M Ro amondo present Miss brali present miss inello Mr laurentino present M Mahoney here Mr Shear here miss toric present M Traverso here zelli here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand Nation God indivisible with libery and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 uh superintendent report Mrs violetti I'll save my report for Wednesday but I want to to um share that Wednesday night Mr Mish our high school principal is going to be present with some of our high school staff and students to share some highlights that are currently happening at our stur high school thank you business administrators report Mr Karate uh most of my items are on during the uh Budget Finance facility section so I'll hold it till then okay moving right along to the board action items b232 4.19 to B2 32421 any comments questions discussions education and curriculum e232 4.22 through e232 4.28 any discussion comments or questions sure I'll comment the field trips I just want to share I'll highlight some um our glamour gals Club they continue to visit the kopa and paramis to um to uh provide companionship to the seniors that are there we have our senior trip already planned where our senior students May attend um may visit one of their Elementary the elementary school that they graduated from we still have our grade levels scheduling their field trips most of them are occurring in the spring we have our Coral leers are visiting the senior center this one's for April so they're really the staff is doing such a great job of planning ahead the memorial day period that that trip is already in here and a college fair Expo at the a college fair at the Expo Center in Edison is in here as well the ski club trips are in here um so that highlights some of the field trips I want to also just acknowledge so 23 those are five course proposals for next school year so we have sports for the high school sports and entertainment marketing social media marketing fashion marketing Aviation year three we've successfully completed year 1 and year two so year three is the flying environment and flight planning and then also there's a dual enrollment ENT entrepreneurship um course through the University of Delaware so I want to just um acknowledge our D our director of curriculum and instruction Mrs dbonis and also our business department and our high school administration for really collaborating on this and working to enhance our instructional programming for next school year and then for Point 24 what we worked on was changing just the titles of our courses to make them sound a little bit more attractive especially when they're put on a student's transcript so we're changing you know residential systems and it still aligns with exactly what they're teaching in that class designs to construction and interior design Technologies is actually more specific uh in regards to what they're actually completing in residential systems course instead of just having painting on a transcript 2D studies painting instead of you know sculpture 3D 3D studies sculpture um discret math will be changed to introduction to mathematical modeling which really is in alignment with um leading into what our college courses offer as well 4.25 um business 2 and 21st century careers are no longer really um applicable at this moment time so we're going to remove those from the program of studies and then you could see the next item is approval for our high school program of studies that has all of these changes in it the community garden proposal I just want to share that is from our service learning Club here at the middle school high school and they wrote a letter they actually attended the Community Partnership meeting and they they um presented them with this proposal and they're very excited about this opportunity so now they're requesting approval from the board of education so I'm just going to share a little bit of the letter our service learning Club is interested in helping the community by contributing and developing a community garden we know that this will be a long and and difficult task but are willing to fundraise over the next couple of school years create a design for the garden and research the vegetables that would be most fruitful in this climate our goal is to have other clubs and organizations within our building and community members to assist in the creating and maintaining of the property further we would like to harvest these vegetables and give them back to the community whether it be for the saddle book food pantry or families in need so they're respectfully asking the board of EDS permission to pursue this endeavor with the Saddlebrook Town Council once they receive your permission or if they receive your permission they'll move forward and decide on the parcel of land that they can utilize and when that's decided they'll reach out to businesses and Outreach programs to help us make sure that they're creating a sustainable garden so that is their formal request from co-advisors Mr Ros and missan and um Emily Reichel is is the student president for that service learning Club thank you any questions or comments or discuss um just I know that um 21st century careers was a a mandatory course for graduation if I'm correct the standards are so those standards are now infused in the other courses thank you thank you anyone else Mr Shear budget and finance so through budget and finance we have bf23 2444 through bf23 2458 any questions so we didn't have a committee meeting some of the projects were discussed at the facility committee meeting but then it translat to uh to Dollars which makes it to the finance section any questions I did send an email um midday today um I'll highlight some items on 48 that's an annual approval of this consulting firm to to file our eate application all the paperwork necessary 49 and 50 are uh decrease change orders projects that are completed and below the uh original uh approved amount 51 is the window bid we just uh opened bids uh the end of November unfortunately the the lowest three bids had to be rejected so we're going with the fourth bid which is the highest one um we expect I mean it'll take a while to get the windows ordered uh we expect the project to be done in the summer uh this summer 50 2 is a company we're using to make HVAC repairs they part of a co-op but because we're spending more than the bid threshold of $44,000 I need to add them to the agenda and know how we're uh obtaining those services is 53 here's one uh contract they went a little bit over was a lot of ceiling and lighting and and changes to uh the contract in fact at Smith School we had to redesign the uh how the ceiling was attached um so that cost a little bit extra money and then I was able to close out November's reports so I'm getting caught up in that department and 56 is a um every every may we have our sort of reorg meeting for the year and adopt all our uh annual items one of them was the uh District's bank accounts and we list the banks that we're have our uh different accounts with so this one is for it's it's like a New Jersey government uh uh investment tool and we're able to uh put funds in there that you know I don't need immediately although they are liquid nothing's tied up for any length of time so between the referendum funds and uh any excess General funds right now I can invest in this and and make a a uh a larger interest rate than is currently offered at our local banks 57 and 58 going to open bids tomorrow and if all goes