encourage all of our parents to join us for our final parent partnership night of this school year we also sent out the Bergen County teacher/ Educational professional of the Year survey so it's a Google form that was sent to All parents staff and senior students so we do ask that you complete this form because what happens is each building has a team of individuals that reviews the the responses and then we choose one of the staff members in each building to achieve this honor and they're awarded at a ceremony at the end of May so please submit that by the due date and I wanted to also inform I know the board we spoke about applying to the high impact tutoring Grant we did apply and unfortunately we were declined but we also applied to the teacher climate and culture Grant I shared the details at Monday's meeting um it I'm hopeful that we will be accepted we did receive um some a semi accepted response so I'm hoping that it's for real at this time we do have several presentations I'm going to ask our board members to please relocate to the seat and I'm going to start up the [Music] projector [Music] [Music] [Music] no try that [Music] ah okay well thank you everybody we do have several presentations tonight and I had to organize myself a little bit so we're going to start with our midyear goal updates which I apologize to all the people in attendance tonight however we probably should have done this in February um so we need to get it done in March we are going to award last month we did award several of our students with perfect score certificates and we're going to do one more tonight our VFW is present thank you for being here they're going to um give our voice to democracy essay winners their um winnings their Awards our sleo high school compet comp cheer team is present tonight with their coach who received the coach of the year so we will be honoring them this evening and then we have middle midle school highlights where we have some of our middle school students and Mr Vel our stem teacher here to share some of the things that they are doing so I'm going to start with the midyear goal updates these are our board goals so our board has three goals this school year you can see that first one is a visibility of board members and just on a side note last night at our National Honor Society induction we did have four of our board members present so that was nice to say but these are some of the activities in our schools that they do attend and they support each of our buildings so thank you to our board members number two is to increase the number of presentations so you can see up on that slide that every month we have been focusing on hosting the oh sorry on hosting these presentations um and this year we said we we were focusing on highlighting each school so you could see each school is listed there at some point and that we were able to sort of celebrate everything that we're doing across the district these slides will be posted on the website so you can always go back to them and the board's thirdd goal is to create a schedule of community updates at board meetings to review progress on projects and strategic plan initiatives this is typically done during our updates so I just provided a brief update from the superintendent and then at every board meeting our business administrator Mr Karate provides an update as well and that usually covers all of our facility um and building initiatives District goals oh I put the this up there because I'm going to talk about different tiers so I wanted a visual to sort of explain what I'm talking about first so you can see tier one universal supports and you can see that's the largest part of the triangle that's where we talk about the resources the supports that every single student receives that's tier one so every single student in our district receives tier one supports tier two are those targeted small group instructions and tier three as you can see is smallest part of the triangle that is our more intense super interventions so the district's first goal was delivering data informed instructional programming and targeting our lessons to meet the needs of our students so these are four just four different ways that we are doing that so each building does have a data team the data team meets monthly and that's exactly what they do they review all of our assessment data some of the assessments I'm going to be talking about and then they group our students in each building tier one tier two or tier three so tier one is what every student gets tier two might be an easy example to share is a reading a small reading group so they might see the reading specialist for a small reading group twice a week and then tier three would be the most intensive where they see that reading Specialist oneon-one or one on two for maybe three or four times a week so that's how we work through the different tiers and that aligns with our New Jersey tiered system of support and our intervention and referral services teams so they also meet throughout the school year our irns meets with family members as well they're part of the team and they develop action plans and how best to move forward in order to make sure we're supporting our families as well as our students and our staff mclass is a new this year so K2 teachers now have access to mclass it's part of the new amplifi program that we shared with you and I actually just wanted to share a little bit so that you can see so we're utilizing Dibbles this year Dibbles stands for dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills and what this does is this is just a quick screenshot as to what it looks like to the teachers and all the results that it shows so it provides data to our teachers our K1 and two teachers as to how their students are performing in literacy so it's letter sound um letter sound knowledge it's sounding Out words it's using nonsense words and identifying the three sounds and nonsense words identifying the two sounds in the word it you know things like that so they use this assessment in K1 and 2 for their curriculum