start off with the certificate of recognition for Miss lechner principal Sherman Elementary School for the 2023 safe route School easy ride program initiatives come on up it's all right you can come up hi uh okay so uh I you guys are all probably better versed on this than me I don't know if Jay or Greg or Joe P wants to talk on this a little bit I'll be no no um thank you uh excuse me thank you all for attending uh uh me Jay and um also uh Joe P we reached out to the mayor um we wanted to honor uh principal lechner for Sherman Elementary School last year 2023 uh she partnered with uh easy ride and the burrow and and came up with an assembly uh program that helped uh Sherman to ascertained the rank of silver according to uh New Jersey safe routes to school and so we I would be remiss and I think the burrow uh feels the same way as I do uh they would be remiss if we didn't honor her for that uh I believe that Sherman was the only one that received that recognition from Rosel Park and I think it's uh commendable and I truly appreciate your assistance with making this done and complimenting the the sidewalks and the um crosswalks that we put around the location so let's give a hand to principal I don't know if anybody else want no I'm good Miss leer anything you want to say I'm sure yes good evening I just wanted to take a minute to thank mayor signarello and the entire Council um I would be remiss if I didn't thank councilman Johnson and councilman reben for bringing the safe walks um to my attention and all of the administrator in Rosel Park are um on board and applying this year for the um safe walks of school um but I also wanted to make a note that um there's other grants that the county offers and um both council members have um brought the information to our our administrative team in Rosell Park so um we've done the garden um the planting and also the recycling which our second grade um teachers across the district in all three elementary schools are part of so um it's just really we're very lucky to have uh such a commitment between the council and the schools and um we really appreciate all that you bring for us and our our children I'd also like to thank Miss goise for all of her support to make these programs um happen for our our students and anything that we need to support these programs she backs us 100% And of course the Sherman staff who um is so devoted to their students and um making these programs work and they volunteer to help run these programs um yesterday I had three teachers apply for the planting program again so I just wanted to thank you all and um also councilman Lions um spends a lot of time at our schools and um reads to our students comes to see all of our preschools across the district so um it's just such a nice um you know connection between Council and the school district so thank you all for your support gra a picture you mind taking a picture you're all superintendent plus official photographer you're for another reason oh take off you got use [Laughter] the thanks have a meeting yes of course yeah yeah serving you're serving this is uh I want to so two two things tonight so first off I um uh we declared in Rosal Park uh uh black small business month uh there actually is a black business month already it's in August uh but we made it black small business month in Rosell park for February we did our own little flavor there um so I just thought it was it's really important for me we have had such a strong revitalization um of our downtown T section and there's more to come uh happy to see dings getting rebuilt happy to see a lot of empty stores getting filled and it's been through the efforts of a lot of entrepreneurs that we have here um so I think we have a couple folks uh we don't have everybody I'll deliver the proclamations perfect uh to them afterwards uh but I want to first off represent a couple good friends of mine from the park ice cream Co you guys want to come up Round of Applause I have been getting yelled at since I got elected that need an ice cream place so I say this over and over again I want to thank you guys for giving me a damn ice cream place where are you guys over here um and I believe we have a representative from rxo you want to come over here man thank you so much for being here uh lovely paint and por shop little bow and uh I I know Faith was trying to make it and we have Daphne Loren events I just want to give them a shout out too uh so we have house 157 which I'm actually doing a uh an event at this week and dapan luren events I'm not getting married anytime soon so I probably won't be doing an event there uh but I want to just give them a round of applause and a shout out too and uh lastly it's a little impromptu but I want to invite up uh Dr Charles for um he is not a Rosal Park business owner a small business owner nonetheless but has been very helpful to the community in supporting our diversity inclusion committee uh and also I think a little bit inspirational for Rosa Park Ice Cream just a little bit I see some commonality between the two I'm not going to say you know but uh yeah so big round of applause for all these guys um Greg I don't know if you wanted to add anything I'll speak um Dr Charles um basically helped us out last year um we raised um he helped us not only raised money but also donated all the proceeds to the dni where we were able to do events like uh juneth uh uh pride and uh several other uh come on in here Chris and several other uh um Endeavors and uh so we truly appreciate him with that Chris you want you as the chair chair it was thr me on um and I was prepared this time a little bit so um I want to read a quote uh for Black History Month first it's by Martin Luther King if you can't fly then run if you can't run then walk if you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward and basically that's that's I always uh preach that to the kids too whatever you want to do do not let anybody say no to you if you want to really do something you work hard for it and it'll happen don't give up any of your goals for anybody else thank you you want to come up and talk a little bit about rxo real quick how you guys doing I'm Isaiah I'm one of the representatives of rxo Studios cat she is not here that is my business partner we are both from Detroit Michigan Make some noise for Detroit we are still heartbroken by the Lions losing it's been a rough couple of weeks but anyways yeah the p they suck but uh not going to be too long we are right over there on 21 East Westfield Avenue um whenever you guys want to have some fun come and join us um we do paint um parties we do them for for children as well we doing for adults uh we just uh we during uh Co after covid we kind of we just only doing uh private events but now we're open to the public so we have events open where you guys guys can come and join us um check out