thank you everybody and welcome to the agenda meeting for the second regular meeting of the mayor and Council 18 Donalds Avenue Monday February 26 2024 starting at 6:30 p.m. Miss could you please read the role mayor nzi here council president mwan pres counc beg Roberson councilman Guzman Council Del con here Council Quon councilman cley here thank you if you're willing and able could you please stand for the salute to the flag Al flag United States in compliance with the open public meetings Law chapter 231 public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was transmitted to the record in heral news and filed with the burrow clerk on December 26 2023 and is posted on the bulletin board outside of burrow Hall thank you um presentations we have a few but first um I'd like to welcome Mrs Kelly who just flew in from Ireland and just landed as a tradition that was started uh seven years ago which we all those that were here of us were very proud to be uh a sponsor of and enjoy very much this event um I'd like to introduce this year's Irish Grand Marshall Joseph Kelly Deputy Grand Marshall Brendan dumpy member of the Year car mcdermit um unfortunately um EMT of the Year Carmen Ado is not here with us you still [Applause] clap law and office uh law enforcement officer of the year uh retired Colonel Rick FES of the New Jersey State Police oh wait he's right there uh firefighter of the Year William Roode will [Applause] be yes at this time I'd asked that the um the Grand Marshall and the marshals and the members uh please step forward to the D so we can take a photo and uh we issue your um accomodations accommodations all right council president we'll hand them out now um you guys pictures and than thank you all for coming tonight Frank and I were talking the mayor cple and of theing over beautiful next Sunday [Applause] s huh business Hey Jo Joe don't forget your mother I'm not sure if Missy's staying or going with them I'm h e e all right we're going to move along now uh yeah we're we're going to move along now uh Missy changes yes uh the second hearing of citizens will be added on page two after the mayor appointment say that was inadvertently left off and the second meeting of the meeting always requires a second hearing and on ordinance on first read the address is 393 Park Avenue not 389 that's the next door so it's 393 sorry I say that's all I have all right right now we're going to open uh everything up to the public anybody wishing to speak please stop in microph I'm sorry motion I'm sorry a motion to approve the uh changes motion motion by council president may have a second second second by Council and Del call any questions or comments by the council see n Roll Call council president mcowan yes councilman Del con yes councilman kley yes thank you now we're going to do Hearing in citizens anybody wishing to speak please tell out microphone keep your comments of five minutes or less should you choose I'm sorry and say your name and address should you choose not to speak um not to wish your address or you could please for the record you may sign the book anyone from the public Mrs damaso seems like I'm always starting it off um my name is Lois damaso I live at 180 Mountain Way um and I just I want to be brief but I I have I'm here about the planes again I have several things I want to talk about but the first thing I want to uh mention is a study that I found I have for you I'm going to give this to Clerk and she can make copies of it it talks about the health uh implications of airplane exhaust at the last tanic meeting I asked whether the pl when they measure the altitude of planes whether they're measuring it from the ground here in Rutherford up or whether they're measuring it from sea level the answer was sea level which means that the planes are actually about 250 to 300 ft lower than what they say which puts them maximum 400 ft above our homes so the uh exhaust from those planes is a health hazard and it's been documented and this is a study of of that I'm only giving you I'm not this very long study so I highlighted some of the results and you can see what they are I'll have that distributed for you yeah is the same as living on the uh Turnpike where you have all the exhaust from the trucks particles from diesel fuel and we live in an area that already has a problem with that and that is just the airplanes just multiply that tfold or more all right so that was one thing um I really think that we should pursue getting those plants moved just because of that alone um the other thing I wanted to bring up is at the last tanic meeting the FAA said that they were putting um the uh ability to fly by instrument Landing the path here inout Runway 6 that the planes use all the time in bad weather has an instrument landing approach that's why they use it especially when they the invisibility is bad they're installing that same equipment on Runway one Runway one is over the metaland it will move the whole approach pattern to the east of here it won't go over Lind Hurst and it won't go over Rutherford so that would be that's absolutely what we want it won't be ready they said at the earliest until February of next year I think that as a town we should push them to not delay that they're doing it anyway I want to be sure that they get that up and running as fast as possible and I also think that we should ask other towns to join with us in