all right at 700 PM we're going to start this regular meeting of the Rutherford Board of Education May 13 2024 ask you to please stand face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America the stand I'll ask Mr Kelly to please take rooll Mr ban present Mrs Cole here Mr KY present Mr Healey here Mrs Jones present Mr maone Dr rine here Mr Sprayberry present Dr aot here you have a quorum thank you the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Rutherford board of education is cause notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place posted on the bulletin board outside the burough clerk's office mailed to the herald South bergenite in the Record newspapers and file with the burough clerk hard copies of the agenda are available in the meeting room and the agenda is posted electronically on Friday before the meeting date on the district's website at www. ruford subsequent to the meeting a video of the meeting will be uploaded to the district's website www. rutherfordschools toorgle on public meetings and then videos so board members in your packets are regular meeting and executive session meeting minutes from April 29th 2024 any questions or comments on those hearing none I'll ask Mr Kelly to please enter those and we are going to turn it over for the report of the student representative Miss bimson yes good evening so with the spring season here and the last two months of the school year academics are soon closing out this past two weeks is the AP season where rhs students are looking to perform highly on their AP test which theyve developed skills for over the year the njsla testing concludes the next week for freshman and juniors as well most of the activities in the high school have come from RH Athletics and student athlete success so to name a few G hero scored her 100th goal for the girls across team and moved them into their 13th win of the season their senior night for the team is tomorrow at Tran field at 5:00 p.m. Gian yaniro of the softball team had her 100 career hits and was also voted North Jersey female athlete of the week the softball team held their annual breath easy tournament for Cystic Fibrosis to bring awareness and raise money for the cause the boys track team won their third straight njic title and the girls team achieved their first NC title since 1998 other activities included the popt which is on April 10th showcasing musicians and singers of rhs the pop s was an opportunity for many students to support their classmates and their talents and close out the year for the music department the Heroes and Cool Kids Club is hosting and volunteering at the Washington Lincoln and Kindergarten Center Field Days the student council and class officers were also voted and chosen this past week for the 2024 and 2025 school year the current student council members are preparing for their annual Six Flags trip to visit nearby schools at the park spirit week also was a past activity that student council held with theme dress up and a cake decorating competition where the seniors won again rhs seniors have had their busy schedules with college decision days for their future universities on May 30th most seniors have also participated in senior assassin which is a competition not affiliated with the school but it's very intense with the whole school involved where they participate in a sudden death tournament using water guns and randomized targets many students have a lot of fun with this and it's very dramatic and part of the culture of the school but it's a great way to bring the class together before their graduation in June which is going to close out with their senior breakfast um on the morning of the prom which is May 31st and the prom's theme is Disco and the prom and senior breakfast are all just some of the some exciting events that prepare the students and seniors for the closing of the school year and seniors in their High School career so thank you are you excited about the P yeah so uh you said that there was a student council election for folks for next year yeah can you share with us the results of those sorry your parents told me to you know press on you at least once during your time yeah so next year I won't be the Board of Ed rep because I'm student council president congratulations give you because you got promoted that's that's acceptable you you can't hold two seats H you can't hold two seats no well the board of bed rep is supposed to be a senior which is a student council thing and you were a sophomore yeah so they couldn't have both at the same time so yeah passing it down but I know the girl who's taking so I'll let her in Sarah ior yeah yeah so so congratulations on wonderful being elected president um and again you're very thorough and you're a little too thorough even with this assassin thing uh but uh you're it's actually fun if you see on Instagram some of the videos of kids sneaking up on other kids with the water pistol and and it's a it's kind of a rage throughout not just Rutherford but throughout schools bunch of high SCH I'm living it vicariously it's it's another reason why you know uh as if I was still the high school principal I'd be scratching my head saying what what what but you have to be a little younger to get this I guess uh but it is it is a lot of fun right and um and there's an ultimate winner I suppose yeah the winner gets like a it's a big pool of money I think it's like over $1,000 if you win wow can superintendence play um but congratulations and uh thank you for the very thorough reports and you