I for well good morning everyone and a very happy New Year on this January 1st 2024 in our lovely borrow SVO uh I'd like to begin with a salute to the flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na under God indivisible with liy and justice for all a pray if I may oh statement of publication I'm sorry huh we can sit down all right nope all right statement of publication J this agenda session meeting being held on January 1st 2024 has been advertised and posted in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 Lo call we got to do o okay uh this is the agenda meeting it is uh we we all need all the new elected officials Matt need need to be uh sworn in so we can conduct the business of the borrow so um Jessica's gonna swear Us in on the uh and the informal meeting and then we will have hope hopefully Senator Joe vital will be able to make it over today for US senator Joe's always been a great guy okay we're all coming over here you all want to go together at this one yeah Donna do you maybe want to hold the Bible for them Donna is gonna hold the Bible for you guys are we no he was sworn in already he was yes you we're not there's no photo off whoops [Music] sorry they're all going together they're all going together okay I state your name I Kennedy O'Brien do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the sa and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and that will faithfully justly and partially all the duties of all the duties of for a three-year term for threee term foure term according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God might as well walk there the walk walk the walk [Music] and with that I'm GNA call our first roll call council person valala here colassi here anoa here Roberts here sonari here zabowski okay with that I'm going to designate the home news as the uh official newspaper of the borrow uh for council president I'm going to nominate Donna Roberts is there a second a motion first needs to make the motion to approve make a motion uh for council president Donna Roberts second council person zabowski yes fala yes colassi yes an NOA yes Roberts yes sinari yes okay uh I I put I put uh standing committees uh in front of everyone um if we're all in agreement now from this this can all be this is a ceremonial day so we we can all haggle at the next meeting but for the purpose of this meeting if everybody's in favor just to explain it when you're number one on a committee you are the liaison And I stress that word liaison we by law we're not here to manage we're here we're here to provide uh Direction um so that is the committee that you are the liaz on too and you listen to their needs and and you try to bring them the resources that that they ask you for so for the purposes of this meeting uh are we if we are in agreement I would uh accept the the motion council president I make a motion to approve the standing committees on roll call vote there second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Bala yes colassi yes anoa yes zarski yes zabowski yes if you want to put them out for the did you bring copies for the I have for the public yeah okay we don't have the tables anymore ah okay thank you Jess okay at this time we're going to adopt our meeting schedule are there are there any are there any um issues on this schedule remember we we usually adjust as the year goes on because there's always something that comes up that requires us to adjust the meeting but as written and submitted to each of you uh if there are no objections I'll entertain a motion IL president make a motion that we accept the schedule on roll call vote John second roll call Council persons Roberts yes Vala just just one little concern the December meeting is December 9th it's a little early for closing out the year so we might have to take a take a look at it later in the year might might have to revise it that's all but yes yeah lassi yes manoha yes tarski yes zabowski yes okay at this time I'd like to make the following appointments I'm going to go through the professionals uh just for the for the sake of brevity uh and then if there's any objection to any is this all right with the governing body that I do the uh Professionals in mass and if there's uh a question about any of the appointments we'll deal with it otherwise we would approve in mass is there okay that being said onee term for a burough attorney uh King mention Collins one year for the burrow engineer David J Samuel CME Associates oneyear labor Council Ros mandal stro ham and cypriani one-year auditor Supple Clooney and Company oneye Bond Council Archer and Griner one-year financial advisor Phoenix advisors one-year accounting services pfk o Conor Davies municipal prosecutor uh John krenzel and Scott L Mountain uh one-year public defender roselli and roselli uh three-year presiding judge Spencer Robbins a one-year special counsel Tax Matters James P Nolan and Associates oneyear special counsel ABC matters savos schlack corini Warner Gillespie ogrodnik and fiser oneyear special counsel rent leveling board James P Nolan one-year litigation Council King mention Collins oneyear Municipal planner Acuity Consulting Services oneyear special counsel Co matters D Francesco aatman kman Davis leir and flam uh oneye