you ready you all Jo for the Pledge of Allegiance please recording in progress I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Amy can you please the open public meeting statement adequate notice of this meeting of the township Council of the township of Roby was given as required by the open public meetings after this follow on December 28th 202 notice was emailed and fact in the Del record The norstar Ledger Ro register published in the deli record notice shall also remain posted through there on the board Municipal thank you roll call councilman Carrie here councilman Crowley here councilman D Philippa councilman Hall here Deputy Mayor Patilla here councilman Riley mayor Alber I am here that brings us to reports of Council on representativ Council and new business old business proposed 2024 operating budget mayor thank you um I would like to start if we can briefly just to go over if there's any outstanding questions from Council it's the last operating budget meeting Council had a handful of questions was looking for some additional information from us on February 15th we set an update memo I think it may be attached um to your agenda if it's not I everybody about the update demo um some information about addition comments on data processing costs zoning board attorney costs um some fire chief backup that was requested and also some backup from from the health department so we provided all that information I wasn't certain if Council had any additional questions concerning um any of those things they they talked about or questioned at the last budget meeting yes um Mayor John it says in 20233 I know a couple yeah there's different locations we've never really publicized all the locations but we can certainly give that to you offline if you'd like to see where they were yeah I was just curious you know trying to figure yeah there's some in different buildings mean a lot of the buildings have them in different locations town hall there's a lot of different places where we put them just to try to capture capture you know activity where we think we need to I just surprised I'm not upset at all just Sur yeah that's back to our original plan we had I think we wanted to do it over two years end up taking this three years to get it done but we did get that initial plan done yeah absolutely yeah everywhere we need them of course depending on the building you know there's multiple cameras here at Town Hall depending on just you know where you are the building and some outside also okay umy Mayor John the one that we've spoken about is that one been taken care of it's a it's a park yeah that may take an act of God to get done so it's I will call it tied up in Verizon red tape and paperwork it's in the works it's taken a lot of time these gentlemen aren't really aware of it because it's being handled by Rock huin okay but it's just an amazing amount of work to I think St to get it done I know rob a lot is there another option in the area that maybe Verizon doesn't own we I think we've actually talked about putting our own poll maybe a simpler answer something relatively inexpensive just to mount one rather than dealing with Horizon you know they don't even use the poll or was sign off on Horizon said you don't know we take it so we're looking at all those option because they don't use it they don't have any facilities on it they just have now it's very strange where it is it is in security and safety in that area is there an option to maybe um beg or forgiveness and not have permission to l f that they know we're there public safety if we could if we could connect the power we would do it the problem is we need the power company to connect power if we had the ability to do that we probably would have just done it no one would ever even know it's unfortunate they don't even you know probably took them weeks to figure out they even under the poll but it's in the works I know that sounds crazy it's taken this long in the past they maybe there were some employees that didn't adhere to the red tape so things got done a lot faster okay then all right anybody else all right let's move on all right so if we can uh just moving on we um I'm going to go through and if you're following along with my I call it my cheat sheet it's my account all the accounts we're going to go over the ones that are listed for February 20th so we're going to start with some with Rick blood and Steve sise then we're going to go to Brett Douglas for some of the things he touches in Recreation and then we're going to um end up tonight with u Melanie machete Our Town engineer she's going to talk about water and sewer and again we're all just talking about operating at this point um My Hope Is that our next meeting which is scheduled for March 5th to answer any questions that we can't answer tonight there's still some things we have to go back that Council would requested looking at some revenues expenditures into some utility accounts some things like that all the Loose Ends we need to tie up hopefully on March 5th if we can if we can't tie up March 5th hopefully maybe the following meeting even if it's a regular meeting there one two items if we can get it done um Val has to submit everything this year to the state for approval and um we want to try to get things moving as much as possible so we'll go through hopefully what I have planned for tonight and answer any