have one more meeting after this yeah the last one's for June June June 3rd thir yeah the last one in June school's out and you don't have to be there okay and um and for the board's benefit I'll meet with um Sarah U probably in a week or two and she'll have a very good uh person to um rely on for some help with the with the reports so thank you big shoes um any questions or comments from board members how many students were in popsar like what I don't know the exact number there was it was great yeah there was a lot I don't I wasn't there but I heard people it's interesting about popster because popster um used to be okay the the biggest um audience event we had every year I mean we'd sell out the the both the balcony and down below and we didn't even sell tickets at the door and over the years I think the interest of the students in it has stayed the same but some of the interest in the student body has dwindled right it doesn't draw that big of a crowd anymore and you know I've talked to Mr Morano about it you know I just think it's such a cool night because it gives um a lot of our students who do perform regularly a chance to perform but also some of the kids who you know they're not in the play and they may not be in the choir but they can get up on stage and perform so it might be now as student council president it might be good to do a little dive into you know how we get the crowds back out because uh performers like to perform in front of an audience right so because it always was was honestly the the biggest crowd of of uh of the year in terms of the Arts so um and I think the kids who are up on stage the performers are just as passionate and doing just as much so it' be good to see if we could get that going again I on the while you're still here the a couple of things I do want to mention you know uh just recently this past week I shared with the board that we had seven students uh be selected for the State Choir and uh that's the most we've ever had and you know we've had students every year uh I shouldn't say every year many years get selected that's an extremely high honor and to have seven is a great deal and if you remember I think a board meeting or two ago I mentioned I think there were five or six middle school students who got selected to the county choir and um our choir performed at you know Atlantic City with we saw them down there uh they performed at carnick Hall they had a day I believe at Montclair State University where they went to seminars and also performed um our Middle School choir uh performed at the American dream over the holiday season and it really is I think a credit to the students and and the choir directors uh from Miss Boyer and Miss laa Miss Jordan and Miss Blanchard uh that students are just you know achieving so much it really is it's it's some times goes under the radar but that's pretty impressive if you're performing at colleges the state school boards Association conference carnick Hall I mean you know it doesn't get much better than that right so a credit to those students and a credit to those uh teachers for um really you know moving moving them upwards and um every time the choir performs Somewhere it's uh we get accolades about it uh from singing The Anthem at the uh Wizards game to the Balor it uh there's always that feeling I used to I used to joke when I was the principal that we could rent the choir out to the various churches in the town for uh Sunday services and we'd be a great fundraiser and I also want to mention the academic de cathlon team in the past week we heard they came in uh third in the nation in the online competition uh that's not the that's not the overall State winner but you qualify for that online and uh they I believe Mr nasy said uh they picked up 20 IND individual Awards which is extremely high number and as we know because we've talked about this for many years uh just like our choir the academic de cathlon every year seems to be um in the Forefront in the competition and that's credit again to the students to all the faculty and certainly Mr nasne for what he did and Miss fenig I just spoke about the choir for about five minutes and if you don't believe me Steve Med Has It On video okay no says um Jason the uh lead of how long Jason um I think at least 20 years uh it was very early I think it was my my first year or second year as principal um no he's been doing it if not 20 awfully close and it's and you know it's it's the entire year it doesn't it's not a season or not you know three or four months until the production gets put on they start now they work in August and they go right up through whenever they're done with the competition and they're at it you know for him and for the kids it's a it's it's a lot of effort and it's not just when they meet I mean those students have to read books and study and listen to different types of music and look at different types of art because it's all encompassing so it really is a it it it's a tribute again to the the uh the students and the uh directors of the choir and to Mr nasy and these uh consistently putting giving our kids a chance to really shine so I know we'll have a that's not my report that was that was Poppy's report Po's report was your response to Poppy's report um we'll have a chance to say a few words in June and may try to get you back in September for a final something um but uh thank you for your report as always um and and if you want to stay for the rest of the evening you're more than welcome to uh if you have other things that you