##VIDEO ID:aNlauPp4T-4## I'd like to call this meeting to order roll Mr Karate United States ofer and the stands na indivisible andice of this of of at time aded that Allon and elect devices are to turned offes absolutely thank you so with us two of our high school students we have Sana and Devon and they dat it through our interview process we interviewed between seven and 10 students and they um were chosen to be the student Representatives on the board of education for this school year Deon and San will be serving us the voices of our student body they will bring valuable insights and perspectives to the board and then they're going to bring back to the high school students what we talk about at the board meetings and highlight it for them um Mr M me some information just a couple words to say that their dedication to representing their peers and their commitment to improving our our school Community make them excellent candidates for this role so he was very proud of us having both of you have chosen both of you both students have been very well well-rounded and contributing members of sadle BR High School since they began here they maintain impressive grade point averages and are involved in several areas of school life so at this time we would like to welcome Savannah and 7 and we are going to just take a couple pictures with you with your name plates at our table [Applause] don't have a report right now right [Music] than okay all right we'll start with let's say um the New Jersey school Public Relation Association awarded stook School District as a winner of the golden Achievement Award we were the only District in New Jersey to achieve this award and it was in conjunction in collaboration with Lord Bishop of communications our referendum company so that was really exciting um we did have a state testing investigation here at the middle school high school so one of um let's see So based upon the investigation we did need to create a corrective action plan and the items found in this corrective action plan were essentially had to do had to do with the training that was provided to the staff so we needed to improve with that so we needed to make sure our staff understands that anyone can fill out a testing irregularity and security breach form um that you have to promptly alert Administration the school testing coordinator of any irregularities and immediately report the testing irre irregularity it's a fun word to say and submission of the post test certification forms that with make sure it has all the correct information so that is our corrective action plan and as I shared with the board all of these were implemented immediately after our NJ GPA testing in time for the SLA testing so it's already been in place it's already been completed and we're going to continue moving forward with making sure that we um follow our state testing procedures then our district goals are also going to be approved tonight along with our district PDP our professional development plan and with that that has to do with our qac monitoring so with our qac monitoring our district scored a 79% in instruction and program and you needed an 80% to fully um achieve that that portion of it so we needed to create a district Improvement plan and within that District impr Improvement plan no too close we have our three goals so from that became came our three goals so our three goals for the district that are set to be approved tonight are to boost so I should say instruction and programming that is our test scores our test growth scores and achievement graduation rate and chronic absenteeism we did okay we're pretty good with graduation rate so is our state testing scores and our chronic absm rate that that we really need to work on so our first goal is going to be to boost attendance in school engagement by implementing a tiered intervention system for chronic absenteeism our schools are going to make sure that they strongly communicate with our families and our students on the importance of attending school each and every day if they're sick if your child is sick we do want them to stay home but if they are healthy to come to school we need to have them present our second goal is elevating academic achievement and each of our schools has a school data team those School data teams meet monthly they analyze student data and they sort of um create targeted instruction for our teachers to follow in order to assist them in boosting their their academic scores and our third goal is going to continue with optimizing our Safety and Security protocols priority in our school buildings we have our threat assessment team we're actually meeting tomorrow morning with the office of Homeland Security we're going to review each school's security plan and we're going to talk about a re reunification plan moving forward all right then we are excited that each School building does have new cameras in our buildings so we actually our Administration team had training on working the cameras this morning we're very excited moving forward with our new cameras we also have um each of our schools are using Google sites now so their handbooks are on Google sites their code of conducts are on a Google site so that way it has it um provides easier access for our families our code of conducts are being on they're on the agenda to be approved tonight we did create K to six a preschool through six really code of conduct um that and that was based upon feedback from our staff and families last school year when that survey came out so we took that piece of feedback and we created these code of conducts um the middle school high school code of conduct we added a testing um you know behavior during testing one and um a little bit more stringent on the be being consequences we do have a couple students that were awarded National recognition from the College Board we'll be inviting them to our