it which is kind of annoying it's not going whatever all right I don't have to hide my face because you can't see it sitting sideways thank God I have too many pde it are we good okay good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order roll call please Mr Karate Mr roam uh present Miss barali pres Mr ello present M aello present Mr laurentino present Miss rolloff here miss toric miss Traverso here miss Elli here okay please stand for this pledge allegiance I pledge aliance the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to all members of the Board of Education and to the Bergen Record in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 at this time please be advised that all cell phon phones and electronic devices are to be turned off okay can we start off with the student representative report hi my name is Olivia lash and my name is Julia corkran and we will be reporting on all three elementary schools Washington school and high school for all three elementary schools in March the three elementary schools celebrated the start of spring with a fun spirit week they dressed in spring colors dressed as superheroes wore their favorite jerseys and dressed in band or artist attire the students and staff really enjoyed participating in this event the the sixth graders visited the high school for music day as well which inspired them to continue the Arts and middle school this week in elementary school's third grade recorder concert where all three elementary schools perform together this is a wonderful musical event and they encourage families to attend Julia make sure your microphone's working thank you now for the events of Washington School in March Washington School celebrated the start of spring with a fun Spirit Week um just as all three elementary schools they also dressed in spring colors as superheroes and also wore their favorite jerseys Washington students were fortunate to take a fun field trip to march to imagine that in floram park the field trip allowed their imaginations to run wild as they explored a new environment filled with opportunities for imaginative play and creativity in addition their ABA classroom took another chip to rock the Spectrum for a day full of age appropriate sensory plane movement um also as a whole school at Washington School teachers in the PTO hosted a spring egg hunt for their students and this was a lot of fun and the students enjoyed spending time together congratulations to Dr Lamb on earning teacher of the year moving on to High School uh right before the break we had our spirit week with different themes each day um thank you to our student council for organizing this we had our spring prep rally during spirit week as well and also good luck to all of our spring sports during the solar eclipse the science and art teachers had setups in the courtyard to safely view the eclipse the high school would also like to congratulate Miss Christina sassone um the guidance counselor for being named this teachers uh this year's teacher of the year the week before spring break the Middle School celebrated Spirit Week each day the staff and students had a different theme to dress up as it was a fun week for all looking at everyone participated also some of the Middle School staff and students on April 9th and 10th uh went on an overnight trip to Washington DC the students were engaged and enjoyed themselves thank you to miss Summers and Miss sharp for organizing this experience for the students um also thank you to all of the staff that were chaperons on this trip it really was a huge success this year and April 12th the middle school had their Battle of the books congratulations to the winning team the Saddle Brook the saddle Booker and our winners PRI Niha Marine Ammon and Serita Lala thank you for Miss s for organizing this wonderful event thank you they're done Sor I was waiting for something else my brain was I apologize my brain was somewhere else um okay superintendent report Miss Vietti yes thank you all right so as you can tell there's lots of exciting happenings occurring this spring we have all our field trips we have wax museums coming up we had the recorder concert um the other last last night last night um and our next board meeting is coming up quickly it's the week of May 6th which is also teacher appreciation week so I just wanted us to remember that um I wanted to share that our director of curriculum Mrs dbonis and three of our um K2 teachers they were invited to speak at a spring literacy conference about the amplify program that we're utilizing in K2 so they went for the day and they were able to share all um that we're doing in our ky2 classrooms in regards to literacy so that was very exciting I also want to share that our parent partnership night is tomorrow night and we what I am really excited about is the center for resiliency that is offering this presentation and hold on I need to make it brighter okay they're offering this presentation on building healthy coping skills and how to support your child in managing anxiety and you anxiety comes in all shapes and forms and every single one of us has some type of anxiety so I really feel it's a wonderful session to attend that one's from 6:30 to 7:30 and then at 7:30 um it'll end 10 minutes earlier but then at 7:30 we have care pluses coming to help parents can support their child with anxiety um then we have the checklist of Aces how trauma can impact Behavior in development then we have one on the art of managing expectations and with parenting strategies we have the eight Dimensions of Wellness mental health is health and Newbridge is doing a mental health and children session um lots of resources will be provided and shared with our district and we're excited to offer this opportunity to our parents we will have we did at the generous the generosity of our local Acme we did receive approximately $80 $25 gift cards that