need to attend to we understand but thank you for being here AP tests good old good luck thanks thany thank you have a good night enjoy the prop all right we are going to move now to the report of the superintendent okay just to continue with um that was going to be part of my report but I thought I would say it while poppy was here uh she mentioned the testing that's going on throughout the district we are uh in the midst of May with State Testing at at um you know the various levels three to eight and then High School grades um nine and 11 or are getting tested or nine and 10 I lose track I think nine and 10 11 already took their test um we are also doing the AP test where we have a large number of our students involved in AP testing so in terms of um of student preparation and student dealing with testing and also scheduling juggling scheduling around with the testing there's a lot going on with that in the district I I am um always uh anxious to see the results of the test I'm a little more anxious this year you know I I and I don't mean that in a a nervous word I'm I'm looking forward to let's say to see uh if we're moving in the right direction you know we've been doing a lot of work and trying to um to to increase what goes on in the academic rigor that we present and the and the types of questioning and you know and the types of Assessments that are done so that students do perform better on these tests and it'll be interesting to see um the results again you know we not we're not going to claim uh success or failure by one year but still looking forward to the results um Mr ureli um was at the last administrative council meeting he and Mr Ryan presented Ed to the administrators a snapshot of this Atlas that the board approved last week for the curriculum and um it really it really is a much more detailed U program that we can use that's going to help with things like uh understanding if we're hitting standards understanding how assessments are are being done we'll be able to do um we'll be able to pinpoint where in lesson planning where in curriculum standards are being touched we'll be able to pinpoint what type of Assessments how many group projects that students working on you know we'll be able to actually run reports to show that so if one of the foundational pieces we're talking about in profile of The Graduate is going to be collaboration we can see how much collaborations really going on in the classroom and um it's going to be a really a nice uh tool for us to use going forward it's probably going to be a two or three year roll out to really get to understand and have faculty understand everything that we can do with it but it's going to be a nice u a nice addition and Mr ursi has um and uh Miss Coy are going to take the lead and chairing a committee uh that will similar to the other committees that we've had to allow the teachers next year to kind of get familiar with it and to see how they best can utilize uh the program so I'll keep you posted on that um a reminder that uh the district will be closed on May 24th as we didn't use all of our snow days so it'll be extended Memorial Day Weekend the day before that on May uh 23rd our teachers of the year will be honored at the county annual County luncheon uh at the Glen Point Marriott it's a it's a nice intimate Affair of about 550 people as uh every school in the county has a teacher of the year but uh but despite the large crowd and and uh the number of people will get it is always a nice ceremony it's organized and done very well and um Miss Farrell is the uh our school nurse is the teacher of the year from Lincoln and the Kindergarten Center Mr Mayor Zach a math teacher um and a tennis coach from the high school is the teacher of the year there miss Rosen swag who is our speech one of our speech therapists from representing Union School Miss Miss Deming who is preschool teacher of Washington and M gy who's the teacher at Pier Pont are the U are this year's recipients so all they all get go uh to the luncheon and they also get recognized at our end of the year uh celebration which I want to remind the board if um you're interested in going we're trying to close out um that by Friday the 17th so um you get in touch with M uh Miss Sean thaler and uh send her the check and tell her that you're going okay uh we are going to have a bigger crowd this year we moved to a bigger room uh because we do have a larger number of um of retirees uh we are trying to look as I mentioned before to keep the program where it's not going to be 3 hours of speaking there'll still be time for you know dancing and mingling and talking and try to keep the program but still do something nice for all the yores but because of the size of it you know try to let us know you're coming early because it is going to be more you know every year Don and I plan a very small wedding uh this year is going to be a much larger wedding as we are doing the uh the seating and all that kind of stuff okay and you know it's people say want to sit with so and so and so and so and they don't realize you have a table of 10 they want to sit with 12 other people so you know I have to figure that out so if you're going we love to see you there it's usually a fun night and finally um there's you know a more serious note the uh brother police department will be conducting uh active shooting drills again this summer in our schools we for we did that uh every year uh on a rotating basis with two or three schools in the last couple of years we haven't done it because of the