e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah hello hello got e good evening this is a Roso Park Board of Education public meeting June 27th 2024 this meeting is being held in Roso Park High School auditorium is an open session of the Roso Park Board of Education held under the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey notice of this meeting was sent to the star Ledger local Source the home News Tribune the burough clerk School offices and the district website roll call please president Paul bamon here vice president Constance quintella here Susan carlstrom here Lauren Harms here Dr Britany Kirkland Cindy Meo here Jennifer mcar here Chris Monroe here Michael anry please stand for the flag the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all executive session resolved that the Rosal Park Board of Education meeting hereby convenes to Executive session for discussion of the following subject student matters is anticipated that the executive session will take approximately 60 Minutes the board may take action during the public session the board shall return to public session following the executive session at approximately 7 p.m. the minutes of the executive session shall be released to the public when the reason for the executive session no longer exists have a motion to go into executive make that motion have a second all in favor I oppose and executive e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e AR C e for Kevin motion to return to public session sh that motion give a second second all in favor I I wow all opposed okay uh we're going to open up public participation each member of the public may speak a maximum of three minutes please state your name for the record on agenda items only I'm sorry thank you seeing none I'm going to close the public participation there is no principal report this month um committee reports any board members have reports committee reports we'll start from my left I just wanted to congratulate all our new employees and wish them all a wonderful next school year I also wanted to say that the interview committees for the Aline principle and the preschool director did an amazing job they couldn't have picked a better candidate for Mr riggy we are so excited to have you and we know you will do an amazing job also I don't personally know Mr calary but he's highly skilled and we know he will also do a wonderful job thank you thank you anyone else committee reports no any other committee reports can you guys hear me okay meds meds meds there there is none hello hello okay all right no more committee reports uh we'll roll into the superintendent's report she's also going to give as part of our super superintendent report there'll be a performance report good evening everyone before I begin with my superintendent report I am going to go over the New Jersey Department of Education school performance reports uh please note that this is a requirement each year and this is for the 2022 2023 um it will be posted on our website so you can refer to it more in detail and of course if you have any questions you can feel free to reach out to me slide one and two is a basic introduction of what the NJ doe is committed to doing which is provide comprehens ensive information about schools and districts these reports aim to ensure Equitable access to high quality education and these next slides it's the homepage in the district and I'm sorry at the state level that you could see all New Jersey school performance reports and this is where it will be located in our district website after tonight's meeting the purpose of the performance reports is to meet Federal Essa requirements it also is a summary and a detailed school performance that is available for all stakeholders these are some of the information that the school performance reports include 2022 and 2023 reports include pre-pandemic data as well and new data elements updates include student growth data and expanded computer science participation and of course this is comparison both from our school district as well as state in this Slide the data you see here is used to start conversations and will be used to continue conversations that identify information gaps and ensure student supports slide seven specifically you can view our student enrollment for the past three years by subgroup slides eight and slide nine provides our student growth percentile in comparison to the states and both Ela where we were above three points the state average as well as math by two as you can see and as I previously stated for the year 2021 in 2122 there was no data as those were the pandemic years slide 10 just wanted to caution you with some of the data that you see on each of our subgroups is that the pandemic impacted the data and we need to really make really sound decisions and take caution in our year-to-year comparisons due to that some years as you saw there was no data for 2021 and 2122 and in these reports the data contained is based on student participation and performance on Statewide assessments which in those years it did not occur as you could see so on this particular slide you could see that Ela we had a 99% participation for both both years 2122 and 2223 the proficiency rate for 2122 was 47.4 and 2223 was 50.3% the state average was 49% we were below the state average in 2122 by 2% and in 2223 the state was 51.3% and we were below 1% math 99% for both years for participation our proficiency rates for the year 2122 was 31.5 and 29.4 for the following year and the state proficiency for 2122 was 36 and we were below 4.5% 2223 it was 38.2 and we were below 8.8% want to make you aware that some of the graduation rates and Pathways um Federal changes um only changed how graduation rates were calculated for the federal reporting accountability so when you're looking at some of the graduation numbers it did change based on the federal reporting accountability information included in this report is the enrollment demographics assessment performance ments and the growth metrics in slide 11 through 12 you could see the assessment details that speak to graduation rates and the pathways it covers njsla dlm access for Ells and NJ GPA the graduation rates you will see were calculated using adjusted cohort methodology olog 13 and 14 no graduation assessment requirements for the class of 20123 due to State Law changes and Reporting reflects federal and state requirements our graduation rate as you could see was above the state for the 21 2021 year for the 4 years 2022 91.1 and 2023 91.2 for a 5-year rate it was 95.6 and 96.0 and in 2022 94.3 consistently above the state average slide 16 is the federal graduation rates by performance the cohort for 2023 the 4ye the graduation rate Federal version was 91.2 our score and the state was 90.5 and the cohort for 2022 the fiveyear was 87.9 for us in 86.9 for the state 17 and 18 the slides include and speak to attendance and absenteeism these reports include chronic absenteeism data defined as 10% or more absences during the school year slide 18 you can see the comparison for each of our elementary schools and the state averages as well as Middle School which grades 6 through 8 and high school 9 through 12 slide 19 and slide 20 is the Statewide teacher demographic information slide 19 has