our website um we just enjoy being in Rosel Park um bringing people over to the community a lot of people are like I never heard of Rosel Park until I heard of you guys you know vice versa me and my me and Cat knew nothing about Rosel Park before we started the business here but Rosel park has been great to us and um we just are excited to just cons continue to see the city grow as well being a part of that revitalization thank you I mean if you want to open up an urban cone here we're open to that we can have two ice cre Chris um marrier man uh the urban cone go hand inand with diversity and inclusion committee our mission statement is uniting the culture and overcoming societal obstacles one cone at a time I'm in law enforcement of 11 years and the urban cone started so that we could bridge the gap from law enforcement to the community me along with my lady Britney Kirkland she helped me curate the company helped me grow it to like take it to these Heights that I am now opening up a location in Garwood have one in Scotch planes have a fleet of trucks and I have Partnerships with Royal Caribbean Crews and everything so it was only right that I helped my lady back with Park Ice Cream [Applause] cure I'm get the midle I'm definit thanks guys thanks for [Applause] coming all right you guys if you it's going to get boring from here so you don't have to stick around I'm just letting you know um but thank you for all for being here uh okay uh may I have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I I uh may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I wishing to come speak may do so now you look handsome thank you thank you I feel very feel very you know it's important I'm seeing no one we have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor hi uh okay departments will report at the next meeting may have a motion to report the accepted departments as submitted so move second all in favor all right okay Andrew please read ordinance number 2765 by title yes mayor ordinance 2765 is an ordinance for second reading and public Hearing in ordinance amending chapter 10 section 4 subsection two of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled Community Center fees enumerated may have motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2765 so move second all in favor I I uh anybody want to come speak on this ordinance I am seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2765 some move second all in favor I may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2765 so Mo second uh is there any discussion please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signorella yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted it's nice having full deck back riding empty for a while uh okay please read ordance number 276 6 by title yes mayor ordinance 2766 is an ordinance for second reading uh an ordinance amend an ordinance amending chapter 2 Article 1 Section one subsection three of the code of the burough rosol Park entitled ordinances and resolutions may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2766 don't move second all in favor I I who be like to come up and speak on this ordinance Conant are you just moving seats or you actually want to talk on this ordinance okay got it it's a pump fake I'm seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public hearing on ordance number 2766 so move second all in favor I uh okay may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2766 so move second is there any discussion yeah may I just wanted to say uh the purpose of this was just a just to help out with transparency uh couple years back uh I recall a couple of residents coming up and uh requesting this and it just made sense to do y anybody else thank you councilman uh uh may have motion to adopt ordinance number 276 oh uh call the RO Council pki yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes Council Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six H the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted so many ordinances for introduction okay uh please read ordinance Su 2767 by title yes mayor ordinance 2767 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the B Rosal Park entitled traffic repealing section 44 entitled business only parking may have MO to approve ordinance number 2767 for introduction and fix a date for reading and public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion please call the roll councilman patoski yes Council Johnson yes councilman cigarello yes councilman Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2768 by title yes mayor ordinance 2768 is an ordinance for introduction an ordinance amending chapter 7 section 43 of the code code of the bur rosol Park entitled combat wounded Purple Heart parking uh may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2768 for introduction fix the date for second reading in public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion I just have a I was going to say I one too yeah uh so first off I think it's a great idea councilman appreciate the uh proposal um so where do we land with this I haven't looked at the details so is this replacing the purple hearts or supplementing that's what that's what I wanted to that's what I wanted to discuss um when I was talking um over with uh Andrew uh I was a bit apprehensive with um changing the name of it because um I think uh councilman will for har his heart was in the in the right place but I just feel like with the parking conditions that so and and I hate to see like only just like we onlya have like one Purple Heart people this is just better off served if we open it up to the veteran population in general and so I wanted to also make an amendment to the to the name I know I'm sorry Andrew don't me uh but yeah I I was a bit apprehensive like I said but it just makes sense to to open it up and then change the name to reflect uh Union counties so it can make sense so we're changing it wholesale to combat wounded or no we removed combat wounded and put either just veterans parking or put veteran SL Purple Heart parking uh I I me uh after thinking about it I I think just veteran parking would just make sense uh unless we just want to keep one of the ones directly just for a Purple Heart can you guys educate me so the the county program is that for all veterans or just combat for all veterans okay got it okay yeah and so it just opens up the parking population so I I would say just unless there's a legal issue with this I mean the all-encompassing super thing is veteran right yeah I mean if you want to put veteran SL purple heart I think that could make sense to call should I'm open I think that's cleaner that's how it's written okay perfect that's how it's written already well well not the for the title of the ordinance right but the title is amending that's what it's called now yeah so in the text of