##VIDEO ID:69BHDcYvqqE## for e for thank you everybody we're going to get started welcome to the regular monthly meeting of the mayor and Council Monday August 26 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Kelly could you please read the role mayor nun here council president mwan present councilwoman B Robertson here councilman Guzman here councilwoman Del here councilwoman cron councilman K here if you're willing and able please stand for the salute to the flag Bob could you uh please read the provisions in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record and Herald news and filed with the bar clerk on December 26 2023 and is posted on the bulletin board outside of Barrow Hall thank you uh we we've been requested to uh allow a presentation can you please speak to why you're here so the public can know can you please speak to the public as to why you're here yes we're making a presentation on behalf of the wetherford senior citizen complex May thank you if I may you may um we had a summary of what we're planning to do delivered to the council prior to the meeting which has the history of the project as well as what is going to be accomplished through the refinance with HUD which we're undertaking the reason I am here tonight is to hopefully I have the council agree well not agree but at least consider a tax abatement extension the tax current tax abatement between the township of Rob Rutherford and the Rutherford senior citizens was dated March 29th 1987 it is started um as soon as they signed the first mortgage with HUD which took place in March of 1991 the agreement by the statute that was in existence at the time they entered this agreement stated that you could not have an abatement agreement for more than 50 years right now the project is looking to refinance with HUD and consequently because we need in the mortgage for now 30 more years we're looking for an extension of that I have some information concerning the present situation the present abatement which is that it was 15% of gross annual rents gross annual rents by the uh provisions of the agreement means total rent paid in each year by tenants ex excluding contributions made by the federal government through Section 8 all the current occupants of the senior citizen building are on Section 8 they are all on affordable housing so consequently that's the current situation um right now the current agreement would run out in by my calculations is a little difficult but August of 2032 okay which is eight years from now our mortgage we are seeking it's 30 years consequently the need for in our opinion in our belief the extension of the current agreement which by the way is authorized by New Jersey Jers law this agreement the current one was under an older statute that was replaced and because of that there is in that new statute a a provision that states that this Council if it agrees to can extend it for the duration of the new mortgage hence that's why we're here really oh I Happ let you have some questions um at this point actually since most of the council has not really been brought up to speed I'd like to defer that and let the B administrator have uh multiple meetings with with the council and then um maybe you come back and we'll revisit yeah sure I'm available what I would ask is that you present something in writing what's your proposal to the Barrow so we can review that share it with our professional and then make an assessment that we can give a an educated response or educated information to the governor body and then we can discuss it further i' would be happy to do sir and I appreciate your time and your consideration thank you yes sir yes that would be yes because that's the length of the new mortgage well it goes to 20 30 yeah yeah it's about 32 hour 32 somewhere in there 37 somewhere in that NE yeah right it's true Bob are so do you want questions after the written proposal well uh Council would you like to speak sure I I just want to know when we are when you'd like us to present questions is it after the written proposal I mean if you have questions now feel free I I just have one question hi thank you for your presentation and for coming down tonight um my only question is are there certain exceptions that have to be made for the extension I'm not familiar with the statute so I I just want to make sure I understand what those would be the statute now says it should be a new agreement that's what would be required and that would be quite honestly you I'm giving something away but it would be a negotiation between the town and the projects as to how the new agreement would agree right now as I said it's 15% of the annual rant that could of course changeed but we're hoping it won't again we'll um have the professionals get together brief the uh Council and then we'll have a better picture and then we can readdresses if You' like thank you Mr Mayor again thank you for your time and your consideration thank you we'll move on to the uh review of the uh changes to the proposed agenda we have none mayor thank you sir anybody from the council have any changes to the proposed agenda seeing none uh we'll move on to the hearing of citizens anyone from the public wishing to speak please step to the microphone state your name and address uh keep your comments to five minutes or less sorry ma' just want to get situated you did hear the five minutes apart right good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Bonnie corkran um tonight I'm here to speak as a resident a Rutherford stockholder actually because I've owned my house since 20 can you just your name and address oh sorry Bonnie corkran 390 montros um owned our house since 2001 yet I've lived in Rutherford since 1996 my husband's Mike has been here since the 80s I I don't want any responses tonight I just handed you a stack of emails that I obtained via an Oprah I don't want responses from you tonight what I want is you to talk to the lawyers to Bob and to the ma and then come back and respond because this is this is not the stuff I discovered is not pleasant through the overs councilman Guzman I'm sorry it's happening during your election year I wish I could have done it last year but none of this happened until after last year's election earlier this year Rutherford had a cannabis business come in to Rutherford in February they came on the February 12th to give a presentation they were not scheduled for presentation so mayor nonato gave them an extra 15 minutes during hearing of citizens which was great for you m by the way um to talk there were several meetings with this cannabis business elcd Gardens came in the followup in my opinion just looking at the reactions on the tape I don't think many Council people knew that this presentation was going to happen I think everybody was Landslide except councilman KET I gave you the handouts of some of the emails that I pulled from the stack of emails that I got and yeah I had to pay for an Oprah because it was a lot of paper so you know November 7th majority of the voters you cannot lead a horse to order and make it vote make it drink that's an old saying cannot make the horse drink if you lead it to water you do not have to vote you're right you don't want to vote don't complain you vote deal with the results you councilman kley did not deal well with the results because you wanted to push the referendum back on and people called me and said why why is he so why is he pushing this back on there's got to be something I open your emails so through the emails the first one was October 10th it's the only one before the election was just Mr mallister saying you know my son completed the mail and ballot voting your way and of course yes on that question apparently you had sent them back on September 10 uh 20th councilman kley the Cannabis ordinance that was put into effect exhibit two was the second email between mallister and his business associates of elicit garden and then forward to councilman kley on November 15th eight days after the election where the majority of the voters voted no on the question if you look at the bottom of the page and it says dan good morning this is from Mr mallister to his associate Dan good morning in Missouri I'm working with the ruford councilman who sponsored the resolution to approve a retail dispensary you may recall this is the location you help draft Gina Loi is letter of intent for anybody that hasn't worked in real estate with cormas LLC cormas is a rug company that rug company is on the west side of 17 on your presentations and every other place you spoke about councilman kley this dispensary had it gone through was going to be on the east side of 17 so you knew when you were speaking about West East you were a little confused or you just lied to us residents we need to provide and flip the page actual Revenue generated for the municipalities in New Jersey to date I told them 2% Municipal tax on average of 20 million a year would generate 400k for the respected towns this next sentence is quite powering he's influencing for support from his fellow council members and says if we can provide actual dollar amounts for the operation in New Jersey that would be very helpful thanks Joe Alister this was sent a week after the election exhibit three Mr mallister fored an email to councilman kley from his business associates regarding miserable tax revenue dated November 16th you know verified the numbers for 4 million a month last year now doing about 3.2 million with the additional stores opening up knowing I would expect the store in Rutherford to do around 42 million that's about 840k in Revenue that was November 16th after the election exhibit four it's a set of emails starting on the bottom with Mr tiger who is part who is head of elicit Gardens you know and they actually went this was sent on November 17th if you turn to the back page of the Staples it's a proposal to Mayor nonato and members of Rutherford Council this was dated November 17th I want to know how many of you council members saw this before today cuz I have a feeling none or it would have been sent to all of you like when I send you all something and he attaches The Proposal councilman cley you answered back on the 20th saying we'll review and circle back with questions looking forward to meeting you after the holidays Happy Thanksgiving cheers Matt mallister actually replied saying Adam advise availability so we can organize a meeting with Matt and mayor Frank man I don't think you even know just by the 15th of February just your reaction of not knowing about presentations you know not knowing about councilman kley wanting to do uh slideshow the last two meetings everybody was caught off guard in my opin opinion I I appreciate it you we got to what I'll let you finish up L real quick oh I'm sorry so okay I have three more emails if I could um the last one you know what I'll throw them up on Facebook but you know what this is a damning one so the fifth one is the 20th 13 days after the election mallister ask anoun kley for a meeting over drinks and dinner outside of Rutherford it's best May was included in this but I have a feeling like I just said he didn't know because the day of the meeting councilman kley and I quote I will be in intendance I cannot speak for the mayor at this juncture cheers there's a few more emails yeah I'm sorry Bon well this one's really damning this is an email that has an investment opportunity that was only sent to councilman CLE are you invested in this company because this was sent to you fine sorry okay sorry ma'am that you don't want me to finish um it's the time okay I'm sorry I will say this Council speak to the lawyers Bob and you know mayor but councilman kley you have done unethical behavior and you need to resign you need to resign you have basically slapped Us in the face and you think you are better than everyone else you're not you're unfit to be up on that TI thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak how you doing Craig Ericson 23 carneer Avenue uh evening everyone I'm here tonight to talk about the West end of town specifically carer and is Avenue I was planning on attend tonight's meeting well before the latest flooding that occurred this past Saturday the 18th uh back in April of 23 Congressman Bill Pascal presented a check albeit a promise of a check to the mayor and Council in the amount of $750,000 at a press conference on the front lawn of 27 carer AV this funding was for the sole purpose of floodwater mitigation for Rutherford at this press conference there were plenty of photographs taken for local media Outlets with the enlarged check to date there's been no communication to the residents in this area town about the progress of this project or these funds at the press conference we were told that work could potentially break ground in the fall of 23 but most likely the spring or summer of 24 as of today again again nothing has been done we were told that a project to add more catch basins along Francisco Avenue would start shortly after the above mention press conference which it was this project was started and completed but was not part of the initial funding from uh Congressman pel this was a separate project back in early November of 22 many residents of carer nley uh were supposed to meet with the mayor burrow administrator and burrow engineer to discuss what options could be available to help alleviate the flooding all were in attendance except the buo engineer even though the date was coordinated around their schedule at that meeting a committee