thank you everybody Welcome to the agenda meeting for regular monthly meeting the agenda for the regular monthly meeting of the mayor and Council being held at 18 Donalds Avenue it's rescheduled to Wednesday July 31st 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Missy could you please read the role mayor n here council president McOwen present Council B Roberson here councilman Gman here councilwoman Del con here Council Quron here councilman kley here thank you if you're willing and able could you please stand for the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America thank you everybody Missy could you please read the revisions Provisions I'm sorry in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record and Herald news and F with the bur clerk on December 26 2023 and July 18th 2024 and is posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall thank you missy uh we'll move on now we have uh presentations um Council thank you very much mayor this evening I I will be uh presenting a proclamation uh regarding uh excuse me my glasses keep falling down on me uh Toast Masters Club of Rutherford celebrating 20 years of existence I'm going to go ahead and read the proclamation whereas the speak and Lead Toast Masters Club in Rutherford New Jersey was started on J on June 25th 2004 whereas Toast Masters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teachers public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs and whereas the speak and Lead Toast Masters club serves citizens of Rutherford and surrounding communities and whereas the speak and Lead Toast Masters Club promotes confidence communication and Leadership skills and whereas the speak and Lead Toast Masters Club regularly achieves the president's distinguished award which recognizes Toast Masters clubs clubs that reach at least nine of the 10 established goals and whereas the speak and Lead Toast Masters Club in Rutherford New Jersey is now celebrating its 20th anniversary now therefore be it resolved on behalf of the burough of Rutherford May mayor nunziato wishes to express our sincere appreciation to this club for offering so much more to the community congratulations uh if we can have a go up for a photo please uh yeah uh we're going to move to the front okay okay in the congratulations again we now have a presentation from councilman kley councilman thank you sir um all right so as everyone has read in the agenda there is a resolution going up tonight to resend the request to put the um question back up on referendum this fall um I I want to just present a couple of pages because councilwoman B Roberson was missing from the last meeting that I believe are of importance and again just to refresh everybody's memory why I am after this um what happened is and if it's okay with you um the support that one of my colleagues who had supported the initial uh vote had changed her mind several days later and we had an open and healthy discussion about it and so I honored her decision to change her mind I said look I put it up there I put you in that way and asked for your support I'll put it up take it down right it's fair that's how teams work together so this is it I'm not a monster this is how you lead right you work with the team right she was courageous enough to tell me she had changed her mind happy to do this for the effort but I want one last it eort to remind everyone what we are kind of saying no to now it can happen again in a few years and whatnot but um again this is what we're looking at and the beautiful thing about again not speaking to it last summer is now we have about a year and a half to two years worth of budgets that are where municipalities are reporting the revenue streams and that's all I've ever been arguing about this for um so again just a couple of slides from the last presentation and Miss corkin I saw your email about this presentation being the same the one that's on the website is because the buau administrator had asked that we create a link tree so it's not stored on burough servers the one I made two weeks ago was a different presentation some of the data and fact sets were the same but this one in particular was a different data set all right so this is just an internal cross-section of our budgeting and discussions right um our professionals you know Bob and Gordon and council president and and councilman Guzman on the finance committee's did an exemplary job of getting us at a 1.8% tax hike this year right but again this is about Revenue you look at what's happening right so consistent revenue streams are difficult Municipal Court revenues construction permits right that you all of a sudden hit a a bulk of construction things because a flood of new families have moved into town they build their new beautiful houses then they spend 15 to 20 years raising that family right there is kind of a cap on these sorts of things operational costs insurance is going through the roof right we don't have a lot of opportunity for revenue streams in this buau we don't have commercial uh to any extent that would really benefit us development is you know everybody's against development as well and so that's a touchy subject again so this is just an opportunity right so that was one of the slides in the previous that was a new slide in the previous um thing uh markets statistics this was another slide that was brand new again because we've had multiple years now where the reports come in um it is a $ 1.3 billion a year business just in the last uh two and a half years the municipal Revenue $62 million since 2022 right this is nothing to shake a stick out um New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission again as I started to build out my presentations and the things I wanted to communicate to the public these are some of the the fact check sets that are really incredible to look at um if you look at the recreational sales they dwarf dwarf medicinal sales right you look at the climb in 2023 quarter over quarter one it started at 145 and ended in 192 for a total of 675 million and change right and that is recreational tax revenue of 41 million and change all right and then again just 2022 over 2023 you look at those numbers it ballooned and doubled from 2022 329 million to 675 million in total sales tax revenue doubled Municipal tax revenue again this is all I'm having this conversation about okay it's it's tax revenue It's ability for us to be able to pay for things um I pulled a bunch of budgets I did a lot of Googling and pulled you know local municipalities the number one and the municipality that's been in the game the longest is B Mah New Jersey I've used quote from their mayor uh in several presentations but you look there this and this is their line items this is pulled you guys can Google this I have it stored I'm going to put it on the link tree that the bur administrator agreed to let me put up belmare New Jersey realized and again they've been in the game the longest 1.3 million in Municipal that's not sales that's Municipal tax revenue right they they were able to line item and anticipated $1 million in their budget for 2024 right rochell Park which is just down the street 2023 in their budget is incredible they anticipated 480,000 they realized 900 57 million in tax revenue or sorry thousand thousand sorry $957,000 almost a million dollars all right Loi New Jersey uh their line item in 2023 they haven't accepted their 202 or they haven't proposed their 2024 budget yet but their anticipated was 450,000 C caucus I had SP over and spent some time with Gary jeffus and Dennis Miller is the chief of police um the only budget line item I was able to get a hold of was their very first Q4 Municipal tax check that's one quarter 3 months worth was $247,000 again like we don't have any other avenues for this liquor licenses are onetime fee of a quarter million dollars at best right again that's all this is there's nothing to farious going on this is just an idea um referendum timeline uh one of the complaints was this is all happening so fast I've been working on this since I got in in 2021 2022 we passed class 1 through 4 passed unanimously February of 2023 the class 5 five and six we even included six in the ordinance it passed on first read by a 50 vote uh council president was absent at the time I'm just listing that so that you know there's responsibility and everything like that uh unfortunately went before the planning board we didn't do a very good job of presenting to the planning board again alone that it lost by a vote of 5 to3 but if you look back I went and I dug up the the minutes from the planning board meeting it was a lot of like really loose rationale for the rejection right well what about the smell things like that burough engineer did a really nice job of explaining how tight-knit the state regulations are on all these kinds of things it still got voted no so then the idea was well all right let's put it on referendum and see how we do and of course everybody know how that went the referendum question I proposed councilwoman quatron had seconded and it won by a 50 vote all in and unfortunately referendum without any communication from me lost by 411 votes and again I'm still dismayed about 664 voters missing the question and not given a proper communication Channel um one of