Ma thank you everybody and welcome to the first regular monthly meeting of the mayor and Council being held at 18 Donalds Avenue Monday June 10th 2024 starting at 6:31 a.m. Missy could you please read the role mayor nzi here council president pres Council beg Roberson councilman Guzman Council Del con Council quatron here cman Copley here council president would you like to make a statement Regarding why everybody else isn't here uh sure um I'm I'm happy to share that tonight is the award ceremony for the High School athletics um and congratulations to all of our kids in town who had an amazing season and are being celebrated tonight thank you and our Council Personnel are also have family members involved that's why they're not here uh everybody if you're willing and able could you please stand for the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America the repic it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Missy Provisions in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was TR transmitted to the record in Herold news and filed with the bur clerk on December 26 2020 23 is posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall thank you missy uh we have no presentations or proclamations uh at this particular time but I'm sure that councilman kley would like to say something toting off for those in the know I've been coaching my daughter's u12 soccer team for the better part of a half a decade now Saturday evening we had made it through a two and a half year tournament for the NCSA cup and ended up winning four to nothing so these girls have been working through the rain the snow the cold they are one of the only teams that does that sort of TR level of training I want to thank my coaches Mike Switz James Dy claudo fontalvo uh we will invite the girls to the uh future council meeting and recognize them um personally but it was just too good uh information to share as far as my records show and we understand this is the first uh Rutherford FC team to have accomplished uh this feat and um it was our little girls like I said they started together in first grade and uh here we are so thank you mayor for giving me the opportunity to speak to their hard work and dedication um and again this is what the community is all about so thank you thank you congratulations uh we will be giving a proclamation at a later date I think Matt's still digesting this from last weekend um Engineers report Brian excuse me oh I'm sorry changes to the agenda um Miss on page two under consent we'll be adding resolution number 140 Under Fire awarding a non-fair and open contract to Johnson GMC for use a fire safety vehicle again that's under consent thank you any questions or comments from the councel see Noone M roll call motion I'm sorry M motion motion motion by council president have a second second second by councilman quatron we did that well questions or comments see n council president mwan yes Council KRON yes Council M Copley yes thank you Brian thank you mayor uh there uh we started the process of uh constructing diamonds five and six we had the pre-construction meeting today uh good and robust discussion with the township staff with barl staff and the contractor and that project is going to start with construction mobilization on or about July 10th and so uh that's to Turf diamonds U five and six uh the track at Tron has been repaired uh they started on Thursday night and they wrapped it up this morning and the track was um is now available back in that bubble over by the South uh West corner has been removed and uh let's see and the tennis courts are under construction and they're doing fine grading today uh that should be ready in about um about from today about five weeks after they pave so that should be happening this week as well the paving a Veterans Boulevard uh we're done with the first phase of the project uh the Water company coming in with their water main upgrade and barl staff has been uh coordinating uh specific um fire fire safety and other coordination uh items with that and so we hope to come back in when the water main work is done in the fall to do final Paving but the drainage scope has been done and by way of information uh the NJ do has committed to uh unclogging route three and 17 interchange as best possible and there's basically staff there every day working on the uh storm system there uh since about um Mid April uh the 2023 roadway uh project is completed and we are now pursuing reimbursements for the burrow uh to uh Reco the money back uh the 2024 roadway uh program is under review by NJ doot and we'll have a date soon for uh the clerk to do the advertisment uh uh Jackson Avenue and Eerie traffic signal as we had discussed it has to go under a shared service agreement that shared service agreement was received by the clerk on Friday and I think it's executable tonight for that by being reviewed by bur attorney okay but that tells us that that we're we're the design is where they want it to be with in terms of the elevations uh and that that's basically the active projects that we've had right now and for our report don't you have any questions for me anybody from the council have any questions uh I just you know how important that jackf traffic light is to me right yes and we are we we're like in every four or five days we reach out to to the county and that's what triggered them sending the shared service agreement because they realized that it wasn't finalized and they sent it on Friday I I I appreciate that that things been going on way too long and I know you've been doing your