I'd like to call this meeting to order roll call Mr Ry please M ramondo present miss barali Mr ello present M Zello present Mr laurentino pres Mr R Miss Roloff sorry M Miss toric present M Traverso here melli here please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance happens once in a while iedge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all out of quick notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open meetings act chapter 231 1975 at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off we're going to start with the student [Music] report hi my name is Olivia lash and I will be reporting on all three elementary schools as well as the middle school and high school for all three elementary schools they ended the 2023 uh school year with holiday parties they would like to thank their pto's for organizing them also this week they had ancl day where classes built connections with others practiced social emotional skills and they also learned about MLK the elementary schools will be having their winter concerts this month for grades 4 to 6 and they will showcase their band and choir now for the middle and high school the middle and high school had a fun end to 2023 as they held their Spirit Week capped off with the winter pep rally which included their staff versus student basketball game which got pretty competitive um the band and fire also had a successful holiday concerts in December the high school held their scheduling meeting for 10th and 11th graders and heard about all of the new courses electives and option two counselors will begin meeting with 8th to 11th grade students Mike Menzel LED systems engineer for the James web Space Telescope also spoke to the students on Monday now for athletics congratulations to cersa Tumi on being selected as saddle Brooks 202 2024 National girls and women's in sports day recipient sear show was honored at the Ruckers versus Penn State women's basketball game on Sunday January 14th congratulations to saddleberk high school senior pitcher tjus on signing a letter of commitment to continue his baseball career at Drew University please continue to come out and support our winter sports teams as we begin the second half of the season and continue to follow us on social media for results and shout outs thank you thank you very much for that report um can we have the superintendence report yes thank you okay I'm going to piggy back off of the student report and also add that we had some High School singers who successfully auditioned for the 2024 all North Jersey region one chorus um hundreds of singers were there at Clifton High School to audition and there will be an all qual Festival concert held at Morris nlls on February 3rd featuring the mixed chorus and the treble chorus so congratulations I'm just going to say their first names to vaita Becks Iana Stephanie Rachel Jayla Olivia Christian and AJ great job Saddle Brook singers and then I just wanted to touch upon all the weather that we've been having this week so first I wanted to thank so the O the office of emergency management the sbook Emergency Management coordinator was in touch with me regarding the flooding that was happening in town and him along with the captain of the police department and myself we had a group text going and they were so great with just keeping me informed and then I came here and for some reason I had just had to go walk on sle River Road to see it I don't really know why but I learned a whole lot about cresting of rivers um and how quickly water does rise so I wanted to thank the OEM and the sbook police department because without working with them it this would be almost an impossible job to do and then I Al also wanted to thank the DPW with the roads yesterday the head of DPW um connected with Mr Kate and myself and just let us know how the roads were doing um you know kept us in communication they did such a great job because the roads in sbook were so wonderful and clear um as opposed to other towns I wanted to thank them and then again this morning um DPW came they salted all the parking lots um they did such an amazing job with clearing it all salting everywhere because of the ice and then our own building and grounds crew I mean they salted all the sidewalks and all the they know all the areas at each building that tend to get icy so they were out there all morning in the freezing cold making sure that the ice that the salt was out there so I just wanted to thank all of them I also just wanted to remind the board that we are being Cusack evaluated scheduled for this Friday so they are coming in on Friday they evaluate the district in five areas um they did say 80 is passing they said to aim for 80 they said districts no longer score in the '90s so they did tell me to share that with the board um we're excited we're already the team has really been working diligently to make sure that we're in compliance and they are scheduled to come Friday they're going to walk around the buildings they're going to talk to curriculum and instruction and just make sure that we are all set to go and then I'll be sending out there was a grant awarded to an organization to lead youth Mental Health First Aid um to staff and parents so we actually many of our staff has been trained in youth mental health first aid and I'll always share really quickly what it is youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents family members adults that you know around children how to help an adolescent age 10 to 18 they say 12 but when I spoke to them they're like it really starts at age 10 who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis it's designed for adults who regularly interact with young people um it reviews typical adolescent development teaches a five-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations topics covered include anxiety depression depression substance abuse disorders in which psychosis may occur and disruptive behavior disorders including ADHD and eating disorders so I am going to be sending out a sign up to our parents to see who's interested in being trained in youth Mental Health First Aid it is somewhat of a commitment there's a 2hour um pre-work they call it that you need to do on your own with uh video modules and then it's a 4-Hour training so I'll be sending out just an interest form I'm not promising that it's going to happen but I will send out an interest form see what kind of Interest have within our parent population and then see if we're able to schedule it on a day in time that works for most people so be on the lookout for that and I also wanted to touch base on our calendar so we are working on the school calendar for next school year I know that there was some questions in the community by Martin Luther King Day there's been days in the past that we're closed for Martin Luther King day and days in the past that we've had half day with students and PD in the afternoon um what we were trying to do is being consistent across Columbus Day Veterans Day Martin with the King day and kind of treating them all the same half day for students PD in the afternoon for staff it's kind of difficult I think the calendar is probably one of the hardest parts of the of the job because it's difficult to fit 184 days from September to June um and also honor all the holidays that are out there but what we're doing is we're actually surveying the county the superintendents in Bergen County all have a group um so they do a monthly survey so surveying the other districts in Bergen County to see what their ideas are for next school year because also the other thing that's frustrating is the spring recess is always a different week it seems in different districts so I thought by maybe reaching out