wi there's a lot I get a lot of side no I don't know if I can recording in progressed of Al I Al to FL of the United States of America and the stand Nation indivisible withy andice for all thank you Amy can you please read the open public meeting statements adequate notice of this meeting of the township Council of the township of Rod spr was given as required by the open public meetings act as follows on December 28th 2023 notice was emailed in facts to the Daily Record the nor Ledger the RO spr register and published in the Daily Record notice shall also remain posted throughout the year on the bulletin board in the main hallway of the municipal building thank you roll call please councilman Carrie here councilman Crowley here councilman D Filippo here councilman Hall here Deputy Mayor patillo councilman Riley here mayor here thank you Defence says two presentations ofs Etc we have a proclamation for pride month Proclamation office of Roxbury Township New Jersey whereas the township Council of the township of Roxbury recognizes and proclaims the month of June 2024 as lesbian gay bisexual trans transgender and queer plus lgbtq plus pride month throughout the township and where the township of roxburg recognizes pride month to honor the history of the lgbtq plus Liberation movement and to support the rights of all citizens to experience equality and freedom from discrimination and whereas the township of Roxbury welcomes and encourages diversity and inclusion within our community and whereas all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights lgbtq plus individuals have had immeasurable impact to the cultural Civic and economic success of our country and whereas the township of Roxbury is committed to supporting visibility dignity and equality for lgbtq plus people in our diverse community and whereas the society at large increasingly supports lgbtq plus equality it is essential to acknowledge that the need for education and awareness remains vital to end discrimination and Prejudice and whereas the township of roxburg supports lgbtq plus people and the protection of their cival Liberties and their ability to live openly equally and without fear and whereas this nation was founded on the princip that every individual has infinite dignity and worth and the township Council calls upon the people of this municipality to embrace this principle and work to eliminate Prejudice everywhere it exists and whereas celebrating pride month influences awareness and provides support and advocacy for the Township's lgbtq plus community and is an opportunity to take and engage in the dialogue to strengthen alliances to build acceptance and Advance equal rights now for be it resolved that the mayor and the Council of the township of Roxbury do hereby proclaim the month of June 2024 to be pride month in support of the lgbtq plus Community dated May 21st 2024 signed by Yours Truly Chapel or okay next we go on to approval of minutes we have thank you all in favor councilman Carrie yes councilman Crowley yes councilman D Filippo yes councilman Hall yes councilman Riley yes mayor Alber yes thank you we are now at our first public portion if you would like to get up and speak please do so make sure that you state your name Andress the record we go here Steve Alford 216 Eland Avenue sakas with my rotary associate sure good evening members of the counil mayor Jackie oh my name is Matt Eisenberg spell your last name for theor e s n b r g and your address I'm 3305 Woodmont Court in Mount Arlington thank you very much thank you uh good evening members of the Council mayor Jackie thank you for the opportunity to speak in front of you tonight I typically don't let misinformation on local Facebook groups get the best of May but when blatant garbage and filth is spread especially involving the Asian-American Community Pizzeria and other local businesses I feel no other option than to speak up for those who cannot make it here tonight calling the town of Roxbury the massage parlor capital of moris county is not only ridiculous but borders on racism and brings underlying hate to the Asian-American Community looping them altogether as sex traffickers however since tomus cus here has publicly urged residents of roxburry to come tonight and speak us their favorite massage parlor I will do just that over the course of the four years I've lived here in town I frequented Sakura Spa if not once a week but many times easily uh easily twice a week in fact I recommend it to all my friends and family who also frequent the spa and support the small business roughly a dollar per minute sakora gives the best sports massages and foot reps I've ever had and I've a member of massage eny for years I'm here to admit they have fixed BS of stica that not even my local chiropractor can fix now uh not to show up my own ego but I happen to be a fabulous Tipper and I'm happy to go on the record publicly that I've never been offered anything more than a small bottle of water on my way out the door to include Sakura as an establishment giving quote unquote happy endings in the same conversation as every other Rockbar massage parlor is just sickening now please don't get me wrong there's any evidence of human or sexual trafficking that anybody the audience can bring up and prove I'll be the first to demand an immediate end to it I asked the members in front of me to do the same and I don't think there's a single member of the community