and it's also used to be in abidance with the dyslexia screening law so every single student by the end of grade two has to be has to be screened for dyslexia and every new student so this is the tool that we use to do that as well and finally linkit it's been around for several years in our district it's our benchmarking tool they take it three times our students take it three times a year fall winter and spring and we use that data to inform our instruction that's part of what our data teams look at in order order to figure out how best to move forward goal number two for the district is our social emotional learning goal the overall meeting all the needs of our students the whole child one thing I just really want to highlight is our bride assemblies at the elementary schools I think they might have actually highlighted it at a board meeting but they do a great job of integrating literature with social emotional learning and they have these monthly assemblies and each month a different class does a presentation and Shar their activity with the rest of the school and they all celebrate so it's done really well team Mental Health First Aid every 10th grade student I think this is the third year maybe fourth that we're doing it where every 10th grade student gets trained in team Mental Health First Aid where they um receive resources on how to support peer members that may be experiencing um mental health concerns youth Mental Health First Aid we trained our staff members at the beginning of the year and we're having our parent one at the next parent partnership night we have a tier 2 mental health counselor across our district this year so she meets with she has her own Cas load of students that she meets to provide supports to them and their families and we participate in a national seal day we have dedicated days throughout the school year District goal number three Safety and Security so we do have our district school safety specialist it's Mrs Mansfield over at long school we do have a threat assessment team in our district we meet several times throughout the school year we have the vestibule security vestibules thanks to the referendum have all been completed you may have noticed the office out front we have we follow strict visitor procedures and we have an MOA with the staddle book police department and we actually meet several times a school year with the township and there's a police department representative as well to make sure that we're all on the same page with everything and finally our District's last goal is widespread Community engagement really strong with this if you get my emails texts and phone calls so this is one of our district goals I have also been trying to include the senior students with some of the updates as well like snow days and things like that so that way they they stay in the no as well and Mrs dbonis has started ESL family engagement nights where our English as a second language students they come with their families and they said they have different um cultural celebrations at night okay so that is the district and board midyear goal update now let me go back all right next is our presentation of our one student that couldn't make it last time we did not want to forget about him perfect score certificate so this certificate proudly goes to Mr Joseph carasco from Franklin School achieving a perfect score of 850 points on the 2023 njsla math assessment for grade five come on down [Applause] Joseph welcome I had Joseph at Franklin School can you take a picture congratulations [Applause] Joseph at the end of these presentations we will have a five minute recess where you may take photos and you may head out and do your homework okay so next we have our VFW voice of democracy winner so I invite our VFW members to please come up we are very fortunate to have a local VFW chapter that supports our schools they always give to our sixth grade trip and they participate in this contest every year so thank you all right we're here tonight uh to hand out certificates and and prizes to the children who won our voice of democracy contest and we also have a Patriots pen contest also so we'll be doing seven Awards tonight uh if anybody don't know I'm Lou verelli we have Ed here Joe palaza Jay way meller Rick een okay all right so first off we're going to do the voice of democracy winners first place Michael mazinsky [Applause] here come on down Mike [Applause] conat uh second place winner is Alex Tanaka conratulations congratulations third place jelene deasus conratulations congratulations okay now we have our Patriots pen our first winner let me explain something real quick uh this is the first year we did every all the judging by computer and as usual the first thing with a computer going into anything we have two of is three at them four those and what have you so I have two first place winners I'm not going to fight with a computer so the first form we have is Alise [Applause] Rena the first according to the computer Deanna Jose [Applause] Jose [Applause] second place I have Brooke [Applause] Rana and third place winner is cyan BAC is he here okay nope okay all right J you could take that home hanging on walk all right uh uh we look forward to doing these for many years to come hopefully the computers will start working the right way and I think the way to get it is get you know some of you kids on the computers instead of people like my age you know so ain't that good so thank you for coming thank you for your entry thank you at Hope for you we're going to take some photos oh [Laughter] [Music] yeah perfect than conat thank you to our VFW and Mr verelli and thank you and congratulations to our winners thank you okay next I'm going to introduce Mr ionello our athletic director to celebrate our comp cheer and we're going to start with a video [Music] [Music] girl [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] make [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] J [Music] [Applause] all right good evening our Este Este members of our school board our administrators and