the ordinance you'll see so the section one of the ordinance is amendment to section title so the section title would be it would be amended from combat wounded Purple Heart parking and it will just read once the code is amended it'll say veterans parking oh perfect okay I thought I thought we stood by on that thank you no that's even better and how many just just for my edification this is one spot here and two where what's the breakdown of numbers again one at one at Burrow Hall yeah uh two at the Gazebo parking lot yep and two at the library okay got it and then final thing just again maybe just for clarification for anybody who's watching but also for my Ed uh education what what exactly so just the county does a registration for this is like placard or something you have to register with the county they they give you a Placer you just submit your DD214 Etc and then they just they they they basically run so we actually save with the Labor uh there's nothing for us to do actually just they get our cops can exactly exactly yeah yeah great idea okay any further discussion uh please call the rooll Andrew councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes Council Robina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay please read ordinance number 2769 by title yes mayor ordinance 27 69 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance meing amending chapter 4 section 10 of the quote of the bur Rosal Park entitled pedalers canvassers transient merchants and artists uh okay may I have a motion to approve ordinance number 2769 for introduction and fix the date for second reading in public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion I just Andrew can you just take me through the changes here I just I haven't followed the I lost sure so um there's several changes um two of the largest structural changes are we're eliminating uh licensing or permitting requirements for transient merchants and artists that's not to say that we're not allowing transient merchants or artists it just means we won't have them required to get a permit uh we've never issued an artist permit I think it was kind of born out of when the town started to do the Arts Festival though they would fall under the PED requirements anyway so it's kind of a duplicative thing that was never really used in town um transient Merchants um already kind of go through the ringer for lack of a better word typically they're food trucks so they need to be licensed by the Board of Health and they need to be licensed by the Motor Vehicle Commission so to have a tertiary license doesn't really make a lot of sense y um and to have that eliminated from the from the code even though it would impact Revenue would be very very minimal um the other thing that this does is um it changes some of the application requirements kind of modernizing it I think when councilman Johnson and I looked at this some of the requirements were written in the 30s um so uh that's a that's a large change to make things a little bit more streamlined across the board when you look at some other requirements in other towns um and I I think the fourth thing uh I'm probably not capturing every single thing um but it recognizes um the state uh uh law and and and permissions for uh veterans uh honorably Char honorably discharged veterans are allowed to um gain a peder's license throughout the state of New Jersey uh at no cost um so that recognizes it if they present that license that's I think it's actually processed through the county so if they present that as part of the application they'll be exempt from the fees they'll still need to get a license locally but they just don't have to they don't have to um pay the fees that we charge okay cool any further discussion call the rooll councilman pataski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman Cella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six V the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2770 by title yes mayor ordinance 2770 is an ordinance for introduction an ordin ordinance amending chapter 10 section 4 subsection 4.1 of the code of the burb Rosell Park entitled Recreation fees enumerated may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2770 for introduction and fix a date for second reading and public hearing as March 7th 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion so this is just this would be allowing uh our after school programs and other programs basically available to burrow employees is the change is that correct correct okay got it and they still have to pay the fees it's just becomes available to them unless you're a firefighter or police officer yes you have to pay the fees got it and this is not I just want to clarify because I've heard some of the other Council asking this this is not like a a lifetime thing right I would imagine this is as long as you are a active Rec right okay got it okay and we're not covering Transportation okay got it okay cool can we make sure that we have active and current in there just to avoid any confusion I agree you can I mean we would never we would never process somebody who's inactive it's impossible by I me we could do whatever you guys want but I mean if it makes you guys feel better um I don't know where I I have where's the wording where you where would you add it it's Recreation fees uh all civilian employees the bur of Ros I mean so basically the The Proposal the motion would be all active civilian employees at the burough of Rosal Park is that the proposal yes okay do I have a motion I just need to I need to see where you're talking about so it' be under Recreation section one Recreation membership yeah all active civilian employees look active yeah I mean yes okay I mean can we just do a sweeping motion to yeah I mean that's F that's fine I mean there's no you're not an employee if you're not active but that's okay no members because you've got where it says members in the following sentence so all civilian employees of B Rosal Park regardless of Rosal Park residency status shall be eligible for membership with the Rosal Park Department of recreation all the above membership fees shall apply to non-resident civilian employees where would we put active current where it says members uh all current members current members of the Rosal Park Police Department or fire department oh okay so you're saying oh oh oh okay yeah got it okay so non-res so you're talking about for police and fire you want to stipulate active I understand okay yeah especially for I guess it would apply more to the fire department correct gotcha okay so uh if there's a motion it would be amend so we want to amend it so that as it applies to the fire department and police department we want to stipulate they need to be active members in all sections that's right okay Jay is that your motion yes it is you want to just say it out