e e ready to go ready to go all right this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act I you notes this meeting was published sorry I had I just had to eat dinner I'm sorry is that what you're making fun of H uh annual notice of this meeting was published in the Union County local Source the New York Star Ledger said notice was posted in municipal building and a copy on file with the office of the bur clerk fire is located in the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for a fire please move to Comm orderly man to the nearest smoke free exit proper noes having been given bur clerk is direct to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the role councilman patoski here councilman Johnson councilman signell here councilman Robina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor signell here present mayor opening prayer for pledge of allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help and all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen I pled ALG to the flag the United States of America to the it stands one nation God indivisible liy and for all um okay there are no Communications for review this evening there are no proclamations or presentations for this evening may have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may I have a motion that bills and payrolls be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor may have open motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I if anybody wants to come up and speak on agenda items only it's a pretty light crowd tonight um okay I'm seeing no one um may I have a motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I okay we have no reports this evening but may have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted do I even need that yeah so so move second all in favor I okay uh Andrew please read ordinance number 2780 by title and report and recommendations received from the land use board with respect there to yes mayor res uh ordinance number 2780 is an ordinance amending chapter 40 section 3005 of the code of the bur Rosel Park entitled driveways the report of the land use board is as follows please be advised the Rosal Park Municipal land use board the board rev reviewed ordinance number 2780 an ordinance amending chapter 40 section 35 of the code of the B of Rosal Park entitled driveways the board voted unanimously to refer the ordinance back to May and Council without reservation for adoption uh may I have a motion to take ordinance number 2780 from the table for further consideration so move second um no debate all in favor I I I uh may I have a motion to adopt ordance number 2780 move second is there any discussion seeing none please call the roll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman Sig Morell yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted uh there are no ordinance for second reading ordinances for second reading this evening Andrew please read ORD ordinance number 2786 by title yes mayor ordinance 2786 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 27 section six subsection three of the codee of the bur Rosel Park entitled imposition of charges uh may have a motion to approve approve ordinance number 2786 for introduction fix the date for second reading and public hearing as or as August 15th 2024 so move second is there any discussion um so just Andrew just so this one is for anybody who's watching who's been keeping up with a lot of the storm water stuff um obviously we had a big storm water hike um there's ongoing discussions we just got a bunch of state aid to help mitigate a lot of those costs um ongoing discussions how quickly we can use that and hoping to use it this year um to make sure that second payment doesn't happen stay tuned um no news on that quite yet but you know we're going to keep pushing for that this is changing our ordinance this is the way we calculate it right so the idea would be we use winter months as a baseline because you're only using the water that goes back into the sewer system during the winter months during the summer months you're using it for watering grass you're using it for your pool not things that necessarily go into the sewer system um so the hope is this would be a more fair way of doing it based on actual use so any questions discussion okay call the RO councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2787 by title yes mayor ordinance 2787 is an ordinance for introduction a bond ordinance to amend section 4H and 16 of the bond ordinance ordinance number 22776 entitled a bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new inform information technology equipment and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the B Rosell Park in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $ 3,987 th000 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate various grants to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance the cost of the appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds adopted May 2nd 2024 may have a motion to adopt ordinance number 2787 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing is August 15th 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion see none Andrew please call the RO councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sella yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six V in affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay uh please read ordinance number 278 2788 by title yes mayor ordinance 2788 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 23 section 1.5 of the code with the bur Rosel Park entitled conditions of permits okay uh may I have a motion to approve ordinance number 2788 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as August 15 2024 so move second is there any discussion Andrew could you kick this one off sure so uh this ordinance would add a stipulation to our Road opening uh permit process uh so for every permit issued um or in any emergency it provides for a requirement that the uh public utility company predominantly or anyone else opening the road would need to notify those residents in the area of 200 ft around the opening uh the uh date and time of the excavation and the extent of the excavation any other mitigating factors like safety any potential impacts to um utilities like water or electric or gas um in emergency scenarios where that's not possible uh such notice would need to be provided 24 hour not later than 24 hours after the excavation and all the notices provided have to be in writing uh and copies need to be provided to the municipality thank you good thank than you Andrew um I have one thing uh with this um did we send these this in this uh change out to the residents on uh or can we at least um notifying people of the change VI um that we send a monthly uh what's the thing that we s the newslet the newsletter the bulletin can we please uh add this to the bulletin uh to to as an addition of notification to the people to and to the residents I that the that the ordinance about the ordinance yeah about the change that they have beeni within 72 hours you know but doesn't this only affect Public Utilities for 99% of the time yes uh but for there's I would say one I less than five times in my time here but we can do it no I mean if it's if if we don't really if it doesn't really happens with the resident accent to open up the street cuz I know it happened uh downtown it did before um then I would say no but if it does uh there are times when it there are times when it happens I think we should go that extra mile that's fine thank you it doesn't take any effort at all as long as it gets adopted appreciate you uh okay Jay no okay got all right uh roll call councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read all resolutions listed on the agenda by title yes mayor resolution 17424 is requesting an agreement with the county of Union to permit the installation of Rapid rectangular flashing Beacon systems along County Road 617 commonly known as fud Avenue at various locations resolution 17524 is accepting the resignation of Lauren harmes for the municipal land use board resolution 17624 is appointing Albert APO as a member of the Rosa Park fire department resolution 17724 is authorizing the mayor and Bur clerk to execute an agreement with the county of Union for certain Community Development activities for fiscal year 2024 through 2025 resolution 17824 is approving the insertion of a national