was formed including a resident from carer inev to share information discuss ways to change the disastrous uh fortunes of so many residents in that area this committee was never met has never met and was never fully created there were no meetings of this committee no emails no information being shared and no assistance with the flooding issues there's been nothing but a list of broken promises made to the res to this part of town and it has to end after Hurricane Ida there was a list of precautions that were supposed to take place when heavy rains were expected including barricading off the streets so that the traffic would make the flooding worse would make the flooding worse excuse me those ideas never happened either so I'm here tonight to re-engage this topic with whoever will listen and actually take this on I know a resident in this area reached out already last week about this topic and response back was that the plan was to wait and see if the work that was done on Francisco helped well I'm here tonight to tell you it didn't I can also tell you that sitting and waiting is not a plan especially when the work that was done the catch basins on Francisco was already scheduled it was not part of the plan for the money that was promised from Congressman P this response I'm sorry at the press conference in April 23 as well I specifically asked a question if a plan was being developed and would all the funding from Congressman pisc go towards this plan I also asked if the town was right to kick in should the plan require more funding I was assured yes to all of the above I was told there was a plan to rip up the streets of carer replace the pipe with replace the pipes with larger ones to help with the amount of water we get yet here we stand 16 months later nothing's been done unless you consider the wait and C approach as a plan something needs to be done and has to be done soon I spoke face to face with one of you in July of 22 and was flat out told that the true problem would never be fixed because of the cost that answer is highly insulting I'm not even sure anyone not living on carne or rley truly understand the problems that we face I along with many of my neighbors have volunteered many times to explain it yet nobody takes us up on that offer as for this past Sunday's flooding let's forget for now the fact that the ball has dropped on the plan I discussed above which could have prevented or at least minimized any damages I've lived on carer now for just about 14 years I've lived in town for pretty much my entire life just about 50 years I love being a bulldog I take tremendous pride in this town don't take my comments as nasty as derogatory either my frustration level after 14 years of this is at a point where I think you could all sympathize somewhat at this point everything I've said so far are all truths and facts if I didn't care I would have left years ago from this town in my 14 years on carne our street has flooded well over 40 times sometimes it's a torrential downpour C the times a steady slow rain with uh While others are a quick drizzle it's hard to pick when the streets would flood each time the streets flood there's one constant a thick black sludge of something gets deposited on the streets the sidewalks the grass the driveways and almost always in my garage over time that mess gets dried out Wind Blows it around the neighborhood next rain washes it back down the storm drain where it can come where it came from well in front of my house I personally hose that substance back into the street and down to storm drain again those passing by must think I'm absolutely nuts watering my street storm dra is right in front of my house so if I don't clean up what's in front of it every other house on the street is going to come right back down straight in front of my house the stench is also unbearable the combination of the smell and the dust prevents us from opening our windows for days this tupp Weare is just a small sample of What's Left Behind last Wednesday I was for forunate enough to speak with Steve from the DPW I was very grateful that someone would actually take time to talk to me and listen to what happens on our end of town I want to thank Steve for taking the time to talk with me what was revealed in that discussion is that those drains are not just storm drains there are sanitary there are sanitary remnants in the drainage system can you say health concern here I went to the Board of Health in July of 22 after we flooded from a random rainstorm and was Flatout told it was not their concern nor their responsibility well if it's not the Board of Health then who's I'm asking tonight that a sample of what I brought be sent out for testing so we know exactly what this is and if there are any health concerns I'm also asking that some sort of cleanup plan be developed when the streets flood I can tell you that the street cleaner doesn't work although we truly appreciate the efforts I'm also asking that whatever plan is devised that the town consult with an engineering company that is an expert in storm water remediation I've been told by many of you and others within Barrow Hall that our Barrow engineer is not an expert in this regard I'm asking that this finally be taken seriously and the proper professionals are consulted with it's hard for me to believe that anything I've said in the past 14 years to many of you Greg you're a minute over but I'll let you finish up it's being taken seriously I also ask that somebody actually speak with the residents who face this uh this issue every time it floods the streets are not flooding because the rain is not being caught in a catch Bas I also ask that when some that when in one summer all respond back to my comments later tonight that you keep in mind that this is not the first time this has happened this is not the first time we have approached any of you about this this is also not the first time that any of you should be hearing about this also please be considerate when throwing around pH uh phrases like it's only rain what do you expect living on that end end of town it's a flooding Zone there's a stream that used to run through there this area was developed and was redeveloped real estate taxes have been assessed and they're not discounted by any means there is a problem and it has to be dealt with uh I understand that there were gentlemen outside my house today inspecting the erors the super great on corer you know we're we're excit excited and and happy about that I'm more than willing to sit down with any with someone anybody that'll continue this discussion with me and I know my neighbors will as well um that's pretty much all I got so and I'm over thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak please St your name and address keep your comments if on in I just wanted to corroborate what he's saying our streets floods just as well the other night the rain wasn't so bad and the streets flooded up I had to call my neighbor to move his car they have when the street floods up also the cracks in the street air bubbles come through which means something's getting washed away from underneath many years ago we were told that pipe that goes to the end of Insley kind of pitches up towards the river which is not good so the whole street flooded the catch basins that you put on Francisco they're not doing anything they're just going into the same size pipe owning more water now and from what I understand the plan is to go on West pic with that as well I think these attempts are feudal I think you really need to address the problem itself and not worry about these little feudal attempts to Stave off some of the water that's coming down the hill cuz I don't think the water that's coming down West p is making it to eny or car honestly but I just wanted to corroborate what he's saying and just let you know this stuff because also those air bubbles that's not good something's getting washed away underneath the assphalt I don't know that'll help you out at all thank you sir can you just uh state your name one more time gra g r a z i o thank thank you sir anybody else from the public wishing to speak please stay your name and address keep your comments a five minutes or last please my name is Robert Schaffer 21 nley Avenue I was here right after Hurricane Ida if you guys remember me I told you I had 165,000 gallons of water in my yard and you guys kind of said it was you'd be there to help and solve this problem once and for all and you know you could beat a horse any way you want but the the only way you're going to do this is you have to get the water out ASAP once it comes down our block it's you know you could try to catch it before divert it do whatever you want but this was not a big storm Saturday or Sunday whatever it was if it wasn't for Carl who just spoke I would have lost my car I went out he called me up I ran outside the water the minute I opened my door the Water started going in I quick shut the door and drove down a few blocks it's it's I mean if up the block to get on the hill sorry about that got to take my meds uh so uh you know I got fortunate I didn't get flooded in my house this time and I know I told you last time during Hurricane Irene I had a $50,000 loss uh a that's after FEMA and they didn't give me much of anything they give him 2900 on a fully finished basement and with uh hurricane Ida I lost double I lost at my my house I lost 40 Grand and my mother law's house I lost another 20 or 30 grand with finished basement I mean you ask me why would I even finish again after the first time well I've been in towns my whole life it's minus two years when I after I bought my first house out of town but the first time with Hurricane Irene Irene I thought it was a oneand done cuz they had pinched the river to work on the route three uh Bridge so you figured they're taking they're pinching the river in 150 ft on each side for their cranes so of course you get a water comes down hits a narrow spot it it raises on the other side and overflows and when the tide went in did this same thing on lindur side so each of us got flooded depending on which way the tide was going but like I said I my car is only two years old I can't be afraid every time a rainstorm comes what if I'm out with my wife in her car and I got to come home and see my car is gone or it's a Prius so it's kind of sealed on the bottom a lot so it float down a block or something but I got lucky I got the water out as quick as I could I sucked the rugs out and and uh blotted it heated it left the windows open for a day but a car if it gets flooded it's usually shot you know it'll either stink to high heaven it'll get mold in it rust whatever so just just can't continue the only real solution I'll tell you CU I have some engineering experience I went to engineering school for few years you have to put a pipe on each side of the street and it can't be a 20-in pipe or 24 in I think we have 20 or 24 now but it's got to be a 36 in or better if any you guys go down Route 20 they in Patterson they've had this problem for many years they've been in news constantly with the flooding in in the route 20 area this past year they redid the the highway they put 30in pipes down the middle and if you look there's a sewer every 20 to 30 ft they must have 30 sewers in a space of less than less than a quarter mile I mean there's solutions that could be done in norc right on marter Highway where there's a big problem where floods they got a sewer and then they have a trench uh a cover like thing great going like 10 10 to 15 feet on each side of to catch more water if the flood if the water's going to come down and it's going to getting our block you got to get it out quick before we lose everything you know there's you could have pumps pumping it out you could there's things that could be done but the the other thing I mean I think you may have helped some with this diversion but we still I mean this was a baby storm and we had a foot of water in the street this was nothing I mean it only thank God it only lasted two hours probably but the worst of it goes it's you know if it was four or five hours my car would be gone my house would be flooded again you thanks for listening thank you sir anybody else from the public wishing to speak hi Jasmine gray 241 Prospect Place I just want to State about a year and a half ago maybe over a year and a half ago that the um topic of the dispensary uh you know came up somebody had approached me and said that there there was a dispensary being built and it was going to be placed uh where the rug store is and they said uh councilman kley was behind it now my response that was absolutely not no way it'll never happen and I wish I acted upon it when I first found out about it um I think that what Frank Wilson said last time that you were deceptive councilman kley I agree with him 1,00% given the um series of events that have taken place uh as well as the nature of these emails which is very damning um I agree with Bonnie in stating that I don't think that you are fit for office and I think you should step down that's all I have to say thank you than you J good evening mayor good evening Council uh James Keane 27 carneer Avenue in runford uh first what I would like to do is to thank all of you for your previous efforts as far as dealing with our situation on carneer on carneer Avenue and Insley um we do appreciate uh Congressman Pell's efforts and the mayor's efforts and the council's efforts we do appreciate the support that Rutherford police and Rutherford