e good evening everyone I'm going to call the meeting to order would everyone please stand for a short prayer and a salute to our flag almighty God grant us the wisdom to make those decisions that are in the best interest of all our residents May the heavenly father of us all bless those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and may He watch over and protect are Ser as men and women now guarding the gates of Freedom salute to our flag I PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh Jessica's statement of publication take notice at this regular agenda meeting of the mayor and burrow Council being held on this 13th day of May 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 roll call Council person's Bala here poliisi here NOA Roberts here zarski here zabowski here okay uh council president approval of Prior minutes make a motion to approve the prior minutes of April 2 9th for the regular and agenda session second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes kisi yes sinari here zabowski yes okay could I have uh the governing body come up to the rail please and is there anyone here for from um uh public works well then we'll have we'll have Mr Kirk Mick stand front and center at attention to receive it on their behalf M okay be m guess wait wait for the microphone what's that he's got to get the microphone so we can pick it up you can stand by I will now read the proclamation the rhythm of Public Works whereas Public Works professionals focus on the infrastructure facilities and Sur and services that are vital importance to substain to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of the burrow of sarraille state of New Jersey and whereas these infrastructure facilities and services could not be provided without the dedication the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in public interest for the citizens Civic leaders children in in the burough of sville state of New Jersey to gain knowledge of and to maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities and whereas the year 2024 marks the 6 4th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association Canadian Public Works Association be it now therefore Kennedy O'Brien the mayor of burrow of sarraille do hereby designate the week of May 19th through the 25th 2024 as National Public Works week I urge all citizens to join with the government with government agencies to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals Engineers managers and employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health safety and quality of life it caused this proclamation to be issued and the official seal of the burrow duly affixed this 13th day of May 2024 B if you would pass this on to your comrades uh in arms and tell them job well done and we celebrate this week with them always grateful for the work they do they always go above and beyond app all right no Don is GNA read it everybody yep we have seral Squad in cble we have the Morgan Squad in Cal and tonight representing um hackin saac medical we have John Isel did I say that right oh pretty close go ahead all right we have a proclamation whereas Emergency Medical Services is a vital public service and whereas the m members of Emergency Medical Services teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week and whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury and whereas the Emergency Medical Services System consists of First Responders emergency medical technicians paramedics firefighters Educators administrators eer mergency nurses emergency physicians and others and whereas the members of Medical Services teams whether career or volunteer engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life-saving skills and whereas it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical service providers by designating Emergency Medical Services week now they therefore be it resolved that the mayor and councel of the burough of serville extend their sincere gratitude to all of these Heroes who continue to sacrifice for the sake of the residents of the burough of cille and the country be it further resolved that mayor Kennedy O'Brien of the burough of cille joined the state of New Jersey and the United States of America in recognition of this event do hereby proclaim the week of May 19th through 25th as a Emergency Medical Services week congratulations and thank you for your service thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you all for your service thank you so so one more one what last Proclamation yes oh well keep them in mind sh okay with that we have a young resident of our burrow who several weeks ago at Earth Day down at Kennedy Park demonstrated an exceptional uh uh commitment to our burrow he's also I think you're on the police explorers he he's and and I I Che I checked with the cops which and they gave you a double thumbs up they said you're a heck of a guy so with that I'd like Dylan Rus to come up so that you're you're on not yet not yet not yet your mother would kill me if I just had you come up and S you now turn around so you're in the picture come here here you go okay in recognition of his outstanding contributions during the April 20th Earth Day cleanup at Kennedy Park Dylan's commitment to community service is truly commendable he has demonstrated a strong sense of civic responsibility and has set a remarkable example for his peers Dylan's dedication to environmental stewardship and community service is commendable and deserves recognition the mayor and burrow Council extend their praise and appreciation to Dylan Rus for his tenacity and diligence to the community and the environment presented by the the mayor and Council this day the 13th day of May 2024 it's a photo op time folks come on come on up Mom go ahead snap away anything uh thank you Mr Mayor and all council members I appreciate the recognition and if the junior Police Academy or the sville community needs help with anything else in the future I'm sure I'll be available you said a good example thank you Dylan good job Mom oh