the teachers and student demographics at the state level slide 20 has the same but for our district both for our students and our teachers you can compare the two to see that our district is close to the state averages ensuring that our students in our classrooms have the opportunity to be led by diverse Staff College and Career Readiness this is information on college entrance exams Advanced coursework CTE programs and arts participation here you could see how we compare and as it relates to State requirements our Visual and Performing Arts 98.3% of students in grade 6 through 8 are enrolled in an Arts course the state average is 88.7 63.9% of students in grades 9 through 12 are enrolled in our district in arts courses the state is 50.2 further data can be seen here by the breakdown on slide 23 this is the student safety in District you can see the number of incidents in District in comparison to the number of incidents in the state and also by incident type our early childhood programs in our district we do not offer prek half a day or kindergarten half a day both of our programs are full days and you could see the progression from 2020 21 1 all the way to 2022 2023 and the growth both in our kindergarten as well as our prek and again this is up to 2022 2023 school year does not include this year's data our student supports and services this is our comparison student and staff ratios by category and in our district 26 and 27 these are very important slides slide 26 and slide 27 schools and districts are recommended and strongly encouraged to engage with the community to assess needs strategize improvements and Implement plans slide 27 which is what you're looking at right now has detailed ways as to how each stakeholder in our district can get involved and work together so we can continue to drive our district forward if you have any questions this is the information or feedback please feel free to reach out again you could go into our website you can review this information any questions please feel free to reach out to me you have other websites here that speak to the the school performance reports as a whole for the state so that concludes that part of my presentation which I will now move into the district's superintendent report the final one for the school year 2324 good evening esteemed board members staff parents and community members as we bring this Academic Year to a close I want want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for your dedication hard work and untiring support it has been a remarkable year filled with achievements and growth and none of this would have been possible without our Collective effort our schools have continued to excel in academic performance with numerous students receiving honors and awards we have made significant strides in our commitment to inclusive education ensuring that every student has access to the resources and support they need to succeed our extracurricular programs have thrived with outstanding achievements in athletics arts and Community Service as we look ahead to the next year we are excited to build on this Foundation of success our goals include further improving student achievement expanding our mental health and wellness programs and fostering a culture of continuous improvements across all departments we are committed to strengthening our Partnerships with families in the community ensuring that every voice is heard and valued in our decision-making processes this slideshow I am about to share with you will take you through the highlights of our achievements and outline our ambitious plans for the coming year it is a testament to the extraordinary efforts of everyone in our district and a preview of the bright future we are working towards we will start with Aline accomplishments improved academics improved student wellness student Le conferen and increased character education Outreach for next school year Al plans to continue to improve on academic indicators expand their SLC and additional stem opportunities in addition to expanding student leadership within the Aline School community at a Rober Gordon the accomplishment news initiatives to foster a positive School climate and culture this year they have accomp accomplished SC initiatives steam tank implemented student of the month and exited atsi as of June 2024 next year Robert Gordon will increase njsla test scores Implement 2024 stem educational growth Grant and develop students writing skills at Sherman esta accountability safe routes to schools Union County digs and garden Grant in building an inclusive School Community next school year they will continue to increase njsla test scores stronger family involvement and P3 alignment at the middle school they formed a partnership with njcie leadership Cycles student growth and advisories next year they will continue their inclusion initiative anti-bullying Str strengthening their programs and new electives at the high school improved njpa math and L scores expanded eligibility for the Seal of biliteracy the Teen Mental Health First Aid Grant and 43.6% increase in AP exams administered next year the high school will work to increase njsla test scores pursue a career in technical education programs in business for the 25 26 school year additional AP course offerings our curriculum office implemented the K to2 writing Benchmark initiative established collaborative science experience and received high impact tutor Grant and as also established standards for based coaching support next year they will work to increase ngj SLA test SC introduce Atlas curriculum management tool and enhance enhance professional learning opportunities our facilities Rosel Park preschool improve indoor quality upgraded fire alarm systems and upgraded newer air conditioners in some of our schools for next school year continue prioritizing of Safety and Security greater focus on social environmental sustainability and increased productivity our tech department rptv upgrades online payment options improved safety and additional interactive equipment next year additional safety improvements new Middle School Chromebooks and implementation of employee onboarding system with a continued integration improvements our special education accomplishments and initiatives was the increase in LR rates expanded Partnerships with njcie increased collaboration with families and self-contained curriculum tool next year they will continue to work on increasing L more consistent use of data to drive our instruction and transition to adult life Services as a board office some of our ongoing accomplishment have been to put a robust procedure and processes in place focusing on building on staff's strengths in promoting development from within this has streamlined our operations in increased efficiency across the district through improved communication channels and collaborative efforts we have begun to foster a culture of transparency and Trust within our community regular updates open forums and transparent decision-making processes have strengthen our relationships with all stakeholders we have strategically allocated funds and resources to areas that directly impact student achievement this has included investing in new educational programs upgrading facilities and providing professional