at 7 p.m. we are going to begin this regular meeting of the Rutherford Board of Education April 29th 2024 we'll ask everyone who can to please stand face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America all right I'll ask Mr Kelly to please take role Mr ban present Mrs Cole here Mr Cony present Mr Healey here Mrs Jones present Mr maone Dr rine here Mr Sprayberry president Dr alot here you have a quorum the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Rutherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place posted on the bulletin board outside the burough clerk's office mailed to the herald South bergenite in the Record newspapers and filed with the burough clerk hard copies of the agenda are available in the meeting room and the agenda is posted electronically on Friday before the meeting date on the district's website at ww w. rutherfords subsequent to the meeting the video of the meeting will be uploaded to the district's website in your packets there are two sets of minutes to approve this evening uh both on April 8th 2024 regular meeting and executive session minutes any questions or comments on those all right hearing n I'll ask Mr Kelly to please enter those uh we are going to move now to a special presentation where we will have the public hearing for the 2024 2025 budget and uh I will hand it over to Mr Kelly to walk us through that [Music] I'm going to keep this very short and quick um we did this present very similar presentation back in February I think uh whatever that meeting March March 11th it was uh subsequent to that submitted the budget to the county office came back with a couple minor questions not even changes so it's the exact same numbers we talked about then and you approve then so there's really not a whole lot to discuss unless you have any questions of course you look at the local tax levy uh you know you're familiar with the 2% uh tax levy cap so we have applied that in addition we have uh taken advantage of the one allowable adjustment that we are permitted to in this in our case this year which was the health benefits premiums that added another $275,000 into the budget or 6% so we're looking at a 2.6% increase um Debt Service has come down a little bit uh for a net increase to tax levies of 2.3% but all you're approving right now is the uh General operating tax levy not The Debt Service tax levy that's already carved in stone the allowable adjustments we've talked about um they're meant to um allow for increases to the budget beyond what a 2% would permit so for example health benefits going up 10% 2% isn't is isn't enough so we are able to uh to build some more in so we we do take advantage of that that does go into the cap for next year um but like I said this is the only only one we we have this year is the health benefits uh health insurance premiums were about 10% increase this year and we're expecting at least 10% next year we're told to expect double digits uh salaries we're still we're entering the third year of the uh agreement with the Rea and that's a 3% increase so they're too carved in stone other insurance is up about 15% um and there are costs across the board I we all see this in our personal lives and uh we see it here too state aid uh had for this year we have 3148 million uh we are lucky to receive about a 7% increase for next year it brings us up to 3,371 uh we'll get into that more in a minute or right now even uh this we' look at this slide every uh every budget hearing we do uh but what we're looking at here which you could hopefully see better on paper uh the blue bar is at the bottom that is the uh the state aid over the last 20 22 years whatever that is and you see it's fairly consistent there was a little dip back in 2010 that was when Christy came in and he did Cut State a across the board um and it's taken a while to get back from that the orange bars are our general operating budget so it goes up at a you know nice uh increase reasonable increase year after year but the state aid portion of that is staying you know relatively flat uh and that's demonstrated by the gry line which is running through the middle of the chart um back 20 years ago we were getting about 10% of our general operating budget through state aid uh that's dropped down to uh you see in 2010 again with Governor Christie uh I think that was about 4% and now we're up at about 6% we've been there for you know the last 10 or 12 years whatever that is so we do see an increase so you know 7% increase this year but you know the budget's going up as well so it's uh it's not keeping track with uh mandated uh expenditures that the state is forcing on us that they're supposed to be paying for so uh uh in Personnel uh we did we have a tremendous number of retirements this year it's giving us about $400,000 in breakage uh that that we Ed to help build the budget this year uh for next year we just needed one we need one FTE science teacher at the high school we're looking to move a teacher or increase the hours for a Kindergarten Center teacher from 084 to 1.0 FTE that's not a big salary number but that does make this person eligible for benefits so that's the that's the big uh the big ticket item there um and we are the budget does include uh two painters uh we talked about this the last time we've been Outsourcing foring the painters since before I got here um but we can only do one school at a time so we asked for the schools to submit their budgets they all had painting they wanted done so we thought this might be a better way to do this full-time painters they work the 3 to 11 shift and they can move through throughout all the buildings throughout the school year so that's the plan right now teacher assistants uh we continue to keep an eye on them and we do throughout the year uh