call meeting to order roll call councilman samuca here councilman Garrick here councilwoman Sanchez here counciler here council president Alam is unable to be here due to a family graduation at this point the motion will be in order to appoint an acting council president make motion fa second all in favor U please rise a salute to the flag who remains standing for a moment of Sil in memory of John Galvin former Township Clerk and father of John Galvin member of the S volunteer ambulance courp and ourour babe Liberty father of former councilwoman de cambri and DPW employee Vince C pledge allegiance to United States of America adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to All council members and to all legal newspapers in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act chapter 231 public 1975 the public is hereby advice at any statements made during the meeting of the township Council of the township of sant Brook may not be privileged or protected and at persons or entities who take issue with such comments or are offended by saying may it happen to pass so will redress through the courts any member of the public who addresses the council speaks for themselves and out for the council motion open the meeting to the public all in favor I um are we going to do the budget all right let's do the what's that first yes so we're going to introduce the budget first Steve please come on good evening you have in front of you tonight the 2024 Municipal budget for the township for introduction introduction only uh the process is the council votes to introduce the bu budget get sent to the state for review uh 4 weeks from today believe is the public [Music] hearing July 18th the public hearing on a budget at which time the public is allowed to ask their questions uh relative to the budget that's on will be on the table um it has not been an easy budget year not here here really not anywhere um with Rising costs with inflation with interest rates uh with the um Federal funding that came during covid now gone um it's been it's been an adventure in in all towns and All Counties throughout the state and I would suspect throughout the country um the bottom line here is that the average residential assessment which was 434 last year which is now 4625 this year the municipal tax increase is $250 and that is driven solely by Appropriations that you have no control over um some samples or examples are solid Wass and recycling which is contractual the increase is $400,000 our pension bills from the state are over $76,000 more the statutory contribution to the library is $23,000 more our salaries are up over $300,000 contractually across the board for all the employees s Valley sewer 68,000 um Debt Service is 335,000 and that piece of it is directly related to the short-term interest rates that just a year and a half ago we were paying everybody was paying for taxfree notes a half a percent or 3/4 of a percent we're now paying 4 and half% on the same money um so that's that's $335,000 so so when you put it all together the things that are controllable the daily day-to-day operating expenses in town are increasing to about $75,000 for the whole year so again like in previous years everything that you can control you have controlled you watch every dollar I know that pizza Che goty every time and Jimmy's also now a cheap guy um but if you look around that the surrounding towns um it's been a it's been a challenging budget year for everybody there's there's things like again and and we're lucky we didn't have a huge increase in health care this year we had that problem last year other towns are having that problem this year so you know with inflation with escalating cost contractual obligations bills that we just get because this is your pension bill this is what you have to pay those are the drivers in terms of the 24 budget and and I think we took an extra an extra couple of weeks this year in order to introduce it to really go back and go through and make sure everybody looked at everything and that we're only putting forth in this budget what were the actual real real real real needs of the borrow of the township for 2024 so again tonight's for introduction only uh he goes he gets gets advertised it goes to the state the public get a chance to ask their questions in four weeks and and letting the coun has any question more than happy to try to answer them cus is that part of this that's part of it uh we're using the same 3.2 million as Revenue that we did in 2023 uh even though the and and that's a little bit more aggressive than we'd like to because Surplus went from 6.6 million to 5.4 million uh so again a a lot of what's happened is a lot of the the FED free Federal money that was abundant during the pandemic is now gone so you know things are tightening up a little bit but we we we used the same 3.2 so as to keep that the same for this year for the chair Steve yes sir can you explain to the public um and admittedly myself before I became an elected official I didn't really understand Surplus I think a lot of people out there uh and there's been some comments made up here that we you know we have a lot of surplus and uh but I think people think that you know you have 5 million that that's 5 million extra dollars that you can just go spend tomorrow no and it's not going to affect the budget in the future so could you just explain how that works well look let me since you brought the subject up mayor I I'll give a little historical persp perspective in over the past five or six or seven years we made a conscious effort to build up the Surplus with the with the the thought process being we wanted this we wanted to buy and build and create a new Township's municipal center and we wanted to make sure that when that debt came on the books and in the budget that we had sufficient Surplus in order to fund the majority of that so that the impact to the taxpayers was not going to be the total cost of the building all at once and we did that and we built up the Surplus over the years and over then over the last couple of years we've been utilizing it to offset The Debt Service specifically for this building in the budget and and increasing every year what we're using to supplement the budget so as to kind of levelize the best we could the amount that be raised by taxes yes but it's not again by evidence by it was 6.6 now it's 5.4 we always have to be very careful with with Surplus what we have and what we use because if we don't regenerate what we use this year for next year then there's an automatic hole in the budget and we've not done that we don't intend on doing that and and we've been in a very nice um you know we've done a very nice job of of dealing with the increased cost the pandemic the this opening this building and and we've had what I would call Inc mental tax increases over the last few years this is certainly a little more than we're used to but again we're we're no different than the surrounding towns and and the county and and you know everybody because everything costs more papers pencils and it didn't go up you know 1% or 2% went up 5% or 7% um you went out and bid your garbage recycling contract those guys were all getting even for Co they they had contractual obligations to their claims at a certain level and all of a sudden everybody was staying home and there was a byproduct of people being home is more garbage and so they not that there's a conspiracy theory or anything but what I've seen is that anybody that goes out to bid over the last 12 or 18 months they seen tremendous increases in those costs so I hope that thank you L uh Steve overall the financial picture here in Saddlebrook I mean I know you cover a lot of the towns and you do a lot of work in in a lot of other municipalities what would what would you say as far as the overall sadle Brooks healthy and you're healthy because the way you've approached and attack the budget what would last again I I forget how long I've been here I don't know mayor how long have you been the mayor 10 years Jesus and and I think when when we started the Surplus was $300,000 we had s had nothing and over that period we not only built up the Surplus uh you know you you've you've done a lot of infrastructure and a lot of equipment and a lot of roads and a lot of parks and we've been able to come up with a program that while taxes go up every year you're not seeing a $500 Spike like other places might see we've been able to work very we've worked very hard at creating fiscal stability here and I would say to you that we're very fiscal fiscally stable you disp thank you any other questions Steve thank you very much thank you Steve appreciate it