good evening everyone I'm call a meeting order would everyone please stand for a short prayer and a salute to our F almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and May he watch over and protect or serve as men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all statement of publication take notice at this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and burough Council being held on this 28th day of May 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call council person Vala here polii here NOA Roberts here sonari here zabowski here okay uh council president would you um um take care of Prior minutes please I yes move the following minutes approved on roll call vote subject to correction if necessary the March 26th receipt of bids in May 13th regular and agenda session second uh roll call Council person's Roberts yeah vka yes polii yes zarski yes zabowski yes okay uh today or this week is actually uh municipal clerk uh we where we thank and honor our Municipal clerks without whom nothing uh could really get done in the borrow so whereas the office of the professional M municipal clerk a Tim honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world and whereas the off Office of the professional municipal clerk is the oldest amongst public servants and whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk provides a professional link between the citizens the local governing body and agency of government at other levels and whereas professional M Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all whereas the professional municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and Community whereas professional Municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of professional M municipal clerk through prop participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state provincial County and international professional organ organizations whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the professional municipal clerk now therefore I Kennedy O'Brien mayor of the buau of saille professional Municipal Clerk's week and further extend appreciation to our professional M municipal clerk Jessica moreles and to all professional Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent thank you thank you Jessica thank you Nicole okay I just need a motion to accept that Proclamation make a motion to accept the proclamation roll call Council person's Roberts yes Sala yes kisi yes narski yes zabowski yes thank you all uh we have we have some tax appeal business which will be held in executive session how long Don uh we should be 5 to 10 minutes okay is there a motion I got to read the red zone go ahead whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and bur Council the bur of saille County and middlex state of New Jersey as follows the public portion of this meeting is hereby adjourned in order that the governing body may meet in closed private session for approximately 10 to 15 minutes to discuss the following matters litigation and contract negotiations following the conclusion of said closed session the governing body shall reconvene the open portion of this public meeting to consider any other matters which may be properly brought before at this time the nature and content of the discussion which occurs in closed session shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately make a motion to go into close second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes narski yes zabowski we'll be five or 10 minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I make a motion to reconvene second there second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Mala yes kisi yes NOA yes sari yes zabowski yes okay all business public hearing on the following ordinance ordinance number 22-24 burrow of saille County of middle sex ordinance addressing fees for the Department of recreation at this time I'm going to open uh this ordinance uh for comments from the public are there any comments on this ordinance ordinance 22-24 there being no questions I'll entertain a motion councilman sari I move the public hearing Clos the ordinance adopted on second and final reading as advertised according to law second second roll call council person sinari yes Bala yes police yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes ordinance number 23-24 B of saille County of middle sex an ordinance regulating removal of garbage refuge and rubbish in the burrow of saille County of middle sex state of New Jersey okay I'm going to open the public portion for any comments on ordinance 23-24 are there any yep Mary okay it's on there Mary Novak one scholet drive I notice uh under section three it says the responsibility the owner uh when you rent a piece of property the owner often is prohibited from going on the property when in the next ordinance you say owner or tenant and this one just says the owner is responsible Matt um you can do either one I mean so from a legal perspective certainly in most inst owners your rental property have a right outside the property go in the house no but um you know the council if the want to amend it um you could pass it tonight and come back later amend it you can make a motion to amend it now but I think um adding liability to an additional person I think would require us to read I wouldn't be comfortable saying okay amend it and do a fin tonight so all right I I know from sad experience that even outside if it's the backyard you're the owner is not allowed to go in without the tenant's permission and only once a year are you allowed so if there's a problem the owner can address it just a thought okay are there any other questions or comments rather all I'll take a motion Council councilman and noo yeah thank you mayor I think that you know our resident brought up a very good position on this on this ordinance and I think it's worth considering uh the adjustment we can't hear you Christian I think that the resident brought up a very good um position to the ordinance and I think that we should consider the the adjustment well we can come back and amend it okay we can do that then I like to do that did you want to introduce it tonight sure I mean I I wanted to confirm that my introducing it wouldn't affect the potential Amendment what I think what I think you would do is you would uh make a motion to amend the current ordinance to include owner or tenant okay if that is accepted by majority you know there' be a vote on that that's if that is accepted by a majority of the governing body then we would re you would have any further on the next meeting so it's it's not really an a motion to adopt the ordinance it's more of a motion to uh um amend the ordinance uh at least amend the ordinance language and you can do both actually you can pass it