loud I got that okay you got it okay okay got it okay okay uh yeah roll call yep so roll call on the amendment councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yeah councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes Council Patel yes 6 the affirmative mayor the amendment is agreed to okay we need to introduce as amended okay Andrew uh oh we do have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2770 by as amended as amended thank you so move second uh all in favor no call the rooll counc discuss yes counc Johnson counc sella y Council Rina yes Council Lian coun Patel yes 6os the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced it's going I was just going to keep go I was just going to keep going down the list until I hit it right Joe just kick me into the table next time all right heard that answer uh so do I you're good so we move on that's it we're cool 27 2771 thanks guys yes mayor ordinance 2771 an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 2 article 4 section 33 of the code of the burb Rosal Park entitled Board of Health may have a motion to approve ordinance number 2771 for introduction and fix the date for second reading public hearings March 7th 2024 so move second is there any discussion please call the role Council patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes Council Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six affirmative May the ordinance is adopted I mean introduced got it uh okay may I have a motion to take resolution 52-24 from the table for further consideration so move second uh is there any discussion so I think I'll pick this back up where we left oh all all in favor hi hi um uh is there a motion to may have a motion to approve resolution 52-24 so move second is there any discussion so I think I think where we where we left this Greg I I just would rather this be broader is where we where yeah I was about to say can we just remove it until we finish it's it's too much too much we have to work on it some yeah yeah I'm good so so I think the easiest way I mean honestly it's like kind of a kick because I know it's your idea but the easiest way is probably just to vote it down no okay let's do yeah okay so is there if there's no further discussion Andrew just please call the role it's up to you but I think the the Greg's Greg's thought is to kill it and I want I want to give uh I want to give them the opportunity for uh so Andrew basically reached out to them I want to give the um excuse me I'm sorry Dem NJ do I want to give them an opportunity uh for when we set up a meeting maybe we could bring these uh discussions up then before I feel like I'm putting the a cart before uh the horse I think that's a sensible approach if you don't want to if you don't want to um so long story short if we don't want to continue with this Joe you would vote in the ne you could you could also table it inde definitely but however you want it yeah whatever I say look if we're going to do it let's start fresh would be my proposal okay okay Andrew please call the role councilman troski no councilman Johnson no councilman Cella no councilman Rina no councilwoman Lions no councilman Patel no six the negative the resolution is defeated one of you guys should have voted yes just to keep it interesting uh okay uh all matters listed with the nasar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in as normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders Mr clerk please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 6424 is authorizing a $3,000 increase to the Professional Services contract with Consulting and Municipal engineer CME Associates for professional planning Services associated with a condemnation Redevelopment study of block 608 Lots 1.01 1718 19 20 21 23 22 23 and 24.01 of the municipal tax map of the bur Rosal Park commonly known as 107 philipper Street 110 Chestnut Street 1 West Westfield Avenue 5 to9 West Westfield Avenue 11 to 13 West Westfield Avenue 15 West Westfield Avenue 21 West Westfield Avenue 33 West Westfield Avenue 37 to 39 West Westfield Avenue along with all streets and rights of way pertinent there to reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $1,867 resolution 6524 is authorizing a three $3,500 increase to the professional service contract with McManaman Scotland and Balman LLC for redevelopment Council Services associated with the comination Redevelopment study of block 608 slot 1.01 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 and 24.01 of the municipal tax map of the bosel park commonly known as 107 Filbert Street 110 Chestnut Street 1 West Westfield Avenue 5 to9 West West West Westfield Avenue 11 to 13 West Westfield Avenue 15 West Westfield Avenue 21 West Westfield Avenue 33 West Westfield Avenue 37 to 39 West Westfield Avenue along with all streets and right of away permanent there too reflecting RIS contract amount not to exceed $10,000 res resolution 6624 is authorizing an interlocal agreement with the county of Union for a drug recognition expert call out program resolution 6724 is accepting the resignation of Ryan Urban from the position of class one labor within the Department of Public Works resolution 6824 is authorizing the execution of a lease agreement with the Rosel Park Museum uh I just want to note for everyone that when there is a typo in the resolution um it's supposed to reflect $950 it was corrected prior to the meeting um get it together man but it is but it is correct now you can blame the landlord 6924 is authorizing the burrow clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles 7024 is authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Mars County cooperative pricing Council to become a member through September 30th 2026 resolution 71 24 is authorizing change order number one to DLS Contracting Inc for the project NJ do fiscal year 23 improvements to Myrtle Avenue in D Street in the amount of a $ 7,779 71 decrease to reflect a total contract amount of $431,000 79 after all change orders resolution 7224 is authorizing close out of the contract with DLS Contracting Inc for the project NJ do fiscal year 24 improvements to Myrtle Avenue and Dalton Street resolution 7324 is authorizing a Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the project acur Park reconstruction resolution 7424 is authorizing a one-year extension to the contract with Suburban Disposal Inc for recycling collection services in an amount not to exceeded $ 39,6 65 pursuant to the index rate defined in njsa uh 40a 11-2 resolution 7524 is authorizing a one-year extension to the shared services agreement between the bur Rosel Park and the township of Union for the Rosal Park police dep Department use of the Union Township firearms training facility resolution 7624 is authorizing the treasur to issue two two checks totaling $3,619 payable to two lean holders on three properties