there needs change throughout the year but right now we are covered and the budget is covered for what we need for uh anticipated for next year facilities needs we have about a million6 use of capital reserve built into the budget here right now the the capital reserve balance is a little is about 2.1 million so only leave is about $500,000 left uh once we get finished with the accounting for the field out here I expect another couple hundred, to come in and we'll have some more coming in at the end of this year from this year's results so uh so a little thin for my taste but uh you know these are all projects that have to get done period uh so the Kindergarten Center are going to replace the steam boiler uh we had a uh an oops moment a year and a half ago at Christmas uh we're were able to pull it back online and get it working but it needs to be replaced and that thing is as old as the building so uh pure Pont roof replacement uh we've done bits of the roof over the last 10 years or so but there's still this major piece uh still needs to get done so we're looking to get that done and that's that's a a leaking problem every time it rains uh Union School we're going to start the uh univent upgrades there if you remember we're relying on an SDA grant for that um and they will pay up to 40% of eligible costs so we have to budget for the 60% that is ours so you know that's what that is doing uh we also have a significant number of HVAC and Plumbing Renovations that are required uh this was a personal request of Mr Gamboa uh but in every school there's leaking there's uh things falling apart one Fell Swoop trying and get in there and then knock a lot of this out we also have our annual SDA assessment of $75,000 we use capital reserve to pay for that too uh District costs per pupil this is the Dr rine Slide the uh taxpayer as you know we use the taxpayers guide education savings which is spending excuse me which is a uh report generated by the state for every school district every Charter School everybody in the State uh to compare spending on about 20 different metrics could be administrative costs it could be Transportation costs it'll be buildings and grounds costs uh we're looking specifically at the um budgetary per pupo cost which is not all in it is not costs Allin it is costs that are comparable with every District in the state so give you an example Transportation would not be included that number we are not a busing District so we have relatively small Transportation numbers other districts are busing and they've got much larger so it makes those two comparing those two numbers difficult so it takes transfer this budget this metric takes transportation out of the conversation so these are comparable costs across all districts so it does include uh staff salaries it includes benefits textbooks instructional supplies Insurance legal fees and Professional Services it excludes tuition uh interest payments Transportation costs equipment Construction Services and Debt Service because these do to my point a minute ago these do differ from District to district and and impact the comparability District Factor groups this is a uh uh classification by of socioeconomic groups for every community in the state they have not updated this in almost 25 years it was first developed in 1975 so who knows I um it's still out there so we can still use it and we do but uh so I only looked at other districts in Bergen County that are in our District Factor group and I'll get into that in a second um so like I said the district Factor group is a measure of socio economic status uh and they look at uh percentage of adults with education occupational status unemployment rate percentage of individuals in poverty median family income within Bergen County we are in the category GH which is the third out third out of nine I think highest group you see J is is what's considered the highest socioeconomic group that includes Ridgewood Saddle River H hocus I the i group includes Ramsey whiteoff and Oakland and we are in GH Rutherford fairon and pamis and I've thrown a few other examples up there for you the a group is the lower socioeconomic status and those were I believe that was A's and B's were the abbid groups abbid districts from Years Gone by so with that in mind the districts I'm going to show you are all GH uh so looking at the chart here the blue bars are the 2122 actual numbers these are audited numbers again these are just these comparable numbers for each of these school districts um there nine school districts here you see we are are the next to lowest so the eighth set of bars going across the bottom um the lowest is now Leonia uh so the the blue bars are the 2122 actual audited numbers for these districts the orange bars are the 2223 budget these are the most recent numbers that are out there um but you know if you look at you know if you look at these com uh comparatively you look at uh the District far to the left that's tck they're about 40% higher than us they their spending is about 40% higher per student than ours is um I think the only way they could have done that is back when there wasn't this 2% tax ly cap they would uh bump up their tax levy by five six 7% every year I would guess whereas my feeling is Rutherford probably did not do that so we're not going to catch up with that um but it does give you a sense that we're able to do a lot we accomplish a lot with a relatively low budget comparatively speaking uh Leonia has uh is is slightly less than we are the two sets of bars to the right the one the left one is the is the average for these nine districts um so obviously we're lower than the average just of those nine districts the last set of bars is the New Jersey state I that's every District in the state and we're lower than