##VIDEO ID:ZftJZPiWp88## uh okay this meeting is being held in the in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and you'll notice this meeting was published in the Union County local Source at The nework Star Ledger said notice was Post in the municipal building and a copy is on file with the office of the burough clerk fire exits are located in the directions I'm indicating if you are alerted for a fire please move in a calm orderly manner to the nearest smokefree exit proper notice haven't been given the burough clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting Andrew please call the rooll councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson councilman signorella here councilman Rabino here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel is here mayor signell I'd like to apologize for the beeping tonight Eternal God grant us thy help and all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay uh okay there are no Communications uh for review this evening but we do have a proclamation uh for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month guys want to come up Vitality Family come on and uh Ro they're in your ward why don't you come up with me sure you're this is on you tonight you ready to go you've been coming here for a while you should have practiced just kidding um so uh we're so happy to have you guys here and um obviously uh by Family you guys have done a ton to raise awareness come over here um raise awareness around cancers of all kinds um right and obviously had your own struggles as a family um and we're happy to see you here um we're happy to see Team Teo here right like uh that was when I first got elected and like I said he's almost my size now so like uh still going strong um so this is a just a little Proclamation on behalf of the burrow um I'll read it off uh whereas Childhood Cancer is leading cause of death by disease and children and one 285 children in the United States will be diagnosed by their 20th birthday and 43 children per day or 15,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer annually in the United States there are 40,000 children on active treatment at a given time the average age of diagnosis is 6 years old compared to 66 for adults 80% of child uh P patient are diagnosed late with metastatic disease and on average there's been a I'm going to round up 1% increase in in incidents per year since the mid 1970s um two-thirds of Childhood cancer patients will live with chronic health conditions approximately half of Childhood Cancer families rate uh the SED Financial toxicity due to out of-pocket expenses is considerably severe um and while researchers and Healthcare professionals work diligently dedicating their expertise to treat and cure children with cancer too many children remain affected by this deadly disease and more must be done to raise the awareness and find a cure um so I Proclaim it um Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the B Rosal Park thank you all right yeah yeah go for it Bud thank you mayor and counsel thank you mayor and Council you're very welcome you want to say anything um you actually said it all okay cool and you guys still do the El stand we didn't it this year okay we will we're going to go back all right so look for what what uh this time next year yes okay cool September all right awesome all right thanks guys yep thanks for being [Applause] here oh yeah of course I'm so sorry yeah yeah yeah the thank you [Applause] okay okay may I have motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I okay may I have a motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I anybody wishing to come up and speak on agenda items May do so I seeing no one may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I okay reports uh rich I see you first you want to come up [Applause] first good evening everyone good evening it's been a few months since I've been here huh all right so tonight what I'd like to do is give you a quick synopsis of my June and August um sorry June and July reports and then August I'm going to get into a little more detail so very quickly for the month of June the code enforcement department issued 277 permits on the property maintenance side we have 15 court dispositions 53 violations were also issued in June and 17 court summons so going to July we had 183 permits issued we had 14 court dispositions 51 violations and 15 Court summonses now we're going to get into August here I'm going to get a little more detailed uh so for August we had 184 permits issued total revenue through the end of August $2,293 sore connection fees year-to date $352,500 there was also an off-site improvement fee that was um collected in August of $50,000 in addition to that we had nine uniform construction code violations for property maintenance we had seven court dispositions with total fines year-to date of $6,795 20 violations and 16 court summonses that were issued in August um as you can see as you drive uh up and down Westfield Avenue the projects are moving along quite nicely uh 10 West Westfield uh building a again we still have a TCO issued for the second and fifth floors um the reason why that the entire building hasn't been TCO is because they don't have adequate parking for those other floors so uh cap dagle is working on that one of the solutions is going to be to try to obtain a TCO for Building B just for the parking area that way then they can fully occupy building a so they are working on that quite diligently at the at the present time last Friday I issued a temporary certificate of occupancy for 450 West Westfield which is the first building on the fern Moore project that does not include the amenity spaces or the pool but includes all the residential units so that has been completed and uh paperwork obviously was sent to our administrator and our Chief Financial Officer because that project is a pilot project um otherwise uh if anybody has any questions yeah just one quick one rich and maybe this is more of a Ken question actually we have Fran here too so um the additional tax revenue that comes free the additions in the pilot does that kick in when they get TCO or when they actually start renting their first apartment like when does the clock start I don't know you might to Fran on that yeah it's good that you're here Fran McManaman McManaman um Scotland and Balman Redevelopment Council that's set forth in the financial agreement but generally it's upon TCO okay got it cool thank you uh okay uh thank Rich okay thank you uh Chief come on looking Dapper good evening everybody good evening I put the rich Palo glasses on bear with me so I submitted my August report I just wanted to highlight a couple of uh items in the report on on August 20th I attended the funeral services for Rosal Park crossing guard and former first a member June Stark she June was a uh lifelong resident at roselt Park and she dedicated over 27 years of service to ensuring the safety of our kids in town our hearts go out to the Stark family for this immeasurable loss may she rest in peace October 27th and 28th the traffic safety unit conducted a pedestrian decoy enforcement detail in an effort to bring awareness to pedestrian Crossing as we prepare for the new school year that started yesterday uh the detail focused on the crossing areas of Chester Street and and Lincoln Avenue and Locust Street and Webster Avenue there are 14 Vehicles stops conducted resulting in 11 warnings and three and three summonses on August 30th the Rosal park community policing unit met with Dan Patel who is the owner of 7-Eleven located at 573 West Westfield Avenue Dan partnered with the police department for the fleet free slurpee program coupon giveaway to the young bicycle Riders who are wearing their proper safety helmets while riding in the burrow I want to thank Dan for the collaboration and promoting B bicycle safety in town after learning of this initiative Michael antonucci from de's Hut uh on F Avenue wanted to join in these efforts seeing what a good thing we were doing uh D Hut also partnered with the police department and is giving coupons out for free hot dog and soda for this bicycle safety initiative I want to thank de Hut for this collaboration enhancing the safety effort uh during the month of August the Rosal Park Community Police Community uh policing unit SP sponsored a school supply drive for students of the Rosa Park School District who may not have the ability to afford such items residents and police officers have dropped off donated supplies at Police Headquarters during the month of August all the donated supplies will be delivered to the school district officials next week uh the school officials would distribute the items to the children who are in need of the such items thank you to all the residents and officers who participated in this program uh I recently received uh several complaints on the 600 block of fud Avenue regards to speeding uh councilman rine I I received your message as well as the the mayor um with that we'll be having a a a frequent traffic detail at this location to address the speeding concerns uh spoke to the officers um they'll be did detailed daily uh throughout the day I saw them out there today as a matter of fact around 5 yes sir so thank you uh so in regards to the radar sign that was at that location there were some question about that it was moved uh we spoke about this earlier on F from to FUD and Lincoln due to the sign being struck by a uh by a delivery truck at that location it was in a poor poor location and then also we enhanced the uh crossing guard uh at Lincoln and F2 and I thought it was better suited and more safety concerns were there for the speeding sign to be at that location that's why we moved it and I have one last thing for you uh councilman Li lion you'll appreciate this one M uh so on 93 2024 the Rosal Park Police Department arrested Pamela Armstrong of Newark in connection with a month-long investigation for multiple package deaths that have been occurring on the 300 block of Chestnut Street specifically the 304 Chestnut Street location at the apartment complex incident incident to the arrest Armstrong was found to be in possession of suspected crack cocaine heroin she was subsequently charged with three counts of theft two counts of possession of control substance one count of drug paraphernalia Armstrong was L lodged into the Union County Jail pending her court date uh we were able to probably close out about 10 package St jobs within the uh within the month awesome from from that arrest that was good excellent work thank you any questions for chief Reena give it a good work thank you sir thank you Chief thank you Chief other Chief my second favorite Chief just kidding Steve you're tied you're tied you got a really cool truck though I was actually just parking by that's a cool truck nice thank you go ahead uh just want go over a couple of things uh over the summer we participated with the uh community cooldown events I think they went were a really good successful we had some really good hot days for that um just some updates on what we've been doing our hose and ground letter uh testing which is done annually has been completed our pump testing has also been completed we're now working on getting all of our annual maintenance done on our apparatus uh we have some upcoming training in the next month or two where we're going to be doing a vehicle extrication training uh the fire department's completed walkthroughs of 10 West Westfield the a building and also of the fmm property to 450 West Westfield so that the members were able to get a tour of the building get an idea of the layout the stand pipes so we can pre-plan for that and just in the next week uh the members of the fire department will be traveling to Wildwood to attend our annual relief Association Convention cool any questions for chief Thompson thank you sir thank you Chief Ruben Bill Bill you're in like the professional area I'm like almost going to call you up for for a report you got anything for us tonight thank you mayor uh good evening everybody so last month our seniors enjoyed a series of exciting trips to various donation uh destinations uh trips like to the casinos of Point Pleasant uh historical um we hawk in uh grounds Seaside Heights and the ground uh Ground Zero on August 14th we had a fantastic turnout at our second family swim night with over 60 families joining us for an evening of fun uh I want to extend a big thank you to councilman J Robina councilman large joose Jr and rosar Park Boy Scouts troop 56 for their support and particip participation in making the event memorable for everyone uh for the upcoming events uh tomorrow we'll be having annual Hispanic uh Latino and uh Festival uh