and I want to tell you the ER if you don't have a major if you if you if you have a I want to say any emergencies a minor emergency you don't have a stroke or a heart attack the ER to go to the one out on R heart on um International oh my gosh they're wonderful my husband's been there three times I think he actually likes to go I'm telling you they they could not be any better out there that is a great yeah and you know the Dy with the is exactly that it's to take pressure away from the which deal with muscle abil challeng patients and it's allowing get in get out and you know all First rooms that talking about it has ability we can do Services you can do services oh great and you get the same doctors the same doctors at the main H the nurses we just rot fresh and it works out well it works out good for patient it's experience welcome thank you um next we have Proclamation for women's history month and I was thinking that all the women in the audience or up here that would like to join me of womt really I just wanted to be surrounded by women yes yeah hey art art you didn't call Patrick you Patrick they need you up there straight where whereas women's History Month provides an opportunity to honor the achievements struggles and progress of women throughout history and to acknowledge the vital role that women have played in shaping our world and whereas women's History Month began in the United States in 1987 when Congress declared the month of March as women's History Month building upon the efforts of earlier movements to recognize and honor women's contributions to society whereas women's history month is a time to reflect on the challenges that women have face and continue to face including gender inequality discrimination and barriers to equal opportunity whereas women's History Month serves as a reminder of the importance of gender equality and the ongoing work needed to achieve it in all aspects of Life whereas women's history month is an occasion to celebrate the achievements of women from all walks of life including those with have broken barriers shattered stereotypes and paved the way for future generations and whereas women's history month is an opportunity to educate and Inspire future Generations about the contributions and accomplishments of women ensuring that their stories are told and their voices are heard now therefore I art WID by the virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of Sanford do you hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 as women's History [Music] [Applause] Month all right thank and before I do the next one which is a resolution um I'd like any reporters in audience stand sfer [Applause] Carol okay and the reason I wanted her to stand was because this is about um Sunshine we the resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sanford Florida declaring March 10 to6 2024 as Sunshine week in the city providing for legislative findings and intent providing for savings provision providing for implementing administrative actions and providing for an effective dat and because of the importance of this I want to go ahead and read the uh entire resolution whereas Sunshine week is a nonpartisan collaboration among groups in the journalism civic education government and private sectors that shines a light on the importance of public records in open government and whereas Sunshine Sunday began in Florida in 2002 led by the Florida Society of newspaper editors and National Sunshine week was launched in 20 5 by the American Society of newspaper editors with the support of the John S and James L N foundation in 2019 the American Society of news editors merged with the Associated Press media editors to become the news leaders Association whereas Sunshine week is now coordinated by the Joseph L breckner Freedom of Information project at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications which continues to engage a growing list of Partners whereas Sunshine week occurs each year in mid march coinciding with James Madison's birthday and whereas in 2011 the city of Stanford was AED awarded the Pete whitel friends of First Amendment award by the First Amendment Foundation which annually recognizes one outstanding individ individual who has made a significant contribution to fostering of open government in Florida the city being along with the City of Lake Helen being the only govern Al entity that has received the award and whereas the city commission desires to affirm renew and affirm its continuing commitment to open and transparent government and whereas the city of Sanford has comp complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law and processing this resolution now therefore be adopted and resolved by the city Commission of the city of sanord Florida as follows the city Commission of city of sford hereby declares March 10 to6 2024 is sunshine week in the city City Commission of the city of sford hereby renews and affirms its continuing commitment to open and transparent government and expresses its appreciation to the city manager and city clerk for leading the effort to ensure that citizens of the city and the public at large are afforded their constitutional rights to open public meetings and the availability of public records I could have a motion from the commission so move and a second second any discussion all in favor I any opposed pass thank you Mr Mayor City commission I already want to take a moment to publicly commend our report from the on her reporting she's been here she reports on City commission meetings and I have even found articles that she has written where what she has included was not even in the meeting or discussed at the meeting and when I asked her about it she shared with me that she used to a p Checker that before she writes an article she goes into detail so she provides good information so I think with the sunshine resolutions public to recognize her because she truly does want to make sure the public is fully informed I'm not going to say un like some other media but I'm going to say I appr she does a phenomenal job I appreciate her reporting on these commission and Bor and rais and Sam really okay startedit public input if you to speak on item please complete the yellow citiz information form back this the we also ask that you take your name and address the record before speaking the public will be given an opportunity to speak on any item before the city commission during regular meeting or consent I will ask anyone to speak during public hearings I ask each item if any speak during regular items if you not completed a yell [Music] one minute time limit for each speaker on each it persones or during a toal hearing um citizen participation at the end of the meeting individuals may address the commission on any topic they would like so that will bring us to the minutes of the February 26 work session reg meeting approve second second any discussion on favor anyone in the audience wish to speak on any items on bring that commission for a motion or i' like pull item for [Music] clarification anything else that's it now okay so we have motion for a through e and g o second second all in favor item okay uh item f for the 17th annual hurricane party we've expanded the footprint to go from Cyprus what what why do they why in previous years they had a diagonal closure at Sanford in Second Street um this year they would like to put the stage actually in the middle of the road which would require the road closure to extend toward Cyprus as well as toward First Street okay help me see that again so we're we're not going to have the the stage over by Weston we're do on the opposite side of [Music] s yes yes so the hurricane part gated event and it only goes to pom Avenue on Second Street and then it it it curves around sanord Avenue to Third Street so they want to put the stage in the middle of the intersection of Sanford and second okay they're going to have it diagonally um facing straight toward West End okay so um participants guest on Sanford Avenue and Second Street will both be able to see the stage ordinarily back is to uh Sanford Avenue so they want to have a larger viewing space but that would require the first street closure or the closure of Sanford Avenue to go toward First Street as well as toward C well that about parking um no it won't we have to say First Street but um I would anticipate the officers moving it back to probably the exit of of the the post office parking lot um and only going to where you turn into to the alleyway at behind coffee there's not going be any activity on from Sanford Avenue Cy behind the St there should not be any activity there could be banned load in and load out or storage space something of that nature thank you J to approve item 476 [Music] Florida aning Real Property generally addressed as 2900 West Airport Boulevard and Associated RightWay located con to the city of sanord in accordance with a voluntary ination provisions of section 17144 Florida statute def finding the boundary City to increase their property Ming the boundary City accordance to provisions of section 16631 for the statutes providing for fining providing for conditions directing the city clerk to record the or to the clerk of C Court chief administrative officer C County to the Department of State providing for legal description on that providing that exhibit reping all ordinances in Conflict there with dep cability departmentation taking administrative actions an effective Mr Mayor M of the city