job and I know that the rails and Trails program is complicated the matter but whatever you and Bob need to do please um all right we're going to move on now um You can run you don't have to write down you all right we're going to open now for hearing of citizens anybody from anyone wish to speak please step forward the microphone St your St state your name address and keep your comments at five minutes or less if you choose not to um put your address you can write it down in the book that keeps throwing me off this book where is the book is not up there we don't have the book up there sorry up there Bonnie is there a book up there is there a yes okay all right I apologize that's just throwing me off this whole book thing Bonnie corkin 390 montros Avenue hello everyone it's been a while thought I'd pop in um so I've been watching the meetings at home I didn't totally drop off the face of the Earth um I would love to follow up I know councilman Guzman is not here but councilman kley you had asked if he would follow up with you about um my neighbor actually came to the council meeting and asked about the uptake and the crime and the Cs and the thefts and the attempted break-ins I think all of our residents should have an update because my insurance went through the roof and my Katie's car came home from college which I expected it to go down because the cars weren't at College anymore it went through the roof and the main thing was motherf is a risk a higher risk factor and I see it I can read the newspaper I can see ring I have an alarm system I know what's going on in the World um so maybe we could you could let all of us residents know what's going on um the there was three letters in last week's agenda but they weren't read into the record and no one made comments on them so I don't know if people read them if you just ignore them or if they the people literally have to come and read the the letters into record those letters were really important one was talking about West Bic I literally go and kind of you know I watch out for our crossing guards I advocated for them to get a pay raise after so many years of not having one it is quite frightening and astounding how people drive around these crossing guards not just one all of them are putting their lives at danger because people either run through the stop signs they go around stop signs they go around the crossing guards they go around the kids pic West pic at one point becomes a four-lane highway with cars going two cars at a time on each lane I've watched people go round cars on the opposite side of the road so I get it we're a little short-handed but there needs to be some kind of enforcement because people are doing whatever they want and you see it on Park out too double parking triple parking buwis let's turn down Glen Road when it says new left it's like you know a poop shell so we need to do something because people are literally saying h no one's we're not getting in trouble so we can continue doing this and it's really bringing our town down and it's literally is it going to take someone getting killed in order for it to stop so I'm advocating again for the crossing guards all of them not just one all of them it is insane how parents drive and how people act when there's a stop sign up that comes to another thing Bob a couple years ago I'll find the the picture I took a picture of the Linhurst they had a stop sign where you approach it and there's flashing lights can we maybe look into get those cuz maybe that will make people like think oh there's a stop sign I should stop you know if it's in their faces um you know we got to do something because someone's going to get hit for the residents I get it the crosswalks and sidewalks are horrible I went and paid 1,500 to have mine relay on my private funds so they're flat and safe but I get there's a lot of sidewalks crazy residents walking in the middle of the road when we have blind curves and blind Hills and you have a car coming over the hill you're going to get hit and it's it's my five minutes up hello B um you know walk I get it walk close to the sidewalks or the side of the road because walking in the middle of the road you think you're safe not when a car is coming around a corner you know West n you're going down West n and you got a blind Hill you come over that Hill between Mortimer and montros it's a blind Hill until you get over that certain spot and if you're in the middle of the road there's no stopping as for West pic that corner of montros in West pic needs to be looked at because when you're on mantros and Felician to the left of you and West pics in the front this corner house on the corner of Montrose and U Montrose and West pic that hedge is totally in the sight view you literally have to go out into the middle of the road to get through it so I'm sorry that that has to be handled I avoid that corner corner it's all about it's all about safety tonight I had a ton of things I wanted to talk about but the council's not here um one question I did ask and maybe the lawyers can pump in on this uh what is the procedure for when the bur wants to get rid of a piece of property not real estate like a desk a police car you know papers a photograph that the bar owns isn't there a procedure you guys consent to buying things what's the procedure to getting rid of things I'd like to know that that's it I think that's enough have a good night thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak seeing please state your name address keep your comments at five minutes or less or sign the book if you