opioid settlement fund Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $3,443 44 resolution 17924 is authorizing a 2-year renewal of a shared service agreement for animal boarding and kenneling services with the township of Woodbridge resolution 18024 is authorizing the bual clerk to auction unclaimed vehicles resolution 18124 is authorizing extension of the grace period for payment of third quarter property taxes for the year 2024 until August 29th 2024 resolution 18224 is authorizing the tax collector to issue a reduction and or refund on two sewer utility bills in the total amount of $742 resolution 18324 is approving the time due calculation in terms of final payment for Paul bamon resolution 18424 is accepting the resignation of Daniel Cen from the Rosell Park Fire Department resolution 18524 is authorizing a $25,000 increase to the open-ended goods and services contract with Rich Tree Service Inc for tree trimming pruning and removal services pursu to New Jersey state contract number 18 DPP 00 645 reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $100,000 resolution 18624 is authorizing the tax collector to issue reduction sorry reductions Andor refunds in the total amount of $ 6,436 198 on four properties as authorized by the Union County Tax Board and resolution 18724 is approving a collective bargaining agreement between the bur Rosel Park and Rosal Park PBA Local 27 for the period January 1 2025 through December 31st 2029 resolution 18824 is appointing Tyler Paris as a member of the Rosa Park fire department okay we pulling anything mayor yes I'd like to uh one 7524 me me too but okay that's fine anything else okay uh may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I I uh may have a motion to adopt resolution 17524 so move second is there any discussion yes okay I when I first got on Council I was a member of the land use board and Lauren uh harmes was our uh chairman and I thought he did an excellent job um he will definitely be missed and um you know um but uh you know I I was very sad to see that he was leaving because I felt he did an excellent job on the uh land use boort that's it do you have something yeah I just like to add you know Lauren harmes always has his heart and soul in roselt park and gives his best and um did O to what councilman Patos is saying that uh said will he'll be Miss and he's a knowledgeable person in construction and um thanks for his service thank you cool uh call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 6 months in affirmative mayor the resolution is adopted cool uh reports well we're speeding through here um let's go uh councilman at large you can go first so last Wednesday I attended uh I'm going to have just to Tad for Roseanne's excuse me Council woman's uh uh uh single all at the Gazebo Park was the first one last week uh I couldn't make last nights but I I tell you what we we it last week there was a couple young ladies there last week that I I won't uh hide that brought tears to my eyes one one young lady and happens to be my neighbor just away she was hidden some high notes it's a nice little thing that goes on to gazebo Park I know Council woman she'll talk about where it was moved into last night because the weather and um just a good thing um attended the last two uh cooldowns and councilman Jay will take over that but I just want to remind everybody that the farmers market is up and running even though with the heat and people aren't coming out as much but uh uh some of the products that are being uh sold and uh at the market is you know is is good please visit the market that downtown uh on Wednesdays till I believe it's Thanksgiving Wednesday night so that's the end of my report thank you councilman uh councilman Johnson yes thank you mayor good evening mayor council residents uh I would like to start off with a couple of community announcements uh starting with the update to Berwin and Avon uh neglia our burrow Engineers have finalized construction plans for Avon and Berwin at this moment we're currently waiting for NJ DT to complete their review and approve of said uh plans hopefully we can commence as early as uh fall of this year I just want to uh personally thank uh Andrew for sticking with me throughout this whole thing uh this was one of the first Endeavors that I wanted to accomplish when I first got on Council and look sometimes it takes uh a few tries so we're finally getting it done um and I'm certain presidents in that every will be excited I look forward to seeing the the stone and the the new sidewalks and things like that myself so thank you Andrew personally secondly I would uh just like to thank the American Legions auxiliary unit 60 here in Rosel Park ladies you guys did a wonderful job putting together such a much-needed uh fundraiser and uh Community ofair um our first annual cigar night um thank you to all the Els that it came uh thank you to Mayor petski kanjan Ro you I think you might have been there too if not I just want to make sure I'm captor and everybody uh Chief farino and everyone that came out to support that event uh the bur uh the Roso Park um veterans are under some Financial uh constraints and uh fundraisers like this help us get by yearly so thank you and anyone that want to support please come by it's open to to everyone when we do these uh community events now residents um as burrow Public Safety chair I would like to ask residents visitors to please be mindful to and to observe all parking ordinances rules and state statutes that are put in place unfortunately there are few hot spots in town like around Dalton Street and Union Road where sadly some people don't mind blocking driveways parking in prohibited areas wrong side of the streets parking Etc after many discretionary and mitigation attempts law enfor has been asked to step up police presence ticketing and towing offenders so residents be advised to follow all of these things if you're a customer patreon or guest please have some consideration for the residents that live in that area and please use the parking lots that are across the roadway when conducting or supporting businesses in our community sorry I had to keep saying pleaseed but I just really need to drive this home please follow the the parking ordinances and and state statutes that are put in place uh that that includes residents so everyone please oh and before I forget congratulations to the class of 2024 in Rosal Park and a special congratulations to my son Gabriel for graduating this year with honors and for being a a member of the National Honors Society Ruckers ra raah here we come so so I just wanted to take uh good luck son uh mayor that concludes my report uh councilman patoski oh I'm sorry I forgot to give out my contact information if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosell park.net or uh uh 908 3031 1519 I'm sorry and now that concludes my C pataski sorry thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send my cond condolences out to Christine Frost Margaret tumulty and Pamela Roso uh if you remember the name p Roso she used to run the Arts Festival for many years until she came down with cancer so uh um my prayers go out to all three of them uh June 28th I attended the cigar and whiskey night at post 60 again please if you can help the veterans out when you hear about these events please show up um it's definitely a fundraiser uh for them and they could use all the money they can um but uh it was a good night and it was was very profitable so again thank you for all the veterans uh July 1st I attended the fireworks okay um many uh compliments a lot of people told me it was the best we ever had um but it it was a very good uh show uh and looked at it was very crowded uh July 9th I tended to cool down uh July 10th the open mic um again like councilman sarella said uh them two young girls do a great job um you know they have a great voice um the yes yesterday I attended the acro Park uh meeting about the what happening there so uh more to come uh we're going to have to look at a couple things but uh hopefully we get this up and running and uh it'll be a new AER Park uh um today I attended the Joint Sewer meeting and we approved the construction for the pump station okay um uh also I'd like to uh have everyone send prayers for Paul DeVito who's a operator with the DPW uh he did have brain surgery and he's in rehab right now so uh prayers for Paul please um and his family are uh appreciating all