okay we're open to the public anyone please state your name address and just whatever comments you have Okay so nichas Willie 518 le atue as you all know we had a problem on our block with the uh parking and we asked for the signs to be put back up the ordinance was already there okay you put the signs back up I got to tell you it was like you put the signs back up to stick it in the homeowner's eye we have 14 houses on our block you put 17 signs up you actually have a sign I B for you see can look at Andrew's been down the block he's seeing there's actually a sign on the telephone pole leaving the block right on the corner what was the purpose of that just to stick in R for asking for the signs are you asking me Nick I'm asking the councel no I can I can tell you absolutely it was not to do anything why would we want to do that Nick what you know do I look like a vindictive person I know what it looks like show it I know what maybe the rest of wants to see pictures they can look at them on the time all right so that's what I wanted to bring up on that the second thing I'd like to bring up is par you make mistakes why are you making mistakes I made a point gave you the pictures and you made you did all right so the park is a try it's it's terrible it's all overgo everything now I know it's count okay but you're our leader correct now I'm not picking on you but you are a leader in town that's correct I was DED by fishing contest I was talking to somebody there another neighbor was standing there and they said you know this park is crazy it's a mess and I was told that you know it's the county that you call you try to get something done and that the sou people should stop bothering you about that I don't know who told you that I'll tell you in a minute who told me that I would never say that I know you wouldn't say that the town people should stop bothering you and go to the county and leave you alone because you've done all you can to get that part cleaned up well whoever said that was wrong I'll tell you you said in priv I don't want to embarrass the person okay I mean the part you can see it it's overgrown you can't even see the lake unless you're at one end or the other uh last week for 4 days somebody must have went in their pants I don't know how to go back to the car without their pants and underwear you know their shorts but they were laying there for like 4 days bottles cans overgrown sometimes you can't sit on the benches along the one side because the weeds just grow over it I ride through the other towns with the parks why is i c p with forgotten Park my question to you is so you can ask them that why why it's forgotten why it's not taken care of last year the baths been work for almost a year they had P Johns there which yeah sure people got to go it's just it's just somebody got to do something about that part I agree with you I'm so what i' like we call them once a week at least if it's possible there are people there why don't you get a hold of Tesco right is our County Executive and see if he can meet you and I at the park one day and we can just take a walk around a lake I don't even have to show him the rest of the car he could just walk around the lake and and look at it and say this is crazy but the excuse I was given by the same person that said that you don't want to bother it anymore is that there's sink holes everywhere and that's why you can't cut the weeds down say I don't want to be bother anymore yeah said you didn't say that said why don't the person told me why don't the people with s works stop bothering you about this you've already done what you can okay like know like exact words with that person that's the only two things I understand you only get 3 minutes now to talk is that correct yeah it's been this that's crazy so taxpayers in this town can come up here you can't brush your teeth and call ha in morning in 3 minutes and they got to get their pointed for us in 3 minutes it's it's what it is anyway thanks for your time thank you see what you can do any what else comments Omar Rodriguez S Brook running for Council on November four November 5th along with the chief of police googler and the reason I'm sted like that is because I believe that it's time for change a lot of things are going on and people have to wake up it's time for change how could it be that this month June at the end of June you just introducing a budget that is not right not right at all and I tell you that there's a lot of ways that need to be cut once we get elected we're going to freeze those rats and it's going to be no layoffs and I'm going to case on point how could it be a small town like ours 14,000 people we spend 32 million tax myo $32 [Music] million how can we pay one employee $300,000 in a year I just heard something about the country yes maybe one of the highest in the country not just in the state of New Jersey one of the highest in the country a we small town so he's trying to do some checks and balances it's not just a Yes Man on everything but everything is going to change after November 5th hopefully the voters will vote the people out and also people got to be aware that if councilman siluca get reelected hopefully not in November we will have to be to pay for Life his medical benefits which he could be close to a million dollar last last year that I checked the medical benefits cost $30,000 a year for a spouse $40,000 for a family and every year goes up then again do we think that he's worth it well it's going to be up to the voters in November because those are the one that have to go and make sure that exercise their opinion and say if it's basically worth it or not like just the last speaker said 3 minutes what is wrong with you if you are elected for the people and by the people you should interact the reason why I have to leave is because you just want to speak attack me but why don't you interact with me one one we have attorneys right here and I we can go one in one and I can like seven or eight of you have Minds people need to debate that issues that's the reason I'm leaving because you just want to attack me attack people I'm here in the point so I can defend myself but then again um actually how could it be that we pay $300,000 to one particular employee $300,000 then he comes the fire department to ask for more than $160,000 that you allocate for them they are a volunteer department they spent between1 and $120,000 and they' been denied to increase on their budget $160,000 for a volunteer department but then you can pay $300,000 to a one person something is wrong with this picture so then again I'm just going to let it go for now but thank you for listening all of you at home please have a safe summer and God bless you thank you anyone else switch to address the council Steve paronda 24 Harrison Avenue um I just see the resolutions here the you're going to authorize the engineering firm of the plan to prepare light pollution ordinance and I just want to thank you guys for being open about this I really do think it'll make our town better in any ways so thank you thank you very much good evening Brian o Conor 357 Poler street I'm here about the concerned of the football field uh I would like to know what the status is right now is it approved is it ready for the tur field is that what's going on does anyone know that that's that's a Board of Education education the other night and they don't answer any questions so that's why I'm here at the Town Council it's been approved I know that okay so it's a so it's a go so what I'm here to tell you is I'm very concerned I've been in the landscaping business for 40 years I know towns that have put in fake Fields they've been flooded they've been lifted they had to redo them again Garfield is an example loai is an example gwood is an example if you don't think that that field is going to flood again you're sorely mistaken I've been there for 40 years like roughly and I've seen it flood over and over again it's come to my house the fire hydrant next door has been underwater a dozen times that means the field in front of my house is flooded so what do you think is going to happen to that field it's going to get rued what if it gets flooded and again you know that water is not clean it's all filled with dirt so what if that field get SED over and you have an inch of dir on field what are you going to do sweep it up power watch it it's ridiculous you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to put in an artificial field and you're trying to teach your kids to go green going green would mean putting solar panels on the roof of the high school when you're fixing account I tried to talk to the Board of Education I