and then come back and amend it that that's pretty routine you can do that too you could basically pass this ordinance in its current form and then introduce essentially an amendment to the Past ordinance i' rather not do it that way I'd rather just work on the adjustment is what's your motion motion to amend the ordinance motion to table yep for further review yes please is there a second to that second tbling it clear because I think if if the motion is also to to uh add the language um uh like that with the tenant then the motion should be to table final action on this and to amend so that way we don't have to do all so why don't why don't you give the legal talk and then the councilman can say so you know move perfect so this would be a a motion to amend the proposed ordinance 2324 to include uh owner or tenant and to table final action on the current proposal so that it set foral as am thank you just so you know Chris this this now will trigger it to go in front of the rent leveling board all right I think again I think that I appreciate that Clarity and um if it's needed I think that it's you know so so be uh is there a second second roll call council person zoha yes Bala yes kisi yes Roberts yes sonari yes zabowski yes public hearing on ordinance number 24-24 bur of saal County of middlex an or ordinance regulating removal of grass weeds brush and other debris in the burrow of sval County and middlex state of New Jersey uh are there any comments on this ordinance being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman and NOA you mayor I'd like to make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 and move the public hearing to be closed and the ordinance adopted on second and final reading and advertise according to law second roll call council person zoha yes fala yes polii yes Roberts yes sari yes zabowski yes ordinance number 25-24 bur of saille County of middlex an ordinance adopting the public health news code of New Jersey for the burrow of saille county middle sex state of New Jersey are there any comments on this ordinance Mary mayor Novak one scholar drive you to excuse me I forgot to bring my regular reading glasses this is going to be tough um the uh law that we're that this ordinance refers to um I know you're not going to answer any questions but I'm going to propose a few questions and I'm going to ask everybody if you can't vote no on this ordinance has uh I'm assuming that everybody has read the entire uh du duties and everything that this refers to okay any matter thing condition or act which is or may become detrimental or a menace to the health of the inhabitants of this municipality what the heck does that mean anybody can say anything that it's a det detriment okay any matter thing condition or act which is or may become an annoyance or interfere with the comfort of the general well-being of the inhabitants of this municipality is somebody that's got a uh volleyball court in their backyard and they're constantly annoying their neighbor because the ball is going across the fence is this something that they would receive a fine for uh pollution or existence or conditions which may threaten pollutants in the water municipality I mean it's it's just so General it's it can mean absolutely anything uh to engage in into the open air from any stacked vent chimney or entrance to any open air or from any fire into the open air or for such such quantities of smoke uh fly ash dust fumes Vapors Mists and gases as to cause injury detriment or annoyance to the inhabitants in this municipality or endanger their confet response help for safety at some point when all of you people are gone because I know you don't tend on hurting the residents of the town and the people I'm sure I don't even know who the heck is going to enforce this that would be another question I'd ask you who's going to enforce this the police you know code enforcement who would but anyway hey everybody you can't have guest furnaces anymore because the fumes are a detriment to my health I have heard people come into this council chambers many many times and talk about burning of natural gas in furnaces and how we should all go to Electric but passing this in its current state somebody else sitting here who feels differently than you it could enforce that that everybody has to get rid of their furnaces there are a couple more things excuse me H an existence or presence of any accumulation of garbage Refuge manure or any other animal or vegetable matter which may attract flies to Which flies may have access or in any way FL live or pop breeder exist any person that has a garden in their yard any person that composts hey any person that opens their garbage can and a fly happens to go into it will cause larvae this is I'm not saying that we don't need a nuisance ordinance I'm just saying this is just so General it could cause normal citizens to become criminals and you you're not here to do that to the residents I'm sure but you have to think of the unintended consequences more things happen in this world not just here and it's unintended consequences things are passed because they sound good and oh you're helping the people and they're not I could list at least six other things in here but I'm down to one minute thank you thank you Mary uh just so everybody is aware this was brought to us by our judge who was unable to enforce um code regulations because some this is really a housekeeping ordinance that was never adopted over the years this was provided to us by the county of middle sex who also does our health inspections uh and it it's it's essentially a housekeeping item so that the code enforcement can do their job currently because we lack this uh nothing can they they can't enforce any they can't enforce certain Health codes they can't go to court and although not perfect uh I think the TW there are 26 towns in Middle sex County I think the majority of them use that I asked the attorney who's also the mayor of Bridgewater Matt if you chime in on this yeah I think just a couple quick uh points uh there's already you're adopting State Standards you're not coming up you're not working from scratch and creating your own new set of Standards this is something that the state has adopted and used since I think 1950 uh 1950 uh second of all nuisance is generally something that is worldly defin because it's very be very fact specific because you might say hey just know playing music isn't a nuisance well playing the same music at two o'clock in the morning is a nuisance or same thing you have a barbecue outside not a nuisance at on a Saturday you know 7 o'clock at night nuisance at 3:00 in the morning um but there's definitions of what the nuance has to rise to a certain level and other part from a practical standpoint is