fellow attendees I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to one of our most exceptional group of athletes within our school community and that's our competition cheer team as you just saw their State winning performance um down in Trenton a few weeks ago um I'm also honored to stand here with our coaching staff of Nicole Al hen Vargas and Taylor Roth as you heard before um Nicole was named um one of the coaches of the year for the New Jersey Athletic Conference which I would like to award her her certificate for acknowledgement from her peers is always something that you could take to heart so congratulations to you [Applause] led by the unwavering guidance and expertise of our coaches our competition tier teams embodies the ESS essence of teamwork perseverance and passion under their mentorship these students have not only honed their skills but have also cultivated a sense of camaraderie and unity that is truly inspiring day in and day out the coaches pour their hearts and soul into guiding our athletes instilling in them the values of discipline commitment and sportsmanship their dedication extends far beyond the gym as they act as their mentors motivators and role models for each of our team members and we thank you for that together coach LA and our competition cheer team has achieved remarkable success both on and off the mat their countless hours of practice and unwavering determination have resulted in numerous accolades and victories bringing pride and recognition to our school these these girls are the first team in school's history to win the three peat as we're calling it The N the trifecta I'm sorry I'm sorry the trifactor the horse race um the NJ I Championship the NJ cheer and dance Association state championship as well as coming back on Monday night coming in first place down in our national Showcase in Florida but beyond their accomplishments on the on the competition and on the mat our cheer team serves as ambassadors of scho spirit and unity igniting a sense of Pride and enthusiasm throughout our entire School community so please join me in expressing our extreme gratitude for the incredible accomplishments of our competition cheer team and our coaches will now call up each member of the team to receive a certificate and please stand up for a picture as well coach L thanks um before we call up each athlete which haly and Taylor are going to do I just quickly wrote a we wrote a speech together to say here tonight um we first want to thank superintendent Mrs Vietti athletic director Mr ianello and the board of education for inviting us tonight to recognize and celebrate the 2024 competition cheer team on behalf of the coaches I want to say how incredibly proud We Are of this team and all the success they had this season from taking home multiple first place wins on the weekends then hitting the trifecta with the njic cheer conference state Champs first in history at sadur high school at of varsity team and then this past weekend coming home as national champs from Florida these victories are not just about a trophy or title but it's a true Testament to the dedication teamwork grit and Relentless Spirit these 13 athletes exhibited since day one of the season the sacrifices they made and the hours of work they put in speaks volumes to their commitment to Excellence and this Sport AS coaches we have very high expectations and we demand a lot from them not only did they meet them but exceeded all of them they were a disciplined group always came to practice on time ready to work and did way more than what was asked of them they've spent countless hours and weekends in the gym doing multiple reps and fallouts at every practice they've poured their hearts and souls into perfecting every part of this routine throughout the season this team exhibited resilience determination and adaptability they faced tough competition overcame obstacles injuries and illnesses and emerge stronger with the United spirit that defines true Champions the bonds they formed played a huge part in all of their achievements this season they made memories friendships and a legacy that will inspire generations to come on behalf of the team we want to thank everyone for their unwavering support this season especially our cheer parents and the entire Saddlebrook Community this sport is a team effort and we wouldn't have been able to do it without everyone involved so thank you [Applause] [Laughter] Alysa [Applause] valana Madison [Applause] Brickley Isabella [Applause] Capello Valentina [Applause] KY Olivia [Applause] gorosi Ava habberman Cassandra [Applause] Jacob Deana [Applause] Joe's Ava montabano [Applause] Liliana [Applause] paresi Marina kahill [Applause] slowick Stella kahill [Applause] slowick and lastly McKenzie tuy who could not be here so we will be accepting it on our [Applause] behalf [Music] pi [Applause] again fantastic job girls [Applause] congratulations congratulations to our comp cheer team we have one more so thank you very much I know it's been a long night of presentation so at this time I'm going to invite Mrs Coffey send her apologies our Middle School principal she was unable to attend this evening due to um having to attend a family event um at school for her own child so I told her that I would introduce Mr Vel who's with us this morning our middle school high school stem teacher and he has with him some exceptional students here that are going to share some of what they do in his class so come on up Mr [Applause] [Music] [Music] Vel [Music] hello everybody my name is Mr Vel I am the middle school 7eventh grade science teacher eighth grade honors teacher stem and steam teacher um excuse me uh I'm here to uh show off some of my students projects behind me are a bunch of ctional students who participate not only in my eighth grade honors class but also through my stem program as well uh as you can see they've worked really really hard on some fabulous projects here uh making roller coasters uh it took them about two and a half to three weeks to make these from scratch um with their own ideas and