that effort East Rutherford Carl stat are two they have the same problem we have they have the problem with the pollution the noise with their residents being most unhappy about this so you guys all have contexts I'm sure you know the elected officials in these other towns I think that if we can get more voices to push the FAA to get this installed as soon as possible it will solve all our problems they really will because then they can use that Runway often if they need Runway six on occasion okay but not every day not day after day and not 180 planes a day which is what they land now over over over 180 or more points all night long all day so that's why that's what I would like I am going to write that letter myself I will send a copy to you if you wish to you know tag along that's great and I would really ask that you talk to your counterparts in East Rutherford and carlat and lindur to push the FAA and Toro to get that equipment installed right away okay so that's it thank you thank you m taso anybody else from the public wishing to speak uh is this on okay good that was my first comment uh last week's meeting you know oh sorry uh David La Bruno 423 stent last week's or last meeting it's unfortunate that that there was impossible to hear the public is there some way that we could ensure that this microphone here is placed on during the meeting when we have comments by the public unfortunately we missed the entire presentation I think if you look on the video you'll see there's about 75 80 views but nothing was audible of course we heard you because you have microphones so that I see as a problem it's unfortunate because there was a presentation about cannabis uh when Mr kley gave his presentation a year ago or more unfortunately that video is also absent of audio so it was mentioned we need to educate the public about this issue I'm not sure how we can educate the public when we're supposed to be broadcasting this but there's no broadcast so maybe there's a procedure that can happen that someone could step out and make sure that it's working or or take care of that that's first comment uh second I did have a question about that cannabis as far as the public question could maybe someone tell me about What's the statutory Authority for putting a referendum on the ballot and is that referendum just advisory or does it have any weight because uh when the school boards have a referendum if it doesn't pass then we've had it for bonding the uh amount requested for bonding has to be lowered that's by law so uh I was just wondering about this referendum that we did have um third thing was uh this resolution number 70 which is talking about uh submission and acceptance of a grant I thought that was a done deal as far as Memorial Field maybe someone could EXP explain to me why we're now applying for a grant for this or was it actually a done deal uh next thing was uh something that I noticed in in town that I would hope you would address which is on Park Avenue there's a couple of buildings that have been covered with their windows with paper for years now and I'm not sure if that meets local ordinance uh there certainly the bank has been covered with paper the former pizza place is covered with paper for now a couple years um I think it tracks from the Avenue and uh uh makes it look less than it can be even if the uh window was open someone could see inside someone might be interested in the space when they're walking by um having the front windows of buildings covered for a couple years doesn't seem like it should meet our local ordinance which I believe is for covering those windows when there's construction going on so uh that's something that I would hope you address because it becomes an attractive nuisance as you've seen somebody plastered uh what some might consider RAC IST uh anti-semitic posters or pages on the Windows one of them was cleared one is still up on the bank so U it's something that I think you know those windows should be open because then issues when they arise will be quickly addressed thank you thank you Mr LeBrun anybody else from the public wishing to speak Mr G Charles Gun 19 Milton Court Rutherford New Jersey 0770 recognizing mayor lunato and the councilman and councilwoman last but not least which is first I would like to thank councilwoman mowan Del col and councilman G Guzman for speaking at the veterans they said this those who have seen The Gazette probably have seen the pictures which was accommodation to not only to the veterans line but also to the town of Rutherford I come stand before you representing the American Legion Post 453 which I am the commander I come seeking information about the wall in the rear of the building I commend the council for the work done on the wall my question is what is the status of the progress made to complete the wall my concern is not so much for the post but for the the people on Eastern way whose property is protected by a wall behind the post so not only taking the posting consideration but also taking consideration the property on Eastern way thank you thank you Mr gun anybody else from the public wish speak good evening Joseph mccallis the 194 Mountain Way I want to thank the mayor and Council for affording myself and Alyssa cannabis the opportunity to speak at the last meeting I just want to address some things that probably didn't come through it was somewhat anemic in