[Music] i' like to call the meeting of the uh Township Council to order welcome to the township of council reorganization meeting we wish you all a healthy and happy New Year please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing a moment of silence for one of our retired employees to passed away K Merle I the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible Liv andice please be seated adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to All council members and to all legal newspapers in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 public laws 1975 the public is hereby advised that any statements made during the Mee meeting of the township Council of the township of S Brook may not be privileged or protected and have persons or entities who take issue with such comments May inhabit a passo legal redress through the courts any member of the public who addresses to council speaks for themselves and not for the council I'll Now call the role for the 2024 Township Council councilman samuca here Council M Garrick here councilman Sanchez here councilman May here councilman Alam here first order of business is the uh election for council president like to have a motion to open a meeting for nominations motion motion second all in favor I meeting is now open for nominations for council president do we have nominations I'd like to nominate councilman Tarak M like thank you any other nominations if not I'd like to have a motion motion to close nominations motion close second thank you I'll Now read the resolution of appointment be resolved by the township Council of the township of sore County of Bergen state of New Jersey that councilman Todd J alamando is hereby appointed council president effect of January 1st 2024 for a ter to expire on December 31st 2024 council president is to serve without additional compensation however motion motion [Music] second councilman samuka yes Council Alando yes Council Sanchez yes councilman Maser yes councilman council president amond okay yes yes yes congratulations good luck to you as mayor to do the swearing in and give the oath of office to our council [Music] president right hand up left hand on the B right hand up on the okay this is the oath of office Township County of Bergen state of New Jersey for council president so I I do solemnly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of newers New Jersey and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the government established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and will perform my duties to perform my duties as council president as council president Council bad Council mad Faithfully Faithfully partially partially and justly and justly to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God help me God congratulations [Applause] [Music] we just have former council president Eric Podium this is a presented to former council president Dave gck for his exceptional service recognition leadership and service to Township of s thank you very much appreciate it [Music] apprciate next we have the resolution of the appointment of the planning board representative from the council councilman David Garrick serve for a oneyear term expiring on December 31st 2024 [Music] second R councilman samuka yes councilman Garrick yes Council Sanchez yes Council Maser yes council president Alam yes councilman gar you could be sworn in take the O office May white the official [Music] honors [Music] okay this is the office County bur state of New Jersey I I David Garrett David Garrett do solemnly swear do solemnly swear and I will support the Constitution that I will support the constition of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the Saints and to the government and to the government established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and will perform my duties and will perform my duties as Council representative to the plan board as Council representative to the planning board Faithfully faithfully and partially partially and justly and justly for the best of my ability for the best of my ability so me God so be God congratulations thank you very much next resolution is the resolution of the appointment of an auditor for year 2024 and the appointment would be will Cox and Company of pton Lakes New Jersey Mo councilman saluka yes councilman Garrick yes councilwoman Sanchez yes Council Maser yes council president Alam yes resolution for Bond Council for the year 2024 Robert McCarthy of Cranford New Jersey motion second fav [Music] hi next resolution legal newspapers being designated by the township of sanbrook it would be the record Woodland Park New Jersey and our town Maywood New Jersey motion second all in favor oppos I next [Music] resolution official depositories designating Columbia Bank Market Street Saddle Brook New Jersey and Spencer Bank Market Street Saddle Brook New Jersey as the official depositories for the township of s for 2024 second all in favor I I approval of signatures on checks the uh signatures would be by signed by the mayor council signed by the Township Clerk and draft warrant signed by the township Treasurer motion second all in favor resolution as required by state statute for delinquent taxes uh requiring a fixed rate of 8% per anom for on the first $1,500 of the delinquency and 18% per anom on any amount in excess of $1,500 and allows an additional penalty of 6% to be collected prior to the end of the calendar year motion second all in favor I delinquent water charges again required by State Statute that the township established which is an 8% perom on the first $1,500 of delinquency and a rate of1 18% perom on any amount in excess of $1,500 motion second in favor I establishing meeting dates for the year 2024 to the township Council the work session would be the first Thursday of each month public meeting will be on the third Thursday of each month with the exception of the July meeting and the November meeting as posted