don't know the lady who's the president just told me that I'm not allowed to ask any questions but I also feel that it's highly suspect she's the Board of Education president and her husband is the athletic director and they're pushing this gr just smells funny to me not accusing anyone of anything but it just smells funny there's no reason for that I would put up my own Mone to fix the field have you looked at the field lately they're purposely trying to kill it the water is not on I live right across the street I live behind the scoreboard I know what's going on there they're trying to kill the field and I'm here tonight to tell you let me take control of that field give me the keys for 2 months I'll put in $5,000 in my own money but only on one condition that you have a re vote I want to re vote on this the day was it was 2 months after the first vote and then two months later they ran it through again I had to work all day that day and snow it was a snow day I work 15 hours there's no way I could vot it so what I'm was saying is give me a chance won't cost you a dime not a dime and you know if you don't want to do it then I'll take that five grand and I'll get some legal council to represent me to fight this cuz I think it's a terrible I know how to take care of fields I used to have a 3D Turf license in the state of New Jersey like I said I work for a company we have 50 employees 25 trucks I take care of town complex of 5 to 500 units could be 42 Acres or more was the job that I was doing today so I'm the guy why don't you give me a chance and stop the stupid thing of the field and let me show you what a green asset you have and you know give me a chance Mr White give me a chance you know don't just shut the water off and kill it because it got approved you know that's just wrong I just you're throwing away a perfectly good asset when you should be really using that money to create an asset for the school which was cuz you're do the roof now they're doing the roof now so let them fix the roof and put the panels on it's the right thing to do thank you thank you very much anyone else wishing to address the council mayor if you can get back to me somehow some way about my offer I I appreciate it CU I'm willing to spend my own money and you know if you want if they want to keep going through with the field I'm going to fight you guys and it's a wrong decision just check with Lo A Garfield that's all I say just check with them see what happened to their fields thank you for your time thank you thank you anyone else see no one else motion to close sure Mitchell Rubenstein 133 Lincoln Avenue my question also relates to the Board of Education I rais this question to everybody on the board um the email reply um I'm wondering why our school system is R wor that like 18 towns in the county there four hours judging by US News and Ro report so for example Loi significantly poor than us their District seems to form better wton um rer f hasper kits large number of towns um I could only find two towns that um are wealthier than us that perform worse and both seem to have decent reasons so angle eclips was one and that's because they're locked into angle with school district so they're they're brought down like an anger and there's wood uh sorry Woodridge which pay significantly less for us uh than us per pup so I'm just wondering why our town school system seems so much worse than it should be thank you Mr anyone else wishing to address the council see no one else motion to close second all in favor we do have the resolution for introduction of the budget Municipal budget of the township of sbook County of Bergen for theal year 2024 they resolve that the following statements of revenues and Appropriations s shall constitute the mpal budget for the year 2024 be have further resolved the set budget will be published in the hour Town Newspaper the issue of June 27th and the govering body the township for sat book do hereby approved the following as the budget for the year 2024 have motion motion to approve motion second uh roll call councilman sua yes council president Garrick yes councilwoman Sanchez yes councilwoman ma yes [Music] um comments mayor thank you Mr gck um Mr OK Conor I don't know if he just left he's going to come back but I just wanted to address what he had said um really it's a board education matter I I know he said he went to the board and uh they didn't want to I guess address the issue I don't know why but I will look into it as far as contacting the superintendent and see what uh what I can find out that field uh I mean I i' I've been in town my whole life and I know I I played football on that field but they did do a lot of work um within the last 15 years and they improved the trainings when they did the track throw away the track uh I don't know if it when it floods or when we have heavy heavy rains and it floods throughout the town whether or not it probably does flood but I don't think it floods during uh um flash flooding incidents where there's a lot of rain all at once the drainage is is good and it really is a pretty nice field um but I I I believe the reason why they're turfing it is because that's the new fat and they're also putting lights Stadium lights um I think that was most uh towns most school districts have tur Fields so it's really they're going with the fat and we we did well with our field and we had a lot of opposition that was prior to my Administration it was built but it was proved prior to the me coming in but uh I know I know with Veterans Field we have a uh a retention Bas in under the field and that takes a lot of the water and when it even heavy the field I'm talking about veterans now it's dry in 10 15 minutes and it doesn't flood there and it's not flooding in the surrounding areas either so it worked at veterans I don't know the gentleman you know Mr O Conor you know he's he's obviously a landscaper he's been in that business so uh maybe he probably knows have a lot more than I do but uh I I I realize he's got legitimate concerns uh and I will I will bring them up to the superintendent and see if I can find anything out but really as far as Mitch MIT Rubenstein yeah I agree with you I'm not happy with the SWS either I I I see them I'm surprised that there's not more talk about them I'm very disappointed in this year especially uh so uh a lot a lot depends on uh on your school district this your test School or there a lot of new people moving into town they look at that you know new families they they want they want to come to a town with a good school district I'm not saying we have a bad school district but we do have bad test scores so it's concerning and I will uh I will also address Mrs violetti about that and uh but you do have to I don't know I think you said you went to a meeting I don't know what answers you got but really for to Ed is where you have to go to uh to make those complaints but I will make sure that I let them know that you're coming here because what what I'm hearing from you is that your your complaint fell on De ears yours and Mr oconor so I will let the authorities know there that uh it's important and they need to address you uh far as Nick Nick look I I don't I don't mean to I I don't mean to make faces believe me I I did I'm sorry um I was a little taken back because um as far as the signs go um look everybody up here I mean you know we don't have any we didn't have any problem putting the signs up we agree with you well I know but 17 well you know what the DB there three fr the DBW did it and as far as I know they they sto them according to dot specs and all that other stuff so maybe they went overboard I I I don't know they were told 17 seems like a lot they were told to put in every third house and they got a call and said we want them in front of every house you know what I don't yeah well I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you being 100% transparent here I never told them what to do I didn't I didn't I'm just saying I don't think anybody on on the council told them what to do I I think they probably got the r maybe maybe Bob D engineer I I think they just did it because they thought that was the right thing to do maybe they looked at the book May I don't know I honestly don't let everybody look at them pictures and look at the sign when you're leaving the block on the telephone pole it I mean you know I'm sure there's a way that we can put less signs up and say no parking here to corner or no parking the whole stretch or something it it seems a little excessive it does but it wasn't I'm just telling you it wasn't I know that but in a lot of towns like I got a ticket for that in Edgewater okay and I