the other arguments in addition to that is presidential election year right um the big thing the green line item there in 2020 during the presidental election again when I was up um for election 80% of Rutherford's residents vot registered voters turned out which exceeded the national average of 66% and again I'm not discounting the the message that was sent in the first referendum okay but 36% of the community turned out okay this has the opportunity to hear from the broader SWA and all I'm asking for or all I was asking for was the opportunity to have that Communication channel opened and have that discussion over the next three and a half months but look I get it I live here I love it here my colleague again she changed her mind and that's fine these is why you do it that's why you have six of us up here to work with these professionals to have these discussions all right so anyway it's my last ditch attempt um chief of police in seat caucus when I sat down with him in his office the very first thing he said to me was we need to throw away our moral compass I asked him if it was okay to quote him on that he said sure um you know we all have our our sins if I could put a 2% tax on cigarettes and alcohol I would absolutely do it in a heartbeat right but the county and the state sees all the revenue from those taxes we do not see a dime um so that's it um I would like if there if anyone would like to discuss I'm happy to discuss it but I can make the take action on the resolution um unfortunately I do have to leave tonight the meeting was supposed to be August 5th my son's birthday tomorrow and my parents are here and I just came back from Pennsylvania golf outing and so forgive my attire um I do need to leave after this which is why we asked to move forward um any questions any comments any um would you like to make a comment okay I want to thank my colleague councilman kley for all the hard and valuable work he's done on this issue even though I don't feel as strong ly as he does about it I do admire his passion and steadfastness in fighting for what he believes in I also want to thank him for his forthrightness directness his respect for all his colleagues and his humility his ability to admit he makes mistakes as we all do that is a rare thing to be able to admit especially when you're in political office at the last council meeting I voted with him and councilwoman Del con to put the referendum question of whether we should allow marijuana retail establishments across the Route 17 Highway on the ballot this November I voted yes because one I believe that it would be useful to have a wider cross-section of the electorate vote on this issue presidential election year turnouts way higher as we all know and two the council failed to hold any public information sessions last year before the vote Beyond Mr K uh Mr cley's presentations at Council meetings and I think it's incredibly important that we hold several of these informational sessions before we as a community take such a meaningful vote in the past two weeks I have had many fruitful and impassioned discussions with constituents about their views on putting this back on the ballot this year I thank all the residents who took the time to give us valuable feedback these discussions were with Republicans and Democrats political competitors and allies as well as members of different generations of R forian um during these discussions constituents implored me to rethink my position in favor of the ballot referendum this year and I have done that I believe we should remove this question from the ballot this year and consider putting it back during a future election for the following reasons one I want to I want to address what councilman kley said about you know me reversing I felt very rushed in this vote I felt it like it was brought up kind of suddenly I know we had been discussing it but we don't we sometimes failed to really discuss things on this Council um before we take such an important and meaningful and controversial vote so I I didn't actually realize we're going to vote on it until right before the vote I didn't get to talk to my colleagues I really didn't get to think it through or talk to constituents about it which is the key I really needed to get that feedback so if I felt rushed as a councilwoman I'm sure members of the public felt a little blindsided also um I do think there is confusion and misinformation about the pros and cons of having marijuana retail in town and the restrictions on where any such establishment could be located hosting Town Hall style informational sessions will be a valuable way to combat any disinformation and to ensure that our community conducts a robust balanced debate on this important topic before you move forward with any further action although it is not was not intended as disrespectful in any way I can understand why some constituents view placing the question up the year after it failed as disrespectful to the wishes of Voters and third I also believe the ballot question should be Rewritten in response to the expert opinion and Community feedback we are guaranteed to receive during our informational sessions should we hold them on the on the merits I haven't decided where I stand on the merits of having retail here that that is not the question up today the question today is should we put it on the ballot the year after it was voted down I ran for office in 2022 promising to be responsive to community feedback and to be open to rethinking My Views if circumstances or facts on the ground warrant it in this case constituent feedback was very valuable and very cogent and has reaffirmed for me that this is a vote and a topic we need more time and more Community SPAC spaces to explore thank you thank you councilman I will I will have to take exception at one point of that the U bir administrator has been very very good at communicating and making sure everybody knows what's going on when it's going on so as far as communication goes I think the bur administrator does a very good job anybody else want to comment on this Council thank you mayor am I oh there we are okay hello um I'm usually pretty restrained up here um I spend all day as an attorney which the mayor hates when I say that that's what I do for a living I never really know why because you voted me up here because i' imagine partly cuz of my skills but I spend all day fighting with people that's what I get paid to do so by the time I get here I really really restrain myself and I'm very thorough in reviewing information I try to be extraordinarily responsive even when I don't answer um constituents with this with the information they think the opinion rather that they think I should have um I ran for this office one because I think it's an important job but two because I love it here and so what's really upset me about the past two weeks is any implication that my colleague Mr kley has put this forward for any other reason than because he holds true to the issues of Revenue stream and pro progress so it's it was deeply upsetting to read comments and commentary and speculation that there was some untour um Sinister thing going on here I can assure you councilman kley of everyone including myself is the most well researched council person on this Council he does not bring anything to us without looking for information and that will always be how he is he it has always been how it is in the past it may not be information you agree with or like and that is your prerogative um but it will always be real and well researched I too take issue with with the notion that we didn't have time councilman kley has been talking about this literally since I got on the council and presenting us with information um so I'm I'm saying this to prepare you that I am not changing my vote I voted because I did the work and I believe in the two specific reasons that I could be comfortable with it being back on the referendum the first is we did not provide the information we assured the community that we would before it went to the question on the referendum and second regardless of voter turnout opinions there are facts more voters will turn out this election and I trust my community that those that voted no last year will vote no again and more people will vote no I too am not approaching this question at all with an interest in the outcome but rather we said we would give you information and we didn't do that so we need to do that and the more people that vote the better information we have um any implication that your votes have been disregarded that is not my my view you don't have to agree with me so I think what this taught me is two things what happened two weeks ago was the best and the worst thing for this Council was the best thing because it was actual Discord and all I hear from our community and I agree is you don't want us up here agreeing with each other all the time so you got what you wanted and that's a great thing the second issue is it forced conversation and forced conversation Among Us which is not always fluid but en force people who maybe not aren't always listening to listen and to respond so those are two very good things but it also taught me finally I need to be a lot more of myself up here and a lot less of what I'm told I should be so if I start behaving in