questions Council has so if you're following along the first account is streets and Roads I'm going to ask Valerie or Len do you have the page number on you app yeah so there's a tab if you're following along on the computer there's a tab for streets and Roads and if there's any questions on those line a lot of those are the same you'll see as last year some of those we reduced a little bit it just depends I think Rick you would probably agree the largest increase you probably have in cost or Sweeping in Asphalt I suppose I think we increase that just to get rid some some materials yes correct other than that a lot of a lot of Rich line items hold the line from from the previous year any questions on those questions comments anybody no okay okay great we're going to move to snow nights removal which is the next it's the next sub account um this is one where we always try to project how much money we're going to use for snow removal whether it be purchasing salt whether it's through Contract Services then we also think about using a little bit of the the snow trust whenever we need to so um you can reester acad we put this together was before the you know winter season even started we've had a pretty good year thankfully so far um you know we're not out of the wood yet but we're certainly getting there and you can see where we're what we're looking for um budget wise in 2024 it's increase from 2023 and this is always really best best guess right because we don't we don't know exactly what this is going to be and I can provide um our our expenses oh that's good our 443,000 so roughly we'll say we've got you know just just over 100,000 remaining in the budget U but we also have a balance of 225 in the snow trust so we're really in decent shape for making it through the remaining months of this winter and obviously the next couple of months of next winter excellent we're we're in decent shap okay one more time what to date we spent how much $43,000 but next year we're requesting $20,000 less than what we spend already this year we're requesting $549,000 the recommended bottom line you know grand total of everything is 5 um and we haven't spent anything obviously this year either um Rick I don't know if your numbers are right because I my number that I'm getting that we' spent so far is 20 like 30 something so I so I put I I have um I talked to Paul about orders that are coming your way that do not have open PO for okay and overtime that we spent in the last week so I'm this is okay so you're up to today okay and so it's snow trust you know that kind of supplements us we don't have to take it all out of Taxation so you know in the past we've talked about having a snow Trust balance of maybe about $150,000 so you know we're comfortable if we need to use some of that we can use that it'll certainly get us through the okay um Council Hall understand the SS Pop I believe we don't use it that year then it just gets rolled in yeah we take money that we didn't use out of the snow you anything that's over in our in our budget and we usually put like anywhere between we put anywhere between 50 to like 200,000 in there um last year I believe we put 50 in um to the snow trust and then we didn't use any so it's we we're not going to put any in this year for the purposes of the councel the 225 250,000 that's in there right now which is great just in case we have a couple of really big storms we have something to fall back on that represents how many years of putting money into the wow um it goes up and down over the years I don't know it started years ago before at least 10 years ago in in 2019 we had $67,000 in it so between 2019 and today from 67,000 to live 229 869 on this budget sheet so so we've replenish it each year as we coun I'm still little confus the operating expense we spent through December 265 and we're putting another 30 $32,000 for operating expenses say that again correct I'm looking at expended through December 31st the operating expense was 265 and the request was 421 but Mayor John down 297 still $30,000 increase I'm just asking what's that for it's it's always the best guess because we don't know what the Winner's going to be like so we're guesstimating what we think going to spend money on and all those line items and you can see over the years how they how they change like if you look back in 2021 you look at the contracted Services it was a lot more than it was in 23 just because of the mildness of the winter or the severity of the winter so you know Rick Rick comes up with his numbers he puts a request in we try to make it work we take a look at it we look at the snow trust think we're going to add some of that in and we put a number in there that we think's going to work but it's it's it's as much art as a science because we don't know what we're exactly we're going to spend and I can see that the contracted Services I'm asking about the operating expense operating expense is salt and that's and that's you know that's that's you know that's depends on how much snow we get what type of snow we get if we get a you know for instance a regular snowstorm cost us about 250 tons and an ice storm costs us about 700 tons so it depends on the type of event we have and how many of them we have we get when you at our 2024 request you know $731,000 sounds like an awful lot of money but if you subtract out the snow trust that brings us