e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e um that's all I have um think I think overall it's a very good audit and I think everyone should be very happy with the results any questions I don't think so thank you thank you very thank you good okay good all right okay good night everyone thank good night good night thanks for having us we do appreciate it I just want to let everyone know it's it's uh not taken for granted so thank you again you're welcome you for thank you very much see you next year that's up to Ray okay all right um at this time I'd like to thank Mr Karate for all the work that you've done and for your office as well for everything I know it's a giant undertaking so I appreciate it thank you very much okay so we're going to move on to the agenda now okay so for board action items we have B 2324 do34 through b23 2436 any discussion I will share36 is a teacher climate and culture Innovation grant that the state has test districts it's not mandatory it's optional but we did submit our application we met with the sbaa um the president when I say we myself and Nicole deonis our director of ccum and instruction and what it is is districts are tasked with um how to create innovative ways to reduce administrative tasks from our teachers to improve the culture and climate and when I speak of administrative tasks I speak of sgos pdps lesson planning writing reports on students report cards PLS things like that um all of those tasks that takes time away from teaching which is what they should be doing so um in order to submit we needed to approve the submission um by the Board of Education and Nicole deonis I shared with the staff that she actually came back at night to make sure she could to fully Focus because as always anything with the state is not very easy or simplified it was quite complicated and um we worked together and then she came back and she did all the verbage and and inputed the language into the Grant and submitted it so now they will not share how much um how much we will be allocated if anything so we will find that out they just said overall I believe it was 2 point something million for all the districts overall for this grant so once we submit it I mean we did submit it once we um receive word as to what our status is we'll have more information so I have a question so once we receive the dollar amount what do we plan to do with that so we let me get that information for you we met um with the sbaa president um because as a leadership team we had our our own ideas and we wanted to make sure we're on the right path and then as it turned out it was good because they do encourage you to speak to your to to your unionship as well so um we were definitely on the right track we have a couple different options that we put in there we put some supplies such as a a docking station with a large monitor with a wireless mouse as well as given teachers the option of a digital notebook to walk around with um so you know to assist them with completing the actual tasks then we because they're not removing sgos or pdps um we are and you cannot complete an sgo until school starts because you need to collect your Baseline data so we talked about providing coverage either like sub coverage for teachers to complete it to complete the sgos or paying them after school so we spoke about that um we no we we requested a whole lot there's a whole lot of ideas um bonuses for teachers who complete the mandated State online training by September 1st we threw out $150 bonus to staff that complet it by September 1st lesson planning stip in for teachers um attending sessions on Mrs deonas had this um idea as to how to limit the amount of time teachers spend on actually writing lesson plans by using a spreadsheet and kind of referring back to the curriculum because our curriculum is so strong as I shared it received aades by the county um and kind of be able to refer back to the curriculum instead of writing out long lesson plans increasing summer hours for counselors and special education staff because right now they work a certain number of summer hours to complete evaluations and that's also paperwork that our our part our staff that's part of our Union is tasked with um um a district field trip coordinator specifically for three Elementary buildings because all the grade levels go on field trips and it takes a lot of time for a teacher to um to coordinate those field trips with the buses with the place with the you know and Gathering it all together with the fees so providing a sipen to a field trip coordinator we thought would help and mentoring siens to support staff who wish to Mentor um that don't require mentoring by the state but it would be benef official for the district to give them somebody to Mentor so those are our ideas everything now I I don't know what we're going to get if any of that but we put it all out there okay and this is a one time as far as I know yes okay thank you well it sounds great anyone else question oh one more before and after school meetings for teachers um that serve on the ntss 504 and attendance appeals to attend meetings before or after school and then stiens for the teachers that are actually on the committee because the ntss and the data team spend a lot of time collecting data analyzing the data and that's additional paperwork for them and it's it's wonderful because it really does allow us to Target our instruction and meet the needs of all our students but it is very timec consuming as opposed to other committees that might just meet once or twice a year these meet monthly and they it requires a lot of paperwork so stiens for the teachers that serve on those committees so very good sounds wonderful as a person who received a Sion for 504s I think it's a great I think it's a great idea um okay anyone else do you has any questions discussion okay all right so next item is M traversa for education and curriculum E2 32436 through E2 32439 any questions or comments give me a minute let me see what we have for 37 the AP pre-cal we currently have AP calculus but not AP pre-cal so that's why it's a new course proposal that's not to say it's going to run we run our AP courses based on um need based on student need so we'll see but we are proposing to have that