ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming this evening at this time I'll ask you all to please rise as we begin our meeting for November 13 2023 with a short prayer and then a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all of our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and service to our nation and may He watch over and protect our servicemen and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all you may be seated Jessica statement of publication please take notice that this regular meeting of the mayor and burough Council being held on this 13th day of November 2023 has been posted and advertised in in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call please Council person's Bala here Cony here Novak here manoha here Roberts here zabowski at this time we'll move for the approval prior minutes of the mayor and Council council president please thank you see Madam mayor uh I like to take a moment moment to motion to approve with subject to correction if necessary oober 23rd 2023 regular agenda sessions second roll call please council person Z NOA yes ala yes johy yes uh can you just repeat for me Vince um we couldn't quite hear you yes thank you Novak yes Roberts yes zabowski yes okay uh ladies and gentlemen before we move to our Proclamation and presentation this evening on the community garden um I would just like to as I'm first of all always very excited when we have a packed house and for those people that are at home we do have a packed house today I'll just remind everybody that our audio um equipment is very very sensitive so if you do feel the need to talk among one another talk among yourselves we just ask that you please exit to the hallway because we will pick up anything that you say um and oftentimes that drowns out what we have to say so I appreciate your understanding in that um please come on up there's plenty of room up front nobody ever wants to come up front it's just like in a classroom um so with that um we're going to move forward with our community garden presentation ladies do you have that handy I know I see my green thumbs coming up anthon how are you so first of all thank you from the bottom of my heart I remember when that ribbon cutting happened and now here we are and we've got a thriving um not quite Lush right now but was Lush and uh the entire community garden every really everybody you have your hands in there but especially our expert you can make anything grow you can teach my husband how to get the long green and knif so I'm gonna turn it over to you so that way you can present what we do have and all the hard work that's gone into this garden thank you is your thank you mayor thank you Council um I just want to just start off by introducing myself my name is Anton new I am the co-chair of the environmental commission I'm also the chair of the sville community garden committee um I'm also a member I sit on the board of the East Brunswick community garden as well um I'm a graduate of the master Garden the program is this better oh okay turning okay well I I just feel a little bit awkward with my back turn to the audience but um um I'm also a graduate of the um Rucker green infrastructure Champion um program under the um Water Resources um initiative um so just by way of introduction I just wanted to go through some of those things so you know that when I come before you I'm not I know a little bit about what I'm going to present tonight okay um basically the me the excuse me the the objective for me being here this evening is really to provide the mayor the burrow council with somewhat of an update or status report if you will um on this the operations of this community garden um we've actually are approaching our second year of operation um which we're very thrilled about and it was um quite an of an accomplishment I would have to say say definitely um for the burrow um did you want to remind everybody how much we received in grant money to make that happen because it wouldn't be here without that Grant Sustainable New Jersey helping us andx Sustainable New Jersey we pretty much had close to a total of $15,000 it was one of the highest grants um applications and awards that was receiv that particular Year and that came here to sville um first time ever and we were very proud to receive that and I will give a nod to council previous councilwoman marah too because she was instrumental in helping get that approved and really it the minimal minimal amount of money from tax dollars at all because really that Grant covered your upstart along with the Boy Scouts contribution for building those boxes exactly really a wonderful thing yes yes we we couldn't have done it without that type of backing and funding so we were very fortunate to secure those funds so we're very we're very happy about that that definitely pushed things along a bit for us so here we are and as I'm talking you know feel free to look at some of those pictures which really give a history of how we started you you know to where it was just vacant space um unfortunately the grounds of um uh where Hurricane Sandy hit um but we you know made the choice to beautify that space um basically the mission really for our garden is really to establish for the support of recreational Community Gardens for residents to grow their own produce um using organic gardening principles so that's something that I feel that makes us a little different than other Gardens we really stand by organic principles so you can rest assured that whatever you grow you can eat without any reservation it is healthy with no chemicals um so that's that's pretty much a mission of ours um the garden consists of 42 garden beds okay they come in sides of four by eight so they're really you know they can accommodate a nice sides Garden um we designed those those beds to accommodate a depth of 12 in so this way we can accommodate some root type vegetables such as carrots you know potatoes so it re it accomplishes depth which is what you need in a garden like that as opposed to some Garden spaces where you might find the beds are rather shallow our beds have that the depth to really make it possible to grow anything you want um what are the benefits you think we bring to the Garden space well you know preservation of the Green Space um it provides an environment where residents work collaboratively to share gardening practices and techniques so we learn from each other that's the beauty of this space you know although I'm a master Garder I learn from all the gardeners there as well so it's really a a good Exchange um what I I think is unique about our garden is we provide an educational component which consists of several presentations on topics That Vary the scope of gardening um and just to name a few we we start with uh seed starting um composting um what to grow when to grow uh we have food preservation topics which help gardeners decide oh how am I going to preserve all those Tomatoes I've grown so we provide education on how to preserve those items so um I think that's what makes us unique in that way because we provide an educational component so it's where Advanced gardeners and beginner gardeners can come together and really do something special so you don't have to come with any type of level of knowledge and go gardening actually we we really like to appeal to those that have no knowledge when it comes to this area um we like to think that our um annual picnic that we have which is towards the fall when we close the season down we have a picnic which um basically is like a potluck type of thing um which you know I enjoy because we get a chance to sample the foods and dishes of all the gardeners and it it it spans across all cultural um such a diverse type of setting so we really appreciate that to a point that we're looking to expand it to whereas we're not only going to have it in the fall we want to have it in the spring as well so you know it's a time where all the gardeners come together and it's uniquely because not everybody's in the garden at the same time so here's an opportunity for everyone to come together at the same time um we have as I mentioned of of the 42 plots that we have or the garden beds we designated some for pollination we designated a plot specifically for donations so what we grow in those in that particular plot we make available to the community um we've um made various contributions to the adult center um some of the um food pantries in the area have also received some donations as well so we're looking to expand on that in the in next year where we'll have a day of each week where we'll specify for the gardeners to put their food together from their plots to donate to the organizations that we select for that week so that's something we're very proud of expanding um we've parti ipated in seral day which is an activity that we you know really didn't realize it would be a success as it was because we started out with not knowing exactly what to do so we came up with the way to you know entice the public to educate them on what we're doing and what we done is created a game a trivia game where we had Garden questions and the residents would come by pick a a question out of a hat and answer it um it was a way for them to learn about gardening and we in exchange gave them a prize of a packet of seeds and gave them instructions on how to grow um I was pretty much impressed because most the I would say most of the um the the community residents were young school age and they were very good with the questions the adults not so good so um it it it really was it it really was a good experience so we it gave us an opportunity to reach out to the public let them know what we're doing a lot of people didn't even realize we had a community garden I don't know how many people here know that you have a community garden you're okay yeah so this is this is why we felt this you know it's necessary to be in those types of spaces um just to talk a little bit about the organizational structure of the garden it consists of a committee of seven members and we're responsible for the day-to-day operations of the garden um the committee has established four task teams which help manage the garden and of those four task teams we have a watering team which is responsible for watering um not everybody's plot but if you're let's say for instance you're going on vacation you're going out of town you can't water your plot you don't want to come back to a dry straw type plot so we have a team that is responsible for watering and one of our garders who heads that team is here Joyce is doing a fantastic job with that so it I think that's unique also because I don't know too many other Gardens that do that yeah so um we also have a a maintenance and beautification team which is responsible for maintaining the space the tools making sure you know the hoses are operating as they should be um so they they help with that um we have the composting and Education team that is responsible for the composting we compost our organic material on the site so any organic material that we produce we have four composting bins that accommodates that and we take that material and put it back into the the garden beds to amend the soil so that we're we're and we provide a lot of um instructions on that as well so gardeners can go home and do composting on their own as well so we feel that we have a a good as you can see those are the educational sessions that are taking place that's the donations we made to South River Food Bank um you know we sort of recycle things so we got some yogurt containers and put the tomatoes in there to dress it up a bit um how do we envision the future of what we started that's something that we're embarking upon at this point um well we looking we really want to expand yeah Point yeah we want to expand I mean it's gotten to a point that we have a waiting list sometimes wow that's fantastic yeah and that you know you don't want to turn people away so you know think if we expand that would be something that would really serve the community well that was something that was starting out small and I know I'm talking to yourself and to other members on the committee environmental committee that was the hope of this project was to turn around and start something small but manageable do it great what you've done and then be able to find out what works I mean you have a team of waterers and beautify in this spot it would only make sense to continue to grow this um further we've got the land yes you know the land is there um so that would be beautiful um that is definitely a desire talking to our business administrator um Mr skarzinski I know that eventually we have a big potential opportunity for rehabilitating that that space over there and you took a long time to find the right space because this wasn't just about picking no one's using this you had to make sure that the soil was right you had to make sure that there was going to be enough light watering it so there was a lot that went into this particular choice exactly and I'm hopeful that we'll have more spaces available that we can do that maybe in that same area this is a highly visible community garden not like other places when you go to other towns they're usually tucked off you don't see them here you can't miss it you're driving down mathur you have ready across from the football fields and the baseball fields there we are so let's let's start continuing that yeah I believe I I couldn't agree more with you mayor it's ideally located uh it's just what we need to do is expand on this I love it the Outreach for the community is fantastic small little spot and look at how much you've done already and impressed with your slideshow thank you for using our screens thank you I'll let you continue yeah so that's basically what we envision going forward um we like to basically you know provide a space where it's handicap accessible um where garden beds are raised beds um with P you know paths that are paved that make it easier for those that have Mobility challenges um that type of space would also you know open it up to more of more people in the community as well um so we would like to see something like that as well um sounds like you need a meeting in the very near future um with the elected officials in order to see this Vision to the next level and also um have your ass together because we more than likely aren't going to see that same level of grant money coming through Sustainable New Jersey but I think we still continue to try because each year they offer a different amounts there's some Community Gardens that when we received our initial amount of money that people were putting in for additional expansions so smaller smaller grants smaller Awards but every little bit can help yes so yes sounds is your team looking to meet then I would definitely you use Glenn in order to help get you together winter is coming so that will give you time hopefully to prepare for what you need to for spring yes well we Glenn we're available just you know you know you know where we're at in terms of our environmental commission meetings I do and I'll make it a point to get to the next one and we'll drill down and get to the bottom of this looking forward to that looking forward to that um well I'm going to wrap it up I just want to um invite one of my committee members to come up to say a couple of words if I can I like to I don't want to hog up the stage we are but is your whole team here I see a lot of your team so have quite a few of them so I mean take St take a moment please and just stand up at least this [Applause] is thank you thank you I'm GNA Ask Cassandra to come up and and and just say a couple of words just to express some of the things that are near and dear to her as well thank you thanks so much Antoine thank you welcome my pleasure thank you hello my name is Cassandra 156 MacArthur a so I live right by the garden and I'm a member of the committee so it's been brought to my attention during the committee meetings that it was talk of the community garden being moved and there's plans to develop MacArthur a so I just wanted to say a little spiel about the garden and advocate for us was that going to was that a discussion that that was going to be moved no the issue that we have is that the community garden is located on Blue Acres property blue acres does not allow any permanent structures so the goal if if need be because we'd like to see the garden double or triple in size is to find a site on Green Acres property okay where we can have a little bit more license to do things like run water lines and put in as many sheds and storage as we need to do I've been playing phone tag with the Green Acres person now for three days three working days we're trying to connect to find out if we can leverage Green Acres property to to make the move and the goal would be would be to keep it on the Macarthur Avenue Corridor but but maybe as perhaps uh as part of the Memorial Park rather than on the blue Acres property we're still trying to work out those details but I've already had preliminary discussions with our Park superintendent and we've kicked around ideas and regardless of which way the cookie crumbles we should be in a position to have you well established in the new thing before the spring planting season okay to expand not to move no to probably to move I listen at the end of the day uh what was expressed to me and I know there was an email exchange subsequent to those conversations with blueacres but when we got the initial notification of their umage at the location of the community garden they specifically mentioned the fencing and the shed okay now I know they've softened their position a little bit but at the end of the day they don't want any type of structures like that on Blue Acres property but we have Green Acres property across the street and up a little bit bit so to to make that move and then at the new site to expand it shouldn't really be an issue I just have to make sure that we clear it with the D so we don't run into the same problem that we're having now okay are we looking with so is it it almost sounds like is blue Acres trying to evict us like it almost sounds like I mean the garden can stay but the apperences there in the fencing and the shed would would have to go so that's an ongoing discussion and and I'm trying to work through that but sometimes the the least resistance is maybe a short move up the street on acreage that is not under the restrictions of the blue Acres Program and we'll be able to just continue business okay if we were to get permits for a fence through um blue Acres that would obviously be ideal to us considering all the work that we've put into our garden um I'll just be brief um since his establishment 2022 the sville community garden has grown with its community members both experien and beginner gardeners alongside family and their children from the initial orientation our numer numerous educational sessions and the end of the year picnics this shared space has fostered connections deeper than gardening our mission is to provide knowledge and support to cultivate a vegetable or flower garden plot we share gardening skills through presentations and on-site demonstrations we are all taught the value of self-sufficiency by growing our own food and when it comes time to harvest our vegetables members will share amongst themselves and the community we donate a portion of our Harvest to the senior center and South River food bank we offer unteer opportunities for our local Girl Scouts and Boy Scout Troops to visit and learn about gardening our garden stands as a testament to the power of unity and commitment to serving our community the location on MacArthur AB is where we should remain water spets were installed garden bed frames were built and weekly hours of volunteer time are contributed to the maintenance of the garden by our members and local companies soil tests were made to send to the lab to assure that we safely could grow on non-contaminated grounds which would not be allowed on paves paved um parking lots and it's specific soil that allows us to grow our veggies and flowers the location of the garden is also accessible and visible we believe that the purpose purpose of the garden fits with the plans for further development of recreational areas on MacArthur a this airville community garden should center around these future plans I would like to close with one of the many positive responses we have received from our members one thing that can be so wonderful is meeting new people in our neighborhood I have to publicly acknowledge my fellow gardeners I might not remember everybody's name I'm much better on last names because of the military but our interactions were what made the greatest memories and what caused me to especially tell everyone and each and every one of you thank you thank you for the increased knowledge I have obtained thank you for the social interactions that have been a highly positive aspect in my recovery towards socialization I want to thank the young men who taught me electroculture I want to thank Anton for helping me learn plot and vegetable placement in fact I'm going to use my retirement time to enroll in the upcoming Ruckers Master Gardener course starting in September I want to thank Joyce Sue and James however there is a very sweet strong compassionate and helpful neighbor Named Sam he came to my rescue as my best made plans were more than my body could do as I looked my plot my heart swelled from his kindness each sliver of mulch he brought and laid down for me I had to fight back tears from The Unexpected kindness I am so used to being the giver thank you for showing me I could receive as well this Garden builds not only a community but our spirits to grow and renew what we have we seem to have journeyed from in the last few years I will end here but to all my new neighbors thank you for turning an overwhelming life journey into a joy one returning you will never know how much your kindness report help and Communications meant to me as a veteran thank [Applause] you thank you for that Cassandra um from the bottom of my heart and I'm sure from the rest of the council beautifully said and just thank you so much this is an example of what volunteers and community really is about I am so hopeful that if a move has to be made which does sadden me to even consider because so much work and so much attention and so much time has been put into that particular site I know how long you guys thought about and researched and looked around at other areas I'm hopeful that there is a way that we can at least maintain this original plot this original site um and then entertaining the idea of going onto Green Acres yeah that's perfect that would make all the sense in the world especially since maybe locating it in other areas to smaller areas where people can't quite travel as much because you have a lot of our active adults that might not be as active as they would like to get to this side of town so I think we can touch other areas um beautiful job thank you for letting me at least open that garden with you and I'm going to have some free time coming up soon so I think I might need a plot because I am not very good I'm gonna need a lot of courses remedial courses first and then move me up but from the bottom of my heart thank you um anybody else from the garden anybody else anybody else they do a beautiful job they really do I just want to thank them I went to a couple of the um informational sessions and I was surprised at um the thing I learned that I