choose not to put your address yes David launo 423 ston just had a question to about the things that I saw on the agenda here um there's a resolution awarding surveying engineering and construction management for an amount of 900,000 could you maybe tell us how much money we have to do the park I know that we got a grant of $5 million but this can closer to you all right sorry about that um so there's resolution 138 about uh construction management Services $900,000 I know we have a grant of uh $5 million to redo the park and then this is almost 20% of the cost so I was wondering what other monies we have to do that because we've also spoken about doing a turf field or fields which I think I don't recall the number maybe you do like a couple million dollars at least so uh to do the park that leaves a little less um so I just was wondering about the total number on that um that's actually the only question I have this evening thank you very much thank you Mr Le Brown anybody else from the public wishing to speak please step forward to microphone state your name address if you choose not to use your address please sign it in the book David Schneider a Eastern way um I came here to talk about one thing and listening to my fellow citizen complain about the unsafe streets I'm going to add Li a little bit before I get into that um extremely frustrating being a pedestrian in this town where I live there are cars parked illegally every day in the crosswalk to close to the crosswalk on the sidewalk whatever you have you police don't seem to care if the police don't seem to care I have to assume that that means the mayor and the council don't take off to that I take offense to that okay I've said my piece I'll move on um regarding the lighting ordinance I want to speak against this specifically the five minute uh whatever you call it the word escapes me the five minutes exception um basically renders the ordinance as written moot um I have a neighbor with two flood lights pointed at my house and at my yard that turn on every time somebody walks by or drives by the house having that 5-minute exception he can maintain that flood light pointing out my house into my house onto my bedak making my backyard useless to me at night uh thank you that's all I have to say thank you for your time anybody else from the public wishing to speak seeing none I'm going to close this to the public and I will open up for any Council comment I don't mean to start this but sir we the rule is those lights don't AR or just ordinance is not to shine into your yard it is to shine down on their property I'm sorry if you feel it leaks a little bit but we are trying to create a better ordinance um discussing our police department and what we're trying to do to all of you I I we are we are trying to get to a level where we have enough police officers and our chief has the full capability of doing his job so I have no problem with you said I just totally disagree with some of those statements but I do agree with your lighting issue so anybody else from the council wishing to speak please do council president thank you um first thank you to everyone who spoke this evening as always uh Bonnie nice to see you it's been a while um let's see um I'm going to defer to Bob on a couple of the matters that you raised because it seems most appropriate for the borrow administrator to respond um and and we do have our chief here with us this evening if Bob needs to um to refer to him um specifically about crime I'm um there have been discussions about this but I'm I'm concerned about the statement that in insurance premiums are going up in town because Rutherford is considered a risk I'm I'm not aware of that so I'm I'm questioning that sitting here for my colleagues [Music] um the letters read into the record um I will defer to our Council but uh in brief I think they'll probably support this is we are to we we are given them to read um and we reference them and the mayor states that they are being accepted into the record but they are not necessarily required to be read into the record and and so I'll defer to our attorneys to uh bo and John uh to comment further if they think appropriate um concerns about traffic I I don't uh disagree with you about the choices some of drivers make in this town I question it all the time talking about being a pedestrian I I feel your pain um if we don't walk on if we don't walk on the sidewalk because for whatever the Litany of reasons are and you choose to walk in the street it does in fact pose challenges um um but I I do want to state that councilman kley made a plea up here I was it the last meeting meeting before he made a plea particularly about like using common sense and good judgment and and you know for all the years we've set up here we can come up with lots of policy regulations and ordinances but it does not negate good judgment using good judgment you know I get that people are running late sometimes maybe they're moving too quickly they need to be more judicious particularly in areas like where you're pointing out that that intersection right it um although I do want to for those of us who've been in Rutherford a long time we remember when that dip was far more significant so it is leveled out more so that um it doesn't cause quite the commotion for cars coming through there but again it comes back to being present and being kind being smart um everybody's in a rush i' I'm guilty is charged sometimes times right I left 5 minutes late for work whatever but you got to take a deep breath and I I don't disagree with you when it