commission the city staff have riew the request ration and found the request to meet the criteria set forth in the FL the statutes is the city staff recommendation City commission coordinates number 4767 annexing the property into the city as leg this public hearing speak public fur discuss in favor this ordinance is Anin Florida [Music] City am city of sanord relative to real property approximately 2.69 ACR counta said property being addressed at 2900 for Boulevard for future land designation to be Amed from County resal City General commercial providing for legislative findings and en providing for assignment land use designation to the property providing for Ability providing fortification PR act for the city providing for conflicts foration Direction the code providing for an effective Mr Mayor member of the city Commission on February 1st of 2024 had regularly been scheduled the city's Planning and Zoning Commission in agreement with the city recommendation voted to recommend that the city commission adopt an ordinance amending the future land use from SE County ensity to City of Cent General commercial it is therefore City staff recommendation that the city commission adopt ordinance number 476 this is public hearing anyone to speak to the public Heiss action move to approve second any further discussion favor ordinance is entitled in ordinate city of sanord Florida providing for resoning of paral land property toing 2.09 2.69 acres and size 2900 which property is located with the city from Simo County Agriculture A1 to City General commercial gc2 providing for siging and inent proving for taking administrative actions proving for adoption of map by reference providing for conflicts providing for cability providing for non appication providing for Effective Mr Mayor City Commissioner on February 1st of 2024 the city Planning and Zoning Commission in agreement with the city staff voted to recommend the city commission adop an ordinance res zoning 2.69 AG at the project 2900 W Airport Boulevard from SEO County at the appr city of s General commercial it is therefore recommendation to City commission do ordinance number 4769 this is a matter such requires disos La par Communications investigation SS matter I've met with the applicant with the STA and I've visited the site anyone else say the public he anyone from the audience just to speak to this hearing I just want to thank our staff for um for going a little extra to make sure this could happen took a little extra research on their part to um we knew we wanted this to happen to to make sure it go through our code um and that would be a good thing for for US 17 coming second any further discussion all in favor just looking forward I just want to recognize that this as you pointed out fund fund by habitat human representative for Habitat just want to say thank you um second 477 this Florida volunt position real property generally addressed as 3539 M Marquette Avenue Associated right away Lo city of Sanford theion [Music] 171 City in City Section 16631 stat fining for condition City Court to record the ordinance for the administrative office s County with Florida Department of State providing for legal description and a that providing for incorporation of that exhibit raling all admin Mr Mayor m city commission City staff have review the request found the request to meet the criteria set forth in the FL the statutes is there for the city staff recommendation the city commission adop ordinance number 47 7 to add the property of Legally into the city of s this is a public hearing [Music] anyone I'll bring commission action approve second any further discussion in favor 471 coinin City s city of s amended providing for amendment to Future landuse map of the future land use El of the city of s relative to certain approximately 4.67 acres in size owned by Sr PL LLC said property being addressed as 3539 Mar Avenue for future land designation to be amended from s County high in plan development airport to City Airport industry and commer providing for legislative findings and intent providing for assignment of land designation for the [Music] property of the [Music] city Cod for Mr May m of City commission City staff review the request and have determined that the proposed amendment is comparable with the surrounding uses and consistent goals objectives and policies of the city's comprehensive plan is therefore the St recommendation City commission adop ordinance number 4771 this is a public speak second further discussion all in favor second [Music] fl7 Acres located at 3539 Avenue by the S County property property located with sord city limits s County Agriculture the city plan development providing for finding and intent providing picking of implementing administrative actioning for adoption of a by reference conflicts for cability providing non ucation effectively Mr am City commission February 1st of 2024 on the recommendation of City staff the city commission order to recommend the city commission that a number 4772 the zoning of 4.67 Acres located at 3539 Avenue from the County Agricultural to the city development we find consistent with City comprehensive plan and is pass City approval with the conditioned in the agenda now this is the matter requires invation this matter I have had a couple brief conversations with neighbor and two neighbors really about the process about the developments I have met with the representative of Sr Plumbing I've spoken with City staff I've met with residents of Marette I've spoken um and had a conference with the homeowner as well as made a site visit um we have one request let's um do staff want to go first okay staff applicant Mr director um it's going to be brief I just wanted to say that since we had our first reading there were several recommendations that came that reading the staff report and the ordinance have been updated to reflect those the applicant has receed Jason property owner with concerns has received them and even as latest just before this meeting they've been working out some additional possible changes um before the conclusion of the second reading so I'll leave it to the applicant and the property owner to have questions for right now okay thank you um mayor Commissioners uh St members Brandy Morris 163 noran roach representing the applicant Sam who you met at the last meeting with his wife be in attendance tonight so we're here to take any questions and to also say that we agree we originally agreed with the p recommendation negotiations occurred there we agreed negotiations that occurred first meing here we have no changes do not agree any additional changes and we do have additional changes Le hear them discussed by the board uh and be able to respond to the bo after youve heard from the public I'm sure you're hear one addition I think we've got everything here we can do with property in terms of trying to exle in terms of a transitional area that is rapidly transitioning is your intent to turn it into an industrial area and I think we' going as far as we can in these negotiations we've had no additional negotiations in terms of agreeing to anything with the next door neighbor please understand we completely agree with where staff that's written this report that you have asked for your approval res any questions any questions okay all right thank you right Mr R person property own Mar sford first being the second reading thank you all for what you've done so far to hear our concerns primarily for property protection for drainage and privacy as stated in previous meeting so thank you for that um working with the zoning office upstairs yes we're we're thrilled we're very very happy with what's been you know conceded by both parties so far we're happy for ex that but yes as Mr Mo stated we have some additional requests and that being a as stated in zoning code is written of schedule J section 3.3 in this condition industrial residential it provides for 75 FP set so we have not F that necessarily and it's 25 we're going to push against that so along with that 75t setag stipulates a type one Mas so that's what's in the in the schedule in the zon so we're making that request that um that we don't we're not asking for wall for the entire length of the adjoining property but at least in the South section to divide the storage yard and our area most near our resid so alongside their building we have no no interest in that there's no stage in the building and then at the forward section by the street marquet that can be vinyl fence as well if they choose to do that the concern is with over the a couple concerns but over the years of growth that will happen along the tree line the vinyl fence will deteriorate and there's no guarantee that it will be maintained over that course of time and as I've said we're going to be there for the long term that's my dream it's very cl to as you stated previously so that's a request for the Mason W and talking with the Planner on that project it sounds like that they're okay with putting it on their setback line existing order between the two properties now right on the property line is a developed tree line which we very happy to keep there and a I think a cattle fence from decades ago probably it is now grown within the tree line so we have no interest in removing so and it sounds like theel is not either so we're concerned that can stay there that'll help the visual barrier between the compies Andor but so yes the request is for the Mason and vinyl fence from the southeast