the the presentation but I want to touch on some key points that I think need some consideration for those of you that sit up on a day is uh we're in a fiscal crunch this municipality like many we are a residential almost purely residential tax ratables that's where we get our money from to operate this burrow very little commercial compared to neighbors to the North and South I believe most of you if not all of you were in power or authority and voted on issuing six liquor licenses those liquor licenses have generated thus far we've sold three at auction generated about $800,000 and you're sitting on three with nobody knocking doors down to get those three I should point out that that revenue is a singular event you got your 800,000 you're done there's renewable licenses but that's what it is in comparison to the opportunity that presents us with having a cannabis dispensary with sensitive zoning onto the highway if we were to compare the issu with I want to say this I moved in this town in ' 87 that was a mandes over there that now holds a nationally recognized engineering firm in one of the best Italian places around uh Mandy is gone Woodworth is gone that's good for me some people don't believe it's good but the Parker beautiful building downtown it's not the place it was in ' 87 and it shouldn't be so I say that because if you think that it was all right to issue six liquor licenses but you don't feel that a retail cannabis is in place and if you feel that way because you believe that's because of the voters at the last meeting council president McGowan presented that approximate numbers 2250 people voted no 18850 people voted yes that's factual what was edited out is 750 people did not vote on the public question so I suggest that's one of two Pathways either those people were incompetent right because they didn't read the public question but I don't think you'll go along with that because they voted you into office so then in my logical conclusion I say that's apathy that's insence so what does that that means they don't care they didn't care enough to vote about the question so for you to take the position that that's a no would be equally disarming for me to take the position that those are yes those are people that just don't give a crap they didn't vote they didn't read the question they didn't vote why would you want it many people this party as well as Marco Conor and his people you treated this public question like it had leprosy none of you wanted to touch it uh many people myself included did not know you already approved four classes of the Cannabis industry in New Jersey I want to remind you that the four classes you approved I can guarantee you you will never see in Rutherford there's no real estate the real estate's too expensive that's why people go up to Sussex and they go down to Jackson you'll never see those here you have the opportunity now for a retail cannabis dispensary before the saturation of the market and I suggest to you it's a golden opportunity where go by the state state New Jersey state CRC released last week New Jersey's on track to exceed need a billion dollar in sales in legal cannabis that means $20 million directly to municipalities some of the people I talked to in town who voted no and listen you have a right to vote that that's a fundamental right they said they voted no because they believe the smoke shop was going to start selling stuff to the kids and so first of off the Smoke Shop sells stuff right now that's unregulated and it's not the kids and a legal cannabis retail dispensary can only sell to 21 with proof of state ID but if you don't think your kid can get it in the school or lunch room in any of these buildings you're you're living in you got your head in the sand because it's here and it's all around you're at five minutes but I'll let you summarize uh in summation I would just say to you that you have a golden opportunity should you pass on it so be it uh I think I think you need to really examine the potential of like 450 to 750 ,000 on an annual basis one of the other pledges in closing is I introduced myself uh at the last meeting as the project manager that's partially true I'm also uh a partner New Jersey partner and one of the things I pledge is $330,000 a year in scholarship money to a high school student from ruford high school six students $5,000 each I just throw it out you guys that Authority you'll make your decision thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak seeing none I'm going to close it to the public and now open up fr the council comment councilman C thank you sir couple of notes uh M Tomaso thank you as always for your diligence and and tenacity um happy to pass on that letter we were in a room this evening with a bunch of those dignitaries that you speak of happy you know I'm I'm a kind of young Ling on this uh de starting to make my Headway into other municipalities and you know have my face recognized so happy to you know continue that conversation in those broader uh conversations uh Mr Le Bruno yes the question the referendum question was non-binding uh we basically we're looking at it as an advisory thing it to Mr McAllister's point about the number of people that missed the question the the the you know near miss that the yes or no was there the low voter turnout all kind of Weighing on us as we discuss it internally as to whether or not we bring