that too even all these you know ones in South Jersey you know who have very different um economic structure down there but uh so you we're doing a lot with a little I know you've seen this we've discussed this every single year but um if I can just interject uh one thing please just as a maybe a a reminder and a cautionary uh reminder uh I think uh having been here before the 2% cap uh we had a lot of years went 5% 6% 7% increase but the thing that really hurt us was we had a year of a freeze maybe two Diane right two years of a freeze we had one that was 0% and one that might have been 1% yeah yeah okay and once you do that you don't catch up which is why every time we have allowable increases and the like I've lobbied and the board has understood and always supported the idea of if the state is telling us we are we should be getting this amount of money and we should be using it in order to maintain and grow programs you have to you have to do it uh because when you don't you don't catch up because that's what your base is buil on okay I want to comment a little more at Mr Kelly's conclusion about some of the remarks he made um because uh this is his validator in address as well so I want to I want to just make a few comments about that when he's done but uh I think it is something to keep in mind um you know U the restrictions on school budgets are greater than restrictions at least to my know know any other uh budget in government in public entity probably in private as well where we're and and the cap of 2% was said what 12 years ago 13 years ago and has not changed and uh to manage to do what we all do together uh is remarkable but more to come on that just thank you thank you the 2% cap can be justifiable in time in times of low inflation but that's not where we are now and it's not where we've been for the last 3 or four years so it it does create a problem for school districts and then finally I will just uh give you the timetable uh all those things are crossed out we're done with them um we did advertise this budget in the record last Wednesday the 24th uh by law we have to advertise at least four days before this meeting so that's done and tonight is the public hearing such as it is um and we'll be asking for your final approval of the budget once that's done we'll open it up for the uh staff uh later this week so that they can start entering purchase orders for next year and we'll we'll start moving on that so any questions on on this good job thank you Dian yeah I would like to just add that uh to build on what I said before uh I don't know how Joe feels about his last hearing on a budget I I I think maybe U you told your wife you're going to do your annual budget at home you're going to get up with a PowerPoint and and go through it um but you know uh one of the things I'm one of the many things I'm proud of uh is the um what we've been able to do when I say we the boards involved obviously the whole board the finance committee the the administrators the supervisors uh Joe staff uh me Joe but probably um 80% of that Wei is uh Mr Kelly and the rest of us may be the rest of that 20% um and to sit here after uh 12 years that Joe's been doing this 11 years that 10 and a half whatever it's been that I've been involved and to say we've never had to cut a program uh we've never had to cut staff if if we if we lost staff we always reallocated that position to where was needed more um we've expanded our buildings expanded our programs reorganized the schools um I've settled contracts every year with all three bargy units on time and I think very fairly and under the restrictions and and what we've had to deal with uh is a credit to that entire we and a lot of it to Mr Kelly um you know we've utilized just in the past two years we're we've come up with a math program for K to 8 and a language arts program you know K to5 that are enormous uh Financial initiatives uh we did it by utilizing grant money in one case and by utilizing budget Management in another did the field through planning it over a period of a couple years and making sure we had the capital reserve healthy uh we've gone through leasing right when that was appropriate uh because you know the kids um and the parents uh and and the teachers and the staff deserve a a first class education and if we take some figuring out of how to get it done we have to figure it out how to get done so once again thank you Joe and uh thank the board and thank everybody who is involved in this process uh every single year uh I I'm very proud of the fact that we could do so much uh with what we're allotted and make it all work okay so thank you [Applause] all right thank you Mr Kelly I think you said it all Mr Hurley so uh with that if there are no other questions we're going to move forward with the next part of the agenda so poy bimson our student representative is representing us today outside of this room at uh track meet I think they're having their conference track meet I hear reports they're doing pretty well uh so good luck to them uh so we will turn it over now to Mr Hurley for the report of the superintendent thank you uh I want to uh first of all you know this is the time of year when every meeting we've been um approving having the board approve uh positions right um and we have a couple of important ones tonight and uh joining us uh tonight here at the meeting is Mr Matthew wiford Matt wiford who is um going to be the uh ba and board secretary in a few short months and he's here for his approval tonight so welcome and uh you know next year I'll be saying all those wonderful things about you uh we also are going to be asking the board to approve two assistant principles um and they're on the agenda Mr Andrew Howard Mr Chris Viola uh at Pier Pont and Union respect