in most instances uh every instance I can think of what typically happens when there is a Nuance for the property is that code enforcement will go out and will talk to the resident and say there's a problem here need to and they usually give the resum an opportunity to rectify just fix it that day if it's a one time thing if it's a habit in almost every instance you have they get warnings they give tickets even when get tickets it's usually a ticket to say stop fix the condition and in most instances when they fix the condition the charges are dropped it's usually only the recent treat people who really say I'm not doing I'm not going to up my degree on my property I'm not going to stop having a barbecue every you know every weekend at 3 o'clock in the morning that it becomes so you know we looked at this uh my office looked at it the model or we also looked at it though and we don't have any issues with it um code enforcement is there to use their judgment certain State Standards since 1950 that are in place and of course um any of these issues going for the judge also looks at it there another check and balance there the judge thinks that something is not issue this was at the request of the judge uh does anybody in the council have any questions uh for for the attorney any on this okay are there any other comments on this ordinance okay being no other comments uh take a motion councilman and noo yes thank you esteem mayor uh before I make the motion I just want to add if possible um my thanks even to to to the comment on this ordinance um I think it's been established that the language is designed to be General so for those who do have um a fear about that I think that we should uh continue continue to trust our Public Safety officials um to enforce it in in due fairness you so but again I want to speak towards those fears and um again we trust that this won't be manipulated uh against you but it's General because that's how the state um has already designed it to be as our attorney has said with that being said I'd like to make a motion to adopt uh the ordinance and move the public hearing to be closed and for the ordinance to be adopted on second reading and final according uh and final reading and advertise according to law second second roll call Council persons of NOA yes fala yes kisi yes Roberts before I vote I just want to um say Mary I did have a lot of those concerns we took this off so that we could do some more research on it we had Kirk Mick come in to talk about some of the ways that it's being enforced I had specific questions about smoke and um fire pits and there are other um standards for fire pits so if you following those standards that would not be um an issue I don't like the wording I agree with you I don't like the wording and this the problem with that is um it's it comes from the state and the state ties our hands quite often and what it states is it may this may be adopted without alteration or if so desired any numbered section or paragraph can be um deleted but not substituted so we've got our hands tied if we want to change this um separately we'd have to do separate ordinances and we can address that if that becomes a problem um but in order to um get done what we need to do I am going to uh say yes to it now um the way it is written because that is how the state is making us do it so yes zarski yes zabowski and next item ordinance number 26-24 ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance number 40-23 fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 are there any comments on this ordinance from the public being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bala move the public hearing be closed the ordance adopted on second final reading and advertised according to law sir second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes an NOA yes Roberts yes narski yes zabowski yes there no business or introduction of the following ordinances ordinance number 27-24 bur of seral County of middle sex ordinance regarding totally disabled veterans tax exemption councilman Bala move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on 617 2024 second roll call Council person's Bala yes polii yes no high yes Roberts yes senari yes zabowski yes ordinance number 28-24 B of saille County of middle sex ordinance regarding environmental commission uh councilman Roberts councilwoman Roberts council president Roberts thank you mayor I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on June 17 is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes fala yes polii yes NOA sari yes zabowski yeah ordinance number 29-24 burrow of seral County of middle sex ordinance addressing parliamentary procedure during Council meetings councilman Bala I'm not gonna pass I'm not gonna move it so if second on your committee Donna Donna I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on June 17th is there a second are there any comments roll call Council person's Roberts yes ala no kisi yes an NOA no sonari yes zabowski yes okay and mayor I just need to make one announcement before we go on to the resolution resolution listed on the agenda the amount change is to $10,000 instead of $5,000 okay can open it to that being said I'm going to open the public portion for comments on consent consent agenda items are there any comments being no comments I'll entertain a motion I move the consent agenda items be received on roll call vote second public close the public portion and adopt on roll call vote there second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes fala yes poliisi yes NOA yes sari zabki was there anyone here for a liquor license no okay I need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed I make that motion second roll call Council persons Roberts fala yes luy yes NOA yes sari yes zabowski yes okay um yeah Council reports ad Administration and finance councilman Bala thank you mayor I don't have much tonight uh our investments on our our return on investments is doing real well right now so we're goingon to be do real well come end of the year hopefully yeah and other than that progress thankk you planning and zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor just very quickly I just want to thank our U American Legion and our VFW for uh several ceremonies yesterday including our Memorial Day Parade um they as always do a wonderful job we also appreciate community members as well as our volunteers but one thing that struck me in particular and I won't spend much time this but the speech from one of our co- Grand Marshals uh which was Eddie STK and he mentioned how um his call uh to help um the vets for his entire life was based really on an incident that was very simple is when his father actually became aware of I think it was World War I or