public agency compliance officer Daniel uh Mar how do you how do you pronounce Danielle's last name myama go ahead mayama mayama that being said is there is there a motion council president before that are there any questions if not I just have some concerns on the co- attorney because we were tied up with the prior firm as long as is everything transferred to the new firm from the old firm it's fine they're both equally qualified I I've worked at length with uh D Francesco over the years he was a former governor and former well qualified uh are there any other questions uh entertain a motion council president I make a motion to accept the nominations on roll call vote is your is your yes is there a second second roll call Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes colassi yes an NOA yes sonari yes zabowski yes okay uh I'm now going to Appo to the boards uh and and committees um I'm GNA be missing some people and and the reason is I I did my best I'm four years out of practice I did my best to get everybody down but when when I had a question when I was in doubt and then usually towards the end of of last week traditionally you get in a lot of applications and it gets confusing so rather than make an error I I'm just leaving this spot blank and we will we will catch up at the eth so I ask your Indulgence um and we'll move forward so Board of adjustment four-year member Tom reappointing Tom krinsky Board of adjustment four-year member Ron green uh two-year alternate uh Anthony Bella um if if it's all right with the council I'll go through the appointments if any if there's an objection or question on anybody at that time if if you'd bring it forward or you can bring It Forward before we finalize it is everybody okay with that uh planning board uh class four uh noren Shaw class four uh they're both four-year terms Tom Tai uh Board of Health reappointing Ken revolinski for a three-year term appointing Marie cook for three-year term uh po pointing uh Patricia McCracken to fill the unexpired term of Mike Horvath who who is really a good friend of mine and he's now in heaven uh but we thank him for his service um the environmental commission environmental commission Oney year Council liaison Donna Roberts uh human relations commissions these are three-year terms reappointing Joe malara Steve WG it's polish name how do you say it you don't know how to w g r zyn okay no offense Steve uh Steve uh Robert stuber Mindy schiffman uh Debbie Terry Korea uh Joan McCarthy u a commission of Aging we have uh Bonnie papalski for a three-year term Cultural Arts I'm re I'm reinvigorating Cultural Arts re re well I'm I'm what I'm trying to do is it's been very inactive for a number of years so I called up uh my young friend Moira McCormack daughter of the former mayor John McCormick and I said and I gave her a charge I said listen I need to get people a lot younger than me to reinvent it for people like you who have kids uh so I've I so I've asked to start I asked Moira McCormick Andrew Valentine Megan speezy and VJ sha who's more in my group than their group but he's the adult M room um to reinvent our cultural arts program and this is for a one-year term uh Library Board of Trustees for a five-year term uh the reappointment of Ivon kronowski my designate I'll reappoint Taren perno the school superintendent designate laurian toosi shade tree commission the reappointment of Heather palski the re uh that's fiveyear term the reappointment of Christopher cunio uh the reappointment of Joyce major and the appointment of gang raval for a fiveyear term all right Recreation board the reappointment of three-year terms Regina Oriel Bill tumbleson Joyce major uh Peggy Peggy yanelli um Paul I didn't get a hold of Paul oh Paul kakas yes I did get a hold of Paul uh Elise Baron Alicia El wish did you take Latin okay alowishus Ryan uh anarie rosansky Aaron Werner uh Deborah Gordon and BR traid uh those are all threee terms on the rec board open space committee the the appointment for three years of ress kadakia rent leveling board the uh three-year term reappointment of Joyce major Julia green Daryl Hartsfield and uh newly appointed this year three-year term Valar seral uh Alliance uh safe The seral Alliance Family education committee three-year terms reappointment of Danielle marinara darine Council L Bo counil mango uh Jeanie cerillo Jen Mar Larry Nicole rovic and Elise Baron Housing Authority five-year term reappointment of Steve melanowski a joint Insurance Fund commiss uh commissioner one-year term for the employee for Rebecca garbowski uh one-year alternate Denise biancamano our CFO uh Community block grant administrator gwendel um there's no term on here it's one year onee term gwendaline Knight and Denise biancamano um Bo all right liaison to Veterans Alliance for the VFW uh for a one-year term Ken Kelly Stanley draw and Stanley prisy how do you say your last name CL well I was close Okay uh for the American Legion Joel Bloom Frank tzo leaz on to the uh I haven't got that yet equal opportunity housing officer um Glenn ginski mayor's designated a mid City Solid Waste advisory Council Elise Baron uh lower R and watershed area steering committee um huh you can skip that because our term is till 2024 okay on both on both both okay