for thank you everybody and welcome to the agenda the first regular monthly meeting of the mayor and Council being held at the police headquarters at 18 Donaldson Avenue Monday December 11 2023 starting at 6:30 p.m. Missy could you please read the role here councilman cley here Council McOwen present Council B Roberson here counc Gman here Council de con here Council here thank you if you're willing and able could you please stand for the salute to the flaged AL to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all see in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record and Herald news and filed with the burough clerk on December 21 2022 and June 22 2023 and is posted on the bullettin board outside of Barrow Hall thank you Brian thank you mayor and good evening uh Council uh for our Engineers report uh we have 16 items um uh and starting from 16 because that's the ones that are more pressing I should have flipped the order but we're going to we've been reviewing the roof leaders on north um West corner and they are going into the basement with infiltration so we're looking to reroute them out onto Chestnut uh and get pricing from um uh contractors that are capable of doing that work or maybe put it together so it could be um done by the DPW that's to be determined but we are working on that uh we had an emergency repair at cson Avenue uh just north of gor and that's been taken care of uh getting back to the Jackson Avenue and Eerie traffic signal the county had requested that we do um profiles and sections so uh they could see what utilities are would be in the road that would prevent them from doing so and those uh elevations have been provided and then we'll follow up with the their design SE team uh this week uh we are just doing uh some conceptual plans for unav uh West End streetscape to see what can and cannot be done uh in that envelope uh between the buildings and and the RightWay and uh we're in looking to do some improvements that would be uh more pedestrian friendly uh and have a more inviting Street gate uh in that area basically from um carita down to Raymond Avenue like touch upon um Sunset Park uh Van winkl Park we're going through the final um that's supported by Grant and we're going through the final uh our landscape architect is coming up the final plant selections and Trail surfaces and something for the council to think about whether do they want to go with like a rake uh gravel or they want to go with a um what some people like has a nice effect along the river or um just a pretty straightforward Paving section so we'll present those options uh to the council uh in in next few weeks Sunset Park irrigation um we've been coordinating with ducon who was the contractor working for viola uh they are going to do that um almost as a courtesy to the burrow uh and we are coordinating because they're doing as a courtesy we're doing all the other coordination uh such as uh utility markouts and stuff like that so we are working with them and hopefully they can have that one inch line stubbed out that can be then attached to an irrigation system in the spring uh so that that's basically the order of what's pressing uh and then the other projects that we were working on is basically the uh 23 Road Project has been awarded we did the pre-construction meeting and that job will be active as soon as the weather breaks uh in the spring uh so those are the overview of what we've been working on thank you Brian anybody from the council councilman Guzman thank you very much mayor uh Brian thank you very much for that report much appreciated um I'm very happy to see Sunset Park is uh irrigation is on this list um I know you said that um as a courtesy dukon would be uh doing their part um do we have a timeline on how long that would take no the the actual work is a day and a half it doesn't it's really because the water main is in the sidewalk we don't have to open up Raymond Avenue it's literally just replacing a couple flag sections of concrete in the sidewalk which if the weather um goes bad for us we can um just repack that with u gravel for a couple weeks till we get a break in the weather but I do want to get that going uh so that's the status of that thank you so and then when is in the next week or so they'll be out there doing it thank you thank you just answer my question um one other thing I'm very happy also to see that Ben wikle Park is uh is also listed in thank you for uh moving forward on on on the landscape architectural plans um I'm very very happy see this I know my colleagues are as well as far as far as the mayor as well because uh tied to this we know is the co uh trying to get the CO project in there so very anxious to get this moving in come spring I hope we're able to ready to rock and roll did you have any thoughts like on the like a um like an English garden type uh ragged gravel or would you want to do with the uh ashall either one is maintainable in my opinion and sometimes it's not so it's less of a street feel when you do it with the gravel and it and if you don't like it it can always be paid later so you have that option if you want to let me know what your feelings are about that that's fine can ask the question is one more prone I mean recognize where Van vanwinkle Park is is one better for flooding and drainage than the other uh no they wear just as well uh once you pack the gravel pretty much doesn't move it's uh it's everything but without the um the bamin or the the liquid Ash liquid cement that keeps it together that's the only difference but it's pretty durable and if what's I like about in this instance is that if you want to to flex the trail or whatever Memorial you want to do I'm not taking out ashfold I'm just moving gravel to come into that and like if you phase it in the next like a year or so and you don't like the walking surface or you want to make a harder surface it's easy to convert that to asheva with the 2-inch overlay it's not like a like a project in itself it could be done on the road project appreciate that thank you I I will obviously reconvene on all these on the options and get