we to Acme that we will be giving out to our parents that do attend as an incentive we also will have Refreshments here as well so we're hoping to have a large turnout tomorrow night alphab best is also offering um free child care so there is a sign up form that was sent out to our fam so if you want to take advantage and have your school AG children um be watched right in the cafeteria here with our alphab best staff then you may do so by filling out that form we also have so kindergarten registration has been actively going on and typically what we do at kindergarten orientation is we have the par the parents and the kind the incoming kindergarten students come um all together at a day in May or June but we're going to do something a little bit different so the team got together and they decided that in May they're going to offer a night for just the parents to come meet the teachers the kindergarten teachers will be there and walking the parents through that entire day they're going to do the screenings in the summer um so they are going to come in the summer our parents are going to sign up for a 20-minute time slot for each for their kindergarten student that way they're able to do the screenings on a smaller scale closer to the start of September there'll be various dates offered and they have more of an idea as to the capabilities of our incoming kindergarten students and they also revised the screening tool so they're really they've been working really hard to kind of make some positive changes with what we're doing in our district and our local business Mazer mer M thank you merer plumbing and agac sorry about that merer plumbing and agac they are um hosting a contest for our K to 6 students on designing their van so the contest is open to K to 6 it will the last day to enter is April 22nd so that is coming up there are going to be prizes for the best decorated van first second and third place at each building so each building long Smith and Franklin there'll be a first second and third place winner awarded there'll be the first place winners will get a $25 gift card to dairy cream the second place winners will get a $15 gift card and the third place a $10 gift card to Dairy Queen there'll be a participation prize for every child that enters there'll be a Dairy Queen ice cream cone for every child that enters and winners will be announced on April 29th so we thank merer for hosting this contest within our school Community for our high school students option Two deadline is April 30th for this coming fall option two is our program for juniors seniors are able to participate in alternate PE where if they play a Varsity Sport or they do some other type of organized physical activity they can opt out of the PE class um and we also offer college courses um students that want to leave the last two periods of the day to take a a college course at Bergen Community College or work-based learning is a big one where they leave early to go work and it's a work-based learning environment of which we supervise um so that those are some of the options that we offer with an option two for a high school students but the deadline is April 30th for next fall because we do need to get that organized our sale class here which is our two ABA MD classrooms at the middle school high school they were excited to announce that they were part of the first annual autism acceptance virtual art expo I shared with the board I will share it up with the community where you can go in their virtual art expo and you can see the artwork of some of our students here they're very excited to be included so our teachers in our Cale program are doing a wonderful job and I was able to join some of our students for part of this session at Ramapo College where we had um about maybe 12 of our high school students that are part of our Falcons for change Club here at our middle school high school participate in an equity think tank at Ramapo College and thank you to Mrs ripus and Mrs Mah who co-advised the Falcons for change group along with their student teacher Miss Andrews and they participated in this world Cafe discussion that was hosted by the college students but the way they did it was they had students from different districts did it different tables and they had a question posted at each table that the college student led the discussion and it was a question that was related to equity and diversity and then all the students that were attending different districts would discuss what their school's currently doing what they're noticing about their school what changes they would like to see within their school and they really our students came away with such great ideas and they were such active participants as I was walking around listening to them share it was just so great to see them so involved um you know and some of the questions were are there any programs or initiatives in place to promote Equity inclusion how effective do you feel they are how involved are students in decision-making prop processes within your school particularly regarding issues related to equity and diversity you know think about the student body in your school do you feel that all students are equally represented and included so there was seven questions they walked around they didn't walk around I walked around they went from table to table to each question and then at the end they shared out and I heard I wasn't there for the sharing out part but I heard they did a fabulous job and I was really proud of our students who did attend all right so now we have lots of um Franklin families here so we are very excited to share so what we've been doing is every month we've been sharing highlights on a different School within our district and Franklin school's our last one so thank you Mr Robinson um it's been such a great time doing this because we're able to sort of highlight all the different things