next one we're down to is um Sarah the Sarah um appointments um Steve guerillo what's the this is all new now these are your two Commissioners for no I know five year fiveyear term for Steve guerillo five-year term for Robert Davis council member John zabowski um and then the OEM as as [Music] written and that's it reps uh and also the Reps from local businesses has written are there any questions objections changes s that being said I'd entertain a motion I make a motion to approve the appointments on roll call vote is there a second second roll call Council persons Roberts yes fala yes colassi yes an NOA yes sinari yes zabowski yes um are there any resolutions for consideration at the next meeting okay any other new business this time I'll open the public port portion for questions or comments other there questions or comments being no questions or comments entertain a motion to close a public portion make a motion to close the public portion all in favor need a second second all in favor I opposed all right then a motion for adjournment motion to adjourn is there a second all in favor I oppos see you at noon good good afternoon everyone and welcome to sville January 1st can you hear bang your gav bang your gav bang my gav it's on it's on is it on there you go all right good afternoon everyone and thank you very much for coming here today January 1st 2024 it is our reorg day and nothing like getting right to it so I'm going to begin with an opening prayer and this year our invoke is to be given by Deacon Andrew osgar Deacon if you would front and center if everyone would stand please Mighty God sent for oh Lord Our God you Spirit of wisdom to fill the hearts and minds of our Civic leaders May their decisions be right their principles glow with goodness and their commitment to Justice and mercy be clear support them when they feel weak Enlighten them when they feel confused protect them when they are unjustly opposed and all and about all give them love for the people whom they serve bless on mayor kedy o Brian and family as he starts his time of service bless the members of Our Town Council John zoski Mich stash sinari and their families and all the men and woman who serve our town along the and pour down your blessing upon all Ser your citizens so that all can flourish in Harmony and prosperity and goodness we ask this in your Holy Name confound them in your love and mercy amen thank you salute to oh excuse me salute to the flag congratulations go ahead and read uh read the statement please be advised that statements have been received from the middle sex County Clerk certifying the election of Mayor Kennedy O'Brien for a four-year term councilman Michael colassi for a three-year term councilman John zaski for a three-year term I need a motion to receive make a motion to receive is there a second Council person's Roberts yes Bala yes colassi yes an NOA yes sari yes zabowski yes okay with that we have a very special we have many special guests but uh in order to move to the next part of business we have a very special uh guest our local state Senator Senator Joe Vitali who will be doing the swearing in Senator if you would please [Music] I friend for 25 years who help me I have many friends in here for har har come on Jenny my family I don't think Harry and I are all [Music] right hi Kennedy O'Brien I Kennedy O'Brien do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will f faithfully and I will faithfully and partially and justly and partially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of Mayor of mayor for a four-year term for a four-year term expiring on December 31st 2027 expiring on December 21st 2027 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations you get in here get in the back you can see over every there we go you're get [Music] [Music] okay my poliy sorry [Music] [Music] yeah hi Michael KY I Michael kesy do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of councilmen all the duties of counsel for a three-year term for a three-year term expiring on December 31 2026 expiring on December 31 2026 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me go [Applause] congratulations mayy want to come over and take a picture with the council [Music] okay joh family congratulations want to take a moment to thank uh the mayor and and the burough Council for the invitation to be here this afternoon to uh really perform this honor uh I've been able to represent the burough of sville for 26 years as part of my district and it's uh an always an honor to not just be at these ceremonies but every day work for the people of this burough I've worked with the mayor in the past course when he was mayor before he was mayor today uh and has always been uh a professional someone that we can count as being a friend to Sarahville and someone who cares deeply about this community so mayor congratulations and thank you for the invitation today I John zabowski I John zabowski you solemnly swear you solemnly swear that will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and they will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties of councilmen perform all the duties of councilmen for a three-year term for three year term expiring on December 31st 2026 expiring December 31st 2026 