respectively we had I you know Mr Kelly mentions a lot of retirements that we had 16 retirements we had a couple of people who um a couple people out on leave who chose not to come back uh we had one or two people who are leaving for another position somewhere so you know we had to replace a lot of folks um on every level from um clerical secretaries custodians up to uh business administrator and administrators along the way and it it a very challenging uh job market so I'm I'm again very very happy to say that uh as of now we have I think only four positions left maybe five left to fill and four of those are already in the pipeline where I'm going to be meeting with people next week and they should be on the next board agenda and um when you consider you know every position is important but when you look at couple of head custodians business administrator principal two assistant principles director of guidance that very lengthy title in the research assistant You Know M Fargo Mr Ryan's position um probably leaving some out along the way that are um extremely critical positions right to the to the district uh I think we've been very fortunate um to to get a great pool of candidates to have a good selection process and to be pretty close to fully staffed uh and it's only not even May yet with what's everything is going on I want to thank the um administrators and the super supervisors and the other folks who took part in Committees of selection because one of the things we did very early you know right at beginning in January we started advertising we started going after people uh some of the positions like we filled with chemistry and biology where you know they're so hard to get folks and uh but we went out aggressively and used a lot of contacts to get people to come to come to the table so uh we're in a good place um a much better place than I thought we might be in this time year with the number of positions we had to fill uh we had our digital newsletter go out last week again I hope uh that people are finding that informative I think it gives a chance to Showcase a lot of different things across the district um and we have one more of those and one more mailer to the whole burrow that'll come out before the end of the school year the um May brings a lot of activities you know I tried to keep you to date on those I do want to mention I told you last time you know check check before you go because sometimes things change uh Washington school's May 21st concert uh which is on the list I gave to you uh has to be moved there was a conflict that night with the fourth grade orientation at pant so they're going to move it to June I don't have an exact date yet but just I'll let you know when I get there um Discovery day was held at Washington every that's an annual event and this year uh they focused on music um and and all the complexities of Music the science of it you know the the art of it and um every year there's a topic the whole school works on it they bring in outside people the teachers uh and just was a really great day fun day to see and I was very uh happy to see our high school students every year take part our band was down there and we had other students that were down working with the kids throughout the day so that was last Friday that was a that was a really good day uh State Testing will be taking place Place uh beginning next week and throughout the month of May various times throughout U the district and at the high school uh where the high schools where only two grade levels take the test uh they'll be on an abbreviated uh schedule that's going to be May 2nd and 3rd when they do Ela and Science and May 20th and 21st when the freshman and juniors who take the testing come in the building for a full day and the other students come in around 950 to create a better better testing environment um mention also that this Sunday is the Hall of Fame the athletic Hall of Fame induction U ceremony that's every two years there's a class that gets inducted and that's this uh Sunday coming up okay so as normally I I'll make a few comments as we go through the agenda where appropriate but that's it for now thank you Mr Earley uh questions comments from board members all right hearing none we will move on now to the report of the president uh I also want to Echo the welcome for Mr Whitford this evening um I know it's premature but uh assuming we approve you this evening I know that uh you do have big shoes to fill but I also like to say people bring their own shoes so uh do do look forward to that um in the packet in the memo that uh Mr really sent out just be mindful of all the committee meetings that are going on in the next week or so uh they're listed as is on there they're also upcoming events toward the end of the year I wanted to point out a couple in particular Mr Hurley mentioned all the people who are going to be retiring or leaving the district at the end of this year so again a plug for June 13th the end of the year party at the great Cliff if people are able to make it it's really a great time a nice way to celebrate a great year in honor of those people who are going to be uh moving on and then I did send a Google Calendar in invite for Rutherford High School graduation uh that was my newest way to plug uh having all of us there I think it's great to have all of us there to represent big Pinnacle event for uh the entire District I also sent an email earlier on today about completing the CSA evaluation so thank you to Mr bosan who uh prepared the evaluation as a Google form uh asking that everyone complete it by Tuesday May 28th that will allow us to discuss it first alone during the executive session on June 3rd and then with Mr Hurley uh the following meeting on June 24th so uh please make sure to do that