ready this meeting is an open session of the Roso Park Board of Education being held in accordance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger local Source the home News Tribune bur cler clerk sorry School offices and the district website roll call please president Paul bamon present vice president Constance quintella present Susan carlstrom here Lauren harmes Dr Brittany Kirkland Cindy Meo here Jennifer mcar here Chris Monroe Michael an Regan here please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let it be resolved that the Rosal Park Board of Education meeting hereby convenes to Executive session for discussions of the following subjects Personnel it is anticipated that the executive session will take approximately 60 Minutes the board may take action during this during public session the board shall return the public session following the executive session at a approximately 700 p.m. the minutes of the executive session shall be released to the public when the reason for the executive session no longer exists you have a motion to go into executive session please you have a second all in favor I don't even try anymore myself first started the meeting I I went like this and I realize this is not Church yeah was I'll go with you we you want to get in trouble superintendent dis line of the Cross oh wait e e Kevin motion to return to public session make that motion have a second all in favor I public participation agenda on agenda items only each member of the public may speak a maximum of three three minutes please state your name and address for the record let see okay uh as the public is aware the board maintains a protocol of requesting that public commenters provide their name and address prior to commenting this protocol allows the board and other members of the public to identify who is speaking and to have that memorialized in the board minutes while the board will continue to maintain that practice in order to address inquiries that have been received please be advised that the board will allow individuals to comment even if they decline to comply with the protocol public participation is open seeing none I close public participation uh we're going going into the principal report Dr Scully okay thank you good evening Mr bamon members of the Board of Education superintendent go families and students as always Aline is buzzing with activity this time of year February is black history month and we have been recognizing this important month daily in many ways some of our highlights are wh School poetry readings highlighting the work of Langston use which familiarized students with this um important and talented poet as well as provided them Rich vocabulary lessons and Vivid images students in grades 3 through five created a video game inspired by Jerry Lawson an African-American Electronic Engineer known for his work in designing the Fairchild channel f video game console as well as leading the team that pioneered the commercial video game cartridge the students worked with a Google doodle that honors the life of Jerry Lawson which was designed by graphic artists and coders at Google students in our fourth grade are participating in an integrated art and music project on the Harlem Renaissance in music Club class students learned about listen to and appreciated Jazz as a uniquely American musical form and in our class students created projects that represent Jazz M instruments we feel it is important for students to learn more than just about particular famous important African-Americans but also get to experience and appreciate the richness of their culture we have a lot of stem activities going on at Aline our computer computer science teacher uh Jen Neves is working on getting a Lego wall installed down in the center Carter at Aldine and with the assistance of the facilities Department we should have a large vertical wall um for Lego playing um which will be installed in the summer and we should be ready to go in the fall we're taking donations if anyone has any extra Legos and thank you to all the people who've already donated some Legos to Aline our TNG students are participating in a stem challenge at NJIT the challenge is to design a technology that addresses a health and wellness concern students will determine the concern come up with a solution and build a prototype which will include coding a microbit a very small little computer students will present their prototypes and Engineering log books at the NJIT Challenge on March 20th and their projects will be judged and evaluated and I from what I've seen and what I know about our students they're going to do a phenomenal job um we also had a great experience with again U Miss neeves she was working with codable and um a software company and they had asked her to provide input on their products that our students in Rosell Park were using and so due to the amazing and valuable feedback that Jen Evies was providing them um they requested to have our students in grades 3 through five participate in a beta test of a new coding product that they were developing students provided invaluable feedback to cod as well and learned more about coding during the process and the product that they worked on is now available for users across the Rosel Park School District and across the country we're excited to be able to provide some more community- based instruction for students in our autism program some of our students along with students from Sherman school and the middle school will be going to park ice cream in Rosel Park here they will have an opportunity to utilize functional skills in a community setting while following and sequencing multiple step activities and addressing fine motor skills thank you to Mr James robertello our occupational therapist who came up with this idea and is organizing this experience and also to miss gil g for enabling this exciting event to take place next week is read Across America and there are a lot of exciting reading