said to the officer I said where's the sign he goes when you pull into Edge waterer the signs are in the beginning of the town so you missed that sign you're screwed she may have been the police too that told him to directed him to do that and again it wasn't to retaliate it wasn't to to say you know to be try to get even or anything like that looked at I yeah well I can see how you feel but as far as as far as the part goes I agree with you 100% I'm frustrated look we we I see it Mr Sima mentions it all the time um in fact Mr Sima actually said something at our at the reorg last year um he mentioned it to the county executive himself and uh we have there are people in the parks department that I know personally I have their cell phones I mean I call them I I I don't know you it's ibody works there well they don't do your job they don't I think they do what they're told but I think I think maybe we got to go a little higher that that's that's the problem I mean I'm going to tell you I get like as far as the foliage around I've gotten so many different answers why they don't want to you it's they you know they it has to be like that it's the the D tells them they RAR about runoff I mean it does none of make sense to me but this is what they tell me when I tell them look clear it up I mean it looks bad want to see the see the lake I've been walking that Park every morning 7 days a week for the last 14 years okay it wasn't like that when I started it's getting worse every year they're letting the growth go more and more most of the trees are dead and all the weed just grow around the tree so it looks like it's a tree well part part of it is because I know I it's been a while now but they do used to have a ranger they had somebody assigned it remember they had that little building in the front that little office or whatever in the garage there they had somebody that was there all the time they cut back you know now there's no one there so they just they just sto by once in a while so we're not getting the attention you know what they did down there I'm going to tell you what they did down account about 10 years ago maybe 9 years ago 8 years ago at the one corner the far end if you came through by engine one and you walk down right there that little corner they came in with some company from New York State and they put about five or six Boulders and planted three bushes okay the bushes now are probably about 20 ft High you don't even see the boulders anymore I'd love to know what it cost the taxpayers for that yeah but well like I said I I will I'm going to go higher and speak to somebody they may even call uh County Executive themselves and well that's what I'm saying see you get I'm going to get his email or whatever I'll go to find his email and send him an email or I I'll I'll tell you from firsthand experience I called them today about something else the let's we need to stick to our agenda here I appreciate it you got a lot of work left to do here thank you I got a lot of things I got to I got of mention but the mayor started I did and I addressed Nick so it's not your fault all right so anyway let me talk a little bit about the the budget we obviously Steve was Will CMAs here we introduced the budget tonight I want to personally thank um Jimmy hamy our business administrator Vince Bono our our CFO and Steve will Cuts our auditor who is here all our department heads it was a very challenging budget uh not completely uh I'm not happy really with with the increase um it's like like the auditor said these are all fixed costs there's really not much else you know we we need either we going to cut cut services or or we're going to have to have to increase it and that's unfortunately what we're going to have to do um there estimated tax bills are going to be mailed out at end of the month uh that's where the August payment um road construction and Paving um want the Garden State Parkway bridge the construction the work was cancelled for this weekend apparently there's going to be thunder thunderstorm so they canel it uh they're supposed to do the following week uh Friday June 28th 6: p.m. until Monday July 1st at 6:00 a.m. um and they need to do at least three other weekends like this to finish the project um Paving uh I'm going to let our town engineer go over which roads are getting paved and we have an ordinance on tonight to approve our uh our Paving projects Bob go ahead so we have Samson Street which is our NJ doot funded Road for this year um that'll be one bid package uh the other roads which will be a separate bid package include Orchard Lane and Sterling Place which are cdbg funded roads uh the rest of the roads are Lincoln Avenue B Wen Street Elm Avenue Ash Avenue dire place and n g Road um we still have a hold over from last year which is Alberta Drive again we're waiting for CG to hopefully replace the gas me on that road before we Mill and overlay it and uh that's it thank you thanks M um also Public Service Gas and Electric they going to be doing gas Mains uh throughout the town they're starting next Monday they're going to be working Miller Street uh South Boulevard uh Adriana and North Boulevard so they're starting uh the 24th until uh July the 5th but they're going to do other work after that as well um some other information tonight we have ordinances um a few for second reading one is on pre removal and replacement which uh is a state mandate also uh a second reading on um storm water management and there's uh two um two handicap uh uh spaces in front of people's homes and there's also a second reading on a bond ordinance for uh do cing project on Samson Street uh this month was Flag Day was on Friday day June the 14th uh this month's pride month so we do have uh pride flag hanging it'll be there till the end of the month the military banners we have 48 new banners that were put up I think I talked about this last month uh so now we have close to 150 banners I want to thank the VFW Commander lelli Mike Nay from the American Legion who were very instrumental in getting that program started and seeing it through um um our old building and update we had a meeting tonight the planner issued a report uh which is going to be forwarded to the planning board for their review and recommendation um that area is going to be uh we're looking to uh listed as an area in need of Rehabilitation not Redevelopment it's different but uh we'll have control over what gets developed there and uh so that we're going to take that next step and it's going to go before the planning board uh events this month we had Memorial Day Parade had a beautiful day I want to thank the American Legion volunteer fire department ambulance Corps VFW um post 3484 the Korean war vets the parade committee chose graffan the Grand Marshall blue darino our MC um also we had um walking in the parade with this assembly persons Lisa Swain Chris Cully thank you that for them coming out we had a concert and for the life of me I can't remember the date was it may the 28th it was a Thursday right first concert tuned up the 30th May the 30th yeah it was a Thursday the May the 30th uh that was our first one of the Year remember the little one coming up we also had uh the fishing derby which was was last Saturday uh at the buron County uh Park the AO pale Lake we had a great day the kids had a really fun day of fishing special thanks to my secretary Christine jaria for playing everything also Rec director Andy Gallow uh volunteer Ambulance Corp assisted there uh our DBW police department and Boy Scout Troop 213 helped us out measuring the fish also Dunkin Donuts they donated the the drinks coffee donuts and uh such also our photographer Thomas vanwinkle who's not here tonight because he's photographing the high school graduation um so he always does a good job so uh we had three winners they all receive gifts we also had U the Howard Weinberg Memorial bench dedication which is right here in the municipal complex out in the front um that was on uh Tuesday June the 18th so uh we did this to honor the memory of Howard Weinberg who was a beloved and dedicated teacher for the S of school district he was also our coordinator for the side of Community Partnership committee um want to acknowledge his wife Gina Who uh has established the Howard Weinberg uh high school scholarship fund they give out two 250 $100 scholarships every year I also want to thank the students from the high school middle school and uh through their efforts they raised most of the money that to purchase the bench so that was a nice Testament to to Howard upcoming events we have another concert at right here in uh the parking lot municial complex uh that's going to be