to them seeing what they're doing and then developing the calendar so originally we were going to have it on this agenda and we pulled it we're going to put it on February's agenda so you could be on the lookout for that um you have to remember with the calendar that we do have voting in our schools so we are off uh election day and it's a presidential election and then primary day so those are two days that other districts don't have that they get to work with and that being said we are now going to have a presentation we are highlighting long Memorial School we're very excited to have these special visitors with us today so at this point I'm going to ask the members of the board to please transition to the seats in the auditorium I'm going to invite Mrs Mansfield long Memorial schools principal up to present it all right thank you I'm Triple M [Music] [Music] right there we go I go to the podium right oh perfect yeah I think we're good y thank you all for allowing us to Showcase long Memorial um there are so many things to celebrate at long Memorial School but tonight we are excited to share with you a few of those tonight we will showcase skills that can Empower children for life Leadership entrepreneurship and financial literacy these may seem like complex topics for elementary school but I'm proud to show you the work that we've been doing and are doing throughout the building to prepare our students for life well outside their days at long Memorial first I'm going to invite our fourth grade students who created their own chocolate bars wrote descriptive ex essays working on various text features and even added a a price point that will lead them into their next unit of opinion and persuasive writing so I would like to present Mr ran con and some of our students to present their work Kaye Emily Elsa Cara Eleanor Maya Adriana Ariana and Nora thank you what each time a group is done we'll stop phot we'll at the end think think we see better I think okay we're going to go to the front you don't have you're right in the front they want the comfort of the podium oh yeah we could do the St both perfect thank you what you'll see on the screen is a bulletin board that is on the second floor of long school and it has how some of the uh the chocolate cafes and as some of their chocolate bars and their writing is displayed in our hallways all right we'll get started and we'll start uh we're going to say our names and then we'll we'll try to sell our candy bars hi everybody my name is Elanor Hannah and I made something called the extreme bar the bar's wrapper is shaped and looks like a palm tree its palm tree bark is rough but smooth and the leaf is big and sturdy the sand from the island is as rough as a cat's tongue and the Coconuts are big and hairy they smell like coconuts fresh from Moana the extreme bar has over 22 flavors but there are really two flavors that are your ticket to flavor land and back the first is the ooey gooey caramel that is in the top bottom and middle the bar is not complete without it then comes a marshmallow that is warm and cozy and transfers you to a happy childhood memory so if you want to experience a trip to flavorland go to your local store and buy the extreme bar every bar you you buy is a coupon for 10 more it's only for $125 I hope you enjoy it have a good Dayan no take it what take it take it I don't want to do it next go okay get out of here Twix and say hello K hold this please oh uh Emily willj I I made the love for my slogan as it comes from the heart get out of here Twix and say hello to the love bar Emily's Super S Factory is introducing the one and only magnificent love bar on February 14th make sure to mark your calendar so you could be the first one there to try the rich delicious chocolate with mouth water and creamy fudge when you walk down the aisle your your eyes will go straight to the beautiful sensation the love bar you will hear the sound of the crinkling wrapper when you unwrap it then the aroma flowing from the wrapper will fill your nose that will certainly make you want to touch the soft creamy chocolate and you will fall in love with it that is why it's called the love bar hi my name's Ariana scaduto and my chocolate bar Nam is the Taylor's chocolate bar crunch oh hi excuse me I was just eating the new Taylor's chocolate bar have you ever tried one yet the Taylor's chocolate bar is only $2 the next time you are in the mood for chocolate you should try the Taylor's chocolate bar in the middle of the bar are bananas that are soft and melt in your mouth under the bananas are raspberries that are bright red and bumpy on top of the bar is macadamia nuts which are hard and crunchy the Taylor's chocolate bar is delicious and so good to eat hi my name is Kaye Santiago have you ever heard of the chocolate H have you ever heard of a bar called the awesome bar I don't think you have cuz I just made it and it is delicious and you would love it my chocolate bar is is light blue I dyed the peanut butter so that is what makes it blue the pink dots are strawberries the the wrapper will be shiny blue the wrapper would feel like cotton and is light as a feather it is really beautiful ACR across from the label there is a picture that shows what the bar would look like and it is wonderful it gives me joy and I hope it will give you Joy too you can find my choco bar anywhere c CVS shop right Amazon make sure you try the awesome bar and give yourself a a smile the bar is $2.50 that is why you would love the chocolate the awesome bar so go go to the store and get a chocolate bar [Music] today my name is Elsa lty and um I'm going to be showing the Swifty bar you cannot get enough of the Swifty bar I think you should buy 87 of these bars that that is that is like the 87 on Taylor Swift bracelet you'll feel you'll feel like Taylor Swift yourself the Swifty bar has three flavors marshmallow pink chocolate and caramel the the chocolate bar has caramel that has hardens so when you bite into the hard caramel it will melt in your mouth the ooey gooey marshmallows too every chocolate bar comes with a free Taylor Swift bracelet that that has all Taylor Taylor's album names when all when all the bracelets of the albums are collected you win a big prize of meeting Taylor Swift um backstage the more chocolate bars you buy the more chances you have of winning the big PRI [Music] prize nice job nice job you got this my name is my name is car canella and my choc is name Tiki ba oh my God now here's a question how good are your eyes good bad absolutely terrible well however your eyesight is it doesn't really matter not kidding just look at baraber as soon as B Tiki catches your eye you'll see that beautiful blue ocean or should I say beautiful you'll want it Bubba rabbit isn't what you're actually eating even though it's beautiful once you open my rapper you f the smooth milk chocolate and its white drizzle and the streaks of coconut and rainbow sprinkles on this inside are melted chocolate chips which are in the middle of a bar the ends of in the ends of a bar between the chocolate chips are marshmallows strawberries and chocolate chip cookie bits yes hold that wait when you shink them marshmallows you think of camping a campfire and roasting them over it well these marshmallows are just all they all have the camping taste they're golden and toasted and once you bite into it they're very fluffy and when it comes to strawberries we all know the it's in fridge or they were MEK these ones are not hard or sour or soft or mushy and last but not least but cookies and but cookies are like a cookie haben for your teeth and may go up to the max deliciousness and you might even get the rare chocolate ball which contains 18 Disney World gift [Applause] cards hi