behind me who or members of the town in front of me who will disagree now doing my own due diligence however I'm able to find any examples or any proof whatsoever of the shadiness going on in locations publicly smeared by Tom except except for the few random egregious sickening and vile reviews left on websites such as amp reviews.com and rubmaps.com which charge a fee to disgusting people who like to act out their own disgusting fantasies behind a monthly pay wall as I refuse to contribute to these types of hideous websites I'm unable to comprehend for myself what Tom has been posting publicly not to mention specifically the Roxbury police department has fully investigated Sakura and deeped it a reputable business ultimately watching someone badmouth local spas and pizzeria on a public town forum is deplorable and disgusting it's also laughable that at the same time this person is publicly B now the roxburg Rotary Club expects tagging the mayor of this town on Facebook is going to get her to stop what she's doing and uh and hang a flag back up as a proud member of this secret society of rotarians um I think you're a full toown and for ages I've watched you cry Foul Play Over the demolition of a diner that La dilapidated for years until its ultimate demise something that many agree has been a bigger eyes sore than any Asian massage paror or additional Pizzeria could ever be please do keep successful businesses out of your incredulous Facebook ties and look to be be a member of a better member of town falely reporting made up garbage with no basis is exactly what harms small businesses this includes pizzerias as well as other small business establishments thank you all for your time and to agree with Tom sarus and the rest of the Town members I call for an immediate shutdown of any businesses that provide sexual favors or participate in human and or sexual trafficking thank you thank you next good evening I'm Sue Anderson in 14 Kimble Avenue in suasa I'm one block away from 51 Main Street in suasa which is supposedly the 51 beauty spa I am very upset to see advertisements on websites of these girls Asian girls their body parts and everything else I don't think it's a reputable Spa maybe it is but it does other things also and it's not a massage parlor it's not for respected people this is more of a residential area on Main Street there are a couple of businesses but there are many homes I as I said live a block up I have a big picture window and every day now that the weather has been wonderful I see children that live further up the street and on the side streets walking home from school and I would not want them to be walking past this and seeing anything that they should not be seen our parade for Memorial Day goes past this place to me it's disgusting and if it's not a reputable Spa it should not be in the town um um I'm just very unhappy I hope I know mayor alre has done some things to try to help the situation but uh I'm just saying that I think we all should be aware of this and you should all take note of this and be on the watchful they planted a lot of plants along Kimble Avenue side when they bought it it's to hide the cars that are there I passed today coming here and there was three cars in the parking lot I don't know who they are and what they're doing but I'm just saying they're trying to make it so it's not obvious as to who and they advertise there's a rear entry so you don't have to be seen from Main Street so uh this puts you know my back up and I get very angry so uh these are all things that why would you advertise a back entry you know and a PRI and it said a private parking lot so that to me says a lot right there yes thank you sir thank you you have something else yes I do I wear a lot of hats sorry uh Thursday night aren't you all going to be hungry for the barn well I'm part of the fermont chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and as a fundraiser for our reefs Across America where we put uh reefs at Christmas time on the over 670 veterans graves in suasana we're doing a dinin fundraiser at the barn from 4: to 10: and all you have to do is put your receipt in I think it's in a box that's by the you know when you leave uh but the 15% will go towards buying reefs to put on the graves so we would appreciate it if you're all hungry on Thursday night that's where you want to go and what's the save the day for bre Across America and the save the day is December 14th Saturday and uh usually around 11: we start placing the Rees but you can come early for some breakfast uh some uh bagels and some donuts and coffee and then we have a service at 12:00 noon in the Presbyterian church on Main Street and also uh afterwards we have a light lunch so come and help us that day it's a lot of fun Scouts come people come with their kids it's a good way to honor all these veterans CU I think that's a lot for just the suckas cemeteries over 670 veterans and more and more keep getting buried there we have a new one this year yeah I know and the other thing is I'm part of the Roxberry Arts Alliance so uh there's a lot of free concerts coming up on Thursday nights in the summer I have a schedule if you want to know who's playing and what kind of music but you bring your dinner it's at 6:30 at the Bandshell on the island at poru Lake and you can listen to wonderful music they have some pre uh concert things like for kids and the one where they're having a modern