it back forward I do plan later this year on representing uh all of our findings and the stuff that we've learned in the year since I've presented last right a lot of municipalities locally to us have seen their revenue drastically increase um year-over-year and that's the beauty of it and again it is an annual revenue stream it is an economic based decision I you cannot you can no longer in my opinion make make a decision based on whether or not you grew up on 15 years of dare programming in grade school it is a legal Revenue stream and that's what we will discuss moving forward again it's up to my colleagues and I how we progress that uh Mr gun always a pleasure to see you thank you for your service Mr mallister thank you for getting up there speaking on our behalf in terms of the effort required um the facts are the facts and we just need more people talking about it um thank you that's all mayor thank you before we move on if any before any other council members choose to speak um Bob would you address Mr gun sure Mr gun I was not aware that the wall was incomplete I will have the construction official out there tomorrow and take a look at it I thought what we' uh you know scheduled to repair was completed so can you tell me which part of the wall is not done okay did they they leave the the cindle blocks there and or is it okay all right I'll have someone out there tomorrow take a look at it uh while I have the microphone I I'll address Mr Le Bruno's question uh the the resol solution to apply for the 5 million uh it's just part of the bureaucratic process the the money is ours uh the way the the budgetary earmark goes they have to find a department to to run it so they went to DCA DCA requires us to apply for it just to create a paper trail it's still our money but they ask for a resolution requesting it we had to fill out an application and everything for it so uh no concerns that money is still ours thank you thank you mayor um Miss D Tomaso you and I have had a number of conversations about the airplanes and I thank you again for coming to the green team meeting um earlier this month um we're trying to mobilize the green team for this effort and and I say trying it's not that they're resisting I think we're just try sort of figuring out together the best approach um I would love if we could get together and have the power to accelerate the timing of any government effort particular particularly by the FAA or the Port Authority um it's funny when you said a year from now seems so far away for me because I I guess I'm just become a little jaded about the workings of government that it doesn't seem that far away um to have that done in a year but I I take the point and as you and I discussed before the meeting started before our meeting started um I'm trying to um get in touch with some folks who can maybe help us move the needle a little more quickly with the assistance of the green team as well um Mr Le Bruno I think most of your questions were addressed by my colleagues or by U Mr keski my your question about the covering of the windows I'm I'm admitting um lack of knowledge here is that a streetcape issue is that an ordinance issue I don't know Bo if um who would dictate the the issue of Windows being covered on Park Avenue I know they're private businesses but okay great thank you um and if you want to tell me both them Mr labruno I'm happy to send you a note and let you know what we determine um Mr G I just wanted I think um Mr keski addressed your questions I just wanted to um say in response to your thanks to us that it was um really wonderful participating in the Veterans Day ceremony I think I said that closer in time to the event but learning about all the memorials within Lincoln Park um was really quite special so thank you for including us and um Mr mallister I just want to acknowledge the fact that you came back around and um acknowledge some potential deficiencies in the presentation we received and uh provided some clarifying points I'm a big believer in sharing information so I do appreciate you coming back to do that thank you council president thank you mayor this D Tomaso as always we appreciate your updates and thank you for your advocacy um particular to this and and I agree with my uh colleague um a year sounds very far I I get it because it's happening 365 of those days to a year from now so I I get it um but I'm I'm actually encouraged that they are finally doing something um I feel like this conversation's been ongoing for so long so the fact that they're finally making movement um I'm I'm cautiously optimistic and and I will as as I I heard um councilman kley say I will you know use my voice and and encourage colleagues um from other municipalities not to let this go to the Wayside to continue the conversation so I appreciate your update um Mr gun it was our honor um I think your service is absolutely beautiful um that we do on Veterans Day and it is not lost on me the number of people who talk about how much they have no idea The Monuments that are sitting in Lincoln Park and so to get to walk around and listen to stories what I loved particularly about this year was that you Ed the words of our students from the high school right it was their story they were telling the story the living history of Rutherford so for me I just found that so emotional and so powerful that we were just speaking their words