thought was most interesting were hybrid seeds you can't use the seed that um was produced like a zucchini because it's a hybrid you don't know what's going to come of that seed next year I had no idea and I've been doing that and wondering why I get crazy things in my garden so it's really informative and I appreciate it oh excellent when we say expert and Master Gardener Anton like that does not even begin to describe your skills it you are abs absolutely unbelievable so you have to stay here you should just you're like the the Green Giant of cbble legitimately he really is he's he's magical the things he can grow it's ridiculous so um without any other comments or are we okay just one comment as as the liaison to the environmental commission and and the community garden is just a part of what the commission does and the commission really does has a tremendous agenda each year and trying to work with many different uh Community uh organizations within the burrow to beautify our burrow but also to make it environmentally productive um and part of this Community Gardens and and and we will fight to make sure there is an ideal location for this Garden because this Garden really was the footwork for really making the Resurgence of what we hope will be a very nice passive recreational area for that area down in blue Acres which was destroyed because of superstorm Sandy so that has a that will always have to have a place of prominence because of the role it has played and continues to play for us in our community and I thank you guys and everybody in the commission as well for all your efforts let's keep positive things rolling thank you again so much if anybody else from the committee or from environmental would like to come up you're more than welcome to if not we're going to roll on okay everybody's okay thank you all again thank you so much I always get upset because after presentations we usually lose some people but thank you thank you thank you um what um we do have to go into executive very very briefly um about how long five 10 minutes five to 10 just on on Personnel okay um we Retreat back here or there back here back here is fine all right when we go back there it really usually is short we will be right back um so by all means talk among yourselves oh yeah go ahead whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and bur Council the burough of saal County and middlex state of New Jersey as follows the public portion of this meeting is hereby adjourned in order that the governing body may meet and close private session for approximately 5 to 10 minutes to discuss the following matters Personnel following the conclusion of said closed session the governing body shall reconvene the open portion of this public meeting to consider any other matters which may be properly B brought before it at this time the nature and content of the discussion which occurs in closed session shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately so move there a second second roll call please Council persons Novak yes Bala yes con he off he's off okay an NOA he has to un you have to unmute un mute please pardon yes okay thank you Roberts yes zabowski yes okay so now um just give us about five minutes we'll be right back the second one may not make a motion go back and all right ladies and gentlemen uh I'll just give you all a few seconds to just find your seats again um maybe the first time in history we legit Ely we're back and under five so um as long as we go in that room you got a chance at that uh I do need a motion to go back into a regular session we have a so moved in a second can we get a roll call please council person no back yes ala yes I'm gonna skip Vin NOA yeah he's there Roberts yes zabowski okay ladies and gentlemen um before we move forward with any additional um we with old business I do have a member of the planning board that is here and has asked to speak I going to actually uh take Liberties here as the mayor I'm going to have that individual come up I believe we have Anthony spado here to speak on behalf of the planning board in reference to uh their prev their past meeting um anony is here so I'm going to consider this part of a presentation um Anthony the floor is yours yeah I just turn it on that would be helpful is that yeah the on switch is usually everybody in the back is okay because sometimes that mic is good we're okay all right go ahead perfect thank you again my name is Anthony spado 54 Washington Road I visit the council this evening to discuss and offer recommendations onal half of the sville planning board in specific regard to the proposed Transportation complex situated on Cheesequake Road Block 28.01.2013 the planning board learned that the Board of Education had sought review of the project by the New Jersey Department of Education as a capital project pursuant to the education facilities construction and financing act upon review of all of the materials the planning board was surprised to learn the project had already been approved by the department in a letter dated May 30th 2023 from the planning board's investigation it appears that on May 10th 2023 the Board of Education submitted to the department the following documents via email a completed checklist transmittal a completed project application Excel workbook a project schedule a scope of work along with assigned cost estimate schematic drawings a board of education resolution authorizing the project a transmitt letter to the county superintendent and a transmitt letter to the planning board a referenced transmittal letter to the planning board was dated March 29th 202 three that predates the submission resolution and the email transmitted to the department the planning board never received the referenced transmittal letter furthermore the non-educational school projects transmittal form that was submitted by the Board of Education to the department dated May 9th indicated that a copy of the transmittal had been submitted to the planning board the planning board never received a copy of that transmittal until October 10th 2023 now our review view of the project is controlled by Statute and administrative code specifically njsa 40 col 55d 31b which I'm sure everyone here is familiar [Laughter] with the statute says the planning board shall review and issue findings concerning any long-range facilities plan submitted to the board pursuant to the construction and financing act as long as it is in adherence to our master planned and such other elements of the municipal master plan as the planning board deems necessary to determine whether the prospective sites for school facilities contained in the facilities plan promote more effective and efficient coordination of school construction with the development efforts of the municipality our lawyers know what that mean pursuant to that statute the planning board immediately scheduled a public hearing for October 18th 2023 at the hearing the Board of Education made their presentation of the project during the course of that hearing the the board of education's architect spel Architectural Group Incorporated acknowledged the planning board did not receive the letter requesting a review of the project nor did it receive any plans in March or may of 2023 as it indicated that it had to the Department of Education now the Board of Education presentation was conducted by spel and consisted generally of a description of the facility its layout architectural features proposed hours of operation vehicle capacity parking use employees and others during the public hearing I asked if the Board of Education had conducted a traffic study prior to choosing the location for the project it had not it is abundantly clear from the comments of our residents in the vicinity of the proposed project the traffic in the area is a concern especially in light of new warehouses the addition of over 70 school buses on a daily basis during Prime driving hours will likely further exacerbate the traffic conditions in this area furthermore the proposed location of the project is the site of a formal industrial use and was not rezoned the property in question is subject to NJ D monitoring the members of our board and public were of the opinion that before choosing the site in question an appropriate environmental study should have been done of the property for the safety of the Board of Education employees themselves using the site and the local residents they had not the planning board having recently adopted the master plan reexamination report for sville where a prime consideration was open space and environmental concerns we also felt that because the site in question would require the removal of almost 400 trees that it was a particularly environmentally inappropriate site for this project I asked this board of education along with other members of our planning board whether any analysis had been performed as to the Project's compliance with the land use plan element contained within the M Municipal master plan and such other elements of the municipal master plan consistent with development efforts of the municipality the board of education did not conduct such an analysis one member of the public informed the planning board that he had advised the Board of Education four times of its obligation to present the project before the planning board according to the member of the public the Board of Education took the position that it was not required to do so the statute is clear the Board of Education shall present as a threshold the planning board notes the board of education did not comply with the code the Board of Education failed to submit the application for the project to the planning board no later than the date the Boe submitted the application to the department troubling to our board is the allegation that the Board of Education may have been notified of but ignored this requirement pursuant to the statute it is the recommendation of the seral planning board that the proposed site for the project was not chosen based on sound planning principles as outlined in the Bureau of saille Master Plan specifically the legitimate concerns of the residents and planning board members as it related to Traffic open space and environmental concerns and impact were not appropriately addressed nor were they considered the Board of Education failed to satisfy the planning board that the project is informed by and consistent with at least the land use plan element and the housing element contained within the municipal master plan don't glaze over I'm almost done here I promise therefore it is the unanimous recommendation of the planning board that the department resend its approval of this project Madam Madam mayor and and council members it is of particular and crucial importance that I share the concerns of our chair and the members of the planning board when it comes to providing services that give our children the resources they need there is not a person on the planning board who does not care deeply about the safety and well-being of the children in our community no matter what messaging may be communicated as a result of our dedicated work in advance of and after the presentation of our findings and recommendations the word no is not a popular word in some instances it may not even be a familiar word but we know that the shared goals of this Council the planning board and the Board of Education demand that we slow down and get this right the Board of Education did not you have the recommendation of the sville planning board and should you choose to lead on this issue bur counsil here and tonight we can effectively work together to ensure that the needs of our residents the goals of our master plan and the strength and power of community advocacy and activism intersect here for the betterment of the sville we all love and serve together we would support a motion to resend approval of this location and return to the table and a return to the table together in collaboration with the Board of Education and with full and total transparency for sville residents to help find a location that best serves all of those involved in the project those are our recommendations thank you for your time and [Applause] [Music] consideration um Anthony spado and to the rest of the planning board um speaking as the mayor myself personally I will not put words in Council people's mouths thank you for your due diligence thank you for your service to the planning board thank you for taking so much time and being so professional in your examination of this site and of this particular plan thank you to the residents that are here today because and those that came to the last council meeting because it was through a lot of information that I obtained and the rest of the council at the last meeting we found out a lot more about this site and about a lot more information that I definitely wasn't here for this is the reason why process is so important this is the reason why there are rules that are put in place when it comes to development and builds this is the reason why I think we all know the resident that was imploring the Board of Education to go to the planning board I'm not an expert in planning board land use or any of those things that's why we have a planning board a zoning board and we have these different professionals to review look at to turn around and compare it to what our goals were put in place by the planning board with our master plan going all the way back to when the bus depot Transportation Center whatever you want to call it was originally brought into this forum was because the initial site that was being considered by the Board of Education made no sense to us and to our res presidents either what we did as a council that we wanted to sit down and assist in that process find something that would work we knew that the Morgan site was not the right place but in those discussions that's what our intentions were to turn around and find a way to actually be a partner with another government entity here in town was never done before but communication did not continue but it's continuing now we have an opportunity and at our last council meeting one of the things that I think we all agreed to was we know that there is a need we're not going to deny the Board of Education the fact that they've got an issue okay we're we're a community together okay the tax dollars whether they go to the board of education or whether they go to the burrow they're all coming out of our wallets yes our wallet my wallet your wallet okay I don't have a wallet either I use a purse but and and what's in my purse isn't much so but with the help and and with the examination of the planning board we now know this site doesn't look like it's going to work it does not it it just doesn't work there is there is no leasa agreement that's been reported in the news and that was um confirmed up here at our last council meeting there's no signed lease agreement with the Board of Education right now but we did extend a hand up here collectively to say Let's Help work on something better let's turn around and go through the right process let's turn around and make sure that the residents understand what's happening and hopefully we'll we'll get it right um I will have to say that I do have to turn to my attorney right now because we are going to be limited unfortunately to what we can say and how much communication we can have we have received Communications from the Board of Education what within the last what um within the last four business days um we did receive Communications from the Board of Education to the buau um so I am going to defer over to our attorney right now but as far as I'm concerned I'm not here much longer but I'm going to stand with you as residents um I'll be sitting in the pews with you because I think we can get this right and I think it's important that whoever sits up here understands that this this doesn't make sense um s can you just turn around and and let the residents know what kind of sticky situation we're in right now my pleasure mayor thank you so just initially I will say that as the burough attorney right now we're doing our due diligence to track back and get an understanding as to the history of how he even got to this point in uh you know with the idea that there's pull that a little closer because sorry I know that better yeah that's much better thank you these things are short so we are doing that due diligence it's ongoing as to uh my recommendation to the council as to speaking on this issue tonight and moving forward at least in the short term is that um this we did receive correspondence as the mayor said from the Board of Education um this could potentially lead to litigation down the road and for that reason um my advice and to the council is is that they don't speak uh in particularities on the issue tonight until the bu's attorney's office has time to evaluate the issue and then at that point we can discuss an executive session and and those facts and things will be borne out over time moving forward we can't we can't call out um from there but I will open to the public in a little bit so that you can ask your questions at the mic but I can't have you just call out randomly from there we're really in a tough um situation right now because we want to make sure we we've had this happen before where some people want certain things and then litigation becomes what's thrown on the table we believe that there is a path I believe I think the council believes that there is a path to get this right we're not going to screw it up by saying something we're not because that's not going to help any of us um I think that cooler heads will prevail I think that we can turn around and find a way to make this work but I again have to thank the planning board immensely thank the residents immensely um I'm I never usually do this but I'm going to thank um at least one resident in particular again I'm going to thank Jim Robinson because he was on this for a long time along with many other people from the Morgan section of town that are originally brought this um before us years ago um when this was first being discussed this is what makes this is what makes Cal great this is what makes cille work is when we all collectively get together and we turn around and listen to one another we're in that phase right now just because right now our attorney is saying that we can't speak directly to you for opinion don't think that that means that we're trying to hide anything or we're not being trans trans arent I believe in these guys to my left I believe in Sal and Sean and when they come to review information they're going to let us know what we can do please we'll let you come up and speak you can turn around and tell us vehemently how much you disapprove of this site whether we say it verbally you'll probably be able to guess how we feel um don't think that our silence on the matter is that we don't believe in what's being said we want to do it's right um we want to protect ourselves Anthony well I know the residents are always guessing how you feel mayor I know right you're very shy on the day I do want the residents to know that uh the document from which I was just reading um was transmitted to the Department of Education today it was so the planning board has sent official notice to the Department of Education that we want approval for the project rescinded okay so yes we were supportive of a resolution and would continue to be supportive of a resolution but certainly understand the Bros position when it comes to potential litigation but I do want the residents to know that from the planning board perspective we have transmitted those documents to the Department of Education and are seeking that they resend their approval of that project so while things develop here on this Das they are working behind the scenes as well thank you again I have to tip my hat to our planning board because you're really doing exactly what you need to do um that quasi judicial Bo board in which you are um that's why you need good members on the planning board that's why you need to make certain that you're paying attention also as residents to that board and to the other boards because there's a lot of things that sometimes don't have to come to the council that can get approved in other areas that we may or may never see and I've said it my time here is very limited two more meetings two more meetings that's all I have so come up as often as you want speak as often as you want I am hopeful that the next Administration that sits up here will also be very open to what you have to say I know that um councilman zabowski you're still with us congratulations Mr Bala is still with us councilman an Noah who is online he has heard everything go back and look at our previous meetings to hear what they feel um it will give you an idea of of where we stand collectively with you okay I think I did okay without stepping over litigation lines thank you so all right so we're not in a public portion yet I do have to go through a few more things before I can just open to the public so don't go anywhere um but I did use my mayor's uh mayor's move in order to get um Mr spado to speak for you all right um just be patient we're going to go into Old business our agenda is rather short and then we'll be able to get the public portion okay um but if anybody did want to leave at this time um I don't suspect they'll be many but we will have that opportunity for public in a few minutes let's go over to Old business and we have public hearings on uh just one ordinance today Jess just a few uh a few okay well one public introdu one public three intros go ahead it's gonna say don't all right so just uh deal with us as we go through um some things and feel free to question anything else that comes up you never know what you might find out ordinance number 37-23 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 17 of the revised General ordinances of The Bu of saal to amend section 17-3 public use of tenant Courts at Kennedy Park okay so this is our introduction uh this is the second reading public portion sorry it says introduction so public portion down here let me open to the public for any all comments regarding this particular ordinance um if you wish to speak on this ordinance please raise your hand or step forward to the microphone uh let's take a look do we have any hands up okay no one on and no one here um I do have a question but I'll hold that until we well I guess I should probably ask it now because the next is the vote the next is the vote isn't that St so I basically become the resident here in order for me to get my comments in I have to speak now as mayor I do have two questions regarding this particular um ordinance so this is the ordinance that we have been discussing quite frequently at the council regarding the economic Redevelopment agency isn't it oh what did I miss oh I apologize I'm sorry I scrolled all the way down this is tennis courts uh pick a ball no comments on pick a ball we're good I'm good now that I realize that it has absolutely nothing to do with vegetables we're okay go ahead any comments on pickle ball non entertain emotion recre oh we do have pickle ball question thank you I got just really quick I'm just curious since it got brought up and I know other towns are doing pickle ball it's most popular gr sport going and um transferring some tennis courts to become pickle board courts no we're not goingon to do that go ahead then can you please just explain briefly thank you on the hours of operation the tennis courts