I'm Adriana D'Angelo and my chocolate bar name was Santa's helper My slogan was Don't Stop Believing Fly Away Milk Duds make room for Santa's helpers the North Pole f Factory is including a brand a new brand bar that is going to be better than you can believe you can you won't believe the incredible ingredients take a chance to wait take a chance of the magical Santa's bar right when you step foot into the the North Pole you'll make eye contact with the colorful bright wrapper that has a sparkling gold trim around it you will find three tiny elves dancing along the Cris paper to grab your attention these elves are so cute that you won't resist buying Santa's helper chocolate bar crunch [Applause] crunch hello my name is Maya and the name of my chocolate is berry swirl chocolate bar it's very good surprise run away hery because there's a new chocolate bar in town my fruity Factory presents you with the be swirl chocolate bar go to my fruity Factory first so you can have a mouthwatering delicious Berry swirled chocolate bar from the moment you sink your teeth into the delicious magnificent and glorious strawberry blueberry and raspberry flavors the bearish S chocolate bar is like a party in your mouth It Feels Like Heaven on Earth when you think your taste buds had enough a silky creamy gooy luxurious caramel rushes out of the be swirl chocolate bar come on over to your local candy store and purchase purchase the one and only delicious Berry swirl chocolate bar it's just $125 it's a very good surprise I promise you you it's 100% worth your money to buy [Music] it hello my name is Nora baros and my chocolate Bar's name is treat for cheer My slogan is give me a treat have you ever done a stun and eaten a chocolate bar at the same time well if you haven't go to your local Target and get tree for cheer inside you have a gift card to Amazon cheer up have you ever tasted a chocolate bar is delicious delicious as treat for cheer no you have not because this is the best chocolate bar ever made the caramel has a strong taste and melts in your mouth instantly the peanut butter is thick and creamy the chocolate chips are small but delicious the milk chocolate is so good I can't describe it don't even get me started with a crunch when you bite into it it feels like heaven on your teeth you will be zoned out once you open the wrapper you will drop your jaw and if you buy my bar it's only $2.50 if you buy one you'll get one free now drop your flyer and go to your local Target and get the bar called treat for cheer yeah drop my flyer I know I'm pretty hungry after hearing all those well they taste a little like cardboard right now uh I also want to add that they did have more written and I made them all shorter so if you want to get the full uh full detail you can see them later or see them when they're when they're hung up outside our classrooms no thank you fourth graders we can go you can go sit back with your you can sit with your parents now so you saw their creativity and their creation which oh you did a fantastic job great [Music] job okay a that um next we present our fifth grade students who worked very hard on their Shark Tank presentations there we go okay Miss jok did a fabulous job working with the fifth grade students and the fifth graders each created their own Shark Tank projects that were presented to a panel of Judges included Miss jum's parents um Miss was there um our district other teachers Miss lab was one of the judges and they did a fantastic job and tonight we have cassette and Anthony who want to share their presentation so miss jum hello everyone um first of all fourth grade amazing job I'm hungry um but after watching the fourth grade presentation too it just made me so excited with everything that they take and what they're learning and how to persuade and convince and be creative is something that we really strive for when we were doing our Shark Tank project so when I found out I was teaching social studies this year I was a little nervous um because as a student I was always kind of like uh I'm not someone that was just shoved information down my throat that wasn't how I learned so I really wanted to take like a project-based approach when looking at our curriculum um and I thought what better way to teach economics than to do a little bit of a shark tank project um so I'm going to have Anthony kind of explained to you guys what we learned prior to working on our project and he's going to to tell you the steps that we took when we were organizing our presentations to our shark panel and then we're going to actually have cassette give you her pitch and I have her commercial for you but I'm going to let them take it away yes before we before I change the slide the pictures that I have in there were pictures that were taken from our day of the Shark Tank presentations from Miss job's classroom and it truly was an exciting day for everyone involved they did a fantastic job so first we learned about economics and Entrepreneurship then we thought what are some problems in the world and what is a good or service that we can create to fix it first we researched cost to create products and then we did a creative advertisement and commercials to sell the product then we determined asking price for sharks to invest while still making a profit then it was Shark tin time first we showed the hook and the commercial and then we introduced the group then we talked money and then asked the Sharks to invest then the Sharks asked questions and made potential Investments so Anthony were the Sharks very easy on you no they not right and what was something that we kind of learned when we were doing this project was we were kind of running into problems that maybe we hadn't thought about prior right so I actually going to have Miss cassette present to you her Shark Tank project um and I hopefully linked her commercial if I don't know if I could try to pull it up but I'm going to let her start it off and I'll see if I can the board okay have you ever flipped your pillow like a pancake because first you're a pizza oven and then you're in the Arctic hi I'm cette and we are the pillow dreams company and we all have problems sleeping at night because of our pillows our pillows are way too hot but we have a solution we have created a pillow that changes temperatures so we can finally sleep peacefully it cost $971 to make one product and we are selling it for $50 this will give us a profit of $52.80 we are asking for 50,000 to start up our company in return for 30% stake in our company so sharks are you ready to sleep away with our pillows so something they also did um which was awesome about this project we worked really closely with with our media teacher as you saw in the screen um they actually created advertisements for all of their products but they also got to make a commercial commercial which is a lot of fun so this is cassette group um and their commercial that they [Music] created we we didn't know there was a video sorry so sorry it was secretly linked in there that's so no it's okay um so I teach both classes so for each class we had about six groups per class um actually want a lot of the students created Goods but I think we did have one group that created a service they got to choose um again like they got to pick their groups they got to really think in their life what were some problems that they had and some Ty of positions to help solve these problems a lot of different products created um they all did a really awesome job with it I wish I had pillow that changes temperatures cuz my pillow is way too hot His Kind little girl is having trouble sleeping but her pillow is the wrong temperature and she wishes to have a pillow that changes temperature but there