Wednesday June the 26th 6 7:30 p.m. it's Elon John tribute man we have the fireworks coming up Thursday July the 3rd that's at the county park as well usually starts 9:00 p.m. or whenever it gets dark enough um National Night Out again I'll talk more about that next next meeting but that's Tuesday August the 6th we're also having a second annual junior Police Academy information will be communicated to the school district our our ite or Facebook social media notify me so uh that's I believe it's seventh and eighth graders I'm not sure I should know but I don't but uh there'll be more information on that uh some other uh graduations I want to congratulate everybody that's graduating kids at preschool all the way to uh to college so uh congratulations to all them and their parents I also want to mention the passing of uh a bade Liberty we had a moment of silence for him um we are going to uh I I have conversations with the little league the president and we're going to name Ned lickfield which is on Saddle River Road by engine company number one we're going to rename that uh babe Liberty uh field and we're going to do that within the next couple of months before the end of the summer so uh babe was he was Mr baseball and you he's he's been out of it a long time but he did a tremendous amount for uh he was a coach he was he probably instrumental in starting starting the Little League he was an Umpire he was a very very involved um person and he deserves that recognition uh DBW summer hours uh starts I think next week it works 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. um the municipal offices will be closed Thursday uh July the 4th so section 4 gets picked up on Friday July to fit the yard waights uh a little bit about cooling centers um as you know it's very hot out there so uh our T Emergency Management our Police Department we have three locate locations that are cooling centers the S Library s Civic Center uh which is here in this building and S Senior Center Bergen County also has cooling centers and they also have uh residents that need a ride to one of these cooling centers can call as a number uh this is all all this information has been put on our website and on our Facebook and notify me so uh in case anybody needs a cooling center we have them available I kind of urge people to come to the local one unless they um you know it's along that they're going to be they need longterm care or whatever maybe the county would be better but I I hate to see somebody have to uh wait and get driven somewhere may we have them right here in town uh what else okay last last thing I have is I just wanted to mention that we're going to be looking into uh our our videographers here tonight and we're going to look into live streaming our meetings that's something that I think is very important we talked about this for a while uh the school district does do live streaming and uh it's something that we we have the capability of doing and uh so that's something that should be in a very near future that's all I have thank you thank you mayor councilwoman Maser he's always a tough act to that's for sure that's right okay first and for foremost I like to to um extend my condolences to Gin canri um and Liberty Family um for divor their family members babe certainly um was a stable of Township he was could be seen at the sadle diner in almost every morning and you know it's great guy our hearts and press and family uh and I'd like to also thank uh Mr wox and the mayor of course department heads our business administrator on the chief be for for presenting a fiscally you know responsible budget very proud to be part of that thank you thank you and I also like to congratulate prechool to grad school um class of 2024 especially my preschool DLC class go a shout out to them and um lots of good luck in your future deers thank you thank you very much councilwoman Sanchez um so I'm not going to touch too much on me that's her field but I cuz I know the mayor is going to approach the Board of Ed and I know that's more the Board of Ed thing um when the referendum came out I was much in favor of you know certain things that need to be updated and stuff in the school but the turfield I I you know I live on Russ Parkway we flood so I was very concerned about that I happened to run into the company who was going to be installing the turf field at one of the conferences and um I may have interrogated him a little too much but he was trying to assure me that the turfield was going to help the flooding not too long after that I did hear about what happened with ridgewoods field and flooding so um you know I I hope the mayor could get some answer on that um but I just wanted to say that I did I did have concerns about the turfield myself and I know a lot of Voters were in favor of it so I guess we'll see what happens um and other than that uh congratulations to all the graduates high school middle school kindergarten prek sixth graders moving up all of them and um yeah have a great summer thank you very much Council woman councilman Sima I don't want to repeat everything that's said obviously condolences and congratulations where appropriate and everyone's gone into detail about that so I just don't want to uh go on on the same issue with regard to Mr Wily's concerns about ler Avenue um I mean Nick is a personal friend of mine so um if he has an issue with anything I get a call I get a text I get a video and I don't mind it at all um and he he had valid concerns and I when the signs went up I said hey did the signs go up and he says yeah like a gazillion of them went up so I was like wow so um but I thought see what happens is this because I said I prute in Hoboken and Hoboken has horrible horrific parking uh and we get people coming in and I've got probably 100 people a week that come in to complain about their parings and the main complaint is there was no sign and some of them show pictures and they show a picture of their car and 5 ft in front of it and 5T in back of it well if a block is 500 ft long there's you know there probably is not going to be a sign directly where you park um so my suggestion for for potential uh issues I think that they did that so people don't do that and say well yeah it was on that side of the driveway but I parked on the other side of the driveway and there's no sign here I think the easy solution would be to change the sign to say no parking this block as the May said the entire L but yeah those two words this block and you could pull down more than half of those signs I'm sure I mean like you said there's seven houses on each side so you need two maybe two three signs on each side two signs uh but this was directed uh at that block for a certain reason certainly there's no there was no um ill motive to do that he asked for signs we gave him signs I don't think we you know want to punish them but if we wanted to punish them we would wouldn't have put them up but we did so I I think that can be there can be an easy solution uh to to that issue cuz it it is uh aesthetically and and uh it's not good Optics I guess we will look at in every 15 ft there's just sign uh the fishing contest i i attended with my grandson we had a great time uh and it was at the County Park and I've said this over and over and over again I had a very good friend who was pretty much in charge of the park I thought that I could get something done because of my personal relationship that didn't work at the reor meeting um I said something probably out of turn maybe I shouldn't I should have been politically correct but I wasn't and I said listen you guys got to do something on this park I mean it was a food time and I maybe I dragged it down a bit by by saying something everybody came up to me and said oh my God you're in trouble I can't believe you said that but it's true we're the redheaded stepchild and I apologize for all the redheaded stepchild is out of the Burton County system in terms of the parks they were they had a plan they were going to put a fishing pier on the south end that never came to be there's supposed to be and I brought it up a number of times to aate that there's supposed to be that you know that little fountain that comes off in the middle the arrogance system for some reason they keep saying that they can't do I walked the entire part of the park between the path and the river itself to see where the water is supposed to flow and they talked about doing something and they didn't do it uh we walked in the other section where there's trees that are snagging everything and they're supposed to come out what I learned is that there are more layers of government um than I ever new existed within