that are occurring in each of our buildings and each of our buildings are so different so it's nice to see the different personalities per se in each of our school buildings so really excited we're going to have our principal Miss Frank of Franklin School Mr Robinson he's going to start the presentation I know we have some staff members here oh I'm looking at Mrs King and one more thing I know our student reps commented on teacher of the year and I just want to make sure I'm fair and announcing all of the teacher of the years we're going to be honoring them at a different board meeting but I have it up here I just didn't want to mess it up here it is so at Washington School it was Mrs Erica lamb who is one of our OTS in the district Franklin School it's Mrs Lori King who's here um Smith School Mrs Maguire long Memorial School Mrs Tash and at the middle school high school as I shared it's Mrs San um one of our high school school counselors so who was the last one Mrs San I always I always get nervous pronouncing her name but thank you all right so at this time what we're going to do is I'm going to ask our board members to kind of go to that side of of the room I'm going to invite Mr Robinson up and we'll get situated so thank you for your patience [Music] [Music] thank you so much for allowing us to highlight some of the in uh incredible work that Franklin School students have accomplished this school year we are honored to share these highlights um to have the students share these highlights from the Journey of our our school Community has taken this year uh from engaging research projects to Innovative explorations of history and Technology each PR presentation represents the dedication and talent of our students uh through creativity leadership and academic achievement our students demonstrate the values that Define what makes Saddlebrook special and demonstrates Franklin school's commitment to high expectations for all of our students engaged citizenship and student empowerment together these presentations represent the diverse and enriching experiences of our students that serve as the foundation of our school community so so I'd like to invite our staff and students fourth grade should I open up their Bo first and then is not there should I open up their boards now or have the boys open up okay all right you guys ready all right good evening um thank you so much for having us here I am Mrs Devo I'm one of the fourth grade teachers at Franklin Elementary and I have two of my students Mason and Carmelo and thank you to their families for bringing them here this evening um I'm just going to share with you a recent project that we worked on it was our animal research uh exhibit students took part in an extended research project during which they learned to gather and organize information they then presented their findings to families and peers at an exhibit that we held at school last month um in the gym which was really fun for them to get to share all their learnings with everyone move forward I'm just going to go over a few of the features of the project and let my students then share with you what they learned from it um students were able to choose any animal that interested them to research which I think really helped keep them engaged and excited to be learning students had access to numerous informational sources including books articles educational websites and videos they learned to take notes to organize their information into various categories and then finally took all of this information that they had gathered and created presentation boards to teach each other and to teach their families about their Animals physical features habitat and behavioral characteristics and while this project was um essentially part of our language arts curriculum it really did tie in many cross-curricular standards we addressed uh reading and writing standards we collaborated with our media teacher who is here to learn um research skills and tied in our science standards as well I had a great time helping them and I think that they learned a lot from it so I'm going to pass it to them you want to introduce yourself thank you so much hi I'm Carmelo and I chose Tasmanian devils because people don't really know what they are and I wanted to teach them about something they don't know some interesting facts I learned are that Tasmanian Devil moms give birth to about 20 to 40 baby babies but only the four strongest survive the hardest part of this project was making my board my favorite part of this project was putting the pictures on my poster board AES hi I'm Mason and I chose R snakes because my favorite animals are snakes and R snakes are one of the cooler versions some interesting facts I learned are they have scoots which is what helps them slide on the ground the hardest part of this project was making the board and fitting all of the parts like the pictures and the essays my favorite part of this project was learning all of the fun facts and and you can just see I have um a few photos from the exhibit day and Mason and Carmelo also did bring their work here so if you have a moment to stop up and take a look at I'm sure they would love for you to um see what they learned during this project thank you so much okay come we're going to stand over here and take a picture you guys I'll come on the side and you guys can stand so we don't block the boards you want to come in front of your board that good okay thank you thank you [Music] stand okay so you're going to stand behind me okay in order I don't have a paper you'll share with yourself all right okay so can your water I'm going to start talking okay okay good evening everybody my name is Miss Rivera I am the school library media specialist at Franklin School um today I'm here to talk to you about our fifth grade Black History Month Trading Card project or I should say I'm not here to talk to you I