all in favor I resolution appointment of Zoning Board member for your term uh would be the reappointment of John Duffy for a term to expire on December 31st 2027 second we'll do a roll call for this one with s Luca yes counc Council um councilman gck yes I change a call councilman Sanchez yes Council Meer yes council president Aram [Music] yes [Music] next appointment is the appointment of first alterate toe term unexpired Mark A franchon S Brook term to expire December 31st 2024 second all in favor I I next is the appointment of zoney board member second alternate for 2 years term it's the reappointment of John Manzo all in favor I public agency compliance officer annual appointment of Peter Lodo for onee ter Mo thank you Mr s all in favor I resolution to adopt all prior resolutions for the 2023 calendar year motion second all in favor [Music] I resolution 16 on the agenda is to U allow for offline checks during the month of January which allows time for uh midex to close out the 2023 fiscal year motion all in favor I resolution adoption of the temporary budget motion second all in favor I resolution empowering Municipal Employees to process the cancellation of tax refunds and or delinquencies of less than $10 second all [Music] favor resolution that would establish a petty cash fund for the year Mo second all in favor I resolution supporting the buron county Chiefs Association Mutual Aid plan and Rapid deployment Force motion second all in favor all resolution authorizing participation in the defense Logistics agency law enforcement support office at 10:30 3 program to enable the SB Police Department to request and acquire access Department of Defense equipment all in favor I resolution to cancel the outstanding checks as listed by the CFO motion second all in favor I resolution awarding award a bid and contract for the firehouse two structural repairs tax mundu Enterprise for [Music] [Music] $319,700 sent to the council it's the appointment of the library board trustee Julian Garrick to serve until December 31st 2028 and this requires advice consent of the councel second all favor oh sorry roll councilman samuka yes councilman Garrick councilman Sanchez yes Council Maser yes council president Alo yes we have the following appointments for receiveing file appointment of the township planner cers engineering and design motion one year we can do walk appointment of planning board member Class 2 Anthony and roio for one year appointment of Fire subcode official Mike sites for one year appointment of plumbing subcode inspector Frank gardano for one year appointment of electrical subcoat inspector Michael B for one year appointment of electrical subcode inspector Roco compella for one year appointment of licensed sewer operator Jessie V deore for one year appointment of Township Treasurer Vincent Bono for one year appointment of the township Grant WR of Bruno Associates for one year appointment of the township health benefits risk manager Trinity benefits LLC for one year appointment of special council tax appeal John bang Esquire for one year appointment of Township Insurance Consultant risk management Alamo Insurance Group caucus New Jersey appointment of Township labor attorney clear Jobe Aly and Jacobs for one year appointment of Township physician Michael weiner for one year appointment of Township chiropractor ferar spine and Rehabilitation for one year appointment of Minal housing liaison Jimmy homsy for one year appointment of Township Equal Opportunity Employment Officer Jim Jimmy hamy poer appointment of the Board of Education leine councilman David [Music] Garrick appointment of Township historian Peter Lodo appointment at Deputy Emergency Management coordinators Scott Haberman councilman Todo John J sui Christopher slma appointment of community projects Activities Committee Shannon alamando Christine januario appointment of mayor's youth group liaison Thomas vanwinkle appointment of school coursing guards as listed an appointment of special Law Enforcement Officers class three as listed appointment of special Law Enforcement Officers class one as listed appointment of Township architect for the fire department engine one headquarters renovation motion motion second Lo [Music] call councilman samuca yes Council mcgarrick yes councilman Sanchez yes Council M council president yes we have correspondence to receive a file one two and three motion second R councila yes councilman Garrick yes councilman Sanchez yes councilman Mas council president AR yes we have applications as listed all in favor hi hi uh motion to open to me to the publiction second all favor meeting now open in public if anybody wish to [Music] speak J 258 M now I've been here before complaining about the traffic situation the urns the parking and front driveways up by Franklin School it was going well the police department was riding by they were doing a great job we had that full week of rain we very rarely see a police offer come by now something needs to be done a child is going to get hit by a car because the parents are not listening to the crossing guard when she tells them they can't cross in the middle of the street they make you turns in the middle of the street on top of the hill somebody's going to get hurt it's got to stop maybe if the police officer instead of riding around got out of the car and stood by the cross yard and walked up and down the hill on land maybe that'll do something but we have a police officer that stands on callwell and by the crossing guard but not over on L the crossing guard stopped a parent yesterday because he was just she had her signy out he just walked he said I don't need to listen to you I'm an adult she said to him but you have a child with you that is my responsibility I don't care we can't have this they have to listen to somebody I I don't know where else to go with this I mean Mr Mayor we talked about this numerous times I mean maybe they need to start issuing summonses