World War II that had ended and he went out uh and played his violin on Main Street and he was joined by other residents and another residue came with a flag and you know sometimes it's just the simple gestures that make the greatest impr on people and I think he was just a wonderful choice for Grand Marshall as well as Rob Bruce and I congratulate both them as well as our our vets and as always we honor those that we had lost in our in our burrow as well uh in progress thank you mayor thank you Public Safety councilman and [Music] noow thank you C mayor uh no updates for Public Safety uh trusting everyone had a glorious Memorial Day Weekend uh thank you for all those who served our country and um for our improved liberties and trusting that that will extend into our Council meetings as well thank you st mayor okay Public Works councilman kesy thank you the men and women of DPW did a fantastic job preparing for this uh past weekend's Memorial Day event um it was the weather was Bey you can have a better day the road division is currently working on Eric court with numerous sink holes that are forming from the storm drainage pipe that runs through those proper properties and they're also working at 53 Fanwood Drive about um their yard uh during the heavy downpours so um that's being covered the street sweeper is out for repairs again uh sanitation is progress Parks um they had new lighting installed at the basketball court uh behind the burrow uh building here and they had all the Y Fields redone for the baseball and the buildings and grounds has been busy uh upkeeping the generators um during the recent power outages that we had and they've also been uh busy painting Offices here in the burrow and over at the police station progress thank you uh Recreation councilman sinari thank you may last week we had our first car show at Kennedy park it was a huge success we had over 60 Vehicles there and it's something for everybody to do you know it's not only for people that own cars there was a lot of people that are just burough residents walking around we had great food there was an ice cream truck there and it was a beautiful evening the weather cooperated 100% uh I'm looking forward to the next month one which is going to be June 26th again from 6:00 pm to 900 PM also in sville we're going to start our Farmers Market on the 13th of June behind the hall and then youth youth activity for the kids we are for teens we are working on that so we're going to do something for the teens that are really not that active in sports but they want to do other things to keep themselves busy and we're we're working on that to try to get something for that uh also July 1st is our first summer camp Burks Park and then the Sports Camps are behind the burough Hall here and other than that progress and all the other things thank you councilman water and SE council president thank you mayor um first I want to recognize that we had lost a pillar of our community recently um Mr Carmen speezy and he will be um greatly missed and um Al leavea void I know you friends and you'll probably say a few words about that um the parade uh we were blessed to have the sun stay up for the parade I'm telling you I walked into the VFW after that and it started pouring so it was the parade was um set up the sun was set up just for our parade so that was wonderful and I do want to say mayor it was an honor to stand in your place um to accept the New Jersey clean communities grant for um saille for $103,000 and so when Denise gets back from her vacation I'm sure she's going to find um we are going to find good use for it in town so that was um quite an honor thank you progress okay thank you just to um discuss what what the council president we did lose a wonderful resident a dear friend a mentor to all uh his his professional life he guided people through their MO the the saddest part of their life and would bring them out the other side and in his personal life he was a he was a guide for many many people on how to live life correctly whether it be your family your business uh just a truly wonderful guy Carmen speezy we have put bunting on on the entrance uh in the front of bur Hall uh in his honor uh personally I don't think in my life I will meet another man such as such as he so with that we'll move on to General discussion authorization to purchase one John dear Gator UTV through escnj contract an amount not to exceed 41,7 $6.99 any objections next item authorization to appoint Thalia gimenez millos from custodian part-time to custodian full-time and the Department of Public Works effective June the 3 any any objection next item uh we're looking for approval for a request received from PTI Patricia ston Omnibus operator for an unpaid leave from May 2nd 2024 to June 12 2024 is there any objection next item authorization to appoint John Fram as custodian part-time in the Department of Public Works effective June the 3rd 2024 any objection anything else uh that's it for me thank you uh CFO report Denise not here anybody giving her report okay burrow Engineers report Jay Corell thank you mayor just one item this evening you authorize us to prepare Grant applications for DOT Municipal aid funds next meeting we're going to need resolutions authorizing those applications to be submitted so we'll provide those to clerk that's all I have thank you thank you okay before we go to the uh oh I'm sorry bur attorney report okay uh before I go to the public portion I just I just want to go over with with the people of SVO that Monday through Friday from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon bur Hall is open and you can call or come here in person and ask uh and and get all the information that you want uh I do have an office um where I have two I have a chief of staff and I have a deputy chief of staff when they came in the beginning of January there was there's one email for the mayor since email began at the beginning of the century and that's mayor at sville it hasn't changed uh there were 6,000 unopened emails it is my firm belief that local government is all about customer service it's about picking up the garbage shoveling the snow in the winter picking up the leaves if you want to throw your couch out we'll pick it up making sure the fire uh uh police fire in first aid uh are well equipped well trained and they come out when when they're needed uh and that is the job of this governing body is to make sure that we provide the proper customer service at at the best reasonable price there is uh I don't chase the cheapest price because then you get the cheapest product I cha I I chase the reasonable price that gives exemplary Service uh so uh if you go if you go to the burrow website there's a listing of every department so whatever your question