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations [Music] where probably just remain standing fire chief you're just gonna [Music] present [Music] Council um first statement of publication take notice that this reorganization meeting of the mayor and Council being held on Monday January 1st 2024 has been posted and advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 Council person's V here colassi here NOA Roberts here sinari here zabowski here at this time uh I'm G to first before I call call the father for it I'm going to ask the son Marine Masson to stand up uh uh I think we all know this young man but thank you for his service he came today so to be here for the ceremony for his dad so chief M stand up no that's no that's for Matt Johnson the aren't getting it that's the ex-chief badge invite to the party that's the ex-chief badge for Matt Johnson it's not a watch it's a just it's a badge a watch it's just the Box Matt Johnson is getting the badge a the badge there's a badge in there so I got this wrong we're off to a good start number eight number eight all right well you're got to do this twice now all right number eight [Applause] yes for your service to his family you're getting them back toe but these are these are the men that we run out of of office yes do I have a job any all right at this time the clerk will administer the the fire chief Vincent r I Solly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support theti of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and Ali to the same the government established in the United States and the government established in the United States and in his stat and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and and justly perform perform all the duties of fire chief all the duties of fire chief for a term expiring on December 31st 2024 for a term expiring December 31st DEC de 31st according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me [Applause] God [Music] Mommy [Applause] now GNA call forward assistant chief Anthony I him too I state your name I Anthony Mar who solemnly swear who solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support theti of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of New Jersy that I will bear true faith and ALG to the sa that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and partially and justly perform all the duties of first assistant fire all the duties of first assistant fire for term expiring December 31st 2024 for a term expiring December 31st 2024 to the best of my abil to the best of my ability so helping God so help all right now it's time for the second assist [Applause] Chief I say your name I Richard M to Solly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same will to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially and justly performed partially and justly perform all the duties of second assistant fire chief all the duties of second assistant fire chief for a term expiring on De 31st 2024 to the best of my [Applause] ability [Applause] [Music] [Music] following people from the Cal emergency Squad president Dexter Thomas Captain Yugo Medina assistant Captain Kevin H first lieutenant jusz second Lieutenant rashan m [Applause] Christian swear that I will support the con United States theit of the St of newe I will be true faith and aliance to the sameth AL to the and to the governments established in the United States unites and in the state St under the authority of the people people and that I will Faithfully partially and justly [Music] perform for a onee term expiring on December 31st 2024 AB wait wait [Applause] wait okay this time I'd like to call up to have the office the O of office administered to the Morgan first a spot president priia karaj Captain you know took me 15 little longer to do AG Captain Jessica Guera assistant Captain nle Hogan first lieutenant lojan Amir and second Lieutenant Sebastian [Applause] gz to Sol swear swear that I will support theti of the United States I will support theti of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and the contition of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint I will bear true and Al to the to the government established in the United States the government unit States and in this state and in this St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will [Music] Fai for a onee term one expiring on December 31st 2024 312 to the of my ability of my ability me me you should be in it you're in all the others oh [Music] somebody's again a special thanks to our First Responders without them uh we we we would uh we wouldn't be the town we are all volunteers and from the bottom of my heart I thank you both the fire and the first aid and um you do a heck of a job a heck of a job thank [Applause] you all right so my my chairwoman tells me we're running out of food but you're all invited to camello everyone here is running invited to Camilo's at one o'clock so if you get late if you come late you might not eat so uh that being said um my remarks okay all right so I'm going to begin by saying good afternoon to everyone happy New Year and thank you all for coming to our annual reorganization business um there there are many people here of Distinction uh there are many friends