with our bur administrator and see what works out the best okay thank you thank you Brian um I saw and hear about Jackson Avenue and Erie Avenue track uh the traffic signal [Music] um I I know that you've heard this relentlessly from several of us up here um I just want it said publicly and just as a ever so less than gentle reminder that this is this project needs to be done um and anything that we can do to help convey that message to our our County colleagues um yeah I'll see what the feedback is for the uh giving them the crosssections to see what it would be to lower the intersection I think it's a tough intersection to lower because you have to tie to Eerie anyway so if you lower Jackson here is going to chase it so it's uh I hope they come to that same conclusion soon so is is my understanding you then to say that they they haven't actually rendered a decision of support to do this unless you guys are you guys are in uh the county does a burrow County agreement you're in it right meaning that we Supply the RightWay which we're not changing so that's done we uh assist with the survey which we've already submitted to them and if they have any like elevation questions like they have now we provide that to them so it's like a partnership but you guys are in the partnership and then we put it together and they actually run the bid it's bid through the county so that's all been taken care of and you've been in a town County agreement I think since October of last year last year yes I believe so that's why I was just asking about timing right because it's been I know that we've had several residents ask us uh individually I know mayor's field did this quite frequently about you know no one's seeing it happened and so just if you had to estimate on a timeline do you see that this coming to fruition few months six months a year what does that timeline look like oh if if I didn't have a partnership it would be done in a couple weeks and out to bid but I have to work with the county and the problem with that it's not so much the County's issue it's that the uh they were also doing the acquisition for the railroad line too and that's now done and now that what was railroad property that would have been affected is now Bergen County Park property so that makes it a little bit easier but that process was going on at the same time that we were starting the project and now that's that's been put aside so that the RightWay both the C the former rail RightWay which is now park RightWay which is now park ver linear Park is now now can be you know I don't have any issues when I bid it with the county that had to play out as well and the timeline oh to do to do like so so like uh once we get the elevations I see that being bid by the county uh in in a February cycle thank you that's that's great to know thank you I appreciate that councilman thank you uh just for clarity um when you're saying leveling of that area what exactly is being leveled so as you know as you go into East rord you come down a little rise that was to make the elevation for the old railroad tracks so if you were to imagine that that rise was never there pre railroad track it would it would be uh there would be no there would be a more gradual grade into East ruford but but to change that grade you also have to if you dip that down then Eerie has to dip down too as well as the residential side of eerie uh where the garden is and I don't think it's I think it's it's tough to do that grade wise because when you do an intersection I also have to make um pedestrian grades as well I can't do more than like uh one over 12 you know or or 8% so I have to be careful for that when when we work with the county on that and do you know what the the the distance is from where the traffic light would be put to the where the grading needs to be done what's the distance it would be through it almost it would be through it almost which thank you they're right on top of each other thanks thank you anybody else um I think we pretty much covered most of it Brian um the sun Sunset Park was the thing that I was most concerned about um I met with um our irrigation company and we covered all that as well when you're ready uh I'm going to actually turn that project over to councilwoman Del Co and councilman Guzman um based on on what we covered already they'll they'll pick up pieces on it and follow through um so um that was the only piece I had uh you know it's going to be four sprinkler heads is basically they said all they needed and then we need our DPW to clear out um probably about 8 to 10 dead trees so they'll F be with that trees yes and that's all I have on that and no one else has anything mayor yes just to add also um since we're talking I'm sorry I apologize uh no no actually your Parks I mean your buildings and ground so I'm going to need you involved in this project as well thank you mayor that's all that's all I was going to say thank you happy too than that I have nothing you g to move on now and just a uh one note um when the county did Union Avenue uh the the burrow has available funds for reimbursement for the design we did for the um uh uh handicap ramps and I'll work with Bob to get that money back if if she hasn't done that already I think you have like uh approximately 9,000 coming back to you for that and then uh if that was done under the old program and then we were able that that is still open to the borrow to get that uh to get that money back okay as long as everybody else is good all right uh you can do your thing okay thank you all uh Missy reviews on page two under consent Finance we'll be amending the payment of bills resolution also on page two under police consent we'll be amending res resolution number 252 to include an on premise raffle for the riaa on page three under Finance we'll be adding resolution number 262 approval of the item of Revenue and appropriation for bulletproof V Grant also on page three under 55 Kip Center we'll be adding resolution number 261 supporting the community block grant for 55 Kip Center on page four under Public Works resolution number 258 will be removed on