is will be answered either uh on that phone call or if they need to do some research um they they will find out the answer for you the other thing is if you call the mayor's Chief of Staff office they usually get involved with things that are a little bit more complicated uh and require a little bit more research uh but that's what they do that's what they're there to do which is to provide service to the public um the the council meetings are here to conduct the business of the borrow we're here to pay bills we're here to discuss ordinances we're here to we're here to to make sure that the best possible customer service uh and Municipal services are provided to the residents that's our job it's not it's not to set National policy it's not to set State policy it's simple stuff uh and we aim to do it well and efficiently and effectively and and you know with our eye on how much it costs so that being said our public portion is more about comments if you don't like something that's fine uh we need to know it uh but but the questions because the meetings of of the previous four years were were just egregious they there was no control on them and people would just go on and on and on because they needed a theatrical platform and I put a stop to that it served no constructive purpose um we're here to run the burrow and and we're here to do it efficiently and effectively uh and that being said I'm going to open the public portion there is a 5 minute limit and you are certainly allowed to comment and complain but this isn't the format and this isn't the platform for answering the questions it's Monday through Friday 8 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon all the questions you can possibly think of will be answered by the various departments here in the burrow that is their job so with that I'll open the public portion are there any comments B no Mary Mary noic one Scarlet Drive um I know I'm not supposed to ask questions but in regard to the the ordinance you were just discussing um it a total of five minutes now if you want to ask and you can only speak twice does that include the ordinances or just in the public portion of the meeting or is it the resolutions so so I think the uh language ised to work in and we to think a little bit is that um right now there's theoretically two public could be multiple public portions right like tonight if somebody wanted to speak on every final action they could speak on every final action item they could also speak on the resolutions resolutions and then everything else that that part about the 5 minute total was intended to um deal with the public portion the beginning and end or in some instances there people that come up twice so they may come up they may speak for their five minutes and then a couple other people speak and then they want to speak again so was trying to to limit on that um there would that total would not apply to ordinances by law we have to open it to the public doesn't mean we have to give the residents card blanch as how long they speak on each ordinance but if you had a 5 minute cap and there were five ordinances um then you could be presumably leg to from coming that that's what I wanted to know that would not be in that instance okay so it's when you're talking about the different sections of the meeting we can speak as much as we want on the different things oh five minutes or three minutes I would say as much as you want but on the ordinances you have to have a right to speak on the ordinances and so it's separate from the two the two okay um I sat up there it's not easy to take the questions it's kind of hard being out here here too I didn't realize how hard it is until I've been coming to the meetings here I'm just asking you again respectfully leave it the way it was enforce the four five minute rule I agree with that some people were allowed to go on forever and other people were shut off at the five minutes and it's not right but the people have a right to come here you ask for their vote and they really deserve the respect to be able to come here and speak and particularly have their questions answered because 8 to4 Kennedy I I'm able to use my phone 8 to4 when the kids take a nap I can call and get these answers a lot of people work 8 to4 so the only time they have is at these meetings thank you are there any other comments hi my name is Carol Angley I live at 27 Ash Terrace been living there since March 1954 I've been here for my whole life during the April 29th 2024 council meeting at 3 hours 4 minutes and 22 seconds you Mr Mayor said quote nobody sits here so that can take punches at us at 3 hours 5 minutes 31 seconds you said this isn't the place to get into Q&A and get into fights and to have Dopey people come up here who have no life to say that I'm appalled is an understatement I'm seething over this I mean seething to the point where I'm almost afraid that I can't be a lady which is why I wrote everything down but since I'm a better person than that um I'm not going to stoop down to the low level of those comments um this is what you think of everyone who list sville who comes up here I mean that's the impression that I got um and I guess I'm being considered one of those that has no life since I'm up here now and have been up here before these comments were said when Mary Novak came up to speak and one of the things she mentioned which she happened to mention tonight was bringing back the ability to ask questions here every seral taxpayer has a right to question what goes on with their tax dollars they are entitled to answers to questions so they can understand something that they may not totally understand and those who are sitting here when a question is asked or watching on Zoom or who watch the videos after the meeting might also like to know the answers to the questions in fact it may be a question they thought of asking but maybe didn't know how to go about it those who ask questions are actually asking on behalf of many of us now after hearing those comments by you it tells me that you really couldn't care less about what seral taxpayers want to know and it also gives the impression that you have no respect for them at some of the earlier meetings I've attended you actually seemed annoyed when someone did ask a question and then suddenly now you no longer allow them what are you afraid of I mean seriously granted some people do come up here and make idiots of themselves and try to pick fights and it happens it's just part of human nature and I also understand there are some questions you can't answer like if there's pending litigation that makes sense but uh I lost track of where I was those who ask the questions do so because they care about the town and to be honest honest we're all we've all learned a lot