comes to our kids and our our um our crossing guards I have seen them often frustrated because they are holding up that sign they are putting themselves out there and people are are pushing the limit rolling their cars stop at a stop sign be present um I'll call it being a good neighbor but quite frankly it's just following the rules of the road um um regarding the sign ordinance um you know I have I've had a lot of opinions about this sign ordinance as it is evolved and continues to evolve and it is up for first read tonight um and I appreciate your comments particular uh to it and I and mayor I also appreciate yours because this is the challenge right it is about asking people to be mindful particularly about where they put their lights right we're we're not opposed you wanting to feel more safe and and have but you also have to be a good neighbor it's about being a good neighbor um and not impeding somebody else's property um or their quality of life and so I um I know that tonight is its first reading I I look forward to hearing the continued conversation as often happens after first reading on ordinance um and I look forward to that tonight uh so Bob I'm going to defer to you please specific to any information you may have about Rutherford being a higher risk factor because of of crime concerns [Music] um and to the attorneys if there's anything that I did not allude to regarding letters read into the record thank you council president um now council president rest members of the governor body mayor uh I'm not aware of any any information out there alluding to uh a change in Rutherford's status and any type of insurance risk so uh you know that has not come our way so yeah I really have nothing further to comment on that all I can say is that uh you know after the last meet I know councilman Guzman uh reached out to the police chief and they're discussing uh you several concerns uh one the the resident regarding and the the crime activity that he was inquiring about and also talking about you know recent uh uh you know some some concerning areas where people's driving habits uh have uh have deteriorated uh especially recently so uh the PD is definitely looking into that and councilman Guzman is uh uh certainly uh staying on top of that I can assure you of that uh I can answer a couple of the questions that came from the from the public tonight uh with regards to what happens with the public property in terms of uh disposing of it um anything of value is required to uh go through a public auction process uh those things uh that we identify of value will come to the Bur Council to vote on to approve to be disposed of and then we'll go through a an auction process either we do it ourselves or there are vendors out there like gov deals where you can uh you know have them perform the the auction on your behalf uh the question regarding Memorial Fields um in addition to the $5 million now I don't have all the numbers you readily available for me but there were there was some additional funding from buron County open space uh there was a bur match requirement so there's several $1,000 maybe we were closer to 5.5 million um the tennis courts came out of separate funding not part of the 5 million so that's uh uh that that was already addressed in another funding source uh uh so today you know we had the last meeting we awarded the contract for you know close to $2 million out of the 5 million plus uh tonight the $900,000 you're seeing has several purposes uh we are engaging neglia to do uh the design and permitting process with New Jersey D for the diamond 4 project they're also part of that project is the architectural services required for that uh they are also doing the design and permitting process with Bergen County soils which is also has New Jersey D requirements for diamonds five and six uh we are also in part of that funding is for construction management services for the tennis courts and also construction management of the uh of five and six for us uh so you know it's a big number but there's there's a lot of work that's uh being done by neglia for various projects Down Memorial Field um I think I've addressed everything I can so I will give it back to the governor body here thank you anybody else from the council want to speak councilman uh thank you sir uh just really quick just to touch on uh my name was mentioned a few times specifically Miss corkin nice to see you again um for the record I read everything that comes through my inbox now you and I have had exchanges where I've replied three four days later that's just the nature of the beast but I trust that I read everything that comes through my inbox as far as security I know uh Chief and councilman Guzman were putting together a response in summary of the current state of uh that that scenario that we addressed um as far as the flashing um stop signs that one is of particular interest to me as two years ago I actually filmed myself driving through Lindhurst for specifically for their signs because a citizen was asking for a four-way stop at their intersection they had seen five accidents in the span of their time living there one of the proposed resolutions because again speaking to the lighting ordinance if we add flashing stop signs in residential areas you know there's going to be backlash there now most of those flashing stop signs have commercial properties at those four corners I have the video I'm happy to share with you the one in one area has two residential spots the thing that I like the most is the raised painted rumble strips I'd spoken to the