are none until now what do you mean Hocus Pocus the temperature pillow yes I can finally see peacefully again tos.com now the cost of this pill is [Music] $150 so um to wrap it up before we go to sixth grade something that was really cool when we were presenting again we kind of saw issues with our products as we were presenting them such as some of the Sharks were like well what happens if it catches on fire right so it really forced us to think outside the box and if we were to continue to produce this product um what were some solutions that we were going to have to come up with okay yeah and it and it truly was one of like such a fun day and it was the students were fantastic the Sharks were they were tough but they asked great question but what was so impressive was that the students had such great answers like they really thought about different solutions for their product and it really was impressive and leading into that our sixth grade teacher Mrs Tash um along with the theme of economy entrepreneurship financial literacy um Miss takish is going to explain how she infused economy and financial literacy into her daily routines and we have sain Madison and Abigail who are going to uh assist Miss T as this presentation all right and you can do click so in our grade we do an ongoing class economy simulation um so it's not one lesson it's pretty much just how we run our classroom our community um and since in math we're learning we've learned about ratios percentages unit prices it kind of organically just happens and um it grows as the year goes on as they learn more about math um so we're just going to tell you a little bit about it we use a website called class Equity where students have their own online bank accounts um this site enables them to collect a paycheck in the beginning of the year they had to apply online for jobs around the classroom room they were hired um so at each month they get a paycheck because they need to pay rent on their desks they pay taxes income taxes they pay for utilities Wi-Fi electricity all that stuff all that all that good stuff um and then they can use their money to buy class items we have a class store uh we have different incentives they can pay money to go help out old teachers that they want to visit that's a very popular one um but our economy is not just based on online banking we also Infuse cash into it so we have a deposit and withdrawal slip there that I pretty much took from my bank and wrote it up so students fill these out and they um when dealing with cash cash can be either deposited directly into their checking accounts or they also have uh high yield savings accounts they're offered 5% every month because we're kind of going quick through so Maddie has a savings account how much do you have in savings right now 500 like 500 like $45 now well we just added that so now we have about 2,300 right are you going to have that much by the end of the year no it's going to go up right why is it going to go up because there's G to be 5% of it each month yes so so the kids the students are learning that you can have your money in checking and then you spend a lot of it you could have cash which how's Cash go how's Cash go it's way too easy to spend it's way too easy to spend money what else happens when we deal in only cash gets gets lost it gets lost so the students are kind of learning the hard way that you don't want to carry too much cash in your wallet um and yeah so they're learning about that that you could build interest that way so that's one way to uh keep track of her income we did search the school one day for $200 lost in the gym and it was $200 it was tashes class Equity money but but it was found and they were all happy because they worked for that and to them it's real like to them they when they lose their money they get really upset because it's it's real money it it it does what it needs to do so keep going um and in the beginning of the year I don't I never plan for this but it always happens naturally the students especially when you're dealing with cash they all start up these little small businesses and in the beginning they're doing it without me knowing So eventually I I find out I see some stuff going on in the classroom I'm like what's going on over there so the government comes in now because um money flows throughout the classroom and uh we don't have purely a free market economy so once I found out that small business were being had we um I said okay you can have a small business you got to get licensed so they had to fill out an appc application to get licensed and they have to keep their receipts um we have a sample receipt right there and if they make over $600 for the year because they do have to keep track of they have to keep the books they got to work the books keep a ledger I will be collecting um an income tax on that come April 15th so saurin actually started up a small business you want to tell us a little bit about it I started a comic book rental business for any kid kids who had free time and they were done with their work they could come over to where I was R selling them and they could rent a comic book and they were priced by how popular um they were to the least popular yeah saurin has an adverti a billboard actually he has advertising space in my room right on the board it says his name on a paper and it says for more information SE saurin um Abby started I not Abby um Madison you started a little business right what's what are you working on right now bookmarks bookmarks so we have little things are cooking up actually what's funny this one I had to share about this one um so in terms of payments students can pay for goods and services online or they can pay with cash but they can also pay with checks so they are learning how to write checks um there's yes and sign their name in cursive those are our checks um and so there was one student who I'll get more into where they make a lot of money from so some we I'm going to talk about the stock market but let's just say there's this one student who took a risky investment on our stock market and he he he sold all of his stocks and now he has a lot of a lot of capital A lot of money and he decided that he wants to be a creditor so um he wrote up a contract that his customers have to sign that he'll lend them money um but then they have to pay back and then whatever they if they don't pay it back it's interest so Abby was actually his first customer so do you want to tell us a little bit about that so I wanted $30 and there was a percentage it was 10% and every day I didn't pay him back it was $3 but luckily I paid him back the next day so I think our accounting teachers or even in college will be very uh happy with how prepared they are for life outside sixth grade but none of this is not none of this is planned it's all just happens organically I mean it's like any other economy things happen people they have an idea and they go for it um and our pric is on so we have a store we have an online store and and the prices are set based on they rise and fall based on supply and demand so you can imagine that some things are pretty pricey because they like them um if they're we we were selling I was selling I had mints that I would bring in they could buy those got very expensive because everybody wanted them we had uh desk pets like the little eraser pets they got very pricey so there was a student in the class who had an idea about one of the items that everybody wanted but the price was really getting up there and he organized a boycott and um it worked they boycotted the product that that was the main product they all wanted when it got a little bit like um interesting when some kids would try to go buy the product and