construction going on and we just could not have it done so they're going to be doing uh two schools this summer uh they're going to go with Union and Pier Pont since those are the two schools that changed their footprint the most in the renovation with you know new wings and new additions uh they thought it'd be best to go there the other schools had Renovations but didn't change the actual structure of the building so uh that's a full week they do training in U during the day with their uh F the officers work a they do them at night with the offic of the work night they do uh tactical drills they do real live de demos um I've been involved in some of them where I'm at the command center you know they do like a real deal uh and it's funny how when you're in it you know you know it's make believe but when you're doing it does it feel like make belief uh so it's great that we're back you know as part is a big part of our security uh plan to have the police understanding and knowing the nuances of the building and being familiar with the building so uh I'm happy that we're able to get those back this year and we'll start continue going forward with you know two schools every every summer so after three years everybody's done they repeat it again okay so that is uh my report If U anybody has any questions Jack do you ever do uh these drills with students like at the high school level or anything like that no no um most of what we were told by the uh State and um officials is you know you really don't want students involved because you never know what may Trigger or traumatize you know a student now we do active shooting drills with the students without the police coming in we've done them with the police being present to see that we're doing them correctly but I mean they'll actually the police will actually fire you know live not live rounds but rounds where you hear guns going off in the building and that you know when they do this training in the summer so it's even unnerving to the staff that work works there sometimes you know again you know it's not real but you hear it I guess a little real but um no it's it's a very we have a really good partnership with the Rutherford Police Department uh they're by the schools every single day they walk through the schools every single day um we do a lot of things behind the scenes with them but this active training for them to actually not only know our abilities but to to actually go through what they would have to do is is really important I think for them it's really important so I'm glad we're able to do it again on a lighter note uh retirees can they bring guests or it's just faculty staff oh no they can bring they can anybody can bring a guest you know um want to bring a guest yeah and some do and some don't yeah yeah but um we're getting and we're getting some people from you know way back who reached out that want to come you know you know former former people so I think it's going to be a a big crap nice questions or comments from board members are the is somewhere around those schools going to be for warns when the drills are going to be happening is all everything's done inside but yeah I'll I'll double check with um with Detective Lewis on that I think we have let them know that drills going on but um they're there every day too from like 8 in the morning to you know it's it's and they're not doing much outside most of us inside but I think the year we did do one year we did do the staging outside and I'm pretty certain we put the police notified everybody but I will follow up with detec Lewis on that all right thank you Mr Hurley uh we're going to move on now to the report of the president uh start out by reminding everyone about graduation five weeks from Thursday I sent a Google calendar invite a lot of people accepted so hopefully everyone can can make it reminder to please complete the CSA evaluation we are two for 9 but the deadline has not come yet so uh so yes so the deadline is May 28th was what I asked for so that uh gives you a couple weeks this way uh we can discuss it in uh executive session in the beginning of June meeting and uh let's see a couple people ask about uh Dennis mazone he is on his way but just another day so he he'll be here know meeting is in June uh which meeting uh June meeting June 3rd Monday June 3rd and uh and 24th yeah okay uh last thing uh I just wanted to read the first two paragraphs of something that you all have on your table which says Jack Hurley who has helped shape Rutherford Public Schools over 10 years as a super super intendent in nearly five decades overall as a teacher and administrator has been named Bergen County Superintendent of the year the Bergen County Association of school administrators presented the award to Hurley during its May 9th meeting BCAA provides advocacy and central office training for the County's 71 school districts and other educational organizations this is a huge huge accomplishment acolade just wanted to acknowledge and congratulate you Mr early thank you thank you thank you uh I I do want to say one thing I first of all I was very surprised um and um to receive it and um and also honored and humbled but one of the things that I really um feel proud of is South Bergen um you know there's a distinguished service award that's given to a superintendant every every year as well I was fortunate enough to get that four five six years ago and at the time I I'm pretty sure I was the first South Bergen um superintendent to get either of those Awards and not only did I