activities going on we have guest readers from around the community coming to aline the PTO is sponsoring a book fair all week so students can acquire more reading material the RPA is generously donating books to all the classrooms and all the classes are working on many activities related to Reading Writing and love books currently we have invited 77 students who participate in the standards based instructional program after school in language arts and math these classes are designed for specific students after an analysis of data on which students were close to passing in an effort to sort of boost their scores and get larger percentage of students passing the test um we're very proud of all of our staff at Aline they're amazing but I wanted to share that one of our teachers Miss Erin sh is starting her doctoral program um we're very proud of her she's going to be studying enhanced learning environments so we can't wait to hear what she comes up with in her dissertation and how our learning environment is enhanced at Aline and of course we have the talent show coming up in a couple of weeks and thank you again to Mr Monroe for stepping up and taking on this big task um but our show is scheduled for Mark March 16th and we have rehearsals coming up so that's great and so now I I want to talk about our amazing student character Council so the students that you're going to meet tonight um wrote an essay to explain why their character would be an asset to Aldan and how could how they could promote our character program um and all of the students that you will meet um were elected by their peers throughout the building their advisors are here Mrs Miss Dina cashion and Miss Becky lawick thank you for working with them and giving up of your time thank you both and so boys and girls when I call your name don't be shy come on up and stand in the front and give us a great big smile and I'm going in alphabetical order so we'll start with Sophia [Applause] BTO Olivia block Dylan casses chase Dixon Matthew goana Cardell Graham II lesie Lozano Sarah Mendoza hey Sarah James Mora michaelo M excuse me Michaela Munos Guzman artha Neves Valentina [Applause] Paro chrisy Ramos [Applause] Weir Jaden Ren Victoria Serrano I believe Victoria had a game tonight so I'm not sure she's going to make it Maddie trippidy [Applause] and last but not least Victoria velado congratulations and we thank you for everything you do to enhance Aline [Applause] school you can stand behind KS [Laughter] yes good job congratulations good job good job good job good job parents if you want to take your children home that's fine we'll give you a couple minutes e thank you we're going to roll into committee reports any committee reports I have a committee report um the special education committee held its first meeting on February 13th we discussed our committee schedule on the purpose of the committee we spoke about the need for curriculum materials for the self-contained programs and discuss budgeting we talked about the move to the 3:1 model for the related service providers for next year and the positive impact that it will have on students lastly we spoke about the benefits of njcie and the positive impact that it has had on Robert Gordon students thank you Mr President I have a report also go ahead the technology committee met on Thursday February 15th we talked about the bloom status uh there were integration issues with Genesis and known parent issues and requests and the district is providing Genesis and blooms with feedback and they are working to improve their products soon there will be a board of ed meeting camera at the middle school and uh the Boe meetings will have a live stream Staffing and improvements some of the improvements will be a wireless microphone will be a available at all meetings for use during presentations and awards the Middle School cameras and wiring should be completed by late February at the latest uh live stream producer and live stream production assistant positions have been created to ensure that the meetings run smoothly and to communicate between the person operation the live stream and the board all of our transport buses have cameras there was an issue on one bus but thankfully the camera issue has been resolved the district is replacing all uh just lost my place all their uh obsolete security cameras through a Federal grant funding which is currently available and zoom licenses will be available for all board members so that we can have access and host our committee meetings in case of a snow day or other conflicts um a Committee Member suggested a quick easy way to improve our website they're looking at the Rosal Park School District logo to revise it and hope y have higher quality better than the letterhead and uh website and uh higher quality photos for this website will be looked into and Mr Hyde our Tech coordinator will put a plan in place with staff in order to obtain the higher quality images for the website social pages with the technology committee meetings this year we are hoping for collaboration and communication to further impr improve our school district thank you anyone else yes uh I actually have two the first is for the calendar committee I have the privilege of representing the Board of Ed on the school calendar committee I want to commend all the staff that took part as well as Miss Mau and Miss go who worked diligently to ensure everyone's voices were represented I think that the final draft of the calendar which we'll be voting on tonight is very culturally inclusive offers a range of opportunities Prof for professional development and has a great balance of holidays and school breaks to afford staff and students time to reset before coming back to their assignments the second one is for the Personnel committee as chair of the Personnel committee I wanted to report that our committee has met and had several meaningful conversations we have reviewed all the Personnel agenda items and we recommend their