back into you know a realistic number so the what these numbers don't really show going back to 21 22 and 23 is how much snow trust money went into it um so you know that that's a safety factor that we use so we typically you know the manager and finance reduces our request by a snow Trust that is our safety Factor so we don't always bet on the worst winter we we plan on you know a normal winter or you know and then the snow trust is available for us should we needed so the expended number through December 31st do show any trust money no we didn't spend any trust money in 2023 23 2023 we did not use guess my question is we didn't spend any but we're putting another 30,000 in but we spent 265,000 operating for snow and ice REM 2023 you need to compare the contracted Services too so you know we spent 298 um in 2023 because when we're dealing with a plowing situation tree King is out here plowing as well so when you're looking at a storm we have both both expense both accounts being expended I guess what I'm confused is what's contracted services against operating expens operating expenses salt and equipment operating expenses salt and equipment that we use um that are disposable or repairs related to it the contracted services are strictly U outside cloud services those are the two line so my question was last year we spent 265,000 we're Bing another 30,000 Contra I see that number, crystal ball Crystal it's the annual I mean salt goes up and down every year too the the the contract about for that the cost and it is like Rick said it's a crystal bulk it's it's an unknown I mean if you took the expended from 21 and 22 You' go well it only needs to be about 160,000 except if it goes higher much higher than that then we're dipping into the trust and we want to make sure that we have available funds for this um and that's that really protects the rest of the budget because if we use our our our funded budget and the snow trust money now we're going to dip into other budgets within the township to fund snow operations and yes our Winters have been less in the last two years this year we had a couple of decent storms but we're still not back to where we were five years ago let's say so climate change is hard to forecast I think Mr BL just answered my question if we were to expend the snow trust what happens next year I think he just answer this year it's ta into other accounts right valy doesn't let the budget run in the rib no right and we're always anticipating using some of it and we always had a goal of trying to keep Snow trusted around 150 so we know we can dip into it we never wanted to get it too low just because you know is 150,000 what we'd like to be comfortable with with however since we didn't use it at all last year and we put 50,000 in last year it's sitting at about 225 right now but we're going to need some this year yeah Council just my notification were you getting a Sol no change to the location of where the pickups are it's still coming from the port and being delivered to our yard actually Steve was able to secure uh through Union County uh the price of salt that was $20 less than $20 less a ton than Mars Count so we reduced our salt number in this budget because of I'm a little confused this says 2023 snow Trust balance is 179 you saying 225 it is 225 because we put 50,000 in there last year okay that's not sh yeah this was probably this she was probably done before that transfer C okay everybody good okay then okay so we're going to go down to Public Works page 105 the overall budget has actually been some there some increases in salaries there some decreases in some of the other expenses so I don't know if there's any particular questions onot 2023 so I'm looking at the actual budget not what was expended so if you look at 2023 ad budget it's 352 right and the recommend it's 345 so the budget but just budget the budget not bu actual counil just out of curiosity can you explain sub 271 brush compost we spending 9,000 22ed 9,000 so in in 2022 and 2023 we we tackled our brush pile and this is basically the grind the brush pile that we that we accumulated at the recycling center um due to the lateness of the year in 20122 and again in 2023 we utiliz the recycling trust to offset the cost of this um processing of the of the brush so our our normal cost would be 38,000 based on the the quotes that we receive from companies that grind and haul away our brush um if we don't use the recycling trust our cost would be approximately 38,000 this year if we do use the recycling trust and we haven't figured out the balance of that yet and how that works out but this is what it would cost we this recy trust how much is we get new money every year um but I you know probably 40 somewhere between 40 and 50,000 but I don't know what our remaining balance is you won't see that in there and ISP the same way as the TR no that's actually what goes into the the recycling trust is when we um get money for tires so that money goes in when we get money for Recycling metals that goes in and also every year we get a recycling uh grant that goes in and we have certain rules that we have to follow in order to use the Grant and one of them is the brush and um I noticed that we had a we hadn't used it often so I had said to rec maybe we can use it to grind to to do the brush grinding this year so that's not going to be something that's available