right so that it lives on um and thank you for the update Bob about the the wall um and I I have no doubt that we will see that to fruition um uh Mr labruno I think uh your request about making sure something's broadcasted properly is absolutely appropriate um it's not meant for show right it's it's meant for people to be able to hear um and I think that um your your um words um I don't see them as criticism I see them as as just a really good question and something that I know that Bob has been working toward addressing because this has kind of been an ongoing thing you want to speak to that Bob thank you council president so uh yes we've been frustrated by the microphones for a variety of reasons one sometimes it's use error sometimes the batteries uh failing so quickly uh so we've uh We've engaged our cont contracted to hardwire these microphones and get away from the wireless system we currently have so hopefully that'll be ready and in place by next meeting so we apologize for uh you know the the lack of uh communication issues that we've had so hopefully by next meeting it will be permanently addressed thank you Bob and um um and I think the other issues that you raised were addressed already um uh Mr mallister um thank you for acknowledging um the challenges that I think were present in the presentation at the last meeting and I appreciate the fact that you came back to speak about it um I do I do just want to clarify a few things just from my own personal point of view uh my Council colleague is correct it is a non-binding referendum question as a matter of fact but I I want to point something else out because you since you talked about um the liquor licenses that was on the ballot multiple times right it took several attempts I I want to say three I think it was three was it three um it took several attemps they were always non-binding the point when a question or at least from my perspective the rationale for putting a question like that forward is because I do think that sometimes it becomes very very insular right if it's a passion project for you you're going to push something that you feel strongly about um I myself over how many years I've been doing this there are times that I thought I had my pulse on something and and then all of a sudden you find out what you think is everybody is really the people in your circle right now I'm not to making a judgment one way or the other about this but I've always taken that approach and and my colleagues up here know that I am one of those people that say and and I did have this conversation if you feel so strongly about this then it needs to be a question right sometimes I believe the question is bigger than the representation sitting here that's you know that's part of what makes I think this community a strong Community because people speak now having said that um we we we keep referring to it as a low voter turnout election but the truth is we were still at 38% um there were there were elections in the state that were covering around 20 right we still had a a fairly decent representation but I do think that you're I do think that you present a very interesting question which is what happened to the people that didn't vote on the question right there's this disparity but I would also tell you as someone whose name's been on the ballot a couple times you can never get the numbers to add up sometimes somebody shows up and there's four they get four choices and they pick one person right and so I don't know why they may or may not have chosen to participate and and decide yes or no um but what I do know is that this on this time in this moment of putting it forward this is this is the feedback we got and so um not really rendering a decision one way or the other right I I was one of the people I can say it clear as a bell for anybody I was one of the people people that ask for this to be a question because I do think it needs to be a community decision and I think you present a lot of very interesting situations particularly fiscal ones um but at the end of the day the one thing that I do take quite seriously is that change is does not necessarily come quick in in Rutherford and you've been here a long time so you know that to be true um perhaps this is just one of those things that's going to take its course um like I said I think I know that liquor was a question on the ballot before I was elected and and I'm coming into my 10th year right and it only passed a year and a half ago like few years ago so I do think that perhaps these big salable kind of moments in our in our history they just take a little while if they ever come to fruition so I just wanted to share some perspective my apologies for droning on there I know okay um Mr gun you know I've always supported you and we will get that into tomorrow you have our word um if the wall is an issue we have several walls in town that are issues so we will make sure we get down and have the engineer inspected um Miss Tomaso you know I've been working on this a long time my trust for the port authority and the FAA not so much um so Kim our public information officer has always been involved in this if you can get me a letter I will get it to my colleagues uh my friends who are the mayors of the other communities and I'm sure we can figure out a way to send it from as a group all right so if you could just work with Kim on getting the verbiage