development opportunities for our staff for next school year we will look forward to continue to refine and enhance our procedures and processes to ensure efficiency and Effectiveness in our operations we aim to further improve communication and transparency by involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process ensuring that everyone has a voice and is informed about the district's initiatives and progress by actively involving all stakeholders teachers parents students and the community we aim to establish a highquality dist district and board office that works collaboratively towards improving student achievement as we look ahead our Focus remains on fostering an inclusive and nurturing environment across all our schools where every student can Thrive we believe that by working together teachers board members parents students and the community we can achieve even greater success thank you all once again for your commitment your passion your dedication and your continued support to our Student Success I am confident that with our continued collaboration the Rosel Park School District will reach New Heights let's continue to work together toward success thank you thank you superintendent is that better thank you okay uh we will go into the agenda items 1 through six and addendum 1 and two under personnel number one staff appointments number two Personnel appointments change transfer three staff resignation four summer camp additional staff FY 23-24 number five additional staff extended school year program number six additional classes in high school um can I have oh sorry under the addenda items employment contract School business administrator board secretary that was number one number two Employment contract can I have a approval can I have a motion to approve the Personnel section motion can I have a second second any discussions see a none roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren Harms yes on all um recruits myself um in item with the summer camp on the one person's name I gave you and just to congratulate Mr riggy on getting the principal's job in the um Aline it's a long time coming so he deserves it you congratulations to Mr Ricky Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccar yes Chris Monroe yes president Paul bante yes I want to take a second to congratulate Mr riggy I'm being um well being approved to be the new principal of the Aline Elementary School congratulations I don't know if you want to get up and say a few words thank you yes even truly humbled by all your thank you for OPP [Applause] agenda items uh 7 through 10 under education harassment intimidation bullying incidents number eight Roso Park suited handbook number nine 2024 2025 school calendar change number 10 2024 2025 custodial maintenance employees holiday schedule can I have a motion to approve the education section make that motion have a second second any discussions seeing none roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren harmes yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mcar yes Chris Monroe yes president Paul bante yes motion passed thank you agenda items 11 through 14 under business number 11 New Jersey school performance performance number 12 approval of Bill bills number 13 book donation number 14 professional service contract 2024 2025 you have a motion to approve the business section motion a second second any discussion see a none roll call please vice president constant quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren Harms Dr Britney Kirkland yes yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mcar yes Chris Monroe yes president Paul Bonte yes motion passed thank you okay is there any continuing business any new business wow okay public participation each member of the public may speak a maximum of 3 minutes please state your name for the record can you hear me 330 Sheridan Avenue so I have a funny story it's about Mr riggy Mr riggy's always been one of my favorite favorite teachers so one day my daughter Leah comes home and says oh my God Mom Mr ringy is going to be vice principal so of course Leah started this huge room that of course I participated in it and I said to her I saw Mr Reagan I said oh my God Mr R congratulations you're going to be Mr Shriner's replacement he's like no no and I'm starting this big rumor cuz I wanted him to be principal and vice principal so Leah and I did start this huge rumor because we told everybody and if if you know me and my daughter being Portuguese Mrs go you know that we we start rumors so now that he is the principal now I am going to tell the truth I am so happy that you guys did have him he is the most amazing teacher and he is welld deserved the position so thank you thank you hello Jennifer mle Rosel Park uh first of all I just want to say congratulations Mr riggy both my uh daughters had you and thought you were an excellent teacher and I'm so happy to see that we've moved you up into the the higher ranks here in the district so congratulations um secondly I did have a question on the New Jersey school performance so like because it's a whole year behind basically I feel that I'm assuming that's from the state right you don't get that information until this time so my question is what can we do so we're still always going to be playing catchup right because now we're looking at 2022 2023 data we don't know how we've performed this past year but I feel like it's now still at a disadvantage especially in math where we're eight points behind or eight percentage uh percentage points behind uh the entire state so not even comparing ourselves to the entire uh country and I'm just wondering like are there midyear markers that they might provide or something that we can continue to Benchmark against so that we can try to catch up or even exceed I think is going to be you know of course the goal year round the answer is yes um a lot of the delayed data and again one of the markers was because it was still preand mic so we did not have a lot but moving forward they will be sending um Midway markers but that's why we also use linkit which is our district benchmark assessments um some districts use a tool that the state offers is which is called map testing as well but we use Link it so that we could more or less gaug where our students are and we are looking as you saw with my report and some of the initiatives is really taking a look at njsla and a lot of our students and what they're currently doing and how we can um work towards continuing that growth thank you for addressing that is there anyone else seeing none I will close the public participation okay um for the board's consideration would be a motion to go into executive session to discuss Personnel uh the board will not be coming back out of executive session for any further public session so we're just disclaiming that no formal action will be taken and uh everyone's free to go about their way um if there's a motion to that effect can I have a motion to go so moved second second and happy 4th of July to everyone all in favor know meeting will be held an open session held will be on July Tuesday July 16th at 7M the boarding the board meeting will be held in the Rosell Park High School auditorium e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e