page six under mayoral appointments we'll have the appointments of the police candidates on page seven under ordinances on first read president of the council the renewal of the Comcast cable television and communication systems and the bur of Rutherford on page seven under ordinances on second read an ordinances was inadvertently left off but was advertised accordingly to repeal the handicap parking spot B on silven street and that's all I have anybody else from the coun anybody else from the Council of any changes seeing none I ask for a motion motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council see none m r call councilman kley yes counc McAn yes counc B Roberson yes counc Gman yes counc Del con yes counc yes um now we'll move on to proclamations councilman okay so I have a very special and emotional Proclamation today um to announc the retirement of Moren Begley so I'm going to read the the whole Proclamation and entirety whereas on February 1 1994 Moren bigley began her career with the borrow of rather as a teacher Aid in the recreation department as well as a school crossing guard and in 1999 Moren became a recreation Aid where her passion for all things Recreation began and Morin began her tenure with the Burrow under mayor Andrew Berton and worked under four additional Mayors and 48 council members and Moren not only went above and Beyond as an employee but also volunteered her time at special events and numerous Recreation programs and whereas maren has been a volunteer on the Rutherford Community Food Pantry since 2004 and presided as president of the pantry since 2017 and whereas Moren is one of the most senior employees she has been the one who goes to for very trivial and Monumental matters her knowledge of the burrow is immense and whereas Moren has decided to retire after 30 years of service to enjoy time with her husband Kevin and her grandchildren and whereas Moren will no longer be employed by the burrow morine will always be considered one of the family and missed by all and now therefore be it resolved on the behalf of the burrow of rord that mayor nunzi wish to wishes to extend our congratulations on such a distinguished career and to express sincere appreciation to this extraordinary woman who has done so much for her fellow residents for setting such a fine example for the community and wish her continued health and happiness in her future endeavors thank you and can we all stop stand a clap for her please [Applause] uh thank you and Missy will take care of that and we'll amend it because I believe I was her favorite mayor uh we're going to pause now for the council president thank you mayor um I there there is something I would like to um share with the community tonight and maybe we were a little sneak not listing it so that our colleague was unaware um the last few years for uh councilwoman uh Maria beg Robertson Beyond her service to this community um has been exceptional in her professional Pursuit um as senior vice president currently um but she was also doing something else uh while serving this amazing burrow and that was going back to school to achieve her Doctorate in Education um I remember when Maria talked about wanting to do this and maybe because we had a a shared understanding in history about why this is so important particularly for women to be represented in this Lane um I tried to talk Mar out of this just for the record um and and I'm so glad she didn't take my terrible advice uh Maria went on to Vanderbilt University and achieved her uh doctor of Education her Ed in three years which I can assure you is both a professional and higher ed somebody who has done this that is an exceptionally fast time which speaks volumes about her commitment her capability her capacity um how fortunate mayor colleagues um Maria I want you to know uh it it shouldn't be lost on this burrow that that time that you gave to doing this that energy that effort we've benefited from it immensely um I think you have and continue to serve serve as an amazing role model for not just young women but young people about pursuing their dreams despite being a professional and a parent and a Civic and a community leader um and so we just wanted you to know that we're really proud of you we're proud of you for doing this and for letting us be a part of your journey and so this is just a token mayor I'm going to pass this down to you this is just a token of our appreci apption and and to acknowledge your exceptional commitment and um this Monumental moment so ladies and gentlemen I present you Dr councilwoman Maria beg [Applause] Roberson thank you all so much I have nothing else to add but thank you that was so kind thank you now unfortunately tough but now you have to listen to anybody like to say anything go down the road well I I'm I'm going to say something that you may not like but also happy birthday um because today is also councilwoman B Roberson's birthday so it feels extra special to give her flowers um I I I went to postgrad school full-time in my 20s before I was married and never had kids and that was really hard I cannot fathom the level of focus and commitment that had to go into what councilwoman B Roberson achieved in an in an extremely short time while managing a demanding career that involves travel um while managing a home while managing us while managing our community so um I'm glad we're taking this time because I don't know that even I before I sat up here ever really appreciated the amount of balance that's required to do this while also doing everything else and um for councilwoman B Roberson her everything else has been extraordinary so Maria um I agree with Stephanie like you are truly an inspiration to me as a professional as a mom as a woman um and I really hope you take a minute before you do your next great thing to sort of Revel in the accomplishment um which is something I feel like not enough of us do for long enough so congratulations thank you councilwoman cman thank you mayor um wow it's your achievements I mean you you never stop surprising me it your your your accomplishments and you always stay