recording in progressed flag of the United States of America and to rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with Li and justice for all thank you Amy open St of the given by the open December 2 2023 thank you roll call please councilman car here councilman Crowley here counc here coun here here coun to approval of minutes May 14 2024 thank you second favor thank you with Sean and we are now at our public portion if anybody wish get please your name and address for the record hi um thank you for having me um I'm Noel Neil um I've had the pleasure of interacting with a few of you but I'm representing Wonder we are a solar provider based out of Colorado and we are proposing a project at 271 King Highway um you should have for those of you in the audience there's some information regarding the community solar program um on the Press table um but just a quick introduction of the project it's a 5 megawatt system that we're proposing on a building that was completed in 2023 the benefit of the the the system is really going to be able to offer residents 20% savings on their utility bill will be on your utility bill when you receive it and it's in lock step with what um uh JCP is it's 20% off of that rate and it adjusts according to the rate adjustments based off the utility um I know there are a lot of questions um I'm happy to answer those and I will um provide cards you can me any addition question I know I do have a lot of questions talk last week so I know the one question was um you wanted everything on one bill is am I mistaken is that what's coming forward in the future so um the um Public Utilities has proposed that at January 2025 so before the system is online that everything will be Consolidated on a single bill there's an example of the utility bill today with Community solar it is factored in there um but as it stands today they would be um residents would have two separate payments but again that will hopefully be changing come January 2025 yes okay thanks for coming yeah thank you for having appr we did talk um so my concerns remain the same the economics um I I need to understand we hav and I don't want to a lot around we're going to save residents how much did you 20% I need you to demonstrate that somehow through the economics sure so if so until I understand the economics right I the 20% doesn't mean anything understood and and I don't if I understand this correctly you're not going to be able to explain the economics to me right it's going to take longer I can certainly try at a high level um so if you go to page four you'll see an example of the Project Specific savings um as I mentioned uh New Jersey oversees the community solar program so it's very strict requirements um and as I mentioned it does reflect on the utility bill so you'll receive those credits you can see exactly what part of your bill is being offset through solar um and so that will adjust based off of the rate so sorry ianr I understand how the program works but we've heard and that other communities we this fa that exper so so that's my concern is that once it's up and it's whether or not you could fulfill the the commitment you're making and again this is not the kind of thing I want to no I I completely understand and it's not locking your residence into Community solar it's an opt in so I participate in community solar in Colorado it's an opt in program I can opt out at any time I save 10% my utility rate um I haven't had that experience so I'm I'm sorry to hear that there are other areas that have um but I would um you know I would suggest looking at page four we have a lot of footnotes at the bottom that pull exact from the specific program and then um and I apologize for those in the audience you don't have this um but if you refer back to appendix B um you'll see a sample bill with that Sol for Community solar so um know I would be happy to if you have additional questions after going through this I'd be happy to to set up a call and we can walk through that in thank you was M concern is you think this that's a really great question so we are pushing to have this we so um JP JP JCP excuse me um has last time I checked which was late last week had 84 megaw of capacity left we are submitting into that program with your support um and so with that we to one credit if we miss this window and we do get your support for the next window which we think may be opening in November if not November then June of next year then that's when we think that they may be taking that step down on the credit front and so that's why we're really pushing for us to get into this current block and to answer your question um on the on who's who's managing this it's a front of the meter system that the system ties into the Grid in front of the meter so it's going directly to the grid the utility is managing it and then we hire a third party um that's well known throughout the US Arcadia that assists with managing the subscribers again subscribers can opt in and opt out at any time and this question is how you get subscribers because you getting State money that's why you want to have low mdle in questions yeah so is well verse in finding um LMI offers and um that's part of the requirement for us getting into that program any other questions not a dis Point thank you very much I appreciate your time thank you would anybody else like to get up and speak okay I will thank you m mayor I hope these weren't put in specifically for me well we can't hear you now friend you can hear me now okay okay everybody um just a few things we have our kids triath only com up this Thursday night for anybody that's wants to come out we have few participants in this is a great great event so they get an opportunity to come to the rec center watch a lot ofun sing started I think we're having our first meet on Wednesday night opport Miss watching d I have one I'd like Tok our profal Bo's office for their um support for the on Road in landing there's been some issues going for too long and it seemed like they just keep moving the