approval thank you thank you yes um I have a report from the Hib committee um so since there's been a lot of confusion when it comes to hibs and what's considered a Hib and what's not uh because sometime it doesn't check all the boxes according to the state uh we plan to do something in the fall program where parents and students come you know in the evening and we can answer questions and give you guys a better understanding of what um hips are and what's the criteria of hibs and just so you guys understand that just because it's not considered a hi doesn't mean there's no disciplinary action on the other end of it um but we want everybody to be on the same page and you know not uh not feel down if you get a report saying that it's not a hip I don't want we don't want anybody to feel like their situation was neglected so we hope to to men that we're going to probably do it in fall and we're going to make sure it's well promoted so everybody has an opportunity to uh to be there um we don't want um the last thing with the hips we don't want this situation to to deter anybody from reporting it just because you had a situation it didn't come out to be the way you wanted it to be uh still you know still be able to speak up you know you're not going to lose anything about it from it all right thank you thank you any other board members of committee reports none um superintendent's report good evening members of the board esteemed colleagues and Community stakeholders I once again appreciate the opportunity to provide you all with an update on the latest developments within our school district I am pleased to share that over the past month our district has witnessed significant achievements and advancements despite challenges our commitment to Excellence remains unwavering I extend my gratitude to the dedicated staff of Rosal Park School District our resilient students and and our supportive Community I would like to share with you some notable achievements Miss lechner was recognized on February 15th by the borrow Council for her efforts in furtherance of the sa safer schools safer routes to school and easy ride program during 20123 Miss Dar and the Robert Gordon staff also received an award letter from the New Jersey Department of Education informing that they have determined that Robert Gordon school has met the criteria to be eligible to exit additional targeted support improvements effective June 30th 2024 atsi which is the acronym was provided to schools with groups of students who fell within the underachieving category through the hard work and collaboration of our school community at Robert Gordon we have raised the bar of expectations for our students and they have met the challenge I also wanted to share some additional good news about our students student artists and their art teachers only seven pieces from the entire County were selected to represent repr Union County and four of them are from our very own Rosell Park students Elliot Washington grade 2 Sherman School Sarah Patel grade four Aline School Logan wear grade five Robert Gordon school and Anu Anna AMU grade 12 Rosel Park High School congratulations to all and to their art teachers Miss rosenello Miss Cesario and Miss scutro I also want to share that I represent the Rosal Park School District at the rary club of Rosel Rosell Park the club honors High School seniors from Rosal Park High School Abraham Clark High School and Rosell Catholic monthly who exhibit leadership and service to their Community honores their parents and guidance counselors attend a club meeting to receive the service above self award and give a short speech about their work and future plans I am happy to share that the Rosal Park High School recipients were as follows for December Noah Beckford January Patrick kabowski in February was Selena Chow congratulations to all on all these well-deserved recognitions and awards I am proud of our students the staff and all of their family members who support them our students continue to excel academically from September until January there was an 18% growth in math in elementary 15% growth in middle school math and 9% growth in high school math in English language arts there was a 3% growth in elementary 9% growth in middle school and 8% growth in high school as a district we have grown from September to January in math by 14% And in ela by 7% in writing kindergarten 21% are meeting or exceeding first grade 24% are meeting or exceeding expectations second grade 5% meeting or exceeding third grade 2% meeting or exceeding fourth grade 2% meeting exceeding fifth 133% meeting exceeding sixth grade 38% meeting or exceeding 7th grade 15 meeting or exceeding 8th grade 42 meeting and exceeding 9th grade 5% meeting exceeding 10th 60% meeting exceeding and 11th grade 1% meeting and exceeding progress towards academic goals outlin in our strategic plan is on track with a focus on writing across all content areas fostering a dedicated emphasis on writing focus is Paramount for cultivating substantial growth in English language art by placing deliberate attention on honing writing skills students not only enhance their linguistic proficiency but also develop critical thinking creativity and effective communication abilities a curriculum that prioritizes writing Focus serves as a catalyst for academic achievement empowering Learners to articulate ideas with Precision coherence and nuisance this emphasis on writing not only fortifies language proficiency but also instills a lifelong appreciation for Effective expression contributing significantly to overall literacy and intellectual development this deliberate and intentional focus on writing in English language arts not only enhances specific writing abilities but also builds a foundation of skills that directly contribute to success in various components of ela assessments and ultimately will yield student growth with that being said our coaching cycle one is winding down for six staff members who have received