true to who you are through it all is quite amazing and a testament to who you are um I couldn't be more proud of proud of you and uh I'm extremely happy to be your friend thank you very very much and I I I can't say anything else Council um Maria congratulations once again we've covered this multiple occasions but it's an honor and privilege to serve alongside you and watch you work uh thank you for your tutelage over the years and and again congratulations and happy birthday that's one yeah I you know Maria I grew up in an academic family my dad's a teacher and my brother's a teacher and my dream is always to get a PhD but I just couldn't get it done so I got a law degree instead but I but I'm you know in a world of distractions where nobody even reads anymore I can't even get my kids to read anymore because of the iPad distractions I'm just impressed that you put such time and commitment along with everything else you've been doing to really dig deep and just follow your passion and just really get into a subject this deeply I know you're going to bring so much to the topic to the to the discipline that you're entering or that you've already been in and you're going to bring it here too that deep knowledge that you have so I'm so proud of you thank you um I'm not saying a word because we already talked and I'm not going to do this again getting emotional so if there's anything else you'd like to add no thank you I just want to crawl into the ground now thank you all so much thank you all right now we're going to open up for the hearing of citizens anybody wishing to speak please step up to the microphone keep your comments at five minutes or less please state your name and address if you choose not to um please write your name and address in the book Mr Zur yes good evening Adams R 94 re na congratulations Maria um don't here to ask the council to explain the reasoning behind its decision to allow the display of the manora and the happy hanic sign on public property us Supreme Court Justice uh Brier made it very clear in his majority opinion that government endorsement of religion is unconstitutional now according to Rabbi Berlin the miracle of light occurred during the rededication of a temple after a Jewish sect known as the macbes slaughtered non-believers who occupied the temple their temple in the 2 Century BCE um current events show that the internos uh battle between Jewish and Arab semites remains as violent today as it ever's been anyway uh back to my question why is the council so determined to publicly endorse Judaism in violation of settled law and our Constitution which you all took a took an oath to uphold thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak please step up their microphone seeing none I'm going to close it to the uh public and open it up for any Council comment councilman yeah um Mr Zur um I remember the first year we had the manora up in the in um Lincoln Park Rabbi lurman came to me and um May nonato about it and we were so honored to be able to display it in our town to show the diversity and Rabbi lurman was at me and councilman Guzman's swearing in and he um performed such a lovely um service so we honor all religions on this Council and I'm just so honored that Rabbi lurman trusts us and came to us and comes to US every year so I'm quite disappointed that you think it is an issue because we are an inclusive welcoming town and we always have been um but we will continue to have this conversation Mr Zur that's it thank you anybody else uh seeing none uh my only comment would be that Mr Zur that um there are other religions and we've also made it clear that should they choose to bring something forward as far as a display that this Council would be open and we're we're a welcoming Community I mean that's that's all I got I mean we all live here now we're going to move on council president thank you mayor first I'd like to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 27 2023 motion I have a motion by the council president I have a second second second by Council M Del Ray con any questions comments by Council seeing no every roll call councilman kley yes Council mcen yes Council B Roberson yes councilman Gman yes Council Del con yes counc yes thank you next I'd like to move resolution number 253 urging New Jersey legislator legislators to oppose assembly Bill 5696 and adopt legislation reducing Municipal insurance and workers compensation costs and offering budget exemptions for claim motion I have a motion by the council president I have a second second second by councilwoman quatron any questions or comments by the council see no M roll call councilman kley yes counc McAn yes counc B Robertson yes coun Gman yes counc Del yes yes thank you consent thank you mayor all items authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion these items are routine in nature motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council same n have a roll call Council kley yes counc MC Big Rob counc McMan yes counc Del con yes counc mro yes thank you now we're going to move on to committee reports um I know that the uh B administrator has a Dolphins game he's getting all worked up about so uh we'll try to get through this as best we can and we have bunch of kids sitting in the audience that really don't want to listen to this uh Finance council president I feel like those comments were directed to me there um Fifth Amendment right thank you mayor I appreciate your support resolution number 260 authorizing the budget transfer of funds motion motion by council president I have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council seeing n every roll call councilman kley yes Council will McAn yes counc B Roberson yes counc Gman yes counc Del con yes counc yes thank you next is resolution number 262 the approval of the item of revenue for the bulletproof vest Grant motion I have a motion by the council president I have a second second second by everybody C councilwoman proon any questions or comments see n m roll call councilman kley yes Council McAn yes counc beg Roberson yes counc Gman yes counc Del Co yeso