then everybody in the room would yell at them so that was funny I at that point I wished I taught uh about the Revolutionary War because I was like this is exactly what happened uh but the price dropped not by much but it worked and everyone celebrated so yes so boycots have been attempted so let's talk about other means of income in our classroom because they get a a paycheck but um what do I say what happens if everyone's Rich then no one's Rich if everybody's Rich then no one's Rich so there's different ways for people to make money in the classroom we have a stock market and students can buy stock in the we have two classes and they each have two different tickers so students can buy stock in their own class or they can get a little risky and they can buy stock in the other class as well yep um stocks fluctuate based on the productivity and behavior of the students students can sell stock at any time but to do this it's a lot of fun because they have to calculate their gross revenue then they have to find their capital G they have to then subtract that and find and then find their capital gain and calculate the tax on that and they have to then take that capital gains tax away to get their net income so in order to sell stocks they have to do a lot of math and it's funny when I first introduced this they were a little confused but then we learned percentages and all of a sudden they're all doing it really quickly and it's very easy um and students are in so we notice that it the market started fluctuating a lot because the stocks would go up and everybody would sell and then Behavior would crash and it would go down and it was like a pattern so I started uh introducing dividends so that what what's good about having a dividend now what's good about receiving dividends it keeps you in the stock market longer so you can get more money and so it dividends that we they've learned that if if it offers a dividend it it's a way that companies sort of keep their their their people there and now our stocks are flying up like and so one of the students asked me the other day if he's like oh man I I wish I bought in earlier is there a way to like get the stocks for less and I was like Oh you mean stock options and he's like yeah I was like we'll talk so they're learning um so yeah the the stock market a lot of kids if they sell their stocks they have a lot of cash but then they're not bought in anymore and then they start to so one of the challenges I think that some were having was well do I buy do I sell and I was like well that is a good question that's what a lot of people think about so that's one way to make money we also have real estate uh as we said students pay rent on their desks but it's always better if you byy so does anyone want to tell us about how that works yeah okay um I have around like 10 desks 10 so every time my every desk I have I'll get 20 or $40 now what how the first desk you buy 2500 so so instead of paying rent what did you do the first time oh I bought a desk you bought a desk what's good about buying a desk you don't have to pay rent okay what do you have to pay uh Wi-Fi and the other stuff you still have to pay for all those other things they were Sho some of them bought desk and then they still have to pay for utilities and and taxes and stuff work said well that's just part of it yeah and you do have to pay property tax on now um so you bought a desk yeah and so you didn't have to pay rent anymore but then you kept buying desks why' you do that because then I made money off of them how do you make money off of them more deaths you have the more everyone pays so if you have more deaths than everyone else they have to pay you so we have landlords now which is why I have monopo thing so they have their to avoid paying rent they can buy a desk and all they have to do when they buy a desk is they have to pay property taxes the value of the desk pretty much goes up um you know who knows but what's good about it is the more desks they have they are now landlords so it's another stream of income so that worked out for you right yeah so Maddie's got money in savings she's got money invested in real estate she's got money in the stock market things are looking up right um so that's I think that's about it so we'll close with just something either that you learned or something you like or just a final takeaway about class economy who wants to go first all right S I like class economy because it helps me um prepare for the future that many people at this time don't know these skills that's what I liked I think It prepares me more for like when I'm older cuz I always thought like economy was so much more simple like you just put money and you made money and stuff but it really isn't that simple I thought like around the same thing as Abby but like I also learned that doing what my mom yells at me for is spending too much money so when she yells at me and I actually understand why she yells at me more it's a miracle you going keep this one oh yeah then stay up there all right so yep that's got it should go over there it'll be like order come here so what was fascinating about this was that with sixth grade we want to prepare them for middle school and high school and how Miss Tash has beautifully just made it a natural part of her day and as part of her reward system you know Behavior play it just makes it everything more more meaningful and they really are learning life lessons that I I know I didn't learn this when I was that age and go along with that I'm really proud I'm really proud to introduce a new program that we started this year year called The Long leaders so our sixth graders we have three long leaders up here today um what we did was we had applications in the beginning of the school year and um Miss Tesh and Miss kapani are our advisers for this club and for being a long leader standing for leading by example optimistic thinking navigating um situations grit and determination and in the beginning of the year U all the students have filled an application saying when they exhibited this Behavior or their thoughts for it and this program has really grown we were trying to think of ways they could be leaders around the school and they really have made such a positive impact in the long moral School community in many ways um so just a couple pictures that we have up here um one picture we have the long leaders help during our kindergarten first grade recess and actually what they are doing right there is announcing they decid to choose a uh a little leader so in the cane one they were of looking at the kids who were being they were who were actually practicing those behavior skills as well because what we want is for this to transfer over and then they picked a little leader um so that was really cute and that was something idea that they thought of that they wanted to do after feedback from working with the kids and then we also have they help at arrival in the morning and um Maddie and Gian they were helping Mr Munos in a gym class and just like how with Miss tasher they earn um buy uh different things and they buy to help out at a class with kindergarten or help kindergarten pack up or help first grade read a book those are some of the opportunities that they had and what I just wanted our long leaders to show and just to kind of like share their experience of what it's like being a long leader and I am hoping that year to year this program will grow because it truly has been such a positive impact on the community and these are some of their roles that they had but what's better than having them share what they've enjoyed about it still on who want I'm me yeah so I was a tour guide for back to school night and I was helping a lot of the