Yik CU I just hit my phone uh at 700 p.m on June 3rd 20124 we're going to begin this regular meeting of the Rutherford Board of Education we'll ask everyone who can to please stand face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance allegiance to the of the United States of America One Nation just I'll ask Mr Kelly to please take roll Mr ban present Mrs Cole here Mr Cony present Mr Healey here Mrs Jones pres Mr maone here Dr rine here Mr Sprayberry Dr a here you have a Quant the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Rutherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place posted on the bulletin board outside the bur clerk's office mailed to the herald South bergenite and the Record newspapers and filed with the burough clerk hard copies of the agenda are available at the meeting room in the meeting room and the agenda is posted electronically on Friday before the meeting date on the district's website at www.ford.com education link and clicking on public meetings and then videos uh so board members in your packets there were meeting minutes to approve from the regular meeting and executive session of May 13 2024 any comments on those sets of minutes all right seeing none ask Mr Kelly to please enter those report of the super uh the student representative the super student the super student representative yes exactly um so poppy bimson who's been our uh student representative for two years is going to be parting ways on to even bigger and better things but tonight's your your last report so there was no pressure for uh Excellence because you've delivered that the last two years but I will turn it over to to you for your report thank you as the school year is coming to an end many students found themselves participating extracurriculars and fun activities to celebrate the 2023 2024 year to start softball won the North 2 group 2 State sectional title this past weekend for the first time since 2008 they compete in groups this coming week many track relay teams and individuals Advanced the group to meet after the state sexual meet this weekend speaking of James elot won the state sectional Javin The Varsity dinner is going to be held June 10th to celebrate these accomplishments and work of student athletes through the spring and whole year senior field day was held last week where seniors competed against each other and connected to their old elementary schools to do so these teams were based on each senior going to either Lincoln or Washington school as kids speaking of seniors the senior Awards and prom were held last Friday the accomplishments of the gradu class were highlighted in these Awards appreciating the work over senior's career and rhs as a whole following the awards was the Disco themed prom where seniors celebrated and appreciated each other one last time rhs's the lightning th Thief musical had actors win seven Metro Award nominations some include outstanding acting performance by a male identifying performer by Nick skag Leone an outstanding Direction by Courtney mcmanis and Matthew viero girls in stem and science inclined students in classes such as anatomy and physiology and AP biology attended a science research based presentation by hacken hospital to interest them in future careers and to conclude the year graduation will be held on June 20th at Memorial Field for the seniors as my last report for the board and rhs I'd like to thank you all that have made this such a valuable experience to represent my school on this platform and connects with all of you it's something I'll be forever grateful for and care with me through high school and the rest of my life I thank you all again for this opportunity and making the past two year so important for my school and I thank you I going to give a round of applause for that well I just want to say thank you for two years of commitment to coming to board meetings and giving very well-rounded uh uh reports you continue to focus on everything from academics to Athletics to performing arts and so we really appreciate it um I think it's one of the best parts of coming to board meetings is hearing about the school experience from the student perspective uh questions or comments from board members we got an issue done a wonderful job thank you uh so I want to remember to tell you that in one of the upcoming fall board meetings either probably in September we are going to invite you back even though we have a new student representative just to um deliver a quick thank you in a different way um but we wish you the best as you go into the final days of school the summer gearing up for senior year I'm sure it'll be a great athletic year for some of our Sports as well congratulations to you on all your accomplishments academically and athletically this year um so thank you again for everything and uh you can feel free if you'd like to stay for the rest of the meeting and I also understand if you have things you need to attend to so thank you I'm thank thank you guys good luck thank you all right uh we are going to move on now to the next part of our meeting which is uh public hearing as we are going to be extending the contract of superintendent as it's written on here John Hurley even though we go by Jack Hurley uh superintendent of schools um you've all had a chance to obviously um review the uh the contract that we're going to be approving but at this time at 7:06 p.m. we are going to open the meeting to the public um for anything related to extending the contract of John Hurley superintendent of schools if anyone wants to come up they can just come up to the microphone um so just ask you to say your name and either uh