every year times kellyanne needs to buy you know dumpsters or new trash cans for the town or all that those items come out of there um so that's not always going to be available okay thank I think yeah we have we definitely have the larger on smaller ones too we could probably use even last yeah get it all the trusts are in the audit report here everybody's good we're good we're going to jump down to sanitation and Rick has the number in there I think on one of the backup sheets he has the calculation for um for the increase for for blue time I believe 3 of the year y when the r changes when the contract starts correct first quarter is based on the same pricing as 2024 and then the remainer three quarters is the new pricing because the our contract year starts April 1st so that's when the price increases occur we did see a three um 3% increase in tipping fees courtesy Mars County uh so we um we pay the difference in the Tage above the Tipping feed rate that occurred in 2021 when we awarded this contract and since 2021 the price has gone up $8.75 per ton um for mua fees we paid that separately on top of the contract for Blue Diamond to collect you know approximately 8,500 tons of trash and everything else they provide for us in completely aced so the they have been acquired by waste connect the D has allowed them to keep their name so their permits and their operations are still under the name Blue Diamond but they are holy own subsidiary of waste connect okay so they're own subsidiary of the was correct okay so has anybody F tell got any modifications of contractual agreement there's been there have been no modifications to anything our billing is still coming into blue diamond we're still paying blue diam U the Personnel stayed the same they just have you know another corporate entity overseeing them um there has been some interesting behind the scenes discussions with between blue diamond and waste connect waste connect is is a subscription Sanitation Company you you buy one of their their toter and they come along and collect it for you they're not used to the curbside business so they've they they've tried to um overlay their corporate um mindset or culture onto Blue Diamond which hasn't gone very well for instance they say you can't go down the street and pick up both sides of the street they want you to drive down both sides BL Diamond's like you bought us because profitable we won't be profitable if we have to drive up and down every street both sides of the street now kille La you can't necessarily pick up both sides of the street but all of you who live in developments it's very easy to the Govern truck drive down the road and pick up both sides so blue diamond is still operating as they were um but again they have a corporate overse mayor Mr how much longer on that contract April 26 April 1st 2025 this is BD contract 25 I thought it was 26 yeah we doing we wri specs this year actually I think that's a typo I hope yeah it's 20 it's 2026 because I looked it up okay yeah it's a five year from 2021 so that would be 2026 so in 2025 we we will be you know obviously adjusting our contract and putting it up to bid because the contract is above $12 million the state controller's office needs to review our bid documents before we go out to bid and then before we award so the state is going to be um they're not assisting us but they will seeing lots of overseeing this year that's what I'm seeing yes brother's Ming yeah questions I think we're good okay so we're going to go to um buildings and grounds there's any specific questions St Rick's here Steve Steve kind of his baby a little more than Ricks mayor 206 Contract Services spending half of that is that just a guess to make sure cover it's best guess there because it it does cover generator generator repairs some you can't see out of there is we funded a generator replacement last year at a different account because this one went over so this is kind of a best guess worst case scenario it covers prevented Reps for certain things can I assume 263 is the same situation questions comments gentlemen okay okay so next on the list is equipment repair again handled through Public Works the numbers there for salaries and then there's some you know the individual breakouts for inventory tear and supplies and all the various um repair budgets for the different departments that are charged back so um there may be some questions on some of those particular line items naturally Deputy Mayor um 204 inventory the budget the line what what's inventory so inventory is um all most of the parts um brake pads oil filters they could be used across multiple different departments um we keep an inventory uh and the previous supervisor who was in this department um utilized inventory you know as a classification uh in 2022 that retired and and new supervisor Jim Norris has been while he buys inventory he credits it to the department that it that where it's going to be used so for instance you'll notice that in 2023 he spent 6950 and his Bud normal budget was 23,000 just based on increasing in pricing uh he took those numbers and he split them into the individual departments where those units were used so we kind of while he while he purchased them group in a group setting he then charged them to the individual departments so that kind of um spread out that that expense so it wasn't concentrated in uh in