corner of their building property and so no no 75 foot at back you okay to the 25 yes yeah so but again we're that's I feel that's a pretty big concession from 75 to 25 so in place of that or to go along with that Mason wall at least in that south portion from the corner of their building going south to the and one last item on that that we briefly spoke about is no uh loading dock or type activity on the South Wall of their building because that's immediately visible out of our front door the concern there is if there's a loading dock or some such activity roll door or something like that then potentially diesel trucks there running for maybe a short time but maybe a long time with covering our house or front door with the diesel exhaust that's the second of the two concerns for tonight but all in all thank you to zoning and thank you for the commission for hearing the concerns we're very happy as residents that U that Mar would y be willing to do the masonry wall I'm sorry would y'all be willing to do the masonry wall no sir um the idea of the concept of Maintenance a wall and a fence is as much defense against people intruding on the property because of the Alor storage in this area so an owner would maintain a wall in a commercial development they may not in a home a residence they would a fence in this particular case it would maintain it vinyl fence is what we agreed to which is a higher standard and a vinyl fence would be maintain would maintain a long time um but the appear the appearance of that fence is important to us also relative to security of the back property so there wouldn't let the defense deteriorate that would be nonsens um the other thing is is we're putting up a 25 foot dense planting which you we're going to work with your staff on and that planting is to to give 25 ft we're putting the fence all the way back on the 25 line so the residential owner will be able to enjoy that heavy planning we're going to do which is going to cause opacity where they won't see the fence anyway once this stuff grows so the um the issue would be this if these additional issues and then this the loading dock issue is we have no purpose in build the second building we have a loading do I me that's just crazy talk so the issue here is we all respect um but the issue here would be is it's the intent of this board to put these addition conditions on going beyond what your staff has recommended to you what the pnz recommended to you we would ask for you to continue this item the reason we'd be continuing this is we need to get together with our client and and figure out if our client now will do what we think we will do which is withdraw the application and sell the property remember this is not your typical developer either who's come in and he's got a a a contract purchaser on the property he's actually bought and he got he I think he feels pretty comfortable with what he set for it and the industrial land as you know in some in Sanford is is CL value so with drawing and getting a different user in there which they can negotiate with this landown next room and you all can figure out what you all want to do on site plan when it comes is a very real possibility uh and so if you do have this intent of I want to be straightforward with you that you wouldn't be seeing me again because we would withdraw potentially um unless he would concur to do this to put a to do this wall of vinyl and have different and we didn't taken the building and we're having the building be part of the wall I mean we've done extraordinary things here to get this 25 ft in so just there only so far you can go and either you know the city is serious about the airport zoning and the interal agreement you have with the county and the conversion you're having to bring jobs in to this community or you AR um and unfortunately this is a part of progress and and the homeowner is is here for now until he sells the property as did the prior owner proper so that would be our request Mr recognize if you could just kind of get a consensus from your board we can solve this pretty quickly um and if if this is the intent of the board uh then then please give us continu so we can work with our client and see what he wants to do because otherwise we're doing a site plan we don't we right now do not want this change in the site plan we agree with what your staff has written and recommended to you all okay um can you clarify what you said about the loading dot I have no concept we can't not have a loading dock in the building I we can't we can't have a rear entry to the building to put in putting stuff into the building okay I front of the building is going to be um office okay I have our engineer here if you want to address question no because I thought I heard you say there'd be no point in the second building if there were no Lo do did I hear that right I didn't I don't think I said if I did I misspoke but I don't okay so there will be loading dos on some type of loading rear entry loading on this because we're professional officing re entry being the South Side yes sir yes ma'am oh thank you sorry sorry take my day so on the S plan where I I see two gaps in in parking going around the build well parking requirement well let meish let me finish my question um are you are you far enough along that that's where you're expecting loading dos to be or did you just put parking there so there were enough parking spaces I I don't know how far you all are along in building design not okay also have to on Windows full on the other side too thought that might be one of the re will to put Skylight window the I'm pretty confident we're have rearing current parking situation movements and vehicles in there is we're trying to me the city's re even though we're not going to parking ironically this is ask for variance comp Park I really don't think that the masonary wall is unreasonable now when it comes to the loading dock I can do understand that I I I I I can give on that because I'm trying to think reasonably but he's going from not requiring the 75t to the 25t setback with the masonary wall I think that's a uh a a place to meet there I don't see how that's not unreasonable to meet that the loading dock I understand that that's actually on the property and that is I get that that portion but I don't see how the masonary wall is just way too much to give because technically like he quoted in schedule J there should be a 75t uh set back so he's okay with the 25 and a masonary wall see1 you leave Mr Morris that's the property owner that still has to deal with that so we can't come and call you and the engineer after that that's the property owner that has to deal with that so I want to make sure that we're satisfying the needs of the property owners because so often we look out for the developers here that's what my concern is so I don't think that it's too much and if you all have to withdraw that's where I stand yes ma'am I don't there was no was never a good issue you know El official for years as I was mayor and City Commissioner me there's no good at arguing with a commissioner I mean so I won't argue the point with you but I can make the point to you for the record that the expense of this wall is one more expense that's going to add to the expense that we're already doing with extensive Landscaping go Way Beyond your code this is an this is and the fact of the matter is is that if you're going to do this to every other property owner that has residents next to them in this whole zoning District good luck with that it's not Well ma'am I'm just trying to tell you how it's going to work in the real world in the real world people are going to go this is not a good predent that's being said here U and in and and quite frankly if this were all industrial if you were doing this the way most jurisdictions would do it it would be a 10 foot so 10 foot separation so you know you're trying to maintain two codes at once and you're trying to serve two masters at once uh when you are trying to actually bring jobs into the community and everything else I'm just being as realistic ma'am as I can be with you and and the reality is is that you know the growth and Landscaping it's going to be very expensive and putting that in is going to take the wall away from them any the fence away from them anyway you can still we need to maintain the fence anyway we need to maintain the fence for our security you can still provide the jobs and build a location with the wall with more expense to the developer and then that's what the developer is going to have to do ma' that's that's you're entitled to that as a commissioner you're intitled to do that and we are also intitled we're asking your permission if you would please give us continuance if that's the case majority of your board agrees with you I don't know that they do yet but if the majority of the board agrees with your position then we have to make a serious decision understandable and and with all respect I hope appre I do appreciate that and Mr Morris I'm sure you also appreciate because you know you know in all in all in all um I don't want to say honesty because I'm always honest in all Mr I have known Mr Morris for milon many manyon years and I have the utmost respect for Mr Morris he's he's he's he's very brilliant at a lot of these things and I see your frustration but you've also got to understand how frustrating it is because you keep talking about this area you know that that we want the airport industry and commerce and and and