thank great to see you like good I care try yes sir all right got it on come on now we're all right come on now come on [Music] bus Pray by Pastor Crowder of Central Church you pray with me Father we are grateful for a beautiful day Lord we're grateful for the the privilege of living in a place like Sanford Lord we know it is evidence of your grace so Lord we pray that you would give wisdom to our leaders this evening that you would give great grace H and that you would continue to bless our great City pray in Jesus name amen [Music] amen the United States of America the it stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you P thank you double duty over the last couple yeah right we're getting some miles off of him he also was at the um Baseball opening de so we do not have any presentations I would just say um to you like to speak before the city commission to facilitate public we do ask speaking request cards that are in the back and pass to the CL the public an opportunity to speak any it those items during public hearings I will call for comment for each item during regular items um if you have not put in a yellow card pleas raise your hand speak get to those it time limit for each speaker on each item except person represent organization Dural hearing at the end of the meeting during citizens participation individuals may address on any topic and there's a five minute for those comments our first item is the minutes the febrary 12 session meeting to approve second F discussion all in favor anyone the audience wish to speak to any item on the to the commission move to approve second no no I I want p a just see what a is yes just ask okay anything else okay H second all in favor um item commission any specific questions on a or want me to give you a just so when we uh when we executed the contract for real estate sale it had a closing date of February 9th of 2024 obviously that's passed so what we have to do is do an amendment to extend that housing author so what's the $7,000 for the am City's going to pay all the closing costs associated anything else approve all in favor second reading 47 thank you mayor this ordinance is entitled an ordinance City commission city of s Florida substantially and comprehensively revising amending and reassigning the provision city of Sanford code Land Development regulations relating to utility standards and specification providing for saving provisioning for conflict provil [Music] correction May City commission City work to enhance administrative flexibility of the city and allow for more efficient administration of the city's Utility Systems resulting in less City cost and more efficiently targeting City expenditures is the city staff commission is the city staff's recommendation City commission adop ordinance number 4762 this is a public anyone fromi speak to this item second any further discussion in favor 47 this ordinance isled ordinance city of San flid [Music] V [Music] 1059 [Music] [Music] finor exibit impl administra action [Music] agreements mayor m city commission the applicant is speci point and it is their intention to not use the property for future development this the city staff recommendation therefore City Comm should ordinance number 4766 this is a public hearing anyone from the audience wish to speak to this it no one I'll public hearing commission for Action second second further discussion all in favor [Music] 29 located City volunt anion 171 statutes red City [Music] s section [Music] 16631 for City clerance forer chief administrative Officer County depart [Music] station that [Music] Alles effective Mr Mayor members of City commission the city staff have reviewed the request fanation and found the request me theer set for statute station City commiss approve the first reading of ordinance number 4767 Annex 2.698 the project address of9 West Airport as legally described into the city of s I say the number one i767 this is public action move to approve any further discussion all in favor oppos pass first 4768 City [Music] city9 [Music] acit County said property being addressed 2900 Bard for land Des Beed from County city resal city General ass ofation for the property ability forication in the City compation Mission on February 1st of 2024 the city's planning commission voted to recommend that the city commission approve the first reading of ordinance number 4768 is the staff's finding that small scale land amendment is appropriate and suitable for the subject Cy and compatible with the surrounding perod therefore the staff recommend commission approve aord number 4768 is a public hearing fromi speak to this um I would point out um is being done so the Habitat for Humanity can do um I think 17 Town homs bring it to the commission second Mo second further discussion all in favor any opposed bring now 4769 this is entit in city of sanord Florida providing for reing of paral real property to 2.69 acres in size located at 2900 with properties located with city limit County to City General commercial provid providing taking of implementing administrative actions provid for of a map by reference providing for cont providing for cability providing for notation providing for an effective dat this amendment of the city Commission on February 1st of 2024 the city's planning the zoning Commission in agreement with the city staff recommendation voted to recommend City commission approve the first reading of ordinance number 4769 stff recommendation City commission approve ordinance number 4769 uh yes [Music] this is a qu judicial matter and as such requires disclosure law part Communications investigations there expert opinions regarding this matter to declare I ask the app the staff and I this is a public hearing anyone from the audience wish to speak to this side no one bring commission for Action motion second and second any further discussion all in favor first reading 477 is entitled ordin city property generally addressed [Music] 339 [Music] 6631 statute condition City courp chief administrative offic dep [Music] exces Mr City commission the city staff have reved the request for anation and found the request to meet the criteria set forth in the for the statutes is therefore the City St recommendation the city Comm approv the first reading of ordinance number 477 to 4.67 Acres during the project that of 33 3539 maret Avenue as legally described into the city of s this is a public caring anyone from the audience to S to this point out there are three items Associated items the first is annexation then the [Music] future mayor Randy Morris on the applicant representative 1603 North Indian River Drive New SM Beach so slight change since the last time I was here I was a resident of su County and then mland and now moved out to the beach um are you going to have a staff presentation first or do you want I I can make my comments for all three items mayor it's up to you that's well I was looking our staff to see she I think she's only going a presentation if we require one well yeah I mean for all I'll just do yeah basically um the um this is both a annexation a reone and a comp plant change and it fulfills the wishes of of your planning of the airport development the offsite development around the airport and particularly airportal zoning here in this case uh we work closely with your Economic Development uh director Brady start on this one and also the airport staff itself because we need to get utilities from the airport which is directly across the street from us and so as the utility line both the water and uh the sewer lines um and they're enthusiastic also because of the type of use one of the uses you want here is professional uses uh in this district and we got a unique one for you when you see plumbers on there you go well okay a plumber we've all had to hire them and we all know they cost a fortune but in this particular case this particular Farm was born in New Jersey raised in Puerto Rico came back to uh came to Florida and basically started his business his business his the number of plumbers that work for him now exceeds 70 70 70 plumbers but he's got a unique situation that kind of goes kind of he she's had for a number of years over a decade which is kind of a CO kind of thought his plumbers work from home they don't come out to the site and he works on large projects um which are multi-million doll projects that take sometimes multiple years so his goods and service goods and services are delivered to the construction site schools for instance is one of his strs currently by the way I should introduce them to you it's Sam Rivera and his wife Abby if you say hi and want nice to meet you and he is moving up here you're stealing one from Orlando he's been in Orlando again for a number of years uh in the industrial district downtown and has finally decided to escape Escape there and come to sford comp to S the property is a lawn Marquette which um as you know is all industrial uh we had Community meetings the community meeting had very low attendance and um at the pnz we had the unanimous recommendation to go forward we followed some of the changes they proposed there one neighbor spoke out who I believe is going to speak to you tonight too of which we agreed to work with him in terms of making it as compatible as we can with with his hestad that is staying there as a homestead so he won't be converting it in any time in the near future to Industrial use um also tonight we have if you have any questions that can that I I can't answer which would mean any difficult question we'll refer to Tom favor favor engineering Tom Tom is here also um so if basically the use here is going to be um to uh and a correction in the U I don't know if we have this correct in the narrative but I know it's correct in the application um but it's two equal size buildings uh that would be built on the site it would also have professional they have an office in them for his pling office and then uh also do some internal work inside the building so there' be an outside um storage yard that would be in the back of the property uh and one of the things that came out of the PNG uh that we've agreed to do is there's because there's residential next to it we still have a 25t set 2ot set 25t setback and we're going to move the fence line back away not put it on the property line but move it back away to the to the the 25 foot line on so the buffer area at the fence line we'll be able to put Landscaping between that which would be a landscaping look for the