yes next under uh my liaison assignment to the Ambulance Corp resolution number 251 authorizing the execution of the shared services agreement with the burough of pamis for the maintenance of the Burrow's ambulance Vehicles motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second second by Council Quron any questions or comments by the Council see number every roll call Council kley yes counc MC yes counc B Roberson yes coun Gman yes counc Del con yes cther thank you my apologies thank you next under my leaz On Assignment to the 55 Kip Center um requesting uh approval for resolution number 261 supporting the CBD grant for 55 Kip motion I have a motion by the council president may have a second second second by councilman Del con any questions or comments by the council see I'm every roll call councilman kley yes Council mcga yesc B Roberson yes counc Gman yes counc Del yes Council yes um mayor I just want to thank everyone for supporting the kip Center's um trees and Roots uh fundraiser it was incredibly successful as well as Mixology um and uh I want to just acknowledge the extraordinary service of Morin bigley um um she is an icon in this in this community certainly in burrow Hall she has been a wonderful mentor to all of us as we've come on board as council members um she willingly shares her information and she's got the best ski boots that I've ever seen um and her presence and her humor and her friendship will be missed Beyond reproach thank you mayor thank you council president Council Guzman police thank you mayor first up I'd like to ask for acceptance of retirement of police Sergeant Brian Coy effective February 1st 2024 motion I have a motion by the council may have a second second second by Council Roberson any questions or comments by the council see none M roll call counil kley yes Council McAllan yes coun B Roberson yes coun Gman yes yes yes thank you before I move on to the next resolution up I'd like to thank uh Sergeant Koy for his 25 years of service to the burrow and to the police force um that's a lot of time they be putting in and I wish him nothing but the best moving on to resolution number 254 uh I'd like to motion uh with sorry Award of Bergen County Co-op contract for s situ situation no I'll get it out tonight awareness equipment for the police department in the amount of $132,500 C mman yes C de yes yes moving one you're next up I uh I we have discussion for the uh regarding crossing guards salary um I'd like to uh have a discussion and and ask that um first of all let me back up for a minute I've been working with uh my my Council colleague Maria beg Robson and uh working with the Burl administrator as well asking we've asked uh the B administrator to review the uh the salary uh tables as well as uh seek uh what um rates are on in surrounding towns are are currently and um he was so uh very helpful in in putting information together and i' I'd also like to have some comments by my Council colleague here regarding um what we're asking here on steps yeah um I just want to thank the borrow administrator we reached out to him last week and he worked on it so quickly he got comps from other towns so thank you so much Bob for jumping on it so quickly and Bob do you have anything to add you know i' love to put you on the spot sorry thank you councilwoman uh I can't take all the credit the bur clerk was a very very instrumental and getting the comps from other towns I just happen to put the numbers together uh but to summarize uh we kind of notic that our rates were um below what our neighboring towns were were paying their traffic um sorry crossing guards so we we made a recommendation or I made a recommendation to uh to to councilwoman and and councilman Gman uh about you know possibly bringing those numbers up to a more Equitable number so we are in line with uh towns to that surround us um it's pretty clear that a uh you know we had a $60 day predum for our alternates uh everyone around us was like around 75 um I think it's pretty reasonable to uh you know get that number up to to to 75 with minimal impact on our budget and then uh also bringing up the uh the steps the last time the steps were addressed were in 200 17 um and then gave you know someone who was at TOP Step which is five in this case you 1% raises you know each year thereafter um I think bringing that step five uh the old rate now become step one I think it's just more in line uh with what our again neighboring towns are paying um we could go continue with the 1% um I threw out some numbers getting it's up to 2% which is you know what the property tax levy number is uh usually a good number we use in negotiations with other unions it would keep us uh you know fiscally responsible I believe going in that direction but um the numbers are you know we're not talking you know a lot in terms of the budget so I think we can we can support uh an increase if the council decides to go in that direction and and if I I also want to say I this is why we have hearing of the citizen right um Bonnie Cochran last week made it very clear and I really appreciate your impassion plea in honor of our crossing guards I see them by my by my streets on Orient way every day cars do not stop and they watch out for our children I don't have to worry about my son who walks to Pier Pont school every day because they're crossing guards all along the way rain or shine so thank you Bonnie um for thinking about them and for being such a passionate citizen okay um are there uh any other Council colleagues please thank you to my Council colleagues for putting this putting this forth for discussion and thanks to Bonnie also I agree with that I think um she was a great Advocate last last session for uh crossing guards and for the difficulty of their job and you know a lot of our older residents are crossing guards and they face these risks such as bad weather potential accidents can happen um there's all sorts of unknown risks that can happen and they are protecting our children so it's really the one of the most important jobs they could have I my daughter goes to Pi Pon for the first time this