classroom based instruction support from our coaches Cycle One began on January 4th for both ELA teachers and Math teachers in Title One schools cycle two will begin March 4th this Thursday curriculum director Mr Salvo is leading the annual staff presentation titled curriculum office update to share ongoing and coming projects related to curriculum and instruction main focus of Thursday's meeting will be on the upcoming changes to ELA and math standards to be implemented in September one exciting change coming in September is the Trad transition to UF ufli foundations curriculum for our kindergarden through second grade students once all staff complete the initial training on the new resources and assessment components keep an eye out for a parent information session to introduce ufli and Dibbles to the community a comprehensive overview of our upcoming budget will be forthcoming we are waiting to hear from our state as of right now we have not receiv received received um any state aid information at that time our business administrator will finalize our pending budget since final decisions and adjustments will have to be made after the state release in order to bring the budget into balance please know that any changes or adjustments to the budget will be carefully considered and align with our district priorities construction of HVAC at Robert Gordon cafeteria and high school cafeteria is progressing according to schedule work is set to begin in early April we also continue to do door upgrades enlightening upgrades in our schools and adding fencing for security at Robert Gordon in Middle School maintenance efforts have addressed 61 of reported issues ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment technology updates include continuing security updates and student device repairs preparations for the upcoming of the new ECC building preparations for njsla testing preparations for a new paging uh communication system at Aldine and improvements to e- Resource access and integration further enhancing student safety and digital learning opportunities we welcome four new staff members to our district and extend our best wishes to those who have retired or resigned our special education programs continue to evolve after a year of research and consultation with other the districts will be employing a collaborative consultation model for related services for next school year this model will allow in interaction with both staff and parents build into the schedule leaving more room for generalization of skills and growth within our own students information on this can be found on the special service page of the district website along with the presentation conducted by our phenomenal related service team at our district CPAC meeting regarding the benefits to employing this model student Support Services Have Been instrumental in addressing social skills promoting self-regulation empathy and respect thus fostering a positive School climate in order to address some of the more predominant behavior infractions that have been identified since September until January the guidance department has taken an effective proactive approach in collaboration with School Administration in order to provide supports and interventions at the middle school guidance has implemented friendship groups that started with the sixth grade students as a preventative measure to combat the uptick in HIV reports from 5ifth to sixth grade as a district the guidance Support Services is working with anj Statewide student Support Services known as n4s to bring a vaping awareness and prevention program to eighth grade students a reactive measure in response to disciplinary infractions and parent concerns around vaping the preschool team hosted a preschool parent meeting held at Sherman school on February 1st on supporting social and emotional development at home the preschool teachers participate participate in professional development on music and movement the health department is scheduled to provide our little ons with an oral health presentation the first week of March Sherman School the RPA Sherman PTA and Sherman student council hosted a Valentine's breakfast for the RO Park Senior Citizens the S seniors enjoyed performances from students in preschool kindergarten and first grade the fifth grade students and seniors enjoyed quality time engaging in conversation over a yummy breakfast during the month of February the Sherman students and Gres preschool through grade five participated in a variety of Black History Month lessons and activities on Friday March 1st at 6:30 they are having their paint and celebrate Black History Month event this event was started by last year by by Mrs Madrono and Miss Davis we are so happy to host this special event at Sherman High School this year again if any members of the Board of Education or our community would like to join please do so the high school started the month of February with midterm testing and testing on linkit Form B on the fifth the new marking period and new classes started for second semester the high school has been focused on upcoming State testing for our juniors in mid-march and on celebrating Black History Month we will be capping the month off with a special assembly on Wednesday which is tomorrow called Beautiful Tomorrow facilitated by Mr Monroe our future plans are rooted in a committed to continually Elevate the overall educational experience we provide one of our key goals is to implement initiatives that Foster a more engaging and dynamic learning environment to ensure transparent communication and alignment with our stakeholders we will be scheduling strategic planning meetings during these sessions we will delve into specific areas of FOC Focus that are instrumental in achieving our educational objectives these will Encompass curriculum development faculty training infrastructure improvements and student Support Services by concentrating our efforts on these specific areas we aim to make a