to these parents that are just cusing wherever and making new terms I think they have they have they're just going to have to do a better job and be be there as much as possible they can't be everywhere at once I the other schools are problems too and I know the superintendent put out an information put out a uh a memo to all the parents right yes saying that uh I guess you know but uh yeah and uh it would be strictly enforced and it seems to work for a while but you know you get some parents that just they don't want to listen believe me attitude they don't want to be told anything those are the ones that that really do need to be to get tickets I know I seen it today over cuz I drop up at three different schools and I pick up at three different schools and I seen it today at Washington School parents just coming around making urns wherever they feel like while the crossing is there with her stop on she's like you got to stop they don't care they just do whatever they feel like I just don't want to child get I will definitely pass it along to the police department and uh and like I said I know the schools been they've been working very well with us the administration there and like said they were doing really good I mean as far as parking in front of people's driveways that's pretty much stop thank God but the u-turns except in your case um but the u-turns on the top of the hill you got somebody coming up the hill they can't see a car making the U-turn you mentioned officer on C you mean the class three officer the one that's assigned to the school or no no not the regular police officer cuz there's a police car there and I see him he gets out and he talks with the crossing guard and he's right there all the time while she's crossing the kids but there's nobody over maybe maybe he can alternate one day over there one day over on the other side maybe that'll help thank you surprised they see the officer there and they still they still do it they still do it they [Applause] don't thank [Music] you hi everyone um Thomas manwin 128 Lincoln Avenue SRA I want to start out by thanking everybody on the council for nominating voting for me to be the mayor Jon once again for another year um it's been my pleasure of course to serve and I look forward to serving for another year the marriage group really had a great year last year just being involved in many different events from the trunk R treats the senior Halloween parties the holiday party judging the decorating contests for Halloween and and the holidays I mean I I just keep going on with all the great things that the marriage group does every well throughout the year um so looking ahead we're looking forward to getting back up and running we we'll meet again soon this month we have new officers that we have elected for president vice president and secretary we also I'll also mention that we had the holiday decorating contest recently I know I brought it up last week but I'll figure bring it up again tonight um we we went out on December the 22nd we we met at the senior center we had pizza we went on the but with a senior bus and then we judged the houses that entered there were 14 that entered and the winners were as follows we have third place 46 Oxford Avenue second place was 83 St Terrace and first place was 7 Su Lane in the holay contest and I do want to publicly congratulate them and thank everyone who entered the winners received a gift in the ma I believe and um we're looking forward to another great year in 2024 thank you and congratulations to our new council president thanks Thomas tother shair Thomas you mentioned the addresses do you know the names so people know the names of the of the winners I apologize I don't remember the names off top of my head I apologize for that [Music] syv a 236 L have first I want to say Happy New Year to everyone Todd congratulations now I'm going to pay you back off of Janine I live right across the street from Franklin school and B to your point when the cops are there everything runs smooth nobody does anything wrong but when they're not there I can't get out of my driveway people walking my driveway and it's not even like they're sitting in their car they'll get out and go put their kid bring their kid up to school I have to get to work now so this is an issue for me number one or the crossing guard up in the middle of lza will stop cars so that kids can cross which she should and then the crossing guard right outside my house they don't listen to and the cars will just come and block everything and again I can't get out of my driveway and we're not going anywhere until that car moves and then if the bus comes I don't know maybe one way would help I really don't know during school hours how we can solve this but something has to be done thank you thank you anyone else wish to speak um my name is Jim Gan I'm B resident I had a couple quick questions um are there any more C this resolutions available no I wanted to ask who approves Canabis resolutions mayor counsel is there anyone else that can approve a cist resolution in C other than the mayor and councel no okay is the I just wanted to know if the mayor and council is aware of January 8th this Monday the zoning board has on their agenda a candidates company requesting um a resolution I think I'm aware that you aware of that yes is that is that possible is that the policy or procedure from the mayor and Council or count in regards to if you're pursuing the Canabis license is that the proper protocol to follow I'm going to leave that up to the attorney nobody can get a the only way you can get a resolution expressing the approval of the mayor council is through the mayor and councel okay so would that be normal policy or what I'm looking at for what's public information for what's on on the agenda for m i don't believe we can prevent them that person is aware that we don't have we spoke to him we had a cannabis committee meeting which he came to and