get this but Giovanni Gian CASRO who is a superintendent of East Rutherford got the distinguish service award uh we have three of the executive board now of the which never happened before from South Bergen of this Association because for a long time people didn't recognize the great work that gets done down here and um I'm happy that you know partly due to people like me who have loud mouths and go to meetings and talk about what we're doing uh we're starting to get recognized so I really am proud of of the school districts down here we know we have we don't have the big expansive campuses we're landlocked you know we don't have uh some of the funding that comes in places we don't have you know three assistant superintendents and two assistant Bas and you know and uh yet we put out a product I think that Rivals everybody so as much as I'm you know honored by the award I'm more pleased that Rutherford and East Rutherford and you know uh Linhurst and Boda and werid all these districts are starting to get recognized for the good work that that's being done did your fellow colleagues other superintendent select you how did that uh Ser you read the whole article you see you know uh the uh yeah someone nominates you I don't know who did but I did send checks to about 20 different people um but someone does nominate you and then there's a committee that gets put together and they review and they review the nominees and and uh and then they pick somebody to speak about you he did a very nice job in fact you know I told them I'm going to leave it in my will that I want to get him to come down to do the uh the talk when that happens I'm kidding uh so yeah it's a nice honor uh to be recognized by your colleagues always nice you know Mr Kelly we have two State you know County Award winners and he's a state Award winner sitting here at the table tonight so it's uh we're honored so yeah South but even there South Bergen ba right you got it for the county you got it for the state and I'm telling you I I used I said to Joe I used to feel like when I I went up to a school district in North B they would asked my credentials like you need to cross the border with your passport or something like that um so it is nice that they're recognizing the work and and I appreciate the help uh you know it's because of like all these things our students do that we talked about all these things our teachers do that we talked about tonight all the things this board does you know I think that all gets recognized by others in these accomplishments so thank you good for you all right at 7:28 p.m. we are going to open the meeting to the public to any items related to the agenda seeing no one coming up we're going to close the meeting to the public now 7:28 p.m. and we are going to turn to new business now where there is action to be taken Mrs Cole You've got quite the list uh if you could run us through Personnel I know I have halfy agenda here good evening under Personnel today we have 34 motions to be put forward tonight uh number one number two and number hold on let me turn my book here number one and two are the employees listed below are being recommended for Renewal positions for the 2425 school year numbers 3 4 5 and six are resignations numberers 7 through 11 are replacement positions number 12 is the approval of a long-term substitute guidance counselor number 13 is the approval of a longtime substit substitute part-time teacher assistant at Lincoln School number 14 and 15 are replacement positions number 16 is the approval of the attached revised job descriptions number 17 is the approval for a clerical assistant for the g&t department at Lincoln School numbers 18 19 and 20 is to approve home tutoring number 21 is to approve a counselor for the Bulldog Care Program number 22 is to approve the following teacher to conduct workshops number 23 is to approve the following staff members to assist the child study team during the summer months as listed number 24 is to approve the following in district teachers to provide services for the summer Enrichment Academy as listed number 25 is to approve the nurse to provide services for the summer Enrichment Academy number 26 is to approve the clerical assistant for the summer en Academy Number 27 is to approve the following staff to work during the 2024 extended school year as listed number 28 is to approve a disability leave without pay number 29 is the approval of a disability leave with pay and number 30 is approval to an extension of disability leave with pay as well number 31 is to approve the following substitute teachers for the 23 24 School school year number 32 is to approve the following substitute teachers for the 23 24 school year and for the agendum number 33 is to approve a leave replacement leave replacement teacher for pier Pont and number 34 is to approve an elementary teacher for pier Pont as well all right and we did have a Personnel committee meeting right mention that okay I forgot that two more days ago um okay questions or comments Mr Sprayberry on the is this where I guess we ask about non-renewals and renewals say again the non-renewals and renewals yes so on the non-renewal list uh there there aren't any non-renewals listed on the agenda oh okay the board only acts on renewals okay okay so so if you look at the new business Aller hering which number number 33 Ali Herring was in a leave replacement position so all leave Replacements are for the the duration of the leave okay so at the end of the year that position can't be renewed because no longer