municipality or address uh Richard Lynch of 99 Silman Street um next to the kindergart sending um I've met with Mr Hurley I'm would love to extend the contract but not just myself the whole but the thing is uh there's been such a problem with parking in front of the K Center the Kindergarten Center uh they've been blocking drve and park and handicap spots I brought it to the attention of the police department i' I've let Mr Hurley know uh officer ciany made has made no reports on it I've I did an Oprah records act Oprah request and there's no reports from a whole month and a half which but made rep representations by other officers of what these reports should have been I have a a car that's uh Durango that's been reported to the police station by numerous different people parked in a handicap spot parked across driveways and they don't ticket it and they said we're busy we have we're very busy we have other cars going out not just to me but to other individuals then I'm told by Mr rine that I'm causing trouble because I don't want my driveway blocked because he lives on the same block I would love to have this handled please but I have I didn't I have copies of no reports being done being refused service I'd love something to be done with the Kindergarten Center with the parking issue M thank you for the time yeah well M Lynch before you I I have spoken to um some folks at the police I will um I will be meeting uh sometime before June early July with Chief Russo beyond that and I'll talk to him I'm sorry actually I'm sorry Mr I just want to uh so we have an open session that is for comments related to and not related to the agenda this is specifically related to the extended yes I had a specific conversation with Mr Hur I just want to make sure get it on the record I Will Follow I will follow okay thank you and then also with I was the one port report that was made with an office that we never had contact with officer Madison said my girlfriend which is my daughter's mother but my fiance which is also on the deed of the home she's a homeowner in a report is unacceptable that's it all right well thank you for your comments we appreciate it are are there any other comments during the open public hearing ing around the extension of mr's contract no thank you I appreciate your time all right thank you um so we have an executive session uh scheduled just after the public hearing to go into executive session related to any comments we've heard during the public hearing considering we've um had a comment I think we're going to uh motion just to go into a brief executive session so I just need someone to uh move to go into executive session Dr rine seconded by Mr uh Hy uh all in favor of going into executive session hi hi okay uh so we are going to uh go into executive session we'll head into this room uh it'll be about uh 5 minutes or so and then we'll head back here for uh the remainder of the meeting all right thank you okay thank you uh Dennis mazone and Dennis hilly for moving us out of executive session back into the Open Session uh and so so we are going to now move forward with the next item which is contract approval for the superintendent I'll read the resolution I'll ask for someone to motion it and then a second uh be it resolved by the Rutherford Board of Education to approve the master contract between John J Hurley superintendent of school and the Rutherford board of education for the period of July 1st 2020 through June 30th 2027 uh can I have a motion to move that forward Mr Zone seconded by Mr beian any comments or questions from the board uh hearing none I'll ask Mr Kelly to please take rooll Mr ban yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr rine yes Dr aot yes motion carried thank you all right thank you and congratulations Mr H thank you our report uh yes we're going to move now to the report of the superintendent well first I want to thank the board and thank the community and thank uh the staff and the faculty and the kids um for the opportunity to work here and um to uh continue to work here um and I appreciate um that opportunity and I appreciate your support and um your collaboration um I do want to go over a couple of things uh will be a relatively brief report but you know um poby mentioned a lot of things about the end of the year the the um senior Awards the senior prom the the various activities you know the uh the Championships that were won over the weekend and the like U it really is a a celebration this time of year of of the success of of the students and we have two newsletters that will come out sometime in June on the digital one in the middle of the month and then a mailer at the end and we're going to try to capture something some of the you know like in in bullet point you know uh some of the things that we've accomplished because there were many many many things um tomorrow I I'll be at the valid dictorian um um um breakfast again I don't like to say who the validator is because doesn't officially become validator until we get the final grades in but so you know I'm not going to say it um but uh that's another um celebratory activity that we'll be at you'll see in the agenda tonight that the RAF grants is a up for approval and this year the RF approved 34 grants uh for 73,8 4198 I know it's going to be said later but you know I think it's worth siging again and the uh kodanti fund the Kazan family uh another four grants for 4,635 so 38 GRS for um just over right in the middle between 78 $79,000 so again um the work the RF does to support and and augment our programs is remarkable um I remember I'm sure many of you remember when you know it' be $30,000 