[Music] uh good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order roll call please Mr Karate oh you're tight I'm on a leash Mr oam a present M barali president Mr rello President Miss inello president Mr laurentino pres M Roloff here miss toric pres M Traverso here miss aella here please stand for the pledge I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay all right Advocate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 okay um superintendence report Mr B I'll save it for Wednesday thank you okay thank you all right then um Mr Cate this this report okay one second [Music] one I'll go over again on Wednesday but I just want to go over some of the uh give you a referendum update I could just sign into my report so we're going out to bid um right now the Contra contractors have the bid documents on May 2nd we're going to open up bids for the renovations at cooler school and for the bathroom we proposed to put on the second floor of U the middle school high school so we'll open those bids on the second um we had roof scans there was in the in the referendum there were a lot of roof areas back from the 2004 five additions um roofs need to get redone so what we did was we had scans done of those roofs and they determine which areas need to get replaced and then recoded either way you're going to get the 20-year warranty we're working with a A company that manufactures the roofs um so they're they're determining those areas we should be able to get a a project together and most of that work should get done this summer as well the field update is we're still waiting for uh approval from the njde uh we can't award the bid yet uh the bid is ready to be awarded and but we can't do anything until we get approval we just checked with them because they've had the uh revised application now for a little over a month uh to see where they are with it because otherwise you don't hear anything from them so architect reached out to see um where they are to give give us some kind of timelines but we don't have anything uh for that yet that that's all the referendum projects again I'll say it again on the eth but uh anybody have any questions on on the projects through the chair assuming we get these approvals soon when is the anticipated start time they would start right after graduation okay thank you the chair how long do they estimate that it will take it'll be the well long as we don't have a a rainy summer it should be done in a summer it'll probably go into the last uh items into September so some Mr anel is ready to you know push off some of the home games so could be a later I'll start in September for for the first home game but uh solid two months two and a half [Music] months thank you but I'm talking about the school down here we used to call it coolage I don't know what they coolage we'll still call it we'll still call it coolage okay two School room uh building yes so that one um obviously nobody's there so soon as we award the bid the the contractor's um able to start doing the renovation uh I think in the bid documents they gave him a time frame of like June to like [Music] November okay anyone else okay thank you Mr Karate okay review the [Music] agenda okay okay so we have board action items B2 32437 through B2 32439 any discussion comments if I may um just say 39 so everyone knows that's a mandate and our um high school vice principal sends out this information to all our students that are of the age 18 or older um it's mandated that they sent that he sends out voter registration materials a summer of voter registration eligibility requirement materials describing the role of a citizen and materials articulating the importance of voting so that's a statement of assurance that all that information was sent out to all of our students ages 18 and older thank you does anyone else have a question comment no okay Mr TR Vera [Music] you're not on sorry the mic wasn't on any questions on those wait I'm sorry Mr can you check to see if your I just turned it on want me repeat it okay yeah can you do that again sure thank you as to education curriculum e232 4-40 through e232 4-43 any discussion or questions I will review the field trips um on that list we have one that actually happened today that I emailed to the board previously about that was some of our students in our Falcons for change club that visited RMA rmaa college for their Equity um Think Tank uh activity today I will share more about it on Wednesday but they really did a great job I know I posted on our social media about that um and then in our field trips we have our kindergarten field trips our service learning Club Marine science and environmental club and a couple other grade levels that were not approved yet then for let's say Point 41 is our home instruction students Point 42 is for a delayed opening for the two grade levels in this building that will not be participating in njsla testing um which will help with our scheduling of the testing and help to be consistent and maximize instructional time and point 43 I wanted to explain the reason why it says January 29th is is because the um person responsible is waiting for an actual physical contract from this place even though the student did start their January 29th um so we are going to change that process moving forward and we are going to get something in writing beforehand so that way the week that a student is placed out of District we have it on the next month Board of it approval [Music] agenda so I have a question