residents next to us and this would run the entire length of the Eastern property line um and the Western property line is a church next to us so that's a much smaller we wouldn't be doing the same treatment on that side um so and then we will also work with staff and we're going to plant a little bit more along that area the fence line would run to the building and and then the building would form the buffer we do need security here which is real important because there are millions of dollars of inventory or kep on site both inside and outside so I said be brief and that's as brief as I can be and this would be I would like to Mayor Reserve time if you need you need to we need to present anything back after here from the community or anybody from the community wants to speak are there any questions you all have right now I have several questions but I think I need [Music] to right I want I have some things I want to ask about when we get the actual on the next on later items one of us will get back up okay thank you any questions you have a questions on the anation anyone from the to speak on the an public bring that second favor that brings us to the next 4771 which [Music] isance [Music] isled previously for am future land use property 4.67 size owned by Sr pluming LLC said property being addressed is 3539 Mar Avenue run to be am development Airport City Airport industry and commerce providing for legislative findings intent providing for assignment of the land designation for the property provability the city dire to Mr Mayor members of the city Commission on February 1st of 2024 the city's Planning resment Commission upon the recommendation City staff order to recommend that the city commission approve the first reading of aordance number 4771 and therefore to this the staff's recommendation approve ordinance number 4771 this is the public hearing anyone want from the audience to speak to deci discussion [Music] favorin [Music] isin 46 s AC SI located at [Music] 3539 located County agure City developments and inent admin actions ad of by reference cont foration providing for an effective Mr May City February 41st of 2024 upon the recommendation of the city staff the city plan commission B to recommend that the city commission approves first reading of ordinance number 4772 I will note that in the the agenda member they have various [Music] conditions addition matter reations op regarding this matter um I had a brief conversation with the neighbor and with another resent of the area else yes I've spoken with the property owner Chris rley also a brief conversation with Mr Morris who's representing Sr plumbing and another neighbor Mor um we do have two speaker cards so I want to have a chance to speak and I think we're going to want our sta to up and then bring Mr Morris back up that order okay so Chris Riley step a little closer to the mic we have no citizen concern about the development of the property as stated for um we do have a concern about the the timeline so we understand that the second reading is March 11 which would solidify some of the the items on the master plan however we've beun a dialogue with the architect and I and I fully understand that these things take time to develop and draw out and develop the engineering side of it however we're concerned that some of these items on the master plan would be details and we can list what some of those items are three three primary items number one is drainage we do understand that there's a existing drainage cber or ditch on the West Side however on the east side there is not so whatever setback there ends up being between the the new Warehouse building and my property um I'd like some some type of assurance that that that runoff we're already in a low lining area a wet area so I'd like not to be exacerbated by by this property so that is a very big concern that we can avoid any type of property damage on my property and my structure uh second item is visibility um the master plan shows that the building can be up to 50 [Music] ft with only a a 25t setback and I think the ordinance says a 75t setback but but zoning department is allowing that to be reduced to 25 according to this master plan well if there's no Assurance given at this moment before the second reading and that's finalized then the architect and the developer can potentially raise that Building height to 50 ft still with only 25t setb concern and then the third was the setback itself I guess it's a duplicate request the 75 foot by the ordinance so I guess the request is we'll accept the 25 ft we requested that we'll be okay with the 25t setback if the building maintains a 25t maximum height or if it's going to go to 50 ft then we're going to ask for the ordinance listed 75t setb and of course with the canopy trees and the developer also stated some other growth like bamboo or something for the visibility protection so those are the types of things that we'd like to have solidified before this master plan fins thank you is it okay we ask to put up the master Chris any have any question good evening Linda Barker 3405 South melonville Avenue S Florida so the city of Sanford building codes are designed to establish um standards that protect and complement the existing property the developer is asking for a PD which I like to refer to is build your own pizza um the the suggested 25t setbacks are predicated on the the height of 25 ft so as Chris rley stated if that would change I think that needs to be Revisited um maret is not Al turning industrial for um I live in a future Landers use area that has bounc back between industrial to residential to Commercial and back to residential depending upon the fluctuation in the market trends um Chris mentioned have drainage on between um his property and the building and it would make more sense to have an actual uh small ditch or something that directs the water back to that pond instead of percolating gradually because it could just end up on his property um Marquette um really doesn't have any established industrial uh we had an issue on marquet on the other side with the K property landscaping and the residents fought very hard to not have a lot of industrial um products stored and brought in and out over there when it resold and Fel is um over on the corner they have 38.25 acres and they are not permitted to have any access on the Marquette they have to access their property from East Lake Mary Boulevard now Marquette is um unimproved County Road very narrow with a big ditch between the road and the airport and so um there would need to be much discussion to bring that uh County Road after to standards to support any kind of heavy trucks going back and forth also it's also required to put in a sidewalk according to the city so one of my questions would be are they going to have to improve as a developer if they're bring this um development on we're going to have to improve the road as far as erress um and so on are they going to have to do it all all the way from sites to Marquette that was a discussion that was made on the other side of the St Mary Boulevard with ses so that the had to be put in and they need to have turn offs so these are things that I think need to be addressed before we get in the pickle um Chris is very much involved in the airport he has two businesses over there and he's also a jet blue pilot and so he didn't mention it but um I think there really needs to be consideration for his quality of life because you he would literally lose income if he doesn't get his rest before his his flight because you have to be fit to fly to operate um our aircrafts and for the safety of our passengers I think I brought things up pretty much covered everything um perfect timing but these are my concerns can't say I'm disapproving can't say I'm approving I just want everyone to be informed thank you very much thank you okay um I'm not sure how you want to appr questions the city staff has reviewed the project finds that it is consistent with the underlying future Lanes the trending future of the road it may not be that it is constructed at this time um but it is at for industry and commerce both here at in the county the I guess the big question is the set back on the E which is of concern and I guess that's going to have to come between the developer and the homeowner as to that height question correct is supposed to be 75t 7 cut significant into the property it's not Wide Property addition L I don't know if there's a difference if it went down to 35 and then you the building height I'm not sure what the property owner wants to see outside of it's 25t set back 25 height and up to the commission to determine it is an acceptable use and it's consistent with other reductions that we've done in some areas regarding industrial use appropriate Landscaping buffers are provided it's also a use that is consistent with future development that would go on that road gation question yes so let start from the ground okay okay so what's the elevation because I I hear that it has to be built up about 3 feet can you clarify if that is so or not I don't have engineering at this point so I couldn't I mean their engineer may be able to speak to that but I do not have engineering at this point to the height of on the ground okay and then would you have information on how high the building will be question of the ARP right now they have as noted by the adjacent homeowner their master plan does allow them up to 50t which is consistent with our restricted industrial this zoning is being set up to be consistent with our restricted industrial with a few modifications so the 50 ft is is consistent however they may be restricted by the airport they have to file the FAA forms I'm not sure where that leads them and then you know the architectural build of the building may not hit the height that they maximize a lot of times that's the case okay so then that means I have unless the other commission have questions I have more questions for Mr um Morris yeah they would be Mr Morris or their engineer is also here um but I mean I can stand ready to respond to them but at the moment I what their build looks like just what the master plan of the L uses to okay so then how do we determine like for example if if if it is the 5050 ft and we're discussing the 75 foot set back how do we go in and Implement that then we've determined that a 50ft maximum height is consistent with an industrial Zone and then based on the underlying future Lan use the property that is currently