inventory now I talked to him today because I said listen when they see $6,900 and they see you asking for 20,000 they're going to somebody's going to raise the question okay so I said you know how how what am I how am I going to dance around this being honest and um he said that he will he will continue to purchase group in a group situation but then he will charge the individual accounts where they go to so this is really almost a hedge against other line items that may go over he doesn't know which one it is because you know we run in and we need a transmission for a big truck and it costs 10 grand or we have a expensive fire truck repair or a plow truck get damag or something this is kind of his hedge in his budget to spread that around where he needs to so in each individual area Department there's also an inventory budget yeah he figures out how many tires and brake pads and things like that he needs just based on mileage but when you get into the miscellaneous repairs that's not something you can really budget you can budget oil changes based on how many miles you drive but you can't tell when you know me an exhaust system or your alternator goes or you know things like that happen so that's what this number that's what this number represents 101 aren you not in equipment repair there's three people there good the reason being is you know I'm looking at theend you extra body good no no body no no Staffing increases requested inment there yes um 262 dial right spend looks like $2500 and we've got 10,000 in for yeah it's just we have two buses and they're aging one of them is going to be replaced this year so they're just there you know there could be an expensive repair coming along we got two buses that that's replacing is coming this year we would fix that bus put a lot of money into it well we can't live without a bu down so we can't we have to keep it running until the new bus arrives we can't just say let's park it and and reduce our senior Transportation by 50% so the bus has to keep running so this is really again it's a hedge is that what's the anticipated delivery dat of new vehicle until I until I get an order I don't know I'm hoping it's this cend year half of the bu half of the bus is budgeted for the so can't order until the once the budget's approved and I and and I can say you know this is when I anticipate ordering it and I'm going to ordered in April or May they would tell me it's 12 months it's months they haven't provided I don't know that this tenative lead time yet okay so we're going to jump to um Parks maintenance 129 so you can take a look at some of those some of those line items and again I think if you look at the overall budget again budget to budget not budget to acttion it's actually slightly reduced percentage wise from here and some of this ISE to um Steve's rotating from resting fields to this year he going to do some clay repair so there's some Savings in that line item 208 um budgeted versus requested because we're not doing saw replacement be doing infield upgrading to some of our Fields questions a 207 field pain why did that I mean I'm not really questioning why it's reduced still painting all our excent M seen the patches on the field the last couple months that's just SE enh the time there isn't any that's anybody else okay all right so we are going to switch to staff thank you Rick thank you Steve I'm going to ask Brett to come up there's a few accounts that Brett overseas and the first one that we're going to go to is public assistance I apologize I do not have the page number 137 13 so again this is our social services program it's primarily um primarily provides the funding for uh for our staff we have two employees as Council Council was aware there's any questions concerning concerning that anybody I I just think this whole thing is wonderful the amount of assistance you give to people just no so we're going to go to senior activities thank you so again if you look at senior activities you're looking at again we briefly talked about dial you're talking about um cost related to the DI service and then we have the cost related to our um the two senior clubs that we have currently in town there's any questions on questions on that no change in Staffing or anything like that questions comments okay so we are going to go to recre someone has page number appreciate I have Sor want to go go back to senior senior okay just 29 23 we adopted $5,500 we expend 47 to change why are we only requesting $750 here last year we bought a bingo machine for the seniors and so that was a one time um add to the budget and we took it back down thank you I think we 3500 for that little higher than 3500 yeah that was that was a one time expenditure that it's almost too small to put in capital we didn't a really good place to put so we did put it in operating it's been a good purchase absolutely the old one was old okay so going to Recreation Administration same staff levels here any questions on Recreation the biggest change you'll see is the online registration service then that's you know a lot of times we're trying to get an idea of what that's going to cost us and just looking at pre prior years so there's an increase there that's the biggest increase we have in that's related to our signups so the higher you see it the more people area questions coms Rock a lot of people using online regist the registration