thank you I need a motion to accept the Public Works week Proclamation I make a motion to accept the Public Works Proclamation our second all in favor I oppose and a motion to accept the EMS week Proclamation I'll make a motion to accept the EMS week Proclamation second all in favor I opposed and the certificate of recognition we don't need to do anything well let's do it he's he's a young fell motion to accept the certificate of recognition for Dylan Rus make a motion to accept the certificate of recognition for Dylan Rus is there a second second uh all in favor I opposed all right you're official Dylan you're now in the annals of the history of sville so okay there there there's nothing for executive session tonight uh under old business Jessica just like to announce that the 2024 budget approval and public hearing notice had been advertised in the home News Tribune on April 12 20124 which gave notice of the date and time of this public hearing and put before the council tonight the 2024 Municipal budget resolution 2024 d116 now we have to open it to the public beg your pardon we have to open it to the public okay at this time I'm going to open uh the meeting uh to the public for comments on the mun ipal on the 2024 Municipal budget there is a 5 minute um time limit are there any questions on the budget being no questions I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion make a motion to close the public is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes fala yes polii yes tarski yes zabowski now a motion to adopt the 2024 Municipal budget in resolution 2024 1116 Dan it's probably not g you need a motion to adopt the budget oh no so it's I'm going you put the budget together I voted know on the introduction I voted know know okay Donna if you would as the council president I will I make a motion to accept the 2024 Municipal budget is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Vala no kisi yes sari yes zabowski yes public hearing on the following ordinance ordinance number 21-24 and ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance number 40-23 fixing the salaries of certain burrow officials officers and employees for the years's 2023 to 2027 need to note a change it went from assessing clerk to assessing Aid okay uh at this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on ordinance 2124 are there questions or comments rather there being no comments I'll entertain a motion councilman Bala I'm sorry just to be just accept the motion should be motion to accept the change and pass yeah all the one all one motion that right okay motion to accept the change from assessing clerk to assessing Aid and to move the public hearing be closed the be adopted on second and final reading and advertised according to law second roll call Council persons Bala yes poliisi yes Roberts yes zarski yes zabowski yes next item oh appointments no I got it got it okay uh at this time I'm going to uh appoint uh the law firm of Lowenstein and sand to special counsel D other matters is there a motion I'll make that motion is there a second second roll call Council Council person's Roberts yes fala yes polii yes sinari yes zabowski okay uh I did appoint earlier this week um Heath kandell we we had a very long-term member of the planning board uh Allen hwit um who basically had to step down due to health reasons he was a heck of a member he he he was really U the mayor's appointment um and he did a great job for many many many years I wish him good health and a good future and Keith will do more than an admirable job uh that being said next item introduction of the following ordinances ordinance number 22 24 burrow of seral County of middlex ordinance addressing fees for the Department of recreation councilman Bala sarki sarki oh I'm sorry I'm sorry councilman sari I move the ordinance be approved on the first reading advertised according to the law and a public hearing to be held on 52824 second roll call council person sinari yes Bala yes kisi yes Roberts yes okay zi yes before before we we introduce ordinance 20 uh 23 2425 uh we've asked uh Kirk Mick uh to come forward and to give an overview of of they're three separate ordinances but they all address the same thing I I won't knock it over again I promise even direct we can't hear you Kirk good evening I'm Kirk Mick and the director of code enforcement for the burrow um this code a brief history is that we we um contract all health issues with the middle County Board of Health it's been we've contracted with them more than the 26 and a half years I've been here and recently the seral court correctly um there was a violation that the health inspector went to court on and the court correctly noticed that adoption that ordinances that were supposed to be adopted over 20 years ago for whatever reason was were not adopted um this is these are resolutions and codes um suggest not suggested uh given to the mayor and Council for approval by the Board of Health um it's just it's a common code it's the New Jersey it's uh given by it's a code made by the New Jersey Department of Health um it's a public nuisance code it's uh and I'll just read quickly what it what it is it's it's a CO it's a code by the state of Department of Health for by adoption by local Boards of Health it may be adopted without alteration if so if so desired numbered sections or paragraphs may be deleted but no substitute section may be added it is recommended by the state that this this code is adopted in full again it's a general code it's adopted by the state department of health uses it the county department of health uses it and mostly all all the municipalities within the state use it um I contacted midd six County about this and you know it is from 1953 but um so you know my construction code that I do through the code that was adopted in 1977 and um quite honestly you know we we we used the Constitution right and that was uh adopted 200 and some OD years ago right so doesn't matter when it was adopted and it's a very general code and quite honestly all this does it's we