the prayers that have come his way so far uh if you need to get a hold of me you can get me a j Petras at rosar park.net 9086664419 [Music] um nice it we got okay and that's my report thank you thank you councilman councilman Rina thank you mayor good evening Rosel Park on June 28th I had the privilege of attending the Union County means green Grant ceremony at the community garden on Valley Road I extend my gratitude to Union County for their support and a special thank you to Tim kley Emil Karina and all the dedicated volunteers and residents who contribute their time to the Garden your efforts not only provide essential food for our community but also educate families on sustainable agriculture during my visit I also met with Crossfield products across the way to address concerns about cars parking beyond their driveway apron obstructing business operations a simple solution of striping was implemented to alleviate this issue July 1st brought a special a spectacular fireworks display with standout performances of the national anthem in God Bless America by Tiffany narvas and Michaela Guzman respectively the fourth annual community cooldown which kicked off on July 9th Drew record crowds and garnered coverage by news2 during this recent Heat Wave the event provided much needed relief along with the ice cream I got for the kids and this it was also supported by the PBA 27 who distributed ice pops we just had one this past Tuesday with winds pushing that cool water towards the 7-Eleven big thanks to our fire department for working with me since 2021 to keep this going so reminder the next cool down is Tuesday July 23rd from 6:30 to 7:30 and last one for this year's series is Tuesday July 30th it's across from U Rosell Park High School on West Webster Avenue on July 10th I attended the County's Transportation Advisory board meeting where Jackie Garcia our Bureau representative in the County's board's second Vice chair successfully motioned for a request to update and reexamination of the County's bike and pedestrian master plan after 17 years this initiative aims to modernize Transportation strategies across Union County the following day I attended a town hall discussion here at burough chambers that addressed a pressing Community issue which while spirited demonstrated our Collective commitment to resolving a long-standing challenge and will improve our buau by enhancing storm water capacity on the east side I'm grateful to our mayor Senate President scari and our Representatives on assembly who came to this Burrow's Aid and helped offset the impact on taxpayers with a significant amount of relief $3 million to be exact July 12th found me attending the new New Jersey Trails Action Network meeting where discussions focused on enhancing funding and focus on micr Mobility bike and pedestrian safety and trailing issues with d and Dot recently on July 15th the municipal annus board meeting reviewed a new homeowner application on Filbert approving A Small Bump out addition to their second story with mayor signarello s suggesting an additional tree planting to enhance the neighborhood's green canopy looking ahead I invite all residents to join us for our second annual family swim night on August 7th at cranford's Orange AV pool pre-registration is required and please bring identification confirming residency upon arrival in light of current national tensions it's crucial to uphold our first amendment rights while fostering civility unity and respect within our community despite differing opinions we all share a common goal of maintaining Rosel Park's charm and adapting to change together lastly to my constituents in the Fifth Ward thank you for your continued engagement and feedback your concerns are important and I remain committed to addressing them promptly please feel free to contact me at J reine at Rosell park.net or 862 23619 with any questions or issues I've also created a link tree account where I've got quick links to a number of useful resources along with a sign up to pool night a common suggestion form casano Center calendar municipal waste and recycling calendars miscellaneous forms and documents School info how to report a Long Grove Street in Westfield Avenue it's a beautiful mural uh commemorating the raway Valley Railroad please if you haven't check it out a lot of love and and heart went into this uh it's a beautiful piece that not only is a nice welcome coming from west to east uh and as you enter Rosel Park but um it's that it also is to raise awareness of the rail trail that'll be hopefully coming to our municipality soon and uh I'm excited about that also best wishes to Paul DeVito his family and uh mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman councel yeah good evening the Rosa Park Community Garden is thriving in the hot weather and the environmental commission has lots of free organic produce available for residents please follow them on Facebook sign up for text alert or email environmental commission Rosal park.net for more info and lastly thank you everyone who was involved in getting the 3 million Aid um and that concludes my report thank you councilman councilwoman councilwoman rabina whoa councilwoman Lions it's okay um I just want to say well good evening everyone um and everybody's that that's watching and the few that are here um it's definitely a thankful Thursday um as everyone has uh already uh said um I'm just I'm grateful for a lot of things I'm thankful for America I'm thankful for this Hometown I am thankful for for this community um I'm thankful for the the voices that do come out um and each individual that uh we connect with in a good way in a positive way um we did have an amazing firework show I just want to report that the food trucks especially the the the ones that I know personally said that Rosel Park came out and supported and it was so awesome to see cuz sometimes we have things and um it just falls to the Wayside not even you know a horrible way but you guys really came out and supported and and they felt it and they are so grateful um it's awesome to see the cool down that's happening councilman Jay it's just it's so great to see kids coming out families coming out um and it it definitely brings that back that feel of when we were growing up so it was it's beautiful um the summer nights Open Mic have started on Wednesday nights we had our second one yesterday we did move it to the youth center Cent I really appreciate John reri um just saying yes and H and having that open for us um so that's coming along awesome we had a full packed uh schedule uh with people coming out artists singing and we also had uh people to support but I definitely want to encourage anybody that's listening please come out um because it's a free night it's Talent it is you know it's it's just amazing to watch these kids are 11 12 years old um and they're they're singing they're playing music or trying to tell jokes um whatever's happening but it's it's definitely a good good night to come out I also want to thank L's music we have our own music school I always talk about them um they are really really pumping out just amazing music and kids are going so even from other towns so if you do not um uh know about it definitely contact me or I'll hook you up with them and they're they're great um I also just want to say thank you to Paul bamon um he finished this past month and I just want to say thank you to him and what he did for Rosal Park um and I just appreciate his Services I also want to say in regards to post 60 I did go to the karaoke nights but I wasn't there at the cigar night um but I did talk to a couple people about setting up maybe a link or something if we could do something you guys have my support I would love to to be able to help gather donations or whatever we could do always see you that's why I I'm usually in the corner somewhere um and uh and also to not last but not least uh the $3 million should be celebrated in this town I am so grateful I thank you mayor I thank uh the Senate President uh Nick scary everyone that worked on that um it is truly a blessing for this town um so I just I'm grateful that it just did not end with uh how it was going and you picked up the ball and you just ran with it so we need to really recognize that you don't do for the Applause but we are applauding you and we just thank you for it cuz you know what you got punched a couple times that I did so many times thank you Rosetta but you're