lasting impact on the quality of Education we offer our students however we recognize that progress often comes with challenges anticipated obstacles such as adapting to rapidly evolving educational Trends or addressing resource Contra constraints will be met head on with a proactive and Innovative mindset we are committed to not only identifying potential challenges but also developing robust solutions that capitalize on emerging opportunities our collaborative approach involves seeking input from all stakeholders including students faculty administrators and community members this inclusive strategy ensures that our future plans not only meet the needs of today but also anticipate the demands of tomorrow in conclusion I want to re re iterate our commitment to continuous Improvement and the success of every student of Rosel Park School District thank you all for your time and ongoing support I know that together we will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of the students in Rosel Park thank you superintendent we'll now move into the agenda items 1- 12 under Personnel superintendent recommends one staff appointments two staff resignation three substitutes four additional classes High School Middle School five spring coaches 20123 2024 six additional spring coaches 2023 2024 seven extracurricular advisors eight additional High School athletic Proctor for 2023 2024 nine degree changes 10 job descriptions 11 student field site observation Keen intern addition number 12 additional winter coaches 2023 2024 High School approval of personnel section Kevin motion to approve I'll make a motion have a second second roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren harmes yes Dr Britney Kirkland yes Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccor yes Chris Monroe yes abstain from 45 Michael an re yes president Paul bamon yes motion passes agenda items 13 through 20 under education number 13 harassment intimidation bullying incidents number 14 conference attendance requests 15 professional service contract 2023 2024 16 staff development Workshop 17 field trip requests 18 2024 2025 school calendar adoption number 19 High School and Middle School athletic schedule number 20 partnership letter Center for Effective School practices you have a motion to approve the educational section motion have a second second roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes but I recuse myself from 042 under number 13 Lauren Harms yes on all except uh abstained from 13-4 042 Dr Britney Kirkland yes with an exemption with an exension from 042 under number 13 Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccar yes Chris Monroe yes Michael an Regan yes president B Paul bamon yes with a no on number 13 on 042 motion pass thank you agenda items 21 through 31 under business monthly certification 22 approval of bills 23 approval of minutes 24 secretary treasury report 25 discard of outdated non-fiction books 26 use of buildings and grounds 27 bus service agreement 28 track requests 29 annual comprehensive financial report acfr number 30 corrective action plan capap number 31 purchase of paging systems for Aldine have a motion to approve the business section motion you have a second second roll call please vice president Constance quintella yes Susan carlstrom yes Lauren harmes yes Dr Britany Kirkland yes with an extension for number 22 and 24 Cindy Meo yes Jennifer mccor yes Chris Monroe yes abstain from 2224 Michael Anne Regan yes president Paul bamon yes motion passed thank you is there any continuing business I'm sorry bu new business seeing none is there any new business yes sorry I had to clarify that okay so I'm going to give the uh High School PTSA announcements it's quite a bit so I'm going to try to go quick um as Miss said tomorrow there's the assembly beautiful tomorrow which the middle school and the elementary schools have already had March 7th is college night so if anybody needs information about applying for college or filling out FAFSA forms please go to that um the NJ GPA test is coming up very soon for juniors it's a requirement to graduate otherwise you have to take an alternative uh portfolio review the Teen Mental Health first aid program is starting it teaches students how to react if a friend is depressed cutting or going through a hard time it will be taught by Mrs Costa Mrs arza and Mrs D Oro March 28th there will be a pep rally March 25th there will be a blood drop March 21st to 23rd is the high school musical with a pasta night on Friday and a meet and greet on Saturday with the characters for younger students to seniors and Senior parents please remember to RSVP for Project Graduation to save your spot you can contact Lucy figorito there's also Mr Rosel park it will be April 18th they are still looking for senior boys to compete and Senior girls to escort them you can contact Vanessa kuchi or you can also contact Lucy figorito the PBA and the Rosell Park fire department is sponsoring a chilly night with a date to be announced the proceeds will benefit Project Graduation which we think is great of them and there is also egg my yard that the PTSA is doing for anyone with younger children they could wake up to a yard full of candy filled eggs on March 31st you can contact the PTSA to order that's all thank you you thank you I have new business um the cpeg met on February 15th in collaboration with special services at the Anthony signorella Youth Center The District's related service providers presented on the 3 to1 model and explained how collaboration can help children with skill acquisition and generalization the presentation was followed by Q&A session where parents had the opportunity to ask questions about this model to the service provider and the director of special services the meeting was also accessible via Zoom the next cpeg meeting will be held March 14th at 6:30 p.m. the Sherman PTA met on January 24th and discussed their past and upcoming events on January 26 Sherman School