and everything and we just including the pickle board courts now it was never in the ordinance before now it's included in the ordinance just the the times and and things like that that the courts can be used and I think um the question was about the regular tennis courts we didn't touch them there was another part of Kennedy Park where we put in new pickle ball courts that are dedicated to that so it's not going to impact the tennis courts at all they're just going to follow the same rules yeah y so tennis and pickle ball can coexist there you go all right any other comments regarding our pickle b ball courts all right wonderful ladies and gentlemen I'm trending motion to close public and uh accept the ordinance I move the public question be closed the ordinance adopted in second final reading and advertis coord the law second thank you all right roll call please just uh sorry there was a little giggle there with our pickle ball ordinance remember that our um microphones are very sensitive so if you do talk we won't be able to hear the roll call roll call Council person's Novak yes ala yes Cony yes anoa yes Roberts yes zabowski yay now we get to go to Redevelopment go ahead ordinance number 38-23 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter two with a revised General ordinances at the buau of seral to amend section 2-51 seral economic and Redevelopment a agency all right so this is just for introduction but before we move for um motion by admin and finance for the the seral economic Redevelopment agency I had two questions on this ordinance very quickly um so this is the ordinance that we've been discussing for quite some time regarding changes to some of the components of serving on the Redevelopment agency and terms and also requirements my question is the way that the ordinance is written right now I want to first of all it talks about the mayor's appointment and I want to make sure that this is specific to it really shouldn't say the mayor's appointment in essence it's really a matter of terms okay so I get a little concerned here with the way that the language is written um regarding this being yeah let me take a look here terms commission I want to make sure that without equivocation we're specifically referring to when a term has expired okay okay and this is where you're looking to basically change when a uh Redevelopment agent member is appointed to that board it is a mayor's appointment in essence it is a mayor's appointment it's not a council appointment but I wanted specifically to make sure that we're talking about the term so for example we had a member that was just appointed to that particular seat uh that one term it's not going to expire in January this is going to continue through that term and once that term expires then the appointment would go to January correct hold over position now the other thing is there are no from what I understand and I just want to make sure that this is clear there are no such thing as a hold over position in the Redevelopment agency is that's in discussion and in looking at it I have an issue because I believe there are individuals that have been placed into holdover positions which were under previous attorney's opinions one being the Redevelopment agency's attorney one being our former Council attorney former there are no such thing as holdover positions once that term has ended that term is over and now I have some serious concerns about the way in which this Council and that agency may have been conducted I'm going to ask that our attorney please look into that because it's my understanding and speaking to individuals that have even written the law the statute there is no holdover in the Redevelopment agency so that is a concern for me right now um I also am very happy to see though within this that additions have been added making that the Redevelopment agency must in fact have certain courses and education to go along with those members appointments they have a certain amount of time in order to get that education just like any of our other land use boards that I think is extremely positive but I am ex the original one did not no we did but it wasn't being adhered to apparently 90% of the the current Sarah members did adhere to it unfortunately the council members didn't because we were never informed M what what I'm saying is this ordinance was adopted already we were amending adding that one appointment on that you made in July where yes the ordinance was the previous version of this ordinance the iteration of this was passed that included the addition [Music] requirement this ordinance specifically does that there's one seat that was not Encompass yeah you're right I apologize that so what this ordinance does is that it it deals with there was one seat that was filled after this ordinance had passed so now this is amended to address that one particular position so that come 2027 when that position ends in July the council then that Council will not be confused as to what happens in that situation what's going to happen is is that that individual is going to expire in July of 2027 and then they will serve in that role until December 31st of that year right and then Sarah will new member or the same member whatever it may be would then take would starting in 2028 would have that new term so this is just addressing past issues about when appointments should be and when when they should be expired and so this is going to address that so come 2028 it'll be a clean slate everybody will be on the same path as to when you expire at the end of and that's and that's why I wanted to put that on the record because while it's something that we read I want it for formally said here verbally because there are a lot of things that get lost in the soup lost in the sauce multiple years from now when that appointment comes up and what I don't want to see happen is well this ordinance was put into place and this person was appointed after that other ordinance I want to make sure that that person's term is fulfilled to its entirety and in this case it's gets a little extra add-on but there is no such thing as a holdover technically but this would be different than a holdover position because this is something that's addressing the ordinance that was enacted by the council so this wouldn't serve necessarily as holdover this is something that's needed in compliance with the ordinance in a way in a way in a way I'm correct yes okay and I think ultimately the the big picture here is that this is really more of an administrative ordinance it's just to make sure that going forward everybody's on the same page with the same deadlines so you know although uh appointments may be staggered in when they may expire one may expire in 27 28 but after 28 it's going to be clear come January 1st if there's an open seat that's when the appointment that's when that seat would be filled in January and in the event that and I just want this clarified for our next meeting in the event that a mayor does not make an appointment there's no such thing as a holdover position in that when the term ends the term ends can you please get me Clarity on that absolutely thank you okay those I know you're sitting there thinking okay why doing this trust me I see into the future now okay and I guarantee you that one day I'm going to be looking at this and this is going to come up I can see it it's a common all right um so I'm gonna turn that over now to councilman Bala I move the ordance to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing be held on November 27th 2023 second roll call please Council person's Bala yes H yes Novak yes an NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes introduction of ordinance number 39-23 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 12 of the revised General ordinances of the Bure of seral to amend section 12 it's only it's only first reading Mr Duffy this is just introducing this ordinance there is no requirement to have a public hearing on this at the second reading which will be at the next meeting no it's just for the second reading thank you you know I would love to have you come up I would never do that to you um but there there is a general public session too that if you wanted to question you could you you absolutely could uh yeah it will come up though at yeah yeah because we're not there we're not there yet it's only the first introduction next meeting then it will move to the public and then we have a good time I got you no worries keep on going here we go ordinance number 39-23 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 12 of the revised General ordinances of the Bureau of seral to amend section 12- 1.3g electrical subcode fees all right I will turn that over to Planning and Zoning councilman an NOA please council president thank you mayor I like to move the ordinance uh to be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on November 27th 2023 second roll call please Council persons of NOA yes fala yes Cony yes Novak yes Roberts yes zabowski yes ordinance number 40-23 an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years 2023 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 okay once again we'll turn that over to Administration and finance councilman Bala please move the ordance be approved on first reading advertis according to law and a public hearing be held on over November 27th 2023 second roll call please Council person's Bala yes yes Novak yes NOA yes Roberts zabowski okay thank you all very much we're gonna move to our resolutions now at this point I'm going to open to the public for any and all comments regarding consent agenda resolutions only those are listed on the agenda um please step forward to raise your hand if you have any questions regarding those I see one online uh let's see how far down do I have to go it'll pop to the top uh Jim I see your hands up you're in the public session thank you mayor Jim Robinson L barell square and Parlin I'm sure sorry I can't be there this evening first uh I want to congratulate uh councilman zabowski I think I saw Mike kcci's head in the audience too I congratulate him um but I did want to ask about two items on the bill list the first one is there are two bills for Phoenix advisers I assume that well I'm not going to assume anything what what is that bill for um or what are those bills for uh Denise you have those handy she's she's flipping through some pages for you Jim hold please unless you know uh Glenn now we're gonna rely on Denise for this okay so the first one um is for treml pro Crow um they were doing an analysis to see about a possible pilot and that was also Jim U just so you know that was charged to uh treml Crow's escrow account it was not built or paid by the Barrow the second one is the continuing disclosure Phoenix uh advisor files all of our um annual financial statements annual debt statements um our budgets and everything and that's an annual fee for them to file them on our behalf okay thank you very much and on the trem I'm glad that that was charged to their escrow I had suggested that um a while ago when this first surfaced now the treml crow b or the Phoenix bills on treml Crow are they still under their authorization I don't they haven't exceeded the amount they've been authorized have they um so Glenn I'll I'll let you turn around and answer that question go ahead we have no further action pending with Phoenix and traml Crow oh okay that was my I appre appreciate that but my question however was they haven't exceeded the authoriz authorization amount have they oh did they exceed the to my knowledge that was a um they were appointed as the financial advisors at the beginning of the year and I don't believe there is a not to exceed on that there was a not to exceed on the resolution um with respect to Crow it was either 125 or with respect to traml Crow not their overall services to the bureau but not to exceed when it came to the I don't recall what what was it not succeed this is the very first bill gy so my my thought process is no they're not anywhere I don't know what was was it 10 I don't remember um I'm gonna ask uh jesser Nicole if you could double check on that what are not to exceed was I don't I thought it was 125 12 12 was it 125 that's my recollection we'll get a we'll get a confer yeah that's that sounds familiar to me but I hate trying to recall and and Phoenix is doing no more work on the um treml Crow pilot is that correct that is correct okay and that report um has that been made public yet sir Robinson this is limited just to the bills at this point if you or or any portion of the consent agenda if you'd like to raise those other issues in public comment you're more welcome thank you then my next question um would be the jcpnl bills I think there's about $40,000 worth of bills to jcpnl not this month but this period um any of those include street lights so I'm glad you brought that up Jim I think some of them do include street lights how much Denise um there was what 16 17 18 23 um roughly about 32,000 incl include Street lighting Jim and one of the things we did at the last meeting Jim I don't think you were here though for it did you miss the last meeting or the meeting before I I was at the last meeting but I didn't stay for the second meeting for the second meeting I don't know if you had heard we had kicked that over to um S I don't think you were here I think it was Sean was he was going to research for us if we can turn around and do a stop payment on um anything relating to our lighting since then Glenn did you get a a most recent update from our friends at jcpnl as of this afternoon they reported that 100 street lights had been repaired and they hope shortly to have the balance done uh they've bought in a third party contractor to assist them in getting it done in an expeditious fashion uh what were we approximately 300 plus out at our last I think it was 170 170 I think our initial when we first did that was 300 so they've been working down I know so now we're still looking at about another hundred you said about 70 and no additional cost is going to be incurred by the burrow that they brought in a third party to turn around and do these Corrections wonderful Jim you have anything else I have nothing else thank you very much mayor thank you very much um anybody else have questions regarding our bill list or anything else on our resos wonderful at this point I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion and accept the resolutions so moved second roll call please Council person's Novak yes Bala I will abstain on number 2023 d295 yes on the rest Cony yes NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes okay ladies and gentlemen I also need a motion to accept the correspondence as listed on the agenda soov is it so moved you roll call Council person's Novak yes Bala yes FY yes an NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski yes okay this brings us to our mayor and Council reports um it is after these reports that the public portion will officially be open as I see some people moving closer to the edge of their seats Administration and finance counc Bala thank you madam mayor uh we recently had a bond sale and that came in under 4% which isn't bad in today's market the bonds are callable so if the rates do drop in the future we can refund them and get a better rate rate yep right also it appears that the blue Acres question on the yest Year's ballot failed so it's a clear message from the citizens that they want us to use Ed open space funds to purchase open space we've recently talked about two parcels and I'm hopeful that we will purchase some open space in the near future other than that progress thank you um one of the things thank you because I will more than likely forget if we continue on I have to go back to what you said in reference to those open space Parcels it's my understanding that um although in the past we have always um tried our best to obtain at least three appraisals for those sites we were having a difficult time in talking with uh the tax assessor in getting that thir appraisal my concern is that in this circumstance if we continue to wait for that third appraisal because right now the appraising company is not responding that we can miss out on an opportunity to turn around and actually enter into negotiations regarding any of the two properties that we that I've recently brought up um I would like to ask the council that for this particular um situation while we've always obtained three appraisals in the past that since we're not getting a response regarding the one other appraisal company that we move forward with potential negotiations regarding the two appraisals that we have already received um I have no problem with that as long as it's legal as long as it's legal it's my understanding that um it I I would like to know what the problem is with the third appraisal there usually three different types of appraisal so if we can go to someone else to get that particular type of appraisal I think I'd feel more comfortable okay I did speak with the tax assessor on this because I know that again time is of the essence here um I want to make sure that I have an opportunity to see things forward as far as I can down the line um he does not feel that that third appraisal is going to really um cause an issue when it comes to negotiating this he believes that what's been coming in from the other appraisal companies are okay we can of course have um Joe come in and speak with us he loves to join us um but I can also kick that over to our attorney to take a look at um does anybody else from the council have objection um I would really hate to turn around and push this out to two more meetings because every moment that is missed is another opportunity for that to become something other than a tree a bush a rabbit hole okay we're already seeing what's occurring so anybody else um from the council besides councilwoman Roberts have issue um I can kick it over to S to make sure that he confirms that it's legal yeah there's there's there's nothing uh that would prevent you from moving forward on the two appraisers uh with the two appraisals you have and um you can also pursue that third appraisal while negotiating if you if you'd like I mean there's nothing to stop you from doing that as well oh that's a that's excellent I that's the best compromise I yeah I I definitely like that Donna is that a fair compromise then that is wonderful um th those in public uh those here in public now go to the uh council president Dan that's you any objection okay we like that council president any objection no objections to team mayor fantastic councilman Cony any objection no no objection all right sounds great all right so ladies and gentlemen we let's move this through as much as we can we'll continue to try for that third appraisal but in the meantime I do believe that we have two and we can continue moving forward with the possibility of maybe getting more open space okay we got to keep the pressure on thank you to the residents that voted on that question because we wouldn't be able to have this discussion as readily as we are right now if we knew that some of that money was being used or diverted into any type of blue Acres projects so now we know what is there what it can be used for all right wonderful making some things happen councilman Bala did I hear a progress after that wonderful let's go to Public Safety councilwoman Roberts please moving I will say I was on the opposite side of the blue Acres I think we could have used it to um protect our flood planes the environmental commission would have done a great job with just a small portion they have no actual funding to work with but I just wanted to add that there's always two sides and the voters had made their decision but there is um some benefit that we may have lost on that but as Public Safety I do want to say I had a nice conversation with um judge Weber he has wonderful things to say about his staff um Melissa Nicole Cheryl Paul Joyce and Tracy and um they hold day and evening sessions to be able to accommodate those that they have to serve and he just was very proud of Nicole who speaks Spanish which is very helpful in the court system and um one less interpreter so that also saves us funding um so that's great that we have um such diversity there I do want to say as a liaison to Sarah with Council woman Novak that we could not have our Sarah meeting on October 26th because we could not have a quorum because people were not showing up so when we are ready to bring new people onto that board we're going to need a commitment for people to show up and that's true of a couple of other boards um I do want to congratulate St st's car show and if you had gone there it was uh very well attended and more than that um the blast from the past car show with DJ Richie flashart and Clemen the friends that were there to perform um they raised a lot of funds for a lot of the charities in town some of those include our food bank our brain injured children and they had a second one at St STS that was going to benefit the saint stan school so they do a lot of work and raise thousands of dollars so um it's great to have those kinds of events in town um they're very selfless we also had the honor of having the New Jersey D at Riverton recently we're going to uh see some of the work being started in spring for that and let's not forget that we had just had Veterans Day so today I want to say thank you to our veterans for all of your service I was honored to be at the DuPont presentation that they had for veterans at Dupont um and I do want to say thank you for her to Herbert and I'm sorry I don't have his last name handy herberth M mascara mascara um who coordinated that and I'm looking forward to seeing more of um those programs and we also had our program here on Saturday at 1111 on November 11th for our um veterans and it was it was my honor to um thank them on behalf of the burrow this year um besides for that I do want to go back there was um we have so many great organizations that donate a lot of their time talent and treasure to um to serville and different organizations including there was a um mystery dinner at the serville high school that they put on on the theater company put on it's a little separate than the theater production and they had food delivered for free from some of the great places in seral like pronos nunzios Vinnie um santinos rusos culinary Classics and Angelos and um a great time was had by all and the food was wonderful and I just want to say thank you to to so many people who give so much to our town um so that is my report mayor thank you thank you very much for that let's move on to Public Works councilman KY thanks mayor so real quick listen I just want to thank uh rich serpio and Rich palowski from the parks department for acting so quickly to put up that fence uh in front of the spillway in Kennedy Park to um prevent the basketballs from going in the water the uh high school kids brought it up and Rich and Rich they acted quickly and got that done so I was very thankful for that um want to thank Joel Bloom and um Ken Kelly for a a touching Veterans Day ceremony um always uh always happy to be there to uh thank those guys and and remember our veterans um so I just want to thank them for that and that's it for me mayor thank you very much Vince appreciate that uh Recreation councilwoman novc please yes uh again reiterate what my other fellow Council people had said uh the Veterans Day service it's it's always um touching um is never you can never say thank