a fighter so yes we should have been cheering the last time that we were all here and uh so I just want toate bring that um but um and on a tiny sad note and it's just it's hard to even say read a pharmacy was hit this week um and I put that out there the chief actually contacted me um I did speak to someone at Rada Pharmacy um I just want to say to the community you know like if you see something say something that's how you know something went wrong it the alarms didn't go off somebody reported it and people came in the whole thing is that we don't accept that in our town um and uh we condemn things like that but at the same time let's just keep going stay strong and um and Report something and and I know read a pharmacy will be uh coming back uh hard so I'll just leave you on this note um I read something it's from a tea I I drink yoga tea or Yogi tea it said let your energy build others not destroy them so let's do that in our town and if you need me our lions at Rosal Park park.net 90872 687-7321 was approved I just don't want it to get glossed over we do I know some of the members of the public are coming in wondering about when they're going to get their tax bill so just so everybody knows we actually can't send out tax bills unless they're estimated which we try not to do because that means we have to spend money twice on sending bills out so we finally got the rate because the state adopted their budget about uh right at the deadline um so we got our tax rate um a little bit later than we should have but again not our fault um tax bills will be going out probably at the end of this week if not early next week the grace period has been extended until the end of August so you have until August 29th to pay so don't feel like you're behind the ball cuz haven't gotten your bill they haven't gone out yet and don't feel like you have to pay exactly on the same schedule you'd be used to you have some more time again until August 29th so I just wanted to make sure everyone was doubly aware of that so there's not confusion and concern cool uh okay may I have a motion to open the public portion on any subject matter so move second all in favor I I if you'd like to come speak please come forward to the microphone state your name and address for the record hi Council Jerry valry Ragin Drive I was a little late so I just want to be correct on this yep great job with the three million thank you um our second Sora Bill tax we're not paying it so I'm asking obviously it's not due till when October 1 October 1 right so there's a couple mechanics we need to go about right like alties right like however this works out it's it's harder than just saying hey we got the $3 million forget the second bill um we need to also figure out when the state's actually giving it to us right we assume it's before October um the goal is for that to happen right and if you've prepaid for it we'll come up with some mechanism where you can get a credit for next year credit or or a check yeah yeah or come come in the finance office um so I I'd say it's uh like that that will be the outcome but I can't say for certain until Andrew has we'll we'll be notified correct 100% so we'll send out a letter in the mail we'll we'll bring it to the High Heavens um to to to avoid that but I would ask if you have not paid yet for whatever reason do not pay the second Bill until we have that clarified yeah good enough and it's I mean look even if I feel very confident we'll be be able to deliver it this year but also if it happens next year and this was a one blip and things go back to normal next year I think that's a good outcome too but we'll push for this year well I thought it was for the 11 years now we have to go through this again next year no no no no no no so what I'm saying is so we owe in aggregate $4 million right so this covers this covers 75% of that right so if we pave that off right then we don't have to we don't have to keep paying that fine next year right so we had a pay payment plan for 11 years we won't have to pay that fine for whatever eight years right um and we'll find another million somewhere right maybe it's another Grant next year or something like all right good job again thank you thank you yep anybody else do you mind coming over to this one oh yeah y hi good evening my name is Ros o Diaz and I'm from Warren Avenue here in Rosell Park um I'm coming up here to bring to attention the parking issue on Warren nav we've noticed now a pattern of cars that are parked there um from Wednesday to Wednesday and moved on Thursdays early morning um given that there's street cleaning rules there are six Vehicles we have pictures of the make and plates and we also know the source that they're coming from they're coming from a business right around the corner um I don't know if I mentioned this but it's been a pattern of maybe six to eight weeks um as you're probably familiar all these uh streets are quite small we live at the end of that little Reservoir also if I know what businesses they've been a problem for a long time okay yeah so I actually put in a call to the traffic bur yeah sure uh today um and just left a message advising them of this y but I did want to bring this to everyone's attention Y and see what next steps are y um what is being done about this Y and what how will the residents of Warren Avenue but also of Rosel Park have the communication of what what our next steps and what's happening um you know even just for a business parking permit or resident parking permits because that has been an issue yep um for some time now as the town builds and we love to see it but we want to make sure that the town is aware of the parking issues that exist um and as we grow we want to make sure that we are you know adapting accordingly yeah and just out of curiosity is you don't have to name names but is it the is it an auto body place okay got it yeah so it's I I love it we solve the issue or solve the issue in one place and it just it gets moved to another right um this is the first I'm hearing about it being an issue in Warren uh or Warren Avenue I don't have a response right away honestly it's the first I'm hearing about it today I would love for you to just send those pictures to me mayor s Rosal park.net okay and I will get you a formal written response that we can share more broadly as to what next steps would be okay um but unfortunately the chief of police is not here tonight I'd like to get his input and see what Solutions he has in mind yeah yeah and I think again it's been a recurring issue on this particular Street y um for a couple of years as the neighborhood has changed and we we're open and we love that y um but I don't believe that the city has done an adequate job at you know addressing these issues that happened we're a we're happy to have and support all the businesses here and the residents but you know we need to make sure that you know people who are paying taxes to live here and who are part of the community have all all access to it you know so no it's it's it's it's on a personal level look I'm Pro Rosal Park business but we have people who abuse the system correct and and it's not uh we have some business owners that play by the rules and are good partners some that are not um we've had to address that via permit parking in other areas permit parking has its ups and its down so that could be an answer there um I would love to just kind of digest it talk with the PD give you a formal response before kind of shooting from the hip great thank you so much everyone thanks for bringing to attention yep okay anybody else going once going twice going three times I'm seeing no one okay uh may have motion to close the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I okay there are no items for close session this evening may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor me everybody thank you hey J can can I for --------- ready to go ready to go all right this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act annual notes this meeting was published sorry I had I just had to eat dinner I'm sorry is that what you're making fun of uh I don't noce this meeting was published in the Union County local Source the New York Star Ledger said notice was Post in municipal building and a copies on file with the office of the bur clerk fire the directions I'm indicating if you're alerted for a fire please move to Cal orderly manner to the nearest smoke free exit proper