we told him we don't have any he chose to he chose to to go forward I don't know what his end game is but he knows okay so he wants to spend his money and and and and try to get uh I don't think we can prevent them from from putting in an application okay but but will the person be heard is the zoning board able to address that issue they've already he's gone to two meetings prior to this I believe okay so it's not an issue of how many times you show up it's just a matter of how I think You' completed the application okay I don't know that's I appreciate your time I just just wanted to ask a couple questions because I'm I'm aware of what I thought the policy and the procedures work and I just wanted to make sure everyone was doing what they're supposed to do congratulations on the new presidency Lu newair question um Pete maybe you know it I know that what we've done is we've approved three different types of licenses and we've Limited the number of um number of licenses that we could issue to three for each different um different types so there's retail there's manufacturing and there's cultivation I I'm 100% positive that we we've got three for retail do we is there any mayor you you probably know or or Mr Garrick who was on the candidat committee are there of the three total of nine actually you know 3 three and three are are all nine uh filled yes there are so we've got three manufacturing three cultiv yes we okay yep can I just just yeah just just so I can be clear because I I want to make sure I give you right information in order to get permission to go to the state to say I want to operate a Canabis business one of the requirements is that you get a resolution from the mayor and Council saying if the state says okay we'll let you come here we you know convinced us that you are a good candidate for this that can only be done by this mayor and Council so my understanding is that this applicant is not going to get a resolution from the playing board he's trying to get a variance to use the property for one of these purposes you can apply to get a variance for anything you want to just do an application the planning board is never going to say you have a resolution from the mayor and Council what the planning board will do is look at that application and he can he can want to run an amusement park but the planning board is going to look at it and say sorry thanks for your 20 bucks and your application fee and whatnot but we're not approving this so he can keep applying a 100 times but I can't tell you what the planning board is going to do but the planning board is very bright they understand their their scope of their Authority if they're smart they will understand that it wouldn't make sense perhaps to give them a variance if he can operate the business he wants to operate so that's that's procedurally where it's standing perfect thank you all right ju just to clarify he he's before the zon board not the plan oh I'm sorry the zoning board s sometimes only have a planning board which handle both yes sorry I'm anyone else wishing to speak motion to close motion to close second call councilman samuca yes councilman gck yes councilman Sanchez yes councilman Mason yes counc president yes may coms comments oh yes yes um I just want to wish everybody a happy and healthy prosperous new year just want to go over a few things that uh I believe in 2023 we accomplished great deal here in Saddlebrook um one of the biggest things is that we moved into this new complex here and uh there was a historic moment for the township um the community the municipal complex as many of you know is the home also for our uh Recreation SL Civic Center um and since the door is opened to that it's the first ever Recreation Center in town and since the door is open uh it's really been a hub of activity uh for children of all ages uh and I'm very optimistic that um it's going to be it is a success I me there's a full uh we got a fullsize gym there a fitness room uh spaces for arts and crafts uh educational programs interactive games and and really much more um our membership has increased dramatically um since we opened up and I'm very proud as I know the council is and uh that that we offer this this uh Rec Civic Center to to our uh our residents um we made a lot of enhancements to the infrastructure we've continued to pave roads um we installed speed humps on many roads to make them safer I know contrary some it's a that's one of it's one of those things that some people like them you love them you hate and put it that way so but uh they have been effective um they do work um we replaced a lot of water main um on Midland Avenue South of Market Street uh we installed a new playground uh on May Street park across from the high school middle school using Grant funds and we received um additional funds for major improvements to Victor Street Park and Fifth Street Park uh we also received a Federal grant uh actually I think it was 2022 but but we actually have the the funds available ailable to us a feder will grant um $1.3 million for sewer improvements and also we got $775,000 from the state funds uh specifically for a splash park uh installation of emergency generator at the senior center and additional improvements to May Hill Street Park uh on the horizon in 2024 um we're introducing we've introduced a new townwide notification system it's called notify me um residents can go to the town website to sign up for email and our text message uh notifications and this program will alert residents timely notifications about road closures uh events in town weather emergencies uh you name it so we're really trying to push people to to do this the school does it and they do it for for parents uh of the school children and it really works well I mean yeah actually I'm I get the notifications and it's a great thing and we're hoping to do this townwide so that everything will go on there everything and anything um we have nixel which