you to our veterans more and Donna and I for the past few years we there's so many things going on at town and we're invited to them and Donna did the DuPont and I was at St Stan also had a Veterans Day service they do such wonderful work there too and they they dedicate their Flags they I don't know if anybody drove past the school and saw all those flags people spend $100 they have a flag done and it's in memory and the saint STS uses that money and gives it to the veterans home in Meno Park so they're it's for the school but they also do so many things for the veterans and again you can never say thank you to the veterans enough we we everything that we have is due to their service I'd like to remind everybody that uh we have our Parade of Lights On December 3D it's always a wonderful event hopefully it won't be too hot or too cold we've experienced both of those over the years and uh December 7th Pearl Harbor again another time to thank our veterans that is a very very touching ceremony it's held down at the river by Ken um Ken Buchanan Park and uh if everybody can go that's always at 7:40 in the morning uh it starts at the exact time that the first bomb dropped the Pearl Harbor other than that may a progress thank you very much for that we're going to move over to water sewer environmental councilman zabowski thank you mayor just an interest of brevity uh won't go back to all those other thank yous because I think we've covered them there were two quick ones that I did uh want to ma mention one was the uh our trunker treat uh which I gotta say um Brian and his crew and all our volunteers uh there was three straight hours of children uh parading in their costumes with M DJ music and everything else it was three solid hours of giving out candy and having a really safe uh holiday uh event for all our community it was was tremendous it really was tremendous uh and second all uh thank you to Jen krinsky and her staff as well as the um the seniors or adult active adult clubs that are at our senior uh Center uh for their Halloween program as well it was a great event I enjoyed serving uh other than that uh progress mayor thank you thank you very much for that let's move on to Planning and Zoning council president an NOA please thank you Este mayor uh you know from the planning and boarding standpoint I want to take a moment to thank um Mr spado and uh you know our members of the planning board more specifically to the representation today uh in terms of the recent um you know planning board's decision on uh you know our recommendation towards the board of educations uh you know Transportation complex and you know just over the course of the history so far on uh our perspective towards um reflecting the concerns of of residents um towards you know the environmental concerns traffic open space of course the list seems to be getting longer and longer but um you know I'm glad that the recommendation that was presented today was um unanimous from the from the planning board and U I'm looking forward for the planning board to continue to work with the buau and hopefully the Board of Education and perhaps perhaps even other um you know governmental bodies and authorities to see how we can reach um an appropriate resolution for our residents and for our buau and our students especially beyond that um we're looking forward to more sites and more applications in our upcoming meetings and um I believe that there'll be progress in due time thank you Madame mayor thank you very much for that council president that leaves my report so we've covered a lot already today so I'm just going to um keep this as brief as I can I will say um I had the opportunity to actually participate this year in the Middle School's of Veterans Day celebration um was really powerful to me because I had the opportunity to actually hear what our students our middle school students our sixth seventh and eighth graders um had to say about Veterans Day and be a part of that moving tribute so um I want to thank the uh principal over there at the middle school for enabling me to participate um at that particular event it was my first time and it really meant a lot to me so um just on so many different fronts one thing that I definitely want to do also is turn over some of my time because we have another um impressive group here with us this evening I did not bring them up with our initial presentations because I wanted to give them my time to speak so if you look in the front row and a couple people probably interspersed Beyond in our blue shirts we have our nurses um that are representatives of the Robert uh Robert Wood Johnson uh Team if you've seen in the news they have been fighting for a fair contract now for what seems like how long 102 days 102 Days Robert Wood Johnson that is our hospital just over the bridge this is where I go when I need help and I need assistance and it breaks my heart because they treated me when I had coid and it was the scariest time in my entire life I did not think I was coming home to my children um and I honestly thought when I came through the those doors and my sister-in-law who also works in the medical field was allowed to bring me in through a wheelchair and then she was told you have to leave immediately and I was there looking at people that did not know me from Adam and here I was with coid wasn't able to breathe wasn't able to I I didn't know what my fate was going to be and if it wasn't for those nurses during that time they looked at me they saw the fear they saw the pain they saw what I was going through and even though they had to approach me in what I call the ET suits um because I'm telling you unless you honestly live through that you don't know what it's like um you get brought into a room and I was just over 40 and the first things that they asked before they even touched me was do you have a living will first thing and I looked and I said no never thought this would be a reality and as those nurses came at me and they through those suits and through all of that in essence biohazard gear I could feel the warmth the care The Compassion I looked at them and I realized that they were going to make sure that my family knew how I was doing my entire life was in their hands and to turn around and your signs speak volumes now if you haven't seen them if you haven't walked down into New Brunswick if you haven't looked at what's happening they went from one minute of being called Heroes and now they are treated like zeros I cannot thank you enough my daughters my parents my husband for the care that you gave me because there is no doubt in my mind without you I wouldn't be here so with that my time is going to be yielded as mayor to the representatives that are here to our true heroes in that front row and I'm going to give you that time to speak as long as you need to and talk to us about what you [Applause] need so hello my name is Kiren Zenus and I'm actually a resident in north north runswick but I'm here on behalf of everyone at Robert Wood Johnson University hospital because what we're dealing with is not limited to One hospital or one Community we are looking for Statewide change so I know we've heard a lot of speeches I know people get tired at this time of day so I really what our goals are we want to increase public awareness of what's going on we are aware that we are up against an organization that has millions of dollars whereas I have nowhere near that um you know and individually and even collectively I bet if we put all of our salaries together it wouldn't be near what the revenue is yearly so we know that we're up against a really big system and unless you've really worked in direct patient care you might not realize that you can't run schools you can't run hospitals the way you run a business like people are not a product like that and we are seeing that happen more um we also would like to encourage state senators and assembly people to to support St Staffing legislation there are bills in New Jersey that have been stalled in State Senate and assembly for I think it's about 20 years now so that in the Senate is Bill s304 and in the assembly it is a 4536 yep that is the that that is the those are the numbers for the current legislative session which is still Uh current so sville is part of District 19 Senator Joseph Vitali he already supports the bill we would like assembly men Craig hofflin and assembly woman Ivonne Lopez to also step up and kind of sponsor the bill try to get this more get more support behind this so we went on strike on August 4th it is an unfair Labor practice strike our biggest issue was safe Staffing so I work on a cardiac floor I will say here we have nurses from the NICU we have adolescent we have nurses from the medical ICU we have other cardiac nurses here and a bunch of other floors that I'm probably not aware of because it's a big hospital um we are a level one Trauma Center so even if you're thinking oh well I go to Oldbridge or I go here you might think you do um until you have an issue that they can't treat there and then you're transferred to us because we receive transfers from all over we are the level one Trauma Center for this part of New Jersey um I think University Hospital is for North Jersey and then there is one South Jersey too but there's a big chance that if you're involved in like a major car accident or if you have a major emergency you're going to be brought to us or transferred to us and safe Staffing affects everyone um I really we were asking for essentially for a for a lot of us on the floor one fewer patient per nurse so often times at night I'd be having six patients and really wanted to cap that at 1 to five for like my floor for example the ICU obviously deals with different ratios Pediatrics does deal with different ratios but the increase in what we're dealing with H effects everywhere um I work on a cardiac floor so we had take care of people postcardiac catherization we take care of people post pacemaker or ICD heart arhythmia such as atrial fibrillation I'm sure you hear ad that on radios that happens more and more as we get older it's a very common arhythmia and so that's a big part of our our patients however that can increase the chance that you're going to have a blood clot and we need to be able to monitor those patients more frequently for changes emergencies happen quickly I had a patient code in front of me over the summer um for what if those of you who don't know what that is means Cardiac Arrest means your heart stops beating you stop breathing the time that we have to respond to emergencies like that to prevent permanent like brain damage permanent heart damage it's very limited and if you can't get to your patients in a certain amount of time their chance of surviving decreases significantly and we don't want that we want it to be that we can make sure everyone has you know brushed teeth clean sheets clean gown every day and beyond that like that the emergencies can be dealt with but we didn't have to neglect the other things to do so you know everyone has a heart so there's a good chance you know you might need the hospital at some point um but other other floors need it as well um the NICU deals with the very very small very fragile population the very premature our babies they've had babies 24 weeks 23 weeks and you don't want you know if you're the the parent or the grandparent you don't want to think of the nurse having more than one I'm sure even because you know how fragile that life is for any parents out there I'm sure you experienced even having one baby was a lot of work at times and then there's nurses here dealing with you know two really fragile babies that you can't even touch all the time because they're that fragile um people in like labor and delivery you don't obstetric emergencies happen very quickly um there's no reason why in a state like New Jersey we should have a relatively High maternal mortality rate there's no reason why um we have the resources but it's clear that there's a gap somewhere um and you know we really want more communities just to be aware of this and to support us and what we're doing there had to be legislation put in place called um mtala which is the emergency medical treatment and AC of Labor Act that would ensure public access to the emergency room and to be able to be given stabilizing treatment so hospitals wouldn't dump people or turn you away for not being able to pay so if we needed that the tell hospitals no no no if someone walks in there having a heart attack you have to treat them even if they're uninsured why would we not need legislation to help us achieve safe Staffing hospitals are looking to make money across the board Money Matters we know that no one's saying that it doesn't but what we're saying is that human life is not something you can just put a number on and and treat it like some other commodity um you know a lot we've been to a lot of different Council meetings and a lot of townships will support they want want to they they want to really support different communities like we we want to support the veterans we want to support um like mental health initiatives um for October is is breast cancer and domestic violence awareness and we treat all those populations in the hospitals so a way to really invest in our communities is to try to achieve safe Staffing and other initiatives in healthc care to make it better we want better um and there have been some townships that have passed resolutions to help support us and support safe Staffing I believe uh Edison Maplewood U pasca away have there may have been some others so far Highland Park um so we're really looking for more community and political support at this point we we know that you know individual townships you can't get involved in negotiations but like I said this is a lot bigger than just us us than just Robert Wood than just you know middle sux County this is something that we could do as a state that would really change the landscape in health care and save lives ultimately you know um regardless of the reason you're in the hospital we want you to have a good chance of going home safely thank you thank you very [Applause] much good evening my name is Travis re GS and I'm from New brunic New Jersey so I actually have gone to seral couple times my mom was a public educator here at the high school and at Wilson so I would come here with this um play with the kids a lot and you know hang out with the high schoolers um so I'm one of the 1700 nurses on strike and we as you heard went on strike at on August 4th I'm going to put out some other numbers as well the hospital since today has spent over $100 million on replacement travel nurses that they could have put back into the staff that actually you know want to be there um and also I'm not sure if this was brought up but they also took where our health insurance September 1st so I'm currently uninsured right now as a nurse um we have been on strike for over 100 days and is yes and it's been since September 1st um I was actually one of the people who walked out on you know that day and and I had two patients that I actually knew from previous um you know stays in the hospital and I just had to I had to walk out on them because you know I I couldn't deal with unsafe Staffing anymore so I'm typically an ER nurse I was in the ER for three years 2019 to 2021 with coid um and I was a new grad nurse so just got out of college and went straight into the ER which is you know my love it was trauma and everything I don't do ER anymore because towards the end of my time there I would get eight nine patients for 12 hours now eight patients the normal for maybe an ER is 1 to five and when you keep adding an extra patient on it increases the mortality the death by 12% now I do the night shift so 3 in the morning 4 in the morning I would call my significant other I would call my mom and start crying because you cannot take care of eight people in 12 hours these are patients who range from being alcoholic drunks to um traumas Strokes uh you name it everything the sickest of the sick come to this hospital I'm sure everyone here supports say Staffing it's a no-brainer however there's more to supporting it than just saying you support it it's where we come in with these resolutions now like she said other um towns have passed this passed these resolutions this is not something to have you guys be involved in Union negotiations and Union Affairs this is becoming a Public Health crisis I don't know if you guys saw with Bernie Sanders coming here doing a public hearing he Compares us to a Public Health crisis it's not that we don't have enough nurses in New Jersey it's we don't have enough bedside nurses nurses nurses to do direct patient care when you don't have that the ratios go up now in the ER when I've had Aid patients I've had to take care of people who have active chest pain you where you don't know if they're going to have a heart attack or not and it's not fun deciding who you're going to take care of first I was told to decompress the ER because the ER would get up to over a 100 patients in the adult side and I was told to focus on your sickest patient now if I have a patient who's actively withdrawing from alcohol who is seizing and then I also have a patient who's ripping off their BiPAP and their O2 SATs going in the 80s who do I take care of on top of the grandma who soiled herself and is trying to get up and now could fall and on blood thinners who do you take care of first you don't take care of anyone because no one's getting fair treatment I went up to the medical ICU because I thought that'd be easier and it was actually until you get three critically critical patients three patients were intubated now during a ER ICU shift you have to reposition everyone two hours to prevent bed sores imagine you have for three patients on top of bathing on top of charting on top of rounds on top of medication passes now there are things that obviously you guys can't fix you know we have low ancill stuff for nurses AIDS we don't have stuff that's stocked but one thing that we can keep appealing to for bedside nurses is safe Staffing policies that are enforced and that will penalize hospitals when they don't enforce it now we've seen this in Oregon California um New York these laws have passed for enforceable safe Staffing it's time for New Jersey to get with the program because we are too highly populated and too you know modernized with Healthcare to be at this 1 to8 ratio 1 to six it is like that majority of this hospital so please help us with this Public Health crisis thank you so much now there is the I'll let you come up wanted to add something my name is Robin Reed and I was a teacher here at Wilson at the high school um and I'm his mom so I'm speaking as a mother but I'm also speaking as a mother of a disabled child um and I almost cried when you were telling me about your thing because um my daughter Courtney was in Robert Wood um three times and she almost died two of those times and um if it were and I've spoken with the nurses at some of their rallies because if it were not for those nurses she would be dead I know it um and they also I have three other children and one of the times when she would not excavate she was intubated and she would not excavate and my children and I were freaked out um as you probably could imagine and um the nurses that were there in the piku that day um taking care of Courtney sat with my children and myself and explained and talked and and handled very very sad very very upset people um they don't have time I've heard their they're comments they do not have time for that anymore I've been told they can only be at a bedside for a certain amount of time then they have to book and they literally have too many patients to take care of them properly so they are only doing the bare minimum of what people need and then they're off and they say I'll be back but they don't come back because they're so busy it is a critical situation I've been in that situation I was able to have myself and my husband with my daughter around the clock right but these people are working way too hard and we are having people die because of it and as a mother and as an educator and I care about this town a great deal when I was here as teaching I put everything into my teaching um I brought my family with me to this town um I know we need to do more about this and we need to be more vocal so I love talking in front of a classroom I don't love talking in front of all of you I get nervous but I will because you need to know and you need to do things about it we can't just say it we have to do things we have to call our Representatives we have to do referendums and write these things out and say that sville is supporting this um I'm emailing and talking to people that I really didn't plan hadn't planned on talking to but I will because it needs to change so for for oh it's coming back right now okay the floor is yours sir all right good evening my name is John McGee I live at 161 Kendall Drive right on the corner of Cheesequake and Kendall ask yeah I'm I'm I'm the guy I'm the guy that sits there right now without those things open those three monstrosities that are able to hold 150 tractor trailers at a time oh yeah yeah I know well right now there's an average of 40 going through a day I I believe it 100% right I can't get out of my driveway half the time and I told us to the actually to the planning board thank you thank you very much few weeks ago I couldn't even get out of my driveway to get my grandson up to the school bus so I had to drive him to school all right so there's more traffic now we want to put they want to put School Bus is next to us and listen we all know what's going on like you said litigation you guys can't talk but we can't talk because the school board wants to turn around and sue you guys saying you breach a contract because of your yeah everybody knows what's going on let's be for real it got moved from Low by the sell over school it got moved from erston Road reason being because the department the EPA said it had to be moved so even like all of us we're not looking forward to be dumped on another Township last time I was here too I said there was plenty of space lower Main Street all over this town there really is if that school bus goes there 85 more buses if when you when you come down Cheesequake Road now if anybody's going towards menes take notice of the signs on the right side once you pass those and I call them monstrosities because I live there and before I recently retired from my prior job I drove track trailer they don't stop on dimes so when these buses are coming out at 6:00 in the morning right somebody hits a saal school bus who they s the burrow of seille and it may not only be the Boe it's going to be the whole burrow of seille because we pay taxes so now when those buses are going when the traffic gets backed all the way up God forbid they can't move because the other day two tractor trailers were making a turn and everybody was stuck I recently retired from New York City Transit after 35 years on a train anybody see a train get hit by a car anybody ever see anybody get hit by a train I have it's not pretty so when those those cars are sitting there it's not going to be good and also too they were talking about oh everybody knows that Laural Park is a cut through everybody knows I'm home every day now if I sit outside with a camera if I sit outside with a camera I'm going to bring you track the trailers cutting up every there's people here my one neighbor's right there my other neighbors