have this in our property maintenance code for fire prevention construction our zoning officer and our Code Enforcement Officers all this does is allow it names the county health inspector Health official to enforce the baral ordinances regarding rubbish uh debris G grass and all health issues Beyond just Health you know that with that contract gets us into the air pollution uh committees the mosquito commission things like that so all this this is a general code and just adopt it's just to get the county health guys that uh enforce the code uh to do it compliantly within our B resolutions K from time to time as I set up here we we we would run into things that had been overlooked for a variety of reasons and we generally called it a housekeeping item is that pretty much what this is that that's what it is right um so with that we will go to the first ordinance Kirk thank you for coming out to no problem thank you if any further first questions please feel free okay um Public Safety Mike you need to introduce this I got to read the title go ahead ordinance 23-24 bu of saal County of middle sex an ordinance regulating removal of garbage refuge and rubbish in the burrow of saille County of middlex state of New Jersey go ahead mate I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and public hearing to be held on May 28th 2024 is there a motion second second roll call Council person's kisi yes fala yes Roberts yes senari yes zabowski ordinance number 24-24 bu of seral County of middle sex and ordinance regulating removal of grass weeds brush and other debris in the burrow of saille County of middlex state of New Jersey Mike I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and public hearing to be held on May 28th 2024 there second second roll call Council person's kisi yes ala yes Roberts yes sari yes zabowski ordinance number 25-24 buau of seral County County of middle sex an ordinance adopting the public health nuisance code of New Jersey for the burrow of saille County of middle sex state of New Jersey is there a second make the motion second no I'm sorry Mike you got to do your thing Jesus I'm not doing well to me I move the ordinance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and a public hearing to be held on May 28 2024 is there a second second roll call Council person's Co yes ala yes Roberts yes sinari yes zabowski next item ordinance number 26-24 and ordinance supplementing and amending ordinance 40-23 fixing the salaries of certain bur officials officers and employees for the years 2023 to 2027 councilman Bala move the ordance be approved on first reading advertised according to law and public hearing being held on May 28 2024 second roll call Council person's Bala yes poliy yes Roberts yes zarski yes zabowski yes okay at this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments on the consent agenda items are there any questions Jim any any comments rather hold I have some comments and questions Jim Robinson Parlin New Jersey on resolution 125 Keith Law Firm to investigate pfas contamination that is kind of cryptic I assume this is the KE this is Mr Keef who used to be with Lynch Martin in New Brunswick who does environmental stuff is that a correct assumption can make comments sorry that's a question okay well I I'm wondering what the Genesis of this is the P pfas they're the per poly floral kills that are found in drinking water right and they are the things that are dangerous because they don't go away they cause a lot of problems cancer fertility problems pregnancy issues impaired fetal development I think maybe somebody will respond to that correct me if I'm wrong the main exposure is drinking water I think sometimes wastewater treatment plants um but it's also associated with Industries there have been a couple large cases where this has been associated with Industries polluting the um water system and I'm I'm just wondering if that's the case in the case here this is kind of cryptic it doesn't say very much what I read is basically what it says except that it authorizes the mayor to to do this so I'm just wondering why are we doing this do we suspect there's that contamination if we do where do we suspect it might be might it be caused by whom um why are we hiring an attorney to look at this not an engineer or not a scientist or not a chemist or something like that and what is the cost for this are things that I am wondering about and I hope that on something as important as this that even though the these are questions or even though these are comments but you might want to comment on them even though they aren't questions and the other thing is I look at the agenda that came in 124 authorizes the burough engineer to prepare an updated structural environmental analysis but I look online and it says resolution 124 is the resolution of support for S 2930 urging the Swift passage of the modernization of the open public records act just another way to take away the rights of the citizens and the press and people to know what's going on and I'm wondering about that substitution I'm wondering why what I read online is different from what we get there and those aren't questions because I know questions aren't allowed in this free Society they are statements but members of the council are free to make their own statements in respond to that and I hope they will thank you are there any other questions being no other questions I'll entertain them questions did you say mayor I do have are there any other comments I do have questions sir you have a comment oh only comments no questions okay are there any other comments being no other comments I'll entertain a motion make a motion to close the public is there a second and adopt the resolutions is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes ly yes sinari yes zabowski a motion to accept the correspondence as listed make a motion to accept the correspondence as listed there second second roll call council person Roberts yes Sala yes poliisi yes sinari yes zabowski yes uh uh Council reports administration of Finance