country uh group you can go early and have line dancing l so we all want to kick up our boots so uh please come and support them thank you very much yes no I've reported it to our mayor and it has addressed yeah is beinged yeah yes okay next and I shouldn't say that I have spoken to the police but after I spoke to the mayor hi good evening Christian lari I live at 88 Avenue um I have a very visible house in the town of Roxbury I'm very proud of it I built it myself um I live right on O Lake Park for those of you who know the property and when I started building my house in 2020 um I had inquired about this ratty old bar fence that was around my property the fence is on Town Park property it's not my fence but it does border my property in 2020 I was told that it had gotten moved from the budget in 2020 to 2021 that it would happen next year then in 2021 I was told that because of Co there wasn't Staffing or the funds available to do defense and then in 2022 I follow it up again and I was told that Not only was it not in the budget for 2022 or 23 it was in the budget for 2024 and now here we are no work has been done on my fence and it's a real ey store other than that it's actually dangerous you have heing metal post coming out of the ground and just rusty chain link fence so I'm here tonight to ask you whoever's in charge of Maintenance or Parson R please replace the fence we have that this I believe we have I think it's all the way around so that should be it's just a matter of when so that will be replaced this year on property for this yeah it's already approved in the capital budget just a matter of getting it done going to be this any thank you very much we just finished ourd process you very and actually right up the angs yes the record good evening everyone joh Street uh I live pretty much in between Jackie and two um I myself also have a concern about Spa 51 um there are numerous posts available I think you mentioned reviews.net you can see information about lady's names the address of the place details about their bodily features how great a time they had what they all that kind of stuff uh they also have a Twitter account where they're advertising pictures saying you know this girl this girl this girl four people available today text or call well available for what I believe mayor you and I spoke they you said they were permitted for facials and uh I think there I think someone told me that the uh there was opening is till 9:00 p.m. so you know definitely notice late hours there Vehicles there late hours 11 past 11 um several out of state New Jersey plates out of state plates I highly doubt people from New York and Pennsylvania are coming for a faceal I mean I I doubt it um the place is always dark Daytime Nighttime whatever it's always dark so you know if they're conducting a business in there you can't tell um to Sue's point they did new shrubs along the back and along their Back Fence they're clearly trying to obscure things the place is now pasted with cameras they've got cameras all over the place um it's near homes Schools bus stops you know we're all families here you know kids things like that um it is a residential area seems to have a as I mentioned strong online presence indicating that you know the legal activity and it seems like the clientel is all male um I don't know guys myself but I'm not one for facials I highly doubt that there's probably 15 20 guys going in there for a facial every day um you know you know these kind of places bring Shady people to our town um people that we don't want traversing our roads you know kids bus stops and whatnot um as Sue mentioned we've got our parade there uh you know and other things I strongly encourage the fire department to use extra sirens in a certain part of that street um you know all I can do is ask that the town apply every legal civil uh possible like to this for so John our manager John you and I spoke I spoke to Mr T for a while yesterday we probably had a good 10minute conversation just discuss things in general um you know it's something we're going to look at it's going to take us a little bit of time we have different codes we have civil which is zoning construction things that whenever any business that goes in has a zoning permit most of the times they comply sometimes they don't so this isn't this isn't potentially the only business in town that isn't meeting the requirements of the zoning permit we go through the process to get that addressed through the zoning department if there's anything criminal occurring that's certainly something our Police Department on handle and it's not something we really discuss here because we don't really discuss you know criminal business and we don't interfere with the police department but I can I can assure you the the mayor will assure you that the police department here is very astute they know what's going on if they don't know what's going on they find out pretty quickly and they do a great job protecting all of us so um you're anybody here is welcome to contact the police department director any concerns or questions because they'll be happy to speak with you and that it's done in a confidential manner rather than this is a public setting and it's just not something where we nor this criminal activity but it's something the the council the mayor will certainly be aware of this and it's it's recent and it's unfortunate that you know it may not be in conformance