Fire have provided to us during the times that we've been flooded however we still are dealing with this constant worry over our heads uh one of the most difficult challenges in life is anxiety I happen to live with someone that reminds me about every time that it rains and what the weather forecast is so Isabelle uh I can't control that but I can represent uh our concerns here and it is a concern that we all have on Insley and carneer and we need your help somehow um if we can have an engineering analysis performed we probably need an ejector system uh as a couple of my neighbors have mentioned the PIP uh the drainage system seems to be below the discharge into the P River so we need a an assessment an engineering assessment that would provide us with some system that would function during times that were're inundated with water that the drainage system would be discharged into the river so uh burrow administrator we need your help we need the town Engineers help and mayor and the council uh we do again again appreciate everything that you've done up to this point and we look for your help going forward so thank you very much thanks Jim anybody else for the public wishing to speak hi David labruno 423 stent I just had a question hopefully maybe you can explain a little bit later on this evening there's a letter in the agenda package from mayor of Montville about the new affordable housing requirements I haven't seen much about it in the news but uh I guess I understand it was passed in April by the state legislature that there'll be these new requirements coming out I guess at the beginning of the new year um the only thing that I had saw was there's 62 municipalities that are going to be exempt from the requirement and I don't know if we're on that list um so maybe there's some action that's going to be taken with respect to the request by that mayor to join a lawsuit against the state about those requirements because at least in the example uh I saw in a presentation Jersey City and Hoboken would be two of the exempt cities which you would think they'd have a large requirement since they're talking about requiring a 100,000 units in the state over the next 10 years so when you take out some of these large cities there's going to be a big impact on the rest of us I think in the last uh go round we had agreed or signed some kind of consent agreement that we were shy 400 some units so um you know I can imagine the number that's coming down the pipe uh so I hope there's some discussion about it I hope there's some interaction with the public some discussion that presentation uh if we would at least figure out or have some idea of of of what's coming towards us us so that uh you know we can make an educated decision about whether we want to get involved in contesting that it seems uh you know not too fair that the state and our state legislature uh I'm not sure about how our local Representatives uh voted on this would be something that' be interesting I haven't had the opportunity to look online to check that out but um you know again I hope there' be some conversation with the public some presentation some discussion some education we do have a newsletter that maybe we could present this to the public so that be aware maybe they'd come out and say something their thoughts more of the public so uh thank you very much thank you anybody else in public wishing to speak Pete good evening pach Euro 86 holbart Avenue I'm calling about I'm calling I'm talking to you again about leiser Lane uh councilman D Co you had them fix it it's not working the tree roots are coming right through it again so that has to be res surf again and the fence I spoke to you about Mr Mayor somebody is definitely getting into the river that fence is down again now leion Lane has been built in 1989 has never been resurfaced I know it's on the plan if we have money to fix it the way the money's going between five and six and and tenis courts I don't think there's going to be money to fix that but that's up to you guys also the tamb uh not tambin Trion field has been fixed or resurfaced three times in the last 20 years Memorial Field has been resurfaced and now it's going to get done again with the girl softball the tennis courts have been done three times and again it was done now but never leis your lane we used to have like exercise things on the road they're gone I mentioned months ago about the north side to the hill Mr deola did it on his own own and cleaned up from Rutherford junior football house past the tennis course he cleaned it up and pushed everything back from that point to the river is still a mess people are now thrown grass dead grass back there I have pictures of it also I mentioned months ago about getting a handicapped parking spot on Park Avenue that never happened I'd like to know why thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak good evening everybody Craig oconnell 27 Insley Avenue uh just want to add to my neighbors uh Bob and Carl and others about the water issues I've only been in Rutherford now not even three years uh we moved in got water immediately we actually went up fixing it I did new French trains sub pumps I'm no engineer I thought hey now I'm good but gun water ever since um so I just want to add to all the commentary there that love to see something alleviated but to that point though my wife Sheila and I did email you mayor and Brian was actually kind enough to respond directly uh he came over me about a month ago spent about an hour with us I mean Super appreciative his time super knowledgeable at the same time he also let us know of the upcoming plans which I know in West Pake and other areas again with the basins things like that so definitely looking forward to that he was also very kind enough actually stopped by yesterday to give us an update as well so again just want to add to my neighbors on the same things that only here three years love this town have three young children I hope everything goes well and we'll be here for many many years to come but again like a lot of my neighbors on iny and carer every time it rains obviously we we freak out and get anxiety um that's the first thing the other thing I just wanted to add as well to is on our street I've noticed which is really nice to see more young families moving in but we only have one street light on our entire street so especially with this time of year it's getting darker much earlier it's really dark Street uh my kids want to my dogs more often again just really dark so just want to add that to have my voice heard on that too if there's anything possibly to add another light or two there so thanks so much hey can we just get your your spelling of your name oh sure it's uh Craig last name is oconnell o c o n n l L27 Insley okay just real quick the lighting is an issue and we've just remediated a couple other streets so we We'll add it okay thank you very much all right I'm going to close it anybody else in the public I'm going to close it to the public and before we do Council comments I'll let the Brian the engineer speak Brian the engineer sounds like a train is this on now um with respect to Insley and carneer you know I obsess over things like this yes okay so uh we did visit with the uh the the res res at 27 Insley in that instance there is a high water table there there's always has been so he was you know uh just wanted some direction on which way to go and what we had discussed is you know the high water table and then you could put the a crate outside the foundation to keep the water from going in and you pump it out later in your sun pump this is just basic homeowner stuff that we designed uh other projects that we've designed uh that are working is a Riverside Paris had a constant stream along the uh East Side uh West Pier Pont and Riverside had a constant stream that we took care of that was on the uh by the uh by where the horseshoe pits are Darwin and manona uh the gentleman there uh had to take everything out of his basement and then we built drainage for him to put his some pumps in and so that dried out the parking lot uh for um for the memorial complex as well well and then we also did a unav by the West End Firehouse there was a puddle as old as I am there and we got rid of it and then so we took care of that so we're looking to do the same at Insley and carneer uh that particular area is at elevation 10 which that is the same elevation which is in the AE Zone uh for flooding uh in the area uh the problem that we see is that there isn't any drainage from Felician on down to your neighborhood and when the water when you get a storm like we had Sunday night we had four inches of rain in uh about 90 minutes is what I monitored that 4 Ines of rain uh based on the surface area of 30 Acres they drained to uh Insley and corer is about 3.2 million gallons and on West bake that run from F Felician on down there aren't any catch basins there is no storm system in that area and that goes uh out here to a Mortimer there's two bubble basins at Mortimer behind me they don't go anywhere so all that area drains to one catch Basin at West Pake and Jackson Riverside so uh we believe that that if we keep that surge of water that does not belong there in the Basin that is corer and Insley that will avoid having to move that much more water out if I can keep 3.2 million gallons of water out for a 4in storm then I could design a system that can handle the runoff that comes from the sky and from the neighborhood and not from the rest of ruford for me to design a uh storm surge pump or increased pipe sizes it wouldn't be for that drainage area it's for a drainage area that is not intended to go down into the Basin of corer and Insley you have a good size storm drainage on uh is it I always say it wrong vaner up and um uh so we were out there today I was pulling manholes to check and that was me out there and um confirming that we have the drainage we need we just need to supplement it to get it out of those uh NE those addresses of like 32 33 I believe 32 has a manhole right there which is a terminal manhole in their front which we can turn into a catch Basin to start sending water when I pulled the manhole at 32 I believe it was that was filled with water it should not be filled with water so I contacted DPW uh to have that uh cleaned and drained and from what we saw after on Monday the uh the the leaf spoils that came up the ditri is from this from the um that one catch Basin at 31 I think it is uh where the new house is on corer to me that looked like mostly leaf decomposing Leaf damage or Leaf uh leftover leaves that you know for whatever reason people are putting into the catch basins or they may make their way there so we look forward to coming up with that solution but we really believe that if I can keep a couple million gallons out of the Basin when it rains like it did Sunday night that then for relative I have to give the best value to Rutherford if I can keep out that much water out of the Basin then I can design the system that will be scaled accordingly and not scaled one order of magnitude more than what it needs to be and how do we know that you know we talked about Francisco at Francisco the the drainage area from unav the back of Union AB School to uh uh Francisco was draining in two man holes jumping Jackson and blowing right down the driveway through 118 Jackson where he Parks his RV through his fence through his pool and into that same drainage basin that is a low spot between Insley and carneer I had the occasion to talk to him after the storm I said how'd you make out he said it worked so that encouraged us to say that if we keep water water where it doesn't belong in the drainage areas then we can scale it accordingly uh so we're encouraged by that and that that's where we're going right now so uh I just wanted to let the mayor know and mayor counsel know ultimately taking uh the congressman's funds and applying that there is where West bake turns the corner there's a run out to the river in that run it's at vanderberg Meets West faake that's where the drainage meets and goes out to the river between two houses in that area there's also when you open that manhole there is a sanitary main that I believe was installed uh when the uh the U I forget the name of the ruford village or whatever that is there Hast no the uh the condominiums that are opposite Donaldson they have a lot that extends all the way back around and that's where there their sanitaries on the Riverside actually it's weird but anyway if we were to make an improvement it's to keep the tide from backwashing in that area and for the uh the federal money that would be associated with that we believe that would be best spent to put a chamber there to process the West Pacific sake water that hopefully is no longer going [Music] there thank you and uh and then that way the storm system that was designed for corer and Insley and um vanderberg those streets and their drainage system will not have the search charge and the other reason is is what's happening is that the water that comes down from uh West pafic akake goes to the same outlet and the the intersection of West Pake and vanderberg that's where the chambers are they get inundated and the water that's trying to get out from vanderberg to the river cannot because the water is going into water and it can't move out so we believe that for the same price that we did or near the same price we did for Francisco which is fairly reason able in terms of scale but the benefit realized I think is going