year and when I I was so excited to pick her up on the first day that I ran you know ran by um peer Pont and I waved to her I was waving to her and the crossing guard waved to me and said hi as if they knew me and I you know I didn't know them but I said hi and I gave them a hug it was wonderful I realized that they were so they were so friendly because they know a lot of the families and they really are like member of our larger family they they know everybody in town and they just their smile really brightens our day so I think this is a wonderful idea thank you mayor mayor yes council president thank you sir um first I want to thank my colleagues for taking this on I wholeheartedly agree with what's being set up here I also um want to acknowledge another part that I know um we talked about and you certainly have both been leading this discussion and it also was something that was presented to us which was about the equity of of years of service and being recognized for service um and I want to thank you both for for asking for that to be a part of this um and uh more for the residents uh less for my colleagues who I know are aware of the process and procedure because of the time of year we're in and the fact that we do not have an ordinance uh prepared yet um we have to wait until the next executive session begins in January to move this but the fact that uh so much leg work has been done and that this is going to be something ready to go um off to start us off of the year I think is is really a great I know that the timing is is not to our benefit so I just want to thank our colleagues for advocating so strongly for these people who we absolutely take for granted who show up um and who take care of our most precious resources so thank you mayor and thank you to my colleagues thank you anybody else okay C I'd like to motion that we move forward uh to our burrow to have this drafted uh into an ordinance by our bur attorneys I have a motion may have a second second second by councilman robertonson any questions or comments by the council uh Council I'm sorry councilman are we going to move with the the recommendation I presented I believe that is the consensus here thank you very much for asking thank you anybody else see n May roll call councilman kley yes Council McAn yes B robon yes kman yes Del con yes C yes anything else sir no but uh yes thank you for asking I'd also like to uh be remiss if I didn't congratulate ring bigley on her retirement uh it's a long time to be working for one entity and uh she's a staple here she will be missed thank you thank you Council thank you mayor um first I'd like to move resolution number 257 authorizing shade tree bucket truck change order number one to TX Utilities in the amount of $728 motion I have a motion by councilwoman Del come have a second second second by Council Roberson any questions or comments see no M Paul councilman kley yes counc McAn yesc B Roberton yes counc McMan yes counc Del con yes counc yes thank you now I'd like to move resolution number 259 authorizing the award of non-fair and open contracts to custom bandag Inc in an amount not to exceed $35,000 motion have a motion by Council Del con may have a second second second by council president any questions or comments see no may have a roll call please councilman kley yeah counc M yesman yes yes coun yes thank you Council thank you mayor um next I'd like to move for discussion um the topic of having an ordinance drafted regarding lighting regulations in the burough for residents um just by way of background we already have existing ordinances on record about lighting for commercial properties um a resident named Dan Daniel Schneider has come to a number of our meetings and sent a number of communications about his concerns relating to lighting of Residential Properties um I went to Mr Schneider's home when it was dark out in the evening to just understand what concerned him and he gave me a wealth of knowledge about not only the impact of um severe Lighting on your neighbors but the impact of severe Lighting on our environment so um I won't trouble you all with the details of the science but it's pretty fascinating stuff um and basically what we're looking to achieve is just a community in which we are mindful of our neighbors needs and desires with regards to their own properties um you know some houses are experiencing extreme light that's requiring them to barrier between their homes so that they can sleep at night um some residents are putting up blackout curtains throughout their homes to make sure that they can sleep at night that their children can sleep um it is very disruptive more than we would think um I understand that a lot of community members feel that life lighting prevents um crime there actually aren't a lot of Statistics that prove that to the extent that we're um using our lighting so um I'm going to ask that my Council colleagues just weigh in as to this important both environmental but sort of community-minded a neighborly issue anybody from the council wishing to comment counc president um I I don't I admittedly do not know enough about lumens and different types of lighting impact of said on environment my thing really is from a a place of enforcement um and so as this is moving forward or if this is to move forward or if we're still in the investigating stage I would like to um have us think deeply about you know it's one thing to say okay we we passed an ordinance or we have a resolution to enact something but I really want us to think deeply about the enforcement part and how does one do that kind of enforcement and what kind of impact or messaging does it have to community members and and something like this I also would want us to think maybe deeply about how do we message this information to Residents so that they are able to be in compliance be without being um without finding out about compliance because they did something inadvertently and I I would imagine some of the examples you gave right like lighting people think they're using lighting to uh thwart any kind of uh Mischief I I don't know the those are just