call the meeting to order roll call please Mr Rando present Miss barali pres Mr arello presid miss aello Mr laurentino Miss rolloff here miss toric pres Miss Traverso Miss zelli please stand for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all amen okay adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 um do I have to read that part okay so the board will be approving a few agenda items and we'll then move to close session to discuss the superintendent's evaluation and action will be taken are we opening so I have to ask for can I have a motion to open the P thank you second thank you would anyone like to speak you're good okay all in favor I okay he doesn't want to speak CL okay motion to close second second all in favor thank you okay so we go to board actions right okay so we're going to do uh board under board action items um can I have a motion to approve B 232 24.5 second thank you brok 050 so that's the school security drill that's it's mandated for us to submit the statement of insurance it's the two drills a month that each School building is mandat is man mandatory for them to have one's a fire drill one's another school safety drill thank you any other questions discussion roll call please Mr Miss rolloff yes M uh M this one do miss Zella sure you got it right I don't know mram yes Miss brale presid oh yes the heat the heat the heat the heat Mr orello yes Miss toric yes six good okay okay oh she's not here so um okay education and curriculum uh can I get a motion to approve e232 4.55 second second thank you any discussion this is the grant that I shared with the board at our last meeting um it's with Ruckers University the bog Center for disability developmental disabilities and CBI is community- based instruction it's for our special needs students mainly at the middle school high school to start vocational experiences in our community they provide us with resources and training and such any other comments roll call please M rolloff yes M Elli yes M ramondo yes Miss morali yes Mr arello yes Miss toric yes before we do the next one on before we move uh budget and finances might make one change to the items uh bf23 24151 I'm going to going to remove that item because I guess I was just paranoid to not get any more audit comments I put it on again but I found it today where I did have it previously approved so we're going to take that one off so would be the rest of the items without 151 okay uh budget and finance Mr AO sure at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items uh bf23 24148 to bf23 24155 excluding 151 any questions yeah I could question do the chair uh just curious where are the 50 desktop laptop desktop that's all the uh central office and all the offices throughout the district oh good you're getting that's wonderful yeah we're uh can I have one too we're a little we're a little over do but we got a schedule that we uh we're on and we're up we're up for that you like a pycho yeah yeah that's great I could go over I know you don't have a second yet but I could just highlight well 148 149 are normal um Financial reports and transfers 150 this was on last month it was blanks we pulled it off and because there was a new if I remember telling you last time there was a new bid under the co-op for um roof Replacements so they just got it on the 7th able to redo the proposals so we made it for tonight and This falls under the referendum and it's all under budgeted and these roofs will be replaced and have a 20-year warranty um then we're canceling some more checks and other items per the Auditors the 50 computers who just went over and 155 is items from the June 12th meeting and also the 50 computers I'm going to be working with uh getting proposals from leasing uh financing company comp so our next meeting right now is scheduled for August so I just want to make sure that I have authority to obtain that leasing then I'll bring it to the August meeting it's normal uh financing that we do every every year and that's the uh item so any more questions roll call please miss rolloff yes Miss Elli yes Mr roam yes Miss barali yes Mr roell yes and miss toric yes's not here um can I get a motion to approve uh p232 4105 through p232 4.108 second no I need a first question whatever it I need it first first really that's the word second thank you just a quick one um may I ask what are we still looking for to have a full staff District are we still are we fully staff yet or we're still no yeah no so the one 105 um I was informed today and it's the reason um was to be closer to family so we will be posting for that position um middle school science 106 I'll go back to your question 106 um is a teacher preschool teacher for Washington school and I just want to note to the board it does say step 12 but remember if you recall we revised the contract so step 12 does not really mean 12 years of experience I think it's actually step five and then 107 and 108 are on the agenda because there were omissions previously of longevity in one of each of those employees um as far as other positions that we have opened at this time I would have to check to be positive but I know we have World Language um middle school high school we have special education Elementary we have I believe another preschool special education teacher and now a science Middle School off thep one custodian one custodian one custodian oh okay you got a couple of months yes how are we nurses how are we with nurses is the question nurses oh we we're still missing one school nurse you're right um the person that we wanted to hire was not fully certified yet as a school nurse so she's she is um going back so we are still we have that still actively posted it's open okay any other questions okay broll call please miss Roloff yes M Elli yes Miss Ro yes Miss barali yes Mr arello yes Miss toric yes okay this okay okay whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and whereas these subjects are within the exceptions to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session do I have to say pursuant to all that pursuant to njsa how do you even say that 10 104 12b and whereas the Board of Education intends to discuss matters as follows njsa 10 412b superintendent evaluation whereas the length of the closed session is estimated to be 15 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene an action will not be taken now therefore be it resolved that the board I thought action would be taken action no the notice was for we took action on the agenda items no action after the close session okay sorry uh now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education will recess into Clos session for only the aforesaid subjects and be it further resolved that the Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the afores said subject will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act can I have a motion to adjourn I mean thank you all in favor sorry he interrupted good I that's it that's it okay yeah okay we're not coming back in here right no okay everybody have a great summer h