have my students here to talk to you about it um we have Joseph Nicole Sabrina Nathan Ruby and habba here to share with you all about our project all right Joseph you want to kick us off over five weeks we researched famous black Americans for Black History Month in media class we started by discussing databases versus search engines and how to use keywords when searching for information we picked out important words from our questions and use them to search for the information we needed then we were able to choose one inspiring person to research for Black History Month as we found information we used a Google Slides presentation to practice note taking as we did our research we also learned about copyright plagiarism and citations we were careful to put all of our information into our own words and say our sources after our research was done we learned to use canva to create training cards we learned about artificial intelligence or AI to to generate artwork of our person and designed a background to match we used keywords like Pixar and chibi to help us create cartoon image style that we wanted we took we look the look was inspired by The Who was book series at the end we got to trade our cards with our classmates we asked to get we asked each other questions about who we chose and why and about the facts we added to our cards it was a lot of fun and we got to keep our new trading cards at the end we also brought some trading cards with us to trade with you too okay so we did bring some trading cards for the board of fed members so we can trade a little bit um so you can get a firsthand look at what our students created um and kind of a feel for the experience of trading um so I'm going to hand them out and we will take a quick break while we do that [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] you get cards [Music] too we of there you go all right so come I have two basketball they have their own [Music] [Laughter] what' you get Serena Willams anybody else want to trade I like I do you remember somebody of were not at all all right so if I can take your picture of that and that way go back right ready guys look at me close two thank [Music] you nicely done [Applause] guys thank you it's on okay I'm ready good evening everyone okay here my name is Mrs King I am one of the sixth grade teachers at Franklin School thanks for being here tonight um I have with me today Brielle and Joseph and claudo um earlier this year do you have the button to click do I want to go next earlier this year the sixth graders wrote some different forms of poetry and the reasoning behind that is just so we can um experience poetry not only by reading it but also by creating it and then we were able to look at different types of figurative language see where we see poetry in songwriting and other places in real life um and then miss Rivera where are you um she came up with she was approached about a contest that um our sixth graders could join and it was based on hi coup homes so all of our students or many of our students gave in their poetry and um now we heard back from that poetry company and a bunch of the students poems were selected to be in a book so the really cool thing is that Franklin School will get a copy of the book and if the students wished they could also buy a copy of the book and these three students up here are here to share their Hau with you today which will be in the book okay so I'll let them share you ready firste step up a little see you summertime waves loving the shore some summer on the Sandy Beach glorious Shea shells thunderstorm booms come from the sky the clouds are dark the rain pours a thunderstorm forms rain it is very wet if too cold it turns to snow it's coming down fast good job we're really proud of them they worked really hard on these poems and uh yeah let's C for them so we look forward to getting that book and being able to share it with with everyone at Franklin school thank you [Applause] this is too long okay okay okay good just got to make sure everybody sees you so why don't they you know because there's so many they can stand right yeah you guys want to go in front of the tables here remember the line we [Laughter] come on J all right all right hi everybody I'm Joseph krasa hi everyone I'm Caitlyn hi I'm Olivia hi I'm Emma hi I'm Zia hi I'm Claudia I'm Nathan hi I'm Joseph hi I'm Rebecca hi I'm Brio hi I'm [Music] Melissa we are here tonight representing the Franklin Elementary student council to tell you about our school club the student council is a service club that organizes student events and activities to address issues of concern students who volunteer for the student council represent Franklin School they are role models for younger students and treat our school Community with respect our members attend monthly meetings and plan activities to help our school and Community we share morning announcements and plan school spirit days we collected stocks for the homeless in October and food for needy people this Thanksgiving we want to thank the students family and staff at Franklin school for always supporting our endeavors Mr Melissa on the face is Joseph the Super Bowl is one of our most popular activities we divide the school into two teams and have teacher representatives for each one this year it was team Abate versus Team Melissa as you can see Miss Abate was the winner that's probably because Joseph carasco single-handedly collected 285 items to donate to support Miss bate I'm happy to inform you that Mr Melissa was not injured he was a good sport Mr Robinson was also a good sport each year we try to surpass our total from the year before if we do we get to pie the principal last year we collected 1,760 items and this year we collected 1,762 items [Applause] [Applause] the donations collected by the student council were donated to the food pantry at first Reformed Church and the center for food