chief about that there's about three rows of five strips each that as you're coming up on those intersections your car goes through it my daughter just asked me about it coming back from ler the dad why is the car vibrating that is a solution that doesn't add light pollution to the area right so I know the bu administrator was looking into those costs and what the viability was so on and so forth so trust that that has been in the works for quite some time um Mr Le Bruno you were the park system was addressed always happy to discuss those with you um I personally do not have access to those specific numbers there is a Parks subcommittee I'm on the development subcommittee um so the bureau administrator or council president would be the ones who for specific numbers and information um Mr Schneider parking one thing I will say is I was one of the biggest proponents over the last six weeks as things were escalating out of control at my daughter's school for pickup um I just started snapping pictures the mayor actually published one of the photographs of a Range Rover parked in the crosswalk that gentleman since the publication of that photograph has not parked in that spot since so that being said what little we can do and I do not recommend public shaming for anyone and do not put a license plate on social media but take time if your neighbors and and whatnot are out there and they're not listening to your complaints fire off a little shot and get it somewhere in the public eye so people can really understand what it is they oh I'll just be there a few minutes it'll take a split second to alter someone's life those few minutes matter the sight lines matter as Miss gin said uh to that point I'll let the bur administrator speak to this there in the back of my memory there is was a discussion about being able to arm the build Buildings Department or whatnot with the ability to write fines for uh foliage and stuff that encroaches right montros and Union is is terrible if you look to your right um it's brutal like some of these sight lines are just absolutely obnoxious in this day and age especially considering the speed at which these cars travel and whatnot um so again please trust that we are working through these things one at a time uh as fast as we can um as far as the lighting ordinance I am in big support of this is I have a residential building literally Park Avenue and a row of houses away from me and their lights shine right in my bedroom window right um so I have been working with councilwoman Del rayone on this just offering my input how do we enforce it that becomes the question similar to parking and those driving we are grossly underst staffed in the police department right now building department things of that nature so again trust that we are working through this happy to have those discussions at length um during these meetings and outside of these meetings um that's it for me mayor thank you thank you councilman quadon Council quadon thank you mayor um would it be okay if he answers for him before you speak you can answer for would he deferred you yes the uh Property Maintenance does have the ability to issue violations so we already have that in place so uh I have a note here I will send Property Maintenance down tomorrow councilwoman Quon thank you mayor um Bonnie thanks for coming today I agree with you about uh the security issue in general and makes me very nervous I've talked to my family about it um my daughter's a little little bit nervous about it so but I am sure that the police department is doing everything they can absolutely have confidence in them but I think it would be wise to give a public update next next meeting so I think that's important and when councilman Guzman is back we will do that I'm sure um on the issue oh and on the issue of the letters thank you for bringing that to our attention um I've read all the letters we I think we all do uh but I'm going to reread them they were very long substantive letters and since people take the time to do that I think we we really should pay it the attention it deserves so I'm going to reread them and address anything I can at the next meeting thank you for bringing it to our attention on um Mr Schneider um I'm I'm sorry that you're not uh happy with the ordinance I know that you are part of the inspiration for it and thank you for the work that you did to bring this issue to our attention um I am going this is the first reading tonight and we can always kind of revisit this five minute exception and talk to you about it if that's something that you think um kind of poisons the the ordinance because I think we really do need to make this Improvement and it's it's you know we're going in the right direction it may not be perfect yet but thank you for for bringing this to our attention that's it thank you councilwoman um the 5 minute acceptance is actually three minutes higher than the state rule so we'll disc we'll have to discuss that council president yeah my apologies um I went back in my notes I just wanted to share something um when I met with councilman Guzman he did follow up to share with me uh since he knew he wouldn't be here this evening that um I'm assuming this is for the month of May Since we're just starting June uh that there were 1,227 summons that were given um last month 167 of them were moving violations 1,52 were parking violations um eight were violations to local ordinances um 843 of that total uh were um were given by our traffic Bureau um I share that because as as we're talking about the traffic issues the parking