parents get to the classrooms of their kids it was a lot longer than I [Laughter] expected so we help in the lunchroom when the kindergarten in first grade are eating their lunch and basically what we do is help open their food um if there's spills we help clean them up if they have problems then we help do that and I would went to it today cuz two people were out and um we needed like subs and usually I go on a Monday which is so much like quieter and stuff and then I realized I went on a Wednesday and it was was crazy it really was they were helping during indoor recess so um but it's very helpful having them to organize some of the games and activities uh so at the end of the day half the time for long Le only we could go and zip them up so help them with their jackets and all that stuff we get to leave 10 minutes earlier from our specials but um we can't leave early from art so I can't leave on Fridays um so yeah um we also have what else back to school night oh yeah morning meetings morning means we have to go we have to run basically we have to go upstairs put our bags down check if we have it today if not do it which we go downstairs we help them unpack get them settled in basically and then we do morning meetings there different classes do different things so like with Miss D you would have to do attendance with Miss Frederick you would help help clean up in her room from the previous day and what was so nice when I was meeting with the long leaders today how they were sharing and I said well why do you like being a long leader and some of them were saying well I remember Abby you were saying when well if you you share a story it was a great story I remember um when all of us were in kindergarten we had sixth grade buddies and I remember looking up to them and like being so excited to see them and stuff and now that we're in sixth grade we can do that for them yeah and even some had said that they didn't have all the teachers and some of them were new to the to the school from other schools and they never would had an opportunity to meet that teacher if they didn't get a chance to be in their classroom yeah so it was great so it's definitely a program that I think that we're enjoying right and at monthly meetings they also they brainstorm their own solutions they may see something that we don't see that they come up with and they bring it to us we have great discussions and it's really empowering them to be role models for everyone else so thank you long [Applause] leaders thank you okay um so I just want to thank all of you the Board of Education Miss Vietti all the teachers all the presenters all the parents for just being so supportive of all of our programs and really making Saddlebrook the best place to learn and grow in so thank you thank you Mrs Mansfield um this time through the chair can we we're going to take a f minute break um to allow our families to for our our students to go home and get their rest and maybe do some homework um but thank you very much all for coming out tonight e e e e for e e e it's cold in here Ray okay I'd like to reconvene the meeting um yes I report first of all thank you to Mrs Mansfield and all the families that did come to present tonight we appreciate it and it you know each month we're trying to highlight a different School in our district and I think it's nice for the board trustees to see what's happening inside the schools because I know with your schedules it's very hard to um to get to the schools to see some of this I also wanted to just say a few words about Gloria bler Gloria bler was one of our lunch ladies at long Memorial and sadly she did pass away over the holiday break um so I'm just going to read a little bit from her obituary Gloria Joy ni yelovich 80 years old of Saddlebrook passed away on Friday December 29th at Valley hospital she worked for 40 years as a bookkeeper after retiring she became a staple in the sbook school system as a lunchroom attendant she was a member of the first Reformed Church of Saddlebrook as well as their treasurer for many years Gloria was an avid lover of Nature and reading she was a proud Jets fan and made pretty amazing date nut bread so um myself Mrs Mansfield and many of the long staff did go to the week and we spoke with her son and he was so grateful and he said that you know he really did push his mom to come and be stay as a lunch Aid at long Memorial because it just kept her young and kept her busy um and they're something to be said about being around children the students loved her they adored her she was just a a grandmotherly figure that they had so we are thinking we keep Gloria's family in our thoughts and prayers and we thank them for sharing her with us so thank you thank you um business administrator report okay there's it's January and there's many things going on uh under the business office we have you know our annual payroll items W2s and 1095s and um this chapter 44 review uh the audit is currently going on but it's winding down and I don't share Mrs Violet's enthusiasm for cusac uh but there's five sections one of them is fiscal which includes uh facilities so there's just a lock going on right now and um a lot to get ready so we're hoping we uh have our review on Friday that'll be the facilities and other areas uh referendum update um we have on this evening two projects that will be for Washington School the renovations to the second floor and also the elevator the turf field uh we're continuing to work with the New Jersey D for their approval we have to conduct some soil uh tests for drain drainage Etc with the architect uh we're going to do this next week working uh jointly with the township and their um equipment at cooler School uh because that's also in a flood zone we have to work with the township and FEMA and once we have um their approvals and how much we can uh do over there we'll get some plans ironed out and hopefully bid in probably the March April time frame the windows here at the middle school high school were just measured and they'll be fabricated and we hope the install start sometime in the summer we're also starting to review the roof areas uh back from the 20045 referendum um those areas will be uh drawn up and bid for probably in the same time frame um March April to get ready for this um this coming summer and there are some other bathrooms here at this school doors and windows uh individual doors and windows throughout the district that we're just holding off right now to see all these other projects go through but they'll be done uh later and I think that concludes all my items and just for the board I I do apologize for tonight's mixup with the photographer I I guess we're on for February now and I'll I'll send you reminders for that but again I I'm sorry that concludes my report sorry you got my hair done too right I know I just said I got my hair done for this all right I'll put all my El back in the closet okay um all right uh would anyone like to speak public on meeting public for agenda and agenda for agenda items only no okay moving on then okay I don't have to open and close come on I should you should okay yeah open to the public I'm going to open the meeting to the public motion second all in favor I any opposed would anyone like to speak I'm going to close the meeting to the public second all in favor I any opposed thank you okay so um board action items okay I don't have at the recommendation I don't have it on here you you that okay I make a a recommendation um to make a motion to approve the following items B2 32425 through b232 4.30 motion second any questions or discussion sure I made some comments on Monday's meeting but I'll reiterate some of them we did have our annual MOA meeting with the police department