um thoughts and I'm going to hand it off to them while we have the setup and then ready to display for all of you to see good evening board members and administrators we are the students from roll in the eighth grade honors science class we spent weeks building the roller coasters which is displayed on the stage we have made we have used concept throughout we have made concept throughout the making of the roller coasters including physics Force potential energy kinetic energy and more we have made modifications to our Roller Coaster by adding bumps to make sure the cart does not lose energy and makes it to the end building this roller coaster wasn't very easy we had to person of view oh is it working all right building this roller coaster it wasn't very easy we had to persevere through many challenges overall this project was a fun learning experience for our whole class we faced many challenges during while building our roller coaster one of these was uh the loop and uh connecting the track all together uh we used uh trial and error and the engineering design process to complete the whole track our group uh we also faced a lot of problems with the loop so ultimately our group we increased the main part of the roller coaster in size so it had more momentum to go into Loop and go all the way through we after many obstacles have been able to be the first of 3 years of the step program to create a working loop on the roller coaster we appreciate you all for listening to our presentation and we will momentarily provide a live demonstration of our roller coaster come all of us yes [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much cool picture very impressive in the middle so I can see youve not behind that I can't see you behind the okay you ready all right look at me oh wait I'm still on video hold on all right now look at me all right thanks [Applause] congratulations at this time with the board president's approval thank you we will will take a 5 minute recess congratulations and thank you for all of you who attended thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e in rwood motion to reconvene the meeting oh definitely yes all in favor I any opposed okay all right so we're going to go right to the business administrators report Mr Kate okay just a couple items so the last several months have been have been very busy preparing you know for qack the audit and now finishing up the budget the three major Financial items you know we're all going on at once and uh we made it through it but that would not be possible it was not for the support staff that sat Brook has for my assistance Noemi handling the minutes and kathle ioli before that there Transportation compliance items Etc Trisha with the purchase orders and payments making sure we gather all the required signatures and documents and those on the voucher committee know that there's a lot of them Dolores handling the payrolls twice a month and on the Personnel side is Jean and Linda making sure we have all the contracts for staff Etc Tom and our food service department Mike overseeing facilities it takes a lot of people hours to put it all together and we get pretty decent reports and yes it's nice it's not us to forget the school uh offices with the principls and the administrative assistants trying really hard to be compliant with all those purchase orders and signatures it's not easy I thank all of them for their hard work and it makes my job easier uh referendum update we're continuing with the referendum projects we are finalizing the drawings for coolage school so that we can go out to bid and y award I'm thicken by one of our May meetings we had the scans of our roof areas and we should have reports shortly so we'll know what areas that we need to fully replace or sections to replace but all roofs will have a 20-year warranty we submitted a revised application to the njde for the turf field and we await their approval and we are preparing drawings to add a bathroom on the second floor of the middle school high school and that concludes my report thank you Mr Karate okay can I have a motion to open the meeting for agenda items and policies only motion second all in favor I I any opposed would anyone like to speak from the community no okay all right you okay can I have a motion to close the meeting motion all in favor I any opposed okay all right um can I have a motion to accept b224 do34 through want to make sure b 2 32436 motion can I get a second second does anyone have a discussion about this do you have anything that you want to contribute I'll share for those that were not here I know not everyone was present Monday's meeting the climate and culture Grant some of the ideas that we submitted that we are awaiting approval of is providing our teachers with a docking station for their laptops a large 24-in monitor along with the wireless mouse and a digital notebook the purpose of this grant is to reduce administrative tasks from our teachers to kind of reduce the amount of time that they are working on administrative tasks so that way they can focus on what they are supposed to do which is teach so this is one of our ideas to assist them with completing these administrative tasks other ideas was professional development um with staff compensation in the summer a staff bonus for completing the mandated New Jersey state trainings in our Vector system by September 1st a lesson planning slip in for for revamping our lesson planning system looking to make it aligned more towards our curriculum documents and a little bit easier for our teachers to complete committee stiens for data team and ntss members before and after school meetings for these for these jtss meetings in 504 providing a stip in to non-committee members for staff to attend so that way it's not during the school day it doesn't cut into their instructional time um providing sub coverage or after hours compensation to complete sgos and pdps a field trip coordinator stien mainly for the elementary schools for every grade level that goes on a field trip it's a lot of time to coordinate