course to offer to our students um on that note have you had students request that is that why it came about that I do not know just curious through the chair what um what is the Felician school for exceptional children is that a special ed or that is a special education placement for a student that came to us the end of January that's why that date is January 26th and um they're a senior as well wow questions discussion good okay so since um Mr aam is not here I will say uh for budgets and finance bf23 2476 through bf23 2485 any questions you're the chair on 85 do we have any costs yet yes that'll be filled in tomorrow um the cost is about $78,000 for three schools here at the middle school high school Franklin and Smith uh it's on um cooperative and I'll have to list the account numberers being charged but that'll be on tomorrow thank you and if I may so 80 number 82 are the two reports that Mr Lurch went over this evening and number 83 is the corrective action for those four um audit comments and all of them were either completed or like the one for Student Activities going forward now they will make the deposits more timely so all should be corrected Ed you know now in the month of of March and that all gets submitted to the state okay for the professional development session sessions that are up for approval you'll see a lot of Google educator certification um those are online self-paced and we offered it out there to our staff because we are Google Apps for Education District to allow them to become certified as level one Google Educators so you'll see that you'll see some leadership team members that's for the fall conference they had you get a discount if you register now for that conference in the fall um and let me just take a quick look while I look Mr lentino you had a question just real fast under uh 84 for The Residency investigations I think $100 is a fair rate for somebody good but is he Captain how many hours he can do per investigation I do not have a contract with him yet cuz I wanted to wait until we received approval I shared his letter of introduction with the Board of Education I did recently speak to the a superintendent in Edgewater um and they utilized him and last year was very successful as well so they said he did a fabulous job so every superintendent I have spoken to about him about his this company has had nothing but positive to say that being said we will get a contract and we will try and we'll try it out with him and see if it works okay he does not charge until he is actually on the job whereas there was one other one that was a little bit less expensive but he charged from the moment he left his house until the moment he returned to his house yeah you can run these bills up pretty quick just long as he's my see cap somewhere that he's just not I mean I hear he is very good as long as he's not taking advantage of us MH absolutely through the chair on the same subject is there a certain amount of hours we have to promise them no I did ask him I inquired about the average amount of hours and then I was told that it's hard to say so what number was that it was hard to say because every case is different so which I respect but I will make sure I keep everybody posted um currently with the address verification check we are down to 27 I believe that we are waiting for so I'll provide an update on that too um I have a question for now for the professional development there's one where the guidance counselors are going to the different colleges like one to go into Ruckers what do they do there when they go to the colleges my understanding is it's a tour it's it's geared towards counselors It's a counselor event and they share all the highlights of their college so that way the counselors can go back and share it with the students okay kind of like um when a parent takes their child on a tour okay for the college T similar but geared towards counselors oh interesting okay very good anyone else any discussion okay uh M toric my turn around I believe it is I got a bunch of questions okay make sure I'm on here I'm doing Personnel right y okay my name's not on here okay um doing personel fac that's why facilities and operation oh it's on the bottom sorry I was going to say I didn't think I was okay so we only have one the facility uh use report f23 24.9 any questions everybody silent are we good we're everyone okay on that y okay um Mr laurentino's name is not on here it will be on here for Wednesday so he will be the chairperson of personnel so would you like to um skipped over a policy oh I'm sorry now I jumped the gun so there's no policy and there's no negotiation and there's no negotiation thank you yes there is I P2 32458 through look P2 32466 questions comments the es the esy coordinator is in bold because we did want to put that position on the agenda so that way we can start um organizing our esy program for this coming summer um I do you have a question on the appointments the resend Danny he um his start date was probably about two weeks ago and since then he has shown up uh well that position has um only shown up a limited time okay very good have any of the through the chair have any of the rescinded positions been refilled or they're not needed and that's why they were rescinded or a substitute bus driver was a very um a wish okay that did not work out but we're we're still we would hope to have that's always great to have it's a great position to have power professionals we still currently looking for um and this other substitute bus Aid I believe one of our lunch AIDS is going to a lunch to to a bus Aid so I'll have to check okay and on number four under the same number why is it just a substitute custodian I'm sorry what was your question number number four substitute custodian it's a substitute custodian yes she going to be filling in okay yeah and we're hoping down the road she could be a substitute bus driver as well okay and through the chair on p232 4.61 number three is there a reason why he's still just a um volunteer coach so to speak and not a paid one he's been doing this a couple of years I need to find out anyone else I'm still looking that's why I ask if there's anyone else there's a lot to look at on 232 462 no just two was to replace one correct and of