from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Michael Mor Park this event uh promises a lively evening filled with food trucks a dance party and a special concert by Las Noel Sabor uh it's a Latin uh and South American band based in Rosal Park uh the bur will be holding uh its annual September 11th Rememberance service on Wednesday September 11th at 7 p.m. at Cofer Memorial Park um we're going to have Roso par High School uh band uh performing at Taps uh it's going to be a short ceremony at the um uh Memorial Park on Saturday September 28th we will have our 10th Annual Rosal Park Arts Festival uh this year's event will be bigger and better than ever featuring over 75 vendors uh professionals artists A Beer Garden Street artists crows for children and adults and performances at three different locations uh this free event is open to all and it runs from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. uh finally on sat Saturday October 5th we will be celebrating our 9th Annual Festival of India at rosar Park High School this event is great way great way to uh incend your yourself in Indian culture with free food music and dance festivities begins at 5:00 p.m. with Refreshments from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. followed by uh Gerra and Ras uh down starting at 7 o'clock uh just a reminder that the center will be closed from September 8 to 18 for a special election at the schedule the scheduled morning exercise classes for seniors have been moved to the youth center and um all the programs and activities have been cancelled during other other programs and activities has been cancelled during this period however the transportation for trips and essential needs will be provided to Roso Park seniors during this time and that conclud my report mayor yeah thank you and just uh want highlight this um we've had in Union County since when did they start the early voting locations was it 3 years ago yes so we've been advocating we 2021 I think yeah three or four years um there was a early Vote or there is an early voting Center normally in Roselle in the Amalie Center and the other one I think is closest to us is in Union County College we've been advocating to try and get one here um so I hope everybody takes advantage of that week during the casano center even though it's a special election it's a good test run to potentially get one in the future and you can go vote I vote early on the time all the time it's easy get out of the way don't to worry about an election day and I could run around like a mad man chugging coffee chasing uh constant get it out of the way early um cool yeah anything else any questions for rupin cool thanks everybody thank you uh Andrew Ken you guys got anything let me to go first you have nothing I thank you mayor I have a few things uh just want to kind of give an update on uh on a few things going on in town and then uh highlight a couple things on the agenda first and foremost I want to you know welcome every student back to school hope they have a great school year I want to commend the police department and chief Reno um as well as uh Recreation director Riri um it's starting the school year off right for our kids uh keeping everyone safe and then uh kind of parlaying that into the after school program which kicked off today so right now uh we had a department head meeting this afternoon um unfortunately um the director can't be here tonight he's actually at a sporting event for kicking off the season for his daughter so good luck to Bella um but uh we have about 90 kids registered for the after school program which is uh pretty typical you know on a on a yearly basis for this stage of the game um people do trickle in uh we did have people registering last night at 10:00 uh today so uh it's always chaotic the first week um we typically see those numbers kind of bump up at the end of last year we had about 130 for frame of reference so we're at about 90 we ended last year at about 130 so uh we're right on track with that so again hope everybody has a great school year coming up um couple of the ongoing projects happening in town uh Elizabeth Town Gas continues the last phase of their major upgrade project throughout Town up by Hamilton Place and Walnut Street uh that entire project is ated to be completed this year right now they're working with homeowners to uh restore their service lines um more than likely the restoration of those roads will be in Spring of 2025 um and uh that will then end most of the large Elizabeth Town Gas work happening in town New Jersey American water is ramping up in areas that really haven't been touched by the burrow um they're doing their leadline abatement program the most uh recent or newest installment of that program uh is continuing next week on the 12th at Parkplace uh so if you remember we did some Communications uh late last month uh they were over on Parkplace doing an assessment they do some test pits uh they determine whether or not there's lead or galvanized steel going to any of those houses they determine that there are two with galvanized steel so they're able to coordinate with the residents uh that are affected by that uh address that all in one day they will then follow that up thereafter with a full Mill and pave of that street um and that process will kind of continue itself out um in probably an irregular Cadence um until they're ready to open up you know large uh large areas and kind of do the evaluations from there um 2024 Capital roads project which was Grant uh Pine and Larch uh substantially complete subject to punch list items tree planting and uh curb painting at this point um some upcoming projects we have improvements to Grant Avenue which is going to be uh between Locust and Chestnut Street predominantly yes that's in front of the middle school and Robert Gordon yes it's terrible time CL in it's because we couldn't start the grant the grant that we received for this project was $220,000 we didn't want to risk those funds the grant program doesn't start until September 1st we were not allowed to start before then this work will not happen during the day it will happen during the overnight hour so as much as it will be an inconvenience for the residents directly in that area it will not be an inconvenience to the 14,000 people that regularly traffic through there not including all the parents and children and teachers and staff that are in that area so we're going to try to M mitigate it improve the roadway improve the infrastructure make sure that it's safe and make sure it's as least impactful as possible so there'll be more on that to come later uh Avon Street and Berwin Street I know councilman Johnson tried to get time to give you an update today but unfortunately um so uh dot came back with certain amendments that we needed to the plans which is not unusual we have a tentative reviewal date re- reviewal date of next Monday hopefully thereafter we'll have approval as soon as we get approval we're ready to go out to bid um for everybody so so for every body's information um Boy Scout Park uh improvements to Boy Scout Park is currently out to bid uh receiving bids on the 17th uh improvements to Acer Park we're still in kind of the conceptualizing phase uh we need to do a site walk um so I'll be in touch with uh some of the council members to go out there and kind of get eyes on it and finalize what we're doing over in that area uh tree planting and sidewalk program are also inbound for the fall we're is tree is tree planting tree planting is happening and we are and we are and and we had a department Ed meeting today uh Greg and I are going to be working on it uh over the next couple weeks Greg Greg B Greg B DBW the only the only thing I would just add is um just we have the Chestnut Street ones that we planted last year I think there're still got to be under warranty some of them died so I would just add those it's a separate list but yeah um just two other quick items just to note for everybody um so resolution 20423 20 20424 is purchasing um uh PPE and clothing and equipment for the fire department it's a 76,000 and change purchase uh just as a reminder we received a $75,000 Grant uh for that equipment from the state of New Jersey it was the first time we were ever awarded that Grant it was the maximum we were able to get for that Grant um so the out-of-pocket cost from the burrow itself and from the taxpayers here is just over $1,000 and I think it's for 16 sets of 15 sets of turnout gear so it's it's pretty substantial it'll go a long way um and it's a very good thing so I encourage uh you to vote affirmatively on that uh and then resolution 22424 though the wording of the resolution is not really sounding like a grant that's our safe and secure Grant um if it sounds unusual it'll be now usually it's way later than this the state is oddly ahead of the game on this as you know opposed to with most other things um so uh that is actually applying for funds of about $45,000 to offset the cost of police salaries um which is a little in the grand scheme of things but every little bit helps that's all I have mayor thank you cool Ken cool uh I have a question for Ken uh what's happening with the sewer bill are is there any updates or anything like that yeah so I I'll field that um so right now we're trying to figure out we have a the grant for $3 million um we've been tussling back and forth when exactly that $3 million hits our bank account right so we're going to have to make a no go a noo no-o decision on Monday right as to whether or not people are going to have to pay the second payment I hopefully we make some magic happen within the next 48 hours to confirm we need to get the confirmation that we're going to get the $3 million or at least most of that in fiscal year 2024 to be able to wave the second payment right um if we don't have that by Monday unfortunately we're going to have to still have the second payment the silver lining of that is you know it would be the Grant's going to do one of two things it's either going to give us immediate relief this year which is still My Hope or it allows us the ability to pay off the rest of what we owe to Elizabeth and one shot next year and then sewer bills go back down to normal next year so not optimal potentially for this year but you know it'll either have hopefully short-term effects or long-term solving the problem um and we'll have a no-o a yes or no decision by Monday and we'll communicate that okay cool thanks yep um okay anybody else that's it okay may I please have a motion to accept the report of departments as submitted so move second all in favor I there are no ordinances for second reading there are no ordinances for injuction all matters listed with an ASAT are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders Andrew please read all uh resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 20424 is awarding a goods and services contract to New Jersey Fire Equipment Co for firefighter protective clothing and Equipment pursu into New Jersey state contract number 17 Fleet 00811 in an amount not to exceed 76,5 76.5 resolution 20524 is establishing a policy fixing the effective date of 100% disabled veteran property tax exemptions resolution 20624 is promoting class one laborer Joshua Regan to the position of apprentice operator resolution 20724 is is appointing Ava t mcul to the position of high school counselor resolution 20824 is appointing Gian I galow to the position of high school counselor resolution 20924 is authorizing the decommissioning of six Municipal vehicles to be used during extrication training by the Rosell Park fire department resolution 21024 is memorializing the passing of crossing guard June Stark resolution 21124 is promoting alternate crossing guard Joseph escaro to the position of crossing guard resolution 21224 is appointing paty G lardier to the position of alternate crossing guard resolution 21324 is appointing Eileen Atwood to the position of alternate crossing guard resolution 21424 is ratifying and affirming the actions taken by the chief administrative officer to submit a Grant application to the county of Union on behalf of the bur Rosel Park in connection with the 2024 Greening Union County Grant resolution 21524 is ratifying and affirming the actions taken by the chief administrative officer to submit a Grant application to the county of Union on behalf of the bur Rosel Park in connection with the 2024 Union County kids Recreation trust fund Grant resolution 21624 is authorizing the tax collector issue a reduction Andor refund on one sewer utility bill in the total amount of $1,970 resolution 21724 is authorizing the tax collector to reduce fourth quarter 2024 taxes in the amount of $250 for a disability deduction on