residential has the potential to also be industrial so the standard industrial to Industrial would be 25 but it's not currently it's not industrial but the land use it could reone next month 10 years from now right it really just depends so right now what they're proposing is consistent with the future Lane use not the existing Lane use even if the property owner has no intention of of selling the property or changing resoning from residen at this point yes because it's consistent with how we approach these types of lanes throughout the city don't so I mean we have the the provisions in place you're welcome to apply the 75t buffer a 75 foot buffer would impact this property significantly just due to its narrow nature um and the 75 foot buffer would only be if they were exceeding the 25 ft because the property owner has agreed to that the property owner said if you go 25 ft he's okay with 25t the property if the building is over 25 ft the adjacent property owner would like to see something greater if this was a straight industrial they would still have that 75t correct so and they would also have to go through condition use for the out storage fuming and then pretty much the other elements would app the airport industry Commerce mixed plan use allows requires that um before I ask M moris let me ask you about drainage do add something that we can discuss on the city's behalf because the Mr Riley was discussing the the the drainage there and I'm concerned about the runoff of the the storage units or whatnot even if we have the retention pond in the the rear it can still especially if it's going to be it still run off into Mr Riley's property so how do we clarify on the drainage issues or is that another question for well the drainage isn't typically addressed at um resoning unless there are Wetland or flood plane issues then we would require that engineering element up front for us to be able to determine that the property could be built but given that it that's not the issue right now the engineering is not re until they put in their engineering plans so at that time they would be required to meet all of the city swim water requirements there's no weight requirements or minimization of any of that through this process one more time there's no requirement no no no there's no Varian okay on the storm water standards through this process they will be required to meet our engineering requirements so whatever on-site pre keep your drainage anything that you generate you must store those requirements will apply to this property okay so now let me ask this question like a resident like Mr Mr Riley because he was saying Okay the reason why he's here now is just to make sure that we catch everything so that when it's approved or when it goes through the the engineering and planning and whatnot he's protected as as the property owner so when when does the the rights of the property owner the requests for it to be compatible whatnot when do we request those okay the compatibility for setbacks and distance separations and your we call them land use compatibility buffers so in schedle J which is our Landscaping code we have distance separations between different land uses this one is industrial to residential it requires that 75 ft it requires certain amount of landscaping it requires um depending on whether you do the 75 wall or hedge or you know there's there's different requirements but there is that that's what's here before you tonight the storm water is an engineering element storm water is part of the engineering plans and we will review those there's no Provisions with this master plan that are reducing their storm water requirements okay now you're talking about elevation of the site and stuff we do everything within our power and our you know regulations to make sure that all of their storm water is maintained on site but you know to the applicants concern water does what water does I mean we can contain it on site but if we have one of those brainstorms where it's massive amounts of water in a short period of time our storm systems are only like they only can catch so much right so and I get the distance separation and and I have no objection to this commission changing staff's position on it we moved forward given this with other approvals that we frequently do in an area where the land use supports the future of all of the properties moving forward in a similar manner if you put a 75 foot setback on this property and then the next door neighbor gets the right price whenever house cells becomes industrial now you've got a 75 foot distance between two industrial properties so that's where that comes in so I mean it's just it's a large gap no development because you would have your 25t on your new property and 75t on the old property so now you get 100t of no development in an area that's supposed to be industrial or Commerce but we do have to balance protecting current property owners that's that's my concerned is is that part okay anything else no well I'll probably have another question after okay so with Phil what is our standard for what it looks like at the property line like how close the proper line can the go I know in a couple of recent developments we've we've said that at the property line they couldn't change the grade for a certain distance and then there had I would like engineer I don't I don't know enough about the engineering to answer that without making it up okay so because I know in recent developments we have had some with you know stem on the the prop L and because just count but um I know we have lighting requirements the property loan is zero and I know we have buffering requirements and things like that but I was to the storm design I don't know enough about the engineering at this point to okay thank you engine you heard questions and so maybe you can answer them before we have to ask them again I brought my heav muscle um just real again Randy Mor again for the record um commission BR with the question you were coming to whenever you have transitional zoning like this going on transition went on to the new zoning category and so it's been the goal of this commission uh in partnership with your jpa with SEMO County and with the airport to develop this land into industrial so during these transition periods you you try to do everything you can to accommodate those uh uses that are staying as they were residential in this case of our neighbor in the pnz meeting we committed the following I we committed to this and we will read assert those for the record now the staff is well aware of this and we will be working with staff over the coming months as we go through the final adoptions uh approvals by staff to effectuate these one we're not building a 50 foot building we agreed to to lower the height to 35 ft 35 ft is your standard residential height okay for a building two we're not have two stories it'll be a one story building possibly could be a loft in part of it one of them but we don't know that but the idea is it's a one square building this is a manufacturing you know an industrial facility here not manufacturing it's an industrial facility light industrial on top of that the buffer of the 25t buffer we had originally put in requests to lower that buffer to for like as as a future use would have been industrial next to us but that hasn't happened yet it will happen at some point in the future we believe because the value of land will be so much more valuable as industrial and all the other lands around it will become Airport Industrial also along Marquette so on that buffer we're sticking with a 25t buffer rather than lowering that we're moving the fence line back to put the plantings forward and we're going to do enhanced plantings and work with the city staff if you trust your city staff we're we're committing to do these things on the record now your counselor will understand and can inform you will be informed in you all that this is an obligation that we agree to this is not something that ler can came I understand the specificity that the neighbor would like to have so let's be as specific as we can the enhanced Landscaping that we'll do will be by a landscape architect and will be approved by your staff so we're doing everything we can to make this work if we were to go with a buffer on a on a zoning basis uh of residential this property could not be developed your goals then are not being attained that you've stated in terms of your comp plan what you're trying to do with the airport land and the job growth and quality job growth you're going to have um and I can't tell you what a plumber makes I just know they make a lot of money and a lot more than the average income in this County but is made by the average worker so with that uh anything on from an engineering basis that you can add to the before before you bring them up I it's okay I wasn't clear on your description of where the fence was I'm sorry your description of where the fence was the fence we're we're putting the fence back 25 ft off the property line so that the resident next to us can enjoy we we won't even be able to see the Landscaping on the other side of the fence so we're putting on his side you know with an irrigation system that would keep it the plants alive hopefully he'll alert us to a head going off or something you know you know he need to help us too like any other good neighbor would so uh that fence line would run along the 25 foot setback or buffer area I'm sorry and then go in actually go along with a building and then the building would form part of the and then go directly out to the roadway so the the the wall of the building is lined up with yes sir okay that's yes sir okay thank you okay Tom engineer 1806 East Street speak a little bit to the uh drainage requirements between the two uses uh as with any development like this um it's regulated by the uh not only the local code but State Water Management District I will not just allowed to water off site the engineering term for it is uh best management practices so while we don't know the specifics right now it can be uh things such as swells y drains uh you know stem walls to help lower the grade along the property line uh roof drain highins all those are options for us to look at as we um consider the drain design of this and that's how we would accomplish it uh the go the goal here is to capture all the water on the site um and take you to the pond that's a requirement of State and local all the water on our site has to be