action two local food pantries after helping people in our community who were in need we all felt like winners for our 100th day of school celebration we collected change to make some changes at Franklin we noticed that some of the signs and posters in our hallways were over 25 years old while they were nice when they were first hung it was time for an update we had planned to replace the outdated work with more inspirational piece to beautiful higher school we ask students to donate 100 coins on the 100th day of school and boy that they deliver we collected $400 some student council members have already designed have created designs on Cana we would like to thank the Board of Education and Miss Vietti for allowing us to tell you about our activities [Applause] all right you're gonna get a little closer together though little closer little closer right no I don't know anything about I'm see thank lastly I just wanted to tell you about um some of our sixth grade uh Comm service and kindness projects and thank you to miss Chappelle for organizing these so our students engaged in several different community service projects this year um for residents at pamis Veterans Memorial Home created cards for different um events Valentine's Day cards heart wreaths and participated in different kindness projects um sending cards to um 98th birthday of World War II veteran and Main Veterans Home resident Mr Donald Beckwith uh and addition to creating bookmarks for our reading buddies in Miss Gear's third grade class uh winter cards for our our staff members and pocket affirmation cards for parents at back to school night and as a result of that Franklin School uh was certified as a kindness certified school for this year um over 20 million students from more than 41,000 schools and 115 countries participated in the great kindness Challenge and we were recognized as a kindness certified School due to all the community service and kindness projects of our sixth grade students so I wanted to to recognize them can I thank the parents for abely thank you so much to our students and our staff and the families of our students uh that that came today to highlight the amazing experiences and work uh of all of our incredible students so thank you all thank you Mr Robinson and thank you for joining us and sharing all the highlights that not all of them but many of the highlights that are occurring at Franklin school so at this time we're going to take a short recess feel free to take some more photos and then we will regroup and reconvene in 5 minutes thank you e e e e e e e e e e I need a motion to reconvene the meeting motion second second all in favor I any opposed okay all right uh Mr Karate would you like to do your report please oh I'm just going to report on some referendum projects I'll save it for the committee report it's part it's part of that committee anyway okay all right um all right can I have a motion to hold on can I have a motion to open the meeting to agenda items and policy only second all in favor I any opposed would anyone like to speak to agenda items only okay all right can I have a motion to close the meeting second any opposed I'm sorry all in favor I any opposed okay all right so I'm going to go to board action items okay um B2 32437 through B2 32439 can I have a second second okay any discussions b232 4.39 that is mandated um and so what we're approving is the statement of insurance what that statement of insurance says is that we sent out to all of our high school students who are the age of 18 or older um we distribute to them voter registration materials a summary of voter registration eligibility requirements materials describing the role of a citizen and materials articulating the importance of voting pretty sure we send it out to all Juniors and seniors thank you there any discussion okay roll call please M Rolf yes Mr Verso yes Miss Elli yes Mr ramond I'm going to abstain from B2 32437 because I was not here and yes to the rest Miss barali yes Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss ielo yes okay M traversa at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items e232 4-40 40 sorry through e232 4.43 second any discussion for the field trip I'll highlight it's most of our spring grade level field trips but we do have our service learning Club I believe last year was the first time that they did this to go to Washington School to um assist the Washington school preschool students with field day so that is one of the ones that's on there and then and our Marine Club goes to the aquarium um also so 232 4.42 that is approving a delayed opening for only grades 10 and 12 on those dates Tuesday May 7th through Friday May 10th and that's for New Jersey student learning assessment testing the State Testing so it's only two grades in this building that we're requesting a delayed opening um to assist us with supporting testing having more Proctors test administrators and less interruptions while they test thank you does anyone else have anything to discuss okay on through the chair on the um 232 4.42 the delayed opening is the scheduled delayed opening times or are they different the scheduled delayed opening times like the typical delayed opening times yes anyone else okay roll call please is roll off yes M travo yes M Elli yes m roam yes M barali yes Mr arello yes Mr laurentino yes Mello yes okay budget and finance Mr oam sure at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items uh bf23 24862 bf23 24.93 can I have a second second uh does anyone have anything to discuss any questions nothing okay roll call please M rolloff yes Miss Traverso yes M Elli yes Mr ramondo yes M barali yes Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes but you got you have to obain you got two St for Mr laurentino have the two check members you got that two check members I gave you no did you get them I'll tell them to you you I have