well uh I'd like to award them on Wednesday's meeting that's the work being done at Washington School part of the referendum the renovations to the second floor and the installation of the elev I think that concludes oh I did put another note in the email that we did receive it's not here in the agenda but from the school Development Authority received another $83,000 our district was awarded over two years about 40 you know 42 $41,000 for the last two years and I filed for reimbursement and we received those funds and now so that helped us uh you know to be do to do more maintenance projects all good news any questions yes to the chair on uh sorry the that 51 it says the 1,415 th000 no but on the panoramic let me see uh hold on I'll look that up while we're talking yeah but on the other on number three and it says panoramic Windows 1.45 just S I want to see I'm going to go see the B I'll look it up while we're which one is the typo okay I don't know I'm going to go find that out now hopefully theow the high yeah hopefully the lower one I actually think it is the5 cuz I think the the difference between the third and fourth bit I think was 5,000 $55,000 but I'm going to look it up now okay okay thank you anyone else thank you Mr Kow moving right along Mr aam oh no where pass that no we didn't do that yet okay Mr roam um facilities and operations uh f232 4.6 it's a long one comments or questions okay we haven't had a policy meeting so there's nothing under the policy no negotiations Mrs torc under the Personnel for whatever we can discuss okay so p232 4.31 through get to the end here p232 4.40 any questions all right I do through the chair can I can I just share some items first yeah it might be something I'm going to ask all right so um let's see for 31 I just wanted to acknowledge that one of those um Paras is leaving to to complete student teaching in the spring I just wanted to wish them the best of luck um they've been very loyal to us and worked really hard with us for 32 um one is to um the PE health teacher at Helen I Smith school and then that means the current PE health teacher will be able to move over transition to the middle school high school as soon as they are able to start and then one is also a um high school math teacher to be here as you may recall when uh Mr gross left we have not found a replacement yet so this is for that position um two power professionals we're continuing to hire our power professionals let's see for the stip in so Miss Alvarez left us um so they were both approved those number one and two were both approved as co-advisors and now number three she's going to be the sole leader of that yoga Club advisor and then for we we have a um an internship that is going to be completing her internship with our behaviorist in District and then one for speech language Pathologists and those are akin to our student teachers um yeah akin to our student teachers in the observation hours that they need to complete as well and then there was so we currently have a director of student Personnel Services in District and when we submitted to NJ smart um in a way it's it's us getting audited they replied back to us that in order to be in that position and I don't know why it took them two years but in order to be in this position you need a supervisor of guidance so even though the current staff member in that position does have a chief School administrator certificate and can oversee the entire District they're saying that she's not able to um legally or technically oversee solely the guidance department and that's part of that position so what we did was as you can see there's a new job description for director of planning research and evaluation which essentially does more align with the work that the staff member has been completing so we are requesting an um a title change for that staff member from director of student Personnel Services to director of planning research and evaluation to better align with the the job responsibilities that she's currently completing anyway and then the last the point 40 um as you know we've been really trying to crack down on residency and making sure our students are living in the township of Saddlebrook residing in the township of outbrook um so part of this requires some investig investigatory work investigative work um so our one of our SOS actually um volunteered to assist us with this so what we are proposing is to pay the hourly rate that we've always played to do this investigative work um our SOS are retired officers which is typically someone that you would hire for this position and then sort of as needed we'd be able to reach out to them for for some extra support any questions uh yes through the chair uh 232 4.32 the first uh ID one and then ID3 which one is which one is PE health and three is high school math okay and I want to remind everybody that the step numbers are not in alignment with number of years of experience what do you mean by that they're not when we um Consolidated the steps in our teacher contract we're going from 28 steps to 21 steps so step 15 does not mean 15 years of experience okay necessarily got it anyone else I have a question on 2 32433 number one why are we just approving dates from January and February why are we approving dates from Janu what do you mean are they supposed to be 24 oh yeah they're supposed to be 24 yes oh okay I had a feeling when I saw it I go I was like what do you mean I'm going to confirm that so I could type in the staff member but yeah okay so it's a type out there's my answer good catch good catch thanks anyone else okay any committee reports moving right along any liaison reports tonight before we move on I'm sorry I think we might have another one of those the year is wrong oh um under 23 2435 number two should that be 24 I don't know is that that it's effective January 1624 yes we will edit this for Wednesday's meeting it's always tough with that first month into the new [Laughter] year thank you you're welcome any correspondence no but before you before you move on I do have uh the bid is the first number that's in the body of the award 1, 415,000 thank you so we'll correct thank you Mr aam not work I turn it I just turn it back on no please oh it's 15 okay any old [Music] business any new business anyone wishing to speak public all right well do we have to open it to the public speaking and then close it all right I'd like a motion to open a meeting to the public so move second all in favor hi I opposed motion to close the meeting to the public second second all in favor I any opposed motion to go into closed motion second second second all in favor why isn't I whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in public meeting and whereas the subjects are within the exceptions of the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in Clos session pursuant to njsa 104-112 B and whereas the Board of Education intends to discuss matters uh Hib case number LMS 02112 92023 where as the closed session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene an action will not be taken now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess into Clos session for only the affers said subject and be it resolved that the Board of Education here Vis declares that its discussion of the affers said subject will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act what she said thank you I just want to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah and hope to see you all Wednesday night [Music]