to be a lot because I don't have the same or we don't have the same issue we had at 118 Jackson where that uh where the two family is and they just redid the house opposite Francisco the water did not jump because it was picked off by the seven or eight catch basins that were installed if we do something similar for wus sake that inundation of the I 3.2 million gallons I couldn't believe it when I did the calculation for 30 acres for uh uh 4inch storm so if I can keep that water out of there that will help a lot and then I can right siiz the rest of of drainage for for Insley uh but uh you know Insley in that area is set at about elevation 10 which is a low spot it's a local Basin which we're going to try and drain the best we can but we keep the water out of the Basin that does not originate in the Basin then we can do a better job of getting that water out in a timely fashion so that's where we are mayor sir sir you go to wait yeah we don't we don't do it back and forth okay um I'm sure one of us will ask that question to be explained a little better for for you uh I'm going to close it to the engineer now and Bob any comments by you before I open up for the council or if there's any clarifications you'd like the uh engineer to make yes Brian can you answer the resident's question uh the question I heard from this from the floor yes is that uh about the the use of the cat I'm going to make a question that I think was was a question no I mean okay I mean I'll state it and then I'll answer it go ahead ask it that's a great question so the pipe that it's going into is the largest drainage pipe that Rutherford has that was built in 19 I think 69 or 70 by Bergen County it's an elliptical pipe that has uh tremendous carrying capacity and we're not taking advantage of it because that was made to take West Pake but we never attached the drainage to it so that that elliptical you could see that elliptical from the Pake River I'm on the Pake River every other day and I obsessively look at all the outfalls that outfall is between the newer uh I think um green elevated building and a residential building I mean I can walk through it I can stoop down and walk through it so to add that drainage to that I did the capacity calc calculation and that can carry that water that I want to get out of your Basin that's why that was built in 1969 by the county because at the lower part of ker there is the remnant of a streamed and the theory was is that the upper pipe on Jackson that was built by the county and the other pipe that is I think uh 40 or 48 inch on uh vanderhof is I'm sorry keep vanderberg is is is supposed to be the two pinch Pinchers to take the get the water out of the Basin and we're not taking full advantage of that for instance uh I can go on I don't want to take up your whole night but why don't you uh set up a meeting and you guys could talk offline yes I i' would love to do that yeah because the way this is structured is we go back we don't do back and forth as much as the council wanted that that's not the protocol that we do here um okay now anybody for the council want to uh make any comments council president thank you mayor um uh as somebody who resides on the West Side um Craig I was one of those people who spoke with you a million times about this and um I'm trying not to get emotional right now listening to all of you because if you have never um if you've never had your house flood and you haven't had to throw things out that were pictures of your wedding or things that you loved from your children um there's really no plate way to say it it sucks it's awful um and so I um mayor I I'm offering uh to work with the Bro administrator and to work directly with this group that was originally convened and to bring them back and to help coordinate this conversation with our bro engineer because I'm optimistic about things you're saying Brian but the reality is when you're the person and I too have that anxiety sir you spoke of right we watch we Haw that weather um and so it's just um it's very personal and so I I don't know what I can do but I certainly can be a voice and I can help mitigate the conversation or at least try to make this more responsive because you shouldn't walk away from here feeling like you just poured your heart out and then it rains and nobody gave a damn because that's not okay and I I actually don't believe that to be the case but when we don't tell you when we're not communicating I don't care what we could have the best effort and interest at heart but if we're not telling you what's happening and more importantly you don't see it because you're still pumping water out of your house and you're still throwing stuff away and you're showing up with sludge in a in a tupperware I mean does it matter right so um I don't have a solution but I promise you that I will listen really hard and I will try to keep connecting these dots and so if there is a committee already formed mayor of the folks in that that group at at the very least it just helps us keep that line of communication open and we can keep trying to work towards a solution um I Brian I appreciate the fact that you you went into such detail I you know sometimes I'm not going to lie I get a little lost um but no but you know what I I find solace in the fact that I know that you know what you're talking about and so you know as I am not an engineer but I know you are and you are trying to educate us and so that's what we just need to keep doing we got to keep this conversation open this cannot go to the Wayside these storms are coming way faster than you know they're not 100e storms anymore um and so uh Craig just personally wanted to apologize to you me you know I stood there in your street when you guys were pumping out and I made you a promise and I didn't keep it I own it so I'm going to do my best to try to to do better um I address that to all of you who live on Insley um and crer um uh Pete Leisure Lane where's Pete there he is um I Leisure Lane I'm I'm sure the councilwoman's going to speak about it this is I there are conversations happening right now about this um I'm going to allow her to speak to it because I I saw her feverishly taking notes when you were speaking about it and I know the two of you have spoken offline but I I do want to acknowledge the fact that I know people see things happening and we always say well what about I'm I I know that this is something front and center almost every council member up here has talked about wanting to make sure that had something that was nonathletic that just encouraged the residents to come out and walk in a safe way um so I'm I'm going to defer to that um some of the rest of this I I want to digest Mr labruno I don't I don't uh know enough about this I too saw this I know there's a lot of conversations I'll of course defer to the Bur administrator who's certainly far more knowledgeable on this um but I I do just want to address um I I'm not going to address the email that you presented tonight Bonnie um because honestly you just handed me stuff and I need to you know me I'm a reflective person I read deeply I ask questions but I I do I you know I said something in the last meeting I want to reiterate this we are neighbors there is a kindness that needs to come with this part and there's also great humility and saying you know we don't get it right all the time but I I want to encourage us from personal attacks of anybody um regardless of perception or personal belief um I know Matt kley we certainly don't know I mean we put out full display we don't always agree on Steph mat Matt is a person of integrity and he has listen I again I'm making noises and all that doesn't make us less than neighbors and and just like I would not allow somebody to do that character assassination you I don't want us to do that to each other I think we're better than that as a community and I want to remind all of us that we are husbands and wives we have children and we live in this community together and we need to find a way to do that harmoniously thank you mayor thank you anybody else councilwoman thank you mayor um I I will just reiterate what our council president said about the residents from Insley and carneer um I I don't really know much about those conver ations but I'd like to I'm the DPW leis on so I would really like to um Brian I too do not have the expertise to understand half of what you explained but I guess my main question is it sounds like you know what needs to be done and now I'm just asking as a resident because this would be my only question like what do we need to get it done like do we need money do we need time how much money do we need how much time do we need it sounds like a lot of what we need is not in place but some of it is so can you break down for the residents that showed up here tonight a little bit better on the like the Practical solution so we're not getting Tupper Wares of sludge because it is concerning to me and I have no idea I have no reason to disbelieve about smells and dust and I had a grandpa that really liked to water his sidewalk but that was I think just to get away from my Grandma so I'm going to assume Mr Ericson that that you're doing it for a real reason my grandpa May rest in peace did it just CU he wanted to be alone and not listen um but like that to me is the the solution it sounds like there's a solution so I was heartened by what you said because it sounds like you know exactly what the problem is I'm just trying to understand like are we talking a year are we talking a ton of money like what what are we talking so uh at the risk of jumping the gun but I'll give you what I how I see I won't hold you to but you want an answer right so so what we like to do at West bake a at Jackson Riverside because I think it changes right there exactly and so uh what we know is that there is a river of water that comes down West Pake jumps West Pake over Jackson Riverside and fills the bowl fills the Basin what we want to do is run about 500 ft of new uh drain line uh 18 to 24 to 36 I haven't designed it exactly yet and run a series of catch Basin from Santiago and that way I can pick off Santiago Springfield and all the water that is in that 30 acres and keep it out of the Basin that is achievable within this calendar year so we're putting together even before the storm we were in discussions with the administrator what can we do there because I was talking to the DPW because the catch Basin at uh Jackson and West Pake always gets blown out because it's processing too much water and the blue stone sidewalk that's between Springfield and Santiago always gets undermined because that's how much water jumps to curve I want to get that cor that water off the street and into the drainage system that takes it to the Pake River so that is doable uh I'm going to get cost proposals back to the burrow administrator for his evaluation I I have the aerial maps and the survey ordered I'm working on it this week and I'm going to go out for uh quotes Co-op quotes uh hopefully for your next mayor and council meeting so that's what we're thinking of doing and and after that it's the nuts and bolts of making sure the system is entirely clean that every outfall on the Pake river is free of debris all the housekeeping stuff that you have to do to make sure you make any Investments and then we take it from there so that's and that that cleaning of this sanitary sorry of the storm system checking connections making spot repairs that's like a winter spring uh assessment sure and then in the and and in doing so that is the creation of the engineering evaluation I'll know exactly what my pipe network is what the cont contri contribution area is for the drainage area and what is missing and what I need to add so that would be like a spring answer thank Phase One West Pake well phase one was Francisco phase 1A is West Pake and then after that is the engineering evaluation to come up with the solution uh that would assist getting the water out as the residents have said so hearing that it looks like we're looking at Phase One done Phase 1 a and phase two are in less than a year yes and then would ultimately have to go out to Bid And if you're taking if you're using the federal money it's a Davis bacon uh qus based solution uh so uh you have to solicit for uh engineering firms either we design it or someone else construction management it or someone else designed it and we CM it doesn't matter to to me as long as it gets done on behalf of the burrow in the context of the federal funds that follow it which has delayed this project what's that which is the latest being able to use that 750 right you if you're in a federal process it's a qual based solution right no I'm well aware of it okay thank you um okay um Pete I'm sorry about Leisure Lane I almost take it personally because we have talked about it a lot um I know DPW has been out there um I will say I would be very surprised if Leisure Lane did not get attention in this next project um I'm not on that committee but we understand that it's a important part of what this community deserves and it's not just about the sports but maybe you and I since I see you almost every morning when school starts um because he's the crossing guard doing God's work over on the corner of Ridge and Highland cross um but maybe you could take me over there and just show me again what the issues are because because our DPW is very open to it and and I don't want to it's it's sort of finding that balance of safety and and not putting in so much