put together we will uh we'll work re on that okay M Mr mallister um um I think they spoke to what you what you want what you thought you would hear so I I don't think I really need to add anything Mr Le Bruno Bob's going to take care of the microphones um and that's pretty much all I have we're going to move on now to the consent agenda council president thank you mayor all items authorized to be consent by the council will be enacted by one motion these items are routine and in nature motion motion by council president may have a second second second by councilwoman Del call any questions or comments by the council see n call council president mcgaan yes councilman dely Co yes councilman kley yes thank you mayor next is resolution number 66 authorizing the execution of a settlement agreement with epic management motion byoun second second by Council M question comment for Council council president mwan yes Council Del con yes councilman kley yes thank you next is resolution number 71 authorizing change order number three Epic Management Inc in the amount of [Music] $29,500 to share uh a reminder about the uh third annual Grace's closet um it is a beautiful prom clothing Drive the work that they've done there the last few years is exceptional it's an amazing opportunity um for young men and women that want to look prom fantastic um and the donations are just spectacular I I really want to give a shout out to um the committee that has been um working on this for a long time I I think their donations end um I want to say by the 29th and I believe this weekend they begin um offering clothing um so if you can still donate please support them um I also want to give a shout out to Rutherford High School's uh girls basketball team that is in the State Playoff game tonight uh which explains the resounding number of uh folks uh because you know you know um our hearts and thoughts are with them and certainly with our colleagues that uh may be supporting them um and uh finally um uh from uh liaison place I just want to encourage us now as the weather starts getting warmer and everybody's out more um don't forget about these organizations that are calling upon us to uh care for our senior citizens you know check on neighbors we do it when it in the the Deb of winter when it's most cold but you know this is this is also a very important time and so please um reach out and and do that if you can and lastly I am uh most excited for our seventh uh annual Rutherford um Irish American Association parade this Sunday will be where it's at the weather looks fantastic and I want to thank the Rutherford Irish for being present today to celebrate with us we look forward to Painting the Town green May thank you council president Council uh councilman Robertson is not here councilman Guzman is not here um as he is a police leaon I just want to make sure everybody understands that the during the parade is this weekend starting at 1:00 in Wood Lindon Park Avenue there will be a lot of traffic um and road closures and traffic rerouting so uh please keep that in mind if you're going to be moving around town I don't really expect that I expect every to be walking down Park a but you never know um Council Del Ray con thank you mayor um I just wanted to thank the Rutherford Pride Alliance and the Arts Council for putting on a wonderful event on Friday evening um I've never had the opportunity to be at the castle in F and it was really quite spectacular so um I I don't know how many community members realize the level of detail and work that goes into the events that are put on by both of those organizations but they do really special stuff and I encourage you to get involved with either or both of them if you have not already um I wanted to mention that we are going to be having a celebration for Eid which is a u Muslim holiday on Ma Kim's going to have to keep me honest March 8th just around sunset in Lincoln Park um some may recall that some of our uh Islam neighbors came forward and asked if we would display a crescent in Lincoln Park um to celebrate that holiday and um they are providing the Crescent themselves we're just displaying it there um it's a really nice opportunity to learn about the religions and cultures of some of your neighbors if you don't know uh what they're about already so again March 8th in the evening in Lincoln Park is where you can find me and many others uh celebrating with them um and the only other thing I was going to mention since uh councilwoman quatron is not here um is that the library is having its uh mini golf event this weekend I think there are still tickets available for no tickets available not Friday night either I think yeah okay so check out Saturday Saturday that's what I thought you said okay yeah so um if you're interested in attending on Friday evening that's adults only thank you for keeping me honest there um it promises to be a really fun event a really nice way to to support the library as is uh the library Gala on March 23rd there are still tickets available for that as well um I think it's pretty uh special that we're going to be celebrating Dan Meredith at that event and um if you haven't seen Dan Meredith in action I actually did have the uh experience I've seen him many times but on Friday night he attended um an Art Exhibit um that was put on by one of our local artists um uh photographers Jess styles and his ability