issues so I I do want to acknowledge the fact and and chief thank you for being here I do want to acknowledge the fact they are they are ramping up enforcement particularly with this in response to the concerns that the residents have been bringing um particularly certain days of the week where we seem to see a greater volume of cars that are are uh challenging our parking um and so that was just in May so I um when I met with Ry he did share that with me and I since that's part of tonight's discussion I thought I would share that with everyone thank you thank you the only I'll add to that is the uh police chief has off has uh instituted a foot patrol we have more um officers riding Park Avenue walking Park Avenue and our ticket numbers are going up and people are learning their lesson coun the councilman has been sending um photos in as a um you know the public is also allowed to uh sign a complaint you know take a picture of a car send to the police department we'll send a picture then they have to come back and they have to uh reason with the judge why they did it so you know citizens complaints are out there so you can also do it yourself all right we're going to move on now council president thank you mayor all items are authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted in one motion and these items are routine in nature motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second I have a second by councilman quadent any questions or comments by the council seeing no M roll call council president mcowan yes councilwoman quatron yes councilman kley yes next is resolution number 128 procedures and conditions regarding the public sale of one new plenary retail consumption liquor license motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second every second by Council and cour any questions or comments seeing none remember roll call council president McAn yes Council M Clon yes councilman kley yes next is resolution number 132 authorizing non-precarious number 134 termination of shared service agreement with burrow of carlstead for property maintenance code enforcement officer motion I have a motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman quone any questions or comments seeing none may have a roll call council president mcowan yes Council mcon yes Council meley yes uh new business we have a discussion recommending uh recommendations from the street committee regarding signature uh signage council president um I do not believe these are my discussion items Bob would you like to lead this discussion uh this was this was a request from councilman guban actually as a recommendation from the streetscape committee yeah um I was going to say mayor may we uh possibly hold these thank you yeah we'll hold these till we have a full councel fair enough that would be a recommendation uh from streetcape uh regarding signage and the review of parking meter fees on Sundays no you're good all right we'll move on to my report uh 2024 summer I'm sorry now we're going to do the my bad uh council member committee lays on uh reports council president thank you mayor um as always uh thank you to our First Responders Police Department fire department and our EMS of which we celebrate all the time um especially as we're coming into the summer season there's more things happening in the burrow everybody's out so we thank them for their incredible Service uh I guess I get to be the the happy reminder person today so I am happy to remind the burrow um that dining out start again this Wednesday uh please come out beginning 5 I believe 5:00 p.m. uh 6:00 p.m. on Park on Park Avenue uh all the businesses are participating uh the weather is beautiful I I hope to see you all up there um and I want to thank all the sponsors and everyone who's helping us get this up and running particularly shout out to our Chamber of Commerce um porchfest is this Saturday um it's hard to believe it's here already backed by popular demand so much so that we even have more porches than the first time around because it was so popular I'm happy to share that there will be a a bough shuttle that will be going around town so you can jump on and off the shuttle to visit porches because they're all over the place the shuttle schedule will be available on the burrow website so thank you uh Kimber goian for handling that for the burrow um Flag Day June 14th is this Friday I want to thank the Rutherford Elks Lodge 547 for their outstanding um ceremony that they do on behalf of the burrow every Flag Day it's done on the front um lawn of the burrow uh right underneath the flag pole uh as it is a burrow event we'll be there of course to welcome everybody but the Elks do the history of the American flag and I want to thank all of our Scouts that come and do it with them it's it's spectacular if you've never done it before grab your lawn chair come sit out in front of bur Hall and you will learn um so much and so I thank all of them they put in a great deal of time and effort to make it successful uh fireworks June 29th rain date is June 30th uh I believe that again Bob if am I correct in saying that we we have lots of sponsorship with that and um a shout out to one of Miley aison still correct right the fireworks are sponsored by Felicia University fantastic and as the liaison to Felician I'm happy to say thank you very much for your support of the burrow and and such a beautiful um opportunity for people to come out and celebrate together the uh independence of our country the baby parade our historical baby parade is also on Saturday June 29 uh I do believe