noce haven't been given burrow clerk is direct to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting please call the role councilman Petroski here councilman Johnson councilman signorella here councilman Robina here councilwoman Lions here councilman Patel here mayor sign here all present mayor opening prayer for pledge of allegiance Eternal God grant us thy help and all our duties and perplexities we ask for thy guidance give us thy protection in our dangers and Sorrows grant us thy peace amen amen I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America to the it stands one nation God and indivisible with liy and justice for all um okay there are no Communications for review this evening there are no proclamations or presentations for this evening may have a motion to approve meeting minutes pending any corrections so move second all in favor I may have a motion that bills and payroll be not read and pass for payment so move second all in favor I may have open motion to open the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I if anybody wants to come up and speak on agenda items only it's a pretty light crowd tonight um okay I'm seeing no one um may have motion to close the public portion on agenda items only so move second all in favor I I okay we have no reports this evening but may have a motion to accept the reports of departments as submitted do I even need that yeah so so second all in favor okay uh Andrew please read ordinance number 2780 by title and report and recommendations received from the land use board with respect there to yes mayor res uh ordinance number 2780 is an ordinance amending chapter 40 section 35 the code of the bur Rosel Park entitled driveways the report of the land use board is as follows please be advised the Rosal Park Municipal land use board the board rev reviewed ordinance number 2780 and ordinance amending chapter 40 section 35 of the code of the of Rosal Park entitled driveways the board voted unanimously to refer the ordinance back to May and Council without reservation for adoption uh may have a motion to take ordinance number 2780 from the table for further consideration so move second um no debate all in favor I I I uh may I have a motion to adopt ORD number 2780 so move second is there any discussion see none please call the roll councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman sigell yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is adopted uh there are no ordinance for second reading ordinances for second reading this evening Andrew please read ORD ordinance number 2786 by title yes mayor ordinance 2786 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 27 section 6 subsection 3 of the code of the bur Rosal Park entitled imposition of charges uh may have a motion to approve approve ordinance number 2786 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as or as August 15th 2024 so move second there any discussion um so just Andre just to this one is for anybody who's watching who's been keeping up with a lot of the storm water stuff um obviously we had a big storm water hike um there's ongoing discussions we just got a bunch of state aid to help mitigate a lot of those costs um ongoing discussions how quickly we can use that and hoping to use it this year um to make sure that second payment doesn't happen stay tuned um no news on that quite yet but you know we're going to keep pushing for that this is changing our ordinance this is the way we calculate it right so the idea would be we use winter months as a baseline because you're only using the water that goes back into the sewer system during the winter months during the summer months you're using it for watering grass you're using it for your pool not things that necessarily go into the sewer system um so the hope is this would be a more fair Fair way of doing it based on actual use so any questions discussion okay call the r councilman patoski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signarello yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in the affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read ordinance number 2787 by title yes mayor ordinance 2787 is an ordinance for introduction a bond ordinance to amend section 4H and 16 of the bond ordinance ordinance number 22776 entitled a bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new inform information technology equipment and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the B Rosell Park in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $ 3,987 th000 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate various grants to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance the cost of the appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds adopted May 2nd 2024 may have motion to adopt ordinance number 2787 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as August 15th 2024 so move second uh is there any discussion see none Andrew please call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman sella yes councilman rabina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes six votes in affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced okay uh please read ordinance number 2786 2788 by title yes mayor ordinance 2788 is an ordinance for introduction ordinance amending chapter 23 section 1.5 of the code with the bur Rosel Park entitled conditions of permits okay uh may I have a motion to approve ordinance number 2788 for introduction and fix the date for second reading and public hearing as August 15 2024 so move second is there any discussion Andrew could you kick this one off sure so uh this ordinance would add a stipulation to our Road opening uh permit process uh so for every permit issued um or in any emergency it provides for a requirement that the uh public utility company predominantly or anyone else opening the road would need to notify those residents in the area of 200 ft around the opening of the uh date and time of the excavation and the extent of the excavation any other mitigating factors like safety any potential impacts to uh utilities like water or electric or gas um in emergency scenarios where that's not possible uh such notice would need to be provided 24 hour not later than 24 hours after the excavation and all the notices provided have to be in writing uh and copies need to be provided to the municipality thank you you're good thank you Andrew um I have one thing uh with this um did we send these this in this uh change out to the residents on uh or can we at least um notifying people of the change VI um that we send a monthly uh what's the thing that we said the newsl the newsletter the bulletin can we please uh add this to the bulletin uh to to as an addition of notification to the people to and to the residents app the that the ordinance about the ordinance yeah about the change that they have notifi within 72 hours you know but doesn't this only affect Public Utilities for 99% of the time yes uh but for there's I would say one less than five times in my time here but we can do it is I mean if it's if if we don't really if it doesn't really happens with the resident accent to open up the street cuz I know it happened uh downtown it did before um then I would say no but if it does uh there are times when it there are times when it happens I think we should go that extra M that's fine thank you it doesn't take any effort at all as long as it gets adopted appreciate you uh okay Jay no okay got all right uh roll call councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson yes councilman signell yes councilman Rina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes sixy affirmative mayor the ordinance is introduced please read all resolutions listed on the consent agenda by title yes mayor resolution 17424 is requesting an agreement with the county of Union to permit the installation of Rapid rectangular flashing Beacon systems along County Road 617 commonly known as fud Avenue at various locations resolution 17524 is accepting the resignation of Lauren harmes for the municipal land use board resolution 17624 is appointing Albert APO as a member of the Rosa Park fire department resolution 17724 is authorizing the mayor and bur clerk to execute an agreement with the county of Union for certain Community Development activities for fiscal year 2024 through 2025 resolution 17824 is approving the insertion of a national opioid settlement fund Grant as a special item of Revenue