them you do have did you have the check numbers yeah he's looking oh you're looking them up you have to abstain a you have to abstain from the two checks okay B two 2 32486 checks 1485 and 1823 also have to same 2 32487 number 162 thank you thank you uh Miss Zella okay yes all but in BF 2324 d86 I'm going to abstain from check numbers 1444 and 1784 then in BF 232 4.87 I'm going to abstain from I'm item number 162 yes everything else okay thank you okay so um facility and operations I'm going to say it's said Mrs toric's not here so at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items f23 24.10 through f23 24.11 can I have a second second any discussion on those two items okay no we're good okay roll call please M rolloff yes Mr RSO yes M Elli yes mamando yes Miss morali yes Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes Mel yes I'm actually I'm going to stain from f23 24.11 I'm not sure if there's a conflict or not with that so I'm just going to abstain from it good okay um policy sorry um at the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items um p 23244 through r 24314 second any questions discussions so most of these came from a stess SMI update who we use to create our policies and many of them are mandated a lot of it is language um changes based upon new code adopted by the state or new statutes so for example a what used to be called affirmity action policy is now educational Equity policies our affirm affirmative action program for school is now in school so just some language changes there um there was the prevention and treatment of sports related concussions and head injuries so the new piece to that is to notify parents of our procedures when there is um a concussion experienced by one of our student athletes and the other one that the policy committee met to discuss and is on here for first reading is high school graduation and the reason why we were discussing it is to just have more of um a formal practice for our high school graduation ceremony and that one I can't find it hold on I can't seem to find the I'm on the wrong I'm on the wrong tab hold on 5460 so what we did with that one is the change that we are um suggesting is it's one power so I'm just going to read it at the graduation ceremony the president of the Board of Education along with the superintendent and high school principal that is the way we currently do it or any design thereof will assist with the distribution of a diplomas a parent or student or student may submit a formal written request per the process determined by the superintendent if they wish for the Board of Ed president to step down and have another active board trustee to take the president's place in handing that diploma to the student so if this does get um accepted through two readings then I the super will be putting out a process for this um any current Board of Ed member will be permitted to hand the diploma to a blood relative who is graduating sadle high school so they don't need to go through the formal process a former Board of Ed member will be permitted upon formal written requests to the superintendent to handle the diploma to his or her grandchild or child permission to hand an immediate family member a diploma at the graduation ceremony shall be granted in the discretion of the superintendent to current and former Board of Ed members upon receipt of a written request submitted 10 days before the graduation ceremony and the reason why that was put into there is to provide enough time for our high school administration to plan ahead and plan accordingly for the seating arrangements and and the organization of the actual ceremony thank you any discussions questions okay roll call please M roll wolf yes M ravo yes Miss Elli yes M Rando yes Miss barali yes Mr rello yes Mr laurentino yes Miss inello yes okay negotiations we don't have anything right now well we are meeting with the custodial and maintenance crew we've met twice but nothing that can be reported yet thank you okay Personnel Mr laurentino at the recommendation of superintendent I make a motion to approve the following items P2 2 32467 through p232 4.75 can second thank you um any discussion for p232 4.68 number two is going to be the school nurse replacement at Helen I Smith School um and number four if you are able to click on it you'll see there's two new of our two new Paras that are now I think two definitely one maybe two of our Paras are were now added so you're going to see one or two names in bold and I just wanted to explain the reason why for 232 4.69 number three and four is our new school counselor at law Memorial School and she replaced number one and two so that's why you'll see that she's taking over those responsibilities 232 4.70 that's Mand needed to do twice a year point and then 71 so then you'll see some previous students of hours that are coming back to fulfill some observation hours um or an internship here in one and they requested to um complete it at one of our school buildings 75 is a current power professional who for one of her courses needs to interview a child with the permission of the parent um for a class of hers so that's on there for approval as well and if I may I handed out a Revis page four you'll see uh under 68 two items that were have a a highlight uh the uh printed copy didn't have the budget account numbers filled in I just did that uh right before the meeting so there's so I don't have to read them to you you have them there it's on the agenda that's online and they will be recorded in the minutes thank you than does anybody else have want to discuss anything okay roll call [Music] please M Rolf yes Mr TR Verso yes Miss Elli yes M ramondo yes M morali yes Mr orello yes Mr laurentino yes and Miss Zell uh yes all but in p23 24.70 I'm going to abstain from item numbers 2 5 10 11 and 24 okay okay all right um do we have any committee reports Mr oam um I don't know