course it's a moot point now but I'm assuming two was also had a background check no that that's the um in the pit no no one in the orchestra pit does a background check still we'll argue that every year it was a last minute um cancellation which is why okay anything else syia I'm sure by Wednesday I'll come up with more that's good just keep keep it moving along okay um so are we good you're okay yeah I'm good now all right do we have any committee reports I'm not no no say Wednesday Le is on reports oh wait you have yeah we have to come back here okay finish that part oh do you want to go back to here it's you tell okay finish that all right so I'll just we here uh Lea's on reports we're going to wait okay yeah okay so then um I guess I'll say it since Mr aam's not here so through budget and finance at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items we have bf23 24.72 uh the tentative School Board um school budget through bf23 24.75 if yeah if you want I could just go through the items I'll give a summary this isn't the public hearing um which will go into greater detail so this budget like all the other ones was you know hard to put together not as hard as it was in previous years because we did receive uh an additional 589000 in state aid that with our uh 2% tax um cap allowance um you know got us to get uh put some items in the budget but salaries and benefits really take up the majority of that increase so to do anything um you know good for the students and curriculum a lot of work has to be done so the budget is you know our local funds our state funds and our federal funds so we were able to move some of the items that were in our budget and charge it to Federal programs so with this if I just may summarize um we're able to maintain all our staff uh that we currently have funded by state and local funds we're able to add several new positions two specialed teachers uh one for long Memorial and one for Washington School uh a new speech teacher that was previously funded by federal funds a tier 2 mental health counselor previously funded by federal funds and we're adding a custodian because we did a square footage calculation and we have one school that needs some additional help and then we have our coolage school you know will be online next year so that custodian will do I don't if it be that person but we'll be split so it's a new custodian um a lot of curriculum items that are purchased either with local funds or through title or or the Esser funds we have um Math consumable workbooks k6 Ela textbook and supplies uh grade eight Social Studies textbook k6 science resources High School science supplies for uh Aviation books for high school Ela and vocabulary series SE program and supplies preschool curriculum flexible seating furniture and new instruments at the middle school high school so a lot of a lot of items were added uh in this budget technology iPads for the child study team and related service providers for valuations and assessments uh we're continuing our Chromebooks for the onetoone initiative so new Chromebooks to the incoming Fifth and n9th grade students we're going to upgrade wireless access points and upgrades to our camera system we look to do that facilities we're going to continue with our tab bement products in the classrooms and other areas with uh painting of those rooms and new ceiling and lighting Contin some fencing Replacements concrete Replacements and repairs to balance this budget we needed more than just a 2% cap and um the state aid so in our budget we have from enrollment calculation from the state and enrollment adjustments you're allowed to take that adjustment and increase taxes but you don't have to go anywhere for it for approval so that's called the enrollment adjustment that was about $269,000 because our health benefits are going up about 10% as the projection you we just got rate increases for January 24 these this prediction is for January 25 through June so we were able to get a health benefit waiver cap adjustment about $27,000 so with those all those numbers we're still we're still hard to put all these items in the budget so we met many times with the budget committee went back and forth over items and we were able to take a third area this Bank cap that we it's kind of hard to explain we have in the budget that was in our budget last year based on state calculations that we didn't use so it's available to us to use in that year and the next three years um it balances the budget if you need to use it but it ALS so obviously increases taxes so with that we had a little over $1.1 million and we used or proposing to use 57,000 of that so it leaves 651 th000 for future years next year and and the next two so with all that or taxes to the average house uh assessed that 4 $462,500 in 20 24 would see an increase of $233 or $19 per month um so with this I take this resolution on number 72 all these numbers have to tie into the state program and I have to submit to the through the county office goes to the state but to the county office uh back up for all the salaries give detailed salary sheets detailed tuition um transportation um and besides the state program so it's a lot of documents you have to submit for they review it all uh they'll take a several weeks uh has to be backed by mid to later April and then we'll act on it with budget presentation and approval so on number 72 it lists all the um totals by fund there's three areas of the general fund there of a little over $41 million the special Revenue fund 975 which is our local state and federal grants and the debt services are uh you know mortgage payments for the principal interest of uh bonds and referendums that we have issued so the budget is just under $44.5 million uh general fund tax levy 37 mil 56342 and dead service 1,244 and as you can see further on the page are the cap adjustments we used all this has to go down to the county number 73 is another requirement um to State how much you're going to uh propose to use for maximum travel we put in a um you know enough money is there because you can't go with Justice later so if we do get federal and state money that's the total we have so you can see obviously we haven't spent barely $225,000 but it's just to have enough in there enough