the county because when you say to well do something you figure it's easy just take the trees out well that's this department and do this well that's a different department there's like 10 different departments and I don't know if any of them speak to each other I've spoken to freeholders I spoken to assembly people spoke to the county executive um and we're going to keep on pushing because that's our park I mean it's a county park but it's our park and uh it it it should be made better it should be something that we should be proud of and right now we're not um we did the budget today and I I got to commend everyone for for working very very hard on that uh the police academy which I think is I was pushing that for a long time uh I'm just going to ask the mayor if you can try and arrange I know last we last year we both were in agreement that their graduation ceremony I think was at 9:00 in the morning um so uh just so happened that I was off um and I was able to attend but it would give more parents the ability to attend and more of usess uh you know the council people who have regular regular day jobs um we can attend and it I tell you that it was great it was just great I saw it in Oakland when I was working in Oakland and uh the kids enjoyed it and just seeing them um you know doing stuff that parents were I mean they was the parents were amazingly proud of their children I think a lot of parents looked at them and said that's my kid is that my kid marching and saying yes sir and no sir and no ma'am and yes ma'am so it was a it was very good glad that that that's here um the people that talked about the uh the high school field and the Board of Education uh unfortunately there's we have talked about the county level layers of government there's basically in the town there's two governing bodies one is the uh municipality for five Council people and the mayor and you know administrator people that that work in in in the town and then there's the Board of Education um the only thing that I could suggest is that look hard at who you vote for because who you vote for on the board of education those people are in charge of your children and they have more of a budget than we do their budget is more I mean when you get your tax bill um somebody who was here before used to bring out pie chart say it's not us it's them I'm not pointing fingers it's just the way it goes most of your tax dollars some of it goes to the county some of it goes to the library some of it goes to us to give you the services that the town requires more more than our part of it if you had the pie sh uh goes to the board of education so it's very important and a lot of times I'm say I think there have been contested elections but many times over the years and I've lived here for 40 years I guess um a lot of times the the Board of Ed elections are there's no contest so you know it's up to people to get interested get involved and maybe run if you've got good ideas and you're not getting heard or you don't think you're getting heard you don't think that they're hearing you but not doing anything about it run for office I'm not saying anything disparaging about anybody on the board of education uh but if there's an issue state it and if you don't get the results consider running I mean Public Services is is a great thing it's not easy and you probably lose a of friends uh by doing that because once you're elected everyone in their mother thinks that you can do everything for them and it's just not true you're just one person out of five and there I think it's nine people so uh just get involved and consider making a run for it if if really you really feel that uh you can do a better job that's the thing just like somebody said vote simola out you know it's the annual or every four years it's a campaign uh against me and my you know against FL against Dave you know time for a change which is an absolute joke because are you going to change back to someone who got voted out of office and then losted again and then losted again so there was a reason that somebody was voted out of office during that person's term terms uh it was the most divisive Council that we've ever had people used to watch more probably the ratings were up on sbtv because it was almost a fist plight and it wasn't between these guys in the audience sometimes it kind of was but it was between the the people on the board people on the council yelling and screaming and it was a nightmare so you want to go back to that God bless you um in terms of the $300,000 again misinformation there was an illness and a resignation and we had to have emerg see help at a position person individually did not make that much money but we had to pay for a service to get somebody uh to basically help run the tent until we got and then we hired Mr homy he's doing a great job um we were in a pickle and uh we did what we had to do and it's easy to say you should have done something else when that person person has no nothing else you know that's something else there's no solution it's just you should have done something else well what I don't know but you should have done something else which is a gr answer um in terms of me uh and my health benefits first of all I I don't have a well I have a spouse but she's not on my policy so I do get benefits uh health benefits it's a single plan doesn't cost $30,000 a year and he evened his estimate of a million dollar um I guess I he's saying that I I'm 64 now so I would live to 97 uh you know I don't want to live to 97 I'll tell everyone right now I've seen 97 year old people I don't want to be one um you know so uh maybe you get 10 more years ah um I'm I'm I'm not an optimist on my physical uh on my physical he um the last thing is the the flooding which is related to the board of ed the flooding on the field we've as the mayor said we've had great great um uh success with Veterans Field Veterans Field was put up it was I I was initially against Veterans Field I thought it would have been better off in a different place I was wrong I I admit that I was wrong that place would have been much worse so the place was good but it was a mud pit to the point where when my son was playing there I see somebody in orage whose son also was was uh on the team uh they were offered can you want to do Friday Night Lights we can do something uh at like the high school field or no we can do Friday Night Lights over there and they didn't want this was the high school sry uh they said we can go to Veterans and play and to a person every boy said we don't want to go back there it's disgusting it's a mud pit the naysayers when we went and we did the field there were people people came to meeting after meeting uh the field is going to cause cancer it's in a flood zone it's going to flood every week uh no kids kids are going to get hurt um all that stuff it's just people being negative um we've had great success it can you can have a tremendous rainstorm and in a half hour later you're playing so games are not canceled anymore which means that you can go along with your regular scen so I'm hoping that the high school has the same success that the town has as we did with the thank you thank you councilman uh I promise I won't be as long as the mayor and councilman simuka but I've got a couple things that I'd like to just bring to everybody's attention um the flood committee meeting will be meeting on Thursday June 27th at 6:30 here at the municipal complex for welcome um fishing derby was a huge success last Saturday I just want to thank the mayor Christine januario the DPW and the C Police Department I planned on going there for like maybe a half hour I spending two and a half hours it really was a great event um enjoyed by many many people um I also attended the Memorial Day Parade I want to thank the VFW and everybody involved in that successful event um it was a somber event but it's a it's a beautiful event uh to remember everyone that made the ultimate sacrifice uh congratulations to all the grads pre to grad school here in uh the township um going uh with the Board of Education I know we had some uh Mitch mentioned the uh test scores um and I I I looked at them very close they have a daughter that's um in kindergarten she's going into first grade and uh they are uh disappointing um I know my daughter's teacher um she went to many workshops they're doing a new reading program um an Ela program for the students so she went to many workshops and um I think they're trying I mean but if you go to a meeting those are the things that you would expect to be discussed student achievement you know and even the field you know in regards to the flooding of the field so