people live on over there it B it says no trucks over four tons big deal they're cutting through already anyway so what happens in the morning when they can't get down to their things well the monstrosities there's no sidewalks the kids walk on the street to get to their school buses right and I understand the borrow I understand a borrow needs a place for the buses but you can't tell me that out of this whole burrow listen I don't mean to say this we got rooms for Gardens and we got stuff like that but let's it's almost like you know what happened it's almost like well listen let's just stick to stick it here maybe nobody will notice cuz it's deep back in the woods yeah no I'm going to be honest with you because I'm trying not to be but whenever this Township wants I'm living here 30 years I moved here from New York to be honest with you to get away from New York my daughter went to school here now my grandson goes to school here for 30 years I've been getting Robo calls whenever this Township wants something I get a robo call when you guys run when you guys were run for election there's Robo calls all a sudden the the department of the burrow of or Department of educ had a meeting the next thing you noce the school bus depot going up because maybe only 10 people knew about it you know what I'm saying and I I am not I'm telling you the traffic is so bad when they were working when they were building those things me and my wife can't sleep at night my neighbor over there his walls are cracking my wife's pictures are falling off the wall so my grandson goes to school he's sitting there getting phone calls he's falling asleep if you if I don't know where you guys live my parents live right on Cedar I'm I'm right there with you I'm there every single day she I see my literally Shake literally shake with the tractor Trail is going by now oh my go and the buses too I brought that up to the council as well too because it's a cut through I understand they got to get to school I understand the kids got to get to school we know that yeah but if you put that say that goes that you would if that goes there and then let's talk about the cultural center everybody that somebody that what people aren't supposed to know about either that they want to put in the baseball field across the street so let's add some more cultural so I think Recreation sent yeah that's dead that's you're coming up at five minutes just to be cognizant of the other individuals you're coming up at five minutes yeah I will I will um one of the things that I and that wasn't on here yet but I want that property was supposed to be put into the open space Rossy that whole area down there and I made that a point at the last council meeting that has to be changed and that was supposed to be on our meeting it's and I don't know why it's not because that has to be put it has to be fixed because it wasn't done previously years ago okay and had that been done to the other site that we're talking like was supposed to been yeah a long time ago we wouldn't be here the Board of Education asked for how many what properties we owned or had control over in the town when it came to them wanting a bus depot and suddenly it became our problem to find them their property and I understand we stepped up and we said we'll we'll show you what we have okay as a discussion we didn't have many properties that we actually own that we actually own or that aren't locked by like green um you know Green Space or blue laws or whatever but there's other properties within the burrow that are either owned privately or be owned by the middle sex by middle sex there is a lot of properties that are just not ours but we can't negotiate for other people that's what needs to happen all of that needs to be on the table I understand that I do I understand I agree with you no I supp Boe wants it too because it's get at least for like a dollar or something which is understandable too if I could get I'd take it too of course you be but also too when you go to that lifelong Center you know there's about 40 other little mini school buses that park down there too right yeah I think those are the ones we've been seeing cut through in a loop let's put them in a loop too oh yeah I agree you're you and I are speaking the same language and I've been I'm just saying if it goes there it's a bad idea and you you talking about litigation you are getting sued talking about safety I'm I'm telling you it's bad it's bad and this is come from the guy that lives right on that corner you know so what I don't like is we're whole in the same Community what I don't like is we're all no no we're all in the same community I mean that from the Board of Education to us right and I don't like when we get things like well now we all have to be quiet because we could Sue H how is that solving anything well litigation well that's what I mean litigation like we get stuck now where it's like okay we can't really say anything because now there's the poti yeah you're saying it but what I would like to see why threaten one another with those types of things why not just come together and say hey we have a problem the residents have a problem let's just find a way to make it work somewhere somewhere that we can all come together get all three boards and put them in this room and have one meeting with all three boards at the same time with all of oh we did a we this is this is how we got it started the planning board meeting and now well not even that one but right from the beginning when the Slover situation happened that was the beginning right but it didn't it didn't get followed through all the way to the end in order to make sure that it was done right so there's an opportunity here where hopefully the Board of Education will realize listen we're not trying to turn around and be the bad guys here we're just listening to the residents and now we're finding out more about the site so yeah this doesn't look good right now so let's turn around and try and do the right thing hopefully that's what will prevail no no I honestly hope like you know the planning board gave their recommendation that they're against it and I honestly I really hope like you know all you folks sitting up here kind of I'm telling you because it's going to be a bad thing plus I mean I could tell you personally if it happens I'm out I'm selling my house which I probably probably lost $100,000 on it already because of those things down the street I had no intentions of leaving but I'm G tell you right now I'm taking my gr and they're coming with us and we're leaving sa don't want to but it's G to happen and you know what there's quite a few people and it ain't about somebody from New York coming in and saying I'll take the house I don't care I'm getting yelled at by the attorney now cuz I'm making you go over five but go ahead no I'm good I'm good no it's partly my fault I'm going to be quiet so on hello hi my name is Margaret Rocka I live at 154 Kendall I live across the street from Mr MC so as he said we we all understand it has to go somewhere nobody's disputing that it's like oh it's something screwed up stick them in Laurel Park stick them in Laurel Park like how much more are we supposed to take we all moved here to have a better life and now we have the warehouses and and you're looking at the bus depot I understand there's this lawsuit but I'm a little confused uh we all live in sville the planning board has a lawyer the council has a lawyer this one don't they all work for us I mean it's we're fighting against ourselves this just makes absolutely no sense so you know I mean it it just makes absolutely no sense we need to come together and we need to figure out where it needs to go nobody's disputing it that it has to go somewhere it's dark in the morning these trucks that are going to come through are already we can't get out of our driveways we can't get the accidents that are happening already on this corner for the last 30 years that I live here as well it gets more and more every year because the traffic the cut throughs now you won't even be able to cut through because you won't get out of Kendall onto Cheesequake because the buses are going to be there once those School school buses if they end up there also like John said the accidents that are going to happen you're going to look to be sued by even us because our houses how many times our houses have almost been hit on the ones on the corner there because of these accidents and you need to realize years ago the um School the school bus mileage changed and now our children walk to school there's no sidewalks it's dark and now you're talking about more buses and more things to come through and taking the safety of our children and that is unacceptable we moved here to be safe and to live comfortably this is not it we need to do something and you can't talk about it but this needs to be squashed it needs to go somewhere not where we are enough is enough it's just not [Applause] there uh sorry we just got our online participants back so we'll go back and forth but go ahead sir I'll let you yeah no no it's okay go ahead and we're gonna try and get them back up so I can see as well sure so go ahead uh Nicholas Manti uh 101 Kendall Drive Laural Park gotcha um okay I'm I'm here I spoke on this last uh council meeting and I'm here again to speak on the uh the bus SEO and Cheesequake you're probably wondering how come a lot of people are here instead of you know speaking at a board meeting instead of speaking at a Board of Education meeting Pro well I don't know about them but for me two particular reasons number one as far as I know no one is against the bus depot itself we understand they bought 72 buses without having some place to put them I don't know how wise that was but they bought 72 buses that is that is staged over four different locations now as far as starting the day and ending the day they need one central location to maintain those buses and a sa a safe work environment for the bus drivers in the AIDS so yes we we acknowledge that and no one is against that what we're against is the location and the reason we're here is is because this Council this burrow controls that location that was offered to them um why are we here and not talking to the school board well here because Dr Labby and a representative from the Board of Education was at that planning board meeting when they were making their presentation and at the end of that meeting a number of uh Laurel Park residents got up and spoke you know their mind and said their objections basically what you've been hearing here um they really had no response to it Dr Labby nor the school board member other than trying to defend their position so they really didn't hear what the residents were saying so they did have an opportunity to listen to some things that people in Laur Park had to say and what did it result in it resulted in an article online from my Central Jersey where he threatened to Sue this board well I guess he didn't hear us because he he wants to sue you regardless of the fact that we object to the fact that that facility should not be located on that road two main reasons and like the planning board brought up no environmental impact study no traffic study as far as the environment you're talking 7 Acres of woods over 400 trees to be cut down that 400 number came from their architect when he was making his presentation nobody just made that up it's probably low bolded a little bit but that's the number he gave 400 trees Less open space for the residents the noise somebody had brought up at one prior meeting about the police range now I've been living here over 30 2 years I've heard the popping from the police range it doesn't really bother me that's not a big deal but with that couple of thousand trees that were taken down for the warehouses you hear it a little more clearer now we're going to take down another 400 trees and you know what we're going to hear that beeping every time one of those buses get put in Reverse anybody who lives on Kendall Drive facing the woods we're going to have to hear there's noise pollution we're going to have to hear that this property was originally donated to the borrow with the well it was publicized as it was a wildlife preserve and it was supposed to be open space councilman you're on the environmental committee you're looking for open space I have 72 acres for you between Dupont and Kendall Drive that you already own just designated as open space like it was supposed to be back in 2008 that didn't happen traffic no traffic study traffic on on ernston road is backed up now different times of the day the addition of 72 buses and 72 is the number that Dr Labby used when he was making his presentation we currently own 72 buses the Board of Ed they said with when he was making his I was at the U the Board of Ed meeting and when he was making his state of the school address he said we were six buses away from being 100% self-reliant so that's 78 I have a public school education so you know excuse me if I use my fingers that's 78 buses so now we're talking 78 buses the depot according to their architect has a capacity a maximum capacity of 85 buses okay so right now we're talking possibly 78 buses that are going to be thrown into the mix as far as traffic on ernston road leading to Bordentown Avenue right now at particular times of the day usually in the morning and in the late afternoon ernston Road gets backed up you can't even get out of Locust Lane to make a left or right onto that road Kendall Drive Pine Tree are used as Cuts now that's already been said and because it's been going on traffic congestion will be even worse on all these on these roads for the vehicles going through our residential neighborhood no environmental impact study no traffic study they didn't check their boxes when they made their presentation to the planning board I just want to give you an idea we're we're at five minutes so yeah no problem thank okay I'm done sry anything no it's already been made clear that this was turned down unanimously by the planning board that should impact any further discussions on this please consider other locations thank you thank you I'm gonna go to the right and then back to the left okay oh I do have someone online I'm sorry um Jim all right go ahead Jim I'm coming over here next okay in 11 brell Square I first want to thank you for um your comments on the open space that this is moving along you know we have a new mayor coming in we know his history with respect to um open space in the past so I I'm hopeful and I'm thankful that something is going to be done now um before somebody who is hostile to open space comes in I I I like to be optimistic about things I like to be thankful for things that go on and I I do want to address the bus depot situation I got involved I didn't want to get involved in this I got involved in this when a friend of mine who has since died called me because they were trying to locate this in Morgan and this was more than two years ago and since then I've spoken to Residents I've spoken to Board of Education members I've spoken to planning board members I've spoken to council members and to a person every one of those folks have tried to be helpful and have tried to solve a problem and have tried to meet the needs of the public and the board unfortunately I can't say the same of Dr Labby and and his role in this and I don't really want to point fingers here I don't live in Morgan I don't live near Laural Park but love the entire town and when I first got involved in this more than two years ago the very first thing I did and Mr spado talked about 4055 d-31 well I probably am the only person in town that that can recite that by heart and I told Dr Labby about that four different times going back the first time was more than two years ago and if he had done that and and by the way one of the important things to that statute it says before doing anything that NE necessitates the spending of any money so the whole point to this statute is that you Comm into the planning board before you spend money before you have the plans before you have the designs and you run it by them and let the public speak know the plans and let the public make their comment you know until the planning board hearing I don't think any of us knew that when this land was donated there were environmental issues there when mayor O'Brien accepted it he didn't he didn't raise that he didn't look into that I don't think anybody knew until then that's why it should have gone before the planning board you know we talked about the traffic study I sent Dr Labby the Arsenal Warehouse traffic study uh probably in 2022 so that he knew exactly what the situation was there now I want to say this that everybody that I have talked to about this almost everybody has acted in good faith even the council this isn't the council's problem this isn't the council's responsibility but they tried to help as I did I tried to help I sent letters to the board I went and I gave them a list of eight or 10 um other properties to look at um after the meeting after the planning board meeting a couple weeks ago I sent Dr Labby a letter saying you know that didn't work out very well for you I think you have to go back to the drawing board but I am still ready willing and able to help and mention some additional properties that they ought to take a look at and as one of the residents said that Dr Labby would his response would be to say we're going to sue we're going to sue the burough Council we're going to sue the body that represents the people of town and everybody who made a decision here the council the planning board even the school board when they decided not to be in in Morgan they did that not of their own valtion they did that because they were trying to do their best to represent the wants and the needs of the public that's who we all you are I'm just a citizen but that's all you that's who you all respond to the public and when Dr lbby says I'm going to sue you for reacting and responding to the needs of the public that's disheartening that is damaging to the spirit of cooperation that we really need to solve this issue there's no enemy here we want to do what is best for everyone but not at the expense of anyone and I really think think that uh you know I first learned about the art of politics from Dr Parnell who was my teacher in high school and she later wasend um you know this isn't the way she would have done things I will tell you that hey Jim we're at five minutes now Jim I will stop you know my points on this but I'm gonna come back and talk about something else a little bit later I you would thanks Jim um over here please yes young lady come on up hey I've aged a lot up here so everybody hello Evelyn Smith 124 Kendall Drive uh first of all I'm I'm glad the attorney is back because at the last meeting you tesk the attorney and the councilman to look into changing this zoning has anything been done on it very good so I will say that this is s not Sean Sean was here before but it's still yeah um so that's what I had just brought up before so definitely the lower Laurel Park space um I wanted that on the agenda for this evening do we have uh confirmation on how we can do that and we that was to be put on here so we can make that change that's what the recommendation was I don't know why it's not here I mean what has to happen we're working on the ordinance okay you're going to work yeah be prepared to be introduced at the next meeting which would give it time to be passed before the end of the year and then that's what my concern is that's what my concern is done before the end of the year before I'm gone let's be honest let's be honest sure how the new uh people are going to react it went through the holes previously yeah and that was that was my worry I knew I had three meetings and we take to in order to get things approved if it's not on the next council meeting yeah guys as you leave just keep it down though for me so goodbye ladies and gentlemen thank you thank you um so thank you that's my worry if it doesn't show up on the next council meeting Houston we have a problem yeah I mean I do think we have Council people here I have trust that we've got three Council people that are going to turn around and make sure that it goes but you don't know you at least know where I stand right now right well that's why I'm asking yep thank you and if we don't keep if I don't keep pushing you know it may not uh my my concern right now is I want to be able to put this the space that we're talking about right now also into that pot right but because of clearly what was written in the newspaper about that litigation I got to be careful so because I don't want what he lied said there is a signed agreement and there isn't I will rely on these guys to tell us when it is the right time to put that in there but as long as I'm here that should have been honored all the way back from the previous administration absolutely at least we can take care of one I'm gonna wait on our our attorneys to let us know when that's the best time I I would hate to turn around and see two entities within this town that represent all of you turn around and say well we're getting this space now because we're so like that come on yeah that does not serve anybody well one of the other things my my friend um Carol just brought up we're you know they're they're talking about another six buses which would make it 78 and then it can go up to 85 but we're completely ignoring Riverton we're talking walking 2,000 more houses and apartments or whatever Plus the 2,000 apartments that are going in right now in various places all over town because of the lawsuit 30% more market rate units if we didn't turn around and have the best co-a attorney in the state of New Jersey and he wrote the law that helped us to turn around and unravel the disaster that was initially coming and we got open space in that agreement that Mayors across the state are still wondering like oh my God how did you do that can you imagine how much worse the develop it's bad enough that we're dealing with what we are now 30% more market rate would not even have would not even had been the affordable that were required to put in under law we would have had to put in even more affordable for the next round I would rather they took and the ones that they're building now and turned them into affordable because we don't need any more regular housing the developers wouldn't even wouldn't do it and the law was in their hands absolutely and because for years the LA Mayors and all the other places previous administration previous planning board said you don't have to build any affordable housing We got slammed slammed yeah it was a disaster million and a half or something like that I I can't even I lost years of my life my husband thought I was going into a different profession our dining room table was nothing but littered littered Mary you were here littered with maps and P two hours a night on the phone trying to go through the paperwork and stuff to turn around and find out now the mayor unilaterally signed an agreement that was not legal I'm dreading Janu but I digress but it was the clerk's fault she put it on his desk anything she puts on his desk he on check yeah right so I apologize continue yeah no no um like I said we're we're you know my my friend wrote it up you we're not even talking about what's coming in with Riverton and and I'm like yeah you're right I mean as it is I don't know how we're going to fit the kids into the schools that we have you know