one property res resolution 21824 is authorizing the treasure to issue a check in the total amount of $200 to be applied to a sewer account due to a payment application error resolution 21924 is authorizing special sick leave for a period not to exceed 90 days to Paul DeVito in accordance with paragraph F of all of article 29 of the collective bargaining agreement between the bur Rosa Park and the Public Works baring group resolution 22024 is authorizing the burrow clerk to auction Vehicles no longer needed for public use resolution 22 24 is authorizing the burrow clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles resolution 22224 is requesting permission from the county of Union Tang a banner over Chestnut Street advertising the bur Rosell Parks 2024 it Italian Heritage Festival resolution 22324 is directing the municipal land use board to review a draft Redevelopment plan for Block 606 slots 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3601 and 38 of the municipal tax map of the bur Rosal Park commonly known as 112 Chestnut 12 Locust Street 101 West Westfield Avenue 105 West Westfield Avenue 111 West Westfield Avenue 115 West Westfield Avenue 121 West Westfield Avenue 129 West Westfield Avenue 133 West Westfield Avenue 147 West Westfield Avenue 159 West Westfield Avenue along with all streets and rights of way pertinent there too as a non yeah I kind of mess that one up um no it is it's non condemnation yeah right yeah yeah you yeah yeah but it's directing them to review the Redevelopment plan for those properties I actually think there's a typo at the end okay you get the gist y I'll correct the title it's di Minimus um 22424 unless anyone has any questions 22424 is resolution approving participation in New Jersey state of New Jersey grant program administered by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General thank you uh we pull in anything 223 yep uh and I think 22 yeah I I would request 221 for an amendment okay we'll pull 221 any others okay may I have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I okay uh may have a motion to adopt resolution 22124 so move second uh is there any discussion Andrew what do we got to fix yeah so um the uh the Police Department Records Bureau received uh two additional titles of abandoned vehicles today that are up for auction I would recommend that they be added to the authorization resolution so that the burough doesn't have to pay additional storage fees for an extended period of time so if I could I'll just read those uh those Vehicles into the record they would be added to the end of the list so you would add those veh add those Vehicles into the record and then we could have a motion potentially to if if we if if you're inclined to the amendment would be to add those Vehicles onto the list that's in the existing resolution and then you would vote to adopt the resolution so the the vehicles the vehicles are 2010 Honda VIN number 2hg FG 1B 67 A51 8618 uh it is would be the minimum bid would be $450 it is at CIS Sparrow as are the others the second vehicle to be added is a 2010 Dodge pickup VIN number 1 d7r V1 GP 3 a S1 97145 same minimum bid of $450 same location sis borrows um if I'll that motion so move thank you yep second yeah uh Andrew please call the roll this is a motion on the amend yeah a motion on the amendment councilman Petroski councilman Johnson yes Council signell councilman rabina yes councilman Lian I yes counc that's acceptable counc Patel yes six most the affirmative amendment is agreed to okay uh and is there have a motion to adopt as amended I'll make that motion second okay Andrew call the roll when you're ready councilman patrki yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes sixy affirmative mayor the or of the resolution is adopted as amended Ron you want to come up yeah okay uh may I have a motion to adopt resolution 22324 so move second uh is there any discussion so I will set the table here we have the professionals here um so we started this process a while back and just a refresher on test to see if I still remember this process so in Redevelopment there is an area in need of Redevelopment we do a study on that to see if it qualify I for an area needed Redevelopment um after the study um the planners recommend a plan right plan gets uh sent to us referred to the land use board for commentary then we adopt change plan as we see fit uh and then if there's any development to be had there then there's a Redevelopment agreement after that right did I get the process right that's correct so we're at step the beginning of step two on this right um so this study was initiated because there was interest in potentially putting a hotel there which would kind of service the uh catering SL um restaurant business that's there and also there's interest in putting offices there um my understanding um but you know feel free to ask questions Fran or Fran Ron anything to add to that no I I think you know this is um know we were asked to draft the plan with really no project in mind yep so we try to you know look what existing zoning is and try to add some different uses and try to really um spice up I would say you want to call block 606 whichever I mean that's part of Redevelopment you so you might see some U you know different uses in there that you know I've had from other plans which I thought were interesting I brought to the table it's not written in stone it's your plan if you think well this is not appropriate we can remove it if you have uses that you you think that may be appropriate or maybe not appropriate yeah may not appropriate um just just make recommendations but I mean this is our first draft and uh you know again not written in stone and it's it's a collaborative effort well um I'm frankly up to here with residential we've got enough coming online personally my constituents feel the same way regarding residential I did look over these initial plans uh I would like to see commercial uh retail space at that location it's prime location for there on Westfield AV you've got the catering hall to the left you have within 500 ft of that property you've got Apartments already online apartment's coming up at the um the Meridia across some Sunrise Diner so I really wouldn't want to see any more residential and like to see this limited to Commercial and Retail use only and probably cap to three stories do we feel the same way on the board or I I agree with you I yeah I have a question is there any way cuz I know you mentioned Hotel um and that's a huge concern for me I I don't uh I think a hotel there at that point is um I would say no to but I mean if it's commercial use only I personally would agree with that um and definitely no residential um so is there any way of wording that or how we get specifics cuz I know you mentioned the restaurant um and he would like to is he the owner is that correct yes Kevin George is the owner of the restaurant yeah so I think the interest for the hotels are again I don't know how much I should be saying on the record but I think it would come out in the wash anyway um he specifically wants he owns a parcel there and would like to well he already knocked down the one building the the ghost house that was there the haunted house uh yeah it's nice to see that gone um he would like to put either there or do a property swap because he doesn't own the the property right next to it and for my understanding right these are very high level Concepts steps he does like weddings and stuff so he would want to have like you know call it 15 to 20 Hotel units just for families that come in from wherever so um that that's the context that I know absolutely yeah I mean that's a I would say no to that personally but um yeah I don't know how they would try to word that um but obviously is there a stipulation that we can have only two towards catering space only or towards the uh the use of the facility to ensure that it's not residential not residential used as a hotel space for other like a frat party comes in from another town or any use that we could we could add we could add wording to that effect I mean it almost I'm not going to say become a conditional use but it would just be the certain type of hotel we have ideas we can we can we can certainly research it again this is real this is really open it's an open discussion I concur with you I like to have have commercial along the street level at the very least I know mixed uses are good too I'm not going to make try to change your view on uh residential but sometimes you have Synergy if you got residential some residential above the commercial but we've got it five 100 feet to the left 100 feet to the right actually but you know meas out with you know in respect to a lot of what we have it's old yeah know the buildings might be a lot different and you know I'd say that having you know seen some prototypes I would say going on I mean this this is not Seaside Heights but last year when I was on vacation I was taking notes because they have a lot of new things and just you know to see how how you know the the different uses can interact things like what can you give provide examples or I mean just real real quick I just I do want to ask as it just a matter of like process here so I'll defer to Fran and maybe Joe so can Council recommend or can Council put in stipulations and like like if they cap it at three stories right can council do that at this stage or do they have to let it go to land use board and then make the recommendations when it comes stage and then it goes to land use correct those State those comments could be reflected on the record they could be incorporated in the plan and then that plan you can make the recommendation that the plan as amended on the record is going to be what's going to be referred to the land use board and the land use board can make additional recommendations or strike certain recommendations and we can then as the governing body choose we ultimately vote on it their recommendations yeah MH but Jay can I get this straight so you wanted to you wanted to add that into this plan is that what you were trying to do what I'm trying to do is re reduce not reduce eliminate residential use okay all together and keep it at three stories commercial and Retail and that's it can they can they put that where the prohibited uses go for it yeah could could I think it would be helpful just excuse me for the government body but I Ron could you just point out kind of where the bulk standards are in so I I I I believe on the agenda that you guys are looking at it would be um and the Public's looking at it's page 29 of 46 uh that's where you begin the uh permitted uses and prohibited uses and Then followed from there it's not going to make it may not make sense to you Ron I'm not sure what you have I've got it right here but uh it's page 10 of the plan but it's page 29 of the packet um permitted uses and prohibited uses and that follows up with a bulk standard table I just to make things concrete for the discussion I think it's helpful to just look at you know what actually is in there right now okay because right now our mixed use definition incorp partly incorporates it's it's it can incorporate residential office resale public or Recreation if you remove the word in residential then residential's gone because it's mixed uses if you look at before under Section B under defined terms everything there is unique to the plan otherwise it defaults to the ordinance so we're not trying to have different definitions it was just trying to have this specific to 606 so it's really a removal of one um of one word now obviously going to the bulk standards um the number one item up there maximum dwelling units per acre if you don't have residences it's not needed anymore so it's gone but otherwise these these type of uh items would would stay um if you're going to cap it at three one of the things we were trying to do here is um have more of a street edge up front where you don't really have a setback that you have the the storefronts right up front but in the rear to protect the residential areas and this was more in the concept of more of a a residential to step it back the first floor could be 15 ft because if it's a multi if it's a if it's multif family or multi-dwelling unit who's really going to use the backyard but we thought it important that on the second level and the third level you step it back so you have air light and open space between the residences you don't have that overwhelming bulk but the points mood if we limit it to three three stories I mean you'd have a step back of you know you'd have a step back of just uh floors one and one and uh floors two and three at that point we change the bulk standards a bit it's it's not it's not a heavy