grants a year and you know now we're up in high 70s and 80s and even 100 so uh congratulations I know many many of you are members or were members and uh the people that work to help our our programs um once the board accepts the grants then we will be then the RF will send letters out to notify the the recipients of the Grant and um Mr kelly'll get account set up and then we can start implementing the grants and we'll do what we usually do in the fall uh have the grant winers come in and give them a certificate analysis what each Grant was it was wor St reminder that Union Middle School will have their graduation their ceremony will be held on June 19th um I believe Mr maon is going to uh speak right and Dr L will be there to give out diplomas uh if any board member wants to go I mean is a little more limited than the high school but you could let me know and I'll let Mr schweer know okay um I'm I'm sure even if you didn't let me know uh they probably let you in but if let me know we'll do it the right way the high school graduation is on uh the 20th at Trion field I left for every one of you um a ticket and uh that ticket is good um there's there's two different tickets there's a rain and shine ticket and there's just the shine ticket uh you have the rain and shine ticket so if it is moved inside and you want to still attend that Union because of weather uh that ticket will get you in both places if you I I I know I've told you this uh in writing but if if you're going or as Dr aot wants me to say when you are going to uh graduation um you know there we do have seats on the track on the field level uh for faculty staff and board members so uh it's nice that you sit there so you're together and it's also nice that you um that you sit there um so that people can see you there you know so so that's that's a good thing uh and look forward to evening we're hoping we're hoping for good weather and Dr L will speak and also who that um just you know looking ahead to next year I I just recorded um my uh video message that I do once a month before the meeting and I mentioned how you know the end every time there's an end right it's usually coupled with some kind of beginning and graduation is called commencement which is the beginning and you know I'm very excited about looking ahead we um we put several things in place this year academically that are going to grow and hopefully continue to improve uh we have a new math program coming in that we're hoping is going to really you know have some Growing Pains but really take off um we're going to be unveiling the beginnings of the profile of The roadford Graduate that uh we' worked on and will continue to work on so there's there's a lot of of of exciting things um to look ahead to next year uh we are also going to be celebrating that you know 16 and actually tonight there'll be a 17th person though she'll be back for a while next year retiring and um you know that's always bitter sweet as uh people leave um but also you know it gives us a chance to uh welcome in the other folks and and see what ideas they bring to the table what skill set they bring in so you know I I looking forward to um to a continuation of the things that we've been doing um and the things we've been kind of brewing and trying to improve on and to even make them better and I do have to report on the um Hib scores these reports get rather confusing and redundant because I have to report several times on the same thing but back in November the board had to approve our self assessment that I then submit to the state and then the state then says we accept your self assessment and publish it and when they do that they have to report to the board you don't have to approve this but I have to report to the board and to the public so once again when you see scores between 73 and 77 you think you know you need some kind of academic intervention but the max score is 78 so we are doing a good job on the hip investigations we're doing a good job on the training that we do for staff we're doing a good job on the programs that we do for students um and uh and the way we report it the way the board acts on it that's all part of this this rubric so uh the score is there for anybody to look at they're on the state's website as well the district score is 75 out of 78 and our schools range from 73 to to 77 okay uh keep in mind that we will have a curriculum and instruction committee meeting uh on the 17th that's Pro right now that's probably the only meeting we need unless something uh shakes out building and grounds that we need to talk about um we'll see how that plays out and uh the board meeting is on the 24th and then we have two in the summer uh in the communication that I put out with the last board meeting I'll make sure those dates are out in the summer and remind everybody in the summer with vacation plans and other things that come up if you know you're not going to be at a board meeting to please let us know early so that we you know know we have enough for qu if uh and other people could be okay depending on your vacation plans and things like okay so that's my report oh I'm sorry one other thing I left this this was in the program of the um Awards and it's a list of the colleges or students have been accepted to and I highlighted a few and I know I left a couple of really good ones out but you know when you when you look in this massive list and we're going to put this by the way without the highlights in the newsletter that goes out but when you see Yale University upen uh Princeton University Harvard uh Cor Corell Columbia Carnegie melon Bentley which is one of the best Business Schools uh