problem around um so I'm sure they want to be good neighbors but just simply not being good neighbors so I just to yes no there is no not solution well theyed toate many many different mostly with fenes attached to chain L fenes because the comes off their property so severe that the standard don't hold it back so um the most recent uh development is a whole new drain system which has been designed One Design so we'll see how that works hopefully they can install that sooner than later although we are heading into the dry season comes very quickly hopefully absolutely um in addition to that mayor um Ro John back last year same developer trench Valley that back that in the Years joh it's in our yard get ready to go so we'll be advertising in the next couple of weeks person manages this has out surgery so we've a late on it the truck is in our yard now and ready for auction should come up the next couple of weeks thank you do we also on recovery Yeah we actually s it out one time we're sending it out again for proposals um hopefully within the next few weeks we have some proposal at least one propos hope multiple proposal to take a look at review anever coun to thank you I thought we just broke in just right I know right and now I I think it was a good experience for you as well as usly that's all I what was leaving what what the hell I wasn't to now I've had the um I've really had the pleasure of working tenure as director of our library as the council and um what she's done at the library we took a library that was struggling strugling not area and we turned it into Oran doing very well in terms of own L on tax and with a with an incredibly talented staff AR she also establish relationships with the Women's Club she works on the EC the economic development committee in town um so her contributions um are lengthy and significant her Mark she'll have left her mark on on R and way around the opportunity she's taking is a tremendous challenge Monclair is not pro but we wish you well and you're just the person to take over that Library um in the meantime for the council's benefit the Personnel Committee of the trustees met we've um we've interviewed um search firm we will be probably retaining that search firm and we'll begin a broad and and a broad search for a new director with just hope that that person will be able to shoes on behalf of the council I want to thank you for everything you've done we'll miss you thank right back at you [Applause] anything else somebody else leaving BR thank you very much you've done a wonderful job and we're going to miss you um the only thing the only other thing I had was um John going back to uh I don't know if you remember a few meetings back I had asked uh about some monitoring at r road for excessive going through there and U main mention of potentially putting another speed limit sign over by the woods is has that been discussed in the works it is I think I think the police department is is doing selective enforcement there but they've also are working on doing a comprehensive review of signage there and also working with Mount Olive only because of the entryway into the plan it kind of needs to be coordinated with them so that's still on the list and if not m we did talk about that also we had our recent traffic committee meeting so I think everybody's on on in tune with that it's a matter of getting it moving right because I mean the speed uh you know as Chief said this the speed limit really isn't um it really hasn't been as bad it's more of a visual than you know actual speed but you know to have the reminders there I think uh other than entering the area and exiting the area would be uh of big help okay anything else no thank John Bob and I were talking to you about these wasn't so much that people could hear us up here but we have a meeting if you like to attend the next one welcome we have 30 40 people in the audience and we have S professionals sitting around here and sometimes St standing up with the board working with these two MS and sometimes that one if the publics up to ask the question repeating things over and over again so so it wasn't a bigger for the council to our planning board members was the addition what we had used actually one or two up here that's possible problem happens when Heating in the conditioning did add for for planing board zoning board we have additional mics that we have we don't have them up tonight because they're they're Wireless so we don't have them up for for a council meeting so you have those available um and I will be at the next planning board meeting in the next few because it's it's going to be busy trying to assist with hbac and also this mic it's important we've done some testing on it it's really important for whatever reason with that microphone for people that are speaking if they're it's it's citizen input for people to speak into the microphone rather we Haven had an issue with that okay but that's one if you are standing back you can't hear that well and we understand too you get a lot of people you the planning board this room's been filled right this been standing room out the door and and there's a lot of ambient noise there in addition to hbac just because people are shifting around and whispering and so we're going to continue to work on it we've talked to Steve and Rick some about about the HVAC um there's probably limits to what we can do with that right now but just because of what we're dealing with what the potential cost would be to to move things but we're all we're all looking at it just to try to make the environment better for the meetings John are we thinking about additional speakers in the back of the room we could do that I will say that when you speak into these microphones and we tested it you can hear you can hear clearly that if there's a lot of noise around that may be where the where the problem is so we can look at that we can look at volume um adding the mics here probably was helpful just because there's a lot of shuffling around of microphones for people