lift to do okay can you just see um under C it's number three so that would be have to be eliminated I guess number seven and number seven maybe change the definition of that elate that as well yeah or if I could make it so Ron what they're saying is so number three is mixed use development and number seven is mixed use building I if if the desire of the governing body and again I'm not trying to push anyone in any direction but if the desire is to eliminate residential would it be beneficial to list residential under the prohibited uses section so that it's encompassing of everything we could but I I would say just go to the definition we we would eliminate the definition of mixed use building because it's not needed anymore okay and then you'd eliminate the mixed use building because they tie together because it's specific to specific to the plan and then you would just take the mix use development and I would suggest that you just eliminate the wording residential and you can modify the O the other uses from the from the definition from the definition and if you wanted to make it clear that residential is not there we could just say it's it's prohibited but it's it's it's not a big deal I think it's redundant but I could put it there as prohibited I don't mind the redundancy on that okay but how does the rest of the governing body feel before we proceed I just would like to reiterate that the purpose of a Redevelopment plan the purpose of designating Redevelopment area is to encourage and facilitate development and the more limitations that go within the development on those sites it limits the amount of interest and the potential for development as Ron mentioned residential often facilitates the commercial development and supports commercial and Retail residential can be managed there's other steps to manage residential before completely eliminating it you can limit height you can limit right now it's the the density per acre is 96 you can address the density per acre you can address the height and you're not totally eliminating um the the resident the option for residential within the entire Redevelopment area so I just wanted to make clear that that would also be the next you know another step besides you know entirely eliminating residential I I mean I'm giving you the logistics on how to do it it's fa fairly simple yes but whether or not it's advisable it's another story it's open to debate I would say in the year 2024 what we're seeing is retail and Commercial are changing tremendously I would say a lot is the Amazon effect what we've had in at postco people aren't shopping the way they used to and they order in more so you know that's just another thought that you know we we it may behoove us to keep some of that residential L because it will support the businesses below well we currently have 240 Westfield have open and the building's been open for 2 three years now and we have 5,000 ft that's still not occupied of of of the of of the commercial yeah yeah we have plenty plenty in Ros Park just take a ride yeah that's right ask may be proving my point how challenging even in the newer buildings to to lease out no but we gave the opportunity to have a mixed use development to support like Fran said to support this a project like that and nothing's materialized nothing's been realized so why why would we make the same mistake again why would we bring in additional residential it's just the one thing you know we limit it but times are changing there's properties very valuable nowadays and hopefully there's additional interest and let's see what let's deal with what we have on the table first before bringing more residential in unless developers want to build an Annex to our schools or help support the town in other ways I just see it difficult so I don't know if we want to vote this down completely or just I think we should just vote to amend this plan we have enough votes up here to say no and we thank you for your recommendation and we move forward that's it yeah let's put this to [Applause] rest I just want to Also to clarify for procedure you're this is you're not really at a point where you're voting yes or no on the plan the plan this is a workshop discussion so uh it's we're not even at the point where the plan is locked in the plan is for discussion purposes can incorporate your comments from tonight and then send it to the L use sport I I understand this whole process um wholeheartedly I'm ready to vote and it's no oh and I'm I'm ready to amend it like I just finished saying so uh Jay you brought up a great point I support everything that you said with this project um I support everything else minus the residential I will not even play with it I don't even want to play with it let's put it in the plan and and see what happens and move forward thank you that's and I digress I'm not going to go back and forth after this thank you if I if I could just just because I have to keep the record um so if we could just kind of go over the permitted and prohibited uses quickly and then we can maybe proceed to the bulk table because I think there was some discussion about the height also I want to make sure we have that reflected correctly it says four and five um so if we could just Ron if you could just read out what page numbers you're on of the packet I'm on uh for uh permitted princip uses instruction page number of the pack page number 29 okay but you talked about changing a definition first oh yes well what we would do is uh going to page 28 under the specific definitions we have here we would eliminate mixed use building and mixed use development would be amended to um eliminate the word residential so it'll it read in part reading from the middle but not limited to eliminating residential but not limited to office retail public Etc correct okay and then we move on to the page 29 okay page 29 so we would have number three off of C mixed use development number seven mixed use building no no we would keep mixed use development because that's that's a variety of uses that we don't you know eliminating res eliminate the residential okay so it would be bank and financial services a craft Distillery um it just has to it can't be within 200 ft of a residential Zone adjacent to the Redevelopment area mixed use development office retail sales Retail Services any combination of the uses above yep so number seven would be struck seven would number eight any combination of the listed would be renumbered as seven yes and then under prohibited I think the permitted uses and accessory structures is fine based on what I heard prohibited uses I think we want add number three residential M yes yes and no hotel is there is there agreement about hotel I've only heard one comment about that we could you could vote on another amendment I'm just you know I don't know if there's broad agreement on that am I am I correct I mean I'm looking here there's no Hotel mentioned where is it ret Services okay Retail Services okay gotcha no so if you want no no hotel if you want to be able to do something and get a specific definition of the type of hotel that you wish we can do it the way it is written now is a little broad yeah I understand what you're saying so I hear the concern so I'd have to dig into our definitions or our Bible moscs to see if we can get something uh something tighter so that would be I mean if if I'm what I'm hearing is is that there's concern about the hotel and motels mentions and that we would have to get a different definition to be a little tighter to describe it it's just it's a small scale I'm all right with an amended version of just come up with a better definition I'm consider to be clear it's is the consensus to limit the mo the hotel facilities to support the catering facility only was that what was the consensus or what was discussed we don't have consens I I I I have to just logist logistically speaking and again governing body can choose to do whatever they would like it for the hotel in particular because I think there's some Nuance other than just eliminating things or changing words um I think you guys are looking for some of you just don't want it right and I hear you um but I think some other of you may just want it like really tight language around what it is and I personally I don't know if you're going to get that speaking here even if we I'm not rushing the conversation but I don't know that you're going to get it effectively talking about it right now so I I think it's just real quick GRE it's probably easier just in or out right so so Joe's chirping in a little bit here I say that in a nice way it's you get into a little bit of a danger zone when you start like getting very specific about some of these zonings right so I always tell people right if you put the word restaurant you get the full gamut right you get the high-end white tablecloth and you get the no tablecloth so it's really hard for a planner to fully describe what you think a hotel will be it's easier if it's allowed or size or shortterm or right there's some broader definitions but it's very hard to narrow it to just a single use for the single person next door that's just very hard oh and and there's there's uses too that aren't even here that I've even dealt with I've been researching elsewhere about not for this plan but like event space that's a big it's a big growing space it doesn't really fit into the banquet hall space it's almost like a popup space and I can't find any definitions of it but I'll tell you what I'll do my darnest here to you know to try to get something that that you know would be more pleasing to address the concerns and again when you make it tight again like restaurants restaurants I think we know what a restaurant is and um but but the what my point is the style restaurant runs a gamut in some respects correct so if they have a an image of a hotel being a higher end boutique hotel might not necessarily be the high-end restaurant and and restaurants have private parties too I mean but does does that make it a banquet hall so it's like you start getting into a slipper you're going down a slippery slope when you start putting things in here's another thing on the hotel just the last thing I'll say on this and I think you guys should just move on yes or no would be my suggestion um you guys also if you allow hotels theoretically there's a third piece to this whole Redevelopment process right so let's just say somebody comes up and says um we want to build a hotel right then they have to with Fran and with Ron come up with a Redevelopment agreement and then it gets very specific and granular as to how many rooms are in that hotel you know what the operating hours are right so you could theoretically allow something now and then be more specific about it later in the agreement but that's just food for thought good point mayor no was I am and I I don't have a view either way I think again the Redevelopment plan you know we're trying to put things on the table that will be attract uh attract investment in the burrow track development but we want goodel correct I a real quick random question the craft Distillery thing it would that is did the state loosen up the ability to to make those like could we get new licenses for those or that would have to be somebody with an existing license in Rosell Park do you guys know craft distilleries are issued by the state of New Jersey they're not Municipal licenses yeah but okay so theoretically though even though we're at our Max license they don't they're not they're the laws are not related to each other a historic I mean historic component it where like they allowed them if they do tours and stuff like that yeah so even if so even if we're at our Max of 15 the state could say yeah you know Joe's Brewing wants to move in there yeah they're not the existing ABC licenses are uh they're they're different types of licenses okay cool they're not issued through the municipality they can't serve anything that they don't make property okay got it and and these are deeper lots too which was my thought about having distance you don't want it to go through the whole building and then you know you got someone's got to in the back and right next to residences and Y yep yep how do my colleagues feel about it being amended before I make any motion do we feel amended with no residential and I'll also look towards the public as well no completely wait wait you can't engage with yeah sorry we're not talking to the public here with due respect this is this is a back and forth between understood I think I think we vote on both of those separate if they're going to be in plan because uh we don't have the same numbers of yeses and NOS so you can certainly do also revisit it in the uh agreement if we um