and one check totaling $1,500 from the tax collector's premium account resolution 7724 is a resolution approving participation in the new state of New Jersey grant program administered by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General resolution 7824 is authorizing the submission of the 2023 njd recycling tonnage Grant application resolution 7924 is resending resolution number 5624 entitled authorizing a revised and extended conditional lease of burrow property with Rosel Park wines and spirits for calendar year 2024 resolution 8-24 is authorizing Andrew J casayas to use up to 30 consecutive days of accumulated sick leave and resolution 8124 is accepting the resignation of Dave L Ruth from the position of Captain within the Rosa Park fire department thank you do any members wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda okay I'm going to pull 7924 um there's nothing else may I have a motion to approve of the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I may I have a motion to adopt resolution 7924 some move second there any discussion uh so Andrew just uh the markings there right now is it just signage it's just it's placards right yeah so there's no uh yes correct there's sign signs so the signs have to be removed and we need to number the spots and activate them in the back end of the system okay got it cool so that doesn't seem like a hard thing I would just goes without saying but when we make the move I'll talk to Chief Rea that we probably just need to make sure that there's more active monitoring of that in Li of the changes okay uh any other discussion please call the r Council patoski yes councilman Johnson yes Council sella yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 61 the affirmative mayor the resolution is adoped easy breezy uh okay let's start with uh councilman Patel we haven't had you in a while welcome back all right um good evening uh first I would like to thank you thank the Union County Republicans for naming me the young Republican of the year last Thursday I attended the finance committee uh to discuss the upcoming budget the Roso Park Environmental commission will be hosting its first repair Cafe on March 23rd at the Cassano Center at 10:00 a.m. if You' like to volunteer as a fixer please email the commission at environmental commission at Roso park.net lastly if you need any if you need to get in contact with me you can email me at cap Roso park.net thank you thank you councilman councilwoman Lions oh okay hi everybody you guys are you guys are fresh back I keep you on your toes all right it's fine um happy Valentine's Day everybody that's what I want to say um okay so February we're already in the middle of it I just wanted to obviously congratulate uh principal lechner she's really amazing and everything that she does for um for Sherman and and the schools and it was just great to see uh councilman Jay and councilman uh Greg what what you guys just really brought to our town so that's that's awesome um and also obviously the uh black business owners uh just congratulate you guys I just love seeing uh our town really have ice cream can't stress that enough ice cream and art makes the town great okay like bring it in um but just congratulations and all support to you all um I just wanted to uh let you guys know this this past month I did um meet with uh Chamber of Commerce Jim Masterson and councilman Jay we definitely want to encourage the business owners in Rosal Park to join uh the the Chamber of Commerce and uh we will be doing that and working together so I'm excited about that um I also want to send out condolences to Mr Ronald Wright he is a um and he he was he just passed away and he was a great citizen here um resident here he was a father to one of my best friends and he passed away last week so just condolences to to their family um I also just want to say that um as principal lechner um mentioned I am going to the schools during this time and it's just awesome to see our children really just love uh what they do and they give out so much just Joy you walk in and and just they're they're they're sweet sweet uh Spirits I went to Aline school and we actually did a kindness craft and we're sending it to some soldiers I'm going to be visiting Robert Gordon and Sherman uh next week and um this yesterday actually there was a senior br um for Valentine's Day and they came out with songs comedy the kids were actually doing onliners um and just really talking to the seniors and and it was just great to see but um just want to encourage everybody in town definitely look up what's coming up we have a packed year uh with our events um we actually have a women inspiring women night on March 15th I sent out a save the date it's going to be at pastas we had one last year and it was really awesome so I encourage all the women if you have friends please contact me let me know um and I'll be giving more details as that comes up and also we are doing uh women of the Year again so we are going to post that um soon and it's we're going to be nominating so get your nominations in so we can hear from you if you need to contact me 908 72687 73 or our lines at Rosal park.net thank you councilwoman I'm just going to take a quick pause here I just want to recognize Faith get get up here let's go you're late doesn't mean you get out of it we recognized you before but I just want to come up and give you personally uh a little shout out for house 157 come on up come on up you don't get out of it uh so um uh this is on behalf of the burrow uh hope you uh can display that with pride over in house 157 I'll see you pretty soon next week and uh I just encourage everybody to check out house 157 really awesome mix of food and I don't know if you want to say anything about house 157 real quick um yes um thank you so much we've been here for a year now and it's really been amazing being in this town I'm from Union um but it's been so welcoming the residents everyone the officials have been so welcoming so I just really appreciate you guys house 57 is really what it's called house it's a place where everyone should fill at home with the global fusion Cuisines that we offer so I just really want to thank you guys so much for the opportunity to be here and for the world [Applause] welcome give you a stien for that lost of course happy to have you guys rin's assistant no [Applause] extra okay where were we council president thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send condolences out to youra face uh as a council women uh uh line said Ronald Wright I uh I coached with him myself in the little league and uh um we gentleman um and also Nita uh Haymon which is Keith heyman's mother uh so uh condones go out to the three of them on February 7th I attended the rec recation meeting and basically uh we talked about the uh Easter egg hunt which will be on March 