because we closed down so many of them because you know um the uh the uh baby boomers had aged out and uh the younger ones weren't having as many kids but when you bring in more parents there's going to be more kids I hear you thank you for asking Dr Parnell in fact said oh well people who move into those town houses they don't have kids children I know I know the quote yes that's exactly she said people who move into tow houses don't have kids yeah no that's crazy but please keep coming back and asking because I will I I will be here meetings with me and then come back and ask even more questions when I'm gone okay and I will be at the Board of Education meeting which is next Tuesday okay at samsel school on ernston road at 7 the clock directions available by you if needed oh yeah yeah I mean you know I mean just get on ernston road and head for for um the S Wood Shopping Center look for the traffic Gateway yeah yeah well that was gonna say if we can get out of the neighborhood Laurel Park residents take alternate route thank you thanks [Music] thanks yeah that's that's exactly it h it's I know it's been a long time hi I know who you are but let everybody know Smith 185 Grove Street hi um I'm also a board of education member in sville and I'm kind of here on that behalf tonight but I'm also here as a Morgan resident uh just kind of give a little back history on it for many of the Laurel Park residents that are here that weren't involved in our debacle a couple years ago that's a good term uh yeah it was it was before I was on the board and was more of I guess you would call a community organizer back then we rallied the troops in Morgan we came to Council meetings we went to Board of Education meetings we went to news12 we went to my central we went to tapino we bitched up a storm and it got for the first time I think in sville history there's been cooperation in the past the senior center was a former School building the SAA plays on school fields in Morgan there's there's always been cooperation between it but I don't think there had ever been a legal Quorum meeting advertized to the public of the burrow counsel and the Board of Education members there was enough Bur council members there to pass a resolution legally there was enough Board of Ed members there to pass a resolution legally it was advertised in the media it was advertised on Facebook it was advertised in Flyers handed out all around and mayor you may remember councilwoman Novak a lot of the council people up here councilman BAC was on the board of education of the time so I know he remembers it um there was a there there was there was an impress Rive turnout to that meeting and it was mostly Morgan residents but there were residents from president's park there was residents from Laurel Park there was residents from Parlin there was residents from all over the burrow because they wanted to know what was going on and it's unfortunate that we didn't have all the information back then it's unfortunate that the council gave through through Jay's office and they were helpful eight properties none of them worked out between the two governing bodies and then the former business administrator came up with the hey let's let's do this it's property we have great we signed a memorandum of agreement afterwards a resolution was packed passed by both bodies governing bodies saying we're going to do this the concern I think now is me personally as a board of member I hear you I was in your seat a couple years ago as a Morgan resident doing the same thing you're doing I hear you I think our biggest concern now and biggest fear is that the memorandum of agreement and the cooperation that we saw two years ago that it's going to go away that the board does want to work with the council speaking the board members the elected body wants to work with the council wants to work with the planning board wants to work with whatever we need to work with we all work for the residents of sville we all were elected by the residents of sville to do what is the best for for the town I think and I want to tread lightly here because I know there's been correspondence between our attorney and you and you guys um on next potential steps but I would like to get a commitment from the council tonight at least that you are still willing to sit down and come to a resolution say way the the the Board of Education let SAA play without a lease all year at Slover school that lease had expired we love the kids playing over there I love I live there I love watching the kids play ball over there we want that land to be burrow land for 50 years in a renewable 50 years after that for a dollar a year in swap for working with you guys to find Transportation complex land and it's getting maybe it's getting scary because administrations are changing and lots of things are changing and I don't know how much people remember the history of how we got to where we are but I know but you're only here for two more meetings I know is that is that we can get some kind of promise from the council that that Spirit of cooperation is still there I know our business administrat and Mr skinski have had several conversations and there is a working relationship between the two of them and a good faith relationship I would just I would just say that as you know you heard my advice earlier to the council I would just say that um and I don't think if I'm speaking at a turn here please stop me but I I did hear just Gathering comments from the council that they've expressed their willingness and understanding that there is a need for a bus depot however you know um I don't think the council is in a position up here to make any sort of Legally binding promises that they're going to agree to work given given the the nature of where we are at this point while I understand your concerns I think the council's expressed their opinions here tonight to the extent that uh they're willing to do so um and and from that standpoint I think uh you know fa move forward with your public comments and then we can get to the other individual than I do I encourage everybody here tonight I I I loved walking into here and seeing a full house tonight because the last time a full house showed up to a Board of Education meeting was two years ago when they won the builda bus ter uh Transportation complex on Slover I hope so I hope so I hope so the only way government works the only way good government works is if people pay attention so come out it's Tuesday it's next Tuesday 7 o'clock so guys we can't we we're not going to talk about the lawsuits no no no they can't engage you you're yeah they can't I'm sorry guys you can come no you yeah you I know better than that but I do I encourage everybody to come out next Tuesday the 21st 7 o'clock go to the board of ed website the agendas are posted same thing as the council and I encourage participation sounds good thanks thank you come on up Mr spado hi friends um I I think we know I think you're okay with address now Wasington next to the Sportsman yep the house that begrudgingly took down the Halloween decorations is that um I I wanted to just speak to to Mr Smith's um prior comments thank you for your service I with all my heart as a you know parent of a a child in Wilson thank you thank you thank you um I I do appreciate the spirit of collaboration and and the ask for the burough to continue to commit to work with the the Board of Education my understanding is that it's not the Board of Education uh it's not the burough council's responsibility to find land for the bur for the Board of Education to put their own bus terminal on um additionally if you could let Dr Labby know that the planning board had been reaching out to him in that Spirit of collaboration four months and he declined to come to the planning board um I also would like and and and listen I'm I'm you know I had a special spot in my heart for the the gal who said she gets shy at the microphone I I also do you wouldn't know it sometimes councilman Roberts you know it's I do get shy um but what what I will say is that um when we had our our initial meeting when uh in this room when Dr Labby presented very vociferously the plans for the transportation complex um he very V defended those plans I understand that that's that's the position that he took um at the subsequent meeting where we were going to be debating on this de that specific Transportation complex Dr lbby was nowhere to be seen so I would love I would love to work with the superintendent the planning board would love to work with the superintendent and the burough counsil and the Board of Education because at the Crux of all that we do we care about this place and we care about the people who live here you serve because you feel the same way that I do you serve because they care about the place that they they serve I don't agree with councilwoman Roberts on some issues we care about this place and we show up and I know Dr Labby does too I I know that Dr Labby cares about the well-being of my second grader and his classmates that should not go questioned for a moment not not in my heart it's not and I and I mean that however you have to show up you have to come and be part of the process democracy dies in darkness and I am so booed by the feeling that I get from residents who who show up and who will continue to show up and so in that same vein I ask Dr Labby and the buau counsel the Board of Education and the planning board to sit down to not threaten litigation to not hide behind attorneys but to have a real good faith conversation about the place that we are in and the ways that we can make it better if Dr Labby is committed to doing those things if the board of education is committed to doing those things if the bureau council is committed and the planning board is committed to doing those things we can work together and we can get real work done without threatening attorneys so I just wanted to speak to that and and hopefully again put on the record we want to meet we want to come together and as a board you know our chair is committed to doing that in a way that is transparent and fair and open so thank you thank you I'm gonna go up front and then all we got a lot Robert Mitchell 89 Candle Drive many things have been said about traffic safety all that I have one question procedure was not followed and I hear this of threatening litigation if procedure was not followed properly how do they have a leg to stand on threatening litigation when they did not do the right procedure can somebody maybe the bu attorney can you answer that question for me just use the mic yeah I I could answer that but I'm not going to answer that today on the de um because I think that gets into two specifics uh of the factual circumstances we're dealing with here today um I would just say generally you know there is a procedure it is to be followed and you know that's that's the long and short of what I'm going to say on that issue thank you we we don't know what the Board of Education plans on doing um they made it very clear as you read in the paper um the threat of litigation that's that's truly unfortunate um and I do respect our attorneys because they want to make sure that we don't say or do the wrong thing which turns around then is detrimental to any of the residents here um I'm sorry I wish we could speak more openly um your question is valid but I do appreciate that Sal is like I'm not giving away anything just in case we have to evoke some type of uh plan for litigation okay and I would if I may just on that point I apologize again as I said earlier on uh in the capacity as burough attorney we're still investigating a lot of these things so tonight I learned a lot of new information that I was not privy to until I sat on the day is here tonight so you know we're working now we're we're we're diving in we're doing our due diligence so you know as in the coming weeks we'll be able to you know advise the council a little bit more as to potential legal position strengths weaknesses things like like that okay thank you I just want to further state that the member from the Board of Ed talked about cooperation wanting this but and I heard people behind me sitting behind me say Well when you're threatening litigation that is not the right way to try to bring everybody together to solve the problem really and you've been yeah it comes it up and you've been here for a couple of meetings because I remember seeing you I think at our last meeting as well so you heard already how we felt in imploring the spirit of collaboration let's work through it let's make it happen was not expecting this this email four days ago uh I I don't know about the rest of the council but you know we I I was shocked um but we'll see what happens okay thank and I I'll finish just with quickly saying that you know I believe and I don't know the whole procedure of the three boards and all this but if you are the board that controls what happens with this property which it's the understanding of many people here should have been open space already and de cleared that way long time okay and hopefully part of this will be to make sure that that follows through and happens okay um that that's what needs to be done because CBL and I say area many people have lived here for 30 years I've been here for 12 now I like living where I live good people and we need the right thing done because the traffic is bad I've you know just personal note mirrors on my vehicles on Kendall Drive have been clipped off three times in the last 10 years that falls under the insurance deductible and I pay that out of pocket every single time that happens the traffic flying through there has been that way for the 10 years that I have been there already never mind the additional that's happening with the warehouses and this proposal uh I don't want to take up any more time there's other people would like to speak thank you very much do did I miss anybody on that side no no okay yes I actually I I W but now that it thinned out so hello sir welcome back thank you thank you madam mayor uh congratulations to those who won the election thank you for serving those who didn't um I'm here to find out maybe you guys already found up a solution oh my name is Mark tur live at six Parkway Place um when I came back in September referencing the intersection of ernston and Parkway Place I have yet to see anything there maybe you guys I didn't hear nothing nobody listens to me anymore well yeah I know we talked uh Glenn and uh again have that I don't see no do not block sign paint it uh there's there's possibly we could look into putting into what they call guide poles yep something needs to be done just say talking about traffic over uh on Cheesequake ernston you know since my daughter got in that accident or car was total I have witness more than close to maybe 10 more potential accidents near misss yep so what are we going to do that's what I go Glenn we met last week with Board of Ed reps the County Traffic engineer okay the county planner and the police traffic Bureau in an effort to try to solve some of this Shenanigans going on on ernston road we're due to convene again I think it's next week to see what Solutions they're bringing to the table but we did have that meeting last Tuesday I think it was okay so is it possible one of those solution you talking about maybe the guide poles that you know I mean listen as a resident I'm open to anything that's going to uh transform that traffic scenario but we have to it falls to the County Traffic engineer because it's a county road I know remember yeah I I mean our Traffic Safety Bureau advocated very strongly on behalf of the residents in the course of that meeting we're we're waiting for for the engineers to come back with an answer so that be somebody and that's the county Engineers yeah and I mean in addition they're looking at uh don't block the Box markings they're also looking at change in the timing of the light because they're cognizant of the fact that traffic's backing up there based on the current programming of the light so that their team from the county is looking at it and I think next week we're du to meet with them again I hope to have some kind of progress I appreciate that all of the above no yeah because the issue is not just the traffic building up but we trying to get out of Parkway on to and you're getting blindsided by cars that are going around and driving on a you know I said the story before so is driving on these yellow lines so uh we need to have island or these guy poles or something so but I appreciate your work I just want just trying to follow up see where we at with things just for fun to to live in your shoes and your daughter's shoes I decided to go over there and actually try to pull out oh my God yeah I mean I don't I don't even know what to say there's two there's two streets in this town now and I thought Kenneth was the worst yeah if you haven't attempted that that you might as well just pray to every single God that exists because that is a just kiss it up to God but you're pretty much um you're you're right in there with that um you you'll be back you'll be back at the next well no you'll be back for the update at least um we have your contact information so right after that meeting so what did you say next week yeah I think it's next week we're do this hear from them again okay I will reach out to you appreciate there you go thank you sorry I didn't see you sooner no worries no worries all good thank you thank you all right um people that I haven't seen yet I'm here and then back okay keep me honest and then you also okay what Mar Gates 38 Al Terrace Pary New Jersey Laurel Park I called the county about possibly putting a light at the end of pine tree okay so we could at least turn and get out and they said that would never happen I spoke to the engineer I called that and they were great they called me right back I mean the guy was very nice he was very upfront with me and he said they will never put a light there so we're doomed because the do not block the Box does nothing they put do not block the inter intersection signs they do nothing we sit there I've seen three accidents there a woman when I first moved there a woman from from our neighborhood got killed trying to make the turn from Pine Tree to go down to ernston yeah I my daughter now has her permit and she's at my mother's house all the time you know because um you walk by um I I can't have a turn I remember as a kid trying to get out to go to the high school and I went to arlet school so we had busing back then for arlot school at least it has not gotten better at all it's got I walk the dog every day I walk down CLE Drive scream at people to slow down yeah I mean we've put signs up for people to slow down they they don't pay attention to it yeah I mean it's dangerous yeah it really is and it's it's getting worse I agree and to actually see people get killed by trying to cross an intersection it's horrific something got to be done I agree me I live here 30 years and it's I'm ready to move yeah I got you beat by a little bit right so we just have to hopefully they come through because keep coming back I hate to see somebody else get killed or get hurt keep coming back until you see what you need thank you thank you hello thank you very much um my name is Kelly wank Mueller and I'm at 84 Pine Tree Drive um my concern is for our kids um I have uh a high schooler who takes the black path walks to school walks home um I have my daughter who walks down to Kendall for her bus stop and I have my Brian who was hit by a car in our neighborhood on September 6th um just speaking as the parent of a child who who was was hit by a car he he luckily only suffered head trauma um we understand that it could be have been so much worse um so we're thankful that it was only head trauma um but it was still very traumatic um my my concern is is the cut through is already there from ernston into ours into our development now it's going to come from Cheesequake as well because the drivers in our town are not going to want to drive behind a slow bus so they're going to use our neighborhood to cut through there too um we have young families who are bringing up babies Toddlers and they're going to be entering our school system too and I'm fearful for for us as parents and for our kids I don't want anybody else to get hurt so um I'm asking to please not allow this bus depot to be in our neighborhood and that's all thank you thank you very much thank [Applause] you I have in the back yes then I'll go online unless I have more that haven't spoken yet hello I'm M hent I live at 8 quave Street and I feel tremendous Joy I recently got my citizenship so thank [Applause] you yeah a quick um the Cal Park um a lot of people left the cerebel park because they have been complaining about the the geese that poops yeah right around the park um they're not enjoying their walk and taking their kids or they not enjoy jogging also I feel bad for the geese because they're been walk they're walking around with Fish Hook stuck in their body for like years so I don't know if you guys can help them we do have so we have a goose control um contract right okay think of it as you will um and what that is it's a um it's a agreement that we have oh I just need the audience members just to please keep it down because our mics will hear you rather than us so we do have that with uh with the county it's a agreement that we have with the county in order to try to mitigate the infiltration of geese in the park however we'll just leave it at that for right now I did not know about the the hooks and stuff I mean that's that's concerning that's something that clearly is a result of the fishing and everything that's allowed there so is that something we can turn around and have Brian take a look at and make sure we're enforcing that's got to be a cleanup effort and stuff make sure we don't have those hooks and stuff like that there maybe a little bit additional um clean up with public works as well um anybody that's fishing they have to make sure that they have their license there they can't guys I do need you just be quiet please thank you um so that that could potentially mitigate that a little bit um I don't know when the last time we turned around and did any type of dredging over in that area um if anything is like stuck in the Lakes but that's I'm sure there's a mess um I don't know if there's anything more we can do in order to get rid of the geese additional there so many different uh things that we've tried everything from noise to uh addling the eggs and we we do an awful lot of stuff but we also have as Vicki remembers the this piece of equipment that's got a big broom on it yeah and that we literally go around and we do the sidewalks we don't do the grass you know the geese yeah but they don't the geese don't listen when we say please don't defecate on this we've tried to set things up they're not a very they don't come to meetings they don't listen um it's something that we've been dealing with for a long time I mean we can turn around and see what else we could oh was all the time I mean and when they're not over there they're over on the softball field at the high school so we used to have people come around with certain dogs that would chase them away and then yeah we had things on the poles we had owls that barked that was supposed to Chas that's got to be pleasant just about everything that we can do if we could hire the geese to patrol the skate park so we don't get the graffiti that might be a benefit we could do like a joint