welcome to the docket for the adjournment meeting of the mayor and Council being held Friday January 5th 2024 5m in Bur Hall Missy could you please read the role mayor n counc cley here counc MC Roberson counc here counc Del here here thank you if you're willing and able stand for the flag amazing Missy could you please read the provisions in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 2 31 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record and Herald news and file with the bur clerk on December 21st 2022 and June 22 2023 and is posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall thank you missy council president I'm sorry hearing a Citizens please uh good evening ladies and gentlemen oh yeah mic's on of course it is um Bonnie corkran Happy New Year's merry Christmas happy holidays Quanza everyone everything um oh sorry guys I just whoa hold on oh the remember this is the microphone that's on live just so you know boy everybody um but I was a little taken back by that outside I didn't have my phone on me um some Med training that I have you stay with the person until stable and try to get help oh I scream I talk loud I scream even louder sadly none of my I know some of them home because they came out the and theys a lot ofil cops and say hey someone scream bloody check it out noiz person ran into my house gra my land I knew calling from Land automatic name address phone number things dispatcher I had a medical emergency went into the details and he said leford I said yes aren I talking to leford no talking to a dispatch i' Basics why11 but it was a little delay he said I'm going to get one line for he came back before connecting rord and said when I getford on the line you will not speak I will be the one talking to the do not talk okay I'll play nice um fine so he started he told the officer everything it was a officer you know Lieutenant C I don't know how to face C and he asked a question and the dispatcher said I'm going to go and get that answer and we were going to start playing telephone that's the minute I stopped and said and I literally yel out C is Bonnie monos iance now he said Bonnie we got you I'm M police and is on his wife someh connected I thought they disconnected me so I went back to attending the person um I'm using ter who it was and what happened um the dispatcher actually called me back to I think recommend me for talking so I said no is literally on the scene officer were coming up my driveway said no cops are here I'm sure the end not far behind you no long the fact that the dispatcher wanted to play tone and not let me tell the officer directly I get it maybe sometimes they have to St but I was not I was C I was trying to get medical attention voice and know that he was Bachelor [Music] anden we have trust me I those I will say um I was a little Tak back they came you know bachelor and pill came up with the the bag the med bags you know auction tank they didn't have a p Sox mon anybody doesn't know what that is I think they were a little taken back I had one I also have a blood pressure color it's literally a thing you put on your finger you get your pulse and your oxygen level um aler K always like oh I wish I could get this oygen level I said let me get my pulse o um I already talked to the Chief and Mike and I are going to Don a bunch of I think these should be I think they should be in the in police bags because if anybody needs you know oh let me let me see what the opon you can't tell an O Level unless you have one of these um you know they're very easy to need they're not like you know you're figuring out engineering uh so Mike and I talked we're actually toate a to the police station I we should you know I know ambulances have I think um everybody's fine I am two PSAs know public stat if you see or hear someone screaming blood pick up the phone and say someone's going crazy on this address check it out um I had to how long respon tell you as soon as I got uh ambulance or a fire truck where be spot screaming down the road with silence and lights on that includes the blue lights for the volunteer firefighters get out of the way they're going to an emergency they don't have those lights on for the fun of it that the amount of people the ambulance had to slow down for cross single the out the caruse um not getting out of the way was equally ridiculous to the point where I looked at the and said if your play bu I will pay for the damage it's common courtesy en people need to stop that's you know like I said if I didn't have a if I didn't have a but you know thank God I have handing until the cops I get why can't 911 into Poli station now to the but you know someone says emergency dispatch should not be playing telephone you know just put the person like that's it thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak at this time seen none oh sorry sir please state your name and address keep your comments at five minutes or [Music] less have yeah testing there you go yeah okay uh two things uh one I want to just to submit a leather uh I um who should I give it to yep that's just um I I I spoke uh to the council a couple weeks ago about some health issues I have with uh the car wash in Rutherford um that's just like in writing uh I don't know if that might be more helpful uh and the second thing is um with the um the crosswalk that's being put up on or uh the lights that are being put up on Jackson and Erie um I think that's you know that's I'm I'm glad that's happening um but I I I want to um uh raise uh the issue that there's not a crosswalk on uh Washington and Jackson Avenue uh when I was in high school in like 201 17 uh I was in track and uh we would run from the high school to the fields at Tron field and we usually would go through uh Washington and uh Jackson Avenue and I I I think it would be better uh because there's no uh crosswalk right there now to have something for that so just want to raise that so thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak seeing none I'm going to close it to the public and open it up for any Council comment council president mayor um uh first Bonnie thank you for sharing um your story I'm terribly sorry to hear about the the additional stress on already a stressful situation thank you chief for taking a few minutes to speak with Bonnie share with her to share with her about out um there it is to share uh with her about the process of 911 and how calls come in so thank you for doing that and um and I also thank you for your PSA s Neighbors about being uh to care for each other and also to uh get out of the way when First Responders are responding and thank you again for coming and and sharing your thoughts um and putting it in writing as a followup about the the noise um complaint that you shared with us a few weeks ago so thank you for your time thank you mayor thank you anybody else in the public wishing to speak Bonnie can you hear me oh yeah you can hear me um Bonnie I just want to say I'm so sorry I just want sorry about that um anybody else from the public I mean from the council uh just two quick things yes Bonnie I did and I understand completely um as far as the the roadway um uh we can have the engineers look into that but uh Jackson is a county road but I absolutely understand your point because I've used that cross many times growing up as well so we'll into that and is regarding your letter um we'll have the B administrator go through it uh we're going to move on now to the president of council thank you mayor thank you mayor um tonight I'd like to move to approve the regular meeting minutes of December 26 2023 motion motion by council president may have second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council counc cley yes councilman McAn yes Council B Roberson councilman Guzman yes counc Del con yes clone yes thank you hello no [Music] hello next moving resolutions number 274 275 and 276 which are authorizing non-fire and open contracts to Terry company the Raffles for the BPOE Rutherford Lodge um casino night St Mary's PTA on preface and um on premise and off Preface on premise merchandise merchandise Bingo and authorizing the award of non-fair and open contracts to Montana Construction Corporation motion motion by council president may have a second second second by Council Del W home any questions or comments by the council see no M roll call Council cley yes Council mcowan yes counc B Roberson yes Council Gman yes counc Del con yes Council cutron yes thank you council president thank you mayor I'd like to motion to adjourn sign die I have a motion by the council president May second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council um all in favor I I left that part off I'm sorry my daughter threw me that's all right