23rd from 10:00 to 12:00 at the library and the rain date is March 24th um there will be Flyers that will be distributed um within the next week or two so I'll look out for the Flyers um on the 8th I the budget meeting I want to thank uh councilman Patel councilman signel I want to thank Andrew and I want to thank uh Ken um yeah I think we uh I don't want to thank Ken and we thank the mayor too okay uh but I want uh everything went uh it was uh a good meeting and I we need to cut a little more but hopefully uh Ken has the magic fingers that'll help us out this year okay um on the 12th I attended the fire department meeting it was postponed from the 5th uh so uh again I was there they gave me the work orders they have there was a few so uh we'll keep in touch with the DPW uh to make sure they get done um today I had the joint uh sewer meeting basically we just uh uh did some purchasing and uh you know getting ready for this year and everything like that so uh if you need to get a hold of me get me at J Petroski rosar park.net 9086664419 821 that's my report mayor thank you did you guys purchase anything cool huh did you purchase anything interesting what did did the the joint joint meeting did you guys purchase anything cool yeah what different things you know there was water uh things they need to uh drain the water um so we had to buy uh you know stuff for that um and um you know like it's we don't want to talk just I know yeah like that so but that basically that's what they're getting ready for the capital they do Capital like every year I'm only I'm only teasing it was a quick meeting for 25 minutes I was this one would be quick if I wasn't busting you too councilman Johnson come on we're having fun Here Andrew don't give me that sigh all right good evening mayor council and residents um I just wanted to thank the families that responded to my private uh to the private uh Rosel Park burrow form hosted by Pete uh picarelli uh to my um informal uh show me your best snowman uh theme uh I must say even though it was informal it's still fun to see the community participate and and see something positive on the Forum rather than something negative so uh please forgive me if I if I don't pronounce the people's names but I wanted to give them recognition because they did take the time to uh comment um and and show their snowmans on my post so um I wanted to give a shout out to the following families that participated um excuse me if I don't pronounce your name right uh I think it's uh the Roman family [Applause] uh uh Kar uh is Karina Ferrera Monza that was a cool Snowman uh Edward uh what's that Gilbert family Jr he did a chair uh Vanessa De Carlo family uh Cara Rivera Pereira family Mark Fernandez family Christina Roman Silva family uh and councilman woman's liaison uh excuse me councilwoman's uh neighbor family I wanted to ask you what was their name oh if you don't know that's fine all right shout out to them kudos to the families on a job well done and taken advantage of the snow you know um for my second announcement I just wanted to let everyone know that the Greg Johnson civic association adopted the highway on Westfield AV uh we will be giving out more information we're we're going to be looking for um volunteers so if anyone wants to help clean up Route 28 listen uh my family did it by itself last year I could sure use the help I know cat reached out to me so uh we don't have money like ruping so I'm just giving y'all this is real volunteer work uh upcoming uh first W projects Avon and Berwin yes Street sidewalks we'll be getting done this year finally uh updates to follow we'll be stalking uh Andrew uh sorry and this year um we're going to um Advocate um hard for a Persian um they were the last of the streets that were the the two uh the two streets you know uh one side getting done and the other side not um so hopefully we'll that Grant get approved this year um and uh lastly I just wanted to say please remember your voice matters and as first word councel I will always place the concerns to the residents within the burough of Rosel Park first if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosal park.net or 908 3031 1519 mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman uh councilman Rina thank you mayor good evening Roso Park my uh report tonight will be brief on February 3rd I attended the New Jersey League of municipalities orientation and reorientation at the mands it was a legislative overview purchasing budgeting and ethics topics were covered on February 6th as clean communities liaison I visited Sherman school and joined the Union County bureau Recycling and planning for an introduction to recycling to our second graders a big thank you once again to principal lechner uh for all that you do and the staff at Sherman and the students for pledging to recycle also on the six I had a strategies call with our grant writers the Elber group mayor uh bur administrator casayas to improve our parks in Open Spaces along with a discussion of infrastructure projects to increase health and wellness in our community and those that encourage and enable students from K to 12 to safely walk and bike to school on the 9th I visited Aline school for recycling education thank you to superintendent go for visiting and the second grade teachers at Aline and of course the students who with the questions they asked and the feedback provided uh those questions will be included in the education program for all municipalities that the buau now visits or the bureau rather visits on the 13th I attended njtpa Regional Transportation advisory committee meeting there was a presentation on the vulnerable user and traffic vehicle CS viewer uh local Safety Action Plan updates and overviews of projects in surrounding regions there was uh we talked about talking about vulnerable Road users between February 5th and February 12th County Traffic management team assisted with traffic counts on West kfax between local and Laurel uh we came to find that approximately 4,500 Vehicles use that roadway daily with 7: a.m. and 300 p.m. being Peak usage generally speaking during the week uh traffic study was requested as we seek to slow down speeding in the Fifth Ward and around the burrow as a whole with these results now in hand we will be able to move forward with implementing traffic calming Solutions so we'll keep you posted soon fifth word you know I'm here for you I can be reached at jrb Rosel park.net 862 23619 mayor that concludes my report good report Jay councilman signorella so uh we had a little snow the other night and I guess some folks woke up about what the streets no parking when Road snow covered I've been saying this for years so I'm sure people will not too happy but I guess the interpretation if the road is plowable you shouldn't be parking on a street where it's snow Road covered and there are reasons