with what it was supposed to be um from a permanent standpoint but like I mentioned this isn't the only business in town that says they're going to do something and they do something different may not be to this magnitude those things do happen as long as they're conducting legal business that's one thing potentially illegal business I mean you can always suspect traff due process has to take place right so we can't just go in and yesterday close it down of what we're reading online because I don't know about you but I don't believe everything I read online so we have our due diligence and that's what we're doing as as a town and as a police department thank you folks and next anybody Mr Cross a few years ago we uh we purchased an excellent uh speaker system uh I just like to remind the council members that when speaking please remember to use what you been given there is this better oh excellent thank you I'm not I'm not pointing any [Laughter] fingures my voice tends to carry a little bit anybody else in the public like to get up and speak just state your name and address for the record please hell Tom serus Rock New Jersey um what is your address please thatw your name so remember that Jackie neighor okay I have three minutes right okay thanks um I've been in this town for an awful long time um I've been on his Z Board of adjust H Bounty open space committee um I've been a realtor in this County in town for 33 years I've had a real estate Brokerage in this town I'm here to try and provide some solutions um I'd like to end this with a happy ending the situation so um why not propose an ordinance we can control any type of ordinance we want here right from a real estate perspective when I open my real estate Brokerage in town um I had to actually have a real estate broker's license as an owner all of my realtors had to have real estate salesperson licenses we had to have continuing education every two years so imagine if we actually had a zoning permit that came in that had the word massage or Spa in it um I actually did a little leg work there's massage therapist licenses in the state of New Jersey um if they're actually boasting that they're going to be doing massage um why don't we pass an ordinance that says you have to have a massage therapist license and those massage therapist license have to have contained education every so often as well why don't we try and regulate this thing as much as possible so that's one little simple solution I would think um also I'm assuming we have in place so everybody that's having a massage right now they have in real estate we have to hang excuse me in real estate we have to hang our licenses up every realtor's license has to up really and when were they so all these masses that are in town There's Been due diligence and you mean to tell me that Alani who was just advertised have you seen elani's uh review I'm not interested in checking out porn on Facebook thank you at least you admit it's porn thank you no that's what you're calling me that's what Happy Jack is telling me online now I don't believe everything but it's circumstantial right I get it is my phone up you want to get rid of me right now no we we do have um they licenses so I looked up some other things it says six types of massage parlers you want to avoid your windows rear entry and also an unbelievable amount of security a lot of these places in this town have obscure Windows you don't know what's going on inside a lot of them have rear entries back door so why don't we stop fooling ourselves and try and do now I know you're doing something I know what you did already and I appreciate that and this is a long process we have to have the importance do this there's only so much that we can do I'm just giving you a suggestion with regards to actual licensing potential we have it licensing they are supposed to be LIC yeah supposed to be I know so an enforcement so I remember what I was trying to do Tom's Diner the code enforcement officer was that my Diner every day somebody planted a couch behind my di okay and yeah I bet and in the room across this across the hall here because I was $250 short on a $2,000 fine for a couch my anchors were Shackled and my hands were cuffed and I did 5 days in county jail why don't you weaponize your lawfare against these illicit buildings and businesses you're welcome neighbor any else okay see I will close the first public portion and we will move on um John do you have anything to say about um the violations and to close it up yeah just that you know we we have an ordinance we we certainly will take a look at whether it needs to be updated or not but keep in mind that this there as you said you know something could be going on illegal in a business that's running a restaurant and someone can post online and something inappropriate is going on there and if it is we certainly want to address it but if it isn't we wouldn't go and try to license it we so this business right now we it is opened up it's not a massage parlor with licensed people if it's operating in that fashion we'll certainly we'll certainly try to address that to the best of our ability but things like I mentioned earlier happen that people aren't permanent for and when they are we have to do the best we can to try to address it investigate it and correct it as much as it doesn't happen overnight and as everybody knows that everyone has the ability to have privacy there search