Stevens New Jersey Institute uh toughs University you know and then you see schools like you know that you don't even think to highlight like you know NRE Dame and Ohio State and Pen I mean our kids get into outstanding colleges and I always feel this list is more telling than the list of where they go because sometimes a student may not be able to afford a college or sometimes a student may not want to be that far from home or sometimes a student may feel like I fit in better with this crowd or you know I if I go here I could be in the player if I go here I could be on the team but when you look at some of these universities me I just mentioned about five or six Ivy League schools that our kids are getting into uh it's a credit to our students and to our community to our teachers and to our our faculty and staff and kids himself uh so it's something to be proud of so I thought I'd share that with you and we are going to put it out in the news lbr great thank you and and forom I didn't want to not mention for thank you that's um no greated I mean really really proud of this class um questions or comments from board members uh just one question uh I don't know poy said this High School girls softball did they win they won the state sectional Championship uh only the second one in um in school history um it was a pretty good softball coach had a good 12 13 year run he never won one talking about myself uh and uh but he won the only two in basketball um and now they play tomorrow for the north championship for group two against Ramsey in Ramsey and if they win that then they move on for the overall state championship great thank you I'm very impressive they were a ninth seated team and they wound up wi in the section thank you all right we are going to move on then to the report of the president uh so my brief comments are going to be wrapped up in our board goals so one of our board goals is about curriculum and following all of this sort of new curricular updates that are being made and in that spirit I wanted to thank and acknowledge Mr Hurley for just really transparent communication and great updates about how things are going in terms of curriculum having um commit come here to present um and really give us a sense of how things are evolving and unfolding uh in the lens of professional development and continued board growth I wanted to acknowledge I think uh this October for our njsba conference we have at least four board members going I think so that's great in terms of uh critical mass of board members going to continue to develop themselves um and then in terms of involvement and engagement in the school Community with events um I am I am optimistic that I think we're going to be 9 for9 at graduation this year and if we're 9 for9 I will give this board a shout out publicly on the microphone uh so um CHR is like oh yes he's going to do it um but no I mean I'm I'm uh really pleased when we think about the work that we're doing I think it's good to put in the context also of our board goals and things that um we have committed to emphasizing uh great that is pretty much it for my comments questions for me all right hearing none then we are going to open the meeting to the public for any items related to the agenda at 7:31 p.m. seeing no comments we are going to close the meeting at 7:31 p.m. and we are going to move on to new business where there is action to be taken we'll start with Personnel Mrs Cole hi personnel not have a committee meeting this month and the following 20 motions are to be put forward at the recommendation of the superintendent tonight number one is the retirement of Carolyn Travelin math teacher at the high school with regret effective November 1st 2024 number two through five are resignations number six is the approval of a custodian at the high school this is a replacement position number seven is to approve a leave replacement uh a PE p School number eight is to approve a long-term substitute teacher at the high school number nine is the approval of a longterm substitute part-time teacher assistant at P Pon School number 10 is to certify that quantitative Merit criteria has been satisfied by the superintendent of schools for the 2023 24 school year and to the approve of the payment of the Merit bonus school don't number 11 is to approve to additional days of work for summer months as a clerical assistant at Lincoln School number 12 is the approval to work 5 days during the 2024 summer months as a clerical assistant at Washington School number 13 is a transfer from Union to Rutherford High School number 14 is to approve the following as teacher assistance for the summer Enrichment Academy as listed number 15 to approve the following is Helping Hands for the summer enich Academy as listed number 16 to approve the following staff to work to to work during the 2024 extended school year program as listed number 17 to approve the following substitute teachers as listed number 18 to approve the following substitute teacher assistance as listed number 19 to authorize payment of salary and benefits for the following Title One teachers as listed and number 20 is to approve the the following travel reimbursements as listed all right thank you Mrs Co I just want to make a comment for anyone who is listed on here in terms of travel reimbursements you might consider abstaining from voting on that motion um questions or comments from board members Mr beu uh we have to abstain specifically on our line though on your line correct CU otherwise there's only four people voting yes you just you just State on your line yeah exactly good point uh um I I do want to make a comment about Karen