next board meeting but Dianna joose and grade 12 Claudia Pat in grade 11 and T Alex Tona in grade 12 um they were by the College Board okay Washington Centennial we are planning that for October I believe it's October 10th it's the Thursday at 5 o'clock a plan is I met with an older gentleman that went to um Washington school and graduated 8th grade from there and then I met with one of the teachers that actually started the preschool disability program at Washington school once it reopened when it first reopened um I did get photos that I can share um the plan for that day is to really give the hist of Washington School talk about what's currently happening at Washington school we plan on having a time capsule and then to provide a tour of the current building we are going to have our middle school high school band I requested that they play some Americana music for Washington school and we will have some light Refreshments as well and I just also wanted to update I'm kind of stealing raise Thunder a little bit um but he can he can cut in I just want to share some of the projects because there's so much going a lot of um I shouldn't say a lot but I'm getting people asking me especially at the front of the building what's happening so I just wanted to share and kind of highlight everything that our building and Facilities crew and Mr Karate has been spearheading here um I'm going to start with I know the big question is the turf field and lights we are we are still awaiting approval on that so that work has not begun yet coolage school is currently being renovated um our board offices our central office the plan is for us to move into the the rooms at coolage school Washington School the second flooor is being renovated so there's four new classrooms with the bathroom in each classroom it's actually quite beautiful um our front of the middle school high school here so we have we are creating a wider walkway right in the center of the front Circle and the town is then going to create a crosswalk and the crossing guard is going to be at that crosswalk the plan also is to um purchase those light up pedestrian walking signs the solar powered ones for the front as well and we created a path that right from the front doors directly to the side parking lot so what we found was that students and others didn't feel like parking in the parking lot because he had to walk all the way to Mayhill Street and go all the way around so we're hoping by creating this direct path that would assist and we're hoping it's not 100% but the plan is we're getting a quol on creating a path from the front circle to the middle school door so that when the middle school students walk they can just cut across and make it easier access to that Middle School front door we have gosh you see the flooring is being done so we in the past we did the other the hallway floors with the new white tiles we're now doing these two hallways and then the front um entrance hallway and we're excited because we hope it comes out nice but we got like a navy and gold um s and a be for saddle book to kind of make it a little bit fancy we order new carpets for the front as well and I um and also just so that people are know what's going on across the district we're there's a storage closet that we converted to an office at Smith we tiled the floor of the media center at Smith and painted it it looks beautiful every building's getting water um bottle filler uh bottle filler water fountains um they're getting more of them in the buildings the second floor here is getting a staff bathroom the Washington school has is renovating another staff bathroom our middle school high school office here we renovated the safe room to be a conference room for them um some of the buildings have new fences and we're purchasing the Privacy bers for those fences as well Washington School also phase two of a playground is going to happen so those that equipment is going to be delivered shortly and just some smaller items like at long School some of the railings need fixed in in in the stairwells and in this cafeteria we've created a storage closet for our food services so you'll see very visible different projects going on across the dist okay that's all I have small grou construction it just cost a lot of money but that's a general fies but everything's you know coming out um you know pretty well the last home stretch the last two weeks now is where you start biting your nails and pulling your hair out see after 17 years I don't have much more hair to pull out um but it all comes together there a few things that you said to field having a tough time getting that final approval because they don't communicate very well with us but it should happen hopefully soon and um i' like to try to see if we could plan the next couple weeks little trips with the board members to the building just to see these projects obviously the ones that have the most work being done but to go see them all and see uh the schools for how they looked for the opening of school so we'll set something may just do a quick little half hour SCH see and ring the school B atage point three is the district improvment plan I spoke about my point four we mandated to um adopt the district mentoring plan point five is the corrective action plan I spoke of in my update um point six are the district's goals the board will adopt their goals at next board meeting that's the plan and then the district PDP is in alignment with the district goals which is in alignment with the dip and then point eight is our reporting to the state on vandalism vandalism violence and hips Mr Ro yes Mello yeso yes four the field trips are um our High School cheer team on their overnight trip to Orlando High School Varsity Softball to Orlando and the high school baseball teams brle Beach those are overnight trips here at the high school for High School athletics and then there's