agreement or something the Canadian geese are protected in the United States difficult we can't have HPS or anything like that or put out poison we just have to try natural means to have them go someplace else that's about all we can do and we do try and then like I said we clean matter of fact I know that they did use that room on the grass right for yeah so they do use it on the grass sometimes very difficult let's kick it over to wck to Brian is fantastic um Glenn see what kind of brainstorming Solutions we can have um just in case there is something else that we haven't we haven't been utilizing again we'll keep up the process that we are but maybe it's time to do everything from the cutouts to some other some of those other things we used to do um so and the and the hooks and stuff that's sad that's just disturbing to me that's a cleanup effort in my opinion that means that you know listen nobody's out there fishing for geese so they're catching that and they're getting that because it's trash being left around so um that's what I can offer at least on those two fronts you have anything else yeah I mean I really thought the government uh had dispatched them there but Mr C said they flew from Canada yeah yeah so I guess and they don't migrate really the way that I spk and they left to go to the pon Waterfront yes yeah we like I said they um I waited in traffic on Washington Road a couple of days ago because we had a few that were making their way across the street I was like by all means I you know make your way across um but yeah it's something it it's been worse in saille I will say the the number of geese over the years has definitely decreased but I don't think it's a problem that's going right anytime soon I do know they'll make their way over once the soccer season is officially over um between the Middle School and the high school they'll start to make their way over there um for sure they do like the grassy fields and it's quiet there doesn't make anything better but it just moves them I'm sorry thank you thank you all right um anybody else in public before I go oh come come I'm going to go with with people that haven't spoke yet and then I'll bring up my seconds Jim is still waiting online so I see you Jim I'm just finishing up with first rounds go ahead hi mayor hi counil um excuse me uh I have one real big question on on the taxes for open space Oh this is exciting one thing that's a new topic name and address though first for 27 button would drive thank you it's just a block away from where they want to build the uh I always like button when I was a kid because that road was always paved and we would ride our bikes down there and it was off so we pay taxes for open space that means that open space is sa it's the people's so doesn't the people have the choice of keeping that space open space or giving it to this to the um Board of Education Board of Education shouldn't have control over that they sell look at that no it was supposed to be when this was first given to us by um D I mean if we didn't pay a tax that's another story We were supposed to designate it change the zoning on it so that it could only be used for open space the zoning was never changed it's still zoned industrial so when the Board of Education was looking for property that we had this was a piece of the property is there any restrictions on the deed no there is not it's still zoned industrial so we offered that as one of the properties we owned it was never designated as open space it has to be but it's still part of sville so it's the people's technically I mean that's something to look at yeah I like I listen I like any argument I but I'm not an attorney another argument is that everything was said here tonight that I was going to say except for one thing beside the traffic which is going to be horrendous the pollution from all 70 what 78 buses uh 70 plus we just say whatever yeah it's going to be horrendous that's that's like an enclosed area yeah that's going to be horrendous for everybody I mean we have a lot of cancer people on the Block already including myself so I don't know yeah I don't know well I do know that coming to the public meetings for here and wherever else makes a difference so please keep coming okay like I said I'll see if I can go to that school meeting yeah I mean ours again is virtual too um it's one of the things I'm very proud of is that we have meeting so that if you can't come and sit in these seats you can call zoom in um and be a part of the conversation um I think at least here yeah you can do it by phone on the website right yeah and you can call in too like I have telephone numbers too so if you don't do cell phone you can do landline you can do um you know tablet whatever technology that you want to use as basic or as complicated I don't know if the Board of Education still has theirs on a virtual component as well Dan I don't know um I don't know if they still do they I would hope they do they've got more technological capabilities than we do the smarter minds but if we could do it I'm thinking they could still do I've been out of here I've been out in Sable for 38 years already and from it being you know pretty open now it's becoming like a cement City yeah yeah it's not pleasant that way I agree like I said I don't suspect that this is going to I would love for this to be um taken care of and done with you know tomorrow um I don't know how long it's going to take um so please just keep coming I'll let you speak however long you need to um we're listening we're hearing okay it does look like it's live streamed at least for the Board of Education um right on their website for their public okay yeah thank you you're welcome thank you sir you've been so patient you've been staying there go ahead name and address sure my name is Kevin dunie my address is 44 cookman Avenue Asbury Park New Jersey um or good evening mayor Kilpatrick members of the council um I'm actually here at the Hest of the Board of Public Utilities who has asked us my company it's called solar landscape or in Asbury Park we're the largest community solar developer in New Jersey um we will be applying for five Community solar projects that are in sville and they've uh requested us to let the council know and let the mayor know that these project applications are going in actually the portal opens on the 15th okay so we're kind of up against it they they let us know this right before the El just gonna ask you to pause really quickly for one second just so we can let those that are leaving I don't want to miss what you have to say um so thank you if anybody does want to leave I don't want to not have you on record and anybody at home we actually have quite a few still still on with us tonight I'm gonna be as brief as I I promise I can be mayor um we okay guys just as you depart um Mike would you would you help me out and close the door Council elect would you close the door for me as people move thank you thank go ahead thank you mayor for those of you who don't know what community solar is is we put solar panels on large logistic centers um and we take the electricity that we make rather than power the building itself we sell the electricity into the community we do that at guaranteed discounts so your residents now have all the benefits of Solar without the need for solar panels on their rooftop so we currently have 54 projects in New Jersey we did apply for a project in sville two years ago we actually had a letter of support from the the buau that particular project did not get approved um but we are applying for five additional projects the way it works in New Jersey is or the way it did work is you had to uh if you were going to subscribe to a project as a resident you had to be in the township itself or the municipality or bordering municipality now it's going to be utility wide so if it's jcpnl and there's a jcpnl project that's available you can subscribe to it the way residents subscribe is they simply go online they put in their name they put in the utility uh account number they check the 12 months usage and they allocate x amount of panels to that um property the really nice thing for residents with oversight from the Board of Public Utility it's kind of the answer to third party energy is there's no cost for residents to get in there's no cost for residents to get out there's no long-term contracts it's month-to month I think you'll appreciate this part mayor currently we have a 25% guaranteed discount that rate can never change that 25% discount is off with the lowest uh price for KW um kilowatt hours that someone would pay with JC pel so if JC pel rates go up your rate goes up but you're still getting 25% less rates go down it's always 25% less we also have a 30% discount for First Responders and for veterans we did that as part of our project applications so if our projects are approved and I'll keep Council aware of where they stand we would come back councilman we would come to the environmental commission as we've done with other uh um communities uh we would meet with Doug zma as I've done in per Bo the first two Community solo projects ever built in New Jersey were our projects in per Amoy we had the governor there cut the ribbon um for our second round projects we got a letter of support from Senator Vitali from Council uh assemblywoman Lopez and from speaker Coughlin for those projects why am I so nervous tonight I'm sorry I apologize I don't know relax listen it's you're not talking about buses you're okay right was all that much um I apologize so um what the what the Board of Public Utilities asked for previously we've gotten letters of resolutions from towns um we didn't need them but we got them for this round which is now the permanent round they threw it down in a three-year pilot program that's how they rolled it out this is a third year the pilot program they're allocating 225 megawatts it's a lot it's really also the answer to some of the things that happened with wind because that's there's some changes made there so what they've asked us to do is get a mayoral letter simply stating that you've been made aware of the project locations which I'll go over with you and I have a presentation for everybody so you have that information project locations and that you're aware of all the good that Comm that Community solar does which is lower energy cost cleaner air will 50200 kilo uh metric tons of carbon dioxide won't go into the atmosphere these projects if they're approved will power 1,008 Homes and Apartments so Apartments highrises retirement communities anyone who condos Town Homes who otherwise couldn't have solar literally can go online and enroll for for that what about for our public entities like our own um so we have one we have the largest floating solar panel field um I don't know Jay what in the entire world at this point second largest second largest we were the first we were the first okay um so this is obviously a benefit to our residents um what about a benefit to our burrow and you know this would be something that might be interesting to us as a municipality here what you can do as a municipality and they're doing it in Hoboken they have their own project that kind of that working with the municipality that the the facility happens to be in Elizabeth they're partnering with Harts Mountain on it and I don't know if that's going to power any of the municipal complexes one of the things is that the developer like us they would get a credit back from the BPU it's much lower for um uh it's much higher for um for individual rates than it would be for like a municipal building um we'll probably get a kwh back for 5 cents a kilowatt hour versus 13 14 cents we would get an individual rate so typically what happens is it doesn't pencil out so developers have not subscribed we'll subscribe for example with Doug we subscribe to per Amboy building because it's individual meters that Doug pays the bill for right so that's worked out well but um for municipal building for the type of meter that to have it typically doesn't work out but it can but it can can for example in milville one of their buildings was perfect for it so we'll certainly look at that if that's something like interesting me I know the school districts already put solar up in their high schools um that was through their projects I don't know what they turned around and did and what cost effect that had but just looking from a municipality just something I was curious about besides per Amboy who else have you worked with in uh besides Perth andoy that um Woodridge Edison okay we we've in terms of we've just gotten letters got about 60 mayor letters so far this year around here Monroe South Brunswick East Brunswick North Brunswick Aberdine Oldbridge Neptune tinon Falls Edison per Amboy again because we're doing more projects there that's perfect we can uh I can definitely make sure that we Nicole or whoever wants to handle that Glenn you love doing things like this too um drafting out that letter of acknowledgement that can be done right away mayor for the bur attorney it's not not exclusive if other developers come we actually highly recommend that if they've got great projects that you send sign a letter for them as well and it's not an endorsement of Sol landscape it's it's simply an acknowledgement that you know the projects are going to be and that you are kind of endorsing the program itself program I do yeah yeah send that over to sou take a look at it for me so I have the um Senator vital resolution for you oh that's perfect send that yeah I happen to know him he's he's a pretty good fellow yeah I really apologize I know you have a lot to cover today so thank you very much for your time no thank you you you waited through a lot um any questions uh Jim I'm so sorry Jim that was the end of our first round contestants um Jim we're going through second round now it's all you thank you mayor I enjoyed very much the discussion about the geese at Kennedy Park and it reminded me of you I hope people won't be talking about this 30 years from now because 30 years ago the same thing came up at a council session maybe Jay would remember this and back then mayor McCormack uh responded that the maintenance at Kennedy Park was regular but unfortunately the geese were more regular more regular and you know that was 30 35 years ago and oh Lord that hasn't changed um probably everybody sitting up there everybody in the room everybody on Zoom is is is happy that the election is over um and whenever we have something like this I try and learn um from these things and in the last election the major issues I think were land use transparency and contributions and in particular the last election there was there was a a independent committee that had substantial funds um which we've never seen in town before I I look at um as I look at my screen I probably if you take all the folks sitting up there I've probably been involved in in land use and politics and zille longer than all of you put together and we haven't seen that before but I always try and learn from these things I talked to some friends of mine who are in Lan use who are planning board chairman other towns because they were talking about going down to the league and I thought that maybe I should raise something that a lot of other towns do that we don't do in seral and that maybe we should and it would address those three issues that were part of the last campaign land use transparency and contributions and it is this in a lot of towns um when you file an application for the planning board or the zoning board and in cille I would add maybe if you file an application before Sarah or even an application for a pilot you have to disclose uh political or independent um expenditure committees that that you've contributed to and I think that would be in the interest of transparency it would be right on the application in fact I think the one that comes to mind uh immediately is Jackson uh the gentleman that spoke about solar talked about uh he talked about Jackson um Hoboken of all places hobok Hudson County they have this where they you know you have to disclose um your political or independent um expenditure contributions and I think that would be a good thing for us to adopt in seral maybe the next meeting have the agenda meeting right after this maybe you could put it on that agenda for the next meeting and all it takes is amending your ordinance to say on the on the checklist or on the application this is one of the things you have to do and whether or not anybody involved with the applicant has contributed to a candidate or an official um or an independent committee and I think it would go a long way towards transparency and um I would hope that everybody would be in support of it and maybe if some of you are heading down to the league of municipalities you can talk to some folks down there because I do know a lot of towns do it uh and have done for a long time time I remember when I was president of New Jersey planning officials talking to Harry piziki about that oh gosh 25 30 years ago um we just never did it in cille and and I think uh I think maybe now is the time I think it would be a good thing and I think Mr Robinson you're coming up on 60 seconds thank you okay um I think that you talk about transparency I think maybe a little little bit more time is if I understand you correctly I I kind of like that um if I'm following along what you're saying is that other towns turn around and have basically this disclosure uh ordinance resolution whatever you want to call it um um that if you're coming before any of our boards and you have a development project you disclose if you have contributed to any of the campaigns um from the elected officials that are serving on those boards or on the council or or independent committee that support those candidates or independent committees that support those so this is not novel this exists in many many other municipalities it's not this sounds like a no-brainer we already have that Jay may I know you have something similar I don't know if it's got the exact wording Mr Robinson is referencing but you have a political disclosure statement that's required to be submitted with planning board and Zoning Board applications oh really yeah it's not as comprehensive though let's compare it let's turn around and compare it and see um what the other municipalities have in conjunction with ours because do developers actually have they been called the task to publicly do that at um any of the meetings I listen you turned around and said that it was a campaign thing listen it's a resident thing it's a transparency thing I think that especially in Sero we have been literally a hot bed of development I feel like saille is on the map like every developer and their brother and dog want to come here and build something um and I don't think that's going to slow down and I don't think that's going to change um and I don't think that's and get a pilot when they build it well and that's the other thing too and and listen our residents are coming out now in droves we were we were a packed house today so I mean maybe it's easy for me to say but I I would support that 110% let's do a comparison of what we have um and what um some of the other 10 have let's compare and turn around and put it on the agenda for next meeting along with the open space change for the lower Laurel Park fields which we know has to be done by these two things would have to be done for on the agenda for the next meeting yeah the the only change I would make to what you said mayor is we can't only do what other towns do because I don't know of any other town that has a dark money or has ever had a dark money independent expenditure Committee involved in a local um um election so well te issue anywhere nobody's addressed it it it you know that it popped up here was kind of unusual to say the least um but I I think that ought to be included because as people find out that they can circumvent transparency laws and elect laws by having these independent committees um It's kind devious um I think now that people know that they can do that unfortunately more of these things might pop up and and it's a way to hide money if you make it if you make it a condition of an approval for you know Sarah or a pilot or the zoning board or the planning board it helps to take away that Shield that that curtain um so that there is that transparency so um s wonderful again our attorneys are great he's already used the technology on the day is to pull up at least one other Town's um disclosure statement um I believe you said that one was Jackson Jackson he was taking notes Mr Robinson yes so he already did that he's he's good um so what I'm they're gonna work on this by our next meeting I know it's only in a couple of weeks let's have something so at least we can review and see what we can get accomplished here um I agree with you I think the comprehensive the better y m m m mad mayy if you don't mind yes council president I heard the voice and I didn't I wasn't sure who it was I thought Jim's voice was changing on me go ahead not quite but you know what I uh you know I guess from a Planning and Zoning per perspective this I do find this quite quite interesting and I'm you know I'm looking forward to see how U we can compare this to uh you know the you know the rules and regulations that we already have in place um and you know of course as you mentioned even for the sake of uh trans transparency I think it is a good idea that we see how um we're already requiring certain levels of dis closure or um and if we're not maybe we can see how we can I do believe that there are some places like I think Hoboken and some other parts of North Jersey that that do require um you know um you know this type of of common practice within their applications you know just again as you mentioned for the sake of improving transparency and um preventing you know certain um I guess forms of a dark influence if you will so I I appreciate that that comment and um and hopefully we can U get some more info uh in our next meeting thank you thanks council president I agree um any other comments from the council we'll just look and see what we get for our next meeting mayor could I make one other comment sure as long as the attorney was taking notes I was taking notes on on what he was doing too and on that Sarah uh resolution or ordinance I just want to make two comments number one is in 2- 51.2 it talks about the township rather than the burrow um that was probably just a cut and paste error oh yeah that's number one and the other is in 2- 51.4 it says I understand the intent here but it says all appointments to Sarah shall be made in January I think what the intent was that the terms will start in January but say all appointments will be made I mean if you have a death in February the mayor isn't going to wait till the subsequent January to make the appointment so I I think I understand the intent but it's the terms should start in January but not that all appointments should be made thank you for that clarification I'll be honest with you I know I didn't articulate that well um and change it again and reintroduce it well my thought is is that the way it's written captures the goal of the of the buau um if anybody disagrees that be happy to go back and revisit the language and then we could reintroduce what what what is the goal that you're stating that it it as you interpret it so my understanding of the council was is that sh can you use your microphone please sorry sorry Mr Robinson so my understanding was is that the