a little more outgoing manner you'll know that's actually the real me because we shouldn't be silencing each other up here at all we shouldn't you shouldn't be silencing yourselves and hopefully what this will mean with the almost full Galley which we had last time is that we will Air less of our grievances on Facebook because we don't have the capacity to answer you on Facebook that's just not the way government works and more of you showing up and sending emails I think even Bonnie would agree I answer those emails even when I even when I don't agree with her I answer those emails so please reach out in a real meaningful way that can help us affect change for you because that is what you should want and that is the only reason I ran I have a luxury that I say all the time to my colleagues I don't work in New Jersey my job has nothing to do with the government I you know this I truly do purely because I want to um and now I really need to start doing it more like I would do it and less like I'm being told to do it and with that in mind don't be surprised when when this gets moved for vote my vote is staying the same for the two exact reasons it was that way two weeks ago that should actually give you comfort not discomfort because I am comfortable with the information I received thank you yes councilman whenever you're ready thank you so I was not here at the last council meeting I had a personal family emergency and this is what I believe our work is about listening to the voice of the people and the people voted against it and I must adhere to the voice of the people and I really believe councilman Copley that we have to give this T okay we need to educate the public about it and we need to give them the time we need to have forums we need to have meetings where we talk about this and we haven't had the time to do so so even though I did not get a chance to vote two weeks ago on this my a would not have been in adherence with what we would have wanted um but residents did come out and vote and I worry that if we continue to put these referendums out there it makes it seem like we're looking for a different answer when an answer was already given so I do believe we need to give this time and in time we can put it back on the ballot but I don't believe the next year is the year to do so okay but thank you so much for your hard work thank you so much for the way you have educated the council and the way you have let us know about this you have informed us of this but this is where I stand thank you councilwoman council president unless you're going to be silenced my microphone works just fine not to worry about that sir um first of all I want to I want to address a few things that uh had been brought to my attention over the last few weeks um and so one I want to lead with the fact that uh for the number of years I've been up here regardless of the topic I've always reminded people about Civility and that we're neighbors and so um running the risk of sounding corny there's something to be said about kindness um I was very disheartened by the personal attacks that were made um and directed at council members um not because of people having opinions but I want to imp I I really just want to remind this community we are neighbors people up here have families and children we can disagree you saw it in absolute Technicolor two weeks ago um that doesn't diminish how hard councilman kley worked and how passionate he was about his position as a matter of fact when he and I met and talked about it we we were on Polar Opposites of the position both equally passionate but it doesn't diminish who he is as a person and as a resident and as a father and as a friend and as a colleague um so I I want to say that because I think sometimes in our effort to be right it comes across as so judgmental and so hurtful even if it's not the intention so I I want to encourage everybody to just take a deep breath I also want to commend the fact that this may be the first time in all the years I've served that a council member willingly willingly reached out to their colleagues once they realized that someone had a change of heart to not just say I one too bad it's moving but actually to say um you know what this isn't the will of the group I think that speaks vimes about your character it's why I have enjoyed being here with you and I why I hope that people despite whether they agree or disagree with your opinion I hope that they see the why behind it right um finally I guess what I want to say is the importance of taking every one of these meetings and every moment that we're asked to serve here um as seriously as we should and that requires a great amount of time and effort um it requires phone calls and meeting um I'm sure Bob probably wants to lock the door when he sees me coming down the hallway on most days um and I say that in just maybe I'm not sure um but it's because it's those conversations right it's because someone stops me on Park Avenue and asks me a question that I may or may not know the answer to and it's my job to go find out um and so I want to thank everyone for the time and effort that they put into taking this job seriously because this is in fact the job um it's a a very huge responsibility and so I want to apologize for my long- winded uh statement but nonetheless I think it is imperative that not just because this was a controversial moment that people held uh and came out to vocally share how they felt right which was what tonight's response is about but that we do that for every mundane little thing that's on this agenda because it's the people's business and that's what you asked us to be up here to do every single time thank you mayor thank you [Music] cman thank you mayor uh first off uh councilman kley I like to thank you again for uh digging in and trying to present once again for a project that you are so passionate about out and the fact that you wish to go that extra step right now and to try to you know say I firmly believe in this it says a lot about you the fact that you didn't just back away and turn around and say you know what I'm done here with this I commend you for that that's that sticking to your guns when something you believe in is part of the whole process um I will say though for me my focus has not changed my focus is simply as I stated before that this was voted on8 months ago by the people they said no and I stand with the people on this um other than that I think it's time we maybe move on for a vote here thank you councilman so now that we've uh done all the council comments prior to this we will not have them between the vote Council mokin uh make a motion to move resolution number 164 regarding a public question on the 2024 ballot motion I MO all right yeah fair enough um make a mo motion to move resolution number 170 resending the resolution to number 164 regarding a public question on the 2024 ballot I got to get new glasses um retail cannabis sales in the buau action uh sorry uh motion I have a motion by councilman kley May a second second second by council president we're going to move on for a vote council president mwan yes councilman big Roberson yes councilman Gman yes councilman Del con no councilman quatron yes coun kley no thank you thank you all I do have to run there were plans and everything like that ahead of time before this moved so thank you all for your time I appreciate your patience and understanding thank you all for your kind words appreciate it we're going to move on to the review of the changes to the proposed agenda um Bob thank you mayor uh two I have two things one uh item 8A the agreement with St Mary's I'm asking um there's one minor change in paragraph three just allow and say Mary's access to the field until 400 pm on a Saturday as opposed to 3 P.M that's the only changing the agreement uh as opposed to the other you know there's other changes but that's the one from the uh pack one that was included in your package uh secondly and and probably uh a little bit more involved I am asking the the council tonight to uh when we get to the ordinances uh item 14a the ordinance regarding the uh Amendment to the w a of Union a of agu Place Chestnut Street Redevelopment plan I I'm going to ask you to table that tonight and not to conduct the public hearing on that um as you can see in your agenda item nine we have received a consistency letter from the planning board I think we need time to review that and digest their comments before any action is taken uh I've advised the uh the attorney for the redeveloper uh that their their professionals were not needed tonight so I think it's only fair that we just take some time and and review the comments and and and go forth after that so when we get to that portion of the agenda I do ask for it to be tabled tonight thank you anybody else from the council seeing none I'd ask for a vote yeah that's what I mean that's what I said changes to the proposed agenda um W to consent on it okay okay here we go hearing of citizens excuse me mayor do we need to do a motion to accept the recommendations for the change of the agenda did that yeah I mean going to table the uh the ordinance that's a later vote so you have to vote on twice and then if you want to comment that the St Mary's agreement you're acknowledging the time change from 