Travelin Miss Travelin will be retiring um in end of October and I should have looked this up but Karen's up there about 40 years give or take you know Colleen about 40 years so go look it up so we have it right um so the ministry flexs it correctly and U you know it's been a a a colleague of mine in so many different ways over the years and uh uh we're going to miss her and and U one of which sure well um so she'll be part of next year's celebration not not this year's end of the Year's celebration and uh I also um no I guess that's it I thought there was another thing I was going to mention but maybe that's somewhere else okay so that's my comment all right any other comments yes 40 see I knew itas is a a at Washington school and she really loves our district but she's got the opportunity to be a vice principle and I I'm always wared my heart when I find that we lose some good teachers but they're always going to get the job that's you know that's IR than what they're doing now and you can't play in back no not at all you know and um you you you train people you Mentor people you guide people um you you you want them to stay and and uh do it by you but you also don't mind when they go because they're they have the opportunity to move forward then they might on that you never know is any help break Moro drak Moro yeah like a boomerang boang start all right um gold do you want to move those I Would Like to Move Motion 1 through 20 all right we have a second Dr Asim any last questions or comments hearing none I'll ask Mr Kelly to please take rooll Mr ban uh abstain on my entry on motion 20 yes to all others Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes on everything except for m name on uh number 20 thank you Mr maone uh obain on item 20 line 10 for my name is reflected yes to all the others thank you Dr rine yes Dr a uh yes to everything except abstained number 20 uh where my name is listed thank you motion not carried all right excellent we're going to move on now to curriculum and instructions Jones thank you uh we did not have a cni meeting this night uh there are five motions that have been put for by the superintendent one motherf Education Foundation to accept the grand funds of the ruford Education Foundation in the amount of$ 78,79 28 grand and also the cast d on 4,635 that is just so wonderful they that they are RAF has just been so great so last um two out of the district placements three field justs now 189 four HIV bulling decision and five uh AR S3 safe return plan all right thank you questions or comments yeah um Mr Kelly in the minutes um the parenthetical reference to the ORF contribution to that 78,000 should be uh what I read before it should be yeah I believe it's 73,4 one982 in in their in the parenthetical okay CH and it should be a total of 32 Grands 28 for the RF four from the kante so you could make make the changes for the minutes for those two things uh I also just want to mention so uh people aren't confused um whether it be board members or anybody in the public uh the safe return plan which came whatever now four years ago from covid that's tied to the Esser funding which Mr Kelly I think uh by November right we have to have it all spent October October yeah so this will be the last time we have to update it part of the grant allocation was every 6 months you had to update the grant so the grant expires in October we won't have to update say I know people say well you know why are we still updating a safe return plan we've been returning for years but it was tied in to to the gr all right uh Mr Jones you want to move this I resolutions one through five all right do we have we have a second yeah uh M Cole any last questions or comments heing none Mr Kelly please take Ro Mr bagoan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr YY yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr rine yes Dr a yes motions car thank you all right we'll move on now to finance Mr beian good evening uh we have not had a finance committee meeting since our last full board meeting tonight on the agenda we have three motions to consider number one is the routine approval of bills number two is to enter into contract with Arch Vinci and Bliss to serve as our our financial auditor and number three is to approve reallocation of funds within fiscal year 24 Esa Essa Title One Part A funds all right thank you questions or comments from board members can you just explain number three but kind of what that means number three yeah you can do it uh we we received at the beginning of the year uh a particular dollar amount of grand funds and we the application to uh that we submit for that shows uh dollars in certain line items um and then that gets approved and we work toward that but as we move through the year we may need money in different than we thought we did so if if those transfers exceed a certain amount then we just have to submit an amendment to the original application so that's what we're doing it's not changing the amounts it's just changing where we're spending them got it that any other questions heing none Mr bezin you want to move this I'd like to move motions one through three under Finance all right we have a second Mr maone any final questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take a roll Mr Bia yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey uh I'm abstaining from item 0 35149 and resolution one uh but yes to everything else thank you very much Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr Rim yes Dr aadi yes motions carried thank you all right we're going to move on now to policy Mr Hy yes uh we did not have a policy committee meeting