so well we probably could have used a couple extra like I said these get a little intrusive if you're C of with you I know it's it's it's it's it's it's difficult I mean and even after the one one meeting I mean or during the meeting this microphone whoever was using it was pointed like this you're looking at you're looking at M so when you're thinking about people hearing that it's going to be tough so it's it's kind of it's kind of situation we're trying to make it work for everybody and we're going to keep working on it to try to make it better um especially when there's a lot of people but I might like tonight right even that yes just Mr blood if I can from some of you sitting in the audience my critique and understanding there all new microphones up there they are very directional so when councilman Carley was speaking microphone is aiming over his head and when he turned to the rest of council to speak we couldn't hear him councilman ring your microphone was aiming this way you spoke we couldn't hear you if it's if it's aiming at you no matter how far away you are it picks up your voice Council T Filippo y was aiming up in the air so when you spoke we couldn't hear it but if you aim it at yourself even if it's further away we can hear it but if you turn your you turn your mouth away from that microphone we don't hear so they're very directional these ones up front are kind of all-encompassing and the two additional ones they add up front here will help but you have to realize if that microphone's not aiming at you nobody out here he so just from this point of view I understand but even if it's even if it's curved away from you and and get it away as long as it's aiming at you it picks it up so let's just from the peanut G why would we have done that why wouldn't we have gotten microphones that pick up sound I think it's individuals to each individual rather than sharing microphones that was the that was the issue there were two a couple of microphones here shared by multiple people in the past and it didn't pick up either of them but now that everybody DC microphone your voice is heard where in the past when you were sharing it wasn't and there was only a couple that were shared that speak that was the problem still have the same problem the the suggestion I made to the to IT guy which was in favor of is I said well just make it push to talk if you wish to talk you push the microphone you aim the microphone at you and you talk and when the when you're not talking don't worry about where the microphone is because they can't hear you get it out of the way but if you want to say something push the button it lights up it recognizes that you're speaking and people will know whose microphone is appr we that you're doing this okay here's the thing right people in the planning board when you get that get angry about what we're talking about and the fact that they can't we'd like them to not be angry about not being able to hear it simp okay and the and and Rob has replaced all the microphones up there and I don't know that they've told you that this is the Dynamics of each microphone you have in front of you now I figured I would let you know because obviously some of them being used in manners that they weren't necessarily designed so now you understand what the expectation is of each thank you all right so that brings me to my report I everybody reported on the happenings that previously went on uh probably we're going to miss you I'm I personally don't miss you to legislate you have transformed our library into a vibrant Town Center thank you for that I also want to let everybody know roxburg is having a pretty busy Saturday beginning at 8:00 in Mery Lake our Roxbury PV is holding 5K we've got that going on at 9:00 our fire department is hosting the state um New Jersey state fir Association at Roxy high school and that is the first time since the 60s that they've been there so that's fun and then we have our veterans Crews at sh Hill well they will be stopping at sh Hill Beach for our Rox so I encourage everybody toat the short beach by 12:00 his L should be up by 12:15 to cheer on and then at 4:00 we get to go over to Roxberry Fire Company 1 for their dual wet down for Tower 15 and ambulance 110 so that is a dual wet down this Saturday I also want to give a huge shout out to our fire department and our police everything they did this weekend you know what you did and no I've indulged you all night of course I can thank I think I know what you want I would like to recognize former mayor former County Commission C people and Happ John yeah if I could just um mention the council I did put in front of you earlier tonight just a a rough cost estimate for the Dell Avenue um NJ do Grant we're looking to apply for um that's on the agenda tonight to to submit the resol for the resolution to submit that to the state it's due by the beginning of July this is our last meeting before then um that number is still rough and still being worked on by by the engineering department um for those that are familiar there's a lot of concrete work um involved in a portion of Dell Avenue that's adjacent to the public works department driveway so this is included there um we're going to try to get a pretty large do Grant as you can see the request is significant from them we're hopeful we we've done well in the past we're going to try more money if we don't get the amount of grant money we're looking for we're obviously going to scale this project back and it may be done over over more than one year in multiple phases um and also not shown in there we have some off track money we could use for this for this project um locally we have I think it's a little bit less than $40,000 from the Nordic development that occurred a few years ago we received some off-site track money for Road improvements in all this area so um just to give you an idea of what that amount is we didn't really have a budget whenever the the um application or the agenda was complete last week so this will give you an idea of what we're