3: to 4: on Saturday thank you hearing of citizens anybody from the public wishing to step up uh please keep your comments at five minutes or less please state your name and address Frank Wilson 171 montro ruford before I start some of the things going to cover I want to give it to the clerk fortunately Mr kley is not here but again this is nothing personal this is just facts Mr cley said one of the reasons why we need to get this is the ruer study that in that gives us 1.6% in property increase well here's the facts for the rest of the article I just gave to the burrow clerk it says those Mr pales have seen an average home sales price increase by 1.6% more than in towns without legal weed the study found that's what he said but it goes on to say the theory is home buyers when choosing a home or a town not only look at the characteristics of the house but how many bedrooms bathrooms square footage then the amenities the schools the businesses how close it is to their jobs and also look at the town's political economic e comy uh policy said Ruckers University associate professor Michael Hayes this is looking at only the short run hay said we don't know the mid or long-term impact on property values it's a first look at this and future research is definitely needed to give us a better idea of overall impact left that out the Ruckus report also found that municipalities that were most likely to allow cannabis related businesses have larger populations lower property values per capita and less affluent and more liberal residents in the fall of 2021 more than 60% of the municipalities opted out but the researchers aren't so sure the increases is tied directly with pot shops unfortunately a robustness check suggests that there is not enough evidence to suggest that cannabis related businesses cause this home price increase Evan seagull of the American real realy appraisers in Westfield said it's too early for New Jersey to measure the impact of these businesses would have on a home's value and that it will take a couple of years to really know again all of this data was left out people are not driven to towns because they are cannabis friendly Hugh said I don't know what we consumer what the consumer or municipality even know enough about all the ins and outs of this to have that be part of the decision-making process the report says it's unclear what social cost cannabis sales might bring it is possible that the Banning of cannabis businesses is factured into home buyer decisions to buy in a particular municipality especially if the home B home buyers are concerned that these businesses may cause an increase in crime report says this is important because changes in property values can affect local government tax revenues none of this was ever brought out on any presentation okay I feel that Mr kley was very deceptive in the way he held it to Rutherford residence and the council he painted this as though it was the Ivory Tower the Gold Coast Oz that none of this stuff in this report was ever brought out also since he brought up rochell Park I said it was $480,000 or approximately $5 per resident and he scarfed at me well he looked at it for himself and guess what he just said that those were the numbers that I quoted but yet he had the audacity to scarf of me at this meeting they changed 2024 to 850,000 from 480 another question if you put 10 McDonald's in a town versus one does it diluted while it might seem good now but all these pot shops keep popping up you can't use one against the other because it dilutes it you have X amount of capital to spend you spread it across it's going to drop down we only get 2% it's 2% worth $5 or10 per household I don't think so he also his report that he that he gave out last year quoted that we'd get a million dollars on the bottom of the page that's also incorrect there's 48 pot shops that were given $150,000 to $250,000 grants from the state one of them tried to push the council into giving them the license in Rutherford I'm going to ask you to wrap up your F5 that's it but these are the facts so before you vote again with this thing and you don't have the data please research a little bit more than one person taking one line out of a report that pots good for us thank you thank you Mr Wilson anybody else from the public wishing to speak hi Julia please state your name and address keep your comments at five minutes or less Julia seagull 32 Grand Avenue um I have a couple things one is drug related but not per the discussion earlier um now that we have this lovely facility that is open here I would really like to encourage us to install a permanent drug drop off location um several of our municipality neighbors have this as a facility and instead of just relying on our two takeback days a year it would be really great um it's good for sustainability actions that of course the Green Team Works on but it's also a public health issue uh public uh waste issu so we're not putting these things in our our waste streams um polluting our waste water and everything like that so um that's one thing I've got two more um I'd also like to draw attention to the fact that there was a letter in the agenda pack online about a zoning um ordinance variance request to the city of Lindhurst with regard to some of the development that's down near d uh Dort Park um if we have a say at all in these things I really want to make sure that we are um using our voice to make sure we're not all you know destroying further the the precious ecosystem that we have created there it's a very vital place for our migratory birds and wildlife refuge so we don't want to be handing out these variances with uh without good cause so I I do ask that we look at that when we're asked to review those things for that purpose and then the third thing is um I wanted to also congratulate the burough on being recognized for the safe roots School recognition program again I'm really happy that the buau um prioritizes this as um I think it is it is a vital part of making it a safer Community for not only our students walking to school but everyone walking around town um with that I would like to ask a personal favor um the connection between the Eerie lot um Erie Avenue um just west of the train station where you have permit parking um there is not a a pedestrian safe means of getting from the Eerie lot to the train station you are forced to walk in the roadway um there used to be wood chips and you could kind of walk down and get into the the the the side lot but it's no longer um walkable especially for those of us who broke their ankles this year um it would be really great if we could get from sidewalk to the train station at that location had a very close call this week um unfortunately it was a police car um that got very very close to me as I was walking there and I would just like for there to be some effort to make that a safer transition for the people that that pay for parking there that's it thank you thank you Julie anybody else in the public wishing to speak David labruno 423 stent just a few comments about the uh withdrawal of the resolution I won't repeat everything I said previously at these past meetings meetings but um excuse me can you just closer to the mic oh yeah sure sorry uh if we're talking about an increase in voter turnout you know elections matter every year so uh it's sort of what are you going to do right people come out and vote uh about the public needing to be educated again I would I would take offense with that because the people who do vote they're very educated if you care to vote you get involved you understand what's going on and then you go and P lever so um you know again it's it's it's a matter of uh seemingly not getting the result that you want um again Mr Wilson mentioned about 2% of Revenue 2% to get a million dollars you're talking about a store doing $50 million a business um and even that with Revenue uh we're talking about uh this other thing that was withdrawn today about the change of this agreement for Erie if you see the things that were struck in there about parking you know we used to have $25,000 of space the by the ordinance about what would be paid for a reduction in the 1.5 spaces and then in here it was now 1250 I think if I'm reading right 12,500 and now you're just striking that and moving the number down to one space that's that's what it says I mean maybe you're not going to do it who knows maybe you listen to the people um but I would know not that these are these revenue streams and then the question are we engaged in uh tax abatement agreements or negotiations with this entity as of yet that would be something that the public would be uh sort of interested in know without having to go and Oprah these sort of things um because you know we talk about Revenue but we continue to hand out tax abatements this is a Redevelopment Zone which allows you to change all the zoning and then also Grant tax abatement so it'll be interesting when talking about Revenue what you do with this project going forward um we're talking about less than 2/10 of an acre and talking about 21 units being permitted in there and you see also in here if it was tow houses they'd be have less than uh they have five tow houses or this 21 units with eight of them being two-bedroom apartments we're talking about