and uh wanted to share that in looking at some professional development coming up njsba is offering a webinar about qac and I believe we're up this coming year so if anyone is interested in getting educated more information about hak and what entails the district's role our role in supporting it it's on Wednesday May 8th it's at 10: a.m. it's a webinar happy to share that information and finally just to end with some positive stuff uh first off congratulations to Mr Jones who bcba is going to be celebrating 25 years of service on May 7th so congratulations and Mr Kelly who was chosen as a recipient of the distinguished service award of the New Jersey Association of school business officials uh super proud to have you having represented the Rutherford school district uh for all these years and we're excited for you to be honored so congratulations that's it for my comments questions from board members can I make one comment just while you were talking about the end of the year celebration and the retirements and uh and I'm thinking about other things like the profile of the graduate because you're talking about graduation uh you know I just want to say publicly uh Mr Matt who's always behind the scene here filming this uh you know we're we're looking with a large number of retirees this year kind of changing the format coming up with a video tribute to all the retirees uh with the profile of The Graduate we roll it out next year we're going to have this video to kind of unroll it you know unveil it in September and Mr Met was always willing to um uh volunteer his talent his time uh to put those videos together so I want to thank him for that because uh you know again behind the scenes stuff you know that's that really does count and U so thank you for that Steve appreciate [Applause] that all right uh we are going to move on now to the portion of the meeting that is open to the public for any items related to the agenda at 7:31 p.m. we'll open up the meeting all right so if you just want to start with your name and municipality or address whichever you're more comfortable with my name is Matthew Whitford 65 ER green North Caldwell not a Rutherford resident uh but I want to say thank you prematurely yes but for uh Mr Hurley and Mr Kelly for speaking to me about this whole process and being very clear and concise of what Rutherford repres and and the school district that again hopefully in a few minutes I'll be walking into officially um and clearly showing the shoes that I do have to fill uh from from Mr Kelly he's been a renowned uh ba in the the school business administrator industry for a number of years so if I told anybody I was head to ruford they said oh Joe's great he'll he'll make sure that you're in good hands and the transition goes well uh thank you to this board for giving me this opportunity to to serve our the rord community community and serve you uh specifically Dr lot and Dr H who is in our interview process um and they actually met me in the parking lot not in any planned way but they both ushered me into this meeting as well so I already felt welcomed and with smiling faces as I was able to walk in here so uh thank you for that and thank you to the board I'm very excited to to join brother for public schools and uh and hopefully I'll be able to bring my own shoes but I understand that Joe has left a a great situation and I want to make sure that situation continues for for the board and the community so thank you very much thank you very much we're on a roll uh and I I do want to also I forgot to thank uh Mr Hurley and Mr Kelly for having Dr Ren and I uh in that in that finalist round anyone else who would like to speak during this portion of the open meeting to the public all right then we are going to close the meeting to the public at 7:33 p.m. and we are going to move on now to new business where there is action to be taken we are going to start with Personnel Mrs Cole good evening um the following 20 motions need to be put forward tonight number one is to accept the resignation of a custodian at the high school number two to approve Mr Joseph Kelly as a school business administrator board secretary effed July 1st 2024 through July 31st 2024 number three is to approve Mr Matthew Whitford as a school business administrator board secretary effective August 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 number four to approve Mr Matthew Whitford as the assistant ba for Rutherford school district effective July 1st 2024 through July 31st 2024 number five to approve Christopher Viola as the assistant principal at Union Middle School this is the replacement position number six to approve Andrew Howell as the assistant principal at puron school this is a replacement position uh number seven is to approve a physical education and health teacher for the Kindergarten Center this is also a replacement position number eight to approve a computer science teacher at the high school this is also a replacement position number nine to approve a part-time library assistant at P Pon school this is also a replacement position and number 10 the approval of a guance school guidance counselor transfer from Union to Rutherford High School number 11 approve a disability leave with pay for employee 2497 number 12 to approve an adjustment in the return date for a disability leave with pay for employee 2118 number 13 to approve the following teachers to provide services at the new teacher orientation as listed number 14 to approve an after school Title One program for Lincoln School Number 15 to approve the following Elementary School co-curricular assignments as listed number 16 to resend approve the following Middle School co-curricular assignments as listed number 17 to approve the following internship clinical placements