in the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $3,443 44 resolution 17924 is authorizing a 2-year renewal of a shared service agreement for animal boarding and kenneling services with the township of Woodbridge resolution 18024 is authorizing the buau clerk to auction unclaimed Vehicles resolution 18124 is authorizing extension of the grace period for payment of third quarter property taxes for the year 2024 until August 29th 2024 resolution 18224 is authorizing the tax collector to issue a reduction and or refund on two sewer utility bills in the total amount of $ 7,427 resolution 18324 is approving the time due calculation in terms of final payment for Paul bamonte resolution 18424 is accepting the resignation of Daniel Cen from the Rosell Park fire department resolution 18524 is authorizing a $25,000 increase to the open-ended goods and services contract with Rich Tree Service Inc for tree trimming pruning and removal services pursuing to New Jersey state contract number 18 DPP 00 645 reflecting a revised contract amount not to exceed $100,000 resolution 18624 is authorizing the tax collector to issue reduction sorry reductions Andor refunds in the total amount of $643 6.98 on four properties as authorized by the Union County Tax Board and resolution 18724 is approving a collective bargaining agreement between the burb Rosell Park and Rosal Park PBA Local 27 for the period January 1 2025 through December 31st 2029 resolution 18824 is appointing Tyler Paris as a member of the Rosa Park fire department okay we pulling anything mayor yes I'd like to uh 17524 me me too but okay that's fine anything else okay uh may have a motion to approve the resolutions remaining on the consent agenda so move second all in favor I I uh may have a motion to adopt resolution 17 5-24 so move second is there any discussion yes okay I when I first got on Council I was a member of the land use board and Lauren uh harmes was our uh chairman and I thought he did an excellent job um he will definitely be missed and um you know um but uh you know I I was very sad to see that he was leaving because I felt he did an excellent job on the uh land use board that that's it do you have something yeah i' just like to add you know Lauren harmes always has his heart and soul in roselt park and gives his best and um Dido to what councilman Patos is saying that uh said will he'll be missed and he's a knowledgeable person in construction and um thanks for his service thank you cool uh call the rooll councilman Petroski yes councilman Johnson councilman signarello yes councilman Ravina yes councilwoman Lions yes councilman Patel yes 6 months the affirmative mayor the resolution is adopted cool uh reports well we're speeding through here um let's go uh councilman at large you can go first so last Wednesday I attended uh I'm going to have just a tad for Roseanne's excuse me councilwoman's uh uh uh sing all at the Gazebo Park was the first one last week uh I couldn't make last nights but I I tell you what we we it it last week there was a couple young ladies there last week that I I won't uh hide that brought tears to my eyes wanting one young lady and happens to be my neighbor just away she was hitting some high notes it's a nice little thing that goes on to gazebo Park I know a councilwoman she'll talk about where it was moved into last night because the weather and um just a good thing um attended the last two uh cooldowns and councilman Jay will take over that but I just want to remind everybody that the farmers market is up and running even though with the heat and people aren't coming out as much but uh uh some of the products that are being uh sold and uh at the market is you know is is good please visit the market downtown uh on Wednesdays till I believe it's Thanksgiving Wednesday night so that's the end of my report thank you councilman uh councilman Johnson yes thank you mayor good evening mayor council residents uh I would like to start off with a couple of community announcements uh starting with the update to Berwin and Avon uh neglia our burough Engineers have finalized construction plans for Avon and Berwin at this moment we're currently waiting for NJ dot to complete their review and approve of said uh plans hopefully we can commence as early as uh fall of this year I just want to uh personally thank uh Andrew for sticking with me throughout this whole thing uh this was one of the first Endeavors that I wanted to accomplish when I first got on Council and look sometimes it takes uh a few tries so we're finally getting it done um and I'm certain presidents in that area will be excited I look forward to seeing that the stone and the the new sidewalks and things like that myself so thank you Andrew personally second secondly I would uh just like to thank the American Legions auxiliary unit 60 here in Rosel Park ladies you guys did a wonderful job putting together such a much-needed uh fundraiser and uh Community Affair um our first annual cigar night um thank you to all the elects that had came uh thank you to Mayor patrai kanjan root you I think you might have been there too if not I just want to make sure I'm capturing everybody uh chief farino and everyone that came out to support that event uh the bur uh the Roso Park um veterans are under some Financial uh constraints and uh fundraisers like this help us get by yearly so thank you and anyone that want to support please come by is open to to everyone when we do these uh community events now residents um as burrow Public Safety chair I would like to ask residents visitors to please be mindful to and to observe all parking ordinances rules and State statues that are put in place unfortunately there are few hot spots in town like around Dalton Street and Union Road where sadly some people don't mind blocking driveways parking in prohibited areas wrong side of the streets parking Etc after many discretionary and mitigation attempts law enforcement has been asked to step up police presence ticketing and towing offenders so residents be advised to follow all of these things if you're a customer patreon or guest please have some consideration for the residents that live in that area and please use the parking lots that are across the roadway when conducting or supporting businesses in our community sorry I had to keep saying please but I just really need to drive this home please follow the the parking ordinances and state statutes that are put in place uh that that includes residents so everyone please oh and before I forget congratulations to the class of 2024 in Rosal Park and a special congratulations to my son Gabriel for graduating this year with honors and for being a a member of the National Honors Society Ruckers rah rah here we come so so I just wanted to say uh good luck son uh mayor that concludes my report uh councilman patoski oh I'm sorry I forgot to give out my contact information if you need to get in contact with me please email me at G Johnson Rosel park.net or uh uh 98331 1519 I'm sorry and now that concludes my c p sorry thank you mayor uh first of all I want to send my cond condolences out to Christine Frost Margaret tumulty and Pamela ranoso uh if you remember the name Pamela ranoso she used to run the Arts Festival for many years until she came down with cancer so uh um my prayers goow out to all three of them uh June 28th I attended the cigar and whiskey night at post 60 again please if you can help the veterans out when you hear about these events please show up um it's definitely a fundraiser uh for them and they could use all the money they can um but uh it was a good night and it was very profitable so again thank you for all the veterans uh July 1st I attended the fireworks okay um many compliments a lot of people told me it was the best we ever had um but it it was a very good uh show uh and looked at it was very crowded uh July 9th I tended to cool down uh July 10th the open mic um again like councilman sella said uh them two young girls do a great job um you know they have a great voice um the yes yesterday I attended the acro Park uh meeting about uh what happening there so uh more to come uh we're going to have to look at a couple things but uh hopefully we get this up and running and uh it'll be a new AER Park uh um today I attended the Joint Sewer meeting and we approved the construction for the pump station okay um uh also I'd like to uh have everyone send prayers for Paul DeVito who's a operator