a large area with also 21 spaces that's all permitted by the zoning here so if they could Sho a hornet in there with 100% coverage then that's what's going to happen um then also we're talking about being rushed um you know I think it was sort of a power move that that that time we had a quorum here at the last meeting but it was 3-2 with a known voting block so you know if Miss beg was here we would have had a three3 vote and Mr nzi had already said that he would be voting no so it would have passed the first go around so I appreciate giving Mr kley a face saving way to withdraw uh we could have had a revote if you came this meeting and then just not even withdraw it so um there was that uh I already mentioned the no information and the in the uh no information for the public well you didn't present it but we did our own homework most of those people who went out and voted um so I I would agree though that uh please certainly be yourself up here right that's what we need to do thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak hi colen fensi 216 Mountain Way um I'm here to talk about the um parking resolution that's being uh read in for the first time tonight on bford Avenue um I'm not here to disagree with it because it it's very important that our fire and our police and our DP DPW can get down the streets that's very important but I'm here to talk about the challenge to teachers at Union School who have to park there and um hoping that there is some sort of consideration for parking during the day uh we have one side of the street parking only on Cooper Springfield and bford uh we can't park on Union there's 3-hour parking only on Beach Street across Union Avenue and more so it's a very challenging spot to park so I'm hoping that there's some sort of idea of maybe I don't know stickers that we can put in our Windows um for teachers and residents of those streets only because the the other challenge we have is that people who use the bus will also Park on Springfield and bford so there's very little parking over there so um hoping that something can be done about that and appreciate it thank you thank you anybody else from the public hi I'm Tim Joyce 205 bford Avenue and I'm here to speak about the parking on bford uh I've been on that block for 37 years and uh I'm just curious as to why now it's coming up again uh it seems every couple years it comes up every couple years it goes gets shot down so I'm curious as to what's behind the reasoning for this also uh the vast majority of the residents on the on the Block do not want it uh and as the previous speaker was just up here during the daytime most of the spots are taken up by teachers and commuters and so therefore if we're going to come up with a one side of the parking uh street parking only then what we would like at very minimum is permit parking and that includes no teachers no commuters no people from Recreation so that we can park our cars so it's only fair I mean other streets have uh have permit parking so why wouldn't we uh my other question is what other options have been explored has this Council explored other options coordinating recycling coordinating garbage pickup and street street sweeping I mean that's an option it opens up a lot of room you know we've heard talk about uh emergency vehicles so on and so forth well granted there may be some times where they may have been challenged to get through however over the last several years there have been more than well there's been at least three fires on a block and to my knowledge there's not one emergency vehicle that didn't get through now last time there was also a 87y old woman who quite confidently got up here and told everybody that she drives her RV vehicle uh up and down Belford Avenue and she's done it no matter how crowded it is so my question is if an 87 year old woman at the time could do it why can't young vibrant people do it I'm I'm at a loss here um so if you do open it up my question would be who's going to enforce the speed limits we all know this is a school block we all know I don't know if you're all familiar with the with Belford Avenue but it's not just a typical one block uh block therefore people will speed and by the time they get from Cooper down to Francisco I'll guarantee you they'll be doing 40 45 miles an hour I've seen it I've seen it too many times and it's an issue and you need to keep that in mind when you have children who are walking down the street children who live on the street during rush hour Belford will be become a major cut through today it already is when the light at uh Union backs up the uh drivers all feel necessary to cut down bford Avenue so what we're doing is we're encouraging more traffic in my opinion and the opinion of others so my other question is what about weekend parking so you're going to take away one side of the street parking and nobody's going to be allowed to park on the weekends it came to my attention that just this weekend somebody had a house party and there were 13 additional cars on the Block where are they supposed to park Union Avenue so that's all I have I hope you take that into consideration because there's a a lot more other things on the on the agenda as well thank you thank you sir anybody else from the public good evening mayor and Council Bonnie corkin 390 montress Avenue sorry councilman kley had to leave most of my statements were going to go to him so I guess we're going to hold him until next time even though it's about the Cannabis uh I want to first start by saying thank you to councilwoman president uh Macwan councilwoman Del K and councilman Guzman they answered my letter thank you it was nice yes we can agree to disagree I'm glad we have communication not so much on this side councilwoman B Roberson we talked before the meeting um know you had a family emergency I'll give you a pass Council quatron no response councilman kley even said my comment about my email now no response you want to hear from the residents but you don't want to respond to us you want us to write you but you don't respond that's that's another slap in the face as far as I'm concerned um yeah I had a big giant thing I wanted to read but kopley is not here and I'm not going to land blast him since he's not here to defend himself um I will say some of his numbers are wrong in that new presentation I hope that new presentation is going to be available somewhere because for 17 months all we've been told is there's going to be education in March he literally stood up stood and said this is going to be the most educational months to come there was no education none I went and I looked at the budgets of the Town some of his numbers are wrong by the way because sarus has a budget out and S corus's budget was for 2020 they got $247,000 in in 2020 in 2022 per their 2023 approved budget he quotes the saket police chief hello we have a police chief why don't you talk to our own police chief so caucus doesn't run Rutherford Rutherford runs Rutherford um I would love to see that presentation because that presentation is the first time we saw it that presentation could have been made available to us sooner I will say and I've shared these with uh the bur administrator you know there was a cannabis place that opened up in Montclair Montclair and I and Bob I misquoted myself myself I said 300 and it's actually 275,000 Monclair got one payment and then a send moved out they're now in moris County because guess what they're not making enough money down here because there's way too many Cannabis shops opening so Montclair just lost that Revenue it's up in Morris County um sure Rochelle Park they got 957 th000 last year woohoo their taxes went up and the value in the town went down it's on their budgets their budgets are online so if you're going to feed us numbers we can all go and fact check I'm going to end by this you're all Democrats I know a party doesn't mean much but last month Senator Mendes got convicted 16 Elance looking at 200 plus years in jail if he ever get sentenced to jail he is literally staying on the payroll for two more paychecks are you kidding me you got convicted last month and none of the Democrats even Governor Murphy is letting them stay let's let the taxpayers pay his bill I'm sorry give us the facts do not like make numbers up because we can fact check I love fact checking I was actually asked by several Democrats on my Facebook on emails on phone calls Bonnie what is going on why is there a rush go ask your friend kley he's a Democrat like you he's your friend go ask him why would I know I'm not even friends with them outside of outside the world course our kids are totally different age limits but I'm disgusted that it's we're going to rush it your votes do matter no you wanted to put aside our votes plain and simple we can agree to disagree you literally wanted to put aside our votes from last year and that was a slap in the face voters take the time to go out and vote and if you don't take the time to go out and vote that's on you that's not on the people that take the time out and vote if you don't want to vote then don't complain if you don't want to educate us don't complain that you didn't get your little pet project and yeah I think it's a pet project I'll leave it at that thank you thank you anybody else hello uh