treated uh before we send it off site um and then everything we're going to the discharge of our pond will go towards the West to the existing there there's a 50 foot right away with an existing ditch in there so ultimately we will be out falling to the West are we're talking about the height of the building building and then if we have to Build It Up 3 ft and then you have the residential next that's much lower and I know what you're talking about the drainage and whatnot well first of all let's let's talk about the elevation first do do you know if you have to go up through Ste for I I don't have the answer at this time we uh we're we're actually undertaking our studies right now it's C do a technical investigation we determine where the groundwater is and where we're going to set our pond levels at um but if we had to for whatever reason um that's again you uh you still prevent going out site whether it be by means of the sale or yard or the other items I listed and and that water will be directed to the okay so if if we're talking about just regular runoff from the rain off the top of the storage building where is that going to be collected in in in those systems uh so if it falls off the back of the building it will either run into a Swale and be collected and ran to the pond or there's there's I can't commit to exactly the leg for that but there there's a number of ways again fast practices yard swes root grain leaders tied in underground stem walls to help to help with the grading along the property line so you can put in a sale things like that that that would be place okay and then I have one more question about the Landscaping are any trees going in there what what I know you can't give me all of the details right now the uh because they they have a tendency to grow tooo well you probably know and Destroy destroy driveways and and wrap around the water irrigation so but the the Landscaping will exceed well particularly in the backside when we discussed this at pnz on the backside can I walk over and just point something out to you this is his house this is the Outdoor storage area Okay area I'm going to talk about is this section the outdoor storage area in that section I was pointing to on the southern part of the map this is where week that we work with the staff and it's recognize a neighbor doesn't necessarily trust us where a developer and but but an adjacent property owner too that will they'll be together for quite some time but we hope they would trust your staff that the staff working with us in terms of a enhanced Landscaping plan that's where it gets the most enhancing is back where the house is backs where the storage yard would be Mass we also agreed that the lighting here would be shoe box lighting that would match Dark Skies on the back side dark sky standard which you all don't have as a mandatory part of your code least I don't think you do um but we're volunteering to do that too so that we don't have lights that are shining you know off site into his property particularly on the back side there where the house where that's located so all we can do is is ask as we go through this final site planner that design with the landscape architect the zoning is the zoning but we're committing to this on the record that we we will do what will the staff wants us to do with respect to an enhanced plan can we turn into a dense Force overnight that's going to have 100% opacity the answer is no it's going to take it's going to take a couple years to grow in but I think when I think I think what the neighbor is looking for is just that that it will grow in now but if they they request it trees would would that be something that you all would request I'm sorry if they requested trees if they requested the canopies might trees well yeah the code calls for certain canopy trees and we would enhance that too on the backside okay and and and the key is is do you if you the key is is what will grow best in the soils there which a landscape architect will tell us to what will be the longevity and the maintenance of it you the longevity of you know like Oaks if you have a live oak it could live for hundreds of years if you have a water Oak it could live to 60 years you and so um I take the neighbor his word that he'd like to live in this house until he either retires or maybe to the end of his life so um you whatever we do we need to have both under canopy trees and canopy trees and I think you all done this before this in your first rodo here relative to doing enhanced Landscaping to help a situation I know it's pretty extraordinary what we're doing on moving the fence line back 25 fet that's a big deal that's something you might look at in other situations like this too do we know what type of do we know what type of fenon yeah the F we we there it has to we're looking for do some type of vinyl looks like vinyl we asked to do a a 100% opacity chain link fence that's where you fill in you know they fill in the flaps and you do all that along the way the fence is maintained and lasts longer um but where conversation LED with staff and at the PMZ was headed towards a vinyl fence that would be 100% anything else and six I think six fet is what we were talking about but would over power again the next one over all right um I mean it would seem like you're going to put gutters on the building aren't you wouldn't that Beal okay you catch that water so it doesn't come off the back of the building and and then you have to figure out a way to get it um is there a height limit on the outo storage not set we get a we have an idea what 16 feet okay so it wouldn't be like some of your outdoor storage that has equipment that goes up to 20 ft 25t 30t tractors and extensions like that6 and then these would be the racks the hold piping and so on the real valuable stuff would be stored inside and then um would you commit to if you put Phil if you have to put Phill in that 25 buffer there will be Ain system drain we still have to drain the drainage system would have to work for the whole site not just part right yes sir but we know what happens when you when you fill one and that water you know doesn't always as it rolls down the hill ask Mr Riley Mr Riley we'll have yall come back up okay so it's not 50 ft but they're talking about 35 is that it 35 Plus it sounds like three who knows how much and so that the the uh the plus three ft uh that I mentioned previously that has come from the stord planing zoning department so that's what uh the team member up there told me that it's common Dig Down 3T and that at six feet of fill so as a baseline in my mind 3et additive from nominal is is what I was expecting that's what they and then um if it's okay with with the commission to add one more comment while I'm here um since now it's at 35 and not plus possibly with the Loft well I think theof was incl that's correct but but the LOF was not included on the master plan so that's one of our concerns one of my concerns is that my darling wife when I'm out on the road which I don't like to say in public but I'm gone for extended times because of my part of my work and she's you know there alone I don't want somebody in an elevated position in the neighboring property looking over and I think that there's ordinance or code developed already to prevent you know to to protect neighbor from that sort of thing right no no multi-level units with their window or Overlook next to a single level residence with the LOF which I did not know that that was in the in the mix until tonight that kind of that introduces that sort of risk in so so if we're looking at 38 you would still be requesting the 75 fo set set back even though it's not no not not 75 because despite all this conversation um you know I've met the property owner you know great family great guy all of that we're very happy to see the development I have no no issue with any of that um I just think anything over 25 needs to be needs to have that setep back reconsidered already we've gone from 75 to 25 and yes I'll make the very commitment means nothing you officially but we're there until we expire we're businesses right there at the airport walking distance from that property to my business so why would I ever go anywhere else we're planting on that property we're growing you know vegetables and fruits on our property why would we ever leave there that's that's our place so the idea of setback based on future land that that means nothing to me we that's who we are that's where we're um so yes if it's 35 38 ft total above nominal ground level now then yes I would like some reconsideration of that 25 not to 75 but something something in between and yes I you don't want to impct their thank you sir first off can we I'm assuming since it's an industrial building they're not going to be windows yeah yeah that's whole point yes mayor and and the other thing is I mean we're going from 50 ft down to 35 ft now here's the H I'll give you a hint the hint is it's going to be 28 fet we're ask 35 is in case we throw an air conditioner up there or something you know we're still trying to follow this so we're going way down beneath the code and the other thing is I mean to we're trying to be as reasonable as we can here unfortunately disagreements occur any house 35t house would have Windows looking down at you I what what we don't even know that there's going to be Windows looking down at them uh you know they have a one-story house you know I but any house would be 35 ft so we don't quite get the window thing U you know in terms of Windows looking at them that would be in we had a residence next to them would be the same thing 35 ft but a window at the B looking over at the PO I so I we we we we can't we can't follow that one um and and uh the building needs to be lit inside it would be nice to have as much natural light as we can have these are workers working in there they shouldn't be shut down because of that um so I I think we're doing as much as we can commissioner Britain on on um trying to accommodate a use that won't be that there for in the long term I mean this this is your goal and my client has bought this land um and and we're if you look closely at the site plan we're getting very close to not being able to produce what we'd like to produce it and we we think we've offered as much as we can within the code AS does your staff it it is the goal of of the city in combination with the airport in the county but it is also my goal to keep the peace and Tranquility of our residents