here but most of all it's our community that's here and um and welcome and thank you we we have such a magnificent town that we live in uh with that I'll begin I have to say I'm humbled and honored to be here today taking my sixth o of office as your mayor uh I've never been one to take compliments well and the warm reception you have given me here today is of no exception please accept my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude I'm deeply uh appreciative of the faith and confidence confidence that you have shown in me giving me the opportunity to return to a job that I love for community that I love four years ago one of the most difficult moments in my life life was deciding to step down as your mayor and end my official role in public service but my wife Janice needed me at that time as she was battling cancer I knew it was the right thing to be by her side and help her in any way I can so in the end the choice was easy for me I want to thank everyone who prayed for Janice that people who would stop us that right to ask about her health the people who would send emails notes and all the special prayers so I'm proud to tell everyone that Janice is now cancer free and I'm back you know when you fall in love with a girl you get weepy there's a lot happening in the world these days and much of it unfortunately is not good but we're here at Burrow hole to solve The World's problems we're here to solve the burrow problems uh you have elected this parrow Council and me to do a very specific job to provide you with the best municipal services at the lowest cost possible the people you see on this di while they are all Republicans that is not the important part no matter their opinions on national debt Global warnings or Foreign Wars or if tra uh Travis Kelsey should marry Taylor smwi it's not why we're here we're here to make sure you're and this is the God's honest truth you know for six terms I've always said to people we're here to provide a service that's what local government does we're here to provide a service we're here to make sure your trash is regularly picked up that the snow is was plowed that the leaves are picked up the library Embraces the latest technology the municipal parks are in a great shape and safe for your children and that the police fire and emergency squads are well trained and well equipped as mayor with a lot of experience my job is to make sure it all happens there is plenty on the plate for 2024 and here are just some examples the number one issue that I run across when I go around town is people complain to me about the volume of traffic traffic is a huge issue in saille and trust me I know it living in a busy neighborhood between ernston Road Bown Avenue and Washington Road over the past four years there's been a tremendous spike in the number of cars and trucks on our local roads that is why I've been meeting with police chief Daniel plumacher and I have directed him to develop traffic studies the first step in providing the relief that we all need but I'm not interested in just studies both the chief and I want to quickly develop real solutions that can be implemented this year as part of an ongoing effort to address this traffic problem in our town another critical issue is the need to repair and replace roads throughout our town serville has about 600 streets and our crews have only addressed a handful of them each year meanwhile others are crumbling evid throughout the campaign season as I knocked on doors and voters pointed out potholes the roads will get fixed that's the second priority thirdly we are squarely focused on improving the quality and quantity of athletic fields in SVO while our kids are not professional athletes they certainly deserve to play in facil in facilities that are of similar quality to their away games attending a youth sporting event in cble should be filled should fill one with pride and that includes making sure the playing services are on a par with surrounding communities you'll be hearing plenty from me in the coming weeks and months as the burrow Council and administration work through these priorities that I'm establishing over the past four years I've spent I've spent plenty of time speaking with you about the future of cille I've listened and I've learned and together we'll be implementing the initiatives and goals to serve you and the next generation of residents it's time to get to work and after four years on the sidelines I'm ready to begin thank you all again for your trust and support may God bless America may God bless zille and may God bless our men and women in the military defending our freedom thank you one and [Applause] all and with that we'll go to councilman Michael Ki thank you mayor and uh I'd like to thank everyone for coming today uh for your and to have your continued support but uh the other reason why I'm here along with everyone else but um we're gonna uh we're gonna do our best here for you for the town and uh thank you again councilman John zabowski well good morning well actually good afternoon everyone and thank you all for coming I would love to see our council chambers like this every time uh it's a wonderful opportunity for our community to be here you know and first of all also happy New Years