in general isre dramtically absolutely anybody else okay if we jump down to Leisure Stills a lot of our with a lot with our seasonal programs we do some do have some increases in costs related to staff and as everybody knows we're still dealing with the increase that um we have from the state on minimum wage some of our some of our positions are impacted just depending on what positions there there are then we have tenative budgets for all of the various sports that we have all the programs that runs throughout the year in addition to some of our special events and things like that in here overall budget you know budget year budget year it's a pretty pretty small increase it's about I think it's a little bit less than $7,000 to this budget most of the programs as council is aware they pretty well in in we try to keep them slightly in the black I mean some some do better than others we subsidize some programs most of the programs we take a look at you we've been updating our fee schedule I think for the last three years we've updated it every year to try to accommodate for increas in costs and things like that for running the progs there any questions on anything related to the Le budget anybody no questions all right thanks for coming all right so we're going to switch gears again again some of these accountants again Council has questions on that but some of the accounts like the Muson planning board the library those those different budgets I do not have for discussion purposes because there's just nothing in there that changes there's a lot of statutory um expenditure Social Security pension things like that but if anybody on Council has questions on any of those we'll certainly go over them but I wanted to make sure we went over the ones that I knew Council wanted to look at which are the actual you know the actual departments that are actually providing the services for for the town so I'm going to ask Melanie machete Our Town engineer to come up she's next and we're going to jump all the way down to water ility so we're going to start with um with water as Council knows this is a separ f not funded through tax dollars but certainly funded through um user rates for the people that are connected to the rockbury Township water system and you can take a look at some of those some of those line items a lot of the the the um staff levels are the same as prior years no changes there you'll see some of the some of the costs that move around a little bit in the operating expenses some of them are related to water purchase from mu some of related to some of the debt service which you know some of the updates on debt service so there's any particular questions the council has we can certainly try to answer those for you this evening Mr 101 wages expended through December 31st 2003 354,000 the year before that was 413 and now you're looking at 422 just just it's possible I I would have to look go back and look but it's times people do come and go in the department depending on you know people stay with us or they they don't and sometimes we have open positions for a little bit so it just it just depends this is this this budget is fun fully funding all of the positions that we have and I believe actually right now they're all filed we're all fill one Open Labor one Open Labor position last year we did we were down to or excuse me uh yeah two uh operators last year um due to retirees so we filled all of our operator positions which are you know the most important the labor is important also but that's that's one that um at times it's a little bit diffic difficult to fill and not only in water but in public works prob uh 203 water T looks like it jumps around last year we did 23,000 jump 35,000 we adop 20 15,000 yes uh in there are certain things that we test annually certain things we go every three years and certain things we do every six years this is our every six year we have radiological we have B's we have all the posos testing that we do uh so this this is our lucky year thank you 205 operation yes uh due to increases in um uh the generator maintenance uh new new vendor new pricing that's going up um we have vals that need to be maintained that we've been having problems with um we're finding that a lot of the parts are uh probably twice the amount that they used to be and um longer lead time that's just by the age of age of the valves and they do this year it is the same story and it's uh you know if you look even at what we've expended through we have certain valves that I ordered back in July of last year that I think just came in Tuesday last so it's things are just taking longer to get to us do we have inventory we do we do we and we track um when they're due for maintenance you know you can't track when when something's actually going to let loose um but we try to maintain it as as best as we can in house without um going to outside vendors thank you the only other discy on 201 Consulting Services it seems like it's very low is there a reason why we budget for the of curiosity 60,000 coming up we always have work it just depends how it's paid for we always have work we always with our with the water system the engineering we're doing some of the changes we always need assistance from from usually from M mcon who provides consulting services for us we need it's good to have that line up there in the event we need thank