after Municipal land use board brings it back we can further fine tune it and vote it down a second bite correct so if if it doesn't win doesn't mean right now doesn't mean that we don't have a second bite to tear that apart the only thing with I don't want to play with it at all the whole town is tired of residential I think we made that clear this right here I want to see commercial I want to see I think we should allow them the opportunity to to draft something and then send it to the mines so they can make a recommendation and then we can vote it down there but we could vote it now and who however many yeses and no say put it in here right now take it out I'm all right with that too I I would if I may or if I could just I'm just talking about process here so I could be told just be quiet but if you it seems like there's seems broad there's broad consensus at least from what I can hear around the elimination of residential corre so what my suggest you can amend this 100 times over the next hour if you want to so what I would suggest is you somebody make a motion second potentially discuss it vote on that Amendment and then see if you want to amend the the proposed plan any further take it one step at a time yeah I think um we should we haven't reviewed the bulk standards yet yeah that's what I'm so I'm saying like before we get there let's okay let's establish a mile marker gotta okay well then I'll make a motion to limit the size of this project scope three stories commercial and uh retail only removing with the recommendations that have been made by by my colleagues here on Council removing the residential component as we discussed um eliminating the language of mixed use development uh limited to residential that'll be struck on page 20 29 removing number seven that'll be eliminated and as uh the B administrator said adding under prohibited uses number three residential we'd also have to amend the bulk charts too if we can get to page 30 to tie right so he he mentioned limiting it to three stories okay but we also have to eliminate maximum dwelling units per acre because it's let's we'll do it under in a second amendment okay we'll do it other let's just yeah get through this one so that's a second that J that's a motion second thank you Greg do the professionals understand mostly Ron yes okay please call the please call the rooll so this is on a motion to amend uh based on what was outlined councilman troski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell hi councilman Rina yes councilman liion yes councilman Patel yes 600s in the affirmative mayor the amendment is agreed to so again procedurally speaking if you'd like to amend it again with additional amendments it's your prerogative let's do it okay let's talk about page 30 then look at look at the bulk standards and now the next go round will be maximum dwelling units be removing that completely correct correct okay it's not applicable not applicable okay also limiting the stories can I can I just ask a quick question and maybe Ron would know this just for a point of reference what is a like what's a four-story building that we would know in Rosal Park So like um the the one it used to be a bank you know what I'm talking about with the Spire at the end of Chestnut Street it's like a it's like a wedding P planning place yes what what is that do you know if that's three or four stories off the top of I think that that would be defined as three stories that's three stories okay just trying to get a frame of reference yeah okay so if we're limitting uh so if we're limiting it to three stories then the maximum the minimum rear yard at the very least would have to be amended to take out references to four and five yep correct can I ask let me ask a question about and everybody uh so I agree with the three story but I just have a quick question on if you know if somebody wants to develop three stories and put parking underneath is that considered a four story it is yeah as of right now yes because the the we don't have a specific definition for story here so we default of the ordinance that's not saying we can't create a story definition which we did for the the Meridia project so I I'm 100% And you know look they got to come back with some kind of plans and see right you know artist rendering or something like that I I I want to stick with my guns with the three- story but look parking in my opinion is we don't have enough and we could use more and I wouldn't want to eliminate if they said well I'd like to have the three stories of commercial but I want to throw 14 parking spots underneath and they follow the whole process you know we have a kind of a procedure we don't want to have EV charging in and indoor you know and I want to take all night here indoor parking but it works and I'm you know I it's something I would it um just throw that out the window if that came out came in as a concept if they say three stories and a parking a parking deck you know a parking lot a ground level parking ground level parking and then I mean there's I I can't think of it there's numerous little Office Buildings around that have hair parking you know you know the you know the stairway starts on the ground floor but then they have four or five spots I I just want to throw it out there are we hurting ourselves anybody follow what I'm saying eliminating so I think you might even five spots something like that a can of lever or whatever something like that but I uh I just have to throw it out there to say that would be my exception uh and mayor asked about the height and what's the downtown and um you know I I just I need to duly note that if anybody is on the same page with me feel comfortable no I'm in the same definely your but parking is the problem we could easily put that in the plan or the agreement right yeah I I mean I think maybe the focus should be more on the height of the building if you want to limit it okay because when you start counting stories you're regulating twice right and I think I seen this is where I was going with the some of the things I saw last year where the parking was incorporated very well into the facade I mean you're walking along and there was some businesses in there but you wouldn't know there's some parking like right behind yeah I I I don't want to tighter hands I I I'm I would encourage it if they could produce more parking by can Le or partial first floor it could it be you know uh you know a half half the ground floors some kind of offices or vestibule or foyer and then the other half is parking and the other three story the other three stories technically would be four but behind yeah it's it's a dual regulation a lot of uh story regulations a lot of it has to do with the intensity of the use for instance this is whole whole issue with basement and sellers you know if it's half below grade it's not considered a story mainly is because human habitation is not below so that's why you you know you can it it's it's not considered a story for for uh zoning purposes but if it's above it is because now you're using it you're intensifying the use so that's why you limited so um you know that's the way I stand I would I would that's just my opinion if they look the engineer it it's sprinklered with dry system blah blah blah if we can get gain some parking I know deep Lots but it's it's a tough Street there could be almost like a story bonus if they Pro provide certain certain amount of parking would not be you know would not be considered a story so I have a I have a suggestion just based on what I'm hearing um would it be feasible to make the maximum height three stories with the exception of the three stories being underground parking cor are we talking underground parking or are we talking at I think they you talking are you talking surface level flat Lev are you talking surface level surface level parking okay so I I that's my my apology which basically the building is going to be partly on stilts over the parking building AC not open surface we're not talking that like the building across the street M next to was and that's what that is that's three stories with the parking underneath and that's used a lot it's used a lot in Elizabeth Garwood has some of the Redevelopment projects that use that right right near the burrow Hall I did the red um um master plan re exam and they just opened up those projects so um you know again they Incorporated that as part of the design well so I justess I guess I reward uh four stories but it has to be a percentage of a uh uh parking underneath with a walkway elevator on the ground floor whatever I think what you're talking about is four four stories where the first floor is parking correct it has to be x amount of parking the the first floor could be the first floor could parking yeah a percentage of parking yeah a percentage of parking you see again if we can get some good commercial down there and then the parking you know it's parking surrounds it I mean if you get a Target there you're going to need parking right that's it stranger things have happened I don't know they're doing small targets now I'm being serious it's a thing they're small box targets now it's a thing see friend gets me am I Joe you may you may Andrew said I wasn't allowed to talk and what what height you might be able to you might be able to just give him a height bonus density so it's I I like that idea it's a three-story building if so follow me on this one it's a three-story building they get to the Fort Story if more than 50% of the first floor is dedicated to parking or 60% whatever number you want 51% how we go what whatever you want but 50% or more square footage of the first floor is dedicated to parking then they get a bonus density right they would still need to meet the separate parking requirements yes the other way height is controlled because they still need to get the number of parking spaces for what they're going to build and then if we do it that way we're going to have to keep that I would recommend keeping that step back for the fourth floor in case you get into that type of situation in the rear we definitely need one floor Park MH but you know I like 60% but I think I think I just told that out as an option because look at all the other projects we have we run into problem with parking you know the first one we built we ran into a lot of issues and we had to do a lot of uh finagling and everything like that so yeah I I would like to uh make sure we at least have one floor apart and this is universal what you know the the planners love to talk about mixed use and and Transit oriented development the reality is is people are still wedded to their cars I believe in planning for what reality is and and making sure that it works for the burrow that makes sense um as to height are we uh we got minimum and maximum 40 and 50 of course that was based on the the four to five stories um should we just drop that to 30 and 40 I I not a member of the governing body I'm just saying that makes sense but I think that you need to add an as risks for the ma maximum height in feet and I think you need to add it for the maximum is three and add in language to caveat that correct a density bonus or a height bonus and that that ties into allowing yeah I concur second okay so that's fair are there any other items on the bulk table you know one of one other U there's a footnote in here about four story buildings again I'll just I'll I'll work with it I don't think I I I need I know what I need to do here I just got to modify the second sentence which talked about anything exceeding four story so that's obviously not exceeding at this point so yeah yeah I I I think a good point was made here oh wait that there are other references to residential like on page 31 about a street parking standards I think if we have a general blanket recommendation that any references to residential be stricken we just that's how we would modify it I mean we can go over each item but I may miss something I think I'll just Word Search Everything to make sure I can remove everything that has to do with residential agree will you do that y I agree with that anybody else the only thing in regards do I make a motion or how do I address the hotel thing is that an amendment or do we we're still in the process of amending yeah I mean so I I I think the hotel unlike some of these other things I think that you you don't have everybody on the same page about the hotel right like I'm just calling it for what it is so um it seems like there's a lot of consensus around these things again I would lock in the things that are definite you can make you can make a motion whenever you want right you're a member of the governing body so if you want no hotels you can make a motion no hotels right