looking and again depending on what we get back um from grant money this project may be scaled back but if we're successful we'll try to do the entire do the entire roadway which is signicant Str new business business matter request by council members manager attorney or clerk we have a BL party on Carol Drive so move excellent we now come to number n introduction of proposed ordinances 17-4 in ordinance amending chapter 13 Land Development article 6 checklist to include a new section 6108 Zoning Board of adjustments checklist the motion second thank you um any questions back says yeah I think it wasn't part of the ordinance I think it was prepared by the zon board attorney actually attorney Bryce was involved in this also yeah the zoning board attorney actually requested was cified as required they had a checklist should be councilman Carrie yes counc cley yes counc yes Council Hall Deputy Mayor P yes yes okay 18-24 an ordinance amending chapter 13 Land Development article 7 zoning regulations resal zones to include counc yes counc coun yes coun yes coun yes thank you number 10 hearing and Adoption of ordinances on second reading 16-24 and ordinance amending 4 General licensing section 4-9 Towing operators of the revised General ordinances and revising the Towing and storage now if anybody in the public would like to I see none okay I will motion to favor I'll take motion to adopt a second counc Cary yes counc Crowley yes counc yes counc Paul May yes coun Riley yes may Al yes thank you that brings us to number 11 introduction and Adoption of resolutions I'm sorry I forgot to say this earlier we need to one of these because I didn't get Ta on 174 okay so that need okay so we're 24174 we're talking about liquor licenses in olution some of them stay currently inactive um are those the only ones that are not active well there's a few of them that have to be red before they can um do a transfer if they answered on their application to the state which is online at the time that they submitted the their $200 State fee if they answered yes that they're still active and has it's active and then they submit the information that they're not couple now ifb distri Club Mr I was just going to say that absolutely right there's so many different of have you can also end up with something pocket licenses which are subject to REM as well so Mr viice we've seen um somebody's advertising for a pocket license for sale on Facebook can you maybe explain to somebody maybe that we don't know exactly what that is certainly a pocket license is an inactive license that a license holder has because they can only technically have it for a certain amount of time I can't remember exactly what the exact time frame is off the top of my head but they're allowed to have inactive license in pocket for a certain amount of time before they either and and this Council actually approves that transfer yes I have two applications in house I [Music] can't so have active but um and the state just recently decided that they're and and to the exted it's called a [Music] special but they still have Ely file and they have have to pay their fees they have to Applications everywhere if they don't they have a problem and then go to the ABC for What's called the special ruling Mr I know the exact number years 10 years 20 years special ruling and they keep extending extending extending okay thank you thank you for that clarification questions that the public but as Amy just indicated there is I guess some regulations that are now enacted to try and clamp down a little bit on those continual pocket licenses and that's why they're making special rulings because they want to see them get back into the [Music] marketpl well they don't have to be G I can give the council list of the Li would love to see that sure absolutely thank you okay so any other questions mark and coun Riley I know you have something I'll want to clarify 2024 theic Center at least only to August 31st 2024 correct that is correct they they are sporadic but Rick you can probably give a general idea of where they are that shape these trees were Disturbed on the sidewalks were replaced between um between Ryder Road and say Oak Hill so they're not every tree but there were trees where the roots were significantly disturb that the tree is either not going to make it or could be unstable okay um we have pael had spoken with individual residents so there's no push backal surprises regarding these trees there's only surprise for us that's right okay great thank you anything else any other questions all right Council Kelly yes counc cley yes coun coun yes couny yes for May yes that BRS us to personel changes of which there are none yes um 13 Communications June 21st 2024 any comments no public portion our second public portion if anybody would like to get up and speak please do so now and state your name and address for the record see n i close second public portion do we have an executive session tonight mayor can I qu that I apologize for I'm out of order but I I just want to one more time this his last being here our Public Works director a lot of people were at his event he um we had for recently reti I just want to thank for everything he's done from the this is the last one this is it he's the time so it's like a fixture so be different we're going to get steeve so it be on the hot seat but I would have had more to with I just want to thank him one more time his his end of June is coming much quicker than I than I wish it would but um uh great loss for the town great great for him being here all the years I used to thank him again publicly because it's been been a great asset to thank you [Applause] all right so I did have a personal CH all right and do we have an executive session Madame mayor I believe that we do it's going to be cont Neti session congratulation of the coun C foros the county of Morris New Jersey authorizing conference the township Council the public excluded where it appropriate that the count coun discuss the matter without the Pres of the public