the two things right off the top of my head that I thought about with regard to this yeah so if I can just answer those two those two questions to the best of my knowledge but I may look to our bur administrator or our bur attorney to help me along but um based on the research that my understanding is you know enforcement of the commercial product property ordinance currently does sit with our police dep department so theoretically if you're experiencing um sort of I guess discomfort or some sort of problem related to a commercial property ordinance um well your first line of defense is to call the building department I know that Tom deia comes out often to check out those situations um but that would be where enforcement would lie and then of course there would be some sort of finding system I think your point about notice and maybe grandfathering is really important um I haven't shared this them yet but this is the discussion point of discussion I I ask I intend to sort of ask our Green Team to maybe help with advertising um what this would look like since it does have an environmental impact thank you anybody else oh yeah councilwoman I just look forward to learning more about it um just curious about you know enforcements as um councilman um McGowan said and yeah you know it's it's it's interesting because in Rutherford sometimes I do find our streets quite dark so um so the idea of more Darkness kinds of kind of concerns me so I just would love to understand the research even more as we as we go further into this I have the same exact reaction to be honest because my street is very dark um and many of our streets are very dark um I will share some photos I have of of the street I visited and maybe it's selective enforcement um but I can certainly share all of the research I have um yeah thank you both um I think this is a bigger conversation for the building department with the police department um regarding how the enforcements handled uh it's more of a residential issue that needs to be really addressed um and I I don't disagree there's a lot of new housing this is where they go um as far as the dark streets um I've actually been working on that with Bob we started one street already we're um a poll came down during the storm and this this is a lot of our issues so in the past big storms some of the lights came down when the polls came down so we're now addressing with public service and trying to store the lights that that came down with poll so we are on it I think it's a bigger question for all of us to I mean a bigger discussion I don't think we're ready to move to drafting it sounds like we can share some more information so I'm happy to do that yeah yeah absolutely very thank you uh anything else I just to wanted to congratulate Moren on on her service to the bureau um I actually can share she was actually I think the first person I met from the burough um because we moved here in June and I signed my son up for rec Camp because I wanted him to meet some community members I actually at the time didn't know I was meeting a legend but quickly learned that I was so I wish her and her family well and thank her for her service thank you councilwoman uh fire thank you may um proper business first we'd like to move forward resolution number 255 award a contract for the acquisition of turnout gear for the fire department in the amount of $46,900 motion I have a motion by the council have a second second second by councilman quatron any questions or comments just a quick explanation uh turnout gear is Boots helmets coats things of that nature that protect our men and women uh on the scene um that's it um anybody else roll call please councilman kley yes counc McAn yes bab Roberson yes counc Gman yes counc Del yes counc M yes coun thank you all uh I'd like to move forward resolution number 256 uh for the inclusion of an additional Fire Department uniform allowance motion I have a motion by the councilman may have a second second second by Council Del Cohen any questions or comments uh just a quick explanation this was an oversight it looks like when we had moved forward the original uh uniform allowances for the year um so we're just adding on CRA yeah a couple extra names so thank you anybody else see not roll C Copley yes C McAn yes big Roberson yes Gman yes Del con yes quadon yes anything else thank you all for your support and just a quick uh Testament to Moren bigley down in the recreation department when I first heard that she was retiring uh I had popped in for you know one of my kids various things and needs um and I said' whatat are you going to do without all this and she said no what are you going to do without me so maren we will miss your quick wit and your soft smile um thank you again for you not just the recreation department work but as neighbors you know let my kids set up their lemonade stands on your street corner uh thank you to you and Kevin both for all your time and dedication thank you councilwoman councilwoman quatron um mayor I have nothing on my committee assignments tonight thank you thank you uh councilman Robertson nothing for me mayor thank you now we come to the part you've all been waiting for so you can get out of here I have nothing to report under my lay on assignment to the sports and Exposition Authority um first I'd like to uh appoint Christopher savano building subcode official in accordance with the rules and regulations of state of New Jersey Civil Service Commission effect of December 12 2023 I'd ask for Council consent motion motion by council president may have a second second second by Council Roberson any questions or comments by the council see no every roll call councilman kley yes Council McAn yes counc B Roberson yes counc Gman yes Del con yes counc clut yes thank you next I have seasonal recreation basketball staff Blake Smith Matthew Wong I'd ask for Council consent motion motion by council president have a second second second by councilman quatron any questions or comments sing n may ro Paul councilman kley yes counc McAn yes counc big Roberson yes counc Gman yes counc con yes yes okay next I uh