work that it's just going to be ripped out but we should go over there together so I'm happy to do that um um okay and um you know let me uh Mr Le Bruno um it's funny a resident recently asked about that question just over email and um our burough administrator had answered it for me as well um my understanding is not as in-depth as I would like it to be over what specifically has those 62 municipalities exempt but I do think it is largely urban communities and my assumption is because they are already focusing so much of their efforts on affordable housing or they have such high affordable housing obligations with that said I I do know the May of Mont Vil is trying to solicit other municipalities as it said in the correspondence I think to bring litigation to add to that exemption list um as of now I don't think we have a plan to join it but I also don't think it's ripe for the joining either so I would like to do a little more research on what makes a town exempt unless Bob can speak to it specifically I'm not sure and I'm not putting you on the spot but I'm happy to get you more information about that um because that is something that another Resident just asked about as well um you know um miss korin and miss gray um it is a very dangerous thing to come into a place with very limited documentation and make a swathing it five exhibits um when you don't know what happened at the meetings who met you I mean you you came up here and said yourself it's my opinion I'm assuming um I actually think your words were specifically I'll throw them up on Facebook so you're going to throw these up on Facebook cause a stir call someone unethical say that he is unfit based on emails that you got through a Oprah request that doesn't show you any other information so I it is a very dangerous thing to put yourself on display with limited IM information making such accusations not all and and to miss and to miss McGowan's point to the council president's point it's it it is almost unethical what you're doing because you're going to cause a stir you're going to get people worried that everyone's being taken advantage of what's so funny about this is you don't have any evidence of what would have motivated unethical conduct I think it's hilarious that you think unethical conduct would occur on burrow email like it's really to me shocking that you come up here really just to stir stuff up and sometimes what you bring to us is so important and sometimes this cannabis thing is it's not a referendum anymore we took it down councilman kley took it down and I know you missed your Magic Moment last meeting because you came up here and said oh well he's not here so I'm not going to show what I have it's just disrespectful of the whole process and sometimes I'm really struck about what your goal is like what is your goal because you apologize to councilman Guzman I'm sorry it's your election year like it's is it politics is it is it goodness is it being a good neighbor is it being helpful to the community is it just for sport it's really hard to know but when you come up here and call someone unethical based on limited documentation you held this up like it was like it was the size of War and Peace it's six emails I'll tell you in litigation you would be laughed out of the room saying that this proves anything I love that your stack is bigger I'm happy to look at all of it but until you know the ins and of every conversation you really need to check words like unethical and unfit because if you were up here I think that you would probably wonder am I going to be attacked I I'm an open book I don't worry about being attacked because I'll defend myself but Mr kley and actually reading your emails it's funny I did skim them I don't think they prove anything you say they prove because they have like an attachment of an what investment would be or he's asking for information about taxes he's asking for the exact information that he's been told us he's been asking for so I'm a little confused about what you think this does but coming up here and representing to the public by making your comments that you've proven a councilman to be unethical is really really irresponsible and I urge the community to really whatever you throw up on Facebook because I know that's how you like to communicate with the public and not actually allow them to comment to you is really really really dangerous it's really dangerous because you lead the community to believe that they're being led by people who don't have their interests at heart and it's okay for you to believe that but until you have concrete evidence that it's actually true you really should be careful of what you present to this Das I have nothing else anybody else from the council wish to speak counc thank you very much mayor uh to the resent excuse me of eny and carneer um no one likes to have water in their basements or have their personal properties ruined on a once in a once every blue moon situation unfortunately it's almost become a way of life for you uh residents and uh it's a difficult place to be in I know that our B administrator along with our engineer years have been trying to work with Solutions unfortunately unfortunately government government is slow funding gets slow trying to get to where it's supposed to get to but most importantly before we even think about that we need to know what we need so Brian I appreciate your your report and your knowledge I am certainly no engineer I tried to follow you and took as many notes as I could but at the end of the day this is why we have the professionals here representing the burrow I can promise you residents that this is fresh on my mind as well as I know all my Council colleagues as well questions will be asked I know I personally will definitely stay on top of this not to be chasing our our professionals but simply to know what's going on so we can let you know what's going on um I'm excited that hopefully we do have some remedy here I I'm very optimistic and hopefully that we can get there in the very very near future and see some of these uh water tables and and flooding Waters start going in the direction they're supposed to go into instead of your homes so um again I apologize that you're still going through this but I can guarantee you I will stay on top of this to keep information flowing for you um Bonnie um you know I was a little taken back as you can I think maybe say I'm not a great poker player I don't have a great Poker Face um little taken back by the I understand your frustrations I understand you you wanted to have your say and everybody should have their say um but I will say that I'm a little taken back or a lot taken back uh when my Council col colleague here is asked to step down when there's basically we haven't seen what you presented I don't know all that you may know but usually there's when when an accusation is made such as the accusation that was made against councilman kley you know it it it really disturbs me because I know what type of gentleman this guy is and and look at the end of the day to C Council president's point we are neighbors we try to address people with respect and I respect each and every one of you and I just I I'm very taken back by the presentation of the accusations and at the end of the day I'm very taken back by the accusation of of maybe doing something wrong to the point where it requires a resignation of something of a seat that I know he holds dearly to him and he puts his heart and soul into working trying to get things to that he believes through that will better the community I'm really taken back I obviously have not had an opportunity to sit here and read the information you have given me I will but um I'm going to leave it at that um I have nothing else mayor thank you thank you counselor so first of all I want to say to the res residents um on the west side of town I want to thank you for coming um our homes are our largest Investments and it's devastating to see it damaged and I want to thank you Brian for going to see residents that's just amazing and I am just so grateful that you are our burrow engineer I did not understand some of what you said I think it was in another language no it was definitely in English but I it was you are just so knowledgeable and I just want to say I'm grateful for your knowledge base and your experience and um you know we will figure this out but we are living in a time of climate change and um these storms are so much more common and I just hope we can find a solution soon so please be assured that it's it is on all our hearts it's on all our minds and we want to find a solution to it um B and Jasmine we have to be really careful when we ask people to resign that's a really big deal and we really need to make sure that we have our facts straight before we ask politicians to resign I feel like that's such a common thing that happens in this day and age and this is his political career and he has shown himself to be an upright and honest politician and um we just need to make sure we have more facts acts before we ask people to resign that's it thank you thank you councilman um wow thank you all for your support um I know my heart of hearts where I stand Mr mallister is a resident any Resident any person that has has ever asked me for help I do my very best to serve them I have said in my three and a half years years up here on this stas doing this work that is my job to bring the mayor and the bureau administrator information all of those emails the conversations with Mr Macau there's other companies too I happily and unashamedly send you the list of people that I've met with right these are people who are interested in opening businesses here this has nothing to do with any benefit for me other than it was an idea I believed it and we went through it together I tried to present it twice there was some miscommunications over the last couple of years that's all but honestly Miss corkrin in my opinion if we're throwing opinions out helping Mr McAlister kind of better understand where we are and where we want to go is no different than the night of the fireworks when I came across you and your husband hobbling to the field and with my arms full of my lawn equipment and my family in toe I stopped to ask you if you needed help and you made a fun little joke like hey if you can come here and crack my back I should be better and we left it off and we went on my way because you had help and you were there moving along that's all that's the exactly the same thing in my opinion here all right I know where the line is I do I've been educated by some of the best in the business up here okay I have done nothing wrong nothing at all okay I advised Mr McAllister that that rug store was off limits time and time again they have now moved to se caucus if you've been following the news SE caucus has expanded their cannabis Zone and elstic Gardens is going over there all right so good for them I'm happy for them but again I was trying to do the work because I believed in a concept that would benefit this burrow all right that is it nothing more I don't know how else to say it but thank you for your time and your commitment to the burrow it's a hell of a freaking way to spend a birthday thank you I'm now going to let the burrow uh administrator speak thank you mayor uh so Mr labruno with regards to that affordable housing reach out uh we're monitoring that you know we've I've had conversations with our affordable housing attorney uh he is familiar with uh you know the mayor and and the attorney they're looking to engage in that process uh that same attorney had a similar action a few years ago uh wasn't very successful um you we're going to kind of watch and see if other towns are engaged in it it's a big ask uh it's a commitment on uh for the burrow they're asking for you know 10,000 this year 10,000 next year uh but no guarantee that's all they're going to ask for so you know like I said we're monitoring it we'll keep an eye on it uh with regards to what's coming out in the near future the state is required to uh present the next round of numbers to all the municipalities we expect to get that in October uh the Min the burrow then has 90 days to respond to that whether we agree or not agree uh then come January February those numbers become uh become it for the town uh in the meantime you know our you we're going to reach out to have our burough planner uh kind of do an anticipation of what that number could be because it's really based on the vacant land in your town and and in Rutherford we really don't have a lot so we're not expecting a large number and if we do we then we we'll challenge it so you know that's our plan right now we'll know more in the next few months uh with with the next round uh Leisure Lane I do want to address that um as uh some of the members of the council have referenced uh we are having conversations about that um as we talk about the design of the diamond 4 softball field uh I've made it pretty clear that we should also include some work for leisure lane uh not some work but a total uh reconstruction of it from end to end and um it'll probably be done in phases we the bur engineer too bad he wasn't here for this but uh we've talked about an initial repaving of it you know a uh a top coating um which will require some tree removals uh and then as other work it's done on the field the coating uh is not the final coat uh we'll probably get run over by heavy duty equipment but it'll be improved surface than what we have now and then when