hosted science night where students and parents learned about the Galaxy and solar systems in the Star Lab 75 Sherman students and their families attended this outstanding event on February 9th Sherman School school had their 100th Day celebration in the gym during school hours students were invited to dress up like they were 100 years old and our rphs seniors came out to help February 14th was as Miss gu said the second annual senior citizen breakfast at the casano center hosted by the fifth grade class Sherman School celebrated Lunar New Year by giving out fortune cookies for the year of the dragon on March 1st Sherman school will be having a paint and celebrate event to celebrate african-amer americ inspired art registration closed on 222 on March 6 Sherman school will celebrate read Across America with the healthy readers event students can enjoy listening to a book read by special guest readers enjoy a snack and do some yoga this is a reservation only event more information on upcoming events at Sherman school can be found on the Sherman school's PTA Facebook page thank you I have one brief comment I on on Tuesday February 6th I was able to attend the student council meeting here at the high school uh so some of the information uh was shared already but it's something that they're looking forward to is the first spring pep rally that will take place on Thursday March 28th um we've always had a pep rally NE fall before Thanksgiving so this is the first time in Rosell Park High School history that they're having a spring pep rally and they're also looking to hold a wrestling event um with the seniors uh sometime in April or May so keep a look out for a date um similar to what they had here I think last year thank you thank you I also have a report um the Middle School PTA had several uh successful fundraisers and they continue to fund raise uh for the middle school and um they have a Crispy Cream fundraiser which they are doing and taking orders up until March 8th um and the next meeting will be on March 13th at 700 p.m. please see Frank gaglardi for more details on the fundraiser thank you hi I have a new business update um so for the Union County Schoolboard Association I just want to give a reminder that next Tuesday is the unan heroes awards that are being given out this is an annual event which every High School within Yuan County highlights the character of a student within their school um and so this will take place at Keen next week at their in their stem building at 600 p.m. M for anyone who is available to attend and support our Rosell Park student that's being honored and then also on the state level there is a meeting for the New Jersey Schoolboard Association on Friday March 15th at 7 at 7 p.m. um these meetings are open to the public and you can attend virtually or in person um at the headquarters located in Trenton and so I'll be able to post more information about it if you're if you want to attend in either form so that you can register thank you okay for Robert finally no um I want to give a big thank you to Robert Gordon's PTA um their executive board Jennifer Reyes Marissa Centron Marjorie Roman Susie Beamon Nicole valz Sophia Pinto Figaroa and Karina monzone they gave me the warmest welcome for being their liaison so thank you so much um they have their bingo night which will be February 29th so Thursday which I'm very excited for attending so everyone should out um their eboard nominations will be due on March 1st I know they're looking for three spots so if you have a Robert Gordon student and you're interested please put in your nominations and let's see they at their book fair on March 5th and 6 it will also be read Across America night as well as their next PTA meeting on March 5th I think that's correct right okay thank you thank you I think I'm the last one right last one right okay um just want to speak uh Al Aline PTO is hosting the Tricky Tray May 4th 2024 and is currently accepting donations and looking for volunteers uh to work it as well so please reach out if you're interested uh more information can be found on the alen PTO group uh Facebook page uh um and you go always reach out to Cindy and constant uh El Aline is also having a book fair next week um I what's the days Wednesday Thursday and Friday um also the talent show is coming up on March 21st at 6:00 pm in the gym uh Rosel Park recreation is also hosting their annual Easter egg hunt on March 23rd from from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. the rain date is March 24th um on the lawn of the Rosel Park Veteran Memorial Library uh also March 26 uh March 22nd at the youth center uh Invictus professional wrestling will be returning um their uh doors open at 6:30 show starts at 7:00 p.m. the tickets uh you could get the fly that was already sent out and any questions you can reach out to me me um quick backstory about that real quick is that I don't know if a lot of you no this but I was training to be in the WWE at one point and I uh covid and double pneumonia knocked me out so I haven't gotten back into it and you might want to come to this this one because I lost 20 pounds already and it's not for no reason but I won't give out anything else about that uh and that's said oh one quote for black history one Darkness cannot drive out Darkness only light can do that hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that that quote came from Martin Luther King always remember that thank you thank you that everyone thank you okay we'll open up the public participation each member of the public may speak a Max maximum of 3 minutes please state your name and address for the record you be me I'm sorry you want to go I'm quick okay I'm quick sorry I sat there to get first spot hi uh jod Foy 429 seat in Avenue Sean Avenue I just want to give out a big thank you to Mrs Mau Miss Miss and Mr parento for working with the Girl Scouts of Rosel Park and helping us ensure transportation to our annual Hoover encampment and for the