and seizure rules that are guaranteed by the Constitution that we all enjoy so we have to be careful when we do that we do things like that we we have the count attorney assist us whenever it's criminal they have the County prosecutor assist them because again we don't want to violate anybody's rights and sometimes that's a little bit frustrating because it might take a little bit longer than we want it to but that's just the system we all live in and we enjoy the benefits of it also so the township does have an ordinance to control massage body work and um sermonic therapy establishments they're required to be licensed um the licenses have to be posted inspections have be done so if that didn't occur then we certainly have the authority to go in and shut them down um under the ordinance so um you know I just suggest that the zoning official and the construction official and the health officer you know tomorrow look at section 4-22 of the Township Code and um and make sure that everything that was set forth in that ordinance and the requirements uh have been comping and if they haven't they need to take appropriate action okay perfect thank you yes the first I actually app resp Mays they just don't walk in there shut it down find out later somebody had we end up getting Su so you know there is due diligence whether it's through the health department Z department or the police department we have to find out it is process everybody's assume it down assum and it is in my backyard as well and I am very upset about it and we're doing what we can with legal measures we can't just fly off together okay so moving on number nine introduction of proposed ordinances we have 14-24 and ordinance oh I'm sorry I'm just hold all right our reports of council a on Representatives counc Comm and new old business coun we'll start with councilman I'll try to get this POS we the beach everybody get an opportunity it's on 31st it's a great event great great music Steve thanks for volunteering MC I guess you didn't know about that I'm telling you now it's a great please out a huge thank you um every year to Steve who arrang arranges for all the folks the town that for the actual firks themselves $15,000 and U let me get these names I'm sorry to read just brilliant solution PJ aut body RJ construction Executives Tammy Andi andario teamy andin thanks to all these people [Applause] it's you get the opport Memorial Day parade is uh next Monday also we're going to be applying for I'm going to turn it over to our manager sheer on this one um if you remember correctly the Roxbury two members here right now did a wonderful job at the trip at the triple Lakes area they they cleaned out that whole area it's just colossal mess um in that area but now we've got to do some recing and we got to move on to phase two so I talk to Steve about this so we're going to try to um obtain a grant to help us raise some money in order to do those plob yeah thank you I know that you've been working with the environmental commission and they actually located a gr source that we weren't assciation M Avail plan plantings that we can actually get and utilize for the partner we this application and sucessful we'll of thatti this will certainly save money Council doesn't need to take as um we haveed app the only time we're hoping they grow and they flourish and they and they stay so um and they should their native species it'll help they'll even help with with planting if we need from advice guides I think of we do receive the good news is is that we're we're teaming up with rotary to actually do the installation of those specific uh uh hopefully nice it be nice team this um I wasn't able to attend a fun run but again big thanks to St and you know thank you to Rox r again for everything that they do they raise a lot of money for people I'll stuck there thank you thank you Council thank you mayor um the Lake foundation block party last Saturday and this is four towns two counties Michelle all spent the day in our Roxberry Booth uh please had a booth Fire EMS Rob front what a great show Kelly an who work very hard with all the towns for getting the shrim craft out and not going into this garbage actuallyy I was there all day again six I know that daugh americ Revolution also had a there was just a fantastic I really want to thank all the volunte all people put this week we also had come com I guess a r that we're looking for from the Highlands counil on the B we heard about this our neighborhood yeah we're actually waiting for the um for the proposal again from high commission also through Princeton Hy who does l of their Grant applications um again on on their behalf if council's an agreement we're going to submit a Grant application again to deal with the one the one Bas I I anticipate getting that information from them by the end of this month and then at one of our meetings probably our first meeting in June if council's willing to um you know apply for the grant we will we'll do that on behal of on behalf of commission work with them um depending on what it is you may ask call to come to the meeting the council meeting we actually have they can explain some of our staff just so there's any questions on it sometimes they're better answer than we are because they're doing it more directly again as Council knows a lot of these Grant applications were submitting to high for the lake we did on River um you know we we're applying for them