all the projects are are completed uh a fresh new cating Will Go On Top to to complete the process and as you referenced I guess years ago they used to be old workout equipment so we're actually you talking about bringing that stuff back so we want to bring that back um the fencing we have uh you know unfortunately I was down there I watched our DPW guys fix it close it up um but we will replace that as part of the overall Memorial Field improvements uh in accordance with the D guidelines they have changed over the years that change chain link will not work U so there'll be a whole new fence at some point um but you know in the meantime we'll keep closing it up until that time comes so may that's all I have thank you um I know you you the storm just happened um and everybody seems to reac reactive to it but we've been reactive to this for a very long time the bur I'm I'm said upset that the bur engineer did leave already we've been working on this for a long time I've been staying in touch with Jim so this wasn't just because a storm just happened this thing's been in the works for a while the getting to the uh ability to use that $750,000 Bob has been working very hard they're very specific on what you have to give them before you can touch that money and what you have to showed them that you're doing this so if we give you this then you're not wasting it we're doing that um like I said this this work that's being done just didn't start because the storm just happened this has been going on for what a year now a little more than a year so we we we are and we understand the frustration but we will continue um you know that that's that's you know we we will stay on top of it we'll get it done it's just I wish it was faster but it's just unfortunately it's not um you know I'm the one who asked Matt to come on board as a councilman Matt's got tremendous character that's why I asked him to come on board it's a counsilman so I'm not really going to to get into the rest of it um but he is he is definitely a man of character and a man who loves his town and somebody body that really cares so I'll just I'm going to leave it at that now we're going to move on to the rest of our Council here so if anybody wants to run out of here before we start please feel free and then there were five okay um council president thank you mayor consent agenda items all items are authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion these items are routine in nature motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council same n Roll Call council president McOwen yes councilwoman big Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilman Copley yes council president thank you mayor next I'd like to move resolution number 175 awarding one consumption license under the theater license provisions of njs njsa 33 colum 1 19.7 by the Historical Method motion I have a motion by the council president I have a second second second by Council Roberson any questions or comments by the council see n m roll call council president mwan yes Council Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilman kley yes thank you next I'd like to move resolution number 1 182 the governing body certification of the annual audit motion motion by council president may have a second second second by Council delber Conan questions or comments by the council see n may have a roll call council president McAn yes councilwoman Big Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilman kley yes thank you next is resolution number 184 awarding plenary retail consumption license with conditions to pan biano crafted by C comma LLC motion motion by council president may have a second second second by Council Roberson any questions or comments by the council see n Roll Call council president mwan yes councilwoman B Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del col yes councilman kopley yes thank you uh new business that's just um I spoke with the um B administrator and he asked if it would be acceptable to the council to have an architect look to develop a plant to replace the burall roof and exteriors anybody have any questions regarding that we're good you can proceed everybody's okay with it do we need to vote on this mayor just for clarification are we since it says authorize are we required to have a motion to move forward with it I'll take your motion perfect thank you I'd like to motion um to authorize the burrow architect to develop a plan to replace burrow Hall roof and exterior doors motion I have a motion Bud council president have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or C by the council see no have roll call council president mcgaan yes councilwoman Big Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del Co yes councilman kopley yes thank you reports council president thank you mayor um uh I I wanted to just take a moment to share some thoughts um that I shared the other day in the passing of District 9 um our Congressman Bill pascrell um Jeff and I were very fortunate because um the congressman became a friend over many years and so I'm just going to ask you to indulge me a moment uh to read my remarks on this um when he passed a few days ago I said my heart was Heavy with the news of the passing of our beloved Congressman Bill pascrell I met the congressman many many years ago while he walked through Rutherford he stopped us on the street because he wanted to say hello to my very young children he grabbed my son's hand and said don't you worry my friend I'm going to fight for you and your family anyone who's ever met Bill knew he absolutely meant every single word fast forward to January 1 2015 when I was sworn in as a Rutherford Burl councilwoman by Congressman pcell I was so nervous and practiced with my daughter who was holding the Bible while my husband held our son in front of a Pack's Chambers Bill leaned over to ask Amelia if she was ready and she responded so loud and proud let's do it Grandpa as the room erupted with laughter sorry I lost my place as the room erupted with laughter and cheers and seeing how worried she was for doing something wrong he warmly smiled and told her he would be honored to have herall him that he then looked at me me and said councilwoman let's get you sworn in you've got children to fight for let's go I cried that morning remembering this very important moment in my life that he and I shared rarely do people truly see you especially in politics but that's what made Bill different he generally he genuinely cared about people he embraced fighting for those who often were marginalized and felt seen he freely gave advice sometimes even when not asked for and most importantly he always showed up despite my heavy heart I am so thankful for the great life he led and he shared with all of us I know I'm speaking on all of our behalf but certainly on behalf of my family our sincerest condolences to the entire Pascal family and to all those who worked with him but mostly called him a friend so rest e easy Congressman your work and inspiration will live on in many of us um and as for me I'm going to do exactly what you told me to do so many years ago I'm going to serve the people I represent with my whole heart and I'm going to fight like hell and I um I know that uh we will be attending his services this week he was uh 87 years Young um and he loved what he did and I hope that all of us get to live such a rich life making such a difference in so many thank you mayor thank you councilwoman Robertson yeah um council president thank you so much for that that was beautiful and you reminded me of a story um with Congressman PR caral myself um my son helped me one year put out all his campaign signs all over town and I think he was seven and my daughter refused she was somewhere you know nothing against the congressman but she just didn't want to that day but we were at Asbury on the beach one day and I got a call from a 2011 number and I answered it and it was Congressman Pascal calling to talk to my kids and he called to thank them for putting out campaign signs so that was just was so lovely he called us on a Sunday and just wanted to he knew their names and he wanted to thank Mia and Miller even and then Miller told him that Mia Didn't Do It um for putting out his signs so I just thought that was beautiful and that just showed his heart how much he cared about every single resident so thank you Council councilman Guzman thank you very much mayor um I'd like to uh thank our PB thank the PBA brother for PBA for National Night Out a uh amazing event um we had they even uh orchestrate amazing weather that evening but uh it it's always a fun night out it's always uh great to see everybody uh all different uh uh Community uh um excuse me I'm a little poops today um seeing all different uh organizations come out and uh bringing their information to what they offer to the public and seeing our police force out um it's it's always a great thing to see so I just wanted to thank them for a really great event that's all I have thank you thank you councilman D K thank you mayor um I just wanted to uh also commend the PBA as as councilman Guzman said it was a wonderful event and uh the weather couldn't have been better so it made me excited for fall and all the other events but there's a tremendous amount of work that goes into an event like that on top of the work that our uh officers are already doing so um we're very grateful for that Community event um speaking of community events uh the next one I'd like you to get excited about is the 20th uh annual Multicultural Festival by the retherford Civil Rights Commission which takes place on September 7th um I'm pretty devastated my brother-in-law is getting married that day in Ohio so I will not be there but I'm encouraging everyone to come out um to support the Civil Rights Commission also if you served as a commissioner um because it is the 20th anniversary the current Commissioners would like to acknowledge you at the event um the event will open at noon and then they will be acknowledging all former Commissioners immediately thereafter so if you um would like to attend especially as a former commissioner we'd like to see you um the event promises to be wonderful there are again so many um multifaceted types of groups and food trucks and performers um join in us again this year so we hope to see you on September 7th thank you thank you uh Council M kley thank you sir um all right couple quick things this evening um just in light of the earlier comments um I I had to go back and listen to the previous meeting from July 31st as I had to leave early that day again it was my son's birthday party and family was waiting and it was originally an August 5th meeting anyway long story short was I came across Miss uh Laura inger's uh commentary about the Cannabis thing and and I just want to say uh Miss iner if you're listening thank you for being open-minded and entertaining the conversation you nailed it to a tea exactly what I was hoping to be able to achieve and it's people like you and comments like that that make me able to persevere through comments like we heard earlier tonight so if you're listening thank you very much um it it helps sorry uh that being said we're going to do something a little unorthodox tonight there is an ordinance on um later this evening and I want to apologize to my colleague councilman Guzman for kind of dumping that on him July 31st without the kind of requisite back information this this this information was presented and ready but it was President peace meal and the bur administrator's amazing weekly updates and I think a lot of it just get lost in translation so what I did tonight was curate the timeline and the backstory to this effort right um I have also asked our burough Fire Marshal to come and speak for a few moments afterwards uh just to reiterate and Hammer home the importance of why we are trying to do this um so if it's okay with you Bob can I share my screen now and most of this information has been emailed to my colleagues uh earlier this evening again I was on vacation last week so it's the whole reason it kind of took a little long to get to everyone um but this is a summary of that information so uh we basically are uh proposing to amend the parking ordinance in chapter 126 and include restricted parking on Bel Avenue now uh again the reason here is clear as day to improve the safety and operational Integrity of our volunteer fire department members employees of our public works department and their equipment as well as minimize property losses by residents of Belford AV all right that is the fundamental premise behind this effort this is where it started for me once this email comes up now I can see this is really difficult to read on this television screen so I'm going to read it aloud and uh hopefully you guys at home can zoom in on it but um we can put it out somehow for the record uh this was emailed from a bford resident Kyle I've redacted some names and information I wasn't sure the protocols on putting up somebody's information who had uh emailed us so uh we'll go with Kyle W Belford resident uh he sent this to council president uh Stephanie mcgaan and councilman Thomas Maly at the time who was the um RPD liaison hello councilwoman Stephanie Macwan and councilman Matthew kley and Thomas Maly happy New Year and I hope you and your families are all in good health my name is Kyle W father of two young kids and two dogs who live at redacted Belford AV I would like to ask for bord AV to change its street