council was concerned with the fact that there was going to be appointments made in January and then there was individuals who had expiration in July and so the there was a determination determination made that going forward it that terms are going to expire at the end of the year rather than July and that new individuals who were appointed will take their seat in January so that's that's fine that is different what this said just one second uh councilwoman Roberts and I are having a dialogue thank you um so what does that mean by the appointment does the appointment get made in January we s initial appointment in there without having to reintroduce so I think that if my understanding is is that was the goal so my position is is that that's just a simple minor change that can be made uh there are mechanisms where we don't have to reintroduce at this point it's just been introduced by title and then moving forward we can we can move forward when we publish the entirety of the uh ordinance for second reading we can include those minor changes because I think that it's really a clarification it's not really a change it's we're identifying that we're talking about a term there's no substance that there the substance is not being modified it's simply just a a minor change to to further clarify the goals of the Council on this ordinance so the initial appointments moving forward will occur on January 1 well it would that would be the goal yes is that yes exactly the event but it says all appointments to Sarah all appointments to Sarah shall be made in January and shall expire on December 31st of the preceding year following the expiration of said term any Commissioner of Sarah currently sitting with an unexpired term shall continue to sit as a commissioner until the expiration of their term which presently occurs in July of 24 25 and 26 we were adding 27 so what it should say though is terms shall begin in January because let's say the mayor doesn't make the appointment in January and in February is the council or or or or somebody like me gonna stand up and say no the ordinance said you can only make it in January right I I understand what Jim is saying to yeah point if you have a vacancy in February right tomor at like 9: a yeah Glenn yeah no but Glenn well like I'm saying like even even Glenn says and he agree this is this is a shocking moment because Glenn actually sees and agrees with the argument here that you're making Jim the point yeah he's got yeah you have a valid point I think as time goes on we're going to find out he voted no on the ballot my suggestion I wouldn't listen to me as as a matter of fact mayor while you're ahead Jim one of the things that that raised this was we've had a couple deaths on Sarah yes and you know if those people don't die in December you know they're in conflict with the ordinance so so my thought is and tonight is is that I think the best bet the best way to handle this is instead of trying to rush through and put one word changes in and then the next meeting at the second reading meeting There's issues with those changes we still have two meetings left there's ample time to pass this ordinance tonight was the first reading so my suggestion would be is why don't we pull that ordinance we we make the changes I could circulate a draft so everybody is comfortable on the day as to the specific language that we can make we could reintroduce at the next meeting the second reading would be the first meeting in December it' be passed before the end of the year it would effectuate all the changes and that way we're not going back and and trying to change one word here one word there and it's it's a clean process and it'll and that way there's no um there's there's no possibility that somebody's going to raise an issue with well you is that a substantive change is it not a substantive change we can go back we'll make the changes that way the clerk's office isn't pressed with time to get it published by 9:00 am tomorrow Etc and that and it will still be passed by the end of the year should the council decide to move forward and vote on and I'm just trying to be helpful here I'm not trying to be pedantic and it and it and I notice that it does reinforce that commissioners are appointed by the mayor because there's been a lot of discussion as to whether or not the mayor you would need a motion to table that ordinance and then well that hasn't been changed that's only the that part change Jim that part of the uh that's the only the count that's only the council that's not the actual members the members are appointed by the mayor with consent and the council counil no I I'm just pointing out that it it confirms that because there's been discussion in fact mayor the last appointment that was made you said I can't appoint I can only recommend if somebody wants to move and I think it was Mrs Duffy and then somebody moved it and the attorney sat next to you not this attorney but an attorney sat next to you and said no mayor you can appoint you didn't yeah uh listen there's never been more um I don't know tornado twister like discussions than with the Redevelopment agency and I think the public saw that and I think you can understand why right now we're combing through this new ordinance very very carefully because the residents are really the ones that are going to have to speak up and pay attention to these things um you know I think we all learned a very valuable lesson within the past four years um and I'm glad that that was brought up so what I need is a motion now in essence to table what was introduced initially um in order to move forward with redrafting just those changes so moved thank you is there a second second thank you roll call soon as Jess is ready Council person's Noak yes ala yes Cony yes manoha yes Roberts yes zabowski yes all right ladies and gentlemen believe it or not we're getting a lot of business accomplished in these last couple of meetings here um anything else then from the public oh we've got more come on up and then uh Mr Duffy you haven't come up yet and then we'll go for seconds okay Bob Igan 43 I don't know if it's Elizabeth Street or Avenue sign say street but the billboard says Aven so anyway uh I recently read in a paper middle sex county is combining with Somerset County to purchase property at a tune of a couple million dollars well if they can combine with them to buy property to put a park well maybe they seral should pressure them to buy some property around here you know I mean like the Crossman property because they said that there's uh revolutionary battle took place at this bridge well we'll find some buttons and musket balls but you have a paleontology dream over there in Crossman property with Prehistoric Amber and all that you know maybe they could break some of that property loose from the owner you know just more open space is all I'm talking about and uh I don't know maybe Jay can answer this one of the guys that was working on Elizabeth Street said that we weren't going to get curbs and sidewalks do you know if that's true you're getting new curbs if you have sidewalk sidewalk will be replaced you're not getting sidewalk if none exists why won't they put sidewalks in if they're not there that's the policy that the burrow has I I don't see how it's cheaper to tear upside walks and then have to recycle the concrete as compared to putting sidewalks in especially now we're not we're we were an old fogy neighborhood now we're getting kids in the neighborhood and there's no sidewalks going up and down the street Plus have a neighbor that's confined to a wheelchair you take your life in your hands if you're going up and down the road in Elizabeth Street anymore you know it's like people fly just like they do on palaski they have the flashing signs I just wondering what you know why they can't cut loose for some sidewalks and carbs that's all thanks Bob I hear you um okay thank you come uh let's say say first time rounds only B Bob did you want to come up or you want to let her come up first your choice there you go come on up there you go he he is a gentleman I knew he was gonna say that I know I wish it was closer Clos okay okay um Evelyn Smith 124 Kendall Drive um couple of things that were mentioned before uh just first of all there is they do not block the intersection sign at the corner of ernston and Parkway I saw it yesterday um number two one of the problems with the geese is that people keep feeding them and these you know the kids they're bringing the kids there and oh they're you know it's but they're bringing the kids there along with a bunch of bread which you're not supposed to feed them anyway because they get sick because it goes to the bottom and it ferments and so how about some more signs saying no feeding geese allowed period I don't I don't have issue with that I don't know how much signage that we have um so I'm I'm okay with that mayor you want to or Glenn you got that I don't know why I said mayor he's got he's only at seven guys so that's single digits not Sur yeah it's not quite many so yeah so I mean you know I mean I know they were you can get dogs that'll come and and chase them off but as soon as the dogs are gone they're back again yeah I know but you know not feeding them might make them you know go away yeah and people think it's really cute to feed all the geese and the Ducks and one of them comes and chases them not so cute anymore okay um I need I need a a yes or no on this um or I can't discuss it because of the suit is there or is there not a signed proposal on this school proposed uh property dupon property with the Board of Education because the guy from the Board of Education who was here stood here and said that they have a signed agreement so I need to know is is it yes is there an agreement or is there no agreement I mean may it could be written up but never signed and if so it doesn't mean you know hell beans there was signed what they call anou a memorandum of understanding so that was signed and my understanding is and again I'm still this is all new to me it's fresh but my understanding is is that in May of last year there was a resolution passed by both this board as well as the Board of Education authorizing their respective administrators and or parties to execute thatou okay you mean the one that they've been hiding for a year and a half well I mean it's all public so I don't think that I don't think that hiding is the is the proper um you know description of that but I would say that yes there was anou that was signed I still have not read theou but I'm aware of it at this point and again um the the member from the board of UC was accurate in that regard um now to what legal standing that agreement may or may not have I'm not going to get into tonight uh but it was signed there was anou again a memorandum of understanding is what that's short for and it was passed there was it was authorized by Council approval and by Boe approval at their respective meetings and I believe it was May of 2022 okay so say I was selling my house and you were buying a house and we signed one of the those could I then say I don't want to sell my house well I'm not going to engage in hypothetical legal scenarios with you from the de um but you know and so for that reason I'm not gonna I want sell my car okay since you're not a real estate agent I I want I have something and you want that something and so we make an agreement to of understanding that I'm going to you know do it but then I changed my mind but I have't signs saying that I will you know this is an understanding of agreement sounds like you would have a case in front of a judge that you would have to make based on that legal scenario you just mentioned right there not knowing more just with those limited facts again that has nothing to do with the circumstances that are presently occurring in the bureau um but again I can't engage in legal hypotheticals with you not only just from a from a burough Council standpoint but from an ethical standpoint I can't not a ass signed agreement and then I I was told there was and then there was told there wasn't and so I just wanted a clarification on whether or not there actually is something out there that was signed by both boards again my understanding is is that there was anou that was executed and it was authorized by resolution in May of 2022 okay and um just uh from my own perspective um the problem with the last election had something to do with a man who's left name starts with a P won't get an argument here um come on up uh Bob uh I have two issues I hope to be short uh on the [Music] uh on on the school board the super oh name and address Bob we all know you that's okay uh the part is at 111 Merit Avenue go ahead Bob thank you on the board of ed it seems like there's one person that is the problem and that's the superintendent Dr uh is that a elected position or is that a pay uh um I'm gonna defer over to our former Board of Ed member you want to run that down for him I mean the board hes him how long is his 10 how long is his uh well I'm just saying it seems like what's his name do he he's like the boss of the bosses he doesn't want to hear anything he doesn't want to talk to the councel he wants to go to court he's thrown his weight around so I I just wanted to know how long is he going to be in that position you know and yeah but who I understand that I understand it's his board but he's employed by Board of Education how long is he employed is it every year his contract is it five years is it two years he had like a three-year contract at one time they they extended it one time time I heard rumors on Facebook that he got another three years recently I I'm not sure where it's at right now because I'm not on the I'm not on the board it should be on the minutes okay the other thing is I want to thank Anthony we need more people like him on all the boards honest and ethical ethical is the big word okay you wouldn't have the problem with the warehouses in town if that board at that time was ethical but we knew who was running that board okay so now the other thing I I'm gonna ask about is I asked in the beginning of this year to look at making an ordinance for anybody that goes in front of a board planning board board of adjustments that their property is up to par and not in any violation like just like the mosque they went to the board and they wanted the board the planning board to okay their mistakes okay and the board heard them and then if they would have paid their Farm and clean their property up or or be in compliance then the port the board should whatever board it is be able to listen to them but just as a neighbor puts an extra garage up and then after the garage is up they turn around and they say you're in violation well I'm going to go up in front of the planning board I got the the application out well they're asking the board to come down or or to condone their wrongdoing of putting up that garage so I think you should have an ordinance can't hurt that everything has the property has to be brought back to legitimacy or brought back to Legal before they can go up in front of a board I asked that in I think January February but I know you had other things happen in the beginning of the year but just look at it and I'm also saying it to the Republicans on the board and the two in the audience because I know you only have two two meetings left that they should look into that that any property owner big or small has to be in compliance zoning and everything thing before a board sees them and application is accepted thank you thanks Bob I appreciate that come on up Bob Madam mayor real quick yeah I was just told liby's under contract of 2027 so oh okay thank you 2027 Bob your question how long was Dr Lobby's contract for expires in 2027 yep probably I would think June 30th yeah thank you okay I I still live on Elizabeth Street yeah okay in the letter we got from CMA it said that okay I don't want to read the whole thing I want to get the uh Drainage Systems including Recon uh reconstruction of existing inlets construction of new drainage structures pipe reaches the construction of new concrete curb and then it has after that removal and replacement of existing concrete curb I know does that mean that you're going to put curb in and then you're going to have Curb on the entire roadway consistent curb if you have existing sidewalk that's in po condition it'll be replaced if you don't have sidewalk it's not going to be installed but there are going to be curves put in yes okay as long as water sanitary storm curb drainage improvements just not consistent sidewalk everything else is being constructed okay thank you you're welcome thank you all right I see no one online um anybody else in public I see no additional hands I move the public potion be closed second fast uh all in favor I motion to adjourn second all in favor I I Anthony I'd love to clone you I hope you're working on that with the little one I think well we're going to take him a while but he's he's working on a mini me thank you uh ladies and gentlemen um do we need a quick pause for the agenda or we want to roll right in yeah I have to I'm going to step out to go and sign a few docs start our agenda meeting uh ladies and Gent Gentlemen please rise Mr spado there you go sorry all right ladies and gentlemen thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all once again roll call please Jess oh statement publication take notice that this agenda meeting of the mayor and Council being held this 13th day of November 2023 has been advertised and posted in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 yeah you better protect council person Vala here ky here Novak yeah an NOA here Roberts here zabowski okay under admin and finance review and approval of 2024 council meeting schedule I have to make some changes to that so we'll just pass over that authorization to renew Reliance Insurance Group LLC as our insurance broker for health services for the year 2024 why didn't we RFP that or RFQ why didn't we go up to RFP or RFQ for insurance services we never did it's it's on best practices that we should and I think they I think I think they pay them don't we but but they get 5% commission I believe from our premiums which could be3 $400,000 at least I would think so it's something we should think about I can talk to Danielle okay keep in mind our insurance RS out I think 31st doesn't yeah we well last year we didn't approve them till January because there was another issue but I'll talk to Danielle on that authorization to execute a contract renewal with North American Insurance Management Corp to serve as risk management consultants for the year 2024 it also be RF pable you think I'll check with Danielle authorization to request proposals for grant writing services through a competitive Contracting process authorization to execute the renewal of an interlocal Services contract with the county of middlex for the provision of Public Health Services in the amount of $195,400 cents authorization to renew a contract for animal control services with the associated Humane Society in the burough of saal for January 1 2024 through December 31st 2024 authorization to accept the the subgrant award of the federal fiscal year 2023 of Emergency Management performance Grant and Emergency Management agency assistance in the amount of 10,000 authorization to purchase one 2023 Chevy Tahoe through the Cranford police Cooperative pricing system contract 231 in amount not to exceed $ 58,4 37.75 authorization to execute an interlocal Services agreement with the township of East Brunswick fire district for the provision of fire protection Fire Protection services for a 4-year term commencing January 1 2024 through December 31st 2027 at a 10,500 per year authorization to execute an interlocal agreement with middle sex County for the county to provide funding to the burre to pick up litter on County Roads as part of the clean communities program authorization to establish the following Recreation program and fees associated with said programs stem camp with Lego onee Camp residents 130 non-res residents 150 and a stem program with Lego six weeks program residents 134 non-residents 159 that's it for me uh asking for authorization to call for a certified list for lieutenants and sergeants from the Department of personnel looking for authorization to amend the management salary guide to have the title of management specialist and that'll require an ordinance authorization to adopt Personnel policies and procedures as required by the Central Jersey joint Insurance Fund and as I what what exactly are they all new policies are just that we're just policies to tweak it to their satisfaction Glenn can you share with us the what's it called the job description for the management specialist it's probably it's I'm sure it's a step down from a department manager I'm saying you just emailed us you talk about now I mean that's I'm just curious [Music] okay up I have a budget transfer resolution and authorization to cancel outstanding checks thank you I have just one item 2022 Road Project phase one looking for a change order to allow us to pay a contractor for extra work done by the burrow does not change the overall contract amount thank you I make a motion to open to the public I see okay I recognize Jim Robinson on the phone yes thank you Jim Rob Jim Robinson L bral Square I had the the same question that councilman Bala had about Mr sarinsky's recommendation on the salary ordinance um what is the reason for this what is the job description and uh what's the ultimate goal and and Glen I couldn't hear anything that you said because of where your microphone was can you hear me now now I can okay sorry about that so uh the goal here uh we have a uh position in the personnel office which kind of bifurcates its time between personnel and assignments that I uh give to this particular employee uh she's been taking on more and more responsibility which would ultimately result in her being part of the management team and falling outside of the ask me contract and going into the management contract so we like to make that change in the uh the structure and add that position to our available list of positions within the Barrow very good thanks a lot sense thank you anyone else in the public wait a minute yeah okay then we got to go into closed right correct okay wait all in favor you didn't get a second second she did she second [Music] yeah so do we need a motion to go to EXA got to read it okay whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and bur Council the burough of saal County and middlex state of New Jersey as follows the public portion of this meeting is hereby adjourn in order that the governing body may meet and close private session for approximately 60 minutes to discuss the following matters litigation following the conclusion of said closed session the governing body shall reconvene the open portion of this public meeting to consider any other matters which may be properly brought before it at this time the nature and content of the discussion which occurs in closed session shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists this resolution shall take effect immediately I move that the motion be approved on roll call vote second Council person's no back yes Bala yes con yes an NOA yes Roberts yes zabowski we're going to go to the we do not anticipate taking any action on the close of uh executive session thank you [Music] um no make a motion to reconvene second all in favor I I um motion to adjourn adjourn second all in favor