because that's who's getting the funding from rather than the commission so we stay tuned we'll bring more information it'll probably it'll probably be our first meeting INE I just want to bring it up because there is a time schedule on it I believe it has to get to Islands by July the 8th or something right I remember and next is the moral Day Parade very anxious to have that next Monday thank you mayor thank you see has been more of the parade neighborhood meeting last week was fantastic up at the senior center one thing from the pl board the Hercules General development plan not the site plan will be coming up for a vote sooner later they probably have one or two Morey is that I don't have the date on me for that night for that meeting believe next Wednesday they on the agenda of the plan board week from this Wednesday so the 29th right June 5th I actually have it on my calendar so June 5th is our next Hercules no more testimony so they start summarizing you got that now you can ask all your questions so this is just dedicated to our through pointy board members this is specifically most definitely just for the public to raise any issues concerns at that just the public our professionals as well it's they're done with their testimony so we'll put on anything we want to or have questions with folks I I'm sorry for this is this is a really big opportunity for you to come out for this you know so if you have any concerns about the development that's occurring in that particular area please please come to this meeting do you all know what the Hercules project is do do you need to know anybody it's 2.5 million square feet of warehousing as being proposed for the Hercules site so if you can imagine 2.5 million square ft of warehousing and all of the truck traffic that entails um and that's what we're talking about how many super as plan board members I think Bob and I don't need to talk about this so just just that we urge the res live planning board meetings what was that can we live stream planning board meetings or no the council wants to correct me but I believe it's against the law intera because of Monday night um the Chamber of Commerce roxb Chamber of Commerce another great group of town that does a lot of good um Taste of Roxberry which was wonderful amazing how many restaurants show up and the variety of different foods and there were uh Fred you were there how many people there were hundreds of people sold sold sold out place is completely you get an opportunity next should to go to this thing it's worth every penny it really is tickets early um the only negative about it we seeing was the defo there taking a picture with his guitar [Laughter] um this a a nice night a lot of people in Roxberry who uh think roxber is a great place to to live I agree um and and as my colleagues have mentioned I don't have anything else thank you Council car thank you madam mayor um as councilman D Filippo said I think uh our citizens should be concerned about when really look into the project that'ss before the boort for the warehousing and think about the impact it's going to have on the community um the only other thing I that I had was the Board of Education recognized their retirees their last meeting and that's basically all I had great thank you let's see what do I have all right so I'm going to start out with we had a great legac on black party I was able to judge a um a first a club competition which was really a lot County College we had our color fund run which benefited two families within Rox Township um our Rotary Club is giving out hot dogs at the Memorial Day Parade Monday and we also have on June the 2nd we're going to be dedicating a street Lade to Charlie alaw no it's not what you thought we're going to be dedicating a street blade to Charlie Alpa it's going to be on West circuit Drive in front of his house in honor of his over 50 years as a Roxberry fire fighter all around great volunteer and also to commemorate his time in the Army if anybody deserves a street so the location of the street blade is right it sits directly between his house and his daughter John's house uh so it's going to be a great day 10:00 in the morning if you'd like to come and help us celebrate and honor a very special man whom I miss dearly and then last but not least at the lake lake Pon block party I was able to utilize the mobile MVC to get my real ID how can we get that to come to roxburry CU my senior I got a few inquiries from my senior citizens that would love to have it come to our senior I know somebody in Trent when would you like um well pick a date because I know my senior specifically if they can if they can just roll up to the senior center can we do it on on a meeting date yeah on thday that don't take care of all the complaints like that I don't know oh we can't do that we can't do it because we up we have to doce I don't know if they'll do it at night but um we can probably get him over to wor lake at the senior C that would be amazing um so that is on my R to get that in Roxbury and let me tell you something they were so pleasant it's not like going to the B MBC it's it was quick and easy 15 minutes in and out I highly recommend it yeah yeah and I think that if my my seniors definitely if they had more notice they'll be all over this it saes some trips and whatnot yeah I think it's really great idea to concentrate on the seniors so that's um my little project coming up for the summer