so it's not really a disagreement it's just saying how can we be compatible so that you get what you need the city the county get what they need and then our residents keep their peace in their home in the property that they own so I I'm I'm with you completely' and these are that's why I said in my comments commissioner transitions are difficult you're going through a transition transitionary time here as you as you go forward with the the um the airport zoning um let me we might be able to do one more thing and let's just negotiate this right here could we not have any windows on the east side of the building could we just avoid that is that possible that's possible or block out the windows if they are there if because this is going to be a metal form building he says yes so there's another these are commitments we're making on the record so they can't change later is that would that do it that I'm try to get this I understand I understand how does that sound theall but the the window looking down the sing level does that satisfy you that we're not going to put any windows on the each side of the building on your property that's a long building and your house I know I'm talking to him not to you I'm sorry need the South the south side is really where you would be over house well can we put Windows on the south side and not put them on the back side of the building would that work then we need to get light in the building I mean this is seriously I me we understand that we could then take them off put them on the east side and take them off the south side if that's what you want I mean that's to me that's the direction if anyone was to look that's why you're May the house um you mentioned air conditioning units on the roof sorry air conditioning units we don't know I'm just trying to get a little bit of leeway there I believe the building will be 27 28 ft High We would like 35 is a limit because we might have to put something on the roof I don't know that just trying to stay plus 35 feet is a height if you allow for residences okay I'm very well I gotta say it I mean understand true um I me so on the East since that's a buffer no AC equipment nothing like that would beow right on the side that's that's what I hear where I live they're not allowed in the side yards when we set the rule by so like the single family homes that we have all we stay not in the side in the buff you can do that here today and not allow any mechanical equipment in the reduced side buffer makes sense that's what we do on all of our PDS if their if their setback is reduced in any way in the side yard with the single families we removed the opportunity for them to put them there especially for the drainage purposes in this case it's a 25 bupper it's not so much a drainage issue as much as a maybe a noise issue proximity residential property um the other thing while I'm standing to bring up at the end of the staff report and we have them in every staff report for PDS the final condition is always if staff and the applicant cannot reach a a consensus it goes back to the Planning and Zoning commission for adjudication so we've had to do that a few times I don't know and Mr fber can lay in on this if we can change that to be this commission if that's like it's a standard condition for us to take it back to pnz if we don't agree on a point that was agreed to by this commission we do it in the PDS we do it on unconditional uses and we do it on the variances and we say that it's at time the impact instead of blocking the development we take it back to the PNC for ruling we also most recently the one I can think of for the vistas they didn't have enough information put a in there that said you want to see this before you move forward so we've done that as well um I don't see why unless the applicant is opposed because it is a negotiated agre the applicant agrees to if we and them cannot come to terms with what's agreed to by this second reading um make it a condition that it comes back to this board for adjudication I don't have any issue with that either so um but as for I don't know about the first four window require that could have been a building issue deal and window requirements the engineer has noted we really don't know enough about the storm but they're committing to what our code requires which is that all water remain on site as noted by all of us water will occasionally roll in places that it wasn't planned to roll but um in general they're required to meet prepost they're required to have all water remain on site that they are generating that wouldn't West so if I answered all the questions that everybody had but those are things that I trying to remember before I came up here um I know that there's been a little contention between we're removing the height of the building and we're bringing it down and and it's lower than residential right but we're also removing the buffer is supposed to be there so it's negotiated it's an agreement um they are correct in stating that if a single family house were to go on that property tomorrow it could set back um the standard set back from the side yard and then be35 and it could half so that is you know that is correct okay than right so um I think my last one is can we commit to some careful placement of any noise generating [Music] equipment I say this because the very large building across the street from me has all their compressors on our side of the building don't need yes okay thank and on the window issue can we get that solved we get rid of the windows in the back and still be allowed to put them on the side but I think that's what I heard I'm okay with that that that would be looking over the yard okay but there the landscape plan won't cover the entire building will yes because the compatibility requirements between the industrial and the residential use has landsing requirements committed to exceed city code staff members here we don't me objections we can't Design This by the neighbor standard we have to work with that so we will exceed standards if we do not exceed meet their expectations then we're kick back to pnz all right so what I have is no windows on the south side of the building 35t um maximum Building height um building gutters along the at least along the east side of the building um height of storage um instead of saying 16 ft say 20 the maximum height for outdoor storage um and if there is still in the buffer any want to set a material on the fence I don't have any objections to fin I I don't have any objection to this no we'll work that out it'll be be and there still a second reading staff will work with neighbor as well as the applicant to see um I'm not sure that we'll have it all worked out by Wednesdays are but I will have a ver recomendation we're still looking at the possibility of the additional set back because of the the um the height of the building or are we still seeing at the 25 Fe because we discussed cost not doing the 75 but at least trying to meet somewhere in there and I I totally get Mr Morris um what you're saying about residentials and whatnot but I'm just asking I'm so sorry okay because I don't think it's required for the 75 ft because we're not going up 50 ft but the what the it's what 25 ft set back and so if if we could come to some kind of agreement or have that conversation with Mr Riley and Mr Morrison the plumy company about you know the additional feet so everybody's happy Comm I think I understand you but I can tell you we can't go beyond 25 ft the site plan will not work okay we can't do it so there's no point in negotiating something we can't do if you put that requirement on us then he can't develop this property um that's just that simple so I mean I don't want to lead to false expectations of a conversation I'm trying to be as direct as I can with doood and and so I I think we've met what he requested asking for a little more than 25 can can you look over during the next two weeks and see if there's another look during the next two weeks and see if you can find another 5T 5T off the building yes height yeah I thought I do it and still meet your we trying to meet your Cod 5et my Feet's two feet wider than this we're putting all the Landscaping on the other side 2 I a good area for landscape plan plan yeah I wish we I can't we can't do what we can't do still try to fulfill your code what does the code say if it's above 25t we're talking about he's asking for if I understood that he was asking 5 ft I I was asking you for you to look at your site plan and see if you could come up with another 5T we already discussed we have discussed this we realized the 25 was our maximum we were originally going to ask to lower 15 or 20 at one point and we backed away from that while this solution became apparent that's AC we can I can I I can answer you yes we'll look at it I can say that but I can also tell at the same time I already know the answer know the answer okay yes sir I don't want to mislead you is what I'm trying to do here I'm having severe Tenon it's really hard for me to hear people I'm sorry she's I've getting some translations over here she made a comment she didn't ask a question oh but I think it's a very good buffer yes ma'am thank you all right the other items we're okay with as conditions the other items we said are okay as yes work with the proper owner look at the deter the lands come back andate opposition sta has place are sufficient or okay all right thank you all thank you sir was there anyone else in the audience who wish to speak to this close the public hearing BR commission for Action whoever makes the motion please to say and the conditions listed to approve and the conditions listed we're we're okay with what are right okay second second any discussion all in favor that brings us to thank it me of City commission City staff is recing that the city commission find all construction to be the lowest responsive bidder for the award in the amount of 372,117 with the subject agreement being executed to implement the award and this is the utilities building project which includes the demolition of the existing building construction replacement does this take out the old fire station and buing justif fire station okay approve second second discuss favor resolution 3216 yes Mr Mayor m city commission City staff is requesting City commission resolution 3216 to R forward the balance of the Community Development agen fund the attached budget amendment was prepared by the ca was approved by the ca board at the