also three kindergarten trips that we're really excited about so we're having our each kindergarten classes in each building on three separate days visit um Community places so we they do a a unit on communities and so we planed for them the library the municipal building the post office and the police station so those are the other field triops and then point two is Tom the therapy dog at Helen I Smith School we're continuing with him and if anybody has any connections for therapy dogs at the other buildings please share we're trying to reach out to other organizations to see about getting three four five and six are our code of conduct for each building um K to has the same code of conduct and that came from the feedback from staff and parents um that was sent out via Google form at the end of the school year so with going through all that feedback what we decided to do as a team was we created these code of conducts for preschool K to 6 and our high school middle school code of conduct we revise where if you are caught with a vaping device or um suspicion of being on drugs then we're it's getting a little bit stricter days school suspension with a negative drug test and 10 days at a school suspension with a positive drug test a medical examination referral to the municipal court for a fine restricted bathroom Privileges and referral to guidance department for assciation assistance um so that's with the first events of really becoming very strict with our vaping practices at our high school and then also we added a um misconduct during state or district testing where any misconduct first defenses of Friday detention with irre report filed through the state the second offense is a three-day instal suspension app parent meeting and also the IR irregularity report and then the third offense would be five days of school suspension plus the others so those are the changes in our code of conduct the middle school high school point seven is our district curriculum Mrs deonis updated our curriculum we have new Ela and new math standards that have been revised by the state of New Jersey so she went through the curriculum documents and she made sure they were all updated point is our out of special education placement list and Point N are our service providers there are a list of approved service or if you approve them service providers to um I was gonna say provide services to our students um so there're the you know psychologists um social workers speech therapists any services that our students may need yes dist item f24 yes Rec yes it mosted that weev them basedd newey Administrative Code the tardiness arrival early dismissal was revised just to reflect more of what happens in each building so what happens at the middle school high school is different than what happens at the K to6 buildings middle school high school if they're five minutes late they scan their card um at the kiosk and they're morly in Genesis at the elementary schools they walk in and need to check in to be more late so that's what that is our honoring student achievement we changed um made it a little bit more um so for our Honorable in high school GPA used to be 3.2 changing 34 we're proposing to change it to 3.4 high honoral from a 3.8 to a 4.0 and superintendent honoral from a 4.4 to so they so those are the changes that that super most rions he was omed that wased from last scho year so we owe him that money um you'll see a couple rions you'll see as our R College interns we have 18 we're seled for 18 student interns across the district for next school year um we have 11 is a res that requested her field observations with us we always try to accommodate ourth residents who were able to do so our 12 is elementary school district field trip coordinator so this is part of our teacher climate and culture brand I think someone mentioned it before actually um we're actually the only um the only District in Bergen County to be approved the teacher climate and culture Grant so that was Mrs deonis myself um Mrs Johnson our SBA president work so we sort of collaborated on that together and it paid off so with that what we're able to do is we purchase 24 in monitors for our teachers um and a doing station so they can take their laptop everyone has a district laptop they put it in the docking station and it serves as a dual screen with their monitor we also were able to purchase Wireless for every teacher and a digital notebook where they can take notes on the digital notebook and then it saves directly to their Google Drive so those are the devices I think those are all of them that we were able to purchase and then were able to um provide some sens some sens to attend the school be team meetings if we want to have any after school to have the parents come and meet with us we're able to provide s for those staff members to attend again this is only for this school year with this grant so we're making that very clear um we also the first 70 staff members that completed our online Vector training were provide they were there are they are going to be given a $100 stien um for for this as part of this teacher climate and culture Grant and then this is our field trip coordinator so the purpose of this teacher climate and culture Grant was to make administrative tasks easier for our teachers there's so many you know so many of those that are involved with their day-to-day life and one of them especially at the elementary level was field trips so what we what we did with this position is we're going to provide a statement to one staff member to sort of schedule the field trips across the elementary building so that way our teachers don't have to spend time after school on the phone calling up places finding aing and doing all of that so we're hoping with this position that alleviates some of those extra stressors that are put on our teachers and only with only with this clate culture the