each one of you I know many most of you last night probably made resolutions well we did two on the council and that is to be able to make you proud it sounds simple it sounds corny but we want you to be proud of your elected officials as much as you're proud of your community the mayor said the other day I think it was in the newspaper article we have a wonderful Community I like to say we have the best community we come together when we need to and we work hard together and we celebr WR the best way we possibly can even the smallest of achievements because it's important for a community so our promise to you is to make you proud to represent our burrow in the way that you can raise your children and your children can raise their children in our town and that we can bring in new families to be part of that Community to be a diverse community that we really are so today I want to say thank you so much for this opportunity I absolutely appreciate it thank you for Senator vital for uh administering the oath congratulations to our fire chiefs congratulations to our EMS they're wonderful wonderful people please remember if you'd like to volunteer they're always looking for volunteers and again thank you so much and I appreciate it appoints that oh I'm sorry council president thank you mayor I am just looking forward to real leadership in these next four years um so that we can work together for the people to do the best job that we can it is an honor to be sitting here and I look forward to taking an active role in this Administration for the success of all of seril thank you for the [Applause] opportunity Council men NOA thank you esteem mayor and congratulations on your return and to our esteemed council members on joining rejoining congratulations on this esteem position for you everything that we've heard is I believe to be very encouraging and I have a confidence and I'm sure our residents have a confidence that the actions will be consistent with that as well so cheers to that and the new year and what's to come next thank you thank you Council councilman Bal thank you mayor congratulations mayor congratulations Mike and John and like to congratulate all the other individuals who took oath to office today for serving us as volunteers it's very important what you do and get back to the town like that and uh let's get to work thanks thank [Applause] you councilman sonari I want to thank everybody for coming I want to thank everybody for the hard work they've done for helping us for the campaign this year and also Don and I were honored to go to the Morgan first aid Squad uh we had a celebration for Joseph scanland with over 50 years of service and for all the volunteers in seral I just want to thank them very much and we're going to help you guys in any way we can and thank everybody uh we're gonna I'm going to go over the appointments and again let me let me reiterate what I did in the agenda meeting rather than make a mistake I did there were certain slots I didn't fill until I got some clarification on them so they those will be filled on the meeting of January 8th I don't want anybody to read into anything you do your best and I as as the mayor I the buck stops on my desk so um there were just some people I didn't get clarification on in and where they wanted to be appointments so rather than make an error I I chose to back away uh borrow uh one-year term borrow attorney King mantion Collins oneyear borrow engineer David J Samuel CME Associates oneyear labor Council rosting mandal stro H and cypriani one-year order auditor Supple Clooney and Company onee Bond councel Archer and Griner oneye financial advisor Phoenix Adis ADV visors oneyear Accounting Service pkf o Conor Davies one-year prosecutor John krenzel Scott Lam Mountain one-year public defender roselli and roselli uh three years as presiding judge Spencer Robbins oneyear special counsil on tax maners uh James Nolan and Associates oneye uh special Counsel on ABC matters savos schlack corini Warner gespi ogrodnik fiser a one-year special councel on the rent leveling board James P Nolan oneyear litigation Council King mention Collins oneyear Municipal planner Acuity Consulting Services one-year special Counsel on COA matters D Francesco bitman kunsman Davis Lair and flam uh oneyear public agency compliance officer Danielle marinara um I beg your pardon can I have a motion on those please I make a motion to accept the recommendations on roll call vote is there roll call persons Roberts yes ala yes colassi yes anoa yes sinari zabowski okay board uh Board of adjustment four-year member uh Tom Kinski four-year member Ron green uh two-year alternate number one Anthony Bella uh planning board um four-year class 4 noren Shaw uh fouryear class 4 Tom Tai Board of Health a three-year ter uh Ken revolinski Marie cook and for Mike Horvath who went on to heaven and he was a damn good man really good man uh Patricia McCracken to fill his unexpired term um human relations commission reappoint uh three-year term reappointment of Joe malara uh reappointment of Steve Wen uh reappointment of Robert stuber reappointment of Mindy schiffman reappointment of Debbie Terry Cora uh reappointment of Joan McCarthy Commission on Aging um the three-year appointment of Bonnie