um you know that's what everybody there for student achievement and helping students do the best they can so um I think that's something that the superintendent if you reached out to her she should be more than happy to discuss with you what they're doing as far as reading Ela reading and writing and math um you know so um and then the mayor said he'll talk to uh Tony violetti who's the superintendent in regards to those issues that were brought to our attention but like councilman sauca said you know those are things that the board Ved are responsible for it so not the pass the buck but that's who handles those those things uh in regards to the budget I just want to thank Jimmy um the mayor all our department heads and uh I think it's a very responsible budget nobody wants to pay anything extra any more than they need to pay and I think with Pete and with Jimmy and with Bob we're in very good hands we watch every penny um Steve explained to everybody what and why everything increased and it's pretty much things out of our control garbage the pensions those bills that we get that we don't have control over the things that we have control over the Bel is tight okay so we're doing the best we can and uh I appreciate the people that worked on that to make that as successful as it is all right uh finally uh happy 4th of July to everyone uh hope to see everyone at the fireworks on July 3rd um that's another great event enjoyed by many so thank you very much appreciate it okay we're going to move on to ordinances at this time ordinance number 1747 B 24 in ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 106 indap parking of the code of the township of sbook to provide for a handicap working space FR of home on eer Avenue and one on E Street second reading uh motion motion second all favor an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 106 handicap parking of the code of the township of s provide for handicap parking space in front of a residence oner Avenue and residents on Street motion to open to the public motion second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak on this motion on this ordinance seeing no one motion to close to the public motion second all in favor I I be resolved by the township Council the township of S Brook that the ordinance entitled an ordinance amending supplementing chapter 106 handicap parking of the code of the township of sbook to provide for hand cap parking space in front of LIC Avenue in 8th Street was now passed on second and final reading at the Township Clerk be directed to advertise set ordinance or title corrupt in the Press together with the notice of the date of passage of set ordinance according to law motion to approve motion second roll call councilman simuka yes council president Garrick yes Council Sanchez yes councilwoman B yes next ordinance on the agenda is ordinance 1748 d24 in ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 173 of the code of the township of Saddlebrook entitled storm water management concerning private Soul CHS verse motion motion all in favor in ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 173 of the code of the township of s entitled storm water management motion open to the public motion second all in favor I I anyone wishing to speak on this ordinance motion close second all in [Music] favor by the township Council the township of sbook that the ordinance entitled an ordinance amending and sub implenting chapter 173 of the code of the township of sant Brook entitled St Water Management Soul shed is now passed on second final reading and at the Township Clerk we directed to adverti set ordinance with title thereof in the Press together with the notice of the DAT of of passage of sance motion to approve motion to approve thank you roll call councila yes council president grick yes councilwoman Sanchez yes Council yes ordinance 17494 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 192 of the code of the township of s and title trees as amended motion motion second all in favor I I an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 192 of the code for the township of sbook entitled trees as amended motion open to the meeting this meting to the uh on ordinance all in favor anyone to address the Council on this ordinance seeing no one motion to close to the public motion second all in favor I I res by the township Council of the township of sber that the ordinance entitled an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 192 of the code of the township of S Brook and Tyler trees as amended is now passed on second final reading and at Township Clerk be directed to advertise set ordinance or title of the reue press together with the notice of the date of passage of set ordinance according to law motion uh roll call oh I'm sorry motion to approve motion second roll call councila yes council president Garrett yes Council Sanchez yes Council yes ordinance 1750 d24 a b ordinance to authorize the Improvement of Samson Street from Moret Street to the dead by Veterans Field and buying four to Township of Saddlebrook in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $265,000 to pay course thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds motion motion second all in favor I I a bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of Samson Street from Market Street to the dead end by veterans fielded inv bying for the township of sandbrook in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $265,000 pay course thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation of the anticipation of the issuance of such bonds motion open a meeting to the public on this ordinance motion second all in favor I I anyone wish to address this ordinance moose second all in favor I I we resolve by the township Council of the township ass that the ordinance entitled a bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of Samson Street from Market Street to the dead end by Veterans Field in by for the township sbook and the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $265,000 to pay the court thereof to authoriz the issuance of bonds Finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation of in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds is now passed on second and final reading and at the Township Clerk be directed to advertize set ordinance or title thereof in the Press together with the notice of the DAT of passage of set ordance point for1 to approve motion second roll call Council M yes council president G yes Council Sanchez yes Council yes orance 17 51-24 I Bond ordinance to authorize the 2024 Road Improvement program in buy fora Township and sat in county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $940,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds motion motion second all in [Music] favor a bond ordinance to authorized the 2024 Ro Improvement program in by fora Township SATA the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $940,000 pay a course thereof to make make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes anticipation of the issuance of such bonds motion open to meeting to the public motion all in favor I I anyone wishing to address the Council on this ordinance see no one motion to close uh all in favor I I be resoled by the township Council the township s that the ordinance entitled a bond ordinance to authorize the 2024 Road program in by fla Township of selbrook and the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $940,000 to pay a course thereof Finance the down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the isurance of such bonds is now pass on second or final reading that the township C be directed set ordinance or title the r and the Press together with the notice of the DAT of passage of set ordinance according to motion to approve second roll call councilman s yes council president G yes Council Sanchez yes Council Mason yes first reading ordinance 17 52-24 in ordinance of the township of s amending chapter 173 of the code of the township S Brook entitled s order management for first reading motion motion second uh all in favor all right I now therefore be resolved by the township Council that an ordinance of the township of sant amending chapter 173 of the code of the township of sorg entitled storm water management here it before passed on first reading be further considered for a final passage that a me to be held on July 18th 2024 7 :00 p.m. sooner after as the matter can be reached at the municipal complex 55 Mayhill Street as such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance according to law with the notice of introduction of passage on first reading have the time of