and the school district um we have such a great work in relationship we're so grateful to have their support and everything that they do to help us so the mo MOA um the memorandum of agreement is the document that kind of dictates when a school district is mandated to contact the police um and as as well as uh the division of Children and Families and vice versa it kind of goes over the rules of police and the school district in their relationship so that was great and the board meeting calendar is revised there's just a couple um errors on the first one that was out there so we fixed the errors and uh it matches what we what we stated but not what was written so it is amended thank you thank you anyone else roll call Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes M Roloff yes Miss toric yes Miss Traverso yes Miss zarelli yes M ramond yes Miss Zello yes Mr Versa at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items e232 4.29 through e232 4.31 any questions sorry I'll share some um some comments so with the field trips we continue to approve field trips for different grade levels um they typically go on their field trips in the spring and the PTO does assist with that so thank you to our PTO as well there's some special needs um field trips our ABA MD classes they do a lot of Community Based learning so they go out to places in the community such as shop rate McDonald's Brothers Pizza um things like that our Outdoors Club here at the middle school high school is very active and they always have their monthly hikes that they go on that's part of this and then our guidance Department here they scheduled um for interested Juniors of William patteron tour and construction industry career day at the New Jersey Expo Center in Edison so um and then we have the World Language trip to a Korean culture and food restaurant uh lots of clubs um active clubs occurring here at the high school and the neurodiversity course is the one that Miss Iron Man presented at Monday's meeting to the Board of Education um and it's going to be an elective for high school students and it's on the topic of neurodiversity teaching them what neurodiversity is as well as items that go along with it such as um it was like you know what is an IEP and different careers that involve working with the neurodiverse population such as occupational therapists physical therapists social workers behaviorists and things like that um so we're excited to be able to offer this elective to our students and it's open to both special ed students and general ed students and it would be a great way to just kind of um promote inclusivity across the high school as well thank you does anyone else have questions or comments roll call please Mr Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M Roloff yes M toric yes Mr tro yes melli yes M ramondo yes missell yes okay Mr aam yeah no at the recommendation of Miss violetti I make a motion to approve the following items BF 2 32459 to bf23 [Music] 24.68 have a motion give the motion motion second okay all in favor [Music] no I'll get the hang of this yeah no problem slow and take comments uh you any comments oh discussion any questions or comments no okay I'll just say about the professional development workshops I'm really excited so many of our staff members they really have that drive in them to grow and continue to learn and improve upon their practices so we do have professional development workshops that are approved um basically every month at at our board meeting so some of the ones this month are uh building capacity Within tier three of Behavioral interventions and seal one of our counselors um we are going to have this program at the high school it's it's ice V I don't know if that's how you pronounce it but meeting the needs of all students and it's a program that's um provides us with curriculum and resources to teach some of the electives that we are going to have the social marketing social media marketing and fashion marketing electives um those go along with this with this program our business teachers are are attending their the national Tech conference um New Jersey not National Tech conference so we're excited to send them to our athletic director has his conference and our library our media specialist is attending their conference our testing coordinators are attending their mandated um training for the state assessment this spring so we're excited that everyone wants to continue to grow and learn with us I actually have a question how are the ID numbers for these workshops decided like the item numbers it is on which one do you mean on the actual professional development sheet on the agenda on the request here Google form you number I'll have to find out for you okay just out of curiosity I just um staff request a workshop from a Google form so that might be the number but it goes in so it might be the number number of that Google form on the response sheet yeah I see what you're saying but we're like so you're looking because you have 101 102 103 then you not you don't have 104 then you have 105 that means someone put it in and it was either denied or okay yes yeah just out of curiosity from the yeah right from the Google form when they put the request in okay okay very good all right thank you okay roll call Mr arello yes Mr Latino I'm going to vote yes to all but I'm going to abstain in bf23 2459 check number 7162 7163 and 7516 I'm also going to abstain under bf23 2462 ID number 102 okay Miss rolloff yes Miss toric yes M travo yes M Elli yes m Mondo yes Mello yes to all but in bf23 2459 I'm going tostain from check numbers 7115 and 7475 and then in bf2 32462 item numbers 102 and 108 yes to everything else okay thank you good yep okay Miss toric sorry good uh at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items is it just one f23 24.7 motion second all in favor I no discussion I second wait what he's second second you said discussion we're discussion does anyone have a discussion or comment besides my making mistake nothing okay roll call Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes M rolloff yes Miss toric yes M Traverso yes Miss Elli yes mamando yes Mello yes Miss Rollo uh I have nothing to report at the time okay no meeting yet miss zelli nothing under negotiations yet okay um all right I guess I'll do personel at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items P2 32442 through p 2 32449 second discussion okay discussion in 232 4.43 there are two additions numbers one and two um number one I interviewed this morning and um she accepted this afternoon and it would be the replacement for the school counselor at long Memorial so um we're sad to see her go she did send out or she will be sending out her her message to families um and we are excited to have Miss DeLuca join us as at long Memorial as well and number two is a leave replace a maternity leave at Smith School um there's I think three maternity leaves right now at Smith's school and we actually filled them all so I'm uh Mrs W is very excited any other discussion also I know there was a question about the 232 4.48 um my office had already um collected all their information criminal history check and everything um all of that for any new staff member is procedural good thank you anything else okay roll call Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss rolloff yes Miss toric yes M Traverso yes M ell yes mamando yes Mello yes all but I'm going to abstain from P2 32445 item numbers 1 through 11 you we good okay do we have any committee reports uh Mr oam I do not have anything from the uh PTO at this time no budet oh bud just committee Miss torc uh no we haven't met yet okay all right so I'm going to move on to Liaison reports y does anybody