since our last board meeting and there are no uh resolutions for this evening okay thank you buildings and grounds Mr Sprayberry is not here Mr beian can you take us through it hello again uh We've not had a buildings and grounds meeting since our last full board meeting tonight on the agenda we have two motions to consider number one is to accept a bid of 28,8 $166 from combustion Services Corp for a boiler replacement at the K Center and number two is to accept a bid of $46,000 461 145,000 no you $4 46,4 from weather proofing Technologies Incorporated for a replacement and upgrade of the roof at pure Pond school okay thank you questions are comments is anything you want to add that I think it's pretty no self-explain these are projects we talked about with yeah building a grounds head Finance yes all right uh Mr P you want to move those I'd like to move motions one and two under buildings and grounds all right do we have a second Mr YY any last questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take roll Mr bosam yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Mr maone yes Dr rine yes Dr a yes motions carried thank you all right excellent we're going to move on now to Old business M Jones on May 12th like um we had a PTA meeting at Washington school and it was to honor Bill M um for to honor M for his years of service now weire to but was very nice that they invited the past PTA presidents B all way that 19 years and they SP but a nice media they gave him certificate to down and one to the rest and the other thing was I saw the uh production of the lad yesterday our Julia was in it and trti was that great mention on all the work he does with lighting it was absolutely fabulous these are fourth fifth and sixth graders it it was my mind I mean this is the third great production that I had singing Un is great High School um gry Jackson and the um light starring Danny F they they just outsanding I I don't know how these if get soak but but they were they were really wor so another good production and um just one other thing did you mention that it was $160,000 in senior scholarships good no I didn't no that's where it sold yeah yeah was 160 here about yeah I was sitting with the the counselors and uh that is so outstanding yeah if most you know are uh people that give year after year Sal really it is uh going way back to when it was making pancakes in the El club and this thing has grown over the years and 160,000 upwards of scholarship funds and you're right some of them been in around for 30 30 5 years scholarships but every year there are new ones and that's nice too you know uh and and um we have very few that drop you know so it's really I I mention it every year the support that the surrounding commun not just Rutherford I mean majority is Rutherford but the surrounding Community gives our our classes seniors is really and the monetary thing is nice but it's just also the fact that you know so many people in the community are recognizing the things your kids are doing in so many different areas that's recogniz yeah you took my old business uh I was going to mention that um the one 160,000 and no no no please I'm just kidding um I'm not but uh the senior award ceremony was really wonderful it's great to see how things are spread out among so many students um it seemed like there were the most amount of recipients students in the audience that I had seen I've been going for a few I thought it was spread out pretty well yeah more so than others but there's always one or two that get the most but they they earn it but I mean the most amount of of students who were receiving Awards was a very large crowd of students and that was uh really fantastic um yeah so it was it was uh definitely a wonderful event beautiful weather um also you mentioned earlier about the wetherford uh Education Foundation and all the grants they had a very successful ladies brunch in yesterday um I get the pleasure of attending as a helper uh behind the scenes but uh you know I think that fundraising in Rutherford and in in towns like ours are not getting easier it's only getting harder because there are a lot of competing great organizations and foundations that are trying to do great work for a great cause so huge kudos to the RF that they continue to be Innovative and think about ways to fundraise in in the landscape we're in to raise this amount of money every year um you know 10 15 years ago they were raising $20,000 every year and uh they they've uped their game big time so uh it's great to see such community support for that other old business Mr M yeah so on uh I guess it was May 17th and 18th this Dian I had the opportunity to attend the Annie Jr PL um both uh both the sessions and uh I agree just really phenomenal job um I think also um the investment that the district's made in mics and technology and you know Chris I know you're well first in lighting The Happening Union just I think we're reallying the benefits of that at all of our schools and some of that was um District funds some of that was referendum and some of that was RF so I just said one other thing um this weekend I had the opportunity to uh attend the pride festival and when I was there I had an opportunity to run into students from raford GSA and I was really taken back um having an opportunity to engage with the students to speak with them to understand Mike shco is absolutely an advocate and their their student adviser I think there's so many great um organizations in our district and you know there's way we could hear about all of them or learn about them but I just wanted to share that for those who don't know because I feel like