board of ed for approving the Girl Scouts to rent out the bus and use your driver we really appreciate it our regular company was not able to provide us a bus and um the board of ed through Mrs and Mrs Mau stepped up and really helped us it's wonderful to live and work in a community where different groups and organizations really help each other out and go out of their way to support each other so on behalf of our Girl Scouts I say thank you thank you your turn that's awesome ready ha mcdarment Rosel Park thank you for clarifying the requirement regarding personal identification during public comments stating my name and town perfectly memorializes my participation without having to divulge my physical address I am sure the community members who were harassed at their homes appreciate the clarification as superintendent go mentioned Governor Murphy's school funding numbers will be out soon I know it's going to be all hands on deck to meet the deadlines but as I've said many many times before there needs to be greater transparency prior to adoption I'm going to try and keep this brief and not repeat things I have said in the past when other districts present their tentative budgets they provide detailed information for example they will show the amount uh the budget line item amount for related service providers this year's amount and the year-over-year change that is what we need to see we should not have to wait until 4 days prior to adoption to see a detailed budget I pulled this directly from the Department of Ed website the gap of time between public hearing and the adoption is statutory and allows the board additional time to meet to adopt the budget after the public hearing on the budget has been held it goes on to clarify that you can't make changes that were not brought up during the public hearing so the state wants you to take the Public's comments into consideration and and they give you time to do so maybe the budget is going to be perfect this year and we won't have any questions or comments but please give us the taxpayers the opportunity to actually be part of the process I would like to close with a quote from former West Orange Board of Education member Laura lamb like any other parent in your District whether it's the band parent Sport parent apaa AP parent or Uber PTA mom the parent of a special needs student needs to know that the Board of Education consider what their child needs equally to what other students need sometimes it appears boards focus on the test scores showcasing winning sports teams bursting at the seams with pride in their honor role or AP students and touting the accomplishments of their thesbian which is wonderful of course but can we you sit back and say with confidence that and No Reservations that we are doing that you are doing as much as you can for our classified students as well thank you thank you good evening my name is z Infante and live in Roso Park New Jersey good evening superintendent go and all in attendance this evening it is a pleasure to return to the board meeting as a community organizer and former Board of Education member I've served beside all of you at one point or another and I'm happy to see the diverse body of elected officials in front of us I'm before you today to go on record with a me message of compassion persistence and hope the truth of the matter is there is a Maga wing of this board that has radicalized curriculum hiring and the choice of our current board attorney however unfortunate this reality is in my eyes I do see great possibility as I witness nonpartisan board members continue to strive for a secular science and datadriven based education I come here tonight as a beginning to prepare you for my return I will not sit by as this board continues to make choices that leave our most marginalized and at risk youth in Jeopardy I will not sit by as elected officials refer to trans people as having gender confusion I will not sit by while board members let the except case fall through the cracks I will not sit by while this board chooses to stand opposed to the state standard opt out form for a comprehensive sexual health education regarding lgbtq plus topics as well as other pertinent scientific information yes it is time to come together for our community to come together and speak truth to power I am certain I will disturb some people in our community as I have before and I hope that brings us all to the polls in November the struggle for Equity compassionate and fact-based decisions persist and if we persist if we resist if we bring hope to our atrisk youth and marginalized youth so that they may not only survive but Thrive I've posted a copy of the statement to the Rosal Park Forum attached with the performance of a song I wrote in response to the harmful actions of this board toward lgbtq us youth and at risk youth in this District thank you good evening and see you soon thank you thank you anyone else thank you guys for approving our coach thank you guys thank you guys so much for approving coach that we couldn't have uh seen another coach with us this year especially the three out of the four of us here being our final year so we just wanted to thank you and show our gratitude towards you guys [Applause] so anyone else seeing none we close the public participation the um the agenda shows that we're having a budget Workshop held on March 5th and then a regular schedule meeting on uh Tuesday March 19th those are being moved and somewhat combined to Tuesday March 26th there will be more information regarding some sort of budget discussion or Workshop um prior to that meeting um the March 5th is obviously being moved because we're not going to have the numbers from the state in time to to put a presentation together for that for that meeting so with that said I do need a motion to uh move move the meeting to Tuesday March 26th have a second second all in favor um can I have a motion to adjourn a second second all in favor I I thank you good night