as listed number 18 to approve the following substitute teacher for the 2324 school year as listed and to number 19 to approve the following substitute teacher assistant as listed and the last one number 20 to approve the following travel reimbursements as listed all right thank you questions or comments from board members hearing none Mrs Cole do you want to move those I Rel like to move number one through 20 under Personnel all right we have a second Mr County any last questions or comments Harry n I'll ask Mr C to please take roll Mr Bia yes Mrs Cole yes I'm sorry yes thank you Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr o yes motion's carried thank you very much thank you very much and we have a new ba coming this summer [Applause] congratulations all right we're going to move on now to curriculum and instruction Mr Jones thank you uh we do not have a cul instruction meeting uh tonight we have three motions uh that were put forward by the recommendation of the superintendent one add a district placement two field trips now told 160 and one three harassment intim intimidation and Bing decision that's the shortest C and I in a long time I know that's true wait wait till next week I figured all right questions or comments from board members hearing none Mr Jones you want to move those I move uh resolutions one two3 under curcum instruction all right we have a second all right Dr rine any last questions or comments hearing none unless Mr Kelly you please take rooll Mr ban uh yes on one and two abstain on number three thank you Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes M Dr Rim yes Mr Sprayberry uh yes I want2 stain on three Dr a yes motion's carried thank thank you all right we will move on now to finance Mr bosan good evening uh We've not had a finance committee meeting since our last full board meeting uh tonight on the agenda we have seven motions to consider number one is the 2024 2025 District budget as just presented by Mr Kelly number two is for tracking annual Travel and travel and expense reimbursements number three is routine approval of bills number four is the March Treasures report number five are budget lines transfers number six is to amend our agreement with Delta Dental the our Dental benefit provider for the next three years and number seven is to appoint the district's architect of record okay uh questions or comments from board members all right hearing none Mr bosan do you want to move those I'd like to move motions 1 through seven under Finance all right we have a second all right Mr Haley any last questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take roll Mr bosia yes Mrs Cole yes Mr KY yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr a yes motions carried thank you all right uh we're going to move on now to policy Mr Haley yes good evening uh we did not have a committee meeting since our last board meeting and uh there are no resolutions for this uh meeting tonight okay all right then we will move on then to buildings and grounds Mr Sprayberry we did not have a meeting and we are having one on Monday the 6th and after that meeting and my report I look forward to a golf clap personally all right thank you very much uh then we will turn it over now for old business any old business M Jones I went to pureon schools for band concert last week it was well done wonderful um Mr H fno has found his place there I think he has done a great job so I look forward to what's what just one Wednesday this week we got more come yep yep other old business Mr haly yes I attended the uh uh Kinder Center PTA meeting April 10th and uh the PTA Council reported uh they're having a very successful year regarding activities budget and uh certainly uh fun outings for the for the students and uh as they usually do they uh thanked uh Mrs Coy and her staff for what they're doing for the students there's a good meeting excellent other old business all right uh we will move on then to legislative update M Jones yes thank you um this is assembly Bill 3873 introduced February 27th of this year uh by assembly woman Carmen Morales from Essex County and assembly man Bernie e Wimberly District 35 which is Bergen emph allow certain public high school students athletes to to substitute a study ball for physical education during this the their season that they are forming their athletic parents must write a note um requesting this well I I get you they'll give them the same well when the time comes that you're applauding my valorian speech and you're welcoming somebody else into my chair maybe we'll consider that option yeah yeah okay so uh no we're never going to look at that okay um how would they gr them it's also required credit and is also the fact that um you know there's there there's in my mind there's no logic for that or fairness for that I didn't like it but you know we should say the kids who are in the band they don't have to take an arts class or kids who are you know who write for the school newspaper don't take a English class or you know physical education and health it's part of our academic program and the fact that you're on an athletic team doesn't mean you shouldn't take that class and some kids play three Sports right so they wouldn't take it the whole year I agree yeah all right thank you Mr Jones uh we are going to now open the meeting up to the public for anything related to or not related to the agenda at 7:43 p.m. all right seeing no one coming up we're going to close the meeting uh we do have a need for executive session for one student issue no action to be taken uh about five minutes most will'll be out I need a motion to go into executive session all right we got the jameses Mr bosan seconded by Mr Sprayberry all in favor all right we'll go into executive session thank you