meeting feary 2024 we have questions or favor resing resol 327 amending the budg to redistribute funds in various utility capital accounts from projects that will not beain thisal year to the targets that will be completed in thisal year and there is a list of tet inove second second discussion in favor anyy resolution 328 yes M of City commission City Staffing approve resol 328 address city manager or Au take that are necessary to pertain to the implementing of disposal of vels which have come into the city ownership as a result of the city's operations of the marina second motion second any further discussion all in favor opposed passy resoltion 3219 Mr the city commission staff recommends City commission adopt resolution number 3219 to update and revise the Land Development feure to assess fees that are better reflecting of the city's actual cost of providing develop services and high quality expedi question approve second motion second discussion all in [Music] favor command City commission city is requesting the city commission approve resolution 3220 to Grant authority to the city to allow approval of actions related to theur development property uses function within the city which have undergone administrative approve second any further discussion all in favor am to allow for temporary fur discussion favor oppos yes Mr May City commission the city has issu a consent order by the FL Department Environmental Protection pen and the city staff's recommendations to the commission emergency in accordance with the re of the law and approve an emergency procur an amount not to exceed 122,000 over the oneyear term of the I got a request to speak on this one from shads executive director Warriers United um Second Generation netive S County resident sorry for my appearance I came straight from the farm taking care of all the horses goats and everything um but know what's concerning to me is the company that y are hiring and um just a few Google headlines about theol that is how you pronounce it um just for a little Google headlines here as water infrastructure across the country grows over residents and leaders say um what happened in Flint could also um happen to us all and it should be a lesson this year marks 10 years since the plint Water Crisis began some residents are saying they still feel like to living in a science experiment and the frw crisis with the human made Public Health crisis involving a Municipal Water Supply in FL Michigan tens of thousand FL residents were Expos a high dangerous levels of blood and outbreaks of region disase at least 12 people died and dozens more uh were sick and the company that I think you're about to higher here had recently reached a $25 million settlement with property owners and residents of Flint Michigan who claimed the engineers froms negligence prolong the Seas Water Crisis and um they also claimed that the company gave the city disastrously bad advice about the switch to FL of water so I'm hoping that's all taken into consideration and maybe the company has improved since then but it's definitely a red flag I think that should be addressed um especially when I think it's been about two months there was over 20 million gallons of sewage SP into lak Monroe lak Monroe is a home to manatees manatees are Fally protected this bill was a violation of section 9 of the inded Species Act and this goes right along with the city of Titusville had the same thing happen they only spilled 7 million gallons of raw sewage into the Indian River Lagoon in December of 2020 this was the final nail when the Mana coffin it caused a massive starvation crisis that still is going on um and I actually happen to have a lawsuit against a d about the Indian River Lagoon sewage crisis but the city of Sanford spilled three times as much into Lake Monroe a smaller water body which is only about I think 10 miles away from Blue Spring State Park where hundreds of manatees are runter Sheltering so this is a huge concern for me for wildlife Advocates and for you know violating the federal and dangered Species Act um as far as a solution for this would it be a moratorium I have an uh extensive um paper for my environmental um attorney that tells how cities and counties can put in moratoriums for development I think the city of Sanford needs that um there's also some other ways to solve this but it's extremely concerning and I hope uh city of Sanford does something to prevent these sewage bills and Humanity habit thank you there was some discussion [Music] earlier for the record I asked about this at the workshop earlier yes sir uh BR Johnson um public working TOS director with me Richard C uh plan operations manager so the company that she's referring to uh and all believe is an engineering firm that worked in Flint Michigan which is a totally different company they based in different states one is in Boston and firm that we're uh requesting action on tonight is um more of a water Wastewater Technologies company that's based out of North Carolina so they are two totally different companies are we we 100% positive about that I'm pretty certain in our research that we did just in the back while she was speaking there two two different companies one's an actual engineering firm one she's referring to and they help Flint Michigan U the one that we are using is um a technology not engineer you share what we're firm for right okay so uh what we're going to be using the firm for as I mentioned earlier is they're going to be testing all of our equipment they're not ining any engineering design they are simply testing taking over anything they are not taking over anything they're simply doing testing and diagnosis of equipment as weap and change for the record we don't have any equipment on a water our waste water side and the spills that we had have nothing to do with de equipment matter of fact we're put in the dist at the North plant to help avoid that in the future we have them at the South plant for 14 years and they work all and and let's just go ahead and say it how much do we know was uh was spilled and it was partially treated yes sir it was not ra no sewers no and that is the same thing the state has said right yes okay do we know how much yeah about it's about 20 million 10 each time AR yeah it's not a good thing it's not good no it's not good it's a big difference all we had was ation and clarification and we went right to the river it's basically what we did because we didn't have any reclaimed water with the sand and that's what the partially treated was did to go through the sandil this AC address that it's only it's only K grild equipment we have other brands of equipment they'll only work on their equipment checking it out and recommending what repairs they have to make to and help them optimize oper thank you thank you move to approve second C attorney comments city clerk's report say that again we need applicants so I'm going to go ahead and put that out couple weeks get applicants can I get Kathy to give the same clarification to everyone that I asked for for me on that email about maybe everybody else understands I'm [Music] understand the budget requires um goals objectives and accomplishments every year which and also your kis your key performance indicators which I have taken care of in you guys and I just needed to get your goals and objectives so if you could send those over to me that would be great and then I'll compile them and I'll send them all over to you for you to look at the way the email you want a top five okay the way the email sounded to me was you wanted thought you wanted one from each of us one for each of us one you would be great but they're looking for the top five so I'm going to send an email out to Elizabeth tomorrow who's in charge of taking care of all these things to see if we can do more than five or if it's just asking us for five okay confirmation it's only okay so this is this is the part in the budget book where it says what our goals are somebody always one from each of us so if you give me one from each of you which is your most important accomplishment goal whatever got you can read it yours thank you participation request from James Davis James Davis I represent the T Force at 62 sou Atlanta um I thought we were going to discuss the um thank recall isue apparently were not because you stay that in the workshop I I do want to make a couple of comments we are the people who are source of the petition our our group um I don't know if uh you know you are going to uh take this up in the court not apparently that was you know final answer in that Workshop um but I do want to we're out collecting petitions right now um and I guess uh the question that I have here is um we might speed up our efforts to collect those petitions and turn them in um according to the attorney this might go a Rancher to your system uh because the CI spoken essentially saying that they wanted to recall car Williams so um I guess what I'm wondering here is how this you know you're you're uh uh uh your your move I guess towards U hiring an attorney to bring us into the court system right I guess that's what I'm a little little bit uh easy about about so can somebody answer that for well that's I think that's a discussion we'll have when we get to our comments oh you going to do it here in the comments you're saying if it comes up that's when it'll come up oh okay yeah we you know we were just a little bit concerned because we're out there working real hard we don't believe this represents our interest that's all we he okay I have a request from Chan Robinson good evening uh i j Robinson 105 St Point cour s Florida 32773 I believe that's a commissioner Austin's District but um t i I just wanted to make a request uh as politefully as I can especially because unlimited time is allocated during the City Commissioner's comments I would like uh two in particular two specific Commissioners to just just please address a couple concerns of mine um for one commissioner Patty M of District 4 I'm quite concerned especially because of last week when you are like you corrected me in the parking lot after 14 years into your Terr and you're not even familiar you're asking the code enforcement agent how to go about contacting the ownership of the mall you're on the record on video saying that you know they're behind on their bills you acknowledge the landscape issues and some of the various concerns and it's concerning for me that we have every day people parking their cars in their grass