cushion but that doesn't mean we're definitely spending it 74 is the special education Medicaid initiative we have to do an action plan because we're not generating the revenues that they're they're projecting so that's sent to the county office that's done by the special services department and 75 we're proposing uh May 1st to um approve have the public hearing and adopt the budget so if everybody's good for that date uh that's a date we' like to uh do it so if any questions on 72 through 75 we'll open it up now I'll share a little bit with the board as to what some of the discussion was as Mr Kate shared most most of the budget is salaries and benefits for our staff so when we met as a committee and we were talking about the various positions um I know I'm going to be asked this so I just want to be clear so the long school we currently do have the special ed teacher at long school because we kind of finagled with Washington school and a maternity leave and what we can have and not have um but we do need to keep that full-time spe special teacher or special education position at long School based on the need um without the special teacher at long School we'd be moving students to other schools which are also almost maxing out and then be paying for out of District Services the special education teacher at Washington school we are looking to expand the construction from the referendum is going to happen in the summer by hiring a special education teacher that allows us to have an inclusive class of both um students with IEPs and students with non-eps in our preschool and the speech teacher um for several months this year we did not have a speech teacher and we had a contract out to Bergen County Special Services to pay for those Services because they are I IEP mandated um which does cost a lot of money and then with our eser funds we were able to secure speech pathologist with the needs of our district and the growth of our programs we see that we see a need to have to continue with the speech pathologist in order to meet the IEP mandates um again without that we'd be contracting out to Bergen County Special Services which is not that cheap either and then the big there's a discussion about our mental health our tier mental health counselor so as you know we have a we're we're fortunate in sbook we have a counselor in every school building aside from Washington school and it benefits us greatly with our eser funds we have a tier 2 mental health counselor we used to have a tier three as well so every child has privy to the the main counselor in the building if they need extra support they go to tier two and those that needed even more went to tier three we have since with Sr funds no longer have tier three so we have tier two and we met as a Comm when we met as a committee and we have this discussion we talked about the needs of our students and what we're seeing across the district it is a districtwide position we are seeing the need to keep the position um they're we're what we're finding is we're sending students out for mental health reasons as opposed to special education reasons um we you know this position what they do is they work with the student they work with the families and they also connect the student and families to some tier three interventions for supports um they do have a pretty high case load they have students that are on their wait list or students I shouldn't say wait list students that are on like their watch list um and they work closely with those families and the mental health counselor has really kept um a good number of our students in school as opposed to the school avoidance students that are not coming into school so um it's really been a benefit to our district and that was a discussion that we had as a committee as to the need to continue with the tier 2 counselor moving forward thank you right can I have a motion motion second second discussion does anyone have a question or would like to discuss anything beforehand no okay roll call please okay Mr orello President yes yes sorry that's all right I'm not pres Mr laena yes Miss torvic yes Miss Traverso yes Miss zelli yes Miss iello yes I was sweating that one out yeah I only have six board members here I need five for okay all right so okay so we did uh committee reports corresponds all business may I go back to Personnel absolutely I I'm I'm always nervous about misspeaking here with being on camera um but I did get confirmation so if you go back to Personnel syvia so 58 number two is resigning as a lunch Aid because she is taking the bus Aid position okay wait what bus a is more hours no no wait number two is resigning CU she's taking the bus and she's already a bus a she's a substitute bus a and she's going to take yeah so it do so that piece does not have to be board approved because she currently serves as a lunch Aid and a subbs aid got it okay and there is a slight chance that we will have a lunch Aid on the agenda for Wednesday okay okay thank you old business anyone no okay new business okay can I have a motion to open motion second okay all in favor I any opposed would anyone from the community like to speak thank you okay can I have a motion to close then motion second all in favor I any opposed okay can I have a motion to close motion second to close session we go to close session yeah yes okay and all in favor I okay any opposed if I say I do we not have to go maybe okay whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meetings and whereas these subjects are within the exceptions of the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in a Clos session pursuant to the New Jersey sa 104-1 12b and and whereas the Board of Education intends to speak and discuss matters of following um a hip case and a Personnel matter whereas the length of the Clos session is estimated to be approximately 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene an action will not be taken now therefore there be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess to close session for only the affordable subject and be it further resolved that the Board of Education here by declares that its discussion of the a afforded subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act okay all right good night everyone nope