okay I'll make a motion no hotel okay I'll second it where are we putting that prohibited uses prohibited use yeah so are we going to do be on page page 29 it would be number four uh number three with no residential number three was no residential number four would then if amended would be no hotel and additionally the definition for retail services would be modified to eliminate hotels and motels and anywhere else throughout the plan that those references are good Council good yes yep uh call so we have a second call the rooll yep Motion in second Council patoski yes councilman Johnson no council signell no council rabina don't make me break a tie you haven't did that in a while I haven't had to do in a while I said it I said no oh you said no oh councilwoman Lions yes Council Patel yes uh three three three mayor signell Ro I'm sorry I'm GNA vote no on it just because I want to give it a shot to see what it looks like but I understand where you're coming from and we can keep an eye on it in the negative four three in the affirmative four in the negative feel bad I got the baby not agreed to so just to just to recap kind of where we were just so again proceed trly speaking uh we were going over the bulk table some of the things that were discussed was uh eliminating dwelling units and I think that kind of goes with strike any reference to residential or dwelling units throughout the rest of the Redevelopment plan as proposed um minimum uh rear yard in feet um we would eliminate reference to floor five as there would never be a situation with a floor five it would be floor four uh and that would be as 35 with an asterisk referring to the um parking bonus um to be determined uh height in feet would be reduced from minimum of 30 maximum of 40 again 40 asterisk uh height in stories uh we already addressed that um it would be minimum of one and maximum of I think four with an asterisk um again that fourth referencing back to the parking um so in terms of what was discussed from what I heard one of the things the governing body needs to maybe deliberate a little more on is what is that parking bonus look like right is it 50% is it 60% is it 90% is it 10% like what is the what's the number you're looking for I I'd like to clarify so what they they would use the ground floor for you going have to put an elevator trash room utility room The Meters maybe HVAC so I don't know how today we can go with the 60 to or 51% but my idea would be try to utilize the ground floor for more parking and your utilities whatever I I I when I go to bed tonight I'll remember this building only only has like you know 25% of it as as building but they use the elevator room the elevator trash room the meters the gas meters electric meters HVAC is taken up by the 100 by 100 foot building that they're using maybe a 25x 25 area and I guess you could say that's 25% for utilities instead of putting on the first or second floor they utilize the ground floor for utilities garbage recyclables and stuff like that that would be my suggestion the ground floor whatever is it there's like two buildings on Commerce Commerce in the Cranford I know I've been to whatever it's just a small part in the middle is this you know it's all parking around it and in the middle is elevator and trash room utility room HVAC sprinkler room and all that stuff is on the ground floor maximizes their space for retail and and they get a lot of parking I'm not an expert at construction but I think that that would make sense design wise you have a concrete core where your elevators are right in the middle could we just send that to the municipal lands board and wait for 100% 100% because I think that this is not enough time to really get into the weeds 100% of that right now because there's I'm certain there's state standards and and and other depending on what the property is going to be if it's a office space if it's a if it's a bank I'm certain there's there's guidelines and standards are there with that right and I think and I think it's better suited to send it to the municipal land use and we could vote on that and agre the other thing I'll add with like the the height requirement I've been trying to be hands off with this one is look you guys chose to get rid of residential right and mix use I I would say the only reason that a developer would go up is because they want to do units apartment units over commercial my guess is by virtue of the fact that you guys just act residential from it you're probably not going to see use bigger than three or four stories is that a a fair guess Ron I I I think it'll be self-regulating I can't see having non-residential uses on the fourth floor if I'm if I'm an insurance company I don't know if i' my clients would be yeah like we going up the stairs to go to a need the exercise the only way it would work out really is if you have a big office complex that move there and as much as I'm bullish of that of us getting off the space like I don't see that in the future right um but to Greg's Point like you can do two things you could just leave it alone and punch it to the land use board and then also if somebody says target comes in and wants to do a Target local right and they want to come in I love the idea it would be great and so are you manifesting I I think it'd be cool but um uh or Trader Joe's everybody's favorite everybody five stories Trader Joe's um you get Council gets two bites two chances to change this right when it comes back from the land use board with suggestions if you guys did your homework and said hey you know what we're going to do four with a kicker or when somebody actually comes with a Redevelopment agreement you say no no no that's four Stories We want three right so there's two ways to do that so if you want to leave it that was point that I was trying point trying to make it's a lot to to think of right now and just one other thing if we're kicking cans down the road I would like to the hotel thing I would like to revisit but so Ron I think the homework for you is is there a definition of a hotel or an expanded definition of like a catering hall right that would fit basically the use that's want that want it's it's a use of a hotel that would support the catering hall with restrictions I think is something people would feel more comfortable with I think if you can do some research on if there's a use that in that thing that would be good sorry I'm going all over the place um what does council want to do with the height here I'm hearing nothing three yeah the height I thought we were making a three right or is it up to you conj your councilman if you want to if you want to uh if you want to vote to uh uh cap it at three or four or make a motion cap at three I'll make a motion to cap at three we're at three we're at three three stor yeah we're at we're at three we're at three we're at three stories oh we did that already we did that already oh okay was that that bonus of the four okay got it I thought we went through got it okay so so got it so we're good we could always change it okay and what about parking that include so there's parking standards Joe so they would have to they'd still have to be beholden to the parking standards how much parking is going to be it depends on what the use is right so it's it's calculated based on how many square feet the building is once we have a concept to design a plan that we can then go off of then goes to Municipal luse port and it be discussed there yeah yeah so you'll be able to see so if if there's a project that happens there you'll be able to know okay it's a again it's a Trader Joe's it's 2,000 sare feet and there's going to be 100 parking spots and then you could say yeah that's enough or no that's not enough right Fran I just want to clarify for the record about the hotel motel definition for now that hotel definition what's going to the L U sport is just hotel motel as is it's not going to be amended because that's not what's on the record correct if something comes back from l board that can OB or you can revisit it at that time correct we can revisit it then I'm sorry what was the last question barking barking the last question was parking so the the ratio Joe just pointed out it's one p space per 250 square foot of gross floor area right now um which again like I think that'll be I is that standard Ron I I don't know that's that's pretty much that's taken that's that's standard what's our standard ordinance I don't even know if I think it's one for 250 okay yeah yeah and one thing here that delet that studio thing here number three and it doesn't even apply that's just actually that's the typo I know where that came from yep I had I had a studio use that I deleted out of here and I forgot to delete it out of the table F you do like a boutique movie St government in action so okay so we're good for now if we want to make any other changes it'll come up again Joe okay as long as we and and and just one clarification if if if you look under the additional uh requirements and standards there's a concept that we have you know that floated in about share parking off site that you can go a th000 feet if you can if you if you don't meet the requirements it's just trying to give more flexibility to say I can't provide it on site but I have an agreement with whatever you know someone th000 feet away y it's a concept other municipalities have and and has more flexibility so is there going to be another amendment proposed or is there not another amendment proposed I don't have one I I think they're at at a minimum you need to eliminate references to residential throughout the plan correct do we need another motion for that and Studio those on the and then and then the reference I think so and then and then red and then yeah eliminating references to the fifth floor throughout mhm then Studio you know eliminating the in table in table two on page 31 page 12 of the plan just fixing the typographical error there clerical error and also just in table two residential parking would be removed and then uh on page 34 of the packet the affordable housing obligation will be revised to reflect that there is no residential provided are there any other considerations for this amendment May it's your meeting somebody want to make a motion to make that final Amendment so we can clean it up I'll make that motion I'll second call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six of the affirmative mayor the amendment is agreed to all right boys and girls can can we yeah I it can we put this one to bed so I can go to bed anything else so I need I need a motion to adopt as amended right yep adopt resolution is this 2 223 yeah uh move oh hold up let me just ask for well whatever so moved second uh call the roll when you're ready councilman patosi yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sarella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman lions yes councilman Patel yes 6 the affirmative mayor the resolution is adopted as amended brutal it's good to have a discussion government in action um okay uh right yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry guys thank you very much for being here all right take care care uh okay um reports of uh committees we'll start with the council president okay okay very short um first of all I want to send my condolences out to June Stark's family I've known June Stark for about 45 years um when I first got involved coaching little league in the uh mid 70s uh she was involved in the Leake um and her mother and father was the whole family uh great lady and everything like that so she definitely will be missed uh Patrick C uh with the American Legion uh I had the honor of playing softball with him for many years I believe he was a commander over in Lyndon yeah yeah um but I think his brother was a commander at60 okay uh so um and also Mike Henny um I was involved in L leag with Mike he coached many years in both baseball and basketball and uh we real dedicated coach uh so he definitely will be Miss I would like everyone to keep Paul DeVito and his family in your prayers um he has an up uh fight um um and um I'm hoping that everything works out for him and his family he did actually came home last Thursday and uh so um I'm hoping the best for him um I'm going to hold off um post 60 I'm going to let my uh thing but uh um they are uh they need our help um you know um a lot of these veterans served in uh the war my uh partner over here and uh they could use your help now so if there's anything you want can help do um you know go down there spend a couple dollars I know they're having a fundraiser which I'm going to hold off to councilman Johnson to say on September 21st and U it's you know they're looking to raise money um remember school has open uh