to navigate and support our businesses I think is pretty unmatched so if you're not a typical attendee um of the library Galla for any number of reasons but you're a fan of the work that's being done by our Chamber of Commerce I en encourage you to attend this year if for no other reason than to celebrate Dan merii and that's all I have thank you thank you Council Council M cley thank you sir just briefly uh thank you to everyone who submitted and particip ated with the Arts committee youth art Banner program uh they are being compiled right now and sent off to the printer so keep your eyes peeled on Park and unav uh over the coming weeks thank you again to Kim bosan and Katie Pippen uh for organizing and and uh putting it all together much appreciate it thank you mayor um May I just add one more thing that I forgot to acknowledge please for on behalf of councilman uh Guzman um we wanted he wanted to acknowledge um the Rutherford Police Department the PBA number 300 that um sponsored uh bowling for Special Olympics in support of the torch run they've been doing this for several years it was done at um the North Arlington bowling alley forgive me I think that's the actual name um bad Drome is it on Friday night um I know you were there mayor I I was presentent as well um you could not get in that place there were just hundreds of people um and I I think it's important to note um the incredible generosity of BCB bank and Jim Rizzo and I know we say his name often here um but he works very closely with the PBA to cover those costs so that the money that's raised goes to special children and so many of those special athletes are there bowling it was fantastic um I think they get better at this every year and um and so councilman Guzman had asked me to to make sure to give a shout out thank you mayor you're very welcome um I will add to that the chief and I and our wives were very overwhelmed by the attendance it was incredible so um that was a very good point um we're going to move on the only thing I have right now is the uh change of meeting time March 25th 2024 to 5:30 prior to our meeting we have a closed session um every year for some insurance training and then we move on into our regular meeting Bob do you want to recap that so nobody feels the out understands better that there's no reason to be here five correct mayor so we will officially uh open the meeting the regular burrow mayor council meeting at 5:30 but immediately go into closed session uh that that Clos session is the elected officials training uh will take approximately an hour um there's the public can put their calendars at 6:30 still for regular meeting agenda items there'll be no regular meeting action taken prior to 6:30 so um I don't plan on live streaming 5:30 to 6:30 only to have dead air uh I will go live with the YouTube stream at 6:30 when completed our training um so everyone knows that thank you um other than that we have ordinances uh first reading the councilman Guzman is not here we just need to take a vote on changing oh sorry can we vote on changing the time of the meeting I'd like to make a motion to change the meeting time on March 25th 2024 to 5:30 p.m. close session for elected officials training motion I motion I have a motion by council president may have a second second second by councilwoman Del re con any questions or comments by the council um Missy knew that I needed a vote that was very Nic roll call please council president mcowan yes Council Del Co yes Council M Coby yes thank you so now we're going to open up to the second hearing of citizens on this on agenda items agenda items only anybody wishing to speak please step to the microphone keep your comment five minutes or less seeing none I'm going to close it to the public and open for any Council comments seeing none Miss see roll call no moving on to ordinances on first reading would Council council president please thank you mayor um the first ordinance on first reading is establishing a handicap space at 160 Orient white and 393 Park Avenue Vue Missy can you read the ordinance is that the correct address yes that's correct thank you missy can you read the ordinance by title only in order to amend and revise chapter 126 vehicles and traffic of the burrow code at the bur of Rutherford thank you I'd like to make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first reading and advertised according to law I have a motion by councilwoman council president have a second second second by Council and CLE any questions or comments by the councel see number roll call council president McAn yes counc de yes coun M cley yes next up we have green team Council woman Del re K thank you mayor um this next ordinance is amending chapter 107a storm water management control State Missy can I ask that you please read the ordinance by title only in order to amend and advise chapter 107a storm water management control state of the bur code of the bur of raford thank you I make a motion to move that the ordinance be passed on first reading and advertised according to law motion I have a motion by councilman Del r a second second second by councilman cley any questions or comments by the council see n May roll call council president MC yes councilman Del con yes councilman Copley yes I would take a motion to adjourn motion I have a motion by councilwoman Del con all in favor I the eyes have it have a great night