ask for Council consent for Jake shman conditional appointment to the Rutherford Police Department in accordance with the rules and regul ation of New Jersey Comm Civil Service Commission effective December 29th 2023 motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council seeing none may have a roll call coun cley yes coun McAn yes coun B Roberson yes coun Gman yes Del con yes congratulations yes next up Nick how do you pronounce your last name f fizan I just want to screw it up next up I have Nicholas busy and conditional appointment of police officer to the Rutherford Police Department in accordance with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey civil service commission effect December 29th 2023 I'd ask for Council consent motion I have a motion by the council president I have a second second second by police uh councilman Guzman any questions or comments by the council see n have roll call councilman kley yes counc McAn yes B Roberson yes C McMan yes yes CC yes welcome to the brother for Police Department guess who's left Justin finale conditional appointment to the Rutherford Police Department in accordance with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey civil service commission effect of December 29 2023 I'd ask for Council consent motion motion by council president may have a second second second by uh councilman Guzman any questions or comments seeing none may have a roll call coun kley yes C McAn yes c big Roberson yes C McMan yes de con yes CET yes welcome i' now ask that the uh police officers and the police chief come forward because we do have some additional work to do and I know you don't want to be here so can we just get a quick picture con right right over [Applause] congratulations he starting learn about it oh my go yeah all right we're going to move on now to ordinances on first read mayor before we begin councilman thank you um our first ordinance is in connection with uh the company Comcast um Comcast owns um NBC Universal which which is my employer so I will be recusing myself from all votes discussions and receipt of information regarding anything related to Comcast thank you yeah she's actually going to step off the D yes she can sit in the the chairs pictures okay council president thank you mayor uh this evening on first reading is renewal for Comcast cable TV and system I'm going to say renewal again in the burough of Rutherford Missy can you please read the title by ordinance only an ordinance granting renewal of Municipal consent to Comcast of the metaland LLC to construct connect operate and maintain a cable television and communic communication system in the township of Rutherford Bergen County New Jersey thank you mayor I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first reading and advertise according to law i' ask for a second second second by councilman Guzman any questions to com by the council see n every roll call counc cley yes counc McAn yes c b Roberson yes cman yes coun Del con C yes you can come back now ordinances on second read council president thank you mayor uh first is the dedication of a portion of burough Street for the purpose of creating a public right of way and thorough Fair between Route 17 North and Veterans Boulevard Missy can you please read the ordinance but I title only an ordinance at the B of Rutherford County of Bergen state New Jersey accepting dedication of a portion of burrow street ad joining property identified as block 224 lot 3.04 for the purpose of creating a public RightWay and thorough Affair between Route 17 North and Veterans Boulevard thank you missy thank you missy I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on second reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by the council president May a second second second by councilwoman person um at this point I would now open it up to the public for this subject and the subject matter open only I'm sorry anybody wishing to speak please step forward seeing none now I'm going to close it to the public and open it for any Council comment seeing none I would just like to thank the bur administrator this was a fun one and he did a great job with it uh council president roll call I'm sorry roll call councilman kley yes counc McAn yes counc B Robertson yes mman yes yes council president thank you mayor next is about a grant on easement to the owner of the property adjacent to Veterans Boulevard Missy can you read the ordinance by title only an Ord of the burough of Rutherford County Berg and state of New Jersey granting easement to the owner of property adjacent to Veterans Boulevard thank you missy I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on second reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by the council president may have a second second second by councilwoman Roberson anyone from I'll now close it to close it anyway anyone from the public wishing to speak on this subject this subject matter only please step forward the microphone seeing none now I will close it to the public and open up for any coun comment seeing none me roll call councilman kley yes counc McAn yes counc Roberson yes coun Gman yes coun de yes yes council president thank you mayor I believe I believe the next one moves on to police I'm sorry you guys share a microphone thank you very much mayor I have uh ordinance under second read repeal handicap space on silven Street Missy could you please read the ordinance by title only an ordinance to amend andv chapter 126 vehicles and traffic of the burough code of the bur of ruford I'd like the motion to move that the ordinance be passed on second reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by Council a second second second by Council Quon sorry my apologies um by councilman Del see I got um any we're now going to open this up to the public for any uh comment from anyone no okay close it to the public now open not for any counsil comments seeing none miss me please read the rooll coun kley yes coun McAn yes coun coun Gman yes yes yes I'll now accept the motion to adjourn the meeting motion motion by council president all in favor I