can you guys hear me uh Alex Hurst uh 124 Woodland Avenue I'm probably one of the younger ones here right now uh I just feel like it's thank you for that oh yeah sorry uh I just feel like uh in regards to the Cannabis you know I I feel like there wasn't a lot of information out there I feel like we shouldn't be relying on a presidential election year but I feel like to have more confidence in the future I would definitely want to see more of the research because I I think the newer generation is definitely more interested and maybe you could even get more people to these meetings because it seems like they're a lot of fun thank you thank you for calling us old anybody else from the public wish you to speak hi good evening I'm Lisa olivo 202 bford Avenue um I'll be brief I don't have prepared statement or anything um I want to thank you guys for discussing um about the parking on Belford Avenue um I was kind of disappointed about where we landed with it but I will agree that the parking on one side of the street is preferable to widening the road and you know changing our property lines and all of that um I think my neighbor Tim brought up a lot of great points um I will say there are some concerns I have it if there's an opportunity to uh make the roads around delord Avenue safer with police enforcement I think that that's something that should be considered it is a constant there's constantly students walking down the street and people speed regardless of the fact that we are a very narrow one-way street it's not uncommon for our neighbors on the Block to have their mirrors ripped off the side of their cars if they're not parked right on the side of the road uh I worry that if the street is made even wider people are going to drive even faster I don't think that that's going to make things necessarily safer for our block I think it's going to encourage people to drive at faster speed and use the street more which concerns me not just as a resident of the block but it concerns me as a parent um who's going to have a kid at Union school next year I already have a heart attack about my kid you know Crossing from peer Pont to the library at the Circle you know I would be nervous if uh the Union School students are going to have to experience busier roads by Union School already um if there is an opportunity to consider permit parking on our street um and have police officers near Union School to enforce slow driving protect the students at the crosswalks to ensure safety maybe that's something that can be considered before we change the parking situation or go to those more drastic measures um that's it thank you thank you anybody else from the public Laura Niner 54 Lincoln Avenue uh it's good to see you all some of you I used to see at the Y but do not anymore um good so I usually come here to talk about Lincoln Avenue and development I'm not going to talk about that today and I was not here to say anything you can tell because I don't have any notes um but it is true that I think the mayor and Council are trying to find creative ways to bring bring more money into the town I think people should understand this and not just go on Facebook and complain about how their taxes are too high but they want this and this and this and this they want a pool they want a skate park they want okay but from the little that I know about math and budgets things get more expensive and I wonder if a lot of the people who are objecting to whatever new proposals there are have alternate ideas and maybe the governing body would like to hear those if there are better ideas in my opinion and in my experience the taxes are not high in this town I come from a town that has has and had very high taxes the question is are you happy with what you get for your taxes if that's the argument that people are making all the time on Facebook then tell that to the mayor and counsel so since as you know if you know me I'm I'm kind of against over development I was willing to listen to the Cannabis argument and I can see both sides of the argument and I don't need to tell you how I voted because it doesn't matter you can tell me that you need to educate me because I don't know much about the issue and that does not offend me I'm educated on some things and I didn't know much about this at all I'm not a user um I don't have children but I can see all the arguments and I don't think people need to get up here and say you're corrupt because Mendes went to jail with all due respect Bonnie I don't think that's helpful um so I'm just you know sitting here and not was planning not to say anything but this is this is how I feel so as I've told you know at least one of you recently you know I we really do or I let me speak for myself I appreciate what you do and what you try to do and I'm sorry Mr kley is not still here uh because I would tell him that so so I think the lesson that probably everyone has taken by now from this whole cannabis debacle is that if there is not information people will invent conspiracy theories and assume things and assume the worst and you know the money's going in somebody's pocket and all of this um if that's the case and maybe it is then you know show us show us the money you know where's the proof I think it seems like he was making a good faith effort to find other ways to bring money into this town and perhaps did not manage it well it might have been presented on a ballot that would have low turnout and that maybe was a mistake uh maybe the numbers were not given to the to the town so people could evaluate whether or not it was claimed that we need to be educated whatever it was it seems like it was not done in the optimal way and if it were it may still be the same outcome but you know I think I think people need to spend I'm not a Facebook fan maybe a little bit less time on Facebook spinning their thoughts and maybe come here and it's a it's good that a lot of people are here and try not to be angry but just State your point because people will listen but the psychology of people is they listen better if you just calm down don't accuse and just State your thoughts anyway that's what I have to say thank you for listening thanks Laur anybody else from the public wishing to speak seeing none I'm going to close it to the public and now open up for any Council comment council president Oh I thought I thought you went like that anybody Council one thank you mayor um I just want to clarify um Mr Wilson the document you presented is actually not the Rucker study it's it's an article about the recer study so the article about the recer study still Cherry picks quotes from the recer study and and I'm happy to email anyone the actual record study which is 26 full pages and very in-depth about um percentages and so just to be clear you know my Council colleague was accused of being deceptive but the comments read by Mr Wilson also were not from the entire study they were cherry-picked by a journalist who may or may not have a view on this I I know um um so miss seagull um as the Green Team liaison I always appreciate your views on sustain sustainability and public health um I agree about Dort park it is one of my favorite places to go it is one of I think um the few places around here where you go and forget that you're in New Jersey because of the wetlands and uh the beauty so um I you have my commitment especially given my involvement with the green team that I am happy to um take a closer look when that comes across my desk and um and also on eie uh the Eerie Avenue lot I saw councilman Guzman who's the police Lea on nodding feverishly and taking notes so I will certainly allow him to speak to that um Mr Le Bruno I think your comment was um all of us that voted on this issue were educated and if that's the case kudos to you because hundreds of people voted I can say that I as a voter of almost too many years at 47 years old can honestly tell you I I have not had the opportunity to review information on every referendum I've ever voted on um so I I I will come to miss ninja later but um I I never take someone wanting to give me information as offensive um if I already have it great if I don't greater um but the the implication that people are trying to insult you at every turn is really troubling because it always assumes a sinister intent um and I don't like leading my life that way I don't like seeing my leaders that way um so you know I again I stand by what I said before if you were offended I know what my intention was and I certainly appreciate the more information the better and I admit we to to miss korin's point we did not give you that information that we promised so um um and it's interesting Mr Le Bruno because you talked about us providing information and you don't need us to do that but then promptly said that the tax abatement agreement or negotiations you shouldn't have to go looking for it so I'm sort of confused about when you want information and when you don't um but either way I think you should have all the information you request from us whether it's through an Oprah request or through a question um Miss fensi Union Union School is a it's it's a wild ride going over there when you get to school so I again will leave that to Mr Guzman because he's a lot closer to the issues related to parking but wanted to acknowledge