for that for emergency vehicles will get up and down the streets so I hope you uh realize in the future don't park on those streets where it says no parking snow emergency um and I did attend a budget meeting uh last Thursday and we got some work to do and we'll get do we'll try to make it happen and uh you know we want to keep the taxes down but we also don't want to lose services so we'll work hard and I know the people in the room will try to make it happen other than that you need to get a hold of me J signell Rosa park.net at 908 721 6488 that's the end of my report thank you councilman uh my report um yeah I mean it's early but I think the taxes are going to be better this year than they were last I'm looking at Ken right it could couldn't couldn't be much worse than it was last year so um I'm actually trying to take a hands-off approach this year um I think councilman patas is doing a fantastic job that also means if you have any complaints fellow Council people go directly to the finance chair don't bother me uh um no but uh I do think it's a tough Balancing Act um for those of you who don't know uh we actually part of the reason I think we're actually in a better situation this year is because we do have some additional Revenue coming in um the other thing that we are hampered by is the uh we have a 2% cap every year um you're only allowed to have expenditures increase by 2% each year and as part of that we are getting hammered by we reup Our Garbage Contract and recycling contract a couple years those prices increase every year and that eats up our cap therefore we need to make sure that we're careful with what costs that we add um but I think it should be much better budget year and tax year one way or the other um and I think that's it U mayor Sig bral park.net um and shuel your sidewalks and if you have any questions I already said my email that concludes my report may have motion to open the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I would anybody like to come up and speak on any subject matter yes only one of us is talking oh okay got it okay hello everybody hi uh constant quantella 432 Walnut superintendent 32c parkx matter it's all good we're speaking of residents um so we think it's great that you for ordinance 2770 that you're offering for recreation and I know it's membership wrestling Fitness and training basketball volleyball football tennis the after school program giving that for burrow employees or active burrow employees um the fire department and police department I think that's awesome um we've had some inquiries for the board of ed for our summer camp just as a resident noticing we can't afford to do that and being as the fire department the police department and the burrow employees are members of this community and the Burrow's employees we are wondering if maybe there was some way that you can make that easier for them and maybe give something for them to help the Board of Ed with our summer camp being as we cannot afford to give a discount to the employees so what would be the concrete proposal there so is it is it I'm asking if it's something that you would consider I don't know what we're asking to be considered is it to help pay for summer camp for the fire Department oh got it okay so we would kick in for the okay got it okay I now I understand do you do you have like ballpark numbers of how many people are asking is it like 10 is it 20 is it 30 between 10 to and how much is the summer camp well there's an average price I could get you the exact numbers yeah what we have but it would just be something that would be compromisable since the B is doing something y if they could assist so that we could do that the same for the our um first responders that would be I just got done saying how we have no money to spend but we figured you're doing it for the rack Department Ken Ken how much how much up uptaken State a did the did the Board of Ed get last year what are we talking about over here not enough to so I I'm totally open to it um we do have it's right now it's the budget season so there's the right time to ask um what would be great is if you could just give me the rough estimate per kid how much it is and then we could ballpark it out I don't want to overpromise under deliver but who's the liaison is it are you the liaison no I'm the photographer you're the photographer who's the Board of Ed liaison okay yeah so can you just send us send us the rough costs um and then ballpark how many inquiries you think it is and we'll consider as part of the budget but I think it's a good idea I I really didn't hear you I apologize what would you so basically where're the the ask is to help us subsidize if you're a fireman right uh to help us we would help subsidize the cost of a kid who's a fireman for summer camp for them is there people employees of the fire department coming and asking yes fire employees yes also that you know if we could discuss and come to I I I just I I want to be I just want to set expectations right like we're talking about we're probably over our budget right now by like $80,000 right so like every thousand like we're talking about like cutting $1,000 here and $1,000 there from casos Center events right um Ruben's getting mad because we're going to have less inflatable stuff right like it's getting tight um no so slide right no I would have loved to have it but it's budget tight um so again I I just I think it's something for the finance committee to consider but if you can give us a rough number to to Ballpark that would be the starting point for for clarity uh the the um the the ordinance that we just passed it it didn't give them a discount they have to at Cost pay the same thing as the resident I think what they're saying no no we can still help I just wanted to make that clear that it wasn't a discount what what they're saying though is we do we do give it for free for police and police and fire so what they're saying is to to extend that we could we could extend that you guys can't talk anymore unfortunately but but uh we we would basically do a virtual free extension of that by the burrow covering the cost for the summer camp is that that's the proposal yeah we just need to know what numbers we're talking about I'll send it over tomorrow cool all right thank you jeez I got to buy a building for you we got to send you money like I I this is ridiculous uh anybody else Dr Kirkland somebody else who I can grill for Board of Ed Money Any Other Board of Ed members want to come over cry poverty over here hello Dr Britney Kirkland 222 East westfi Avenue Rosel Park um I specifically wanted to talk about the updates to the peters's license application and I just want to double check two things so for one I noticed that you're asking for like the home address of the applicant for date of birth social security number but I just just out of