those trips so providing a stip in to a staff member and mentoring stiens for those new staff members that don't require mentors by the state however it' be useful to have a staff Mentor in our district to support them so providing a stiping for that position so those were the the items that we submitted within the grant thank you discussion from anyone okay roll call please Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes Miss toric yes M Travers yes Miss zelli yes Miss barali yes Mr rello yes Miss Zella yes okay Mr Versa education and curriculum at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items E2 32436 through e232 4.39 can I have a second second do we discussion I'll share the some of the field trips is our um I know we spoke about the outdoor hiking Club so two of their trips are on here they're April they're going Harman Park and the end of the year hike is a sunset hike we have our grade three recorder concert coming up so we have the dress rehearsal for that there is our glamour gals Club visiting our seniors at the Koopa um they do nails and provide conversational pieces with them um and let's say music day and then the AP pre-cal is a new course that we are proposing we do currently offer AP Cal and we know it would benefit our students to have AP preal as well 4.38 this is a new special education student to our district um who is currently attending this placement so she's going to continue there until the end of the school year okay thank you does anyone else okay roll call please Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes Miss toric um yes to all but in e232 4.36 I need to abstain from trip number 1097 Miss Traverso yes Miss Elli yes Miss barelli yes Mr orello yes Miss Anella yes okay for budget and finance um M St do it sure at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items bf23 32 4.76 through bf2 32485 any questions can I have a second second concern discuss I'll share professional development um the Google educator certification this is a self-paced virtual PD for teachers to become a Google Certified level one educator so we offered it to our staff we had many of our staff take us up on it so we're excited for this that we are Google Apps for Education District um I know a question was asked about the counselor visits to different colleges and universities so during those visits they review the admissions process and provide the counselors with information that our parents should be made aware of when applying to the school we also have um our teacher attending Holocaust and genocide educator Workshop that is a state mandate so when we off when we put it out to our staff we were excited to have the teacher um offer to attend this PD session thank you does anyone else have through the chair on bf2 32484 this might have been asked Monday night I might have missed it do we have to enter into a contract with them or is it on an as need basis as need bases okay and this didn't have to be put out to bid no okay it's not reading the threshold we don't foresee us getting there that threshold but if we do we'll be back okay anyone else okay roll call please Mr laurentino I'm going vote yes to all but I'm not abstain in bf2 32476 check numbers 831 and 115 and I'm also going to abstain in bf2 32477 number 151 M rolloff yes Miss toric yes Mr Traverso yes Miss Elli yes Miss barali yes Mr rello yes Miss aelo um yes all but in bf23 2476 I am going to abstain from check number 791 1117 and 6498 2 and then in bf2 32477 I'm going to obstain from item number 142 yes to everything else okay okay all right Miss toric again sure uh facilities and operations at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items f23 24.9 can I have a second second okay any discussion no okay roll call please Mr laurentino yes Miss rollof yes Miss toric yes M Traverso yes Miss lelli yes Miss barelli yes Mr orello yes Miss aello yes okay um Miss Rolla policy yes I recommend nothing you recommend nothing okay you don't have anything negotiations nothing yet nothing okay all right then person now Mr laurentino at the recommendation of superintendent I make a motion to approve the following item p23 24w 58 I know through P 23246 can I have a second second any discussion for 232 4.58 number one um she is leaving she's moving actually down to Central Jersey so we wish her the very best and three and four submitted their retirement notifications yesterday I believe and they will be missed we will celebrate our retirees at our June meeting for uh 2 32461 number three it was asked last time as to why um this person has been a volunteer for many years and I inquired and he actually is pursuing a different career so he's not able to commit the time that a paid position would require thank you you're welcome and 232 4.64 and 65 those are PR previous students of ours that requesting to do some observation hours at the elementary school that they attended so we think that's really exciting and are happy to be able to support them absolutely thank you very much any other discussion okay roll call please Mr laurentino yes Miss Roloff yes Miss torvic yes Mr Traverso yes melli yes Miss barelli yes Mr ello yes Miss ello yes all but in P2 32461 I'm going to abstain from item numbers 1 through 7 okay okay okay do committee reports um um budget would you like to go over that for us Mr Karate not here P report uh where the report okay so on Monday we um went through a a summary I'll I'll discuss some items now and the board approved it on Monday evening the budget for 2425 because it's due to the county office well was due today so we couldn't approve it tonight and send it in um they wanted it before then so uh the the the budget was tough the committee members could um attest to that we went through many meetings and different scenarios and options there's a lot of requests to go through we were overcap uh we're using we got additional state aid of a little over $589,000 um our cap and our cap adjustments got us right now projected to five new positions two special ed teachers a speech teacher a tier 2 Mental