that you came out to to say your peace uh so too with um belred Avenue um mivo and Mr Joyce again I I know our burough administrator has had conversations with the residents um I was aware of that so I will let him uh speak to it um Miss kakorin um here's here's what I'll say um I actually don't think political parties matter that much at this level they shouldn't I feel like we have gotten to a place where the national level is riddled with um toxicity and really difficult difficult difficult lack of communication um to me there shouldn't be colors in Rutherford when it comes to politics because we really at the base of it all want the same thing you know I am a Democrat because how of how I vote on issues outside of R Rutherford um so I was really you know I think the reason the the reason that I think the community comes to you is you do provide information and so to say why are the Democrats coming to you you should ask your people I think you have held yourself out as someone that will give information that you believe is real and I often look for your point of view to know how people are thinking about things where I really get stuck and we'll agree to disagree is Senator Mendez has nothing to do with me and if you're going to lump all Democrats in the same bucket such that you want to talk to this Council of Democrats about Senator Menendez does that sort of detracts from the good that I think you provide to the community in giving real information because that's not relevant to my life what what governor Murphy does with Senator Mendez is so far removed from anything that has to do with this governing body I'm almost saddened that you you even went there because I I do think a lot of times when you go there it's important and and makes sense um I guess the last thing I'll say is Miss ninja like I feel like you went into my pile of notes and pulled out everything I wanted to say before I got too impassioned about the issue um I agree with pretty much everything you said I think there's a lot of speculation and spinning and churning and not enough conversation I don't know how to change that um I I also think that a resident recently said to me after he was on Facebook he said it's so funny how the same people can say they love it here and then completely separate that from the fact that the the way the this burough is run is why they love it here the good things that happen here happen because of how the burrow runs itself but somehow when we don't like a view or position we s simply forget that what makes this beautiful Charming burrow run are the same people we criticize so that's not to say you can't we can't criticize us um we chose to be here I'll take your criticism all day long and respond to it but I do think sometimes a long pause uh before we get to the keyboard warrior in ourselves is really uh a helpful exercise thank you anybody else council president sorry right May CA uh I appreciate you thank you um I just want to thank everyone who got up and spoke today um and I appreciate the passion of which um folks have done research and uh shared their thoughts on what they found to provide us with additional feedback and guidance um Julia as always we're we're proud of the work that's going on and uh we were actually commenting about the the letter from assemblyman calibri um and it's incredible that um we continue to find ways to be recognized and and that's by uh the Green Team and several committees and me and many members of this community that have taken it on their back to make it happen so thank you um and I'm thrilled that we get recognized for it cuz I think it's a recognition of your work um I really love that idea about the uh drug drop off location as a permanent way and and I trust that I know that uh Chief heard it and he will can you speak to it are you giving us the heads up go ahead jul I jul look how quick you are that's amazing and how responsive you are chief Russo that is fantastic uh that that is like so not how fast government works so that is like stunning to me um yeah remember this moment somebody write it down that was fabulous uh thank you chief for for chiming in um um you know Mr labruno you've said this now for a couple of years and I want to give you a shout out because you and I have had our moments where of of disagreeing but I I do agree with you that every election matters um and regardless of the context of which is being said that is something that I think we should all agree to that every election matters and I hope that every resident in this town finds two seconds in their day to either drop off a ballot or go in person or go early whatever the option is because I do think um I think that is a very very important part of our democracy um regarding bford you know I really I wanted thank you all for for talking about it I you know I had some very I thought very clear thoughts on this matter I feel like some of the things that were presented tonight some of the questions you were asking I don't know that I thought through completely um uh particularly the one I want to acknowledge and thank the the understanding of how complicated this matter is right and and um Tim I I appreciate the question you led with right like why now like every few years it comes up and then all of sudden it goes away right I I do think we're at a point where there are um there's damage to cars that are happening damages to uh borrow trucks my understanding are apparatus and and there's a lot of things we could say probably the dot dot dot or the bubble afterwards right but nonetheless it's happening and so it's it's it's getting us to have this conversation but I I want to thank you all for presenting Solutions or just take a moment to think about Solutions I'm not even sure what could be done should be done but I appreciate the questions of which I plan on following up with and I do want to be say that I am incredibly empathetic to the challenge at Union School right one it's a safety challenge when we have people speeding and that that has been a battlecry from all of our school zones across the town over the many years we've been up here but particularly there um right we're so focused on solving one problem what other ones are we creating and so how can we try to address as many of them in one shot being deliberative so I really want to thank you all I I took a lot of notes so thank you for that um uh Alex I I forgive me I didn't write your last name but I want to thank you for the comic relief um what is it Hurst you're officially in my book I'm sorry for that um Alex you know what you there was a gentle reminder in what you had to say um a little bit of brevity that [Music] you're I will not compromise who I am but just know I'm thinking it in this moment um but I appreciate your brevity right you you took a moment of just kind of giving us a pause to realize like that's what this is supposed to be about we're supposed to have some really good debate so thank you for that and hope that we see you and some more folks more often um and Laura last but not least um you know you you have have been steadfast in coming I'm sorry you have been steadfast in coming here on a variety of topics always well prepared um always preparing and giving us information to not just think about moment but to walk away and ask questions about afterwards I always appreciate that um what I equally appreciate is the guidance that you kind of weave through your comments um and I wanted you to know that wasn't lost on me there was a lot of a very subtle commentary tonight that was lovely guidance and I I thank you for that mayor I am uh I don't have anything else thank you Council thank you very much mayor um first uh first off uh Miss seagull uh miss fensi Mr Joyce and Miss alivo um first and foremost thank you very much for coming forth today and bringing concerns regarding bford um it's it's not an easy quick decision to be made um I understand that there's a lot uh variables here I know that our bur administrator has reached out to the residents uh it's been a process so far going on and I know that he's been put a lot of work into this many and Joe would say I would say all your points are very valid that you've brought to us today the one that really sticks out in my mind is an issue that we not only have on Belford but we have throughout the burrow speeding this is something that I have been working very very closely with our police chief our bar barel administrator um people don't want to slow down in this town it's a problem and it's causing bigger problems I can tell you that the security and the safety of this of every resident of this town is on the top of the list of our chief and our B administrator and our mayor and this entire Council I've had more I've never had more discussion about safety in our burrow go in the four years that I've been here that I have in the last eight months it's quite amazing your the these speeding uh especially in that area I believe is is true that that that if we it is an if we open it up it could cause a bigger problem I think that uh we probably should be looking even at other Alternatives here and I really appreciate the fact that you all came here today bringing your concerns it opens our eyes it helps us make better decisions so I thank you and I applaud you today