we've got all these big zoning changes you know we've got these people living out there and and we have to put ourselves in this position too and say he was there first and it's to me to me and I don't know the answer I I'm not I'm not intelligent enough to to know what the answer either should be or could be or should have been is that you know in a perfect world we wouldn't have been in this situation right so so we take we've got this existing neighborhood and we're trying to make all these existing neighbors Happ all the people that live across across from the airport all those people on what's the road Mar Hurst um starts with an oio no not on Ohio and AA I mean it's it's a very difficult situation to try to try and balance that um so so I totally get everybody's frustration I don't have a problem with the vinyls um I do think the 25 ft of landscaping is is a big concession I think 25 ft and and and I think 25 ft of of of mature Landscaping is going to do exactly what you say it's going to obscure the fence in the wall anyway yes it's going to take a while for that to mature but it's it's not going to take that long in FL um there was because you already leaving that existing landscape there's an existing tree buffer anyway I don't have a it's a six foot Vin old fence I don't have a problem with with Final Fence um I I I really don't um I'm leaning I'm leaning towards you know to know how we're all thinking um I don't have a problem with the vyl fence but I do think that you need to to to understand that we are we are not trying to we are not trying to stop development we're not trying to stop progress but we're trying to you know this you you did this you were good at this you know we're trying to make sure this man has a peaceful life and gets to enjoy his property and his life the way that he anticipated when he bought that property that's all we're all trying to do commissioner I completely understand what you're saying you know my position in these matters you've followed my career for years in terms of protecting the rural protection area was my idea prot protected what I did now been litigated too a pain for me to get however this issue of the wall or the fence makes no difference to the to the neighbors it's not differential just more money and how many times can you say to someone who's moving to City well we're going to add another we're going add another we've explained to him Patiently I mean he he's not a developer he's a businessman trying to put his business here which is a very substantial business we tried to explain to him hey this is a negotiation we patient with us stick with us stick with us stick with us well you stuck with us but I think this is just a bridge too far and and and unfortunately we'll make the case I mean we both make the case to him hey you know we'll see what he says but I I don't know what he'll do so that's the point it's not that I don't understand you it's it's what is the qualitative quantitative I know what the quantitative difference is it cost us more money what's the qualitative difference here and I'd be curious to know I would be curious to know what the expected difference is of a six foot um masonry wall versus a um versus a vinyl fence because at six feet a masonry wall is not going to be high enough to be a sound CH sound is going to go right over a six generally sound attenuation to get it to bounce off of and go over the house would have to be about 18 ft that's right of course learn Sun we learned that from Sun you've seen sound walls that do put up and the count put up and new put up some I don't know so what's the expectation I would would ask and what am I missing about the masonry versus the B well the expense wise you go into what staff then require us to do with a masary fence masonary fence become a block fence that's Stucker which is a maintenance nightmare any HOA will tell you that any H Home Association will tell you what suck fence is in maintenance and staining and all that and replacement Val or does the staff say to you we can do split pH blot that's a different expense or do they say they want to Brick m W that's another higher higher expense each one go up but you're in the tens of thousands of dollars is what you're in so and the question is is you're already doing this additional expense that was not anticipated but negotiated in good faith early with the pnz and and then in the last meeting with you all on a couple of items that agreeable to us and so that's what you're really dealing with it's just one more step and then he has to ask himself how are these negotiations going to go with staff you know in terms of acceptance of what's being designed and put in there I mean now he's going to wonder and I think he already is wondering that's probably um so it's that's the issue is how much more the che checkbook open to toate this one issue I do not believe there's a qualitative difference quantitive okay so the owner does has not anything about the idea that's why I made the request I did there would be the consensus of this board if this board go way and say hey we'll go with the staff recommendation and what you all negotiated from the last meeting then were great but if it's that's not the case then we would ask for continu and then I told you what decision processes that he would have to make well I mean at the last meeting I was trying for another 5 ft ass set sir and we told you that doesn't work by the way we can give you another 5T of side back you want it if you would let us take take it off on the other side the 10t on the church side take it down to five we can do that I I understand we have turn movements and I understand your point on that but we could absolutely do I thought about that after you I respect you you know that we've known each other too for years and the reality is that you know I actually thought about that I take it out they give a SL on the other side we can move it further away work out fine I'm well y'all know how I feel about that that whole area the late the late district and even though it's County I'm I'm really keen on protecting that area the the reason why I'm so on the the the the stone wall versus the vinyl is we see it happen so often when the developer leaves and the the the homeowner has to suffer with what you know what we've decided on and I just really feel that we should protect the homeowners on that I'm watching it and all of the subdivisions that we're building on celery it's it's happening all the time and we're always giving to the developer because okay we want more Industries we want more you know um homeowners versus Apartments etc etc it's just really important that we look out for the residents and I really honestly don't think that that masonary wall is too much to give if we're going back from the 75 to the 25 again I do think that maybe the loading dock might be that that's where I wouldn't get but I don't have a problem with the wall and if we could figure out the the the loading dock to make it easier on the the the homeowners that are there I'm fine with that too but I do understand that that might be a bit much being that it's located on the property you can't make everybody happy on it but I I think that that's very reasonable I do want yall to remember what was going to go in here before this property un that the outside construction on the side of the airport um it's you know I like the idea of a Mason rather F but I also recognize we're really dealing with a property owner that's still going to be there not somebody many TR that amount of Mason reall compared to the entire cost of this project is enough to break the project that surprises about how many 300 350 or 300 I I don't have a scale okay well let's just say what's the what's the entire I'm not going to have that on here if it is 300 about half the property Just sh the property yeah I'm the old man here and I've got the glasses out and I I'm just trying to get a rough idea the cost of of a masonry wall because that is a that is a lot of footage what what is the approximate cost I know the middle of thead concrete block step over you would not want I just made the argument again defeating will be a cheaper price because argum obiously that's what these homes on Cel have Stu walls main put in true so so so so material wise probably Bri I I think the argument we can't get into I can't tell you the price Public public I can't tell you the price I can just tell you how many steps you want to take how far you want to take this bridge and I'm telling you I think it's a bridge too far you set my word on that or maybe not maybe get lucky maybe I'll come back to you and or maybe it's just with because you certainly don't want to burden a PD with this it I think youd rather another user come in the difference is the user this is a very very extremely wide industrial user you allow much heavier uses the other part so pity if they do sell this pity the person that comes in 64 on he's got it you found the and so it's half call it 300 so let's call it 300 and and I and I I hear what you telling me I'm just trying to get in my mind a feel for an approximate POS of of a of a Mas wall of that me sure me too any other questions I would like um i' like ask question what's your expectation the difference between the vinyl and the wall and what what difference it will make with the landscap the one of the primary challenges I have or cautions I should say is the as I've learned the development of used to be in existence no longer