one thing I want to clear up is it came up in discussion earlier we revised our salary guide as part of our last teacher contract negotiations we have a fiveyear contract and we started out with 28 steps in our salary guide for teachers and we condense them down to 21 by the 26 27 school year with that we really focused on putting money into the salary guide and I know in the past historically it's been said that sadw doesn't pay well for their teachers however that's changed that has since changed and when I look across the county at different salary guides I mean our starting is right with other districts some are better some are some are a little bit lower um our high is one of the highest in the county so we're actually we have a pretty strong salary gide I know people say teachers leave for a higher salary we don't have too many teachers doing that if someone wants to play the game and you know hop districts and get paid more money they're able to do so what we hope is that you know by providing a strong culture here in s that they want to stay with us um you know there's pros and cons to both sides of that but as a educator as an educator that in multiple districts I can tell you that s is definitely one of the best to work in so it's it's a it provides a really positive clment for our staff and we receive a lot of good feedback from our new staff about how positive it is here especially when you've been in other districts and you come here you really that's when you really see and that's the feedback receive element fi only element every every grade level goes on a field trip usually in the spring during the school year so it's to assist those grade levels and every building goes somewhere different so with that like I said it requires a lot of calling scheduling on the phone communication you know being on the phone during the classroom is nearly impossible so we were hoping by providing this position that we' have someone be able to effectively schedule those field question yes I'm it have bu we're brainstorming we're in the brainstorming phase s it today and ask that we share it outet 240 sou on the easly side and from the norly dead south on the Westerly side Monday through Friday except holidays so the issue with the tennis cour last year or the last couple years is that we have students um and littering and just sort of not keeping very good of it at all times so that that was the issue with the tennis parking lot so I'm not sure how we are going to proceed our initial thought was to have all the students park in our parking lot and know and that's why we have a sidewalk now acoss the entire side of parking lot not sure if we're going to that tennis parking lot lot and we had half of our parking Lotty that's one of the reasons why we did the path directly from the parking lot congratulations I would say our our custodial maintenance crew have they've been absolutely amazing there's a lot of projects going on I know our teachers have requested to come into the buildings and we're sort of keeping them out right now because there's so many uh projects going on as you see we can't walk on our floors um they're still being waxed they're still being built so there's there's still so much going on that our custodians are you know they're still shampoing rugs and getting everything ready for that first day and our first day is coming up so Monday our new teachers report Monday Tuesday Wednesday all staff reports Wednesday Thursday and then Friday we else on that note just really quick I just want to also acknowledge the leadership team here because everyone always wonders what you do over the summer and they have been working nonstop over the summer on just improving our procedures in the district um you'll see our Middle School High School parent portals opening tomorrow just little things like creating you um they call that back screen when you log in so you'll see like little little things like that um our parent form access you like just analyzing student data over the summer everything that they've been doing um you know Mr Karate has also been going through all his boxes that we've had in storage in order to get them scanned or shredded there's so much work going on over the summer that the entire leadership team has been absolutely amazing and we really appreciate I know Mr Patel back there he's doing a lot with our technology as the stuff going on in our in our buildings um his team has been hanging the interactive display boards that we purchased in every in every building it takes a couple days to do each one um they've been organizing all their new laptops and they are you know tagging them all for our students that we're getting and so much more um now they have to install the teacher monitors that we are receiving from the grant so it's really nonstop so our Tech team has really been doing um they're pretty busy right now yeah so one of the other pieces of feedback from the surveys was school pride and what we've been working on as a leadership team is how to how to increase our how to improve our school pride and one of the items that we talked about is that the are mascot and Falcons have strong Vision they have their focus they aspire to always do better they um they they what was the other word I was looking for they're ambitious so you know we're trying to take the traits of the Falcon and apply them to the traits of our students and like we are falcons and have pride in that statement and we're we've been working as a leadership team as to have so that's why you're going to see more of the Falcon we're trying to use that that Falcon symbol um across more of our Communications and across all the district we actually you'll see in the bathrooms and they're not um on yet but we have soap soap dispensers that we're getting withc just little things like that to just kind ofree and try to improve school pride that way SE