getting code enforcement citations uh shantel's been put since Co what a couple years he's been put through tens of thousands of dollars of Code Enforcement why can't we pursue similar efforts on the mall uh pictures have been going viral all week quite frankly it's embarrassing when I ran for mayor twice one of my platforms was we got to not become the oito mall and in the past 365 the oovo mall is taking vital steps to revitalize and we don't see the same thing going on here now we are officially unequivocally behind the OV M we're not even competitive uh we have the three malls in our County and we got the worst one and these guys are doing the same thing that every day citizens are getting fine for grass overgrown been their parking lot lines not properly painted you can barely see him it was raining a couple days before the mall power got shut off for failure to pay bills W failing to pay for landscaping regular up I'm just concerned and I don't think that you are uh taking this as seriously as it is and my second comment was uh for commissioner Wiggins in specific since it's his district but you know every every couple years uh the city they they spend has to be tens of thousands of dollars because these are are great reports but um whether it's a comprehensive plan or this one that sitting in front of me uh DED December 28th 2017 called unlocking gos world's potential a transformative plan to guide future Investments and Partnerships we have comprehensive plans which is over 100 pages long we have uh just all kind of uh Choice neighborhood initiatives you know these these large documents that state out what we want and in all these documents they all refer to using the samper Housing Authority properties to restore the community fancy words and a lot of promises and you know I get looked at as a bad guy and you're married into my family our cousins are married I see you around you are my football coach care I don't I don't enjoy this I'm a really a happy guy on a daily basis but as you know I've invested a lot of time into my vision of the community and to be attacked in the parking lot by both of you last week after I just made some simple statements and try to exercise my rights it's concerning and when you're publishing and you're running and you were handpicked by your predecessor who wrote these plans her pictur is on it the former mayor's on it PTY sered during the time I'm concerned that you're that we're just putting up FL writing promises we're spending thousands of dollars of paid employee time to write comprehensive plans that sound fancy and nothing's being done and now when we when I come up and try to exercise our rights with my organization and we try our best to do what we can the force cuz I tried to run for a seed I've tried for years and years to do what I can to to try to help some of the people and some of the Visions we have but how are you going to stand by and publish these every year year after year and you don't do anything about it there's no affordable housing so am I wrong am I a bad guy for trying to get you my ex- coach somebody that I admire for what you do for the kids and youth on a daily basis nobody else in here does as much for the kids as you I don't mind giving you a compliment but how am I a bad guy or am I wrong and can you address some of these concerns CU I'm tired of reading about him page after page because I think every single one of these the choice initiative plan sounds great they all sound great but you don't do any of it and then you want to attack me in the parking lot when I try to address them thank you thank you anyone else from the audience wish to speak ipation and commissioner BR okay so um that was l um I want to thank the parks of recreation staff for the um opening date of the uh Babe Ruth um baseball um a special shout out to John pul for his uh commitment and dedication to um our U our baseball team it was phenomenal it was a beautiful day uh right after uh was porch Fest and it was fabulous and I want to thank the producers of porch Fest who not only um before the event began made sure that they published lots of literature of how to get in and out what to bring what to do um they also went through the neighborhoods and um informed residents the day of you need to have your vehicle moved this is where you can part they just went above and beyond the very next day they were on their golf carts with volunteers cleaning up the area making sure that the church parking lots where they use the parking were clean they just went above and Beyond they were exceptional and I absolutely appreciate that uh the visitors that came to um the downtown historic area Trinkle into our uh our businesses uh I heard nothing but great things from the businesses from the residents there were a few complaints as there always will be because we were kind of gridlocked um with all of the street closures but overall it was a very successful event and I'm very grateful for that um Wednesday I'll be speaking to the young uh women of Excellence at s high school so Mr Gart I'm asking permission from um you to uh have Lisa or um Brady um I want to take a couple of things with me t-shirts chop or whatnot um to that um black history Mr bonapart and I had our one-onone this week it was very good um I want make sure that in the future we did a little bit more for black history a couple of years ago we had a large display um also it being a part of our social media little nonblack history fact is there are only three African-American um elected officials in Simo County two of them sit on the uh city of sber commission and so um that should be shared we also have an africanamerican city manager Chief and um Deputy Chief and so we're making great stries um for diversity here in the city of Sanford And so next year let's make sure that we do a little bit more um black history um I mayor would like to revisit the volunteers I know you kind of said that you did that before didn't really go anywhere um if the commission uh each commissioner wanted to uh recognize a volunteer or a volunteer group we have so many that are doing such good things and I instead of just pushing it to the side and I know you didn't get the response that we wanted um the year prior I would like to revisit that and if the commission decided that they didn't want to and if they would allow me to rec Rec a few volunteers I would greatly appreciate that that's all my list of things I'm talking about okay awesome um and uh I don't really want to open the floor for that but I did talk about it in the word session that I just don't believe that the city commission should get involved in the litigation of the uh recall I I personally district one commissioner um just just feel that if that's the process that the community wants to take I believe that Williams is very capable of um defending himself and his work I don't personally want to be but it is up to um the the rest of the commission like I said earlier I am a citizen and a resident first um and then a City Commissioner that represents people second and I wouldn't want that to affect me it all of us have been um stated that you know they wanted to recall us for various reasons um I have no personal issues I'm just saying I personally don't want to be involved in the litigation process and that concludes the commission report for district one first of all same as uh commissioner BR I want to Comm paron re on a great opening day ceremony uh it's always a bless thing to see our kids out there doingi that is supp I know that we had another great number of our you di so I want to congratulate you guys on that um also uh Habitat Humanity I didn't said last meeting but uh I've done another house uh warming and continuously in District 2 we are putting up houses uh we have more and more houses being put up where people are going to have an opportunity to own their own homes um for that uh and we just passed something tonight 1 we have 17 so wherever people getting their information at uh you can come to me and I have the answers uh Community event my second annual community event uh last week I want to thank you all for coming out we had a great time even though it was raining we still had a few hundred people there to you all that want to come out to the events that I have they're not just for district 2 they're for the city of s so you are all welcome I want to commend Mr BR Henderson on the black history program that they had uh last week as well um again he does an awesome job with that with our kids and the youth in the community and I want to commend him on that something that uh I do and this is not to again knock any of my uh Commissioners up it with me but I'm not the only one in just I'm not the just the only one in Simo County but probably uh in Central Florida that has a community meeting once a month anybody that wants to come to my meetings are welcome welcome you don't just have to live in District 2 I catch a lot of RA and that's all right cuz I'm here in this position for a reason but it will not deter me with the few folks that have a problem with what I'm doing because I have a great amount of people that are supporting me on what I am doing and I am going to continously keep doing it I want to thank you all for that that support my meetings the 43 of each month and there are numerous numerous amount of information from our city staff from uh folk that we bringing from the school board from uh folk that we have in Career Source I have a onop shop at that meeting for people in the community that want to get better and have more information I'm not going to wave on that I'm not going to go back tick for T come to the meeting if you want to sit down and talk with me we can talk but I don't do foolishness I'm not going to yell back and forth I'm not going to be immature with some of the citizens that think I'm going to kneel to that I'm not doing it but if you want to come and sit down and talk to a man that loves his home that was put in his seat because he loves his home come on I it it kind of throws me when I hear people talk about housing and things that we don't have but yet we have in April we'll have another second phase with 84 families that would be moved in that Union I I I can't I can't I can't there for nothing in the world but you know what I'm going to do I'm going keep doing what I'm doing uh last but not least after each one of my community meetings the following day we have a food giveaway this past Friday pastor we gave away 