Ray is this something you want to say yeah do you want to say Mr Karate no I was more than the facility one I mean we the budget well I could give an update that the county did uh approve the budget oh jeez I think it was last week sometime or yeah so next phas is we got to print the budget in the newspaper and we'll have our budget presentation to the public and hopefully adop in the budget at night on May 1st at 7 o'clock in the auditorium okay um would you like to just continue with facility sure so I'll give a report for Miss torbic so the facility operations committee met on March 27th reviewed under facilities the uh all the 23 24 projects that were in the budget and almost all of them have been completed uh we discussed the rod grants their regular operating District grants from the school Development Authority which we would get reimbursed up to 40% of the costs they were in the uh budget as well so we're moving forward with that paperwork I got the um the contracts in and then there just phases of paperwork to do those projects will uh are in the process to get designed and and bid out uh referendum update um Washington School Renovations on the second floor um those contractors have been awarded and we're starting that work right after school ends coolage School Renovations and the uh middle school high school bathroom on the second floor um are currently out to bid and the bids will be open on May 2nd it falls well with both of them they'll be on the May 8th board meeting and that work will be done um well the bathroom be done over the summer coolage school will go into into the fall time frame and the roof Replacements at the various schools uh we're working with a company to identify areas that need to get replaced and the full roof would get uh re redone sealed and have the 20-year warranty and the last one that we're working on that's been painful is the turf field working with the njd it is it's just it's weak after week and you just don't get answers and um so we have the architect our environmental consultant everybody trying to get some answers from them I mean we think it's getting closer to getting done but they could take up to three months to give you a final um go ahead so we can't uh award that project yet we do have the bid was done the attorney reviewed the bid everything's good that way we have the field almost uh I think fully designed and so we're ready to go so soon as we get that approval we'll have a uh if we have to have a special meeting we have a special meeting we expect that work to get started um when school gets out after graduation that's the referendum um we had a couple items and they on the agenda request from Unico um to plant a uh a tree near Washington school and they're they their gazebo area by welcome Road and a small um plaque to honor past U members and under uh Food Service we're looking to purchase some more replace some cafeteria tables and on the agenda tonight was that comi oven which is a threein one oven you could steam convection or combination of both and we're going to move forward and get that over the summer and it should be an operation for September and that con includes um that committee report okay thank you any questions no does anyone any question nothing um policy Miss roll off are you I was going to be I think Miss VI Miss oh you oh you did that okay I didn't know if you wanted to add anything else okay thank you um any leaz on report melli nothing okay uh I don't have anything from Miss toric P there is but okay um Miss Traverso long school yes okay oh well no actually just for right now the special uh the SP Advisory Group no there's nothing at this time okay all right I don't have anything so then let's go to Franklin School okay prank Franklin School is underway prepping for teacher appreciation week then want to let the secrets out uh kindergarten and first grade had their fun night it was 4:12 they did a circus theme and the kids had a blast their fun night for fourth and fifth grade is for the 25th it's a Family Feud theme and their fun night for the 2 and third is May 2nd and it's a boardwalk theme Field Day shirts are ordered and ongoing as in prepping for field day uh wait just give me me a second sixth grade held a bingo and they want to thank everyone who was in attendance and Mario's Pizza fundraiser was 411 and all the proceeds benefited the sixth grade that's it okay thank you Mr alamando do you have anything sure um thank you to everyone who came out to the VIP dance and to to the teachers who donated raffle items the night was a huge succcess uh Smith hosted a dinosaurs rock as their PTO sponsored assembly the students all had a blast checking out dinosaur fossils and even got to dig for their own uh they're getting ready to kick off their coin battle All Pro proceeds go towards Field Day students will drop coins in the back in the container of the teacher or administrator they want to see get pied in the face and their next PTO meeting will be held uh next Tuesday April 23rd at 70000 p.m. on Zoom thank you blind Mr Versa long school PTO meets second Tuesday of every month at the LMS cafeteria they have recently successfully had a bunny breakfast and a special lady and night event at Medieval Times book fair will be held May 6th through May 8th and the teacher appreciation week will be celebrated the week of May 6th field day will will be held on May 31st and their Tricky Tray is being held on Monday June 3rd at Biagio tickets will be going on sale shortly if you have anything to donate please reach out to a PTO member they're accepting gifts gift cards or full baskets for their largest fundraiser of the year next meeting will be May 14th thank you okay all right Mr toric out here all right can I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment second we have to do correspond right oh sorry yes I'm sorry I jumped okay my I'm sorry I jumped the gun