exist or that function is no longer provided and that development of would would identify a lot of the specifics of of a property development but apparently that is not um that function doesn't exist anymore so the reason my wife I so cautious and being maybe seemingly crazy talk such being overly protected is because we don't know it's not defined none of these things are very well defined so yes we're being seemingly extra cautious because there's lack of definition so the developer representative developer said that there would be above and beyond code for for the foliage between the fence line and their and their property and the setb I don't I don't know where that was ever stated or agreed upon I I don't know how to define that what is that growth or that that brush that we put in there to provide at that Sight and Sound protection nobody can Define what that is so yes we're falling back on the safe of at least back on the south area by the house the masonry wall has an additive protection sound privacy Etc in of these undefined trees bushes whatever else and I did a quick search of course it's moved up to the internet but it estimated 20 to $30 per foot for wall I'm not a construction person I can't validate that but that comes up to about $9,000 for that 300 stretch 3ot stretch as well that sounds yeah anyways that's the dver thank that's what the suggest I said I didn't bring any of my um well then um so to his point is there anything in the um and I guess the ordinance and the agreement that that specifies the level of landscape and what that means no it does say though that if we can't come to agreement we take it back zon for them to make determination so staff says this is not enhanced enough and the app says the de it is we don't have to make that determination it goes back to the commission and they make right do we have any documentation of what we consider just s specific sort of like we um during the work session you could clearly see that that was an enhanced Landscaping it wasn't the standard buffer type um as for this I have some questions as to what the wall is that considering is it only around yard is on that corner is it of building that structure where we were looking at okay what I was understanding the edge of the building backer I'm not thats the back of the wall the back of the building is actually part of the wall well that's I mean to work theer Property Owners um the my concern mostly functional but as for surrounding it's not to deter what they saard you wonder about um truck nebility being how cold that yard will be take a fa amount of space to it's a good master plan but it's not yet an engineering suggestion we could agree to 100% opacity which was the intent we had anyway 100% opacity in 3 years along along the section that we're discussing now that the Landscaping with the Landscaping bring about a barrier between that and the wall you wouldn't even see with word saying qualitate and quantitated that is what we our intent would have been anyway those of you commissioner in terms of What's Done frequently among homeowners is and you'll also see it sometimes commercially is if you ran a VI verum um headline uh now verum headline can grow significantly higher than six feet which it would which would even give more blocking we could do something like that and that's something could be worked out with stff but we can't have a blind check also just staff we're trying to do 100% is a measurable 100% is a measurable uh criteria putting in this it would be on that one section that would be from the building to the southern property line and that would be it and if it's clear that I'm not hearing that there's a majority not to do this so Mr may move us along if you could if you choose to we can talk all night what but continue us or or please let us do something to to move along um actually I've got do you have something offer on that idea I have no objection to it but how do you guarantee something's going to be 100% they're going to have the vinyl fence too so you're G to have the opacity from the the fence and then the Landscaping is going to fill in um know they can't they can't guar can't guarantee capacity they can work towards it but with with the fence included in that I would say the city of Orlando Orange County Su County all have have in their codes of pass requirements Landscape Architects are well aware of of a f requirements you can't you can't guarantee that we're not going to paint the bill in some stupid I mean the point is the reality is we're saying what we're trying to do how reasonable can we be you just want us to write your check I mean that's the other thing we can do and let the city put it in they want to put it in they don't trust us I mean I think that's pretty reasonable but I also think that sounding what I'm hearing here a continu is also reasonable get us out of here but what do the other two want to do the other two commissioner Austin you I'm good with I'm good with I'm good with what commissioner Austin said with the 100% capacity the high quality vinal f and I agree with commissioner I don't think you can get around the I mean I don't want I don't want to put out like because we're at a public meeting and it's on you know but Mr Riley addressed some of his concerns at one of the meetings about his spouse and that's really concerning for me and I understand the need for you know but again I'm not just going to you know it's not just trying to be difficult it is saying I am trying to protect the home the property owner and I totally get where the property owner was coming from with that need for even if it's just the idea of security there with mis rally gardening and so on and so forth we always make all kinds of adjustments for the developer all the time and I I do not and this is up to the commission by all means but for district one I'm saying the Mi I I'm saying the masonary wall the loading dock everything I I I wouldn't care about the 75 foot setb to be honest but I I understand you know as Government what we have to do I do not see that as too much to give and I would love for the property owner who I believe is going to stay there to be comfortable in this is already going to have to deal with the noise they already have to deal with the airport and and all of the development that's coming along Lake Mary Boulevard my God put the wall in then we can stop talking about this then we can go home because I really don't care about somebody have to be someplace okay so do you want to move for a continuent son no I want that's what you want you're going to have to make the somebody is I'm just going to say one of the things as as as silly as it sounds and and you don't need to respond to this I'm just you all my fellow Commissioners tell me where my thinking is wrong security for for the m m is is the main issue and of course we all of us particularly women want security above and beyond anything else how is a wall any less scalable or breach than a p wall I didn't hear that the wall was part of the security it's not but he was he was okay that was a okay I thought she the wall was part of the security so we either continue this or approved with all the uh agreements that have been made and added tonight 100% opacity years hang on we got to Second it and then we can have discussion right so I'm going to Second it for the public huh you never open the public hearing anything else does anyone else from the audience have anything to say Mr did you have something else you wanted to ask okay so just to summarize 75t down to 25 ft schedule J dictates commercial industrial to residential 75 ft get another we another 25 ft schedule J says 75 ft Mason doesn't say or VL or something else it's code type one one so I'm not asking for the full depth of the property only the part that is adjacent to our home so I walk out the front door have a little bit of a little bit of more protection for sight sound maybe privacy is enhanced so 100% opacity great but that's three years or to be determin thank you okay I'll ahead and close the public hearing now we'll take a motion for motion or somebody else well help you understand the wall can't go past where the pond do right what saying staff has a question as to whether the I don't I just want to make we put a condition on it in such in such a way to we put the condition that the wall is established doable it could go on the property L it may not be able to go 25 in you can require the wall however it works with the p if you wanted to require the wall I just don't want you to make a condition thats our ability to make the dra because I know that's one of the largest concerns of the adbor if we approved the wall it would have to go for their on the his property no no no right now you the motion on the table the previous discussion from last week was that it is 25t set back right you can have the 25t set back to the storage yard and then it can always come back out to the property the entirety of the pond maintenance accessible and like wide enough to be able to utilize for maintenance of that to well it will come down to final engineering what has to happen with that P because you know I'm looking at it wondering instead of coming all the way down it turns go the dumpster that's what I was thinking was being discussed earlier was to be able to buffer particular property from the storage area does that leave an unfenced Pond out there or they would just put the vinyl around the pond if the pond requires a fence we'll