place when we set ordinance will be further considered the final passage motion motion second roll call councilman Sam yes council president gar yes councilman Sanchez yes councilman yes ordinance 1753 d24 first reading calendar year ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropri ation limits and to establish a cap Bank in accordance with njsa 48 4-bit 45.4 first reading motion motion second all in favor I I now there will be resolved by the township Council that the calendar year ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank Forum 10 JSA 48 col 4- 45-14 gives you for pass on first reading further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on July 18th 2024 at 7:00 p.m where sooner aftera be reach at the missal complex 55 Mill Street and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance according to law with the notice of its introduction of passage on first reading and of the time and place onew set ordinance forther considered for final passage motion MO motion roll call councilman samuka yes council president Garrick yes Council Sanchez yes Council yes all items Lo with asri are considered routine and noncontroversial by the coun council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member or member so request it in which case the item or items will be removed from the the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda the one motion signifies adoption of all resolutions receive and file letters correspondence reports and approval of minutes and applications motion motion second roll councilman samuka yes council president gar yes councilman Sanchez yes Council yes okay uh moving on to Old business I yeah thank you I just wanted to bring up that uh Mr Rodriguez had mentioned that uh the budget is 32 million now I don't know I have the numbers in front of me Jimmy correct me if I'm wrong I know I see that the total budget is 30 million 517,000 plus a little bit more and that's up the increase is 1, 565,000 so he said 32 million 1.5 million is that's a big mistake so um he's usually pretty accurate with his numbers but he wasn't tonight on that and um I think it's important to bring that out uh also I just want to my condolences to uh the galin family and the kenry A and Liberty families for their loss thank you thank you mayor anyone else new business old business okay anybody old business new business yes okay um thank you council president um I'd like to um bring bring to to the public actually I was able to attend the art meeting on June 3rd I know it's hard to believe but I do blow to but anyway survive connect program it's a burden County age friendly initiative um the right connect program is designed to simplify the process of which by which seniors request Transportation when calling Bergen County transportation right connect provides Bergen County residents age 60 and over One-Stop travel information and trip planning service provided by Mobility manager to help seniors find information on available Transportation options to senior centers medical appointments shop Etc the process is simple the Community Transportation operator works with the mobility manager to help seniors connect with the most accessible reliable and affordable option for their transportation needs options include County shut shuttles local Town buses Easy Ride New Jersey Transit Access Link if eligible and War if anyone would like any more information on this um you to request the service call County Division of Community Transportation uh Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 2011 368 5955 um basically what they um actually explain to us is that um you know our Township does offer you know bus service to um uh food shopping and medical appointments but sometimes you know the times are not convenient for everybody so if you find that um you can call that number and they're available 8 to 8 on Monday through Friday 8 to 5 on Saturday if they can't fly to ride they'll leave and send an Uber or live to pick you up and take you um you know to uh yeah I mean even dinner shopping whatever um 60 and over all 60 and older but if you have a disability they will accommodate someone at 60 and younger you have disability and it's available throughout um Bon County but they will um go five miles outside of Bergen County if you do have a medical issue or whatever um I think it's a great program and like to pass it on and um make copies of this they will keep this inable okay very good sounds like a great program thank you awesome anyone else new business no okay uh motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items only Mo all in favor hi anyone wish to address the Council on agenda items see no one motion to close second all in favor any final comments mayor we V close session okay anyone final comments yeah you know council president there was a couple of things that I have just forgotten very briefly um in terms of the Board of Ed uh one thing I think that they should consider and spoken to aou me about it is to bring back the shops uh not everyone goes to college college is not for everyone I had two children that went to college and one did and all three of them are doing equally well um but I remember going to school and we had metal shop we had wood shop we had the car repairs and things like that and it's tough to find the plumber out there it's tough to find an electrician uh those jobs are in high demand not everyone's cut out for college not everyone wants to go to college I think that's one thing that should be considered and in terms of I have I am optimistic for the S Brook School System uh because we do have a superintendent who's in there and I believe she's doing a good job and I believe that she's she's very dedicated uh and uh she has the best interest of our children in mind the problem is it's almost like a football team you'll notice that the best football teams usually have the best management they have the same general manager for years they have the the same owner for years it's a good team s books had what three four five superintendents in the last couple of decades um that is not good for U the continuity needs to be there U and it hasn't been but I have a good feeling that that that's going to uh that's going to be for the better and lastly I just can't let this go um about the uh the U Insurance okay and the payments for insurance and I know I should let it go but I just can't years ago I think it was eight years ago they were hammering me on this and they were hammering uh M Maser on this also and I calculated it and I said listen I calculated for every household out there it cost you a nickel for my benefits I said if you don't if you don't think I'm worth a nickel for coming here and for my Year's workup here um come here and I'll give you a nickel anyone wants to line up and I'll just have a bag of nickel here counting for inflation maybe it's a dime so anyone who doesn't think I'm doing a good job and wants to come here and once to get their reimbursed for their portion of of my uh my health benefits come in have the bag of di by the way I was elected that year and then I was elected the following year so it is an important thing to to some people namely the people that are running against me thank you thank you councilman anyone else any final comments okay whereas the township Council the township sber desires to me for the purpose of Clos session to discuss litigation whereas the open public records act makes such an exception and allows a public body to hold a close session to discuss these items now there be resolved by the township Council if the township is sat that the Clos session will take place on June 20 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or sooner after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building be closed to the public and the press and the results of the discussion at the Clos session will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing and acting on in post session exists okay do we know how long that's going to be oh 15 minutes 15 minutes okay so we're going to be enclosed for about 15 minutes are we going to be taking any action we could yes we potentially could be taking action to let everybody know but we're going be Clos for 15 minutes so motion go to Clos motion second second uh all in favor I I thank you second all in favor I I we have a resolution resolution uh for a settlement agreement with AO Associates 49 penan Avenue motion to approve the settlement motion second second roll call councilman samuca yes council president Derek yes councilwoman Sanchez yes [Music] councilwoman motion to adjourn the meeting motion second all in favor I I thank you