councilman Bala progress mayor planning zoning councilman zabowski thank you mayor uh just a couple quick uh items uh the planning board meeting for 5:15 which is um this Wednesday has been cancelled um the next meeting is June 5th and the meeting for the mosca application is June 19th and that will be at the Active Adult Center uh Board of adjustment has a meeting uh on May 22nd there are four small applications and then finally Sarah met last Thursday and and approved a resolution to forward the landfill 3 uh development application to the planning board for the review and the next meeting for Sarah is June 13 and mayor that's all I have thank you uh Public Safety uh councilman clacy progress mayor uh Public Works councilman clacy Public Works uh the men and women of Public Works did an outstanding job they're continuing getting ready for the Memorial Day Parade you'll see Main Street all uh nicer than what it was and then um the uh pickle ball courts that were just completed in Kennedy Park what a great job and uh everyone is out and about and progress uh Recreation councilman zarski the seral wreck we had our fishing derby on Saturday that was a great success we had almost 100 people as far as uh younger adults fishermen uh there was like almost 35 F caught uh there was a lot of smiles a lot of people helping I want to say thank you to everybody from the seral wck department and I had a bunch of volunteers from nights at Columbus down also to help them tangle lines and keep things running smooth and it was just a great day also the following day was a cable Bic fishing tournament and there was a lot of smiles and a lot of fish caught on that day also I want to compliment on the burough of serval as far as the work they're doing on Main Street also the street sweeping I travel a lot through this town every day and there's hard to find a street that a street sweeper has not been on so there's everybody complaining all the time about the streets being not swept but I don't see anybody saying boy nice job on the streets so I'm telling all the burrow employees nice job one more comment I got to say before I stop I had an incident at our home you don't really know what our First Responders are and everything else so you have something hit you close to home our granddaughter had a problem the police the rescue the paramedics everybody was outstanding job and I just want to say thank you to everybody that's what I'm done thank you councilman water are sewer environmental council president Roberts thank you mayor um I just want to announce a couple of things the community guarding Garden committee was meeting in the room down the hall from us tomorrow is going to be their community garden orientation and I'm sorry Wednesday is going to be the community garden orientation in room 308 at at 7:30 I think tomorrow is the last day to purchase your um garden plot and there are still a few of those available um as far as water hydrant flushing is complete if you haven't you will get it soon your um consumer confidence report was mailed I got mine today or while I was away last week so you should have those and the um other item that I've just been watching for is the 12-in sanitary sewer line from Journey road is anticipated to be tied into the 24 in line at the beginning of June um so that's that's progress and I just wanted to say thank you for those who reached out to me for questions before the meeting I hope I was able to answer those and I prefer I do enjoy getting answers to people before we get here so thank you thank you okay um General items Administration and finance application for social Affair permit received from St stenis Los C the RC Church to Ser serve beer and wine at the annual Parish Carnival Parish carnival on June 20th to the 22nd from 400 p.m. to 12: a.m on their grounds are there any objections next item authorization for the tax collector to refund 2023 and 2024 taxes and cancel all subsequently bill taxes due to 100% disabled veterans tax exemption covering 225 Main Street in the amount of $382 714 and the other street is 10 Venter Court in the amount of $763 48 next item Public Works requests received from residents of Corey Street between Donna and such street to hold a block party on July 6 from 2: p.m. to 11:00 p.m. is there any objections next item application for a special event received from St St to uh for their annual Parish Carnival any objection next item uh it's on Glenn Glenn thank you mayor uh authorization to promote Thomas wasal levich from keyboarding clerk one to assessing Aid in the tax assessor's office retroactive to April 16th uh just so everybody understands we had to wait until you made that adjustment to the ordinance today to add that title which previously had not existed that's why we're backdating it to his date of appointment and authorization to promote Edward Gilla for maintenance worker one grounds to maintenance worker 2 grounds effective June 1st 2024 that will be the effective date of a uh retirement in that department so we're back filling for that that's all I have are there any objections all right cfo's report authorization to refund escro of bellow in the amount of $722 authorization to amend the 2024 local Municipal budget for the following recycling enhancement Grant $10,000 opioid settlement $89,700 uh burrow Engineers report thank you mayor two items 2021 Road Project phase two which included Oak Tree Road in Glen Court that project's been completed recommending it be closed out and final payment issued to the contractor need a resolution to do that and second item is we received notification that the dot is accepting Grant applications for their annual trust fund program that's uh Municipal roadways as well as sidewalk projects last year you got approximately $500,000 for Deerfield Road so we're looking for authorization to prepare applications for this year that's all I have here thank you thank you a burrow attorney's report uh no report thank you at this time I'm going to open the public portion for comments uh there is a five minute