make sure it has a fence that it'll depend whether it's wet or dry it'll depend wallity allow us and the applicant wants us to continue with if we're going to require all so I'm make motion I move to continue item B3 MH is there a second second all in favor wait is that to the next meeting yes okay all in favor iOS i i two okay all right maybe next time you can have some better feel on where the wall could be without okay no all right with the engineer I'm not sure if the app chooses to not move forward I'm not sure there be any fur engineering I'll work I this is definitely user we would like to have but we also have to um work with our current res and follow our all right thank you brings us to the request for Waste Mr yes the city has requested a incase of of 4% in addition to has asked for a additional for rate adjustment based the county V being raised is a city s recommendation however that the city commission approved replace westos adjust annual CPI of 4% detected as of July 1 2022 and not for the increase [Music] in yes I had res to um email like uh commissioner Britain Waste Pro is asking for a 4% cost of living adjustment to their contract that most likely means whatever I I have to pay go up go up 4% I'm on a fixed income Social Security my federal Cola for this year was only 3.2% that that means that if you grant their request I will be falling behind as a reminder Waste Pro contributed up to $1,000 to many of the current and former Commissioners and Mayors perhaps if they wanted to cut cost that's one of the opportunities for them only one person currently sitting on the diet has not taken money from WB that's new commissioner Britain please vote nay to item 8 a if 3% is good enough for me according to the federal government it should be good enough for w they can tighten their belt just as I need to no signature on that yes except their contract calls for 4% that's good evening Public Work utilities director get the commission mayor uh yes that is correct so the last amendment that was done to their agreement allowed for a maximum 4% uh increase which is based on CPI Consumer Price Index which is the same process we use for the water yes and for the the year before we changed our policy to AA higher CPI because of the economy inclusion and so the CPI that they're facing is actually higher than 4% considerably I believe I'm not sure if it's I know it must be higher if it maxed out at 4% so I assume it's higher it's 6.9 okay 6.9 right and then but they have also asked for an increase based on landfill disposal cost yes and prior to the last extension I believe we gave both landfill increases and CPI increases what's our reasoning for just uh so from what I understand in Prior years uh you are correct first of all there was a year or two when we did give them an increase in the disposal cost but in Prior years uh increases were solely based on CPI and only put on uh the service charge uh it's my understanding that uh in reviewing uh what had happened as far as giving the increase in disposal and the CPI um it was determined that based on the agreement they should have only been getting just CPI and not the disposal cost increase and so that was something that did happen prior but it's uh not the recommendation of staff for this appr increas it happened in 21 and in that was two times yes and there was no increase last year at all despite everything still going up correct that's because uh was Pro uh made a decision to hold our for a year so what was the year the rate was supposed to be he con uh from July 22 to July 23 which is why this increas were requesting to be retro to July 23 okay and so the January 23 landfill increase actually took place during the year period when we had agreed there were not being increase I believe so I think there's been two one other questions Mr did you want to address timan was East Street sford I'm here tonight thank you by way request that consistent happened in the increases in request that in the contract specific language the my land increases were done that had been had been granted to us back in 21 and 22 and agement that calls for requesting extraordinary increases which were both supported by and the city's back 2122 uh the timeline on the curras back in November 22 the land change that took place in January 23 in April of 23 we requested CPI that was effect in July 23 and then again in November of 23 we requested for the land place that 24 um I understand staff's concern that we were asking for CPI on until and they're also asking final increase and that in the past the CPI always collection we knew that we've known that that's always been the case of contract That's How It Was Written that's how it's been manag a couple things i' like to point out over the time since we started the contract in 2007 there times individual years for different reasons some due negotiation somee other circumstances where we did not receive any increase in 20122 is one of those years we ENT entered into negotiations to extend the contract the city full knowledge getting CP on the entire collection of disos element have disos increases in the past again 4% CPI that was that was our concession contract so again in 2022 oh and and also just point out as far as the r goity municipalities County low of all the municipalities here so R structure is good where it's at um and then I just wanted to touch on one last [Music] thing oh sorry sorry about that um and then just one last thing the the agreement again had a 4% cap in it for this year the actual Cost of Living went up 6.94% um if you take for instance the residential rate came the res the difference we're asking for all in on the residential rate with two disposal increases and the cost of living increase is a111 it represents a 6.5% increase over the current rate which is actually lower than the 6.94 that the CPI actually so if there any questions have answer I appreciate everybody's time any questions lean on the experts of you all who have been at the diet for a lot longer because I don't understand the whole you know the CPI R increase and whatnot I'm just hearing that that cost goes back to our our residents and especially in district one a lot of them are retire and own fixed incomes even though it is a not low and moderate income but being that I don't have enough on that I'm going to I asked I I have spoken with Mr Doan and I asked him to please give me a um uh his best estimate of what this was going to cost if we went with what mran is proposing what this was going to cost each indidual homeowner and his calculations come to about a111 Bill increase per per home um the only thing I can really say is that waste brother has been a fabulous Community partner um I I go back not just on the diets but I go back as fars when the city had their own waste disposal um uh and through all the other iterations until we got the waste they're they're a wonderful company to deal with they're um they're they they outstanding the the the condition they keep their facility and the way they maintain their trucks the way their employees treat treat our our elderly I have people in my neighborhood that little ladies who can't get their trash to the curb and you know they you call in and ask them and they'll put it on the route you know the guys will go right to the door one of about my neighbors had major surgery and somehow the guy um I think one of the other neighbors told the The Collection guys and they're like oh we'll carry her her her garbage bin back to her front door you know you the service we get from them and our community gets from them is is wonderful they're great Community Partners they're a great company and I feel like I feel like that over the years um you know they have held they have held their they have held everything as well as they can and when times were really hard uh and so I completely you I don't have a problem at all with what Mr and I was here to help push out the last time we had um because their service was so horrible yeah um and so the what the service they give us I think you has been has been um very good um you know I I think a um and I did go to look at every other City's website and the County's website compare prices and we're about to5 less than anybody else in the count month and also just add you stay Theiss M they don't just give great service but they also uh help out with a lot of different activi you look you always see W in doing something to help out with different fun activ we got here City so absolutely and that's really good you know sorry to interrupt Willam that that's that's great but when we're talking about cost of living and everything like that I do understand what one of the residents is saying is their fixed income is not going up so everything that's going up they're going to have to cover so I I although I appreciate them giving to whatever that I I'm considering our residents in that and so that's I do understand if they're only at 3.2% you know while everything else is increasing even a dollar a month that's still a dollar less you know than what they have to do with food gas everything going up I I I agree I take that consideration yeah me too beond they um I do agree but also not take away from the do as women so um I am a little concerned about giving them an increase during the year covering the year when we said not understanding this correct Mr johnon if we were to Grant all all of the increase that they are asking for uh the 2023 landfill increase would actually be half