the students started their January 29th correct he was here prior yes and we just there was a change of whatever he plac okay and then we're just approving it now because we just received the physical contract because of the contract okay gotcha they take that long yes wow but it shouldn't take that long for Board of V approval so right okay what thank you anyone else questions discussion okay Mr alamando Hi how are you how are you good thank you um uh I'm GNA go through bf2 32486 2 bf23 24.93 for discussion I guess can't see if if I may may add a few items um or discuss some items on there so the bill list. 86 we will have a small uh Bill list that we we prepared late today so that'll be added to tomorrow when you get the revised agenda for tomorrow um 90 and 91 are two items they weren't audit well actually 91 was an audit recommendation but these are two items that were brought up during our exit conference that I'm just cleaning up um the books for their Rec recommendations what what 90 does is these were capital projects so on um the amount of money that was approved whether it was a a prior referendum um or a um um a capital reserve item uh that's the money remaining after the project was done so the money goes back into like say the first one the $97 going back into the cap reserve for you future cap Reserve projects as so was as number three number two was was the referend them back from 2014 um that's money's remaining and it's going to go back to Debt Service to pay down those uh bonds with the principal and interest payment so that's tax relief to the taxpayer so you know we can't use the money anywhere else so it goes back as tax relief so it's that's good we did everything in the project there's balance left and it just cleans everything up gives the money back to the taxpayers and 92 is uh our normal bus emergency evacuation drills and 93 three is a um a this this comi oven is something that the food service department has been requesting It's a combination um steamer convection oven or a combination of both so it could use a multi functions it'll save time space and money and also be safer for the cafeteria staff when they prepare the products they'll probably received uh in the summer we need a little bit of electrical work and then it should be up and running for September and this and this is purchased like I said there with Food Service uh operations and it is I got to remind everybody it is the districts it's not pomptonian it comes out of our money it's ours if pomptonian left it stays the districts through the chair if I may um I just want to go back uh for a second um right to the 23 24.90 I just want to reiterate what you said cuz I don't know if people really heard that but that money that's going back to The Debt Service I want to make sure everyone understands that that means you know we didn't use all of that referendum and now that money goes back so the taxpayers are not paying that money I want to stress that because I think that sometimes when we do these referendums and we're talking about really big amounts of money it's a very confusing process I know you have explained it to me personally at least five times and I'm starting to get a hang of it um so I just want to stress it a little bit because I know this is an issue for some of um the people who live here in Saddlebrook that I want them to see that you know sometimes there is money going back we don't spend all of it so I just wanted to stress that thank you yeah it's just tricky with the years like we're in we're in 23 24 um it will get moved this year they won't do the audit until you know next next year this time when they're finalizing it gets reported it won't be to we're building the 2526 budget that number will be in The Debt Service fund and that's where it's helped you have to appropriate it for tax relief so that would be that much less we're asking for the taxpayers in the 25 26 year so if I may just to clarify because I don't want anyone cuz I agree with you this get get very confusing so even though they we didn't use it this is not from this referendum it was the previous years's right December 2014 referendum right okay so those monies are not going to be refunded to the households so they're they're understanding that it's not going to it's not like they're going to get a check right correct okay so it's the the money goes back and the town of satb decides what happens with this pot of money or do we no it's part of the the budget when there's um if we remember like there's the general fund and then there was a grant fund and there was fund 40 which is a Debt Service which we'll go over on on um May 1st when we talk about the budget uh there is amount of money I got to pay we have to pay principal and interest like your mortgage payment on all the referendums um we're still paying on the 20145 referendum so there's a principal amount to an interest amount just like your mortgage and there's amorz schedules and it's going down so it says okay and 24 25 year with all these different issues I need x amount of dollars well we don't get any more any more money anywhere else I have to ask the taxpayers it goes into the tax levy to to ask the taxpayers in that year to fund that much money now it was approved already it gets added to the general fund to give you one in your tax bill for schools schools your tax bill is broken up majority is is the general fund or operating annual budget then then it's the debt service so The Debt Service was approved already