is more of a public safety that please use that and we want to kind of keep that so it'll inter it'll overlap a little bit but really the the nixel is more for emergencies um anyway uh in order to maintain Public Safety uh we are going to hire new police officers in 2024 due to retirements and we're committed to having the armed police officers retired police officers in the in the schools which has been a big success and uh lastly I just want to say our Community Partnership committee has grown in numbers and we're doing more than ever to help those people in need uh I want I want to thank Pastor Christopher wool for that and uh all the members uh I want to congratulate the holiday home decorating contest winners I don't have their names Mr s I'm sorry but uh as Thomas mentioned the addresses I want to congratulate our Board of Education trustees who got sworn in last night Mike erell Sylvia zorelli and Michelle rolloff I also want to thank our outgoing members Kelly Mahoney and Richard sheerer for their service I want to thank the outgoing fire chief Jason zabani for uh his service he did a fantastic job congratul ulations to our new fire chief Dave ninki and assistant chief Herman wsel um I want to thank Dave gar for his service as a council president I think he handled himself very well did a great job certainly congratulate Todd on being appointed as council president and I'm very confident in his abilities I know he's going to do a fabulous job as well um with the snow forecasted whether we're going to get it or not I don't know but um residents are reminded that we have a local ordinance requiring Motor Vehicles to be off the road when there are 2 in or more of of snow basically when the road still covered you should move your car uh also for local ordinance residents and businesses must remove snow from the sidewalk and around fire hydrates within 24 hours and also as a reminder throwing snow on the roadway with shoveling plowing blowing snow blowing is prohibited so you can't put any snow into the into the street and I think that's all I have thank you counc m uh I just have a couple of things uh congratulations to council president Tunda thank you congratulations I just want to thank all the residents and the council and mayor for your support in 2023 I appreciate that nobody can do it alone uh Todd if you need anything I'm here so absolutely I appreciate it um and then I just want to wish everybody a happy healthy New Year thank you Sarah sorry Council Sanchez um I just wanted to take a second to congratulate all the you know reappointed and newly appointed individuals um thank you Dave for a job well done as council president and um congratulations to Todd for being our newly appointed council president and um I just want to also wish everybody a Happy New Year Council again Happy New Year to everyone and like I said congratulations to all those that were appointed sure you're going to do a good job because you got great credentials and that's why you were appointed and congratulations and thank you to all those who are being reappointed um if you you got reappointed for a reason because uh you sered the community well uh 2023 as the mayor said was important to Saddlebrook and I think it was a very successful year um we accomplished a lot and we look forward to accomplishing a lot more and that's why uh my turn is up this year I'm going to announce that I intend to run one more time for a 4-year term um because there are things that are in the town that uh I would like to continue to try and Achieve and uh make this town even better than it is now and I thank everyone who voted for me uh four prior times um Pete uh said that he appreciated me voting for him for Paco that's the compliance officer which is the most miserable job you can have in local government so I'm sure his thank you was very sarcastic but every year I nominate him and vote for him because he does a good job of that thank you counc you're welome um very go congratulations to uh Todd for uh well-deserved nomination appointment as uh as our council president and thanks to Dave who did a great job in [Music] 20203 and lastly I'd like to on a personal note congratulate my daughter Gabrielle and her new husband Frank on their wedding which was on New Year's Eve which was a great great uh time a great wedding and as I told him uh when we left I said uh the seal is broken warranty is expired no give backs so uh hopefully they'll have a long and successful marriage thank you say Best For Last anyway congratulations Todd thank [Music] you and also to did a great job congratulations aome and to all of our uh professionals and new appointees and our reappoints look forward to another productive Year and happy birthday Thomas have played right yesterday yeah yesterday happy and everyone and congratulations to all of the uh the new board of members you wel thank you I just like to uh thank Dave for his leadership as council president last year he did great job it's not easy uh sitting up here as a council person but sitting up here as a council president is uh is going to be difficult and everybody up here has almost had the opportunity except for uh Sarah here which we she get the opportunity it's definitely um going to be experienced to say the least but I I promise to be the same person I've always been for the past nine years and I just uh would like to wish Dave miliki all the best in his new role uh Jason subani I wish him the best with his new time off um Jimmy I don't know your last name I just want to wish you the best James Herman Herman Herman who's James I'm sure that's coming it's okay I'll get the I wrote James out so I apologize her I best James oh you'll be James all right um thank you to Mayor and Council for considering me is uh council president um syvia congratulations thank you Happy New Year very prosperous and healthy one and thank you again motion toour motion to adour Second all in favor I thank you