okay correspondence and we have a correspondence oh we do I handed it out to you tonight yes a retirement uh invitation that's it all right thank you everybody received it okay okay old business um through the chair I think this is old business for last month right yes I think so um being that I missed the meeting I just wanted to tell thanks Ray I thank Ray and the committee for the budget um and Miss Vietti I know it wasn't easy but you did it again um to our cheerleaders uh Miss LA and Miss Roth congratulations again great job um and thank you to the board for approving some of these trips because I got the opportunity to spend time in South Carolina and it was awesome just a different uh States you C get in touch with from the kids the parents it was awesome so thank you guys that you know continue to approve this stuff oh good that's very nice I'm glad you had a good time the students uh I know the coach had thanked us as well so that was very nice okay uh any new business through the chair last night I had the pleasure of coming to the third grade recorder concert and it was all three schools they did their individual and then all together it was an awesome exper experience those teachers what I was expecting and what was there were two different things it's not hot crust buns anymore it's not these kids really impressed me and I just want to say for Mrs Schwarz it was her last concert because she's retiring and I want to wish her the best of luck I want to just add I actually missed it I had a previous engagement but I did hear it was standing room only I attend every year I was so sad to miss it but I heard it was one of the best ones and fully packed Auditorium and it's it's the first time those students in third grade come here and get up on the stage and do a performance so it's very exciting it's always fun to watch it's one of the better ones to come and watch it was that's wonderful good to hear okay anything else new business anyone okay all right now can I have a motion to open the meeting up for public comment motion motion second all in favor any opposed would anyone like to come up okay oh hold on uh oh here we go thank you residents are re are requested to State their name address and subject matter in the event it appears the public common portion of the meeting May exceed 45 minutes the presiding officer May limit each statement by made by a participant to 5 minutes duration issues raised by the members of the public may or may not be responded to by the board all comments will be considered um and a response will be forthcoming if and when appropriate the board ask the members of the public to be courtious and mindful of the rights of others individuals when speaking specifically comments regarding students and employees of this of the board are discouraged and will not be responded to by the board students and employees have a specific legal right afforded by the laws of New Jersey the board Bears no responsibility nor will it be liable for any comments made by a member members of the public members of the public should consider their comments in light of their legal rights I'm sorry in light of the legal rights of those affected or identified in their comments and be aware that they are legally responsible and liable for their comments I didn't realize it soon H right on the corner no okay if I would have realized I would talking I would have good evening everyone Thomas vanwinkle 128 Lincoln Avenue Saddlebrook um I do want to start by congratula Miss Schwarz on her upcoming retirement I actually was one of her students I learned how to play clarinet she was my first band director many years ago so it was a pleasure to be in many the concerts with her over the years um also I remember thinking about the recorder concer before being up on that stage almost 20 years ago um and it's great to hear that that's grown as well um the other thing I want to talk about I know I mentioned to a couple people up here um Washington school I know Mr Karate mentioned about the the um work going on with the referendum Washington school is closing on 100 years um you know was build the building was put up 100 years ago and then opened up the next year I'm hoping that they we could do a centennial celebration for Washington School to been big part of our town history and many people have come and gone through Washington School used to be a k to8 school so I'm hoping that something could be planned for the Centennial now or in the future um while I'm up here as well I do want to bring um up the some news regarding the marage youth group um I know sometimes I tell you guys about that I've been able to do that in a while um we helped out with the town's Easter celebration uh many students of course are in our youth group we also got new members to sign up for the marriage youth group at the Easter celebration so I do want to thank all them for all they do for our community we're also going to be getting together this Saturday weather permitting weather's looking good to uh plant and do a cleanup at tricentennial Park and which is located at the corner of plat Avenue Saddle River Road by Route 80 used to be houses there but then when they expanded Route 80 many years ago the houses were torn down and then they they made it into tricentennial park so I just wanted to just let you know about the great work our students are doing in the community and any we always accept new members for any students any SBR residents who are in grades 4 through 12 thank you and have a great night thank you thank you Tom thank you anyone else so well all right um can I have a motion to close motion second all in favor I any opposed okay does anyone have anything else they want to say we're dead okay then can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting second all in favor I any opposed I might be thank you for coming everyone have a good night [Music]