exists however there's an additional leave replacement someone can then okay so all leave Replacements are technically non-renewals Whenever Wherever the duration you can't do a leave you know even if you know the leave is going to be for two years you can only do it for one year increments okay okay good thank you sir other questions I just wanted to mention that the um job descriptions that we were talked about with the uh Personnel committee I mentioned to the Personnel committee that we discover that many of our job descriptions probably all of them need to be revi revised so over um the next few months we're going to be looking at them and then we'll probably be sending over in Moss like a lot of job descriptions to update so um simp what we do sometimes when we have major curriculum overhauls and we have a whole lengthy list uh that'll be coming down the short order so just so you're aware of that okay and if there's something that is major difference I'll let you know but if it's just quick you know if there just updating and changing some of the language to make it contemporary I will you know we'll just send it Forward okay all right Mrs Cole do you want to move those I like to move move numbers 1 to 34 under Personnel all right do we have a second Mr bazian any last questions or comments uh hearing none ask Mr Kelly to please take rooll Mr ban yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony abstaining on two yes on everything else Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr aad yes motions carried thank you all right great we are going to move on to curriculum and instruction Mr Jones thank you oh we did have a meeting last Monday on May 6th everybody was in tenant except for four uh Dennis ma who just can I get out of New York City but we wish was there um the big thing that was well lots of things were discussed lots of things for approve but we will not from tonight's first thing on the agenda is the handwriting series for approval and you know who makes that makes me very happy for that um the um CC for approval in social studies and math all that is is starting to the fall number two is out of District placements number three is field chips now totaling 175 four is service provider for the child study team five is njs I AA summer practice for rord high school during the njsiaa summer research period beginning June 10th through August 31st six stress less summer program um for those that qualify uh an hi decision for seven and eight nine is New Jersey principal for Prof professional learning process and 10 is home instruction for two student three students that's all right questions from board members um I this question about the handwriting series for approval um what's the initial Target group that you would uh we're going to we're doing a manuscript in grades K in one cursive in grade four okay and then the idea would be that uh teachers would include some curse of you know every year going forward it might just be an occasional assignment or do now to sort of class you know just but uh right now we're do manuscript in K to1 but it's not a formala formal series that we're following um and the standards now have included it um where you know has to be included be before grade five I think um so we picked those those GR thank you so current fourth graders will not receive any instruction in person handwriting no grade four is when we're doing it grade four okay yeah grade four is when there'll be the formal instruction what I'm saying is you know you're not going to teach somebody how to do something in grade four and then never do it again so the teachers are going to be encouraged and reminded to occasionally have students right using cursive in subsequent grades thank you okay and just so everybody's in the loop the uh annual approval for summer practice that's a requirement from the njsia and the Stressless summer program our um student assistant counselors have a couple of days they work in the summer and uh what they decided years ago was to invite students who they see during the school year to come in uh to go over some things to help them with the you know the Gap in the summer when they don't see them all right uh Mr Jones you want to move those I move uh resolutions 1 through 10 uh on CN all right we have a second M Cole any last questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take rooll Mr Bia yes Mrs Cole yes Mr KY yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Dr yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr aot yes motions carried thank you all right we're going to move on now to finance Mr bosi uh good evening uh we have not had a finance committee meeting since our last full board meeting tonight on the agenda we have five motions to consider number one is the routine approval of bills number two is the April treasurers report number three are uh budget line transfers number four is a contract with Bergen County Special Services School District and number five is to accept a proposal for custodial Consulting Services all right thank you Mr bosan questions or comments hearing none do you want to move those I'd like to move motions one through five under Finance all right we have a second Mr uh Dr rine any less questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take rooll Mr ban yes Mrs Cole yes Mr KY yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr aad yes motions carried thank you all right thank you uh move on to policy Mr Healey yes uh we did not have a committee meeting since our last board