you anybody else all right let's move on okay so we're going to jump down to sewer get if you similar to water some a lot of the line items are very similar there's a few that you really you'll really see the increase on um and I'm going to you know just for instance melan can talk a little bit about like for first for instance I can do go from cons ask like the chemical budget is significantly higher Mel if you can explain that one please we received bids last year for our chemicals um they are quite higher than the prior year um in some instances uh 15% by vendor than last year uh which is the cause for the increase in in the chemical line items line item budget have a pool you know the increase in chemicals some of these were quite um quite surprising um we're we good it out and that's what we're what we have I I I hear you because I have a pool and it was eye opening see chemical if you take a look at the on the next page we can go back for any additional on Council wants to discuss the other this has kind of moved around over the past few years as how the MSA charges us this is the regional Sewer Authority that we sent some of our sewers to for treatment they've done some different accounting over years and you can see some of the different if you go back through the years what they've charged us they they've just changed their method of how they how they bill us and how they account for things you can see their costs have gone up significantly um they might have even done a rate increased M I'm not 100% sure some of it is the accounting and how they charges so we have to account for the in MSA line I well one thing with the MSA um this year is um most of the debt has come off uh we don't and with every the operating part of the budget has been maintained I think it's maybe like 1% increase over uh from last year's budget for just the operating part of it it's the debt part even though a lot of our debt has the msa's debt has fallen off and we it's been paid in full unfortunately don't have um reserves that that can be used to offset those um those increases so unfortunately we're stuck with I think it was a 6% increase um overall on the budget so it was less than 3% on the operating part of the msa's budget so everything's beenen by debt Cas deputy mayor 10 fully staff we are fully staffed last year we we hired um two new employees one in July and one in August uh one laptech and one operator so we are fully staffed the lab tech was a tough position to fill consoles where our previous lab tech went up now he's the manager of the system which is great doing a great job that was a tough one to fill somewhat unique position so lucky to fill that it's working out coun you good uling and Disposal don't get me wrong it's pretty consistent here across the board that's we bid for it correct we will be bidding this year for Sledge polling um theic Valley I think is this year as well usually they only go up like maybe $3 a dollar or two um that's the disposal the disposal part of it say but the hauling it's because it's all driven by Fuel costs Valley is for disposal absolutely um haulers we typically do get three bids four bids sometimes for hauling um the G the company that we've been using over the years um has always been the lowest bidder some of them the other prices have been close to $20 more per th000 gallons um in hauling so it would be substantially higher we some of the other vendors anyone else all right that's good so unless I'm mistaken I don't think we had any additional followup questions for t meeting and I'm hopeful that our next meeting on March 5th we can finalize everything outstanding that council's asked and we do have some things we need to get to you um we can talk some more about the utility budgets we're going to talk about revenues expenditures outstanding debt payments of things using cash right we have some of those things we need to get to you for the next meeting and hopefully after that we can we can get things finalized that's that's my goal um everything that I wanted to get through tonight we did unless there's any additional questions the council might have yeah we and we have some that are much more significant and they're used a lot more some of them are very minor but we can still put them all together be absolutely perfect anything else thank you I appreciate couny thank you okay so that you may thank you that brings us to number five matters sorry oh thank you thank you anybody else up there thank you for all coming out thank you so much everybody for coming out um all right good we're good matters requested referred by council members manager attorney or clerk none that brings us to our first public portion if anybody would like to get up and speak please do so state your name and address for the record looking you Mr any questions I know okay seeing no one in the public wishing to speak I'll close that portion that brings us to introduction of proposed ordinances there are none hearing and Adoption of ordinances on the second reading there are none in and ab ab abop ab adoption of resolutions there are none no personel changes there are no Communications that brings us to our second public worship if you would like to get up and speak please do so now seeing none I close the second public portion we do not have an executive session I will call for an aderman favor thanks everybody thank you