with the DPW uh he did have brain surgery and he's in rehab right now so uh prayers for Paul please um and his family are uh appreciating all the prayers that have come his way so far uh if you need to get a hold of me you can get me at J Petroski at rosar park.net 9086664419 AR for his help with the $3 million um for you know again I know uh all of us got many complaints about the and uh that was a big hit yep yeah and mayor I also want to thank you for all your involvement in it also thank you sir but that was a a very good uh um nice hit we got okay and that's my report thank you thank you councilman councilman Rina thank you mayor good evening Rosel Park on June 28th I had the privilege of attending the Union County means green Grant ceremony at the community garden on Valley Road I extend my gratitude to Union County for their support and a special thank you to Tim kley Emil Karina and all the dedicated volunteers and residents who contribute their time to the Garden your efforts not only provide essential food for our community but also educate families on sustainable agriculture during my visit I also met with Crossfield products across the way to address concerns about cars parking beyond their driveway apron obstructing business operations a simple solution of striping was implemented to alleviate this issue July 1st brought a special a spectacular fireworks display with standout performances of the national anthem in God Bless America by Tiffany narvas and Michaela Guzman respectively the fourth annual community cooldown which kicked off on July 9th Drew record crowds and garnered coverage by news2 during this recent Heat Wave the event provided much needed relief along with the ice cream I got for the kids and this it was also supported by the PBA 27 who distributed ice pops we just had one this past Tuesday with winds pushing that cool water towards the 7-Eleven big thanks to our fire department for working with me since 2021 to keep this going so reminder the next cool down is Tuesday July 23rd from 6:30 to 7:30 and last one for this year's series is Tuesday July 30th it's across from U Rosell Park High School on West Webster Avenue on July 10th I attended the County's Transportation Advisory board meeting where Jackie Garcia our buau representative and the County's board's second Vice chair successfully motioned for a request to update and reexamination of the County's bike and pedestrian master plan after 17 years this initiative aims to modernize Transportation strategies across Union County the following day I attended a town hall discussion here at burough chambers that addressed a pressing Community issue which while spirited demonstrated our Collective commitment to resolving a long-standing challenge and we'll improve our buau by enhancing storm water capacity on the east side I'm grateful to our mayor Senate President scutari and our representes on assembly who came to this Burrow's Aid and helped offset the impact on taxpayers with a significant amount of relief $3 million to be exact July 12 found me attending the New Jersey Trails Action Network meeting where discussions focused on enhancing funding and focus on micr Mobility bike and pedestrian safety and trailing issues with d and do recently on July 15th the municipal annus board meeting reviewed a new homeowner application on Filbert approving A Small Bump out addition to their second story with mayor signarello s suggesting an additional tree planting to enhance the neighborhood's green canopy looking ahead I invite all residents to join us for our second annual family swim night on August 7th at cranford's Orange AV pool pre-registration is required and please bring identification confirming residency upon arrival in light of current national tensions it's crucial to uphold our first amendment rights while fostering civility unity and respect within our community despite differing opinions we all share a common goal of maintaining Rosell Park's charm and adapting to change together lastly to my constituents in the Fifth Ward thank you for your continued engagement and feedback your concerns are important and I remain committed to addressing them promptly please feel free to contact me at jreine Rosal park.net or 862 236 0019 with any questions or issues I've also created a link tree account where I've got quick links to a number of useful resources along with a sign up to pool night a common suggestion form Cassano Center calendar municipal waste and recycling calendars miscellaneous forms and documents School info how to report a Long Grove Street in Westfield Avenue it's a beautiful mural uh commemorating the raway Valley Railroad please if you haven't check it out a lot of love and and heart went into this uh it's a beautiful piece that not only is a nice welcome coming from west to east uh and as you enter Rosel Park but um it's that it also is to raise awareness of the rail trail that will be hopefully coming to our municipality soon and uh I'm excited about that also best wishes to Paul DeVito and his family and uh mayor that concludes my report thank you councilman coun yeah good evening the Rosa Park Community Garden is thriving in the weather and the environmental commission has lots of free organic produce available for residents please follow them on Facebook sign up for text alert or email environmental commission Rosel park.net for more info and lastly thank you everyone who was involved in getting the 3 million Aid um and that concludes my report thank you councilman councilwoman councilwoman Rina whoa councilwoman Lions it's okay um I just want to say well good evening everyone um and everybody's that that's watching and the few that are here um it's definitely a thankful Thursday um as everyone has uh already uh said um I'm just I'm grateful for a lot of things I'm thankful for America I'm thankful for this Hometown I am thankful for this community um I'm thankful for the the voices that do come out um and each individual that uh we connect with in a good way in a positive way um we did have an amazing fireworks show I just want to report that the food trucks especially the the the ones that I know personally said that Rosel Park came out and supported and it was so awesome to see cuz sometimes we have things and um it just falls to the Wayside not in even you know a horrible way but you guys really came out and supported and and they felt it and they are so grateful um it's awesome to see the cool down that's happening councilman Jay it's just it's so great to see kids coming out families coming out um and it it definitely brings it back that feel of when we were growing up so it was it's beautiful um the summer nights Open Mic have started on Wednesday night we had our second one yesterday we did move it to the youth center I really appreciate John reneer um just saying yes and H and having that open for us um so that's coming along along awesome we had a full packed uh schedule uh with people coming out artists singing and we also had uh people to support but I definitely want to encourage anybody that's listening please come out um because it's a free night it's Talent it is you know it's it's just amazing to watch these kids are 11 12 years old um and they're they're singing they're playing music or trying to tell jokes um whatever is happening but it's it's definitely a good good night to to come out I also want to thank L's music we have our own music school I always talk about them um they are really really pumping out just amazing music and kids are going so even from other towns so if you do not um uh know about it definitely contact me or I'll hook you up with them and they're they're great um I also just want to say thank you to Paul Beamon um he finished this past month and I just want to say thank you to him and what he did for Rosal Park um and I just appreciate his Services I also want to say in regards to post 60 I did go to the karaoke nights but I wasn't there at the cigar night um but I did talk to a couple people about setting up maybe a link or something if we could do something you guys have my support I would love to to be able to help gather donations or whatever we could do I always see you oh that's why I I'm usually in corner somewhere um and uh and also to not last but not least uh the $3 million should be celebrated in this town I am so grateful I thank you mayor I thank uh the Senate President uh Nick scary everyone that worked on that um it