of a year includes that is that correct the 111 does that include that half of year that you're asking for you're supposed to hold the rate January I'm sorry we agreed to fix our our rate and not take a CBI that was that was the agreement but there was never a landfill change discussed so our agreement was the changes that made is we will not ask for a CPI you know on January July 1st of 2022 and hold our rate for the year but there was never a landf rate discussed with that also one of here employ consider again please understand this this is going to pay expenses this is going directly to count land going directed to our employees and their salaries and and operating equipment and whatnot so again the overall request we're asking for is actually less than the CPI that we were impacted with overall less than the CPI that we gave ourselves okay any other questions move to approve move what are you approving St recommendation or request request second okay so just to clarify motion is to approve the CPI and the two land any further discussion all in favor umus Water Works approval of a budg Amendment for 251,000 water works for the year 2324 bring new 300,000 and this is for service andity service questions or motions approve seconds second any further discussion all in favor pass answer resolution 3222 Patty are you sure you want to leave do the art thing oh lord well you want me to come back to it yeah okay let's go to resolution 3223 recomendations approve resolution 32 from to amend the Poli budget for the donation to thean alumni the Del Society am $1,000 for favor resol of approval for the high performance resusitation training Grant from the Florida Department of Health division of emergency prepar and Community Services support amend St his budget amount of $54,600 from the state Grant questions or motion Mo approve second second fuss all in favor pass resolution 3225 of the commission staff's recommendations to the commission approved the grant agreement for 33,300 th000 of funding for the continuation of the program the San North waste water recycling facility Improvement program there will be a total cost of $6,600 to the city accordingly providing the Manch of $3,200,000 and giv the city staff recommendations to commission approve resolution 32 36 further discussion2 3226 okay so we need two two vot so that was 32.5 right yes okay all in favor oosy resolution 3226 second motion second any further discussion all in favor resolution 3227 this is seeking approval for the community aesthetic features agreement with the state of Florida Department of Transportation this is a resolution that the city commission that c staff is recommended the city commission approv which will allow for the implementation of public art and utility box throughout the City on state highways state question move toight move to approve second I just wanted to make than in favor pass resolution 3222 yes Mr City commission City's public commission respond the St John's Festival ofarts inti years the festival is ongoing annual event anticip to draw 35,000 visitors short downtown C this year this recommending City commission approve resolution 3222 for the sponsorship of the 13th annual St John's F the art in the amount of $10,000 questions or motions okay so we're 10,000 just 10,000 as well but it's in their public art commission budget so we've effectively already given them the money when we gave yes this com this comes out of the public art commission budget approve second to her point you when the C goes away we're going to have to okay all right all in favor anyos pass okay City attorney comment I have no additional items thank you C Clerk's report you already covered right city manager report Aion BR uh yes mayor um this weekend I this week I participated in the Habitat for Humanity um women's bu on International women's day and um I I love what Habitat for Humanity is doing it doesn't solve the problem of quable housing but at least they're trying to address it and they are building three houses on Anderson in um District 2 and um I just want to tell Kelly and Penny and Habitat for Humanity of sakka how much we greatly appreciate them and I spoke on behalf of the commission um about what they're doing and all of the other projects that they're building in the city of sfur um I wanted to say this publicly um there has been an employee that has exceeded my expectations and when Mr Bart first hired him I had my reservations not because of the person that he was but because of the process that we did it however with working with him I am just you know blown away that is Mr Brady lard I have been through four oh my gosh said justop you don't know him very well well and listen that's what I thought um I've worked with four Economic Development um directors starting with Nick McCrae um Bob Turk Tom tomin and then when Tom George was the interim um Economic Development and he and Pam are a perfect team I love I attend every CRA meeting um I love what's happening I love the answers that I get from them when we have our quarterly meetings um being that District 2 has two of the four economic engines in um the city of Sanford I rely on them a lot which is one of the reasons why what you said you said District district know but that was one of the reasons why I asked Mr bonapart if the commission could be a part of whomever they hired in the director's position at least to let us know um but again he's exceeded my expectation so I am quick to call out when I don't like something so I wanted to say how much I appreciate Mr so you had really low expectation I well he is a former mayor I so what are you done no come on now stop stop it um I also spoke at sthal um Academy for the uh lead of Women Voters for their uh women's history along with commissioner her um as well as uh School Board officials and uh I judge Cassandra Buie and I'm trying to step outside of my comfort zone and speak publicly on behalf of the city of stury and I really appreciate that the other items I believe I mentioned earlier in the work session but I just want to reiterate about the open for business permanent process that the mayor said that he would add to the city manager uh goals um it's not to say that I um am not satisfied with development services is just to see what the the actual process is and then how we can communicate effectively um how we can move some things along even when I was having a discussion regarding habitat for humility they was just saying love working in sord we would just like to get some things moved along quickly there might be some processes some statues that allow us not to move as quickly I would like to know what they are I've also heard that from some of our Merchants um when people want to come and develop within the city that there has been an issue when it's trying to build here again not blaming staff or any Department I just think that we need to open that back up with the open for business um I'm going to ask the commission if they would allow me to be a sponsor for the fourth annual Jun Festival um that's going to happen on June 15th I would like to be a level Diamond sponsor I sponsored last year out of the commission um budget and that is in the amount of $2000 so you're asking for you to be the sponsor or the city to be the sponsor for she need to be the sponsor but you all have to approve it coming out of the city's money Mission M District district one right but it's still the city's money you know what I'm saying I know well I I sort of putting that down as a sponsorship by an individual commissioner I do not think is the right thing to do I don't have a problem with doing the sponsorship and seeing it's sponsored by the city of San but how did we do that's how we did it last year and and when I saw that happening I decided next time it came up I would BR it up so could the city donate or I mean could the city sponsor because it never says district one it says city of s now I've seen sponsorships that had individual commission not good I don't know I don't remember which ones they were that's why I asked because you said you wanted to because it comes out of District one's permission money but yeah I don't have a problem with that okay I think it needs to say spor say city of Sanford they don't ever say distri some some of them some of them have individual stand see I've never seen I've never seen that you guys I know when we the cat show I it say city of I just I think we need when we do that we need to make sure the the so it just so it doesn't appear as an individual right individual contribution from the city because I'm sure Mr cobbert is thinking know how it how it appears to the public right and I honestly do not remember which ones I've seen that was listed that way just I think we need to make sure City most certainly it should also be known that it's of Britain that's asking for that money it's it's city of Sanford's tax yes I agree with that yeah used for a public purpose right so cuz I'm saying I don't I don't have a problem with that and I know that it never is because that even came up when I was doing the teachers event and I made sure that I made I made sure that it was known it was from the city of Sanford And even on the logo it said the city of sfer and AD mentioned each and every commissioner because it was going to the teachers so I know it wasn't distri one but whatever mayor absolutely and that concludes we have a second second that's answer what did you get to do at the build though that's what