from those questions I also attended meetings under prior the prior Administration questions seemed welcome and most of the time the person got the answer they needed that was that and the meeting moved on oh boy the previous mayor also seemed interested in the questions and wanted to help the resident to me you do not I also can't help but wonder how other residents of sarraille young old and those who voted for you would think about what you said and feel about it and how they'd feel also wonder why it hasn't been put in the paper aren't reporters here they should be those comments by you just added to the anger I have over the fact that we are now in a situation where seral taxpayers are suing seral taxpayers all because of egotistical blo hard attitudes a situation that would never have happened if those involved could just remember they work for the PE an answer to the people and the taxpayers and they would just sit down be civil with each other and find a mutually agreed upon better site for the bus depot you all ran promising transparency and accountability never in my life have I ever heard of an elected official talking to Residents and taxpayers the people to whom you promised to be accountable in such a manner I always thought that someone got into politics because they wanted to help and serve their fellow Americans and in the process hopefully make things better for the most better for most or maybe all just got two more sentences if you don't mind lately with what I'm seeing here in town as well as on State and National levels seems most politicians especially of one party are just in it for themselves What a Sad State of Affairs to say the least are there any other comments yes sir um I need your name in your street so uh P Sha 22 wisnowski um cille resident for 24 years just have something written down here for to say here uh good evening mayor and members of the Bor Council I'm speaking on behalf of residents of wisnoski Road and Page Terrace in the Town Lake West development I come before you today to address a pressing concern regarding the recently constructed apartment buildings on Main Street adjacent to our residential area developed by K companies while development is vital for progress it is imperative that the well-being and privacy of existing residents are not overlooked in the process it has come to our attention that despite the completion of the department buildings there remains a glaring Omission the absence of privacy tree line between the new buildings and our backyards this oversight threatens the privacy and Tranquility of our homes and significantly impacts the quality of our life compound matters capan companies have bluntly stated that the resp responsibility for implementing a privacy tree line lies with the homeowner themselves this refusal to acknowledge our role ensuring in ensuring the privacy and well-being of the community is deeply concerning and places an undue burden on our residents to illustrate the severity of the situation we have gathered photos showing the lack of privacy resulting from the the absence of a tree line these images right here depict the direct line of site into our properties from the neighboring buildings exposing us to unwanted visibility and intrusion into our private spaces while I understand the construction phase may be over the impact on residen is ongoing the inclusion of privacy tree line is not merely a request for Aesthetics but a fundamental necessity to mitigate noise light and unwanted visibility from the neighboring buildings I urge the council to intervene and urge kapan companies to reconsider their stance on this matter it is essential that they acknowledge our responsibility to the community and take appropriate action to rectify this oversight the residents should not bear a full burden on ensuring their privacy and well-being in the face of such development I implore the council to prioritize the well-being and privacy of the residents in it decision making process and to hold cap companies accountable for their oblig for their obligations to the community thank you for your attention and consideration and if I may can I submit um just hand them to call it's three it's three three pages the first page has the pictures of um uh the it indicates um the the um the lack of privacy three three three different properties have on wisnoski road the second page is a Google satellite image that indicates how many homes are you know impacted on page and wisnoski and the third page is a a correspondence I had with Brett Kaplan and tiisha Dro on March 27th uh expressing my concerns my personal concerns about my home we haven't heard back I haven't heard back and I know the residents haven't heard back from kapan companies so you know we're hoping to um we're hoping they they become good neighbors nothing else thank you wait wait wait wait let's let everybody yeah so it's about there's no buffer there's no buffer it's a four story building was there buer on theard May there wasn't approved Landscaping plan I would have to see where the residents are located and compare it to the plan when when it makes its way down just hang hang in there a minut I would need to see the approved plans for the developments I wouldn't be able to answer based on the question I would have to look at the approved plans and then all right WR an answer to you is is your is your contact information on this um only my email address I'll do myself that's that's good that's good let the other guys see it I can review the plans mayor and advise the council and the res and what the plan calls for beyond that since that was what the planning board approved if anything is requested in addition to that I don't think the developer has a legal obligation to do that make your Pointon J if if the residents of Town Lake are asking additional trees to be planted that weren't on the original plan I don't know that the burrow can enforce make the developer do that but we can request it I think they should know what what was on the what's on the plan right um and then we'll go forward from there okay all right thank you thank you thanks yes ma'am good you say your name and your address please sure my name is sonal Patel and I live on visnoski road 26 wisnoski and tagging on to what Mr sha said I have two issues here one is about the apartments which are constructed and one of the apartment is right in front of in in the backyard of my house so when I'm having tea or breakfast I'm looking straight at the apartment there are it's three or four story so the top floors are looking right into my bathroom they built a fence which starts which is I don't know what's the logic here they did not fence the whole backyard of that property they have it for half portion and they have it