is truly a blessing for this town um so I just I'm grateful that it just did not end with uh how it was going and you picked up the ball and you just ran with it so we need to really recognize that you don't do for the Applause but we are applauding you and we just thank you for it cuz you know what you got punched a couple times did so many times yeah thank you Rosetta but you're a fighter so yes we should have been cheering the last time that we were all here and so I just want to bring that um but um and on a tiny sad note and it's just it's hard to even say read a pharmacy was hit this week um and I put that out there the chief actually contacted me um I did speak to someone at Rada Pharmacy um I just want to say to the community you know like if you see something say something that's how you know something went wrong it the alarms didn't go off somebody reported it and people came in the whole thing is that we don't accept that in our town um and uh we condemn things like that but at the same time let's just keep going stay strong and um and Report something and and I know read a pharmacy will be uh come back uh hard so I'll just leave you on this note um I read something it's from a tea I I drink yoga tea or Yogi tea it said let your energy build others not destroy them so let's do that in our town and if you need me our lions at Rosal park.net 90872 thank you councilwoman I love that uh I have no report but I think Andrew do you wanted to mention something yeah I just wanted to make mention of um so uh resolution uh 18124 was approved I just don't want it to get glossed over we do I know some of the members of the public are coming in wondering about when they're going to get their tax bill so just so everybody knows we actually can't send out tax bills unless they're estimated which we try not to do because that means we have to spend money twice on sending bills out so we finally got the rate because the state adopted their budget about uh right at the deadline um so we got our tax rate um a little bit later than we should have but again not our fault um tax bills will be going out probably at the end of this week if not early next week the grace period has been extended until the end of August so you have until August 29th to pay so don't feel like you're behind the ball because you haven't gotten your bill they haven't gone out yet and don't feel like you have to pay exactly on the same schedule you'd be used to you have some more time again until August 29th so I just wanted to make sure everyone was doubly aware of of that so there's not confusion and concern cool uh okay may I have a motion to open the public portion on any subject matter so move second all in favor if you'd like to come speak please come forward to the microphone state your name and address for the record hi Council Jerry valry Ragland Drive was a little late so I just want to be correct on this yep great job with the 3 million thank you um our second Sora Bill tax were not paying it so I'm asking obviously it's not due till when October 1 October 1st right so there's a couple mechanics we need to go about right like legalities right like however this works out it's it's harder than just saying hey we got the $3 million forget the second bill um we need to also figure out when this actually giving it to us right we assume it's before October um the goal is for that to happen right and if you've prepaid for it we'll come up with some mechanism where you can get a credit for next year credit or or a check yeah or come come in the finance office um so I I'd say it's uh likely that that will be the outcome but I can't say for certain until Andrew has we'll we'll be notified correct 100% so we'll send out a letter in the mail we'll we'll bring it to the High Heavens um to to to avoid that but I would ask if you have not paid yet for whatever reason do not pay the second Bill until we have that clarified yeah good enough and it's I mean look even if I feel very confident we'll be be able to deliver it this year but also if it happens next year and this was a one blip and things go back to normal next year I think that's a good outcome too but we'll push for this year well I thought it was for the 11 years now we have to go through this again next year no no no no no no so what I'm saying is so we owe in aggregate $4 million right so this covers this covers 75% of that right so if we pave that off right then we don't have to we don't have to keep paying that fine next year right so we had a pay payment plan for 11 years we won't have to pay that fine for whatever eight years right um and we'll find another million somewhere right maybe it's another Grant next year or something like that all right good job again thank you thank you yep anybody else do you mind coming over to this one oh yeah yep hi good evening my name is Ros o Diaz and I'm from Warren Avenue here in Rosell Park um I'm coming up here to bring to attention the parking issue on waren naav we've noticed now a pattern of cars that are parked there um from Wednesday to Wednesday and moved on Thursdays early morning um given that there's street cleaning rules there are six Vehicles we have pictures of the make and plates and we also know the source that they're coming from they're coming from a business right around the corner um I don't know if I mentioned this but it's been a pattern of maybe 6 to 8 weeks um as you're probably familiar all these uh streets are quite small we live at the end of that little Reservoir also if I know what businesses they've been a problem for a long time okay yeah so I actually put in a call to the traffic yeah uh today um and just left the message advising them of this y but I did want to bring this to everyone's attention yep and see what next next steps are yep um what is being done about this yep and what how will the residents of Warren Avenue but also of Rosel Park have the communication of what what our next steps and what's happening um you know even just for a business parking permit or resident parking permits because that has been an issue yep um for some time now as the town builds and we love to see it y but we want to make sure that the town is aware of the parking issues that exist um and as we grow we want to make sure that we are you know adapting accordingly yeah and just out of curiosity is you don't have to name names but is it the is it an auto body place okay got it yeah so it's I I love it we solve the issue or solve the issue in one place and it just it gets moved to another right um this is the first time hearing about it being an issue in Warren uh or Warren Avenue I don't have a response right away honestly it's the first time hearing about it today I would love for you to just send those pictures to me mayor s Rosal park.net okay and I will get you a formal written response that we can share more broadly as to what next steps would be okay um but unfortunately the chief of police is not here tonight I'd like to get his input yes and see what Solutions he has in mind yeah yeah and I think again it's been a recurring issue on this particular Street y um for a couple of years as the neighborhood has changed and we we're open and we love that y um but I don't believe that the city has done an adequate job at you know addressing these issues that happened we're a we're happy to have and support all the businesses here and the residents but you know we need to make sure that you know people who are paying taxes to live here and who are part of the community have all all access to it you know so no it's it's it's it's on a personal level look I'm Pro Rosal Park business but we have people who abuse the system corre and and it's not uh we have some business owners that play by the rules and are good partners some that are not um we've had to address that via permit parking in other areas permit parking has its ups and its down so that could be an answer there um I would love to just kind of digest it talk with the PD give you a formal response before kind of shooting from the hip great thank you so much everyone thanks for bringing to attention yep okay anybody else going once going twice going three times I'm seeing no one okay uh may I have a motion to close the public portion on any subject so move second all in favor I okay there are no items for close session this evening may have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I me everybody thank you hey J can I can I grab