Dei is getting beat up on pretty good both in political circles and in other areas just that rhs GSA advocates for the empowerment of our lgbtq youth providing um I'm sorry a safe space as well as connections for those in need to create a loving environment and I was really you like I said thinking back that you know these were our students out there this weekend representing our town and our community and themselves and um I thought they should be uh quite Pro with themselves it's it's a very active Club it's a very um a well engaged Club within the school Community what's up thank you I wanted to add something I'd be remissive I didn't that um Miss fenic who's a sometimes her only audience member this is her last official night with Secret Service protection right the r your Rea presidency is uh done to after tonight right tomorrow is the inauguration of the new uh new president and uh we thank you for uh you know what you've done in the last what four years now right is uh started off with Co you know not the way anybody wanted to start uh but uh thank you uh we we had a good ride and uh I think she'll still be here I think she likes it Monday day who's the new friend uh well mat Carl is back for of the term and Helen is from the high school so okay than congratulations president-elect asite is right so thank you thank you colleag Mr really yeah I just got two short ones um I attended the New Jersey School Board Association delegate assembly Saturday May 18th Mercy Community College uh Dr cordino president of the New Jersey school board and Dr panel CEO of the New Jersey school board addressed the delegate assembly uh and then there were 14 resolutions presented and debated and voted on and uh just and I did distribute uh the summary notes to everyone I get email to read through them but some of the notes which I didn't know uh one recommendation was to make kindergarten mandatory I thought it was it's not but they're going to uh pass that to the assembly for to orine um and a couple of districts uh one other resolution which I thought was not worthy uh were they're requesting that uh all of the mandatory policies and regulations uh via the New Jersey Department of Education be published one list so we can verify and some people were saying that uh uh mandatory uh labels on especially our service uh not necessarily true which is hard to believe and we're as uh recommending that we verify that the policies are mandatory what usually if something's in code and it's required you know you can't violate code and even if it's not in policy you have to refer it back to code so I'm not so sure I understand that but so but that's actually passed so whether it gets acted on just other that um and there were other resolutions as you read through them you can see that uh some some districts were expressing about uh financial distress because of the you know they they got big cuts funding State funding um one other thing uh I attended the Kinder PTA meeting Thursday May 30th and the PTA board reported successful in fun year for the students and praised Mrs Coy and her all their help and uh the new board was uh Swan peaceful transfer power so that's it peaceful transfer I I was reading your minutes from the njsba meeting in the mandatory kindergarten and that applied for either half day or full day I mean I know where yeah they removed a full day and made it open you know full day or half got it yep are there many districts kindergart not in Bergen County but it's not but it's it's um in fact I think all are now full day I think one of them in North maybe Ramsey was the last one to go full day um but it's not mandatory that you send your child to school it's not compulsory education so you could you don't have to send your child um and if they if this becomes law then you'd have to send your chalk all right thank you thank you other old business all right then we're going to move on to legislative updates M Jones uh one this is assembly Bill 4405 sponsored by Victoria Fint District 13 which is in uh B County and Jerry shenberger also from District 13 um requires New Jersey state inter inter Scholastic Athletic Association to require criminal uh history records uh a history record check for a person to serve as an official and athletic events section by the ass I thought they already did that I'm not I'm not sure about officials um you know I mean we we require it it is required of any coach whether it's a paid coach or a volunteer coach uh I'm not certain it is about officials uh you know I I I don't know it isn't but I I'm not certain you know uh we can't have we can't have contractors in the building who don't go through a crible background check so it would make sense to me that I kind of would have thought they had that already but the njsia can only say we're only going to have our schools hire officials like that because the official associations are separate entities uh but I I I'm not sure uh quite frankly a large number of officials are former or current teachers and administrators they would be cleared but it's not a bad idea thank you that's it for me all right thank you uh then 7:55 p.m. we're going to open the meeting to the public for anything related to or not related to the agenda hearing no comments we're going to close the meeting at 7:55 p.m. and we are in need of an executive session for two student issues in a legal matter should be out for about 15 minutes no action to be taken uh and then yeah and also uh preliminary review of the CSA evaluation uh need a motion to go into executive session Mr Mone seconded by Mr mosan all in favor all right thank you we're going into executive session