limit Ken thank you mayor K aleski sville which I now consider the home of secret government and that's what I want to talk about I'm very pleased that uh the resolution was pulled to revise the Oprah ordinance I know it's not your resolution but for supporting that I don't know what it was I'm sure there are some issues that abuses of the Oprah ordinance but we cannot at this time afford to lose anything the Oprah ordinance because that is the only method we have of finding out what's going on on government um if you know how old the burrow government is here uh I know that's a question so I'm not going to ask it but I'll tell you it's over a 100 years old it goes back to uh it goes back to uh 104 105 years ago uh and in that period of time we've never had secret government in Cal and all the time of the history of Cal so I think you you should be proud of yourselves you should be proud to go home and and and let your your parents know uh your spouse know your children know how proud you should be that we now have secret government in Sero you know Freedom allows me to question those who govern that was one of the principles of what our veterans fight for in this country and I find it quite ironic that we bring our veterans in and honor them and then and we totally defy what they stand for freedom freedom let me read it again Freedom allows me to question those who govern and that's what people died for and fought for and believe me I know a little bit about it in in addition to some of our current veterans uh I I can tell you I have a brother-in-law who was a prisoner of war in Germany fighting for freedom and to have two bit politicians take that freedom away it's amazing I find it quite amazing uh Morton Neer in 1945 spoke he spoke about the abuses in Nazi Germany and it's it's listed in the World War II museum in New Orleans I'm sure it's listed all over in in uh in museums around the country um and he revised depending on the audience that he spoke to as I'm going to do tonight when they came for the Protestants I didn't speak up because I wasn't Protestant when they came for the Jews I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew when they came for the blacks I didn't speak up because I wasn't black when they came for me there was nobody left to speak up and I think the people in this town I know they're listening to that despite the mayor said uh only 11 people view these meetings and he also which comments he made last meeting uh there are nine or 10 orchestrated people that came against the pilot I guess he doesn't know anything about good government and he also while we're at it talked about dopy people who come up to the meetings because they have no life thank you very much mayor thank you for those comments don't be people who come to the meetings because they have no life they nobody comes for a good government I guess that's just something maybe you people can't understand and he also said this isn't a place for question and answer oh really well where is it I I I think maybe he's got us confused he might have us confu confused with Russia or the old Soviet Union or he might have us confused with red China uh or he might have us confused with North Korea this isn't the place for question and answer well I ask you tonight where is the place where is the place I guess there's none in SEL because it's now the home of secret government thank you very much are there any other comments Bill thank you mayor uh Bill Henry Orchard Street um I just want to make couple comments mostly from last meeting um first of all may or you were blaming um Tom plando for getting a negative or a uh Denial on the last U pilot back in October you in you insinuated it was him it was the Republicans that denied that that uh pilot back in October um mayor also the speech that you gave last at the last meeting was very misleading to the residents of cal um you you said that you need the pilot to get a first class building or if you don't have the pilot you're going to get a second class building the building was built okay so you're implying to those people that if you didn't get this pilot we're going to get a second class building the building was built everything that you said even your letter that you sent to the council you said the proposed buildings they were built already they're actually um uh renting them out so I don't see why you need the pilot criminal troll said that we don't need the pilot and it was denied and I don't know why the pilot was actually brought back what was the reason it was brought back I don't know the only thing that's changed was you mayor that's that's up there otherwise it probably would have stayed um denied but right now you came on board um I know you were a big friend of developers and um that's what's happened you came in and you gave them a100 million tax break from the residents of saille that's what it comes down to I'll go through the numbers in a second here you say it was like 50 million it's more like $100 million if not more to be honest with you with this pilot um let me see all right so all right let me just go over the numbers 1995 I paid taxes of $3,856 2024 30 years later I paid taxes of $2,115 that's a 314 per increase in my tax rate the pilot conventional tax rate that they had in their paperwork there they year one was 4,021 and some change year 30 was 7,142 that's only a 78% tax increase over 30 years I don't see how it's going to be 78% when I paid over 300% over 30 years that was a uh those numbers were like fake from the start so I believe this this pilot that you gave last at the last council meeting is going to cost the taxpayers a hundred million if not more and then we lose 68 million dollar in our valuation of the property too which we lose taxes on that um oh I want to see this too I I don't know if this if it's a 30-year pilot or not it says here in the the presentation that they had given then it says Pilots have a maximum of 30 years from completion or 35 years from execution of financial agreement or 50 years if two or more sequential