I wanted to do I put up sting okay I learned I learned much of my um Home Building skills through habitat but that was before they um before they had standards and they just send you out group of kids start driv while the room like what you're doing they don't tell you that the nail gun shoots back I got hurt yeah I I've gotten hurt at that was one of my Dr Dr that place bites back I wanted to personally thank commission for comments regarding and work she's getting with r Assad and in terms of working with the businesses we constantly into continue improvements however we can continue to improve our operation the U before I uh make my comments I want to uh make sure I acknowledge my boys I had probably about 10 or 11 at beginning and so uh we always talk about my young men the residence and so those guys stayed to the whole meeting so so uh y'all that that still here y'all stand up so they can recognize and see cuz my boys not just students but they're doing stuff in the community and I tell them I like to make sure if you guys can have a seat I make sure that uh they're learning what's going on this is going to be our future so if we want them to do the great things we say we want them to do we got to put him in place to do it and so going into that um I uh want to touch on some things uh cuz we all know that I am up for recall and so with that being said I want to as Miss Jones with the newspaper said fact check so I want to give you guys some facts so that you know and I know y'all listening on the live because I don't go to social media I don't do all that crazy stuff y'all know I don't do food this but I want to give you facts so you guys know so when these people come to you you with not the truth I'm giving you the facts and I'm doing it publicly decently and in order with respect first of all cni the community neighborhood initiative was put in place before I came in office Dr Williams was the commissioner at that time and so and and and with that being said the things that they asked for during that time again I'm just champing them I'm pushing them through but not by myself there's so many others that's helping me make sure that we can get this taken care of the city had and if they still don't have we had packets and we had online where they're able to go online to be able to get to see in our package so I know they used to have them online so we need I probably talked to so that we can get them back online so any of you all that's watching any of you all that are out here if you want to get the facts it's there for you to actually read and find out what's going on because my set I'm not bothered about people going out getting signatur is to remove me I'm bothered about people going out there taking advantage of our citizens I was asked on yesterday car do you care about just yourself or do you care about the citizens if I just cared about myself I wouldn't be sitting in this chair but I care about the citizens who put me in this seat and the young men that look up and respect and love me because I am the man that God has made so with that being said the first phase of housing listen now because the the the what is saying is I care nothing about affordable housing well the first phase of the housing is 60 units in Monro Landing two years ago we had 60 families move in there that are currently there the second phase of housing is suers set Landing we have 84 units and I talked to the Housing Authority today 84 families will start moving in there within the next few weeks I'm not an honor student but adding that up that's 144 families that are going to be able to move into that the community meeting that I have has all kind of information and I keep harping over this over and over and over for you guys to come out and make sure that if you want to come talk to me come on and let's sit down and Mee but I guess I should get this a t-shirt made and say I don't do foolishness but if you want to sit down and let's talk facts to help our community come on uh the money we use so that you know this before you get back Bamboozled in signing something the money that the property that we got and we gave the Housing Authority money for they're going to turn around and use that same money for affordable house so don't think that it's something that we conjured up at the city and say we just throwing a football field or throwing we're putting things in place to save our children and I will Champion that until I leave here next thing that I want to go ahead and add to it um Habitat for Humanity as Miss Brit say she went out and she helped this past weekend uh since I've been in office and that's been since 2018 uh Mr lar they built 35 homes in the city of sord majority of those 35 homes have been in my district those are for folks that don't have a lot of money but have an opportunity to have their own home ownership 2024 and 2025 they plan on building 14 more homes 2526 they plan on building 23 more homes all of those will be homes for affordable living again for our citizens true Health this is the plus people don't give true Health enough credit we got a clinic in Goldsburg but people are not the negative and still of look at the facts of what we have to help build our community for the best of our community gold BR true Health was already doing coming out to certain events we was having in helping the community but in July goldboro got their own site on his store goldboro Boulevard they have primary care for adults and children where they service 1,271 patients and 2,168 Village so that says 58% of the patients came more than once so that means that clinic is not just sitting there it's utilizing our citizens so we ain't just ask for home we getting homes affordable housing we going to build a track of football field and multiple things that were asked for before I got into the sea and we going to follow through with that but we also got a clean but last but not least and I'm going to go on ahead and leave y'all alone after this picnic project I partnered with picnic project for the last five years and we know that we we live in a a food desert but what I'm saying to you all people can't make excuses about what they say they want to do if they don't come and help make it better within that time we have served 362,000 140 pounds of groceries to thousands thousands and thousands of our citizens see facts don't lie so why I'm here I'm not going to argue with anybody we not going to go tick for T but I want to make sure this is said as well when we say we want the best for our citizens and the citizens have an opportunity to to to go out and do these petitions we need to be very mindful on how these folks are going out misrepresenting our our citizens going to the elderly and lying to them going to folks in our community and messing over them for the sake of a vote cares wiggin s don't have a problem if you don't like him but please stop cheating our citizens thank [Applause] you I I want to add one thing um Mr Williams I believe the cni report um said that Fields should be built there yes sir they did said we should offer more services yes sir they did combined with the West Side Community yes sir they did and you know why you saying that when you guys go look at the report some of those same people that's fighting me and talking against me are on the report so I guess they forgot they was on the report but they prefer to talk down on me you can you can keep going all I do uh I do want to U mention a couple people I've been uh Mr B part I've been abusing some of your employees lately and I've been asking for a lot of help uh director randoo Chris Smith and uh Brady um we we've got a lot of uh a lot of action in District 3 and a lot of concerns and those uh three gentlemen specifically have been helping me a lot uh address some of those concerns uh uh figure out a a game plan to to head off some of those concerns and uh and their help is uh greatly appreciated and needs to be uh presented I got a couple things um first all um actually want to add one um you know we frequently talk about development services and you know how hard the time people have G through it and I know there are issues you i' I've got projects that have some of those issues but I talked to somebody last week who the day after having a stop work order put on their project was singing the Praises of our development services department and their staff and how great it had been to work with them um the software order was a side issue that um involving the county but they're they were in the city and our staff did what they were supposed to do um but you know to get the call that I thought I was expecting a bad call and to get a call and say you know I went and talked to them we took care of it they dropped the work order I just got to tell you you all have't best dep park down there to work um so we don't care that very often so I wanted to share that um two Sundays ago the peace run came through San fr again upstairs in our office there is a poster um which is attaining by Shri chinmoy who was the founder of the peace room um uh thank you to Chris Smith and the staff who took care of the um Golf Course groundbreaking um you it was entertaining what there 12 15 of us out there that missed the we don't need to talk about that we we all miss the pot and then the the coach from uh seol State put us all to Shame by not only but she put it through that was her second try nobody else got a second try that was her first try like y so that is for me thank