for coming um Miss seagull um Eerie by the train station sidewalk roll the ankle 3 days ago I know it very well it's filled with rocks there's no pavement to stand on you're forced to go into the street I will address it um Mr Hurst thank you for the for coming today thanks for your energy much appreciated uh it's always nice when we see uh our younger Generations coming forth just have a chitchat with us and get it get involved to see what's going on I welcome you to keep coming bring your friends please uh we really appreciate it it's you're our future and it's important you know what's going on so thank you very much for coming in um I think that's all I have thank you very much thank you C anyone else I may I just want to thank everyone for coming to speak I won't I won't think I won't address every comment individually as I Echo a lot of my colleagues comments and we're running a little late or or long um I do want to say to corkran that I'm sorry I did not answer your email however I had just had about a 45 minute discussion with you directly after the last meeting about this and I listened to you and I think I was responsive on like a deeper level which is I actually thought about the position I took rethought it and did a hard thing which was to change my mind partly in response to what you and many others said so sometimes think it's good to be generous and acknowledge when someone's being responsive in a deeper sense than just an email response um and I want to say to Laura Niner that was a very elegant statement and it represents you know a kindness a balance and a thoughtful way of thinking about these things um it is true that that the the proposal to bring retail marijuana here would increase revenue and we do if we're you know depending on where we where we wind up if we do reject it as a community we should really think through um creative ideas to increase revenue and you know it should be a community project that everybody's feedback is welcome thank you thank you all thank you Council last but not least so yes this is a long meeting sorry guys um Mr Wilson I want to thank you for coming but we do have to be careful about calling people deceptive um data is a different is an interesting thing data can be presented in different ways there's a lot of data out there I don't believe my colleague meant to be deceptive in any way um I think he's just very passionate about this topic Julia you make our town better always I appreciate you so much I loved serving with you when I was on the Green Team and all your suggestions make our town better and I was thinking about Belford Avenue cuz you taught me when I was on the green team that you have to give a road a diet if you want people to slow down and you don't make it wider because people will speed up so that this is a green team lesson and I appreciate you councilman Guzman for rethinking this I don't know what the answer is for bford Avenue but I appreciate the way you listen and that you're rethinking it um Mr Le Bruno I agree with you I actually agree with you elections matter every year we can't cherry-pick our elections and that's why I voted the way I voted Laura I appreciate you so much we've had so many conversations about development and I appreciate that was so so eloquent it was like a poem so thank you for what you had to say we appreciate it so much all of you coming today make our town better we may not agree fully but you make our town better and we app appreciate you so much that's it thank you uh we're going to move on now to the consent agenda council president thank you mayor all items are authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion these items are routine in nature motion I have a motion by the council president I have a second second second by councilman Del con any questions or comments see every R call council president mwan yes councilman beg Roberson yes councilman Gman yes councilman Del con yes councilman kley oop sorry councilman Clon yes thank you minutes resolution number 168 authorizing the execution of the agreement with church of St Mary I'd ask for uh Council consent uh mayor I'd like to make a motion to move resolution number 168 I have a motion by the council president may have a second second second by councilwoman um robon I know who it is Robertson uming the one Amendment yeah Bob you want to address the amendment yeah just uh acknowledge the the one amendment I mentioned earlier tonight uh just in paragraph 3 allowing access to the field for St Mary's on Saturday to 400 p.m. as opposed to what's in the agreement now it says 3 p.m. that's the only change from what you received in your package okay I'd like to ask for a vote based on Bob's changes council president mcowan yes councilman Big Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes councilman Del con yes yes next on new business we have a planning board consistency review letter pertaining to ordinance number 3693 d24 uh yes ma this is related to uh the ordinance that I'm asking the council to table tonight uh give us an opportunity to review the planning board's comments on the amendment that was requested uh earlier this month uh again I don't think we need to take any further action other than table the ordinance and you know we can review the comments and you discuss at a later date thank you thank you can I have a motion to table this ordinance not yet all right we're going to move on now to council uh reports council president thank you mayor um at this time I have no report thank you councilwoman Roberson me neither councilman Guzman who's mine thank you mayor uh just one quick thing and regarding the Rutherford Police Department uh National Night Out this year will be held August 6th at Lincoln Park that's all I got thank Council Del thank you mayor um I just want to remind the community that the uh Rutherford civil rights commission's Multicultural Festival is being held on September 7th in Lincoln Park the rain date is September 8th if you are a vendor or a performer that would like to participate in the um Multicultural Festival it it is um an anniversary celebration as well for the Multicultural Festival I encourage you to reach out uh to the Civil Rights Commission or you can come to me directly thank you thank you councilman councilman qu I have nothing today mayor okay we're going to move on now to I have nothing the well we're going to have the uh hearings of citizens too on agenda items only anybody from the public wishing to speak okay we're going to close it to the public and now open it up for councel seeing none we're going to move on the to the amendment restricting parking in the southeast side of bord Av to include the area between Fran Francisco and Cooper AV thank you mayor uh mayor uh due to the The public's comments today and the uh comments of my Council colleagues um I'm going to ask Council to uh table this item so we can have further discussions and more uh withdraw we're just going to withdraw oh okay withdraw um for f so that we can actually uh maybe uh put some more insight into this and more energy into this and more uh Collective Visions um to see if we can come up with some other Solutions here again I want to thank you all for speaking up against us I have a motion to withdraw may have a second second second by councilman Roberson any questions or comments by the council see no M roll call what's the problem yeah I'm gonna vote to withdraw it okay council president McAn yes councilman B Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes councilman Del con yes councilman Quon yes ordinance is on second read we have a vote to table uh the ordinance uh regarding the um amendment to West Erie a avag new Poli and chest Street Redevelopment plan I'd ask for Council consent thank you mayor um since we are not moving this I'm not going to follow through with the traditional reading of uh ordinance and I'm going to ask my Council colleagues to uh move the motion of tabling 14 ordinance 2 a motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second any questions or comments see have roll call council president McAn yes counc big Roberson yes councilman Gman yes councilwoman Del con yes Council yes thank you thank you mayor next is um the white color Union salary on second reading uh Missy can you please read the ti the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend and supplement an ordinance entitled ordinance regulating the employment tenure and discharge of certain officers and employees of the Bureau of Rutherford under the provisions of a Civil Service Act of New Jersey number 367323 adopted on November 27 2023 thank you I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on second reading and AD advertised according to law thank you uh may I have a second second second by councilman Del con uh as this is the ordinance on second reading now I will open it up to the public for any comments on this subject and this subject matter only anyone seeing none I'm going to close to the public and open it up for any Council comment seeing none roll call council president McOwen yes councilwoman be Roberson yes councilman Guzman abstain Del con yes councilman quatron yes thank you I now ask for a motion to adjourn motion motion by council president all in favor I thank you everybody have a great night