papalski that was the only one yeah yeah yeah uh three-year appointment to Lorraine Gallas three-year term to Pat Farrell uh no not those ones Give me the give me the give me what you have yeah okay all of these plus Bonnie no Bonnie all right so this will hold over to the eth all right that that that's why certain things when there's when there's more than one question you hold it over uh Cultural Arts Council this is what I was talking about um [Music] so it's a one year and so far it's Moira McCormick Andrew Valentine Megan speezy and VJ Shaw Library Board of Trustees of a reappointment for a five-year term for Ivon kronowski uh mayor's design is Karen perno uh school superintendent designate is Lori an Dei uh Shan tree Heather palski for a five-year term Christopher cunio Joyce major gang raval they're all fiveyear terms Recreation board they're all threeyear terms uh Regina aurilio Bill tomon Deborah Gordon Barat travetti Joyce major Peggy anelli uh Paul kakas Elise Baron alowishus Ryan an anarie rosinski Aaron W um open space committee ress kadakia for a three-year term rent leveling board for a three-year term Joyce major Julia green Daryl Hartsfield Valentine tar the safe several Alliance for family education committee three-year term reappointment of Daniel marinara Duren Consul mango I'm not gonna say that right dorine with a very Italian last name uh and it's a reappointment uh jeie cerillo uh Jean Marie oi Nicole rovic and Elise Baron on the Housing Authority the reappointment to a five-year term for Steve melanowski uh joint Insurance Fund commissioner uh one-year term Rebecca garbowski Denise biancamano our CFO uh Community block development administrator gwend Delan Knight and Denise biancamano our CFO uh veterans Alliance the liaison one year term uh k for the VFW Ken Kelly Stanley draw Stanley proisy for the American Legion Joel broom Joel Bloom Frank terzino [Music] um for the mayor's uh designed to the middlex County Solid Waste Elise Baron and for lower Ron Watershed uh for three-year term Dave light expiring in there's something wrong there huh skip it his terms till 2024 okay okay uh Sarah on the elect uh there were two openings uh Steve gillo and Robert Davis I'm appointing John zosi as the council member uh and then for the Emergency Management as written uh that's always supplied by the coordinators for emergency management and for the Reps for the business again as written with that I'll entertain a motion make a motion that we accept the um nominees as stated on roll call vote roll call council person Roberts yes ala yes colassi yes anoa yes sinari yes zabowski all right we got to backtrack to we got to do council president again okay so for uh standing committees uh I nominate Donna Roberts as council president is there a second Doos you made the second yes okay roll call First first oh okay zabowski yes fala yes colassi yes anoa yes Roberts yes senari yes is the council um acceptive of of the way the Committees are laid out they can be negotiated and discussed and traded later on all right that being said as written and as will be posted um is there a motion make a motion to accept the uh boards and commissions as stated standing committe is there a second second roll call Roberts yes ala yesi yes NOA yes sari zabowski yes all right with that we now come to anything on a consent on on consent resolutions okay you want to read them you don't have to to the public for any questions this is okay this time I'm gonna open to the public are there any questions on consent agenda resolutions being no questions I'll entertain a motion make a motion to close the public portion and and adopt the resolution says wren persons Roberts yes Sala yes colassi yes an NOA yes sinari yes zabowski okay this time I'm GNA open to the public uh the public portion of the meeting if there any comments no comments okay I take a motion to close the public portion make a motion to close the public portion is there a second second roll call council person Rob ber yes yes yes yes yes did Deon is Deacon Andy here I think he went back to St s that being said Inman my friend would would you would you be kind enough to do the closing the closing prayer for me sure thank you my friend come on I put you on the spot but I know you're a trained profession in the name of God most gracious most merciful all Praises are for God the beneficent the merciful Master of the day of judgment he do we serve and he do we seek our assistance we ask him to guide us into the straight path the path of those Those whom did not got his anger but those who will be looking into the future oh God Almighty we pray for this Council oh God Almighty we pray for our dear mayor Kennedy to give him the guidance the protection and the know how to administrate and at the same time to articulate in his best way the development of this beautiful community of crail we pray for all of us who are here present today oh God Almighty we ask of you to give give us that which is good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the chastisement of the fire amen all right with that I will take a a motion for adjournment make a motion to adjourn is there a second second all in favor I oppose happy New Year everyone and again everyone is invited to Camilo's