another half portion so when it comes to where my property is most of these buildings are a little bit far apart we are five houses which are affected but my house has the building right here where you're sitting and where I'm standing is how we are situated the other buildings are kind of at a crooked positions but everybody is affected with the lights from the parking lot because they did not complete the fence and the trees I don't know what the plan is approved for but we need tall trees because there is absolutely no privacy I'm living here for 15 years and I feel like why am I living here why didn't I move out of this city sooner and when I got to know about this building cuz I bought this house knowing it's a wet land and never expected it to be turned into a luxury apartment community which is right in my face so highly disappointed and I hope you all get together and give us a resolution on this the engineer is going to review the the approvals and and what's left to be done ma'am okay all right okay and um do you have a pad that you can set give to the residents and will'll get all their contact information to call the impacted residents living in Town Lake and the other problem is so we are now surrounded by apartments from both angles we have one which is existing camot property which is inside Town Lake and the one which is the new one so the one which is inside Town Lake West the re the tenants of those apartments they are parking their cars there's a huge influx of car parking coming in from the apartment residence into our streets we have blind spots there are mostly I mean I've talked to multiple neighbors who said oh I almost met with an accident is there is there is there insufficient parking there for the for the tenants they have their parking plus they have garage but everybody there are a lot of cars which are on the the street many of them I guess they have their businesses like pest control or electricians so they have their bigger trucks which are mostly parked on the streets we'll we'll look into that yeah and a lot of them they don't move their cars for days right so okay we request a permitted parking or some solution to that okay thank you um if you could get the affected homeowners sure there was another young lady who who wanted to speak [Music] but you have to come up there well did you want to speak as a couple yeah all right so I just need your your last name in the street you live on say 20 okay hello everyone uh we live at the S the corner first uh the address is 20 wsky as he as as my husband has mentioned and we have address that uh issue by sending email or and um calling the Klan U administrative uh office by like P pulling out through Google the address we mentioned that that is not fair that it is is just build start building developing that um luxury rental behind our house then we did not communicate with our neighbors because everybody works 9 to 5 and then have a busy life but we communicate and like you know meet meet need need each other all are my neighbors we live in consequent like five houses there's no privacy sometime I was taking shower and my you know we our bathroom has big Windows our nukes has big uh glass doors and living no privacy left and we have requested them or the call uh to that lady that's kindly please we are really you know appreciate to living we are neighbors we need to um uh like you know be be uh responsible for that to like you know have privacy and like listen to each other and we have requested to plan as they have started developing the uh complex that please start growing here a long uh green trees long trees but they said that it is not part of the um plan it's so if you have any as any problem kindly please uh uh take that like you know you need to do it yourself we can we have no no budget for that as Mr he has mentioned that if they want it that's we communicated with each other like last week at what's going on and like you know we literally block our uh bathroom window and what we can do I've been telling my husband that put the tinted glasses and we communicate because we sit and uh workers are working and putting the the light glance and like you know right now nobody's living when they start living what will happen what will we do this is our house we've been living here 15 years let's move to next we we the engineer is going to review the the requirements from the Builder and if you would put your information on that tablet that's being circulated back there we will we will send you the information um but that's not the end of it yeah they said that when we find a solution when we spoke to them for the solution we suggested them just planting the long trees and as suggested by the other neighbor that continuation of the fence uh that they build and stop and they didn't continue when we spoke to them that said we have approved plan and is not going to change we have all to go do whatever you can and I said I I will go to the B borrow and we'll talk they said uh we have approve I said we could not see but whatever you have sent us before in their drawings and all that is not rendered drawings that we can see where it will be actually now this is an actual life situation the next thing is as as my neighbor has expressed my house is a first house is worsely affected my one car was total by some of those neighbors who are parking uh in that dist Street one side was one side was made one-sided parking I I think uh last year but still it is continuing and I am sacrificing not parking my car in front of my house rather than these guys are parking we we we'll have that looked at we've had that in other communities and like up on on gond drive and theys have there's a solution for that all right so we we first have to review it and and discuss it at this level and then enact and one more one more issue that my particular house has is I am the lowest in on the lowest of the ground level water level is high these apartment complexes are developed or made on by what do you call that uh raising the levels or what do you call no they they build it two levels higher than my house so maybe there is a insufficient water basin system or something my house is my basement some pump is always wor always one has gone burned and my and I call them and they sent somebody Mr Jo I forgot the name he came and he saw and I showed him uh from kand and they said oh we will do something on Monday thanks to one of the council members somebody a construction engineer he he was able to connect and contact that person but my my Su pump is continuous I have two now they are continuously running and something has happened that my my water level has gone so up so please uh do uh what you need to do please so I'll provide my information all right thank you