meeting and uh there are no resolutions for this evening okay then we will move on then to buildings and grounds Mr Sprayberry good evening we had a uh buildings ground committee meeting uh uh first I'd like to say thank you to Mr Gamboa uh who uh got a very busy summer ahead of him and um you know the uh so wish him wish him well in that endeavor but uh he's got a good handle on the projects and stuff so um and then we had a nice update on all the projects the univ events bow Replacements and roof Replacements so it's really good to see the district getting the the work done that it needs and a status litigation on on H&S for Union Middle School um looking forward to hearing how the mediation goes on the 22nd so it'll be interesting to see uh we have one motion to move for buildings of ground and the use of school bus for Recreation summer day camp uh so I'd like to put that one motion up for the board's approval okay any questions or comments about the one motion hearing none uh Mr Sprayberry uh put those forward do we have a second all right uh Mr Jones any last questions or comments hearing none Mr Kelly please take rooll Mr bosan yes Mrs Cole yes Mr Cony yes Mr Healey yes Mrs Jones yes Dr rine yes Mr Sprayberry yes Dr a yes motion carried thank you all right uh that takes us to Old business and I'm gonna start it off by uh instead of calling on Mrs Jones I'm going to congratulate Mrs Jones for 25 years of service the raford Boe recognized this past week uh and it was a wonderful honor and you gave the most concise 22nd thank you I've ever seen but very very heartfelt we're really proud of you absolutely than you very much it's been an honor for me to serve this woman and I said that night and I mean it we have a wonderful superintendent great Administration great teachers it's easy to do when you when you heart sen it and you like the kids and you like the whole idea of it if I didn't have good board members I wouldn't be here all these years I'll tell you that awesome uh now I'll turn it over to you you would raise your hand I just wanted to say what a fabulous concert band and chorus uh Mr KY was there Mr mosan was I'm not sure if anybody else was but Trisha Blanchard and Joe Kenza they did an absolutely phenomenal job the kids were fa fabulous I don't ever remember a concert this good it was it was really beyond all I you know it was really really good and also the one that Union School had last week with Miss L did that was also wonderful um the National Honor Society if I can get through May I'll be doing great because it that was also well done and short but it was great all these students including our little poppy there getting getting her award so lots of good things happen in that yeah you're right it was a good week a lot of U your honor and you know the one we talked about the kids getting the national H soci was a good week and um you know I heard the the enthusiasm uh that has come back to the high school's music program is is pable you can it's you know the kids are excited about it when you talked about the concert it's uh it really um it's really it's really going in in a great Direction like we talked about the strength of the coral before and the instrumental now I mean it's heading in the right direction thank you other old business uh I want to mention one thing yes uh I happen to talk to uh someone in the Masons organization in Rutherford and they actually have scholarship money available uh it's probably on the list but I just want to mention it uh he told me that they were looking for applicants so well the Masons every year give out scholarships at the junior um at senior awards ceremony um I'd be surprised if they haven't been in touch me they're usually in touch very early those Awards so unless is a different group or they're not familiar with it but every year they've given out significant scholarships so okay I'll get a name uh Mr and yeah because that and the guidance Department would not would have reached out to them if we didn't hear yeah from them so unless is another group or okay I don't know yeah I'll find that okay all right uh then we will move to legislative update um last week or last two weeks ago there was one that I I didn't feel good about neither to Mr Hurley and that was for athletes to be excused from gym and take a study period this is another one that concerns me this is s 2970 it didn't say who sponsored it it was introduced in March of this 18th of this year lowers the age requirement of can't speak compulsory School tenants from age 6 to 5 so we can they can start school at 5 now what does that do to preschool programs I mean that's if this bill goes through yeah I I've heard nothing about that from anyone so I have a feeling that may have already died sponsored by yeah it might have already died on the vine yeah I don't know what that means let's hope it doesn't go that so if I'll I'll if I hear something I'll certainly let you know but it may not well they can't all I mean when I see ones that are just of Interest I just I'll just then everybody can keep an eye out or an ear out rather all right thank you at 7:45 p.m. we are going to open up the meeting to the public for anything related to or not related to the agenda all right uh seeing nothing we will close the meeting at 7:45 p.m. uh there is a need for executive Ive session for one student matter one Personnel matter about 15 minutes um no action to be taken and need a motion to go into executive session Mr Sprayberry seconded by Mr KY all in favor all all right thank you