Health and a custodian um a lot of curriculum items and this will be gone in in more in depth at our May 1st meeting at 7 p.m. there'll be a public hearing and Adoption of the budget so we'll have a more a more detailed presentation so there's like many curriculum items that are either funded by the general fund or state and local funds a lot of Technology upgrades and facility improvements um yeah just a we got a lot of stuff in the budget and um I I think we're in the right direction so again we'll go over more in detail on the on May 1 and we'll hopefully approve it that night any questions or any of the documents you received I I sent them by email if you have any questions again I I put out there an email but I'll say it again um the budget isn't over because we adop because we adopted it um on Monday the County's reviewing it right now they have a month to get it back to us then it's to go to the newspaper and then we have the hearing but at any time you want to meet with me and or Mrs violet together separate whatever uh I'll make the time and we'll go through whatever you want okay so I feel you have to be pressured to to read it overnight or this week or whatever you have time um you know look at it if you have any questions and any questions you have just feel free like nflix we're going to binge it yeah you can binge it do whatever you want and if you're not satisfied then read the audit report too while you're at it if you really a page Turner there I I will say being part of the committee it was quite an eye openening experience um Mr Kate is a very good teacher and learning and viewing how excited he got over numbers it's very enlightening but it really is a very it's a calling I feel to to look at all of these spreadsheets and all of these numbers and understanding and the jiggling and the moving around of the monies and where they go and what line it belongs too it really was an eye openening experience um and it was it was it was very good and I I commend you for what you do because I really couldn't do it nor would I want to yeah so um but thank you very much for explaining it to all of us at the committee so um anyone else want up okay um then facilities and operation do you have a committee report no we haven't met we haven't met yet we'll be meeting next week right next week okay negotiations we're going to meet with the custodians next week okay okay and policy we will be meeting next week we'll be meeting next week so busy week yes very busy so I guess we'll have more for you in April okay so liaison reports no I don't do we have any reports I have PTO I PTO as okay um M traversa do you want to go first whichever go ahead okay so for long School Long School continues to meet the second Tuesday of each month their upcoming programs and events include their bunny breakfast this Sunday morning at Applebee's from 8:00 to 10: seating is limited their special lady at lady and night event at Medieval times will be held on Friday April 12th at 7 p.m. field day is scheduled for May 31st and their biggest fundraiser of the year the LMS pto's Tricky Tray will be held on Monday June 3rd at Biagio in paramis if you are interested in donating please reach out to the PTO their next meeting is April 9th at 7.m okay thank you I have Franklin and Smith I'm G do Franklin first okay their PTO meeting was on 3:12 the gerw hawk orders were picked up today thank you everyone for your support Bingo night is on Monday 3:25 it's open to all and it's $10 per player their grade level fun nights are coming up kindergarten and first is on April 12th the 4th and 5th is on April 25th the 2 and third they're working on a date uh they're getting ready for field day the shirt design contest is starting tomorrow and that's it for Franklin and just give me a second to get Smith okay thank you all all to thank you to all who attended their bunny breakfast to support the sixth grade class they want to give a very special thank you to their bunny which was Mike um we are hosting they're hosting uh their VIP dance on next Thursday March 28th at the fiesta tickets are still on sale through Friday they had their PT meeting last night their next PTL meeting is April 23rd at 7 on zoom and that's all I got okay good thank you you're welc okay um all right correspondents do we have any no okay old business any old business nope okay new business okay I do actually have so I just wanted to say uh a happy retirement to our two retirees um I kind of envy you I wish you much happiness and enjoying your time so good for you uh the other thing I wanted to mention is Miss burn with her email so she is sending out emails each week to the parents uh for scholarships so letting the parents know what scholarships are do to encourage our children to apply for them and it's wonderful that she's including us and letting us know and I actually emailed her back and let her know that you know that takes a lot of work each week and I really I really appreciate her doing that because I email my daughter or call my daughter actually and say did you do this one and she's not happy about constant but I think it's good um the other thing I wanted to uh congratulate was the National Honor Society last night they did a great job all of the ladies congratulations to them and um Miss Matt tacus right and who was the other Walman Waldman they did a very nice job it was the um the ceremony beautifully done and the refreshments at the end so just thank you very much for that and that's all I have for right now anything else anyone else okay all right can I have a motion to open the meeting to the public second second all in favor I any opposed would anyone like to speak now I have to hold please okay no all right all right so can I need a motion to close the meeting to the public motion second all in favor I any opposed okay do you have anything else did you want to say Mr Kat anything okay all right so then I need a motion to close the meeting Mo second all in favor I any opposed I might be no okay all right well then I would say good night everyone thank you for coming