curiosity why that and not like their actual licensing information for their business I'll defer to the ba for the for the pedler yeah M the cuz the license is issued to them individually no I mean like their business license like you're not asking for like the company name or EIN number or anything like that it doesn't really matter to us oh so it's just the person themselves okay cuz I just want to the other reason that I'm asking is because like the way that the application is now on the website it also ask for like physical description as far as like height weight hair color complexion all changed okay the whole application will be changed okay yeah it's a very old and bad application I just wanted to make sure that it'll be completely I mean and if it's not if it doesn't work when we do it we'll we'll we'll change it again we're trying to the the purpose is just to try to streamline some of this yes to get it so that it's better for everybody because I mean even in my position at Burl Hall when I see people coming back two three and four times for the same thing I start to question why you're coming back not that I don't like to see everybody but like two three and four times for the same thing it's it seems very frustrating for you um so if we can get you to only come in maybe once is the goal but twice is probably like The Sweet Spot of what we can achieve that's that's the thought yeah and in terms of the EIN number for the business it doesn't matter to us cuz we're not paying you if you were if we were paying you as a vendor of hours it'd be a little different but if you're saying that you have a gainful business that you're operating if it's a health related business right if it's a food business the board of health is going to vet that separately um it's not so much our business of whether or not like if you you pay your taxes to the state and the federal government is your business as long as you're if you're operating in town we only care that we know who's operating in town I gotcha okay and then my other question was around the fees so it's just one fee the $50 right correct is what it's being adjusted to yeah okay yeah for the pet for the um if I'm not mistaken The Peddler so there's there's two different ones there's Peddler and canvas I think um oh is still a canvas yeah so a canvas would be somebody going door too so selling a lot of people like you see a lot for solar panels or Energy Efficiency they canvas door too and then ped license would be if you have um you know if you see somebody selling pretzels right or they're selling something like a craft right like that's a all non food items correct yeah right so like at our Winter Market those are all Peddlers okay and so is it but I think my question is is it still the same application for all of them or it will be it will be one merged application oh it will be okay it'll be it'll be what's applicable to you right so if you're canas going door to door you'd fill out the canvas portion or there would be certain portions that are applicable to Canvas we haven't designed the form yet um and then for pedler it would be separate information similar but separate information okay right a a peddler would have potentially a vehicle they're using or a cart or something somebody going door too it's just them and a clipboard we just want to identify who it is going door to door if somebody calls says hey somebody's trying to sell me something yep they have license number 0124 right okay sounds good and if you have any other questions just call I'm happy to talk to you however we'll figure it out together you might regret saying that I'd rather it now than 2 minutes before juneth see you see where I'm going do do it now anybody else yell hi Lucy figuro 330 Sheran Avenue yes so usually people come up and complain right yeah I'm coming up to say thank you about the garbage you know people are taking it the wrong way I mean they want two days I mean two what was it a twice a yeah twice a year well now it's three items per month and if you have a great neighbor that lets you put theirs you got 70 you supposed to say that out loud I'm just saying I'm not doing it take it easy so I'm I want to say thank you that was really nice and very impressive that you can pull that off feeling positive on a Thursday night thank you Lucy oh okay here we go mess up can just let Lucy end it all right thanks sorry she went up before me Cindy Meo 433 Walnut um so that's actually not positive or negative I'm just curious about the parking lot that's behind I don't know what the name of that parking lot is the liquor store uh that large parking lot yeah so the big yeah that the big one not the not by the Gazebo so there's one working meter that works sometimes y I mean I've been lucky enough I haven't gotten a ticket but you know you go to the if you park near Williams Street that meter doesn't work at all yep the one in the front works sometimes and I think the one on Charles Street if it's even there yeah doesn't work yeah I'm just curious what the plan is for that if they're going to be fixed working because how can you keep giving tickets out to people if I mean for a while in fact I thought they were all not working yep and then somebody was like did you pay I'm like pay where they're not working so two things um I I I'm also frustrated um but I'll come back to that the other option you have is you could download the flowbird app um there's an app for it okay got it all right fair enough sorry too many apps fair enough um but you can do that just for anybody who's watching who has more space on their phone um I believe we're doing the meters on Street this year as like the finalization of the sidewalk there and everything I believe they'll be getting fixed as part of that Andrew correct me if I'm wrong that is correct there's 12 meters going on Street on chest on Westfield Avenue and those two meters are going to be replaced so we're we know that they're not working we it's annoying and it's overdue but one shot one kill versus having them come twice so be just like a sign on the one on Williams Street cuz I mean people that pull in there might not even know there's another one I know sometimes I forget to go that way but yeah you know just a sign you know working meter that way something you're not giving tickets to people that just don't know yeah we can put something up temporarily thank you that wasn't terrible not to terrible mentally preparing myself for Speed bumps next time I already said yes stop all right anybody else I said I put it on the record now too it's officially recorded okay um may have a motion to adjourn oh may have motion close public portion on any subject matter I have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor uh no items for close session may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor good meeting everybody easy peasy