have a liaison report I hav I have a go ahead I have to get it me too both doing the same thing all right I have a brief one from Franklin School okay okay um they had a readathon and it ended and they wanted it thank everyone who participated they're in the process of planning fun nights at the school for the lower grades the sixth grade will be selling candy GRS for Valentine's Day for their one of their fundraisers geru Hawk sale is coming up next month in February and their concert is on January 24th thank you I have one also M oread um from Washington School uh um they hosted a cookie and juice readathon with Olaf in December it was a fun day and the kids loved meeting taking pictures and getting a book from Olaf um for the playground they are continuing to fundraise and are actively writing and searching for grant opportunities and the PTO um talked about reconfiguring parts of the playground to bring down costs and get the kids more equipment faster I belong school go go right ahead right long School uh update is they are doing a nothing bun cake fundra Super Bowl fundraiser and oil orders are due actually tomorrow January 18th with a delivery date of February 9th they are having a special guy little lady dance on Thursday February 15th at Biagio in pamis and they save the date for their LMS PTO tricky CH which is June 3rd at Biagio in pamis if anybody would like to reach out to the PTO to help donate get donations for their largest fundraiser that would be great greatly appreciated their next meeting is February 13th okay and I do have one from the um middle school high school just one second pulling that up okay um on February 24th they will be hosting breakfast with someone special from 8:30 to 11:30 at the sky view restaurant at Crown Plaza in Saddle books full Buffet bre breakfast prizes and Gifts proceeds are to benefit the middle school high school students please contact the PTO for information you can contact at PB mshs gmail.com and I also just want to remind everyone that please um participate and pay um into the dues for the middle school high school PTO they do a wonderful thing of giving out scholarships every year and you have to be in it to win it and it's it's a great it's a great cause they do a lot of stuff and it's a nice little um benefit they give to people who participate and you can even pay via venmo now which is ATB Falcons um where you could pay your dues so they made it very easy for all of us okay and I think that's it for PTO PTA Liam yes do we have any other reports okay correspondence no right old news bus can I say old business sure uh I missed the last general meeting in December which was Kelly Mahoney and Richie Shear's final meeting so I just like to publicly thank them uh for the years of service they'll be missed and to wish them well on their future endeavors it's very nice okay anyone else okay right under old business I would just like to say um for qac I participated with the review for that right so I think that we will be very well suited and do well with it because I sat in a meeting with forgot about part of the leadership team which was required for someone for the board to sit in so the we miss violetti Mr Karate and some um other administrators were there they went Point by point of what was the EXP expected goal or what is the expected outcome and what evidence they have to fulfill that so it was quite detailed it was quite organized as would expect from Mrs Vietti and Mr Karate but I think that we will not have any problems so I think you'll be good so optimism yeah I I really do I mean it was it was it was fantastic excited oh I wouldn't be excited pretty good but I get the 80 I over 80 it was it was quite an opening to see how much goes in to the back end of I feel like of school so being an educator and being on like I always call us the front line it's very different so it was quite eye openening of how many things are required in a school but I think I appreciate that um I also just want to acknowledge the members of the leadership team I me Mr Karate does the facilities piece and that's huge there's a whole health and Facilities checklist and it's it's it's massive um but I also just want to acknowledge that our director of curriculum and instruction worked tirelessly on our curriculum documents they were already sent to the county um all that work was completed and she sent it to the county for review and she received such praise from the county office on our curriculum documents that I was so proud um they it was it was great so she I mean she is spot on I think there was one and they really comb through the curriculum there was one um standard that needed to be changed in one document and then something else needed to be added in another document but they really comb through every curriculum document um and our director of data research and evaluation she's been really cleaning up our system you want to talk about like the back end like cleaning up our Genesis and all our our uploads through NJ smart um for State submissions and we have zero errors and we are really it's it's been it's been good so we're we're fingers crossed we're hoping yeah I mean Miss Anella you saw a lot of the documents a lot of stuff was on your board agendas I mean it has to get reported there uh contracts and and and everything you see statute uh you know numbers written and that stuff they check on and make sure we're doing it annually um and and in the timelines so it is it is a it is a lot of work put in all together I will be excited when they leave though I was said Mr Kow wasn't leading the facility he also does lead the fiscal which is probably as important if not more I think it's a pretty amazing person who actually has to do the job and go into these schools because it does not seem like anything fun or anything interesting in that behalf I not my cup of tea but um I also wanted to thank Miss Mansfield today for supporting and being a leader in her school I think that the program that she initiated I I absolutely loved I'd love to see it done in my own School uh I think she's been a wonderful addition and also not very good with the names but the other teachers great programs the way they're instructing it was really wonderful to see and I I commend them for doing a great job and the kids I give them a lot of credit for coming up here I don't know if I could have done that in the fourth or fifth or sixth grade so I commend them for coming and it's wonderful to see this so that's what I have for old business anyone else new business no that's oh okay I felt that was old business CU part of new business to thank Olivia for coming out and speaking Olivia's here that presentation was that's yes I so impressed by it and new business thank you to everyone for your patience and the community as well for me and my little mess ups I promise I will get this down Miss Arelli you have made this seem very very easy it's very hard to follow in your footsteps because you had made this seem such like a such a smooth transition and very easily done but it's not but I'll get there I promise okay all right um anytime you want to have a mock meeting I'll help yes I think we're going to need one um can I have a motion to open to the public motion second all in favor I I any opposed would anyone from the community You' like to speak they're all lining up thank you close it fast so I don't have to read that whole thing okay I'd like to close the meeting to the public then second all in favor I any oppose okay so at this time we're closing correct thank you so much thank you for a wonderful evening motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I no any opposed now let's go find some chocolate bars have a good everyone she