60 families food each month we give away families food and we also make sure that I have a open door policy but I will never ever I want to make sure this on record and y'all hear me on social media I am not arguing with folks on social media I'm not doing the ignorance that they want let them have it this man right here is going to represent you all like he should and I want to thank all you out there and you all that's watching that support me I'm done Mr Austin I too uh attended opening day and Par right did a fabulous job as always um for the record my Foundation I started the Jeff triple you Sports Foundation is a major sponsor for the next four years of the entire so I'm proud to have Jeff's name on five of the teams on every field and Banners coming into the complex so I am earlier I continued issues with the mediums and thank you well first first of all porch Fest was wonderful and first of all pardon my coughing I know it's annoying but you can also tell in my voice I've got something porch porch Fest just was great the porches were so great your your house looked just adorable um what a what a wonderful event um I want to say excuse me I want to say too that the catch show uh the catch show that was actually weekend before pors just just had phenomenal attendance it was really it was unbelievable we we really had more people than than we've ever had hundreds and hundreds of people came and I had so many people come up to me um that came from out of town we had people from Tampa and Largo and and uh as far as Jacksonville and family from Pensacola um these were spectators and people that came to um to just enjoy the day and as as usual um the compliments to the city you know were just really really wonderful um and so so I I I was really really pleased to see so many new people coming in from out of town had our young men of Excellence as we always do um to assist us and and of course um you know can't I can't say enough about about them they're they're their work ethic their their whole attitude they're they're just amazing young men we building our future you are you are and and and there's not a person that hasn't worked with those children won't tell you that they're absolutely amazing they really are so um again thank y'all for supporting that and um and uh thank you all for for uh letting that happen and and I think that's it for me tonight because my voice is running all right um first of all did out one Baseball opening day always a great event always well done p d i manag to get down there for a while going very well but I was able to walk through um early and it's just amazing the number of people show up to that and that we don't realize they were there yeah um in terms of volunteers I've got two things one if you have specific people that you would like recognize and we have a request from um a congressman to pass on some names to him um if you have anybody you would like to suggest if you can get those names to Mr B par by Wednesday okay okay and then he and I will um Talk they told us we can pass on a couple and talking to Mr B part about it um I really for this would like to go for some you sort of unsung heroes not the is this call Hometown hero so people that are volunteering know I'm looking at at people that are volunteering just out good right the that we don't that we don't necessarily recognize them um that aren't well known I think I would like to try to Target some of that but also I was actually I'm G to go ahead and put out on um social media um just requesting nominations people we can recognize during the month of April so if others would like to do that um again individuals who have some are doing something on their own I'm not necessarily looking for heads of organizations you but we'll we'll do something um to recognize them and so I'd like to do that just you know we have a lot of people in Sanford that can be recognized so however many that turns out to be um also um one of the reasons I wanted the goal things clarified was because on probably Wednesday I will send out um what I have compiled as our goals for the city manager um for the coming year based on um the evaluations and and and other discussions and if we can have time on our next session for the commission to to talk about that and adding things that we need to um we a couple months behind setting his goals for the year um I would like to talk about the mall a little bit the mall is owned by a private company we do not control what the mall does and how they operate and whether they pay their bill not um when I looked at my phone on Thursday afternoon you the first thing I do at the end of 7th period is look at my phone and see what's happening and what I need to take care of and there was M um commissioner mahaney had already um talked about she she was um contacting the owner um we had a conversation with the owner and Brady and the city manager um on Friday to try to hatch things out um we had FPL come on the line to try to negotiate with them so they could get the power on we in my mind we were doing what we can as a government working with a private um I know um the economic development director has invested a lot of time and we hope there's going to be some changes um and what's happening out there um and I and Mr Rondo mentioned at the work session that they had been before the magistrate and have found in violation under code enforcement and so we were um looking at them in that direction unfortunate that happened um I've talked to the economic development director about and city manager is there something you know do we have access to any financial aid temporarily or something directed to their businesses that you know lost a couple of days money um and so they're they're looking at at least dir them sources and um as for the recall petition um you know listening to Mr group reading this you know I I really think there ought to be a step in the process where um someone makes a decision as to whether it meets the meets the um standards of state law I would certainly say the city's job is is to manage the city um is not to do affordable housing although that is one of the things we Tred to do we work with habitat and we work that housing authority the money that we pay for the land um for those for the fields will be used for affordable housing the Housing Authority will have some some money to do um you know the the neighborhood plan was put together with a thought that oh we'll be able to go out 50 mil Grant um and to be able to do that and we have not been able to get that 50 million Grant because we were not in a position to do it but the Housing Authority stepped up and started doing things that are in that plan and actually got us to the point where because of the number of affordable units that have been built we are not eligible for that Grant anymore um on the other hand I have a hard time stepping in front of citizens trying to exercise um their right regardless of how ill informed or ill advised or ill directed I think it is um you know this this to me is not a recall because the commissioner is not doing their job this is a recall because the person they want to do um but unless someone else on the commission wants to convince me that as a city we should involve ourselves in um the litigation um you know I will support commissioner Wiggins any way I can in this process um but I I would need to have be convinced by the commission too can clarification one thing yes um because because this was something I thought I heard but like I'm really sick and my ears are really pluged up and I'm I'm just like Randy was said he was having trouble with here excuse me I am too did I hear Mr R say that if that Mr Williams should want to this is paraphrasing if this was going to be if this was going to be Mr if this was going to be taken to court does it have to be by by a vote of the entire commission or is this something this commissioner Wiggins could do on his own if he so chose commissioner Brin could do this on his own or the entire commission perhaps the court to evaluate whether the needs to it can happen either way and so if Commission Wiggins did it did it on his own would it still be done by the City attorney would the legal fees be paid by the city or would they be paid priv the City attorney would not represent an individual commissioner before the court you would have to be a private attorney the city commission or the City attorney can represent the city but not an individual commissioner and their individual you know I agree with everything that the mayor just said and you know that's why I asked the question earlier today you know um that I agree with I agree with commissioner Britain you know I I just have a hard time you know getting between the will of the of the voters and if we could go and ask a judge set the standards for what this has to be in the future I'd be all four that but all he's going to do is say not this one and then there'll be another yeah and another one another but I will also say that I I absolutely admire and um really admire not only the the commissioner but just the man that car W is and what he's done with with these kids and his his own family and and for the community and so I will definitely um support Carrie Wiggins in any way that I can um including um you know for his his his reelection his current whatever I mean you know let's face it the these recalls are are frequently very very unsuccessful look what happened in California you know um and the California governor stayed right where he was um but but they're willing to put themselves out there they want to spend them money and take the time and um you know I I I just I just it's it's a hard thing to do because what you want to do is you know you want to take it to court and say to the judge what give us your your legal opinion on this but you know as soon as you've done that you kind of taken it out of the hands of the voters that really isn't that what our whole Democratic former government face on you know I I just have a that's what does is UND an election okay anyone else have anything yes I forgot to mention the black history you did mention black history yeah no I didn't mentioned the boys and girls have black history har reminded me of it they awarded me with the um lady in politics oh that to go on un acknowledge because that was um I was very grateful for that wanted to make sure that I put that on how grateful I was to BR and oh yes we saw the pictures congratulations that we are