it's a rain date if the fireworks move to the next day I believe the baby parade does um and if not we will correct that at the June 24th meeting um let's see I think I got everything I needed to say I I just really want to thank all of uh our department heads but our borrow employees everybody is working so hard right now um and as the summer months are coming and people are taking vacations uh we have folks stepping up to help each other out keep this beautiful place running like a top uh so for all the people who make make us look really good doing this job but the fact is it's it's because of them I just want to say a shout out and a thank you to all of our borrow employees for uh making Rutherford what it is thank you mayor thank you uh councilman KRON I have nothing today mayor thank you councilman kley thank you sir I just want to add on to what council president had stated about the porchfest uh I specifically want to thank Matt Akerman and Kim Bogan and all of the volunteers of our Arts committee for this heavy lift is an incredible event they've put together once again uh it is looking like it'll be 83 in sunny from the majority of the day so please hopefully everyone can get out and about safely and uh try and take advantage of the shuttle uh if you can to avoid any of the the traffic problems and issues we discussed earlier in the meeting thank you thank you all right now we'll move on to my mayor's report 20204 summer camp seasonal staff T the memo um I'd ask for Council consent motion motion by council president may have a second second second by Council woman KRON question question or comments see n Roll Call council president mcowan yes Council Clon yes councilman kley yes thank you next I have Robert Thompson seasonal labor effective June 11 2024 $115 in 13 cents an hour motion I have a motion by the council president I a second second second by councilwoman quat any questions or comments see none roll call president mwan yes Council Mone Council mopley yes next I have an appointment of Jared schaer to the Civil Rights Commission may I have um a motion motion I motion by council president second second second by Council qu any questions or comments mayor I just want to say that I had the pleasure of interviewing him and uh I just want to thank him and all the other residents in town that step up to serve on our commissions and committees thank you thank you council president M roll call council president McAn yes counc Mone councilman cley yes all right we have the correspondence Hastings Village and we also um that letter was dated May 30th 2024 and Jacqueline Ingram letter dated May 28 24 2024 which is on file in the clerk's office ordinances Public Works which is tonight councilman kley thank you sir one second I forgot that that was mine take your time Matt I usually do I I take twice as long yep coming oh got it thank you all right uh we are introducing an ordinance to amend and revise chapter 131 zoning of the burough code of the bur of Rutherford and in particular lighting this is that lighting ordinance referenced earlier uh Missy can you read the ordinance by title only please and ordance to amend and revise chapter 131 zoning of the burrow code of the burough of Rutherford and in particular section 131 -3 lighting thank you uh I make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first read and adverti according to law I have a motion by councilman K we may have a second second I have a second by council president any questions or comments by the council see none ask for roll call council president McAn yes Council quatron yes councilman kley yes or second read SEC the now I have ordinance on second read is a salary to amend the school Gams monitors and park rangers Council question and an ordinance to amend and supplement an ordinance entitled an ordinance regulating the employ tenure and discharge of certain officers and employees of the buau of Rutherford under the provisions of a Civil Service Act of New Jersey number 351 18-20 adopted on February 24th 2020 thank you i' ask for a motion motions I'm sorry I'd ask for a second second I make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on second reading and advertised according to law i l second second as there a motion on second read I'd ask anybody from the public wishing to speak on this ordinance in this or loans please step up to the microphone see none I'm going to close it to the public and open for Council seeing none Miss as for a role council president mcowan yes councilwoman Krone yes councilwoman kley yes thank you sorry thank you uh next is establishing chapter 78 7-7 lead paint lead based paint inspection of rental properties Missy can you please read the ordinance by title only an orance of the burough of Rutherford County of Bergen state New Jersey amending the burrow code to create chapter testing for rental properties thank you I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on second reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by council president and it's as may I have a second second I was second by Council and qu anybody from the public wishing stop at the microphone speak to this ordinance and this title only this motion um please step up to the microphone seeing I'm going to close to the public over for Council seen none council president McOwen yes councilman quatron Council cley yes all right thank you everybody I would like to make a motion to motion I know that part motion by the council president all in favor all right thank you all have a great night Happy Father's day everyone what