projects are undertaken and my understanding that these P people this is phase one of three phases which would be two more um Pilots possibly which could bring us to $300 million if it's three bils in each one if you even give them Pilots hopefully you don't give them Pilots um yeah I want to repeat it again oh then you had said at the last meeting mayor that um all questions will be answered on the pilot call the Burl clerk which I did they said well just send some things in I didn't get one answer but well I got a couple P I got a couple Pages back which didn't really Define my question plus the other questions weren't answered at all and you said all questions would be answered if they didn't have the answer they would go get them I even suggested you go to Phoenix advisers they would know the answer but that didn't happen and you know I I know um kenos sheski just put it up a little bit and I'm going to repeat it too maybe you're vicious up here even against your own Council people you know and and when you call residents of s and Dopey people that is very shameful on your part you shouldn't be talking that way about the residents that put you up there as a mayor in cille you should be ashamed of yourself and apologize to these people and again I'm going to talk to the other five Council people up here you people are the people in charge he's a glorified secretary you guys are in charge if you want to do something you can do it if you want to answer questions you can do it but if you want to have him Muzzle you and and keep you quiet and twist your arms and vote for Pilots that nobody wanted except for the mayor everybody was up here said they didn't want that pilot Donna he she wanted to have a open discussion on the pilots after she gave that that confidential statement I'm sorry I'll finish right now and she didn't do it thank you thank you Jim thank you mayor Jim Robinson parland I'm still not sure which resolution 124 was passed the one on agenda number one that is online or the one that's on agenda number two as we came in and I'd like a clarification on that and mayor I'm going to pick up on what these two other gentlemen said at the last meeting you talked about a-holes and Dopey people taking your time asking questions and you don't have time for that I got to tell you I am not used to to being called Dopey and for the the for the person who's responsible for all these apartments and the pilot and these warehouses that were just built or now being built on Main Street to call anybody else Dopey really is is kind of uh ironic uh at the last meeting this group spent 20 minutes discussing the definition of local with respect to the cable TV ordinance and you couldn't come to a conclusion you decided to table it I also talked about the state law that allows discounts for senior citizens from their cable bill as long as this has been taable while great minds try and discover what local is or Define local somebody said saille South Amway Oldbridge makes a lot of sense um I would hope that this governing body would spend some time exploring whether or not we can give discounts to whether or not we will have the cable company give discounts to seniors the statute permits it I read the statute off at the last meeting I've mentioned it a couple times seniors get distance in other places so I would hope I would hope you would talk about that I am glad if it was pulled I am glad resolution 124 which supported the changes in the Oprah law was pulled and substituted for the architectural study on the firehouse I don't know if it was nobody will give me an answer but I see one thing on my iPad and I see one thing when I came here I know I posted about it over the weekend because I was concerned about it I'll tell you why I'm concerned because this is and I'm not the only one that's concerned mayor you talked about 11 or 12 people watching I will tell you I can't go to shoppr right without 11 or 12 people stopping me and talking uh about things and some of the things they talk about or for the first time in history this governing body was elected the transparency te team thanks to a secret dark money committee the contributors to which $77,000 we still don't know who they are first time that ever ever happened then in Jan January this Council on the mayor's recommendation hired the chair of that dark money fund who lives in South Jersey as the mayor's chief of staff and you gave him the title of keyboard operator so the public wouldn't know he is the mayor's thirdd chief of staff and when I asked if the chief of staff to the mayor lived in cille I was told that information is confidential so people do wonder about Oprah and act ACC to records and confidentiality and things like that one of the first acts this governing body did was cut off or maybe unilaterally you did it mayor I don't know it's a question so we can't get an answer cut off Zoom participation in meetings this mayor and Council for the first time in our Town's history no longer allows questions at public meetings when I asked at a meeting at this Podium about about Veterans Preference for housing the mayor had a policeman escort me to my seat I asked about Veterans Preference for housing the same veterans that you love to parade up here tell them how much you love them and respect them when I asked the question about giving them preference for housing somebody else in another uniform sat me down this is the governing body that allows the mayor to mock and use profanity in reference to citizens who care enough to ask questions at public meetings and just a few minutes ago I talked about the pfas a pretty important topic if in fact we believe there's contamination in our water nobody said anything nobody said a damn thing I'm glad that resolution was pulled any other comments being no other comments I'll entertain a motion make a motion to close the public portion is there a second second roll call all in favor I opposed uh take a motion for adjournment I make a motion to adjourn is there a second second all in favor I opposed okay thank