um you don't have to ask the voters for it again we're just going to ask for less money so say it was 1.8 million it's going to be $253,000 less than that so we'll ask when I give the certification to the township to get the taxes we'll say you know 1.6 or 1.55 um it is it is tricky and what it tricky to is the years um they're on a calend year we're on a fiscal year it doesn't always all mesh up but yes it's unexpended um balances that will go back and to offset future uh Bond and interest [Music] costs thank you for clarifying that sure for BF 232 4.87 the professional development um I just wanted to highlight that our director of curriculum and instruction Mrs deonis she was asked to present at um the New Jersey second annual literacy Summit we are using we're utilizing the amplify program in our K to2 classes and it's been so very well received across our district um and Mrs dbonis has been working closely with ailly and they actually did request that her and some of our teachers come and speak um about their program so she is so on that list you'll see Mrs deonis and some of our K2 teachers who are going to speak to that program you also see on that list a spring Leadership Conference for myself and Mrs dbonis never um got to go to the njpsa conference with the principes because so many of them attended so she is going to attend the spring Leadership Conference as well okay thank you through the chair I know it's not the same oven but is there anything with the oven for um the concession [Music] stand um I'm going to have that in the facility report I'll go over that thank you anyone else discussion comment okay okay M toric you're [Music] upor sorry it wasn't turning on um okay so uh f23 24.10 and f23 24.11 any questions through the chair on on 24.11 is there a specific reason person occasion holiday anything or are they just planting a tree in a monument not in Memorial for anyone this was shared at our facilities meeting Mr Karate sorry the unical plant oh that was good so that was in my facility report as well so that was a request that's right uh request from Unico to like it says they're planted tree and install a small Monument they have a train they have a little Monument they already they're asking for a uh another one so we review this with the committee and they they agreed to uh uh to move forward with it what's the monument for um I'm sorry I think it was for past sorry that was I'll get it hold [Music] on I don't want to say anything incorrectly uh the tree would be in honor of the past members of the chapter and the Small Monument similar to the one that's currently there uh would have an inscription on it uh I I assume to to stay state that that they're honoring the past members and they would upkeep the property uh as they do with the Gazebo as well than I think the monument will say that this tree is planted to honor the members okay all right very nice it'll look lovely I'm sure okay any other questions or discussion on that those no Miss rolloff yeah you're right um policy policy number 2324 four and oh through r243 1.4 any questions so these um this most of these policies arose from a Strauss ese update and gosh now I'm doing it and um you can see um it was just minor language edits within the policy based on upda code by um New Jersey Administrative Code the one that was not included in the stress SM um update was the high school graduation one the policy committee met and wanted to just put in writing what our procedures are for high school graduation ceremony um in regards to Board of Education members passing out the diplomas just to kind of streamline the process a little just tighten it up a little bit so make sure you take a look through that and you can see what the policy has written down there does anyone have any questions or discussion yeah no I through the chair um on Jesus Christ sorry 460 uh uh p546 I saw that it says that former board members they're not going to allow them to hand diplomas out or something former board members what the policy committee has agreed to what they have in the in this policy I'll just share it um the new paragraph is at the graduation ceremony the president of the Board of Education along with the superintendent and high school principal or design thereof will assist with the distribution of diplomas a parent or student may submit a formal written request per the process determined by the superintendent if they wish for the Board of Ed president to step down and another active board trustee to take the president's place in handing the diploma to the student any current Board of Ed member will be permitted to hand the diploma to a blood relative who is graduate uating Saddlebrook High School a former Board of Ed member will be permitted upon formal written request to the superintendent to hand the diploma to his or her grandchild or child permission to hand an immediate family member a diploma the graduation ceremony shall be granted in the discretion of the superintendent to current and former Board of end members upon receipt of a written request submitted 10 days before the graduation ceremony oh okay that was different through the chair I don't see a difference of anything to be quite from what we've been doing what can you point out to me what is specifically different having the request I'm sorry having having the request um formalized so as having it in writing having it 10 days in advance so that way that actual ceremony would be be able to be a little bit organized as far