parking to restrict parking to only one side of the street as it is a fire safety issue as outlined Below on Monday Jan anuary 10th there was a three alarm fire in the home of the adjacent property at redacted Belford AV the police officers were first on the scene and had to evacuate our home I watched as at least seven fir trucks struggled one after the other to get down our oneway Street between Cooper place and Francisco Avenue including one hitting a parked car which happened last year as well and another needing to go around and park on Francisco police officers were knocking on doors for residents and going into Union School since teachers Park on bford to move their cars for for the entire block so firet trucks could get down I sat there thinking what if that was our house burning down or what if the fire spread to our house and they couldn't get to it fast enough if this had happened at night it would have been highly unlikely that they could waake residents quickly to move their cars for comparison Springfield AV which is the first parallel Road East of Belford AV is also a one-way Road and is similar in width and allows parking on one only allows parking on one side of the street please consider my proposal to update the street parking to a single Park on single side Park on Belford AV thank you for your time and hope to hear back from you Kyle W so um again to my point earlier this evening I've been trained by some of the best in the business up here I reached out to councilwoman Macwan for some advice on this this was only my the start of my second year as the fire commissioner right so I really didn't know where to go with this this was one of my first emails from a concerned resident um this is just a visual example of one of the problems with fire trucks are equipment trying to go down Belford AV these are the stabilizing rigs and the Fire Marshall can speak to this but this is a photograph taken from one of our firemen uh during one of these uh fire calls on Belford AV these risers are not fully extended that makes it unsafe this is our ladder truck um that balance is pivotal you can see the line the hose Line running alongside the car as well how much room our men and women have to work with right um oh I one of my slides is out of order but uh one of the other points in addition to the fire safety is the police log since 200 4 there have been 27 calls for motor vehicle accidents nine of which have involved burrow Vehicles Andor equipment costing the buau thousands in Insurance payouts and and the like right this I've redacted the police officers responding names again not being familiar with uh protocols and and rules and things like that um on in both columns there left and right for the that's what the big white spaces are circling back um I reached out to councilwoman McGowan who has always been a bell weather for you know the the pros and the cons and she too reiterated um that she would be a champion on this I asked her kind of where to start and she kind of led the way um this was two years ago to councilman Guzman's Point earlier like this is how long things take to move forward right this the time stamp on this is Thursday January 13 2022 um this is when Council M and I started discussing this um recommendation we went to the fire marshal uh Paul danbach who is here with us uh gratefully tonight recommended at minimum an 18in um increase in width to the roadway whether it was be being alternate side of the street parking um carving out the one side of the roadway uh but 18 Ines at the bare minimum to give our men and women the safety that they need and to prevent you know further property losses and things of that nature um and again this was kind of again almost a year later that we were finally getting around to figuring out what exactly we needed to do and how much space we need to to move this forward so it came down to two options after having the discussion with the buau engineer and the buau administrator widen the street um in Belford AV west side because that is the non um PSG you know Electrical uh side that would require the removal of 3 feet of the tree belt remove approximately 12 mature trees and then obviously replant install new curves and driveway cuts and Mill and pay the street or we go with one-sided parking right so of course being as open-minded as we all are up here we decided uh for the buau administrator to put the decision to the residents of Belford via mailor with a detailed explanation on March 7th of 2024 the letter was sent to Belford residents from the bur administrator requesting their input on two options that I just described before on March 22nd 2024 that was the deadline to respond to the three the March 7th mailer letter all right so the impact these were the things that we weighed Mr Joyce who had spoken at the previous meeting also was was asking you know and mentioned that this has come up time and time again and it continues to get batted down maybe I'm just the crazy one here who's willing to take it on the chin and put this forth and really try and you know get this over the finish line but we have wait to Mr Joyce's point he he had asked you know what are the other options what have you done what kind of research do you have so this is me putting that forth these are all portions of discussions we've had um there currently is no permit one of the concerns that one of the other residents had was you know parking permits for teachers there currently there no permit parking in the area so teachers can park anywhere they want without restriction other than street cleaning uh permits really wouldn't be of help now I'm not discounting that idea at all I do like that idea for teachers um I also it has come up as an idea for employees of Park Avenue businesses and Union Avenue businesses right something to help alleviate having to run out to meters and things of that I I believe that these are two separate instances and one should not hold up the other um the other thing is Chief Fuso was very uh helpful in kind of curating this per the buau administrator RPD some time ago did a survey of available parking spaces in that area exclusive to excuse me Union School 2 to three block radius and they found over 200 available spaces open during the school day so um I'm going to show you a video in a moment I did drive down Belford this evening uh to to count as to the best of my ability the number of spots that would be lost with a one-sided street parking the estimated loss of parking spaces is um on again the Southeastern side it EST in my estimation and you'll see in the video tonight it's probably about 11 to 12 parking spaces however that is on the side of the street with eight homes seven of which have H have driveways now currently the side of Union School which is the northern portion of it is no parking anyway we are not stripping away two blocks worth of parking here it is purely the segment between Cooper and Francisco Avenue all right and again these are you know members of the community U that have driveways for the most part now here is the results of the vote we put this to the people widening the street got four votes one side no parking got six do nothing which was not an option and was also emphasized by the mayor in his recent newsletter where it's three people wrote in so good on you happy to hear it unfortunately we cannot abide by that and five did not respond right so to borrow a line from my colleague councilwoman beg Roberson that people have spoken all right um so I would like to turn the microphone over to our fire marshal Paul danbach thank you Paul for being here and sitting through the the better part of the meeting earlier um you can take it from here no that's okay mayor thank you thank you thank you councilman thanks for the opportunity to talk tonight about the issues on on bford Avenue so I'm going to kind of give you an overview of some of the issues that the fire service faces when we operate on bford Avenue if I use fire service terminology that you don't understand please stop me and introduce me I was warned by the administrator about that so as as been discussed there's really two options um eliminate parking on one side or reduce the tree belt to widen the street and that tree belt is a wider tree belt than exists in in on the other side of the street and in most parts of the municipality so there have been some uh structure fires on Belford Avenue there have been three on Belford Avenue itself in the last number of years and then there were two houses on Francisco Avenue that burned in the same incident uh prior to that and I I'm going to come back to that fire on Francisco Avenue because I am going to talk a little bit about the way the fire department operates one-way streets create some significant issues for fire apparatus access our first problem is this we don't want to proceed against the flow of traffic for this reason fire apparatus comes in the street the wrong way if there's a civilian vehicle coming down that street the right way they're going to get trapped they're going to get stuck in that street and they're going to be in the way of the firefighting operation so that's our first problem secondly we've talked about the number of accidents that have occurred so there's two ways to establish a water supply at a fire scene there's there's two hose Str stretches so there's a forward delay and there's a reverse lay I'll explain that a forward lay is when the first du engine company stops at a fire hydrant wraps the supply line drops down the street and then they proceed to fight the fire the reverse lay is where an engine company usually the second engine company will get to the first engine either by passing which is not an option we would do that for instance on West Pake Avenue the first do engine would come in they would start to fight the fire they'd stretch lines off the second do engine would pass in the case of a narrow street they're going to back into the first do engine and do what's called a reverse L they're going to go to the fire hydrant and the line that you saw in the councilman's photograph the orange line is the supply line that's a 5-in hose line the engine company that goes to the hydrant pumps the hydrant and that's the best way to establish a water supply in the instance on when the two dwellings burned on Francisco Avenue a number of years ago they attempted a reverse lay in bford Avenue and could not accomplish it so what happened was the work of a single engine company turned into the work of two engine companies where the first engine company wrapped a hydrant proceeded down the block and a second engine company had to go to the hydrant to pump the hydrant so those are some of the Tactical issues that involve a narrow one-way Street the Outriggers as the councilman talked about on a ladder truck we have a ladder truck that has a very narrow um Jack spread and U fundamentally if you can open the cab doors on the rig they can set the Outriggers and and work off the aerial device there is a lockout of safety on the aerial where if you don't have the Outriggers out the area will not come up out of the bed so it's critical to get the Outriggers out establishing the supply line um at the most recent incident uh on bford we're attempting to establish the supply line and the residents are trying to move their cars which is a natural reaction right let's get out of the way that just creates more of a hazard for the firefighters while the civilians are trying to move their personal vehicles out of the block uh I did watch the council meeting uh the last council meeting where some of the residents spoke and there was um a resident spoke about there's never been an incident where it created a problem for the fire department and that's not true the last fire and I talked about uh coming into the block right we want to come in the one way the correct way well the first du engine was blocked out of the Street by a landscaper truck that was larger than a passenger vehicle which resulted in the company coming from the other direction pulling in the street the wrong way the engine that was blocked out of the street had to back out drive around the block back into the first engine to do the reverse hosay so there have been issues operating in the in the street so the the uh the residents um question one of the residents question why does this come up every couple of years um and that's that's an interesting thought because I've been here for all the discussions about this in in previous councils and the previous councils basically have put you guys in this position because they didn't do anything the residents raise a concern and everybody kind of backs down and and lets it go and I give councilman kley a lot of credit for for seeing this through as the mayor said in his newsletter not making a decision is not an option right something needs to be done here so again we're we're kind of back to one of two options eliminate the parking on one side widen the tree belt my personal preference would be to widen the tree belt it solves the problem permanently it secures parking on both sides eliminating the parking on one side is not going to eliminate the people from parking illegally the landscapers whomever else might be in the block which would preclude us from getting down the block again so I know that your your proposal is um to eliminate the parking which is a great step in the right direction you can see how it works out if we get some success an interesting point uh both sides of Belford