all right do you have anything no I do not thank you John just one item mayor and it's really a follow up on the the um Taste of rockbury event that was that was last night and really I sit on the the chamber board on behalf of the township and I do want to pass along from the chamber because they are um very happy that mayor and the council support the event what I mean by that is this taste of Roxy is the biggest fundraiser for the chamber they can do a lot of business functions and you know some years ago they were getting where they were hosting the event the costs are going up was going to be expensive for them to the event because it really eats their goal of making some money for the event so we move the event to Horseshoe Lake um Rick and Steve's guys take care of all the set up we have a great venue for which I think is probably the best venue work has ever been in and we assist them with that we don't charge them anything for it because we're a member of the chamber we're assisting them so um they're very appreciative to pass that along from them because if we didn't do it a course she late to be quite honest I'm not sure if they could do this event anymore it just wasn't working at other places and they're very appreciative I wanted to pass that along because I think sometimes that goes unnoticed that what the town does to make this event happen so just that's a thank you from big thank you to you and your staff John yeah really it's a great venue for it too it really is okay Tony Senator yes yes thank you very much okay thank you and no new business old business matters request referred by council member manager CLK no brings us to introduction of proposed ordinances 14-24 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 2 Administrative Code section 2- officers and employees generally of the revised General ordinances of the township of Roxbury County of Mars state of New Jersey I have a motion toce check yeah we did that in fact this what we're doing pretty much here we're just setting up the rates for the majority of the positions and then Council the next meeting the resolution adop most of those specific salary so we've looked at this since council's aware we've moved a few of job classifications around just to make can work better councilman carry yes councilman Carley yes councilman dppo yes councilman Hall yes counc yes mayor Al yes thank you um hearing and Adoption of orinan on second reading there are none introduction and Adoption of resolutions i437 to 1350 counc car yes Council Crowley yes Council D Filippo yes councilman Hall yes Council Riley I guess May yes thank you that brings us to person changes of which there are none Communications May 17th nothing anybody okay now we are at Jersey so related to the mobile NBC Ora sponsored here atake September 29th 2021 because I awesome it was amazing it was cold as hell that day but it was really um a little bit familiar with the Hercules project I think that's being run by Mountain is that the part the company you know I all sorts of stories you know they have pockets they can just better everybody Drive the only thing I can suggest to you guys is make the requirement such that they can't right rockberry needs a fire apparat maybe you got to give us two to cover that big property or you know those fields that you want to put in maintain them for 10 years for us you know the the bubble that the school's talking about make them pay for that put it over there you know so that they see these guys are pain we're not going to deal with just my two sense guys than 335 yeah I I I just want to kind of follow up because it's so dangerous to say slander and stupid things about a business when you when you don't know what you're talking about um watched a movie last night called dumb money how people get on Reddit message boards and spew lies and garbage and it manipulated the stock and people made money and lost money um let's see I worked in Morris PLS growing up and I worked in the Deep Pasqual shopping plaza worked in jewelry store there D Pasqual all their windows are blacked out and they have a rear entrance okay um to come up and say you know it's definitely a whatever it is because the windows are blacked out when you walk into Massage Envy on in moris PLS on Route 10 the windows are blacked out it's nobody's business who sees it going in and going out so if there is a problem with this 51 Place absolutely it be it should be shut down um but definitely you know because a couple weirdos and freaks posted stuff on the internet just be careful you don't want to shut down a business that may or may not be what it claims to be um yeah thank you thank you Anderson 14 on yourp no no I just want to know what are the dates of the public meetings I know you had one already was it we had two already two next one is in October I believe okay yeah they're on the calendar they're definitely on Town Cal all right I will look then I'm sorry Valle Valley is the last one in the fall okay and that's the last one then in October yeah so we have the first two April May yes for March April land train station and then we have Center we just and the is lower so you do three okay cuz I know you used to do four I thought yeah thank you October 15th is our next neighborhood meeting at the lower B valy Firehouse at 700 p.m. they do begin a half an hour earlier okay I'm going to close the executive session do we have one this evening I