keep the kids in mind watch both ways and everything like that uh if you need to get a hold of me you can get me at J Petroski Rosal park.net 908 666 7821 and that's my report mayor thank you thank you councilman uh first word councilman thank you mayor good evening mayor council residents I would like to start off with a couple of community announcements uh at the request of Commander ran on behalf of Post 6 the American Legion veteran group uh would like to invite the community to their first October Fest celebration that will be held uh on Saturday September 21st 2024 from 2: to 10: p.m. all proceeds will help the local veterans and boy scouts organization uh TR 56 um for more information please contact cat McCoy 908 436 846 3 again uh What uh the council president uh was asking you guys please Community come out um we're seeing better progress but we still need your support um we're um in financial uh needs and uh we're we're making it but uh we would we need a little bit more support so please come out and support your veterans and uh troop 56 Boy Scouts um I believe uh the doctober Fest is in uh in name of uh Patrick correct right yeah yeah so I just wanted to I I didn't I would be remiss if I I exclude his name so um the next Community engagement will be held by the Greg Johnson civic association in partnership with New Jersey clean communities and adopt the highway program cleaning up westfeld AV also known as uh Route 28 on Saturday September 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. uh the meeting point will be held here at Burrow hall for more information you could give contact me at GJ Civic Association at gmail.com so that would be GJ c i v i c a s o c i a t IO n gmail.com once again my condolences goes out to the Starks family and thank you for allowing me to uh pay my respects at her wake her presence will surely be missed uh throughout our Beloved Community if you need to get in contact with me please uh uh feel free to email me at G Johnson park.net or you can call me at 98331 1519 and mayor that concludes my report rosan can you go next please sure uh good evening everyone um want to just uh wish all the students in Rosell Park a great uh New Year we started um officially today um and uh can't believe it's September but I also want to remind everyone the community center the Rosell Park Library the rec center um they have such a great team uh please visit Rosal park.net we have so many things happening this upcoming fall and we want uh the town to really participate um we do have um just the announcements that rup and had um already mentioned we have the Hispana Fiesta uh tomorrow 6:00 pm. um across the street from post office at myy Park uh please come to that we have the Arts Festival on September 28th um and we also do uh the Indian festival is actually uh October 5th and I'm also going into October 19th it's um the Italian Heritage Festival we definitely want you to come we have food trucks coming uh bouny houses for kids it's going to be awesome so please attend um and that's my report thank you so much thank you C thank you councilman uh councilman Patel please thank you president good evening I nominated house 157 as a business of the month located at 157 East westfi a they have continue to support local events including partnership with local schools and Community groups this past month they hosted a backpack giveaway filled with school supplies thank you fate the owner of house 157 and congratulation on this award reminder the environmental commission will be hosting a repair Cafe on October 5th at the Park High School cafeteria for more details follow the commission's Facebook page uh that's all I have if you have any questions please reach me at Capel Rosel park.net councilman Rina thank you good evening mayor good evening Roso Park as we bid farewell to summer I extend my heartfelt wishes for a successful and safe school year to all our students and their families you may have noticed the schools open drive carefully signs around our schools these signs generously provided by AAA are a vital reminder for motorists to exercise heightened caution and remain Vigilant in school zones ensuring the safety of our youngest residents on September 3rd an alarming incident occurred down the road in Cranford where a 16-year-old bicyclist was struck by a vehicle at the crosswalk near lenpy Park on Kenworth Boulevard fortunately the bicyclist was discharged from the hospital but this serves as a stark reminder of the importance of both of safety for both drivers and pedestrians we must all contribute to maintaining a safe environment on our roads next week we will initiate our street smart program this initiative aims to educate the public about traffic laws and promote safe behaviors to reduce accidents and fatalities within our buau the focus of this study will be on West Webster and Myrtle Avenues furthermore as a member of the Union County transportation Advisory board I would like to inform you that the County engineer is currently awaiting a report from GPI the consultant working with the NJ dot on the proposed rail trail project in the fifth board it's anticipated it'll be ready very soon in recent weeks I've been actively engaging with constituents to address various concerns including speeding up fat fud AV and the need for new and repaired sidewalks additionally we are collaborating with utility companies to resolve an ADA compliance issue in the ward it is important to note that addressing these safety and traffic calming issues often requires time and a comprehensive approach involving education engineering and enforcement and as chamber liaison I'm working on developing a userfriendly step-by-step guide for opening a business here in Rosel Park this guide is expected to be available very soon thanks to the efforts of rich buio and rup and Shaw as we approach the 23rd anniversary of 911 may we never forget all who perished that day the days and the years that followed and the families they all left behind may God bless them and may God bless Jun Stark lastly as as many of you aware I'm running for re-election this November having our Ser having served our community in various Community uh volunteer capacities for over 13 years I'm proud of the progress we have achieved together during my tenure on Council from Road improvements over 90% of the fifth W has been resurfaced to the enhancement of parks and the introduction of family new familyfriendly events our collaborative efforts have yielded significant advancements we've also focused on infrastructure and pedestrian safety sought out partners for donations and grants to fund improvements at no cost to the burrow and supported local businesses with valuable resources I'm grateful to the support for the support I have received from many of you and value your feedback and concerns please feel free to reach out to me at 862 236 0019 J reine at Rosel park.net thank you Rosel park for your continued support and Trust thank you councilman Mr councilman at large thank you Jay you stole a couple of mine but but just I'd like to reiterate on that uh incident on the boulevard I kind of rolled up to it a little bit after the fact and just to remind people so there's a two-way street here people on bicycles I think they have to be careful too right and uh there could be everybody obeying all the rules you know stopping but you need to do your part uh the individual didn't have a helmet on and I I did hear from a good source he he's going to be okay but you know wear helmets and and you yourself on a bicycle you should take responsibility too just not assume everybody's going to stop and uh June Stark will be missed I'd like to did that uh concur with that and and we're all praying for Paul DeVito and um that's it you need to get hold of me Joe sarella and Rosa park.net have a good evening cool um that actually reminds me of something Andrew do we have any money on the Sunday in the sunshine fund to send flowers or something and now that Paul's back did we do anything yet we can have money in the sunshine fund we'll we'll we will work it out yes okay for dramatic effect here um I have do you want to explain what the sunshine fund is oh the sunshine fund is basically it's like it's money that we just put in a pot in case you know we need to send flowers or somebody or congratulations to somebody I think you guys know what you guys know what it is maybe the audience doesn't yep um okay uh I really don't have a major report just good luck to all the students this year and um excited for some of the Fall festivities first Italian Festival is going to be cool um and uh we got some big stuff cooking up for my favorite holiday Halloween so excited for the ramping up of that um any questions mayor s Rosal park.net um may have a motion to open the public portion on any subject matter so move second all in favor hi you like to come up and speak you may do so now good evening Bill Crossett 412 Galloping Hill Road a little closer to the mic bill please there we go thank you sir um I was just wondering if Andrew had a chance to find out about the tree thing that I asked last meeting so Bill I'm very sorry I don't have any I there is an answer and it's very easy to access I will call you tomorrow if that's okay no problem um I wanted to thank the chief of police for calling both my wife and myself uh he was very concerned about what I brought up at the last meeting when I called the nonemergency number and he's going to see what he can find out about it and I never did get any kind of comment or response on why all the permit fees have been increased twice in the past year yeah so I don't know did we increase permits this year so we did and I could give little unless you want to speak sure yeah I mean I can just say I know historically ours were very low I mean they're high around the state right so I I don't still don't think ours are high relative we brought it up to I think a county standard but go ahead Andrew so one of the odd things that I also find odd just for the record um is the state and the DCA periodically does audits um of Municipal licensing fees or Municipal um permit fees and they give these critiques about what your fees are and I I don't want to say they mandate that you change it but they will tell you that they're not where they need to be and so we acted on that as the DCA which oversees most of the operations for municipal government so that's one of the reasons I think that was the most recent reason prior to that I'm I'm kind of going back I believe it was last year um I think we I think our code official did a comparison to other municipalities and brought us in line okay um but that's that would be my response but that's I'm H that's a better response I'm happy to blame the state um and on this Redevelopment plan um and you and I had talked very briefly on a possibility of a hotel and having been in that industry for 50 years that location is a very good location for a hotel yeah my only thing on it just like candidly as a capitalist and as mayor like we get extra taxes for hotels too right so you get you get a I think it's per unit every time somebody book so like it's a nice cash what you get is you have to pass a tax for a fee which is 3% of all the room Revenue they bring in yeah which could add up for a small town oh yeah yeah the just as a word of caution if you got Bill's motor in bill can do whatever he want y nobody is going to oversee him but if you require that a franchise goes in there such as Hampton home 2 how to express all them a reputable name they get inspected a minimum of two times a year by the franchise or and if they go more than two or three inspections with a failure they get their license yanked on them Y and for parking the uh most of the franchises I've been associated with parking is one and a half spaces per room M and they would not want to build for less than 80 to 90 rooms yep and if they can only go three stories might be limiting yeah well look I think it's it's something to to continue discussing um you know it'll go to land use board I think Rosanna brings up some valid concerns so we'll have the planner do a little bit more digging on it and uh we still have time to amend all of this which is it's good feedback and I think the right Hotel there such as a Hampton a courtyard something like that they could help bring business to count you got the banquet hall right up the street if you've got relatives coming in from out of town they got a reputable Hotel that they could go and stay at and that was kind of the the reason that it was asked to be considered is the the guy who does the banquet hall he's like I send all my hotel business to the korth in yeah you know so but anyway good feedback and it's dirty