Avenue are snow emergency streets so when there's a storm everybody finds a place to B and I completely understand it it's a Birthright being able to park in front of your own home and the brother completely H so you don't have an easy decision to make I'll certainly answer any questions that you may have about fire department operations and and my comments tonight anybody have any questions see I just want to say thank you Paul for that information I appreciate it uh and I just want to show this uh movie real quick again this was taken earlier this evening uh this was my drive down bord I wanted to because one one of my colleagues had asked how many spots are we losing um and so I wanted to do just a general estimate again I'm not an engineer I I just did a best guess scenario now what you'll notice halfway through though is I came across uh I drive a Ram 1500 which is a pretty wide vehicle uh you'll notice that I have to slow down to a virtual stop as I encounter two other SUVs on the Block um so again this was just earlier this evening ignore the radio or whatever else you know secondary um but by my estimation it's about 11 to 12 spots in total you can see here a couple empty ones on the corner uh one two you know maybe three four right there maybe um four or five this one's one of the longer stretches in between the driveways um motorcycle and then right around here is where I encounter the two other SUVs and I'll kind of I'll spin to the left and right again Landscaping truck see how slow I have to come down showing you how tight that is imagine a fire truck trying to get through there or even a dump truck uh so again by my estimation not a professional about 11 to 12 spots in total but again per rpd's estimation about 200 other available spots um you know may just have to walk a little bit and again this is just about fire safety and um loss prevention so to speak thank you thank you thank you Paul um okay um thank you man May um councilman kley thank you very much for all the time and effort and putting that together um M very much appreciated and very very informative um during our last mayor and council meeting one of the questions they came up that actually caused me to ask uh us to hold up on this um was simply one of the things that was not spoken about was speed uh one of the residents came up and said talk about speeding down the road and I know that you had mentioned that Springfield was you know once this situation and then it was made a one way um now that we have we have we do have Chief here I'd love Chief to uh let us know his feelings about how Springfield is going and then also how would we monitor speed control thank you councilman um so I was here last meeting when I believe a citizen I think his name was Mr Joyce made mention that his concern if we eliminated those few spots on the one side uh that would result in Speeders on Belford um there's no guarantee that that won't happen but there's really nothing no evidence that proves it's it's going to happen uh it's a one block stretch it dead ends on Francisco I don't think they would be able to pick up enough speed um and we deal with these complaints quite often around town um if a resident comes out of his or her house and sees a speeder once sees another speeder twice it gives a perception that it's happening all the time so we we made a a um a purchase of a system that will give us um a true reading of the speed of every single vehicle that travels on that street we're going to we're going to do a couple of weeks before school we're going to do a couple of weeks um after school starts and we'll do the same two test once the um ordinance goes into place I don't suspect we're going to see an issue if there is issue uh we will do our best to correct it through enforcement but as we've seen down there during school time we've had residents stand up uh complain about the aggressive driving around the schools which we we are aware of and we try to address and we actually went down there after that meeting and and did a uh you know Zero Tolerance enforcement down there which we don't usually do too often because around the schools you are writing summonses to all your local residents um but we felt at that point that's what was needed to correct the situation and it did for a very short period of time and as soon as the officers are not there it goes back to you know the aggressive driving again so um we're going to continue I don't I we don't know how to correct that with our residents um it's not just here it's Statewide um the aggressive driving I think the distractions in the cars the cell phones the immense uh navigation systems that are in the cars are just proving to be um a distraction for everyone so we will work continue it's it's a pet peeve of mine all these uh traffic concerns and um you know we do we're out there every day doing it it's just we can't be at one specific location every single day we we we don't have the Personnel for that nor would we ever have the Personnel to do that because there are so many um but we'll work we'll work on it I would concur with the council who are going to push this tonight I think it's a good idea I too have sat here many times and listened to it and and it gets pulled um the Fire Marshall makes all valid points I believe if the superintendent from DPW is here uh they would be valid points and he would he would be on board as well uh it says a lot to our our employees our firefighters our volunteer firefighters who are driving those trucks or DPW who are driving those trucks that are being involved in those accidents that's stressful as an employee and a ER and as department heads it screws with our budget because it's $2,500 every time we hit a car down there for our deductible so um there's always going to be push back on any initiative we do but without a doubt when this is said and done it's not going to be Earth chattering the residents are going to um adjust relatively quickly and I think it would tremendously help God forbid there's another fire down there so we'll we'll be fine okay thank you very I did do that that I actually did that study about the parking that was when we were having the cars back up on the Union Avenue during pickup where everybody was just in line like cattle and I drove around the two block radius I counted 200 open spots and some some of the two blocks are pretty long but at the end of the day it's only two blocks so thank you thank you very much Chief I uh I share in your pet peeve and definitely uh uh support the zero tolerance definitely around our schools um um thank you very much for your Insight and your professional uh outlook on this um I think uh you helped us very very much tonight thank you thank you councilman thanks Chief all right uh we'll move on now to uh my reports and the uh 911 memorial service will be at Lincoln Park at 5:30 on 911 um my appointments Joe Rono to permanent title of Maintenance supervisor effectives September 27th I'm sorry that's my birthday August 27 2024 in accordance with the New Jersey civil service commission I'd ask for Council consent motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman Roberson any questions for comgress by the council see n m roll call council president McAllen yes councilwoman Big Robertson yes yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilman Copley yes thank you next I have the appointment of Harry nicopoulos to park ranger effective August 27th 2024 ask for Council consent motion motion by council president May a second second second by councilwoman Del con any questions or comments for the council see I'm every roll call council president McAllan yes councilwoman Big Robertson yes councilman man yes councilwoman Del yes councilman K yes thank you and the libraries asked for Marissa aan to be appointed the newest member i' ask for Council consent motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council see none M roll call council president mcowan yes councilwoman B Robertson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilman Copley yes thank you uh we'll move on to hearing of citizens on agenda and agenda items only anybody wishing to speak please come forward to the microphone and keep your comments at five minutes or L Mr Wilson Frank Wilson 171 montros I wasn't going to speak but um I want to Echo councilwoman mcan's thoughts about Council um Congressman pascrell while we were both on on two different parties and we both knew we were on different parties uh when my son was an eagle scout he sent him a nice Eagle Scout award uh bill and I both fought Social Security um of course I used to call him an old man and um when I was a senior I had a problem with social security so we would both tag team Social Security down in Washington DC and uh it was a great experience I was in his office in Patterson multiple times so he was a um standup gentleman I can say that um as far as what you talked about this thing here um thoughts were going in my head is that it's not the citizens I think you're can have a problem with it's probably the school teachers and just thinking about the area Claire's old shoppr right that whole area that goes all the way to the old Boiling Springs Bank there there's a lot of spots but if they could negotiate something with those people over there the teachers that want to park on the streets let's say they offer him $50 to park that's only $ 250 a day that's a cup of coffee so that eliminates the problem I don't think the problem is the residents because I mean if we all remember way back when you couldn't Park your cars on the street overnight so if you couldn't Park your cars on the street overnight they had to go someplace so if that still holds true um what's the difference now I I don't see chopping up the streets that was recommended I don't see chopping up the trees which was recommended did um but the teachers they're going to say where can they Park so across the street if I if I will have to park my car and somebody says Hey listen here's $50 we can accommodate 10 or 15 cars it's 250 a day I would take it because they're sitting there empty if you go over there by the sushi place it's empty if you go behind uh uh where used to be Claire's is empty most of the time if you go near next to the um mam roses it's empty so if there's no cars in there I would take $50 but I don't think you're going to have a problem with the residents I think you're going to have a problem with the teachers school boards going to come down and say where do we park and sitting here listening to this I think that's an option because again if you couldn't park your car overnight where'd you put him so again um again I like to Echo Council uh about Mr pasel he was a great guy if you didn't know him zero loss now but him and I um pick up a phone and all of a sudden he called called me up and said it's Bill I said yeah okay what going on and that's the kind of guy he was thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak seeing none um we're going to move on ordinance on first read fire councilman kley thank you sir um I think I did a rather fine job explaining the ordinance to be introduced but uh again this is just to uh amend the parking uh for the Southeastern side of uh Belford between um Cooper and Francisco uh Kelly would you mind reading the ordinance by title only please an ordinance to amend chapter 126 of the Rutherford borrow code entitled vehicles and traffic to restrict parking on the Southeast side of bford Avenue between Francisco Avenue and Union AB thank you Kelly I make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first read and adverti according to law I have a motion by councilman kley may I have a second second second by councilman Del quone any questions or comments thank you mayor uh could you open it up for discussion if needed please I'm just following the the rules yeah that is discussion I just wanted to thank um councilman kley for again presenting us with such concrete information and um I wanted to thank our Fire Marshall but I I can do that separately since he's not here but um for taking the time to come out and explain that's all thank you thank you anybody else um I Echo the same thank you for a data driven data informed presentation councilman you um is this what's expected anytime we have an ordinance now council president thank you mayor I just want Council M Guzman thank you mayor I'm already uh I've already thanked our councilman for a very detailed and great uh presentation there but I also want to thank our Bor administrator that I know worked so very hard on this as well with councilman kley and our all of our professional departments so thank you very much Bob thank you um um roll call council president McGowan yes councilwoman big Roberson yes councilman Guzman yes councilwoman Del con yes councilman Copley yes mayor before we um adjourn can I just uh say something quickly no perfect thank you um first I just want to I want to extend an apology to councilman kley um in a newsletter that went out um a little while ago I inadvertently spelled um his family's name wrong and so met my sincerest apologies um and um secondly on this long evening of us spending together uh despite maybe some of the rhetoric that didn't feel so good I also wanted to wish him a happy birthday um and so mayor um I'll now I'll now yield for us to leave thank you Happy Birthday to Matt happy birthday to Matt all right can I have a motion to motion I motion by council president all in favor I have a great night happy birthday Matt