thank you thank you are there any other comments on this from that neighborhood yes sir Wayne Spirit 228 with nki uh sorry I came unprepared I was invited by my neighbors I have the same concerns as them okay um so my house on 28 right in front of it is the parking lot right so it's a little above ey level um our concern is we could see it directly there's no trees blocking it um when the future residents of that apartment eventually go there my concern is the light beams are going to go straight into the house into my son's bedroom into my daughter's bedroom into the bathroom as well um the other day um uh my daughter uh graduated from University of Connecticut on May 4th and then now she's in Boston she was with us for three uh three weeks um she was excited to lay out in the sun um she did for a couple of minutes and then she was harassed by the um I guess onlookers the workers from there and then you know it it she's not comfortable doing that anymore um when we bought the house we were promised that you know we specifically chose that lot because the backyard is you know Wetland swamp very nature right so um you know that was promised to us I just wanted to say that that's all I have to say okay are there any other questions from the neighborhood okay Jim thank you everyone Jim Robinson Harlin section of town yesterday we honored those who died in defense of our rights and freedom freedom of speech freedom of assembly the right of due process the freedom to be heard and to question our officials the freedom not to be intimidated or called names as we petition the government tonight we open the meeting by praying for those defending the gates of Freedom now earlier this year you've already eliminated our right to question you tonight the day after we honored those who died protecting our rights and freedoms you're introducing an ordinance to limit those rights and freedoms even more I want to thank councilman Bala and councilman NOA for Dan for not introducing that and both of you for voting no on it I will give you this though I'd like on a positive note you are consistent I mean the transparency team came into office by virtue of a secret dark money campaign account apparently the only people who know who bankroll it or the mayor and his chief of staff who was the chair of that secret fund then ending a custom and tradition in this once great town that goes back before any of you were born you took away our right to ask questions or at least you won't answer them now the transparency team wants to limit our right to speak because sometimes these meetings last a whole hour or more hour and 10 minutes what do we talk about I talked here and to my friends in the county about the need for a seral resident to replace Joe Juliano on the mcua because as the host Community we should be represented and I hear that's going to happen I appreciate I appreciate that the County Commissioners are doing that we talked about Pilots the people here came and talked about taxes water contamination preserving historic buildings street lights traffic open space discounts for seniors on their cable bills and affordable housing for Veterans a woman talked about the mold in her lake view apartment that was making her family ill a father talked about a dangerous traffic situation on ernston road where his daughter was in a serious accident and ask that we do something about it the folks here that came and spoke about this serious problem all spoke for more than 3 minutes and one of the gentlemen we stopped at 5 minutes he went up but I time went on for seven minutes but he had a serious problem he had a concern and that's important and these things might not be important to you but they're important to us they're important to the people of the town it's been said before and mayor I would just say this you talked about people who go on and on and on the COA decision that you ratified was overturned because people here brought it to a Jud or made it go to a judge who who overturned what you did it's been said before that secret government can be corrupt government you're not doing anything to dissuade us of that and we passed five ordinances we introduced three we passed 34 resolutions we raised the uh Recreation fees thank you stash and we did all this in an hour and 15 minutes so time isn't the issue time isn't the issue so why are we doing this other than to shut the public up and I talked about the cable TV ordinance that was tabled we had some time councilman zabowski I asked since you spearheaded that and I appreciate that if you were able to look into getting a discount for senior citizens um on their cable bill the state law provides for that some towns do it I hope that I didn't mean to ask a question um but I I hope that we can look into that and let me just raise another point to the attorney that issue was I believe was tabled a few meetings ago and I think was it not was it the cable TV or oh you're you weren't here I think an associate was here I think under Robert's Rules if something is tabled and it's not brought up at the immediately subsequent meeting it dies so we might have to start all over on that so I'd appreciate it if you'd look into that and I I thank you two gentlemen for standing up for the residents and voting no on that ordinance thank you very much are there any other comments Mary Mary Novak one scholar Drive I'd just like to make a uh Echo what Kennedy said about uh Carman speezy um he was larger than life Mr Saville and one of the comments I made when we were at church was I've never seen the church this full it takes Carmen to get people to come back to church because you know what it's been like since Co everybody's afraid nobody was afraid to be there and they shook hands and they it was really it was real coming together and it would be just like Carmen to have that I hope that continues also just I know back in I think it was January we authorized the engineer to look into um the condition of the firehouse next door have we gotten any kind of report have you just approved that last meeting Mary oh I missed it hadn't happened yet okay all right thank you so much have a nice evening thanks Mary are there any other comments being no other comments I'll entertain a motion I make a motion to close the public one important everything that we did at that tremendous day that we had at Kennedy Park would not have been done with the outstanding work that the DPW did and all the work that the recreation department did so I just got to put a shout out to them thank them very much sorry I any earlier go ahead go ahead I make a motion to close the public roll call favor I oppos make a motion to um adjourn adjourn I make a motion to adjourn there a second all in favor I oppos thank you everyone son pitches by