yep thank you yep anybody else sorry hold on good evening Eric Kennedy 327 West Lincoln anthon um I'm here to put something on a record and I need a yes or no answer it's very simple can you tell me right now that the DPW is 100% safe for all employees uh yes or no answer it's very simple I'll defer to to Council on this I I don't know if that's a simple question and should we we should trust you why I didn't say anything other than I don't really know if that's a simple question okay so you can't answer my question is what you're saying first of all it's public comment not public question and answer okay so if you want to make a comment public comment then sorry there you go is that better there you go okay okay can you answer me that's a question okay do you work in this town I work for the town for the town Andrew I know if there's anything you want to add to this I don't think anybody wants to answer to this because I think we all know the the honest question this you can roll your eyes you can do whatever you need to do but here's the report from 2018 that clearly shows how much stuff was wrong in the building okay and nothing was done these pictures I can show you pictures from two weeks ago that I took that'll match to the same exact thing eight people in a row have died of cancer consecutively from that place one being sick right now who I just saw the other day not that any of used did so I I don't I don't know if that's true in terms of eight people consecutively but would you like to names because I won't give them to be on a record here but I can I can gladly get you them I mean if you feel like politicizing names of people who' have died then you can go for it that's why I just told you I'll give them to you off the Record if you need them it's a very simple question look we have reports on the DBW hold on a second hold on I got one better for you did you show up at a restaurant two Fridays ago and tell people I'm crazy I'm making stories up about the yard did you say that it's yes or no another yes or no very simple question I don't know if this has to do with the burrow functioning this this is a very important Town matter okay you got eight people that passed away consecutively that worked in that place one who's very very ill right now yep and you're going to wait till now to send them flowers that's what you're going to do has anybody thought to check in with him yeah I've talked to him several times thank you though okay have you seen him he's been in and out of the hospital like is this a I'm sorry this is a mayor and council meeting is this a referendum on how empathetic apparently I can't get an answer anywhere else I want this on the record okay um because I'm being told that I'm losing my job I'm being told that I'm losing my benefits I want it on a record that's all I don't know who's these are personel matters I don't know if we could talk about this at the moment it is Personnel let's move the meeting I'm not talking to you sir I through the chair councilman so sir if you're going to start talking about Personnel issues that's not an appropriate topic for that no I just want it on the record Put and I need to put something on the record all right so okay put it on the record because I can put something else on the record too go ahead go ahead sure I'll let you finish first oh I'm sure go ahead I'll let you finish so I'm going to advise the board that they're not to comment back in relationship to any Personnel matters okay and that is just by law it's good practice for the board all right so you're free to say whatever you want but I'm advising this board not to engage in a conversation back and forth well I need to know if I can go to work that's what I need to again that's a Personnel question so so where do I find that out because I've said M emails and I'm not getting not a proper discussion for a public this is where we're going to handle it unless you want to drag me out of here this is where we're handling it sir I'm just going to tell you that I pay my taxes I'm a resident this town I bust my ass for this town okay and I'm going to say and nobody's going to take that away from me no one's taking anything away from you other than the concept that no one's going to respond to you okay all right I figur that with regards to a Personnel matter this is not the appropriate form for it oh I figured that so I'm just going to give them that advice that's my job unfortunately so is it a you're out of time Eric you can work environment or not you can you're out of time you can go sit back there is it a safe work environment or not again Eric this is not you're your time go sit back to your seat and somebody else can come ask if they want to no problem we'll do that thanks for the enough would anybody else like to come speak on any subject matter how you doing George Ramirez 500 East Clay uh there's been a lot of of dumping of dirt at the DPW okay there's been a rumor saying that a lot of that dirt is contaminated has that dirt been tested uh I I'm not aware of any legal dumping I don't know no just if I may yeah please I didn't call it illegal or I don't know it's illegal well hold on I I didn't call it illegal oral there's dumping and I'm just curious to see if it's contaminated has it been tested so all dirt that moves off site or onto her site has to come with a tag or has to be uh tested as to where it comes from invoices and things of that nature you can't just move dirt around the state of New Jersey and just take it from somewhere and drop it right there are bills of Laden and invoices and things that track that if it came from a contaminated site it needs to by law be tested know what the contaminant is and be dropped at a appropriate place that can accept that type of dirt what if it's not a contaminated site what if it's just a regular site like how do we know if it's contaminated or not understand you you know where the source comes from and things of that nature right so I'm just telling you there is a a tracking mechanism as to where the dirt started originated from what truck took it and where it winds up okay so say it comes from an unknown hold on it it never comes from an unknown Place say if it comes from a place but it's unknown whether it's contaminated or not is a test performed before it's dumped on burrow property traditionally you you either engage with a contract with someone okay let's not speaking hypotheticals here has that has that dirt that's been dumped at the DPW been tested before it's been dumped there let's this is a hypothetical scenario I don't oh no the dirt there's been dirt that's been dumped at the DPW correct George not that I'm aware of so so again you're presenting a hypothetic scenario to the governing body I would love to answer you uh I I can't you know if you had a specific day if you had like a I could get you days I mean there's i' be happy to answer any of your questions yeah there's a specific there's a specific instance that you feel like is questionable I mean first off I don't know what you're doing around the DPW but if you have a specific example feel free to email it to us and we'll do an investigation well you guys even joked about oh we have a ton of dirt didn't you guys talk about 5 acre property no but a a few months ago you guys talked about this joked around with it with Paul at the DPW I don't there is dirt there no but you joked about it we have a ton of we have a lot of that yeah there's a literal Hill and we've tried to build a new DPW building all right and the excavation would take a lot of work we've had this there's videos of dirt being dumped at the DBW my question is has that dirt that's been dumped there has that been tested if you send us the videos then I'm sure we can do an investigation as you don't know if there's been dirt been has any dirt that's been dumped there this past year been tested I I look we operate our DPW under the safety standards that are set forth in the state you know I I I can't speak to I don't personally check all the dirt there right um but I would assume Andrew keep me honest yeah presume presumably the answer is yes but again without specifics I I you know if there's if there's a oneoff where there was something improper done which is I think what you're implying we can I'm not implying anything I'm no I mean you are I mean that's it's we could we could argue facts but I mean you're implying that was this done was it not done presumably and by burrow operation we operate under the law right so the answer to you would be yes if there is a specific circumstance you want to ask about provide it we'll look into it we get whistleblowers all the time if you see something wrong with the government give us a specific example and we'll look into to it all right so you don't off the top of your head you don't know that dirt's been dumped there and you don't know if it's been tested I I'll be I'll be May if I could I mean I know I know we're out of time on this one but I I I actually really can't think of a time that I can pinpoint in 2024 yeah when there was a dirt dumping operation okay all right so if I email you and I give you specific dat we're I I engage with any res president beautiful send it over thank you thank you anybody else okay I'm seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public portion so move all in favor mayor could I just address something pleas go for it just for the record uh I I respectfully to members of the public I I'm not I'm not going to get into a back and forth but I some of the questions that were very serious um and I I do want to address them right I've heard a lot about this 2018 study and I want to make sure that we get it on the record because I've briefed the governing body because this has come up so in 2018 there was a Department of Public Works employee that passed away um the union the DPW Union at the time expressed concerns to the administration at the time that there may be an issue at DPW uh because there was a prior DPW worker who also passed away not of the same illness but similar I guess in you know scope I don't want to minimize it but there there was a suspicion and a concern by the employees the burrow acted immediately and contracted with an environmental specialist that did a review of the buildings what they found are summarized as follows the buildings are not in great condition we know this the plan is and has been to knock the buildings down the second thing they found was that the indoor air quality levels in the buildings at DPW were comparable to the outdoor air quality readings which means that there were no elevated levels of anything that would be aggravating to respiratory or otherwise of the workers that were in those buildings to be clear about the DPW is it is a DPW Yard right a Department of Public Works yard there are gas tanks there were underground gas tanks at one time there's ass salt Dome there are many things that are hazardous material that are at the Department of Public Works all the time by virtue of being what it is there are D activity numbers which identify and give an action plan for how to remediate or monitor those contaminants in the ground we are up on those standards we have a license site remediat professional that track these things but in terms of that 2018 concern it was reviewed there was no action required there were cosmetic recommendations that were not followed right um because the idea was not to invest money in a building that you were ultimately going to knock down albeit the buildings were not knocked down uh since 2018 they're still standing however the health concerns that were expressed were investigated there was no finding and there was no action taken so there was no action taken because there was no action required to be taken and I want that on the record because it is very serious to claim that a workplace is literally killing people I take it I wasn't the administrator in 2018 but I've been in this building more than I've been in any building in my entire life and I take this job very seriously I take the employees here very seriously and I take all of you very seriously because it's your money that I spend every day so I want that on the record because it's a serious I'm not going to say it's an accusation it's a serious concern so the Department of Public Works safe yes is this building safe yes is the police department safe yes are there problems in all these buildings absolutely you can hear it for anyone here tonight there's a beeping for everyone out in we got it camera land but we try to make it work we try to keep things as safe as we can and I think we do a pretty good job we're not perfect that's it mayor thank you okay you do you have a motion to adourn so move all in favor thank you for