as seating arrangements go I see that's the intent behind it okay I just was curious cuz everything seems like the way it was with the exception of you need that in advance that note okay thank you and through the chair I think a a better way uh correct me if I'm wrong is if you put everybody together instead of creating that 25 to 50ft W walk right so as so once we have the request we'll be able to determine the seating of our high school graduates is that what you mean no I mean like where you have the Board of Education because this this is the only graduation I've seen where the Board of Ed is like 50 ft away instead of near the de per se okay we can look so if you put them closer it would be less around and up and down and this and that you know well having all this information beforehand first of all ensures that it's you know that the parents do approve of the request as well and it wasn't just shared by the student um and also to allow us to kind of plan accordingly to that way have the me the students should have to be 18 for the request right they can't be no younger no shouldn't the parent have to do it well the parent would be contacted oh okay so it just kind of formalizes the process little B more I I through the chair sorry I just want to make sure I I'm understanding something so if the parent puts in a formal request the board member doesn't have to be a blood relative it can be any of us to Anyone who puts in a formal request correct that was question thank you for board MERS yeah just the current board M sorry yes I didn't mean that that's the way it's former ones could only do blood blood okay I just wanted to clarify that thank you yeah thank you does anybody else have any questions or discussion we're good okay okay um negotiations Miss zelli uh we have nothing to reported time okay all right then Personnel Mr laurentino personel Personnel is P2 32467 through p232 4.75 any questions discussions for p232 4.67 number three that was a situation where um that person was out on medical leave was saying that they were going to come back maybe not on medical leave but with out for a surgery I believe they said they were going to return um went out on leave said they were going to return it was it was a very long process and we kept on following up but they kept on calling so before you know it just got away from us and they they were going to resign then not resign then they were coming it was it was it just kept on going in all these different directions so we got to the point where we realized we have not heard back and that's why the date is October 20th because that was the last time that she was in District see if I'm forgetting anything we tried to get her to complete the leaf paperwork that's what it was um so we kept on deliver we kept on emailing her the leave paperwork kept on trying to get her to come in to pick up the Lea paperwork and it just never came into fruition okay through the chair on 2324 68 number two is that for Washington School Washington School currently has a nurse that is for Smith smth School Smith okay no oh yeah the code it's the wrong code no no it's really for [Laughter] Smith yeah but she didn't leave yet Franklin and you you said this is for Smith yes the that is leaving yes Mrs s's last day is towards the end of this month [Music] okay any other questions discussion okay okay uh committee reports does anyone want to do committee reports today I just have one other question sorry of course on 2 32474 and 75 why are they bold they were not on the original Agenda One uh 74 has completed 25 but did it so quickly I suppose that the professor um requested her to do another additional 25 hours and 75 is a current par of hours and she is in a a college course where she needs to conduct an interview with consent of the parent so that was brought to us we didn't receive the paperwork until later on okay I got it now gotta gotta now committee report all good okay thank you all right um okay um committee reports does anyone want to do a committee report tonight or okay all right does anyone have any correspondence okay old business new business I don't know if I should bring the crossing issue all right then can I have a motion to open up to the public on agenda items only don't move second all in favor I any oppos bring it up Wednesday why not would you like to speak okay you sure okay then can I have a motion to close the meeting motion second second okay all in favor I any opposed okay all right so we are going to go into close session whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in the public meeting and whereas these subjects are within the exceptions of the public open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session presu to New Jersey sa 104-112 B and whereas the Board of Education intends to discuss matters as the following um we have uh uh three hip cases and a Personnel matter whereas the length of the Clos session is estimated to be approximately 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and action will not be taken now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess into Clos session for the afford subjects and be it further resolved that the Board of Education hereby declares that if that its discussion of the afford said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental interest being protected from the disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act right all right can I get a motion to close motion second okay good evening everyone and